Search results for ""Author Frances"
Canongate Books Dear Olivia: An Italian Journey of Love and Courage
In this fascinating follow-up to the highly successful Dear Francesca, Mary Contini writes to her other daughter, Olivia, to tell the story of her great-grandparents, the humble Italian shepherds who emigrated to Edinburgh and then helped to transform Britain's food culture. Sharing some of the recipes that they brought over, the tomatoes, the garlic, the sausage, the wine, this is a mouthwatering memoir of family and food. It is also a brilliant evocation of life between the wars, a triumphant story of survival against all the odds, that captures the sights and smells of Italian life and culture, at home and abroad.
Duckworth Books Hotbed: Bohemian New York and the Secret Club that Sparked Modern Feminism
New York City, 1912: in downtown Greenwich Village, a group of women gathered, all with a plan to change the world. This was the first meeting of ‘Heterodoxy’, a secret social club. Its members were passionate advocates of women’s suffrage, labour rights, equal marriage and free love. They were socialites and socialists; reformers and revolutionaries; artists, writers and scientists. Hotbed is the never-before-told story of the club whose audacious ideas and unruly acts transformed an international feminist agenda into a modern way of life. For readers who loved Mo Moulton’s Mutual Admiration Society and Francesca Wade’s Square Haunting.
Silvana Paolo Canevari: Self-Portrait
Self-Portrait explores 30 years of artistic research by Paolo Canevari (Rome, 1963), proposing a series of sculptures, drawings and installations ranging from the first creations in the wake of Arte Povera, to those made of rubber from the 1990s, up to the more recent series Monuments of the Memory: Landscape and Constellations. The works tell of Canevari’s vision of art-making, which moves from a classical training combined with a profound conceptual research, while also animated by a strong political character. Through the use of different media and materials – with a predilection for the rubber of inner tubes and tyres – Canevari adopts a language that is sometimes brutal, often ambiguous, certainly evocative, to bring light into the dark territories of man, understood both as an individual and as humanity. His radical and subversive approach aims to stimulate a reaction in the observer, with the intention, on the one hand, of breaking prejudices and clichés, on the other of investigating personal, intimate and inner aspects in relation to the work of art and its universal meaning. The volume includes a critical text by Robert Storr, two interviews with the artist collected respectively by Robert Storr and Francesca Pietropaolo and by Shirin Neshat, and a tribute to Canevari written by late Sicilian novelist Andrea Camilleri. Text in English and Italian.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Atlas de las ciudades perdidas
A Aude de Tocqueville le gustan las ciudades, unos espacios a los que define como mundos abiertos en perpetua metamorfosis, y sobre todo le gustan las ciudades en silencio, aquellas donde la imaginación puede desplegarse sin límites. Las ciudades, como si fueran personajes de una novela, nacen, crecen, viven, mueren y, por último, resucitan gracias a la presencia de los viajeros.Este atlas viaja hasta Sanzhi y Wanli, en Taiwán, un delirio nacido de promotores fanáticos del diseño futurista, Seseña, la ciudad que murió antes de vivir, o hasta Jeoffrécourt, un simulacro de ciudad surrealista en plena llanura de la Picardía francesa.
Alianza Editorial Bailén
El gran friso narrativo de los Episodios Nacionales sirvió de vehículo a Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) para recrear en él, novelescamente engarzada, la totalidad de la compleja vida de los españoles (guerras, política, vida cotidiana, reacciones populares) a lo largo del agitado siglo XIX. En " Bailén " , Gabriel de Araceli, repuesto de las heridas recibidas en la jornada madrileña del 2 de Mayo, es llevado por la trama novelesca a Andalucía, donde tiene ocasión de tomar parte en esta famosa batalla de la Guerra de la Independencia en la que los improvisados ejércitos de Castaños y los " garrochistas " andaluces derrotaron e hicieron capitular a los ejércitos franceses.
Deseo de chocolate
Tres mujeres, tres siglos y la misma chocolatera de exquisita porcelana blanca: Sara:propietaria de un apellido que en Barcelona es sinónimo de chocolate, se enorgullece de dar continuidad a la tradición heredada de sus padres. Aurora: hija de una sirvienta de una familia burguesa del siglo xix, para quien el chocolate es un producto prohibido. Mariana: esposa del fabricante de chocolate más famoso del siglo xviii, abastecedor de la corte francesa e inventor de una máquina prodigiosa. A través de la pasión por el chocolate, Care Santos traza un apasionante viaje en el tiempo en el que recorreremos más de tres siglos de historia, desde su llegada a Europa hasta la sofisticación de nuestros días. Vibrante y adictiva, esta maravillosa novela es un exquisito placer para los sentidos.
Duckworth Books Hotbed: Bohemian New York and the Secret Club that Sparked Modern Feminism
New York City, 1912: in downtown Greenwich Village, a group of women gathered, all with a plan to change the world. This was the first meeting of ‘Heterodoxy’, a secret social club. Its members were passionate advocates of women’s suffrage, labour rights, equal marriage and free love. They were socialites and socialists; reformers and revolutionaries; artists, writers and scientists. Hotbed is the never-before-told story of the club whose audacious ideas and unruly acts transformed an international feminist agenda into a modern way of life. For readers who loved Mo Moulton’s Mutual Admiration Society and Francesca Wade’s Square Haunting.
Visor libros, S.L. Cantos de Maldoror
E l Conde de Lautréamont, seudónimo de Isidore Ducasse, nació en Montevideo en 1846, de padres franceses, y murió a los 24 años de edad (1970) en París, en circunstancias tan misteriosas como lo fue su propia vida.Ducasse, para componer Los cantos, acoge materiales sádicos, lúgubres, sangrientos, misteriosos y los elabora con un lenguaje poético que multiplica extraordinariamente las imágenes y con una prodigiosa violencia imaginativa, llena de lucidez y de encanto juvenil.
Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. Educar con humor
Encuadernación: rústicaAlfonso Francia (Salamanca-España), salesiano educador y escritor. Hizo Filosofía y Magisterio (Sevilla), Teología y Lengua Francesa (Lyon), Pedagogía y Pastoral (Estrasburgo). Ha ejercido la enseñanza en primaria, Bachillerato, escuelas profesionales, escuela de magisterio, de trabajadores sociales, escuela de enfermeras y seminarios. Ha sido profesor y director del Centro de Estudios atequéticos de Sevilla. Fundador de la Escuela de Formación de ?Animadores de grupos y ambientes?. Ha impartido innumerables cursos a educadores, padres, animadores, religiosos, catequistas., en España, en bastantes países de América y algunos de África. Autor de numerosos libros, director de varias colecciones de temas de educación y de varias revistas, preside la Asociación ?Animadores Siglo XXI?. Es miembro de diversos organismos nacionales e internacionales.Jesús Damián Fernández Solís es Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras (Sección CC de la Educación) y Doctor
Bel Ami
Las relaciones con la prensa de Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) le sirvieron de experiencia para el argumento de " Bel Ami " , publicada en 1885 y provocadora de una intensa polémica pública. Aunque el relato se centre en la rápida ascensión social del periodista George Duroy, de origen humilde e instrucción mediocre, tras haber pasado unos años como suboficial en el norte de África, la novela no se limita, sin embargo, a historiar el triunfo de un antihéroe, intrigante y desaprensivo, que apoya sus ambiciones en sus dotes de seducción. La hipocresía y la corrupción durante la Tercera República, la política colonial francesa, la formación de una clase dominante basada en la especulación financiera y las turbias relaciones de la prensa con los grupos de presión son algunos de los hilos que entretejen la trama de la novela.
Hacia la estacin Finlandia Historia Spanish Edition
UNCLÁSICOIMPRESCINDIBLE PARAENTENDER ELMUNDOEN EL QUEVIVIMOS, CONPRÓLOGO DE MARIO VARGASLLOSA.Enuna era de amnesiahistórica,estelibronosrecuerda que lahistoriaestá viva yabierta yllena deposibilidades yemociones.The New York Times Book ReviewEn este relato repleto de romance, idealismo, intriga y conspiración, historia intelectual a gran escala, Edmund Wilson rastrea las ideas revolucionarias que dieron forma al mundo moderno desde la Revolución francesa hasta la llegada de Lenin en 1917 a la estación de Finlandia en San Petersburgo. Es una crónica viva y de gran envergadura a la que subyace una idea singular y capaz de cambiar la historia: que es posible construir una sociedad basada en la justicia, la igualdad y la libertad. Anarquistas, socialistas, nihilistas y utópicos cobran vida en estas páginas, y sus id
Historia de dos ciudades
El título Historia de dos ciudades hace referencia a París y Londres en losaños sacudidos por los muchos y dramáticos acontecimientos que suscitó la Revolución Francesa. Tales son los polos de esta novela llena de acción y aventuras que salta de una orilla a otra del canal de la Mancha y que ofrece un vivo retrato del ambiente y los sucesos del París revolucionario dominado porla sombra de la guillotina. Entre los muchos y pintorescos personajes con que Charles Dickens (1812-1870) puebla sus páginas, sobresalen los de Charles Darnay y Sidney Carton, quienes, marcados por muy distintos orígenes y peripecias vitales, acaban fundiendo sus existencias como dos caras de una misma moneda.Traducción de Salustiano Masó
Bonnier Books Ltd 500 Words: Black Lives Matter
Almost 6,000 children, aged between 5-13, submitted stories expressing their personal experiences, tales of empathy, learning and respect, building on the international conversation around Black Lives Matter. Originally devised by Chris Evans, the 500 Words competition has a rich 10-year heritage, giving children of all ethnicities and backgrounds a platform to express their imaginations and creativity through storytelling. The illustrious judging panel, chaired by Angellica Bell and Michael Underwood, also included Malorie Blackman OBE, Charlie Higson, Francesca Simon and Frank Cottrell-Boyce. All royalties will be matched by the publisher and donated to children's charities dedicated to ensuring young people of all backgrounds are given the best opportunities in life.
Verso Books Salvage 10
Spring/Summer 2021 issue of Salvage, featuring Kevin Ochieng Okoth, Marianela D’Aprile, Richard Seymour and others.The Disorder of the Future includes an essay on the settler-colonial politics of an airport by Francesco Anselmetti, Kevin Ochieng Okoth on decolonisation and rethinking the cycle of national liberation, Marianela D’Aprile on protesting during a plague, Jonas Marvin and Gary Howe on Brexit, Richard Seymour on fascism, Sharri Plonski on confronting the infrastructural terrain of Gulf-Israel relations, Joseph Tomaras on refusing the tyranny of manhood, and Michael Roberts on modern monetary theory. The artist of this issue is Jesse Darling, and the volume concludes with a short story from Helen Mackreath.
Bedford Square Publishers Shoot the Moonlight Out
Southern Brooklyn, July 1996. Fire hydrants are open and spraying water on the sizzling blacktop. Punk kids have to make their own fun. Bobby Santovasco and his pal Zeke like to throw rocks at cars getting off the Belt Parkway. They think it's dumb and harmless until it's too late to think otherwise. Then there's Jack Cornacchia, a widower who lives with his high school age daughter Amelia and reads meters for Con Ed but also has a secret life as a vigilante, righting neighborhood wrongs through acts of violence. A simple mission to strong-arm a Bay Ridge con man, Max Berry, leads him to cross paths with a tragedy that hits close to home. Fast forward five years: June 2001. The summer before New York City and the world changed for good. Charlie French is a low-level gangster-wannabe trying to make a name for himself. When he stumbles onto a bowling alley locker stuffed with a bag full of cash, he brings it to his only pal, Max Berry, for safekeeping while he cleans up the mess surrounding it. Bobby Santovasco - with no real future mapped out and the big sin of his past shining brightly in his rearview mirror - has taken a job working as an errand boy for Max Berry. On a recruiting run for Max's Ponzi scheme, Bobby meets Francesca Clarke, born in the neighborhood but an outsider nonetheless. They hit it off. Bobby gets the idea to knock off Max's safe so he and Francesca can escape Brooklyn forever. Little does he know what Charlie French has stashed there. Meanwhile, Bobby's former stepsister, Lily Murphy, is back home in the neighborhood after college, teaching a writing class in the basement of St. Mary's church. She's also being stalked by her college boyfriend. One of her students is Jack Cornacchia. When she opens up to him about her stalker, Jack decides to take matters into his own hands. A riveting portrait of lives crashing together at the turn of the century, Shoot the Moonlight Out is tragic and tender and funny and strange.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations: Transatlantic Perspectives
Migration to new destinations in Europe and the United States has expanded dramatically over the past few decades. Within these destinations, there is a corresponding greater variety of ethnic, cultural, and/or religious diversity. This timely volume, The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations, considers the challenges posed by this proliferation of diversity for governments, majority populations, and immigrants. The contributors assess the effectiveness of the policy and political responses that have been spawned by increasing diversity in four types of new immigrant destinations: “intermediate” destination countries—Ireland and Italy; culturally distinct regions experiencing new migration such as Catalonia in Spain or the American South; new destinations within traditional destination countries like the state of Utah and rural towns in England; and “early migration cycle” countries including Latvia and Poland. The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations examines how these new destinations for immigrants compare to traditional destinations, with respect to their policy responses and success at integrating immigrants, offering perspectives from both immigrants and natives.Contributors include: Dace Akule, Amado Alarcón, Rhys Andrews, Francesca Campomori, Tiziana Caponio, Scott Decker, Erica Dobbs, Melissa M. Goldsmith, Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska, Claudio A. Holzner, Magdalena Lesińska, Paul Lewis, Helen B. Marrow, Laura Morales, Katia Pilati, Marie Provine, Monica Varsanyi, and the editors.
HENI Publishing The Romance of Bricks
Originally a film by British avant-garde filmmaker Nichola Bruce, The Romance of Bricks is a portrait of the artist Liz Finch: a British painter, performer and poet. From her life-changing accident and rural solitude to the mad social whirl of 80s London anarchic performances and up to the present day, The Romance of Bricks sews together archival film over many years to produce an intriguing glimpse into the private world of the artist. Featuring commentary from Jools Holland, Christine Binnie, Jennifer Binnie, John Finch, Brian Clarke, Aubrey Fabing, Richard Strange, Nicola Bateman Bowery, Francesco Brusatin and Martin Harrison alongside an intimate dialogue with the artist herself.
Alianza Editorial Memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas
Aunque adscrito comúnmente a la corriente realista, el brasileño Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839-1908) se manifestó en algunos ensayos renuente a tal etiqueta, propugnando para las letras en lengua portuguesa una vía propia e independiente de los modelos europeos, sobre todo de los franceses. Novela de sorprendente modernidad por la variedad de recursos formales que emplea, por su peculiar punto de vista narrativo, su humor distanciado e irónico y su preocupación existencial, en " Memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas " (1881), su narrador y protagonista relata desde la Eternidad (lo que le permite relativizar los valores de la vida terrena) sus peripecias de señorito tarambana, marcadas por la inconsecuencia y el sinsentido.
Alianza Editorial La muerte de Danton
Venerado en el mundo germano como lo pueden ser Cervantes en el hispano y Shakespeare en el anglosajón, da idea de la talla de Georg Büchner (1813-1837) el que, a pesar de su brevísima existencia, sea referente en las letras alemanas para autores contemporáneos como Christa Wolf o Günter Grass. Obra incuestionable del canon alemán e inagotable como todo clásico, ?La muerte de Danton? toma como pretexto dramático los acontecimientos de la por entonces aún cercana Revolución francesa, concretamente el desenlace del enfrentamiento entre el protagonista y la facción de Robespierre. Sus personajes condenados a la soledad y de los que pasa a formar parte el pueblo sufriente pero a la vez tornadizo, su lenguaje y su planteamiento dramático y formal hacen de la obra un hito indiscutible.Traducción y presentación de Carmen Gauger
Los rifles de Sharpe
Durante el crudo invierno de 1809, las tropas napoleónicas se están alzando victoriosas por toda España. Pero los soldados de sir John Moore, reciente fallecido en la batalla, les pisan los talones. Deben ganar tiempo para que el grueso del ejército inglés los alcance.Al mando de este regimiento de fusileros ha quedado ahora el teniente Richard Sharpe. Aislados en territorio enemigo, desmoralizados, sus únicas esperanzas para salvar el pellejo se basan en buscar abrigo en puerto seguro en un complicado viaje a través de las montañas. Necesitan para ello la ayuda de la caballería española. Sin embargo, todo tiene un precio: Sharpe y sus hombres deberán participar en el asalto para recuperar Santiago de Compostela de manos de los franceses. Demasiados peligros, demasiados enemigos?
Pearson Education Macroeconomics
Olivier Blanchard studied at the University of Paris, Nanterre, and has taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology since 1982. He was Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund between 2008 and 2015. He is currently the Fred Bergsten Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. He also remains Robert M. Solow Professor of Economics Emeritus. Francesco Giavazzi is a Professor of Economics at Bocconi University in Milan and has been a visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for over a decade, where he teaches a course on Macroeconomics to Undergraduate students based on this textbook. Alessia Amighini is an associate professor of Economics at Universita del Piemonte Orientale in Novara, Italy, and an adjunct professor of international economics at the Catholic university in Milan.
Alma Books Ltd Interrail
When Francesco decides to embark on his first trip outside his native Italy, he leaves behind a difficult relationship with his father, the narrow vistas of a small provincial town and the stifling atmosphere of a country he feels has become degraded. All he brings with him are a change of clothes, a map of Europe and the desire to discover new places, new people and, perhaps, a new life. But a chance encounter in Munich takes him off course, on an incredible journey that will see him fall in love in Sweden, lose all his money in Amsterdam, sleep rough in the streets of London, win big in Monte Carlo and get caught up in an international imbroglio.
Image Comics On the Stump
The campaign trail is paved with blood and broken bones.History diverged one fateful day in 1868, when presidential candidate Horatio Seymour lost his temper mid-debate and violently attacked Ulysses S. Grant, earning him not only widespread popularity but the presidency as well. Today, elections are decided by brutal, highly publicized hand-to-hand combat in arenas called Stumps. And in a society that adores violence this much, it's no surprise that powerful people get away with murder. But not for long-not if Senator Jack Hammer and FBI Agent Anna Bell Lister have anything to say about it.Eisner-nominated writer CHUCK BROWN (BITTER ROOT, Rotten Apple) teams up with artist FRANCESCO CHIAPPARA and letterer CLAYTON COWLES for a political action series set in a hyper-violent world full of countless injustices, and people who have to fight for their place in it.Collects ON THE STUMP #1-5
Mr. Momo Mortimer y Filomeno la Constitución española contada a los niños
El gato Mortimer y el perro Filomeno viven muy tranquilos en las calles de la ciudad. Pero no siempre ha sido así. Sobre todo antes de que se aprobara nuestra Constitución de 1978.De las cavernas a la Edad Media, de la Revolución francesa a la Guerra Civil española, acompaña a estos dos inseparables amigos en sus correrías a través de la Historia, cuando todo estaba un tanto? desorganizado.
The University of Chicago Press Luisa Miller: Melodramma tragico in Three Acts by Salvadore Cammarano
Luisa Miller, a milestone in the maturation of Verdi's style, is the fifth work to be published in The Works of Giuseppe Verdi. Following the strict requirements of the series, this edition is based on Verdi's autograph and other authentic sources, and has been reviewed by a distinguished editorial board—Philip Gossett (general editor), Julian Budden, Martin Chusid, Francesco Degrada, Ursula Günter, Giorgio Pestelli, and Pierluigi Petrobelli. It is available as a two-volume set: a full orchestral score and a critical commentary. The newly set score is printed on acid-free paper and beautifully bound in an oversized format. The introduction to the score discusses the work's genesis, sources, and performance history as well as performance practice, instrumentation, and problems of notation. The critical commentary discusses editorial decisions and identifies the sources of alternate readings of the music and libretto.
Desclée De Brouwer Biblia de Jerusaln gran edicin ilustrada
Descripción: 27x21 cm .Encuadernacion:sím-p.Presentamos la cuarta edición de la BIBLIA DE JERUSALÉN totalmente revisada en 2009, manteniendo la tradicional fidelidad a los textos originales hebreo, arameo y griego.Se han actualizado las notas de carácter histórico, geográfico y arqueológico, con introducción de algunas nuevas por parte de Joaquín González Echegaray.Se ha incorporado la traducción de algunos cambios en las notas de la última edición francesa de la BIBLIA DE JERUSALÉN.Se han revisado literariamente todos los libros del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento con acomodación al castellano de los clichés hebreos, mejora en la armonización de textos y pulido del estilo.
Alianza Editorial El equipaje del rey José
El gran friso narrativo de los Episodios Nacionales sirvió de vehículo a Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) para recrear en él, novelescamente engarzada, la totalidad de la compleja vida de los españoles (guerras, política, vida cotidiana, reacciones populares) a lo largo del agitado siglo XIX. " El equipaje del rey José " define irónicamente el botín que las tropas francesas abandonaron en su retirada de la Península ante el empuje de las guerrillas y el ejército mandado por Wellington, principalmente tras la batalla de Vitoria, uno de los últimos episodios de la Guerra de la Independencia. Un nuevo personaje, Salvador Monsalud, toma el relevo de Gabriel de Araceli a la hora de vertebrar novelescamente la narración de los sucesos históricos en esta Segunda serie.
Pindar Press Artists' Art in the Renaissance
Marilyn Aronberg Lavin has taught the history of art at Washington University, the University of Maryland, Yale, Princeton, and Università di Roma, La Sapienza. Specializing in Italian 13th-16th century painting, she is internationally known for her books and articles on Piero della Francesca. Her other books include The Place of Narrative: Mural Painting in Italian Churches, 431-1600 AD., and Seventeenth-Century Barberini Documents and Inventories of Art , both of which were recipients of international prizes for distinguished scholarship. She is one of the leaders in the use of computers and digitized imagery for research, teaching, and publication in the history of art. This book offers a series of case studies intended to introduce and define an important class of fifteenth-century Italian art not previously recognized. It is argued that the paintings and sculptures discussed were created privately by artists for personal satisfaction and internal needs, outside the traditional framework of patronage and commercial gain. Since there is no direct documentation from this period of a work being privately made, the selection presented here is necessarily speculative. Instead, the essays focus on works by Piero della Francesca, Mantegna, Michelangelo, Bellini, and Titian that appear in the artists' testaments, letters of refusals to sell, and inventories showing ownership at the time of death. The task at hand is to uncover the motivation and meaning of works of art in which the medieval craftsman began to rise to the status of independent artist, and the maker and the viewer confront each other face to face for the first time.
Boom! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Necessary Evil I Deluxe Edition HC
The definitive collection of the first half of the Necessary Evil event collected in a deluxe hardcover format.NECESSARY EVIL IS HERE AND NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME! Following the reality-bending events of Shattered Grid, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers must contend with the fallout from their war with Lord Drakkon including new teammates, mysterious allies, and terrifying new threats. Tommy must prove he’s worthy of the mantle of the White Ranger as the true origin of this popular character is revealed. Meanwhile, Jason, Trini, and Zack are called upon to assume new mantles at the Omega Rangers and must choose between their friends and their mission. And even the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are torn apart, they must defend Angel Grove from the greatest threat they’ve ever faced – the dreaded Lord Zedd! The writing duo of New York Times bestseller Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and the GLAAD Award-nominated Sina Grace (Iceman) join artists Daniele di Nicuolo (Seven Secrets), Francesco Mortarino (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), Daniel Bayliss (Firefly), and Eduardo Francisco (Adventures of Superman) to present the first half of the Necessary Evil Power Rangers event collected in two deluxe format hardcovers. Collects Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #40-47 and Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #21-28.
Spencer Museum of Art,US The Liturgy of Love: Images from the "Song of Songs" in the Art of Cimabue, Michelangelo, and Rembrandt
Three essays explore three great masterworks of European art that visualize the relationship between spiritual and physical love expressed passionately and graphically in the biblical Song of Songs. Marilyn Aronberg Lavin writes on Cimabue's vast fresco cycle of the Virgin in the apse of San Francesco in Assisi, at the threshold of the Renaissance, where the Franciscan belief in the bodily Assumption is couched in terms of the Old Testament love poem. Irving Lavin demonstrates how the invocation of love in the Song of Songs molded the form of Michelangelo's Medici Madonna as well as his concept for the entire design and meaning of the Medici mortuary chapel in San Lorenzo, Florence. Writing together, the Lavins reveal the generative power of biblical fulfillment in Rembrandt's famous portrayal of a loving couple, called The Jewish Bride. Marilyn Aronberg Lavin is known for her fundamental work on the history of mural decoration in the churches of Italy, and is the recipient of the coveted Morey Award for Distinguished Scholarship from the College Art Association. Irving Lavin, Professor in the School of Historical Studies, Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, is best known for his work on the Italian Baroque sculpture Gianlorenzo Bernini, but his publications range over a wide span of Western art, from Late Antiquity to Jackson Pollock.
Indiana University Press Economy, Culture, and Civil War in Sri Lanka
"Will be of interest to those working on conflict and peace studies, economic development, cultural studies, and women in the modern world. A key new publication." —Chandra R. de Silva, Old Dominion University"... offers a superb overview of how a civil war, driven by ethnicity, can engender a new culture and a new political economy... Highly recommended." — ChoiceEconomy, Culture, and Civil War in Sri Lanka provides a lucid and up-to-date interpretation of Sri Lankan society and its 20-year civil conflict. An interdisciplinary examination of the relationship between the economy, broadly defined, and the reproduction of violent conflict, this volume argues that the war is grounded not just in the goals and intentions of the opposing sides, but also in the everyday orientations, experiences, and material practices of all Sri Lankan people. The contributors explore changing political and policy contexts; the effect of long-term conflict on employment opportunities and life choices for rural and urban youth; life histories, memory, and narratives of violence; the "economics of enlisting" and individual decisions about involvement in the war; and nationalism and the moral debate triggered by women’s employment in the international garment manufacturing industry. Contributors are Francesca Bremner, Michele Ruth Gamburd, Newton Gunasinghe, Siri T. Hettige, Caitrin Lynch, John M. Richardson, Jr., Amita Shastri, Deborah Winslow, and Michael D. Woost.
UEA Publishing Project Underline: UEA Undergraduate Creative Writing Anthology: 2018
The fifth year of the annual UEA Undergraduate Creative Writing Anthology. This year, the collection has received more submissions than ever before and the standard has been superb. This is the second edition of the anthology to be produced through Egg Box's attached NUS society of the same name, enabling students to gain more experience of the publishing process.It has been organised, edited, and, through NUA, designed almost entirely by students. We invite you inside UEA's creative writing department to see what the undergraduates have to offer... you will not be disappointed.Thank you to the contributors:Claudia Besant • Amy Bonar • Daniel Box • Martha Boyd • Felicity Brown • Sophie Bunce • Chloe Crowther • Grace Curtis • Ella Dorman-Gajic • Basil Eagle • Gus Edgar • Sam Edwards • Abbey Hancock • Zaid hassan • Liam Heitmann-Rice • Judith Howe • Becca Joyce • Mari Lavelle-Hill • Shannon Elizabeth Lewis • Jaime Lock • Adam Maric-Cleaver • Lucy May • Jono McDermott • Ellie Meikle • Catherine Mellor • Magdalena Meza Mitcher • Tamar Moshkovitz • Elish Mullane • Mathew Nixon • Alyssa Ollivier-Tabukashvili • Henry Opina • Cara Ow • Georgina Pearsall • Johnny Raspin • Ellie Reeves • Fiona Sangster • Minty Taylor • Francesca Thesen • Artemis Tsatsaki • Amelia Vale • Isabella Winton • Flora Wood
El gran friso narrativo de los Episodios Nacionales sirvió de vehículo a Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) para recrear en él, novelescamente engarzada, la totalidad de la compleja vida de los españoles, guerras, política, vida cotidiana, reacciones populares, a lo largo del agitado siglo XIX. En " Gerona " , si bien la peripecia de Gabriel de Araceli prosigue en la medida indispensable para tender un puente narrativo entre el episodio anterior, " Zaragoza " y el siguiente, " Cádiz " , el grueso del relato aborda otra gesta de sufrimiento y heroísmo, perfectamente entreverada con un argumento en el que no faltan el amor, el odio, la nota costumbrista o cómica, sobre el fondo de la colectiva resistencia gerundense frente al asedio de las tropas francesas.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Robert Lowell in a New Century: European and American Perspectives
New essays providing fresh insights into the great 20th-century American poet Lowell, his writings, and his struggles. Robert Lowell (1917-1977) holds a place of unchallenged prominence in the poetic pantheon of the twentieth-century United States. He is an essential focal point for understanding the connection between poetry and American history,social justice, and personal identity. A recent spate of publications both by and about him, as well as allusions to him in the work of major American poets such as Wanda Coleman and Claudia Rankine, attest to his continued relevance. In March 2017, leading Lowell scholars from Europe and America gathered at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland in commemoration of his 100th birthday. The essays deriving from the conference and presented here aftercareful revision reveal new aspects of Lowell: for instance, the poet's influence on his peers, discussed by Thomas Travisano, the biographer of Elizabeth Bishop; or echoes of Milton in Lowell's work, discussed by Saskia Hamilton, editor of the forthcoming Dolphin Letters between Lowell and Elizabeth Hardwick. Other essays examine Lowell's struggles with bipolar illness, with marriage, and with money; his economic views and his early personality issues with respect to his poetic production; his extended sojourn in Amsterdam; and his special relationship with Ireland. Several essays focus on his 1961 volume Imitations, his major poetic engagement with the European tradition, unjustly neglected in the US. The essays will appeal to the wide audience that Lowell scholarship continues to command. Contributors: Steven Gould Axelrod, Massimo Bacigalupo, Philip Coleman, Ian D. Copestake, Astrid Franke, Jo Gill, Saskia Hamilton, Frank J. Kearful, Grzegorz Kosc, Diederik Oostdijk, Francesco Rognoni, Thomas Travisano, Boris Vejdovsky. Thomas Austenfeld is Professor of American Literature at the University of Fribourg.
MACK Kodachrome
In 1978 Luigi Ghirri self-published his first book, an avant-garde manifesto for the medium of photography and a landmark in his own remarkable oeuvre. Kodachrome has long been out of print and on the 20th anniversary of Ghirri's death, MACK is proud to publish the second edition. 'Ghirri fights to maintain our ability to see. His works are powerful devices for the re-education of the gaze. They alter the perception we have of the world without proposing a single path to follow, rather they provide us with the tools we need to find the one we're looking for.'Francesco Zanot Part amateur photo-album, Ghirri presents his surroundings in tightly cropped images, making photographs of photographs and recording the Italian landscape through it's adverts, postcards, potted plants, walls, windows, and people. His work is deadpan, reflecting a dry wit, and is a continuous engagement with the subject of reality and of landscape as a snapshot of our interaction with the world. This new edition of Kodachrome is published as a facsimile of the original, adopting the original design, text layout and image sequence, but using new image files scanned from Ghirri's original film to take advantage of modern technology and printing methods. A small booklet is included with an essay by Francesco Zanot, which offers a contemporary perspective on the historical impact of Kodachrome, alongside French and German translations of the original texts from the book (which were published in English and Italian). 'The daily encounter with reality, the fictions, the surrogates, the ambiguous, poetic or alienating aspects, all seem to preclude any way out of the labyrinth, the walls of which are ever more illusory... to the point at which we might merge with them... The meaning that I am trying to render through my work is a verification of how it is still possible to desire and face a path of knowledge, to be able finally to distinguish the precise identity of man, things, life, from the image of man, things, and life.' Luigi Ghirri Born in Scandiano in 1943, Luigi Ghirri spent his working life in the Emilia Romagna region, where he produced one of the most open and layered bodies of work in the history of photography. He was published and exhibited extensively both in Italy and internationally and was at the height of his career at the time of his death in 1992. Photography critic and curator Francesco Zanot has been working with some of the most renowned European and international photographers, including Alec Soth and Olivo Barbieri, for over 10 years. He has participated in multiple conferences and seminars on photography in different institutions such as Columbia University in New York and the American Academy in Rome. He is associate editor of Fantom, photographic quarterly magazine based in Milan and New York.
labutxaca Societat limitada
Societat limitada és la dissecció d'una ciutat on les aliances i les traïcions no deixen de ser una estricta rutina. I si no, que l'hi diguin a Francesc Petit, secretari general d'un partit polític que sembla a punt d'aconseguir representació parlamentària després d'anys d'ostracisme, o a Juan Lloris, un destacat constructor que manté l'esperança d'aconseguir un lloc de prestigi tipus la presidència de la Cambra de Comerç, o a Júlia Aleixandre, subsecretària de presidència de la Generalitat i experta manipuladora de titelles humans, que influirà en l'estratègia d'escalada social que el seu antic company d'estudis ha dissenyat per al seu enemic més acèrrim. Tots els jocs d'aquests jugadors, entre molts altres, acaben conformant un retrat de la societat valenciana que ens descobreix un món sense escrúpols que engoleix sense pietat tots aquells que encara en tenen.
He firmado mi primer contrato sin siquiera preguntarme si sería feliz con esos treinta y dos versos que declamar cada noche, durante más de un año, en diferentes ciudades europeas y francesas de provincias. Para mí, era un salvavidas, un medio de escapar gracias a un salario mensual fijo. Había que huir. Huir de París y los malos recuerdos de los últimos años que flotaban en el aire en cada esquina de cada calle, como las rapaces que vuelan a la altura del pecho, dispuestas a atacar en todo momento.Una mujer evoca sus veinte años: entre el encuentro en el Pont des Arts con un escritor norteamericano apenas mayor que ella y una interminable gira teatral donde vislumbra el lado opuesto de la escena. Distante es un inquietante relato tejido de recuerdos soñados, melancólicos o felices, de un amor de juventud.
De Gruyter Fortunata Neapolis: Kunst- und Kulturtransfer zwischen Neapel, Wien und Mitteleuropa
Neapel und Süditalien wurden in den Jahren 1707–1734 von Österreichischen Vizekönigen regiert. In diesen Jahren fanden Hauptwerke der neapolitanischen Kunst ihren Weg in die Wiener Residenzen der Vizekönige Wirich Philipp Graf Daun und Aloys Thomas Raymund Graf Harrach, aber auch ins Obere Belvedere des Prinzen Eugen und die Sammlungen Kaiser Karl VI. Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen, dass der intensive Austausch zwischen Neapel, Wien und Mitteleuropa tatsächlich sehr viel mehr Akteure umfasste und vom früheren 17. bis ins 19. und sogar 20. Jahrhundert reicht. Dabei sind Hauptwerke von Paolo de Matteis, Francesco Solimena oder Filippo Falciatore genauso Gegenstand der Analyse wie aufwendige Tischdekorationen und ephemere Apparate.
Zinedine Zidane es uno de los franceses más famosos del mundo, pero quién es en realidad? Frédéric Hermel, tras dieciocho años de amistady confesiones exclusivas con el jugador, convertido en entrenador de éxito, y gracias a los testimonios de las personas más cercanas a Zidane, cuenta la historia de una persona que, apartándose de los focos de la popularidad, cultiva la discreción, huye de los aduladores y, por extraño que parezca, lleva una vida de lo más normal. En este libro descubriremos su dura infancia en Marsella y los múltiples obstáculos que tuvo que salvar para convertirse en uno de los mejores futbolistas de la historia, sin perder de vista su increíble triplete como técnico en la Liga de Campeones al frente del Real Madrid. También conoceremos su lado más personal: la relación que mantiene con sus cuatro hijos y su esposa Véronique.
Debolsillo Soldados de Salamina Soldiers of Salamis
Nueva edición de Soldados de Salamina, novela imprescindible del siglo XXI, revisada a fondo por el autor y rematada por un esclarecedor epílogo escrito por él mismo. A finales de enero de 1939, apenas dos meses antes del final de la guerra civil, un grupo de prisioneros franquistas es fusilado cerca la frontera francesa por soldados republicanos que huyen hacia el exilio. Entre esos prisioneros se halla Rafael Sánchez Mazas, fundador e ideólogo de la Falange, poeta y futuro ministro de Franco, quien consigue milagrosamente escapar y ocultarse en el bosque mientras los republicanos lo persiguen; hasta que un soldado lo descubre, lo encañona y, mirándolo a los ojos, le perdona la vida. Sesenta años más tarde, un novelista fracasado descubre por azar este enterrado episodio bélico y, fascinado por él, emprende una investigación para aclarar sus circunstancias y desentrañar su significado. ¿
Alianza Editorial El espacio de la Ilustracin La teora arquitectnica en Francia a finales del siglo XVIII Alianza Forma Af Spanish Edition
Tomando como ejes de su trabajo el terreno de la reforma institucional y el ámbito de la historiografía, Anthony Vidler redefine en este original estudio la relación entre arquitectura y sociedad durante el apasionante periodo que alumbró la Enciclopedia y la Revolución Francesa. Atendiendo a estos dos ejes, El espacio de la Ilustración. La teoría arquitectónica en Francia a finales del siglo xviii se estructura en dos partes. En la primera, dedicada a las teorías de la forma institucional, Vidler reflexiona sobre las diversas ideas de institución en la arquitectura y la sociedad, para pasar a analizar a continuación algunos ámbitos en que la noción de reforma institucional se proyectó, como la fábrica, el hospital o la prisión, y examinar el poder de la vinculación entre arquitectura y sociedad que se manifiesta en el diseño de las logias masónicas y en las sociedades y arquitecturas alternativas ideadas por marginales como Sade, Fourier y Lequeu. La segunda parte, dedicada a las teor
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Pocket Venice
Lonely Planet''s local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the ultimate short trip to Venice - and discover twice the city in half the time!Discover Venice''s most popular experiences, must-see attractions, and unexpected surprises - neighbourhood by neighbourhood - with our handy-sized Pocket travel guide. From admiring the architectural ensemble of Piazza San Marco, to shopping for vintage treasures at Mercato dell''Antiquariato, and seeking out Bellini''s beautiful artworks at San Zaccaria and San Francesco della Vigna churches.Build a trip to remember with Lonely Planet''s Pocket Venice travel guide: Our Pocket guidebook format provides you with the best insider knowledge and local know-how for planning trips between 1 - 7 days
University of Toronto Press Toronto Trailblazers: Women in Canadian Publishing
Toronto Trailblazers explores the influence of seven key women who, despite pervasive gender bias, helped advance a modern literary culture for Canada. Publisher Irene Clarke, scholarly editors Eleanor Harman and Francess Halpenny, trade editors Sybil Hutchinson, Claire Pratt, and Anna Porter, and literary agent Bella Pomer made the most of their vocational prospects, first by securing their respective positions and then by refining their professional methods. Individually, each woman asserted her agency by adapting orthodox ways of working within Canadian publishing. Collectively, their overarching approach emerged as a feminist practice. Through their vision and method these trailblazing women disrupted the dominant masculine paradigm and helped transform publishing practice in Canada.
Penguin Books Ltd The Merchant of Prato: Daily Life in a Medieval Italian City
This extraordinary re-creation of the life of a medieval Italian merchant, Francesco di Marco Datini, is one of the greatest historical portraits written in the twentieth century.Drawing on an astonishing cache of letters unearthed centuries after Datini's death, it reveals to us a shrewd, enterprising, anxious man, as he makes deals, furnishes his sumptuous house, buys silks for his outspoken young wife and broods on his legacy. It is an unequalled source of knowledge about the texture of daily life in the small, earthy, violent, striving world of fourteenth-century Tuscany.'Datini has now probably become most intimately accessible figure of the later Middle Ages ... brilliant and intricate' The Times'As a picture of Tuscany before the dawn of the Renaissance it is a complement to The Decameron' Sunday Times
WW Norton & Co The Arabian Nights: A Norton Critical Edition
Few works of literature are as familiar and beloved as The Arabian Nights. Yet few remain also as unknown. In English, The Arabian Nights is a literary work of relatively recent date—the first versions of the tales appeared in English barely two hundred years ago. The tales are accompanied by a preface, a note on the text, and explanatory annotations. “Contexts” presents three of the oldest witnesses to The Arabian Nights in the Arabic tradition, together in English for the first time: an anonymous ninth-century fragment, Al Mas‘udi’s Muruj al-Dhahab, and Ibn al-Nadim’s The Fihrist. Also included are three related works by the nineteenth- and twentieth-century writers Edgar Allan Poe, Marcel Proust, and Taha Husayn. “Criticism” collects eleven wide-ranging essays on The Arabian Nights’ central themes by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Josef Horovitz, Jorge Luis Borges, Francesco Gabrieli, Mia Irene Gerhardt, Tzvetan Todorov, Andras Hamori, Heinz Grotzfield, Jerome W. Clinton, Abdelfattah Kilito, and David Pinault. A Chronology of The Arabian Nights and a Selected Bibliography are also included.
Alma Books Ltd Simon Boccanegra
Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra exists in two versions: that of the 1857 original and that of the 1881 revision. The texts of the libretto of both versions are included in this guide, with a number of essays which focus on the differences between the two. Rodolfo Celleti provides the story’s historical context, setting the events of the real life of Simon Boccanegra against the unification of Italy, which formed the political backdrop to the composition of both versions of Verdi’s opera. James A. Hepokoski gives a detailed synopsis of the 1881 score, and indicates the ways in which Verdi radically revised the original and reworked it to fit his late style. Lastly, Desmond Shawe-Taylor discusses Verdi’s attitude to his singers, and the critical reception that performances of both versions of the opera received. This edition contains over twenty illustrations, a thematic guide and the texts of the libretti in the original with literal translations. There is also a bibilography, discography and DVD guide, together with a list of websites that will allow the reader to explore the opera further. Contents: An Historical Perspective, Rodolfo Celletti; An Introduction to the 1881 Score, James Hepokoski; Verdi and his Singers, Desmond Shawe-Taylor; Simon Boccanegra: Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave with additions by Giuseppe Montanelli and additions and alterations by Arrigo Boito; Simon Boccanegra: English translation by James Fenton
Columbia University Press Posthumanism in Art and Science: A Reader
Posthumanism synthesizes philosophical, literary, and artistic responses to technological advancements, globalization, and mass extinction in the Anthropocene. It asks what it can mean to be human in an increasingly more-than-human world that has lost faith in the ideal of humanism, the autonomous, rational subject, and it models generative alternatives cognizant of the demands of social and ecological justice. Amid rising social justice movements, collapsing economic structures, and the dwindling power of cultural institutions, posthumanism advances thinking on new and previously unenvisionable challenges.Posthumanism in Art and Science is an anthology of indispensable statements and artworks that provide an unprecedented mapping of this intellectual and aesthetic development in a global context. It features groundbreaking theorists including Donna Haraway, Rosi Braidotti, Mel Y. Chen, Michael Marder, Alexander Weheliye, Anna Tsing, Timothy Morton, N. Katherine Hayles, Bruno Latour, Francesca Ferrando, and Cary Wolfe, as well as innovative, influential artists and curators such as Yvonne Rainer, Skawennati, Chus Martínez, William Wegman, Nandipha Mntambo, Cassils, Pauline Oliveros, and Doo-sung Yoo. These provocative and compelling works, including previously unpublished interviews and essays, speak to the ongoing conceptual and political challenge of posthumanist thinking in a time of unprecedented cultural and environmental crises.An essential primer and reference for educators, students, artists, and art enthusiasts, this volume offers a powerful framework for rethinking anthropocentric certitudes and reenvisioning equitable and sustainable futures.
Getty Trust Publications Elementary Instructions for Students of Sculpture
This is a translation of the 1802 introduction to studio practices for sculpture students by Francesco Carradori (1747-1824), a sculptor, restorer, and instructor of sculpture at the Accademia in Florence from 1786 to 1821. Carradori's instructions are vital to understanding the art and craft of sculpting as they were practiced before the twentieth century, since little substantial material exists that demonstrates, in an informed, didactic manner, the various tools and techniques used by ancient sculptors to execute work, Carradori's work is the most comprehensive and instructive and includes thirteen articles that explain how to restore marble sculpture, model clay, work with stucco and wax, cast and finish bronze, and carve and enlarge models into marble and stone, as well as seventeen plates that illustrate the arrangement, methods, and tools used in each of these processes,