Search results for ""Academia""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Coir (Cocos nucifera): A Sustainable Industrial Fibre
This monograph is intended to present an overview- most of which is based on ideas and conclusions presented in published literature, the rest representing our own concepts developed through extensive research. Here, the reader will discover the rational relationships between basic mechanisms, and experimental data, and theoretical expressions which were developed over several years by scientists for coir fibre characterisation and utilisation in particular. It will help to those who deal with coir fibre in both industry and academia specially to teachers, students and technologists. It contains the perspective of coir, its textile related structure and properties with a comparison between few other allied lingo-cellulosic fibres. Coir fibre are coarser for textile applications and possesses highly variable properties. So segregation of fibres from the bulk considering properties may give suitable fibre for spinning, composite making and other applications. The optimum value addition of coir can be realized, when a fully systematic supply chain of quality fibre with proper gradation system can be developed. The fibre shows high flexural rigidity and lower inter-fibre frictional resistance for which it is difficult to spin finer yarn and indicates its suitability for coarse textile applications. Coir fibre is circular and multi-fibrillar. Moisture regain is moderate. Thermal and component analyses reveal the presence of similar amount of lignin and celluloses in the fibre. SEM image reveals that surface of the fibre is waxy, irregular, and having micro-imperfections. Microbial resistance makes the coir suitable for using it in different engineering and geotechnical applications in conjunction with soil and water. The property-based advantages of coir are resistant to fungi and rot, excellent insulation against temperature, not easily combustible, flame-retardant, resistant to moisture and dampness, tough and durable, highly resilient, totally static free, easy to clean etc. It is not suitable for technical uses due to low strength, high extensibility and very low modulus. Sometimes high bulk and low coefficient of friction act as the disadvantages. The age old manual spinning technology should be replaced by mechanised system. The fibres can be highly suitable to form compressed mat for various products of geotextile, agro-textiles, and sound and heat insulators with improved softness and fineness property. Being an ecofriendly, natural product from renewable sources, coir products serve mankind in several ways as a substitute for many synthetic products which are extensively used but are harmful to nature. Coir wood substitute will help to protect valuable forests.
Johns Hopkins University Press Nudging Health: Health Law and Behavioral Economics
Behavioral nudges are everywhere: calorie counts on menus, automated text reminders to encourage medication adherence, a reminder bell when a driver's seatbelt isn't fastened. Designed to help people make better health choices, these reminders have become so commonplace that they often go unnoticed. In Nudging Health, forty-five experts in behavioral science and health policy from across academia, government, and private industry come together to explore whether and how these tools are effective in improving health outcomes. Behavioral science has swept the fields of economics and law through the study of nudges, cognitive biases, and decisional heuristics-but it has only recently begun to impact the conversation on health care. Nudging Health wrestles with some of the thorny philosophical issues, legal limits, and conceptual questions raised by behavioral science as applied to health law and policy. The volume frames the fundamental issues surrounding health nudges by addressing ethical questions. Does cost-sharing for health expenditures cause patients to make poor decisions? Is it right to make it difficult for people to opt out of having their organs harvested for donation when they die? Are behavioral nudges paternalistic? The contributors examine specific applications of behavioral science, including efforts to address health care costs, improve vaccination rates, and encourage better decision-making by physicians. They wrestle with questions regarding the doctor-patient relationship and defaults in healthcare while engaging with larger, timely questions of healthcare reform. Nudging Health is the first multi-voiced assessment of behavioral economics and health law to span such a wide array of issues-from the Affordable Care Act to prescription drugs. Contributors: David A. Asch, Jerry Avorn, Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby, Alexander M. Capron, Niteesh K. Choudhry, I. Glenn Cohen, Sarah Conly, Gregory Curfman, Khaled El Emam, Barbara J. Evans, Nir Eyal, Andrea Freeman, Alan M. Garber, Jonathan Gingerich, Michael Hallsworth, Jim Hawkins, David Huffman, David A. Hyman, Julika Kaplan, Aaron S. Kesselheim, Nina A. Kohn, Russell Korobkin, Jeffrey T. Kullgren, Matthew J.B. Lawrence, George Loewenstein, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Ester Moher, Abigail R. Moncrieff, David Orentlicher, Manisha Padi, Christopher T. Robertson, Ameet Sarpatwari, Aditi P. Sen, Neel Shah, Zainab Shipchandler, Anna D. Sinaiko, Donna Spruijt-Metz, Cass R. Sunstein, Thomas S. Ulen, Kristen Underhill, Kevin G. Volpp, Mark D. White, David V. Yokum, Jennifer L. Zamzow, Richard J. Zeckhauser
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bow Ties in Risk Management: A Concept Book for Process Safety
AN AUTHORITATIVE GUIDE THAT EXPLAINS THE EFFECTIVENESS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BOW TIE ANALYSIS, A QUALITATIVE RISK ASSESSMENT AND BARRIER MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY From a collaborative effort of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and the Energy Institute (EI) comes an invaluable book that puts the focus on a specific qualitative risk management methodology – bow tie barrier analysis. The book contains practical advice for conducting an effective bow tie analysis and offers guidance for creating bow tie diagrams for process safety and risk management. Bow Ties in Risk Management clearly shows how bow tie analysis and diagrams fit into an overall process safety and risk management framework. Implementing the methods outlined in this book will improve the quality of bow tie analysis and bow tie diagrams across an organization and the industry. This important guide: Explains the proven concept of bow tie barrier analysis for the preventing and mitigation of incident pathways, especially related to major accidents Shows how to avoid common pitfalls and is filled with real-world examples Explains the practical application of the bow tie method throughout an organization Reveals how to treat human and organizational factors in a sound and practical manner Includes additional material available online Although this book is written primarily for anyone involved with or responsible for managing process safety risks, this book is applicable to anyone using bow tie risk management practices in other safety and environmental or Enterprise Risk Management applications. It is designed for a wide audience, from beginners with little to no background in barrier management, to experienced professionals who may already be familiar with bow ties, their elements, the methodology, and their relation to risk management. The missions of both the CCPS and EI include developing and disseminating knowledge, skills, and good practices to protect people, property and the environment by bringing the best knowledge and practices to industry, academia, governments and the public around the world through collective wisdom, tools, training and expertise. The CCPS has been at the forefront of documenting and sharing important process safety risk assessment methodologies for more than 30 years. The EI's Technical Work Program addresses the depth and breadth of the energy sector, from fuels and fuels distribution to health and safety, sustainability and the environment. The EI program provides cost-effective, value-adding knowledge on key current and future international issues affecting those in the energy sector.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Workbook for Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach
One approach to organic synthesis is retrosynthetic analysis. With this approach chemists start with the structures of their target molecules and progressively cut bonds to create simpler molecules. Reversing this process gives a synthetic route to the target molecule from simpler starting materials. This “disconnection” approach to synthesis is now a fundamental part of every organic synthesis course. Workbook for Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition This workbook provides a comprehensive graded set of problems to illustrate and develop the themes of each of the chapters in the textbook Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition. Each problem is followed by a fully explained solution and discussion. The examples extend the student’s experience of the types of molecules being synthesised by organic chemists, and the strategies they employ to control their syntheses. By working through these examples students will develop their skills in analysing synthetic challenges, and build a toolkit of strategies for planning new syntheses. Examples are drawn from pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, natural products, pheromones, perfumery and flavouring compounds, dyestuffs, monomers, and intermediates used in more advanced synthetic work. Reasons for wishing to synthesise each compound are given. Together the workbook and textbook provide a complete course in retrosynthetic analysis. Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition There are forty chapters in Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition: those on the synthesis of given types of molecules alternate with strategy chapters in which the methods just learnt are placed in a wider context. The synthesis chapters cover many ways of making each type of molecule starting with simple aromatic and aliphatic compounds with one functional group and progressing to molecules with many functional groups. The strategy chapters cover questions of selectivity, protection, stereochemistry, and develop more advanced thinking via reagents specifically designed for difficult problems. In its second edition updated examples and techniques are included and illustrated additional material has been added to take the student to the level required by the sequel, Organic Synthesis: Strategy and Control. Several chapters contain extensive new material based on courses that the authors give to chemists in the pharmaceutical industry. Workbook for Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd edition, combined with the main textbook, provides a full course in retrosynthetic analysis for chemistry and biochemistry students, and a refresher course for organic chemists working in industry and academia.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrochemical Science and Technology: Fundamentals and Applications
Electrochemistry is a discipline of wide scientific and technological interest. Scientifically, it explores the electrical properties of materials and especially the interfaces between different kinds of matter. Technologically, electrochemistry touches our lives in many ways that few fully appreciate; for example, materials as diverse as aluminum, nylon, and bleach are manufactured electrochemically, while the batteries that power all manner of appliances, vehicles, and devices are the products of electrochemical research. Other realms in which electrochemical science plays a crucial role include corrosion, the disinfection of water, neurophysiology, sensors, energy storage, semiconductors, the physics of thunderstorms, biomedical analysis, and so on. This book treats electrochemistry as a science in its own right, albeit resting firmly on foundations provided by chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Early chapters discuss the electrical and chemical properties of materials from which electrochemical cells are constructed. The behavior of such cells is addressed in later chapters, with emphasis on the electrodes and the reactions that occur on their surfaces. The role of transport to and from electrodes is a topic that commands attention, because it crucially determines cell efficiency. Final chapters deal with voltammetry, the methodology used to investigate electrode behavior. Interspersed among the more fundamental chapters are chapters devoted to applications of electrochemistry: electrosynthesis, power sources, “green electrochemistry”, and corrosion. Electrochemical Science and Technology is addressed to all who have a need to come to grips with the fundamentals of electrochemistry and to learn about some of its applications. It will constitute a text for a senior undergraduate or graduate course in electrochemistry. It also serves as a source of material of interest to scientists and technologists in various fields throughout academia, industry, and government – chemists, physicists, engineers, environmentalists, materials scientists, biologists, and those in related endeavors. This book: Provides a background to electrochemistry, as well as treating the topic itself. Is accessible to all with a foundation in physical science, not solely to chemists. Is addressed both to students and those later in their careers. Features web links (through to extensive material that is of a more tangential, specialized, or mathematical nature. Includes questions as footnotes to support the reader’s evolving comprehension of the material, with fully worked answers provided on the web. Provides web access to Excel® spreadsheets which allow the reader to model electrochemical events. Has a copious Appendix of relevant data.
The University of Chicago Press Getting In: The Essential Guide to Finding a STEMM Undergrad Research Experience
An empowering guide for students in STEMM that demystifies the process of securing undergraduate research experiences. Conducting research is an important foundation for many undergraduates on STEMM career paths. But landing an extremely competitive research spot that is also an enriching experience involves knowing how to present yourself effectively and an awareness of your goals and expectations. In this book, an expert lab manager and a longtime principal investigator share their secrets for obtaining these coveted positions. Offering advice to students in a wide variety of STEMM fields at both research-intensive universities and primarily undergraduate institutions, Getting In helps students navigate the hidden curriculum of academia, unofficial rules that disproportionately affect first-generation college students and those from low-income backgrounds and communities historically underrepresented in science. The authors provide not only an overview of STEMM research and lab opportunities but also specific strategies for the entire application process—including how to write emails that get noticed by busy professors, how to ask for a research position during office hours, and interview questions to prepare for—so students can claim their place in research settings. With its emphasis on the many interpersonal and professional benefits of research experiences, Getting In equips all STEMM undergrads with the tools they need both to secure these valued positions and to develop habits that will build productive relationships with their future research mentors.As an undergrad, Getting In will help you: determine how much time you can spend on research by evaluating your current activity level and goals. find the time to do research without giving up your social life or risking your GPA. avoid common mistakes in the search, application, or interview that make it harder to find a research experience. write emails that get you noticed by busy professors by customizing the included templates. prepare for tough interview questions so you’ll impress the interviewer with your answers, and be able to determine if the position is right for you. As a research mentor, Getting In will help your students: navigate the hidden curriculum of finding a research experience in science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine (STEMM). set realistic expectations for their research experience. understand why conducting research requires effort and will include some failure and other challenges. be active participants in their success in the lab.
Baen Books Time Trials
Marty Cohen was a gifted linguist and student of ancient military strategy who stepped away from academic Egyptology and opened a woodworking shop. Away from the bitter politics and petty rivalries, he’s happy to take care of his people, play the occasional war game, and try to make a good life. He discovers mysterious visions rob him of sleep, and then he gets summoned back to Egypt: an off-the-grid dig funded by an eccentric financier has discovered texts that may be the earliest Egypt has produced, and they’ll pay Marty silly amounts of cash just to fly out and take one little look. Marty turned his back on the academia game, but he’s a small business owner who has to make payroll during a recession, and he can’t say no to the money. But the texts open doors to more visions and to an astonishing journey: the ragtag team of archaeologists finds itself in protohistoric North Africa, a drying land dominated by monsters, where humanity is badly in need of champions. And behind the war against the monster overlords lies a greater struggle: Marty and his team have been chosen to be champions of all Earth and to run a gauntlet on humanity’s behalf. Failure will mean extinction. Praise for Time Trials: “This highly enjoyable novel by Rothman and Butler is full of nonstop action, bits of science, mystery, humor, and enough Ancient Egypt trivia to satisfy any history enthusiast. The quest narrative and the Dungeons & Dragons-style team structure recall familiar fantasy tropes, but the authors manage to develop the characters well, giving each of them their own distinct arcs and it results in a tale that’s well worth reading. The overarching mystery keeps the pages turning in an adventure tale that refreshingly shows respect for ancient civilizations and their accomplishments. An entertaining first entry in what promises to be a fantastic time-travel series.”—Kirkus Praise for D.J. Butler: "I have come to appreciate the work of D. J. Butler; He is a recent writer in a tradition of science fiction and fantasy I associate with Harry Turtledove, S. M. Stirling, Eric Flint, and Jerry Pournelle, with a sort of grittiness and focus on societal dynamics that I very much enjoy."—Warped Factor
Nova Science Publishers Inc Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications and Technology
From the past decade vehicular ad hoc networks got tremendous attention from the industry, academia and research community. According to US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are more than 30 thousands fatalities caused by the vehicle accidents in the U.S. each year, which worth around $250 billion economic cost annually. Research shows that 82% of these accidents can be reduced by the successful deployment of vehicular networks, because nearly 75% percent of vehicular crashes are caused by inattentive drivers. Literally, vehicular ad hoc networks means a network forms by the vehicles. But it has been evolved to network with the infrastructure as well due to the inherent intermittent nature of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) connection. The high mobility of vehicles, wireless communication loss and range constraints are the main reason for this intermittent V2V connection. So, now vehicular networks means communication between vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I). There are billions of dollars invested to research, deployment and testing of vehicular networks. For the emerging connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV), a stable vehicular networks is the foremost requirement. It is now very much visible that CAV will be the future of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). The book is dedicated to discuss for the techniques, applications and relevant technologies of vehicular ad hoc networks and its challenges. The first chapter discuss about the routing protocols of vehicular networks. It focuses on different position-based routing protocols and their mechanisms for the successful use of vehicular networks for different applications. The second chapter discusses on the security and privacy issues on vehicular networks. A well-known security technique called Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is discussed to secure vehicular data from various tampering attacks. The third chapter discusses on the on-demand wireless broadcasting mechanism for improving data dissemination performance in terms of data delivery ratio and response time. A network-coding based approach has been investigated for improving the overall performance of existing classical data broadcast algorithms. The fourth chapter describes how to get a dependable system in the lossy communication medium. This chapter discusses on a number of fault diagnosis techniques, their strengths and weaknesses, and it reviews their implementations in mobile wireless networks. The fifth chapter discusses the basics of Blockchain technology, applications, research challenges and opportunities in the field. Finally, chapter six discuss about the identification and mitigation of the faulty nodes in the wireless network.
John Wiley & Sons Inc NMR in Pharmaceutical Science
NMR in Pharmaceutical Sciences is intended to be a comprehensive source of information for the many individuals that utilize MR in studies of relevance to the pharmaceutical sector. The book is intended to educate and inform those who develop and apply MR approaches within the wider pharmaceutical environment, emphasizing the toolbox that is available to spectroscopists and radiologists. This book is structured on the key processes in drug discovery, development and manufacture, but underpinned by an understanding of fundamental NMR principles and the unique contribution that NMR (including MRI) can provide. After an introductory chapter, which constitutes an overview, the content is organised into five sections. The first section is on the basics of NMR theory and relevant experimental methods. The rest follow a sequence based on the chronology of drug discovery and development, firstly 'Idea to Lead' then 'Lead to Drug Candidate', followed by 'Clinical Development', and finally 'Drug Manufacture'. The thirty one chapters cover a vast range of topics from analytical chemistry, including aspects involved in regulatory matters and in the prevention of fraud, to clinical imaging studies. Whilst this comprehensive volume will be essential reading for many scientists based in pharmaceutical and related industries, it should also be of considerable value to a much wider range of academic scientists whose research is related to the various aspects of pharmaceutical R&D; for them it will supply vital understanding of pharmaceutical industrial concerns and the basis of key decision making processes. About eMagRes Handbooks eMagRes (formerly the Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance) publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of eMagRes Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of eMagRes articles. In consultation with the eMagRes Editorial Board, the eMagRes handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles are written to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this handbook and the complete content of eMagRes at your fingertips!Visit:
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrochemical Science and Technology: Fundamentals and Applications
Electrochemistry is a discipline of wide scientific and technological interest. Scientifically, it explores the electrical properties of materials and especially the interfaces between different kinds of matter. Technologically, electrochemistry touches our lives in many ways that few fully appreciate; for example, materials as diverse as aluminum, nylon, and bleach are manufactured electrochemically, while the batteries that power all manner of appliances, vehicles, and devices are the products of electrochemical research. Other realms in which electrochemical science plays a crucial role include corrosion, the disinfection of water, neurophysiology, sensors, energy storage, semiconductors, the physics of thunderstorms, biomedical analysis, and so on. This book treats electrochemistry as a science in its own right, albeit resting firmly on foundations provided by chemistry, physics, and mathematics. Early chapters discuss the electrical and chemical properties of materials from which electrochemical cells are constructed. The behavior of such cells is addressed in later chapters, with emphasis on the electrodes and the reactions that occur on their surfaces. The role of transport to and from electrodes is a topic that commands attention, because it crucially determines cell efficiency. Final chapters deal with voltammetry, the methodology used to investigate electrode behavior. Interspersed among the more fundamental chapters are chapters devoted to applications of electrochemistry: electrosynthesis, power sources, “green electrochemistry”, and corrosion. Electrochemical Science and Technology is addressed to all who have a need to come to grips with the fundamentals of electrochemistry and to learn about some of its applications. It will constitute a text for a senior undergraduate or graduate course in electrochemistry. It also serves as a source of material of interest to scientists and technologists in various fields throughout academia, industry, and government – chemists, physicists, engineers, environmentalists, materials scientists, biologists, and those in related endeavors. This book: Provides a background to electrochemistry, as well as treating the topic itself. Is accessible to all with a foundation in physical science, not solely to chemists. Is addressed both to students and those later in their careers. Features web links (through to extensive material that is of a more tangential, specialized, or mathematical nature. Includes questions as footnotes to support the reader’s evolving comprehension of the material, with fully worked answers provided on the web. Provides web access to Excel® spreadsheets which allow the reader to model electrochemical events. Has a copious Appendix of relevant data.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Computational Drug Discovery, 2 Volumes: Methods and Applications
Computational Drug Discovery A comprehensive resource that explains a wide array of computational technologies and methods driving innovation in drug discovery Computational Drug Discovery: Methods and Applications (2 volume set) covers a wide range of cutting-edge computational technologies and computational chemistry methods that are transforming drug discovery. The book delves into recent advances, particularly focusing on artificial intelligence (AI) and its application for protein structure prediction, AI-enabled virtual screening, and generative modeling for compound design. Additionally, it covers key technological advancements in computing such as quantum and cloud computing that are driving innovations in drug discovery. Furthermore, dedicated chapters that addresses the recent trends in the field of computer aided drug design, including ultra-large-scale virtual screening for hit identification, computational strategies for designing new therapeutic modalities like PROTACs and covalent inhibitors that target residues beyond cysteine are also presented. To offer the most up-to-date information on computational methods utilized in Computational Drug Discovery, it covers chapters highlighting the use of molecular dynamics and other related methods, application of QM and QM/MM methods in computational drug design, and techniques for navigating and visualizing the chemical space, as well as leveraging big data to drive drug discovery efforts. The book is thoughtfully organized into eight thematic sections, each focusing on a specific computational method or technology applied to drug discovery. Authored by renowned experts from academia, pharmaceutical industry, and major drug discovery software providers, it offers an overview of the latest advances in computational drug discovery. Key topics covered in the book include: Application of molecular dynamics simulations and related approaches in drug discovery The application of QM, hybrid approaches such as QM/MM, and fragment molecular orbital framework for understanding protein-ligand interactions Adoption of artificial intelligence in pre-clinical drug discovery, encompassing protein structure prediction, generative modeling for de novo design, and virtual screening. Techniques for navigating and visualizing the chemical space, along with harnessing big data to drive drug discovery efforts. Methods for performing ultra-large-scale virtual screening for hit identification. Computational strategies for designing new therapeutic models, including PROTACs and molecular glues. In silico ADMET approaches for predicting a variety of pharmacokinetic and physicochemical endpoints. The role of computing technologies like quantum computing and cloud computing in accelerating drug discovery This book will provide readers an overview of the latest advancements in Computational Drug Discovery and serve as a valuable resource for professionals engaged in drug discovery.
Ohio University Press A Companion to the Works of Elizabeth Strout
Including an exclusive interview with bestselling American novelist Elizabeth Strout, this groundbreaking study will engage literature scholars and general readers alike. Written in accessible language, this book is the first to offer a sustained analysis of Elizabeth Strout’s work. A recipient of the Pulitzer Prize and the O. Henry Award, among other accolades, Strout has achieved a vast popular following as well. Amy and Isabelle was made into a television movie; Olive Kitteridge, which sold more than one million copies, was adapted as a miniseries; The Burgess Boys has been optioned for HBO; and My Name Is Lucy Barton was reimagined for the stage in London and on Broadway. Oh William!, the sequel to My Name Is Lucy Barton, appeared in 2021, and Strout’s latest book, Lucy by the Sea, is slated for release in fall 2022. At the height of her literary powers as a chronicler of American life and particularly the lives of American women, Strout is currently enjoying both commercial and critical success. Her sales and perennial presence on book club lists indicate a tremendous impact on the popular realm and the growing attention to her in academia charts her importance in American letters. This book will satisfy readers looking for a serious, in-depth introduction to Strout’s work, as well as those interested in women’s writing, contemporary fiction, ethics, and literature. It includes a new interview with Strout in which she discusses these issues. Montwieler traces the evolution of Strout’s voice, themes, and characters, which uniquely address American twenty-first-century feminine perspectives and sensibilities. From classic domestic spats between a mother and daughter to hate crimes aimed at mosques, from sweeping forays into decades past to snapshots of contemporary life, Strout compassionately portrays humanity at its most brutal and its most intimate. Though her canvas is vast, her eye for detail is astute and her ear for nuance is keen. Looking across Strout’s work, Montwieler explores how she portrays the endurance of hope, the complexities of family, the effects of trauma on individuals and communities, the sustaining power of the natural world, and the effects of place on personal and collective character. Strout’s creations cultivate empathy in her readers, teaching them to be attuned to the suffering of others and to the human need for connection. Across her work and in the new interview included within this book, Strout shows her readers that they are not alone in this impersonal, often violent world. The connection that acknowledges our limitations, our woundedness, our capability to do harm, our remorse, and our recognition of beauty and humor distinguishes Strout’s unique contribution to contemporary American letters.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Explainable Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning
This book is written both for readers entering the field, and for practitioners with a background in AI and an interest in developing real-world applications. The book is a great resource for practitioners and researchers in both industry and academia, and the discussed case studies and associated material can serve as inspiration for a variety of projects and hands-on assignments in a classroom setting. I will certainly keep this book as a personal resource for the courses I teach, and strongly recommend it to my students. --Dr. Carlotta Domeniconi, Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, GMUThis book offers a curriculum for introducing interpretability to machine learning at every stage. The authors provide compelling examples that a core teaching practice like leading interpretive discussions can be taught and learned by teachers and sustained effort. And what better way to strengthen the quality of AI and Machine learning outcomes. I hope that this book will become a primer for teachers, data Science educators, and ML developers, and together we practice the art of interpretive machine learning.--Anusha Dandapani, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, UNICC and Adjunct Faculty, NYUThis is a wonderful book! I’m pleased that the next generation of scientists will finally be able to learn this important topic. This is the first book I’ve seen that has up-to-date and well-rounded coverage. Thank you to the authors!--Dr. Cynthia Rudin, Professor of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Statistical Science, and Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Literature on Explainable AI has up until now been relatively scarce and featured mainly mainstream algorithms like SHAP and LIME. This book has closed this gap by providing an extremely broad review of various algorithms proposed in the scientific circles over the previous 5-10 years. This book is a great guide to anyone who is new to the field of XAI or is already familiar with the field and is willing to expand their knowledge. A comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art Explainable AI methods starting from visualization, interpretable methods, local and global explanations, time series methods, and finishing with deep learning provides an unparalleled source of information currently unavailable anywhere else. Additionally, notebooks with vivid examples are a great supplement that makes the book even more attractive for practitioners of any level.Overall, the authors provide readers with an enormous breadth of coverage without losing sight of practical aspects, which makes this book truly unique and a great addition to the library of any data scientist.Dr. Andrey Sharapov, Product Data Scientist, Explainable AI Expert and Speaker, Founder of Explainable AI-XAI Group
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Natural Mysticism: Towards a new Reggae Aesthetic
Kwame Dawes speaks for all those for whom reggae is a major part of life. He describes how reggae has been central to his sense of selfhood, his consciousness of place and society in Jamaica, his development as a writer - and why the singer Ken Boothe should be inseparably connected to his discovery of the erotic.Natural Mysticism is also a work of acute cultural analysis. Dawes argues that in the rise of roots reggae in the 1970s, Jamaica produced a form which was both wholly of the region and universal in its concerns. He contrasts this with the mainstream of Caribbean literature which, whilst anticolonial in sentiment was frequently conservative and colonial in form. Dawes finds in reggae's international appeal more than just an encouraging example. In the work of artists such as Don Drummond, Bob Marley, Winston Rodney and Lee 'Scratch' Perry, he finds a complex aesthetic whose inner structure points in a genuinely contemporary and postcolonial direction. He identifies this aesthetic as being both original and eclectic, as feeling free to borrow, but transforming what it takes in a subversive way. He sees it as embracing both the traditional and the postmodern, the former in the complex subordination of the lyric, melodic and rhythmic elements to the collective whole, and the latter in the dubmaster's deconstructive play with presences and absences. Above all, he shows that it is an aesthetic which unites body, emotions and intellect and brings into a single focus the political, the spiritual and the erotic.In constructing this reggae aesthetic, Kwame Dawes both creates a rationale for the development of his own writing and brings a new and original critical method to the discussion of the work of other contemporary Caribbean authors.Natural Mysticism has the rare merit of combining rigorous theoretical argument with a personal narrative which is often wickedly funny. Here is a paradigm shifting work of Caribbean cultural and literary criticism with the added bonus of conveying an infectious enthusiasm for reggae which will drive readers back to their own collections or even to go out and extend them!"Dawes is an ideal grammarian for the reggae aesthetic, his voice the estuary where his energies as a poet, professor and one-time musician are poured. He bears a gift, rarer than it should be in academia, for intellectually processing his subject and still yielding enlivening writing..."Michael Kuelker, The BeatKwame Dawes is widely acknowledged as the foremost Caribbean poet of the post-Walcott generation. He currently holds the position of Distinguished Poet In Residence and Louise Fry Scudder Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of South Carolina.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Fifth Wave: The Evolution of American Higher Education
Out of the crises of American higher education emerges a new class of large-scale public universities designed to accelerate social change through broad access to world-class knowledge production and cutting-edge technological innovation.America's research universities lead the world in discovery, creativity, and innovation—but are captive to a set of design constraints that no longer aligns with the changing needs of society. Their commitment to discovery and innovation, which is carried out largely in isolation from the socioeconomic challenges faced by most Americans, threatens to impede the capacity of these institutions to contribute decisively and consistently to the collective good. The global preeminence of our leading institutions, moreover, does not correlate with overall excellence in American higher education. Sadly, admissions practices that flatly exclude the majority of academically qualified applicants are now the norm in our leading universities, both public and private. In The Fifth Wave, Michael M. Crow and William B. Dabars argue that colleges and universities need to be comprehensively redesigned in order to educate millions more qualified students while leveraging the complementarities between discovery and accessibility. Building on the themes of their prior collaboration, Designing the New American University, this book examines the historical development of American higher education—the first four waves—and describes the emerging standard of institutions that will transform the field. What must emerge in this Fifth Wave of universities, Crow and Dabars posit, are institutions that are responsive to the needs of students, focused on access, embedded in their regions, and committed to solving global problems.The Fifth Wave in American higher education, Crow and Dabars write, comprises an emerging league of colleges and universities that aspires to accelerate positive social outcomes through the seamless integration of world-class knowledge production with cutting-edge technological innovation. This set of institutions is dedicated to the advancement of accessibility to the broadest possible demographic that is representative of the socioeconomic and intellectual diversity of our nation. Recognizing the fact that both cooperation and competition between universities is essential if higher education hopes to truly serve the needs of the nation, Fifth Wave schools like Arizona State University are already beginning to spearhead a network spanning academia, business and industry, government agencies and laboratories, and civil society organizations.Drawing from a variety of disciplines, including design, economics, public policy, organizational theory, science and technology studies, sociology, and even cognitive psychology and epistemology, The Fifth Wave is a must-read for anyone concerned with the future of higher education in our society.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Woman's Guide to Navigating the Ph.D. in Engineering & Science
"Survive and thrive in graduate school. Designed to unravel some of the mystery around graduate school programs in science and engineering, this one-stop resource reinforces strategies for succeeding. Qualitative interviews offer first-hand stories and tips from women who have found success in academia, industry, and the public sector. Each chapter covers a different aspect of graduate school, from identifying funding sources, to writing the dissertation, to looking for a job. THE WOMAN'S GUIDE TO NAVIGATING THE PH.D. IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCE also focuses on the emotional and social difficulties women may experience, and offers practical suggestions and advice for surviving and thriving in graduate school. Featured topics include: * funding, requirements and standards, qualifiers * making the advising process work * writing the dissertation and defending * searching for a job * learning by critique * balancing competing needs THE WOMAN'S GUIDE TO NAVIGATING THE PH.D. IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCE's goal is to help women overcome the stereotypes and hidden barriers they may encounter in graduate school - so that they may emerge ready for careers in the academic, corporate or public sector. About the Authors Dr. Barbara B. Lazarus is the associate provost for academic affairs and an adjunct professor of educational anthropology at Carnegie Mellon University. Recent publications include "Journeys of Women in Science and Engineering: No Universal Constants" (Temple University Press, 1997) and "The Equity Equation: Fostering the Advancement of Women in the Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering" (Jossey-Bass, 1996). Dr. Lazarus serves as a member of the Committee on Women's Studies in Asia, on the Advisory Committee of MentorNet, and as a board member of the Women in Engineering Programs and Advocates Network. Lisa M. Ritter is a communications consultant at Carnegie Mellon University and the editor of the quarterly graduate newsletter on campus. She has also worked as a public relations director and coordinator of professional development seminars for graduate students. Dr. Susan A. Ambrose is associate provost for educational development, director of the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, and a principal lecturer in the Department of History at Carnegie Mellon University. Her research interests include applying cognitive principles to education and understanding how class origin, sex, race and ethnicity, social conceptions of women, and other variables collectively influence women's life decisions and careers in engineering and science. Recent publications include "Journeys of Women in Science and Engineering: No Universal Constants" (Temple University Press, 1997) and "The New Professor's Handbook" (Anker Press, 1994). Dr. Ambrose was recently honored with an American Council on Education fellowship for the 1999-2000 academic year."
John Wiley & Sons Inc Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation
A unique opportunity to learn about the most important developments in environmental applications of ionizing radiation This book makes it easy for scientists and engineers to acquaint themselves with the state of the art in ionizing radiation techniques for pollution control, environmental cleanup, and waste processing. With contributions by more than 100 researchers working in industry, academia, and government, it reports from around the world on the most important recent advances in the field. From the latest refinements in electron beam technology to new techniques for the purification of flue gases, and from radiation recycling of rubber wastes to radiation-induced cleanup of water and wastewater, this valuable resource covers all established and emerging environmental applications of ionizing radiation. The only book available in English to focus exclusively on the subject, Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation belongs in the working library of every aspiring or practicing scientist or engineer concerned with environmental pollution. Radiation has long been used in food processing, medical device sterilization, and polymer production, but only recently has it begun to be widely accepted as a valued component in environmental cleanup initiatives. The growing popularity of radiation as a means of neutralizing both natural and synthetic contaminants is due, in great part, to impressive results recently achieved by researchers worldwide using ionizing radiation methods, especially those involving electron beam techniques. Despite these many successes, there continues to be a conspicuous poverty of professional references on the subject. Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation fills that gap. Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation brings together contributions by more than 100 leading scientists from the Americas, Europe, and Asia. The first English-language text devoted exclusively to this exciting growth area, it affords readers a unique opportunity to acquaint themselves with state-of-the-art applications of ionizing radiation for solving environmental remediation problems. Featuring many fascinating and informative case studies from around the world, it brings scientists and engineers quickly in line with the latest advances in: * Electron beam design * Flue gas treatment using electron beams * Ionizing radiation in pollution control * Irradiation treatment of industrial wastes * Irradiation treatment of soil and biosolids * Irradiation and photocatalytic processes * New and emerging applications of ionizing radiation. Environmental Applications of Ionizing Radiation is a valuable working resource for civil, chemical, and environmental engineers and scientists involved with pollution control, water treatment, and natural and industrial waste treatment. It also belongs on the syllabuses of all graduate-level engineering courses in air and water management.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Financial Engineering: The Evolution of a Profession
FINANCIAL ENGINEERING Financial engineering is poised for a great shift in the years ahead. Everyone from investors and borrowers to regulators and legislators will need to determine what works, what doesn't, and where to go from here. Financial Engineeringpart of the Robert W. Kolb Series in Financehas been designed to help you do just this. Comprised of contributed chapters by distinguished experts from industry and academia, this reliable resource will help you focus on established activities in the field, developing trends and changes, as well as areas of opportunity. Divided into five comprehensive parts, Financial Engineering begins with an informative overview of the discipline, chronicling its complete history and profiling potential career paths. From here, Part II quickly moves on to discuss the evolution of financial engineering in major marketsfixed income, foreign exchange, equities, commodities and creditand offers important commentary on what has worked and what will change. Part III then examines a number of recent innovative applications of financial engineering that have made news over the past decadesuch as the advent of securitized and structured products and highly quantitative trading strategies for both equities and fixed income. Thoughts on how risk management might be retooled to reflect what has been learned as a result of the recent financial crisis are also included. Part IV of the book is devoted entirely to case studies that present valuable lessons for active practitioners and academics. Several of the cases explore the risk that has instigated losses across multiple markets, including the global credit crisis. You'll gain in-depth insights from cases such as Countrywide, Société Générale, Barings, Long-Term Capital Management, the Florida Local Government Investment Pool, AIG, Merrill Lynch, and many more. The demand for specific and enterprise risk managers who can think outside the box will be substantial during this decade. Much of Part V presents new ways to be successful in an era that demands innovation on both sides of the balance sheet. Chapters that touch upon this essential topic include Musings About Hedging; Operational Risk; and The No-Arbitrage Condition in Financial Engineering: Its Use and Mis-Use. This book is complemented by a companion website that includes details from the editors' survey of financial engineering programs around the globe, along with a glossary of key terms from the book. This practical guide puts financial engineering in perspective, and will give you a better idea of how it can be effectively utilized in real- world situations.
Royal Society of Chemistry Research Project Success: The Essential Guide for Science and Engineering Students
The undergraduate research project is almost universally treated as the culmination of all previous lecture, lab and tutorial work. The project allows for the development of individuality and confers ownership of a challenge possessing an originality that goes far beyond the communal legacy presented by age old lab scenarios. Central to this is the magical transition of the student from a consumer of knowledge to a producer, yet the journey is often both daunting and perplexing when considering where to start and how to reach the destination using the resources provided and in the allotted time. There are numerous books within the social sciences which provide students with guidance on how to conduct a "successful" project but few can be found in relation to the physical sciences. This can be ascribed to the fact that the former has a very similar structure and procedural methodology whereas the latter can possess a near fractal differentiation into a myriad of sub disciplines and specialisms thereby preventing the provision of a single, expansive catchall text. This book adapts some of the components and ethos of the Projects in Controlled Environments (PRinCE2) project management approach to physical science projects. This is the industry and government standard and was introduced to address the common causes of project failure ie. not delivering projects on time, within budget, within scope or to the right quality. It has rapidly emerged as an international standard and most graduates will doubtless encounter it upon moving outside academia and into the wider world. It is a concise, multilevel resource that provides guidance on the core components common to almost every project within the physical, engineering and life sciences (problem assessment and contextualisation, literature review practices, sources and citation, data presentation, reporting styles, data analysis and error etc). It standardises the delivery of the material but, more importantly, links the components together by outlining a coherent procedural road map that can highlight to the student "what to do", "when to do it" and "how to solve it" procedures. The content of the book is presented through case studies so as to enhance the relevance of the processes, presents examples of good practice and, in keeping with the toolbox approach, can be readily adapted and applied by the students. The book is an accessible reference guide for students, written in a light style, suitable for dipping in and out of as required and the "how to/when to/what if" examples are presented in an often humorous light. It includes flow charts to emphasize the project planning, dissertation components etc and charts to highlight presentation of data, analysis, interpretation and error.
Orion Publishing Co The Favourite: A razor-sharp suspense novel that will stay with you long after the final page
'WOW! If this isn't a book to brag about I don't know what is... I started The Favourite late last night. Never did I anticipate I would be closing the book at 3am left in complete shock... This book was insane! It was twisted, it was heart-breaking but it was so darn good! A must-read... I strongly encourage you to pre-order this book!' Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Her teacher's pet, or his worst nightmare?Jessica Mooney seems like any other student at her university. She's talented, driven, and looks set to be this year's 'favourite' in charismatic Professor Crane's Law and Literature class. But unlike the other students competing for his good opinion, Jessica isn't what she seems. She's carrying a dark secret.Her sister is dead. Crane's to blame. And she's the only one who can bring him to justice.Will Jessica be able to get the answers and justice she seeks, or will her search for revenge destroy her first?Read what everyone is saying about The Favourite:"'Juicy and dark... a standout dark academia thriller, with shades of Donna Tartt's modern classic The Secret History and Emerald Fennell's revenge fantasy film Promising Young Woman... Jessica is a firecracker of a protagonist... Thanks to Hennigan's strong voice and full embrace of the bumpy, twisty nature of retribution and revenge, The Favourite positively sings." BookPage"My favourite read of the YEAR. YES THE WHOLE YEAR. I love this book so much. Every character in this book is perfect... But for real I loved every minute of this book... This is the first book in a while that I was GLUED TO. I never wanted it to end. Fast-paced, there's never a dull moment. READ THIS BOOK if you like some feminist payback in the form of a devious plan. I hope you'll like this book as much as I have." Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Such an evocative academic atmosphere... very original... Beautifully done... brilliant foreshadowing... A truly propulsive read that I ended up gobbling up in one sitting" Heather Darwent, author of instant Sunday Times bestseller, The Things We Do to our Friends"The Secret History X Revenge. Love itttt." Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"Tense, claustrophobic and gripping, with prose to be savoured, Rosemary Hennigan is a talent to watch." Sam Blake, #1 bestselling author and Irish Times bestseller"I devoured this book... Found myself furiously flipping the pages... Provocative, heartbreaking, and deliciously addictive. I could not put it down!" Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ohio University Press A Companion to the Works of Elizabeth Strout
Including an exclusive interview with bestselling American novelist Elizabeth Strout, this groundbreaking study will engage literature scholars and general readers alike. Written in accessible language, this book is the first to offer a sustained analysis of Elizabeth Strout’s work. A recipient of the Pulitzer Prize and the O. Henry Award, among other accolades, Strout has achieved a vast popular following as well. Amy and Isabelle was made into a television movie; Olive Kitteridge, which sold more than one million copies, was adapted as a miniseries; The Burgess Boys has been optioned for HBO; and My Name Is Lucy Barton was reimagined for the stage in London and on Broadway. Oh William!, the sequel to My Name Is Lucy Barton, appeared in 2021, and Strout’s latest book, Lucy by the Sea, is slated for release in fall 2022. At the height of her literary powers as a chronicler of American life and particularly the lives of American women, Strout is currently enjoying both commercial and critical success. Her sales and perennial presence on book club lists indicate a tremendous impact on the popular realm and the growing attention to her in academia charts her importance in American letters. This book will satisfy readers looking for a serious, in-depth introduction to Strout’s work, as well as those interested in women’s writing, contemporary fiction, ethics, and literature. It includes a new interview with Strout in which she discusses these issues. Montwieler traces the evolution of Strout’s voice, themes, and characters, which uniquely address American twenty-first-century feminine perspectives and sensibilities. From classic domestic spats between a mother and daughter to hate crimes aimed at mosques, from sweeping forays into decades past to snapshots of contemporary life, Strout compassionately portrays humanity at its most brutal and its most intimate. Though her canvas is vast, her eye for detail is astute and her ear for nuance is keen. Looking across Strout’s work, Montwieler explores how she portrays the endurance of hope, the complexities of family, the effects of trauma on individuals and communities, the sustaining power of the natural world, and the effects of place on personal and collective character. Strout’s creations cultivate empathy in her readers, teaching them to be attuned to the suffering of others and to the human need for connection. Across her work and in the new interview included within this book, Strout shows her readers that they are not alone in this impersonal, often violent world. The connection that acknowledges our limitations, our woundedness, our capability to do harm, our remorse, and our recognition of beauty and humor distinguishes Strout’s unique contribution to contemporary American letters.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Service Efficient Network Interconnection via Satellite: EU Cost Action 253
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network usually within a single office or building that links desktop computers with each other and with peripherals such as servers and printers. The interconnect is the electrical and functional association of two different services, often provided by different suppliers, and it is from LAN inter-connection that telecoms operators seek to profit. The application of LAN interconnection via satellite can be used to complement and extend existing terrestrial public access networks through interconnection of clusters of broadband islands (such as LANs and MANs) in remote regions, where terrestrial lines are expensive to install and operate. Examples include: * Hospitals/clinics in remote and rural areas can be connected to the central hospitals in a tele-medicine environment * Remote offices can be connected to the central office to facilitate tele-working * University/colleges can be inter-connected to provide tele-education facilities Similarly, the possibility to provide access to such facilities in developing regions of the world is also viable and particularly attractive in the short to mid-term. Private LAN connection facilities could also be made available to the corporate user, offering the possibility to establish broadband internet access within a closed user group. Such a scenario could be of interest to the financial sector. By gathering the knowledge and experiences of well-known satellite systems experts from different parts of Europe this comprehensive volume provides detailed analysis on technical aspects for interconnecting local area network using satellite. Starting from traffic source modelling for different types of applications and services to different types of transmission techniques and networking functions for supporting such services, different case studies are presented to analyse the performance of such technologies. By providing an insight to current and future developments in satellite communications systems and by covering a broad range of materials in technical aspects in relation to satellite communication systems technologies, this volume will be of tremendous use to researchers, academia and industry. * First book to present such a thorough description of the reliability functions of satellite systems * Discusses IP over satellite * Provides a unique analysis and description of different simulation tools that are under development for evaluating the performance of satellite systems * Includes a chapter devoted to traffic modelling for satellite systems * Reviews current research and developments in security and discusses how such security functions can be implemented over satellite networks * Addresses different types of routing strategies and includes three different case studies which have been carried out to analyse the performance of different routing strategies
Little, Brown Book Group Anatomy: A Love Story: the must-read Reese Witherspoon Book Club Pick
'Dana Schwartz is one of the brightest of the next generation of young writers' NEIL GAIMAN Edinburgh, 1817.Hazel Sinnett is a lady who wants to be a surgeon more than she wants to marry.Jack Currer is a resurrection man who's just trying to survive in a city where it's too easy to die.When the two of them have a chance encounter outside the Edinburgh Anatomist's Society, Hazel thinks nothing of it at first. But after she gets kicked out of renowned surgeon Dr. Beecham's lectures for being the wrong gender, she realizes that her new acquaintance might be more helpful than she first thought. Because Hazel has made a deal with Dr. Beecham: if she can pass the medical examination on her own, Beecham will allow her to continue her medical career. Without official lessons, though, Hazel will need more than just her books - she'll need corpses to study.Lucky that she's made the acquaintance of someone who digs them up for a living.But Jack has his own problems: strange men have been seen skulking around cemeteries, his friends are disappearing off the streets, and the dreaded Roman Fever, which wiped out thousands a few years ago, is back with a vengeance. Nobody important cares - until Hazel.Now, Hazel and Jack must work together to uncover the secrets buried not just in unmarked graves, but in the very heart of Edinburgh society.Praise for Anatomy: 'Lionhearted heroine you'll root for from page one? Check. Dark academia vibes? Check. Cheeky romantic banter that will make you blush? Check, check and CHECK. Read this gripping, ridiculously clever tale only if you're fully prepared to be haunted by its revelations about life and death while also swooning at the idea of flirting with someone in an open grave' Emma Lord, New York Times bestselling author of You Have a Match and Tweet Cute'A fast-paced, utterly engrossing tale of mystery, romance, and cadavers...I grinned, I gasped, I cried and ended this book breathless and craving more' Alwyn Hamilton, New York Times bestselling author of the Rebel of the Sands series'Diabolically delightful. A love story, a murder mystery, and a horror novel bound up together in ghoulish stitches' Maureen Johnson, New York Times bestselling author of the Truly Devious trilogy'Schwartz's magical novel is at once gripping and tender, and the intricate plot is engrossing as the reader tries to solve the mystery' Booklist (starred review)
Simon & Schuster Ltd In Our Time: Celebrating Twenty Years of Essential Conversation
‘Melvyn not only makes you think … he makes it enjoyable too. He’s brilliant.’ – John Humphrys, the Today Programme. ‘In a troubled world where many sneer at experts, In Our Time is always a treat. Those who know what they're talking about, talk about it, and they do it under the benevolent if occasionally testy guidance of one who knows how to bring out the best in them. Listen, read, mark, and inwardly digest; agreeable glass of accompanying refreshment optional.’ - Sir Diarmaid MacCulloch 'This beautifully produced and expertly edited book is a wonderfully rich and varied sample of 50 In Our Time programmes, from ancient Greek philosophy to dark matter via the gin craze. It will whet your appetite to visit or revisit the many hundreds of other programmes in this remarkable series.' - Professor Angela Hobbs 'Bragg gives short shrift to pretension of any kind, while remaining stalwart in his search for knowledge. His methodology in In Our Time is... not unlike that of a man throwing a stick at a dog: he chucks his questions ahead, and if the chosen academic fails to bring it right back, he chides them. He retains enough of his bluff Cumbrian origins not to be taken in by gambolling and tweedy high spirits.' - Will Self, from a February 2010 issue of London Review of Books In Our Time has been the cornerstone of broadcasting every Thursday morning on BBC Radio 4 for the past twenty years, with over 800 episodes since its launch in October 1998. Presented by one of Britain’s greatest champions of the arts, Melvyn Bragg, the show explores ideas across history, religion, philosophy, science and culture. With a vast array of contributors from the world of academia, such as Mary Beard, Angie Hobbs and Diarmaid MacCulloch, it is one of Radio 4’s most successful programmes, attracting a weekly live audience exceeding 2 million listeners, and, per episode, it is one of the world’s most downloaded podcasts. To honour this major anniversary of BBC broadcasting, this beautifully illustrated book provides a lively and colourful guide to fifty of the most captivating discussions from the past two decades of In Our Time, as chosen by Melvyn and the producer Simon Tillotson, and, influenced by listeners who have recommended their favourite programmes from those years. Highlights include ‘Romulus and Remus’, ‘The Death of Elizabeth I’, ‘Ada Lovelace’, ‘The Gin Craze’, the ‘Epic of Gilgamesh’ and ‘The Salem Witch Trials’, and there are additional behind-the-scenes insights, peppered with Melvyn Bragg’s remarks both on and off air. This is a captivating gift for all fans and a celebration of this iconic series.
Springer International Publishing AG Alzheimer’s Disease Research: What Has Guided Research So Far and Why It Is High Time for a Paradigm Shift
This book highlights the key phases and central findings of Alzheimer’s Disease research since the introduction of the label ‘Alzheimer’s Disease’ in 1910. The author, Christian Behl, puts dementia research in the context of the respective zeitgeist and summarizes the paths that have led to the currently available Alzheimer’s drugs. As the reader is taken through the major developments in Alzheimer's Disease research, particularly over the past thirty years, Behl poses critical questions: Why are the exact causes of Alzheimer's Disease still in the dark, despite all the immense, worldwide research efforts in academia as well as in the pharmaceutical industry? Why has the majority of an entire research field kept focusing on a single hypothesis that establishes the deposition of the amyloid beta peptide in the brain as the key trigger of Alzheimer's pathology, even though this concept has still not been convincingly proven in the clinics? Are there other hypotheses that might explain the pathogenesis of this complex brain disease, and if so, why were these perspectives not adequately followed?In this book, Behl tries to answer these questions. Starting with the historical background, the author illustrates the long and arduous research journey, its numerous setbacks, and the many alternative explanations for the disease, which have started gaining increasing attention and acceptance in the Alzheimer’s research community only more recently. With his deep dive into the history and progression of this research, including the most recent developments, Behl explains why he believes that it is high time to promote a paradigm shift in Alzheimer’s Disease research.The book is written for all researchers in the fields of neurobiology and neurodegeneration, as well as other biomedical fields, who would like to gain a broad and beyond the surface insight into (the key developments of) one of the most promoted research fields of our time. With its extensive literature references and over 100 illustrations, the book is also attractive for students and interested lay persons. Elaborating on all the different aspects and research approaches of this research field, the author aims to convince the reader that the underlying causes of Alzheimer’s Disease may be much more complex than previously thought and that this must be considered for future research directions. While he hopes that the Alzheimer’s research community is finally ready to shed its ‘amyloid-straitjacket’ that has hampered progress for too long, he is also convinced that a much-needed paradigm shift can guide future Alzheimer’s Disease research and provide a new and broader perspective on this age-dependent brain disease.
Flipped Eye Publishing Limited This One is for You
Two-time winner of the Christina Sergeyevna Award at the Austin International Poetry Festival, Agnes Meadows returns with her fifth collection of poetry, "This One Is For You", dedicated to the late Brinsley Sheridan, her long-time friend and fellow poet. The new work covers Agnes' usual themes of history, memory, everyday beauty and struggle, but it also explores the nature of friendship and the ingredients of endurance, joy and survival. After the huge success of her last two books, "Woman" and "At Damascus Gate on Good Friday", this new collection is a must-read for fans of Agnes Meadows - and for those who've never heard of her, "This One Is For You". Agnes Meadows' 'This One Is For You' is an intense and wondrous journey into the imagination. Her poetry is warm, rich and evocative of all the places we might travel. Each poem is like a personal dedication to the reader given in a spirit of generosity and celebration. It's a book full of secret delights, hidden sadness, and true friendship - Aoife Mannix A rich and intense journey. Here [in 'This One Is For You] we find themes of remembrance and history and the beauty hidden beneath the everyday and ordinary. Agnes Meadows is a rebel and a powerhouse of a writer - Camden New Journal Author of four previous books of poetry, Agnes Meadows has been gypsying around the world since she was 15 and her writing reflects the broad range of perspectives that her peripatetic lifestyle has taught her. She has been a featured poet with the Austin International Poetry Festival several times - giving performances and workshops all over Texas, including readings in Spanish, drawing on the 3 years she lived in Mexico - and now serves on the board of the festival. Agnes has also performed and led poetry workshops and residencies in Turkey, Spain, Israel and Palestine. She held residencies in all of the Universities on the West Bank, and spent several months in the Gaza Strip working with students from all three of Gaza's main Universities and the British Council. Away from academia, Agnes has run workshops on writing and performing poetry in the corporate sector, and has a wealth of experience of arranging and stage managing performances and shows across London. In addition to her own work, Agnes has also been an adviser on Poetry for Channel 4 TV (UK). Her previous publications are You and Me, Quantum Love, Woman (waterways, 2003), At Damascus Gate on Good Friday (waterways, 2005). Agnes has also produced two CDs of her poetry with music - Agnes Meadows and Blues Shakin' My Heels. She lives in London.
John Wiley & Sons Inc NMR of Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solid Materials
NMR OF QUADRUPOLAR NUCLEI IN SOLID MATERIALS Over the past 20 years technical developments in superconducting magnet technology and instrumentation have increased the potential of NMR spectroscopy so that it is now possible to study a wide range of solid materials. In addition, one can probe the nuclear environments of many other additional atoms that possess the property of spin. In particular, it is possible to carry out NMR experiments on isotopes that have nuclear spin greater that ½ (i.e. quadrupolar nuclei). Since more that two-thirds of all NMR active isotopes are quadrupolar nuclei, applications of NMR spectroscopy with quadrupolar nuclei are increasing rapidly. The purpose of this handbook is to provide under a single cover the fundamental principles, techniques and applications of quadrupolar NMR as it pertains to solid materials. Each chapter has been prepared by an expert who has made significant contributions to out understanding and appreciation of the importance of NMR studies of quadrupolar nuclei in solids. The text is divided into three sections: The first provides the reader with the background necessary to appreciate the challenges in acquiring and interpreting NMR spectra of quadrupolar neclei in solids. The second presents cutting-edge techniques and methodology for employing these techniques to investigate quadrupolar nuclei in solids. The final section explores applications of solid-state NMR studies of solids ranging from investigations of dynamics, characterizations of biological samples, organic and inorganic materials, porous materials, glasses, catalysts, semiconductors and high-temperature superconductors. About EMR Handbooks The Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance (EMR) publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence-of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of EMR Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of Encyclopedia articles. In consultation with the EMR Editorial Board, the EMR Handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles, are written (together with updates of some already existing articles) to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this handbook and the complete content of the Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance at your fingertips! Visit:
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Mathematics for the Analysis of Biomedical Data: Models, Methods, and MATLAB
Features a practical approach to the analysis of biomedical data via mathematical methods and provides a MATLAB® toolbox for the collection, visualization, and evaluation of experimental and real-life data Applied Mathematics for the Analysis of Biomedical Data: Models, Methods, and MATLAB® presents a practical approach to the task that biological scientists face when analyzing data. The primary focus is on the application of mathematical models and scientific computing methods to provide insight into the behavior of biological systems. The author draws upon his experience in academia, industry, and government–sponsored research as well as his expertise in MATLAB to produce a suite of computer programs with applications in epidemiology, machine learning, and biostatistics. These models are derived from real–world data and concerns. Among the topics included are the spread of infectious disease (HIV/AIDS) through a population, statistical pattern recognition methods to determine the presence of disease in a diagnostic sample, and the fundamentals of hypothesis testing. In addition, the author uses his professional experiences to present unique case studies whose analyses provide detailed insights into biological systems and the problems inherent in their examination. The book contains a well-developed and tested set of MATLAB functions that act as a general toolbox for practitioners of quantitative biology and biostatistics. This combination of MATLAB functions and practical tips amplifies the book’s technical merit and value to industry professionals. Through numerous examples and sample code blocks, the book provides readers with illustrations of MATLAB programming. Moreover, the associated toolbox permits readers to engage in the process of data analysis without needing to delve deeply into the mathematical theory. This gives an accessible view of the material for readers with varied backgrounds. As a result, the book provides a streamlined framework for the development of mathematical models, algorithms, and the corresponding computer code. In addition, the book features: Real–world computational procedures that can be readily applied to similar problems without the need for keen mathematical acumen Clear delineation of topics to accelerate access to data analysis Access to a book companion website containing the MATLAB toolbox created for this book, as well as a Solutions Manual with solutions to selected exercises Applied Mathematics for the Analysis of Biomedical Data: Models, Methods, and MATLAB® is an excellent textbook for students in mathematics, biostatistics, the life and social sciences, and quantitative, computational, and mathematical biology. This book is also an ideal reference for industrial scientists, biostatisticians, product development scientists, and practitioners who use mathematical models of biological systems in biomedical research, medical device development, and pharmaceutical submissions.
Human Kinetics Publishers Governance in Sport: Analysis and Application
Simplify the complexities of sport governance with an engaging and thought-provoking guide to how authority, policies, rules, and regulations can influence decision making in sport organizations. Governance in Sport: Analysis and Application With Web Resource examines the structure of governance within sport organizations across a breadth of levels and a variety of industry sectors to prepare students to practice principles of good governance and ethical decision making. The content is presented from three broad perspectives: (1) Students will first learn the foundation of legal and managerial practices in sport governance, encompassing ethical behavior, effective leadership, decision making, and policy development within sport organizations. (2) Once the groundwork is established, a geographical framework explores the structures and functions of regulatory agencies for sport at the local, state, national, regional, and global levels. Students will gain an appreciation for how agencies vary, as well as the differences in for-profit, nonprofit, and quasi-public sport organizations at the various levels. (3) Students will examine the nuances of sport governance across selected sectors of the sport industry. Professional sport, amateur sport, sport media, sporting goods and licensing, and fitness, wellness, and health are presented alongside the emerging and rapidly evolving sectors of sport marketing, legalized sport wagering, and esports for a realistic look at how governance is applied across different sectors. To enhance practical application, a related web resource presents 12 in-depth case studies and debates on relevant examples of governance in action within sports organizations. Each case study provides thought-provoking perspectives, authored by industry experts and scholars across sport business and academia. Students will gain real-world understanding of how governance varies across national and international levels by scrutinizing contemporary issues such as the NCAA college basketball corruption scandal, the NFL kneeling policy, Olympic host city selection, and poaching in esports. Critical thinking skills are encouraged with multiple-choice and discussion questions provided at the end of each case study. Additional learning aids also help to connect foundational knowledge to modern-day application. Governance in Action boxes highlight key concepts and provide context in relationship to recent events. Critical thinking questions encourage classroom discussion, and end-of-chapter applied activities help to solidify understanding. Providing an overview of managing sport at all levels and all sectors, Governance in Sport will help students develop an acute understanding of where power resides, how decisions are made, and the impact of those factors on the goals, purpose, and structure of sport organizations.Note: The web resource is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide access, the web resource is available separately.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Multiway Data Analysis
From a preeminent authority—a modern and applied treatment of multiway data analysis This groundbreaking book is the first of its kind to present methods for analyzing multiway data by applying multiway component techniques. Multiway analysis is a specialized branch of the larger field of multivariate statistics that extends the standard methods for two-way data, such as component analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, correspondence analysis, and multidimensional scaling to multiway data. Applied Multiway Data Analysis presents a unique, thorough, and authoritative treatment of this relatively new and emerging approach to data analysis that is applicable across a range of fields, from the social and behavioral sciences to agriculture, environmental sciences, and chemistry. General introductions to multiway data types, methods, and estimation procedures are provided in addition to detailed explanations and advice for readers who would like to learn more about applying multiway methods. Using carefully laid out examples and engaging applications, the book begins with an introductory chapter that serves as a general overview of multiway analysis, including the types of problems it can address. Next, the process of setting up, carrying out, and evaluating multiway analyses is discussed along with commonly encountered issues, such as preprocessing, missing data, model and dimensionality selection, postprocessing, and transformation, as well as robustness and stability issues. Extensive examples are presented within a unified framework consisting of a five-step structure: objectives; data description and design; model and dimensionality selection; results and their interpretation; and validation. Procedures featured in the book are conducted using 3WayPack, which is software developed by the author, and analyses can also be carried out within the R and MATLAB systems. Several data sets and 3WayPack can be downloaded via the book's related Web site. The author presents the material in a clear, accessible style without unnecessary or complex formalism, assuring a smooth transition from well-known standard two-analysis to multiway analysis for readers from a wide range of backgrounds. An understanding of linear algebra, statistics, and principal component analyses and related techniques is assumed, though the author makes an effort to keep the presentation at a conceptual, rather than mathematical, level wherever possible. Applied Multiway Data Analysis is an excellent supplement for component analysis and statistical multivariate analysis courses at the upper-undergraduate and beginning graduate levels. The book can also serve as a primary reference for statisticians, data analysts, methodologists, applied mathematicians, and social science researchers working in academia or industry. Visit the Related Website:, to view data from the book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Scaling Leadership: Building Organizational Capability and Capacity to Create Outcomes that Matter Most
Transform Your Organization by Scaling Leadership How do senior leaders, in their own words, describe the most effective leaders—the ones that get results, grow the business, enhance the culture and leave in their wake a trail of other really effective leaders? Conversely, how do senior leaders describe the kind of leader that undercuts the organization’s capacity and capability to create its future? This book, based on groundbreaking research, shows how senior leaders describe and develop leadership that works, that does not, that scales, and that limits scale. Is your leadership built for scale as you advance in today’s volatile, uncertain, dynamic, and disruptive business environment? This context puts a premium on a very particular kind of leadership—High-Creative leadership capable of rapidly growing the organization while simultaneously transforming it into more agile, innovative, adaptive and engaging workplace. The research presented in this book suggests that senior leaders can describe the High-Creative leadership with surprising clarity. They also describe with equal precision the High-Reactive leadership that cancels itself out and seriously limits scale. Which type of leader are you? You scale your leadership by increasing the multiple on your leadership in three ways. First, by developing the strengths that differentiate the most effective leaders from the strengths deployed by the most Reactive and ineffective leaders. And second, by increasing your leadership ratio—the ratio of most the effective strengths to the most damaging liabilities. Third, by developing High-Creative leaders all around you. Scaling Leadership provides a proven framework for magnifying agile and scalable leadership in your organization. Scalable leadership drives forward-momentum by multiplying high-achieving leaders at scale so that growth, productivity and innovation increase exponentially. Creative leaders multiply their strengths beyond technical competence by leading in deep relationship, with radical humanity, passion and integrity. Drawing upon decades of solid research and experience enhancing individual capability and collective leadership effectiveness with Fortune 500 companies and government agencies, the authors provide an innovative and efficient framework to help you: Take stock of your own personal balance of leadership strengths and weaknesses Scale your leadership in deep relationship and high integrity Proliferate high-achievers throughout your organization’s leadership system Identify ineffective leadership and course-correct quickly Transform your organization by transforming leadership Scaling Leadership is an invaluable tool for executives, managers, and leaders in business, academia, nonprofit organizations, and more. This innovative resource provides effective techniques, real-world examples, and expert guidance for organizations seeking to improve performance, align and execute strategies, and transform their business with scalable leadership capability.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Probabilistic Method
Praise for the Third Edition “Researchers of any kind of extremal combinatorics or theoretical computer science will welcome the new edition of this book.” - MAA Reviews Maintaining a standard of excellence that establishes The Probabilistic Method as the leading reference on probabilistic methods in combinatorics, the Fourth Edition continues to feature a clear writing style, illustrative examples, and illuminating exercises. The new edition includes numerous updates to reflect the most recent developments and advances in discrete mathematics and the connections to other areas in mathematics, theoretical computer science, and statistical physics. Emphasizing the methodology and techniques that enable problem-solving, The Probabilistic Method, Fourth Edition begins with a description of tools applied to probabilistic arguments, including basic techniques that use expectation and variance as well as the more advanced applications of martingales and correlation inequalities. The authors explore where probabilistic techniques have been applied successfully and also examine topical coverage such as discrepancy and random graphs, circuit complexity, computational geometry, and derandomization of randomized algorithms. Written by two well-known authorities in the field, the Fourth Edition features: Additional exercises throughout with hints and solutions to select problems in an appendix to help readers obtain a deeper understanding of the best methods and techniques New coverage on topics such as the Local Lemma, Six Standard Deviations result in Discrepancy Theory, Property B, and graph limits Updated sections to reflect major developments on the newest topics, discussions of the hypergraph container method, and many new references and improved results The Probabilistic Method, Fourth Edition is an ideal textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level students majoring in mathematics, computer science, operations research, and statistics. The Fourth Edition is also an excellent reference for researchers and combinatorists who use probabilistic methods, discrete mathematics, and number theory. Noga Alon, PhD, is Baumritter Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Tel Aviv University. He is a member of the Israel National Academy of Sciences and Academia Europaea. A coeditor of the journal Random Structures and Algorithms, Dr. Alon is the recipient of the Polya Prize, The Gödel Prize, The Israel Prize, and the EMET Prize. Joel H. Spencer, PhD, is Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Courant Institute of New York University. He is the cofounder and coeditor of the journal Random Structures and Algorithms and is a Sloane Foundation Fellow. Dr. Spencer has written more than 200 published articles and is the coauthor of Ramsey Theory, Second Edition, also published by Wiley.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Improving Import Food Safety
Food safety has been a global concern for many years. While global sourcing of foods and ingredients provides great opportunity for variety and diversity of cultural products, there are significant risks. Programs that regulate food safety and quality in countries around the world vary in their scope and effectiveness, with many being underfunded. Rapidly developing countries may lack the expertise, laboratory resources for testing, and established inspection programs to adequately promote the safety of foods. Rather, these countries may be more focused on providing enough food for their citizens. Lack of documentation or traceability in the exporting country can further exacerbate the situation. Of course, safety problems in food imported from more developed countries also occur, and the source of food borne disease outbreaks are found regularly within the United States. Improving Import Food Safety gathers together vital information on the food safety programs of national governments, the food industry, and the testing industry. Chapters have been contributed by authors from the United States, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. Readers will learn about a variety of regulatory approaches to food safety at the federal and state levels in the United States, as well as in selected countries and within the food industry itself. They will also gain insights into the nature and source of safety problems, in addition to approaches to food safety around the world. The book is divided into three sections: Highlighting Key Issues: authors illustrate the millions of permutations for the origin of ingredients, discussing the difficulty if policing imports, providing a unique perspective on the economic situation in China and insight into development of support for small farm producers in Mexico. Legal and Regulatory Issues/Structures in the USA and Abroad: describes the legal and regulatory system in the European Union, the United States, and China, plus a chapter addressing global approaches to fraud. Potential Strategies to Improve Import Safety: presents strategies to deal with what are ultimately global issues, but on multiple levels. Perspectives are provided by authors from Industry, and industry trade association, academia, and a recently semi-retired, global ambassador or food safety. Readers will find this book noteworthy because of the diverse topics and perspectives offered on the challenges of keeping food safe in a global economy. Authors come from a variety of backgrounds, and each has provided a unique perspective on this critical topic. The volume is aimed at importers and exporters of food and ingredients; food microbiologists, food safety and QC/QA personnel; regulatory and legal personnel in food manufacturing companies; food policy makers and regulatory officials and facility and graduate students in food science.
University of Notre Dame Press Work Options for Older Americans
"While demographic forces make it inevitable that social institutions that encouraged workers to retire in their early sixties must change, this book shows that how we make these changes will have substantial implications for the risk of poverty and the general level of economic well-being of older populations. Its theme is that policy changes that encourage those able to work at older ages to do so must not come at the expense of our current system's protection of those less able to work. This is an important book for those interested in understanding how recent changes in the United States retirement system are impacting the employment and economic well-being of older workers." —Richard V. Burkhauser, Sarah Gibson Blanding Professor of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University "The editors have done an excellent job of compiling some very valuable and interesting papers on working longer. With improvements in health and life expectancy, the decreasing physical requirements of work, and our financing shortfalls, the options of working longer, phased retirement, and more flexibility for retirement ages in retirement plans can be winners. In particular, I found the Introduction's synopsis of the papers by itself worth the price of the book." —Ron Gebhardtsbauer, American Academy of ActuariesWhile mandatory retirement has been eliminated in the United States, a myriad of policies and practices surround pensions, social security, tax law, labor contracts, and health benefits, all of which may have an impact on an older worker’s decision to work or retire and an employer’s decision to retain and train an older worker. In Work Options for Older Americans, Teresa Ghilarducci and John Turner assemble a critically important volume that systematically addresses many of the issues considered on a daily basis by employees and employers. Work Options for Older Americans brings together discussion of these issues by well-known economists and scholars in other fields, from the Government Accountability Office, the AARP Public Policy Institute, the U.S. Department of Labor, and academia. The book contains eleven articles, along with commentary, that deal with issues of employment opportunity and constraints for older persons, pension types and coverage, retirement choices, and public policies that promote or hinder either retirement or employment of the elderly. Contributors present effective ways to prepare for this unprecedented growth in the number of older workers. In the introduction, Teresa Ghilarducci and John Turner identify how the labor market changes dramatically as workers age and how these changes affect the ongoing bargaining between employers and workers. The question is, are the options that workers want the same as those that employers offer?
Nova Science Publishers Inc Islamism: Global Surveys and Implications for the Future of the Arab Countries
This work is a collection of essays on Islamism and global opinion surveys, focusing on their implications for the future of Arab countries. Much of Western academia and the media still seem to be unable to come to terms with the real challenges posed by Islamism two decades after 9/11 and half a decade after the horrendous Paris 2015 terror attacks. What is at stake is the question of whether moderate Islamist political movements can and should be a partnered with the West. President Obama personally issued the Presidential Study Directive 11 (PSD-11) in 2010, ultimately concluding that the United States should shift from its longstanding policy of supporting "stability" in the Middle East and North Africa to a policy of backing moderate Islamic political movements. The present book squarely contradicts this perspective. Bassam Tibi maintains that only liberal Islam approves of democracy, while Islamism absolutely does not. The empirical basis of the book is based on estimates of the development of civil society in the Arab World by using comparative opinion survey data based on the evaluation of the World Values Survey and other global and regional surveys. Variables of trust, non-violence, gender justice and tolerance towards homosexuals indicate some of existing deficits in the development of civil societies in the region. Thus, Inglehart and Norris correctly foresaw that the real distinguishing parameter for Huntington's theory is not his opinion on democracy, but his societal opinion on gender issues. This perspective is followed up with an empirical analysis of the gender ideology of Islamism and its gender values, all based on World Values Survey data. Muslim feminism, which implies the rejection of Islamism and the veil, and the democracy movement in the Muslim world are closely interrelated. In a chapter on Islamism and anti-Semitism, the book identifies the extent of relationships between anti-Semitism, the current economic and social situation, religious data, and opinions on terrorism among the global Muslim society. Islamism is deeply connected to anti-Semitism. The book also explores which factors contribute to the approval of terroristic acts, measured by such variables as opinions on suicide bombing and the favorability of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah. The book shows how wrong it is to neglect the underlying ideological radicalism which characterizes the support of organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates in the region. Along with most radicalized factions of Islamist terrorism, they share intense hatred of Jews and Free Masons and Western civilization. In a concluding chapter, the book analyzes globalization, the environment in the Arab World and the future "greening" of Arab politics.
Open University Press Climate Change Coaching: The Power of Connection to Create Climate Action
Climate change is not just an environmental problem, it’s a human one. Yet as humans, we are not changing fast enough for ourselves and our planet. Our sense of powerlessness and the belief that our actions won’t make a difference is holding us back from taking action and working on the psychological dimension of change could make the difference to moving us forward. In this transformative book, climate change coaching trailblazers Charly Cox and Sarah Flynn explain why changing for our climate is so hard and why coaching offers a key to affecting behaviour. With practical, easy-to-grasp skills that shift mindsets and motivate action they show how to build connection using a coaching approach, to overcome resistance and empower people to embrace change. If people often tell you “What difference can I really make?” or “How can we possibly succeed?” then Climate Change Coaching will help you:•Understand the psychological barriers to change, and how to address them•Gain practical, connection-building skills to have more impact in every conversation•Build stronger, more trusting relationships to make long-term change more likely•Develop a new perspective on how individual change leads to systems change•Discover how to help organisations succeed at change and what creates social change•Learn to coach and support yourself to manage stress and avoid burnout Whether you are changing an organisation, engaging a community, or coaching individuals, this book will change the way that you connect and how you influence. With example conversations and real-life stories from 40 practitioners from the worlds of sustainability, business, academia and coaching, it will show you how coaching skills are being used individually and organisationally to galvanise climate action.“This practical guide fills many of the gaps, with tools that can help us become better allies to each other in supporting the personal and systemic shifts needed in our time.”Chris Johnstone, co-author of Active Hope and trainer at ActiveHope.Training“Climate Change Coaching is an invaluable resource for anyone working in sustainability today.”Patrick Burgi, Co-Founder of South Pole Charly Cox is an award-winning climate change coach and Founder of Climate Change Coaches. A professional coach for ten years, Charly specialises in developing leaders in environmentally focused businesses. She has a background in the creative sector and worked for seven years in West Africa. Sarah Flynn is a psychologist and coach who supports sustainability professionals to thrive as they create change in the world. With a background in research, she specialises in the psychology of change and resilience, and teaches on the topic of ‘Resilience for Sustainability Professionals’ at Cambridge University. Charly and Sarah are both International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coaches and trained Organisational, Relationship and Systems Coaches.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rethinking US Election Law: Unskewing the System
Recent U.S. elections have defied nationwide majority preference at the White House, Senate, and House levels. This work of interdisciplinary scholarship explains how ''winner-take-all'' and single-member district elections make this happen, and what can be done to repair the system. Proposed reforms include the National Popular Vote interstate compact (presidential elections); eliminating the Senate filibuster; and proportional representation using Ranked Choice Voting for House, state, and local elections. This timely analysis of election law and politics outlining key structural election reforms combines distinct analysis of presidential, Senate, and U.S. House elections reforms, while also addressing reforms at the state and local government level. The author argues for fundamental structural changes to U.S. elections like Proportional Representation and Ranked Choice Voting, without requiring any constitutional amendments. Analysis of recent political developments such as progress on the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, the adoption of Ranked Choice Voting state-wide in Maine, and the 2018 Supreme Court gerrymandering cases add real-world relevance and applicability. This sharp examination of a flawed system is vital reading for students and scholars involved in election law and political science, and is approachable enough for lay readers interested in politics and reform as well. 'Rethinking US Election Law is a timely, well-written argument in favour of electoral reform in the United States. It advances achievable solutions that could go a long way towards solving the country's current democratic breakdown, and is an excellent read for anyone interested in ''unskewing the system''.' - Erica Frazier, LSE Review 'Steven Mulroy's Rethinking US Election Law is a concise and refreshing book on US election law. The book takes the reader on a tour through the various and profound shortcomings of the country's reliance on single-member districts (SMDs) and demonstrates that, so long as these SMDs remain the principal building block of US elections, little can be done to resolve the many ailments that afflict the process. It is a powerful, thoughtfully-reasoned and clearly-written argument in favor of electoral reform.. . . Mulroy offers a compelling argument for electoral reform that should be required reading for the next redistricting cycle or for any undergraduate class on voting rights and redistricting. Even the most skeptical critic would have difficulty refuting his analysis.' - American Political Science Association 'Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, Rethinking US Election Law is a seminal work of outstanding scholarship that is as thoughtful as it is thought-provoking. . . (it) is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to community, academic, governmental Contemporary Political Science collections and supplemental studies reading lists for students, academia, political activists, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject.' - John Taylor, Midwest Book Review
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rethinking US Election Law: Unskewing the System
Recent U.S. elections have defied nationwide majority preference at the White House, Senate, and House levels. This work of interdisciplinary scholarship explains how ''winner-take-all'' and single-member district elections make this happen, and what can be done to repair the system. Proposed reforms include the National Popular Vote interstate compact (presidential elections); eliminating the Senate filibuster; and proportional representation using Ranked Choice Voting for House, state, and local elections. This timely analysis of election law and politics outlining key structural election reforms combines distinct analysis of presidential, Senate, and U.S. House elections reforms, while also addressing reforms at the state and local government level. The author argues for fundamental structural changes to U.S. elections like Proportional Representation and Ranked Choice Voting, without requiring any constitutional amendments. Analysis of recent political developments such as progress on the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, the adoption of Ranked Choice Voting state-wide in Maine, and the 2018 Supreme Court gerrymandering cases add real-world relevance and applicability. This sharp examination of a flawed system is vital reading for students and scholars involved in election law and political science, and is approachable enough for lay readers interested in politics and reform as well. 'Rethinking US Election Law is a timely, well-written argument in favour of electoral reform in the United States. It advances achievable solutions that could go a long way towards solving the country's current democratic breakdown, and is an excellent read for anyone interested in ''unskewing the system''.' - Erica Frazier, LSE Review 'Steven Mulroy's Rethinking US Election Law is a concise and refreshing book on US election law. The book takes the reader on a tour through the various and profound shortcomings of the country's reliance on single-member districts (SMDs) and demonstrates that, so long as these SMDs remain the principal building block of US elections, little can be done to resolve the many ailments that afflict the process. It is a powerful, thoughtfully-reasoned and clearly-written argument in favor of electoral reform.. . . Mulroy offers a compelling argument for electoral reform that should be required reading for the next redistricting cycle or for any undergraduate class on voting rights and redistricting. Even the most skeptical critic would have difficulty refuting his analysis.' - American Political Science Association 'Exceptionally well written, organized and presented, Rethinking US Election Law is a seminal work of outstanding scholarship that is as thoughtful as it is thought-provoking. . . (it) is an especially and unreservedly recommended addition to community, academic, governmental Contemporary Political Science collections and supplemental studies reading lists for students, academia, political activists, and non-specialist general readers with an interest in the subject.' - John Taylor, Midwest Book Review
Pearson Education (US) Learning Deep Learning: Theory and Practice of Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Transformers Using TensorFlow
NVIDIA's Full-Color Guide to Deep Learning: All You Need to Get Started and Get Results "To enable everyone to be part of this historic revolution requires the democratization of AI knowledge and resources. This book is timely and relevant towards accomplishing these lofty goals." -- From the foreword by Dr. Anima Anandkumar, Bren Professor, Caltech, and Director of ML Research, NVIDIA "Ekman uses a learning technique that in our experience has proven pivotal to success—asking the reader to think about using DL techniques in practice. His straightforward approach is refreshing, and he permits the reader to dream, just a bit, about where DL may yet take us." -- From the foreword by Dr. Craig Clawson, Director, NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Deep learning (DL) is a key component of today's exciting advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Learning Deep Learning is a complete guide to DL. Illuminating both the core concepts and the hands-on programming techniques needed to succeed, this book is ideal for developers, data scientists, analysts, and others--including those with no prior machine learning or statistics experience.After introducing the essential building blocks of deep neural networks, such as artificial neurons and fully connected, convolutional, and recurrent layers, Magnus Ekman shows how to use them to build advanced architectures, including the Transformer. He describes how these concepts are used to build modern networks for computer vision and natural language processing (NLP), including Mask R-CNN, GPT, and BERT. And he explains how a natural language translator and a system generating natural language descriptions of images.Throughout, Ekman provides concise, well-annotated code examples using TensorFlow with Keras. Corresponding PyTorch examples are provided online, and the book thereby covers the two dominating Python libraries for DL used in industry and academia. He concludes with an introduction to neural architecture search (NAS), exploring important ethical issues and providing resources for further learning. Explore and master core concepts: perceptrons, gradient-based learning, sigmoid neurons, and back propagation See how DL frameworks make it easier to develop more complicated and useful neural networks Discover how convolutional neural networks (CNNs) revolutionize image classification and analysis Apply recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) to text and other variable-length sequences Master NLP with sequence-to-sequence networks and the Transformer architecture Build applications for natural language translation and image captioning NVIDIA's invention of the GPU sparked the PC gaming market. The company's pioneering work in accelerated computing--a supercharged form of computing at the intersection of computer graphics, high-performance computing, and AI--is reshaping trillion-dollar industries, such as transportation, healthcare, and manufacturing, and fueling the growth of many others.Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Human Kinetics Publishers NSCA's Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning
The physical demands of tactical professions such as military, law enforcement, and fire and rescue require those workers to be in top physical condition to perform their jobs well and decrease the risk of injury. NSCA’s Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning contains scientific information to assist in implementing or restructuring strength and conditioning programs at commercial or government fitness centers that work with these tactical athletes to achieve those goals. Designed primarily as a preparatory resource for the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator (TSAC-F) certification, the text is also useful as a manual for government agencies or a daily reference for strength and conditioning professionals. Editors Brent A. Alvar, Katie Sell, and Patricia A. Deuster have extensive experience as scholars and practitioners in their respective fields. They have assembled a team of distinguished contributors who bring to light current trends in strength and conditioning through their combined experiences as professionals in the fields of academia, athletic training, firefighting, law enforcement, military, nutrition, physical therapy, and strength and conditioning. The contributors not only provide foundational knowledge of exercise physiology and biomechanical movement patterns, but they also comprehensively review all of the components necessary for TSAC Facilitators to design and operate successful training programs for tactical athletes. Separate chapters focus on the specific physiological issues related to military, law enforcement, and fire and rescue personnel, including how a strength and conditioning program should directly correlate to their critical job tasks and the specific environmental, occupational, and exposure concerns for each population. Topics such as nutrition, supplements, injury treatment and rehabilitation, wellness interventions, and assessments and evaluations are discussed for professionals who work with tactical populations. Additionally, exercises, drills, and techniques targeting the specific needs of tactical athletes in areas such as flexibility, mobility, speed, agility, power, and aerobic endurance are described in great detail and accompanied by full-color photos. Each chapter of NSCA’s Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning begins with learning objectives and incorporates key terms, diagrams, detailed photographs, and key points throughout the text to help guide readers and facilitate comprehension of concepts. Sidebars and sample programs are included in some chapters to help readers apply theoretical concepts in their professional practice. Additionally, for instructors using the book, or the TSAC-F exam prep symposia, a presentation package plus image bank with more than 300 photos and illustrations is available, making preparation easier with the use of predeveloped materials that correspond with the book’s content. Ultimately, the goal of NSCA’s Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning is to help prepare those seeking TSAC-F certification and to serve as a resource for professionals so that they can implement an optimal strength and conditioning program targeted for tactical athletes that will decrease their risk of injury and optimize performance.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Awakening: A History of the Western Mind AD 500 - 1700
A monumental and exhilarating history of European thought, from the fall of Rome in the fifth century AD to the Scientific Revolution thirteen centuries later. The Awakening traces the recovery and refashioning of Europe's classical heritage from the ruins of the Roman Empire. The process of preservation of surviving texts, fragile at first, was strengthened under the Christian empire founded by Charlemagne in the eighth century; later, during the High Middle Ages, universities were founded and the study of philosophy was revived. Renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought provided the intellectual impetus for the Renaissance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, whose ideas – aesthetic, political and scientific – were disseminated across Europe by the invention of the printing press. Equally momentous was Europe's encounter with the New World, and the resulting maritime supremacy which conferred global reach on Europe's merchants and colonists. Vivid in detail and informed by the latest scholarship, The Awakening is powered not by the fate of kings or the clash of arms but by deeper currents of thought, inquiry and discovery, which first recover and then surpass the achievements of classical antiquity, and lead the West to the threshold of the Age of Reason. Charles Freeman takes the reader on an enthralling journey, and provides us with a vital key to understanding the world we live in today. Praise for The Awakening: 'The subject of this stimulating and erudite book is nothing less than the development of the Western mind from the demise of classical civilisation in the fifth century AD, through the Middle Ages and Renaissance, to the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century. The Awakening is a work of serious scholarship by an author who has clearly been everywhere, seen everything and read voraciously. But it is also a work written with great elan and, given its scope, undertaken with considerable courage... An arrestingly clear design, combined with numerous judiciously chosen illustrations, completes an extraordinary achievement' Christopher Lloyd, Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures, 1988-2005 'The Awakening recounts the slow evolution of Western thought that restored legitimacy to independent examination and analysis, that eventually led to a celebration, albeit a cautious one, of reason over blind faith. In the process, Freeman reminds us that quality, engaging narrative history has not gone extinct, while demonstrating that it is possible to produce a work that is so well-written it is readable by a general audience while meeting the rigorous standards of scholarship demanded by academia' Stan Prager 'The Awakening is a very timely book and an excellently written and produced one. Freeman is a good host, a superb narrator and tells his story with aplomb... His elegant prose is a treat for the mind and the accompanying illuminations a treat for the eye' International Times
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on European State Aid Law
'This fine collection of essays demonstrates in a very articulate way why EU State aid law has taken the centre stage of EU law. In eighteen chapters the reader is provided with a fascinating snapshot of the main issues and developments of the law. The key elements of the EU policy are analysed in a critical way often leading to new insights. In addition the book contains a wealth of material greatly facilitating further research.'- Piet Jan Slot, University of Leiden, the Netherlands'European state aid law needs more self-questioning and more intellectual debate. In my view, this Research Handbook is a very valuable contribution to this necessary process. It correctly identifies the most intellectually problematic issues within state aid law and asks the right questions. This may be due to the balance in the excellent selection of contributors, coming both from the academia and from practice. This guarantees, on the one hand, that the questions are relevant in practice and not purely theoretical but also provides, on the other hand, for a rigorous analytical approach when confronting the issues. The result is a fresh and interesting new look to many of the basic issues of state aid law.'- Jose Luis Buendia Sierra, Garrigues, Brussels, Belgium, and King's College London, UK This timely new Handbook reflects on current issues that confront State aid law and policy in the EU. State aid was a neglected area of competition law until attempts to modernize it became central to the Lisbon process 2000 where the aim was to encourage 'intelligent' State aid by reducing aid to specific sectors and by making better use of aid for horizontal projects central to EU integration concerns. This policy framework has underpinned the new approach to State aid policy in the EU in recent years and informs many of the chapters in this book. Contributions from leading academics, regulators and practising lawyers, discuss topics devoted to modernization, problems faced by recent enlargements of the EU, the role of State aid in the fiscal crisis and recession, the role of the private market investor test, regional aid, environmental aid and the review of the Altmark ruling. Perspectives on State aid law and policy from the disciplines of economics and political science are also explored in detail. Research Handbook on European State Aid Law will appeal to academics, regulators, national and EU government officials, practitioners and postgraduate students who are involved in State aid law.Contributors: C. Ahlborn, A. Bartosch, A. Biondi, A. Birnstiel, M. Blauberger, L. Coppi, M.-A. Dittel, M. Everson, M. Farley, L. Hancher, H. Heinrich, H.C.H. Hofmann, K.-O. Junginger-Dittel, J. Kavanagh, T. Kleiner, M. Krajewski, R. Krämer, A. Lykotrafiti, C. Micheau, A. Morini, P. Nebbia, G. Niels, D. Piccinin, S. Pilsbury, F. Salerno, M. Schütte, E. Szyszczak
John Wiley & Sons Inc NMR Spectroscopy: A Versatile Tool for Environmental Research
The challenges faced by environmental scientists today are vast, complex, and multi-faceted. For instance, predicting the fate of an environmental pollutant or understanding ecosystem responses to climate change, necessitate a firm understanding of molecular structure and dynamics of environmental media as well as the components that exist and interact within this media. Furthermore, linking information obtained at the molecular-scale to ecosystem-level processes is a major pursuit of modern environmental research. As such, NMR spectroscopy and its scalability from the molecular-scale to the macroscopic-scale, is facilitating rapid growth in environmental science. In addition, the versatility of NMR spectroscopy has resulted in the development and implementation of different types of NMR techniques to examine the structure of various types of environmental samples, living and non-living, as well as the study of critical environmental processes. This comprehensive handbook is a collection of chapters that span from methods to how NMR is used in environmental research to gain insight into various ecosystem properties. It is organized into three parts: Part A focuses on methods used in environmental NMR which span from solution-state to magnetic resonance imaging. Part B emphasizes how NMR spectroscopy plays an essential role in understanding various types of environmental components and related processes, including different forms of organic matter found in soil, water, and air as well as how NMR is used to probe the fate of water, organic pollutants, and metals in the environment. Part C focuses on the growing field of environmental metabolomics which uses NMR as its main discovery platform. This volume highlights the immense potential of NMR spectroscopy to expand our fundamental understanding of environmental processes and how it will continue to do so well into the future. About eMagRes Handbooks eMagRes (formerly the Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance) publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of eMagRes Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of eMagRes articles. In consultation with the eMagRes Editorial Board, the eMagRes handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles are written to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this handbook and the complete content of eMagRes at your fingertips! Visit:
Paths International Ltd China's Economy Amid New Challenges: Exploration of Chinese Economists
This book is a collection of some recent of the best articles by China Economist and it represents top Chinese economists major research outcomes and opinions on economic matters, status and trends from various perspectives. Some work with China’s highest academic research institutes and policy consultation agencies, while others work with related agencies and universities. Hence, this book largely reflects the key concerns and efforts of economic research institutes, policy advisory agencies, regulatory policy research departments and universities on China’s economy.From the launching of reform and opening-up in 1978 to the dawn of the 21st century, China has been transformed from a self-enclosed, planned economy to a market-based one, and the country has integrated itself into the international community. China wishes to look beyond its border and engage in equal-footed dialogue with its partners and competitors. With China’s rapid emergence and great achievements, other countries increasingly want to learn more about this “mysterious oriental country” and the miraculous changes taking place here. However, we have also found that abroad, the public, high-ranking officials and even media and academia may not have a clear picture of China. Chinese scholars views on their country and beyond are not well understood by foreign scholars, not to mention people in the street, and overseas officials and scholars do not appreciate China’s realities. Legitimate claims and well intentioned expressions from China are often misunderstood or distorted by the media, and it seems that the world is unprepared for a changing China. China needs to know itself and the outside world, and the world needs to have a closer look at China as well. Research on the China phenomenon and its implications has become topical around the world. Hence, developing diversified channels and platforms of communication is necessary both in China and the outside world.In this book, which includes dozens of articles written by Chinese economists and researchers, authors wish to tell the world a truth: Although China has become the world’s second largest economy, its GDP per capita is very low. China remains a developing country, and development is its top priority and the basis for all welfare programs. The rights of development are basic human rights upon which China cannot waiver. Development is the best gift China has to offer to the world. Meanwhile, Chinese scholars should also recognize that China must deepen reform and expand opening-up, balance efficiency with fair income distribution, use resources in more efficient, refined and clean ways, and challenge its enterprises to assume more social responsibilities. Only in this way can China complete its historic transition from a developing country to a mature, modernized country.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of High Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Addresses Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) as a technique for sensitivity-enhancement in solid-state NMR spectroscopy This comprehensive handbook is a compendium of the current state-of-the art of high field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization—from long-proven, early developments, up to today’s hot topics. It covers all the relevant subjects that have made a direct or indirect contribution toward advancing this field, and focuses on topics such as: the theory behind the effects seen within DNP; instrumentation required for carrying out DNP; and specific applications of DNP including protein monitoring, catalysis, nanoparticles, biological and clinical studies. Development and application of techniques that have indirectly contributed to advancing MAS DNP NMR, such as DNP experiments on static solids within microwave resonant structures, and high-field EPR, are also examined. Handbook of High Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization is presented in three sections—Theoretical Aspects, DNP Development (instrumentation / radical / sample), and DNP NMR Applications. The first section offers chapters on; solid and cross effect DNP; thermal mixing; Overhauser; and dissolution DNP. The second looks at: microwave technology, gyrotron, and IOE; homebuilt and commercial DNP spectrometers; and glassing vs. solvent-free DNP. The final section provides information on; amyloid, membrane, and nanocrystalline proteins; metals, and surface enhanced DNP; pharmaceuticals; nanoparticles; and much more. Covers one of the biggest developing fields in magnetic resonance Relevant to students, academics, and industry within the physical, materials, medical, and biochemical sciences An excellent starting point and point-of-reference for researchers in the field Edited by a widely respected team with contributions from key researchers in the NMR community Part of the eMagRes Handbook Series Handbook of High Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization is an ideal reference for all researchers and graduate students involved in this complex, interdisciplinary field. About eMagRes Handbooks eMagRes publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of eMagRes Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of eMagRes articles. In consultation with the eMagRes Editorial Board, the eMagRes Handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles are written to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this Handbook and the complete content of eMagRes at your fingertips! Visit:
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chitosan-Based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals: Delivery, Targeting and Polymer Therapeutics
Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide commercially produced by the deacetylation of chitin. It is non-toxic, biodegradable, biocompatible, and acts as a bioadhesive with otherwise unstable biomolecules - making it a valuable component in the formulation of biopharmaceutical drugs. Chitosan-Based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals provides an extensive overview of the application of chitosan and its derivatives in the development and optimisation of biopharmaceuticals. The book is divided in four different parts. Part I discusses general aspects of chitosan and its derivatives, with particular emphasis on issues related to the development of biopharmaceutical chitosan-based systems. Part II deals with the use of chitosan and derivatives in the formulation and delivery of biopharmaceuticals, and focuses on the synergistic effects between chitosan and this particular subset of pharmaceuticals. Part III discusses specific applications of chitosan and its derivatives for biopharmaceutical use. Finally, Part IV presents diverse viewpoints on different issues such as regulatory, manufacturing and toxicological requirements of chitosan and its derivatives related to the development of biopharmaceutical products, as well as their patent status, and clinical application and potential. Topics covered include: chemical and technological advances in chitins and chitosans useful for the formulation of biopharmaceuticals physical properties of chitosan and derivatives in sol and gel states absorption promotion properties of chitosan and derivatives biocompatibility and biodegradation of chitosan and derivatives biological and pharmacological activity of chitosan and derivatives biological, chemical and physical compatibility of chitosan and biopharmaceuticals approaches for functional modification or crosslinking of chitosan use of chitosan and derivatives in conventional biopharmaceutical dosage forms manufacture techniques of chitosan-based microparticles and nanoparticles for biopharmaceuticals chitosan and derivatives for biopharmaceutical use: mucoadhesive properties chitosan-based systems for mucosal delivery of biopharmaceuticals chitosan-based delivery systems for mucosal vaccination chitosan-based nanoparticulates for oral delivery of biopharmaceuticals chitosan-based systems for ocular delivery of biopharmaceuticals chemical modification of chitosan for delivery of DNA and siRNA target-specific chitosan-based nanoparticle systems for nucleic acid delivery functional PEGylated chitosan systems for biopharmaceuticals stimuli-sensitive chitosan-based systems for biopharmaceuticals chitosan copolymers for biopharmaceuticals application of chitosan for anti-cancer biopharmaceutical delivery chitosan-based biopharmaceuticals scaffolds in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine wound healing properties of chitosan and its use in wound dressing biopharmaceuticals toxicological properties of chitosan and derivatives for biopharmaceutical applications regulatory status of chitosan and derivatives patentability and intellectual property issues quality control and good manufacturing practice preclinical and clinical use of chitosan and derivatives for biopharmaceuticals Chitosan-Based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals is an important compendium of fundamental concepts, practical tools and applications of chitosan-based biopharmaceuticals for researchers in academia and industry working in drug formulation and delivery, biopharmaceuticals, medicinal chemistry, pharmacy, bioengineering and new materials development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on European State Aid Law
'This fine collection of essays demonstrates in a very articulate way why EU State aid law has taken the centre stage of EU law. In eighteen chapters the reader is provided with a fascinating snapshot of the main issues and developments of the law. The key elements of the EU policy are analysed in a critical way often leading to new insights. In addition the book contains a wealth of material greatly facilitating further research.'- Piet Jan Slot, University of Leiden, the Netherlands'European state aid law needs more self-questioning and more intellectual debate. In my view, this Research Handbook is a very valuable contribution to this necessary process. It correctly identifies the most intellectually problematic issues within state aid law and asks the right questions. This may be due to the balance in the excellent selection of contributors, coming both from the academia and from practice. This guarantees, on the one hand, that the questions are relevant in practice and not purely theoretical but also provides, on the other hand, for a rigorous analytical approach when confronting the issues. The result is a fresh and interesting new look to many of the basic issues of state aid law.'- Jose Luis Buendia Sierra, Garrigues, Brussels, Belgium, and King's College London, UK This timely new Handbook reflects on current issues that confront State aid law and policy in the EU. State aid was a neglected area of competition law until attempts to modernize it became central to the Lisbon process 2000 where the aim was to encourage 'intelligent' State aid by reducing aid to specific sectors and by making better use of aid for horizontal projects central to EU integration concerns. This policy framework has underpinned the new approach to State aid policy in the EU in recent years and informs many of the chapters in this book. Contributions from leading academics, regulators and practising lawyers, discuss topics devoted to modernization, problems faced by recent enlargements of the EU, the role of State aid in the fiscal crisis and recession, the role of the private market investor test, regional aid, environmental aid and the review of the Altmark ruling. Perspectives on State aid law and policy from the disciplines of economics and political science are also explored in detail. Research Handbook on European State Aid Law will appeal to academics, regulators, national and EU government officials, practitioners and postgraduate students who are involved in State aid law.Contributors: C. Ahlborn, A. Bartosch, A. Biondi, A. Birnstiel, M. Blauberger, L. Coppi, M.-A. Dittel, M. Everson, M. Farley, L. Hancher, H. Heinrich, H.C.H. Hofmann, K.-O. Junginger-Dittel, J. Kavanagh, T. Kleiner, M. Krajewski, R. Krämer, A. Lykotrafiti, C. Micheau, A. Morini, P. Nebbia, G. Niels, D. Piccinin, S. Pilsbury, F. Salerno, M. Schütte, E. Szyszczak
John Wiley & Sons Inc An Engineering Approach to Optimal Control and Estimation Theory
A much-awaited guide to real-world problems in modern control andestimation This combined text and reference deals with the design of moderncontrol systems. It is the first book in this rapidly growing fieldto approach optimal control and optimal estimation from a strictlypragmatic standpoint. Sidestepping the realm of theoreticalmathematics, An Engineering Approach to Optimal Control andEstimation Theory offers realistic and workable solutions that canbe put to immediate use by electrical and mechanical engineers inaerospace and in many other applications. The author draws on his extensive experience in research anddevelopment from industry, government, and academia to presentsystematic, accessible coverage of all important topics, including: * All basic mathematics needed to apply subsequent information * A historical perspective on the evolution of modern control andestimation theory * All major concepts relevant to the design of modern controlsystems--from the Kalman filter, to linear regulators, todecentralized Kalman filters * Practical examples useful in applying the principles underdiscussion * Problems at the end of each chapter * Carefully selected references from the vast number of bookspublished on this subject * Appendixes reviewing matrix algebra that is central to moderncontrol theory, as well as matrix subroutines, useful to bothstudents and practicing engineers Optimal Control and Estimation Theory Optimal control and optimal estimation have seen tremendous growthover the past three decades, owing to major advances in aerospaceand other types of engineering. Optimal control and estimationtheory is crucial to the design of modern control systems; forinstance, navigation, mobile robotics, or automated vehicles andaircraft. It ensures that variables such as temperatures orpressure are kept in check, regardless of the disturbance thesystem undergoes. Despite the proliferation of books on the subject, most of thematerial published in this area is highly theoretical, andapproaches the subject in a "theorem-proof" fashion, which is moreappropriate to mathematics than to an engineering text. As itstitle suggests, An Engineering Approach to Optimal Control andEstimation Theory provides a practical and accessible guide,focusing on applications and implementation, and answeringreal-world questions faced by control engineers. In its highly organized overview of all areas, the book examinesthe design of modern optimal controllers requiring the selection ofa performance criterion, demonstrates optimization of linearsystems with bounded controls and limited control effort, andconsiders nonlinearities and their effect on various types ofsignals. Covering all the basics, the book deals with the evolution ofoptimal control and estimation theory, and presents the necessarymathematical background needed for this study. It also listsreferences and problems, and supplies appendixes for those wishingto delve into matrix algebra. Throughout, it offers opportunitiesfor experimentation, while discussing analysis, various filteringmethods, and many other pertinent topics. An Engineering Approach to Optimal Control and Estimation Theory isan invaluable, self-contained reference for practicing engineers, auseful text for graduate students and qualified seniorundergraduates, and an important resource for anyone interested inthe future of modern control technology.