Search results for ""Author Frances"
Nova Casa Editorial Los poetas del Ártico
Manic D Press Quakeland
Frankfurter Allgem.Buch Den schlafenden Riesen wecken
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Cartiers
HarperCollins Publishers Inc 150 Best New Eco Home Ideas
Discover the latest in sustainable architecture and environmentally friendly home design in this outstanding volume in the popular 150 Best series, which features nearly 500 pages of full-color photographs and dozens of inventive and decorative profiles. Architects, designers, and homeowners today looking for comfortable, beautiful dwellings with a minimal carbon footprint will find a cornucopia of ideas in this handsome compendium. A fabulous review of the most forward-thinking eco-friendly house designs being created today, 150 Best New Eco Home Ideas showcases the work of internationally renowned architects and designers who have achieved practical, innovative, and stunning solutions around the globe. From solar paneling and wind energy systems to environmentally-friendly heating and cooling solutions and thermal glazing to trombe walls, 150 Best New Eco Home Ideas covers the latest trends and breakthroughs in eco homes. Inspiring and inventive, this lush sourcebook is essential for architects, designers, interior decorators, and all conscientious homeowners interested in creating warm and inviting homes with only a fraction of the environmental impact of those using conventional methods.
Forma Edizioni Exit Morandi
This book, like the exhibition it accompanies, takes as a starting point four important paintings in the collection of the Museo Novecento, which belonged to collector Alberto Della Ragione, including a rare watercolour of a female figure that reveals Morandi's extraordinary artistic abilities. It illustrates paintings, drawings, and prints that have been kept in various private collections. Exit Morandi also celebrates Morandi's relationship with art critics such as Roberto Longhi, Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti, Cesare Brandi and Francesco Arcangeli.
Parramon Animales
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Developments in Transport Planning: Advances in Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Traffic assignment is a set of criteria through which the demand for mobility is distributed over the links of a transport network. Over the last 30 years, Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) models have been developed to support time-dependent analyses in nascent fields that need to take into account the temporal distribution of demand and supply. In this book, leading international experts in the field provide a state-of-the-art overview of fundamental DTA research and practice, identifying weaknesses and major challenges for future research. The contributors illustrate that the complexity of DTA predominantly lies in finding a convenient trade-off between mathematical rigorousness and realistic traffic and behavioural models, and that many transport measures now have a necessarily dynamic element, ranging from real-time driver information systems to congestion pricing schemes, affecting the temporal distribution of demand and supply systems. They show that developing models able to predict the effects of these measures with sufficient realism, while maintaining properties of interpretability and computational tractability, is therefore of paramount importance. These, and other important DTA issues and themes are highlighted and discussed at length, with models and applications underpinning central theories and concepts. Drawing current research together in one key volume, this book will prove an invaluable resource for a wide-ranging audience including academics, lecturers and researchers, government agencies, consultants and practitioners engaged in transport planning.
Rowman & Littlefield The Baby Bust: Who Will Do the Work? Who Will Pay the Taxes?
Though the world's population continues to grow, total fertility rates are dropping below replacement level in many parts of the world. The Baby Bust, a landmark book of essays by demographic, economic, and political science experts, examines the global 'birth dearth' and its causes, implications, and policy options. Focusing in large part on the United States, this book also includes data from Europe and Japan and makes important comparisons between the three regions. It concludes with suggestions for making America's future sound and prosperous, through the regularization and legalization of appropriate levels of immigration; enhancing governmental efforts to increase productivity; and finally, ending the present waste of so many underutilized members of the workforce, particularly minorities and the poor.
Larousse Diccionario Pocket españolfrancés françaisespagnol
- Más de 80 000 traducciones.- Más de 60 000 palabras y expresiones.- Contiene el vocabulario esencial y las palabras técnicas de uso común.- Incluye neologismos de ciencia, nuevas tecnologías, técnica, turismo, cocina, etc.- Siglas, nombres propios y abreviaturas.- Numerosas frases hechas y construcciones gramaticales.- Abundantes ejemplos de uso.- Transcripción fonética de las palabras francesas.
Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd With Observation and Imagination: Still Lives, Genre Scenes, Portraits, and Landscapes from the Saunders Collection
This elegant volume presents 44 outstanding Old Master paintings, primarily from the 17th and 18th centuries, that Jordan and Thomas Saunders III collected over the past 25 years. Included in the Saunders Collection are works by renowned Dutch, Flemish, French, Italian, and English masters, among them Frans Hals, Jan Davidsz de Heem, Jan Brueghel, Peter Paul Rubens, Nicolas de Largillière, Canaletto, Francesco Guardi, and Thomas Lawrence. This richly illustrated catalogue was written by a team of specialists under the guidance of Arthur K. Wheelock Jr, former curator at the National Gallery of Art. The introductory essay discusses the principles that guided the Saunders in forming their collection, and the individual entries examine how artists fused careful observation with the imagination to create beautiful and thought-provoking paintings. These texts also examine the social, economic, and political realities that had an impact on these artistic creations.
Tusquets Editores Adios Luz De Veranos
Jorge Semprún tiene quince años y se halla en París, internado desde hace pocos meses en el célebre liceo Henry IV, cuando el ejército franquista toma Madrid. Atrás han quedado sus fugaces pero indelebles recuerdos de infancia, en especial los veranos de Santander y Lekeitio : los juegos entre hermanos en el jardín, los poemas que el padre recita al anochecer, la muerte de la madre, la visita al abuelo Antonio Maura. El estallido de la guerra civil española en 1936 había provocado el exilio de su familia republicana, primero en La Haya y luego en París. Semprún comienza entonces a forjar sus primeras convicciones políticas y filosóficas ; de la mano de los amigos intelectuales de su padre, entra en contacto con la izquierda francesa en unos años capitales para el futuro de España y Europa. Son también los años del descubrimiento de la sexualidad, de las lecturas que lo marcarán toda la vida y del fructífero encuentro con la lengua francesa.
Bitter Lemon Press Blackout
Bologna in August. Unbearable heat, an empty city. Claudia is a young student in a hurry to return home from her work as a waitress and get out of the uniform she hates. Tomas is a young man on his way to elope with his girlfriend Francesca and rescue her from her dysfunctional family. Aldo is a husband and father with an uncanny resemblance to Elvis Presley, anxious to get to an apartment filled with guilty secrets. All three have an urgent need to be somewhere else. Instead, they are trapped in a lift in a deserted building on a holiday weekend...and one of the trio is a serial killer. This dark, twist-packed psychological thriller has been adapted as a film by Mexican director, Rigoberto Castaneda, who made last year's Mexican/Spanish co-production "Kilometro 31", screened at the London Film Festival.
Abrams Free Hand: New Typography Sketchbooks
In Free Hand: New Typography Sketchbooks, Steven Heller, respected graphic-design commentator, and Lita Talarico, design educator, offer glimpses inside the personal sketchbooks of more than 70 designers and typographers—including Philippe Apeloig, Ed Beguiat, Hoefler & Co., Henrik Kubel, Toshi Omagari, and Francesco Zorzi. Featuring a wealth of sketches, precision drawings, and computer-generated artwork, as well as a range of styles, concepts, languages, and alphabets, Free Hand illustrates the idiosyncratic creative processes behind the design of typefaces, logos, and word-images. A valuable resource for anyone who engages creatively with type—whether by hand or on a screen—this rich compendium emphasizes the power of typography in the digital age, while celebrating designers who continue to innovate in their practice of this time-honored craft.
Alma Books Ltd Apology for a Murder
Famed for having killed his cousin Alessandro, the Duke of Florence, in 1537, but also for writing accomplished literary works, including a comedy and several poems, Lorenzino de’ Medici remains one of the most enigmatic figures of Italian literature. In his masterpiece, Apology for a Murder, he reveals the inner motives behind his act, portraying himself as a hero to be numbered alongside the great tyrannicides of ancient Rome and Greece. Lorenzino himself, in 1548, was murdered by two soldiers hired either by the emperor Charles V or by Cosimo, Alessandro’s successor as Duke, and this volume includes the dramatic account of his killing by Francesco Bibboni, one of the assassins, as well as a selection of Lorenzino’s poems, giving a fully rounded image of the antihero of Alfred de Musset’s Lorenzaccio.
Editorial Juventud, S.A. Les tisores de Matisse
En una petita ciutat francesa, un jove anomenat Henri Émile Matisse es passava el temps dibuixant. Quan va créixer, es va traslladar a París i es va convertir en un famós artista. Ja de gran, una malaltia greu el va immobilitzar en el llit i va haver de buscar valor per seguir estimant la vida? Un dia va retallar unes formes en paper pintat. Estava dibuixant amb unes tisores!
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Best of the Grammarians
A founding father of the ""art of philology"", Aristarchus of Samothrace (216-144 BCE) developed a sound, almost scientific method of literary exegesis. This book offers a systematic study of the most famous grammarian in Alexandria, places Aristarchus and his Iliadic scholia within the context and cultural environment of his own time.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Lezioni Patavine 1, Lungo Il Nilo
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Il Tempio Sul Decumano Maggiore Di Leptis Magna
White Star Verlag Tarot verstehen VIVIDA
Ara Llibres Lautoajuda al descobert
El llibre que tens a les mans et descobrirà què i qui hi ha en realitat darrere els llibres d'autoajuda. Com es fabrica un best-seller i com es fan refregits de llibres que han estat èxits de venda; qui són els gurús de l'autoajuda; quina és la psicologia dels lectors i lectores addictes a aquesta mena d'obres; en definitiva totes les veritats i mentides d'aquest gènere que se suposa vol fer feliços aquells qui el llegeixen.Com ens diu el mateix autor, L'autoajuda al descobert explica als lectors tots els secrets dels manuals de felicitat per tal que puguin aprofitar-ne els avantatges i evitar així, el risc d'autoengany.
SIMPLÍSIMO IRLANDA es una guía supersencilla para viajar solo con la información necesaria: descripciones claras y breves, las mejores direcciones, mapas y planos muy prácticos y muchas fotos. Una guía que selecciona todo lo esencial del destino para que el viajero no se pierda ninguna visita imprescindible. Decenas de direcciones seleccionadas por sus autoras, Ketty Quigley y Violaine Malié, que viven, respectivamente, en Dublín y Belfast. SIMPLÍSIMO IRLANDA incluye cuatro secciones: Información práctica de Irlanda: clima, salud, precios, transportes, alojamiento... Lo esencial de Irlanda: páginas repletas de ideas inspiradoras. Circuitos: desarrollados en forma de ciudades-etapa -lugares que visitar, actividades y las mejores direcciones-, con trayectos detallados para desplazarse de una etapa a la siguiente, y mapas y planos. También se proponen escapadas de un día para completar la visita. Un índice superpráctico que recoge los datos, horarios y precios de cada uno de los sitios re
Susaeta Ediciones Buenos das patito
Ediciones SM Cucu-tras de la selva
Ediciones Cátedra Mi secreto Epstolas
Editorial Juventud, S.A. Lo que saben las mujeres de los marinos
Las mujeres del océano, la mujer-cangrejo o la hija de un dios marino tienen en común el conocimiento íntimo de esas sociedades frágiles en las que conviven el hombre y el mar. Siguiendo sus aventuras mágicas, trágicas o extraordinarias, sumérjase en el corazón de la cultura de los pueblos de los mares gracias a relatos cortos y poéticos donde los héroes son, por una vez, mujeres en un mundo considerado masculino.
Editorial Bruño La faraona barbuda Educacin Primaria 3 ciclo
De buena mañana los empleados del museo bajaron al sótano para limpiar las momias que estaban ahí a la espera de ser clasificadas. Y se encontraron una muy bien perfumada, que tenía una barba postiza. Era la momia de una misteriosa faraona: Temoses-tadoes-perando-veinte-años, que fue, nada más y nada menos que la hija del faraón Nari-zotas. Queréis saber quién era esta faraona y por qué llevaba barba? Pues abrid el libro y empezad a leerlo: pasaréis un rato muy divertido.
Batiscafo Remedios Para La Vida
HarperCollins El Reloj de Las Estrellas. El Corazón de la Montaña: (A Clock of Stars: The Shadow Moth - Spanish Edition)
Nórdica Libros rficas
Editorial Base (ES) Cuc quin soy
Libro de tela con 8 páginas diseñadas para que el pequeño lector pueda experimentar con distintas sensaciones de tacto y desarrollar su psicomotricidad. Se divertirán levantando las solapas tras las que se esconden distintos animales de la granja.
Brill U Schoningh Vatikanische Quellen Zum Deutschen Gewerkschaftsstreit: Die Bischoflichen Gutachten Und Die Entstehung Der Enzyklika 'Singulari Quadam' (1912)
Classiques Garnier Bloy-Huysmans
Anness Publishing Head Massage: Simple Ways to Revive, Heal, Pamper and Feel Fabulous All Over - Amazing Techniques to Recharge Your Mind and Body and Improve Your Health
simple ways to revive and restore well-being, and feel fabulous all over - amazing techniques to recharge both your mind and body, and to improve your health, shown step by step in more than 275 beautiful photographs
NY Research Press Organic Chemistry: Advanced Principles and Applications
Mercer University Press Tobys Campus Tour
Scarecrow Press Theodore Besterman, Bibliographer and Editor: A Selection of Representative Texts
Theodore Besterman (1904-1976) is acknowledged as one of the preeminent systematic bibliographers of the 20th century. His interests were wide-ranging, including theosophy, scrying, psychical research, anthropology, and, above all, Voltaire studies. In all these fields Besterman made significant contributions, and his World Biblio-graphy of Bibliographies (4th ed., 5 vols., 1965-1966) and edition of Voltaire's correspondence (107 vols., 1952-1965) are great monuments in the annals of modern scholarship. Cordasco collects representative selections from Besterman's vast oeuvre, with major attention to Besterman's chief bibliographical works and Voltaire studies, and selections from his writings in other fields. Includes a biographical and critical profile of Besterman and a detailed checklist of his writings.
Penguin Putnam Inc Seven Days of Us: A Novel
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Now Entering Addamsville
HarperCollins Publishers Inc 150 Best New Apartment Ideas
New ideas on how to design, build, and decorate a home are always of essential value to architects, designers, and homeowners alike. This book offers an extensive collection of apartments from all over the world, devised by distinguished international architects and designers who have worked to achieve practical, innovative, and stunning solutions adapted to the specific needs and particular tastes of their clients. This compilation expresses the diversity of current trends in apartment design and provides an inspirational source of ideas for those active in the field of design or interested in catching up on the latest in contemporary residential architecture.
Idea Montagna Editoria Dolomiti di Brenta vol 3 Vallesinella Campa e Catena Settentrionale
Piemme Voglio vivere una volta sola
White Star Verlag Taylor Swift
White Star Verlag Das große Buch der Entdeckerspiele
White Star Verlag Little Women Betty und ihre Schwestern