Search results for ""Author JéRéMy"
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Epic Measures: One Doctor. Seven Billion Patients.
Airplan Flight Equipment Ltd The Introductory Flying Lesson
Crecy Publishing PPL1 - Flying Training
Carcanet Press Ltd Complete Poems: R. F. Langley
R.F. Langley is known for his meticulous observation of the natural world and his highly original voice. This volume brings together his two previous Carcanet collections, Collected Poems (2000) and The Face of It (2007), along with his celebrated but uncollected late poems, including 'To a Nightingale', which won the 2011 Forward Prize for Best Individual Poem. The book includes a biographical introduction and a rare note by the poet on his own compositional practice. Langley kept a careful record of the reading and writing which inspired his poems; this edition is fully annotated with these sources, making it an invaluable guide for readers wanting to explore the visionary imagination of this master craftsman.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Studying the Novel
Now in its seventh edition, Studying the Novel is an authoritative introduction to the study of the novel at undergraduate level. Updated throughout to reflect the profound impact of e-reading and digital resources on the contemporary study of literature, the book also now includes a wider range of international examples to reflect the growing field of world literature. Providing a complete guide to studying the novel in one easy-to-read volume, the book covers: · The form of the novel · The history of the novel, from its earliest days to new electronic forms · Realism, modernism and postmodernism · Analysing fiction: narrative, character, structure, theme and dialogue · Critical approaches to studying the novel · Practical guidance on critical reading, secondary criticism, electronic resources and essay writing · Versions and adaptations Studying the Novel also includes a number of features to help readers navigate the book and find key information quickly, including chapter summaries throughout, a comprehensive glossary of terms and an historical timeline on the development of the novel, while annotated guides to further reading and discussion questions help students master the topics covered.
Amberley Publishing Railways Around Hampshire
The picturesque county of Hampshire in southern England boasts an astonishing variety of railway lines and attractions to delight the enthusiast. From one of the world’s oldest operational railways at Hythe, a unique island line, to successful preserved steam railways such as the Isle of Wight, Mid Hants and Swanage railways, as well as the many busy commuter routes to London and bustling freight traffic to and from its Channel ports, Hampshire in the twenty-first century is perhaps unique in the diverse nature of its rail heritage. Just an hour by train from the capital, one could be at the controls of a steam or diesel locomotive, riding on a former London Underground train, or enjoying a sumptuous meal and watching the countryside drift by. This book will offer anyone interested in trains in the county a pictorial guide to the best that Hampshire has to offer.
O'Reilly Media Data Mashups in R
Data analysis is more than means and standard deviations. This ebook is a case study of how you can push R into new territory to analyze online real-world data.
Brepols Publishers Adoption, Adaption, and Innovation in Pre-Roman Italy: Paradigms for Cultural Change
Simon & Schuster Audio Independence Square: Arkady Renko in Ukraine
Oxford University Press The Spirit of the Blitz: Home Intelligence and British Morale, September 1940 - June 1941
During the Blitz, the morale of the British people was clandestinely monitored by Home Intelligence, a unit of the Ministry of Information that kept watch on the behaviour and opinions of the public and eavesdropped on their conversations. Drawing on a wide range of intelligence sources from every region of the United Kingdom, a small team of officials based at the Senate House of the University of London compiled secret reports on the state of popular morale as the Luftwaffe attacked Britain's major towns and cities between September 1940 and May 1941. Edited and introduced by two leading historians of the period, who tell the inside story of Home Intelligence and why it proved so controversial in Whitehall, the complete and unabridged sequence of reports provide us with a unique and extraordinary window into the mindset of the British during a momentous period in their history. Not only do they include in-depth reports on the effects of the bombing, including special reports on Coventry, Clydebank, Hull, Barrow-in-Furness, Plymouth, Merseyside and Portsmouth, but also insights into almost every aspect of everyday life in Britain as well as the response of the public to the shifting military fortunes of the war. Reading like the collective diary of a nation, the reports strip away the nostalgia that has grown up around the period, reminding us instead of the sufferings and sacrifices, the many frustrations and difficulties of daily life, the administrative bungling, the grumbling and petty jealousies, and the determination of the overwhelming majority to put up with it all for the sake of beating Hitler.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Annual Plant Reviews, Arabidopsis
Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 1 This volume brings together reviews from many of the most outstanding contributors to this area, who discuss recent advances in our knowledge of Arabidopsis, which is the favoured model system for flowering plants.
American Psychological Association Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Therapies
Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Therapies provides an overview of the history, practice, and ongoing developments in the field of psychoanalysis. As the original theory of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis is often presented as a starting point in psychology theory courses. Yet, many people's understanding of psychoanalysis is limited to the classic Freudian approach. Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Therapies, Second Edition provides an overview of the historical evolution of, and recent advancements in this vital group of theories and approaches to psychotherapy, that have been refined over more than a century of international work by key theorists, researchers, and clinicians. This primer to psychoanalytic approaches, including clinical strategies and case examples illustrating short‑ and long‑term psychoanalytic treatment, is an essential resource for students and trainees interested in learning about psychoanalysis, as well as experienced clinicians seeking to refresh their knowledge. This new edition has been updated to include more contemporary perspectives on identity, diversity, and intersectionality in the context of psychoanalysis, as well as an expanded discussion of defenses, dream interpretation, recent research, and ongoing developments in the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Great Myths of Child Development
Great Myths of Child Development reveals the latest evidence-based science behind the myths and misconceptions about the developing child. Shatters the most commonly-held child development myths Reveals the science behind such topical issues as twin-telepathy, sex-prediction, and imaginary friends Covers hot-button issues like childhood vaccines, spankings, “time-outs,” and breastfeeding of older children Features numerous pop culture references and examples drawn from popular TV shows and movies, such as Duck Dynasty, Modern Family and Mad Men Points to a wealth of supplementary resources for interested parents—from evidence-based treatments and self-help books to relevant websites
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Pharmaceutical Studies Reader
The Pharmaceutical Studies Reader is an engaging survey of the field that brings together provocative, multi-disciplinary scholarship examining the interplay of medical science, clinical practice, consumerism, and the healthcare marketplace. Draws on anthropological, historical, and sociological approaches to explore the social life of pharmaceuticals with special emphasis on their production, circulation, and consumption Covers topics such as the role of drugs in shaping taxonomies of disease, the evolution of prescribing habits, ethical dimensions of pharmaceuticals, clinical trials, and drug research and marketing in the age of globalization Offers a compelling, contextually-rich treatment of the topic that exposes readers to a variety of approaches, ideas, and frameworks Provides an accessible introduction for readers with no previous background in this area
Princeton University Press The History of Italian Cinema: A Guide to Italian Film from Its Origins to the Twenty-First Century
The History of Italian Cinema is the most comprehensive guide to Italian film ever published. Written by the foremost scholar of Italian cinema and presented here for the first time in English, this landmark book traces the complete history of filmmaking in Italy, from its origins in the silent era through its golden age in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, and its subsequent decline to its resurgence today. Gian Piero Brunetta covers more than 1,500 films, discussing renowned masters including Roberto Rossellini and Federico Fellini, as well as directors lesser known outside Italy like Dino Risi and Ettore Scola. He examines overlooked Italian genre films such as horror movies, comedies, and Westerns, and he also devotes attention to neglected periods like the Fascist era. Brunetta illuminates the epic scope of Italian filmmaking, showing it to be a powerful cultural force in Italy and leaving no doubt about its enduring influence abroad. Encompassing the social, political, and technical aspects of the craft, he recreates the world of Italian cinema, giving readers rare insights into the actors, cinematographers, film critics, and producers that have made Italian cinema unique. Brunetta's passion as a true fan of Italian movies comes across on every page of this panoramic guide. A delight for film lovers everywhere, The History of Italian Cinema reveals the full artistry of Italian film.
Lerner Publishing Group Different Kind of Passover
John Wiley & Sons Inc Satellite Communications
Extensive revision of the best-selling text on satellite communications — includes new chapters on cubesats, NGSO satellite systems, and Internet access by satellite There have been many changes in the thirty three years since the first edition of Satellite Communications was published. There has been a complete transition from analog to digital communication systems, withanalog techniques replaced by digital modulation and digital signal processing. While distribution of television programming remains the largest sector of commercial satellite communications, low earth orbit constellations of satellites for Internet access are set to challenge that dominance. In the third edition, chapters one through three cover topics that are specific to satellites, including orbits, launchers, and spacecraft. Chapters four through seven cover the principles of digital communication systems, radio frequency communications, digital modulation and multiple access techniques, and propagation in the earth’s atmosphere, topics that are common to all radio communication systems. Chapters eight through twelve cover applications that include non-geostationary satellite systems, low throughput systems, direct broadcast satellite television, Internet access by satellite, and global navigation satellite systems. The chapter on Internet access by satellite is new to the third edition, and each of the chapters has been extensively revised to include the many changes in the field since the publication of the second edition in 2003. Two appendices have been added that cover digital transmission of analog signals, and antennas. An invaluable resource for students and professionals alike, this book: Focuses on the fundamental theory of satellite communications Explains the underlying principles and essential mathematics required to understand the physics and engineering of satellite communications Discusses the expansion of satellite communication systems in areas such as direct-broadcast satellite TV, GPS, and internet access Introduces the rapidly advancing field of small satellites, referred to as SmallSats or CubeSats Provides relevant practice problems based on real-world satellite systems Satellite Communications is required reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students in satellite communications courses and an authoritative reference for engineers working in communications, systems and networks, and satellite operations and management.
Penguin Books Ltd Three Men in a Boat and Three Men on the Bummel
Martyrs to hypochondria and general seediness, J. and his friends George and Harris decide that a jaunt up the Thames would suit them to a 'T'. But when they set off, they can hardly predict the troubles that lie ahead with tow-ropes, unreliable weather-forecasts and tins of pineapple chunks - not to mention the devastation left in the wake of J.'s small fox-terrier Montmorency. Three Men in a Boat was an instant success when it appeared in 1889, and proved so popular that Jerome reunited his now older - but not necessarily wiser - heroes in Three Men on the Bummel, for a picaresque bicycle tour of Germany. With their benign escapism, authorial discursions and wonderful evocation of the late-Victorian 'clerking classes', both novels hilariously capture the spirit of their age.
Mousse Publishing Maude Léonard-Contant: Listen, the Crust Is Cracking
History Press Celis Beer: Born in Belgium, Brewed in Texas
CABI Publishing Encyclopedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare
Welfare research has established a range of scientific indicators of stress, welfare and suffering in animals that can be applied to all aspects of improving their welfare through good housing and management, and the topic continues to grow in importance among both professionals and the public. The practical focus of this authoritative, comprehensive encyclopedia aims to promote the understanding and improvement of animals’ behaviour without compromising welfare. Under the editorial direction of Professor Daniel Mills, the UK’s first specialist in veterinary behavioural medicine, over 180 international experts have contributed a wealth of fully cross-referenced entries from concise definitions to detailed short essays on biological, practical, clinical and ethical aspects of behaviour and welfare in domestic, exotic, companion and zoo animals.
Edinburgh University Press A Military History of Scotland
This is a magisterial work of Scots military history. The Scottish soldier has been at war for over 2000 years. This illustrated pean to his rich heritage explores both the detail of battles and the cultural history of war, devoting eight separate chapters to 'The Cultural and Physical Dimensions' of Scottish military involvement. The volume in its entirety (over 900 pages) offers readers an unparalleled insight into the evolution of the Scottish military tradition. Accompanied by over 100 black and white illustrations and stunning colour plates, the individual chapters trace Scotland's military story from pre-history to the recent conflict in Afghanistan. Edited by leading military historians, and featuring contributions from thirty scholars, they explore the role of warfare in the emergence of a Scottish kingdom, the forging of a Scottish-British military identity, and the participation of Scots in Britain's imperial and world wars. Eschewing a narrow definition of military history, this prize-winning volume, now available in paperback, pays due attention to dimensions such as Scottish military dress and music, as well as the role of the Scottish soldier in art and literature, Scotland's fortifications and battlefield archaeology, and Scotland's military memorials and museum collections.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Love as Passion: The Codification of Intimacy
In this important book Niklas Luhmann - one of the leading social thinkers of the late 20th century - analyses the emergence of ‘love' as the basis of personal relationships in modern societies. He argues that, while family systems remained intact in the transition from traditional to modern societies, a semantics for love developed to accommodate extra-marital relationships; this semantics was then transferred back into marriage and eventually transformed marriage itself. Drawing on a diverse range of historical and literary sources, Luhmann retraces the emergence and evolution of the special semantics of passionate love that has come to form the basis of modern forms of intimacy and personal relationships. This classic book by Luhmann has been widely recognized as a work of major importance. It is an outstanding contribution to social theory and it provides an original and illuminating perspective on the nature of modern marriage and sexuality.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Twilight and Philosophy: Vampires, Vegetarians, and the Pursuit of Immortality
twilight and Philosophy What can vampires tell us about the meaning of life? Is Edward a romantic hero or a dangerous stalker? Is Bella a feminist? Is Stephenie Meyer? How does Stephenie Meyer’s Mormonism fit into the fantastical world of Twilight? Is Jacob “better” for Bella than Edward? The answers to these philosophical questions and more can be found inside Twilight and Philosophy: Vampires, Vegetarians, and the Pursuit of Immortality. With everything from Taoism to mind reading to the place of God in a world of vampires, this book offers some very tasty philosophy for both the living and the undead to sink their teeth into. Whether you’re on Team Edward or Team Jacob, whether you loved or hated Breaking Dawn, this book is for you! To learn more about the Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, visit
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Improving Patient Care: The Implementation of Change in Health Care
Strategies for successfully updating and improving health care organizations of all kinds Health care is always evolving and improving. However, the rapid speed of medical advancement can make the adoption of new technologies and practices a challenging process – particularly in large organizations and complex networks. Any projected impact upon quality and outcomes of care must be carefully evaluated so that changes may be implemented in the most efficacious and efficient manner possible. Improving Patient Care equips professionals and policymakers with the knowledge required to successfully optimize health care practice. By integrating scientific evidence and practical experience, the text presents a cohesive and proven model for practice change and innovation, complete with analysis of innovation, target group and setting; selection and application of strategies; and evaluation of process, outcomes and costs. This new third edition also includes: Newly written chapters on clinical performance feedback, patient engagement, patient safety, evaluation designs, and methods for process evaluation Increased emphasis on the role of contextual influences in implementation and improvement New research examples from across the world and updated scientific literature throughout Designed to help promote safer and more efficient, patient-centered care and better outcomes, Improving Patient Care is an essential resource for healthcare providers, quality assessors, and students of health services research, health management, and health policy.
Little, Brown Book Group Overcoming Weight Problems 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques
This clinically tested, comprehensive course based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques can provide a longer-term solution to your weight problems. You'll come to understand your own psychological blocks to managing weight and discover how to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Learn how you can: - Develop the motivation to change your eating and activity- Respond to emotional eating in a helpful way- Work with the thoughts and emotions getting in the way of change- Work out a simple, healthy and sustainable eating plan that fits with your daily routine- Find easy ways to add more physical activity into your everyday lifeOvercoming self-help guides use clinically proven techniques to treat long-standing and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical. Many guides in the Overcoming series are recommended under the Reading Well scheme.Series editor: Emeritus Professor Peter Cooper
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Archives d'Histoire Litteraire Et Doctrinale Du Moyen Age T. LXXXVII (2020)
Urban Land Institute,U.S. Leading for the Long Term: European Real Estate Executives on Leadership & Management
Based on a series of interviews with key leaders of Europe's real estate development industry, this book offers wisdom and lessons learned through decades of experience. It provides guidance for surviving the inevitable downturns and taking advantage of rising economies. Future leaders of the industry will gain pointers as they create road maps for their careers, while experienced leaders will find tips and insights from some of the best and brightest in the industry.
WTM Publishing & Communications Pty Ltd Beyond the Human Condition
MY - University of Toronto Press The Redemption Volume 9
The theology of redemption or soteriology, as the relevant themes are treated in biblical literature, Christian history, and contemporary theology, including Lonergan's famous treatment of 'the law of the cross,' with a significant treatment of the problem of good and evil.
Damiani Matthew Leifheit: To Die Alive
To Die Alive conjures a hedonistic fever dream of Fire Island’s historic gay communities. The book contains 77 photographs by New York artist Matthew Leifheit taken by night over the past five years. The pictures show a world of desire layered in history, including the Ice Palace bar’s infamous underwear party, the men-only Belvedere Guesthouse, clandestine encounters in the Meat Rack, and landscapes in all seasons of the island’s delicate maritime forest. The wide-ranging subjects of Leifheit’s portraits are the intergenerational community who come to the island for refuge or employment, ranging from sugar daddies to bartenders and sex workers. The series takes the form of a tragedy, combining many nights and many histories to form an endless night of sex, death, and evolution towards new definitions of queerness. As homosexuality gains mainstream acceptance, many queer Americans no longer need to go to geographic extremes like Fire Island, Provincetown, Palm Springs or Key West to express themselves. But what is the cost of assimilation? To Die Alive is both romantic and grotesque, challenging the sun-bleached history of homoerotic representation on this fragile island, which itself is under constant threat of erosion into the sea.
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. Legal Interpreting – Teaching, Research, and Practice
Emerald Publishing Limited Communication and Information Technologies Annual: [New] Media Cultures
Sponsored by the Communication and Information Technologies Section of the American Sociological Association, this volume examines wide-ranging aspects of culture, communication, and [new] media broadly defined. Themes include the interplay between [new] media and any of the following: culture, communication, technology, convergence, the arts, cultural production, and cultural change in the digital age. Contributions shed light on emergent phenomena that -sociologists, particularly those studying media or communication, culture scholars will find intriguing.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC International Design Organizations: Histories, Legacies, Values
This innovative volume brings together international design scholars to address the history and present-day status of national and international design organizations, working across design disciplines and located in countries including Argentina, Turkey, Estonia, Switzerland, Italy, China and the USA. In the second half of the 20th century, many non-governmental organizations were created to address urgent cultural, economic and welfare issues. Design organizations set out to create an international consensus for the future direction of design. This included enhancing communication between professionals, educators and practitioners, raising standards for design, and creating communities of designers across linguistic, national and political borders. Shared needs and agendas were identified and categories of design constantly defined and re-defined, often with overt cultural and political intents. Drawing on an impressive range of original research, archival sources and oral testimony, this volume questions the aims and achievements of national and international design organizations in light of their subsequent histories and their global remits. The Cold War period is central to the book, while many chapters draw on post-colonial perspectives to interpret how transnational networks and negotiations took place at events and congresses, and through publication.
Georgetown University Press Diversity and Super-Diversity: Sociocultural Linguistic Perspectives
Sociocultural linguistics has long conceived of languages as well-bounded, separate codes. But the increasing diversity of languages encountered by most people in their daily lives challenges this conception. Because globalization has accelerated population flows, cities are now sites of encounter for groups that are highly diverse in terms of origins, cultural practices, and languages. Further, new media technologies invent communicative genres, foster hybrid semiotic practices, and spread diversity as they intensify contact and exchange between peoples who often are spatially removed and culturally different from each other. Diversity-even super-diversity-is now the norm. In response, recent scholarship complicates traditional associations between languages and social identities, emphasizing the connectedness of communicative events and practices at different scales and the embedding of languages within new physical landscapes and mediated practices. This volume takes stock of the increasing diversity of linguistic phenomena and faces the theoretical-methodological challenges that accounting for such phenomena pose to socio-cultural linguistics. This book stages the debate on super-diversity that will be sure to interest societal linguists and serves as an invaluable reference for academic libraries specializing in the linguistics field.
Spokesman Books Imperialism: A Study
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt After Brexit?: European Unity and the Unity of European Churches
Simon & Schuster Audio Arguing with Socialists
Sourcebooks, Inc Where Should We Camp Next?: Camping 101
Pegasus Books The Little Book of Big History
Interlink Publishing Group, Inc Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear and the Selling of American Empire
Simon & Schuster Audio Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook
Simon & Schuster Audio Seeds of Rebellion, 2
Dutton Caliber Beyond The Call: The True Story of One World War II Pilot's Covert Mission to Rescue POWs on the Eastern Front