Search results for ""Author Frances"
Kompass Karten GmbH KOMPASS Wanderführer Jakobsweg Spanien Camino Francés. Von den Pyrenäen nach Santiago de Compostela und Fisterra 60 Etappen mit ExtraTourenkarte
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Themes from Masterworks Book 2 Transcribed for Piano from Vocal and Orchestral Repertoire Frances Clark Library Supplement
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC An Environmental History of France
The French countryside is as beloved by the many millions of tourists who visit it each year as it is of French people themselves. But it has not always looked like it does today. An Environmental History of France instead presents the countryside in which people live and work and through which they travel as a human creation across 250 years of economic and cultural change, war and revolution. It is a book about the making' of the French landscape and an engrossing story linking human geography, history, agriculture and culture.Showing an awareness of the origins and nature of current ecological and social challenges, Peter McPhee uses a blend of environmental and cultural approaches to paint a vivid picture of rural France's modern history. From the aristocratic control of agrarian resources in the 1770s, to widespread mechanisation in the 19th century, through to the impact of the World Wars and an intriguing discussion about the uncertain future of French r
Cornell University Press Black France White Europe
Winner of the George Louis Beer PrizeBlack France, White Europe illuminates the deeply entangled history of European integration and African decolonization. Emily Marker maps the horizons of belonging in postwar France as leaders contemplated the inclusion of France''s old African empire in the new Europe-in-the-making. European integration intensified longstanding structural contradictions of French colonial rule in Africa: Would Black Africans and Black African Muslims be French? If so, would they then also be European? What would that mean for republican France and united Europe more broadly? Marker examines these questions through the lens of youth, amid a surprising array of youth and education initiatives to stimulate imperial renewal and European integration from the ground up. She explores how education reforms and programs promoting solidarity between French and African youth collided with transnational efforts to make young people
WW Norton & Co Cook Like a Local in France
A trip to the supermarket while vacationing in a foreign country can be a frustrating ordeal. How to choose the best seafood (what is the deal with the tiny packages of fish?) proper farmers’ market etiquette (is it okay to touch the veggies?) and choosing the right checkout line (there are different kinds?) can all lead to moments of confusion, and asking for help is not so easy with a language barrier. When author Lynne Martin tried living as locals do in France, she found making her own meals nearly impossible. Unfamiliar with cuts of meat and unable to decipher labels or cooking instructions, she was surrounded by delicious produce but lost when it came to utilising it in French cooking. Chef Deborah Scarborough came to her rescue, and now, in Shop Like a Local in France, both share their tips for other travellers looking to rock their vacation cooking or explore French cuisine at home. In addition to 50 recipes, there are guides to wine and cheese, tips for stocking a rental home and information about French kitchen basics.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd It Happened in France
Ernest Grimaud de Caux was _The Times_ correspondent in Madrid from 1910 to 1939, encompassing the period of Primo de Rivera's Dictatorship, the fall of the monarchy, and the Civil War. With his deep knowledge of Spain's history, culture and politics, he was widely respected in his profession and highly valued by _The Times_. _It Happened in France_ covers the immediate post Civil War years, when de Caux was living in France, under German Occupation. It contains a series of so far unpublished essays, written at the time, and recounting his experience of the Occupation, including the flight from Paris under the German advance, daily life in the Southwest, his three weeks in prison after arrest by the Gestapo, reflections on Vichy's political leaders, and what today we would call the geopolitics of the time. These essays, accompanied by a biography and personal appreciation of de Caux, constitute a fascinating and intimate account of an important aspect of the Second World War.
University of Wales Press France's Colonial Legacies: Memory, Identity and Narrative
In an era of commemoration, France's Colonial Legacies contributes to the debates taking place in France about the place of empire in the contemporary life of the nation, debates that have been underway since the 1990s and that now reach across public life and society with manifestations in the French parliament, media and universities. France's empire and the gradual process of its loss is one of the defining narratives of the contemporary nation, contributing to the construction of its image both on the international stage and at home. While certain intellectuals present the imperial period as an historical irrelevance that ended in the years following the Second World War, the contested legacies of France's colonies continue to influence the development of French society in the view of scholars of the postcolonial. This volume surveys the memorial practices and discourses that are played out in a range of arenas, drawing on the expertise of researchers working in the fields of politics, media, cultural studies, literature and film to offer a wide-ranging picture of remembrance in contemporary France. Introduction: The Postcolonial Nation, Fiona Barclay Part One: Narrative Gaps 1. Amnesia about Anglophone Africa: France’s Rhodesian mind-set, its manifestations and its legacies, 1947–58, Joanna Warson 2. From ‘écrivains coloniaux’ to écrivains de ‘langue française’: strata of un/acknowledged memories, Gabrielle Parker Part Two: The Algerian War, Fifty Years On 3. Conflicting memories: modernisation, colonialism and the Algerian war appelés in Cinq colonnes à la une, Iain Mossman 4. Derrida’s virtual space of spectrality: cinematic haunting and the law in Mon Colonel (Herbiet, 2006), Fiona Barclay 5. ‘Le devoir de mémoire’: the poetics and politics of cultural memory in Assia Djebar’s Le Blanc de l’Algérie, Jennifer Mullen 6. (Un)packing the suitcases: postcolonial memory and iconography, William Kidd Part Three: The Transnational Family 7. Interrogating the transnational family: memory, identity and cultural bilingualism in Sous la clarté de la lune (Traoré, 2004), Zélie Asava 8. Continuity and discontinuity in the family: looking beyond the post-colonial in Il y a longtemps que je t’aime (Claudel, 2008), Fiona Handyside Part Four: Contemporary Commemorations 9. Anti-racism, republicanism and the Sarkozy years: SOS Racisme and the Mouvement des Indigènes de la République, Thomas Martin 10. Playing out the postcolonial: football and commemoration, Cathal Kilcline 11. Crime and penitence in slavery commemoration: from political controversy to the politics of performance, Nicola Frith
Oxford University Press Reflections on the Revolution in France
Edmund Burke was the dominant political thinker of the last quarter of the eighteenth century in England. His reputation depends less on his role as a practising politician than on his ability to set contemporary problems within a wider context of political theory. Above all, he commented on change. He tried to teach lessons about how change should be managed, what limits should not be transgressed, and what should be reverently preserved. Burke's generation was much in need of advice on these matters. The Industrial Revolution, the American Revolution, and catastrophically, the French Revolution presented challenges of terrible proportions. They could promise paradise or threaten anarchy. Burke was acutely aware of how high the stakes were. The Reflections on the Revolution in France was a dire warning of the consequences that would follow the mismanagement of change. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
The University of Chicago Press The Anonymous Marie de France
"The Anonymous Marie de France" offers a fundamental reconception of the person generally assumed to be the first woman writer in French, the woman now referred to as Marie de France. Written by renowned medievalist R. Howard Bloch, it is the first book to consider all of the writing ascribed to Marie, including her famous "Lais", her 103 animal fables, and the earliest vernacular, "Saint Patrick's Purgatory". Marie is, Bloch asserts, one of the most self-conscious, sophisticated, and disturbing figures of her time - a writer whose works reveal an acute awareness not only of her role in the preservation of cultural memory, but also of the transformative psychological, social, and political effects of her writing within an oral tradition. "The Anonymous Marie de France" recovers the central achievements of one of the most pivotal figures in French literature. It is a study that will be of enormous value to medievalists, literary scholars, historians of France, and anyone interested in the advent of female authorship.
Yale University Press France 1940: Defending the Republic
A new perspective on the calamitous fall of France in 1940 and why blame has been misplaced ever since In this revisionist account of France’s crushing defeat in 1940, a world authority on French history argues that the nation’s downfall has long been misunderstood. Philip Nord assesses France’s diplomatic and military preparations for war with Germany, its conduct of the war once the fighting began, and the political consequences of defeat on the battlefield. He also tracks attitudes among French leaders once defeat seemed a likelihood, identifying who among them took advantage of the nation’s misfortunes to sabotage democratic institutions and plot an authoritarian way forward. Nord finds that the longstanding view that France’s collapse was due to military unpreparedeness and a decadent national character is unsupported by fact. Instead, he reveals that the Third Republic was no worse prepared and its military failings no less dramatic than those of the United States and other Allies in the early years of the war. What was unique in France was the betrayal by military and political elites who abandoned the Republic and supported the reprehensible Vichy takeover. Why then have historians and politicians ever since interpreted the defeat as a judgment on the nation as a whole? Why has the focus been on the failings of the Third Republic and not on elite betrayal? The author examines these questions in a fascinating conclusion.
Kensington Publishing Fleeing France
Taylor & Francis Ltd Patronage in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century France
The dual themes of this volume are the characteristics of patronage relationships and their political uses in early modern France. The first essays provide an overview of the scholarly literature and suggest that the obligatory reciprocity of the patron-client exchange was a defining characteristic. The third and fourth essays compare patronage relationships with kinship and friendship, while the following two focus on the patronage role of noblewomen. Professor Kettering then looks at the role of brokerage in state formation in early modern France, comparing this with other early modern societies. In the final section she explores the role of patronage in the religious wars of the late 16th century and in the civil war of the Fronde a half century later, and the ways in which it was affected by the changing lifestyles of the great nobles during the late 17th century.
El ámbito locucional en Cinco horas con Mario de Miguel Delibes estudio y análisis traductológico del español al francés
La fraseología comparada constituye un campo de estudio extenso, que permite aunar lo lingüístico y lo cultural. Esta obra analizar la traducción al francés de unidades fraseológicas, concretamente de las locuciones nominales, adjetivas y verbales, en la obra de Miguel Delibes "Cinco horas con Mario", novela publicada en la segunda mitad del siglo XX que, dadas sus características narrativas, contiene un amplio número de estas expresiones idiomáticas. La razón por la que se han escogido estas y no otras es por la dificultad de traducción que conllevan y por el interés que suscita conocer cuáles han sido las técnicas de equivalencia empleadas. Asimismo, el autor se detiene en el análisis de la presencia o no de estas unidades fraseológicas en los diccionarios bilingües aportando recursos a futuros traductores que se enfrenten a desafíos similares en su quehacer profesional.
Independent Institute,U.S. Gun Control in NaziOccupied France
Nazi Germany invaded France in 1940. In every occupied town, Nazi soldiers demanded that civilians surrender their firearms or else be shot. Despite the consequences, many French citizens refused to comply with the order. In Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France, Stephen P. Halbrook tells this story of Nazi repression and the brave French men and women who refused to surrender to it.
John Adamson Publishing Consultants Footloose in France: 2023
The book begins by the North Sea. It is a late summer's afternoon, and a bright sun has dispersed the greyness of the day. Two Englishmen are enjoying a swim off the Essex coast when all at once both have the feeling that they are back at the French seaside. They find themselves starting to tell each other of their youthful experiences of living in France. The adventures they narrate follow one after another like waves rolling onto the shore. Clive, coming from London, had found himself spending a year deep in the French countryside within sight of the western Pyrenees; John, hailing from Devon, had ended up living for a while in the City of Light within sight of the Folies Bergere. Outsiders though they were, they momentarily became part of French society, their adventures fuelled by the culinary delights of their adopted land. They tell their tales with humour and relish as they recall their initiation into the French way of life of decades ago - and how it shaped their own.
Faber & Faber The Secret Life of France
At the age of eighteen Lucy Wadham ran away from English boys and into the arms of a Frenchman. Twenty-five years later, having married in a French Catholic Church, put her children through the French educational system and divorced in a French court of law, Wadham is perfectly placed to explore the differences between Britain and France.Using both her personal experiences and the lessons of French history and culture, she examines every aspect of French life - from sex and adultery to money, happiness, race and politics - in this funny and engrossing account of our most intriguing neighbour.
Rockfax Ltd France Haute Provence
The first in a series of selective guidebooks, "France: Haute Provence" presents many of the finest sport climbing destinations in the world together in one clear and colourful book. Covering all the best areas from the magnificent walls of Ceuse in the north to the impeccable climbing playground of Buoux to the south, this book has a lifetime's worth of climbing waiting on its pages. Produced in the universally-praised Rockfax style, the books presents the reader with clear landscape photos of each crag, never-before-seen close-up photo-topos, and a wealth of action photos specifically taken for the book. Whether you're planning your trip from home, or choosing your next route at the crag, this guide will have everything you're looking for: from inspiration to perspiration. This will be the only english language guidebook that covers this wide range of crags and the only book that is easily available to travelling climbers. It will also be the only guidebook in print for several of the crags. The Crags Covered include: Ceuse, Sisteron, Volx, Orpierre, Bellecombe, Baume Rousse, Ubrieux, Saint Julien, Saint Leger Rochers du Groseau, Combe Obscure, Les Dentelles de Montmirail, Venasque, and Buoux.
Little, Brown Book Group Palace of the Drowned: by the author of the Waterstones Book of the Month, Tangerine
From the author of the critically acclaimed Tangerine. "When you learn the truth at the end, you'll want to go back and rethink everything you read before" - New York Times"A delightfully seductive dance of yearning and suspicion, where the old is always on notice that it must at some point make way for the new" - i newspaper In Venice, Frances Croy is working to leave the previous year behind: another novel published to little success, a scathing review she can't quite manage to forget, and, most of all, the real reason behind her self-imposed exile from London: the incident at the Savoy. Sequestered within an aging palazzo, Frankie finds comfort in the emptiness of Venice in winter, in the absence of others. And then Gilly appears. A young woman claiming a connection from back home, one that Frankie can't quite seem to recall, Gilly seems determined for the two women to become fast friends. But there's something about her that continues to give Frankie pause, that makes her wonder just how much of what Gilly tells her is actually the truth. Those around Frankie are quick to dismiss her concerns, citing what took place that night at the Savoy. So too do they dismiss Frankie's claims that someone is occupying the other half of the palazzo, which has supposedly stood empty since after the war. But Frankie has seen the lights across the way, has heard the footsteps too-and what's more, knows she isn't mad. Set in the days before and after the 1966 flood - the worst ever experienced by the city of Venice - the trajectory of the disaster that forever altered the city mirrors Frankie's own inner turmoil as she struggles to make sense of what is and is not the truth . . . "In her taut and mesmerizing follow up to Tangerine, the preternaturally gifted Christine Mangan plunges us into another exotic and bewitchingly rendered locale . . .Voluptuously atmospheric and surefooted at every turn, Palace of the Drowned more than delivers on the promise of Mangan's debut, and firmly establishes her as a writer of consequence" - Paula McLain, author of The Paris Wife
Thames & Hudson Ltd France The Monocle Handbook
Discover Monocle's favourite places to stay, eat, shop and visit across France. Following Spain: The Monocle Handbook is the third title in premium series of country-focused guides. France: The Monocle Handbook presents our favourite spots across this sunny nation, from Paris and Marseille to Basque Country and Corsica. Discover innovative retailers and charming hotels, as well as leading museums and galleries and, of course, a vineyard or two. We also introduce the smartest areas to move to, plus advice from the plucky entrepreneurs who've already set up shop. It's time to see this varied country afresh.
Rowman & Littlefield The Human Tradition in Modern France
The Human Tradition in Modern France gives a human perspective of the history of France from 1789 to the present, revealed in essays that highlight individuals and intriguing events that too often have been lost under labels and statistics. Students will gain an understanding of the humor and passion in French history from these new, original essays by well-established scholars. This collection also relates the individuals, events, and controversies to current historiographical debates. The Human Tradition in Modern France is an excellent supplementary text for courses on French history and is also useful for courses in world history and Western Civilization.
MAIRDUMONT GmbH & Co. KG France Marco Polo Map
Marco Polo France Map: the ideal map for your trip Let the Marco Polo France Road Map guide you around this stunning country. Discover medieval cities, dramatic landscapes dotted with vineyards, picturesque towns, gorgeous beaches and majestic castles with this highly durable, detailed, touring map of France. It folds away easily and is always on standby to help when you're stuck. Perfect touring map - the scale is 1 : 1 000 000 ideal to help you tour the country by car or campervan Easy to use - the superbly clear mapping in strong colours and easy-to-read text will help you navigate the country like a local Durable, tear-resistant map - designed to withstand the rigors of the road, the map is printed on tear-resistant, water repellent and writeable paper Highlights included - major sights and key points of interest are marked on the map by numbered stars. Further information about these key sights can be downloaded via a QR code where you’ll find a brief description to help you pick the best places to see en-route Dream routes – inspirational routes with beautiful scenery are included on the maps to guide you on your next adventure Extensive index - the thorough index, also included on the QR code, is fully cross-referenced to the map to help you pinpoint your destination quickly For the big trips and the little detours, trust Marco Polo's clear mapping and thorough index to guide you around France.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Politics and the Individual in France 1930-1950
Focusing on France, and bringing together historians of politics, literature, philosophy, art, and film, this volume sheds light on the imagination and experience of the political individual in the age of the masses between 1930 and 1950.
Creative Media Partners, LLC En France
Benteli Verlag France Atlantique
Editions Nathan La France
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Road Map of France
Discover new places in France with easy-to-read mapping from Collins.A fully revised and updated colour road map of France at 18 miles to 1 inch / 11km to 1cm (1:1,120,000). The map shows individual department by name. All cities, towns, roads, European route numbers, motorways and toll motorways are clearly shown, making it the ideal map for planning and route-finding.The map shows the road network in detail for easy route planning. With its political colouring of departments, it is ideal for reference and business users also.This map includes: Fully revised and updatedClear, detailed road networkThrough-route maps of Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Strasbourg, and ToulouseDistance chart giving distances in kilometres between main townsKey to department names and numbers, and list of regionsInternet links to further informationFull Index to place namesMap key in English, French and GermanArea of coverage:Covers the whole of France from the Belgian and German borders in the north to the Spanis
Profile Books Ltd Melmoth: The Sunday Times Bestseller from the author of The Essex Serpent
'Hugely readable and profoundly important ... Perry's masterly piece of postmodern gothic is one of the great achievements of our century' The Observer SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2019 DYLAN THOMAS PRIZE OBSERVER FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR 2018 'Beautiful, devastating, brilliant' Marian Keyes 'Astonishingly dark ... exquisitely balanced' Francis Spufford 'Packs a punch of atmosphere, creepiness, fear and melancholy' Susan Hill 'Mythic, ominous and sensitively human' Frances Hardinge 'Richly atmospheric, daring and surprising' Melissa Harrison 'Striking and brave, ... moving and terribly beautiful' Sam Guglani Oh my friend, won't you take my hand - I've been so lonely! One winter night in Prague, Helen Franklin meets her friend Karel on the street. Agitated and enthralled, he tells her he has come into possession of a mysterious old manuscript, filled with personal testimonies that take them from 17th-century England to wartime Czechoslovakia, the tropical streets of Manila, and 1920s Turkey. All of them tell of being followed by a tall, silent woman in black, bearing an unforgettable message. Helen reads its contents with intrigue, but everything in her life is about to change.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC German Tanks in France 1940
A fully illustrated new assessment of the German tank force that won its greatest victory in France during 1940.The German conquest of France in 1940 was arguably the Wehrmacht's greatest military achievement, conquering France in several weeks after having failed to do so in World War I. New Panzer tactics, dubbed ''Blitzkrieg'', were at the heart of the German victory.In this book, renowned armor expert Steven J. Zaloga reassesses the armored force that made the triumph possible, and explains that although the German Panzers won their reputation in France, they were far from being a technological juggernaut. The vast majority were the small PzKpfw I and PzKpfw II light tanks. The more effective medium tanks such as the PzKpfw III and PzKpfw IV were available in relatively small numbers. Their effectiveness had far more to do with training and doctrine than technology. With illustrations including unpublished photos and superb new artwork, this book examines the wide range of
University of Toronto Press Postcolonial Counterpoint: Orientalism, France, and the Maghreb
Postcolonial Counterpoint is a critical study of Orientalism and the state of Francophone and postcolonial studies, examined through the lens of the historical and cross-cultural relations between France and North Africa. Thoroughly questioning the inability of Western academia to shake free of universalism and essentialism and come to grips with the Orientalism within postcolonial discourse, Farid Laroussi offers a cultural tour d'horizon which considers Andre Gide's writing on Algeria, literature by French authors of Maghrebi descent, and the conversation surrounding secularism and the headscarf in France. A provocative investigation of the place of Muslims and Islam in Francophone culture, Postcolonial Counterpoint asks how we must proceed if postcolonial studies is to make a difference in reconciling history, identity, citizenship, and Islam in the West.
Johns Hopkins University Press DramaContemporary: France
Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd France A Journey Part Two
A first family holiday in France in 1979, which did not end as planned, but which led to at least one visit every year, a compelling annual mission, for some 35 years.
University of Georgia Press Islamophobia in France: The Construction of the 'Muslim Problem'
In 2004 France banned Muslim women from wearing veils in school. In 2010 France passed legislation that banned the wearing of clothing in public that covered the face, mainly to target women who wore burqas. President Emmanuel Macron has stated that the hijab is not in accordance with French ideals. Islamophobia in France takes many forms, both explicit and implicit, and often appears to be sanctioned by the governing bodies themselves. These cultural biases reveal how the Muslim population acts as a scapegoat for the problematic status of immigrants in France more generally.Islamophobia in France is an English translation of Abdellali Hajjat and Marwan Mohammed’s Islamophobie: Comment les e´lites franc¸aises fabriquent le "proble`me musulman." In this groundbreaking book, Hajjat and Mohammed argue that Islamophobia in France is not the result of individual prejudice or supposed Muslim cultural or racial deficiencies but rather arose out of structures of power and control already in place in France.Hajjat and Mohammed analyze how French elites deploy Islamophobia as a state technology for contesting and controlling the presence of specific groups of postcolonial immigrants and their descendants in contemporary France. With a new introduction for U.S. readers, the authors unpack the data on Islamophobia in France and offer a portrait of how it functions in contemporary society.
Temple University Press,U.S. Salut!: France Meets Philadelphia
One highly visible example of French influence on the city of Philadelphia is the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, modeled on the Champs-Élysées. In Salut!, Lynn Miller and Therese Dolan trace the fruitful, three-centuries-long relationship between the City of Brotherly Love and France. This detailed volume illustrates the effect of Huguenots settling in Philadelphia and 18-year-old William Penn visiting Paris, all the way up through more recent cultural offerings that have helped make the city the distinctive urban center it is today. Salut! provides a magnifique history of Philadelphia seen through a particular cultural lens. The authors chronicle the French influence during colonial and revolutionary times. They highlight the contributions of nineteenth-century French philanthropists, such as Stephen Girard and the Dupont family. And they showcase the city’s vibrant visual arts community featuring works from the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Rodin Museum, the Barnes Foundation, and the Joan of Arc sculpture, as well as studies of artists Thomas Eakins, Mary Cassatt, and Henry Ossawa Tanner. There is also a profile of renowned Le Bec-Fin chef Georges Perrier, who made Philadelphia a renowned culinary destination in the twentieth century.With lavish illustrations and enthusiastic text, Salut!celebrates a potpourri of all things French in the Philadelphia region.
Lexington Books France and Indochina: Cultural Representations
At the intersection of literary, cultural, and postcolonial studies, this volume looks at French perceptions of 'Indochina' as they are conveyed through a variety of media including cinema, literature, art, and historical or anthropological writings. The volume is long awaited, as France's memory of 'Indochina' is understudied compared to its relationship with its former colonies in West and North Africa. The book has contemporary urgency as the makeup of France's immigrant population changes and grows to include Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotioan populations.
Pallas Athene Publishers Nature of France: Brittany
Occupying the north-west corner of France, the region of Brittany covers a land area similar to that of Wales. It has a beautiful coastline over 1000 miles long, home to spectacular wildlife. This is a guide to the region's history, its wild and beautiful environment, and the superb local cuisine.
Gibson Square Books Ltd More More France Please: The Little Lusts and Secrets of Life in France
With the summer beckoning, life in France seems the ultimate dream for all of us rosbifs. But behind the sun, the wine, and the beautifully honey-coloured houses what is the reality of actually living in France? Based on her own experiences, those of her friends and of the many readers who write in to her Sunday Times column French Mistress, Powell tells the story of the daily passions in La Douce France warts and all in a fresh, fast and humorous narrative.
Lerner Publishing Group Spotlight on France
City Books Retiring in France
Fully updated and revised second edition. Now printed in colour.
Bellwether Media Foods of France
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Best of France
Lonely Planet: The world's number one travel guide publisher* Lonely Planet's Best of France is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Embrace the sights and sounds of Paris, sample tangy olives at the weekly market in Provence and explore the vineyards of Champagne - all with your trusted travel companion. Discover the best of France and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet's Best of France: Full-colour images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights provide a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, art, food, wine, sport, politics Free, convenient pull-out map (included in print version), plus easy-to-use colour maps to help you navigate Covers Paris, Loire Valley, Normandy, Brittany, Champagne, Lyon, Provence, Nice, St Tropez, Marseille, Bordeaux, the French Alps and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Best of France is filled with inspiring and colourful photos, and focuses on France's most popular attractions for those wanting to experience the best of the best. Looking for a more comprehensive guide that recommends both popular and offbeat experiences, and extensively covers all the country has to offer? Check out Lonely Planet's France guide. Looking for a guide to Paris? Check out Lonely Planet's Paris for an in-depth look at all the capital has to offer. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company and the world's number one travel guidebook brand, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, video, 14 languages, nine international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia) *Source: Nielsen BookScan: Australia, UK, USA, 5/2016-4/2017
University of Nebraska Press Ethnicity and Equality: France in the Balance
In the fall of 2005 the streets of France were rocked by civil disturbances on a scale unseen for decades. Only months earlier Azouz Begag, France’s first minister for equal opportunities and first-ever cabinet minister of North African immigrant origin, wrote an essay laying bare the festering social and ethnic injustices that, as can now be seen in hindsight, led to the riots. This essay, published here for the first time, brilliantly documents the socioeconomic inequalities, ethnic discrimination, and political neglect that have bred a volatile generation of minority ethnic youths deeply distrustful of a society they believe has failed them. Blending autobiography with sociological and political analysis, Begag shows how social peace in France depends on transforming these disaffected youths into galvanized citizens. His insights into the malaise of France’s urban ghettos offer lessons for developed countries throughout the world—and hope for the similar challenges they face.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Case Red: The Collapse of France
Even after the legendary evacuation from Dunkirk in June 1940 there were still large British formations fighting the Germans alongside their French allies. After mounting a vigorous counterattack at Abbeville and then conducting a tough defence along the Somme, the British were forced to conduct a second evacuation from the ports of Le Havre, Cherbourg, Brest and St Nazaire. While France was in its death throes, politicians and soldiers debated what to do – flee to England or North Africa, or seek an armistice. Case Red captures the drama of the final three weeks of military operations in France in June 1940, and explains the great impact it had on the course of relations between Britain and France during the remainder of the war. It also addresses the military, political and human drama of France’s collapse in June 1940, and how the windfall of captured military equipment, fuel and industrial resources enhanced the Third Reich’s ability to attack its next foe – the Soviet Union.
Low Pressure Publishing Ltd The Stormrider Surf Guide France
Finally, France has a "Stormrider Surf Guide" that covers all the incredible waves along this vast coastline. From the chilly Channel to the mild Mediterranean, there's something for everyone, helpfully written in both French and English. Beautifully illustrated by the best photographs available and crammed full of new information, this is the one and only guide to Europe's favourite surfing playground. France is the epicentre of the European surf experience and "The Stormrider Surf Guide France" takes you on an amazing tour of the entire coastline. From Calais to Corsica, the best reefs, points and beaches are all painstakingly described and large, vivid photographs bring the waves to life. The French surf culture and joie de vivre is perfectly captured in this detailed, one-of-a-kind guide. Introduction pages include travel information; oceanography; environment; surf culture. The SURF ZONES section includes stormrider symbols; spot info; accurate maps; surf business locators. And HOTSPOTS provides expanded break descriptions; multiple photos; pluses and minuses.
Ebury Publishing Rick Stein’s Secret France
Real French home cooking with all the recipes from Rick's new BBC Two series.Over fifty years ago Rick Stein first set foot in France. Now, he returns to the food and cooking he loves the most … and makes us fall in love with French food all over again. Rick’s meandering quest through the byways and back roads of rural France sees him pick up inspiration from Normandy to Provence. With characteristic passion and joie de vivre, Rick serves up incredible recipes: chicken stuffed with mushrooms and Comté, grilled bream with aioli from the Languedoc coast, a duck liver parfait bursting with flavour, and a recipe for the most perfect raspberry tart plus much, much more. Simple fare, wonderful ingredients, all perfectly assembled; Rick finds the true essence of a food so universally loved, and far easier to recreate than you think.
WW Norton & Co The Discovery of France: A Historical Geography
A narrative of exploration—full of strange landscapes and even stranger inhabitants—that explains the enduring fascination of France. While Gustave Eiffel was changing the skyline of Paris, large parts of France were still terra incognita. Even in the age of railways and newspapers, France was a land of ancient tribal divisions, prehistoric communication networks, and pre-Christian beliefs. French itself was a minority language. Graham Robb describes that unknown world in arresting narrative detail. He recounts the epic journeys of mapmakers, scientists, soldiers, administrators, and intrepid tourists, of itinerant workers, pilgrims, and herdsmen with their millions of migratory domestic animals. We learn how France was explored, charted, and colonized, and how the imperial influence of Paris was gradually extended throughout a kingdom of isolated towns and villages. The Discovery of France explains how the modern nation came to be and how poorly understood that nation still is today. Above all, it shows how much of France—past and present—remains to be discovered. A New York Times Notable Book, Publishers Weekly Best Book, Slate Best Book, and Booklist Editor's Choice.
Broadview Press Ltd Letters Written in France
Helen Maria Williams was a poet, novelist, and radical thinker deeply immersed in the political struggles of the 1790s. Her Letters Written in France is the first and most important of eight volumes chronicling the French Revolution to an England fearful of another civil war. Her twenty-six letters recounting old regime tyranny and revolutionary events provide both an apology for the Revolution and a representation of it as sublime spectacle.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press In France Profound