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University of Toronto Press Middle Income Access to Justice
Though most conceptions of the rule of law assume equality before the law - and hence equal access to the justice system - this basic right is not being met for many low and middle income Canadians. This book focuses on the problem of civil access to justice for middle income earners - those whose household income is high enough to disqualify them from legal aid but not high enough to cover the costs of litigation. Featuring contributions by leading Canadian and international scholars, practitioners, and members of the judiciary, this multidisciplinary collection draws on scholarship in the fields of law, social science, and public policy. There is a particular emphasis on family law, consumer law, and employment law, as these are the areas where research has indicated that unmet legal needs are highest. Middle Income Access to Justice presents a variety of innovative solutions, from dispute resolution process reforms to the development of non-lawyer forms of assistance and new methods for funding legal expenses. In doing so, it lays the foundation for the development of a much-needed new delivery model to provide early intervention for legal services.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Perspectives on Internationalisation
The internationalisation of business has accelerated during the post-war period and particularly in the past decade. At the same time, research on international business has grown considerably. The early efforts in the 1950s have been followed by a vast number of research projects all over the world attempting to understand and explain the processes and problems of internationalisation. The aim of this book is to continue this task by providing critical perspectives on internationalisation and on internationalisation research.
Emerald Publishing Limited The OECD, Globalisation and Education Policy
The increasing significance of the OECD in the development of national education policies has received much attention in recent years. Although it is recognised that certain international agencies such as the OECD as key "globalizing agencies", have acquired the capacity to "persuade" nation states towards certain policy priorities, little attention has been paid to making clear how these processes of persuasion may work. This volume investigates such processes, drawing on a study of the relationship between the OECD and educational policy directions in Australia. It investigates the link between three elements of education policy, the nation state, the OECD and globalization. These links are explored through case studies in higher education and vocational education and training policy developments, drawing on the Australian experience. The book also generates questions about educational purposes and decision making in the contemporary contexts which have wider applicability.
American Center of Oriental Research The Petra Papyri IV
The fourth volume in the Petra Papyri series, the scholarly publication meticulously documenting, translating and interpreting the information recovered from approximately 140 carbonized papyrus scrolls found during ACOR's excavation of the Petra Church. The scrolls had been carbonised in a fire and were thus preserved, although many scrolls were in a destroyed condition and could not be read. Such discoveries are exceedingly rare. The Petra papyri texts are dated c. 537 to 594 thanks to the law promulgated by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian to place the date at the beginning and end of a document. The scrolls vary in size from a single sheet such as P. Petra 6 (L. 28 cm), a list of stolen goods, to the exceptionally long P. Petra 2 (L. 8.5 m), which is an agreement concerned with inherited property. These documents deal with real estate transactions, disputes, contracts, divisions of property, marriages, dowries, and inheritance. The central figures of the archive are Theodoros, son of Obodianos, who was deacon and later archdeacon in the church, and his extended family and peers. The language indicates that the people in Petra at this time were speaking an early form of Arabic. A team of papyrologists from Finland conserved these sixth century texts in 1994 and 1995 at ACOR in Amman as part of a major effort headed by Jaakko Frosen. The original fragments were placed on Japanese rice paper and sandwiched between glass plates so that they could be preserved and examined for study. Some scrolls are written on both sides (and they could not be mounted on paper) but most are single-sided. As noted, many texts have been translated and published in The Petra Papyri series (Amman: ACOR) by scholars from Finland and the University of Michigan. Some documents are exhibited at the Jordan Museum in Amman.
Hirmer Verlag The Emil Bührle Collection: History, Full Catalogue and 70 Masterpieces
Paul Cézanne, Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet and many others – between 1936 and 1956 the Swiss industrialist Emil Bührle (1890–1956) assembled an impressive collection around French Impressionism. As the owner of the largest weapons factory in the country he had close links to the historical events of the period from World War II to the Cold War. Initially Emil Bührle acquired works almost exclusively in Switzerland; then, from 1951, an intensive second phase followed, which was greatly influenced by Bührle’s business dealings with the United States. The publication illustrates the colourful history of the collection, which includes a total of 633 works, and examines its importance with regard to modernist art collections in Germany, Switzerland and the United States. The survey is complemented by contributions from a number of authors who present 70 masterpieces of the collection, from the old masters to Picasso.
Westland Publications Limited Delhi: A Soliloquy
De Gruyter Technology Business Incubators in India: Structure, Role and Performance
Why do Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) emerge rapidly as an instrument of start-up promotion in emerging economies like India? In what forms? What role do they play in start-up promotion? What are their major achievements? These questions have been answered empirically in this book. Accordingly, this book explores the nature, structure and process of incubation resulting in start-up generation and in the process, R&D contribution emerging from TBIs comprising accelerators, incubators and co-working spaces in three of the leading start-up hubs, namely, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad, in India. It describes typology, objectives, sponsors, and facilities provided by these TBIs. It further explores the process of selection, incubation and graduation of start-ups as it exists in these TBIs. Thereafter, it makes an assessment of R&D contributions that have emerged from the TBIs in the form of R&D inputs comprising personnel and capital expenditure, and R&D output in the form of new products/services developed, patent applications filed and revenue generated. Policy makers, researchers, engineering and management students, technology and business mentors, angels, venture capitalists, and MNC executives will find this book informative, revealing and a source of valuable insights on the new, emerging India.
John Libbey Eurotext New Horizons in Gastrointestinal & Liver Disease: Mechanisms & Management
John Libbey Eurotext Evidence-Based Clinical Gastroenterology
Pindar Press Collected Textile Studies
The late Donald King (d. 1998) was the founding father of textile studies in England. His knowledge of the technology and history of textiles of all periods across many lands remains unsurpassed. An erudite and yet modest scholar, he did much to promote the academic understanding of textiles, both in this country and abroad. His role as Keeper of Textiles in the Victoria and Albert Museum, allowed first-hand technical analysis of a large number of medieval and later textiles over a very wide range of techniques. This laid the foundations for his abiding interest in textile techniques, which was allied to his fascination with textile terminology as it appeared in documentary sources. Much of his museum scholarship found its way into publications such as the Victoria and Albert Museum Bulletin and Hali magazine. From 1977 onwards, as President of C.I.E.T.A. (the International organisation for the study of early textiles), he led a powerful lobby of textile specialists, including all the major museum keepers of textiles across the globe. His scholarship during this period was well represented through detailed and erudite articles of technical, art historical and contextual significance, published in the C.I.E.T.A. Bulletin. His twin role as scholar and textile keeper represented the meeting of the academic and the museum worlds across textile studies. This publication gathers together for the first time a representative selection of Donald King's scholarship, in seventeen studies written and published over the period 1960-1999. Seven of the papers are grouped to illustrate the wide range of techniques across which he was able to publish (woven IX; embroidered X, XI; tapestry XII; printed XIIIand pile/carpet techniques XIV, XV). Three further papers (II, III, VIII) illustrate his tremendous facility for close technical analysis of his materials, whilst his linguistic gifts, which allowed him to solve the intricate puzzles posed by textile terminology used in medieval sources, are celebrated in four further papers (IV-VII). Study II shows how he integrated these different avenues of approach into the intricate textile method that he developed. Two more papers have been included, to illustrate Donald King's notable ability to communicate his enthusiasm and expertise about textiles to a wide audience. The study entitled 'Magic in the Web' (XVII) was designed to engage the general public and it was received with tremendous enthusiasm both as a lecture and as a published piece. The paper on 'Early Textiles with Hunting subjects in the Keir collection', (I) served both the academic and the museum world, and it illustrated for the connoisseur what could be learnt by those engaged in building up private collections of medieval textiles.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Prediction of Performance & Pollutant Emission from Pulverized Coal Utility Boilers
Black Rose Books Services and Circuses: Community and the Welfare State
Rudolf Steiner Press Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation: Mystery Centres of the Middle Ages. The Easter Festival and the History of the Mysteries
Steiner has been able to clarify the historical reality behind the Rosicrucian story, with all its aura of glamour and fantasy. That effected, he points to the enormity of its vision for the future evolution of ideas...' - Dr Andrew Welburn (from the Introduction) In the immediate aftermath of the 'Mystery-act' of the Christmas Foundation Conference, Rudolf Steiner chose to speak on the subject of 'Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation Mystery Centres of the Middle Ages'. Clearly connected to the events that had just taken place in Dornach - in which he not only refounded the Anthroposophical Society but took a formal position within it - Steiner begins by exploring the intellectual life of the Middle Ages and the role that Mystery culture played within it. He throws new light on the foundations of Rosicrucianism, its principles of initiation and its inherent impulse for freedom. Steiner also discusses the secret teachings of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the dawn of the age of the Archangel Michael. In the second series of lectures, entitled 'The Easter Festival and the History of the Mysteries' (April 1924), Steiner describes how festivals grew out of the Mysteries themselves. He speaks of Mysteries connected to Spring and Autumn, Adonis and Ephesus, and the significance of Sun and Moon. Throughout the volume he discusses the roles of Alexander the Great and Aristotle in world history and the significance of Aristotle's 'Categories'. Published for the first time as a single volume, the freshly revised text is complemented with an extensive introduction by Dr Andrew Welburn, detailed notes and appendices by Professor Frederick Amrine and an index. (Ten lectures, Jan. and April 1924, GA 233a)
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience
The second edition of the seminal work in the field—revised, updated, and extended In Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience, M.R. Bennett and P.M.S. Hacker outline and address the conceptual confusions encountered in various neuroscientific and psychological theories. The result of a collaboration between an esteemed philosopher and a distinguished neuroscientist, this remarkable volume presents an interdisciplinary critique of many of the neuroscientific and psychological foundations of modern cognitive neuroscience. The authors point out conceptual entanglements in a broad range of major neuroscientific and psychological theories—including those of such neuroscientists as Blakemore, Crick, Damasio, Dehaene, Edelman, Gazzaniga, Kandel, Kosslyn, LeDoux, Libet, Penrose, Posner, Raichle and Tononi, as well as psychologists such as Baar, Frith, Glynn, Gregory, William James, Weiskrantz, and biologists such as Dawkins, Humphreys, and Young. Confusions arising from the work of philosophers such as Dennett, Chalmers, Churchland, Nagel and Searle are subjected to detailed criticism. These criticisms are complemented by constructive analyses of the major cognitive, cogitative, emotional and volitional attributes that lie at the heart of cognitive neuroscientific research. Now in its second edition, this groundbreaking work has been exhaustively revised and updated to address current issues and critiques. New discussions offer insight into functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the notions of information and representation, conflict monitoring and the executive, minimal states of consciousness, integrated information theory and global workspace theory. The authors also reply to criticisms of the fundamental arguments posed in the first edition, defending their conclusions regarding mereological fallacy, the necessity of distinguishing between empirical and conceptual questions, the mind-body problem, and more. Essential as both a comprehensive reference work and as an up-to-date critical review of cognitive neuroscience, this landmark volume: Provides a scientifically and philosophically informed survey of the conceptual problems in a wide variety of neuroscientific theories Offers a clear and accessible presentation of the subject, minimizing the use of complex philosophical and scientific jargon Discusses how the ways the brain relates to the mind affect the intelligibility of neuroscientific research Includes fresh insights on mind-body and mind-brain relations, and on the relation between the notion of person and human being Features more than 100 new pages and a wealth of additional diagrams, charts, and tables Continuing to challenge and educate readers like no other book on the subject, the second edition of Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience is required reading not only for neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers, but also for academics, researchers, and students involved in the study of the mind and consciousness.
Atlantis Press 4th International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, Philanthropy, and PhD Colloquium (ICIEBP) 2022
Springer International Publishing AG Narratives of the Unspoken in Contemporary Irish Fiction: Silences that Speak
This Open access book is a collection of essays and offers an in-depth analysis of silence as an aesthetic practice and a textual strategy which paradoxically speaks of the unspoken nature of many inconvenient hidden truths of Irish society in the work of contemporary fiction writers. The study acknowledges Ireland’s history of damaging silences and considers its legacies, but it also underscores how silence can serve as a valuable, even productive, means of expression. From a wide range of critical perspectives, the individual essays address, among other issues, the conspiracies of silence in Catholic Ireland, the silenced structural oppression of Celtic Tiger Ireland, the recovery of silenced stories/voices of the past and their examination in the present, as well as millennial disaffection and the silencing of vulnerability in today’s neoliberal Ireland. The book ’s attention to silence provides a rich vocabulary for understanding what unfolds in the quiet interstices of Irish writing from recent decades. This study also invokes the past to understand the present and, thus, demonstrates the continuities and discontinuities that define how silence operates in Irish culture.Grant FFI2017-84619-P AEI, ERDF, EU (INTRUTHS “Inconvenient Truths: Cultural Practices of Silence in Contemporary Irish Fiction”) Funded by the Spanish Research Agency AEI and by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF "A Way of Making Europe"
MP-AMM American Mathematical Recovery Methodologies Regularization and Sampling
Introduces the reader to methodologies in recovery problems for objects, such as functions and signals, from partial or indirect information. By avoiding extreme technicalities and elaborate proof techniques, this is an accessible resource for students and researchers.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Hilberts Tenth Problem
Hilbert's tenth problem is one of 23 problems proposed by David Hilbert in 1900. It asked for a general algorithm to determine if a given Diophantine equation has a solution in integers. It was finally resolved by Julia Robinson, Martin Davis, Hilary Putnam, and finally Yuri Matiyasevich in 1970. This book is an exposition of their achievement.
MP-SYR Syracuse University P In the Alley of the Friend
Shahrokh Meskoob is one of the first scholars to take an innovative approach to Hafez's poetry. Meskoob goes beyond a linguistic and rhetorical analysis of Hafez's poetry in the Divan to access the interior thoughts of the poet and summon his spirit in the process of understanding Hafez's mysticism.
Peeters Publishers Studies in the Book of Isaiah. Festschrift Willem A.M. Beuken
This Festschrift is offered to W.A.M. Beuken on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday and his retirement as Professor of Old Testament Studies at the Faculty of Theology of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Wim Beuken has dedicated much of his scholarly career to the study of one Old Testament book, the Book of Isaiah. It seemed natural, therefore, that the present volume and its editors should honour Beuken's scholarly achievements with a collection of essays devoted to the Book of Isaiah and related topics. The 28 contributions are presented under four section headings. The first section contains a series of thematically oriented studies on the Book of Isaiah as a whole. The second section focuses on the so-called Proto-Isaiah and includes contributions dealing with PI as a whole together with contributions which have concentrated on specific portions thereof. The third section includes a number of articles which address issues related to specific themes and pericopes in Deutero- and Trito-Isaiah. The fourth and final section turns its attention to questions regarding inter-textuality and the history of reception.
Peeters Publishers La Spiritualite en Images aux Pays-Bas Meridionaux dans les Livres Imprimes des XVIe et XVIIe Siecles Conserves a la Bibliotheca Wittockiana
Peeters Publishers Actes du IVe Congres Copte, 1988. Tome II: de la Linguistique au Gnosticisme
Peeters Publishers Functional Aspects of Egyptian Ceramics in Their Archaeological Context: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, July 24th - July 25th, 2009
This volume presents the papers given at an international conference on "Functional Aspects of Egyptian Ceramics within their Archaeological Context", which was held from 24th to 25th July, 2009 at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, UK. The aim of this conference was to discuss Egyptian pottery in different archaeological contexts and the employment of ceramics for understanding these deposits. At the same time some archaeological contexts were utilised to gain insights into the function of pottery, in order to integrate both approaches. The papers cover domestic, funerary, festival, and ritual contexts and the ceramic finds within them. Additional topics are the widely neglected reuse of pottery and how ceramic material can be interpreted in its wider socio-economic context. The case studies discuss pottery derived from many sites in Egypt from the Delta in the north to Elephantine in the south, and cover a chronological range from the Old Kingdom to the Coptic period. This broad approach ensures that the focus was on the role of Egyptian pottery within past societies as seen through various types of archaeological contexts. This volume provides archaeological and ceramic insights that are significant beyond Ancient Egypt.
Peeters Publishers Selling and Rejecting Politics in Early Modern Europe
Power in the early modern age, as in the present age, is an important subject for debate. What is power? Who has it or should have it? What are the underlying reasons for this? And especially, how is this power exercised, legitimised, and accepted? The issue of power in Europe in the early modern age is all the more significant because the demarcation line between the worldly and the religious component of power is not always clearly drawn. The fact is that power can only exist in a structured context where there is a measure of approval and consensus on the way that power is constituted and exercised. It is actually about the relationship between those who have or crave power and those who find themselves in subordinate positions. Many means of persuasion are deployed in propaganda mechanisms to underscore the rightness or superiority of this relationship. The reverse side of this phenomenon is equally important: the extent to which criticism is being voiced and other opinions are being proclaimed is at least as relevant to an evaluation of the relationship between both groups, i.e. rulers and subordinates. In societies where pomp and circumstance bear the brunt of the persuasive process - since not everyone can read or write - visual elements are crucial: painting, sculpture, architecture, urban planning, court parties and ceremonies play a major role, as do all the products issued by the printing presses: tracts and pamphlets, illustrated or unillustrated. The essays in this volume deal not so much with theories of power but rather with the ways that rulers attempt to motivate the legitimation of their power and convey their own superiority, be it genuine or spurious. They focus on the persuasive production emanating from governments as well as on the reactions of other parties, which show both confirmative and contesting tendencies.
Peeters Publishers Les Lieux De Culte En France Et En Europe: Statuts, Pratiques, Fonctions
L'ouvrage collectif sur les lieux de culte en France et en Europe est un des premiers dossiers presentant de maniere exhaustive l'histoire, la sociologie et le statut juridique des edifices du culte dans une selection d'Etats membres de l'Union Europeenne.La construction et l'entretien des edifices cultuels, la nature de leur affectation mais egalement leur statut au regard des disciplines et droits confessionnels sont autant d'elements traites dans ce livre.Ces themes sont envisages au prisme des evolutions du paysage religieux contemporain dont certains effets ne sont pas sans consequences sur les modes d'utilisation et la construction d'edifices dedies a l'exercice du culte. Le tassement de la pratique religieuse au sein des religions historiques tend a remettre en cause le principe de l'affectation cultuelle exclusive des eglises et des temples au profit d'une double, voir d'une triple utilisation. Inversement, les confessions religieuses d'implantation recente revendiquent l'edification de mosquees, de pagodes et de salles de priere.A cet egard, "Les lieux de culte en France et en Europe" est un instrument de travail necessaire pour ceux qui sont interesses par les relations entre l'Etat, la societe et les religions.
Peeters Publishers Interpreting Translation: Studies on the LXX and Ezekiel in Honour of Johan Lust
The 30 essays by some of the most prominent scholars on the field of Septuagint studies collected in this volume deal with the Septuagint in general and with the Septuagint of Ezekiel in particular, but also with text-critical, philological, lexicographical and theological topics, faithfully reflecting the wide range of interests of Professor Johan Lust. Edited by F. Garcia Martinez and Marc Vervenne.
Peeters Publishers Politesse Et Ideologie: Rencontres De Pragmatique Et De Rhetorique Conversationnelles
Sans cesse nous posons des jugements. Aussitot que nous croyons y echapper, la scalarite des valeurs nous rejoint. Nous avons beau prendre les precautions d'usage, decrire le contexte en choisissant de paraitre complets, l'ame humaine reprend son droit: parler n'est jamais neutre. Ecouter l'est moins encore. Nous posons des jugements parce que nous interpretons et que le langage, a travers ses procedes, sa construction collective de la realite, y invite. On dira de l'un qu'il est trop poli pour etre honnete, de l'autre au contraire qu'il est trop honnete pour etre poli. C'est en effet la spontaneite qu'on interroge dans son rapport avec la reflexion. Le temps de l'ecriture contient la science, la classification mais elle perd la supreme nature. On pensait l'affaire close depuis l'avenement de l'image; voila que la projection extraordinaire du courrier electronique sur la Toile nous ramene au coeur du debat. Deja, les cris fusent pour denoncer l'impolitesse du procede. Ce volume represente les actes du colloque qui, en novembre 1998, a reuni a Louvain-la-Neuve une trentaine de chercheurs francophones qui avaient accepte de se rencontrer pour un haletant parcours: l'exploration des rapports entre linguistique et litterature autour du theme de la politesse des echanges et de la rhetorique des conservations. Ces univers scientifiques distincts nous rappellent la vocation de la politesse a agir dans la science classique comme denominateur commun du savoir et du savoir-vivre. La neutralite de la parole est contenue dans le discours complaisant, avenant, facilitateur de la politesse. Non seulement parce qu'il manque de profondeur, mais peut-etre aussi parce qu'il montre par moments les conditions d'action de ce dialogue ideal: le refus d'interpreter le discours en intentions.
Obelisco Que Suerte Tiene Mi Papa!
Dr Ludwig Reichert Jerusalem. Baugeschichte. B IV 7.4: B IV 7.4 Von Der Ankunft Der Kreuzfahrer Bis in Fruhosmanische Zeit (1099 Bis Um 1750). 1: 500.000
Brepols N.V. Laments for the Lost in Medieval Literature
Compendium Publishing & Communications Love Who You Are: A Gift Book to Celebrate Your Self-Worth
Archaeopress Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence, Italy 23-30 August 2015
The Egyptian Museum of Florence, in collaboration with the University of Florence, hosted the Eleventh International Congress of Egyptologists which took place from 23rd to 30th August 2015, under the patronage of the IAE – International Association of Egyptologists. This volume publishes 136 papers and posters presented during the Congress. Topics discussed here range from archaeology, religion, philology, mummy investigations and archaeometry to history, offering an up-to-date account of research in these fields.
Salem Books Every Believer's Thought Life: Defeating Destructive Mental Patterns to Gain Victory Over Temptation
Texas Tech Press,U.S. More Than Running Cattle: The Mallet Ranch of the South Plains
The Mallet Ranch, from its founding to the present, has followed the arc of most Texas ranches. It has experienced booms and busts, and its owners have fretted over droughts and floods as well as fights in courtrooms. Despite hardships that may have outnumbered successes, the Mallet, headquartered in Hockley County, Texas, perseveres to this day.But More Than Running Cattle is more than just a ranch tale. It is the story of a family both unique and conventional among Texas stock raisers. David M. DeVitt, like many before him, was not "born" to be a Texas cattleman. DeVitt began his career as a reporter in Brooklyn, New York, before he decided to leave that path behind to try his luck on the wide-open ranges of West Texas.David DeVitt passed down his hardy, independent spirit to his two daughters. Although Christine and Helen were raised in Fort Worth, both from a young age learned the lesson that the West Texas land—and the Mallet Ranch—were part of their souls. When their father died, the two sisters fought to retain control of the Mallet for the family.The discovery in 1938 of oil on the ranch, and the subsequent drilling of more than a thousand oil wells over the next few decades, transformed the Mallet from a struggling enterprise into one of the most profitable such entities in the nation. From that financial windfall sprung from the land, Christine and Helen generously reinvested back into the region. The two non-profit organizations founded by the DeVitt sisters have distributed more than $200 million.The story of the Mallet Ranch told within these pages illuminates and delves into this remarkable story of a family, their operation, and the land that made it all possible.
Tiger Tales One Christmas Wish: Little Hedgehog & Friends
Tiger Tales One Stormy Christmas: Little Hedgehog & Friends
America Through Time The Fab 5: The Scrapbook of a Revolution
Beach Lane Books Agent Q, or the Smell of Danger!
Peeters Publishers Text and Context: Studies in the Armenian New Testament
Prepared for a conference held at the University of Pennsylvania in 1992, the ten papers in this volume are by Ajamian on the colophon of the Gospel of Hethum "Bayl"; J.M. Alexanian on the Armenian text of Acts; B. Coulie on NT quotations and textual criticism in the Armenian version of Gregory Nazianzus; S.P. Cowe on christological trends and textual transmission - the pericope of the bloody sweat (Lk 22:43-44) in the Armenian version; C. Cox on the vocabulary for good and evil in the Armenian translation of the NT; D. Kouymian on Armenian Gospel illumination and the classical tradition; Stone on eight new manuscripts of the Armenian version of Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs; R.W. Thomson on aspects of Armenian biblical exegesis - Elishe on the passion; J.J.S. Weitenberg on text chronological aspects of the use of the articles in Gospel manuscripts M and E; and A. Zeyt'unian on principles for the edition of a critical text of the Bible.
Candlewick Press,U.S. The Serpent Came to Gloucester
Houghton Mifflin Phantom of the Post Office: 43 Old Cemetery Road (Book 4)
Penguin Books Ltd Count Magnus and Other Ghost Stories
The only annotated edition of M. R. James's writings currently available, Count Magnus and Other Ghost Stories contains the entire first two volumes of James's ghost stories, Ghost Stories of an Antiquary and More Ghost Stories of an Antiquary. These volumes are both the culmination of the nineteenth-century ghost story tradition and the inspiration for much of the best twentieth-century work in this genre. Included in this collection are such landmark tales as "Count Magnus," set in the wilds of Sweden; "Number 13," a distinctive tale about a haunted hotel room; "Casting the Runes," a richly complex tale of sorcery that served as the basis for the classic horror film Curse of the Demon; and "Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad," one of the most frightening tales in literature. The appendix includes several rare texts, including "A Night in King's College Chapel," James's first known ghost story.