Search results for ""author ross"
Scholastic Inc. Potty AllStar a Never Bored Book
Pearson Education (US) CompTIA Linux XK0005 Pearson uCertify Course Access Code Card
TREASURE BAY INC We Both Read Three Little Pigs We Both Read
A humorous retelling of the classic story recounts the fatal episodes in the lives of two foolish pigs and how the third pig managed to avoid the same fate.
ACC Art Books Return of the Vinetropes
The wee folk have returned! Uncover the mystery of who they are and why they are here in the first book of the Vinetrope Adventures. Following a young girl, Sara, who has recently lost her mom to cancer, Return of the Vinetropes tells the story of a remarkable fairy-like creature found in Sara's back yard. Lucinda Vinetrope: born wise, full-grown, and all alone. She may only be 12 inches high, but her personality is huge! Her arrival signifies the return of the Vinetrope nation, but also the return of their evil counterparts, the Chargons and the Vinkali. Joined by a supporting cast of comedic characters, animal and human alike, Sara and Lucinda set off on their quest to find the other Vinetropes and protect their world from danger.
NY Research Press Financial Crises: Causes, Consequences, Policy Responses and Management
Murphy & Moore Publishing Platelets in Non-Thrombotic Disorders: Pathophysiology and Therapeutics
North Star Editions French Bulldogs
Gateway Editions The Indispensable Electoral College How the Founders Plan Saves Our Country from Mob Rule
Triumph Books World Series Winners: What It Takes to Claim Baseball's Ultimate Prize
Demonstrating that claiming the most sought-after moniker in baseball is truly an epic journey, this record explores what separates World Series victors from those who come up short. More than 50 current and former Major League Baseball players, managers, and coaches from the last 50 years—all of whom have World Series championships under their belts—are interviewed, including Jack Morris, Lance Parrish, Kent Hrbek, Jim Kaat, and Dave Winfield. Packed with never-before-published stories, this chronicle includes hilarious tales from the clubhouse and dugout as well as inspirational and educational anecdotes. Answering questions such as How are great teams built? How do you keep players motivated when momentum seems to be turning against them? and What are the key qualities that every leader must possess? this investigation illustrates how championship baseball teams offer valuable lessons that can be readily applied to everyday life.
Candlewick Press What Does an Anteater Eat
'The silliness should have little listeners asking for repeat readings.' —Kirkus ReviewsAnteater is hungry, but he has completely forgotten what anteaters eat. Baffled, and with his tummy rumbling, he consults the other animals. Sloth is too busy, Toucan is clueless, and Crocodile has his own mouth full. Whatever will Anteater do? It isn't until the ants all run for their lives that Anteater remembers what he should be eating . . . and it’s not what you think! A delightfully silly tale that little ones will return to again and again.
Simon & Schuster To Change the Church
Archway Publishing The Perfect Match
Simon & Schuster The Industries of the Future
History Press Harrisburg in World War II
Scholastic US Goodnight, Butterfly (a Very Impatient Caterpillar Book)
Titletown Publishing, LLC The Doll Brokers
Fierce competition from rival companies, uncertain financial backing, and an increasingly hard to please consumer market; against it all is one beautiful, perfect doll. In the midst of this is Ann Lesage, who overcame the poverty and uncertainty of her youth through a stroke of luck: the kindness of a stranger, Felicia Morhardt. Now as the newly instated president of Felicia's company, Hart Toy, Ann must battle the suspicion of Felicia's sons. Will Patrick's determination to dethrone Ann bring Hart Toy crashing down? Are Ann's feelings for Jonathan turning from hatred to passion? And who is the mysterious man from Ann's past, bent on exacting revenge? The Doll Brokers is a thrilling novel about competition, jealousy, and the bitter battle for success.
Urban Institute Press,U.S. Child Welfare: The Challenges of Collaboration
When youth in the child welfare system face problems such as juvenile delinquency, the agencies charged with their care often find that they do not have the capacity to act without the cooperation of other government departments. The trap gets tighter when parents have lost custody or are in the criminal justice system themselves. Such scenarios frustrate staff in government agencies and cause vulnerable youth to lose confidence in the system just when they need it the most. Child Welfare: The Challenges of Collaboration highlights several scenarios requiring interagency collaboration and also includes an evaluation of Project Confirm, a cross-agency effort to help foster children in juvenile detention. Though the challenges of collaboration will be difficult to solve, this book offers practical examples to guide child welfare service agencies.
Vida Publishers ¿Cuál Es El Mensaje del Libro de Mormón?: Una Guía Cristiana Y Breve Al Libro Sagrado de Los Mormones
University of Pittsburgh Press Bringing the Shovel Down
Bringing the Shovel Down maps the long and arduous process of being inculcated with the mythologies of state and power, the ramifications of that inculcation (largely, the loss of our humanity in the service of maintaining those mythologies), and finally, what it might mean, what it might provide us, if we were to transform those myths. The book, finally, has one underlying question: How might we better love one another?
Templar Books The Elephantom
Arcadia Publishing Inc. Windsor Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Random House USA Inc The Moving Target
Penguin Putnam Inc Indigenous Healing: Exploring Traditional Paths
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Book of Hugs
Alexander Verlag Berlin Der MordidaMann
Alexander Verlag Berlin Die im Dunkeln
Rowohlt Berlin Die Verteidigung des Menschen Warum Gott gebraucht wird
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Lustiges Sprechzeichnen Eine spielerische Sprachfrderung 24 Hexengeschichten und dazu passende bungszeichen
Transcript Verlag Wie überlebe ich als Künstlerin
Bassermann, Edition Freude am Malen Sammelband 66 Landschaften und Blumenbilder aus der Kultserie The Joy of Painting
Ueberreuter Verlag Northern Lights Die Wlfe vom Mystery Creek
Ueberreuter Verlag Der Wanderwolf
LYX Divine Rivals
Frech Verlag GmbH Originelle Origamitiere
Coppenrath F Mein allererster Ausmalspaß
Rowohlt Verlag GmbH Die Welt nach Wagner Ein deutscher Knstler und sein Einfluss auf die Moderne
Diogenes Verlag AG Wer findet das Opfer
Diogenes Verlag AG Mutter und Tochter
Diogenes Verlag AG Der Untergrundmann