Search results for ""Author JéRéMy"
Mousse Publishing Maude Léonard-Contant: Listen, the Crust Is Cracking
History Press Celis Beer: Born in Belgium, Brewed in Texas
CABI Publishing Encyclopedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare
Welfare research has established a range of scientific indicators of stress, welfare and suffering in animals that can be applied to all aspects of improving their welfare through good housing and management, and the topic continues to grow in importance among both professionals and the public. The practical focus of this authoritative, comprehensive encyclopedia aims to promote the understanding and improvement of animals’ behaviour without compromising welfare. Under the editorial direction of Professor Daniel Mills, the UK’s first specialist in veterinary behavioural medicine, over 180 international experts have contributed a wealth of fully cross-referenced entries from concise definitions to detailed short essays on biological, practical, clinical and ethical aspects of behaviour and welfare in domestic, exotic, companion and zoo animals.
Edinburgh University Press A Military History of Scotland
This is a magisterial work of Scots military history. The Scottish soldier has been at war for over 2000 years. This illustrated pean to his rich heritage explores both the detail of battles and the cultural history of war, devoting eight separate chapters to 'The Cultural and Physical Dimensions' of Scottish military involvement. The volume in its entirety (over 900 pages) offers readers an unparalleled insight into the evolution of the Scottish military tradition. Accompanied by over 100 black and white illustrations and stunning colour plates, the individual chapters trace Scotland's military story from pre-history to the recent conflict in Afghanistan. Edited by leading military historians, and featuring contributions from thirty scholars, they explore the role of warfare in the emergence of a Scottish kingdom, the forging of a Scottish-British military identity, and the participation of Scots in Britain's imperial and world wars. Eschewing a narrow definition of military history, this prize-winning volume, now available in paperback, pays due attention to dimensions such as Scottish military dress and music, as well as the role of the Scottish soldier in art and literature, Scotland's fortifications and battlefield archaeology, and Scotland's military memorials and museum collections.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Love as Passion: The Codification of Intimacy
In this important book Niklas Luhmann - one of the leading social thinkers of the late 20th century - analyses the emergence of ‘love' as the basis of personal relationships in modern societies. He argues that, while family systems remained intact in the transition from traditional to modern societies, a semantics for love developed to accommodate extra-marital relationships; this semantics was then transferred back into marriage and eventually transformed marriage itself. Drawing on a diverse range of historical and literary sources, Luhmann retraces the emergence and evolution of the special semantics of passionate love that has come to form the basis of modern forms of intimacy and personal relationships. This classic book by Luhmann has been widely recognized as a work of major importance. It is an outstanding contribution to social theory and it provides an original and illuminating perspective on the nature of modern marriage and sexuality.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Twilight and Philosophy: Vampires, Vegetarians, and the Pursuit of Immortality
twilight and Philosophy What can vampires tell us about the meaning of life? Is Edward a romantic hero or a dangerous stalker? Is Bella a feminist? Is Stephenie Meyer? How does Stephenie Meyer’s Mormonism fit into the fantastical world of Twilight? Is Jacob “better” for Bella than Edward? The answers to these philosophical questions and more can be found inside Twilight and Philosophy: Vampires, Vegetarians, and the Pursuit of Immortality. With everything from Taoism to mind reading to the place of God in a world of vampires, this book offers some very tasty philosophy for both the living and the undead to sink their teeth into. Whether you’re on Team Edward or Team Jacob, whether you loved or hated Breaking Dawn, this book is for you! To learn more about the Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, visit
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Improving Patient Care: The Implementation of Change in Health Care
Strategies for successfully updating and improving health care organizations of all kinds Health care is always evolving and improving. However, the rapid speed of medical advancement can make the adoption of new technologies and practices a challenging process – particularly in large organizations and complex networks. Any projected impact upon quality and outcomes of care must be carefully evaluated so that changes may be implemented in the most efficacious and efficient manner possible. Improving Patient Care equips professionals and policymakers with the knowledge required to successfully optimize health care practice. By integrating scientific evidence and practical experience, the text presents a cohesive and proven model for practice change and innovation, complete with analysis of innovation, target group and setting; selection and application of strategies; and evaluation of process, outcomes and costs. This new third edition also includes: Newly written chapters on clinical performance feedback, patient engagement, patient safety, evaluation designs, and methods for process evaluation Increased emphasis on the role of contextual influences in implementation and improvement New research examples from across the world and updated scientific literature throughout Designed to help promote safer and more efficient, patient-centered care and better outcomes, Improving Patient Care is an essential resource for healthcare providers, quality assessors, and students of health services research, health management, and health policy.
Little, Brown Book Group Overcoming Weight Problems 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques
This clinically tested, comprehensive course based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques can provide a longer-term solution to your weight problems. You'll come to understand your own psychological blocks to managing weight and discover how to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Learn how you can: - Develop the motivation to change your eating and activity- Respond to emotional eating in a helpful way- Work with the thoughts and emotions getting in the way of change- Work out a simple, healthy and sustainable eating plan that fits with your daily routine- Find easy ways to add more physical activity into your everyday lifeOvercoming self-help guides use clinically proven techniques to treat long-standing and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical. Many guides in the Overcoming series are recommended under the Reading Well scheme.Series editor: Emeritus Professor Peter Cooper
Urban Land Institute,U.S. Leading for the Long Term: European Real Estate Executives on Leadership & Management
Based on a series of interviews with key leaders of Europe's real estate development industry, this book offers wisdom and lessons learned through decades of experience. It provides guidance for surviving the inevitable downturns and taking advantage of rising economies. Future leaders of the industry will gain pointers as they create road maps for their careers, while experienced leaders will find tips and insights from some of the best and brightest in the industry.
WTM Publishing & Communications Pty Ltd Beyond the Human Condition
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Family Business Case Studies Across the World: Succession and Governance in a Disruptive Era
This book presents a unique collection of case studies from across the globe to create a comprehensive understanding of how family firms can respond to future disruptions. Each case contains learning notes with objectives, discussion questions and suggested readings to facilitate learner understanding and engagement with the topic. Cases on topics such as global succession and governance practices will aid strategic decision-making capabilities in family businesses and will also benefit practitioners in these areas.Diverse in terms of generational involvement, demographic groups, cultural aspects, institutional settings and industries, the cases range from founder-led SMEs to multi-generational family conglomerates in 18 countries spanning over four continents. In addition to identifying successful practices, this book offers unconventional wisdom on the impact of family feuds, sudden death, divorce and multiple marriages on family businesses. It concludes by exposing new understandings on succession and the unique role played by rising-generation leaders in this disruptive era.Informed by the common research paradigm of the Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practice (STEP) Project Global Consortium, this book will provide a practical learning experience for advanced students and scholars of family business, family entrepreneurship, and strategic management studies.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins The Washington Manual® Surgery Survival Guide
Prepared by residents and fellows at Washington University School of Medicine, this pocket-sized survival guide provides all the essential information that every surgery intern needs from Day 1 on the wards—including daily routine, rounds, chart reviews, preoperative and postoperative care, operating room conduct, radiology, critical care, and interaction with families, colleagues, and allied health professionals. Content includes algorithms, useful formulas, patient notes, and common calls and complaints. Comprehensive sections on common problems in general surgery, neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, urology, and plastic surgery present evaluation, diagnostic testing, and treatment in an easy-to-follow format. Other chapters cover crashing patients, tubes and drains, bleeding, codes, and nutrition.The Washington Manual® Surgery Survival Guide is also available electronically for handheld computers. See PDA listing for details.The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by LWW under license from Washington University.
Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology,U.S. Excavations at Seibal, Department of Peten, Guatemala: III: 1. Major Architecture and Caches. 2. Analyses of Fine Paste Ceramics
MIT Press Bicycling Science
Royal Society of Chemistry Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry: 4th Edition, Abridged Version
The first IUPAC Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units was published in 1969 with the objective of 'securing clarity and precision, and wider agreement in the use of symbols, by chemists in different countries, among physicists, chemists and engineers, and by editors of scientific journals'. Subsequent revisions have taken account of many developments in the field and were also substantially expanded and improved in presentation in several new editions of what is now widely known as the ‘Green Book of IUPAC’. This abridged version of the forthcoming 4th edition reflects the experience of the contributors and users of the previous editions. The book has been systematically brought up to date and provides a compilation of generally used terms and symbols with brief, understandable definitions and explanations. Tables of important fundamental constants and conversion factors are included. In this abridged guide, the more specialized and complex material has been omitted, retaining, however, the essence of the Green Book. It is particularly intended to be suitable for students and teachers but it should also be useful for scientists, science publishers and organizations working across a multitude of disciplines requiring internationally approved terminology in the area of Physical Chemistry. It now includes the most up to date definitions and constants in agreement with the ‘new SI’ as established by agreement on the International System of Units in Paris in 2019. It should find the widest possible acceptance and use for best practice in science and technology.
MY - University of Toronto Press The Redemption Volume 9
The theology of redemption or soteriology, as the relevant themes are treated in biblical literature, Christian history, and contemporary theology, including Lonergan's famous treatment of 'the law of the cross,' with a significant treatment of the problem of good and evil.
Damiani Matthew Leifheit: To Die Alive
To Die Alive conjures a hedonistic fever dream of Fire Island’s historic gay communities. The book contains 77 photographs by New York artist Matthew Leifheit taken by night over the past five years. The pictures show a world of desire layered in history, including the Ice Palace bar’s infamous underwear party, the men-only Belvedere Guesthouse, clandestine encounters in the Meat Rack, and landscapes in all seasons of the island’s delicate maritime forest. The wide-ranging subjects of Leifheit’s portraits are the intergenerational community who come to the island for refuge or employment, ranging from sugar daddies to bartenders and sex workers. The series takes the form of a tragedy, combining many nights and many histories to form an endless night of sex, death, and evolution towards new definitions of queerness. As homosexuality gains mainstream acceptance, many queer Americans no longer need to go to geographic extremes like Fire Island, Provincetown, Palm Springs or Key West to express themselves. But what is the cost of assimilation? To Die Alive is both romantic and grotesque, challenging the sun-bleached history of homoerotic representation on this fragile island, which itself is under constant threat of erosion into the sea.
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. Legal Interpreting – Teaching, Research, and Practice
Emerald Publishing Limited Communication and Information Technologies Annual: [New] Media Cultures
Sponsored by the Communication and Information Technologies Section of the American Sociological Association, this volume examines wide-ranging aspects of culture, communication, and [new] media broadly defined. Themes include the interplay between [new] media and any of the following: culture, communication, technology, convergence, the arts, cultural production, and cultural change in the digital age. Contributions shed light on emergent phenomena that -sociologists, particularly those studying media or communication, culture scholars will find intriguing.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC International Design Organizations: Histories, Legacies, Values
This innovative volume brings together international design scholars to address the history and present-day status of national and international design organizations, working across design disciplines and located in countries including Argentina, Turkey, Estonia, Switzerland, Italy, China and the USA. In the second half of the 20th century, many non-governmental organizations were created to address urgent cultural, economic and welfare issues. Design organizations set out to create an international consensus for the future direction of design. This included enhancing communication between professionals, educators and practitioners, raising standards for design, and creating communities of designers across linguistic, national and political borders. Shared needs and agendas were identified and categories of design constantly defined and re-defined, often with overt cultural and political intents. Drawing on an impressive range of original research, archival sources and oral testimony, this volume questions the aims and achievements of national and international design organizations in light of their subsequent histories and their global remits. The Cold War period is central to the book, while many chapters draw on post-colonial perspectives to interpret how transnational networks and negotiations took place at events and congresses, and through publication.
Georgetown University Press Diversity and Super-Diversity: Sociocultural Linguistic Perspectives
Sociocultural linguistics has long conceived of languages as well-bounded, separate codes. But the increasing diversity of languages encountered by most people in their daily lives challenges this conception. Because globalization has accelerated population flows, cities are now sites of encounter for groups that are highly diverse in terms of origins, cultural practices, and languages. Further, new media technologies invent communicative genres, foster hybrid semiotic practices, and spread diversity as they intensify contact and exchange between peoples who often are spatially removed and culturally different from each other. Diversity-even super-diversity-is now the norm. In response, recent scholarship complicates traditional associations between languages and social identities, emphasizing the connectedness of communicative events and practices at different scales and the embedding of languages within new physical landscapes and mediated practices. This volume takes stock of the increasing diversity of linguistic phenomena and faces the theoretical-methodological challenges that accounting for such phenomena pose to socio-cultural linguistics. This book stages the debate on super-diversity that will be sure to interest societal linguists and serves as an invaluable reference for academic libraries specializing in the linguistics field.
Spokesman Books Imperialism: A Study
Wisdom Publications,U.S. The Essence of Tsongkhapa's Teachings: The Dalai Lama on the Three Prinicipal Aspects
MP-AMM American Mathematical The History of Mathematics A SourceBased Approach Volumes. 1 2
Offers a comprehensive history of the development of mathematics. In addition to being an innovative and insightful textbook, this an invaluable resource for students and scholars of the history of mathematics.
Orciny Press Ciudad Revientacráneos
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Conversations about Energy: How the Experts See America's Energy Choices
Drawn from the Hoover Institution’s Shultz-Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy January 2010 conference, this book discusses critical energy issues including, energy and synthetic biology, cap and trade and carbon tax policies, energy efficiency, international energy relationships, and other key topics. The contributors present a range of ideas and recommendations that might improve the performance of the United States in responding to the energy challenge.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Tissue Engineering
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Tissue Engineering provides a unique overview of the field of non-invasive MRI assessment of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine Establish a dialogue between the tissue-engineering scientists and imaging experts and serves as a guide for tissue engineers and biomaterial developers alike Provides comprehensive details of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques used to assess a variety of engineered and regenerating tissues and organs Covers cell-based therapies, engineered cartilage, bone, meniscus, tendon, ligaments, cardiovascular, liver and bladder tissue engineering and regeneration assessed by MRI Includes a chapter on oxygen imaging method that predominantly is used for assessing hypoxia in solid tumors for improving radiation therapy but has the ability to provide information on design strategies and cellular viability in tissue engineering regenerative medicine
University of California Press Phoenix Kingdoms: The Last Splendor of China's Bronze Age
This stunning exhibition unveils the remarkable art and historical legacy of two mysterious kingdoms of ancient China. Phoenix Kingdoms brings to life the distinctive Bronze Age cultures that flourished along the middle course of the Yangzi River in South Central China about 2,500 years ago. With over 150 objects on loan from five major Chinese museums, Phoenix Kingdoms explores the artistic and spiritual landscape of the southern borderland of the Zhou dynasty, featuring remarkable archaeological finds unearthed from aristocratic tombs of the phoenix-worshipping Zeng and Chu kingdoms. By revealing the splendid material cultures of these legendary states, whose history has only recently been recovered, Phoenix Kingdoms highlights the importance of this region in forming a southern style that influenced centuries of Chinese art. This exhibition catalogue includes six essays that contextualize the stylistically rich material—mythical creatures, elaborate patterns, and elegant forms—and introduces readers to the technologically and artistically sophisticated cultures that thrived before China’s first empire. Lavishly illustrated with over 240 images, Phoenix Kingdoms showcases works from the exhibition across six categories—jades, bronze ritual vessels, musical instruments and weapons, lacquerware for luxury and ceremony, funerary bronze and wood objects, and textiles and unique objects featuring distinctive designs—many of which are considered national treasures. Published in association with the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.
John Wiley & Sons Inc From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology
The latest edition of this highly successful textbook introduces the key techniques and concepts involved in cloning genes and in studying their expression and variation. The new edition features: Increased coverage of whole-genome sequencing technologies and enhanced treatment of bioinformatics. Clear, two-colour diagrams throughout. A dedicated website including all figures. Noted for its outstanding balance between clarity of coverage and level of detail, this book provides an excellent introduction to the fast moving world of molecular genetics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Family Business Case Studies Across the World: Succession and Governance in a Disruptive Era
This book presents a unique collection of case studies from across the globe to create a comprehensive understanding of how family firms can respond to future disruptions. Each case contains learning notes with objectives, discussion questions and suggested readings to facilitate learner understanding and engagement with the topic. Cases on topics such as global succession and governance practices will aid strategic decision-making capabilities in family businesses and will also benefit practitioners in these areas.Diverse in terms of generational involvement, demographic groups, cultural aspects, institutional settings and industries, the cases range from founder-led SMEs to multi-generational family conglomerates in 18 countries spanning over four continents. In addition to identifying successful practices, this book offers unconventional wisdom on the impact of family feuds, sudden death, divorce and multiple marriages on family businesses. It concludes by exposing new understandings on succession and the unique role played by rising-generation leaders in this disruptive era.Informed by the common research paradigm of the Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practice (STEP) Project Global Consortium, this book will provide a practical learning experience for advanced students and scholars of family business, family entrepreneurship, and strategic management studies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology
The latest edition of this highly successful textbook introduces the key techniques and concepts involved in cloning genes and in studying their expression and variation. The new edition features: Increased coverage of whole-genome sequencing technologies and enhanced treatment of bioinformatics. Clear, two-colour diagrams throughout. A dedicated website including all figures. Noted for its outstanding balance between clarity of coverage and level of detail, this book provides an excellent introduction to the fast moving world of molecular genetics.
J Ross Publishing Mastering Work Intake: From Chaos to Predictable Delivery
Regardless of whether you’re creating, enhancing, or maintaining software products, work intake is a challenge you deal with constantly. Doing the right work at the right time can make or break your project, and there are surprisingly few resources to show you how to manage this process effectively. You need to know what your team is executing, what work is next, and the skill sets required to do the work.Mastering Work Intake: From Chaos to Predictable Delivery focuses on the full pipeline that work follows as it enters and exits your organization, including the different types of work that enter at different levels and times. It is a must-read for agile coaches, Scrum Masters, product owners, project and portfolio managers, team members, and anyone who touches the software development process. Mastering work intake involves recognizing that it’s easy to say “yes” and much harder to say “no.”
The University of Chicago Press Law Legislation and Liberty Volume 19
Alfred Music My Old Kentucky Home: Conductor Score & Parts
Simon & Schuster Audio Unfreedom of the Press
Stone Arch Books U.S. Special Forces: Ghosts of the Night
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Patient Equation: The Precision Medicine Revolution in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond
How the data revolution is transforming biotech and health care, especially in the wake of COVID-19—and why you can’t afford to let it pass you by We are living through a time when the digitization of health and medicine is becoming a reality, with new abilities to improve outcomes for patients as well as the efficiency and success of the organizations that serve them. In The Patient Equation, Glen de Vries presents the history and current state of life sciences and health care as well as crucial insights and strategies to help scientists, physicians, executives, and patients survive and thrive, with an eye toward how COVID-19 has accelerated the need for change. One of the biggest challenges facing biotech, pharma, and medical device companies today is how to integrate new knowledge, new data, and new technologies to get the right treatments to the right patients at precisely the right times—made even more profound in the midst of a pandemic and in the years to come. Drawing on the fascinating stories of businesses and individuals that are already making inroads—from a fertility-tracking bracelet changing the game for couples looking to get pregnant, to an entrepreneur reinventing the treatment of diabetes, to Medidata's own work bringing clinical trials into the 21st century—de Vries shares the breakthroughs, approaches, and practical business techniques that will allow companies to stay ahead of the curve and deliver solutions faster, cheaper, and more successfully—while still upholding the principles of traditional therapeutic medicine and reflecting the current environment. How new approaches to cancer and rare diseases are leading the way toward precision medicine What data and digital technologies enable in the building of robust, effective disease management platforms Why value-based reimbursement is changing the business of life sciences How the right alignment of incentives will improve outcomes at every stage of the patient journey Whether you're a scientist, physician, or executive, you can't afford to let the moment pass: understand the landscape with this must-read roadmap for success—and see how you can change health care for the better.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Great Myths of Child Development
Great Myths of Child Development reveals the latest evidence-based science behind the myths and misconceptions about the developing child. Shatters the most commonly-held child development myths Reveals the science behind such topical issues as twin-telepathy, sex-prediction, and imaginary friends Covers hot-button issues like childhood vaccines, spankings, “time-outs,” and breastfeeding of older children Features numerous pop culture references and examples drawn from popular TV shows and movies, such as Duck Dynasty, Modern Family and Mad Men Points to a wealth of supplementary resources for interested parents—from evidence-based treatments and self-help books to relevant websites
Stanford University Press Stones of Hope: How African Activists Reclaim Human Rights to Challenge Global Poverty
Many human rights advocates agree that conventional advocacy tools— reporting abuses to international tribunals or shaming the perpetrators of human rights violations—have proven ineffective. Increasingly, social justice advocates are looking to social and economic rights strategies as promising avenues for change. However, widespread skepticism remains as to how to make such rights real on the ground. Stones of Hope engages with the work of remarkable African advocates who have broken out of the conventional boundaries of human rights practice to challenge radical poverty. Through a sequence of case studies and interpretive essays, it illustrates how human rights can be harnessed to generate democratic institutional innovations. Ultimately, this book brings the reader down from the heights of official human rights forums to the ground level of advocacy. It is a must-read for human rights advocates, development practitioners, students, educators, and all others interested in an equitable global society.
Zeitgeist KnockKnock Jokes and Silly Stories for Kids
Calling all kid comedians! Hundreds of laugh-out-loud knock-knock jokes and silly stories to help kids level up their reading confidence and joke-telling skills. For kids ages 5 and up!In this book of knee-slapping knock-knocks and silly stories, kids will discover swallowed gum, peanut butter–eating elephants, and monsters roaming the desert. Best of all, with Knock-Knock Jokes and Stilly Stories for Kids, children will boost their reading skills and confidence all while becoming proud joke-tellers along the way. Jokes galore! Hundreds of knock-knock jokes and silly stories to keep kids entertained at home, in the car, or on the go! The power of silly: LOL-funny jokes and silly stories motivate kids to read aloud and create fun, shared memories with friends and family. Early reader–friendly: Tailored to early and reluctant readers, the book
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hesitancy and Experimentation in Enlightenment Spain and Spanish America
Published in memory of Ivy L. McClelland, a pioneer-scholar of Spain’s eighteenth century, this volume of original essays contains, besides an Introduction to her career and internationally influential writings, three previously unpublished essays by McClelland and nine studies by other scholars, all of which are focused on elucidating the Enlightenment and its characteristic manifestations in the Hispanic world.Among the Enlightenment writers and artists, works and genres, themes and issues discussed, are: Nicolás Moratín and epic poetry, Lillo’s The London Merchant and English and French influences on eighteenth-century Spanish drama, José Marchena and literary historiography, oppositions and misunderstandings within Spanish society as reflected in El sí de las niñas, Goya and the visual arts, Quintana’s Pelayo and historical tragedy, Enlightenment discourse, the Periodical Press, theatre as propaganda, the ideology and politics of Empire, the roots of revolt in late viceregal Quito, women’s experience of Enlightenment in Spain, social and cultural difference in colonial Peru, ideological debate and uncertainty during the Age of Reason, eighteenth-century Spain on the nineteenth-century stage, and public opinion in Spain on the eve of the French, and European, Revolution.First published as a Special Issue of the Bulletin of Spanish Studies (LXXXVI [November–December 2009], Nos 7–8), this book will be of value and stimulus to all scholars concerned to investigate and interpret the culture, theatre, ideology, society and politics of the Enlightenment in Spain, Europe and Spanish America.
Rizzoli International Publications The Row 34 Cookbook: Stories and Recipes from a Neighborhood Oyster Bar
Paying homage to the neighbourhood oyster bar, this beautifully photographed cookbook celebrates oyster-bar culture along with the people that bring the restaurant to life. Sewall reinterprets seafood classics such as fried oysters, smoked salmon, chowder, and fish and chips. Chapters cover smoked and cured preparations; whole fish recipes; composed dishes; and essential sauces and sides. Throughout are practical how-to instructionals, including How to Buy Seafood and How to Smoke Fish. This essential guide to preparing seafood also includes an oyster primer, as well as profiles of experts from a fishmonger to fishermen. Full of easy-to-make recipes and rich storytelling, The Row 34 Cookbook is for anyone who appreciates the briny taste of raw oysters and delectable seafood.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Forts: An illustrated history of building for defence
Ever since humans began to live together in settlements they have felt the need to organise some kind of defence against potentially hostile neighbours. Many of the earliest city states were built as walled towns, and during the medieval era, stone castles were built both as symbols of the defenders’ strength and as protection against potential attack. The advent of cannon prompted fortifications to become lower, denser and more complex, and the forts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries could appear like snowflakes in their complexity and beautiful geometry. Without forts, the history of America could have taken a very different course, pirates could have sailed the seas unchecked, and Britain itself could have been successfully invaded. This book explains the history of human fortifications, and is beautifully illustrated using photographs, plans, drawings and maps to explain why they were built, their various functions and their immense historical legacy in laying the foundations of empire.
Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd Scilly - Through the Eyes of the 'Duchess' of Auriga: Snapshots of a Bygone Scillonian Era
An affectionate, light-hearted and nostalgic look back at the Isles of Scilly of the 20th Century through the photographs of Ena Reseigh.