Search results for ""Author David""
CSIRO Publishing Sustainable Farm Finance: A Practical Guide for Broadacre Graziers
Farm finance is a topic that is not often discussed but is vital to the success and longevity of these unique family businesses. Sustainable Farm Finance draws upon the practical, on-farm financial experience of John Mitchell, a grazier in New South Wales who saved his family farm, transforming it from financial peril to a successful business. The story of his success, and how he achieved it, is told here with input and insights from economist Bruce Chapman and scientist David Lindenmayer, to create a useful and highly readable resource for property managers in Australia.Filled with tips and suggestions for how to better manage your own farm finance, as well as real-life examples of their application in regional Australia, this is an essential resource for farmers who wish to maximise the financial outcomes of their land.
Johns Hopkins University Press Biology and Conservation of North American Tortoises
Tortoises, those unmistakable turtles, evolved from a lineage that split off from the familiar pond turtles roughly 100 million years ago. Over time, these plant-eating land turtles spread around the world, growing to an enormous size (depending on the species) and living so long that they have become the stuff of legends. By most accounts, they are indeed the longest-lived of the turtles, with good records suggesting individuals may live as long as 180 years (anecdotal records suggest that some reach ages of 200 years or more). Providing the first comprehensive treatment of North America's tortoises, Biology and Conservation of North American Tortoises brings together leading experts to give an overview of tortoise morphology, taxonomy, systematics, paleontology, physiology, ecology, behavior, reproduction, diet, growth, health, and conservation. The contributors carefully combine their own expertise and observations with results from studies conducted by hundreds of other researchers. The result is a book that belongs in the library of every herpetologist. Contributors include: Gustavo Aguirre; L. Linda; J. Allison Matthew; J. Aresco Roy; C. Averill-Murray; Joan E. Berish; Kristin H. Berry; Dennis M. Bramble; K. Kristina Drake; Taylor Edwards; Todd C. Esque; Richard Franz; Craig Guyer; J. Scott Harrison; Sharon M. Hermann; J. Howard Hutchison; Elliott R. Jacobson; Valerie M. Johnson; Richard T. Kazmaier; Earl D. McCoy; Philip A. Medica; Robert W. Murphy; Henry R. Mushinsky; Kenneth E. Nussear; Michael P. O'Connor; Thomas A. Radzio; David C. Rostal; Lora L. Smith; James R. Spotila; Craig B. Stanford; C. Richard Tracy; Tracey D. Tuberville; Michael Tuma; and, Thane Wibbels.
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Consumer Behavior
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis
John Wiley & Sons Inc Microscale Organic Laboratory: With Multistep and Multiscale Syntheses
This is a laboratory text for the mainstream organic chemistry course taught at both two and four year schools, featuring both microscale experiments and options for scaling up appropriate experiments for use in the macroscale lab. It provides complete coverage of organic laboratory experiments and techniques with a strong emphasis on modern laboratory instrumentation, a sharp focus on safety in the lab, thorough Discussion sections which provide chemical context for each experiment, and multi-step experiments. Notable enhancements to this new edition include a greater focus on the implementation of greener processes (including microwave use) to perform traditional experimentation, and movement of material to the text web site, to further streamline the text.
P & R Publishing Co (Presbyterian & Reformed) The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, Documented
Royal British Columbia Museum Deep and Sheltered Waters: The History of Tod Inlet
From the original inhabitants from the Tsartlip First Nation to the lost community of immigrant workers from China and India, from a company town to the development of parkland, the wealth of history in this rich area reflects much of the history of the entire province. The story of Tod Inlet and its communities spans from Vancouver Island to the BC coast north to Ocean Falls, south to California, and east to Golden, BC. David Gray draws from interviews with elders of the Tsartlip First Nation, descendants of the Chinese and Sikh workers, and the local community, and from archives held in Victoria and Ottawa. This detailed, illustrated book by an award-winning filmmaker tells the whole story of the natural area, the archaeological sites, the community of Tod Inlet, the Vancouver Portland Cement Company and cement plant (an industrial first), and the development of the Butchart Gardens.
AltaMira Press,U.S. Ancient Maya Political Economies
Ancient Maya Political Economies examines variation in systems of economic production and exchange and how these systems supported the power networks that integrated Maya society. Chapters in this book take a hard look at existing models of elite exchange and tribute and address the difficult question of how the flow of utilitarian goods supported Maya kingdoms and their ruling classes. Using models originally developed by William L. Rathje, the authors explore core-periphery relations, the use of household analysis to reconstruct political economy, and evidence for market development. In doing so, they challenge the conventional wisdom of decentralized Maya political authority and replace it with a more complex view of the political economic foundations of Maya civilization.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Nuclear Chemistry
Written by established experts in the field, this book features in-depth discussions of proven scientific principles, current trends, and applications of nuclear chemistry to the sciences and engineering.• Provides up-to-date coverage of the latest research and examines the theoretical and practical aspects of nuclear and radiochemistry• Presents the basic physical principles of nuclear and radiochemistry in a succinct fashion, requiring no basic knowledge of quantum mechanics• Adds discussion of math tools and simulations to demonstrate various phenomena, new chapters on Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Forensics and Particle Physics, and updates to all other chapters• Includes additional in-chapter sample problems with solutions to help students• Reviews of 1st edition: "... an authoritative, comprehensive but succinct, state-of-the-art textbook ...." (The Chemical Educator) and " excellent resource for libraries and laboratories supporting programs requiring familiarity with nuclear processes ..." (CHOICE)
Zondervan Daniel–Malachi
Continuing a Gold Medallion Award-winning legacy, the completely revised Expositor's Bible Commentary puts world-class biblical scholarship in your hands.A staple for students, teachers, and pastors worldwide, The Expositor's Bible Commentary (EBC) offers comprehensive yet succinct commentary from scholars committed to the authority of the Holy Scriptures. The EBC uses the New International Version of the Bible, but the contributors work from the original Hebrew and Greek languages and refer to other translations when useful.Each section of the commentary includes: An introduction: background information, a short bibliography, and an outline An overview of Scripture to illuminate the big picture The complete NIV text Extensive commentary Notes on textual questions, key words, and concepts Reflections to give expanded thoughts on important issues The series features 56 contributors, who: Believe in the divine inspiration, complete trustworthiness, and full authority of the Bible Have demonstrated proficiency in the biblical book that is their specialty Are committed to the church and the pastoral dimension of biblical interpretation Represent geographical and denominational diversity Use a balanced and respectful approach toward marked differences of opinion Write from an evangelical viewpoint For insightful exposition, thoughtful discussion, and ease of use—look no further than The Expositor's Bible Commentary.
University of Washington Press Scapes: Laura de Santillana and Alessandro Diaz de Santillana
This book celebrates Scapes, a gloriously colorful, dynamic new body of work in glass imagined and executed by siblings Laura de Santillana and Alessandro Diaz de Santillana. In addition to having a family history anchored in the traditions of glassmaking in Murano, Italy, both are respected artists in the international Studio Glass movement and have enjoyed successful solo careers. This book celebrates their first collaboration. The art in Scapes is inspired by Hindu cosmology. Alessandro's glass paintings were created from large, color-saturated cylinders that were slumped open into vibrant painterly compositions. Laura's elegantly sculpted forms represent linga, mountains, celestial eggs, and stars. The book includes essays by renowned experts and a DVD documenting the creation of the complex artwork, including interviews with the artists describing the four installations that comprise Scapes.
MIT Press Ltd Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Basic Radiotherapy Physics and Biology
This book is a concise and well-illustrated review of the physics and biology of radiation therapy intended for radiation therapists, dosimetrists, radiation oncology residents, and physicists. It presents topics that are included on the radiation therapy physics and biology board examinations and is designed with the intent of presenting information in an easily digestible format with maximum retention in mind. The inclusion of mnemonics, rules of thumb, and reader-friendly illustrations throughout the book help to make difficult concepts easier to grasp. This new edition is updated throughout with the latest information and applications of radiation oncology physics and biology and includes four new chapters. New topics include: MRI linac, proton beam radiotherapy, chemomodulation and immunomodulation of radiation in vitro and in vivo, and stochastic and deterministic late effects. Basic Radiotherapy Physics and Biology is a valuable reference for radiation oncologists, medical professionals in the field, residents, and all students interested in radiation oncology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Economics at a Crossroads
As Europe moves toward an integrated academic system, European economics is changing. This book discusses that change, along with the changes that are happening simultaneously within the economics profession. The authors argue that modern economics can no longer usefully be described as ?neoclassical?, but is much better described as complexity economics. The complexity approach embraces rather than assumes away the complexities of social interaction. The authors also argue that despite all the problems with previous European academic structures, those structures allowed for more diversity than exists in US universities, and thus were often ahead of US universities in exploring new cutting-edge approaches. The authors further argue that by trying to judge themselves by US-centric measures and to copy US universities, the European economics profession is undermining some of the strengths of the older system ? strengths on which it should be building. While the authors agree that European economics needs to go through major changes in the coming decade, they argue that by building on Europe?s strengths, rather than trying to follow a US example, Europe will be more likely to become the global leader in economics in the coming decades rather than a second-rate copy of the US. The book begins with two chapters spelling out the authors? view of the changes in economics and European economics. This is followed by 11 interviews with a diverse set of innovative European economists from a range of European countries. In the interviews these European economists reflect on the ongoing changes in economics generally and in European economics specifically. These interviews demonstrate how the economics profession is moving away from traditional neoclassical economics into a dynamic set of new methods and approaches (incorporating work in behavioral economics, experimental economics, evolutionary game theory and ecological approaches, complexity and nonlinear dynamics, methodological analysis, and agent-based modelling) that the authors classify as complexity economics. This fascinating and easy-to-read book will prove a stimulating and thought-provoking read for those with an interest in economics, European education, and the nature of academic disciplines generally.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Heroes and Anti-Heroes in Medieval Romance
Investigations into the heroic - or not - behaviour of the protagonists of medieval romance. Medieval romances so insistently celebrate the triumphs of heroes and the discomfiture of villains that they discourage recognition of just how morally ambiguous, antisocial or even downright sinister their protagonists can be, and, correspondingly, of just how admirable or impressive their defeated opponents often are. This tension between the heroic and the antiheroic makes a major contribution to the dramatic complexity of medieval romance, but it is not an aspect of the genre that has been frequently discussed up until now. Focusing on fourteen distinct characters and character-types in medieval narrative, this book illustrates the range of different ways in which the imaginative power and appeal of romance-texts often depend on contradictions implicit in the very ideal of heroism. Dr Neil Cartlidge is Lecturer in English at the University of Durham. Contributors: Neil Cartlidge, Penny Eley, David Ashurst, Meg Lamont, Laura Ashe, Judith Weiss, Gareth Griffith, Kate McClune, Nancy Mason Bradbury, Ad Putter, Robert Rouse, Siobhain Bly Calkin, James Wade, Stephanie Vierick Gibbs Kamath
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.Within the span of a generation, innovation and entrepreneurship have emerged as two of the most vital forces in the economy and in society. This Research Agenda highlights new insights and approaches to guide future thinking, research and policy in the area. To accomplish this, the editors have brought together a group of accomplished scholars spanning economics, management, public policy and finance. Drawing on the experiences and insights of leading scholars this Research Agenda covers a broad array of rich and promising topics, including entrepreneurial ecosystems, finance and the role of universities. Focusing on the intersection and overlap between the two disciplines, the Research Agenda begins by establishing the theoretical basis between the two topics, before exploring impact, context, academic entrepreneurship, start-ups, policy and corporate governance. The book concludes with three provocative chapters: Friederike Welter highlighting the power of words and images, Sameeksha Desai discussing the role of artificial intelligence and Mark Casson presenting a case for radical change to how entrepreneurship is studied. Presenting the most salient findings and themes in current literature, A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is essential for researchers in innovation, as well as policy makers at both the local and national levels influenced by the increasing importance of entrepreneurship and innovation.
American Society for Microbiology Molecular Microbiology: Diagnostic Principles and Practice
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organizational Architecture: Designs for Changing Organizations
Reveals emerging techniques for answering the challenges senior managers face today: improving organizational quality, inspiring team performance, and creating powerful long-range strategy. Presents a proven model for understanding organizations and demonstrates how it can be used to effect positive change in organizational systems.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Botulinum Toxins: Cosmetic and Clinical Applications
Botulinum Toxins: Cosmetic and Clinical Applications provides a comprehensive and in-depth review of the use of botulinum toxin for aesthetic procedures and medical applications as a stand-alone treatment and as part of combination therapy. Now a mainstay of cosmetic dermatologic practice, the range of available toxins and their varied applications has grown considerably in recent years requiring the practitioner to carefully consider what approach best suits the needs of their patient. This new book, written by international expert authors, provides guidance to help you refine your technique, add new procedures to your practice, and provide optimal results. This book: Offers guidance on best-practice approaches with botulinum toxin, helping create cutting edge, tailored treatment plans for each patient Benefits from a wealth of color images, procedural videos, and expert tips and tricks Takes a region oriented approach, providing guidance on treatment of the; glabella, forehead, periocular and perioral areas, and contouring of the lower face and lower leg and calf, and neck rejuvenation Contains a thorough review of non-cosmetic treatments such as correction of facial asymmetry, and treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis, plus palm, sole, and craniofacial hyperhidrosis Covers exciting new topics, such as future injectables, topical botulinum toxin, and facial contouring including treatment for benign masseter hypertrophy Discusses combination therapy of botulinum toxin with other non-surgical procedures such as hyaluronic acid (HA) or filler substances, light and laser sources, and other energy-based therapies Includes considerations for darker skin types Offer your patients the best care, stay on top of cutting edge techniques, and avoid pitfalls with coverage of practical tips and real cases. Botulinum Toxins in Dermatology: Cosmetic and Clinical Applications provides best-practice guidance on the contemporary use of botulinum toxin in isolation and in combination.
Temple University Press,U.S. On Gangs
Gangs are multifaceted and varied, so any attempt to understand them cannot be restricted to a singular approach. On Gangs provides a diverse and comprehensive survey of the available theories for understanding this social issue as well as the broad range of responses to it. The authors look at the many influences on gangs’ operation, growth, prevention, and enforcement.The authors provide different criminological, psychological, and sociological approaches to gang studies, including interviews with past and current gang members. On Gangs presents the core issues for understanding gangs, including emerging topics like prison gangs, gender and gangs, and international gangs. There is also a focus on policing, legislation, and punishment. Weaving together research and policy findings to address the causes, contexts, and consequences of gangs, the authors address topics including joining, resisting, and leaving gangs, and how gangs operate in communities and institutions. An authoritative and sweeping tour of gang scholarship, On Gangs showcases the critical evidence-based solutions in prevention, enforcement, legislation, and intervention. The authors seek to answer the question: How do we effectively deal with gangs and gang membership?
Temple University Press,U.S. Latinx Environmentalisms: Place, Justice, and the Decolonial
The whiteness of mainstream environmentalism often fails to account for the richness and variety of Latinx environmental thought. Building on insights of environmental justice scholarship as well as critical race and ethnic studies, the editors and contributors to Latinx Environmentalisms map the ways Latinx cultural texts integrate environmental concerns with questions of social and political justice. Original interviews with creative writers, including Cherríe Moraga, Helena María Viramontes, and Héctor Tobar, as well as new essays by noted scholars of Latinx literature and culture, show how Latinx authors and cultural producers express environmental concerns in their work. These chapters, which focus on film, visual art, and literature—and engage in fields such as disability studies, animal studies, and queer studies—emphasize the role of racial capitalism in shaping human relationships to the more-than-human world and reveal a vibrant tradition of Latinx decolonial environmentalism.Latinx Environmentalisms accounts for the ways Latinx cultures are environmental, but often do not assume the mantle of “environmentalism.”
Elsevier Health Sciences Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Volume 2: Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice provides a thorough review of the basic science information concerning the tissues of the musculoskeletal system impacted by injury or disease, as well as the guiding principles upon which rehabilitation interventions are based. This volume divides information into two sections: scientific foundations and principles of intervention, providing readers with a guiding set of clinical foundations and principles upon which they can easily develop treatment interventions for specific impairments and functional limitations. Clinical application case studies help readers apply what they learn in the classroom to real life situations. Evidence-based content uses over 5,000 references to support the basic science information principles for rehabilitation interventions and provide the best evidence and physiological reasoning for treatment. Over 180 tables and 275 text boxes highlight key points within the text for better understanding. Expert editors David Magee, PhD, PT, James Zachazewski, DPT, SCS, ATC, Sandy Quillen, PT, PhD, SCS, FACSM and over 70 contributors provide authoritative guidance on the foundations and principles of musculoskeletal rehabilitation practice.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Winter's Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement
An In-Depth Resource for Understanding the Foundational Concepts and Clinical Applications in the Field of Biomechanics Winter’s Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement is highly suitable as a textbook for today’s biomechanics students who may come from many diverse academic programs and professional sectors. The work covers foundational theoretical and mathematical concepts in biomechanics, as well as up-to-date data collection, interpretation, and storage techniques. It also highlights the contemporary clinical applications of biomechanical research. New case studies related to cerebral palsy, patellar femoral pain syndrome, knee osteoarthritis, and ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction are also included. The work appeals to a broad audience within the field of biomechanics, an interdisciplinary field with applications in mechanical engineering, medicine, physical therapy, sports and exercise, and product development. Authors at leading universities guide the reader through the latest advancements in the field while also imparting critical foundational knowledge to allow for subject matter mastery and more precise practical application. Concepts covered in the book include: Biomechanical signal processing, anthropometry, kinematics and kinetics, muscle mechanics, and kinesiological electromyography Forward simulations and muscle-actuated simulations, static and dynamic balance, and the role of the central nervous system in biomechanics Movement sequencing and the kinetic chain concept, electromagnetic systems, inertial sensors, clinical measures of kinematics, and the advantages and disadvantages of different types of force plates Markerset design and event detection for gait and athletic motions like jumping, landing, and pitching Guidance on setting up a motion lab and access to online Excel spreadsheets with kinematic and kinetic marker data By providing a combination of theoretical and practical knowledge, Winter’s Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement will appeal to biomedical engineers working in the field of biomechanics and allied professionals in the medical, rehabilitation, and sports industries. Its comprehensive overall insight into the field of biomechanics also makes the work a highly useful resource for students and teachers of biomechanics at all levels of experience and expertise.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization: A Clinical Approach
A practical and up-to-date guide to pacemaker technology and its clinical implementation As the field of cardiology continues to advance and expand, so too does the technology and expertise behind today’s electrophysiological devices. Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization has been assembled by international specialists to give all those caring for patients with heart disorders a clear and informative guide to the pacemakers and clinical methods of today. Now in its fourth edition, this essential resource: Explains different methods of pacemaker implementation in a straightforward and easy-to-follow manner Explores the most common challenges faced by working clinicians Features more than 750 illustrative graphics Contains data on the efficacy and long-term outcomes of different device models Covers new technology and clinical trial data Written for cardiologists, cardiac pacing caregivers, and those preparing to take their electrophysiology board examinations, Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization offers a complete exploration of electrophysical devices and their vital role in modern-day cardiology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Endobronchial Ultrasonography
Endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS) is an exciting and still developing diagnostic tool that has added significantly to the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer and other thoracic diseases. Co-authored by one of the technology's pioneers, this book helps the reader to use EBUS to diagnose and stage lung cancer and a variety of different tumours of the chest region. The second edition of Endobronchial Ultrasonography covers all of the standard techniques and the very latest developments and guidelines involved in EBUS, combining two common procedures, bronchoscopy and real-timeultrasonography, allowing physicians to obtain precise biopsies of lymph nodes and masses within the chest cavity.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology
A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology offers a comprehensive overview of the development of cognitive anthropology from its inception to the present day and presents recent findings in the areas of theory, methodology, and field research in twenty-nine key essays by leading scholars. Demonstrates the importance of cognitive anthropology as an early constituent of the cognitive sciences Examines how culturally shared and complex cognitive systems work, how they are structured, how they differ from one culture to another, how they are learned and passed on Explains how cultural (or collective) vs. individual knowledge distinguishes cognitive anthropology from cognitive psychology Examines recent theories and methods for studying cognition in real-world scenarios Contains twenty-nine key essays by leading names in the field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Science and the Garden: The Scientific Basis of Horticultural Practice
Most conventional gardening books concentrate on how and when to carry out horticultural tasks such as pruning, seed sowing and taking cuttings. Science and the Garden, Third Edition is unique in explaining in straightforward terms some of the science that underlies these practices. It is principally a book of 'Why' Why are plants green? Why do some plants only flower in the autumn? Why do lateral buds begin to grow when the terminal bud is removed by pruning? Why are some plants successful as weeds? Why does climate variability and change mean change for gardeners? But it also goes on to deal with the 'How', providing rationale behind the practical advice. The coverage is wide-ranging and comprehensive and includes: the diversity, structure, functioning and reproduction of garden plants; nomenclature and classification; genetics and plant breeding; soil properties and soil management; environmental factors affecting growth and development; methods of propagation; size and form; colour, scent and sound; climate; environmental change; protected cultivation; pest, disease and weed diversity and control; post-harvest management and storage; garden ecology and conservation; sustainable horticulture; gardens and human health and wellbeing; and gardens for science. This expanded and fully updated Third Edition of Science and the Garden includes two completely new chapters on important topics: Climate and Other Environmental Changes Health, Wellbeing and Socio-cultural Benefits Many of the other chapters have been completely re-written or extensively revised and expanded, often with new authors and/or illustrators, and the remainder have all been carefully updated and re-edited. Published in collaboration with the Royal Horticultural Society, reproduced in full colour throughout, carefully edited and beautifully produced, this new edition remains a key text for students of horticulture and will also appeal to amateur and professional gardeners wishing to know more about the fascinating science behind the plants and practices that are the everyday currency of gardening.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fluid Dynamics and Dynamos in Astrophysics and Geophysics
The increasing power of computer resources along with great improvements in observational data in recent years have led to some remarkable and rapid advances in astrophysical fluid dynamics. The subject spans three distinct but overlapping communities whose interests focus on (1) accretion discs and high-energy astrophysics; (2) solar, stellar, and galactic magnetic fields; and (3) the geodynamo, planetary magnetic fields, and associated experiments. This book grew out of a special conference sponsored by the London Mathematical Society with the support of EPSRC that brought together leading researchers in all of these areas to exchange ideas and review the status of the field.The many interesting problems addressed in this volume concern:
Taylor & Francis Inc Obesity and Mental Disorders
Currently, there are a limited amount of guidelines to help clinicians manage patients with obesity and comorbid mental disorders. This expertly written source fills the gap in the literature by providing a clear overview of obesity and its relationship to mental illness while reviewing the most recent methods to manage and control the condition with diet, exercise, psychological treatments, pharmacotherapy, and surgery.
Duke University Press Living with Florida's Atlantic Beaches: Coastal Hazards from Amelia Island to Key West
From Amelia Island just south of Georgia to Key West's southern tip, beaches are one of Florida's greatest assets. Yet these beaches are in danger: rapid structural development on a highly erodible coast make them vulnerable to some of nature's greatest storms. The same development that has been driven by the attraction of beautiful beaches and coastal amenities now threatens those very resources. In turn, coastal structures are at risk from sea-level rise, shoreline retreat, winter storms, and hurricanes. Most of the methods for reducing losses associated with storms protect property only in the short term—at a growing cost in dollars and loss of natural habitat in the long term.Living with Florida's Atlantic Beaches is a guide to mitigating or reducing losses of property, human life, and natural resources by living with, rather than just at, the shore. This illustrated volume provides an introduction to coastal processes and geology as well as a brief history of coastal hazards and short-sighted human responses. This is the first volume in the Living with the Shore series to discuss the significant long-term impact of dredge-and-fill beach construction on living marine resources. Guidance is provided for long-term risk reduction in the form of tips on storm-resistant construction and site evaluation; maps for evaluating relative vulnerability to hazards are also included. A brief review of coastal regulations will help property owners understand and navigate the various permit requirements for developing coastal property. Living with Florida's Atlantic Beaches is an invaluable source of information for everyone from the curious beach visitor to the community planner, from the prudent property investor to the decision-making public official.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Feline Clinical Parasitology
Although there are books available dealing with canine parasitology, there is at present no book detailing parasites that offers clinical information specific to felines. Cats differ significantly from dogs in their parasitic infections and infestations. Although dogs and cats do share a few parasites, the vast majority of the parasites of these pets are specific to either cats or dogs, not to both. This must-have reference offers an in-depth examination of feline parasites. Topics covered include parasite identification, history, geographic distribution, pathogeneisis, epidemiology, zoonosis, diagnosis, treatment, control, and prevention. Because of the immense worldwide popularity of cats and due to the amount of travel undertaken by cats and their owners, the authors have produced a book that is international in scope. Consequently, this exhaustive reference has strong appeal to practitioners and veterinary parasitologists in North America and around the world.
Stanford University Press Ivory Tower and Industrial Innovation: University-Industry Technology Transfer Before and After the Bayh-Dole Act
Since the early 1980s, universities in the United States have greatly expanded their patenting and licensing activities. The Congressional Joint Economic Committee, among other authorities, have argued that this surge contributed to the economic boom of the 1990s. And, many observers have attributed this trend to the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980. Using quantitative analysis and detailed case studies, this book tests that conventional wisdom and assesses the effects of the Act, examining the diverse channels through which commercialization has occurred over the 20th century and since the passage of the Act.
Princeton University Press Computational Economics
The ability to conceptualize an economic problem verbally, to formulate it as a mathematical model, and then represent the mathematics in software so that the model can be solved on a computer is a crucial skill for economists. Computational Economics contains well-known models--and some brand-new ones--designed to help students move from verbal to mathematical to computational representations in economic modeling. The authors' focus, however, is not just on solving the models, but also on developing the ability to modify them to reflect one's interest and point of view. The result is a book that enables students to be creative in developing models that are relevant to the economic problems of their times. Unlike other computational economics textbooks, this book is organized around economic topics, among them macroeconomics, microeconomics, and finance. The authors employ various software systems--including MATLAB, Mathematica, GAMS, the nonlinear programming solver in Excel, and the database systems in Access--to enable students to use the most advantageous system. The book progresses from relatively simple models to more complex ones, and includes appendices on the ins and outs of running each program. The book is intended for use by advanced undergraduates and professional economists and even, as a first exposure to computational economics, by graduate students. * Organized by economic topics * Progresses from simple to more complex models * Includes instructions on numerous software systems * Encourages customization and creativity
Harvard University Press The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant: The Complete Annotated Edition
“This fine volume leaps straight onto the roster of essential reading for anyone even vaguely interested in Grant and the Civil War. The book is deeply researched, but it introduces its scholarship with a light touch that never interferes with the reader’s enjoyment of Grant’s fluent narrative.”—Ron Chernow, author of GrantUlysses S. Grant’s memoirs, sold door-to-door by former Union soldiers, were once as ubiquitous in American households as the Bible. Mark Twain, Gertrude Stein, Henry James, and Edmund Wilson hailed them as great literature, and countless presidents, including Clinton and George W. Bush, credit Grant with influencing their own writing. Yet a judiciously annotated edition of these memoirs has never been produced until now.The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant is the first comprehensively annotated edition of Grant’s memoirs, clarifying the great military leader’s thoughts on his life and times through the end of the Civil War and offering his invaluable perspective on battlefield decision making. An introduction contextualizes Grant’s life and significance, and lucid editorial commentary allows his voice and narrative to shine through. With annotations compiled by the editors of the Ulysses S. Grant Association’s Presidential Library, this definitive edition enriches our understanding of the pre-war years, the war with Mexico, and the Civil War. Grant provides essential insight into how rigorously these events tested America’s democratic institutions and the cohesion of its social order.The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant is a work of profound political, historical, and literary significance. This celebrated annotated edition will introduce a new generation of readers of all backgrounds to an American classic.
Harvard University Press Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom Line: The Marketing of Higher Education
How can you turn an English department into a revenue center? How do you grade students if they are "customers" you must please? How do you keep industry from dictating a university's research agenda? What happens when the life of the mind meets the bottom line? Wry and insightful, Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom Line takes us on a cross-country tour of the most powerful trend in academic life today--the rise of business values and the belief that efficiency, immediate practical usefulness, and marketplace triumph are the best measures of a university's success. With a shrewd eye for the telling example, David Kirp relates stories of marketing incursions into places as diverse as New York University's philosophy department and the University of Virginia's business school, the high-minded University of Chicago and for-profit DeVry University. He describes how universities "brand" themselves for greater appeal in the competition for top students; how academic super-stars are wooed at outsized salaries to boost an institution's visibility and prestige; how taxpayer-supported academic research gets turned into profitable patents and ideas get sold to the highest bidder; and how the liberal arts shrink under the pressure to be self-supporting.Far from doctrinaire, Kirp believes there's a place for the market--but the market must be kept in its place. While skewering Philistinism, he admires the entrepreneurial energy that has invigorated academe's dreary precincts. And finally, he issues a challenge to those who decry the ascent of market values: given the plight of higher education, what is the alternative?
University of California Press Living with Difference: How to Build Community in a Divided World
Whether looking at divided cities or working with populations on the margins of society, a growing number of engaged academics have reached out to communities around the world to address the practical problems of living with difference. This book explores the challenges and necessities of accommodating difference, however difficult and uncomfortable such accommodation may be. Drawing on fourteen years of theoretical insights and unique pedagogy, CEDAR-Communities Engaging with Difference and Religion-has worked internationally with community leaders, activists, and other partners to take the insights of anthropology out of the classroom and into the world. Rather than addressing conflict by emphasizing what is shared, Living with Difference argues for the centrality of difference in creating community, seeking ways not to overcome or deny differences but to live with and within them in a self-reflective space and practice. This volume also includes a manual for organizers to implement CEDAR's strategies in their own communities.
University of California Press San Francisco in the 1930s: The WPA Guide to the City by the Bay
'San Francisco has no single landmark by which the world may identify it,' according to "San Francisco in the 1930s," originally published in 1940. This would surely come as a surprise to the millions who know and love the Golden Gate Bridge or recognize the Transamerica Building's pyramid. This invaluable Depression-era guide to San Francisco relates the city's history from the vantage point of the 1930s, describing its culture and highlighting the important tourist attractions of the time. David Kipen's lively introduction revisits the city's literary heritage - from Bret Harte to Kenneth Rexroth, Jade Snow Wong, and Allen Ginsberg - as well as its most famous landmarks and historic buildings. This rich and evocative volume, resonant with portraits of neighborhoods and districts, allows us a unique opportunity to travel back in time and savor the City by the Bay as it used to be.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists
The growth of the environmental sciences has greatly expanded the scope of biological disciplines today's engineers have to deal with. Yet, despite its fundamental importance, the full breadth of biology has been given short shrift in most environmental engineering and science courses. Filling this gap in the professional literature, Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists introduces students of chemistry, physics, geology, and environmental engineering to a broad range of biological concepts they may not otherwise be exposed to in their training. Based on a graduate-level course designed to teach engineers to be literate in biological concepts and terminology, the text covers a wide range of biology without making it tedious for non-biology majors. Teaching aids include: * Notes, problems, and solutions * Problem sets at the end of each chapter * PowerPoints(r) of many figures A valuable addition to any civil engineering and environmental studies curriculum, this book also serves as an important professional reference for practicing environmental professionals who need to understand the biological impacts of pollution.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Manual of Therapeutics for Addictions
Manual of Therapeutics for Addictions Edited by Norman S. Miller, MD, Mark S. Gold,MD, and David E. Smith, MD Here is a much-needed practical guide to the effective diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and drug addictive disorders. Designed to meet the diverse needs of family and primary care physicians, psychiatrists and mental health professionals, and medical students and residents, this authoritative text offers clear, step-by-step recommendations on the selection and application of both pharmacological and psychosocial therapies. Arranged in an easy-to-use outline format, Manual of Therapeutics for Addictions: * Covers the pharmacology, neurochemistry, and treatment options for alcohol and such drugs as marijuana, cocaine, and opiates * Includes material on eating, sexual, and gambling addictions * Contains age-, cultural-, and gender-specific information for diagnosis and treatment * Addresses relevant medical complications and psychiatric interactions * Features contemporary topics such as managed care, minority concerns, and forensic issues
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Photochemistry, Volume 23
Setting the pace for progress and innovation . . .ADVANCES IN PHOTOCHEMISTRYMore than a simple survey of the current literature, Advances in Photochemistry offers critical evaluations written by internationally recognized experts. These pioneering scientists offer unique and varied points of view of the existing data. Their articles are challenging as well as provocative and are intended to stimulate discussion, promote further research, and encourage new developments in the field.In this volumeSpectroscopy and Photochemistry of Polyatomic Alkaline Earth-Containing MoleculesPETER F. BERNATHPhotochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear PolarizationMARTIN GOEZPhotophysics of Gaseous Aromatic Molecules: Excess Vibrational Energy Dependence of Radiationless ProcessesEDWARD C. LIMLanthanide Complexes of Encapsulating Ligands as Luminescent DevicesNANDA SABBATINI, MASSIMO GUARDIGLI, AND ILSE MANETAdvances in the Measurement of Correlation in Photoproduct MotionCHRISTOPHER G. MORGAN, MARCEL DRABBELS, AND ALEC M. WODTKE
John Wiley & Sons Inc Liquid Interfaces in Chemistry and Biology
This text is intended for use as an introduction to both the theory of surface science and its applications in modern biology and chemistry. The book attempts to explain the physical and chemical fundamentals of interfacial phenomena, and readers will find virtually all definitions and concepts needed to understand the role of interfaces in chemistry and biology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Restructuring Chronic Illness Management: Best Practices and Innovations in Team-Based Treatment
Caring for Chronically Ill Patients Building on a thoughtful understanding of the organizational, financial, and clinical issues involved in chronic illness, Christianson and his colleagues provide a useful road map to the design and implementation of team-based chronic illness management. A must read for policy makers and managers wishing to meet the challenge of providing quality and efficient care to the chronically ill. --Arnold D. Kaluzny, professor of health policy and administration, School of Public Health and Senior Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill This practical new book offers the most current information on how leaders of top clinical programs have implemented exemplary and cost-conscious programs to manage the care of four key chronic diseases: asthma, arthritis, diabetes, and coronary artery disease. Grounded in research, the book introduces a model and practical tool that can be used by healthcare organizations to effectively treat chronically ill patients. And, because the model and tool are based on the actual experiences of ongoing programs, the authors discuss organizational strategies that will help overcome the inevitable resistance to change. A step-by-step program is outlined for health care executives and caregivers who want to implement these best practices in their institutions. With a wealth of information and illustrative examples, the authors explain how a health care organization can restructure and revitalize its approach to managing chronic illness...without breaking the bank.
Elsevier Health Sciences Crisis Management in Anesthesiology
The fully updated Crisis Management in Anesthesiology continues to provide updated insights on the latest theories, principles, and practices in anesthesiology. From anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists to emergency physicians and residents, this medical reference book will effectively prepare you to handle any critical incident during anesthesia. "A comprehensive discussion of the latest theories, principles and practices for CRM in perioperative practice and will be a useful resource for anaesthetists of all grades and levels of experience" Reviewed by British Journal of Anaesthesia, Jun 2015 "...this book contains essential information that all anesthesiologists should know or readily be able to easily reference..." Reviewed by Jane Torrie, Oct 2015 "Every anesthesia provider needs to study, not just read, this new edition, even if you read the first edition. Also, distilled instructions of key elements of the cases covered in this book need to be included in manuals made available for emergencies (although that, too, needs further study on how best to use them). If I were your patient, I would ask if you had studied these principles. If you hadn't, I might ask for another health care provider into whose hands I would want to entrust my life." Foreword by: Jeffrey B. Cooper, PhD Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, July 2015 Identify and respond to a broad range of life-threatening situations with the updated Catalog of Critical Incidents, which outlines what may happen during surgery and details the steps necessary to respond to and resolve the crisis. React quickly to a range of potential threats with an added emphasis on simulation of managing critical incidents. Useful review for all anesthesia professionals of the core knowledge of diagnosis and management of many critical events. Explore new topics in the ever-expanding anesthesia practice environment with a detailed chapter on debriefing. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Netter's Atlas of Neuroscience
Ideal for any student of neuroanatomy, neuroscience, or other medical or science disciplines involving the nervous system, Netter's Atlas of Neuroscience, 4th Edition, is a highly visual, clinically oriented exploration of structure and function-from neurons to motor and sensory systems to global neural function and dysfunction. This award-winning text approaches this complex topic from three perspectives: Neuroscience Overview, Regional Neuroscience, and Systemic Neuroscience. Illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD, and others following in his tradition are framed by concise, expert text and accompanied by neuroimaging, photomicrographs, and summary diagrams. Combines Netter and Netter-like illustrations, and beautiful molecular and cellular illustrations, with succinct text and clinical points, delivering the essential information students need for both basic science and clinical programs. Presents organizational and summarized neurosciences information, enabling students to review complex concepts, functions, and systems in several contexts. Provides an overview of the basic features of cellular and molecular neuroscience; peripheral nerves, spinal cord, brain stem and cerebellum, and the brain; reviews the neural vasculature, meninges and cerebrospinal fluid, and developmental neuroscience. Highlights cross-sectional spinal cord and brain stem anatomy and side-by-side comparisons of Netter illustrations and MRIs of axial and coronal brain sections, including extensive clinical correlations. Focuses on foundational concepts as well as clinically relevant discussions. Expands basic neural connectivity and functional roles of limbic structures and behavior. Reviews Global Neural Functions and Disorders in a brand new chapter with more than a dozen new art plates. Includes many new art plates covering current topics including neural foundations of addiction, dementias, several neuropsychiatric disorders, consciousness, coma and its assessment, sleep regulation, postnatal and adult neurogenesis, endogenous opioid systems, endogenous cannabinoid systems, and others. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Mosby's® Pocket Guide to Fetal Monitoring
Find real-world, clinically useful information on all aspects of electronic fetal monitoring! Written by clinicians for clinicians, Mosby's Pocket Guide to Fetal Monitoring: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 9th Edition provides an evidence-based, collaborative approach to fetal heart monitoring during labor and in the antepartum period. It covers the physiologic basis for FHR monitoring, methods and instrumentation, standardized terminology, pattern recognition and interpretation, and management of care. Authored by a nurse-midwife, a perinatologist, and a nurse, this compact guide prepares you for success on the EFM certification exam and for success in today's clinical practice. Pocket-sized format makes this guide ideal to carry and use in the clinical setting, and a colorful design makes information easier to find. Coverage of fetal heart rate assessment, evaluation, interpretation, and management is supported by evidence-based practice and literature, helping you prioritize care and make clinical decisions. Patient safety and risk management strategies include case studies and legal commentary, plus guidelines for providing safe and competent care. Information on the relationship between fetal heart rate patterns and neonatal outcomes provides a guide to the correct use of fetal monitoring. Illustrations, tables, and fetal monitor tracings highlight critical information. Coverage of innovative practices supports patient safety and improved outcomes through the use of a common language for fetal heart rate patterns, a standardized approach to interpretation, a discussion of emergency preparedness, and a discussion of human factor issues such as improved communication, situational awareness, no-fault/just culture, and teamwork. Practical appendices offer a guide to FHR tracings and interpretation as well as self-assessment questions for credentialing and certification exam preparation. Expert author team provides clinical insight along with international presence. NEW information on Category II tracing management is included. NEW! Expanded section on common misconceptions and myths includes evidence supporting factual EFM characteristics. NEW! Detailed information on documentation and legal issues is added. NEW EFM tracings with interpretation are added.
Zondervan Pastoral Epistles, Volume 46
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.Overview of Commentary Organization Introduction—covers issues pertaining to the whole book, including context, date, authorship, composition, interpretive issues, purpose, and theology. Each section of the commentary includes: Pericope Bibliography—a helpful resource containing the most important works that pertain to each particular pericope. Translation—the author’s own translation of the biblical text, reflecting the end result of exegesis and attending to Hebrew and Greek idiomatic usage of words, phrases, and tenses, yet in reasonably good English. Notes—the author’s notes to the translation that address any textual variants, grammatical forms, syntactical constructions, basic meanings of words, and problems of translation. Form/Structure/Setting—a discussion of redaction, genre, sources, and tradition as they concern the origin of the pericope, its canonical form, and its relation to the biblical and extra-biblical contexts in order to illuminate the structure and character of the pericope. Rhetorical or compositional features important to understanding the passage are also introduced here. Comment—verse-by-verse interpretation of the text and dialogue with other interpreters, engaging with current opinion and scholarly research. Explanation—brings together all the results of the discussion in previous sections to expose the meaning and intention of the text at several levels: (1) within the context of the book itself; (2) its meaning in the OT or NT; (3) its place in the entire canon; (4) theological relevance to broader OT or NT issues.General Bibliography—occurring at the end of each volume, this extensive bibliographycontains all sources used anywhere in the commentary.
University of Washington Press Protecting Whiteness: Whitelash and the Rejection of Racial Equality
The standoff at Cliven Bundy’s ranch, the rise of white identity activists on college campuses, and the viral growth of white nationalist videos on YouTube vividly illustrate the resurgence of white supremacy and overt racism in the United States. White resistance to racial equality can be subtle as well—like art museums that enforce their boundaries as elite white spaces, “right on crime” policies that impose new modes of surveillance and punishment for people of color, and environmental groups whose work reinforces settler colonial norms. In this incisive volume, twenty-four leading sociologists assess contemporary shifts in white attitudes about racial justice in the US. Using case studies, they investigate the entrenchment of white privilege in institutions, new twists in anti-equality ideologies, and “whitelash” in the actions of social movements. Their examinations of new manifestations of racist aggression help make sense of the larger forces that underpin enduring racial inequalities and how they reinvent themselves for each new generation.
University of Washington Press Pangs of Love and Other Writings
An apprentice sushi chef and a mysterious blue-eyed woman share a bottle of wine inside a climate-controlled otter tank. The Great Wall of China grumbles as workers forego construction to watch an imperial game of baseball. A young woman tries to imagine a future unsullied by her family’s history of untimely death. First issued in 1991, Pangs of Love introduced David Wong Louie’s bold storytelling. The son of Chinese immigrants, he centered his stories around characters who are in conflict with their place in the world, disconnected from both American society and their own families. The depth of his portrayals renders their experiences of love, envy, loneliness, loss, and duty universal—informed by their heritage yet not confined by it. These twelve short stories and one essay swerve from the absurd to longing for love, understanding, or simply a morsel of food. Pangs of Love and Other Writings makes Louie’s debut book available again, along with an additional short story and an extraordinary autobiographical essay, “Eat, Memory,” in which he reflects on life without food after throat cancer took away his ability to swallow. Pulitzer Prize–winner Viet Thanh Nguyen contributes a foreword elucidating Louie’s role in shaping contemporary Asian American literature, while an afterword by literary scholar King-Kok Cheung retraces the three phases of Louie’s career.