Search results for ""Author JANA""
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Internationalization of Small and Medium Sized Mechanical Engineering Enterprises: The Impact of Culture and Success Factors for Manufacturing in India
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Dropout in First Grade as an Indicator for Learning Difficulties in Ethiopian Government Primary Schools: An Investigation of Intercultural and International Comparative Education for Students with Individual Needs
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Untersuchungen Zu Den Griechischen Palimpsesten Der Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek: Codices Historici Codices Philosophici Et Philologici Codices Iuridici
Figure 1 Publishing The Little Island Bake Shop: Heirloom Recipes Made for Sharing
Baking is as much about feeding someone’s heart and soul as it is about nourishing their body. It’s also about kindness and generosity: whether it’s a pie or a tray of cookies, baking is always meant to be shared. The Little Island Bake Shop by Jana Roerick features a collection of 80 easy recipes designed to satisfy almost any craving. Freshly baked muffins are a perfect start to the morning, while grab-and-go cookies make delectable treats throughout the day. Looking to make celebratory occasions even more special? Jana’s signature pies and cakes are as simple to make as they are delicious. The cookbook also includes a savoury dishes designed to nourish: comforting pot pies, satisfying quiches, lamb patties, and even homemade pickles. Lastly, a section devoted to the essentials—basic pastry doughs, frostings, glazes, crumbles, and custards—will have you mastering the basics in no time. The Little Island Bake Shop is a wonderful collection of everyday bakes designed for cooks of every skill level. From a Perfect Pound Cake to irresistible Chocolate Chip Cookies to a crowd-pleasing Sour Cherry Apricot Pie, this is simple comfort food at its best.
Jewish Lights Publishing The Book of Mormon: Selections Annotated and Explained
An inside look at the foundational sacred text of one of the world's youngest and fastest growing religions The Book of Mormon stands alongside the Bible as the keystone of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church/Mormonism). Translated by the prophet Joseph Smith from ancient writings inscribed on golden plates, the Book of Mormon is an account of people living in the Western Hemisphere in a timeline that parallels that of the Bible. It covers a thousand years of loss, discovery, war, peace and spiritual principles that focus on the teachings of Jesus Christ, outlining a plan for salvation and the responsibilities we must assume to attain it. The Book of Mormon: Selections Annotated & Explained explores this sacred epic that is cherished by more than twelve million members of the LDS church as the keystone of their faith. Probing the principal themes and historical foundation of this controversial and provocative narrative, Jana Riess focuses on key selections that offer insight into contemporary Mormon beliefs and scriptural emphases, such as the atonement of Christ, the nature of human freedom, the purpose of baptism and the need for repentance from sin. She clarifies the religious, political and historical events that take place in the ancient communities of the Book of Mormon and their underlying contemporary teachings that serve as the framework for spiritual practices that lie at the core of Mormon life. Now you can experience this foundational sacred text even if you have no previous knowledge of Mormonism. This SkyLight Illuminations edition presents the key teachings and essential concepts of the Mormon faith tradition with insightful yet unobtrusive commentary that helps to dispel many of the misconceptions that have surrounded the Book of Mormon since its publication in 1830.
Kohl Verlag Botanik im Kindergarten
NOVA MD Kitty Carter Dämonenkuss
Kohl Verlag Streit in der Schule muss das sein
KRAUTin Verlag Plastische Ereignisse
ArchiTangle GmbH Architecture Is Experimentation
Architecture Is Experimentation shines a spotlight on the intersection of architectural innovation and sustainable solutions through the lens of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2023 laureates: Ronald and Erik Rietveld, Benedetta Tagliabue, Simon Teyssou, Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, and Xu Tiantian. This publication brings to the fore their pioneering efforts in merging community engagement, technological innovation, and deep respect for cultural and urban heritage in order to advance sustainable architectural practices. Featuring interviews with each winner, the book provides insights into their creative processes and philosophies by introducing projects that exemplify their approach to experimentation. It serves as a guide, detailing the tools, methods, and approaches that define the cutting edge of architectural experimentation. By documenting the impactful work of these architects from diverse backgrounds and regions around the world, Ar
Christoph Links Verlag Stadtwende
Christoph Links Verlag Stndige Ausreise Schwierige Wege aus der DDR
Trinity-Verlag Das Seelenhren Innere Strke in herausfordernden Zeiten
Kynos Verlag Warum macht der das Der WelpenDolmetscher
Kynos Verlag Abenteuer Welpe berlebenstipps fr die ersten Wochen
Kirschbuch Verlag Wir Verlorenen
Second Chances Verlag Tod im Tümpel
nonsolo Verlag UG Samtene Scheidung
Falk Christa Wie geht Leben
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Radikal Schulausgabe
Tulipan Verlag Monsterschreck
Eichborn Verlag Gehts eigentlich nur mir so
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Keinland Ein Liebesroman
Jumbo Neue Medien + Verla Wer umarmt den kleinen Igel
Loewe Verlag GmbH Der verlorene Blick
Juventa Verlag GmbH Unterstützung der Selbstbestimmung oder fremdbestimmende Stellvertretung
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Kolleg Politik u Wirtschaft 13 eA gA Qualiphase Niedersachsen Politik Wirtschaft fr die Oberstufe
Grin Publishing Einkommensteuerliche und gewerbesteuerliche Behandlung der Einknfte des Komplementrs einer KGaA
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Im MinusBereich
Ravensburger Verlag Aumio Die Traumreise ins Wolkenland
Heymanns Verlag GmbH Handbuch Sachbearbeitung Strafrecht
Duncker & Humblot Legitimation Der Restschuldbefreiung: Das System Der Gesetzlichen Entschuldungsbedingungen Im Lichte Der Reformen
Knaur 39, Ungeküsst
De Gruyter Museum als Avantgarde: Museen moderner Kunst in Deutschland 1918–1933
Im Deutschland der 1920er Jahre fand eine herausragende öffentliche Beschäftigung mit der modernen Kunst und deren Präsentation am Ort des Museums statt. Eine vielfältige und dynamische Kunstszene – Künstler, Kritiker, Sammler sowie Museumsdirektoren – war neben den politischen Demokratisierungsbestrebungen Ausgangspunkt für eine der einflussreichsten strukturellen Wandlungen in der Geschichte des Kunstmuseums. Dem Einzug der Avantgarde ins Museum folgte die Herausbildung eines neuartigen musealen Typus für die Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts mit einer spezifischen Sammlungs-, Präsentations- und Vermittlungspolitik. Erstmals trat die deutsche Museumslandschaft aufgrund dieses außergewöhnlichen Wirkens für die zeitgenössische Kunst international hervor. Doch wie entwickelte sich das Kunstmuseum konkret zu einem Ort, an dem die Avantgarde ihren Platz fand und mit einem breiten Publikum in Berührung kommen konnte? Die Publikation fokussiert drei so unterschiedliche wie wichtige öffentliche Museen der zwanziger Jahre: die Neue Abteilung der Nationalgalerie im Berliner Kronprinzenpalais, die Kunstabteilung im Provinzialmuseum Hannover und die Städtische Kunsthalle Mannheim. Allesamt zeichneten sie sich durch ihr epochales Engagement aus. Eingehend wird diese innovative und folgenreiche Phase der deutschen Kulturgeschichte beleuchtet, die – obwohl weitgehend in Vergessenheit geraten – den musealen Umgang mit der zeitgenössischen Kunst bis heute prägt.
Arena Verlag GmbH Die kleine Meerjungfrau und das SeepferdchenAbenteuer
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Mathefreunde 3 Schuljahr Schlerbuch mit Kartonbeilagen Nord
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Mathefreunde 4. Schuljahr Nord Arbeitsheft mit interaktiven Übungen auf
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Mathefreund 3 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft Nord Berlin Brandenburg MecklenburgVorpommern SachsenAnhalt
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Mathefreunde 4 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft mit CDROM und Lernstandsseiten Ausgabe Nord Berlin Brandenburg MecklenburgVorpommern SachsenAnhalt
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Mathefreunde 3 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft mit Lernstandssteiten Sd Sachsen Thringen
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Umweltfreunde 3 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft Thringen
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Muttersprache plus 8 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft fr Berlin Brandenburg MecklenburgVorpommern SachsenAnhalt Thringen
W. W. Norton & Company Midwood Poems
John Wiley & Sons Inc Elementary Financial Derivatives: A Guide to Trading and Valuation with Applications
A step-by-step approach to the mathematical financial theory and quantitative methods needed to implement and apply state-of-the-art valuation techniques Written as an accessible and appealing introduction to financial derivatives, Elementary Financial Derivatives: A Guide to Trading and Valuation with Applications provides the necessary techniques for teaching and learning complex valuation techniques. Filling the current gap in financial engineering literature, the book emphasizes an easy-to-understand approach to the methods and applications of complex concepts without focusing on the underlying statistical and mathematical theories. Organized into three comprehensive sections, the book discusses the essential topics of the derivatives market with sections on options, swaps, and financial engineering concepts applied primarily, but not exclusively, to the futures market. Providing a better understanding of how to assess risk exposure, the book also includes: A wide range of real-world applications and examples detailing the theoretical concepts discussed throughout Numerous homework problems, highlighted equations, and Microsoft® Office Excel® modules for valuation Pedagogical elements such as solved case studies, select answers to problems, and key terms and concepts to aid comprehension of the presented material A companion website that contains an Instructor’s Solutions Manual, sample lecture PowerPoint® slides, and related Excel files and data sets Elementary Financial Derivatives: A Guide to Trading and Valuation with Applications is an excellent introductory textbook for upper-undergraduate courses in financial derivatives, quantitative finance, mathematical finance, and financial engineering. The book is also a valuable resource for practitioners in quantitative finance, industry professionals who lack technical knowledge of pricing options, and readers preparing for the CFA exam. Jana Sacks, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Accounting and Finance at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York. A member of The American Finance Association, the National Association of Corporate Directors, and the International Atlantic Economic Society, Dr. Sack’s research interests include risk management, credit derivatives, pricing, hedging, and structured finance.
RED WHEEL WEISER Tarot Dictionary and Compendium