Search results for ""author linda""
Clarion Books The One Thing You'd Save
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Understanding Pharmacology: Essentials for Medication Safety
Understanding Pharmacology: Essentials for Medication Safety, 3rd Edition uses a unique combination of simplified language, easy-to-follow headers, and engaging boxes and icons - such as Memory Joggers, Critical Points for Safety, Do Not Confuse, and Drug Alerts - to help you really understand how drugs work, instead of simply memorizing drug information. Updated drug tables with nursing implications ensure you are equipped with all the tools and information you need to safely prepare and administer drugs. Online case studies help you prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX-PN® and NCLEX-RN®. Sections on "Priority Actions to Take Before," "Priority Actions to Take After," and "Teaching Priorities for Patients" emphasize important aspects of drug administration, monitoring, follow-up, and patient teaching. Life span considerations outline nursing implications for drugs used in children, older adults, and pregnant women. Math and dosage calculations review reinforces medication preparation safety. Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! sections at the end of each chapter summarize key points and provide review questions that reinforce important concepts learned in the chapter. An array of marginal cartoon icons in Common Side Effects boxes help visual learners remember essential drug side effects. Drug Alert and Do Not Confuse boxes highlight areas of common drug/dosage errors. Memory Jogger boxes help you retain important drug information. Try This! boxes in the math chapter allow you to practice dosage calculation concepts. NEW! Clinical Judgment questions at the end of each clinical chapter offer additional self-assessment on pharmacology and medication administration. NEW! Critical Point for Safety boxes emphasize very important pharmacologic concepts to remember. NEW! Approximately 40 animations on the companion Evolve website supplement important concepts related to understanding pharmacology. NEW! Printed answer key with rationales in the back of the book makes it easy to check your answers and assess your comprehension. UPDATED! Revised drug tables provide adult dosages and nursing implications for individual drugs.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Wilkins' Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist
Wilkins' Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, Fourteenth Edition progresses through crucial topics in dental hygiene in a straightforward format to ensure students develop the knowledge and skills they need for successful, evidence-based practice in today's rapidly changing oral health care environment. This cornerstone text, used in almost every dental hygiene education program in the country, has been meticulously updated by previous co-authors, Linda Boyd, and Lisa Mallonee to even better meet the needs of today's students and faculty, while reflecting the current state of practice in dental hygiene. Maintaining the hallmark outline format, the Fourteenth Edition continues to offer the breadth and depth of coverage necessary not only for foundation courses bur for use throughout the entire dental hygiene curriculum. The workbook is now included in Navigate Premier Access! The engaging workbook reinforces important concepts of the main text and provides hands-on exercises that put those concepts into practice.
Aarhus University Press Designerly Loops
Pelagic Publishing Seaweeds of the British Isles: Rhodophyta: Corallinales, Hildenbrandiales
This volume is written by leading authorities in red algae. All subfamilies, genera and species are described, notes on ecology and distribution given, and each named species is illustrated by one or more half-tones or line drawings showing distinctive features. User-friendly keys are provided to enable identifi cation of genera and species. Special features of this volume are the concise but comprehensive and practical introduction and a complete re-evaluation of British Isles taxa in consultation with other international specialists. In addition, one new species and three new combinations are proposed. This is a reprint edition of 0-11-310016-7 published in 1984.
University of Alberta Press Margaret Laurence and Jack McClelland, Letters
Margaret Laurence and Jack McClelland—one of Canada’s most beloved writers and one of Canada’s most significant publishers—enjoyed an unusual rapport. In this collection of annotated letters, readers gain rare insight into the private side of these literary icons. Their correspondence reveals a professional relationship that evolved into deep friendship over a period of enormous cultural change. Both were committed to the idea of Canadian writing; in a very real sense, their mutual and separate work helped bring “Canadian Literature” into being. With its insider’s view of the book business from the late 1950s to the mid-1980s, Margaret Laurence and Jack McClelland, Letters presents a valuable piece of Canadian literary history curated and annotated by Davis and Morra. This is essential reading for all those interested in Canada’s literary culture.
Plural Publishing Inc Video-Based Aural Rehabilitation Guide: Enhancing Listening and Spoken Language in Children and Adults
The Video-Based Aural Rehabilitation Guide is the first book of its kind to intertwine chapter text with over 200 closed captioned videos. This unique resource is intended to educate undergraduate and graduate students in speech-language pathology, audiology, and education of the deaf and hard of hearing, as well as enhance the knowledge and skills of practicing professionals. The extensive videos are an invaluable resource for students enrolled in a clinical or student teaching practicum. Videos feature speech-language pathologists, audiologists, Listening and Spoken Language Specialists, teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing, early interventionists, otologists, and occupational therapists practicing in settings such as clinics, private practices, schools, hospitals, and the community. Topics addressed in the text and videos include hearing technologies, aural rehabilitation procedures, factors that affect intervention outcomes, fundamentals of assessment, supports for education, counseling for children and adults with hearing loss, and the psychosocial well-being of persons with hearing loss and their families. The Video-Based Aural Rehabilitation Guide can be used as a stand-alone text or as a companion alongside the most commonly used aural rehabilitation textbooks. Key Features: Over 200 videos with closed captions accessible on a companion site Contributions from 14 leading experts Chapters with concise summaries, recommended resources for further learning, and study questions with answer keys Background information on the individuals featured in the videos This exciting new guide with instructional videos is a much-needed bridge that integrates the disciplines of speech-language pathology, audiology, and education of the deaf and hard of hearing to educate professionals serving children and adults with hearing loss and their families.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Apoprotein Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Borderline Personality Disorder: New Research
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Studies in Contact Linguistics: Essays in Honor of Glenn G. Gilbert
Wolters Kluwer Health Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology
Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023! With expert guidance on all aspects of gynecologic surgery, Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology, Thirteenth Edition, edited by Drs. Linda Van Le and Victoria L. Handa, remains your go-to resource from preoperative to postoperative care. Comprehensive, step-by-step instructions on how to perform all contemporary gynecologic procedures, updated diagnostic and management approaches, a greatly expanded illustration program, and new procedural videos, edited by Dr. Danielle Patterson, make this classic text an ideal reference for trainees as well as experienced practitioners. Offers readable, intuitive, and concise guidance from today’s best surgeons and teachers Fully updated chapters as well as a new chapter on imaging for the gynecologic surgeon Features high-quality illustrations throughout Includes over 40 new procedural videos, easily accessed in the eBook Provides clear, easy-to-follow roadmaps with “Steps in the Procedure” boxes included for all surgical chapters, and a reorganized table of contents designed for quick reference Contains an expansive section on gynecologic procedures and surgical management of selected conditions Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Pelagic Publishing Seaweeds of the British Isles: Rhodophyta. Introduction, Nemaliales, Gigartinales
The first of three parts comprising Volume 1, this book covers the orders Nemaliales and Gigartinales. A general introduction to the Rhodophyta deals with such topics as morphology, reproduction and economic utilization. Each species is then described and illustrated and notes on the ecology and distribution are given. Keys to aid identification are also included. The synthesis of many years' research carried out by members of the British Phycological Society in collaboration with the Natural History Museum, London, this series of books covers all the British and the majority of northern Atlantic seaweeds. Welcome reissue of an important book (978 0 113 10000 2) first published in 1977 and long out of print.
Guilford Publications Group Therapy for Substance Use Disorders: A Motivational Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
This authoritative book presents a groundbreaking evidence-based approach to conducting therapy groups for persons with substance use disorders. The approach integrates cognitive-behavioral, motivational interviewing, and relapse prevention techniques, while capitalizing on the power of group processes. Clinicians are provided with a detailed intervention framework and clear-cut strategies for helping clients to set and meet their own treatment goals. More than two dozen ready-to-use reproducible assessment tools, handouts, homework exercises, and session outlines are supplied in a convenient large-size format.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research
Bring pedagogy and cognitive science to online learning environments Online Teaching at Its Best: Merging Instructional Design with Teaching and Learning Research, 2nd Edition, is the scholarly resource for online learning that faculty, instructional designers, and administrators have raved about. This book addresses course design, teaching, and student motivation across the continuum of online teaching modes—remote, hybrid, hyflex, and fully online—integrating these with pedagogical and cognitive science, and grounding its recommendations in the latest research. The book will help you design or redesign your courses to ensure strong course alignment and effective student learning in any of these teaching modes. Its emphasis on evidence-based practices makes this one of the most scholarly books of its kind on the market today. This new edition features significant new content including more active learning formats for small groups across the online teaching continuum, strategies and tools for scripting and recording effective micro-lectures, ways to integrate quiz items within micro-lectures, more conferencing software and techniques to add interactivity, and a guide for rapid transition from face-to-face to online teaching. You’ll also find updated examples, references, and quotes to reflect more evolved technology. Adopt new pedagogical techniques designed specifically for remote, hybrid, hyflex, and fully online learning environments Ensure strong course alignment and effective student learning for all these modes of instruction Increase student retention, build necessary support structures, and train faculty more effectively Integrate research-based course design and cognitive psychology into graduate or undergraduate programs Distance is no barrier to a great education. Online Teaching at Its Best provides practical, real-world advice grounded in educational and psychological science to help online instructors, instructional designers, and administrators deliver an exceptional learning experience even under emergency conditions.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Sacred Medicine of Bee, Butterfly, Earthworm, and Spider: Shamanic Teachers of the Instar Medicine Wheel
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press New Aspects of the Central and Eastern European Upper Palaeolithic - Methods, Chronology, Technology and Subsistence: Symposium by the Prehistoric Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna, November 9-11, 2005
National Resource Center for The First Year Experience & Students in Transition From Disability to Diversity: College Success for Students with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Colleges and universities are seeing increasing numbers of students with a range of disabilities enrolling in postsecondary education. Many of these disabilities are invisible and, despite their potential for negative impact on students’ academic and social adjustment, some students will choose not to identify as having a disability or request support. Approaching disability from the perspective of difference, the authors of this new volume offer guidance on creating more inclusive learning environments on campus so that all students—whether or not they have a recognized disability—have the opportunity to succeed. Strategies for supporting students with specific learning disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder or who display learning and behavioral characteristics associated with these profiles are described. A valuable resource for instructors, advisors, academic support personnel, and others who work directly with college students.
Texas A&M University Press The Art of Texas State Parks: A Centennial Celebration, 1923-2023
Skyhorse Publishing Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success
The essential guide for teaching beyond the test!Students with strong higher-order thinking skills are more likely to become successful, lifelong learners. Based on extensive, collaborative research by leading authorities in the field, this book shows how to implement teaching and learning strategies that nurture intelligence, creativity, and wisdom.This practical teaching manual offers an overview of the WICS modelWisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, Synthesizedwhich helps teachers foster students' capacities for effective learning and problem solving. Teachers will find examples for language arts, history, mathematics, and science in Grades K12, as well as: Hands-on strategies for enhancing students' memory, analytical, creative, and practical skills Guidelines on teaching and assessing for successful intelligence Details on how to apply the model in the classroom Teacher reflection sections, suggested readings, and sample planning checklistsTeaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success is ideal for educators seeking to broaden their teaching repertoire as they expand the skills and abilities of students at all levels.
Encounter Books,USA Athwart History: Half a Century of Polemics, Animadversions, and Illuminations: A William F. Buckley Jr. Omnibus
For most of the last century, William F. Buckley Jr. was the leading figure in the conservative movement in America. The magazine he founded in 1955, National Review, brought together writers representing every strand of conservative thought, and refined those ideas over the decades that followed. Buckley's own writings were a significant part of this development. He was not a theoretician but a popularizer, someone who could bring conservative ideas to a vast audience through dazzling writing and lively wit. Culled from millions of published words spanning nearly sixty years, Athwart History: Half a Century of Polemics, Animadversions, and Illuminations offers Buckley's commentary on the American and international scenes, in areas ranging from Kremlinology to rock music. The subjects are widely varied, but there are common threads linking them all: a love for the Western tradition and its American manifestation; the belief that human beings thrive best in a free society; the conviction that such a society is worth defending at all costs; and an appreciation for the quirky individuality that free people inevitably develop.
Oklahoma City Museum of Art Shining Spirit: Westheimer Family Collection
With styles ranging from traditional to abstract, the works in this volume span late nineteenth-century and twentieth-century American art and include examples from both Europe and Latin America. The common thread is excellence. Many of the paintings play on the boundaries between reality and fantasy, contain elements of humor or satire, or are rendered in a highly colorful, expressive style which does not directly imitate the natural world.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Soundings at Tell Fakhariyah
An imposing array of scholars have united to pay a debt of piety to the late C. W. McEwan, whose untimely death in 1950 forestalled the publication of his campaign at Tell Fakhariyah, which took place in 1940. That the important results obtained by McEwan have thus been rescued is greatly to the credit of the editor and director of the Oriental Institute, Carl H. Kraeling, and the architect R. C. Haines, who prepared for publication the highly competent but necessarily incomplete topographic and architectural data assembled in the field by the late Harold D. Hill.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Life Writing in the Posthuman Anthropocene
Life Writing in the Posthuman Anthropocene is a timely collection of insightful contributions that negotiate how the genre of life writing, traditionally tied to the human perspective and thus anthropocentric qua definition, can provide adequate perspectives for an age of ecological disasters and global climate change. The volume’s eight chapters illustrate the aptness of life writing and life writing studies to critically reevaluate the role of “the human” vis-à-vis non-human others while remaining mindful of persisting inequalities between humans regarding who causes and who suffers damage in the Anthropocene age. The authors in this collection not only expand the toolbox of life writing studies by engaging with critical insights from the fields of posthumanism and ecocriticism, but, in turn, also enrich those fields by offering unique approaches to contemplate the responsibility of humans for as well as their relational existence in the posthuman Anthropocene.
AWSNA Publications The Living World of the Plants: A Book for Children and Students of Nature
This stimulating book is a lovely resource for teaching botany in Steiner-Waldorf schools from Year 5.Grohmann's lively text brings the various plants, trees and flowers to life for children.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Fifteenth Century XVI: Examining Identity
This series [pushes] the boundaries of knowledge and [develops] new trends in approach and understanding. ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW The vitality and diversity of research into the late medieval period are exemplified by the contents of this volume. A central theme is the medieval Church: examinations of the process of ordination, the parishioners of Dartford in Kent and the influence of their learned vicar, how monastic chroniclers changed their focus as the century progressed, the perhaps unjustified reputation of Bishop Ayscough of Salisbury, and the significance of Edward IV's charter of ecclesiastical liberties. Another strand concentrates on Ireland, to explore both the complex relations between the Gaelic-speaking peoples of the west and the Stewart monarchy in Scotland, and the status and participation in government of the English settled near Dublin. Unusual perspectives on London are derived from a study of those engaged in identity theft there at the start of the century, and two heralds' accounts of the public processions andelaborate funeral rites accorded to a French ambassador at its end. Contributors: Des Atkinson, Brian Coleman, Zosia Edwards, Simon Egan, Charles Giry-Deloison, Daniel Gosling, Samuel Lane, David Lepine, Claire Macht
Human Kinetics Publishers Sports in American History: From Colonization to Globalization
Sports in American History: From Colonization to Globalization, Second Edition, journeys from the early American past to the present to give students a compelling grasp of the evolution of American sporting practices. This text provides students with insights into new and alternative perspectives, examines sport as a social and cultural phenomenon, generates a better understanding of current sport practices, and considers future developments in American sport. The second edition includes the following enhancements: • The final chapter highlights sport in the twenty-first century and gives students an updated view of contemporary sport. • Content about the progressive era now makes up two chapters and provides students with a clearer understanding of this instrumental period. • New “People and Places” and “International Perspectives” sidebars introduce key figures in sport history and provide students with a global understanding of sport. • Time lines with major sport and societal events and milestones provide context in each chapter. • More than 150 images provide historical authenticity and relate people and events to the accompanying text. • Chapter objectives and discussion questions help students absorb and apply relevant content. • An ancillary suite helps instructors prepare for class with an instructor guide, test package, and presentation package. This comprehensive resource delivers coverage of sport by historical periods—from the indigenous tribes of premodern America, through colonial societies, to the era of sport in the United States today. Sports in American History, Second Edition, examines how women, minorities, and ethnic and religious groups have influenced U.S. sporting culture. This gives students a broader knowledge of the complexities of sport, health, and play in the American experience and how historical factors, such as gender, ethnicity, race, and religion, provide a more complete understanding of sports in American history. The easy-to-follow material is divided into 11 chronological chapters starting with sporting practices in colonial America and ending with globalized sport today, making it ideal for a semester-long course. The second edition maintains dedication to providing authentic primary documents—including newspapers, illustrations, photographs, historical writings, quotations, and posters—to bring the time periods to life for students. An extensive bibliography features primary and secondary sources in American sport history. Sports in American History, Second Edition, is unique in its level of detail, broad time frame, and focus on sports and the evolving definitions of physical activity and games. In addition, excerpts from primary documents provide firsthand accounts that will not only inform and fascinate readers but also provide a well-rounded perspective on the historical development of American sport. With sidebars offering an international viewpoint, this book will help students understand how historical events have shaped sport differently in the United States than in other parts of the world.
Edinburgh University Press Traditions in World Cinema
The core volume in the Traditions in World Cinema series, this book brings together a colourful and wide-ranging collection of world cinematic traditions - national, regional and global - all of which are in need of introduction, investigation and, in some cases, critical reassessment. Topics include: German expressionism, Italian neorealism, French New Wave, British new wave, Czech new wave, Danish Dogma, post-Communist cinema, Brazilian post-Cinema Novo, new Argentine cinema, pre-revolutionary African traditions, Israeli persecution films, new Iranian cinema, Hindi film songs, Chinese wenyi pian melodrama, Japanese horror, new Hollywood cinema and global found footage cinema. Features *Includes a preface by Toby Miller. *Each chapter covers a key world cinema tradition and is written by an expert in the field: Roy Armes, Nitzan Ben-Shaul, Peter Bondanella, Corey Creekmur, Adrian Danks, Peter Hames, Randal Johnson, Robert Kolker, Myrto Konstantarakos, Jay McRoy, Negar Mottahedeh, Richard Neupert, Christina Stojanova, J.P. Telotte, Stephen Teo. *Traditions are examined from a wide range of views and include historical, social, cultural and industrial perspectives.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Personal Construct Methodology
Written by an international team of experts, this collection provides a comprehensive account of established and emerging methods of collecting and analysing data within the framework of personal construct theory. Covers methods such as content analysis scales, repertory grid methodology, narrative assessments and drawings, the laddering and ABC techniques, and discusses how and why they are used Explores both qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as methods used in clinical and counselling settings Includes 13 contributions from leading international scholars
Yale University Press The American Pre-Raphaelites: Radical Realists
An illuminating look at how the Pre-Raphaelite movement was embraced by a group of vanguard American artists Bringing together insights from a distinguished group of scholars, this beautiful book analyzes the history and historiography of the American Pre-Raphaelites, and how the movement made its way from England to America. Led by Thomas Charles Farrer—an English expatriate and acolyte of the hugely influential English critic John Ruskin—the American Pre-Raphaelite artists followed Ruskin’s dictum to depict nature close up and with great fidelity. Many members of the group (including Farrer, who served in the Union army during the American Civil War) were also abolitionists, and several created works with a rich political subtext. Featuring the work of artists such as Fidelia Bridges, Henry and Thomas Charles Farrer, Charles Herbert Moore, Henry Roderick Newman, and William Trost Richards, this generously illustrated volume is filled with insightful essays that explore the influence of Ruskin on the American artists, the role of watercolor and photography in their work, symbolism and veiled references to the Civil War, and much more.Published in association with the National Gallery of Art, WashingtonExhibition Schedule:National Gallery of Art, Washington (04/14/19–07/21/19)
Taylor & Francis Ltd More Food Styling for Photographers & Stylists: A guide to creating your own appetizing art
Thanks to the exploding popularity of food-based television shows (entire networks, even), websites, books, and magazines, food stylists and food photographers are in more demand today than ever before. While there are many amazing opportunities for creative professionals to showcase their work in ads, cookbooks, blogs, and food packaging, there is also more competition for these jobs. Whether you are a food stylist who works alongside photographers or a food photographer yourself, you'll find everything you need to know to give your portfolio that little extra push in this expert guide by three professionals with decades of experience in each field. More Food Styling for Photographers covers topics that Linda, Jean Ann, and Brad's fans have been asking for, such as shooting food on location, working with packaged foods, building the perfect breakfast shot, and more. Clients and foodies eat with their eyes first, so don't be afraid to play with your food - make sure it's YOUR image that whets their appetite!
Letterland International An Alphabet of Rhymes
This is a beautifully illustrated new edition of rhymes, featuring all the Letterland characters. Nostalgic and funny, this book demonstrates how learning with Letterland can be so much fun.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co The Climate Change Playbook: 22 Systems Thinking Games for More Effective Communication about Climate Change
Advocates and teachers often find it difficult to communicate the complexities of climate change, because the people they are trying to reach hold so many mistaken assumptions. They assume, for example, that when climate change becomes an obvious threat to our everyday lives, there will still be time enough to make changes that will avoid disaster. Yet at that point it will be too late. Or they assume we can use our current paradigms and policy tools to find solutions. Yet the approaches that caused damage in the first place will cause even more damage in the future. Even the increasingly dire warnings from scientists haven’t shaken such assumptions. Is there another way to reach people? The simple, interactive exercises in The Climate Change Playbook can help citizens better understand climate change, diagnose its causes, anticipate its future consequences, and effect constructive change. Adapted from The Systems Thinking Playbook, the twenty-two games are now specifically relevant to climate-change communications and crafted for use by experts, advocates, and educators. Illustrated guidelines walk leaders through setting each game up, facilitating it, and debriefing participants. Users will find games that are suitable for a variety of audiences—whether large and seated, as in a conference room, or smaller and mobile, as in a workshop, seminar, or meeting. Designed by leading thinkers in systems, communications, and sustainability, the games focus on learning by doing.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Sacred Messengers of Shamanic Africa: Teachings from Zep Tepi, the Land of First Time
A guide to connecting with the wisdom and energies of ancient Africa and awakening the lion-hearted spiritual warrior within. • Reveals the wisdom and love of the White Lions of Timbavati, who have returned to help us remember our divine origins • Explores how to reconnect to our original roots in Africa hidden deep within our DNA and remember our sacred contract to guard and protect the natural world • Offers shamanic journeys to connect with African power animals as well as the energetic hologram of the 31st meridian, the spine of Mother Earth It was predicted by indigenous tribes in Africa that when the White Lions return to their sacred lands in Timbavati we would be in a time of evolutionary and spiritual awakening. On Christmas Day in the year 2000, Marah the White Lion was born, the first “way-shower” to arrive and help us awaken to our divine origins, when we were one with all life in Zep Tepi, the land of first time. Our spiritual warrior selves are being summoned to heal the separation between us and nature, to be the change agents of heart, as we evolve to a higher consciousness. Exploring how to awaken to the energies and messengers of ancient Africa that reside along the 31st meridian, the spine of Mother Earth, Carley Mattimore and Linda Star Wolf take you on a journey to connect with our original roots in Africa, hidden deep within our DNA.Offering a guide to reconnect with the ancient African wisdom of love and higher consciousness buried in our cellular memory, the authors show how we can help reopen the heart of humanity and heal the world around us.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Blast Off
The New Press The Fifth Act
Brookes Publishing Co Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students
Finally - highly effective, field-tested lesson plans for the students in every elementary and middle school classroom who struggle with writing. The practical how-to follow-up to Graham and Harris' popular ""Writing Better"", this book is just what K - 8 educators need to advance all students' writing skills, whether they have learning disabilities or just need extra help.Teachers will get concise lesson plans they can use to easily supplement their existing writing curriculum. From 20-50 minutes each, the lessons: address types of writing that are key to academic success, such as writing reports and constructing essays for standardized tests; help with every phase of the writing process, from planning to revising; reinforce new skills through group and individual practice; ensure that improvements are sustained by teaching students critical self-regulation skills they can use independently; support effective instruction with step-by-step guidelines and optional scripts for teachers; engage students with mnemonic devices they'll immediately grasp and remember; and include fun photocopiable support materials, such as cue cards, picture prompts, sheets for graphing story parts, and charts for brainstorming and setting goals.Firmly grounded in the authors' Self-Regulated Strategy Development approach, which has been proven effective by 2 decades of research, these brief, powerful lessons will help transform struggling students into confident, skilled, and motivated writers.
OM Book Service Loose-Leaf for Business Foundations
The State Botanical Garden of Georgia, at the University of Georgia Field Guide to the Rare Plants of Georgia
Abundantly illustrated with more than 400 color photographs and 200 detailed drawings, this comprehensive guide to the state's rare and endangered plants provides photographs and botanical illustrations in a single volume formatted for field use. More than 200 species are covered, including two dozen that are federally listed and 170-plus that are listed as Threatened, Endangered, Rare, or of Special Concern by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. The guide is designed for easy, nontechnical identification of species in the field. Color photographs show the plants in their natural surroundings, and drawings emphasize the most distinctive parts of the plants. Packed with information about the plants as well as their habitats and management, the guide facilitates the quick recognition of rare species, encourages awareness of their distribution and ecological significance, and provides guidelines for ensuring their survival. Additional features include directions for using the guide, a map of Georgia's counties, descriptions of the natural communities of Georgia, references for further reading, a glossary of frequently used terms, and indexes of scientific and common plant names. The guide also includes a chapter by Jennifer Ceska and University of Georgia horticulture professor James Affolter, founding members of the Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance, on horticultural requirements of rare species and the role of GPCA in their protection. This is a valuable resource for students, wildflower enthusiasts, botanists, land managers, and environmental decision makers.
Teachers' College Press Schools of Opportunity: 10 Research-Based Models of Equity in Action
Schools of Opportunity builds an argument for shifting the way that excellent schools are recognized and built. The National Education Policy Center's Schools of Opportunity project was designed to highlight public high schools that are using research-based practices for closing opportunity gaps in student learning. The project recognizes schools working to address the needs of all students, whether or not those schools have high average test scores. This approach thus embraces a shift away from the nation's myopic focus on outcomes. This follows from research findings that schools alone cannot fix the problems created by the stark inequalities in our society. Instead, schools should be expected to do their part by responding to inequities with research-based practices. With these shifts in mind, this book provides case studies of schools that demonstrate key criteria that other schools can emulate, such as an inclusive school climate, support for language-minority students, performance-based assessment, teacher professionalism, a commitment to detracking, and supports for students in need. Book Features: Provides accounts of school reform, jointly told by researcher–practitioner teams, connecting current research with successful efforts of educators to create outstanding learning environments. Brings together the voices of principals and school leaders who share stories of how their work has unfolded in their school, district, and state contexts. Identifies the school leadership and teacher practices that close opportunity gaps for student learning, and what it takes to implement them.
Little, Brown & Company The Healthy Pregnancy Book: Month by Month, Everything You Need to Know from America's Baby Experts
Policy Press The public health system in England
Health systems everywhere are experiencing rapid change in response to new threats to health, including from lifestyle diseases, risks of pandemic flu, and the global effects of climate change but health inequalities continue to widen. Such developments have profound implications for the future direction of public health policy and practice. The public health system in England offers a wide-ranging, provocative and accessible assessment of challenges confronting a public health system, exploring how its parameters have shifted and what the origins of dilemmas in public health practice are. The book will therefore appeal to public health professionals and students of health policy, potentially engaging them in political and social advocacy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Accelerating Change in Schools: Leading Rapid, Successful, and Complex Change Initiatives
Research indicates change is complex and difficult, and requires considerable time to achieve, sometimes years or even decades. This book presents major findings from a research study exploring the leadership needed to enact rapid change – defined as three years or less – in various school contexts, overtly including the perspectives of leaders, teachers, students, parents, community members, and district leaders. We challenge many of the assumptions in current scholarly literature about how fast, complex change can or should be wrought within educational environments; indeed, our premise is that rapid, complex change is not only possible but may be highly desirable and successful given the right leadership approach. We present a pragmatic ‘rapid change’ model emerging from in-depth explorations of successful leadership approaches that accelerated the change agenda in these schools. We outline the theoretical underpinnings to the model and overtly articulate the pragmatic approaches leaders found to be effective in implementing fast-paced change. We also present case studies of successful change in schools with descriptions and advice elicited from leaders and stakeholders.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Human Behavior and Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability is a necessity for all countries worldwide, and it is strongly related to human quality of life. Given that sustainability problems largely result from human-environment interactions, social and behavioral research is developing as a necessary complement to natural-science and technological studies of environmental problems. To demonstrate this, the various authors address key theoretical, methodological and policy-making questions about the behavioral dimensions of environmental sustainability. Successively considered are the appreciation of environmental risk, citizens’ annoyance from environmental noise, the evaluation of urban environmental quality, the restorative significance of nature experiences, fundamental behavioral processes and environmental motivations, and unsustainable-behavior change and the roles of technology therein. The usefulness of multidisciplinary research is emphasized. Finally explicated is psychology’s drive and potential for analyzing and supporting environmental sustainability as a long-term human social and economic interest.
Edinburgh University Press A History of Everyday Life in Twentieth Century Scotland
Over the twentieth century Scots' lives changed in fast, dramatic and culturally significant ways. By examining their bodies, homes, working lives, rituals, beliefs and consumption, this volume exposes how the very substance of everyday life was composed, tracing both the intimate and the mass changes that the people endured. Using novel perspectives and methods, chapters range across the experiences of work, art and death, the way Scots conceived of themselves and their homes, and the way the 'old Scotland' of oppressive community rules broke down from mid-century as the country reinvented its everyday life and culture. This volume brings together leading cultural historians of twentieth-century Scotland to study the apparently mundane activities of people's lives, traversing the key spaces where daily experience is composed to expose the controversial personal and national politics that ritual and practice can generate. Key features: *Contains an overview of the material changes experienced by Scots in their everyday lives during the course of the century *Focuses on some of the key areas of change in everyday experience, from the way Scots spent their Sundays to the homes in which they lived, from the work they undertook to the culture they consumed and eventually the way they died. *Pays particular attention to identity as well as experience
HarperCollins Publishers The Deadly Monster: Band 05 Green/Band 12 Copper (Collins Big Cat Progress)
Jack and Sam think their school trip to the Ancient Greece Museum is boring, until they see a glowing statue … Finding themselves whisked away to fight a deadly monster, suddenly Ancient Greece doesn’t seem so dull after all. This exciting graphic novel by Linda Chapman is brought to life with illustrations from Dylan Coburn. Collins Big Cat Progress builds confidence, helping struggling pupils not only to read, but to love reading Dual-banded books provide age-appropriate interest level material matched with a lower reading ability level Every book is levelled by reading expert Cliff Moon to ensure precise, systematic, measurable progression to help close the ability gap The books use a range of reading strategies: phonic, graphic, syntactic and contextual to build confident, accurate, fluent readers Designed to build speaking and listening skills, as well as reading skills, the books are highly visual and include incredible illustrations and photographs Every book has a Key Stage 2 look-and-feel to engage older pupils and avoid stigmatisation Topics are relevant for children in years 3-6 and connected to the curriculum and framework objectives for these years to support inclusion Progress titles contain a Reader Response page to encourage the pupil to respond to and recall what they have read. This offers an ideal opportunity to check comprehension Ideas for Reading, written by primary literacy expert Gill Howell are included in the back of every book to help you support the reading needs of each child This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Psychodynamic Approaches to Psychopathology
Authoritative and comprehensive, this volume provides a contemporary psychodynamic perspective on frequently encountered psychological disorders in adults, children, and adolescents. Leading international authorities review the growing evidence base for psychoanalytic theories and therapeutic models. Chapters examine the etiology and psychological mechanisms of each disorder and thoroughly describe effective treatment strategies. Highly accessible, the book is richly illustrated with clinical case material. It demonstrates ways in which psychodynamic theory and therapy are enhanced by integrating ideas and findings from neuroscience, social and personality psychology, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and other fields. Winner—Goethe Award for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Scholarship
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Plants of the Rocky Mountains
Over 1300 species of trees, shrubs, wildflowers, grasses, ferns, mosses and lichens are described and illustrated. Notes on origin of name, ecology, native uses, edibility and similar species are included, as are color-coded sections to allow for quick identification.