Search results for ""Kösel-Verlag""
Kösel-Verlag Keine Macht den Psychopathen
Kösel-Verlag Wenn die Eltern pltzlich alt sind Wie wir ihnen helfen knnen ohne uns selbst zu berfordern
Kösel-Verlag Mein fabelhaftes Einzelkind
Kösel-Verlag Auf ins KitaAbenteuer
Kösel-Verlag Kinder brauchen unperfekte Eltern
Kösel-Verlag Das kann Wald
Kösel-Verlag Fit in 7 x 7 Sekunden Stretching fr jeden Tag
Kösel-Verlag Happy Birth Day
Kösel-Verlag Aufklärung von Anfang an
Kösel-Verlag Babybauch auf Umwegen
Kösel-Verlag artgerecht durch den Familienalltag
Kösel-Verlag Weil Kinder beide Eltern brauchen
Kösel-Verlag Kinder verstehen
Kösel-Verlag Von Natur aus einzigartig
Kösel-Verlag Hallo Mama
Kösel-Verlag Rundum geborgen
Kösel-Verlag Sprache ohne Worte Wie unser Krper Trauma verarbeitet und uns in die innere Balance zurckfhrt
Yale University Press The Third Walpurgis Night: The Complete Text
The first complete English translation of a far-seeing polemic, written in 1933 by the preeminent German-language satirist, unmasking the Nazi seizure of power"[A] drop-dead analysis of the rhetorical barbarities of the Hitler cult."—Bill Marx, Arts Fuse Austrian satirist and polemicist Karl Kraus’s Third Walpurgis Night was written in immediate response to the Nazi seizure of power in 1933 but was withheld from publication for fear of reprisals against Jews trapped in Germany. Acclaimed when finally published by Kösel Verlag in 1952, it is a devastatingly prescient exposure, giving special attention to the regime’s corruption of language as masterminded by Joseph Goebbels. Bertolt Brecht wrote to Kraus that, in his indictment of Nazism, “you have disclosed the atrocities of intonation and created an ethics of language.” This masterful translation, by the prizewinning translators of Kraus’s The Last Days of Mankind, aims for clarity where Kraus had good reason to be cautious and obscure. The Austrian Jewish author Karl Kraus (1874–1936) was the foremost German-language satirist of the twentieth century. As editor of the journal Die Fackel (The Torch) he single-handedly after 1912 conducted a sustained critique of propaganda and the press, expressed through polemical essays, satirical plays, witty aphorisms, and resonant poems.