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Plural Publishing Inc Cleft Palate Speech and Resonance: An Audio and Video Resource
''Cleft Palate Speech and Resonance: An Audio and Video Resource'' is a clinical tool to train students and clinicians to reliably identify articulation, resonance, nasal air emission, and voice aspects of cleft palate speech. The resource contains high quality audio and video recordings of speech samples and cases studies that represent a variety of speech symptoms associated with cleft palate. In addition, it includes a brief overview of various cleft types and a protocol for the clinical assessment of patients with cleft related speech disorders. All information presented is evidence-based and reflects the most current knowledge on cleft palate speech. Assessment and treatment concepts in cleft care have changed significantly over the past 25 years and students and speech-language pathologists need easy access to information and materials which explicitly deal with each communication disorder and are state of the art. Children with cleft lip and palate constitute a low incidence population, and many practitioners have limited academic or clinical training in this area. The goal of this resource is to improve the knowledge base and clinical skills of practitioners by presenting current information through a range of auditory-perceptual experiences. Key Features: *Case studies with an extensive array of audio and video samples of recorded speech disorders produced by individuals with cleft palate -- available on a PluralPlus companion website *Addresses both knowledge and skills by presenting a wide range of auditory-perceptual experiences and content knowledge that will help the student and clinician identify the variety of speech disorders in cleft palate and the methods by which to assess them *The speech samples in this resource reflect current thinking and it contains more high quality digital speech samples and cases than any other current text *Provides the reader with concise yet complete descriptions of the speech features associated with cleft palate and a systematic approach to assessing speech, resonance, and phonation *Glossary of terms For instructors of speech-language pathology, ''Cleft Palate Speech and Resonance'' provides a much-needed teaching resource that is necessary to understanding and identifying speech disorders in speakers with cleft palate. Practicing speech-language pathologists can use it to retool their skills and it is also a great resource for dental and medical students and residents as well as those practitioners who already serve a cleft palate team.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Creating Wellness -- An Integrative Approach: An Introduction to the Natural Approach to Preventive Healthcare for Families, Athletes & Seniors
Georgetown University Press The Seven Keys to Communicating in Mexico: An Intercultural Approach
How do you build successful professional connections with colleagues from Mexico? While most books focus simply on how to avoid common communication mistakes, this book leads its readers to an understanding of how to succeed and thrive within the three cultures, Mexico, the US, and Canada. Kelm, Hernandez-Pozas and Victor present a set of practical guidelines for communicating professionally with Mexicans, both in Mexico and abroad, providing many photographs as examples. The Seven Keys to Communicating in Mexico follows the model of presenting key cultural concepts used in the earlier books by Kelm and Victor on Brazil and (with Haru Yamada) on Japan. Olivia Hernandez-Pozas, Orlando Kelm, and David Victor, well-respected research professors and seasoned cross-cultural trainers for businesspeople, guide readers through Mexican culture using Victor's LESCANT Model (an acronym representing seven key cross-cultural communication areas: Language, Environment, Social Organization, Contexting, Authority, Nonverbal Behavior, and Time). Each chapter addresses one of these topics and demonstrates how to evaluate the differences among Mexican, US, and Canadian cultures. In the final chapter the authors bring all of these cultural interactions together with a sample case study about business interactions between Mexicans and North Americans. The case study includes additional observations from North American and Mexican business professionals who offer related suggestions and recommendations.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Transition from Pediatric to Adult Medical Care
Nova Science Publishers Inc Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: New Approaches to Rupture Risk Assessment
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ASSH Manual of Hand Surgery
Published in conjunction with the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), the ASSH Manual of Hand Surgery is a practical, comprehensive manual on the diagnosis and management of hand problems. Each chapter begins with a section on the anatomy of the region in question. Information is presented in easy-to-scan bullet points, with numerous lists and algorithms. Each chapter ends with board-type questions and answers, annotated references, and a list of what junior and senior level residents need to know.
Plural Publishing Inc Parathyroid Surgery: Fundamental and Advanced Concepts
With worldwide contributions from experts in the field of parathyroid disease and surgery, Parathyroid Surgery: Fundamental and Advanced Concepts is the only text devoted specifically to the surgical management of parathyroid disease. Chapters include detailed discussions of preoperative diagnosis and testing, advanced imaging techniques and state-of-the-art surgical interventions, and incorporate thorough and judicious reviews of the current medical literature. Postoperative management strategies are also addressed to ensure physicians can safely optimize patient outcomes. As a resource that includes all of the most critical, new topics in parathyroid surgery, this book will appeal to both surgical and nonsurgical professionals, including general otolaryngologists, general surgeons, endocrine surgeons, head and neck surgeons, surgical oncologists, and endocrinologists.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
For more than three decades, the Textbook of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences has been the gold standard for understanding the structural and functional foundations and rapidly evolving knowledge base of neuropsychiatric disorders. In the new edition, the esteemed editors have undertaken a complete reorganization, reconceptualizing the way the material is presented and integrating considerations of neuropsychiatric symptoms, syndromes, and treatments into chapters addressing the neuropsychiatry of neurodevelopmental disorders, acquired neurological conditions, neurodegenerative disorders, and primary psychiatric disorders. The result is a text that flows easily and logically from general principles to specific diagnostic tools and conditions, making it a clinically relevant and eminently practical guide for medical students and residents, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists and neuropsychologists, as well as a broad range of professionals who work in diverse clinical settings (e.g., the general hospital setting, physical medicine/rehabilitation hospitals, psychiatric institutes, community mental health centers, alcohol and chemical dependency programs, and outpatient services and doctors' offices).The book possesses a multitude of useful attributes and features: • The new edition is thoroughly compatible with the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.• The chapters are complete unto themselves, allowing for easy retrieval and use by clinicians facing daily challenges in the field. Extensive references allow for further research and study in quieter moments.• Chapters on specific disorders have consistent structures, where appropriate. For example, the chapter on "Autism Spectrum Disorders" has sections on background, prevalence, etiology, neurobiology, clinical presentation, assessment, differential diagnosis, comorbidity, research, interventions and treatment, and medication.• The prestigious roster of contributors boasts both luminaries and emerging leaders in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry, providing readers with diverse perspectives.• The material is supported by scores of tables, graphs, and illustrations, including PET, CT, and MRI images. Neuropsychiatry has come a long way from the days when patients with neuropsychiatric conditions routinely fell through the cracks of the healthcare system. The Textbook of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences provides comprehensive, current, and evidence-based coverage in a forward-looking volume to train a new generation of clinicians in this important work.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Management of Adults With Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a public health issue of worldwide proportions, affecting motorists, victims of interpersonal violence, athletes, military service members, and Veterans, among others. Management of Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury provides evidence-informed guidance on the core topics in brain injury medicine, including the epidemiology and pathophysiology of TBI, the medical evaluation and neuropsychological assessment of persons with TBI, and the common cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and other neurological disturbances for which persons with TBI and their families seek clinical care. The volume offers many useful features to its readers, including: • Chapters written by an internationally known group of editors and contributors offering cutting-edge, multidisciplinary perspectives in brain injury medicine.• Guidance on the identification and management of early and late postinjury neuropsychiatric disturbances as well as their psychological and psychosocial consequences.• Identification of special issues relevant to the evaluation and treatment of TBI and postconcussive symptoms among military service members, and Veterans.• Discussion of the ethics and methods of forensic assessment of persons with TBI.• Key Clinical Points that highlight concepts, assessment issues, and clinical management strategies in each chapter.• A wealth of tables and figures to enhance the accessibility and clinical utility of the book, as well as appendices of additional readings and relevant websites for persons and families affected by TBI and the clinicians providing their care. Impressive breadth and depth of coverage, logical structure, clinically rich detail, and concise presentation make Management of Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury a must-read for every physician, nurse, and mental health practitioner working to improve the lives of persons with TBI.
Greece & Cyprus Research Center, Incorporated English Texts: British Period to 1900
Greece & Cyprus Research Center, Incorporated English Texts: Frankish and Turkish Periods
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Mangy Parrot
Repeatedly imprisoned for his printed attacks on the Spanish administration, Mexican journalist and publisher José Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi attempted, in 1816, to make an end-run around government censors by disguising his invective as serial fiction. Lizardi's experiment in subterfuge quickly failed: Spanish officials shut down publication of the novel--the first to be published in Latin America--after the third installment, and within four years Lizardi was back in jail. The whole of The Mangy Parrot (El Periquillo Sarniento) went unpublished until after Lizardi's death--and a decade after Mexico had won its independence from Spain.Though never before published in its entirety in English, The Mangy Parrot has become a Mexican classic beloved by generations of Latin American readers. Now, in vibrant American idiom, translator David Frye captures the exuberance of Lizardi's tale-telling as the author follows his narrator and alter ego, Periquillo Sarniento, through a series of misadventures that exposes the ignorance and corruption plaguing Mexican society on the eve of the wars for independence. Raw descriptions of colonial street life, candid portraits of race and ethnicity, and barely camouflaged attacks on colonial authority fill this comic masterpiece of world literature--the Don Quixote of Latin America.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc On the Basis of Morality
This edition originally published by Berghahn Books.Schopenhauer's treatise on ethics is presented here in E. F. J. Payne’s definitive translation, based on the Hubscher edition (Wiesbaden, 1946-1950). This edition includes an Introduction by David Cartwright, a translator’s preface, biographical note, selected bibliography, and an index. For convenient reference to passages in Kant's work discussed by Schopenhauer, Academy edition numbers have been added.
Royal Society of Chemistry Aromatic Chemistry
This book provides an up-to-date and comprehensive account of aromatic chemistry. A series of chapters describes the synthesis and reactions of the major functional derivatives of benzene and the more common polycyclic systems. The concept of aromaticity and the mechanism of aromatic substitution are discussed, as is the use of metals in the synthesis of aromatic compounds. Throughout, emphasis is placed on mechanisms. Worked problems and questions are provided to aid understanding. In addition to providing material required by an undergraduate studying chemistry, Aromatic Chemistry is also ideal for industrial chemists seeking to update their knowledge of this important aspect of chemistry. Ideal for the needs of undergraduate chemistry students, Tutorial Chemistry Texts is a major new series consisting of short, single topic or modular texts concentrating on the fundamental areas of chemistry taught in undergraduate science courses. Each book provides a concise account of the basic principles underlying a given subject, embodying an independent-learning philosophy and including worked examples.
Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry
Praised by faculty and students for more than two decades, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry is the long-established go-to resource for mastering the essentials of biochemistry. This best-selling text helps students quickly review, assimilate, and integrate large amounts of critical and complex information, with unparalleled illustrations that bring concepts to life. Like other titles in the popular Lippincott® Illustrated Review Series, this text follows an intuitive outline organization and boasts a wealth of study aids that clarify challenging information and strengthen retention and understanding. This updated and revised edition emphasizes clinical application and features new exercises, questions, and accompanying digital resources to ready students for success on exams and beyond. NEW! Clinical Application boxes train students to confidently apply biochemistry in clinical scenarios. NEW! Cross-references to other Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews titles help students grasp how biochemical concepts relate to other basic sciences. UPDATED! Vibrant illustrations and detailed tables clarify complex biochemical concepts. NEW and UPDATED! Study Questions and Answers for each chapter test students’ retention and strengthen their test-taking confidence. UPDATED! Integrative Case Studies with Review Questions familiarize students with commonly encountered clinical scenarios and alert them to potential widespread implications of presenting issues. NEW! Animations enhance students’ understanding of biochemical concepts and processes with vivid detail and accuracy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.Within the span of a generation, innovation and entrepreneurship have emerged as two of the most vital forces in the economy and in society. This Research Agenda highlights new insights and approaches to guide future thinking, research and policy in the area. To accomplish this, the editors have brought together a group of accomplished scholars spanning economics, management, public policy and finance. Drawing on the experiences and insights of leading scholars this Research Agenda covers a broad array of rich and promising topics, including entrepreneurial ecosystems, finance and the role of universities. Focusing on the intersection and overlap between the two disciplines, the Research Agenda begins by establishing the theoretical basis between the two topics, before exploring impact, context, academic entrepreneurship, start-ups, policy and corporate governance. The book concludes with three provocative chapters: Friederike Welter highlighting the power of words and images, Sameeksha Desai discussing the role of artificial intelligence and Mark Casson presenting a case for radical change to how entrepreneurship is studied. Presenting the most salient findings and themes in current literature, A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is essential for researchers in innovation, as well as policy makers at both the local and national levels influenced by the increasing importance of entrepreneurship and innovation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties
Practical, effective, evidence-based reading interventions that change students' lives Essentials of Understanding and Assessing Reading Difficulties is a practical, accessible, in-depth guide to reading assessment and intervention. It provides a detailed discussion of the nature and causes of reading difficulties, which will help develop the knowledge and confidence needed to accurately assess why a student is struggling. Readers will learn a framework for organizing testing results from current assessment batteries such as the WJ-IV, KTEA-3, and CTOPP-2. Case studies illustrate each of the concepts covered. A thorough discussion is provided on the assessment of phonics skills, phonological awareness, word recognition, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. Formatted for easy reading as well as quick reference, the text includes bullet points, icons, callout boxes, and other design elements to call attention to important information. Although a substantial amount of research has shown that most reading difficulties can be prevented or corrected, standard reading remediation efforts have proven largely ineffective. School psychologists are routinely called upon to evaluate students with reading difficulties and to make recommendations to address such difficulties. This book provides an overview of the best assessment and intervention techniques, backed by the most current research findings. Bridge the gap between research and practice Accurately assess the reason(s) why a student struggles in reading Improve reading skills using the most highly effective evidence-based techniques Reading may well be the most important thing students are taught during their school careers. It is a skill they will use every day of their lives; one that will dictate, in part, later life success. Struggling students need help now, and Essentials of Understanding and Assessing Reading Difficulties shows how to get these students on track.
Princeton University Press Origins of the Kabbalah
With the publication of The Origins of the Kabbalah in 1950, one of the most important scholars of our century brought the obscure world of Jewish mysticism to a wider audience for the first time. A crucial work in the oeuvre of Gershom Scholem, this book details the beginnings of the Kabbalah in twelfth- and thirteenth-century southern France and Spain, showing its rich tradition of repeated attempts to achieve and portray direct experiences of God. The Origins of the Kabbalah is a contribution not only to the history of Jewish medieval mysticism, but also to the study of medieval mysticism in general. Now with a new foreword by David Biale, this book remains essential reading for students of the history of religion.
Harvard University Press The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant: The Complete Annotated Edition
“Leaps straight onto the roster of essential reading for anyone even vaguely interested in Grant and the Civil War.”—Ron Chernow, author of Grant“Provides leadership lessons that can be obtained nowhere else… Ulysses Grant in his Memoirs gives us a unique glimpse of someone who found that the habit of reflection could serve as a force multiplier for leadership.”—Thomas E. Ricks, Foreign PolicyUlysses S. Grant’s memoirs, sold door-to-door by former Union soldiers, were once as ubiquitous in American households as the Bible. Mark Twain and Henry James hailed them as great literature, and countless presidents credit Grant with influencing their own writing. This is the first comprehensively annotated edition of Grant’s memoirs, clarifying the great military leader’s thoughts on his life and times through the end of the Civil War and offering his invaluable perspective on battlefield decision making. With annotations compiled by the editors of the Ulysses S. Grant Association’s Presidential Library, this definitive edition enriches our understanding of the pre-war years, the war with Mexico, and the Civil War. Grant provides essential insight into how rigorously these events tested America’s democratic institutions and the cohesion of its social order.“What gives this peculiarly reticent book its power? Above all, authenticity… Grant’s style is strikingly modern in its economy.”—T. J. Stiles, New York Times“It’s been said that if you’re going to pick up one memoir of the Civil War, Grant’s is the one to read. Similarly, if you’re going to purchase one of the several annotated editions of his memoirs, this is the collection to own, read, and reread.”—Library Journal
Time Warner International The Left Hand of Darkness: 50th Anniversary Edition
50TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION—WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION BY DAVID MITCHELL AND A NEW AFTERWORD BY CHARLIE JANE ANDERSUrsula K. Le Guin’s groundbreaking work of science fiction—winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards.A lone human ambassador is sent to the icebound planet of Winter, a world without sexual prejudice, where the inhabitants’ gender is fluid. His goal is to facilitate Winter’s inclusion in a growing intergalactic civilization. But to do so he must bridge the gulf between his own views and those of the strange, intriguing culture he encounters...Embracing the aspects of psychology, society, and human emotion on an alien world, The Left Hand of Darkness stands as a landmark achievement in the annals of intellectual science fiction.
Wolters Kluwer Health Handbook of Stroke
Written by leaders in the field of stroke medicine,Handbook of Stroke, Third Edition, is a concise, one-stop guide covering all aspects of clinical management of patients with cerebrovascular disorders. This user-friendly handbook brings you up to date with the most recent advances and knowledge in the field, providing practice-oriented overviews and recommendations that save lives and reduce impairment of function. It addresses specific situations you’re likely to encounter, offering clinical guidance based on available evidence and practical experience. Covers everything from clinical and laboratory assessment, differential diagnosis, and initial management to medical and surgical treatment, prognosis, rehabilitation, and stroke prevention. Includes new chapters on the global burden of stroke and restorative therapies following stroke. Provides expert state-of-the-art guidance on acute stroke treatment, cerebrovascular disease genetics, primary stroke prevention, management of unruptured intracranial aneurysms, and current therapies for stroke-related symptoms and disorders. Guides your decision making with clear presentations of the thought processes that experienced neurovascular clinicians typically use, including what can be learned from the history, clinical management algorithms, when patients with stroke should be hospitalized vs. evaluated as outpatients, and more. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
The eighth edition of Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults provides readers with both an explanatory and a descriptive basis for the processes of motor development. Covering the entire lifespan, this text focuses on the phases of motor development and provides a solid introduction to the biological, affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects within each developmental stage. Readers are presented with the most up-to-date research and theory, while the Triangulated Hourglass Model is used as a consistent conceptual framework that clearly defines infant, childhood, adolescent, and adult motor development. Key Features: -- In order to reflect current research and professional viewpoints, all chapters have been extensively revised, particularly those focused on the development of fundamental movement, perceptual-motor development, and motor skill intervention. -- Age-group-specific chapters in the Eighth Edition feature an enhanced focus on intervention. -- Developmental Dilemma Boxes consider interesting and perplexing questions raised by the study of human development. -- International Perspective Boxes consider how perspectives on various aspects of human growth and development differ depending on cultural norms, ethnicity, socioeconomic conditions, and a host of other factors. -- Every new print copy includes access to Navigate 2 Advantage, a dynamic technology solution with online learning materials including an interactive eBook, student study aids and assessments, and more.
Cambridge University Press Applied Choice Analysis
The second edition of this popular book brings students fully up to date with the latest methods and techniques in choice analysis. Comprehensive yet accessible, it offers a unique introduction to anyone interested in understanding how to model and forecast the range of choices made by individuals and groups. In addition to a complete rewrite of several chapters, new topics covered include ordered choice, scaled MNL, generalized mixed logit, latent class models, group decision making, heuristics and attribute processing strategies, expected utility theory, and prospect theoretic applications. Many additional case studies are used to illustrate the applications of choice analysis with extensive command syntax provided for all Nlogit applications and datasets available online. With its unique blend of theory, estimation, and application, this book has broad appeal to all those interested in choice modeling methods and will be a valuable resource for students as well as researchers, professionals, and consultants.
Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in EighteenthCentury Culture
The latest groundbreaking work in eighteenth-century studies. Showcasing exciting new research across disciplines, Volume 53 of Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture explores the juxtaposition between the fanciful romances and historical realities of the global eighteenth century. Katarzyna Bartoszynska assembles a series of essays on the work of the late seventeenth-century Japanese writer Ihara Saikaku. Susan Spencer evaluates Saikaku's status as a celebrity author, David A. Brewer considers the uses of woodcuts in Saikaku's texts, and Scott Black reflects on Saikaku's relationship to modernity and realism. In other essays, new perspectives are offered on the ideological functions of literary texts and visual art produced in Britain, France, and Anglophone North America. Ziona Kocher examines the queer pleasures of cross-dressing in William Wycherley's The Country Wife, and Anaclara Castro-Santana reads Benjamin Hoadly's The Suspicious Husband as a political production. Ann Campb
MIT Press Ltd Economics of Regulation and Antitrust
MP-AMM American Mathematical A Panorama of Singularities
Contains the proceedings of the conference “A Panorama on Singular Varieties”, held in February 2017, at the University of Seville. The articles cover a wide range of topics in the study of singularities and should be of great value to graduate students and research faculty who have a basic background in the theory of singularities.
Fons Vitae,US Al-Ghazali's Path to Sufisim: His Deliverance from Error (al-Munqidh min al-Dalal) and Five Key Texts
John Wiley & Sons Inc Residential Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2009 International Residential Code
An easy-to-use illustrated guide to building codes for residential structures As the construction industry moves to a single set of international building codes, architects and construction professionals need an interpretive guide to understand how the building code affects the early design of specific projects. This newest addition to Wiley’s series of focused guides familiarizes code users with the 2009 International Residential Code® (IRC) as it applies to residential buildings. The book provides architects, engineers, and other related building professionals with an understanding of how the International Residential Code was developed, and how it is likely to be interpreted when applied to the design and construction of residential buildings. • User-friendly visual format that makes finding the information you need quick and easy • The book’s organization follows the 2009 International Residential Code itself • Nearly 900 illustrations, by architectural illustrator Steven Juroszek in the style of noted illustrator and author Frank Ching, visualize and explain the codes • Text written by experienced experts who have been instrumental in gaining acceptance for the new unified building code This book is an essential companion to the IRC for both emerging practitioners and experienced practitioners needing to understand the new IRC.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Building Codes Illustrated for Healthcare Facilities: A Guide to Understanding the 2006 International Building Code
Now more than ever, architects need an interpretive guide to understand how the building code affects the early design of specific projects. This easy-to-use, illustrative guide is part of a new series covering building codes based on the International Building Code for 2006. This book presents the complex code issues inherent to healthcare facility design in a clear, easily understandable format.
Human Kinetics Publishers Strength Training for Baseball
Baseball programs at all levels recognize the competitive edge that can be gained by their athletes through targeted resistance training programs. Every Major League Baseball team, most minor league teams, the top 25 ranked college baseball teams, and even some high schools (depending on the level and size) have a full-time strength and conditioning professional on staff. With Strength Training for Baseball, you will gain insights into to how amateur to professional baseball players are trained, and you will learn to apply those best practices with your own team to gain a winning advantage.Developed with the expertise of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), Strength Training for Baseball explains the value of resistance training for baseball athletes—backed by practical experience, evidence-based training methodologies, and research. The book will help you understand the specific physical demands of each position—pitchers, catchers, middle infielders, corner infielders, center fielders, and corner outfielders—so you can design program that translate to performance on the field. You will also find the following: 13 detailed protocols to test baseball athletes’ strength, power, speed, agility, body composition, and anthropometry 11 total body resistance exercises with 13 variations 19 lower body exercises with 29 variations 28 upper body exercises with 38 variations 23 anatomical core exercises with 11 variations 34 sample programs for off-season, preseason, in-season, and postseason resistance training Each resistance training exercise consists of a series of photos and a detailed list of primary muscles trained, beginning position and movement phases, modifications and variations, and coaching tips to guide you in selecting the right exercises for a program. You’ll also learn how to structure those programs based on the goals and length of each season and for each position.Backed by the NSCA and the knowledge and experience of successful high school, college, and professional baseball strength and conditioning professionals, Strength Training for Baseball is the authoritative resource for creating baseball-specific resistance training programs to help your athletes optimize their strength and successfully transfer that strength and power to the baseball field.Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.
Purdue University Press The History and Archaeology of Fort Ouiatenon: 300 Years in the Making
The French fur trade post of Fort Ouiatenon was founded more than 300 years ago on the Wabash River in what is now Tippecanoe County, Indiana. The History and Archaeology of Fort Ouiatenon is a multidisciplinary exploration of the fort, from its founding in 1717, through its historical significance over the years, and up to its present-day use. Covering a variety of historical, archaeological, Indigenous, and living history perspectives on Fort Ouiatenon, as well as the fur trade and New France, this collection is the first volume dedicated to this important site. The volume is written with a wide audience in mind, ranging from academics to historical reenactors, Indigenous communities, and those interested in local history.
Brookes Publishing Co Teaching Math in Middle School: Using MTSS to Meet All Students' Needs
Make all your middle schoolers confident and competent mathematicians with this book, your accessible guide to teaching math to every learner in Grades 6-8. Focused on knocking down roadblocks to learning, this reader-friendly resource shows you how to use multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS)—a powerful, widely adopted framework for meeting each student's individual needs. You'll learn how to deliver high-quality, evidence-based math instruction; combine your instruction with meaningful assessment; and provide just-right supports that help students conquer their specific math struggles.An essential guide for in-service educators—and an important resource for teachers in training—this book gives you the in-depth knowledge and practical tools you need to support every student's success in middle school math.DISCOVER HOW TO: Implement MTSS to benefit all students: Develop and use tiered supports across your whole school, promote collaboration between general and special educators, and troubleshoot your MTSS. Build foundational numeracy skills: Help your students strengthen the three pillars of numeracy that build algebraic proficiency. Design and deliver effective math instruction: Use today's recommended practices to teach all students, and develop Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions that really help struggling learners. Choose and use effective supports: Distinguish between differentiation, accommodation, and modification, and learn when and how to use them. Use data to make decisions: Learn how to select and use screeners, diagnostic assessments, progress monitoring tools, and summative assessments—and use results to shape instruction. PRACTICAL MATERIALS: More than a dozen downloadable forms help you plan for MTSS and implement what you learned from the book, vignettes and sample problems model best practices, and interviews with real-life educators brim with valuable advice on implementing MTSS in math education.
John Wiley & Sons Musket Ball and Small Shot Identification
Battlefield archaeologist Daniel Sivilich provides readers with the tools and techniques to unlock the stories of small shot in this book, the first definitive guide to identifying musket balls, from the oldest formed to those fired in the early nineteenth century.
MP-WIS Uni of Wisconsin Defeat is the Only Bad News Rwanda under Musinga 18971931
Hendrickson Publishers Inc The Works of Philo: Complete and Unabridged
McGraw-Hill Education Loose Leaf for Electronic Principles
John Wiley & Sons Inc Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions
The second Canadian edition of Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions integrates multidisciplinary research and theory to help students understand the complex connections between psychology and health. This comprehensive yet accessible textbook covers the biopsychosocial factors that impact human health and wellness, placing particular emphasis on the distinctive characteristics of the Canadian health care system, the issues and challenges unique to Canadian culture, and the most recent Canadian research in the field of health psychology. Clear, student-friendly chapters examine topics such as coping with stress and illness, lifestyles for enhancing health and preventing illness, managing pain and discomfort, getting medical treatment, and living with chronic illness. This fully revised second edition features the latest available data and research from across Canada and around the world. New and expanded chapters explore psychosocial factors in aging and dying, legalized marijuana use in Canada, the link between inflammation and depression, Canadian psychosocial models of pain, recent Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) legislation, weight control, eating disorders, and exercise, and much more. Throughout the text, updated illustrative examples, cross-cultural references, and real-world cases reinforce key points and strengthen student comprehension, retention, and interest.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Visualizing Environmental Science
The 5th Edition of Visualizing Environmental Science provides students with a valuable opportunity to identify and connect the central issues of environmental science through a visual approach. Beautifully illustrated, this fifth edition shows students what the discipline is all about—its main concepts and applications—while also instilling an appreciation and excitement about the richness of the subject. This edition is thoroughly refined and expanded; the visuals utilize insights from research on student learning and feedback from users.
CQ Press The Enduring Democracy
Sage Publications, Inc Introduction to Policing
Independent Institute,U.S. The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and the Political Intolerance on Campus
This is a powerful exploration of the debilitating impact that politically-correct “multiculturalism” has had upon higher education and academic freedom in the United States. In the name of diversity, many leading academic and cultural institutions are working to silence dissent and stifle intellectual life. This book exposes the real impact of multiculturalism on the institution most closely identified with the politically correct decline of higher education—Stanford University. Authored by two Stanford graduates, this book is a compelling insider’s tour of a world of speech codes, “dumbed-down” admissions standards and curricula, campus witch hunts, and anti-Western zealotry that masquerades as legitimate scholarly inquiry. Sacks and Thiel use numerous primary sources—the Stanford Daily, class readings, official university publications—to reveal a pattern of politicized classes, housing, budget priorities, and more. They trace the connections between such disparate trends as political correctness, the gender wars, Generation X nihilism, and culture wars, showing how these have played a role in shaping multiculturalism at institutions like Stanford. The authors convincingly show that multiculturalism is not about learning more; it is actually about learning less. They end their comprehensive study by detailing the changes necessary to reverse the tragic disintegration of American universities and restore true academic excellence.
East European Monographs Profiles of Revolutionaries in Atlantic History, 1700–1850
This book offers imaginative biographical essays of prominent political and scientific revolutionaries. Contributors illustrate how supporters of Newtonian mechanistic and materialistic ideologies helped to transform eighteenth-century scientific and early industrial life; explain how nationalistically inspired revolutionaries in the Americas and Europe worked to destroy inequitable institutions and establish viable republics; and reveal how biography can be used as an effective tool for studying the rapidly growing and vibrant field of Atlantic history. These profiles demonstrate the impact of nationalistic, republican, and radical egalitarian doctrines upon nations from three continents. Chapters concerning the American Revolution depict the military achievements of George Washington, the feats of the heroine Molly Pitcher, and the brilliant diplomatic accomplishments of Benjamin Franklin. Essays covering revolutions in Latin America describe the leadership role of Toussant L'Ouverture during the Haitian Revolution; the aspirations of Father Hidalgo during the Mexican Revolution; and sections covering Europe focus on the leadership of Brissot during the 1789 Revolution; the salient status of Adam Czartoryski during the Polish Revolution; and the accomplishments and failures of the Irishman John Mitchell and those of the Hungarian Louis Kossuth during the 1848 Revolutions. An essay about Alexis De Tocqueville suggests the motives behind his denouncement of the radical ideologies and violence that arose during the 1848 French Revolution.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Atmospheric Science Across the Stratopause
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 123. In recent years, two separate geophysical research cultures have developed in the United States to study the atmosphere: one of space scientists, who focus on the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere, and the other of atmospheric scientists, who focus on the troposphere and stratosphere. The boundary between these two research domains roughly coincides with the stratopause (50 km). While the division ofthe atmosphere into layers and boundaries serves as a useful way to characterize the various chemical and dynamical processes that distinguish these layers, these boundaries are not impermeable. To understand such critical issues as global change, geophysicists must study the atmosphere as an integrated system. The purpose of this monograph is to highlight those studies that consider the coupling of these two regions and thus bring together two scientific specialties (atmospheric science and space science) that are often considered separately.
Baker Publishing Group The Smart Stepfamily Guide to Financial Planning – Money Management Before and After You Blend a Family
Named #1 Best Estate Planning Book of All Time by BookAuthority Take Control of Your Blended Family Finances Money issues are a frequent source of conflict in any marriage. But blended families are a monetary minefield. Debts, bills, and child support payments from previous relationships often influence the finances of a blended family. And planning for college expenses, retirement, and inheritance gets even more complicated in stepfamilies. However, proper blended family money management can make money an asset to your relationships rather than a liability. The authors use over fifty years of combined financial planning and blended family educational experience to help you merge your current financial realities and family, and protect your marriage while doing so. Get real-world financial advice specific to unique blended family matters so you can provide for your family both now and in the future. "Undoubtedly one of the most complicated financial situations is that of the stepfamily. Ron, Greg, and David have combined their individual experiences to write a very helpful and practical book. I recommend it highly."--RON BLUE, founder of Ronald Blue Trust and the Ron Blue Institute of Financial Planning, and author of more than 20 books, including Master Your Money Ron L. Deal is founder of Smart Stepfamilies™, director of FamilyLife Blended® for FamilyLife®, the author of numerous books on stepfamily living including the bestselling The Smart Stepfamily, and consulting editor for the Smart Stepfamily Series of books. Ron is a licensed marriage and family therapist and popular speaker. He and his wife, Nan, have three sons and live in Little Rock, Arkansas. Find resources at Greg Pettys, CLU, ChFC, CFP, has thirty-four years of specialized experience in securities and life insurance sales and services. Ron has known Greg for twenty years, and Greg speaks regularly at Ron's Smart Stepfamily events. David O. Edwards is an estate planning and elder law attorney based in Springfield, Illinois. David speaks regularly at Ron's Smart Stepfamily events.
Baker Publishing Group LifeKeys – Discover Who You Are
This updated comprehensive guide helps people discover how God has uniquely created them. Engaging stories, inventories, self-tests, and other easy-to-use exercises make Discover Who You Are a one-of-a-kind tool. It will help those longing to find or deepen meaning in life, considering volunteer opportunities, contemplating career changes, or desiring to become more useful to God. The book, workbook, and leader's material provide all that's needed for a LifeKeys workshop.
AltaMira Press,U.S. Religion on Trial: How Supreme Court Trends Threaten Freedom of Conscience in America
The free exercise of conscience is under threat in the United States. Already the conservative bloc of the Supreme Court is reversing the progress of religious liberty that had been steadily advancing. And this danger will only increase if more conservative judges are nominated to the court. This is the impassioned argument of Religion on Trial. Against Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Chief Justice Rehnquist, the authors argue that what the First Amendment protects is the freedom of individual conviction, not the rights of sectarian majorities to inflict their values on others. Beginning with an analysis of the origins of the Constitution and then following the history of significant church-state issues, Religion on Trial shows that the trajectory of American history has been toward greater freedoms for more Americans: freedom of religion moving gradually toward freedom of conscience regardless of religion. But in the last quarter-century, conservatives have gained political power and they are now attempting to limit the ability of the Court to protect the rights of individual conscience. Writing not just as scholars, but as advocates of church-state separation, Hammond, Machacek, and Mazur make the strong case that every American needs to pay attention to what is happening on the Surpeme Court or risk losing the liberties of conscience and religion that have been gained so far.
AltaMira Press,U.S. Ancient Maya Political Economies
Ancient Maya Political Economies examines variation in systems of economic production and exchange and how these systems supported the power networks that integrated Maya society. Chapters in this book take a hard look at existing models of elite exchange and tribute and address the difficult question of how the flow of utilitarian goods supported Maya kingdoms and their ruling classes. Using models originally developed by William L. Rathje, the authors explore core-periphery relations, the use of household analysis to reconstruct political economy, and evidence for market development. In doing so, they challenge the conventional wisdom of decentralized Maya political authority and replace it with a more complex view of the political economic foundations of Maya civilization.
John Wiley & Sons Inc RealTime Physics: Active Learning Laboratories, Module 2: Heat and Thermodynamics
RealTime Physics is a series of introductory laboratory modules that use computer data acquisition tools (microcomputer-based lab or MBL tools) to help students develop important physics concepts while acquiring vital laboratory skills. Besides data acquisition, computers are used for basic mathematical modeling, data analysis, and simulations. There are 4 RealTime Physics modules: Module 1: Mechanics, Module 2: Heat and Thermodynamics, Module 3: Electricity and Magnetism, and Module 4: Light and Optics.