Search results for ""Author Jochen""
AB Die Andere Bibliothek Weibes Wonne und Wert Richard Wagners TheorieTheater
Werner Verlag Klimaschutz im öffentlichen Baurecht
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Technologie des Weines
Paulinus Verlag ENZO Oder was man alles nicht knnen muss
Parzellers Buchverlag Montainbiketouren in Rhn und Spessart Natur und Landschaft erleben
Delius Klasing Vlg GmbH BikeReparatur Wartung
Bergverlag Rother Samos mit Ikaria Patmos und Fourni
Belser, Chr. Gesellschaft Natrlich gut backen Meine schwbische Backstube
Ars Vivendi Die Chinesin
St. Benno Verlag GmbH Irische Segenswünsche für jeden Anlass
Loewe Verlag GmbH Luzifer junior Band 10 Die verrückte Zeitmaschine
Loewe Verlag GmbH Luzifer junior Band 4 Der Teufel ist los
Residenz Verlag Das Buch
FISCHER Taschenbuch Report Globale Flucht 2024
Mairdumont Baedeker SMART Reiseführer Gardasee
Mairdumont Baedeker Reiseführer Prag
Schmidt, Erich Verlag Familienrecht heute Vermögensrecht
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Drben und drben Zwei deutsche Kindheiten
Rowohlt Verlag GmbH Drben und drben Zwei deutsche Kindheiten
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Anatomie und Physiologie
Julius Beltz GmbH Unterrichtsrezepte
C.H. Beck Taxation of Enterprises in Germany
C.H. Beck Phlox
Eulenspiegel Verlag Rotkppchen und andere Mrchen fr Erwachsene
Kohlhammer Der Gruppenfuhrer Im Hilfeleistungseinsatz
Thieme Publishing Group Orthopedic Manual Therapy: Assessment and Management
Proven and effective orthopedic therapy techniques for musculoskeletal disorders Orthopedic Manual Therapy presents a systematic, step-by-step guide to manual therapy for disorders of the extremities and spine. Readers will find detailed examination and treatment techniques, the newest scientific and clinical advances, and updates on pain physiology, biomechanics, neurodynamics, and the biopsychosocial model of disease as the foundation for manual therapy. Special Features Describes every procedure in well structured, logical sequences of assessment, classification, and intervention, including core questions for patients Covers examination and treatment of all joints, from the toes to the shoulder girdle, with new information on the sacro-iliac joint tests, as well as additional new techniques for the wrist and the hindfoot Provides more than 500 full-color, step-by-step photographs that illustrate every technique for treating functional disorders of the locomotor system Explains the important topic of arthrokinematics (movement of the adjacent joint surfaces) and its role in the mechanics of manual therapy Offers a practical documentation template for recording each articulation and communicating findings to colleagues or physicians Access to 20 instructive videos on the Thieme MediaCenter that demonstrate procedures in real-life clinical situations Complete with case studies, checklists, and study questions, this practical, didactic book is ideal as both a textbook and a reference. Students and practitioners of physical and manual therapy will find it essential for gaining the knowledge and decision-making skills to treat any musculoskeletal disorder related to posture and movement.
Taylor & Francis The Military Orders Volume VI Set
Forty papers link the study of the military ordersâ cultural life and output with their involvement in political and social conflicts during the medieval and early modern period. Divided into two volumes, focusing on the Eastern Mediterranean and Europe respectively, the collection brings together the most up-to-date research by experts from fifteen countries on a kaleidoscope of relevant themes and issues, thus offering a broad-ranging and at the same time very detailed study of the subject.
CRC Press Central America Two Volume Set
An integrated treatment of the principal fields of classical and applied geosciences of Central America, this authoritative two-volume monograph treats the region as a whole, exploring geology, earth resources and geo-hazards across political boundaries. It reviews the published literature, and supplements it with an abundance of information from ongoing investigations and internal reports.The compendium is a result of four yearsâ collaborative work by the editors and more than ninety experts from eighteen countries. It is aimed at professionals, academics and students in the fields of geology, geography, biology, and engineering at the local, regional and international level. In a region which is rich in geological resources and where natural disasters are frequent, the monograph is a solid base for local and international institutions concerned with land-use, infrastructure, water and energy resources, and mining, as well as with hazard reduction and disaster prevention.
Pennsylvania State University Press Grand Themes: Emanuel Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware, and American History Painting
First exhibited at the Stuyvesant Hall in New York in 1851, Emanuel Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware captured the imagination of many Americans searching for national symbols in a time of sectionalism and disunity. Despite Leutze’s aspirations, the exhibition became an opportunity for critics of history painting to stake their positions. As suggested by the book’s title, Leutze’s epic painting is a touchstone in the evolution of American history painting. It represents a triumphant climax of the American adoption of the Grand Manner, inherited from eighteenth-century English painting, and portends its seemingly inevitable demise. From the painting’s gargantuan size, which fitted it only for a grand, public setting, to its focus on an already deified public hero, Leutze’s painting presumed a cultural as well as a political consensus—a consensus that proved illusory at best. Emanuel Leutze was arguably the most prominent American history painter of his time, and Jochen Wierich argues that Leutze’s work became the locus of contemporary debates surrounding the nature of history painting and its future.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Secret Places: 100 Undiscovered Travel Destinations around the World
Secret Places offers insider tips on extraordinary but less-traveled destinations worldwide! In a post-pandemic world, people are eager to travel again. Yet, popular vacation destinations are far less appealing than they once were. This book is a much-needed alternative to overcrowded tourist spots and perfect for planning your crowd-free vacation. Readers are invited on an exciting journey of discovery: to the Stone Age on the Vega Archipelago, on a cart through Bagan, or on a hike in the Hajar Mountains. The list of over 100 destinations includes natural wonders such as the Chocolate Hills on the Philippine island of Bohol, and architectural wonders such as the Sun Miracle at Abu Simbel. Includes helpful suggestions and insights for any aspiring world travelers. Almost 500 lush, full-color images. This substantial book does what most travel books don't—offers insider tips on places that are a bit hidden away but still offer a fantastic experience. Inspiring photographs
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Beihilfebegünstigte Bieter im Vergabeverfahren
MWV Medizinisch Wiss. Ver Green Hospital
Hinstorff Verlag GmbH Auf Fotopirsch durch Rostock um 1960 und heute
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Die Kirche Des Wortes: Zum Evangelischen Predigt- Und Gemeindeverstandnis
Hinstorff Verlag GmbH Wikingerschiffe
Motorbuch Verlag Segeln ber den Alpen Erlebnis und Technik des Hochgebirgsfluges
J.H.Roll Verlag The Meroitic Inscriptions from Qasr Ibrim: III. Inscriptions on Stone, Wood, Parchment and Gourd - Plates
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Angewandte Regressionsanalyse: Theorie, Technik und Praxis
Das Lehrbuch erläutert die Durchführung und Interpretation von klassischen Regressionsanalysen (nach der OLS-Methode) und von logistischen Regressionsanalysen (nach der ML-Methode). Im Text wird insbesondere auf die Überprüfung der Anwendungsvoraussetzungen von Regressionsschätzungen eingegangen. Auch werden typische Fehlschlüsse und häufig anzutreffende Fehlinterpretationen behandelt (u.a. bei Determinationskoeffizienten, bei standardisierten Regressionskoeffizienten und bei zentrierten Effekten). Zudem werden erweiterte Verfahren wie z.B. Teststärkeanalysen, Regressionen mit Dummy-Variablen und Modellschätzungen mit Moderator- und Mediatorvariablen erläutert. Die Form der Darstellung ist praxisorientiert. Alle Verfahren werden an Beispielen erläutert (inkl. der für die Praxis erforderlichen SPSS-Anweisungen).Neu in der fünften Auflage sind (u.a.): Regressionsanalyse bei fehlenden Werten Bootstrapping in der Regressionsanalyse Berechnung durchschnittlicher marginaler Effekte (AME) mit SPSS. Die AutorenDr. Dieter Urban ist Professor für Soziologie am Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Stuttgart. Dr. Jochen Mayerl ist Juniorprofessor am Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften der TU Kaiserslautern.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Europaischer Gottesdienstatlas / European Atlas of Liturgy: Protestantische Perspektiven Auf Den Gottesdienst / Protestant Perspectives on Worship Services
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Religion und Irrationalität: Historisch-systematische Perspektiven
Religionskritik wird gerade in der jüngeren Vergangenheit bevorzugt als Kritik an der vermeintlichen Irrationalität religiösen Glaubens artikuliert. Die Autoren der im vorliegenden Konferenzband versammelten Beiträge fragen zunächst anhand exemplarischer Studien zu Hamann, Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche und Rudolf Otto nach der Bedeutung und Funktion des Irrationalen in rezeptionsgeschichtlich maßgeblichen religionsphilosophischen Entwürfen der (Nach-)Aufklärung. Ergänzt und zugespitzt wird der historische Abschnitt des Bandes durch Analysen zu Werk und Wirkung Søren Kierkegaards, dem neuzeitlichen Irrationalitätstheoretiker par excellence. Darüber hinaus wird aus systematischer Perspektive nach der kritischen und/oder konstruktiven Funktion des Irrationalitätsthemas für Religionsphilosophie und Theologie gefragt, wobei nicht nur semantische, sondern auch fundamentaltheologische und ethische Aspekte Berücksichtigung finden.
Flyaway Books What in the World Is Wrong with Gisbert?
Pennsylvania State University Press Internationalizing the History of American Art: Views
American art history is a remarkably young, but rapidly growing, discipline. Membership in the Association of Historians of American Art, founded in 1979, now totals nearly 600. As a result of this growth, geographical and cultural borders no longer contain the field. American art history has become “internationalized,” represented by scholars and exhibitions around the globe. While this international transmission and exchange of ideas will certainly prove to be valuable, it has been left largely unexamined. Internationalizing the History of American Art begins a critical examination of this exchange, showing how it has become part of the maturation of American art history. In this volume, a distinguished group of scholars considers the shaping and dissemination of the history of American art domestically and internationally, past and present, theoretically and practically, from a variety of intellectual positions and experiences. To do so, they draw on a literature that, collectively, constitutes a bibliography for the future of the field. Three sections—“American Art and Art History,” “Display and Exposition,” and “Post-1945 Investments”—provide the structure in which the contributors examine the existing narrative framework for the history of American art. This examination indicates a direction for the field and a future historiography that is shaped by international dialogue.
World Scientific Publishing Co Inc (USA) Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy (Ninth Edition)
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is the ninth edition of the globally leading textbook for Services Marketing by Jochen Wirtz and Christopher Lovelock, extensively updated to feature the latest academic research, industry trends, and technology, social media, and case examples.This book takes on a strong managerial approach presented through a coherent and progressive pedagogical framework rooted in solid academic research. It features cases and examples from all over the world and is suitable for students who want to gain a wider managerial view.Supplementary Material Resources:Resources are available to instructors who adopt this textbook for their courses. These include: (1) Instructor's Manual, (2) Case Teaching Notes, (3) PowerPoint deck, and (4) Test Bank. Please contact Features:
Lit Verlag The Long Road to Peace