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Duke University Press ACA Policy Diffusion
The contributors to this issue investigate the complex ways that policies of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have diffused through the states over seven years of implementation. When the ACA was passed in 2010, states were given the option to set up their own health care exchanges, expand their Medicaid programs, and reform both their local public health and their health care delivery systems. These reforms significantly impacted citizens’ access to insurance. Contributors examine how local conditions account for variation in enrollment across states, analyze the evolution of Medicaid waivers in Republican-led states, show how early-adopting states affected later adopters, explore the role of public opinion in the diffusion of ACA policies, and argue for the importance of rhetorical framing when advocating in favor of the ACA. Contributors. Frederick J. Boehmke, Timothy Callaghan, Rena Conti, Bruce A. Desmarais, Colleen M. Grogan, Jeffrey J. Harden, Lawrence Jacobs, David K. Jones, Andrew Karch, Elizabeth Maltby, Julianna Pacheco, Aaron Rosenthal, Abigail A. Rury, Phillip McMinn Singer, Craig Volden
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Community Economics: Linking Theory and Practice
This Complete revision of Dr. Shaffer's classic Community Economics provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of economic structure in small communities and urban neighborhoods of America. Authors Shaffer, Deller, and Marcouiller review the economics of smaller communities with continued emphasis on how to build and achieve theoretically sound community economic development policy. The text also demonstrates how local participation and knowledge can be used to identify problems, form solutions, and maintain community support for long-term goals. The main body of economic research and literature has neglected the economics of smaller communities. Community Economics: Linking Theory and Practice fills that information void. This text serves as a comprehensive guide on smaller, open economies and urban neighborhoods for economists, regional planners, rural sociologists, and geographers. Additionally, Community Economics is an issue-oriented handbook of development strategies for development practitioners, planning and zoning officials, and others involved in the ay-to-day activities of community economic development.
Stanford University Press From Silicon Valley to Singapore: Location and Competitive Advantage in the Hard Disk Drive Industry
Momentous developments in the global economy over the last two decades have dramatically increased the availability of industrial investment sites and lowered the cost of relocating core activities to new countries. But how should these developments be exploited for competitive advantage? Firms face competing pressures: scale economies and the advantages of proximity push them to concentrate activities in one or only a few locations, while low wages and new markets invite dispersal across several countries. This book examines how location decisions have contributed to the global dominance of U.S. firms in the hard disk drive industry. In analyzing the industry since its beginnings some forty years ago, the book explains how American leadership in disk drives has rested on the formation of two complementary industrial clusters. Fundamental research and product development has been located almost entirely in the United States, principally California. Manufacturing has been concentrated in Southeast Asia (initially in Singapore and later in Thailand and Malaysia as well). This duality has proven key to the successful competitive position of the U.S. disk drive industry. Beyond the particulars of the disk drive industry, the authors present new perspectives on the sources of industrial leadership, the strategic behavior of multinational corporations, the geographic evolution of industry, and the creation and endurance of industrial clusters. Managers will gain insight into how location decisions can contribute to organizational effectiveness, and will learn that globalizing production, while keeping innovative activities at home, can contribute to their firms’ competitive advantage. Policy makers will find that first mover advantages may be as important for countries as for companies, since early and systematic efforts to attract a specific industry can generate a critical mass of investments that, over time, will make a location resistant to inducements offered by other countries.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Regulating Managed Care: Theory, Practice, and Future Options
What should be government's role in a market-oriented health caresystem? What's the appropriate amount of regulation? Who should regulate-states, federal government, or marketforces? What role do the courts play in this regulation? Are there existing models that might guide leaders in designing aneffective regulatory structure? Welcome to the great managed care debate. In Regulating ManagedCare, twenty-six of the nation's leading health policy experts givehealth care administrators, clinicians, and policy makers insightinto the issues behind this critical exchange and provide leaderswith a road map to assess the policy options available to protectthe quality of our health care delivery system. "This collection of papers, from an extraordinary group of authors,makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing policy debate and willbe of interest to anyone concerned with the future of our healthcare system."---Charles A. Sanders, retired chairman and CEO GlaxoInc. and former general director, Massachusetts General Hospital
University of British Columbia Press Neighbourhood Houses: Building Community in Vancouver
Neighbourhood Houses draws on a five-year study to document and contextualize the neighbourhood house movement in Vancouver. Social disconnection has led many observers to declare that urban communities are weakening and fragmenting. Nonetheless, the local community is where most aspects of everyday life occur, where people establish their homes and pursue their ambitions. It offers a secure haven in an unpredictable, globalized world. Neighbourhood houses are community hubs providing services such as public recreation, child care, health care, and adult literacy classes, bringing urban newcomers and neighbours together. Contributors to this book outline the history of the Vancouver network, its relationship with local government and other organizations in the region, the programs and activities offered, and the experiences of participants. While globalization and migration create fragmented and disconnected societies in modern urban cities, this timely study demonstrates that place-based community organizations can provide an antidote.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Services Marketing and Management
Part of a series which offers an interdisciplinary approach to the latest research and practice in services, this volume discusses a variety of topics in the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Energy and Mobility in Smart Cities
Energy and Mobility in Smart Cities brings together a collection of expert perspectives focusing on key themes underlying successful smart city developments. With a particular emphasis on developments relating to energy and mobility, the book provides a far-reaching analysis of key drivers of innovation. It explores potential opportunities and challenges associated with the rise of digital infrastructure and smart cities technology. The book is divided into four parts. Part 1 covers the changing nature of communities in the digital age, while Part 2 looks at mobility in smart cities, including the development of autonomous smart vehicles, and key innovations in logistics and transport. Part 3 focuses on energy and covers electricity markets in transition economies as well as the role of renewable energy in future smart energy systems. Part 4, on governance, examines political issues shaping the smart future, and principles of sustainable development, inclusivity and transparency in smart city development. Together, the chapters emphasise the importance of engineers working across disciplinary boundaries and recommend adopting an integrated approach for successful smart city development. Energy and Mobility in Smart Cities will be essential reading for researchers and postgraduate students. Also it will be a useful tool for consultants, senior-level engineers, city planners, government officials and policy makers.
Princeton University Press Rehearsals of Manhood: Athenian Drama as Social Practice
A bold reconception of ancient Greek drama by one of the most brilliant and original classical scholars of his generationWhen John Winkler died in 1990, he left an unpublished manuscript containing a highly original interpretation of the development and meaning of ancient Greek drama. Rehearsals of Manhood makes this groundbreaking work available for the first time, presenting an entirely novel picture of Greek tragedy and a vivid portrait of the cultural poetics of Athenian manhood.Ancient Athens was a military conclave as well as an urban capital, and male citizens were expected to embody the ideal of the Athenian citizen-soldier. Winkler understands Attic drama as a secular manhood ritual, a collaborative aesthetic and civic enterprise focused on the initiation of boys into manhood and the training, testing, and representation of young male warriors. Past efforts to discover the origins and development of Greek tragedy have largely treated drama as a literary genre, isolating it from other Athenian social practices. Winkler returns Greek tragedy to its social context, showing how it was one among many forms of display and performance cultivated by elite males in ancient Greece.The final work of a celebrated classical scholar, Rehearsals of Manhood highlights the civic function of the dramatic festivals at classical Athens as occasions for the examination and representation of boys on the verge of manhood, and offers a fresh explanation of how dramatic performance fit into the social life and gender politics of the Athenian state.
Princeton University Press Graph Theory in America: The First Hundred Years
How a new mathematical field grew and matured in America Graph Theory in America focuses on the development of graph theory in North America from 1876 to 1976. At the beginning of this period, James Joseph Sylvester, perhaps the finest mathematician in the English-speaking world, took up his appointment as the first professor of mathematics at the Johns Hopkins University, where his inaugural lecture outlined connections between graph theory, algebra, and chemistry—shortly after, he introduced the word graph in our modern sense. A hundred years later, in 1976, graph theory witnessed the solution of the long-standing four color problem by Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken of the University of Illinois.Tracing graph theory’s trajectory across its first century, this book looks at influential figures in the field, both familiar and less known. Whereas many of the featured mathematicians spent their entire careers working on problems in graph theory, a few such as Hassler Whitney started there and then moved to work in other areas. Others, such as C. S. Peirce, Oswald Veblen, and George Birkhoff, made excursions into graph theory while continuing their focus elsewhere. Between the main chapters, the book provides short contextual interludes, describing how the American university system developed and how graph theory was progressing in Europe. Brief summaries of specific publications that influenced the subject’s development are also included.Graph Theory in America tells how a remarkable area of mathematics landed on American soil, took root, and flourished.
Princeton University Press World War I and American Art
World War I had a profound impact on American art and culture. Nearly every major artist responded to events, whether as official war artists, impassioned observers, or participants on the battlefields. It was the moment when American artists, designers, and illustrators began to consider the importance of their contributions to the wider world and to visually represent the United States' emergent role in modern global politics. World War I and American Art provides an unprecedented consideration of the impact of the conflict on American artists and the myriad ways they reacted to it. Artists took a leading role in chronicling the war, crafting images that influenced public opinion, supported mobilization efforts, and helped to shape how the appalling human toll was mourned and memorialized. World War I and American Art features some eighty artists--including Ivan Albright, George Bellows, Marsden Hartley, Childe Hassam, Violet Oakley, Georgia O'Keeffe, Man Ray, John Singer Sargent, and Claggett Wilson--whose paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, posters, and ephemera span the diverse visual culture of the period to tell the story of a crucial turning point in the history of American art. Taking readers from the home front to the battlefront, this landmark book will remain the definitive reference on a pivotal moment in American modern art for years to come. Exhibition schedule: * Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts November 4, 2016-April 9, 2017* New-York Historical Society May 26-September 3, 2017* Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville October 6, 2017-January 21, 2018
Princeton University Press The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 61: June 18-July 25, 1919
Beginning with Wilson's tour of Belgium, this volume then moves to the last days of the peace conference. A great wave of relief sweeps over council chambers in Paris when a new German government sends word that it will accept the peace treaty unconditionally: restoration of peace occurs with the signing of the treaty in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles on June 28. That same night Wilson boards his train for Brest to return to the United States on the George Washington. The voyage provides a period of leisure for Wilson, but there are signs that his strength has been strained beyond endurance. On board ship he tries and fails to compose one of the most important speeches of his life--an address to the Senate to accompany his presentation of the treaty to that body. On his return he manages to complete it only hours before delivering it on July 10. And he responds equivocally to the challenge--the greatest in his career as a legislative leader--to create a solid pro-League coalition and outmaneuver his opponent, Henry Cabot Lodge, who seems bent on blocking American membership in the League of Nations. Then, on July 19, Wilson suffers what is most likely a small stroke. It disorients and disables him, and, as this volume ends, he is still without any strategy to assure ratification of the treaty. Publication of Volume 61 ends the Peace Conference Volumes, which began with Volume 53.
Harvard University Press Serbocroatian Heroic Songs: Volume 3: The Wedding of Smailagić Meho: Avdo Međedović
In researching this collection, Milman Parry set out to test the theories he had evolved on oral epic, theories that were to introduce a new era of Homeric scholarship. In the Balkans, one of the few areas where a living tradition of oral heroic poetry was still to be found, he observed firsthand how unlettered singers composed their poems, and collected more than 1200 hours of poetic performance from the most experienced bards. Comprising representative texts and translations from the Parry Collection, this series records the South Slavic tradition.
University of California Press The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California
In the spirit of the avid desert botanist Willis Linn Jepson, The Jepson Desert Manual provides botanical enthusiasts of all backgrounds with the first comprehensive field guide focused exclusively on native and naturalized vascular plants of California's southeastern deserts. Based on The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, the Desert Manual incorporates new illustrations for more than two hundred desert taxa, revised keys to identification, updated distributional information, and 128 color photographs. This guide will allow easier identification of California's fascinating desert plants than would be possible in a manual with broader geographic coverage. As in The Jepson Manual, detailed descriptions and illustrations of plant characteristics are provided, along with information on native versus alien status, habitats, elevation, endangerment, toxicity, weed status, horticultural requirements, and flowering times. Introductory sections on the desert setting and vegetation offer the reader a broad context and new perspectives for appreciating the more than twenty five hundred plant species included in the Manual. For amateur and professional botanists alike, the Desert Manual will prove to be an invaluable companion in California's spectacular Mojave Desert, Sonoran Desert, and southern Great Basin environments, including the White Mountains.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Inorganic Materials Synthesis and Fabrication
This up-to-date, single-source reference on the preparation of single-phase inorganic materials covers the most important methods and techniques in solid-state synthesis and materials fabrication. Presenting both fundamental background and advanced methodologies, it describes the principles of crystallography, thermodynamics, and kinetics required, addresses crystallographic and microstructural considerations, and describes various kinds of reactions. This is an excellent text for materials science and engineering, chemistry, and physics students, as well as a practical, hands-on reference for working professionals.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Understanding Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis
Originally published in hardcover in 1982, this book is now offered in a Wiley Classics Library edition. A contributed volume, edited by some of the preeminent statisticians of the 20th century, Understanding of Robust and Exploratory Data Analysis explains why and how to use exploratory data analysis and robust and resistant methods in statistical practice.
John Wiley & Sons Inc An Introduction to Tissue-Biomaterial Interactions
An Introduction to Tissue-Biomaterial Interactions acquaints an undergraduate audience with the fundamental biological processes that influence these sophisticated, cutting-edge procedures. Chapters one through three provide more detail about the molecular-level events that happen at the tissue-implant interface, while chapters four through ten explore selected material, biological, and physiological consequences of these events. The importance of the body’s wound-healing response is emphasized throughout. Specific topics covered include:Structure and properties of biomaterials Proteins Protein-surface interactions Blood-biomaterial interactions Inflammation and infection The immune system Biomaterial responses to implantation Biomaterial surface engineering Intimal hyperplasia and osseointegration as examples of tissue-biomaterial interactions The text also provides extensive coverage of the three pertinent interfaces between the body and the biomaterial, between the body and the living cells, and between the cells and the biomaterial that are critical in the development of tissue-engineered products that incorporate living cells within a biomaterial matrix. Ideal for a one-semester, biomedical engineering course, An Introduction to Tissue-Biomaterial Interactions provides a solid framework for understanding today’s and tomorrow’s implantable biomedical devices.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Antisocial Behavior
Handbook of Antisocial Behavior Each year tens of thousands of families are torn apart, hundreds ofthousands of lives are ruined, and millions of dollars' worth ofproperty is destroyed as a result of antisocial behavior. Soendemic are violence and aggression to our society that it isn'thard to imagine future historians categorizing the late twentiethcentury not as the "Space Age" or the "Information Age," but as the"Antisocial Age"--the time when society went to war against itself.As with any plague that threatens civilization, the first and bestline of defense against antisocial behavior is the knowledge thatcomes from dedicated scientific research into its causes andcures. Does violence on the screen cause violence in the street? * Do hormones cause violence? * Can we prevent violence? * Is antisocial behavior a mental illness? * How can we identify and measure antisocial behavior? * How are women and men similar and different with respect toantisocial behavior? * How can we better understand spouse and child abuse? In the latter part of this century, an increasingly vigorous andsophisticated scientific study of antisocial behavior has emerged.This new science has offered partial answers to some very importantquestions which will lead to better understanding and prevention ofantisocial behavior. These and other questions are addressed in theHandbook of Antisocial Behavior. In 50 chapters, more than 100leading scientists, clinicians, and scholars review the research intheir area of expertise to provide extraordinarily extensive anddeep coverage of the field in a single volume. These experts share their findings, insights, and theoriesconcerning most types of antisocial behaviors and antisocialbehavioral disorders, including aggressiveness, noncompliance,conduct problems, delinquency, sexual offenses, criminality, mediaviolence, child abuse, spouse abuse, impulsivity, and antisocialpersonality disorder. The Handbook of Antisocial Behavior is an indispensable resourcefor mental health practitioners, as well as anyone involved inresearch into violence and aggression, including psychologists,psychiatrists, neuroscientists, public health professionals,epidemiologists, sociologists, and criminologists. A comprehensive review of the latest research and clinicaltrends More than 100 of the world's leading researchers and cliniciansfrom the fields of psychology, psychiatry, the neurosciences,sociology, epidemiology, and criminology share their insights intothe causes of and cures for one of contemporary society's mostperplexing and pernicious classes of behavioral disorders. Coveringvirtually all forms of antisocial behavior and antisocialbehavioral disorders, the Handbook of Antisocial Behavior comprisesthe most extensive review currently available of: * The development and origins of antisocial behavior * The demographics of all forms of antisocial behavior * The latest assessment and diagnostic techniques * Breakthroughs in prevention and intervention * Special populations and special issues, from domestic violence tocross-cultural and gender issues
John Wiley & Sons Inc Essentials of Corporate Finance
Essentials of Corporate Finance with WileyPLUS offers a focused choice for instructors teaching the fundamentals of value creation by offering a balance of intuitive conceptual understanding, problem solving and analysis, and decision making skills. Students who understand the intuition underlying the basic concepts of finance are better able to develop the critical judgments necessary to apply financial tools in real decision-making situations. Authors Bob Parrino, Tom Bates, and David Kidwell present a concise treatment of foundational topics while maintaining the same effective Learning by Doing pedagogy found in the successful Fundamentals edition. With WileyPLUS, students come to class prepared after working through Orion’s adaptive learning module, develop problem solving skills with instant feedback on their work, and are guided through examples with Animated Learning by Doing. Essentials of Corporate Finance includes every resource found in Fundamentals, giving instructors and students all the resources they need to be successful. This briefer edition will help your students develop a clear understanding of the material as well as how to apply Corporate Finance to their future studies and career paths. WileyPLUS sold separately from text.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics
Combining biology, computer science, mathematics, and statistics, the field of bioinformatics has become a hot new discipline with profound impacts on all aspects of biology and industrial application. Now, Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics offers an introduction to the topic, covering the most relevant and popular CI methods, while also encouraging the implementation of these methods to readers' research.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crystals That Flow: Classic Papers from the History of Liquid Crystals
Liquid crystal science underlies the technology of about half the current display technology by value, an industry now worth some $10 billion per annum worldwide. The fundamental science straddles the disciplines of chemistry, physics, engineering, mathematics and computer science. Among liquid crystal scientists today there is much interest in the historical process that has brought the subject to its present level. The historical roots lie in the years following 1888, again in the interwar years, and finally in the late 60s and 70s.This book has collected important papers in the development of liquid crystal science into one reference volume. The collection is divided into sections, each of which is prefaced by a brief commentary, referring to the historic-scientific context of the time. Some of these papers are available for the first time in English. More modern papers carry a short commentary from the original author, offering recollections of the context in which the work was carried out and what its impact has been.Crystals that Flow is aimed at liquid crystal scientists- from whatever background- physics, mathematics, chemistry, engineering or computer science. Historians of science will also find this a useful reference.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Review of Hand Surgery
Ideal for thorough review and exam preparation, Review of Hand Surgery, 2nd Edition, presents a comprehensive review of hand surgery in a reader-friendly outline format for quick reference. Drs. Pedro K. Beredjiklian, David J. Bozentka, and Gregory Gallant lead a team of hand surgeons who are involved in resident/fellow training, focusing on need-to-know information for efficient and effective review. This unique resource includes the latest information from textbooks, current journal articles, and in-training and self-assessment examinations in a single, convenient volume. Contains three new chapters: Pediatric Hand, Wrist and Forearm Fractures and Dislocations; Arthroscopic Treatment of Hand and Wrist Injuries; and Paralytic Hand, Cerebral Palsy and Stroke. Includes updated and expanded coverage of atypical hand infections, systemic arthropathies, burns and frostbite, chemical burns, local flaps and more. Provides detailed descriptions of functional anatomy of the hand, organized by tissue structure. Explains complex concepts such as the mechanics of the hand and disruptions that lead to deformity in concise, easy-to-understand sections. Features full-color, easy-to-read photographs, illustrations, and tables to reinforce learning and recall of high-yield information. Perfect for study and review for the Orthopaedic In-Training Examination (OITE), AAOS Hand and Wrist Self-Assessment, ASSH Annual Self-Assessment, and AAOS Hand Surgery Certification/Recertification (ABS with ABOS and ABPS) exams. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access bonus images plus all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Integrated Physiology and Pathophysiology
Edited by physiology instructors who are also active clinicians, Integrated Physiology and Pathophysiology is a one-stop guide to key information you need for early clinical and medical training and practice. This unique, integrated textbook unites these two essential disciplines and focuses on the most relevant aspects for clinical application. A concise, review-like format, tables and diagrams, spaced repetition for effective learning, and self-assessment features help you gain and retain a firm understanding of basic physiology and pathophysiology. Integrated Physiology and Pathophysiology works equally well as a great starting point in your studies and as a review for boards. Shares the knowledge and expertise of an outstanding editorial team consisting of two practicing clinicians who also teach physiology and pathophysiology at Harvard Medical School, plus a top Harvard medical student. Provides an integrated approach to physiology and pathophysiology in a concise, bulleted format. Chapters are short and focus on clinically relevant, foundational concepts in clear, simple language. Employs focused repetition of key points, helping you quickly recall core concepts such as pressure-flow-resistance relationships, ion gradients and action potentials, and mass balance. You'll revisit these concepts in a variety of meaningful clinical contexts in different chapters; this "spaced learning" method of reinforcement promotes deeper and more flexible understanding and application. Includes Fast Facts boxes that emphasize take-home messages or definitions. Contains Integration boxes that link physiology and pathophysiology to pharmacology, genetics, and other related sciences. Presents clinical cases and with signs and symptoms, history, and laboratory data that bring pathophysiology to life. Features end-of-chapter board-type questions, complete with clear explanations of the answers, to help prepare you for standardized exams. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Yale University Press Van Gogh's Bedrooms
A fascinating look at the genesis and meaning of Van Gogh’s famed paintings of his bedroom Vincent van Gogh’s The Bedroom, a painting of his room in Arles, is arguably the most famous depiction of a bedroom in the history of art. The artist made three versions of the work, now in the collections of the Van Gogh Museum, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Musée d’Orsay. This book is the first in-depth study of their making and their meaning to the artist. In Van Gogh’s Bedrooms, an international team of art historians, scientists, and conservators investigates the psychological and emotional significance of the bedroom in Van Gogh’s oeuvre, surveying dwellings as a motif that appears throughout his work. Essays address the context in which the bedroom was first conceived, the uniqueness of the subject, and the similarities and differences among the three works both on and below the painted surface. The publication reproduces more than 50 paintings, drawings, and illustrated letters by the artist, along with other objects that evoke his peripatetic life and relentless quest for “home.”Distributed for the Art Institute of ChicagoExhibition Schedule:Art Institute of Chicago (02/14/16–05/10/16)
University of Texas Press The Writer's Reference Guide to Spanish
Writers and editors of Spanish have long needed an authoritative guide to written language usage, similar to The MLA Style Manual and The Chicago Manual of Style. And here it is! This reference guide provides comprehensive information on how the Spanish language is copyedited for publication. The book covers these major areas: Language basics: capitalization, word division, spelling, and punctuation. Language conventions: abbreviations, professional and personal titles, names of organizations, and nationalities. Bibliographic format, particularly how Spanish differs from English. Spanish language forms of classical authors' names. Literary and grammatical terminology. Linguistic terminology. Biblical names and allusions. A dictionary of grammatical doubts, including usage, grammatical constructions of particular words and phrases, verbal irregularities, and gender variations.
Pennsylvania State University Press The Creation of Modern Quaker Diversity, 1830–1937
The period from 1830 to 1937 was transformative for modern Quakerism. Practitioners made significant contributions to world culture, from their heavy involvement in the abolitionist and women’s rights movements and creation of thriving communities of Friends in the Global South to the large-scale post–World War I humanitarian relief efforts of the American Friends Service Committee and Friends Service Council in Britain.The Creation of Modern Quaker Diversity, 1830–1937 explores these developments and the impact they had on the Quaker religion and on the broader world. Chapters examine the changes taking place within the denomination at the time, including separations, particularly in the United States, that resulted in the establishment of distinct branches, and a series of all-Quaker conferences in the early twentieth century that set the agenda for Quakerism. Written by the leading experts in the field, this engaging narrative and penetrating analysis is the authoritative account of this period of Quaker history. It will appeal to scholars and lay Quaker readers alike and is an essential volume for meeting libraries. In addition to the editors, the contributors include Joanna Clare Dales, Richard Kent Evans, Douglas Gwyn, Thomas D. Hamm, Robynne Rogers Healey, Julie L. Holcomb, Sylvester A. Johnson, Stephanie Midori Komashin, Emma Jones Lapsansky, Isaac Barnes May, Nicola Sleapwood, Carole Dale Spencer, and Randall L. Taylor.
Indiana University Press American Philanthropic Foundations: Regional Difference and Change
Once largely confined to the biggest cities in the mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes states, philanthropic foundations now play a significant role in nearly every state. Wide-ranging and incisive, the essays in American Philanthropic Foundations: Regional Difference and Change examine the origins, development, and accomplishments of philanthropic foundations in key cities and regions of the United States. Each contributor assesses foundation efforts to address social and economic inequalities, and to encourage cultural and creative life in their home regions and elsewhere. This fascinating and timely study of contemporary America's philanthropic foundations vividly illustrates foundations' commonalities and differences as they strive to address pressing public problems.
Indiana University Press A Legacy Transformed: The Story of HPER and the Birth of the School of Public Health-Bloomington
This richly illustrated history of the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER) is a revealing portrait of some of the people, events, and accomplishments of the school from its founding, subsequent evolution, and transition to the IU School of Public Health–Bloomington in 2012. Throughout this period, Indiana University provided a fertile environment for the HPER professions to grow and flourish. As the health needs and conditions of Americans changed throughout the 20th century and into the 21st century, so did the educational programs for HPER professions. The school was instrumental in leading the development in professional preparation, research, and service in response to these changing needs. This book offers an appreciation of the historical importance of the school to Indiana University, the state, and the nation, and it provides the framework for understanding the significance of the school's transformation into a school of public health.
Columbia University Press Exploring Individual Modernity
The culmination of more than ten years of research carried out in over 50 countries around the world, this volume shows how the forces of modernization on the developing countries change the attitudes and behavior of men acting in their roles as husbands and fathers, as members of ethnic communities, and as citizens of emerging nation-states. The research gathered here demonstrates that the impact of modern institutions on individual psychic adjustment is much less severe than is often imagined and the book explores the meaning of modernization in human terms. In addition, for the first time the theory and method for studying individual modernity are applied to the so-called socialist countries. Inkeles et al. highlight the implications of individual modernity for understanding contemporary and future social change in both developing and advanced countries. "Exploring Individual Modernity" completes the portrait of "modern man" first sketched in "Becoming Modern", the first book to report on the findings on Social and cultural Aspects of Modernization.
The University of Chicago Press The Supreme Court Review, 2020
Since it first appeared in 1960, The Supreme Court Review (SCR) has won acclaim for providing a sustained and authoritative survey of the implications of the Court's most significant decisions. SCR is an in-depth annual critique of the Supreme Court and its work, keeping up on the forefront of the origins, reforms, and interpretations of American law. SCR is written by and for legal academics, judges, political scientists, journalists, historians, economists, policy planners, and sociologists. This year’s volume features incisive assessments of major legal events, including: Cristina M. Rodríguez on the Political Significance of Law Martha Minow on Little Sisters of the Poor Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule on the Unitary Executive Cary Franklin on Living Textualism David A. Strauss on Sexual Orientation and the Dynamics of Discrimination Saikrishna Bangalore Prakash on the Executive’s Privileges and Immunities Reva B. Siegel on Abortion Restrictions Maggie Blackhawk on McGirt v. Oklahoma Richard J. Lazarus on Advocacy History
The University of Chicago Press The Supreme Court Review, 2019
Since it first appeared in 1960, The Supreme Court Review (SCR) has won acclaim for providing a sustained and authoritative survey of the implications of the Court's most significant decisions. SCR is an in-depth annual critique of the Supreme Court and its work, keeping up on the forefront of the origins, reforms, and interpretations of American law. SCR is written by and for legal academics, judges, political scientists, journalists, historians, economists, policy planners, and sociologists. This year’s volume features incisive assessments of major legal events, including: Gillian E. Metzger on The Roberts Court's Administrative Law Paul Butler on Peremptory Strikes in Mississippi v. Flowers Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos on Partisan Gerrymandering Kent Greenfield on Hate Speech Jennifer M. Chacon on Department of Commerce v. New York Micah Schwartzman & Nelson Tebbe on Establishment Clause Appeasement William Baude on Precedent and Originalism Linda Greenhouse on The Supreme Court’s Challenge to Civil Society James T. Kloppenberg on James Madison
The University of Chicago Press The Supreme Court Review, 2018
Since it first appeared in 1960, The Supreme Court Review (SCR) has won acclaim for providing a sustained and authoritative survey of the implications of the Court's most significant decisions. SCR is an in-depth annual critique of the Supreme Court and its work, keeping up on the forefront of the origins, reforms, and interpretations of American law. SCR is written by and for legal academics, judges, political scientists, journalists, historians, economists, policy planners, and sociologists. This year’s volume features prominent scholars assessing major legal events, including: Mark Tushnet on President Trump’s “Muslim Ban” Kate Andrias on Union Fees in the Public Sector Cass R. Sunstein on Chevron without Chevron Tracey Maclin on the Fourth Amendment and Unauthorized Drivers Frederick Schauer on Precedent Pamela Karlan on Gay Equality and Racial Equality Randall Kennedy on Palmer v. Thompson Lisa Marshall Manheim and Elizabeth G. Porter on Voter Suppression Melissa Murray on Masterpiece Cakeshop Vikram David Amar on Commandeering Laura K. Donohue on Carpenter, Precedent, and Originalism Evan Caminker on Carpenter and Stability
The University of Chicago Press Rethinking France: Les Lieux de m?moire, Volume 1: The State
"Les Lieux de Memoire" is perhaps one of the most profound historical documents on the history and culture of the French nation. Assembled by Pierre Nora during the Mitterand years, this multi-volume series has been hailed as "a magnificent achievement" ("The New Republic") and "the grandest, most ambitious effort to dissect, interpret and celebrate the French fascination with their own past" (The Los Angeles Times"). Written during a time when French national identity was undergoing a pivotal change and the nation was struggling to define itself, this unprecedented series consists of essays by prominent historians and cultural commentators which take, as their points of departure, a "lieu de memoire": a site of memory used to order, concentrate and secure notions of France's past. The first volume in the Chicago translation, "Rethinking France", brings together works addressing the omnipresent role of the state in French life. As in the other volumes, the "lieux de memoire" serve as entries into the French past, whether they are actual sites, political traditions, rituals or even national pastimes and textbooks. "Volume I: The State" offers a sophisticated and engaging view of the French and their past through widely diverse essays on, for example, the chateau of Versailles and the French history of absolutism; the "Code civil" and its ordering of French life; memoirs written by French statesmen; and Charlemagne and his place in French history. Nora's contributors constitute a who's who of French academia, yet they wear their erudition lightly. Taken as a whole, this extraordinary series documents how the French have come to see themselves and why.
The University of Chicago Press Evolutionary Paleobiology
Representing current research in evolutionary paleobiology, this book provides an overview of this rapidly changing field. An influx of ideas and techniques both from other areas of biology and from within paleobiology itself have resulted in numerous advances, including increased recognition of the relationships between ecological and evolutionary theory. Contributors to this volume present the results of original research and theoretical developments, and aim to provide directions for future studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Basics of Dental Technology: A Step by Step Approach
Now available in a second edition, Basics of Dental Technology is a complete reference for the current techniques and materials used in dental technology. Retains the accessible, task-based approach and step-by-step guidance of the first edition Features updates throughout, as well as a new chapter on digital dental technology and an interactive student website to support self-assessment Explains key competencies, concepts, instruments, and equipment, and also introduces more specialist techniques and procedures, such as denture prosthetics, fixed prosthodontics and orthodontic work Provides essential information for trainee dental technicians and students learning about dental technology, including study tips and strategies for working effectively within a dental team
American Library Association Cultural Humility
This accessible and compelling Special Report introduces cultural humility, a lifelong practice that can guide library workers in their day-to-day interactions by helping them recognize and address structural inequities in library services. Cultural humility is emerging as a preferred approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts within librarianship. At a time when library workers are critically examining their professional practices, cultural humility offers a potentially transformative framework of compassionate accountability; it asks us to recognize the limits to our knowledge, reckon with our ongoing fallibility, educate ourselves about the power imbalances in our organizations, and commit to making change. This Special Report introduces the concept and outlines its core tenets. As relevant to those currently studying librarianship as it is to long-time professionals, and applicable across multiple settings including archives and museums, from this book readers will learn why cultural humility offers an ideal approach for navigating the spontaneous interpersonal interactions in libraries, whether between patrons and staff or amongst staff members themselves; understand how it intersects with cultural competence models and critical race theory; see the ways in which cultural humility’s awareness of and commitment to challenging inequitable structures of power can act as a powerful catalyst for community engagement; come to recognize how a culturally humble approach supports DEI work by acknowledging the need for mindfulness in day-to-day interactions; reflect upon cultural humility’s limitations and the criticisms that some have leveled against it; and take away concrete tools for undertaking and continuing such work with patience and hope.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Bioengineering
Bioengineering is attracting many high quality students. This invaluable book has been written for beginning students of bioengineering, and is aimed at instilling a sense of engineering in them.Engineering is invention and designing things that do not exist in nature for the benefit of humanity. Invention can be taught by making inventive thinking a conscious part of our daily life. This is the approach taken by the authors of this book. Each author discusses an ongoing project, and gives a sample of a professional publication. Students are asked to work through a sequence of assignments and write a report. Almost everybody soon realizes that more scientific knowledge is needed, and a strong motivation for the study of science is generated. The teaching of inventive thinking is a new trend in engineering education. Bioengineering is a good field with which to begin this revolution in engineering education, because it is a youthful, developing interdisciplinary field.
Copenhagen Business School Press Managing Business Marketing & Sales: An International Perspective
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Genesis Rabbah in Text and Context
Genesis Rabbah, the earliest rabbinic commentary on Genesis, was composed in Roman Palestine around the 5th century CE. In this volume, an international team of scholars explores the literary formation and textual transmission of this work in late antiquity, and the historical, cultural, religious, and political contexts from which it emerged. Some essays study the multi-layered nature of this text, the relationship of the traditions within the collection to one another and to other compositions, its redaction, its manuscript history, and the interpretive strategies it applies to biblical verses. Other essays explore how the midrash engages with Greco-Roman literature, competing theological and exegetical ideas found in contemporary Christian works, and other genres of Jewish literature. The collection aims to advance scholarly conversations about the classical rabbinic corpus; midrash; religions of late antiquity; interactions between Jews, Christians, and others in the Greco-Roman world; and the reception of Genesis Rabbah in medieval and modern times.
Facet Publishing Librarianship: An Introduction
Every profession needs an introductory text to its core body of knowledge. This definitive textbook is the most up-to-date introduction to the profession of librarianship for students and new entrants to the profession available. It is also the first to give a complete overview of all aspects of professional librarianship in the 21st century, and to offer authoritative analysis of modern libraries and librarianship. Key areas covered include:libraries and information services: evolution or revolution? information resources and services information organization and access library and Information users and society library technologies library and information management LIS education and training. Each chapter in this user-friendly text features clear learning aims and objectives and a list of revision questions to test and consolidate knowledge and understanding. Readership: Mapping onto course content for library and information studies in the US, UK and Australasia, this textbook also supports CILIP's Body of Knowledge and provides a single source of introductory explanations of library and information concepts for students. It is also the quintessential primer for new professionals.
Manchester University Press Reasserting America in the 1970s: U.S. Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America’s Image Abroad
Reasserting America in the 1970s brings together two areas of burgeoning scholarly interest. On the one hand, scholars are investigating the many ways in which the 1970s constituted a profound era of transition in the international order. The American defeat in Vietnam, the breakdown of the Bretton Woods exchange system and a string of domestic setbacks including Watergate, Three-Mile Island and reversals during the Carter years all contributed to a grand reappraisal of the power and prestige of the United States in the world. In addition, the rise of new global competitors such as Germany and Japan, the pursuit of détente with the Soviet Union and the emergence of new private sources of global power contributed to uncertainty.
Facet Publishing Hopeful Visions, Practical Actions: Cultural Humility in Library Work
Cultural humility offers a renewing and transformative framework for navigating interpersonal interactions in libraries, whether between patrons and staff or staff members with one another. It foregrounds a practice of critical self-reflection and commitment to recognizing and redressing structural inequities and problematic power imbalances. This collection, the first booklength treatment of this approach in libraries, gathers contributors from across the field to demonstrate how cultural humility can change the way we work and make lasting impacts on diversity, equity, and inclusion in libraries. This book's chapters explore such topics as how Indigenous adages can be tools for reflection and guidance in developing cultural humility the experiences of two Black librarians who are using cultural humility to change the professio; new perspectives on core concepts of customer service rethinking policies and practices in libraries both large and small using cultural humility in approaching collection development and creating resource guides what cultural humility can look like for a tribal librarian working in a tribal college library reflecting on cultural humility itself and where it is going
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Montaigne: Selected Essays: with La Boétie's Discourse on Voluntary Servitude
A superb achievement, one that successfully brings together in accessible form the work of two major writers of Renaissance France. This is now the default version of Montaigne in English. --Timothy Hampton, Professor of French and Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley
Rowman & Littlefield Florida's Birds: A Field Guide and Reference
Island Press Searching Out the Headwaters: Change And Rediscovery In Western Water Policy
To the uninitiated, water policy seems a complicated, hypertechnical, and incomprehensible subject: a tangle of engineering jargon and legalese surrounding a complex, delicate, and interrelated structure. Decisions concerning the public's waters involve scant public participation, and in such a context, reform seems risky at best.Searching Out the Headwaters addresses that precarious situation by providing a thorough and straightforward analysis of western water use and the outmoded rules that govern it. The authors begin by tracing the history and evolution of the uses of western water. They describe the demographic and economic changes now occurring in the region, and identify the many communities of interest involved in all water-use issues. After an examination of the central precepts of current water policy, along with their original rationale and subsequent evolution, they consider the reform movement that has recently begun to emerge. In the end, the authors articulate the foundations for a water policy that can meet the needs of the new West and discuss the various means for effectively implementing such a policy, including market economics, regulation, the broad-based use of scientific knowledge, and open and full public participation.
SAGE Publications Inc Equitable Access for English Learners, Grades K-6: Strategies and Units for Differentiating Your Language Arts Curriculum
Plain and simple: until our English learners have equitable access to the curriculum, they’ll continue to struggle with subject area content. And if you’re relying on add-on’s to fit in from your language arts basal or a supplementary program, Mary Soto, David Freeman, and Yvonne Freeman are here to equip you with much more effective, efficient, and engaging strategies for helping your English learners read and write at grade level. One assurance right from the start: Mary, David, and Yvonne are not suggesting you reinvent your curriculum. Instead, Equitable Access for English Learners, Grades K-6, focuses on how to fortify foundational practices already in place. First, you’ll learn more about the Equitable Access Approach, then it’s time to dive into the book’s four units of study. Drawing on each unit’s many strategies, you’ll discover how to apply them to any unit in your own language arts curriculum and start differentiating: How to draft and implement language objectives to help English learners meet academic content standards How to make instructional input comprehensible, including translanguaging strategies that draw on your students’ first languages when you don’t know how to speak them How to utilize the characteristics of text to support readers, along with a rubric for determining a text’s cultural relevance How to build students’ academic content knowledge and develop academic language proficiency Each unit addresses a commonly taught topic in today’s language arts programs and comes with ready-to-go review and preview activities, key strategies, grade-level adaptations, reflection exercises, and printable online resources. Taken as a whole, they constitute an all-new approach for providing that equitable and excellent access our English learners so rightfully deserve. "When you adopt our Equitable Access Approach, your students will not only thrive, they’ll also find your language arts curriculum much more meaningful and engaging." —Mary Soto, David E. Freeman, and Yvonne S. Freeman
Rowman & Littlefield Improving America's Schools Together: How District-University Partnerships and Continuous Improvement Can Transform Education
Improving America's Schools Together: How District-University Partnerships and Continuous ImprovementCan Transform Education is the first definitive text on continuous improvement in school district-university partnerships, covering improvement methods, theory, research, and real cases across the country with practical improvement tools that can be adapted to any setting. Through an array of in-depth stories of district-university partnerships, the book aims to demonstrate how improvement science—as a shared method—can guide institutions of higher education and their local education agency partners to enact the types of infrastructures that foster leaders and educators capable of enhancing students’ learning outcomes and opportunity structures. Among other topics, readers will benefit from reading about how these partnerships developed course and program offerings for aspiring urban school leaders centered on local problems of practice; strengthened improvement capabilities within districts and schools; leveraged improvement science to transform how teachers are professionally supported; and spanned institutional boundaries through shared tools, frameworks, and practices. Through rich stories and detailed artifacts, including protocols, MOUs, and other practical tools, the authors provide deep insight and practical guidance on the mechanics of place-based, problem-focused, and improvement-minded district-university partnerships. Readers can assess their readiness and ability to work in such ways; identify the constraining and enabling conditions in their locales; and recognize the kinds of tools, resources, and strategies that allow for mutually-beneficial collaborations.
AltaMira Press,U.S. Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology
Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology is a collection of classic articles by some of the best known proponents of oral history, demonstrating the basics of oral history, while also acting as a guidebook for how to use it in research. Added to this new edition is insight into how oral history is practiced on an international scale, making this book an indispensable resource for scholars of history and social sciences, as well as those interested in oral history on the avocational level. This volume is a reprint of the 1984 edition, with the added bonus of a new introduction by David Dunaway and a new section on how oral history is practiced on an international scale. Selections from the original volume trace the origins of oral history in the United States, provide insights on methodology and interpretation, and review the various approaches to oral history used by folklorists, historians, anthropologists, and librarians, among others. Family and ethnic historians will find chapters addressing the applications of oral history in those fields.