Search results for ""Dumont""
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont KunstReisefhrer Eifel Geschichte und Kultur des alten Vulkanlandes zwischen Aachen und Trier
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont ReiseTaschenbuch Reisefhrer Usedom Reisefhrer plus Reisekarte Mit individuellen Autorentipps und vielen Touren
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont ReiseTaschenbuch Ibiza Formentera Reisefhrer plus Reisekarte Mit individuellen Autorentipps und vielen Touren
University of Texas Press Ella Elgar Bird Dumont: An Autobiography of a West Texas Pioneer
A crack shot, expert skinner and tanner, seamstress, sculptor, and later writer—a list that only hints at her intelligence and abilities—Ella Elgar Bird Dumont was one of those remarkable women who helped tame the Texas frontier. First married at sixteen to a Texas Ranger, she followed her husband to Comanche Indian country in King County, where they lived in a tepee while participating in the final slaughter of the buffalo. Living off the land until the frontier was opened for ranching, Ella and Tom Bird typified the Old West ideals of self-sufficiency and generosity, with a hesitancy to complain about the hard life in the late 1800s. Yet, in one important way, Ella Dumont was unsuited for life on the frontier. Endowed with an instinctive desire and ability to carve and sculpt, she was largely prevented from pursuing her talents by the responsibilities of marriage and frontier life and later, widowhood with two small children. Even though her second marriage, to Auguste Dumont, made life more comfortable, the realities of her existence still prevented the fulfillment of her artistic longings. Ella Bird Dumont’s memoir is rich with details of the frontier era in Texas, when Indian depredations were still a danger for isolated settlers, where animals ranged close enough to provide dinner and a new pair of gloves, and where sheer existence depended on skill, luck, and the kindness of strangers. The vividness and poignancy of her life, coupled with the wealth of historical material in the editor’s exhaustive notes, make this Texas pioneer’s autobiography a very special book.
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont KunstReisefhrer Zentralasien Usbekistan Kirgistan Tadschikistan Turkmenistan Kasachstan Faszinierende Reiseziele entlang der legendren Seidenstrae
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont KunstReisefhrer Sdtirol Zu Adelsburgen Klstern und Wallfahrtskirchen unterwegs in einer einzigartigen Kulturlandschaft des Alpenraums
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont KunstReisefhrer Iran Geschichte Kultur und lebendige Traditionen antike Sttten und islamische Kunst in Persien
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont ReiseTaschenbuch Reisefhrer Eifel Aachen Trier Reisefhrer plus Reisekarte Mit individuellen Autorentipps und vielen Touren
Hallwag Karten Verlag GuideMe TravelBook Wien InstagramSpots MustSeeSights inkl FotoTipps von ohheylisa Dumont GuideMe
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont ReiseTaschenbuch Masuren mit Danzig und Marienburg Reisefhrer plus Reisekarte Mit individuellen Autorentipps und vielen Touren
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont KunstReisefhrer Franken Entdeckungsfahrten zwischen Spessart und Fichtelgebirge Wrzburg Nrnberg Bamberg Bayreuth Rothenburg Nrnberg Bamberg Bayreuth Rothenburg
University Press of America Firm Heart and Capacious Mind: The Life and Friends of Etienne Dumont
Firm Heart and Capacious Mind: The Life and Friends of Etienne Dumont is the first full-length biography of a Renaissance man, the statesman/publicist/jurist/political writer/man of letters who was hailed by Goethe, Macauley and Stendhal as one of the great intellects of his time. Among other activities he advised Mirabeau (he leader of the National Assembly) in the French Revolution, introduced Jeremy Bentham to the world by publishing ten volumes edited and rewritten from Bentham's notes, and led the political struggle that turned Geneva into a democracy. Dumont also played a direct role in such social reforms as the abolition of slavery, corresponding with and advising Samuel Romilly, William Wiberforce and others. A confirmed bachelor, he was admired and at times loved by some of the most prominent women of his time: Lady Holland, Madame de Stael and Maria Edgeworth. There has been no other full-length work, and no book at all in English, on this remarkable man.
The University of North Carolina Press The Memoir of Lieutenant Dumont, 1715–1747: A Sojourner in the French Atlantic
In 1719, Jean-Francois-Benjamin Dumont de Montigny, son of a Paris lawyer, set sail for Louisiana with a commission as a lieutenant after a year in Quebec. During his peregrinations over the next eighteen years, Dumont came to challenge corrupt officials, found himself in jail, eked out a living as a colonial subsistence farmer, survived life-threatening storms and epidemics, encountered pirates, witnessed the 1719 battle for Pensacola, described the 1729 Natchez Uprising, and gave account of the 1739–1740 French expedition against the Chickasaw. Dumont's adventures, as recorded in his 1747 memoir conserved at the Newberry Library, underscore the complexity of the expanding French Atlantic world, offering a singular perspective on early colonialism in Louisiana. His life story also provides detailed descriptions and illustrations of the peoples and environment of the lower Mississippi Valley. This English translation of the unabridged memoir features a new introduction, maps, and a biographical dictionary to enhance the text. Dumont emerges here as an important colonial voice and brings to vivid life the French Atlantic.
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont KunstReisefhrer Friaul und Triest Unter Markuslwe und Doppeladler Reise zu den Kulturschtzen zwischen Adria und Karnischen Alpen
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont KunstReisefhrer Venedig Spaziergnge durch die Viertel der Lagunenstadt Kirchen und Museen Pltze und Palste Brcken und Kanle
Rowman & Littlefield Straight Lady: The Life and Times of Margaret Dumont, "The Fifth Marx Brother"
Hallwag Karten Verlag GuideMe TravelMemories Beste Freunde Reisetagebuch fr Freunde SelberschreibenGeschenk mit inspirierenden Fragen fr jeden Tag Dumont GuideMe
Dumont International Art Galleries
Dumont Benjamin Bergmann 0010
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Die Engel von Paul Klee
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Sternstunden der Bedeutungslosigkeit
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Eingewanderte Wrter Von Anorak bis Zombie
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Leon Fast Food Vegan
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Walking in the Rain Schritt fr Schritt zu einem klaren Kopf
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Leon Hundert Salate
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Glck The New World Book of Happiness Mit den neuesten Erkenntnissen aus der Glcksforschung
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Herbarium 100 Kruter Geschichte Wirkung Verwendung
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH In Schopenhauers Gegenwart
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH 1900
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Geniale Störung
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Was man von hier aus sehen kann
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Ein Monat auf dem Land
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Die unheimliche Bibliothek
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Verdammte Scheie schlaf ein
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH 1Q84 Buch 3
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH 1Q84 Buch 1 2 Roman
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Diese alte Sehnsucht Roman
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH FOTOBOX Die bekanntesten Fotos der Welt SA
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Das Kuriosittenkabinett Die Geschichte einer Faszination
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Wilde grne Stadt oder Im Labyrinth des entwurzelten Lebens Roman