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John Wiley & Sons Inc Child Psychotherapy Homework Planner
New and updated assignments and exercises meet the changing needs of mental health professionals The Child Psychotherapy Homework Planner, Fifth Edition provides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features: 93 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issues encountered by children, such as academic underachievement, low self-esteem, depression, and separation anxiety A quick-reference format—the interactive assignments are grouped by behavioral problems including blended family problems, divorce reaction, ADHD, attachment disorder, social anxiety, language disorders, and unresolved grief and loss Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient use of the exercises Assignments cross-referenced to The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition—so you can quickly identify the right exercises for a given situation or problem Downloadable content contains all the exercises in a word-processing format—allowing you to customize them to suit your and your clients' unique styles and needs
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics
Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics offers a step-by-step guide to successfully designing and placing complete and implant-retained dentures using neutral zone concepts. Illustrates every technique described with more than 300 color photos Covers all phases of complete denture therapy Presents a step-by-step assessment and examination protocol Details the importance of accurate diagnosis and prognosis prior to committing to treatment Describes an alternative to traditional impressioning procedures that can be accomplished in a single appointment Includes access to a companion website with video clips and student handouts, with teaching PowerPoints available for instructors
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, with DSM-5 Updates
This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 35 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventionsplus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most accrediting bodies, insurance companies, and third-party payors Includes new Evidence-Based Practice Interventions as required by many public funding sources and private insurers PracticePlanners® THE BESTSELLING TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions New chapters on Internet sexual use, retirement, and parenthood strain Organized around 35 behaviorally based presenting problems including jealousy, midlife crisis, parenting conflicts, and sexual dysfunction Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventionsplus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Designed to correspond with The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Second Edition and Couples Therapy Homework Planner, Second Edition Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Additional resources in the PracticePlanners® series: Progress Notes Planners contain complete, prewritten progress notes for each presenting problem in the companion Treatment Planners. Homework Planners feature behaviorally based, ready-to-use assignments to speed treatment and keep clients engaged between sessions. For more information on our PracticePlanners®, including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us on the Web at:
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Older Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, with DSM-5 Updates, 2nd Edition
This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 30 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventionsplus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most accrediting bodies, insurance companies, and third-party payors Includes new Evidence-Based Practice Interventions as required by many public funding sources and private insurers PracticePlanners® THE BESTSELLING TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS The Older Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions Organized around 30 behaviorally based presenting problems including depression, unresolved grief, life role transition, and substance abuse Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventionsplus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Additional resources in the PracticePlanners® series: Documentation Sourcebooks provide the forms and records that mental health??professionals need to??efficiently run their practice. Homework Planners feature behaviorally based, ready-to-use assignments to speed treatment and keep clients engaged between sessions. For more information on our PracticePlanners®, including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us on the Web at:
John Wiley & Sons Inc Forensic Microbiology
Forensic Microbiology focuses on newly emerging areas of microbiology relevant to medicolegal and criminal investigations: postmortem changes, establishing cause of death, estimating postmortem interval, and trace evidence analysis. Recent developments in sequencing technology allow researchers, and potentially practitioners, to examine microbial communities at unprecedented resolution and in multidisciplinary contexts. This detailed study of microbes facilitates the development of new forensic tools that use the structure and function of microbial communities as physical evidence. Chapters cover: Experiment design Data analysis Sample preservation The influence of microbes on results from autopsy, toxicology, and histology Decomposition ecology Trace evidence This diverse, rapidly evolving field of study has the potential to provide high quality microbial evidence which can be replicated across laboratories, providing spatial and temporal evidence which could be crucial in a broad range of investigative contexts. This book is intended as a resource for students, microbiologists, investigators, pathologists, and other forensic science professionals.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Clinical Sports Psychiatry: An International Perspective
This book has it all - written by national and international experts and edited by world authorities, it is the first book on sport psychiatry in over a decade. Dealing with psychopathology, mental health problems and clinical management, it differs markedly from sports psychology books that focus on performance issues. Eating disorders, exercise addiction, drug abuse are all problems that are seen in 'everyday' athletes, not just elite performers. This book shows how to help. This text covers the most important topics in contemporary sports psychiatry/psychology from an international perspective. Chapter authors are experts in the field and global leaders in the related professional organizations, including current and past Presidents/Chairs of the International Society for Sports Psychiatry and of the World Psychiatric Association Section on Exercise and Sports Psychiatry. Authors are mainly psychiatrists: the rest are PhD sport psychologists. The book comprises representative chapter authors from around the world, to an extent unprecedented in this topic. The authors and editors are well-informed in global perspectives, e.g., having served as consultants to numerous Olympic teams, in addition to service on the International Society for Sports Psychiatry's Board of Directors. Specifically, this book covers four main categories of topics: 1) mental health challenges faced by athletes (including substance use disorders, exercise addiction, eating disorders, depression, suicide, and concussion), 2) treatment approaches and therapeutic issues with athletes (including different types of psychotherapy for psychiatric disorders, psychotherapeutic performance enhancement approaches, transference and countertransference issues, achievement by proxy, psychotherapeutic issues as applied to a couple of sports that are played around the world, and use of psychiatric medications in athletes), 3) psychosocial issues affecting athletes (including sexual harassment and abuse, cultural issues, and ethics issues), and 4) the field of sports psychiatry (including work within one common sports psychiatry practice setting, and current status of and challenges in the field of sports psychiatry). There is a growing need for this book. Performance-enhancing drugs, use of psychotropics in impaired athletes, head trauma, sexual abuse, eating disorders, ethics, and depression and suicide in athletes, are just a few of the timely subjects addressed in this text. This is the only comprehensive reference available for those working in the field (or merely interested in it) to consult for current information on these topics. The existing sports psychology texts all focus on performance issues, with little, if any, attention paid to these areas of clinical significance. The book addresses the core differences between sports psychiatry and sports psychology, as well as the areas of overlap. Emphasis is placed on how the disciplines should work together in diagnosing and treating athletes dealing with emotional stress and psychopathology. Chapters include case examples and specific goals listed at the beginning, along with tables and graphs to highlight key concepts.
American Society of Agronomy Precision Agriculture Basics
Teachers' College Press From Words to Wisdom: Supporting Academic Language Use in PreK-3rd Grade
This practical guide shows teachers how to introduce academic language to young children, with an emphasis on appreciating and leveraging linguistic diversity. New educational standards are asking students to master content-area concepts and increasingly complex texts in earlier grades. This practitioner-friendly text provides instructional materials, sample dialogs, and assessment tools to facilitate academic language use in PreK–3 classrooms. The authors describe the word, sentence, and discourse levels of academic language, while encouraging teachers and students to consider purpose, participants, discipline, and context. Strategies are provided to help readers adapt language for a variety of academic purposes across mathematics, science, play, mealtimes, and ELA instruction. The text includes discussion questions, reproducible activities, planning materials, assessment tools, and handouts to facilitate smooth implementation into classroom practice. From Words to Wisdom will empower teachers to build bridges to academic success for all young learners. Book Features: Expands teachers' understanding of academic language beyond vocabulary to include syntax and discourse-level features. Includes specific strategies, activities, and suggestions for teaching from and with academic language across multiple settings and disciplines. Addresses all students, including multilingual and linguistically diverse speakers. Incorporates user-friendly features, such as text boxes, vignettes, assessment protocols, and sample teaching materials.
Taylor & Francis Inc The American Journalist in the 21st Century: U.S. News People at the Dawn of a New Millennium
An authoritative and detailed illustration of the state of journalistic practice in the United States today, The American Journalist in the 21st Century sheds light on the demographic and educational backgrounds, working conditions, and professional and ethical values of print, broadcast, and Internet journalists at the beginning of the 21st century. Providing results from telephone surveys of nearly 1,500 U.S. journalists working in a variety of media outlets, this volume updates the findings published in the earlier report, The American Journalist in the 1990s, and reflects the continued evolution of journalistic practice and professionalism. The scope of material included here is extensive and inclusive, representing numerous facets of journalistic practice and professionalism, and featuring separate analyses for women, minority, and online journalists. Many findings are set in context and compared with previous major studies of U.S. journalists conducted in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Serving as a detailed snapshot of current journalistic practice, The American Journalist in the 21st Century offers an intriguing and enlightening profile of professional journalists today, and it will be of great interest and value to working journalists, journalism educators, media managers, journalism students, and others seeking insights into the current state of the journalism profession.
Stanford University Press Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research in Sociology and Economics
How often do working-class children obtain college degrees and then pursue professional careers? Conversely, how frequently do the children of doctors and lawyers fail to enter high status careers upon completion of their schooling? As inequalities of wealth and income have increased in industrialized nations over the past 30 years, have patterns of between-generation mobility changed? In this volume, leading sociologists and economists present original findings and conceptual arguments in response to questions like these. After assessing the range of mobility patterns observed in recent decades, the volume considers the mechanisms that generate mobility, focusing on both the training and skills that are rewarded in the labor market as well as the role of educational institutions in certifying graduates for professional positions. The volume concludes with chapters that assess the contexts of social mobility, examining the impact of macroeconomic conditions and societal levels of inequality on social and economic mobility.
Stanford University Press The Wages of Wins: Taking Measure of the Many Myths in Modern Sport. Updated Edition
Arguing about sports is as old as the games people play. Over the years sports debates have become muddled by many myths that do not match the numbers generated by those playing the games. In The Wages of Wins, the authors use layman's language and easy to follow examples based on their own academic research to debunk many of the most commonly held beliefs about sports. In this updated version of their book, these authors explain why Allen Iverson leaving Philadelphia made the 76ers a better team, why the Yankees find it so hard to repeat their success from the late 1990s, and why even great quarterbacks like Brett Favre are consistently inconsistent. The book names names, and makes it abundantly clear that much of the decision making of coaches and general managers does not hold up to an analysis of the numbers. Whether you are a fantasy league fanatic or a casual weekend fan, much of what you believe about sports will change after reading this book.
Stanford University Press Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research in Sociology and Economics
How often do working-class children obtain college degrees and then pursue professional careers? Conversely, how frequently do the children of doctors and lawyers fail to enter high status careers upon completion of their schooling? As inequalities of wealth and income have increased in industrialized nations over the past 30 years, have patterns of between-generation mobility changed? In this volume, leading sociologists and economists present original findings and conceptual arguments in response to questions like these. After assessing the range of mobility patterns observed in recent decades, the volume considers the mechanisms that generate mobility, focusing on both the training and skills that are rewarded in the labor market as well as the role of educational institutions in certifying graduates for professional positions. The volume concludes with chapters that assess the contexts of social mobility, examining the impact of macroeconomic conditions and societal levels of inequality on social and economic mobility.
Stanford University Press The Burden of Support: Young Latinos in an Aging Society
This book takes as its focus America in the 1980s which, at the time, was undergoing massive demographic and economic changes. The bulk of the book deals with Latino demographic, social, and economic characteristics: labor force participation, income, education, health, and political participation. It advocates that, in order to improve their situation, Latinos must understand their position as a group and as a community. The authors offer grounded speculation about the future of society, given two very important trends occurring simultaneously: the aging of the well-educated, Anglo Baby Boomer generation; and the growth of the much younger, less-educated Latino population.
University of Nebraska Press Transnational Spaces and Identities in the Francophone World
The dissolution of the French Empire and the ensuing rush of immigration have led to the formation of diasporas and immigrant cultures that have transformed French society and the immigrants themselves. Transnational Spaces and Identities in the Francophone World examines the impact of this postcolonial immigration on identity in France and in the Francophone world, which has encompassed parts of Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and the Americas. Immigrants bear cultural traditions within themselves, transform “host” communities, and are, in turn, transformed. These migrations necessarily complicate ideals of national literature, culture, and history, forcing a reexamination and a rearticulation of these ideals. Exploring a variety of texts informed by these transnational conceptions of identity and space, the contributors to this volume reveal the vitality of Francophone studies within a broad range of disciplines, periods, and settings. They remind us that the idea and reality of Francophonie is not a late twentieth-century phenomenon but something that grows out of long-term interactions between colonizer and colonized and between peoples of different nationalities, ethnicities, and religions. Truly interdisciplinary, this collection engages conceptions of identity with respect to their physical, geographic, ethnic, and imagined realities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc What Do I Say?: Communicating Intended or Unanticipated Outcomes in Obstetrics
What Do I Say? Communicating Intended or Unanticipated Outcomes in Obstetrics will help physicians and other health care professionals improve their communication skills with patients and their family members. Written by James R. Woods, a perinatologist, and Fay A. Rozovsky, an attorney, risk management consultant, and authority on informed consent, What Do I Say? explores how to explain risk to patients, how to obtain patient consent, and how to talk with patients when adverse events occur. What Do I Say? is a comprehensive book that Explains consent as a foundation of the caregiver-patient relationship Explains the legal context for disclosing bad news Outlines the practical issues associated with OB consent In addition to the information, research, and practical advice contained in this helpful volume, What Do I Say? is filled with useful case examples that can prepare physicians and other health care professionals for handling communications in potentially high-risk situations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Religion on the Internet: Research Prospects and Promises
"Religion on the Internet" is the first systematic inquiry into the nature, scope and content of religion in cyberspace. Contributors to this volume include leading social scientists engaged in systematic studies of how organizations and individuals are presenting religion on the Internet. Their combined efforts provide a conceptual mapping of religion in cyberspace at this moment. The individual papers and collective insights found in this volume add up to a valuable agenda of research that will enrich understanding of this new phenomenon. Among the contributors are the founders of three of the most important scholarly religion web sites on the Internet: American Religion Data Archive, Religious Tolerance, and Religious Movements Homepage. "Religion and the Internet" is essential reading for all who seek to understand how religion is being presented on the Internet and how this topic is likely to unfold in the years ahead.
Human Kinetics Publishers Fisiología del Deporte y el Ejercicio
La quinta edición de Fisiología del Deporte y el Ejercicio, el libro de texto preferido en los programas de estudio de fisiología del ejercicio, ha sido completamente actualizada, tanto en su contenido como en su diseño gráfico. Todos los autores son investigadores destacados y expresidentes del American College of Sports Medicine. Su amplia experiencia ha permitido conformar un libro con un contenido técnico de excelencia pero que conserva, a la vez, un formato fácilmente comprensible para el estudiante, características que han llevado a esta obra a ser la elegida por los docentes y los alumnos. Esta edición se ha rediseñado para conseguir un aspecto visual más atractivo, que facilite a los estudiantes el proceso de aprendizaje. Las nuevas fotografías e ilustraciones tienen mayor detalle y claridad, y muestran de forma más precisa el funcionamiento del organismo y sus respuestas a la actividad física. El texto también se ha redactado nuevamente a fin de que se integre con las figuras, lo que facilita la comprensión de los temas expuestos. Además de las nuevas ilustraciones, el contenido de Fisiología del Deporte y el Ejercicio se ha actualizado conforme a las últimas investigaciones, e incluye: • Nuevo texto en los capítulos sobre entrenamiento de la resistencia, que comprende los principios sobre el entrenamiento de la fuerza basados en la información de la ACSM de 2009 y nuevas secciones sobre la fuerza, el entrenamiento de la estabilidad y el entrenamiento intermitente de alta intensidad • Los capítulos sobre metabolismo y control hormonal se han reorganizado y actualizado por completo conforme a los comentarios recibidos de los docentes, a fin de ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender mejor estos sistemas complejos • Nuevos contenidos sobre el ácido láctico como fuente de energía, calambres musculares, obesidad infantil, utilización de sustratos y respuesta endocrina al ejercicio y envejecimiento de los vasos sanguíneos • Cobertura actualizada de las funciones cardíacas centrales y periféricas, la tríada de las atletas y el ciclo menstrual • Nuevas investigaciones sobre los efectos de la actividad física sobre la salud, que incluyen los datos internacionales sobre la incidencia de las enfermedades cardiovasculares y la obesidad Una de las características tradicionalmente apreciadas de este libro es su claridad en la exposición de los temas. Esta edición continúa ofreciendo un tratamiento integral de la compleja relación entre la fisiología humana y el ejercicio, conservando a la vez un enfoque ameno y que consigue captar el interés del alumno. Sus características pedagógicas singulares permiten a los estudiantes adquirir conocimientos a medida que descubren la profundidad y la amplitud de este campo de estudio fascinante. El diseño del libro, con secciones introductorias en cada capítulo y recuadros de revisión, ayudará a los alumnos a centrarse en los conceptos principales. Las preguntas y las palabras clave ubicadas al final de cada capítulo los ayudarán a repasar y evaluar sus conocimientos. Un completo glosario y una lista de las abreviaturas frecuentes y las tablas de conversión represenntan un apoyo adicional para las prácticas de laboratorio. Fisiología del Deporte y el Ejercicio es, sin duda, el recurso más completo y más actualizado, e incluye información sobre las investigaciones más recientes en un formato fácilmente comprensible. Estas características facilitan a los estudiantes el aprendizaje de las increíbles capacidades del organismo para desempeñar ejercicios y deportes de diversos tipos y con diferente intensidad, adaptarse a situaciones de tensión, y mejorar sus capacidades fisiológicas.
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance de Mme de Graffigny: 5 Janvier 1754-31 Decembre 1755, Lettres 2093-2303 v. 14
Elsevier Health Sciences The Athletic Horse: Principles and Practice of Equine Sports Medicine
Showing how to maximize performance in horses, The Athletic Horse: Principles and Practice of Equine Sports Medicine, 2nd Edition describes sports training regimens and how to reduce musculoskeletal injuries. Practical coverage addresses the anatomical and physiological basis of equine exercise and performance, centering on evaluation, imaging, pharmacology, and training recommendations for sports such as racing and show jumping. Now in full color, this edition includes new rehabilitation techniques, the latest imaging techniques, and the best methods for equine transportation. Written by expert educators Dr. David Hodgson, Dr. Catherine McGowan, and Dr. Kenneth McKeever, with a panel of highly qualified contributing authors. Expert international contributors provide cutting-edge equine information from the top countries in performance-horse research: the U.S., Australia, U.K., South Africa, and Canada. The latest nutritional guidelines maximize the performance of the equine athlete. Extensive reference lists at the end of each chapter provide up-to-date resources for further research and study. NEW full-color photographs depict external clinical signs, allowing more accurate clinical recognition. NEW and improved imaging techniques maximize your ability to assess equine performance. UPDATED drug information is presented as it applies to treatment and to new regulations for drug use in the equine athlete. NEW advances in methods of transporting equine athletes ensure that the amount of stress on the athlete is kept to a minimum. NEW rehabilitation techniques help to prepare the equine athlete for a return to the job. Two NEW authors, Dr. Catherine McGowan and Dr. Kenneth McKeever, are highly recognized experts in the field.
University of California Press Living with Difference: How to Build Community in a Divided World
Whether looking at divided cities or working with populations on the margins of society, a growing number of engaged academics have reached out to communities around the world to address the practical problems of living with difference. This book explores the challenges and necessities of accommodating difference, however difficult and uncomfortable such accommodation may be. Drawing on fourteen years of theoretical insights and unique pedagogy, CEDAR-Communities Engaging with Difference and Religion-has worked internationally with community leaders, activists, and other partners to take the insights of anthropology out of the classroom and into the world. Rather than addressing conflict by emphasizing what is shared, Living with Difference argues for the centrality of difference in creating community, seeking ways not to overcome or deny differences but to live with and within them in a self-reflective space and practice. This volume also includes a manual for organizers to implement CEDAR's strategies in their own communities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Photochemistry, Volume 17
Setting the pace for progress and innovation . . . "[Provides] a wealth of information on frontier photochemistry . . . could easily serve as a definitive source of background information for future researchers."—Journal of the American Chemical Society "The overall quality of the series and the timeliness of selections and authors warrants continuation of the series by any library wishing to maintain a first-rate reference series to the literature."—Physics Today ADVANCES IN PHOTOCHEMISTRY More than a simple survey of the current literature, Advances in Photochemistry offers critical evaluations written by internationally recognized experts. These pioneering scientists offer unique and varied points of view of the existing data. Their articles are challenging as well as provocative and are intended to stimulate discussion, promote further research, and encourage new developments in the field.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Behavioral Medicine Treatment Planner
This invaluable sourcebook features pre-written treatment plan components for the field of behavioral medicine, including behavioral definitions, long-term goals, short-term objectives, therapeutic interventions, and DSM-IV diagnoses. The Behavioral Medicine Treatment Planner covers the psychological aspects of coping with illnesses such as cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, headaches, AIDS, and more. Psychologists, counselors, therapists, and other mental health professionals who work in medical settings will find this Planner indispensable.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Employee Assistance Treatment Planner
Treatment plan components for 28 DSM-IVTM and behaviorally based problems that impact work performance. A step-by-step guide to treatment planning 1000s of prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions for work-related problems. Handy workbook format with space to record your own treatment options Over 100,000 PracticePlanners(TM) sold Saves you hours of painstaking paperwork while offering optimum latitude in developing customized treatment plans for most problems encountered in employee assistance programs. This valuable sourcebook supplies EAP counselors and mental health clinicians who work with employee assistance programs with all of the essential building blocks they need to quickly create focused, formal treatment plans that fully satisfy the demands of third-party payers, accrediting agencies, and state and federal review agencies. Following the same format as the bestselling The Complete Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, it is organized around 28 major presenting problems encountered in employee assistance programs, including chemical dependence, low self-esteem, career burnout, job loss, and more. Practical, progressive, and focused on problem-resolution, The Employee Assistance Treatment Planner features: * 1,000s of well-crafted statements to choose from, describing behavioral manifestations, long- and short-term goals, and treatment options * A sample plan that can be emulated in writing plans that meet all requirements of third-party payers and accrediting agencies, including the JCAHO * A presenting problem list, including all relevant DSM-IV(TM) categories * A quick-reference format that lets you locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem or DSM-IV diagnosis * Large workbook-style pages affording plenty of space to record your own customized goals, objectives, and interventions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding
The fifth edition arms readers with the latest information on nutrient metabolism and the formulation of diets from an array of available feedstuffs. The authors discuss animals' role in ecological balance, environmental stability and sustainable agriculture and food production. A new chapter on Regulation of Nutrient Partitioning offers a lively and timely discussion of emerging technologies in modifying and increasing efficiency of nutrient metabolism and animal food composition. A new chapter on Toxic Minerals in the Food Chain addresses the role of agricultural production animal nutrition in protecting the environment from toxic levels of minerals and nitrogen in the food chain.
John Wiley & Sons Inc International M&A, Joint Ventures and Beyond: Doing the Deal
"By assembling the highly focused works of more than two dozen businessmen, lawyers, accountants, investment bankers, consultants, and experts in such fields as risk management and human resources, BenDaniel and Rosenbloom seamlessly illuminate a complex subject."-Paul E. Graf, President and CEO, Axel Johnson Inc. This fully revised Second Edition shows readers how to find, analyze, structure, and negotiate international deals.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Forest Growth and Yield Modeling
Forest Growth and Yield Modeling synthesizes current scientific literature and provides insights in how models are constructed. Giving suggestions for future developments, and outlining keys for successful implementation of models the book provides a thorough and up-to-date, single source reference for students, researchers and practitioners requiring a current digest of research and methods in the field. The book describes current modelling approaches for predicting forest growth and yield and explores the components that comprise the various modelling approaches. It provides the reader with the tools for evaluating and calibrating growth and yield models and outlines the steps necessary for developing a forest growth and yield model. Single source reference providing an evaluation and synthesis of current scientific literature Detailed descriptions of example models Covers statistical techniques used in forest model construction Accessible, reader-friendly style
John Wiley & Sons Inc Leading in Times of Crisis: Navigating Through Complexity, Diversity and Uncertainty to Save Your Business
LEADERS TODAY ARE GRAPPLING with complex choices, diverse customers and employees, and unprecedented uncertainty in the economic environment. Business models are becoming obsolete, cost and performance pressures are growing, regulatory requirements are changing, and trust in institutions is declining. Tackling these and other growing demands requires every leader to radically rethink what constitutes effective leadership. Leading in Times of Crisis presents a new approach and concrete steps to compete in this complex, diverse, and uncertain marketplace. Drawing on compelling research and more than twenty interviews with CEOs and top-level executives, former executives and professors David Dotlich, Peter Cairo, and Stephen Rhinesmith highlight the growing urgency to evolve from a traditional, one-dimensional leadership model to what they term "whole leadership." Whole leadership allows leaders to act in three ways that are important now but absolutely essential to their business in the future: RETHINK YOUR BUSINESS CONNECT WITH STAKEHOLDERS LIVE YOUR VALUES In an accessible, no-nonsense style, the authors provide new and experienced leaders with specific action steps for facing difficult choices, engaging diverse customers and employees, and acting in the face of uncertainty to deliver results and move companies forward in a turbulent, demanding, and resource-constrained world. Leading in Times of Crisis will help you become a "whole leader" by aligning your purpose, skills, and decisions with the outcomes your business requires. Read it and find out how every leader has the potential to make a difference in this new world.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division DiSaia and Creasman Clinical Gynecologic Oncology
For more than 40 years, DiSaia and Creasman Clinical Gynecologic Oncology has been the leading reference for diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic cancers, providing physicians and trainees alike with expert guidance on clinical presentations and management. The fully revised 10th Edition remains the most readable, most comprehensive text in the field. Under outstanding editorial leadership from Dr. William Creasman and featuring a "who's who list of expert contributing authors, this authoritative reference is a must-have resource for improving outcomes and providing effective patient care. Emphasizes practical clinical presentations and management of commonly seen problems, making this text an excellent resource for daily decision making. Provides in-depth explanations of major topics supplemented with up-to-date references. Features a new chapter on Immunotherapy in Gynecologic Malignancies, updated information on invasive cervical cancer, and significantly revised content on vulvar cancer, with new guidance on micro-staging for sentinels. Covers key topics such as precision medicine and new biomarker-driven targeted therapies, cancer staging, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Includes quick-reference features such as key point boxes with bulleted lists, highlighted key text, enhanced chapter outlines, clinical algorithms that review recommended treatment and management options, and additional references online. Contains useful appendices covering staging, screening, nutritional therapy, toxicity criteria, blood component therapy, and radiation therapy. An ideal comprehensive resource for clinical practice, personal study, and exam review. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Pathology and Intervention in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Design and implement a rehab program on your own with Pathology and Intervention in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 2nd Edition. Part of Magee's popular Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Series, this pathology text for physical therapists provides clear guidance on patient management relative to specific musculoskeletal pathology, injury, and illness - all based on a sound understanding of basic science and principles of practice. It focuses on the specific pathologies most often seen in the clinic, and discusses the best methods for intervention for the different areas of the body in the context of the tissue-healing model. Each intervention features a rationale, along with the pathology and problem presented; stage of healing; evidence in the literature; and clinical reasoning considerations. Dedicated and focused information on the specific pathologies most often seen in the clinic, as well as the best methods for intervention for the different areas of the body, minimizes duplication of information by referring you to other titles in the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Series for basic scientific information regarding inflammation, healing, tissue deformation, and the development of muscular strength and endurance. Trusted experts in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, along with internationally recognized contributors, present the best evidence behind contemporary interventions directed toward the treatment of the impairments and functional limitations associated with acute, chronic, and congenital musculoskeletal conditions occurring across the lifespan. Evidence-based content, with over 4,000 references, supports the scientific principles for rehabilitation interventions, providing the best evidence for the management of musculoskeletal pathology and injury. NEW! The Skin and Wound Healing chapter looks at the numerous tools available to assist in objectively monitoring and treating a patient with an acute or chronic wound. NEW! Rotator Cuff Pathology chapter highlights the anatomy, function, and etiology of the rotary cuff, and addresses rotary cuff injuries, physical examination, and non-operative and operative treatment. UPDATED! Substantially revised chapter on the Thoracic Ring ApproachT facilitates clinical reasoning for the treatment of the thoracic spine and ribs through the assessment and treatment of thoracic spine disorders and how they relate to the whole kinetic chain. UPDATED! Revised Lumbar Spine - Treatment of Motor Control Disorders chapter explores some of the research evidence and clinical reasoning pertaining to instability of the lumbar spine so you can better organize your knowledge for immediate use in the clinical setting. UPDATED! Significantly revised chapter on the treatment of pelvic pain and dysfunction presents an overview of specific pathologies pertaining to the various systems of the pelvis - and highlights how "The Integrated Systems Model for Disability and Pain" facilitates evidence-based management of the often complex patient with pelvic pain and dysfunction. NEW! Musculoskeletal Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors chapter covers common bones tumors, anatomic considerations and rehabilitation, pediatric patients, and amputation related to cancer. UPDATED! Thoroughly revised chapters with additional references ensure you get the most recent evidence and information available. NEW! Full color design and illustration program reflects what you see in the physical world to help you recognize and understand concepts more quickly.
Indiana University Press Dictionary of Midwestern Literature, Volume 2: Dimensions of the Midwestern Literary Imagination
The Midwest has produced a robust literary heritage. Its authors have won half of the nation's Nobel Prizes for Literature plus a significant number of Pulitzer Prizes. This volume explores the rich racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of the region. It also contains entries on 35 pivotal Midwestern literary works, literary genres, literary, cultural, historical, and social movements, state and city literatures, literary journals and magazines, as well as entries on science fiction, film, comic strips, graphic novels, and environmental writing. Prepared by a team of scholars, this second volume of the Dictionary of Midwestern Literature is a comprehensive resource that demonstrates the Midwest's continuing cultural vitality and the stature and distinctiveness of its literature.
University of Illinois Press Pacific Apostle: The 1920-21 Diary of David O. McKay in the Latter-day Saint Island Missions
In 1920, David O. McKay embarked on a journey that forever changed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His visits to the Latter-day Saint missions, schools, and branches in the Pacific solidified the Church leadership's commitment to global outreach. As importantly, the trip inspired McKay's own initiatives when he later became Church president. McKay's account of his odyssey brings to life the story of the Church of Jesus Christ’s transformation into a global faith. Throughout his diary, McKay expressed his humanity, curiosity, and fascination with cultures and places--the Maori hongi, East Asian customs, Australian wildlife, and more. At the same time, he and his travel companion, Hugh J. Cannon, detailed the Latter-day Saint missionary life of the era, closely observing logistical challenges and cultural differences, guiding various church efforts, and listening to followers' impressions and concerns. Reid L. Neilson and Carson V. Teuscher's meticulous notes provide historical, religious, and general context for the reader.Blending travelogue with history, Pacific Apostle illuminates the thought and work of an essential figure in the twentieth-century Church of Jesus Christ.
The University of Chicago Press The Supreme Court Review, 2016
For more than fifty years, The Supreme Court Review has won acclaim for providing a sustained and authoritative survey of the implications of the Court's most significant decisions. The Supreme Court Review is an in-depth annual critique of the Supreme Court and its work, keeping up on the forefront of the origins, reforms, and interpretations of American law. It is written by and for legal academics, judges, political scientists, journalists, historians, economists, policy planners, and sociologists.
The University of Chicago Press The Supreme Court Review, 2014
For more than fifty years, The Supreme Court Review has been lauded for providing authoritative discussion of the Courts' most significant decisions. With an in-depth annual critique of the Supreme Court and its work, The Supreme Court Review keeps at the forefront of the reforms and interpretations of American law. The recent volumes have considered such issues as post-9/11 security, the 2000 presidential election, cross burning, federalism and state sovereignty, failed Supreme Court nominations, the battles concerning same-sex marriage, and numerous First and Fourth Amendment cases.
The University of Chicago Press Improvement by Design: The Promise of Better Schools
One of the great challenges now facing education reformers in the United States is how to devise a consistent and intelligent framework for instruction that will work across the nation's notoriously fragmented and politically conflicted school systems. Various programs have tried to do that, but only a few have succeeded. Improvement by Design looks at three different programs, seeking to understand why two of them - America's Choice and Success for All - worked, and why the third - Accelerated Schools Project - did not. The authors identify four critical puzzles that the successful programs were able to solve: design, implementation, improvement, and sustainability. Pinpointing the specific solutions that clearly improved instruction, they identify the key elements that all successful reform programs share. Offering urgently needed guidance for state and local school systems as they attempt to respond to future reform proposals, Improvement by Design gets America one step closer to truly successful education systems.
Purdue University Press The History and Archaeology of Fort Ouiatenon: 300 Years in the Making
The French fur trade post of Fort Ouiatenon was founded more than 300 years ago on the Wabash River in what is now Tippecanoe County, Indiana. The History and Archaeology of Fort Ouiatenon is a multidisciplinary exploration of the fort, from its founding in 1717, through its historical significance over the years, and up to its present-day use. Covering a variety of historical, archaeological, Indigenous, and living history perspectives on Fort Ouiatenon, as well as the fur trade and New France, this collection is the first volume dedicated to this important site. The volume is written with a wide audience in mind, ranging from academics to historical reenactors, Indigenous communities, and those interested in local history.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins The Washington Manual of Dermatology Diagnostics
Master the nuances of dermatologic diagnosis, Washington Manual style! The Washington Manual family of references are universally respected as focused, user-friendly, clinically relevant handbooks that provide essential, “in-the-trenches” know how for physicians of all experience levels. The Washington Manual of Dermatology Diagnostics carries on this tradition, equipping you to efficiently evaluate the complete spectrum of skin disorders so you can manage them appropriately. Accurately diagnose a full range of skin diseases and disorders, from inflammatory conditions through infections and infestations, reactive disorders and drug eruptions, disorders of pigmentation, benign and malignant lesions, and disorders of the hair and nails, to cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease. Master dermatologic surgery techniques including biopsies, electrosurgery, cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy, Mohs micrographic surgery, laser surgery, and wound healing. Effectively assess pediatric and geriatric conditions with complete, separate chapters on these important areas. Find the information you need quickly thanks to a compact, quick-reference format. Approach clinical challenges from any direction with appendices that organize differential diagnoses by primary lesion, morphological groups, and anatomical region, as well as pediatric differential diagnoses. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition , which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation A powerful search that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages , references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Global Fintech Institute-chartered Fintech Professional Set I
In the digital era, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain have revolutionized people's daily lives and brought many opportunities and challenges to industries. With the increasing demand for talents in the fintech realm, this set serves as a good guide for practitioners who are seeking to understand the basics of fintech and the applications of different technologies. This set starts with fundamental knowledge in finance, technology, quantitative methods, and financial innovation to lay the foundation for the fundamentals of fintech, and understanding the trending issues related to fintech such as regulation, applications, and global trends. It is a good starting point to the fintech literature and is especially useful for people who aspire to become fintech professionals.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Rubin & Strayer. Patología: Mecanismos de la enfermedad humana
Durante más de 30 años, Rubin & Strayer. Patología se ha convertido en uno de los referentes obligados en la educación y enseñanza de la especialidad. Al igual que en ediciones anteriores, la 8.ª edición sigue cumpliendo con el cometido de introducir al lector en el aprendizaje de la patología, no como la sucesión de un conjunto de factores aislados o de procesos enigmáticos que deben memorizarse y enseguida olvidarse, sino como la fragilidad y la mortalidad humana presentadas como conceptos que el lector debe asimilar y principios que debe aplicar. La visión de los autores se ha plasmado en una obra elogiada por incluir «justo lo que los estudiantes de medicina necesitan», es decir, un perfecto equilibrio entre la patología básica y la clínica, sin detalles que excedan las necesidades de los lectores. Con un diseño fácil y entretenido, y con un enfoque integral de la patología como punto de confluencia de la afectación de diferentes órganos y sistemas, Rubin & Strayer. Patología se organiza en tres secciones con el fin de facilitar aún más la asimilación de conceptos y el desarrollo de principios. La primera sección aborda los mecanismos de enfermedad, la segunda detalla las distintas enfermedades por sistemas de órganos, y la última sección, con los capítulos en línea, cubre la patogenia de las enfermedades sistémicas.
American Society for Training & Development Conscious Accountability: Deepen Connections, Elevate Results
Use the Practice of Conscious Accountability to Elevate Your Work and RelationshipsResults and relationships—managers and leaders no longer have to prioritize one over the other to build a culture of exceptional accountability. You don't have to choose between being the hard-charging task master and being the easy-going people pleaser. By expanding your awareness to create deliberate intentions, take informed actions, and be responsible for your impact, you can achieve better business outcomes and experience greater satisfaction in doing so. In Conscious Accountability, Yale professors, psychologists, and business consultants David C. Tate, Marianne Pantalon, and Daryn David invite you to think about yourself and your working relationships more completely and integrate a practice of conscious accountability in your daily life. A forward-thinking approach to realizing organizational and team goals, conscious accountability can help you move beyond traditional ways of engaging with your employees, team members, and peers. The impact will be transformative.To help you develop the skills and the mindsets of conscious accountability, this book introduces a straightforward and powerful CONNECT framework that gives you the tools you need to better relate to everyone in your professional (and personal) life, build trust, and motivate yourself and your colleagues for greater outcomes. Step up your game by following the seven practices of conscious accountability—creating clarity, opening up engagement, nailing it, noticing, exchanging feedback, claiming it, and trying again. You will connect more closely to others, put people in a position to succeed, elevate and distinguish yourself, and generate excellence everywhere you turn.
University of Wales Press The Elect Methodists: Calvinistic Methodism in England and Wales, 1735-1811
The Elect Methodists is the first full-length academic study of Calvinistic Methodism, a movement that emerged in the eighteenth century as an alternative to the better known Wesleyan grouping. While the branch of Methodism led by John Wesley has received significant historical attention, Calvinistic Methodism, especially in England, has not. The book charts the sources of the eighteenth-century Methodist revival in the context of Protestant evangelicalism emerging in continental Europe and colonial North America, and then proceeds to follow the fortunes in both England and Wales of the Calvinistic branch, to the establishing of formal denominations in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
Plural Publishing Inc Patient-Provider Communication: Roles for Speech-Language Pathologists and Other Health Care Professionals
Patient-Provider Communication: Roles for Speech-Language Pathologists and Other Health Care Professionals presents timely information regarding effective patient-centered communication in a variety of health care settings. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and professionals from medical and allied health fields as well as those who serve the communication needs of children and adults with communication challenges will benefit from this valuable resource. Topics addressed include medical education, adult and pediatric acute care settings, rehabilitation, long-term residential care, and hospice/palliative care situations. The editors are recognized internationally for their work in the field of communication disorders and have been active in the area of patient-provider communication for many years. Patient-Provider Communication is a must-have resource to ensure SLPs and other health care providers are at the forefront of quality patient-centered care.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Renewable Electric Power Distribution Engineering
Nova Science Publishers Inc Best Scores: Solution to the Catastrophe-Bound Environment
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Agitation in Patients With Dementia: A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Management
Among the most frustrating challenges for any health care professional are treating and alleviating the distress of an agitated patient with dementia -- especially compelling in the midst of today's unprecedented population explosion among adults over age 65. For the first time ever, people age 85 and older represent the fastest-growing segment of our population. As we find ways to meet this challenge, we are also transforming how we think about aging. Instead of the pejorative term "senility," which implies that simply to be old is to be infirm, we refer to the ABCs of geriatric psychiatry: disturbances in (A)ffect, (B)ehavior, and (C)ognition, which are not normal at any age. This remarkable monograph offers practical direction on assessing and managing agitation in patients with dementia. Furthermore, this encouraging work shows that successful outcomes -- with response rates as high as 70% -- can be achieved with a systemic approach, involving both patient and caregiver, that includes cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic, and reminiscence therapies. This concise book identifies and diagnoses the multiple types of agitation in dementia patients. It also explains how to look for and treat the underlying medical etiologies, and recommends treatment and management techniques, including: Definitional and theoretical conceptualizations of agitation in the elderly; the epidemiology (i.e., the possible relationships involving agitation and dementia, and the dynamic between symptoms and the care setting) and neurochemistry (i.e., the neurobiological changes of behavior involve biochemical and structural causes, not structural causes alone) of agitation Behavior assessment scales as evaluation tools; differential diagnoses (distinguishing delirium, depression, psychosis, and anxiety from the many precipitating and maintaining factors underlying agitation); clinical assessment and management of agitation in residential and other settings (extremely difficult and frustrating, often leading to staff and caregiver burnout) Nonpharmacological interventions, such as a systemic approach to psychotherapy for both patient and caregiver (with some response rates as high as 70%), bright light therapy (promising but unproven), electroconvulsive therapy (effective -- with minimal and temporary side effects -- for severe, treatment-intolerant, or treatment-resistant illness), and hormone replacement therapies The pathophysiology, pharmacology, and clinical data of serotonergic agents, mood stabilizers, neuroleptics, beta blockers, benzodiazepines, and other miscellaneous agents The legal and ethical issues in treating agitation in patients with dementia -- finding the balance between autonomy and beneficence in the treatment of an agitated patient with dementia is difficult at best, with the challenge being to allow the patient's participation as long and as fully as possible This book will appeal to a wide audience of geriatric psychiatrists, primary care physicians and internists, general practitioners, nurses, social workers, psychologists, pharmacists, and mental health care workers and practitioners.
Richmond Publishing Co Ltd Insects on dock plants
Zondervan Hebrews - Revelation
Continuing a Gold Medallion Award-winning legacy, the completely revised Expositor's Bible Commentary puts world-class biblical scholarship in your hands.A staple for students, teachers, and pastors worldwide, The Expositor's Bible Commentary (EBC) offers comprehensive yet succinct commentary from scholars committed to the authority of the Holy Scriptures. The EBC uses the New International Version of the Bible, but the contributors work from the original Hebrew and Greek languages and refer to other translations when useful.Each section of the commentary includes: An introduction: background information, a short bibliography, and an outline An overview of Scripture to illuminate the big picture The complete NIV text Extensive commentary Notes on textual questions, key words, and concepts Reflections to give expanded thoughts on important issues The series features 56 contributors, who: Believe in the divine inspiration, complete trustworthiness, and full authority of the Bible Have demonstrated proficiency in the biblical book that is their specialty Are committed to the church and the pastoral dimension of biblical interpretation Represent geographical and denominational diversity Use a balanced and respectful approach toward marked differences of opinion Write from an evangelical viewpoint For insightful exposition, thoughtful discussion, and ease of use—look no further than The Expositor's Bible Commentary.
Wolters Kluwer Health Fields Virology: Fundamentals
Now in four convenient volumes, Field’s Virology remains the most authoritative reference in this fast-changing field, providing definitive coverage of virology, including virus biology as well as replication and medical aspects of specific virus families. This volume of Field’s Virology: Fundamentals, Seventh Edition, edited by Drs. Peter Howley and David M. Knipe, along with volume associate editors Drs. Lynn Enquist, Jeffrey I. Cohen, Eric O. Freed, Blossom A. Damania, and Sean P. J. Whelan, focuses on the basic principles of virology and reflects recent advances in this dynamic field. Bundled with the eBook, which will be updated regularly as new information about each virus is available, this text serves as the authoritative, up-to-date reference book for virologists, infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and physicians, as well as undergraduate and graduate students interested in virology. Includes chapters on virus structures, essential viral functions, immune responses to viral infections, viral epidemiology, viral diagnostics, and viral therapies Up to date discussions of antiviral therapies and vaccine strategies Features more than 300 full-color illustrations, including key figures for use as lecture slides Provides quick, flexible access to current information both in print and in an improved eBook format Discusses virus structure, virus entry, replication, and assembly, virus-host cell interactions, host immune responses and vaccines, antiviral therapeutics, viral persistence and latency for HIV, and mechanisms of viral oncogenesis for HPV, KSHV and the hepatotropic viruses Newly revised Field’s Virology volumes, available in print and eBook format: • Emerging Viruses • DNA Viruses • RNA Viruses • Fundamental Virology Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Human Kinetics Publishers Physiology of Sport and Exercise
This is the loose-leaf version of Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Eighth Edition With HKPropel Access, which offers students a less expensive printed version of the text.Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Eighth Edition With HKPropel Access, continues its legacy as a top physiology textbook and favorite of instructors and students alike. Combining research with extensive visual aids, this resource offers a simple way for students to explore the body’s response to various types and intensities of exercise and sports. Written by a team of distinguished researchers, all past presidents of the American College of Sports Medicine, this eighth edition has been updated based on the most recent standards and guidelines in the field of exercise physiology. The text builds upon the previous edition’s high standards for illustrations, photos, and medical artwork with a refreshed, more sophisticated look to encourage a deep understanding of complex topics. Related multimedia components delivered through HKPropel further enrich the learning experience with 26 animations that offer a dynamic way to experience physiological concepts and 66 audio clips that offer explanations of elaborate physiological processes. Leaders in the field help students connect theoretical and practical concepts in 27 video clips. Various types of online learning activities, key term flash card reviews, and key term quizzes offer interactive opportunities to engage with the content—all of which can be assigned, and progress tracked, by instructors directly through HKPropel. In addition, chapter quizzes (assessments) may also be assigned; these are automatically graded to test comprehension of critical concepts. QR codes throughout the text notify students when complementary digital components are available.Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Eighth Edition, features the following enhancements based on the latest research in the field: Additional information on cellular signaling and molecular adaptations Expanded content on obesity and sports nutrition Reorganized and expanded chapters on energy expenditure and exercise prescription that make the content more accessible to students Extensive updates on important topics, including bioinformatics and big data, reading research articles, molecular mechanisms of increased protein synthesis, muscle cramps, and mitochondrial oxidation Updated Research Perspective sidebars that emphasize emerging findings in the field and a Research Perspectives Finder to help students locate key content quickly As in previous editions, readability and ease of understanding make Physiology of Sport and Exercise different from other physiology resources. Unique learning aids, including chapter-opening outlines and review boxes throughout each chapter, will help students focus on the major concepts addressed. Study questions and a list of key terms at the end of each chapter provide opportunities for recall and self-assessment. A comprehensive glossary and lists of common abbreviations and conversions provide easy reference for students.Physiology of Sport and Exercise has been a pivotal textbook in the field of exercise physiology. Through this edition’s dynamic and interactive learning activities, easy-to-follow layouts, and research-oriented content enriched with visual supplements, students and instructors will find this an invaluable resource for their continued education. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.