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Hatje Cantz Julien Guinand: Two Mountains
Social and ecological developments are closely intertwined in our present day. To what extent, however, is usually revealed too late and only at the moment of catastrophe. This is precisely what Julien Guinand’s spectacular documentary photographs show. His camera focuses on two mountain ranges in Japan: the Kii Mountains, on the peninsula of the same name, and the Ashio in northern Tokyo. Both are places that have suffered greatly from man-made climate change, whether through the destructive power of a gigantic typhoon season or the immense stress of industrial copper mining. Guinand has tracked the massive environmental destruction that continues to leave its traces. His pictures are impressive evidence of past disasters, which at the same time open up a warning view of the future.
Les Belles Lettres L' Aventure Du Dechiffrement Des Hieroglyphes: Correspondance
Vintage Publishing This is Not the End of the Book: A conversation curated by Jean-Philippe de Tonnac
'The book is like the spoon: once invented, it cannot be bettered' - Umberto Eco.These days it is impossible to get away from discussions of whether the book will survive the digital revolution. Blogs, tweets and newspaper articles on the subject appear daily, many of them repetitive, most of them admitting ignorance of the future. Amidst the twittering, the thoughts of Jean-Claude Carrière and Umberto Eco come as a breath of fresh air. This thought-provoking book takes the form of a conversation in which Carrière and Eco discuss everything from how to define the first book to what is happening to knowledge now that infinite amounts of information are available at the click of a mouse. En route there are delightful digressions into personal anecdote. We find out about Eco's first computer and the book Carrière is most sad to have sold. And while, as Carrière says, the one certain thing about the future is that it is unpredictable, it is clear from this conversation that, in some form or other, the book will survive.
Editions Norma The Vendôme Column
In 2015, the Vendôme column regained its initial splendour thanks to a long restoration campaign supported by the Vendôme committee and particularly the Ritz. During the dismantling of the scaffolding, David Bordes took exceptional shots of all the column plates. Published here for the first time, these 450 photographs form a fascinating and totally new corpus: the details of the battle scenes, the military costumes, the landscapes which constitute the setting of the battle of Austerlitz allow one to discover the column as it had never been revealed. Based on the shots of David Bordes, but also on paintings, old photographs, period documents, this widely illustrated art book in exceptional format and workmanship brings the history of the column to life, its sources, its destruction, its restoration, and also describes the moving history of the daily life of the Grande Armée during the Austerlitz campaign.
Classiques Garnier Mythe, Histoire Et Litterature Au Moyen Age
Johns Hopkins University Press Maryland: A History
An engaging and accessible introductory history of the people, places, culture, and politics that shaped Maryland.In 1634, two ships carrying a small group of settlers sailed into the Chesapeake Bay looking for a suitable place to dwell in the new colony of Maryland. The landscape confronting the pioneers bore no resemblance to their native country. They found no houses, no stores or markets, churches, schools, or courts, only the challenge of providing food and shelter. As the population increased, colonists in search of greater opportunity moved on, slowly spreading and expanding the settlement across what is now the great state of Maryland.In Maryland, historians recount the stories of struggle and success of these early Marylanders and those who followed to reveal how people built modern Maryland. Originally published in 1986, this new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. Spanning the years from the 1600s to the beginning of Governor Larry Hogan’s term of office in January 2015, the book more fully fleshes out Native American, African American, and immigrant history. It also includes completely new content on politics, arts and culture, business and industry, education, the natural environment, and the role of women as well as notable leaders in all these fields. Maryland is heavily illustrated, with nearly two hundred photographs and illustrations (more than half of them in full color), as well as related maps, charts, and graphs, many of which are new to this book. An extensive index and a comprehensive Further Reading section provide extremely useful tools for readers looking to engage more deeply with Maryland history. Touching on major figures from George Calvert to Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman to William Donald Schaefer, this book takes readers on an unforgettable journey through the history of the Free State. It should be in every library and classroom in Maryland.
Peeters Publishers Le Temps Du Possible
Wilhelm Hansen Symphony No. 6 Op. 104
Siruela La dificultad de ser The Diffulty of Being
Cruzada la frontera de los cincuenta años, con la imagen de la muerte delante y con la guerra rozándole los talones, Jean Cocteau ha llegado a la conclusión de que la comedia está ya muy avanzada. La dificultad de ser es el ajuste de cuentas que Cocteau hace consigo mismo, con el yo que fue en la época del esplendor social y con el yo que es en las angustias del presente. El autor de La sangre de un poeta escribe La dificultad de ser mientras rueda La bella y la bestia. Al ensalmo de esa joya del cine, el pasado emerge de un mar de sombras para acabar dando a luz un singular libro de memorias, donde las reflexiones morales se combinan con las literarias, y las unas y las otras con la evocación de personajes ?Apollinaire, Max Jacob, Jean Genet y tantos otros? del mundo del arte y la literatura. En ocasiones ?es el caso de Marcel Proust y de Nijinsky?, se diría que Cocteau nos los hace ver a través del ojo de la cerradura, sin que por ello se amortigüe el clima de ensimismado dramatismo
Editorial Cabaret Voltaire El Potomak
Encuadernación: RústicaEsta primera novela de Jean Cocteau de 1919, todavía inédita en español, es un verdadero experimento trasgresor y significó su nacimiento como escritor. Cocteau nos ofrece un montaje de textos, acompañados por un centenar de dibujos de trazos sorprendentes y de inspiración cubista.En esta particular novela gráfica Cocteau nos presenta una obra poblada de seres fabulosos, enigmáticos e irreales, algunos de los cuales de una crueldad aterradora: los sanguinarios y voraces Eugènes que devoran a una ingenua y aburguesada pareja de recién casados, los Mortimer; el cocodrilo que "se come a mordiscos a Odilia", en un poema declamado por la Faringe, otra criatura extraña; el Minotauro que invita a Teseo a visitarle y a hacerle compañía; y, por supuesto, El Potomak, ese enigmático monstruo que vive en un acuario situado en los sótanos de la iglesia de La Madeleine.
Editorial Cabaret Voltaire El Libro Blanco
B de Bolsillo (Ediciones B) España para sus soberanos
Tusquets Editores Rusia y sus imperios 18942005
E sta documentadísima obra analiza la historia de Rusia de los últimos ciento diez años, los que van desde los años finales del zarismo hasta la actual y difícil consolidación de la democracia bajo el mandato de Vladímir Putin. Sus páginas ponen de manifiesto las contradicciones de un país que, a caballo entre Europa y Asia, ha padecido el despotismo en todas sus manifestaciones, pero que también fue capaz de elaborar una elevadísima espiritualidad y en el que las formas de opresión despiadadas han convivido con la cultura más refinada.El historiador Jean Meyer, un gran conocedor del mundo eslavo, narra los avatares de la nación rusa a lo largo de las dos guerras mundiales, la Revolución de Octubre, la tragedia del Gulag, la guerra fría, la caída del comunismo, la desmembración de la URSS o los retos de los últimos años, como la irrupción del capitalismo salvaje y de los nacionalismos más agresivos. Junto al perfil de personajes clave del siglo xx , como Lenin, Stalin o Gorbachov, e
Ediciones Cristiandad S.A. Teologa del judeocristianismo
Hasta la asunción de la filosofía griega por los padres apologistas, la primera teología cristiana adoptó una estructura semítica, cuyos restos perduraron incluso tras su extinción. Se trató de una teología visionaria, dominada por la apocalíptica. Tal es la tesis mantenida por Daniélou en este libro y, fiel a la misma, elabora en él una investigación de interés histórico pero, además, de resonancias teológicas. La traducción ha sido hecha a partir de la versión francesa de 1974, corregida por el autor.
Norma Editorial, S.A. Sill Valt
Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana, S.A. (EDHASA) Ricardo Corazn de Len el rey cruzado
Herder Editorial Del sentido de la vida un ensayo filosófico
"Qué hacemos aquí? Por qué y para qué, o para quién, estamos aquí-? Qué debemos y qué podemos hacer? Qué no es permitido esperar? No hace falta invocar el testimonio de ilustres filósofos, estas son las preguntas fundamentales de la filosofía, las únicas que importan. (...) Toda filosofía, toda vida, se funde en la espera (esperanza). La espera (esperanza) de este libro es la de articular esta filosofía."Jean Grondin es profesor de filosofí-a en la universidad de Montreal y reputado estudioso de la obra filosóficade Martin Heidegger y de Hans-Georg Gadamer. Desde 1982, ha publicado una docena de libros en francés, inglés y alemán; también ha traducido al francés los libros más importantes de Gadamer.
Asociación Cultural Amistades Particulares, Libros Libres Narkiss
Egmont Comic Collection Michel Vaillant Collectors Edition 03
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Pour Une Psychanalyse Plus Active
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Arts Du Langage Et Theologie Chez Abelard
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Institution de la Religion Chrestienne, Tome III: Livre Troisieme
Classiques Garnier Essais, Articles, Recits Et Temoignages: Textes Critiques Et Politiques
Encre Marine Democrite, Epicure, Lucrece: La Verite Du Minuscule
Les Belles Lettres L' Univers Obscur Du Corps: Representation Et Gouvernement Des Corps a la Renaissance
Les Belles Lettres Quintilien, Institution Oratoire
Les Belles Lettres Avienus, Les Phenomenes d'Aratos
Les Belles Lettres Regles Et Recommandations Pour Les Editions Critiques
HigherLife Publishing Pasion por la Moda
Culpabilidad? ¿VergÜenza? ¿Temor? No permitas que ninguna de esas cosas se interponga en el camino del grandioso plan de Dios para ti. PasiÓn por la moda revelarÁ que somos mÁs que la ropa que vestimos o los accesorios que aÑadimos a un conjunto; todo ello para lucir bien por fuera. Somos algo mÁs que un buen aspecto y ropa de moda. Aprende que nuestro exterior brilla sobre la base de lo que tenemos en el interior. Dios te creÓ para vivir con significado, propÓsito y gozo, y para ser una persona asombrosa. TÚ puedes ser esa persona. Recorre con seguridad la pasarela de la vida. Y puedes comenzar desde hoy. What keeps you Guilt? Shame? Self-doubt? Fear? Don’t let any of those stand in the way of God’s grand plan for you. Passion for Fashion will reveal that we are more than the clothes we wear or the accessories we add to an out?t—all for the sake of looking good on the outside. We are more than good looks and fancy clothes. Learn how our outside shines based on what we have on the inside. God created you to live with signi?cance, purpose and joy, and be an astounding person. You can be that person. Con?dentially walk the runway of life. And you can start today!
Wakefield Press Cruise of Shadows: Haunted Stories of Land and Sea
Footsteps in an abandoned holiday resort as the cold weather settles in; a knock on the door of a hut in the middle of an isolated bog; a lane in Rotterdam perceptible to only one inhabitant in the city. In Cruise of Shadows, Jean Ray began to fully explore the trappings of the ghost story to produce a new brand of horror tale: one that described the lineaments of a universe adjacent to this one, in which objects sweat hatred and fear, and where the individual must face the unknown in utter isolation. First published in 1931, two years after he served his prison sentence for embezzling funds for his literary magazine, Ray's second story collection failed to find the success of his first one, Whiskey Tales, but has emerged over the years as a key publication in the Belgian School of the Strange. It has remained unavailable in its integral form even in French until recently, however, though it contains some of Ray's most anthologized and celebrated stories, including two of his best known, The Mainz Psalter and The Shadowy Alley. This is the book's first English translation, and the second of the volumes of Ray's books to be published by Wakefield Press.Alternately referred to as the Belgian Poe and the Flemish Jack London, Jean Ray (1887 1964) delivered tales of horror under the stylistic influence of his most cherished authors, Charles Dickens and Gregory Chaucer. A pivotal figure in what has come to be known as the Belgian School of the Strange, Ray authored some 6,500 texts in his lifetime.
Sarabande Books, Incorporated Lucy: A Poem
Lucy / your secret book / that you leaned over and wrote just in the dirt— / Not having to have an ending / Not having to last. . . . And so begins Jean Valentine’s provocative new work, Lucy, a poem that pays homage to the three million-year-old skeleton of the earliest known hominid. With a deep sense of gratitude and profound longing, this poem celebrates the creative power of the female by introducing us to one of our oldest human ancestors. In a dreamlike and often fractured syntax that is vintage Valentine, Lucy, the “wildgood mother” of our species, can once again be heard.
Bella Books Wizard of Isis
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Yield Design
Since the middle of the 20th Century yield design approaches have been identified with the lower and upper bound theorem of limit analysis theory – a theory associated with perfect plasticity. This theory is very restrictive regarding the applicability of yield design approaches, which have been used for centuries for the stability of civil engineering structures. This book presents a theory of yield design within the original “equilibrium/resistance” framework rather than referring to the theories of plasticity or limit analysis; expressing the compatibility between the equilibrium of the considered structure and the resistance of its constituent material through simple mathematical arguments of duality and convex analysis results in a general formulation, which encompasses the many aspects of its implementation to various stability analysis problems. After a historic outline and an introductory example, the general theory is developed for the three-dimensional continuum model in a versatile form based upon simple arguments from the mathematical theory of convexity. It is then straightforwardly transposed to the one-dimensional curvilinear continuum, for the yield design analysis of beams, and the two-dimensional continuum model of plates and thin slabs subjected to bending. Field and laboratory observations of the collapse of mechanical systems are presented along with the defining concept of the multi-parameter loading mode. The compatibility of equilibrium and resistance is first expressed in its primal form, on the basis of the equilibrium equations and the strength domain of the material defined by a convex strength criterion along with the dual approach in the field of potentially safe loads, as is the highlighting of the role implicitly played by the theory of yield design as the fundamental basis of the implementation of the ultimate limit state design (ULSD) philosophy with the explicit introduction of resistance parameters. Contents 1. Origins and Topicality of a Concept. 2. An Introductory Example of the Yield Design Approach. 3. The Continuum Mechanics Framework. 4. Primal Approach of the Theory of Yield Design. 5. Dual Approach of the Theory of Yield Design. 6. Kinematic Exterior Approach. 7. Ultimate Limit State Design from the Theory of Yield Design. 8. Optimality and Probability Approaches of Yield Design. 9. Yield Design of Structures. 10. Yield Design of Plates: the Model. 11. Yield Design of Plates Subjected to Pure Bending. About the Authors Jean Salençon is Emeritus Professor at École polytechnique and École des ponts et chaussées, ParisTech, France. Since 2009 he has been a member of the Administrative Board of CNRS (Paris, France). He has received many awards including the Légion d’Honneur (Commander), Ordre National du Mérite (Officer) and Palmes Académiques (Commander). His research interests include structure analysis, soil mechanics and continuum mechanics.
Poetry Wales Press In Reality: Selected Poems
Five Rivers Press Lucky-Anil Nayar's Story: A Portrait of a Legendary Squash Champion
Opus Books Sheps Army Bummers Blisters Boondoggles
Althea Press Talking to Children about Divorce: A Parent's Guide to Healthy Communication at Each Stage of Divorce
Skyhorse Publishing Of Illustrious Men: A Novel
Hailed as a masterpiece, Jean Rouaud's first novel, Fields of Glory, was awarded France's most prestigious literary prize, the Prix Goncourt, and sold over a million copies worldwide. Of Illustrious Men establishes as fact what the first novel promised--that Rouaud is a writer of remarkable power, subtlety, and originality. Lovingly set in the same region as Fields of Glory, the novel is about the author's father, Joseph, and a traveling salesman who died at forty-one and left a family in shock behind him. In the mind of the grieving eleven-year-old son--too young to have really known him--his father was a hero, a warrior, a legend of the Resistance during World War II. But the narrator is no longer that eleven-year-old boy; he is a mature and gifted writer. And though he may still ache for the loss of his father, he also knows that Joseph's illustriousness can be found not only in the heady days of wartime glory but in moments of domestic tranquility. Of Illustrious Men evokes scenes of both war and peace with exquisite beauty and understated and poignant tenderness.
The New Press Ravel A Novel
Sagamore Publishing Leisure Education: Theory & Practice: 2nd Edition
Red Wheel/Weiser 151 Quick Ideas for Advertising on a Shoestring
Taylor Trade Publishing Changing the Corporate Landscape: A Woman's Guide to Cultivating Leadership Excellence
Offers a real-life examples and suggestions to help women develop their leadership knowledge and skills and facilitate the development of others.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Voices from Mutira: Change in the Lives of Rural Gikuyu Women, 1910-95
Documenting the changes occurring since the 1984 study, this edition provides a collection of life histories from the women of Mutira. Two new introductory chapters frame the life histories within the context both of significant macro-level transitions in Kenya and current thinking on gender.
Kensington Publishing A Vineyard Crossing