Search results for ""John Catt Educational Ltd""
John Catt Educational Ltd Wholesome Leadership: Being authentic in self, school and system
Spanning the comprehensive perspective of self, school and system, this tour-de-force is both well-informed and uplifting whilst at the same time being full of practical advice and guidance, rooted in the author’s front-line role leading a school. Tom Rees’s depth of thinking and knowledge of leadership, and his ability to translate that into both a structure and tone that will be relevant to leaders in schools today, will resonate with leaders at levels. The book is brilliantly supplemented with the thoughts and views of colleagues spanning the whole educational spectrum, including: Sir David Carter, Clare Sealy, Daisy Christodoulou, MAT CEOs, Julia Kedwards, Stephen Tierney and Andrew Morrish, plus his very own actual dad!
John Catt Educational Ltd The Great Exception
Teaching is emerging from a period when attempts were made to confine and control it using industrial methods. It has become evident that this has failed either to deliver improved educational outcomes or to capture the essential nature of a teacher's work. This book by an experienced practising teacher offers an alternative interpretation of what it means to teach and proposes a perspective on the profession that represents the actual work of teachers in a fairer and more accurate way. Ian Stock's gripping new book makes an unapologetically personal examination of the problems that the approaches and policies of recent years have created for the classroom teacher. It is not afraid to tackle big issues, such as the burden of unnecessarily heavy management. It also casts doubt on the application of `big data' and purely theoretical approaches, saying that they cannot but fail to have relevance to the intimate scale at which real education functions. Instead, the book proposes a small-scale approach whereby the individual practitioner is both empowered and responsible for the development of their own best practice using a set of general principles discussed herein.
John Catt Educational Ltd Mining For Gold: Stories of Effective Teachers
An entertaining story of the many teachers Fergal Roche, chief executive of The Key, has come across in his long career; each one effective in their own special way, despite their hugely different approaches, ordinary people who have produced an extraordinary impact. If you are currently a teacher, were once a teacher, or are thinking about becoming a teacher, this book will be like coming to a party. Or if you hate parties, doing something you really love. The message, in a beautifully light and accessible tone, is that teaching is the most exciting and significant job in the world, hugely complex and exhausting, yes, but a role that needs to be mastered over decades of practice.
John Catt Educational Ltd Hour-Long Shakespeare Volume II (Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Julius Caesar): Abridged edition
Abridged specifically for all those interested in Shakespeare's plays, especially teachers and students of English and drama, these one-hour performance scripts maintain the arcs of Shakespeare's plots without compromising the integrity of his original language. What remains are manageable performance texts and the essential elements needed for an introduction to three of Shakespeare's most popular plays.
John Catt Educational Ltd Teaching for Character: Super-charged learning through 'The Invisible Curriculum'
The Invisible Curriculum series helps teachers discover the secret ingredients that really unlock a child's learning potential. Teaching for Character offers practical advice to help encourage grit and determination in children - important foundations in any future success in or out of school. Is it possible to teach for character and raise academic standards? This book argues the case for character education.
John Catt Educational Ltd Prepare your daughter for boarding: Ensuring Your Daughter is Ready to Get the Most out of Boarding School
Modern boarding schools are relaxed and pleasant places for children to learn and develop. However, this new freedom does mean that boarders have to make more of their own decisions and puts a new burden of responsibility on their shoulders. This excellent book offers advice from a mother on how to prepare girls for their first experience of boarding school. It is ideal for parents who have decided that boarding is the best option for their girls and is a guide to preparing your daughter so that she is confident from the start and can get the most out of the opportunity she's been given. The book is based on extensive research and a sizeable archive of advice and anecdotes from a huge number of staff, girls and parents. The advice ranges from the very obvious to the rather more surprising, with anecdotes and verbatim comments from those who have been there. It will leave you and your daughter feeling better armed for what is ahead.
John Catt Educational Ltd A Life of Erlund Hudson
Erlund Hudson's etchings, sketches and watercolours are nearly always concerned with women at work or at rest, in wartime, domestic or ballet scenes. After a mere 20 years as a professional artist Hudson abandoned painting and became involved in the world of ballet, working as artistic director at the Brooking School of Ballet with Nesta Brooking, her companion of almost 50 years. Although Hudson's output as an artist was relatively small, its significance is shown in that her work can now be found in important collections in Great Britain and North America, including the Imperial War Museum. In this first biography of Eleanor Erlund Hudson (1912-2011) Simon Fenwick creates a moving and informative portrait of the woman and the artist during her long life. The fully illustrated monograph also includes a list of her pictures shown by exhibiting societies during her lifetime.
John Catt Educational Ltd Presenting Children to Maths: Stronger Character for Better Learning
Mathematics is not a universally popular subject, neither within nor outside of school. There are those who love it but many do not, and it is not uncommon for people to take a perverse pride in being bad at it.This book argues that, while much-needed improvements to mathematics teaching are necessary to address such issues, they are insufficient without also imbuing children with the character required to learn it effectively. Teachers of mathematics are responsible not only for applying skilful pedagogy but also for developing a productive learning culture within the mathematics classroom. We need to consider the emotional and social impact on children of teachers' own attitudes and beliefs about mathematics and how children should be taught it.Sometimes provocative and irreverent but always stimulating and lucid, Presenting Children to Maths is an original and profound discussion about how students' ability and success in mathematics depends largely on how their disposition and will are shaped towards learning it.
John Catt Educational Ltd My School & Multi Academy Trust Growth Guide
With nearly two decades of school governance experience across Infant, Primary, Secondary, All Through and Alternative Provision schools and academies, distilled into an easy-to-read format, Al Kingsley's My School & Multi Academy Trust Growth Guide aims to support the discussions and key considerations for any Trust or school looking at their next steps for growth.This consolidated guide will take you step by step through the key considerations as part of your growth journey, the opportunities and pathways available, balancing risk vs. reward, capacity considerations, due diligence and more. It is aimed as a catalyst to support discussions with board members and senior leadership and provide key checklists to support your decision-making process. With an ever-changing educational landscape and a clear trajectory for growth and scale within our MATs, this guide is an ideal companion and "litmus test" for Leaders, Trustees and Governors involved in their school or Trusts strategic planning.
John Catt Educational Ltd Rethinking school inspection: Is there a better way?
This timely book examines what a meaningful school accountability system could look like in England. The book starts with a deep dive into our current inspection model, discussing some of the current pressures within the system, and comparing our inspection approach to that of other countries and sectors. It moves on to show how Ofsted and school inspections are perceived and portrayed - using first-hand accounts, academic papers, government publications, and media reports - and pulls together some of the current thinking on how the model could be improved. The author ends with her own proposals for a more meaningful and humane school accountability system. She suggests we rethink what we do, and how we do it, with a call for wide-ranging consultation leading to evidence-informed reform of the school inspection process.
John Catt Educational Ltd As We Begin: Dispositions of Mind, Learning, and the Brain in Early Childhood
Beginnings hold power and promise for what is to come.As We Begin offers a scholarly yet energizing perspective on the beautiful complexity of teaching and learning during a child's foundational years. Henteleff brings together insights from big thinkers in education alongside research from Mind, Brain, and Education, and her own experiences in the classroom to explore the important role of early childhood educators and education in a way that is at once, serious, conversational, and inspiring. Explaining and applying important concepts from the science of teaching and learning in practical classroom terms, she examines the role of play, literacy, numeracy, creativity, and imagination as integrated and essential components of developing a child's intellectual curiosity. As We Begin offers ideas, rather than prescriptions, for a balanced early childhood educational program.
John Catt Educational Ltd Primary Huh 2: Primary curriculum leadership conversations
Huh is the Egyptian god of endlessness, creativity, fertility and regeneration. He is the deity Mary Myatt and John Tomsett have adopted as their god of the school curriculum. Their first book in the Huh series focused upon how school practitioners design the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Its popularity prompted calls from many quarters for a similar book on the primary curriculum. Supported by their primary colleagues, Rachel Higginson, Lekha Sharma & Emma Turner, Mary and John interviewed over 30 primary practitioners about how they design the primary curriculum. Considering the diverse nature of primary schools in this country, it’s not surprising that they were soon confronted with numerous context-dependent curriculum complexities. Designing the curriculum for small primary schools, for instance, means solving the conundrum of teaching the same subject at the same time to three different year groups in one class. The conversations confirmed that shaping a primary school curriculum is a tricky business! The wisdom gleaned from the genuine experts Mary and John interviewed was limitless. The material was so important it meant that they had too much for a single volume. Twenty-one of those thirty-plus conversations comprise the book Primary Huh, which focused upon the curriculum of each individual subject from EYFS to Year 6. In this companion book, Primary Huh 2, Mary and John give a platform to practitioners who lead on the broader issues of primary curriculum design, including, amongst other things: shaping the curriculum for mixed-age classes; designing and implementing a cross-MAT curriculum; building the “cradle to career” curriculum; timetabling; assessment; transition, and diversity. Primary Huh 2 is riven through with authentic voices grappling with the endless challenge of providing our children with a rich, challenging, ambitious, beautiful curriculum.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Lone SENDCO: Questions and answers for the busy SENDCO
The SENDCO role can feel quite isolating. SENDCOs know more than anyone in their setting about SEND, so who do they go to when they need support? Especially when new to the role, who do you turn to when tackling a problem or looking for inspiration? The Lone SENDCO answers over 300 questions that SENDCOs grapple with, whether experienced or new: How should outcomes be worded? Do I get longer to respond if I receive a consultation in the holidays? How shall I structure my inclusion department? How do I assess SEND for a child with EAL? How should I be working with my school’s Careers Officer? How do I motivate disengaged learners? What do Ofsted look for in an inspection?Split helpfully into easily-workable sections, this reference book can be picked up and dipped into, whatever the priority. Whether it’s organising an annual review for the first time, taking your partnership with parents to the next level or linking your work in SEND to cognitive science, The Lone SENDCO tackles the questions you have and the answers you need.Sections include: EHCPs and annual reviews, working with parents/carers, statutory compliance and legislation, strategic thinking as a SENDCO, identification and assessment of SEND, supporting transition for pupils, working with pupils, Ofsted developing my knowledge as a SENDCO, funding for SEND, teaching and learning, exam access arrangements, understanding data, tracking progress, managing a SEND register, understanding the SENDCO role, challenging decisions around placement and provision, CPD as a SENDCO, SEND as a whole-school issue, working with TAs, working with external partners, provision mapping, interventions, troubleshooting and a guide to types of need.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Revision Revolution: How to build a culture of effective study in your school
Have you ever wondered why your students don’t revise? Or why they revise ineffectively? Often, they simply don’t know how. This is where The Revision Revolution comes in. What if, instead of just telling students to revise, we taught them explicit study skills from Year 7? What if we made revision enjoyable, even irresistible? The aim is not just to help students pass exams, but to embed their learning and help them grow into knowledgeable and informed young adults. In this book, Helen Howell and Ross Morrison McGill guide you step by step through how to start and sustain a revision revolution in your school, building a culture of effective study that flows through all aspects of school life.
John Catt Educational Ltd Rosenshine's Principles in Action
Barack Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction are widely recognised for their clarity and simplicity and their potential to support teachers seeking to engage with cognitive science and the wider world of education research. In this concise new guide, Rosenshine fan Tom Sherrington amplifies and augments the principles and further demonstrates how they can be put into practice in everyday classrooms.The second half of the book contain Rosenshine's original paper Principles of Instruction, as published in 2010 by the International Academy of Education (IAE) - a paper with a superb worldwide reputation for relating research findings to classroom practice.
John Catt Educational Ltd Thinking Reading: What every secondary teacher needs to know about reading
Despite the efforts of teachers and educators, every year secondary schools across the English-speaking world turn out millions of functionally illiterate leavers. The costs in human misery and in wasted productivity are catastrophic. What can schools do to prevent this situation? In this highly accessible book James and Dianne Murphy combine more than 50 years of experience to provide teachers with a thorough, easy to use introduction to the extensive research on reading and its effects on student achievement. Drawing on the work of experts from around the world, the authors explore how we learn to read, how the many myths and misconceptions around reading developed, and why they continue to persist.Building on these foundations chapters go on to examine how the general secondary school classroom can support all levels of reading more effectively, regardless of subject; how school leaders can ensure that their systems, practices and school culture deliver the very best literacy provision for all students; and what it takes to ensure that a racing intervention aimed at adolescent struggling readers is truly effective. The overall message of this books is one of great optimism: the authors demonstrate that the right of every child to learn to read is entirely achievable if schools employ the best research-driven practice.
John Catt Educational Ltd Fear Is The Mind Killer: Why Learning to Learn deserves lesson time - and how to make it work for your pupils
For the last eight years, James and Kate have been working together to design, implement and evaluate a whole-school, evidence-informed approach to teaching and learning known as Learning Skills. An eight-year study with the University of Cambridge revealed that Learning Skills led to significant gains in subject learning, with rapid gains among students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In this practical guide for teachers and school leaders, James and Kate reveal a recipe for success rooted in three key concepts: metacognition (reflecting on learning); self-regulation (taking ownership over the learning process); and oracy (developing high-quality speaking and listening skills). This is a book about what happened when a small team of teachers seized an opportunity to provide their students with the knowledge, the skills and the confidence to take control of their own learning. This journey began with a question: how and what would we teach, if there was no one watching? On the other side of fear is the teacher you want to be, and the children you'd like to teach...
John Catt Educational Ltd How to homeschool the kids you have: Advice from the kitchen table
In How to Homeschool the Kids You Have, three veteran home educators lead you through the process of creating a custom educational plan that works for your family's unique situation and your children's needs. You'll identify your own educational priorities and learn how to translate them into a strong academic program. You'll also learn about what science tells us about how humans- especially young humans-learn, and why that information is crucial for the success of your homeschooling plans. Along the way, the authors share their own experiences and those of other homeschoolers to help you avoid pitfalls so you can provide your children with the excellent education that is their birthright.
John Catt Educational Ltd The 21st Century School Library: A Model for Innovative Teaching & Learning
School libraries stand at the forefront of innovation in education. Yet many teachers and administrators do not know what to make of them, much less how to best utilize their varied and valuable resources. What if school librarians, whose field of practice has transformed in the past few decades, could show us excellent models for innovative teaching? What if the vital adaptations that school librarians have made could help other educators evolve? What if the lessons learned in the library could be scaled up to benefit all fields of practice and all students?The 21st Century School Library takes an in-depth look at the paradigm-shifting work that school libraries are doing to advance student learning, professional development, and school-wide engagement. It explains how library-led, forward-thinking initiatives can guide all educators – teachers and administrators alike – toward transformative educational practices. It is an inspiring survey of 21st century school libraries whose guiding principles also serve as a blueprint for innovation in K-12 education. School libraries – and all the educators associated with them – offer a compelling vision for the future of K-12 education. This book is a roadmap for how to make this vision a reality.
John Catt Educational Ltd A Parent's Guide to Powerful Teaching
“I’m not sure how to help my child with schoolwork.” “I see my child study for tests and not do well.” “How much help is too much? Or Not enough?” As a parent, do you have questions like these? For students reading this book, have you ever thought: I studied all night and didn’t do well on the test? Do you question why spending more time on schoolwork often does not reflect increased learning or higher grades?We all think we know how to study. Many of us have spent years in educational settings. Because we have learned, do we know how learning occurs? Often the answer is no. Fewer than 10% of students have parents who are certified educators. Where can the other 90% of parents go to find answers? If you are a student, where can you go to find out how to maximize learning while spending less time doing so? The answer is this guide. Patrice Bain has shown thousands of students with a wide range of abilities how to increase school performance. Having worked with cognitive scientists in the classroom for over half of her 25+ year teaching career, Bain knows how students learn and has developed strategies that increase memory, grades and retention of material. This book is not about fads or the latest shiny gadgets. Instead, this guide, based on rigorous research, gives the inside look into how all of us learn best. Filled with stories making learning relevant, and strategies to use at home, this guide will be like having a seat in Mrs. Bain’s engaging classroom.
John Catt Educational Ltd Preserving Positivity: Choosing to stay in the classroom and banishing a negative mindset
Thousands of amazing, experienced teachers are choosing to leave the profession, depriving generations of students of their passion and expertise. But it doesn’t need to be this way. Preserving Positivity explores the reasons why people are choosing to leave the classroom and draws on the voices of other experienced teachers who tell us how they turned their careers around and give practical, adaptable strategies that will help you reignite your passion for teaching and bring the positivity back into your classroom.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Power of Character: Lessons from the frontline
In this personal, thought-provoking and timely book, Dr Andrew Reay offers a clarion call to parents, educators and business leaders who are seeking to unlock the true potential of our next generation - their character - and ensure they really do flourish as human beings. For too long, government initiatives have turned our schools into cost-centred and target-driven organisations. The Power of Character offers the tools by which we can buck the trends of this old, outdated system, introducing new ideas to the classroom and new structures to the schooling system that can revolutionise the way we prepare our children for their future: a mandate for Education 2.0. Distilling vast amounts of scientific information into engrossing narratives, Reay's Six Elements of Character are translated through the work of behavioural scientists in the fields of human motivation, decision making, optimism, grit and mind-set to show how a new wave of educators are using these tools of science to peel back the mysteries of our very character.At its heart, this book challenges the reader to evaluate how we raise and educate our children, how we run our schools, how we lead our businesses and how we construct our social networks for the betterment of themselves and everyone around them.
John Catt Educational Ltd Ausubel's Meaningful Learning in Action
American psychologist and psychiatrist David Ausubel is well known for his famous quote:"The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly" (Ausubel, 1968, vi).But few know about the richness and importance of his assimilation theory of meaningful learning and retention, which holds many more instruction-altering insights. One of the main reasons why this theory is so important is because it focuses on the end goal teachers are after: teachers don't want students to memorise distinct ideas; teachers want students to develop vast bodies of knowledge in the subjects they are taught. Ausubel explains that the only way to achieve this is through supporting students to learn meaningfully.This book explores the key elements of the theory and what it means to learn meaningfully. It then links the theory to highly practical implications teachers can use day-to-day in all aspects of their teaching.
John Catt Educational Ltd Reimagining the Diary: Reflective practice as a positive tool for educator wellbeing
If you're in education, then you know that while there are many positives to the profession, it is also facing many challenges. This easy-to-use, accessible, and entertaining book shows us how diary-keeping can help us gain insight into our wellbeing needs and move forward in our lives, personally and professionally. This book is the perfect starting point to explore what reflective practice means to you. From an overview of diary-keeping and why it's important for educator wellbeing, to plenty of practical tips, strategies, and activities for you to try out yourself, it is filled with simple pragmatic guidance to help make diary-keeping a sustainable part of your practice.Reimagining the diary - to include writing, drawing, audio recordings, photographs, scrapbooking, and other approaches - is not only fun and creative, but essential when it comes to understanding yourself and your own complex needs. By adopting small changes in a way that suits you, you can start to address your individual wellbeing needs and rebalance your work and, more importantly, your life.
John Catt Educational Ltd Building Culture: A handbook to harnessing human nature to create strong school teams
Building Culture navigates the complex educational landscape and provides a look at school culture, highlighting key aspects of cultivating culture that leads to great pupil outcomes.Rooted in her own experience as a senior leader, Lekha Sharma knows that leaders need not only the what of curriculum, assessment and pedagogy but also the how. How can school leaders bring together the theoretical knowledge they possess and mobilise it on the ground so that they can have a positive and tangible impact on pupil outcomes? Teachers are increasingly equipped with the awareness and knowledge of cognitive psychology but what other areas of psychology could support those that lead those very teachers? And what elements of human nature can we harness to build the kind of school cultures that are conducive to improving outcomes for pupils? Building Culture provides a great start to answering all those questions.
John Catt Educational Ltd The researchED Guide to English as an Additional Language: An evidence-informed guide for teachers
In this edition, Hamish Chalmers provides a primer on the key questions teachers and researchers have about the education of children learning English as an Additional Language (EAL). From the general implications of teaching children in a language that many are still in the process of learning, to the specifics of EAL-friendly pedagogy, this volume includes contributions from both teachers and researchers in the field: Victoria Murphy, Constant Leung, Jonathan Bifield, Feyisa Demie, Ann-Margaret Smith, Naomi Flynn, Holly Joseph, Tracey Costley, Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen, and Eowyn Crisfield.Hamish Chalmers is a lecturer and EAL researcher at the University of Oxford, vice-chair of NALDIC — the UK’s EAL subject association — and erstwhile primary school teacher, both in the UK and overseas.
John Catt Educational Ltd Pupil Book Study: Reading: An evidence-informed guide to help quality assure the reading curriculum
'Pupil Book Study: Reading' provides evidence-led structures to shine a light on the true impact of a school’s reading provision. Building on the global success of the original Pupil Book Study frameworks, this guide translates these principles into practice to support leaders and teachers to evaluate their reading curriculum.The catch-all term ‘reading’ covers a wide-spanning aspect of schools’ provision, which is acknowledged to be central to pupils’ long-term success and well-being. It is vital that we have robust and meaningful mechanisms in schools to help us understand which aspects of this are working well and what might need further development. This requires us to examine each aspect of our reading provision in turn, through a lens which acknowledges the disciplinary differences between how we might approach teaching different elements of the reading curriculum. 'Pupil Book Study: Reading' provides the tools and structures to achieve this.Coherent approaches and tried and tested structures for talking to pupils about their reading help teachers and leaders to avoid assumptions and get under the skin of their reading provision. Headteachers and senior leaders who have undertaken 'Pupil Book Study: Reading' report that it has lifted the veil on their reading provision, allowing them to see, with clarity, how to refine and develop their offer.
John Catt Educational Ltd So What Now? Time for learning in your school to face the future
“It is not the role of schools to solve the climate crisis or any of the other multiple crises now facing humankind. But it is powerfully their role, if they so choose, to equip young people as well as possible to deal with the consequences of the serious problems they will be inheriting from their elders, not betters.” Could it be our collective failure to respond effectively to the threat of the climate emergency or the challenges of the pandemic has been shaped to a small but significant degree by the nature of the learning that happens in our schools and a failure to enable young people to learn appropriately there? That question lies at the heart of this thought-provoking new book as it unpicks the concept of deep learning for future sustainability. This combines deep understanding with action, and links both to moral purpose. It is not enough just to be concerned about climate change - awareness must lead to action. The book draws on an eclectic range of sources, case studies of actual practice, critical perspectives and opportunities for reflection. The authors argue that first and foremost it is for educators and leaders to get on as best they can in their own school context to do what is both necessary and right to secure learning fit for a just and sustainable future irrespective of governmental lead in these matters. In doing so the authors set out some clear evidence-informed principles for school development and leadership that are central to the success of that mission.
John Catt Educational Ltd Lessons learned from maths lessons: Things we have learned from watching trainee teachers of secondary mathematics
This is a book about teaching mathematics in schools. There are many excellent books about teaching mathematics that are driven by pedagogy, psychology or research. This book is different. It is driven by the mathematics that underpins the school mathematics curriculum, informed by the authors' experiences and opinions. In the field of pedagogy, there are very few fixed "knowns". Mathematics, on the other hand, is a well-founded rock. So, the thoughts and advice provided by Keith Parramore and Joan Stephens are anchored to that rock. Lessons Learned from Maths Lessons is based on observations in secondary schools, and many sections are relevant to primary school mathematics. The authors are a husband-and-wife team of practising mathematicians, with a wealth of experience in supporting trainee teachers. They have learned something new and/or interesting from every mathematics lesson they have observed. One objective of this book is to share some of that learning with the reader. A second objective is to promote an approach to teaching mathematics that empowers pupils and promotes understanding. Trainee teachers often identify specific topic areas that they perceive they need to develop. Parramore and Stephens argue that the greater need is for them to develop depth rather than breadth, to truly explore the mathematical foundations of what they are teaching.
John Catt Educational Ltd Support Not Surveillance: How to solve the teacher retention crisis
Why are so many teachers leaving the profession increasingly early in their careers? What harm is being done to pupils' educational prospects by persistent teacher shortages? Why are teachers held uniquely responsible for the effects of poverty on children’s progress and attainment? What are the unintended consequences of rushed government education policy-making? And what can be done about all of the above?Supported by the latest international and national evidence, Support Not Surveillance seeks to address these important questions. Laying bare how the inadequacy of Westminster policies is compounded by an unfair Ofsted inspection regime, Dr Mary Bousted draws on her years of expertise and access to decision-makers to expose the gap between ministerial rhetoric and the daily reality encountered by teachers in their classrooms across England.Ending on a set of proposals to move beyond the seemingly perennial crisis in teacher recruitment and retention, Support Not Surveillance is an unflinching call to end the failed experiment of government interventionism in classrooms.
John Catt Educational Ltd Happiness Factories: A success-driven approach to holistic Physical Education
Happiness Factories explores the ideas, concepts and arguments behind an expanded focus in physical education beyond just the physical. It attempts to discuss the value and benefits of identifying other aspects - whether we call these 'holistic strands', 'character traits', 'life skills' or something else - that we can introduce into our curriculum design to identify other areas that our subject potentially touches on and influences. Taking the reflections and thoughts of PE educators, leaders and academics from across the world, Happiness Factories will seek to offer reflections and practical ideas for adapting PE provision to widen the impact for all pupils, regardless of their specific contexts and the book argues that a physically rich, dynamic and context-driven curriculum approach will expand opportunities for success for all, in turn inspiring future generations of PE pupils to strive for greater engagement, understanding and progression in all aspects of PE. Happiness Factories is the story of the author's career in PE, reflecting on the lessons he has learned, with the successes (and failures) along the way. It presents an alternative view of what modern, meaningful PE can look like and encourages all PE teachers, regardless of their unique context, to reflect on their own practice and the emphasis of the provision they give to their pupils.
John Catt Educational Ltd How to Teach Economics
Economics teachers often work by themselves or in small departments. This can mean they are forced to plan a lot of lessons from scratch with limited scope for shared planning or collaboration.Even as teaching becomes more research-informed, there is still the problem of having to work out how this best applies when teaching Economics, especially when there has been limited training in this.This can mean teachers are forced to adopt a trial-and-error approach, attempting to implement generic teaching and learning tips into economics lessons.Teachers plan each explanation individually, only learning what common misconceptions are through the painstaking experience of seeing puzzled expressions on multiple pupils' faces over the years. This book aims to change that.By looking at what the latest cognitive science research tells us about how pupils learn and crucially how that can be implemented in economics lessons, this book provides a short-cut to that trial-and-error approach.While the book summarises what the research tells us about pupil learning, this is fundamentally a ‘doing’ book.It is packed with practical examples of how research can be implemented in Economics lessons looking at explanations, misconceptions, assessment, curriculum and much more.
John Catt Educational Ltd Teaching Secondary Science: A Complete Guide
Teaching science is no simple task. Science teachers must wrestle with highly abstract and demanding concepts, ideas which have taken humanity's greatest minds thousands of years to formulate and refine. Communicating these great and awesome theories involves careful forethought and planning. We need to deliver crystal clear explanations, guide students as they develop their embryonic knowledge and then release them to develop their thinking independently, all the while curating and tending to their long-term understanding as it develops over time.In Teaching Secondary Science: A Complete Guide, Adam breaks down the complex art of teaching science into its component parts, providing a concrete and comprehensive set of evidence-informed steps to nurturing brilliant science students. Adam hopes that you find this book interesting, but his main aim is for you to find it useful. Useful when it comes to sketching out your curriculum, useful when preparing your explanations, useful for mapping out how you will check student understanding and useful for all other aspects of science teaching. This is a truly complete guide, and science teachers of any experience will find it packed with ideas that are new, challenging, interesting and, most importantly, useful.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Research-informed Teaching Revolution - Early Years
Research Informed teaching is big news! Indeed one might argue that there has been a bottom up revolution encouraging teachers’ use of research (e.g. ResearchED). But at the same time there is a gap between what teachers do and what research suggests might provide effective ways to support young children’s learning. It’s not that a wealth of educational research doesn’t exist (just look at the What Works Clearinghouse, the Best Evidence Encyclopaedia or Hattie’s Visible Learning), but the Early Years sector is often under-represented. This book is an attempt to address this disparity and provide Early Years leaders and practitioners with an understanding of how to embed this research within their everyday practice offering top tips of how others in the field have done this and considering topics such as outdoor learning, early writing skills and parental engagement. Drawing on the wisdom of those at the top of their game, this book intends to provide just that: a practical handbook for EYs practitioner and leaders that can help make the research use revolution a reality.
John Catt Educational Ltd Organise Ideas: Thinking by Hand, Extending the Mind
The central purpose of this book is to help teachers organise ideas through the use of graphic organisers. Over 35 such word-diagrams are: organised into a system to help select the right tool for the job; described for rapid understanding of their strengths; and explained for step-by-step construction.Over 50 teachers each have a double-page spread in which they reveal how they use them in their teaching — across the full age range and span of subjects. A further section of the book demonstrates how to use these word-diagrams most effectively by partnering them with other teaching strategies, such as retrieval practice, writing, speaking and listening, teacher explanations, advance organisers, scaffolding, remote learning and more.The pages are illustrated to the same quality and quantity in Oliver’s previous book, Dual Coding with Teachers, its natural companion. A must-have textbook for every teacher that transcends contemporary ideological allegiances and fads.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Sweet Spot: Explaining and modelling with precision
In The Sweet Spot, Michael Chiles explores the art of teacher explanation and modelling in teaching students what they need to know. Delving into the research, Michael sets out the reasons why the art of telling and showing students underpin effective teaching and learning. Armed with research-based evidence, Michael looks at a range of efficient and effective strategies teachers can use in their own classrooms to expertly explain and model their subject. In the final part of the book, Michael is joined by teachers across the broad range of subjects in the primary and secondary phases to share how they teach one difficult concept within their own subject.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Magic in the Space Between: How a unique mentoring programme is transforming women's leadership
Responding to a challenge posed by state and independent school leaders, Ian Wigston put together a team of experienced leaders from business, the public sector and the military to enable nearly a hundred women to explore their potential for school leadership.The Magic in the Space Between explores how mentoring, in tandem with a variety of innovative community projects undertaken by the women, provided a platform for each of them to develop a range of skills which saw more than a quarter achieve promotion within two years.As well as telling the stories of individual success, frequently challenging their own assumptions, the book includes contributions from former Schools Minister David Laws, actor Juliet Stevenson and Commodore Mel Robinson, one of the most senior women in the Navy. The book concludes with proposals to address the continuing problem of building a pipeline of future women’s leadership in education.
John Catt Educational Ltd Talking about Oracy: Developing communication beyond the classroom
Whether considering the art of debate; understanding dialogic teaching methods; the necessity of questioning; or the ability to assess and develop these skills, this book has been written by a classroom teacher, for classroom teachers, in the hope that oracy is dragged out of the shadows and recognised for its significance to improving students’ life skills and future aspirations. When we think about the transferable skills all students will take with them post-academia, oracy, literacy and numeracy should logistically stand proudly side by side. This triad of skillsets are the key components that are used to measure intellectual development in childhood, as well as being further instilled and nurtured in all students throughout their education. However, as children become students and as these students become critical thinkers, an element of this crucial triad appears to have been disowned in recent years. In 2020, oracy appeared to have even less relevance in academia, with the only supportive provision for both Language and Literature to deal with any missed learning being the eradication of any recorded proof of this skill. Yet another indication that oracy has, in some circumstances, been cast into the shadows and banished into the realm of the subject specific curricular. We need to be realistic and embrace the idea that this skill is a necessity to success for all learners post-academia. Training students in the ability to communicate effectively with different audiences in different contexts, needs to be brought back into the spotlight in the hopes that we can attempt to resolve any misconceptions regarding oracy’s place in the curriculum. Through the recognition of the theoretical understanding of communication that will provide the foundations for this book, the aim is that it acts as a supportive guide that will provide suggestions and strategies in order to hopefully empower and encourage educators in all subjects in education, thus restoring the use and appreciation for this necessary skill both inside and outside the classroom. For so long, focus has been on the stress and rigor of assessments, and the fulfilment of the curriculum to ensure that all students can navigate their GCSE examinations. This book will question whether this will have a detrimental effect on students who may have been exposed to fewer of the skills that they will require when leaving an educational setting and venturing into everyday life. So, let’s address the elephant in the room, and provide it a voice.
John Catt Educational Ltd Back on Track: Fewer things, greater depth
There are a lot of redundant processes in schools. We need to take a hard look at these and consider whether they are adding value to the core purpose of schools. We need to apply Greg McKeown's 'disciplined pursuit of less' in order to create the time and space to do deep, satisfying work on the curriculum. This means that there will be some hard choices and recognise that if we cannot do everything, we need to move to a space which acknowledges there will be trade offs. This is more than a workload issue, it is about focusing our efforts on the most important agenda item in schools today - the development of an ambitious curriculum for every child, in every school.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Fascist Painting: What is Cultural Capital?
The Fascist Painting is a serious, rich and deeply intelligent piece of work that will radically alter the way we view culture in schools and will be a key text for anyone designing a curriculum. The Ofsted Inspection Framework states that cultural capital is 'The essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens' and that schools 'should be introducing [students] to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement'. They are now considering, 'the extent to which schools are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.' But what does this term mean? And how are schools to respond to this? In this densely argued and wide-ranging text, Phil Beadle answers those questions and many more by using the work of Pierre Bourdieu to prompt a discussion of how we improve the provision of cultural capital in our schools. Where does the best that has been thought and said come from? Why is the government importing the unexamined language of the private school into the state sector? What is the real purpose behind character education? Does sport, as is reputed, teach resilience, and why would anyone think it was appropriate to teach children a quality they already have? Is cultural capital just ruling class culture? Chiefly, does using a term originated by a French intellectual and radical sociologist to instate the culture of the rich as being superior prove anything other more than a complete absence of thought, or have they accidentally given us a radical tool to change education for the better?
John Catt Educational Ltd SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
How can we transform the school experience for all stakeholders? Jethro Jones has the answer: design thinking. SchoolX shows principals how to become designers, not just managers or leaders. It introduces readers to the design-thinking process, an iterative and innovative way to approach the challenges the school leader faces. Drawing on the wisdom of the dozens of leaders he has interviewed for his Transformative Principal podcast, Jones shows principals how to put themselves in the shoes of the people in their school communities, using that empathy to drive radical change. But, crucially, Jones argues that it is only once leaders improve their own experience that they can transform the experiences of others.
John Catt Educational Ltd Mathematical Tasks: The Bridge Between Teaching and Learning
If we want our pupils to develop fluency, understanding and the ability to solve complex problems, then it is vital that teachers develop the ability to select, adapt and design appropriate mathematical tasks. In 'Mathematical Tasks: The Bridge Between Teaching and Learning', Chris McGrane explores a range of practical approaches, strategies and principles behind the design and effective use of tasks in the mathematics classroom that lead to all pupils becoming successful learners. First-hand interviews with world class mathematics education experts and practicing teachers bring to life the ideas behind how tasks can act as a bridge between what the teacher wants the pupil to make sense of and what the pupil actually does makes sense of; tasks are how we enable pupils to enact mathematics - it is only by being mathematical that pupils can truly make connections across mathematical ideas and understand the bigger picture. This is a book for classroom teachers. Chris McGrane offers a range of practical examples for nurturing deep learning in mathematics that can be adapted and embedded in one's own classroom practice. This is also a book for those who are interested in the theory behind tasks. Chris and his interviewees examine the key role tasks play in shaping learning, teaching, curriculum and assessment. Suitable for teachers at all stages in their careers and teachers are encouraged to return to the book from time to time over the years to notice how their use of tasks in the classroom changes as they themselves develop.
John Catt Educational Ltd Leading Academy Trusts: Why some fail, but most don't
So, you want to be an academy trust leader? This book will show you how. Sir David Carter started his career as a music teacher in several comprehensive schools before spending thirty years in school leadership before becoming one of the first Regional Schools Commissioners and then National School Commissioner. He knows what it feels like to be responsible for multiple schools and how the best leaders make large-scale collaboration work for their teachers, pupils, parents and the whole community. This book will share the recipe for understanding the purpose of academy trust leadership and give insider knowledge of how to do it well and with all stakeholders at the forefront of your mission.
John Catt Educational Ltd Knowledge Quiz: Religious Studies - Islam
The Knowledge Quiz series is a deviously simple and effective way for students to revise for GCSE subjects. Put together by subject experts, these easy-to-use books feature tear-out quizzes to help students memorise the large body of knowledge that forms the basis of success in exams. Rather than just flicking through revision cards expecting things to stick in your memory, self-quizzing allows you to complete multiple copies of the same quiz and keep doing them until you get them right every time. At the end of each section you'll find full answers. This edition will help students to effectively drill the essential facts necessary for success in the Islam exam, part of GCSE Religious Studies.
John Catt Educational Ltd A Quiet Education: Challenging the extrovert ideal in our schools
'A Quiet Education' serves as an unashamed cheerleader for all that is quiet, challenging the myth that collaboration and noise should be at the heart of what happens in schools. It examines how we can ensure more introverted students and teachers can thrive and achieve their potential. It also explores why it is essential that all teachers begin to embrace quieter values: in their classrooms and management of behaviour; in sustaining their own wellbeing; in their desire to reflect meaningfully and improve as a teacher. The final section is an exploration of quieter skills: how we can strengthen our students' metacognitive ability; their ability to listen, pay attention and focus; the quality of independent work we do in the classroom alongside how we can motivate all our students.
John Catt Educational Ltd Knowledge Quiz: Religious Studies - Christianity
The Knowledge Quiz series is a deviously simple and effective way for students to revise for GCSE subjects. Put together by subject experts, these easy-to-use books feature tear-out quizzes to help students memorise the large body of knowledge that forms the basis of success in exams. Rather than just flicking through revision cards expecting things to stick in your memory, self-quizzing allows you to complete multiple copies of the same quiz and keep doing them until you get them right every time. At the end of each section you'll find full answers. This edition will help students to effectively drill the essential facts necessary for success in the Christianity exam, part of GCSE Religious Studies.
John Catt Educational Ltd Be More Toddler: A leadership education from our little learners
The narrative around leadership needs to change. After reading scores of leadership books in an attempt to find a voice which resonated, Emma Turner (a primary teacher of 22 years with over a decade of school leadership experience including being part of one of the first all female Co-Headships from 2009, and mum of three small children) realised that the bulk of leadership advice out there did not take into account trying to balance parenting three children as well as working in a leadership post. This book takes a practical, humorous and unique perspective on the leadership narrative by looking at leadership through the eyes of what we notice about toddlers. Packed with real examples of what works as well as reassurance that leadership is extremely do-able for many of us, this book aims to demystify some of the leadership behaviours; encourage us all to believe we can be leaders; and to, 'Be More Toddler'.
John Catt Educational Ltd The Teaching Delusion: Why teaching in our classrooms and schools isn't good enough (and how we can make it better)
Schools are filled with great teachers, but is great teaching taking place in every classroom, in every school? Bruce Robertson doesn't believe it is. Why not? This book argues that there are two reasons. Firstly, because there isn't a shared understanding of what makes great teaching. Secondly, because schools haven't developed the strong professional learning culture necessary to drive the development of great teaching in every classroom. Through discussion of key messages from educational research, and drawing on a track record of success, this book explores how these barriers can be addressed, leading to transformations in teaching practice across classrooms and schools.