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John Wiley & Sons Inc Laser-Enhanced Ionization Spectroscopy
Laser-enhanced ionization (LEI) is a type of optical spectrometrythat employs photoexcitation to ionize atoms selectively. Over thepast two decades, this method--originally known as the optogalvaniceffect--has been the object of extensive worldwide research and thesubject of numerous papers and published articles. Until now,however, no single volume has presented this wealth of theory anddata in a cohesive and accessible form. Laser-Enhanced Ionization Spectrometry fills this gap in theliterature. It synthesizes vast amounts of information previouslyavailable only through scattered research papers and covers everyaspect of the technology, from underlying principles and theory tomethodology and applications. This book examines the state of theart of LEI, compares it with other methods, and demonstrates howlaser-enhanced collisional ionization is especially well suited toanalytical atomic spectrometry. The contributors to this collaborative effort--from Russia,Australia, Europe, and the United States--clarify terminology,explain the inner workings of LEI, and offer derivations for bothidealized forms and realistic approximations. They also analyze thecapabilities and limitations of this technique as an analyticalmethod, including instrumentation, sources of noise, limits ofdetection, interferences, and applications. After concentrating largely on flame LEI as the most commonly usedmethod to derive LEI measurements, the discussion moves to thedevelopment of nonflame technologies for LEI. There is alsoextended coverage of the relationship between LEI and laser-inducedfluorescence, including an examination of the interplay oflaser-induced ionization and fluorescence techniques in differentatomic and molecular reservoirs. Laser-Enhanced Ionization Spectrometry places understanding,usefulness, and practical applications ahead of detailedderivations. For practicing analytical chemists andspectroscopists, it offers a clear and uncluttered approach to acomplex subject, as well as a fresh perspective on a still-emergingtechnology. This book sums up the present understanding and state of the art oflaser-enhanced ionization (LEI)-a unique but underutilized tool foranalytical atomic spectrometry. LEI possesses the special abilityto ionize atoms selectively. The text focuses on the role of thistechnology in analytical chemistry, and covers both theory andapplications in one complete, self-contained volume. Carefully crafted by leading experts from around the globe, withcontributions under six key headings, Laser-Enhanced IonizationSpectrometry * Draws on hundreds of research papers to create a comprehensivereference for LEI * Describes in depth how ions are produced, and how a signal isgenerated and detected * Provides an extensive and up-to-date compilation of published LEIdetection limits * Emphasizes basic understanding and practical applications ratherthan detailed derivations * Discusses terms and definitions and clears up sources ofconfusion in the field * Offers up-to-date coverage of instrumentation and applications * Evaluates the usefulness of LEI as an analytical tool * Deals with questions of limits of detection, interference, andnoise * Devotes an entire segment to nonflame technologies for LEI * Extends the discussion to fluorescence techniques and how theycan be interrelated with LEI in various atomic and molecularreservoirs
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companies
Unlike the M&A fever that gripped so many large, publicly heldcorporations in the 1980s, the mergers and acquisitions activity ofthe 1990s is primarily centered around small and midsizebusinesses. But the sale and purchase of these companies present aunique constellation of problems, pitfalls, and challenges that maylead the unprepared buyer or seller to disappointment, difficulty,or even disaster. In this book--the only mergers and acquisitionsguide that focuses on small and midsize companies--experts fromevery profession and specialty related to the sale or acquisitionof a business lead buyers and sellers step by step through eachphase of the M&A process. Their aim is to help both partiesavoid hazards and mistakes and arrive at a fair and mutuallyprofitable arrangement. Beginning with the basics, the book offers an overview of themarket: the size and type of businesses covered; who the buyers andsellers are; why businesses are put up for sale; how to prepare abusiness for sale; and how to size up a business that is on themarket. The book's second section looks at financial and valuationissues, a particularly important area when purchasing companiesthat are not subject to SEC regulations. Coverage includesnormalizing historical financial statements, using financialforecasts, determining real ROI, valuation methods for midsizecompanies, and determining the value of partial ownerships,intangible assets, and business risk characteristics. After a detailed examination of legal issues, the book explores theroles of outside professionals in the M&A process, includingintermediaries, attorneys, accountants, business appraisers, andmachinery and technical appraisers. The book concludes with a lookat various ways of structuring the final deal and the pros and consof each arrangement from both the buyer's and seller'sperspectives. With 36 self-contained chapters that can be read in sequence orconsulted independently, Mergers and Acquisitions for Small andMidsize Companies is both a comprehensive M&A tutorial fornewcomers to the process and an indispensable reference forprofessionals involved in any aspect of the buying and selling ofsmall and midsize companies. A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying and Selling a Business from aDistinguished Group of Recognized Experts Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companiesis the perfect guide for anyone who is selling a business or hopingto buy one. Each of the nearly 30 contributors is a recognizedexpert in a particular aspect of the M&A process. These authorsexplain their topics from the ground up, assuming no previousexperience on the part of the reader and addressing the subjectfrom every conceivable angle. Areas of discussion include: * Fundamentals of the mergers and acquisitions process * Financial and valuation--normalizing historical financialstatements, utilizing forecasts, valuation methods, and more * Legal aspects--disclosure requirements, due diligence, advisorengagement letters, closing documentation * The role of outside professionals--intermediaries, attorneys,accountants, business appraisers, and machinery and technicalappraisers * The deal itself--deal structures, creative financing strategies,a case study, pros and cons of ESOPs, and much more
John Wiley & Sons Inc Technology Licensing: Corporate Strategies for Maximizing Value
Find out how today's top technology-based companies get thegreatest return on their intellectual property, and how you cantoo. A total hands-on guide to cutting-edge technology licensingstrategies Russell Parr and Patrick Sullivan, along with a team ofdistinguished experts working at the frontlines of technologylicensing, reveal how today's top technology-based companies aremaximizing the value of and return on their intellectual property.They also offer hands-on advice and guidance on how you can do thesame in your company. With the help of numerous real-life casestudies that demonstrate licensing strategies now used at DuPont,Xerox, Kodak, AlliedSignal, Hewlett-Packard, Dow Chemical, andother industry leaders, they tell you everything you need to knowto: * Determine where technology licensing best fits in your company'soverall business strategies * Establish a successful licensing program tailored to yourcompany's vision and goals * Create and successfully manage a technology portfolio * Quickly and easily calculate royalty rates * Put the lessons learned at top technology-based companies to workin your company "Technology licensing strategies are now key instruments foraccomplishing the corporate visions set forth by future-thinkingcompanies. Look at any corporate mission statement and you willfind the seeds of a strategy-based technology licensing program."--Russell Parr and Patrick Sullivan In today's volatile, hypercompetitive global marketplace,cooperation and the sharing of intellectual property are keys tosuccess. Of course, one of the most valuable forms of intellectualproperty is technology. More often than not, innovation andincreased market penetration are the direct result of combiningtechnologies from a variety of sources. Consequently, manycompanies have begun to devote more and more of their strategicefforts to discovering the best ways to manage technology so as tomaximize value and return. For instance, AT&T has set up anindependent business group to manage its intellectual property as aseparate profit center, while other companies continue to runlicensing through their legal and R&D departments. Whichapproach makes the most sense for your company, and why? Get theanswers to these questions and many others in TechnologyLicensing. In this valuable book, Russell Parr and Patrick Sullivan, alongwith a distinguished team of contributing experts, reveal thelicensing strategies now being used at DuPont, Xerox,Hewlett-Packard, Dow Chemical, Kodak, and other top multinationalcorporations. They also provide practical prescriptions fordetermining where technology licensing belongs on yourorganizational chart and for establishing a successful licensingprogram tailored to your company's vision and goals. Taking a practical hands-on approach to technology licensing, theytell you what you need to know about: * Creating and managing technology portfolios * Types of licenses--with a detailed analysis of the strengths andweaknesses of each in various business contexts * Successful licensing strategies now used at top technology-basedcompanies * Royalty rate determination methods * And more Drawing upon the expertise of those on the frontlines of technologylicensing, Technology Licensing tells you how today's toptechnology-based firms maximize the value of their intellectualproperty and how your company can too.
Hachette Books I Ain't Studdin' Ya: My American Blues Story
This memoir charts the extraordinary rise to fame of living blues legend, Bobby Rush. Born Emmet Ellis, Jr. in Homer, Louisiana, he adopted the stage name Bobby Rush out of respect for his father, a pastor. As a teenager, Rush acquired his first real guitar and started playing in juke joints in Little Rock, Arkansas, donning a fake mustache to trick club owners into thinking he was old enough to gain entry into their establishments. During the mid-1950s, Rush relocated to Chicago to pursue his musical career. It was there that he started to work with Earl Hooker, Luther Allison, and Freddie King, and sat in with many of his musical heroes, such as Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, Jimmy Reed and Little Walter. Rush eventually began leading his own band in the 1960s, crafting his own distinct style of funky blues, and recording a succession of singles for various labels. It wasn't until the early 1970s that Rush finally scored a hit with "Chicken Heads." More recordings followed, including an album which went on to be listed in the Top 10 blues albums of the 1970s by Rolling Stone and a handful of regional jukebox favorites including "Sue" and "I Ain't Studdin' Ya."And Rush's career shows no signs of slowing down now. The man once beloved for performing in local jukejoints is now headlining major music/blues festivals, clubs, and theaters across the U.S. and as far as Japan and Australia. At age 86, he is still on the road for over 200 days a year. His lifelong hectic tour schedule, dating back to the '50s, earned him the affectionate title "King of the Chitlin' Circuit," from Rolling Stone. In 2007, he earned the distinction of being the first blues artist to play at the Great Wall of China. His renowned stage act features his famed shake dancers, who personify his funky blues and the ribald humor that he has cultivated during the course of his storied career. He was featured in Martin Scorcese's The Blues docuseries on PBS, a documentary film called Take Me to the River, performed with Dan Aykroyd on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, and most recently had a cameo in the Golden Globe nominated Netflix film, Dolemite Is My Name, starring Eddie Murphy. He was recently given the highest Blues Music Award honor of B.B. King Entertainer of the Year. His songs have also been featured in TV shows and films including HBO's Ballers and major motion pictures like Black Snake Moan, starring Samuel L. Jackson.Considered by many to be the greatest bluesman currently performing, this book will give readers unparalleled access into the man, the myth, the legend: Bobby Rush.
Human Kinetics Publishers Postural Correction
Postural Correction presents 30 of the most commonly occurring postural conditions in a comprehensive format, providing hands-on therapists and body workers the knowledge and resources to help clients address their malalignments. Focusing on treatment rather than assessment, it takes a direct approach and applies specific techniques to improve posture from an anatomical rather than aesthetic perspective.Primarily concerned with the lengthening of shortened tissues to help realign body parts, Postural Correction offers a collective approach to remedying malalignment. Techniques vary for each posture correction, including deep tissue massage, simple passive stretches, soft tissue release, common trigger points, and gentle limb traction. Because weak or poorly functioning muscles may contribute to postural problems, the text notes what muscles need to be strengthened and includes recommendations on techniques. Suggestions also are made for those postures that are difficult to correct with hands-on techniques, such as scoliosis, genu valgum (knock knees), and genu varum (bow legs).Recognizing that the work clients can carry out independently is a crucial component of long-term postural correction, this guide includes information on how clients can continue their therapy independently between or at the conclusion of their therapy sessions. Therapists can take these techniques and recommendations to advise, educate, and guide clients in their efforts. Much attention is paid to lifestyle, activities, and habitual use or resting of a body part that may have led to the initial pain and malalignment.Structured by anatomical regions of the body to make accessing information quick and easy, Postural Correction tackles postural concerns commonly affecting the spine; pelvis; upper limbs, including the shoulder and elbow; and lower limbs, including the hip, knee, ankle, and foot. Examples from various sports and demographics such as the elderly offer contextual and applied value. Descriptions avoid biomechanical jargon and instead focus on simple, clear explanations. Information is also included for when hands-on techniques are limited in correcting a particular posture.Special features make this book unique and useful:• Full-color anatomical illustrations and photographs present a clear visual of what will help bring about postural change.• Consistency with the other titles in the Hands-On Guides for Therapists series ensures that the manual therapies throughout this book are easily accessible.• An overview of each malalignment includes the muscles that are shortened or lengthened, notes about each posture, a bulleted list of ideas grouped according to whether these are carried out by the therapist or the client, and rationale for the suggested corrective techniques.• Concluding comments summarize the information for access at a glance.Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physics (2006-2010)
This volume is a collection of the Nobel lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches by Nobel Committee members for the period 2006-2010. The criterion for the Physics award is to the discoverer of a physical phenomenon that changed our views, or to the inventor of a new physical process that gave enormous benefits to either science at large or to the public. The biographies are remarkably interesting to read and the Nobel lectures provide detailed explanations of the phenomena for which the Laureates were awarded the Nobel Prize.Aspiring young scientists as well as more experienced ones, but also the interested public will learn a lot from and appreciate the geniuses of these narrations.List of prizewinners and their discoveries:(2006) to John C Mather and George F Smoot “for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation”The very detailed observations that the Laureates have carried out from the COBE satellite have played a major role in the development of modern cosmology into a precise science.(2007) to Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg “for the discovery of Giant Magnetoresistance”Applications of this phenomenon have revolutionized techniques for retrieving data from hard disks. The discovery also plays a major role in various magnetic sensors as well as for the development of a new generation of electronics. The use of Giant Magnetoresistance can be regarded as one of the first major applications of nanotechnology.(2008) to Yoichiro Nambu “for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics“, and to Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature”Why is there something instead of nothing? Why are there so many different elementary particles? The Laureates presented theoretical insights that give us a deeper understanding of what happens far inside the tiniest building blocks of matter.(2009) to Charles Kuen Kao “for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication“, and to Willard S Boyle and George E Smith “for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit — the CCD sensor”Kao's discoveries have paved the way for optical fiber technology, which today is used for almost all telephony and data communication. Boyle and Smith have invented a digital image sensor — CCD, or charge-coupled device — which today has become an electronic eye in almost all areas of photography.(2010) to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov “for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene”The Laureates have shown that a thin flake of ordinary carbon, just one atom thick, has exceptional properties that originate from the remarkable world of quantum physics.
De Gruyter Human and Technological Progress Towards the Socio-Economic Paradigm of the Future: Part 3
This book determines the specific features of socio-economic transformations of various spheres of the national economy with a focus on the financial system. It considers the development of industrial holdings in the electric energy sphere and also studies the influence of technology on fish farming in modern Russia. The global factors of using digital technologies at the municipal level during creation of "green" and "smart" cities are analyzed. The perspectives of development of tourism in the digital economy from the positions of supply and demand and are determined. The specifics of development of agricultural production in the age of digital transformations by the example of modern Russia are outlined, and "smart" agricultural platform, which allows for multiple increase of the agro-industrial complex’s efficiency, is developed. New possibilities and need in reformation of the international monetary system in the conditions of the Fourth industrial revolution are determined. The problems and perspectives of development of Eurasian stock markets in the modern economic conditions under the influence of wide distribution of digital technologies are systematized. Specific features of the evolution of the forms of money – from gold to crypto currencies are – are distinguished. Specific features of benchmarking of depreciation of currencies (inflation) under the influence of globalization and regionalization of the international monetary system are determined. The authors present a concept of the banking system of the future in the conditions of macro-economic instability, which stimulates financial crisis management of the national economy, and determine the role of banks in aggregation and redistribution of monetary resources in economy in the context of digital transformations. Also, attention is paid to social consequences of digital modernization of the financial system – transformation of human’s social life in the age of innovative banking is shown. Effectiveness of online banking, as a new form of payments that is popular in the digital economy, is analyzed. The authors formulate competencies that employees of banks of the future, which will function in the digital economy, should have and study the perspectives of digitization of the practice of tax administration based on technological processing and analytics of Big Data by the example of experience of modern Russia, as well as related transformation processes in the existing practice of the tax system organization. A concept of organization and management of the national tax system in the conditions of robotization of production and consumption is developed, and the role of blockchain technologies in improvement of the modern Russian tax system is determined. The investment platform for the modern digital economy is offered. As a result, the scientific paradigm of formation of the digital financial system in the conditions of Industry 4.0 is formed.
Open University Press The Pocketbook Guide to Report Writing
Daisy Bogg is a qualified and HCPC-registered social worker who has worked within mental health and addiction services for over 20 years, for the NHS, local authorities and voluntary sector organisations.***Report writing is a key skill for social work and one in which many practitioners receive little formal training or preparation. Fully revised and updated, the new edition of this handy pocketbook for social workers provides key advice for busy practitioners to help them to write clear, professional and well-structured reports. This includes practical advice, hints and tips to improve your report writing and ensure you adhere to best practice in your written communications.Social workers will find this guide invaluable for creating high-quality reports for a range of common situations. This useful book includes:• A range of report templates for a variety of situations, practice contexts and service user groups• Examples of good practice in report writing and common pitfalls to avoid • Examples of legal policy and assessment situations• Checklists of content and style requirements for various report types• Examples of best practice and common pitfalls, including links to the law to make your decisions evidence-based and authoritative• Checklists and decision-making flow charts to simplify what can prove a complex areaWritten by an experienced practitioner, this practical guide is not only suitable for newly-qualified social workers but also their more experienced colleagues that would like to develop and hone their writing skills. Students of social work will also find this an essential resource for their practice education and beyond. ****This book forms part of a series of pocketbooks for social workers. These compact guides are written in an accessible and to-the-point style to help the busy practitioner locate the information they need as and when they need it—all bound up in A5 and under! The pocketbooks explore key practical skills involved in such areas as mental capacity, report writing and assessment.*'This book, in my opinion, is a must for experienced and newly qualified social workers alike. The author offers a solid platform for social workers to work from by offering initial theory before identifying professional responsibility, distinguishing fact from opinion, aiding the reader to construct the purpose and goal of the report before confidently leading to an evidenced based conclusion. The book is filled with practical hints, tips and best practice points. It advises on potential pitfalls, offers a wide range of templates to ensure key areas are covered and goes as far as directing the reader on grammar and even spell-checking! The book is a practical and valuable resource.'Martin Gilbert, Learning & Development Lead in Mental Health, Birmingham City Council, UK
Open University Press Mindfulness and Wellbeing for Student Learning: A Guided 5-Week Course
“I am so glad that this book has been written! […] A highly practical book, easily accessible for others to use with their students.”Dr Elisabeth Curling, Senior Lecturer in Immunology, School of Biosciences, University of Kent, UK“[This book] will enable students across the globe to improve their well-being. Highly recommended.”Dr Julia Ronder, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist"This book is a fascinating and practical guide to mindfulness for students. I would thoroughly recommend reading it if you are a student yourself, or an educator looking to help students with their mental wellbeing.”Dr Jacqueline Buchanan, GP Partner and Medical Student EducatorAs the challenges facing students continue to grow, the importance of mindfulness for academic and personal success is gaining recognition. Yet many students and their teachers remain unclear on how to implement mindfulness techniques successfully. Mindfulness and Wellbeing for Student Learning is a 5-week introduction to mindfulness to support students’ learning and wellbeing. Adapted from several mindfulness programmes, the book aims to help students cope with the various demands of university life and provide them with a wellbeing toolkit. Included are an array of mindfulness techniques proven to help improve focus, manage stress, regulate emotions and manage procrastination, to name a few.The book:•Introduces a 5-week guided programme to teach students about wellbeing•Contains numerous interactive mindfulness exercises•Provides structured wellbeing lesson plans complete with resources •Draws on the real experiences and feedback of studentsThis book is an essential resource for students and aims to equip them with invaluable skills to overcome the anxieties and stresses of university life. No matter the subject, this book will help students to build academic and personal resilience, helping them to thrive at university and beyond. It is also a perfect book for teachers or personal tutors looking to set up mindfulness groups or simply support their students during these challenging times.Lorraine Millard has been a psychotherapist for over 35 years, a mindfulness teacher for 15 years and has taught over 150 mindfulness courses. She designed and delivers the 5-week course at the University of Kent, UK.Louise Frith is an Academic Skills Tutor at the University of York, UK, specialising in writing for academic purposes. She has published two previous books: Professional Writing for Social Workers, 2nd edition (2021) and The Student’s Guide to Peer Mentoring (2017).Patmarie Coleman has previously taught for 22 years on person-centred courses, is a senior counsellor at the University of Kent, UK and also runs a private supervision practice in Southeast London, UK. Patmarie was trained by Lorraine in Mindfulness and has completed further training with the Mindfulness Network. Patmarie authored the chapter: Intersectional, Anti-Racist and Intercultural Approaches by Therapists of Colour, for Therapy in Colour (2023)
Little, Brown Book Group Six Years a Hostage: The Extraordinary Story of the Longest-Held Al Qaeda Captive in the World
THE EXTRAORDINARY STORY OF THE LONGEST-HELD AL QAEDA CAPTIVE IN THE WORLDStephen McGown was en route from London to South Africa, on a once-in-a-lifetime trip by motorbike, returning home to Johannesburg. He had reached Timbuktu, in Mali, when he was captured, along with a Dutch and a Swedish national, by Al Qaeda Islamist militants. Steve was taken because he held a British passport. He was subsequently held hostage at various camps in the Sahara Desert in the north-west of Africa for nearly six years before eventually being released.Life as Steve had known it changed in that instant that he was taken at gunpoint. He had nothing to bargain with, and everything to lose. For the next six years, he reluctantly engaged in what he came to call the greatest chess game of his life. Thousands of kilometres to the south, in Johannesburg, the shock of Stephen's capture struck the McGown family and his wife, Cath, with whom he had, until recently, been living in London. They immediately began efforts to secure Steve's release, through diplomatic channels and in every other way they felt might have a chance of seeing Stephen freed. But as the months of captivity became years, Steve was compelled to go to extraordinary lengths to survive. Making it back home alive became his sole aim. To accomplish this, he realised that he would have to do everything he could to raise his status in the eyes of his captors. To this end, he taught himself Arabic and French, and also converted to Islam, accepting a new name, Lot. To this day, Steve retains the unenviable record of being the longest-held, surviving prisoner of Al Qaeda. While he was undoubtedly always Al Qaeda's captive, through the long years he spent in intimate proximity to his captors, Steve got to see the Islamist militants as few other Westerners have ever seen them. Six Years a Hostage is not only a remarkable story of mental strength, physical endurance and the resilience of the human spirit, but also, significantly, a unique and nuanced perspective onone of the world's most feared terrorist groups. Steve did not merely survive his terrible ordeal; he emerged from the desert a changed - stronger, more positive - human being. This is Stephen McGown's remarkable story, as told to Tudor Caradoc-Davies, a freelance writer, editor and author based in Cape Town, South Africa. After seven years spent working for glossy magazines such as Men's Health, GQ, Best Life and Women's Health, he now contributes to a range of publications. He also writes for the (South African) Sunday Times, and Red Bulletin.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The ETF Book: All You Need to Know About Exchange-Traded Funds
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are revolutionizing the investment industry. From their introduction in 1993, ETFs have expanded exponentially over the past fifteen years. You, as an informed investor, need to know what makes ETFs unique, how they work, and which funds may help you achieve your financial goals. The updated edition provides the most current look at the ETF market, where the number of funds has doubled since the book first published in December 2007. A huge number of bonds funds, commodities funds, currency funds, leverage and short funds have been introduced. In addition, actively managed ETFs are here now, and some major mutual fund companies, like Fidelity and PIMCO, are getting into the market. Remarkably, the terminology in the ETP marketplace is also evolving at a rapid pace. The acronym ETP for exchange-traded product has become an industry standard. The term did not exist two years ago. Written by veteran financial professional and experienced author Richard Ferri, The ETF Book, Updated Edition gives you a broad and deep understanding of this important investment vehicle and provides you with the tools needed to successfully integrate exchange-traded funds into any portfolio. This detailed, yet clearly articulated guide contains the most up-to-date information on navigating the growing number of ETFs available in today's marketplace. Divided into four comprehensive parts, this guide addresses everything from ETF basics and in-depth fund analysis to the tax benefits of using ETFs. Included are a variety of portfolio management strategies using ETFs and examples of different model portfolios that you can easily adapt to your own investment endeavors. Whether you're just getting started or are a seasoned ETF investor, The ETF Book, Updated Edition will help enhance your understanding of this evolving field by: Examining the fundamental differences between exchange-traded portfolios Highlighting how to effectively implement a wide selection of ETFs?from Exploring specific ETF strategies?from buy and hold to market timing and sector rotation Introducing Index Strategy Boxes?a new way to understand index construction and how a fund is investing your money And much more Each chapter of The ETF Book, Updated Edition offers concise coverage of various issues. It is filled with in-depth insights on different types of ETFs and practical advice on how to select and manage them. The appendixes are an added benefit, offering an ETF Resource List, which will point you to more places for information on these structures, and a detailed Glossary to help you with industry-specific definitions. The ETF Book, Updated Edition is an invaluable road map for developing a winning investment strategy. Armed with the knowledge found throughout these pages, you'll be prepared to build a solid portfolio of ETFs that will benefit you for years to come.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Super Trader, Expanded Edition: Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets
Think like a trader. Act like a trader. Become a Super Trader."Let your profits run!" It's the golden rule by which all Super Traders live. With the help of investing guru Dr. Van K. Tharp, you can join the ranks of full-timetraders who consistently master the market.Super Trader provides a time-tested strategy for creating the conditions that allow you to reach levels of trading success you never thought possible. Providingexpert insight into both trading practices and psychology, Tharp teaches you how to steadily cut losses short and meet your investment goals through the use of position sizing strategies--the keys to steady profitability. Tharp offers concepts and tactics designed to help you: CREATE AND MEET YOUR SPECIFIC UNDERSTAND THE BIG PICTURE CONQUER COUNTERPRODUCTIVE THINKING MASTER THE ART OF POSITION SIZING STRATEGIES With Tharp's proven methods, you can live the dream of enjoying above-average profits under various market conditions--up, down, and sideways. Tharp's wisdom, perspective, and tactical expertise are legendary in the world of trading. Follow the master down the path to trading excellence with Super Trader.How do you transform yourself from a mild-mannered investor into a proactive trader who outperforms the market day-in and day-out. Think clearly. Plan accordingly.Commit completely. In other words, become a trader. No one is better suited to help you make the transformation than legendary trading educator Dr. Van K. Tharp.Combining the sharp insight and technical brilliance that have drawn legions of investors to his books and seminars, Tharp provides a holistic approach for becoming a successful full-time trader. His system--a meld of investing psychology and sound trading practice--is the secret to achieving optimum conditions that produce results in both bull and bear markets.Using the lessons of Super Trader, you will approach trading as you would a small business--realistically, systematically, and enthusiastically. Drawing on his decades of experience, Tharp has created a simple plan designed to help anyone successfully navigatethe market that includes the following: Mastering the psychology of trading Crafting a "business plan"--a working document to guide your trading Developing a trading system tailored to your personal needs and skills Creating position sizing strategies to meet your objectives Monitoring yourself constantly to minimize mistakesYou can put this plan to use immediately. Throughout the book, Tharp raises the pertinent questions you must ask yourself about becoming a trader, being a trader, and succeeding as a trader.The rewards that come with being a Super Trader--both financial and personal--make you feel as if you can leap small buildings in a single bound. Whatever your skill level, Tharp provides the formula for succeeding in a fieldwhere most people fail.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Modern Statistics: A Computer-Based Approach with Python
This innovative textbook presents material for a course on modern statistics that incorporates Python as a pedagogical and practical resource. Drawing on many years of teaching and conducting research in various applied and industrial settings, the authors have carefully tailored the text to provide an ideal balance of theory and practical applications. Numerous examples and case studies are incorporated throughout, and comprehensive Python applications are illustrated in detail. A custom Python package is available for download, allowing students to reproduce these examples and explore others.The first chapters of the text focus on analyzing variability, probability models, and distribution functions. Next, the authors introduce statistical inference and bootstrapping, and variability in several dimensions and regression models. The text then goes on to cover sampling for estimation of finite population quantities and time series analysis and prediction, concluding with two chapters on modern data analytic methods. Each chapter includes exercises, data sets, and applications to supplement learning.Modern Statistics: A Computer-Based Approach with Python is intended for a one- or two-semester advanced undergraduate or graduate course. Because of the foundational nature of the text, it can be combined with any program requiring data analysis in its curriculum, such as courses on data science, industrial statistics, physical and social sciences, and engineering. Researchers, practitioners, and data scientists will also find it to be a useful resource with the numerous applications and case studies that are included. A second, closely related textbook is titled Industrial Statistics: A Computer-Based Approach with Python. It covers topics such as statistical process control, including multivariate methods, the design of experiments, including computer experiments and reliability methods, including Bayesian reliability. These texts can be used independently or for consecutive courses.The mistat Python package can be accessed at"In this book on Modern Statistics, the last two chapters on modern analytic methods contain what is very popular at the moment, especially in Machine Learning, such as classifiers, clustering methods and text analytics. But I also appreciate the previous chapters since I believe that people using machine learning methods should be aware that they rely heavily on statistical ones. I very much appreciate the many worked out cases, based on the longstanding experience of the authors. They are very useful to better understand, and then apply, the methods presented in the book. The use of Python corresponds to the best programming experience nowadays. For all these reasons, I think the book has also a brilliant and impactful future and I commend the authors for that."Professor Fabrizio RuggeriResearch Director at the National Research Council, ItalyPresident of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS)Editor-in-Chief of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (ASMBI)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Scientific Reference On Handbook Of The Economics Of Wine (In 2 Volumes)
Over the last three decades, wine economics has emerged as a growing field within agricultural economics, but also in other fields such as finance, trade, growth, environmental economics and industrial organization. Wine has a few characteristics that differentiate it from other agricultural commodities, rendering it an interesting topic for economists in general. Fine wine can regularly fetch bottle prices that exceed several thousand dollars. It can be stored a long time and may increase in value with age. Fine wine quality and prices are extraordinarily sensitive to fluctuations in the weather of the year in which the grapes were grown. And wine is an experience good, i.e., its quality cannot be ascertained before consumption. As a result, consumers often rely on 'expert opinion' regarding quality and maturation prospects.This handbook takes a broad approach and familiarizes the reader with the main research strands in wine economics.After a general introduction to wine economics by Karl Storchmann, Volume 1 focuses on the core areas of wine economics. The first papers shed light on the relevance of the vineyard's natural environment for wine quality and prices. 'Predicting the Quality and Prices of Bordeaux Wine' by Orley Ashenfelter is a classic paper and may be the first wine economics publication ever. Ashenfelter shows how weather influences the quality and the price of Bordeaux Grands Crus wine. Since the weather condition of the year when the grapes were grown is known, an econometric analysis may be constructed. It turns out this model outperforms expert opinion, i.e., critical vintage scores. At best, expert opinion reflects public information. The subsequent papers, by Ashenfelter and Storchmann, Gergaud and Ginsburgh, and Cross, Plantinga and Stavins, tackle the terroir question. That is, they examine the relevance of a vineyard's physical characteristics for wine quality and prices, but from various dimensions and with different results. Next, Alston et al. analyze a question of great concern in the California wine industry: the causes and consequences of the rising alcohol content in California wine. Is climate change the culprit?The next chapter presents three papers that apply hedonic price analyses to fine wine. Combris, Lecocq and Visser show that Bordeaux wine market prices are essentially determined by the wines' objective characteristics. Costanigro, McCluskey and Mittelhammer differentiate their hedonic analysis for various market segments. Ali and Nauges incorporate reputational variables into their pricing model and distinguish between short- and long-run price effects.The next section of this volume deals with one of the unique characteristics of wine — its long storage life, which makes it potentially an investment asset. Studying wine's increasing role as an alternative asset class, Sanning et al., Burton and Jacobsen, Masset and Weisskopf, Masset and Henderson, and Fogarty all examine the rate of return to holding wine as well as the related risks. Since these papers analyze different wines and different time periods there is no 'one message.' However, all point out that, while wine may diversify an investor's portfolio, wine's returns do not beat common stock in the long run.The last two chapters examine the role of wine experts. First, Ashenfelter and Quandt revisit the 1976 'Judgment of Paris' and show that aggregating the assessments of several judges should go beyond 'adding points.' Depending on the method employed, the results may vary, and some measure of statistical precision is essential for interpreting the reliability of the results. In two different papers, Cicchetti and Quandt respond to the necessity to provide statistical tools for the assessment of wine tastings.In a seminal paper, Hodgson reports a remarkable field experiment in which similar wines were placed before judges at a major competition. The results have the shocking implication that how medals are awarded at a major California wine fair is not far from being random. Ashton analyzes the performance of professional wine judges and finds little support for the idea that experienced wine judges should be regarded as experts.Do experts scores influence the price of wine? The answer to this question is less obvious then commonly thought since expert opinion oftentimes only repeats public information such as wine quality that results from the weather that produced the wine grapes. Hadj Ali, Lecocq, and Visser as well as Dubois and Nauges find that high critical scores exert only small effects on wine prices. However, Roberts and Reagans show that a high critical exposure reduces the price-quality dispersion of wineries.Lecocq and Visser analyze wine prices and find that 'characteristics that are directly revealed to the consumer upon inspection of the bottle and its label explain the major part of price differences.' Expert opinion and sensory variables appear to play only a minor role. In an experimental setting using two Vickrey auctions, Combris, Lange and Issanchou confirm the leading role of public information, i.e., the label remains a key determinant for champagne prices. In a provocative and widely discussed study drawing on blind tasting results of some 5,000 wines, Goldstein and collaborators find that most consumers prefer less expensive over expensive wine.Finally, Weil examines the value of expert wine descriptions and lets several hundred subjects match the wines and their descriptors. His results suggest that the ability to assign a certain description to the matching wine is more or less random.Volume 2 covers the topics reputation, regulation, auctions, and market organizational. Landon and Smith, Anderson and Schamel, and Schamel analyze the impact of current quality and reputation (i.e., past quality) on wine prices from different regions. Their results suggest that prices are more influenced by reputation than by current quality. Costanigro, McCluskey and Goemans develop a nested framework for jointly examining the effects of product, firm and collective reputation on market prices.The following four papers deal with regulatory issues in the US as well as in Europe. While Riekoff and Sykuta shed light on the politics and economics of the three-tier system of alcohol distribution and the prohibition of direct wine shipments in the US, Deconinck and Swinnen analyze the European planting rights system. The political economy of European wine regulation is then covered by Melonie and Swinnen, before Anderson and Jensen shed light on Europe's complex system of wine industry subsidies.The next chapter is devoted to wine auctions. In three different papers, Fevrier, Roos and Visser, Ashenfelter, and Ginsburgh analyze the effects of specific auction designs on the resulting hammer prices. The papers focus on multi-unit ascending auctions, absentee bidders, and declining price anomalies.The last chapter, supply and organization, is devoted to a wide range of issues. First, Heien illuminates the price formation process in the California winegrape industry. Then, Frick analyzes if and how the separation of ownership and control affects the performance of German wineries.Vink, Kleynhans and Willem Hoffmann introduce us to various models of wine barrel financing, particularly to the Vincorp model employed in South Africa. Galbreath analyzes the role of women in the wine industry. He finds that (1) women are underrepresented and (2) that the presence of a female CEO increases the likelihood of women in winemaker, viticulturist, and marketing roles in that firm. Gokcekus, Hewstone, and Cakal draw on crowdsourced wine evaluations, i.e., Wine Tracker data, and show that private wine assessments are largely influenced by peer scores lending support to the assumption of the presence of a strong herding effect.Mahenc refers to the classic model of information asymmetries and develops a theoretical model highlighting the role of informed buyers in markets that are susceptible to the lemons problem. Lastly, in their paper 'Love or Money?' Scott, Morton and Podolny analyze how the presence of hobby winemakers may distort market outcomes. Hobby winemakers produce higher quality wines, charge higher prices, and enjoy lower financial returns than professional for-profit winemakers. As a result, profit-oriented winemakers are discouraged from locating at the high-quality end of the market.
Springer International Publishing AG Roads to Higher Dimensional Polytopic Projects: Reference Architectures
High dimensional reference architectures presented here allows confronting and prevailing over the growing complexity of polytopic projects implementations.Such projects should be envisaged giving that conventional systems operations, equipments, methodologies or organizations will reach their limits for self-evolvability in high complexity conditions. Self-evolvable high complexity systems are based on high dimensional polytopic reference architectures.Polytope is the general term of the sequence: point, line, polygon, polyhedron and so on.The polytopic projects are targeting the artificiality, not only for materials where it is well known and applied, but also for biological, cognitive, intelligent and mathematical systems. The book highlights the polytopic projects basic similarity despite the noticeable difference as domains of application. The roads to follow and the algebra of changing roads are emphasized.The book is divided in 9 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the Polytopic Roadmap to 4D and beyond. The role for the dialogue of processes in duality of the non-Aristotelian Logic of Contradiction and of Included Middle is emphasized for different domains. Chapter 2 refers to chemical systems. Supramolecular chemistry, metal organic frameworks, MOF, and reaction networks, are the examples considered in the frame of polytopic chemistry. Chapter 3 refers to biological systems. Biological dynamical hierarchies and quasi-species are the considered case studies. Technological and scientific projects targeting artificiality for cells and viruses are considered. Chapter 4 refers to cognitive systems. Developmental stages, formal and relational concepts analysis, and neural coding are considered here. The roles of the 4D systems of systems of systems and of conceptual 4D-cube are emphasized. Artificiality for cognitive systems is the object of study.Chapter 5 refers to mathematical systems. Modeling levels and the 4D digital twins are discussed. Hopf monoids as tools for the study of combinations and separations, dual graded graphs and V-models are informally presented. Chapter 6 refers to application of formal concept analysis, FCA, for high dimensional separations, nesting and drug delivery. Chapter 7 refers to polytopic engineering systems as multiscale transfer, distributors-collectors, cyclic operations, middle vessel columns, mixing, assembly and designs. Equipments have been characterized using Polytopic Roadmaps and classified by Periodic Tables. Chapter 8 introduces polytopic industry, economy, society and sustainability. Chapter 9 outlines new domains of interest as arts and architecture, transdisciplinarity, complex systems and unity of sciences and engineering.Polytopic Roadmaps are proposed as Method for experts from various fields to synthesize their thinking and capabilities into new projects implementation to face and surpass high complexity. A repetitive finding of this book is that self-evolvability observed in physical systems is based on the same directed sequence of reference architectures as the self-evolvability of concepts in our mind. Continuing to develop the field of self-evolvable systems and presenting the polytopic roadmaps for 4D and beyond advances in ever growing complexity domains, the book will be useful to engineers, researchers, entrepreneurs and students in different branches of production, complex systems sciences and engineering, ecology and applied mathematics.
Human Kinetics Publishers Clinical Guide to Positional Release Therapy
Clinical Guide to Positional Release Therapy With Web Resource provides professionals in the sports medicine and therapy fields with an easy-to-read reference on the clinical application of positional release therapy (PRT). The book is an invaluable resource for those who desire to learn, practice, and perfect the art of PRT to gently treat patients of all ages who have acute and chronic somatic dysfunction, including tightness and pain. Author Timothy E. Speicher, president of the Positional Release Therapy Institute, uses contemporary science and evidence-based practice to provide health care practitioners—including athletic trainers, physical therapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors—with a manual of PRT treatment techniques. The text is also suitable for students enrolled in upper-level courses in athletic training, physical therapy, and massage therapy programs. The highly visual book is organized in a manner that enables the reader to acquire a foundation of the applications, procedures, and theory of PRT. Part I explores the research surrounding PRT, providing articles that support the use of PRT through evidence-based practice. Readers will consider special populations, such as elderly patients, competitive athletes, and patients with disabilities. Part II explores PRT techniques by anatomical area. Each region (lower quarter, pelvis, spine, upper quarter, and cranium) contains an overview of common injury conditions and their myofascial triggers, differential diagnoses, and instructions on palpating and treating specific anatomical structures. Each chapter in part II also contains self-treatment techniques where appropriate. Clinical Guide to Positional Release Therapy dedicates considerable attention to palpation instruction, a core skill that enables successful diagnoses and applications of many orthopedic assessments and therapeutic techniques. Readers also will gain knowledge of anatomical and kinesiological structures to ensure success in assessment. Application of adjunctive therapies, such as ultrasound, electronic stimulation, massage, joint stabilization, and therapeutic exercise, is provided throughout the text to complement PRT and facilitate an optimal healing environment. Clinical Guide to Positional Release Therapy includes more than 400 full-color photos and illustrations. The unique layout of the book displays the anatomy, palpation, and treatment techniques in one or two pages, making the techniques visually easy for practitioners and students to follow and put into practice. In addition, scanning charts listing structures and mapping of the anatomical areas specific to the chapter content appear at the end of each chapter. The text is supplemented by a web resource featuring 61 videos demonstrating various PRT techniques described in the book. The most common conditions and the techniques used to treat them are detailed, and Dr. Speicher provides advice about adapting the techniques to other conditions and muscle groups. The supplemental videos can be accessed online. Whether students are just being introduced to PRT or medical professionals are already seasoned practitioners, Clinical Guide to Positional Release Therapy will assist them in using PRT in a simplified and structured manner to improve patient outcomes.
University of Minnesota Press Collectivism after Modernism: The Art of Social Imagination after 1945
“Don’t start an art collective until you read this book.” —Guerrilla Girls “Ever since Web 2.0 with its wikis, blogs and social networks the art of collaboration is back on the agenda. Collectivism after Modernism convincingly proves that art collectives did not stop after the proclaimed death of the historical avant-gardes. Like never before technology reinvents the social and artists claim the steering wheel!” —Geert Lovink, Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam “This examination of the succession of post-war avant-gardes and collectives is new, important, and engaged.” — Stephen F. Eisenman, author of The Abu Ghraib Effect “Collectivism after Modernism crucially helps us understand what artists and others can do in mushy, stinky times like ours. What can the seemingly powerless do in the face of mighty forces that seem to have their act really together? Here, Stimson and Sholette put forth many good answers.” —Yes Men Spanning the globe from Europe, Japan, and the United States to Africa, Cuba, and Mexico, Collectivism after Modernism explores the ways in which collectives function within cultural norms, social conventions, and corporate or state-sanctioned art. Together, these essays demonstrate that collectivism survives as an influential artistic practice despite the art world’s star system of individuality. Collectivism after Modernism provides the historical understanding necessary for thinking through postmodern collective practice, now and into the future. Contributors: Irina Aristarkhova, Jesse Drew, Okwui Enwezor, Rubén Gallo, Chris Gilbert, Brian Holmes, Alan Moore, Jelena Stojanovi´c, Reiko Tomii, Rachel Weiss. Blake Stimson is associate professor of art history at the University of California Davis, the author of The Pivot of the World: Photography and Its Nation, and coeditor of Visual Worlds and Conceptual Art: A Critical Anthology. Gregory Sholette is an artist, writer, and cofounder of collectives Political Art Documentation/Distribution and REPOhistory. He is coeditor of The Interventionists: Users’ Manual for the Creative Disruption of Everyday Life. “To understand the various forms of postwar collectivism as historically determined phenomena and to articulate the possibilities for contemporary collectivist art production is the aim of Collectivism after Modernism. The essays assembled in this anthology argue that to make truly collective art means to reconsider the relation between art and public; examples from the Situationist International and Group Material to Paper Tiger Television and the Congolese collective Le Groupe Amos make the point. To construct an art of shared experience means to go beyond projecting what Blake Stimson and Gregory Sholette call the “imagined community”: a collective has to be more than an ideal, and more than communal craft; it has to be a truly social enterprise. Not only does it use unconventional forms and media to communicate the issues and experiences usually excluded from artistic representation, but it gives voice to a multiplicity of perspectives. At its best it relies on the participation of the audience to actively contribute to the work, carrying forth the dialogue it inspires.” —BOMB
University of California Press Japan's Invisible Race: Caste in Culture and Personality
Modern Japanese share a myth to the effect that they harbor in their midst an inferior race less "human" than the stock that fathered their nation as a whole. These pariahs, numbering more than two million, are segregated by caste just as firmly as the Negro is in the United States. The present volume, to which several Japanese and American social scientists have contributed, offeres an interdisciplinary description and analysis of this strangely persistent phenomenon, inherited from feudal times. Its main thesis is that caste and racism are derivatives of identical psychological processes in human personality, however differently structure they may be in social institutions. It finds that what it terms status anxiety, related to defensively held social values, leads to a need to segregate disparaged parts of the population on grounds of innate inferiority. Until the time of their official emancipation in 1871, the so-called eta were distinguished visibly by their special garb. Today few clues to their identity are visible; yet, they remain a distinguishable, segregated segment of the population and bear inwardly, in a psychological sense, the stigma resulting from generations of oppression. This volume traces the story of the outcastes in complete detail--their origin, their stormy post-emancipation history, and their present leftist political significance. Large populations of outcasts live in urban ghettoes within the major cities of south-central Japan. In some of these metropolitan centers they comprise up to 5 percent of the population but contribute 60 to 65 percent of unemployment and relief roles. They have periodic trouble with the police; they manifest a delinquency rate more than three times that of the ordinary population; their children do poorly in school; they are subject to various forms of job discrimination; and few marriages are successfully consummated across the caste barrier. Some try to escape their past identity by becoming prostitutes or by entering the underworld. Those who survive discrimination to achieve status in society either live in fear of exposure [if they are "passing"] or overtly maintain their identity in proud isolation. Some who live in rural communities have achieved equal economic status with their neighbors but not full social acceptance. In their theoretical closing discussion the authors offer a challenging critique of Marxian class theory in introducing the concept of "expressive" exploitation--that is, the psychological use of a subordinate group as a repository of what is disavowed by the values of a culture in a caste society--as distinct in form and function from the "instrumental" economic or political exploitation of subjected minorities in class societies. Contributors:Gerald BerremanJohn B. CornellJohn DonoghueEdward NorbeckJohn PriceYuzuru SasakiGeorge O. Totten This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press's mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1966.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Night Fighter Navigator: Beaufighters and Mosquitos in WWII
Yorkshireman Dennis Gosling joined the RAF on May 24 1940\. Having completed his training he was posted to 219 Squadron flying the night-fighter version of the Beaufighter from Tangmere in 1941\. As a navigator, he became part of a two-man team that would endure throughout his first operational tour. In those infant day of radar interception he honed his skills in the night skies above southern England and the English Channel but without a firm kill. On 12 February 1942, he and his pilot were instructed to pick up a brand new aircraft and deliver it to North Africa, flying via Gibraltar, a hazardous flight at extreme range. In March the crew were posted to 1435 Flight of 89 Squadron with the task of defending the besieged island of Malta. The four Beaufighters of the flight flew into an horrific scenario of almost constant bombing raids by the Luftwaffe and Italian Air Force. Because of these raids the damage to aircraft on the ground was devastating and the Flight was often reduced to a single serviceable aircraft. His first success came in April 1942 with a confirmed kill, and then shortly after his 21st birthday on 13 May a triumphant night on the 17th brought 3 certain kills and one damaged enemy aircraft. From being the virgins of the squadron they shot into the record books, his pilot being awarded the DFC. To his disgust, Flight Sergeant Gosling received no award. At this stage he became somewhat embittered by the class system he felt was operated by the RAF. Having endured the torment of constant bombardment, serious stomach complaints (even flying with a bucket in the aircraft) and near starvation he completed his tour and was repatriated to the UK via Brazil and Canada in the Queen Mary. After a spell instructing new night navigators, he joined 604 Squadron and in December 1943 he was promoted to Warrant Officer. February 1944 saw the squadron reequipped with the Mosquito and assignment to 2 Tactical Air Force in preparation for D-Day. Now once again he was flying initially over southern England and the Channel. The squadron became mobile after the landings and were based in various captured airfields in France, but the conditions were so inadequate for operations that the squadron returned to English bases, from where they operated over and beyond the advancing Allied troops. Eventually, after having been awarded a much deserved DFC, he accepted the King's Commission. This autobiography is written as stated by the author "I want my readers to relive my experiences as they happened to me - to take their hands and have them walk beside me. I want them to feel the joy and the pain, share the laughs and the heartache, take pleasure in the triumphs, agonise with me when things went wrong and understand why my Service years influenced so much of my life." He has succeeded magnificently
Scottish Mountaineering Club The Grahams & The Donalds
Following on from the Scottish Mountaineering Club's best-sellers, The Munros and The Corbetts, this definitive guidebook recommends the best journeys on the next principal listings of Scottish hills. Written and compiled by some of the foremost authorities on the Scottish mountains and brought to life with maps and vivid colour photographs, this richly illustrated guide details more than 250 routes, including, where appropriate, logical combinations with neighbouring hills. Ranging between 600m and 762m, there are 231 Grahams, while the Donalds comprise the 141 summits and Tops above 2000ft (610m) in the Scottish Lowlands. At such an accessible height range, these hills are increasingly popular and offer challenges across the country for both the occasional and dedicated walker. The lower height limit for a Graham was changed from 2000ft (609m) to 600m by Alan Dawson, the keeper of the list, after the book was sent to print. Consequently 3 hills removed from the list in 2014 once more qualify as Grahams along with 9 new summits, taking the total from 219 to 231. So that users of this book have route information for all of the hills on the official list, we have prepared an addendum containing updated information to Grahams already in the book, together with route descriptions and maps for the newly added and reinstated hills in the list below. This is available as a free download at Whether you're looking to climb all the summits on Scotland's principal lists or just want some great days off the beaten tracks, The Grahams & The Donalds is a book no hillwalker should be without. About the SMC The SMC produces a number of Hillwalkers' Guides including the best and most popular guides to the Munros, Corbetts, Grahams and Donalds, together with a series of area guidebooks covering all of Scotland. In addition, it produces Scramblers' Guides and the definitive series of Climbers' Guidebooks covering summer and winter climbing in Scotland. SMC guidebooks are published by the Scottish Mountaineering Press. The Scottish Mountaineering Press is a wholly owned subsidiary of a charity, the Scottish Mountaineering Trust, to whom we channel all of our profits. At the Press we promote and share Scotland's natural wonders by embracing the creativity and art born out of an explorer spirit, and by celebrating the endeavour and joy in a life lived outdoors. About the Editors Rab Anderson co-authored the previous SMC guidebook to The Munros, as well as editing The Corbetts. He has written or contributed to various guidebooks for the SMC, most recently the Climbers' Guide to the Outer Hebrides (co-author) and the acclaimed Hillwalkers' Guide to The Grahams & The Donalds (co-author and co-editor). Rab lives in Edinburgh. Tom Prentice co-authored the SMC Hillwalkers' Guide to The Munros. From his home in Glasgow he has made a career out of photographing and writing about Scotland's mountains, contributing to magazines, newspapers, radio and television, as well as authoring and publishing numerous books.
TFM Publishing Ltd Low back pain: Some real answers
Back pain is the commonest form of rheumatism and it is estimated to affect between 65% and 80% of populations sampled. The costs of back pain-related medical care and disability compensation make it one of society's most significant non-lethal medical conditions. Whilst mortality is low, its morbidity is high, inconvenience great, and economic burden massive. The actual symptom of back pain is one of the commonest and most perplexing encountered in medical practice. A proper understanding of what it means is crucial for further medical advance. However, the field of back pain research probably has more experts than any other. Anybody who has back pain will, as often as not, expound views on all matters concerning causation and expectations. Indeed, it is not for a lack of ideas that this field of investigation has failed to make progress. A respected senior investigator advised me early on that patients could not even tell which side their pain was on. It was only many years later that I discovered why. Though the initial incident or accident would seem important to the patient and to the researcher, it is remarkable how little it helps distinguish patterns of back pain. Tests of inappropriate behaviour in the past have been widely disseminated and yet even the originators have said that they cannot be sure of the implications of positive non-organic test findings. This book will show that these 'indicators' are not what they seem to be. In many cases, it is difficult to tell which level in the lumbar spine the pain comes from, and thus treatments such as injections or operation, may be given at the wrong level, let alone the wrong side. Though the various forms of back pain treatment seem to help some patients, when these same treatments are subjected to randomised controlled trials, the evidence for efficacy seems to all but vanish. With all these difficulties and uncertainties, it can be seen why low back pain presents one of the most fallible fields of healthcare. This book indicates that there are ways of dealing with the majority of these problems. Many of the answers from the research conducted were most unexpected. The reader is also advised that the scientific approach cannot deliver hard and fast answers to all contemporary questions in such a wide field and much has depended on the choice of problems to study. Whilst the tests used to distinguish the patterns in this study have their limitations, and whilst there is, as yet, only limited evidence as to the underlying pathology for the patterns recognised, it is felt that some of the other patterns identified are descriptive of diagnoses that are generally accepted. If the answers that are put forward appear to change the direction of understanding, it is hoped that you, the reader, will be able to carry the enquiry further when you see patients, advise treatment or even experience back pain yourself!
Merrell Publishers Ltd Ralston Crawford: Air & Space & War
American art underwent a transformation during the period 194055, and nowhere is that change better exemplified than in the work of Ralston Crawford (19061978). Crawford worked in a variety of media throughout his career, and his wartime and early postwar art ranged from designing camouflage and creating weather infographics for the US Army to documenting the detonation of the atomic bomb for Fortune magazine. This exciting new book explores Crawford's influences and the ideas and experiences he had during World War II and its aftermath, and chronicles a period of change, during which Crawford gradually moved away from celebrating feats of engineering and industrial development to creating imagery that was more abstract and far more personal, expressing the grief and anxiety of the postwar world. Crawford's painting during the 1930s had largely been a dazzling series of Precisionist works that reflected American advances in industry, engineering and technology. After the United States entered World War II, Crawford served in the Weather Division of the Army Air Forces. He created pictorial representations of weather patterns for airplane pilots, and was exposed to countless photographs of air crashes. He continued working as an artist throughout the conflict, receiving a commission to paint the Curtiss-Wright aircraft plant in Buffalo, New York, and, in 1946, an assignment to observe and record one of the atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll. These experiences had a profound impact on Crawford, and marked a major turning point in his life and art. Published to coincide with an exhibition opening at the Dayton Art Institute, Ralston Crawford: Air & Space & War presents a remarkable selection of Crawford's paintings, drawings, photographs and prints from this time. These vary from powerful images of chaos and devastation to ordered and precise paintings of airplane assembly at the Curtiss-Wright plant and cover illustrations and charts related to weather, flight and radar for Fortune magazine. The evolution of many of the works can be traced from photograph and drawing to the finished painting, revealing Crawford's decisions about form and space, which were informed by his experiences with airplanes and flight. Accompanying the artworks is a series of perceptive essays. Rick Kinsel considers Crawford's war years in the context of developments in both aviation and American art. Emily Schuchardt Navratil reflects on aerial views by Crawford and on his Curtiss-Wright commission. Amanda Burdan looks at Crawford's work for Fortune, while Jerry Smith surveys various American and European abstract renditions of airplanes and flight as a means by which to place Crawford's interest in aviation during World War II into a broader historical context. In the final essay, John Crawford examines the importance of photography in his father's work, and explores collage as both a compositional technique and as a term that may be used to describe the series of intense experiences that contributed to Crawford's development as an artist in the 1940s and early 1950s. 270 illustrations
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
AComprehensive Guide to Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) begins by describing the general characteristics, classification, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, clinical uses and adverse effects of NSAIDs. The adverse effects of NSAIDs, drug interactions and their clinical applications in neurological diseases, headaches, and cerebrovascular diseases are discussed. These drugs are also often used in dermatology, especially in the treatment of dermatosis. Extensive information concerning NSAIDs and dermatological diseases is provided. A broad perspective on the role of NSAIDs in infectious diseases is also provided. The next chapter discusses findings concerning the effects of NSAIDs on bone and tendon healing, together with cellular and molecular factors. The authors suggest that NSAIDs may be a risk factor for tissue healing. Diclofenac sodium (DS), widely used in urology clinics, exhibits dose-dependent side effects on various systems. This chapter suggests that nanoparticle technology can be applied to the oral form of DS in order to reduce its side-effects. The effects of NSAIDs on the reproductive systems of both sexes are also evaluated. Both genders make extensive use of NSAIDs during infertility treatment. Another chapter focuses on how DS affects spermatogenesis. The authors suggest that DS causes histopathological changes in the testes by disrupting the nutrition of testicular cells and impairing complete testis functions. Men wishing to have children should therefore use this drug with caution. The authors also review the effects of NSAIDs on prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. In the following chapter, the authors examine the role of NSAIDs in gynaecology and obstetrics. Advances in the use of NSAIDs and melatonin in reproductive medicine for both sexes are discussed. The authors describe the biological roles of NSAIDs and melatonin in human reproduction, diseases, pregnancy, and assisted reproductive treatment. The subsequent chapter highlights the side-effects of NSAIDs on the gastrointestinal system. This book goes on to assess how DS affects the nervous system in the light of molecular and cellular analysis. The authors first explore the dose-dependent effects of DS on the nervous system. They then examine the potential neuroprotective / neurotoxic effects of DS on the nervous system, including the spinal cord, brain, cerebellum and peripheral nerves. The effects of DS on the adult hippocampus are assessed based on experimental studies. The purpose of this section is to highlight the relationship between oxidative stresses and the role of antioxidants in reducing DS toxicity. The importance of melatonin administration against pre- and postnatal DS toxicity in the nervous system is evaluated in several chapters. Recent findings suggest that prenatal exposure to NSAIDs causes an alteration in the morphology of optic nerve fibres based on stereological, histological and electron microscopic analysis. The authors evaluate histomorphometric results from light and electron microscopic analysis of the effects of prenatal DS exposure on male fertility. Numerous studies have shown that all elements of the male system are affected by this exposure. Lastly, the authors specifically focus on Sertoli cells and suggest that prenatal DS exposure produces toxic effects on Sertoli cell morphology.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Plant Flavonoids Against Metastasis: New Concepts For Cancer Treatment
Cancer poses a major threat to human health and is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Today, we know that metastasis, a multistep process whereby tumour cells spread from the site of origin to distant organs, is responsible for most cancer mortality. In fact, more than 90% of cancer-related deaths are attributed to tumour metastasis. Unfortunately, there are no therapies currently available to specifically target metastasis of any human cancer types, and patients with distant metastases ultimately die from their disease. Current conventional treatment modalities are focused on the removal of tumours by surgical resection and/or the killing of malignant cells using cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs or ionizing radiation, with no substantial inhibitory effects on the migratory and invasive abilities of cancer cells. Moreover, emerging evidence has shown that these standard treatment modes can unexpectedly increase the motility and invasiveness of surviving tumour cells, inducing or accelerating metastases formation and aggravating malignant progression. This paradoxical phenomenon can help us to understand why, despite the technological advancements in surgical procedures and drug delivery methods, the overall survival rate of numerous cancer types has barely changed over the past several decades, remaining unacceptably poor. Due to the insufficiency of existing therapies in improving the prognosis of cancer patients, new effective treatment options are urgently needed. To this end, the focus must be moved from a simply cytotoxic approach to s metastasis-preventing strategy, substituting the question of why cancer forms and how to kill it for the question of why tumours spread and how to prevent metastasis. In this book, a conceptually new approach to cancer management is presented, by focusing not on the killing of transformed neoplastic cells, but blocking the spread of tumour cells to distant organs, thereby restricting malignant progression and targeting the main cause of cancer-related mortality. Plant-derived flavonoids might be ideal candidates for novel antimetastatic agents, as they are non-toxic and possess the capacity to inhibit multiple steps of metastatic cascade. These polyphenolic phytochemicals act through regulating a number of metastasis-associated signalling cascades in different tumour cells, and also modulate diverse components of tumour microenvironments and attenuate the formation of tumour-specific angiogenesis. Moreover, the combination of certain flavonoids with surgical resection, chemotherapy or radiotherapy may result in the abolishment of the metastasis-promoting effects of these conventional therapeutic modalities, providing novel treatment options for combating cancer in the future. It is expected that the development of flavonoids for antimetastatic drugs and their inclusion in further cancer treatment strategies can substantially improve the prognosis of patients with various types of malignancies in a time when cancer incidence is predicted to continuously increase throughout the world. This book should be read by anyone who is interested in innovative advances in cancer care. Due to its systemic approach to cellular and molecular processes of metastatic cascade, this book might serve as a useful contemporary textbook for medical colleges and universities for studies of cancer development, progression and dissemination.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Endometriosis: From Diagnosis to Treatment
Endometriosis is a chronic benign estrogen-dependent disease which is characterized by the presence of endometriotic glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity. It affects women during reproductive age, but it may also be diagnosed in menopausal women. Endometriosis can be asymptomatic; but most frequently it can be responsible for pain symptoms and/or infertility, severely impacting women' quality of life. Overall, clinical presentation depends on the location of endometriotic lesions: intestinal symptoms can occur in case of bowel nodules whereas urinary symptoms can occur in case of urinary tract endometriosis. At the moment, the exact prevalence of endometriosis is unknown because its definitive diagnosis requires surgery and histological evaluation. It has been estimated that this benign chronic disease affects at least 3.6% of reproductive age women; however, its prevalence could significantly increase considering women suffering from dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain and/or infertility. The etiology of endometriosis is unclear: various factors, such as multiple abnormalities of the immune system, genetic factors and environmental factors may influence women' susceptibility to develop this chronic disease. Although the gold standard for the diagnosis of endometriosis is the pathological evaluation of surgical biopsies or specimens, today transvaginal ultrasonography is largely employed to reliably identify the presence of deep infiltrating endometriosis or ovarian endometriomas. The aim of the surgery for endometriosis is to restore the normal anatomy by removing endometriotic lesions and by performing adequate removal of abdominal adhesions. However, surgery, in case of deep infiltrating implants, can be rather challenging for gynecologists due to the complexity of pelvic adhesions involving several structures and it may be characterized by rare but not negligible urological, intestinal, neurological and vascular complications. Furthermore, pain may recur after conservative surgery for endometriosis. Although surgery is obviously required in cases of ureteral stenosis, bowel occlusion or ovarian cysts with doubtful characteristics of malignancy, medical therapy, and, particularly, hormonal therapies, are the initial therapeutic approach today for most patients with endometriosis-related pain. Long-term medical therapy for endometriosis aims to minimize the production and action of estradiol, inhibiting the production of cyclic hormones from the ovaries. Numerous medical options (such as estroprogestins, progestins, gonadotropin- releasing hormones analogs and antagonists) are available for treating women with endometriosis: the choice of the most suitable compound is based on several factors, such as intensity of pain, age, desire to conceive, costs, route of administration and impact of the endometriosis on work capacity, sexual function and quality of life of each women. Currently, research is focused on finding new innovative targets to treat this benign chronic disease; in fact, it is well known that development, maintenance and progression of endometriosis depend on a variety of aberrant mechanisms including cell proliferation, immune function, apoptosis, invasion capacity and angiogenesis. The aim of this book is to give an accurate overview on pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of endometriosis.
APress Using and Administering Linux: Volume 1: Zero to SysAdmin: Getting Started
Learn to be a Linux sysadmin and an expert user of the Linux operating system, even with no previous Linux experience. This second edition of the popular and highly rated Linux self-study training course has been fully updated to Fedora Linux 37 with expanded and revised content and figures as well new chapters on the BTRFS file system, using Zram for swap, NetworkManager, automation with Ansible, and systemd.Like the previous version, this edition has been reviewed for technical accuracy by a highly respected Linux expert and will prepare you to manage complex systems with ease and equip you for a new career. It has also been reviewed by a student who took this course to ensure its readability and flow for those with little or no previous experience with Linux.In this first volume of the training course series, you will learn about operating systems in general and Linux in particular, and explore the Linux philosophy for SysAdmins in preparation for the rest of the course. This book provides you with the tools necessary for mastering user management; installing, updating, and deleting software; and using command line tools to do performance tuning and basic problem determination.You'll begin by creating a virtual network and installing an instance of Fedora – a popular and powerful Linux distribution – on a VirtualBox VM that can be used for all of the experiments on an existing Windows or Linux computer. You’ll then move on to the basics of using the Xfce GUI desktop and the many tools Linux provides for working on the command line including virtual consoles, various terminal emulators, Bash, and other shells.Explore data streams and the Linux tools used to manipulate them, and learn about the Vim text editor, which is indispensable to advanced Linux users and system administrators and be introduced to some other text editors. You’ll also see how to install software updates and new software, learn additional terminal emulators, and some advanced shell skills. Examine the sequence of events that take place as the computer boots and Linux starts up, configure your shell to personalize it in ways that can seriously enhance your command line efficiency, and delve into files and filesystems.What You Will Learn Install Fedora Linux and basic configuration of the Xfce desktop Access the root user ID, and the care that must be taken when working as root Use Bash and other shells in the Linux virtual consoles and terminal emulators Create and modify system configuration files with Use the Vim text editor Explore administrative tools available to root that enable you to manage users, filesystems, processes, and basic network communications Configure the boot and startup sequences Who This Book Is For Anyone who wants to learn Linux as an advanced user and system administrator at the command line while using the GUI desktop to leverage productivity.
Royal Society of Chemistry Bionanodesign: Following Nature's Touch
The progress of today's science and technology encounters an increasing demand for finer and more efficiently performing materials with properties superior over those of current and hence ageing devices. Whether this is concerned with electronics or drug delivery, cancer diagnostics or alternative energy sources, the search for means of miniaturizing the existing materials or devising fundamentally new components with higher capacities appears to be relentless. A saving solution to this is widely proposed as the design and fabrication of nanostructures, molecular architectures with dimensions featured below 100 nm. Replicating Nature's designs faithfully reproduced over millions of years provides perhaps the most straightforward route to success. Nature offers examples of nanodefined self-assemblies in virtually all levels of biological organization. However explicit guidance to the fabrication of functional or specialist nanostructures is of paramount importance. Nanotechnology is often referred to as building nanoscale structures from bottom up. However, while it is visually clear what is at "up" little is given and understood what is at the "bottom". This new book gives the notion of and provides rules for building nanostructures from basics - the very bottom. The main objective of this publication is to bring together contemporary approaches for designing nanostructures that employ naturally derived self-assembling motifs as synthetic platforms. The book has been written to satisfy the demands that motivate the search for and principles that prove to help the design of novel nanostructures. The overall goal is to compile the existing understanding of rules that govern biomolecular self-assembly into a practical guide to molecular nanotechnology. It is written in the shape of a review referenced as fully as permissible within the context of biomolecular design, which forms a general trend throughout. The volume is composed of three core chapters focusing on three prominent topics of applied nanotechnology where the role of nanodesign is predominant. The three key areas from which popular highlights can be drawn are: -employing the genetic repository, DNA, for creating various geometric nanoscale objects and patterns -the empirical pursuit of an artificial virus, a magic bullet in gene therapy -designing artificial extracellular matrices for regenerative medicine Specific applications that arise from designed nanoscale assemblies as well as fabrication and characterization techniques are of secondary importance and whenever they appear serve as progress and innovation highlights. The book takes an unconventional approach in delivering material of this kind. It does not lead straight to applications or methods as most nanotechnology works tend to do, but instead it focuses on the initial and primary aspect of "nano" rather than on "technology". Nanodesign is unique in its own field - illustrations are essential and the cohort of brilliant bioinspired designs reported to date form a major part of the publication. In addition, key bibliographic references are covered as fully as possible. A special appendix giving a short list of leading world laboratories engaged in bioinspired nanodesign is also included.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Nuances of Latin American Art: Matices del arte en América latina
Is there such a thing as Latin American Art? Does it need this label in a global art world? It is, of course, clear that there is no such thing, just as there is no African nor European art. It would be interesting though to include Caribbean art (which of course doesn't exist either) and talk about specific forms of creolization in the way that Edouard Glissant means it from a global perspective that is not just Western. If we look at different artistic expressions in different local contexts within a geographic and linguistic area called Latin America, the insights we get are very interesting. It might remind us of a kaleidoscope, an ever changing, glittering flux of perspectives on a fluid carrier medium. Through extensive field research involving travel in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico and Peru, I have been seeking to answer these questions and go into the Looking Glass. Those journeys have included connecting as much as possible with locals and investigating the subject of visual culture through them. In order to learn about local traditions, I have explored a small portion of the Amazonas on the border of Tres Fronteras, and stayed with an indigenous family on one of the Islands of Lake Titicaca. Additionally, in Peru I visited the art school in Cusco which is famous for the Cuzco School paintings. Whether in rural settings or the urban landscapes of Latin America, my approach has always been to be humble, to listen and learn, aware that my perspective is that of a Western woman. The discovery of immense cultural diversity intensely broadened my horizons. In order to develop an understanding of Latin American art, I have realized that attempting to describe it requires an open mind that stretches beyond any pre-conceived Eurocentric notions. Only then it is possible to appreciate the enormous variety of artistic expressions and contexts throughout multiple Latin American regions. The projects described here reflect fifteen collaborations that were carried out, over a period of six years involving thirty-four artists. In some cases, the exchanges included galleries in various Latin American countries. The themes explored were diverse and varied. They ranged from the abstract and highly conceptual to the more tangible and material. Together, the culminating exhibitions have each contributed to exploring essential questions about Latin American Art. The answers, however, are far from simple or complete. Beyond the collection gathered here, the process of discovery continues. So far, I have only witnessed the seedlings of my understanding beginning to emerge. During the process of trying to better understand Latin American Art and through producing exhibitions in Switzerland, as well as curating content in Mexico City and Brazil, it has become clear that cultural bridges can be built through the universal interests that inform artistic expression. These successful projects have demonstrated enormous potential for future artistic collaborations of all sorts. The possibilities are endless. - Andrea Hinteregger De Mayo, 2018. Text in English and Spanish.
Plural Publishing Inc Clinical Methods and Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology: 2025
With major content updates and enhanced supporting online materials, the seventh edition of Clinical Methods and Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology remains an essential resource for students in speech-language pathology who are about to begin their clinical practicum. The text is a comprehensive source of information that will help establish clear expectations for both student clinicians and clinical supervisors. It is hoped that students who read this book prior to starting their clinical practicum will be better prepared to meet the exciting and yet often challenging task of providing ethical and effective services to children and adults with communication disorders. Readers will gain an understanding of the structure of different clinical practicum sites; principles of ethical practices; conduct, behavior, and competencies expected of them; justifiable expectations of their clinical supervisors; and the many fundamental principles of assessment and intervention across most disorders of communication. The book is divided into two sections: clinical practicum and clinical methods in speech-language pathology. These sections provide coverage of the structural and functional aspects of clinical practicum in a variety of settings. The author emphasizes that clinical practicum is an exciting learning experience. The students will understand what is expected of them in each setting and what they can expect from their clinical supervisors. An overview of treatment methods that apply across disorders is also included. New to the Seventh Edition Two new chapters: Chapter 5 on assessment, which includes a sample assessment report Chapter 6 on clinical reports, treatment plans, and data documentation The clinical methods sections include new and expanded information on assessment, target behaviors, and treatment strategies for all disorders of communication The section on clinical practicum in public schools has been expanded to reflect the current guidelines and practices Infused multicultural issues into all relevant chapters and consequently eliminated a separate chapter on the topic Updated information on ASHA's new or current requirements and guidelines for clinical practicum and certification in speech-language pathology Expanded and updated ASHA guidelines on telepractice Summary of ASHA's latest position on the qualifications of clinical supervisors Information on the qualifications and scope of practice of speech-language pathology assistants in various settings Added chapter summary questions so students can assess their understanding of the material Significantly enhanced the suite of online resources, including more in-depth PowerPoint slides and a new test bank for instructors, plus sample reports, recording sheets, and templates for students Key Features Outlines open each chapter and provide a summary of the key topics A comprehensive glossary allows readers to easily find and define important terms or concepts Bulleted and boxed information for easy access Online supporting materials for students and instructors PluralPlus Online Ancillary Materials For instructors: PowerPoint Slides, Test Bank For students and clinicians: Assessment Procedures and Reports Baserate Procedures and Recording Forms Probe Data Recording Form Examples and Templates Treatment Procedure and Data Recording Forms Treatment Plans Treatment Progress Reports Glossary of Medical Abbreviations Glossary of Educational Abbreviations Referral Letter
Human Kinetics Publishers Introduction to Kinesiology: Studying Physical Activity
This is the loose-leaf version of Introduction to Kinesiology, Sixth Edition With HKPropel Access, which offers students a less expensive, printed version of the text.Introduction to Kinesiology: Studying Physical Activity, Sixth Edition With HKPropel Access, offers students a comprehensive overview of the field of kinesiology and explores the subdisciplinary fields of study, common career paths, and emerging ideas that are part of this dynamic and expanding discipline. This engaging, full-color introductory text stimulates curiosity about the vast field of kinesiology and generates awareness of the long-standing and current issues that kinesiology professionals seek to understand and solve.Introduction to Kinesiology, Sixth Edition, features a three-section structure that has always been a strength of this leading introductory textbook. Part I examines the diversity of physical activity and kinesiology and summarizes the importance of knowledge gained through physical activity experiences. Part II delves into the seven major subdisciplines of kinesiology, with an overview of major historical events, research methods, professional work and application, and ideas for career advancement in each. Part III elaborates on professionalism and then examines five main areas for career opportunities. With hundreds of updated references, the sixth edition includes the latest research and data available as well as an increased emphasis on sensitivity and inclusion. New editor Timothy A. Brusseau, a national youth physical activity expert who has served on the board of directors for the American Kinesiology Association, contributes his expertise and insight to the text. Additional updates to the sixth edition include the following: Related online learning tools delivered through HKPropel offer interactive opportunities to engage with and better understand the content. Updates to data, research, and graphics incorporate the most recent discoveries. New Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Kinesiology sidebars highlight influential contemporary studies and discuss how they can be applied in professional settings as an evidence-based practice. New Subdisciplinary Highlight sidebars feature trending topics in the subdisciplines of kinesiology. New Hot Career Opportunity sidebars discuss emerging career paths for kinesiology and exercise science majors. The online learning activities include audio, video, drag-and-drop activities, and scenario-based exercises to fully immerse students into the various aspects of kinesiology. Students will learn how to read and evaluate research and will develop the ability to think critically in order to confront specific challenges. Most of the activities can be assigned, and progress tracked, directly through HKPropel. Chapter quizzes (assessments), which are automatically graded, may also be assigned to test comprehension of critical concepts. Ample learning aids within the text—such as chapter objectives, summaries, key points, and review questions—will also aid in knowledge retention. Opening scenarios at the beginning of each chapter feature a specific athlete, activity, or issue in kinesiology that serves to illustrate the main points.Introduction to Kinesiology provides essential information for students embarking on their study of kinesiology, and this updated sixth edition prepares them for future courses and further study. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
Baen Books Into the Vortex
A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing . . . but knowing the full truth might get you killed. Druadaen, Outrider for the once-mighty Dunarran Consentium, has proven that there are irreconcilable contradictions between magic and physics on Arrdanc, the world of his birth. And what is his reward for this important discovery, made against all odds and at considerable personal risk? Exile—organized and compelled by nervous temple hierarchs. However, Druadaen remains determined to uncover what several ancient persons and beings have urged him to seek: “the truth of the world”—which might only be gained by travelling beyond it. Indeed, the mysterious Lady of the Mirror speculates that he might find the answers by journeying to the other side of her unusual looking glass: a reflective, ethereal portal that she calls a “shimmer.” But there’s a catch: because the mysterious portal only allows a single person to pass through, Druadaen must leave his companions behind. Unfortunately, once he has, they discover that the “shimmer” only allows travellers to leave Arrdanc, not return to it. So his friends, led by stalwart swordsman Ahearn, resolve to find another means by which they can retrieve Druadaen—and with him, the truth of the world. There’s just one small problem with their quest: the closer they come to finding a solution, the more obvious it becomes that various powers on Arrdanc don’t want them to succeed. In fact, they’d rather Druadaen doesn’t return at all. So much so that they might kill both him and his friends in order to prevent it. About This Broken World: “Charles Gannon puts the skills he has honed writing science fiction and fantasy to good use crafting a story that will keep the reader fairly entertained.”—Manhattan Book Review About Charles E. Gannon: “Chuck Gannon is one of those marvelous finds—someone as comfortable with characters as he is with technology, and equally adept at providing those characters with problems to solve. Imaginative, fun, and not afraid to step on the occasional toe or gore the occasional sacred cow, his stories do not disappoint.”—David Weber “If we meet strong aliens out there, will we suffer the fate of the Aztecs and Incas, or find the agility to survive? Gannon fizzes with ideas about the dangerous politics of first contact.”—David Brin “Chuck Gannon writes the kind of science fiction we all grew up on: rousing, mind-expanding, pulse-pounding sagas of spaceships and aliens. He's a terrific writer, and we're lucky to have him.” —Robert J. Sawyer “[A] strong [writer of] . . . military SF . . . [much] action going on in his work, with a lot of physics behind it. There is a real sense of the urgency of war and the sacrifices it demands.” —Locus About the work of Charles E. Gannon: Caine’s Mutiny: “This is military Science Fiction the way it’s supposed to be written. . . . All in all, a highly satisfying tale of the Terran Republic that moves the story forward and sets us up for the next chapter, which promises to be interesting at worst and explosive at best.”—SFcrowsnest Raising Caine: “Raising Caine unveils a lot of thought-provoking ideas but ultimately this is a space opera adventure. There are space battles, daring emergency landings, desperate quests, hand-to-hand combat, and double-and-triple crosses. It’s an engrossing read. You owe it to yourself to read the two previous books in order. Then enjoy Raising Caine. It’s an intergalactic thrill-ride.”—Fantasy and Science Fiction Book and Audiobook Reviews “This is science-fiction adventure on a grand scale.”—Kirkus “Gannon’s harrowing . . . military space opera (following Trial by Fire) builds well on his established setting . . . Gannon’s signature attention to developing realistic alien worlds makes this installment satisfying.”—Publishers Weekly “[A]n incredibly active book . . . as our protagonists are confronted by the beautiful, terrible, and sometimes lethal variety of the universe and its inhabitants. . . . [A] whole mess of fun . . . that manages to be scientifically accurate while refraining from excessive wonkiness. Those who value meticulous world-building . . . will certainly have their needs met.”—BN Sci-Fi and Fantasy Blog Nebula-nominated Trial by Fire: “I seriously enjoyed Trial by Fire. This one’s a tidal wave—can’t put it down. An excellent book.” —Jack McDevitt “Gannon's whiz-bang second Tales of the Terran Republic interstellar adventure delivers on the promise of the first (Fire with Fire). . . . The charm of Caine's harrowing adventure lies in Gannon's attention to detail, which keeps the layers of political intrigue and military action from getting too dense. The dozens of key characters, multiple theaters of operations, and various alien cultures all receive the appropriate amount of attention. The satisfying resolution is enhanced by the promise of more excitement to come in this fascinating far-future universe.”—Publishers Weekly starred review “[D]efinitely one to appeal to the adventure fans. Riordan is a smart hero, up against enormous obstacles and surrounded by enemies. Author Gannon does a good job of managing action and tension to keep the story moving, and the details of the worlds Riordan visits are interesting in their own right.”—Analog “[O]ffers the type of hard science-fiction those familiar with the John Campbell era of Analog Science Fiction will remember. Gannon throws his readers into an action-packed adventure. A sequel to Fire With Fire, it is a nonstop tale filled with military science-fiction action.”—The Galveston County Daily News Compton Crook Award winner for best first novel Fire with Fire: “The plot is intriguing and then some. Well-developed and self-consistent; intelligent readers are going to like it.”—Jerry Pournelle “[T]he intersecting plot threads, action and well-conceived science kept those pages turning.”—SFcrowsnest Starfire series hit Extremis, coauthored by Charles E. Gannon: “Vivid . . . Battle sequences mingle with thought-provoking exegesis . . .”—Publishers Weekly “It’s a grand, fun series of battles and campaigns, worthy of anything Dale Brown or Larry Bond ever wrote.” —Analog
DK Pop-Up Peekaboo! Mermaid: Pop-Up Surprise Under Every Flap!
An interactive pop-up book that inspires hands-on learning with the help of magical mermaid friends! Tactile elements and delightful imagery will encourage the development of motor skills and early learning.Bold, brightly colored pictures, lift-the-flap pages and entertaining rhymes, Pop up Peekaboo: Mermaid provides lots of opportunities for parent-and-child interaction and hours of enchanting underwater mermaid fun. Journey through the ocean and find all the magical mermaid friends getting ready to go to the Mermaid Queen’s birthday ball!Babies and toddlers will love lifting the big flaps to find five peekaboo surprises pop up from the pages: Rainbow Raya beneath some shells, Musical Millie behind the coral playing her golden lyre, Cupcake Cory among the sea plants with the Queen’s birthday cake, Dancing Dara behind a sea cave, and of course the Mermaid Queen. Vocabulary about mermaids, fish and various sea creatures are carefully woven throughout, making this board book a fun and easy story about sparkly mermaids. Inside the pages of this adventure pop-up book, you’ll find:- Hands-on play that builds confident book skills.- Look-and-find peekaboo games that reward curiosity.- Rhythmic, read-aloud text that aids language development.- Rounded edges and chunky board book pages, protecting babies and their growing teeth!This pop-up book has been designed as an all-round activity learning experience, to get the most out of story time. Read aloud the lively rhymes that create the amusing story for your kids to follow, and play a guessing game of who is behind the flap! The rhymes and the easy-to-read text help preschoolers remember the new words they are learning for early language development. This interactive book for 2 year olds helps teach young children object permanence, which is an important step in childhood development. Turning the pages and moving the pop-ups helps toddlers learn motor control for improved dexterity.Complete the Pop-Up book series!Surprise! The peekaboo fun doesn't stop here! Your little one will enjoy hours of hide-and-seek surprises with the My Pop-Up series. Find your farmyard friends with Pop-Up Peekaboo! Farm, search the oceans in Pop-Up Peekaboo! Under the Sea and travel back in time to find dinosaurs in Pop-up Peekaboo! Baby Dinosaur and more!
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Student Workbook for Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology and Anatomy
Corresponding to the chapters in Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy, 5th Edition, this unique workbook gives you an extensive background in oral biology and the formation and study of dental structures. The fifth edition includes even more case studies with questions presented in the integrated national board format, updated review questions, and removable flashcards to ensure you fully grasp the foundational building blocks of oral healthcare. With updated labeling and terminology exercises, tooth drawing guidelines, and more, this packed resource is an excellent way to prepare for the classroom, board exams, and beyond. Comprehensive coverage includes all the content needed for an introduction to the developmental, histological, and anatomical foundations of oral health. Detailed case studies include radiographs, clinical photos, profiles, complaints, health histories, and intraoral examination data, each accompanied by multiple-choice questions, to promote critical thinking skills and prepare students for board examinations. UNIQUE! Guidelines for Tooth Drawing emphasize fundamental principles in tooth design and include detailed instructions, tips, and dimensions for drawing each permanent tooth. Glossary exercises include crossword puzzles and word searches for practice and review of key terminology. Expert author Margaret Fehrenbach is one of the most trusted names in dental hygiene education. Detachable flashcards help students master tooth morphology and tooth numbering, with multiple-angle drawings of a permanent tooth on one side of the flashcard and characteristics of that tooth on the back. A logical organization allows students to focus on areas in which they may need more practice, with units on: (1) anatomic and structure identification and labeling, (2) glossary exercises (3) tooth structure, (4) review questions, and (5) case-based application. Perforated workbook pages are three-hole-punched so that they easily fit into a binder, and pages can be removed and submitted to instructors for assignments or extra credit. NEW! Expanded structure identification exercises include additional developmental, microbiological, and anatomical structures for more practice identifying and labeling various parts or structures. NEW! Review questions for each unit provide even more opportunities for content mastery in preparation for classroom or board exams. NEW! Additional case studies include questions using the integrated national board format Updated! Evidence-based research thoroughly covers infection control of extracted teeth. NEW! Occlusal clinical assessment exercises help prepare students for chairside clinical patient care.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Falcon's Eyes: A Novel
"With her eye for historical detail and flair for sympathetic heroines, Francesca Stanfill breathes new life into the medieval court of Eleanor of Aquitaine. The Falcon’s Eyes is a novel of epic proportions that succeeds in being both intimate and vast. History is Stanfill’s canvas, humanity her inspiration."—Amanda Foreman, bestselling author of Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshire“Stanfill has persuasively re-imagined the Middle Ages, surrounding the legendary Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine with indelible characters in an immersive tale of intrigue, bravery, ruthlessness, and compassion. . . . The Falcon’s Eyes is a dazzling adventure, with riveting twists and turns and a surprising yet deeply satisfying conclusion."—Sally Bedell Smith, author of Elizabeth the QueenSet in France and England at the end of the twelfth century, the moving story of a spirited, questing young woman, Isabelle, who defies convention to forge a remarkable life, one profoundly influenced by the fabled queen she idolizes and comes to know – Eleanor of AquitaineWillful and outspoken, sixteen-year-old Isabelle yearns to escape her stifling life in provincial twelfth century France. The bane of her mother’s existence, she admires the notorious queen most in her circle abhor: Eleanor of Aquitaine. Isabelle’s arranged marriage to Gerard --- a rich, charismatic lord obsessed with falcons --- seems, at first, to fulfill her longing for adventure. But as Gerard’s controlling nature, and his consuming desire for a male heir, become more apparent, Isabelle, in the spirit of her royal heroine, makes bold, often perilous, decisions which will forever affect her fate.A suspenseful, sweeping tale about marriage, freedom, identity, and motherhood, THE FALCON’S EYES brings alive not only a brilliant century and the legendary queen who dominated it, but also the vivid band of complex characters whom the heroine encounters on her journey to selfhood: noblewomen, nuns, servants, falconers, and courtiers. The various settings — Château Ravinour, Fontevraud Abbey, and Queen Eleanor’s exiled court in England — are depicted as memorably as those who inhabit them. The story pulses forward as Isabelle confronts one challenge, one danger, after another, until it hurtles to its final, enthralling, page. With the historical understanding of Hillary Mantel and the storytelling gifts of Ken Follett, Francesca Stanfill has created an unforgettable character who, while firmly rooted in her era, is also a woman for all times.
Springer International Publishing AG Microbiota from the Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeocene Boundary Transition in the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Central India: Systematics and Palaeoecological, Palaeoenvironmental and Palaeobiogeographical Implications
This book describes the microbiota of the intertrappean beds in the Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh, India. In this work, special emphasis is placed on the microbiota from the Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeocene transition of the central Narmada River region. Recently, the intertrappean beds of the Eastern Deccan Volcanic Province (one of the subprovinces of the Deccan Volcanic Province) have received considerable attention, which resulted in the addition of some significant biotic assemblages to the existing record from the Dindori-Chhindwara area of the province. The biotic assemblages include charophytes, ostracods, foraminiferans, fishes, frogs, lizards, turtles, crocodiles, and mammals. In spite of the recent discoveries, the known fossil record of the Late Cretaceous-Early Palaeocene biota of India is not sufficient and thus does not permit us to speculate on the possible impact of environmental changes triggered by the Deccan volcanic lava flows on the contemporary biota and to precisely document their palaeoecologic, palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographic implications. The recent biotic reports from the intertrappean beds exposed in the Chhindwara region of the Eastern Deccan Volcanic Province clearly indicate that these beds have a vast potential in terms of fossil content, which could reveal new and dissimilar biotic remains when compared to the Western Deccan Volcanic Province. The record of diverse accumulations of freshwater charophytes, brackish to freshwater ostracods, and planktic foraminiferal and fish assemblages from the intertrappean beds of Jhilmili and adjacent areas of Early Danian (P1a) age and lying just north of Chhindwara town and in the heart of peninsular India has intriguing implications for defining the age limits of the basaltic flows. The occurrence of non-marine taxa, for example, algae, molluscs, and vertebrates, associated with brackish water ostracods in the nearby Singpur and Mohgaon Kalan localities of the Chhindwara region, has also raised concerns about the sedimentary environments of these intertrappean beds. The new finds (presented in this book) prove useful for the better understanding of the palaeoecology and palaeoenvironment of the biota and also throw light on various paleobiogeographic models proposed for the northward drifting Indian plate. The microbiotic assemblages of the intertrappean beds of the eastern Deccan volcanic province at District Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh are documented in this book. The microbiota of the central Narmada River region, the charophytes, ostracods, planktic foraminifera, and fishes, receive special attention in this study.
Liverpool University Press Hasidic Studies: Essays in History and Gender
Ada Rapoport-Albert has been a key player in the profound transformation of the history of hasidism that has taken shape since the 1970s. She has never lacked the courage to question conventional wisdom, but neither has she overturned it lightly. The essays in this volume show the erudition and creativity of her contribution to rewriting the master-narrative of hasidic history. Thanks to her we now know that eighteenth-century hasidism evolved in a context of intense spirituality rather than political, social, economic, or religious crisis. It did not represent the movement’s ‘classic period’ and was not a project of democratization, ameliorating the hierarchical structuring of religion and spirituality. Eighteenth-century hasidism is more accurately described as the formative and creative prelude to the mature movement of the nineteenth century: initially neither institutionalized nor centralized, it developed through a process of differentiation from traditional ascetic-mystical hasidism. Its elite leaders only became conscious of a distinctive group identity after the Ba’al Shem Tov’s death, and they subsequently spent the period from the late eighteenth to the early nineteenth century experimenting with various forms of doctrine, literature, organization, leadership, and transfer of authority. Somewhat surprisingly there was no attempt to introduce any revision of women’s status and role; in the examination of this area of hasidism Rapoport-Albert’s contribution has been singularly revealing. Her work has emphasized that, contrary to hasidism’s thrust towards spiritualization of the physical, the movement persisted in identifying women with an irredeemable materiality: women could never escape their inherent sexuality and attain the spiritual heights. Gender hierarchy therefore persisted and, formally speaking, for the first 150 years or so of hasidism’s existence women were not counted as members of the group. Twentieth-century Habad hasidim responded to modernist feminism by re-evaluating the role of women, but just as Habad appropriated modern rhetorical strategies to defend tradition, so it adopted certain feminist postulates in order to create a counter-feminism that would empower women without destabilizing traditional gender roles. The essays in this volume are a fitting statement of Professor Rapoport-Albert’s importance to the study of hasidism, to Jewish studies as a whole, and to the academic scrutiny of religion. Written over a period of forty years, they have been updated for this volume with regard to significant detail and to take account of important works of scholarship written after they were originally published.
Pucker Gallery,US When the Rainbow Breaks: H O P E in the Art of Samuel Bak
Common wisdom has it that a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this series of paintings artist Samuel Bak wonders: can a word be worth a thousand pictures? Words are constructed from letters, which stem from hieroglyphic representations of the world around us. The use of letters, words, and sentences in art is not the domain only of comics and cartoons. Examples exist in medieval art, in the art of the post-Impressionists, the Cubists, the Dadaists, the Conceptualists, and more. Bak has always integrated letters and words into his art, incorporating both Hebrew and English characters, cleverly visualizing turns of phrase, and playing on multiple meanings and double entendres. In this series, the letters of the word hope appear in various conditions and ambiguous states—sometimes monumental, sometimes disguised, unnaturally large or unusually small, at times solid and whole, at other times broken and in disarray. They are both impish and foreboding, sometimes clearly presented and other times defying order or even recognition. They are wounded yet resilient, detached but seeking connection. Four simple letters—H, O, P, E—belie the significance and complexity of the word they spell. Is hope something we find or something we build? We dwell in a world that shapes us as we shape it and this interactive dimension applies to the feeling of hope, familiar to every human being who has ever anticipated, wished, or expected. For Bak, the work of building hope, or believing in the hope that others offer, requires engaging with the discarded and broken pieces of a previously trusted world now irrevocably shattered by the Holocaust. In landscapes, still lifes, and figural works, Bak gathers the layered elements of hope for us to contemplate and reminds us that they hold within and among them a promise for rebuilding and renewal. At best, hope is a wager of trust embodied in the venture of going forth. In his essay, Henry Knight guides us through the multivalent forms of hope in Bak’s work, asks us to question what we see and look beyond the visible, endeavors to define what hope after the Holocaust looks like, and teaches us that the process of creation after destruction represented by Bak’s work is itself the ultimate act of hope.
Whittles Publishing Structural Safety: Theory & Practice
We all depend on infrastructure for civilised living with the scale and sophistication of what we build ever increasing. Manifestly we all have a vested interest in construction being safe, and yet failures occur. Not infrequently these failures are catastrophic and accompanied by huge cost and occasional loss of life. Avoiding such tragedies is every engineer's desire but how to do it is not straightforward. Nor is it straightforward to respond the question of: is this project safe? Nonetheless, progress can be made by laying down guidelines of what makes structures safe and by studying the pattern of past failures as a basis for predicting what might go wrong. This assists by drawing on the author's considerable career experiences of observation, study and practice. The opening chapter describes the general challenges of making structures safe taking account of uncertainty and the consequence of failure, and it also describes the evolution of safety thinking which nowadays includes issues of worker safety and health. Subsequent chapters discuss what is meant by both failure and safety and describe various safety attributes that ought to be targeted. Even over the last 50 years, structural methodologies for analysis and design have evolved to reflect the way we collectively think is the best to assure safe structures. Many of the notions used are rather abstract and so can best be appreciated by learning from what has gone wrong in the past. Unfortunately there is no shortage of precedents. Hence all subsequent chapters covering human error, material failures, construction failures and fire follow a general pattern of describing the problem, accompanied by examples illustrating how failures have arisen in practice. It will be apparent that common themes recur. Engineered structures protect societies, so some of the biggest challenges we face are of designing against the possibility of man-made or environmental catastrophe. Most readers will be familiar with the occurrence of natural events such as storm, flood and earthquake and so two chapters are devoted to man-made and natural hazards. Occupational health and safety, plus designers' legal obligations to assure these, are described in another chapter. The final chapter concerns Avoiding Failure and deals with concepts such as hazards and risk and the procedures that can be followed to minimise the probability of serious failure occurring.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Water Resource Economics and Policy: An Introduction
Economic issues arise in almost every water policy context. Water is of most concern when scarce, but physical scarcity is often overcome as human beings move water from place to place, sometimes creating monumental structures. The roles that cost and economic value play in water resource allocation are implicit, but often poorly understood. This second edition clarifies the role of economics and offers material that can be applied to water resource allocation problems around the world. Topics covered include: groundwater, floods and droughts, in situ uses of water, and institutions and law. New to the book is an exploration of water issues outside the United States as well as a new application of behavioral and experimental economics to the topic.A concise introduction to issues of water quality and quantity in both urban and agricultural settings, Water Resource Economics and Policy will be a valuable resource or text for students and researchers in the fields of agricultural economics, geography, law, and hydrology. Those involved in water resource agencies and private utilities will also find the book a useful reference.Acclaim for the first edition:'This textbook is written for first-year graduate students and senior level undergraduates in economics. ... Graduate students in geography, water resources, and environmental management should also be interested. The well-done helpful diagrams and charts are those expected for a textbook in economics at this level. In every chapter many interesting real-world examples illustrate the concept being discussed. Some chapters have easy-to-read case studies set off from the text. ... I plan on keeping this excellent book as a shelf reference and would willingly adopt it for a class in water resource economics.' - Donald E. Agthe, Journal of the American Water Resources Association'This is a much-needed book, which introduces the interested reader to the economics of water resource allocation, and analyzes relevant policy issues derived from all over the world. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first book which is focused on communicating the basic economic concepts that govern water resources allocation. ... The lively writing style of W. Douglass Shaw, which is enriched with excellent examples and case studies from various countries, makes this book an obvious choice for a textbook in relevant courses ... this excellent book should be a compulsory reading for all of us who work in the field of water resources management.' - Phoebe Koundouri, Ecological Economics
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Further Correspondence of William Laud
The correspondence of William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury from 1633 to 1645, provides revealing insights into his mind, methods and activities, especially in the 1630s, as he sought to remodel the church and the clerical estatein the three kingdoms. William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury from 1633 to 1645, is a central figure in the history of seventeenth-century Britain. Laud's correspondence provides revealing insights into his mind, methods and activities, especially in the 1630s, as he sought to remodel the church and the clerical estate in the three kingdoms. The Further Correspondence of William Laud prints 223 letters, drawn from thirty-eight libraries and archives, which were not included in the nineteenth-century edition of his Works. It has real importance for our perception of Laud and the early Stuart church, greatly increasing the number of his letters for the 1620s and providing significant new information, such as the three earliest letters to his closest political ally, Thomas Wentworth, in 1630. Other correspondents include politicians such as Sir John Coke and Lord Keeper Coventry, the diplomat Sir William Boswell, numerous heads of colleges at both Oxford and Cambridge, and churchmen such as Bishops John Bridgeman of Chester and John Bramhall of Derry as well as Cyril Lucaris, Patriarch of Constantinople. A lengthy introduction assesses the waysin which these letters deepen our knowledge, broaden our understanding and refine our views of Laud's various roles, as chief ecclesiastical counsellor to Charles I, court politician and administrator, chancellor of Oxford University, and overseer of religious reformation in the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland. An appendix lists all of Laud's correspondence in chronological order. Collectively, the letters attest to his extraordinary energy andtireless commitment to reform and point to the indelible impact that Laud made on his contemporaries. KENNETH FINCHAM is Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Kent. He has written extensively on religion and politics in early modern Britain, including two monographs, Prelate as Pastor: the Episcopate of James I (1990) and, with Nicholas Tyacke, Altars Restored: the Changing Face of English Religious Worship 1547-c.1700 (2007); edited two collections of essays, The Early Stuart Church 1603-1642 (1993) and, with Peter Lake, Religious Politics in post-Reformation England (2006); and edited two volumes of Articles and Injunctions of the Early Stuart Church (1994-8) for the Church of England Record Society.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Emerging Technologies for Socio-Economic Impact
Managing Emerging Technologies for Socio-Economic Impact is an important contribution to both the literature and practice of managing emerging technology. Importantly, this book not only considers the economic impact but also the wider societal impact and benefit. It is recommended reading for all those who aspire to steward emergent technologies into reality.'- Martin Curley, Vice President, Director, Intel Labs Europe, Intel Corporation'This book offers a series of fascinating studies about the emergence of new technologies in different eco-systems of university-industry-government relations.'- Loet Leydesdorff, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands'The chapters in this exciting new book explore the ways in which new technologies emerge, develop and are then commercialized. The chapters, many of which are by exciting young European scholars, are both theoretically and empirically sophisticated. If the reader is interested in how emerging technologies create socio-economic impact, this book will provide them with unique new insights. I recommend the book to all readers.'- Martin Kenney, University of California, Davis, USThe development of emerging technologies demands a rapidly expanding knowledge base and intensive collaboration across organizational, institutional and cultural borders. This book is the first of its kind to focus on the management of key emerging technologies and their social and economic impact in Europe.Split into four parts, across 17 chapters, the scholars offer multiple levels of analysis concerning the management of emerging technologies across various sectors ranging from nanotechnology, renewable energy and cloud computing to synthetic biology and particle therapy for cancer. They present their research findings in critical areas including:- organizational capabilities for technological innovation in key enabling technologies- collaboration and networking to shape their emergence and progression- strategic challenges for policy makers who influence the sustainable and responsible development of emerging technologies- how such technologies affect work and communication practices in a variety of organizational settings.This book is a must-read for innovation practitioners, academics and policy makers who take interest in the on going debate about how to shape innovation policy and manage emerging technologies.Contributors: A. Alexiou, D.G. Assimakopoulos, A. Carafa, D. Cotta, J.P. Damijan, E. Dolgova, R. Dombrovski, D. van Doren, M. Drenkovska, P. Durgam, A. Es-Sajjade, B. Gao, S. Khanagha, J.P. Madiedo, N. Maya, I. Oshri, D. Pacauskas, K. Pandza, A. Parker, M. Pero, T. Reiss, M. Rossi, F. Salvador, B. Schrempf, J. Sidhu, H.W. Volberda, T.A Wilkins, M. Wolf
Taylor & Francis Inc Persuasive Advertising for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners: How to Create More Effective Sales Messages
Here is the perfect book for entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to know how to create effective advertising on an affordable budget. Persuasive Advertising for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners shows you how to plan and execute money-making advertisements and commercials--on a workable budget. Jay Granat, an experienced marketing professional and ad man, provides readers with a practical understanding of advertising principles, media selection, copywriting, consumer behavior, and persuasive advertising methods in promotional efforts. These principles have important implications, and Jay Granat shows you how to utilize them and stay within your means. Successful cases from across the media--television, print, direct mail, radio, transit, and public relations, representing construction, law, medicine, publishing, retail businesses, restaurants, and others--highlight various prosperous approaches to persuasive advertising.Written specifically for entrepreneurs and small business owners, Granat’s book is the first to explain how to use persuasive tactics and strategies. Ideal for established small business owners and those starting such a venture, this manual makes affordable advertising an easier step on the path to success. In addition to analyzing many aspects of advertising, this manual outlines appropriate networking and public relations strategies for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Granat teaches you how to construct money-making advertising and to recognize when your sales messages are effective and when the messages need to become more persuasive. To help illustrate the power of effective sales messages, he includes examples of his own advertising successes and failures. You will be better equipped to foresee when your own advertising campaigns are more likely to succeed or more likely to fail and how to reverse a failing campaign. Descriptions of the advantages and disadvantages of each advertising medium assist with the question of how to construct effective and persuasive selling messages for specific media.Whether you are looking for advice on how to plan a marketing/advertising campaign, ways to familiarize yourself with each medium available and select a medium to carry your messages, or how to use mind-set advertising, you will find it in Persuasive Advertising for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners. This abundance of useful information is ideal for copywriters, brand managers, entrepreneurial institutes, business professors, communications professionals, readers of Inc., Success, and Entrepreneur, advertising and marketing students, and of course, entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Human Kinetics Publishers Motor Learning and Performance 6th Edition With Web Study Guide-Loose-Leaf Edition: From Principles to Application
Motor Learning and Performance: From Principles to Application, Sixth Edition With Web Study Guide, enables students to appreciate high-level skilled activity and understand how such incredible performances occur. Written in a style that is accessible even to students with little or no knowledge of physiology, psychology, statistical methods, or other basic sciences, this text constructs a conceptual model of factors that influence motor performance, outlines how motor skills are acquired and retained with practice, and shows students how to apply the concepts to a variety of real-world settings. The sixth edition of Motor Learning and Performance has been carefully revised to incorporate the most important research findings in the field, and it is supplemented with practice situations to facilitate a stronger link between research-based principles and practical applications. Other highlights include the following: A web study guide offers updated principles-to-application exercises and additional interactive activities for each chapter, ensuring that students will be able to transfer core content from the book to various applied settings. Extensive updates and new material related to the performance of complex movements expand the theoretical focus to a more in-depth analysis of dynamical systems and the constraints-led approach to learning. Narratives from Motor Control in Everyday Actions that appear in the web study guide tie each book chapter to concrete examples of how motor behavior is applicable to real life. Photo caption activities pose questions to students to encourage critical thinking, and answers to those questions are provided to instructors in the instructor guide. As the text investigates the principles of human performance, pedagogical aids such as learning objectives, key terms, and Check Your Understanding questions help students stay on track with learning in each chapter. Focus on Research and Focus on Application sidebars deliver more detailed research information and make connections to real-world applications in areas such as teaching, coaching, and therapy. The sixth edition of Motor Learning and Performance: From Principles to Application goes beyond simply presenting research—it challenges students to grasp the fundamental concepts of motor performance and learning and then go a step further by applying the concepts. Incorporating familiar scenarios brings the material to life for students, leading to better retention and greater interest in practical application of motor performance and learning in their everyday lives and future careers.
Duke University Press All about Your Eyes, Second Edition, revised and updated
A concise, easy-to-understand reference book, the revised and updated second edition of All about Your Eyes tells you what you need to know to care for your eyes and what to expect from your eye doctor. In this reliable guide, leading eye care experts: * explain eye anatomy and how healthy eyes work * describe various eye diseases, including pink eye, cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy * provide up-to-date information on surgery For each eye problem, the authors describe in simple, straightforward language: * what it is * the symptoms * what, if anything, you can do to prevent it * when to call the doctor * diagnostic tests and treatment * the likelihood of recoveryAll about Your Eyes includes a glossary of technical terms and, following each entry, links to websites where further information may be found. Contributors. Natalie A. Afshari, MD, Rosanna P. Bahadur, MD, Paramjit K. Bhullar, MD, Faith A. Birnbaum, MD, Cassandra C. Brooks, MD, Pratap Challa, MD, Melissa Mei-Hsia Chan, MBBS, Ravi Chandrashekhar, MD, MSEE, Nathan Cheung, OD, FAAO Claudia S. Cohen, MD, Vincent A. Deramo, MD, Cathy DiBernardo, RN, Laura B. Enyedi, MD, Sharon Fekrat, MD, Henry L. Feng, MD, Brenton D. Finklea, MD, Anna Ginter, MD, Tanya S. Glaser, MD, Michelle Sy Go, MD, MS, Mark Goerlitz-Jessen, MD, Herb Greenman, MD, Abhilash Guduru, MD, Preeya Gupta, MD, Renee Halberg, MSW, LCSW, S. Tammy Hsu, MD, Alessandro Iannaccone, MD, MS, FARVO, Charlene L. James, OD, Kim Jiramongkolchai, MD, Michael P. Kelly, FOPS, Muge R. Kesen, MD, Kirin Khan, MD, Wajiha Jurdi Kheir, MD, Jane S. Kim, MD, Jennifer Lira, MD, Katy C. Liu, MD, PhD, Ramiro S. Maldonado, MD, Ankur Mehra, MD, Priyatham S. Mettu, MD, Prithvi Mruthyunjaya, MD, MHS, Nisha Mukherjee, MD, Kenneth Neufeld, MD, Kristen Peterson, MD, James H. Powers, MD, S. Grace Prakalapakorn, MD, MPH, Michael Quist, MD, Leon Rafailov, MD, Roshni Ranjit-Reeves, MD, Nikolas Raufi, MD, William Raynor, BS, Cason Robbins, BS, Ananth Sastry, MD, Dianna L. Seldomridge, MD, MBA, Terry Semchyshyn, MD, Ann Shue, MD, Julia Song, MD, Brian Stagg, MD, Christopher Sun, MBBS, Anthony Therattil, BS, Daniel S.W. Ting, MBBS, Fay Jobe Tripp, MS, OTR/L, CLVT, CDRS, Obinna Umunakwe, MD, PhD, Lejla Vajzovic, MD, Susan M. Wakil, MD, C. Ellis Wisely, MD, MBA, Julie A. Woodward, MD
Elsevier Health Sciences Small Animal Toxicology
Diagnose and determine treatment for toxic exposures in small animals with this quick reference! Small Animal Toxicology, 3rd Edition covers hundreds of potentially toxic substances, providing the information you need to manage emergency treatment and prevent poisonings in companion animals. To help you identify an unknown poison, this guide provides a list of potential toxins based on clinical signs or symptoms. It also includes a NEW color insert with 85 full-color photographs of toxic plants and of lesions associated with various poisonings. Written by respected veterinarian Michael E. Peterson and board-certified veterinary toxicologist Patricia A. Talcott, along with a team of expert contributors, this edition covers a wide variety of topics including toxicodynamics, toxicokinetics, effective history taking, recognizing clinical signs of toxic exposures, managing emergencies, and supportive care of the poisoned patient. Comprehensive coverage of toxins/poisons includes the full range of substances from acetaminophen to zinc, including home products, prescription medicines, recreational drugs, and more. Guidelines to evaluation, diagnosis and treatment include examinations of the source, toxic dose, toxicokinetics, clinical signs, minimum database, confirming tests, treatment progress and differential diagnosis for each specific toxicant. Coverage of common poisonous substances includes grapes and raisins, nicotine, mercury, mushrooms, Christmas-time plants, and snake and spider venoms. Toxicological Concepts section provides information on toxicologic principles such as history taking, providing supportive care, and managing emergency treatment. General Exposures section addresses nontraditional toxicology such as indoor environmental air, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and toxicities in pregnant and lactating animals. Miscellaneous Toxicant Groups section covers commonly encountered specific toxicants, the proper use of diagnostic laboratories, use of human poison control centers, and antidotes for specific toxins. More than 50 international contributors provide up-to-date, authoritative advice on treating poisonings and intoxications. 20 new chapters have been addedNew topics include a list of toxicants affecting body systems, management of toxins in pregnancy, diagnostic toxicology, bacterial toxins, and cosmetic/toilet articlesSnake-bite injuries are treated in two separate, expanded chapters: Pit Vipers and Coral SnakesSection on pharmaceuticals includes bromides, anticonvulsants, tricycle antidepressants, monoamine oxidize inhibitors, B-adrenergic toxicities, and vitamins A and DAdditional specific toxicants are covered, including Amitraz, hydramethylon, ethanol, mercury, toad toxins, poisonous frogs, salamanders, newts and venomous arthropods. Additional specific toxicants are covered, including Amitraz, hydramethylon, ethanol, mercury, toad toxins, poisonous frogs, salamanders, newts and venomous arthropods.
Elsevier Health Sciences Saunders Nursing Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
. This complete lab book contains the latest information on testing organized alphabetically for quick reference. . It is both student-friendly and provides great information for practicing nurses. . Significance of Test Results sections list the diseases and disorders that are associated with abnormal findings and Test Result Indications sections list the possible clinical significance of abnormal findings. . Tests are presented in a format that emphasizes the nurse's role, and includes Basics the Nurse Needs to Know and Nursing Care. . The clinical purpose of each test is identified, and how each test is performed is clearly explained. . A pronunciation guide for the name of each test helps with difficult terminology. Alphabetical organization of the laboratory tests (featuring alphabetical thumb tabs) makes every test easy to find. Also Called sections feature synonyms and abbreviations that help you identify specific tests. Purpose of the Test states the indications of each test. Basics the Nurse Needs to Know offers an explanation of each test in clear, simple language. Normal Values in standard and SI units include variations for gender and age, where relevant. How the Test is Done succinctly describes how each test is performed. Significance of Test Results list the diseases and disorders that are associated with abnormal findings. Interfering Factors list the factors, such as drugs, herbs, and improper specimen collection and handling, that inadvertently affect test results. Nursing Care is divided into Pretest, During the Test, and Posttest, listing in detail what the nurse does in the testing process. Nursing Response to Critical Values and Nursing Response to Complications detail what you should be alert for before, during, and after the test and how to manage dangerous situations. Explicit incorporation of nursing concerns related to lab tests can only be found in this lab book. Over 50 new and updated pieces of art highlight how results are interpreted, what equipment is used, and how various techniques are performed. Over 20 new tests prepare you for the types of tests you will encounter during your clinical experience. Patient Teaching icons make crucial nursing content easy to find. New Student Resources on Evolve feature a variety of supplemental learning tools. Skills materials, including skills checklists, PDFs of skills, and brief skills video clips, help you master specimen collection and basic diagnostic procedures. Patient handouts provide practical, useable materials to make your clinical experience easier. Audio pronunciations simplify the process of learning difficult terminology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Value-Based Management in Government
Provides step-by-step guidance on implementing and using a value-based management system within the government Countless books on proposed management practices have been written and published over the past century. Some of these have focused on specific management practices for government. In more recent decades, the topics of strategic planning, performance management, cost management and risk management have been extensively covered. However, little has been offered as an approach to integrate these and numerous other management methods and practices in a manner that maximizes the delivery of value to the organization’s key stakeholders. A general management framework is presented in this book in a manner particularly applicable to government organizations. Value-Based Management in Government introduces a new, integrating framework for management practices that optimizes the balancing of results sought; resources supplied and allocated; and risks accepted. These considerations are all balanced for the purpose of delivering maximum stakeholder value. The book offers guidance on how strategic planning, performance management, cost/resource management, and risk management must all be integrated as part of a portfolio management framework across the organization. The book also discusses the role of information technology (IT) in providing data for insights and decision-making, and the importance of organizational change management to implement the needed organizational and behavioral changes. Beginning by explaining the concept of Value-Based Management for the public sector and government, the text goes on to explore topics such as the evolutionary stages of maturity of management accounting, the benefit of attributes (e.g., value-add versus nonvalue-add) in cost data, predictive planning with expense projections, risk management, and various performance measurements (e.g., key performance indicators [KPIs] ). This authoritative book: Discusses a framework for balancing and integrating cost, performance, and risk Explains IT systems integration issues related to activity-based cost management (ABC/M) Addresses why some ABC/M implementation projects fail to meet expectations Describes how quality management efforts can be measured in financial terms Explores the wider uses of predictive accounting (e.g., driver-based budgeting, what-if scenario analysis) Provides organizational change management insights and recommendations needed to achieve the required changes in management decision-making. Value-Based Management in Government is an important source of information for leaders, executives, managers, and employee teams working within or with government organizations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications
Introduces risk assessment with key theories, proven methods, and state-of-the-art applications Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications remains one of the few textbooks to address current risk analysis and risk assessment with an emphasis on the possibility of sudden, major accidents across various areas of practice—from machinery and manufacturing processes to nuclear power plants and transportation systems. Updated to align with ISO 31000 and other amended standards, this all-new 2nd Edition discusses the main ideas and techniques for assessing risk today. The book begins with an introduction of risk analysis, assessment, and management, and includes a new section on the history of risk analysis. It covers hazards and threats, how to measure and evaluate risk, and risk management. It also adds new sections on risk governance and risk-informed decision making; combining accident theories and criteria for evaluating data sources; and subjective probabilities. The risk assessment process is covered, as are how to establish context; planning and preparing; and identification, analysis, and evaluation of risk. Risk Assessment also offers new coverage of safe job analysis and semi-quantitative methods, and it discusses barrier management and HRA methods for offshore application. Finally, it looks at dynamic risk analysis, security and life-cycle use of risk. Serves as a practical and modern guide to the current applications of risk analysis and assessment, supports key standards, and supplements legislation related to risk analysis Updated and revised to align with ISO 31000 Risk Management and other new standards and includes new chapters on security, dynamic risk analysis, as well as life-cycle use of risk analysis Provides in-depth coverage on hazard identification, methodologically outlining the steps for use of checklists, conducting preliminary hazard analysis, and job safety analysis Presents new coverage on the history of risk analysis, criteria for evaluating data sources, risk-informed decision making, subjective probabilities, semi-quantitative methods, and barrier management Contains more applications and examples, new and revised problems throughout, and detailed appendices that outline key terms and acronyms Supplemented with a book companion website containing Solutions to problems, presentation material and an Instructor Manual Risk Assessment: Theory, Methods, and Applications, Second Edition is ideal for courses on risk analysis/risk assessment and systems engineering at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also an excellent reference and resource for engineers, researchers, consultants, and practitioners who carry out risk assessment techniques in their everyday work.