Search results for ""Author David""
Firestone Books Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: Annotation-Friendly Edition
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Yes! We Are Latinos: Poems and Prose About the Latino Experience
Crossway Books Art and Music: A Student's Guide
Created to help students better understand and evaluate art and music, this accessible guide introduces readers to the study of aesthetics in artistic expression.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Population Health: Creating A Culture Of Wellness
Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the field of population health has evolved and matured considerably. Improving quality and health outcomes along with lowering costs has become an ongoing focus in delivery of health care. The new Third Edition of Population Health reflects this focus and evolution in today's dynamic healthcare landscape by conveying the key concepts of population health management and examining strategies for creating a culture of health and wellness in the context of health care reform. Offering a comprehensive, forward-looking approach to population health, the Third Edition's streamlined organization features 14 chapters divided among 3 major sections: Part I – Population Health in the US discusses health and wellness vs. healthcare delivery; epidemiology and the impact of social determinants. Part 2 –The Population Health Ecosystem looks at structures and systems; value-based payment models, population health informatics /analytics; and developing the population health workforce; Part 3 – Creating Culture Change explores health promotion and consumer engagement; implementing organizational culture change; care coordination; accountability for outcomes; and policy and advocacy.
Cambridge University Press Marijuana and Madness
An updated third edition of this award-winning book provides a comprehensive overview of the complex associations between cannabis and mental illness. Organised into easy to navigate sections, the book has been fully revised to feature eight entirely new chapters covering important novel aspects. Marijuana and Madness incorporates new research findings on the potential use of cannabinoids, and synthetic cannabinoids, in an array of mental illnesses, balanced against the potential adverse effects. The associations between cannabis and psychosis, developing putative models of 'cannabis induced' psychosis and pathways to schizophrenia are all covered. The book importantly discusses the impact of exposure to cannabis at various stages of neurodevelopment (in utero, in childhood, and during adolescence) and it thoroughly reviews the treatments for cannabis dependence and health policy implications of the availability of increasingly high potency cannabis. This book will quickly become an essential resource for all members of the mental health team.
The University of Chicago Press God Without Being: Hors-Texte, Second Edition
Jean-Luc Marion is one of the world's foremost philosophers of religion as well as one of the leading Catholic thinkers of modern times. In "God Without Being", Marion challenges a fundamental premise of traditional philosophy, theology, and metaphysics: that God, before all else, must be. Taking a characteristically postmodern stance and engaging in passionate dialogue with Heidegger, he locates a "God without Being" in the realm of agape, or Christian charity and love. If God is love, Marion contends, then God loves before he actually is. First translated into English in 1991, "God Without Being" continues to be a key book for discussions of the nature of God. This second edition contains a new preface by Marion as well as his 2003 essay on Thomas Aquinas. Offering a controversial, contemporary perspective, "God Without Being" will remain essential reading for scholars and students of philosophy and religion.
Oxford University Press Past and Present
Thomas Carlyle's Past and Present (1843) was a prophetic warning of impending disaster for mid-Victorian Britain that was delivered in what the author described as a 'miraculous thunder-voice, from out of the centre of the world.' The impact of Carlyle's social criticism was immediate and profound, shaping debate about the 'The Condition of England' question well into the twentieth century and beyond, and serving as the moral foundation of the welfare state. His relentlessly abrasive and illuminating critique of industrial civilization generated a vast range of response both in England, Europe, and the United States. The writings of Matthew Arnold, John Stuart Mill, William Morris, John Henry Newman, and John Ruskin, as well as Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Walt Whitman, were saturated with imagery and ideas directly indebted to the book. Past and Present also provided novelists and poets with an enduring vision of the ubiquitous rot that lay at the heart of 'laissez-faire' England. The repercussions of Carlyle's unique analysis can be witnessed in the literary form and thematic content of such works as Charles Dickens's Christmas Carol (1843), Dombey and Son (1848), Bleak House (1852-53), and Hard Times (1854); Benjamin Disraeli's Sybil (1845); Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton (1848) and North and South (1855); and Charles Kingsley's Alton Locke (1850). Poets such as Alfred Tennyson in Maud (1855), Elizabeth Barrett Browning in Aurora Leigh (1856), and Arthur Hugh Clough in The Latest Decalogue (1862) built a vocabulary that was steeped in the outrage and indignation of Carlyle's polemic. The artist Ford Madox Brown attempted in his painting Work (1852-65) to give visual testimony to the profound social schisms that Carlyle had exposed in Past and Present and to pay tribute to the 'Sage' who had 'moulded a nation to his pattern.'
Oxford University Press Bach Transcriptions for Piano: Twentieth-century arrangements from choral and instrumental works
Demonstrating the range and popularity of Bach piano transcriptions during the early twentieth century, this volume brings together arrangements from notable British musical figures, including Myra Hess, Leonard Borwick, Harriet Cohen, and William H. Harris. The collection includes exuberant fantasias and fugues, gentle transcriptions from instrumental works, and popular chorales such as 'Jesu, joy of man's desiring' and 'Bist du bei mir'. With an introduction by David Owen Norris, Bach Transcriptions for Piano is the perfect resource for all intermediate to advanced pianists wishing to further explore Bach's music.
Oxford University Press Inc Thirteen Theories of Human Nature
Over six previous editions, Twelve Theories of Human Nature has been a remarkably popular introduction to some of the most influential developments in Western and Eastern thought. Now titled Thirteen Theories of Human Nature, the seventh edition adds a chapter on feminist theory to those on Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Plato, Aristotle, the Bible, Islam, Kant, Marx, Freud, Sartre, and Darwinism. The authors juxtapose the ideas of these and other thinkers and traditions in a way that helps students understand how humanity has struggled to comprehend its nature. To encourage students to think critically for themselves and to underscore the similarities and differences between the many theories, the book examines each one on four points--the nature of the universe, the nature of humanity, the diagnosis of the ills of humanity, and the proposed cure for these problems. Ideal for introductory courses in human nature, introduction to philosophy, and intellectual history, this unique volume will engage and motivate students and other readers to consider how we can understand and improve both ourselves and human society.
Quadrille Publishing Ltd DJ BBQ's Backyard Baking: 50 Awesome Recipes for Baking Over Live Fire
60 awesome recipes for baking over live fire from the legendary DJ BBQ team. DJ BBQ's Backyard Baking will take your live fire skills and backyard set-up to the next level, covering everything you ever wanted to know about baking on your BBQ. The standard kettle BBQ is essentially an oven, so why not use it to its potential and get baking? Bake the best ever brioche buns so you can make the ultimate cheeseburger; whip up some rye crumpets to go alongside some amazing pastrami; enjoy a god-tier bacon sandwich using your very own live fire sourdough loaf; throw an epic pizza party for all your friends; and finish off with some sweet treats like smoky chocolate brownies. When it comes to backyard baking the possibilities are endless – put your skills to the test with next instalment from the DJ BBQ team. It's DJ BBQ's Backyard Baking, and it's AWESOME.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Rob Roy
With an Introduction and Notes by David Blair. From its first publication in 1816 Rob Roy has been recognised as containing some of Scott's finest writing and most engaging, fully realised characters. The outlaw Rob Roy MacGregor was already a legendary, disputed figure by the time Scott wrote - a heroic Scottish Robin Hood to some, an over-glamorised, unprincipled predator to others. Scott approaches Rob Roy indirectly, through the adventures of his fictional hero, Frank Osbaldistone, amid the political turmoil of England and Scotland in 1715. With characteristic care Scott reconstructs the period and settings so as to place Rob Roy and the Scotland he inhabits amid conflicting moral, economic and historical forces. This edition features, besides a new critical introduction and extensive explanatory notes, an essay outlining clearly the novel's historical context and a glossary of Scottish words and phrases used by Scott's colourful, vernacular characters.
The Chinese University Press Botanical Illustrated Guide to Hong Kong Native Plants
This beautifully illustrated guide presents a carefully curated collection of 20 plant species native to Hong Kong, with scientific, detailed pen and ink illustrations and morphological descriptions, providing important reference materials for species authentication. Of the 20 species selected, 15 are rare and endangered species, making this guide of special importance for plant preservation in Hong Kong, as well as for botanists, plant lovers, and illustrators. This is the first volume of Shiu?Ying Hu Herbarium Scientific Illustration Series.
Abingdon Press Living Faithfully Revised and Updated: Human Sexuality and the United Methodist Church
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Indiana's Lost Speedways and Legendary Drivers
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Epilepsy and the Interictal State: Co-morbidities and Quality of Life
Epilepsy care traditionally focuses on seizures, yet for most epilepsy sufferers, other interictal factors such as mood, cognitive abilities, and treatment adverse effects most influence how they feel and function day to day.Epilepsy and the Interictal State is a practical and comprehensive text that covers quality of life issues, cognition and therapy, adverse effects of epilepsy treatments, mood state and psychiatric co-morbidity and general health aspects of epilepsy. Each chapter employs a standard structure providing background, epidemiology, pathophysiology, etiology, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and further practical advice.From an international team of expert editors and contributors, Epilepsy and the Interictal State is a valuable resource for specialist epileptologists and neurologists, as well as for neurosurgeons, neurology nurses, psychiatrists, family physicians and general practitioners.
Zondervan Jeremiah–Ezekiel
Continuing a Gold Medallion Award-winning legacy, the completely revised Expositor's Bible Commentary puts world-class biblical scholarship in your hands.A staple for students, teachers, and pastors worldwide, The Expositor's Bible Commentary (EBC) offers comprehensive yet succinct commentary from scholars committed to the authority of the Holy Scriptures. The EBC uses the New International Version of the Bible, but the contributors work from the original Hebrew and Greek languages and refer to other translations when useful.Each section of the commentary includes: An introduction: background information, a short bibliography, and an outline An overview of Scripture to illuminate the big picture The complete NIV text Extensive commentary Notes on textual questions, key words, and concepts Reflections to give expanded thoughts on important issues The series features 56 contributors, who: Believe in the divine inspiration, complete trustworthiness, and full authority of the Bible Have demonstrated proficiency in the biblical book that is their specialty Are committed to the church and the pastoral dimension of biblical interpretation Represent geographical and denominational diversity Use a balanced and respectful approach toward marked differences of opinion Write from an evangelical viewpoint For insightful exposition, thoughtful discussion, and ease of use—look no further than The Expositor's Bible Commentary.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Otolaryngology--Head and Neck Surgery: Rapid Clinical and Board Review
A succinct, compact otolaryngology text in rapid review format" This well-organized text for rapid clinical and board review contains high-yield facts using a question and answer format that covers all subspecialty topics in otolaryngology. It combines clinically relevant facts with hard-to-remember, commonly tested details and presents them in an easy-to-follow layout that allows clinicians to quickly review large amounts of information. Key Features: More than 9,000 high-yield questions and answers, half provided in the book and the other half online Portable for quick reference during downtimes such as in between rounds or while traveling Clinical pearls on patient evaluation and management This review book is a must-have for residents preparing for in-service exams or initial board certification exams as well as seasoned clinicians studying for their MOC Part III re-certification exams. Thieme eOtolaryngology is the premier online resource for otolaryngology-head and neck surgery. For a free trial, go to:
Guilford Publications China: A Geographical Perspective
China has become a superpower, exerting significant influence globally. This accessible text integrates thematic and regional coverage to provide a panoramic view of China--its physical geography; population, including ethnic diversity; urban development; agriculture and land use; transportation networks; dynamic economic processes; and environmental challenges. Cultural and political geography topics are woven throughout the chapters. The text also offers in-depth assessments of selected regions, capturing the complexity of this vast and populous country. It is richly illustrated with more than 150 maps, tables, figures, and photographs--including 8 pages in full color. Pedagogical Features *Chapter-opening learning objectives. *Chapter-opening key concepts and terms. *Extensive notes pointing students to relevant online resources. *Engaging topic boxes in every chapter.
Guilford Publications Developing Strategic Writers through Genre Instruction: Resources for Grades 3-5
This highly practical guide offers a systematic approach to instruction in the three main writing genres--narrative, persuasive, and informative--that students in grades 3–5 are expected to master. Ready-to-use lesson plans and materials are grounded in research on strategy instruction and self-regulated learning, and connect with learning standards. Presented are ways to teach students strategies for planning, drafting, evaluating, revising, editing, and publishing writing in each genre, while making connections between reading and writing. Sixty-four reproducible planning forms and student handouts are provided; the large-size format facilitates photocopying. The Appendix contains a Study Guide to support professional learning. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. See also the authors' Developing Strategic Young Writers through Genre Instruction: Resources for Grades K-2.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences
A comprehensive introduction to behavioral and social science research methods in the health sciences Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences is designed to develop and facilitate the ability to conduct research and understand the practical value of designing, conducting, interpreting, and reporting behavioral and social science research findings in the health science and medical fields. The book provides complete coverage of the process behind these research methods, including information-gathering, decision formation, and results presentation. Examining the application of behavioral and social science research methodologies within the health sciences, the book focuses on implementing and developing relevant research questions, collecting and managing data, and communicating various research perspectives. An essential book for readers looking to possess an understanding of all aspects of conducting research in the health science field, Understanding and Conducting Research in the Health Sciences features: Various research designs that are appropriate for use in the health sciences, including single-participant, multi-group, longitudinal, correlational, and experimental designs Step-by-step coverage of single-factor and multifactor studies as well as single-subject and nonexperimental methods Accessible chapter explanations, real-world examples, and numerous illustrations throughout Guidance regarding how to write about research within the formatting styles of the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association The book is an excellent educational resource for healthcare and health service practitioners and researchers who are interested in conducting and understanding behavioral and social science research done within the health sciences arena. The book is also a useful resource for students taking courses in the fields of medicine, public health, epidemiology, biostatistics, and the health sciences.
Harvard University Press The Image of the Black in Western Art: Volume III From the "Age of Discovery" to the Age of Abolition: Part 2: Europe and the World Beyond
In the 1960s, art patron Dominique de Menil founded an image archive showing the ways that people of African descent have been represented in Western art. Highlights from her collection appeared in three large-format volumes that quickly became collector’s items. A half-century later, Harvard University Press and the Du Bois Institute are proud to publish a complete set of ten sumptuous books, including new editions of the original volumes and two additional ones.Europe and the World Beyond focuses geographically on peoples of South America and the Mediterranean as well as Africa—but conceptually it emphasizes the many ways that visual constructions of blacks mediated between Europe and a faraway African continent that was impinging ever more closely on daily life, especially in cities and ports engaged in slave trade.
Harvard University Press The Image of the Black in Western Art: Volume III From the "Age of Discovery" to the Age of Abolition: Part 1: Artists of the Renaissance and Baroque
In the 1960s, art patron Dominique de Menil founded an image archive showing the ways that people of African descent have been represented in Western art. Highlights from her collection appeared in three large-format volumes that quickly became collector’s items. A half-century later, Harvard University Press and the Du Bois Institute are proud to publish a complete set of ten sumptuous books, including new editions of the original volumes and two additional ones.The much-awaited Artists of the Renaissance and Baroque has been written by an international team of distinguished scholars, and covers the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The rise of slavery and the presence of black people in Europe irrevocably affected the works of the best artists of the time. Essays on the black Magus and the image of the black in Italy, Spain, and Britain, with detailed studies of Rembrandt and Heliodorus’s Aethiopica, all presented with superb color plates, make this new volume a worthy addition to this classic series.
Emerald Publishing Limited West Meets East: Building Theoretical Bridges
This book series' mission is to provide a forum for critique, commentary and discussion about key methodology issues in the strategic management field. Strategic management relies on an array of complex methods drawn from various allied disciplines to examine how managers attempt to lead their firms toward success. The eighth volume of the series is built around the theme of "West Meets East: Building Theoretical Bridges". Within this overarching theme, this volume consists of two parts. The first is "Methods for Discovery and Theory Building" and the second is "Western Theories and Concepts in the Eastern Context". While the contributors of this volume are from an array of country backgrounds including Australia, China, Denmark, Germany, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, the UK and the USA, the majority of the chapters refer to Asia, especially China, as the powerhouse of the global economic growth. We hope that the methodological insights offered in this volume will help build the theoretical bridges between the West and the East.
American Mathematical Society Teaching and Learning with Primary Source Projects
A collection of 24 classroom modules (PSPs) produced by TRIUMPHS that incorporate the reading of primary source excerpts to teach core mathematical topics. The selected excerpts are intertwined with thoughtfully designed student tasks that prompt students to actively engage with and explore the source material.
LUP - University of Georgia Press Final Resting Places
Brings together some of the most important and innovative scholars of the Civil War era to reflect on what death and memorialization meant to the Civil War generation - and how those meanings still influence Americans today.
Rowman & Littlefield Classroom Management in General, Choral, and Instrumental Music Programs
This book presents practical ideas for general music, choir, or instrumental music teachers from elementary to high school. Provides tips for preventing behavior problems in the classroom and suggestions for dealing with inappropriate student behavior.
Broadview Press Ltd The Rivals and Polly Honeycombe (1775,1760)
The Rivals and Polly Honeycombe revolve around young women who wish the world would conform to novelistic convention. Unlike most eighteenth-century heroines keen on novel reading, however, Lydia Languish and Polly Honeycombe are neither deluded nor in any real danger. Rather, they inhabit a world in which everyone is engaged in some sort of quixotic performance; the more appealing characters are just willing to admit it. Both farcical and wise, these plays teasingly celebrate the perennial appeal of fiction, while never letting us forget how much it relies upon the everyday rituals of performance.The introduction to this Broadview edition explores the interrelations between print and performance in the eighteenth century, including a detailed and well-illustrated account of what it was like to go to the theater. Appendices include material on the original casts, the often dubious reputation of novel reading and circulating libraries, Sheridan’s high-profile elopement with Elizabeth Linley (which made him a celebrity before he ever staged a word), and the narrative possibilities conjured up by setting The Rivals in the resort city of Bath.
CSIRO Publishing Hawkmoths of Australia: Identification, Biology and Distribution
Hawkmoths are large charismatic insects with highly variable and colourful larvae. Some species are specialised in their habitat preferences, but others are widespread and often encountered in gardens. However, little is known about most species, and associating the adults with their larvae has previously been difficult or impossible.Hawkmoths of Australia allows identification of all of the Australian hawkmoths for the first time and treats species found on mainland Australia and all offshore islands. It presents previously undescribed life histories of nearly all species and provides a comprehensive account of hawkmoth biology, including new parasitoids and their hawkmoth hosts. Detailed drawings and photographs show the external and internal morphology of adults and immatures, and eggs, larval instars and pupa. Keys are provided for last instar larvae and pupae of the 71 species that the authors have reared. A glossary, appendices to parasitoids and larval foodplants, an extensive reference list with bibliographical notes and a comprehensive index conclude the book.The wealth of new information in this book makes it an essential reference for anyone interested in these moths.Hawkmoths of Australia is Volume 13 of the Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera Series.Features The first full treatment of the Australian hawkmoths, covering their identification, distributions and biology. Comprehensive life history accounts for most species, many previously unrecorded, illustrated in more than 800 colour photographs and supplemented by detailed technical descriptions. Adults of all species illustrated in colour including variants never before figured. A detailed account of natural enemies, especially of parasitoids, most previously unrecorded. Distributions accurately detailed for all species for the first time.
Aspen Publishers Evidence: A Structured Approach
Scholastic Teaching Resources Partner Poems & Word Ladders for Building Foundational Literacy Skills: Grades K-2
Macmillan Learning Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
John Wiley and Sons Ltd River Science: Research and Management for the 21st Century
River Science is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field at the interface of the natural sciences, engineering and socio-political sciences. It recognises that the sustainable management of contemporary rivers will increasingly require new ways of characterising them to enable engagement with the diverse range of stakeholders.This volume represents the outcome of research by many of the authors and their colleagues over the last 40 years and demonstrates the integral role that River Science now plays in underpinning our understanding of the functioning of natural ecosystems, and how societal demands and historic changes have affected these systems. The book will inform academics, policy makers and society in general of the benefits of healthy functioning riverine systems, and will increase awareness of the wide range of ecosystem goods and services they provide.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Pancreatitis: Medical and Surgical Management
Pancreatitis: medical and surgical management provides gastroenterologists and GI surgeons, both fully qualified and in training, with a focused, evidence-based approach to the most exciting developments in the diagnosis and clinical management of pancreatitis. Focusing mainly on the rapidly changing and innovative medical and surgical strategies to manage the disease, new surgical procedures such as endoscopic biliary intervention and minimally invasive necrosectomy to exciting new medical therapies like Antiprotease, Lexipafant, probiotics and enzyme treatment are all discussed. Full colour throughout, with over 250 colour illustrations and with reference to the latest clinical guidelines from the AGA, ACG and UEGW at all times, it is an essential consultation tool for all those managing patients with this increasingly common condition.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,U.S. Live Cell Imaging: A Laboratory Manual
Jewish Publication Society THE JPS TANAKH: Gender-Sensitive Edition
The first Jewish gender-sensitive translation of the full Hebrew Bible, THE JPS TANAKH: Gender-Sensitive Edition (RJPS or Revised JPS Edition) renews and revises the iconic Jewish Publication Society Bible translation (NJPS or 1985 New JPS Edition) to reflect advances in scholarship and changes in English while maintaining utmost fidelity to the original Hebrew. The Gender-Sensitive Edition offers gender-inclusive renderings where appropriate and gendered renderings when called for historically and linguistically, incorporating the best of contemporary research into Israelite history and religion, literary studies, philology, linguistics, and the social sciences to offer a faithful and accurate translation. References to persons are gender sensitive yet consistent with ancient gender norms, and the translation strives for inclusive language when referring broadly to people, ancestors, and humankind. References to God are typically gender neutral and generally avoid grammatically masculine pronouns and labels, with careful examination of each context yielding the most appropriate rendering. To enable the tetragrammaton (God’s four-letter name) to be encountered as a name and without masculine connotations, the edition typically translates it as “God” (in small capitals) rather than “the Lord.” Revising the venerable JPS translation, the Gender-Sensitive Edition empowers readers to experience Scripture with all the power of the original Hebrew. It is sure to become the new Bible translation of choice for readers who embrace biblical scholarship with reverence for tradition, and for communities and individuals who adopt an inclusive, egalitarian perspective in today’s world.
University of Georgia Press Final Resting Places: Reflections on the Meaning of Civil War Graves
Final Resting Places brings together some of the most important and innovative scholars of the Civil War era to reflect on what death and memorialization meant to the Civil War generation—and how those meanings still influence Americans today. In each essay, a noted historian explores a different type of gravesite—including large marble temples, unmarked graves beneath the waves, makeshift markers on battlefields, mass graves on hillsides, neat rows of military headstones, university graveyards, tombs without bodies, and small family plots. Each burial place tells a unique story of how someone lived and died; how they were mourned and remembered. Together, they help us reckon with the most tragic period of American history. CONTRUBUTORS: Terry Alford, Melodie Andrews, Edward L. Ayers, DeAnne Blanton, Michael Burlingame, Katherine Reynolds Chaddock, John M. Coski, William C. Davis, Douglas R. Egerton, Stephen D. Engle, Barbara Gannon, Michael P. Gray, Hilary Green, Allen C. Guelzo, Anna Gibson Holloway, Vitor Izecksohn, Caroline E. Janney, Michelle A. Krowl, Glenn W. LaFantasie, Jennifer M. Murray, Barton A. Myers, Timothy J. Orr, Christopher Phillips, Mark S. Schantz, Dana B. Shoaf, Walter Stahr, Michael Vorenberg, and Ronald C. White
AltaMira Press,U.S. Excavation
Excavation is traditionally considered the heart of the archaeological enterprise. But it is an activity transformed over the past two decades of increasingly contract-based work. Carmichael and Lafferty lay out the basics of this brand of excavation for the novice reader in this handy, practical guide. After outlining the ethical concerns in archaeological excavation and the history of the endeavor, the authors walk the reader through the steps of contemporary excavation—site identification, remote sensing, test excavation, and various scales of recovery. They also deal with the complex issues of human burials uncovered in excavation. Written in an accessible, practical way, Carmichael and Lafferty's guide will be useful to students, field school attendees, and other novice fieldworkers.
Rowman & Littlefield Race and the Early Republic: Racial Consciousness and Nation-Building in the Early Republic
By 1840, American politics was a paradox—unprecedented freedom and equality for men of European descent, and the simultaneous isolation and degradation of people of African and Native American descent. Historians have characterized this phenomenon as the 'white republic.' Race and the Early Republic offers a rich account of how this paradox evolved, beginning with the fledgling nation of the 1770s and running through the antebellum years. The essays in the volume, written by a wide array of scholars, are arranged so as to allow a clear understanding of how and why white political supremacy came to be in the early United States. Race and the Early Republic is a collection of diverse, insightful and interrelated essays that promote an easy understanding of why and how people of color were systematically excluded from the early U.S. republic.
Cengage Learning Constitutional Competence for Public Managers: Cases and Commentary
John Wiley & Sons Inc G Protein-Coupled Receptor--Protein Interactions
This exciting volume elucidates how GPCRs organize signal transduction and control intracellular activities. Chapters written by the recognized expert in each respective topic offer state-of-the-art updates on the principles and technology, as well as stepwise protocols for methods currently applied to the analysis of protein-receptor interactions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Service Provision: Technologies for Next Generation Communications
This book provides the first overview of the service technologies available to telecoms operators working in a post-convergence world. Previous books have focused either on computer networks or on telecoms networks. This is the first to bring the two together and provide a single reference source for information that is currently only to be found in disparate journals, tool specifications and standards documents. In order to provide such broad coverage of the topic in a structured and logical fashion, the book is divided into 3 parts. The first part looks at the underlying network support for services and aims to explain the technology that makes the user-visible services possible. This section covers multimedia networking, both traditional (legacy) and future (softswitch) call processing, intelligent networks, the Internet, and Wireless networks. Part 2 deals with how these services may be analysed and managed. Chapters cover topics such as commercial issues, service management, quality of service, security, standards and APIs. Part 3 concludes the book by looking ahead at evolving technologies and more speculative possibilities, discussing the kinds of services that may be possible in the future and the technologies that will support them. Focuses is on how the technology supports the services, rather than on technology for its own sake Contributors drawn from both academia and industry (companies such as Marconi, BT, Telcordia, Cisco, Analysys) to give both theoretical and real-world perspectives Unique singe-reference source for a wide range of material currently found only in disparate papers, specs and documentation Covers brand new technologies such as JAIN, JTAPI, Parlay, IP, multimedia networking, active networks, WAP, wireless LANs, agent-based services, etc.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Broadband Networks
An introduction to theories and applications in wireless broadband networks As wireless broadband networks evolve into future generation wireless networks, it's important for students, researchers, and professionals to have a solid understanding of their underlying theories and practical applications. Divided into two parts, the book presents: Enabling Technologies for Wireless Broadband Networks—orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing and other block-based transmissions; multi-input/multi-output antenna systems; ultra-wideband; medium access control; mobility resource management; routing protocols for multi-hop wireless broadband networks; radio resource management for wireless broadband networks; and quality of service for multimedia services Systems for Wireless Broadband Networks—long-term evolution cellular networks; wireless broadband networking with WiMax; wireless local area networks; wireless personal area networks; and convergence of networks Each chapter begins with an introduction and ends with a summary, appendix, and a list of resources for readers who would like to explore the subjects in greater depth. The book is an ideal resource for researchers in electrical engineering and computer science and an excellent textbook for electrical engineering and computer science courses at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels.
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Archaeology
The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Archaeology brings together expert work by leading scholars of the archaeology of Early Christianity and the Roman world in the Mediterranean and surrounding regions. The thirty-four contributions to this volume survey Christian material culture and ground the history, culture, and society of the first seven centuries of Christianity in archaeological method, theory, and research. The essays emphasize the link between archaeological fieldwork, methods, and regional and national traditions in constructing our knowledge of the Early Church and Christian communities within the context of the ancient Mediterranean, Near East, and Europe. Three sweeping introductory essays provide historical perspectives on the archaeology of the Early Christian world. These are followed by a series of topical treatments that focus on monuments and environments ranging from Christian churches to catacombs, martyria, and baths, as well as classes of objects of religious significance such as ceramics, lamps, and icons. Finally, the volume locates the archaeology of the Early Christian world in fifteen regional studies stretching from Britain to Persia, highlighting the unique historical contexts that have shaped scholarly discussion across time and space. The thorough, carefully-researched essays offer the most intensive, state-of-the-art treatment of recent research into the archaeology of Early Christianity available.
Prentice Hall Jenney's Second Year Latin Grades 8-12 Text 1990c
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis: Third International Symposium, IDA-99 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 9-11, 1999 Proceedings
Formanyyearstheintersectionofcomputing anddataanalysiscontainedme- based statistics packages and not much else. Recently, statisticians have - braced computing, computer scientists have started using statistical theories and methods, and researchers in all corners have invented algorithms to nd structure in vast online datasets. Data analysts now have access to tools for exploratory data analysis, decision tree induction, causal induction, function - timation,constructingcustomizedreferencedistributions,andvisualization,and thereareintelligentassistantsto adviseonmatters ofdesignandanalysis.There aretoolsfortraditional,relativelysmallsamples,andalsoforenormousdatasets. In all, the scope for probing data in new and penetrating ways has never been so exciting. The IDA-99 conference brings together a wide variety of researchers c- cerned with extracting knowledge from data, including people from statistics, machine learning, neural networks, computer science, pattern recognition, da- base management, and other areas.The strategiesadopted by people from these areas are often di erent, and a synergy results if this is recognized. The IDA series of conferences is intended to stimulate interaction between these di erent areas,sothatmorepowerfultoolsemergeforextractingknowledgefromdataand a better understanding is developed of the process of intelligent data analysis. The result is a conference that has a clear focus (one application area:intelligent data analysis) and a broad scope (many di erent methods and techniques).
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Peripheral Nerve Issues after Orthopedic Surgery: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Prevention, Evaluation and Treatment
Peripheral nerve issues are potential sequalae of orthopedic surgery, even after cases in which technically excellent surgery was performed. These injuries can impede the expected recovery of function after the primary surgery. Given the manifold challenges associated with recovery of peripheral nerve injuries, this book is designed as a multidisciplinary guide to the diagnosis, prognostication and treatment of peripheral nerve issues after common orthopedic surgeries. Beginning with an overview of nerve compression, injury and regeneration, as well as a presentation of the current diagnostic and imaging modalities for peripheral nerve injuries, this unique text is organized by anatomic region and by type of procedure performed. Topics covered include shoulder and elbow arthroplasty and arthroscopy, fractures of the hand and wrist, hip preservation surgery, total knee replacement, open surgery of the foot and ankle, lumbosacral myeloradiculopathy, and more. Each chapter is authored by both a subspecialty surgeon who routinely performs the surgeries described and a subspecialized hand/peripheral nerve surgeon with experience in evaluating and treating nerve issues after that particular injury. Emphasis is placed on multidisciplinary team approaches, patient counseling, and technical aspects of surgical treatment. Generously illustrated and written by experts in the field, Peripheral Nerve Issues after Orthopedic Surgery is a truly interdisciplinary resource for orthopedic, plastic, hand and trauma surgeons, physiatrists, trainees, and all professionals evaluating and managing postoperative peripheral nerve issues.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Fourteenth Century England VI
Fourteenth Century England has quickly established for itself a deserved reputation for its scope and scholarship and for admirably filling a gap in the publication of medieval studies. HISTORY The essays collected here present the fruits of the most recent research on aspects of the history, politics and culture of England during the `long' fourteenth century - roughly speaking from the reign of Edward I to the reign ofHenry V. Based on a range of primary sources, they are both original and challenging in their conclusions. Several of the articles touch in one way or another upon the subject of warfare, but the approaches which they adopt are significantly different, ranging from an analysis of the medieval theory of self-defence to an investigation of the relative utility of narrative and documentary sources for a specific campaign. Literary texts such as Barbour's Bruce are also discussed, and a re-evaluation of one particular set of records indicates that, in this case at least, the impact of the Black Death of 1348-9 may have been even more devastating than is usually thought. Chris Given-Wilson is Professor of Late Mediaeval History at the University of St Andrews. Contributors: Susan Foran, Penny Lawne, Paula Arthur, Graham E. St John, Diana Tyson, David Green, Jessica Lutkin, Rory Cox, Adrian R. Bell
Emerald Publishing Limited The Century of Science: The Global Triumph of the Research University
Winner of the 2017 Award for Significant Research on International Higher Education (CIHE/ASHE) Winner of the 2018 American Publishers Awards for Professional & Scholarly Excellence: Education Theory In The Century of Science, a multicultural, international team of authors examine the global rise of scholarly research in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and health (STEM+) fields. This insightful text provides historical and sociological understandings of the ways that higher education has become an institution that, more than ever before, shapes science and society. Case studies, supported by the most historically and spatially extensive database on STEM+ publications available, of selected countries in Europe, North America, East Asia, and the Middle East, emphasize recurring themes: the institutionalization and differentiation of higher education systems to the proliferation of university-based scientific research fostered by research policies that support continued university expansion leading to the knowledge society. Growing worldwide, research universities appear to be the most legitimate sites for knowledge production. The chapters offer new insights into how countries develop the university-based knowledge thought fundamental to meeting social needs and economic demands. Despite repeated warnings that universities would lose in relevance to other organizational forms in the production of knowledge, these findings demonstrate incontrovertibly that universities have become more—not less—important actors in the world of knowledge. The past hundred years have seen the worldwide triumph of the research university.