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Baker Publishing Group Acts
The Teach the Text Commentary Series utilizes the best of biblical scholarship to provide the information a pastor needs to communicate the text effectively. The carefully selected preaching units and focused commentary allow pastors to quickly grasp the big idea and key themes of each passage of Scripture. Each unit of the commentary includes the big idea and key themes of the passage and sections dedicated to understanding, teaching, and illustrating the text.
University of British Columbia Press Diasporic Chineseness after the Rise of China: Communities and Cultural Production
As China rose to its position of global superpower, Chinese groups in the West watched with anticipation and trepidation. For members of China’s diasporic community, the rise of China created ripples of change, influencing communities, culture, and communication, and even challenging the very concept of diaspora. Diasporic Chineseness after the Rise of China examines how artists, writers, filmmakers, and intellectuals from the Chinese diaspora responded to China’s ascendancy by representing it to global audiences with a new-found vitality and self-assurance. The chapters, often personal in nature, cover locations as varied as Australia, North America, and Tibet. And yet, the focus of each is the nexus between the political and economic rise of China and the cultural products this period produced, a place where new ideas of nation, identity, and diaspora were forged.
The History Press Ltd Victorian CSI
The first edition of William A. Guy's "Principles of Forensic Medicine" was published at the start of Victoria's reign; the final edition, from which these selections derive, was published towards the end, just a few years after the Whitechapel horrors had pushed the emerging science to the forefront of the public's consciousness. With this guide in hand, a detective could tell whether the victim had suffocated, drowned, been shot, stabbed, or struck by lightning, spontaneously combusted, frozen to death or expired due to starvation - or, as the guide warns, was not dead at all, but simply in a state of 'suspended animation'. Suggestions include examining the face of the deceased for an 'expression of angry resistance', a clear indication of murder, and studying the demeanour of the nearest and dearest in cases of suspected 'secret poisoning'. With original woodcuts, case studies and notes on identifying the corpse and walking the crime scene, Victorian CSI will fascinate lovers of crime fiction and of true crime alike.
Edinburgh University Press Islam: Between Message and History
This book could easily be called 'A Guide for the Modern Muslim', for someone to whom the sentiments of his or her ancestors resonate but who cannot accept the canonised formulas of a stultified education. Charfi spells out what, for him, is the essential message of Islam, followed by a history of its unfolding through the person of the Prophet Muhammad, who was a visionary seeking to change the ideals, attitudes and behaviours of the society in which he lived. The message and its history are delineated as two separate things, conflated by tradition. Charfi's reflections cross those horizons where few Muslim scholars have dared until now to tread. He confronts with great lucidity those difficult questions with which Muslims are struggling, attempting to reconsider them from a moral and political perspective that is independent of the frameworks produced by tradition.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Climate Governance in the Developing World
Since 2009, a diverse group of developing states that includes China, Brazil, Ethiopia and Costa Rica has been advancing unprecedented pledges to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, offering new, unexpected signs of climate leadership. Some scholars have gone so far as to argue that these targets are now even more ambitious than those put forward by their wealthier counterparts. But what really lies behind these new pledges? What actions are being taken to meet them? And what stumbling blocks lie in the way of their realization? In this book, an international group of scholars seeks to address these questions by analyzing the experiences of twelve states from across Asia, the Americas and Africa. The authors map the evolution of climate policies in each country and examine the complex array of actors, interests, institutions and ideas that has shaped their approaches. Offering the most comprehensive analysis thus far of the unique challenges that developing countries face in the domain of climate change, Climate Governance in the Developing World reveals the political, economic and environmental realities that underpin the pledges made by developing states, and which together determine the chances of success and failure.
Elsevier Australia Why Patients Sue Doctors: Lessons learned from medical malpractice cases
Voltaire Foundation Œuvres complètes de Voltaire (Complete Works of Voltaire) 28B: Oeuvres de 1742-1745 (II)
Elsevier Health Sciences Carpentier's Reconstructive Valve Surgery
Carpentier's Reconstructive Valve Surgery presents you with authoritative guidance on reconstructive techniques for degenerative mitral valve disease. Alain Carpentier, MD, PhD-who pioneered the field-David H. Adams, MD; and Farzan Filsoufi, MD provide step-by-step instructions for each procedure and over 200 detailed anatomic drawings so that you can effectively apply the techniques of a master. Apply the techniques and procedures of Dr. Alain Carpentier-pioneer of mitral valve reconstruction-to your practice. View more than 200 detailed anatomic drawings that depict reconstruction procedures clearly. Master each procedure using step-by-step instructions and a consistent chapter format. Grasp the nuances of procedures thanks to "tips from the Master" and a section of questions and answers. Tap into the knowledge and experience of leaders in the field of mitral valve repair and reconstruction.
Alma Books Ltd Boris Godunov
This famous opera has had a chequered performance history, and Professor Laurel E. Fay, in an illuminating musical analysis, points out that the interpretation of the opera depends very much on which edition is used. Robert Oldani introduces the 'Boris problem': Pushkin's play was not an obvious choice for a young composer, since it had been banned from performance for forty years, and it is the Russian people, rather than any single character, who is the protagonist. Mussorgsky forged his own text and created a legendary masterwork; Alex de Jonge examines its uniquely Russian character and notes the unsettling parallels of the history of old Russia with today. Nigel Osborne's comparison of the Rimsky-Korsakov and Mussorgsky versions highlights their individual qualities.
Elsevier Health Sciences Immunology
Covering all the basic and clinical concepts you need to know for your coursework and USMLEs, Immunology, 9th Edition, offers a well-illustrated, carefully structured approach to this complex and fast-changing field. Carefully edited and authored by experts in both teaching and research, it provides cutting-edge, consistent coverage that links the laboratory and clinical practice. A user-friendly, color-coded format, including key concept boxes, explanatory diagrams, and nearly 200 photos to help you visually grasp and retain challenging concepts. Explains the building blocks of the immune system - cells, organs, and major receptor molecules - as well as initiation and actions of the immune response, especially in a clinical context. Features a reorganized format that presents immunology in the order in which is typically taught and learned, better integrating basic and clinical immunology. Provides Critical Thinking boxes, chapter-opening summaries, and case-based and USMLE-style questions that provide effective review and quick practice for exams - plus more learning opportunities online, including USMLE-style questions and clinical cases. Includes extensive updates to clinical information, including recent clinical approaches in cancer immunology, transplantation, autoimmunity, hypersensitivity, and more. Covers new topics such as innate lymphoid cells, antibody-based therapies and antibody engineering, innate immunity and its components, the genetics of immunologically-based diseases and personalized medicine, and immunotherapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Internal Medicine: The Essential Facts
This revision of a popular title gives an overview of internal medicine, highly relevant as a study and clinical aid. Complex material is distilled and organized in a logical, succinct and accessible way, with integration of clinical, laboratory/imaging and therapeutic information. Extensively re-written with the assistance of two new authors, each chapter has been carefully reviewed. Up-to-date and portable, this little book caters to day-to-day clinical decision making, while also targeting postgraduate examination preparation. Each body system is dealt with in a separate chapter, with additional chapters on pharmacology and best evidence. In addition, material is further organized into clinical clues, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. For medical students and junior doctors this is an important study aid and clinical reference. For allied health practitioners it is a straightforward reference, which can be used in the office or on the wards. For established practitioners, both general practitioners and specialists, it provides a rapid update in current diagnosis and therapeutics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Population Ecology: A Unified Study of Animals and Plants
Worldwide, Population Ecology is the leading textbook on this titled subject. Written primarily for students, it describes the present state of population ecology in terms that can be readily understood by undergraduates with little or no background in the subject. Carefully chosen experimental examples illustrate each topic, and studies of plants and animals are combined to show how fundamental principles can be derived that apply to both species. Use of complex mathematics ia avoided throughout the book, and what math is necessary is dealt with by examination of real experimental data rather than dull theory. The latest edition of this leading textbook. Adopted as an Open University set text.
O'Reilly Media Windows XP Pro
With the release of Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoft latest and most reliable corporate desktop operating system now provides better protection against viruses, worms, and malicious hackers. SP2 includes Windows Firewall, Pop-up Blocker for Internet Explorer, and the new Windows Security Center. But it still comes without a single page of printed instructions. This superbly written guide fills the gap. Coauthored by David Pogue, New York Times technology columnist and Missing Manuals creator, Windows XP Pro: The Missing Manual uses wit, technical insight, and scrupulous objectivity to light the way for first-time and intermediate network and standalone PC users. In fact, this jargon-free book explains XP's features so clearly revealing which work well and which don't that it should have been in the box in the first place. The book reveals which features work well and which don't, such as the Remote Desktop software that enables people to connect to the office from home, the encryption file system that protects sensitive information, and the Windows Messenger that enables real-time text, voice and video communication. Contents include: *Getting started. The book's early chapters cover using menus, finding lost files, reducing window clutter, and taming the new, multi-column Start menu. *Mastering the network. Special chapters help you navigate the corporate network, dial in from the road, and even set up your own small-office (peer-to-peer) network, step by step. *Understanding security. User accounts, file encryption, and the NTFS file system keep your private files private, while still offering network access to coworkers you specify. *Flying the Net. This book demystifies Outlook Express 6 for email, Internet Explorer 6 for Web browsing, and the new Windows Messenger for voice, chat, and video conferencing.Windows XP Pro: The Missing Manual isn't for system administrators or OS theory geeks; it's for the novice or budding power user who wants to master the machine and get down to work. Yet, anyone who uses XP Pro (including hardcore techies) will find this new system much easier-- and more fun--to digest with this new Missing Manual.
University of California Press Sensitive Reading: The Pleasures of South Asian Literature in Translation
A free open access ebook is available upon publication. Learn more at What are the pleasures of reading translations of South Asian literature, and what does it take to enjoy a translated text? This volume provides opportunities to explore such questions by bringing together a whole set of new translations by David Shulman, noted scholar of South Asia. The translated selections come from a variety of Indian languages, genres, and periods, from the classical to the contemporary. The translations are accompanied by short essays written to help readers engage and enjoy them. Some of these essays provide background to enhance reading of the translation, whereas others model how to expand appreciation in comparative and broader ways. Together, the translations and the accompanying essays form an essential guide for people interested in literature and art from South Asia.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physics, Volume 2
Written for the full year or three term Calculus-based University Physics course for science and engineering majors, the publication of the first edition of Physics in 1960 launched the modern era of Physics textbooks. It was a new paradigm at the time and continues to be the dominant model for all texts. Physics is the most realistic option for schools looking to teach a more demanding course. The entirety of Volume 2 of the 5th edition has been edited to clarify conceptual development in light of recent findings of physics education research. End-of-chapter problem sets are thoroughly over-hauled, new problems are added, outdated references are deleted, and new short-answer conceptual questions are added.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
A concise introduction to numerical methodsand the mathematical framework neededto understand their performance Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations presents a complete and easy-to-follow introduction to classical topics in the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. The book's approach not only explains the presented mathematics, but also helps readers understand how these numerical methods are used to solve real-world problems. Unifying perspectives are provided throughout the text, bringing together and categorizing different types of problems in order to help readers comprehend the applications of ordinary differential equations. In addition, the authors' collective academic experience ensures a coherent and accessible discussion of key topics, including: Euler's method Taylor and Runge-Kutta methods General error analysis for multi-step methods Stiff differential equations Differential algebraic equations Two-point boundary value problems Volterra integral equations Each chapter features problem sets that enable readers to test and build their knowledge of the presented methods, and a related Web site features MATLAB® programs that facilitate the exploration of numerical methods in greater depth. Detailed references outline additional literature on both analytical and numerical aspects of ordinary differential equations for further exploration of individual topics. Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations is an excellent textbook for courses on the numerical solution of differential equations at the upper-undergraduate and beginning graduate levels. It also serves as a valuable reference for researchers in the fields of mathematics and engineering.
WW Norton & Co The Presidential Recordings: John F. Kennedy Volumes IV-VI: The Winds of Change: October 29, 1962 - February 7, 1963
This volume continues the ambitious project, undertaken by the Miller Center at the University of Virginia, to transcribe and annotate secretly recorded White House tapes. The tapes presented here begin on the day after the Cuban Missile Crisis—and run to 7 February 1963.
University of Washington Press Queer Feminist Science Studies: A Reader
Queer Feminist Science Studies takes a transnational, trans-species, and intersectional approach to this cutting-edge area of inquiry between women’s, gender, and sexuality studies and science and technology studies (STS). The essays here “queer”—or denaturalize and make strange—ideas that are taken for granted in both areas of study. Reimagining the meanings of and relations among queer and feminist theories and a wide range of scientific disciplines, contributors foster new critical and creative knowledge-projects that attend to shifting and uneven operations of power, privilege, and dispossession, while also highlighting potentialities for uncertainty, subversion, transformation, and play. Theoretically and rhetorically powerful, these essays also take seriously the materiality of “natural” objects and phenomena: bones, voles, chromosomes, medical records and more all help substantiate answers to questions such as, What is sex? How are race, gender, sexuality, and other systems of differences co-constituted? The foundational essays and new writings collected here offer a generative resource for students and scholars alike, demonstrating the ingenuity and dynamism of queer feminist scholarship.
University of Texas Press Vergil, Philodemus, and the Augustans
The Epicurean teacher and poet Philodemus of Gadara (c. 110-c. 40/35 BC) exercised significant literary and philosophical influence on Roman writers of the Augustan Age, most notably the poets Vergil and Horace. Yet a modern appreciation for Philodemus' place in Roman intellectual history has had to wait on the decipherment of the charred remains of Philodemus' library, which was buried in Herculaneum by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. As improved texts and translations of Philodemus' writings have become available since the 1970s, scholars have taken a keen interest in his relations with leading Latin poets. The essays in this book, derived from papers presented at the First International Symposium on Philodemus, Vergil, and the Augustans held in 2000, offer a new baseline for understanding the effect of Philodemus and Epicureanism on both the thought and poetic practices of Vergil, Horace, and other Augustan writers. Sixteen leading scholars trace his influence on Vergil's early writings, the Eclogues and the Georgics, and on the Aeneid, as well as on the writings of Horace and others. The volume editors also provide a substantial introduction to Philodemus' philosophical ideas for all classicists seeking a fuller understanding of this pivotal figure.
University of Notre Dame Press Black Domers: African-American Students at Notre Dame in Their Own Words
Black Domers tells the compelling story of racial integration at the University of Notre Dame in the post–World War II era. In a series of seventy-five essays, beginning with the first African-American to graduate from Notre Dame in 1947 to a member of the class of 2017 who also served as student body president, we can trace the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of the African-American experience at Notre Dame through seven decades. Don Wycliff and David Krashna’s book is a revised edition of a 2014 publication. With a few exceptions, the stories of these graduates are told in their own words, in the form of essays on their experiences at Notre Dame. The range of these experiences is broad; joys and opportunities, but also hardships and obstacles, are recounted. Notable among several themes emerging from these essays is the importance of leadership from the top in successfully bringing African-Americans into the student body and enabling them to become fully accepted, fully contributing members of the Notre Dame community. The late Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, president of the university from 1952 to 1987, played an indispensable role in this regard and also wrote the foreword to the book. This book will be an invaluable resource for Notre Dame graduates, especially those belonging to African-American and other minority groups, specialists in race and diversity in higher education, civil rights historians, and specialists in race relations.
University of Notre Dame Press Truthfulness and Tragedy: Further Investigations in Christian Ethics
In Truthfulness and Tragedy Stanley Hauerwas provides an account of moral existence and ethical rationality that shows how Christian convictions operate, or should operate, to form and direct lives. In attempting to conceptualize the basis of Christian ethics in a manner that will render Christian convictions morally intelligible, the author casts fresh light on traditional theoretical issues and articulates the distinctive Christian response to contemporary concerns such as suicide, medical ethics, and child care. The first section of the book deals with methodological issues: the meaning and nature of practical reason, obligation claims, natural law, and self deception, and the affinity of story and ethics. It focuses on the relation of truthfulness and tragedy and the need for a story—a set of religious convictions or “grammar of theology”—that does justice to the tragic character of human existence. The second section addresses substantive issues: suicide, euthanasia, and the value of survival; the moral limits of population growth; the definition of “person” for medical reasons; and social involvement and Christian ethics. The overall theme is the need for a community in which truthfulness is a way of life. In the final section, devoted to the problem of how to care for disabled children, the implications of the author’s ethical position are given concrete expression. He discusses the assumptions underlying the willingness to have children, criteria for humanness, medical ethics, and how truthful communities deal with suffering. In Truthfulness and Tragedy Stanley Hauerwas extends and clarifies the ethical position set forth in his earlier books Character and the Christian Life and Vision and Virtue.
Columbia University Press Alan Brinkley: A Life in History
Few American historians of his generation have had as much influence in both the academic and popular realms as Alan Brinkley. His debut work, the National Book Award–winning Voices of Protest, launched a storied career that considered the full spectrum of American political life. His books give serious and original treatments of populist dissent, the role of mass media, the struggles of liberalism and conservatism, and the powers and limits of the presidency. A longtime professor at Harvard University and Columbia University, Brinkley has shaped the field of U.S. history for generations of students through his textbooks and his mentorship of some of today’s foremost historians.Alan Brinkley: A Life in History brings together essays on his major works and ideas, as well as personal reminiscences from leading historians and thinkers beyond the academy whom Brinkley collaborated with, befriended, and influenced. Among the luminaries in this volume are the critic Frank Rich, the journalists Jonathan Alter and Nicholas Lemann, the biographer A. Scott Berg, and the historians Eric Foner and Lizabeth Cohen. Together, the seventeen essays that form this book chronicle the life and thought of a working historian, the development of historical scholarship in our time, and the role that history plays in our public life. At a moment when Americans are pondering the plight of their democracy, this volume offers a timely overview of a consummate student—and teacher—of the American political tradition.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – Dan Taps: Band 01A/Pink A
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds features exciting fiction and non-fiction decodable readers to enthuse and inspire children. They are fully aligned to Letters and Sounds Phases 1–6 and contain notes in the back. The Handbooks provide support in demonstration and modelling, monitoring comprehension and expanding vocabulary. Dan wants to play with his family but everyone is too busy having fun without him! Find out what he encounters behind the different doors in this funny story. Pink A/Band 1A offers emergent readers very simple, highly predictable texts and provides direct support through illustrations. The focus sounds in this book are: /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ /i/ /n/ /d/ Pages 14 and 15 contain a fun “I Spy” Letters and Sounds activity, which uses visual support to help children embed phonic knowledge. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
HarperCollins Publishers The Porridge Pincher: Band 11/Lime (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level When the Three Bears leave their house for a walk, a young girl named Goldilocks appears and is drawn in to the house by the smell of hot porridge. But what happens when the bears return and find their porridge is gone? This fun rhyming play by the ‘national children’s dramatist’ David Wood is wonderfully illustrated by Tom Percival. This is a Band 11/Lime book in the Collins Big Cat reading programme which has longer sentence structures and a greater use of literary language. This story is a playscript of a traditional tale, and pages 30 and 31 present a radio interview with the Three Bears which explores their thoughts towards the events of the play. This book supports literacy as well as learning about dialogue and plays. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader. For more guided reading books in this Collins Big Cat band, try Oliver (9780007462094) written by Hilary McKay and illustrated by Rupert Van Wyk.
The ChoiceMaker Pty Limited Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf
David C Cook Publishing Company Action Bible Study Bible-ESV
David C Cook Publishing Company Action Bible Study Bible-ESV
Oscar Riera Ojeda Publishers Limited Selected Works of Landscape Architect John L.Wong: From Private To Public Ground From Small To Tall
John L. Wong’s work with Stanford University both reclaims Leland Stanford and Frederick Law Olmsted’s 100-year-old vision while also building on that legacy to create a beautiful, resilient campus environment that facilitates learning in the 21st century.
Hesperus Press Ltd A Purse Full of Tales: Folk Tales from Korea
CSIRO Publishing Guide to Venomous and Medically Important Invertebrates
Though many are harmless and even beneficial, invertebrates are some of the world’s most feared and dangerous creatures.Guide to Venomous and Medically Important Invertebrates describes the health threats posed by invertebrate groups worldwide, from physical pain and annoyance to disease transmission risk. Featuring clear photographs, distribution maps and descriptions of biological, physical and behavioural characteristics of key groups, this book aids identification of potentially harmful invertebrates. It also summarises personal protection measures to reduce the risk of attack and disease, and provides guidance on treatment.This book will help to protect the health of travellers and serve as a reference for medical personnel working in high-risk areas, as well as those interested in entomology.FeaturesAn essential guide for identifying and mitigating risks from invertebrates worldwideProvides distribution maps, key features, photographs and general descriptions of the most dangerous invertebratesSummarises expected reactions to invertebrate attacks, and their treatment (if known)Describes personal protective measures and provides recommendations that individuals can use to protect themselves from dangerous invertebrates
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Beckett/Philosophy: A Collection
"This collection of essays, most of which return to or renew something of an empirical or archival approach to the issues, represents the most comprehensive analysis of Beckett's relationship to philosophy in print, how philosophical issues, conundrums, and themes play out amid narrative intricacies. The volume is thus both an astonishingly comprehensive overview and a series of detailed readings of the intersection between philosophical texts and Samuel Beckett's oeuvre, offered by a plurality of voices and bookended by an historical introduction and a thematic conclusion." - S.E.Gontarski, Journal of Beckett Studies. "This is an important contribution to ongoing attempts to understand the relationship of Beckett's work to philosophy. It breaks some new ground, and helps us to consider not only how Beckett made use of philosophy but how his own thought might be understood philosophical." - Anthony Uhlmann, University of Western Sydney.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Law and Lawlessness in Early Judaism and Early Christianity
According to a persistent popular stereotype, early Judaism is seen as a "legalistic" religious tradition, in contrast to early Christianity, which seeks to obviate and so to supersede, annul, or abrogate Jewish law. Although scholars have known better since the surge of interest in the question of the law in post-Holocaust academic circles, the complex stances of both early Judaism and early Christianity toward questions of law observance have resisted easy resolution or sweeping generalizations. The essays in this volume aim to bring to the fore the legalistic and antinomian dimensions in both traditions, with a variety of contributions that examine the formative centuries of these two great religions and their legal traditions. They explore how law and lawlessness are in tension throughout this early, formative period, and not finally resolved in one direction or the other.
Editions Norma The Vendôme Column
In 2015, the Vendôme column regained its initial splendour thanks to a long restoration campaign supported by the Vendôme committee and particularly the Ritz. During the dismantling of the scaffolding, David Bordes took exceptional shots of all the column plates. Published here for the first time, these 450 photographs form a fascinating and totally new corpus: the details of the battle scenes, the military costumes, the landscapes which constitute the setting of the battle of Austerlitz allow one to discover the column as it had never been revealed. Based on the shots of David Bordes, but also on paintings, old photographs, period documents, this widely illustrated art book in exceptional format and workmanship brings the history of the column to life, its sources, its destruction, its restoration, and also describes the moving history of the daily life of the Grande Armée during the Austerlitz campaign.
Mandrake of Oxford Journal for the Academic Study of Magic: Issue 5
Royal Society of Chemistry Carbon Capture and Storage
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) and "negative emissions" technologies will play an essential role in mitigating the impact of global warming and meeting the temperature targets set by the IPCC and by COP21. Identifying the role and value of CCS relative to other mitigation technologies is of vital importance. This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the major sources of carbon dioxide emission, capture and storage, as well as negative emissions technologies, and provides insight into the role and value of CCS in the industrial and power sectors. The issues associated with commercial deployment of CCS are discussed, providing potential approaches to overcome these hurdles through a combination of political, economic and R&D strategies. Carbon Capture and Storage provides the latest global perspective on the role and value of CCS in delivering temperature targets and reducing the impact of global warming. With contributions from internationally recognised leaders, this book will appeal to graduate students and researchers in academia and industry, working in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and energy policy.
Globe Law and Business Ltd Preparing for Partnership: A Guide to Achieving Partnership in a Law Firm
Becoming a partner in a law firm is a significant milestone in a lawyer's career, and requires a combination of strong legal skills, business acumen, leadership abilities and a commitment to the firm's success. Preparing for Partnership reviews the essential steps that lawyers need to take to make partnership a reality. This book outlines the critical factors for success, from building a strong track record to developing a loyal client base, demonstrating leadership skills and meeting the firm's criteria. Contributors to the book discuss how to network and build relationships within the firm, review the financial aspects of partnership, and how to seek feedback and mentorship from other partners. Preparing for Partnership is an invaluable resource for lawyers seeking to achieve the ultimate career milestone of partnership, and for team leaders and management as they help aspiring partners to prepare. This book will help lawyers navigate the complex path to partnership and realize their full potential in the legal profession.
Channel View Publications Ltd Managing Diversity in Education: Languages, Policies, Pedagogies
Diversity - social, cultural, linguistic and ethnic - poses a challenge to all educational systems. Some authorities, schools and teachers look upon it as a problem, an obstacle to the achievement of national educational goals, while for others it offers new opportunities. Successive PISA reports have laid bare the relative lack of success in addressing the needs of diverse school populations and helping children develop the competences they need to succeed in society. The book is divided into three parts that deal in turn with policy and its implications, pedagogical practice, and responses to the challenge of diversity that go beyond the language of schooling. This volume features the latest research from eight different countries, and will appeal to anyone involved in the educational integration of immigrant children and adolescents.
Plough Publishing House The Liberating Arts: Why We Need Liberal Arts Education
A new generation of teachers envisions a liberal arts education that is good for everyone. Why would anyone study the liberal arts? It’s no secret that the liberal arts have fallen out of favor and are struggling to prove their relevance. The cost of college pushes students to majors and degrees with more obvious career outcomes. A new cohort of educators isn’t taking this lying down. They realize they need to reimagine and rearticulate what a liberal arts education is for, and what it might look like in today’s world. In this book, they make an honest reckoning with the history and current state of the liberal arts. You may have heard – or asked – some of these questions yourself: Aren’t the liberal arts a waste of time? How will reading old books and discussing abstract ideas help us feed the hungry, liberate the oppressed and reverse climate change? Actually, we first need to understand what we mean by truth, the good life, and justice. Aren’t the liberal arts racist? The “great books” are mostly by privileged dead white males. Despite these objections, for centuries the liberal arts have been a resource for those working for a better world. Here’s how we can benefit from ancient voices while expanding the conversation. Aren’t the liberal arts liberal? Aren’t humanities professors mostly progressive ideologues who indoctrinate students? In fact, the liberal arts are an age-old tradition of moral formation, teaching people to think for themselves and learn from other perspectives. Aren’t the liberal arts elitist? Hasn’t humanities education too often excluded poor people and minorities? While that has sometime been the case, these educators map out well-proven ways to include people of all social and educational backgrounds. Aren’t the liberal arts a bad career investment? I really just want to get a well-paying job and not end up as an overeducated barista. The numbers – and the people hiring – tell a different story. In this book, educators mount a vigorous defense of the humanist tradition, but also chart a path forward, building on their tradition’s strengths and addressing its failures. In each chapter, dispatches from innovators describe concrete ways this is being put into practice, showing that the liberal arts are not only viable today, but vital to our future. *** Contributors include Emily Auerbach, Nathan Beacom, Jeffrey Bilbro, Joseph Clair, Margarita Mooney Clayton, Lydia Dugdale, Brad East, Don Eben, Becky L. Eggimann, Rachel Griffis, David Henreckson, Zena Hitz, David Hsu, L. Gregory Jones, Brandon McCoy, Peter Mommsen, Angel Adams Parham, Steve Prince, John Mark Reynolds, Erin Shaw, Anne Snyder, Sean Sword, Noah Toly, Jonathan Tran, and Jessica Hooten Wilson
Monthly Review Press,U.S. The Politics of Genocide
In this impressive book, Edward S. Herman and David Peterson examine the uses and abuses of the word "genocide." They argue persuasively that the label is highly politicized and that in the United States it is used by the government, journalists, and academics to brand as evil those nations and political movements that in one way or another interfere with the imperial interests of U.S. capitalism. Thus the word "genocide" is seldom applied when the perpetrators are U.S. allies (or even the United States itself), while it is used almost indiscriminately when murders are committed or are alleged to have been committed by enemies of the United States and U.S. business interests. One set of rules applies to cases such as U.S. aggression in Vietnam, Israeli oppression of Palestinians, Indonesian slaughter of so-called communists and the people of East Timor, U.S. bombings in Serbia and Kosovo, the U.S. war of "liberation" in Iraq, and mass murders committed by U.S. allies in Rwanda and the Republic of Congo. Another set applies to cases such as Serbian aggression in Kosovo and Bosnia, killings carried out by U.S. enemies in Rwanda and Darfur, Saddam Hussein, any and all actions by Iran, and a host of others. With its careful and voluminous documentation, close reading of the U.S. media and political and scholarly writing on the subject, and clear and incisive charts, The Politics of Genocide is both a damning condemnation and stunning expose of a deeply rooted and effective system of propaganda aimed at deceiving the population while promoting the expansion of a cruel and heartless imperial system.
Cengage Learning, Inc A People and a Nation: A History of the United States
Think history is dull? No way, and you're about to find out for yourself. A PEOPLE AND A NATION offers a lively narrative, telling the stories of the diverse peoples in the United States. The authors bring history to life by encouraging you to imagine what life was really like in the past. Focus questions and key terms (with definitions, of course) help you concentrate on important information and easily review it as you prep for tests. And with MindTap for A People and a Nation, you get convenient digital access to an ebook with note-taking and other time-saving features and apps. You'll also explore the people, events and places in the United States through interactive activities, videos, images and maps. Enjoy your journey.
McGraw-Hill Education Medical Language for Modern Health Care ISE
Medical Language for Modern Health Care uses a contextual learning approach to introduce medical terminology within a healthcare environment. Chapters are broken into lessons that present and define terminology through the context of anatomy and physiology, pathology, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures as well as pharmacology.
Te Papa Press He Paki Taonga i a Maui
Join Māui as he shares stories for tamariki based on taonga from the Te Papa collection. Fully and exclusively written in te reo Maori and aimed at Maori and non-Maori children aged seven to eleven, this book's lively stories tell the tales of some of the taonga Maori held at Aotearoa New Zealand's famous national museum, Te Papa, through appealing text and fantastic illustrations.The book's pukorero, or story teller, is Maui, the great Pacific hero and trickster. The stories are from both long ago and recent times and have been chosen in consultation with Te Papa's matauranga Maori curators and the relevant iwi. They range from how Ruhia's kaitaka, or cloak, saved the life of a young boy and why the band Herbs wrote a song about nuclear testing in the Pacific to Huria Matenga and the Shipwreck, Rata and the Children of Tane, Willie Apiata and the Tough Decision, Hinemoa and Tutanekai, Te Paea and the Ghost Waka, Kahe's Epic Swim, Heni and the Battle of Gate Pa, Kupe and the Giant Wheke and Tane and the Kete of Knowledge. Each story is told via illustrations created by young Maori artists, some have illustrated stories from their own iwi. The book is linked to the TV series He Paki Taonga i a Maui, funded by Te Mangai Paho.
Medieval Institute Publications Homo, Memento Finis: The Iconography of Just Judgement in Medieval Art and Drama
The medieval cycle plays from such cities as York and Chester culminated in a drama about the end of time, the Last Judgment. David Bevington and the other contributors to this book look at this final event of history as depicted in pre-modern times, and the result is a work of scholarly precision that, according to Bevington's introduction, attempts to see medieval drama in the context of other medieval art forms.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc A Debate on Jewish Emancipation and Christian Theology in Old Berlin
When wealthy Jewish industrialist David Friedländer proposed in 1799 that Berlin's Jews undergo a sham conversion to Christianity in return for full German citizenship, he touched off a political and theological debate that would continue to define the relation between Jewish and German identity for more than a century.In the series of provocative letters collected here, Friedländer, Protestant leader Wilhelm Abraham Teller, and young Christian theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher debate Friedländer's radical proposal. In so doing, they grapple with many of the thorny problems--such as citizenship, religious tolerance, and assimilation--that continue to vex world political leaders today.Richard Crouter's Introduction provides the cultural, religious, and historical context for this compelling exchange; a postscript by Julie Klassen reveals the ways in which Germany's minorities continue to be marginalized more than two hundred years after Friedländer made his passionate appeal for political liberty and human rights.
Rowman & Littlefield Boundaries and Place: European Borderlands in Geographical Context
Examining contemporary cultural and political changes in Europe as they are reflected in the region's borderlands, this in-depth analysis combines the classical heritage of boundary studies with a profound understanding of the social construction of borders. The book employs a rich variety of perspectives on globalization, the rise of national and ethnic identities, contemporary European integration, and the enlargement of the EU. Utilizing original case studies that stretch from Lapland to Italy, from Serbia to Northern Ireland, the contributors draw upon border study methodologies ranging from survey questionnaires to discourse analysis, from landscape studies to the exploration of cultural texts. They pay particular attention to the role of geographical scale, identity, history, and social and economic contexts in the dynamic evolution of European borderlands. Throughout, the book explores how borderlands are experienced by ordinary people and employed by institutional actors in charge of cross-border cooperation.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc The House of Trials: A Translation of Los Empenos De Una Casa by Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz
Tuttle Publishing The Art of the Japanese Garden: History / Culture / Design
**Winner of the American Horticultural Society Book Award**Japanese gardens are rooted in two traditions: an ancient one in which patches of graveled forest or pebbled beach were dedicated to nature spirits, and a tradition from China and Korea that included elements such as ponds, streams, waterfalls, rock compositions, and a variety of vegetation. This book traces the development and blending of these two traditions, while also providing insight into modern Japanese gardening trends. The Art of the Japanese Garden is a comprehensive collection of the most notable gardens in Japan—including graveled courtyards, early aristocratic villas, palace gardens, esoteric and paradise gardens, Zen gardens, warrior gardens, tea gardens, and stroll gardens. With an impressive amount of new content, including more than 30 images, this updated edition offers inspiring ideas for your own trip to Japan. If you're just dreaming of traveling to Japan, there is also a section on Japanese gardens in other countries—get a taste of Japanese culture and tradition closer to home. Japanese gardening has reached new heights of sophistication, and serves as garden design and landscaping inspiration all over the world. The Art of the Japanese Garden introduces readers to the history, culture, and design behind these large-scale works of art.
Taschen GmbH Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse. The Ultimate History
On November 18, 1928, the world’s most famous mouse made his very first public debut. Today, we celebrate 90+ years of Mickey in one of the most expansive illustrated publications on the Disney universe. Starting with the first sketches of a character who was almost named Mortimer, we trace the career of Walt Disney’s and Ub Iwerks’s most famous creation, one met with an explosion of worldwide popularity preceded only by the earlier successes of Charlie Chaplin.With unlimited access to Disney’s vast historical collections as well as public and private collections, the authors bring Mickey’s success story to life: concept art, story sketches, background paintings, and animation drawings as well as historical photographs trace the origins and evolution of such timeless favorites as Steamboat Willie, The Band Concert, and Brave Little Tailor. They also follow Mickey as he builds on this legendary library of short cartoons by appearing in two historic feature-length films, Fantasia and Fun and Fancy Free.Unfinished projects, many of them presented for the first time through original storyboard drawings, unveil a Mickey that might have been. Extensive archival research sheds new light on little-known chapters of Mickey’s career, such as his pioneering radio shows, the origins of the Mickey Mouse Club, and his use as a patriotic icon during World War II. Along the way, we encounter the work of all major Mickey artists in both film and comics, including such greats as Ub Iwerks, Win Smith, Ferdinand Horvath, Fred Moore, Floyd Gottfredson, Carl Barks, Manuel Gonzales, Paul Murry, Romano Scarpa, Giorgio Cavazzano, Byron Erickson, César Ferioli, and Noel Van Horn.Mickey Mouse has left an indelible mark on everyday culture. As Walt Disney once said: “I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing—that it was all started by a mouse.” And an end to the success story is nowhere in sight. Today, 90 years after his creation, Mickey remains as lovable and popular as ever. Let’s pay tribute to the little fellow, his legend, and his legacy with a monument to the one and only Mickey Mouse.Copyright © 2023 Disney Enterprises, Inc.