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Princeton University Press The Alzheimer Conundrum: Entanglements of Dementia and Aging
Due to rapidly aging populations, the number of people worldwide experiencing dementia is increasing, and the projections are grim. Despite billions of dollars invested in medical research, no effective treatment has been discovered for Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia. The Alzheimer Conundrum exposes the predicaments embedded in current efforts to slow down or halt Alzheimer's disease through early detection of pre-symptomatic biological changes in healthy individuals. Based on a meticulous account of the history of Alzheimer's disease and extensive in-depth interviews, Margaret Lock highlights the limitations and the dissent associated with biomarker detection. Lock argues that basic research must continue, but should be complemented by a public health approach to prevention that is economically feasible, more humane, and much more effective globally than one exclusively focused on an increasingly harried search for a cure.
Harmony/Rodale The New Menopause
Filling a gaping hole in menopause care, everything a woman needs to know to thrive during her hormonal transition and beyond, as well as the tools to help her take charge of her health at this pivotal life stage—by the bestselling author of The Galveston Diet.Menopause is inevitable, but suffering through it is not! This is the empowering approach to self-advocacy that pioneering women’s health advocate Dr. Mary Claire Haver takes for women in the midst of hormonal change in The New Menopause. A comprehensive, authoritative book of science-backed information and lived experience, it covers every woman's needs: From changes in your appearance and sleep patterns to neurological, musculoskeletal, psychological, and sexual issues, a comprehensive A to Z toolkit of science-backed options for coping with symptoms.What to do to mediate the risks associated with your body's natura
Springer Language Testing and Assessment: Encyclopedia of Language and EducationVolume 7
This volume addresses the broad theme and specific topics associated with current thinking in the field of language testing and assessment. The volume offers •multiple perspectives on the ‘what’ (the ‘trait’) of languages, and the ‘how’ (‘the method’) of assessment •multiple approaches developed for assessment especially given the multiplicity of languages used by many diverse groups of learners in many different contexts •focus on the societal roles of language testers, their responsibility to be socially accountable and to ensure ethicality and professionalism •focus on language testing in multilingual and diverse contexts This is one of ten volumes of the Encyclopedia of Language and Education published by Springer. The Encyclopedia bears testimony to the dynamism and evolution of the language and education field, as it confronts the ever-burgeoning and irrepressible linguistic diversity and ongoing pressures and expectations placed on education around the world.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Book of the Dead: Becoming God in Ancient Egypt
This book explores what the Book of the Dead was to the ancient Egyptians, what it means to us today, what it was believed to do, how it worked, how it was made, and ultimately what happened to it. Edited by Foy Scalf, PhD, this volume includes fourteen essays showcasing the latest research on the Book of the Dead written by thirteen internationally renown experts as well as a complete catalog of the forty-five objects on display in an associated exhibit at the Oriental Institute Museum. Two famous Book of the Dead papyri, Papyrus Milbank and Papyrus Ryerson, are reproduced in their entirety with full-color photographs among nearly 400 illustrations for the first time. Discover how the ancient Egyptians controlled their immortal destiny and sought close association with the gods through the Book of the Dead.
The University of Chicago Press Constructions – A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure
Drawing on work in linguistics, language acquisition and computer science, this book proposes that grammatical constructions play a central role in the relation between the form and meaning of simple sentences. The author demonstrates that the syntactic patterns associated with simple sentences are imbued with meaning - that the constructions themselves carry meaning independently of the words in a sentence. Goldberg provides an account of the relation between verbs and constructions, offering ways to relate verb and constructional meaning, and to capture relations among constructions and generalizations over constructions. Prototypes, frame semantics and metaphor are shown to play crucial roles. In addition, Goldberg presents specific analyses of several constructions, including the ditransitive and the resultative constructions, revealing systematic semantic generalizations. Through a comparison with other current approaches to argument structure phenomena, this book narrows the gap between generative and cognitive theories of language.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mental Health and Emerging Adulthood among Homeless Young People
What happens to homeless and runaway adolescents when they become adults? This is the first study that follows homeless youth into young adulthood and reviews the mental health consequences of runaway episodes and street life. The adolescents were interviewed every three months for three years from their mid teens to their early twenties. The study documents the psychological consequences associated with becoming adults when missing the critical developmental tasks of adolescence. The authors report high levels of psychological problems associated with victimization prior to and after running away. These victimization experiences shape the behaviors of these young people, affecting their relationships with others and their chances of conventional adjustment. Across time, the more successful their adaptation to street life and the street economy, the more barriers to conventional adult life emerge. The distress, including self-mutilation and suicidal behaviors, among this population is examined, as well as the impact street life has on future relationships, education, and employment. Nutritional and health problems are also explored, along with the social and economic impact of this population on society. As such, the book provides insight about why the current prevention and treatment programs are failing in an effort to help policy makers modify approaches to adolescent runaways.Intended as a supplementary text for undergraduate and/or graduate courses on homelessness, high risk youth, social deviance, adolescence and/or emerging adulthood taught in departments of psychology, human development, sociology, social work, and public health, this compelling book will also appeal to anyone who works with homeless adolescents.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Vertigo and Disequilibrium: A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Management
This authoritative guide provides a solid clinical foundation to help practitioners manage vertigo and balance disorders in practice This updated edition provides a comprehensive basis for understanding, identifying, and treating the underlying multifactorial etiologies of dizziness and imbalance. Vertigo is a common malady for which patients seek treatment, yet the vestibular system and its associated disorders are often misunderstood. This book effectively demystifies this topic, with clinical pearls and knowledge from foremost experts in the field. The first six chapters cover procuring a thorough patient history, examination techniques, computerized testing, radiological studies, surgical anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system, and laboratory testing. Subsequent chapters concisely detail the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies such as Meniere's disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, labyrithinitis, superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome, and unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy. Key Features Covers the full age continuum - from congenital and pediatric vestibular disorders - to balance conditions associated with aging Highlights the most common pathologies such as BPPV, as well as fairly rare diseases like Mal de Debarquement syndrome and perilymph fistulas Discusses the impact of alcohol, migraines, and allergies on the vestibular system and the intrinsic roles they play in causing dizziness New insights on medications, rehabilitation, and the use of implantable vestibular devices Expanded video library provides guidance on testing modalities, visual disturbances, nystagmus patterns, and specific disorders Physicians who read this authoritative guide will gain knowledge that is essential for optimal management of patients with vertigo and disequilibrium. It is an invaluable resource for otolaryngologists, as well as neurologists, physical therapists, internists, geriatricians, family practitioners, audiologists, and even cardiologists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Picturing the Lame in Italian Art from Antiquity to the Modern Era
The presence of the orthopedically impaired body in art is so pervasive that, paradoxically, it has failed to attract the attention of most art historians. In Picturing the Lame in Italian Art from Antiquity to the Modern Era, Livio Pestilli investigates the changing meaning that images of individuals with limited mobility acquired through the centuries. This study evinces that in distinct opposition to the practice of classical artists, who manifested a lack of interest in the subject of lameness since it was considered 'a defect or a deformity' and deformity a 'want of measure, which is always unsightly,' their Early Christian counterparts depicted them profusely, because images of the miraculous healing of the lame became the reassuring sign of universal acceptance and the promise of a more equitable existence in this life or the next. In the Middle Ages, instead, when voluntary poverty came to be associated with the necessary condition of faithfulness to Christ, the indigent lame, along with others who were forced to beg for a living, became the image of the alter Christus. This view was to change in the Renaissance and Baroque periods, when, with the resurgence of classical and Pauline ideals that condemned the idle, representations of the orthopedically impaired became associated with swindlers, freeloaders and parasites. This fascinating story came basically to an end in the Eighteenth century when, with the revival of the Greek ideal of the Beautiful, the lame gradually left center stage to be relegated again to the margins of the visual arts.
Taylor & Francis Inc Real Gas Flows with High Velocities
Despite generations of change and recent, rapid developments in gas dynamics and hypersonic theory, relevant literature has yet to catch up, so those in the field are generally forced to rely on dated monographs to make educated decisions that reflect present-day science. Written by preeminent Russian aerospace researcher Vladimir V. Lunev, Real Gas Flows with High Velocities reflects the most current concepts of high-velocity gas dynamics. For those in aviation and aerospace, this is a vital methodical revitalization and reassessment of real gas flows with regard to the physical and gasdynamic effects related to high-velocity flight, and, in particular, the entry of bodies into the atmosphere of Earth and other planets.Much more than just a manual on gas physics, this book: Analyzes fundamental challenges associated with super- and subsonic flight Describes the physical properties of gas mixtures and their associated high-temperature processes from the phenomenological standpoint Explores use of computational mathematics and equipment to simplify previously unsolvable problems of inviscid and viscous gas dynamics Explains why numerical methods remain inferior to analytical methods for creating a conceptual understanding of gas dynamic and other physical problems Avoiding older, cumbersome approximate methods, this reference outlines the general patterns and features of typical flows and how real gas affects them. Referencing simple, analytically treatable examples, similarity laws, and asymptotic analysis, the author omits superfluous explanation of reasoning. This valuable reference summarizes general theory of super- and subsonic flow and uses practical problems to develop a solid understanding of modern real-gas flows and high-velocity gas dynamics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Environmental Impacts of Treated Wood
Due to the extensive use of treated wood products throughout urban and agricultural communities, information concerning the environmental and health risks associated with treated wood is very much in demand. Responding to increasing need for a comprehensive and cohesive source on this topic, Environmental Impacts of Treated Wood compiles the latest information concerning regulations, environmental impact studies, new wood preservative formulations, and state-of-the-art disposal technologies available for minimizing environmental impacts caused by treated wood.Beginning with a background of the production of the most common treated wood products, this book discusses how chemical leaching and transport of certain wood preservatives affect the environment, particularly chromated copper arsenate. A separate section is devoted to case studies that evaluate possible links with cancer and other health risks with repeated exposure to treated wood. Several chapters discuss ways to measure exposure and review various approaches to risk assessment and management. Because treated wood products last a long time, the book also considers the disposal of treated wood in terms of human and environmental impact. It explores novel disposal technologies and practical strategies for complying with regulatory phase-outs of certain treated wood products within the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, and many Asian countries. These include recycling, bioremediation, thermal treatment, and landfills.Environmental Impacts of Treated Wood provides a timely compilation of perspectives necessary for making informed, conscientious decisions in the production, use, and disposal of treated woods that will minimize the environmental impact and human exposure risks associated with treated wood products today.
Princeton University Press The Politics of Happiness: What Government Can Learn from the New Research on Well-Being
During the past forty years, thousands of studies have been carried out on the subject of happiness. Some have explored the levels of happiness or dissatisfaction associated with typical daily activities, such as working, seeing friends, or doing household chores. Others have tried to determine the extent to which income, family, religion, and other factors are associated with the satisfaction people feel about their lives. The Gallup organization has begun conducting global surveys of happiness, and several countries are considering publishing periodic reports on the growth or decline of happiness among their people. One nation, tiny Bhutan, has actually made 'Gross National Happiness' the central aim of its domestic policy. How might happiness research affect government policy in the United States - and beyond? In "The Politics of Happiness", former Harvard president Derek Bok examines how governments could use the rapidly growing research data on what makes people happy - in a variety of policy areas to increase well-being and improve the quality of life for all their citizens. Bok first describes the principal findings of happiness researchers. He considers how reliable the results appear to be and whether they deserve to be taken into account in devising government policies. Recognizing both the strengths and weaknesses of happiness research, Bok looks at the policy implications for economic growth, equality, retirement, unemployment, health care, mental health, family programs, education, and government quality, among other subjects. Timely and incisive, "The Politics of Happiness" sheds new light on what makes people happy and how government policy could foster greater satisfaction for all.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook for Cleaning for Semiconductor Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications
Provides an In-depth discussion of surface conditioning for semiconductor applications The Handbook of Cleaning for Semiconductor Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications provides an in-depth discussion of surface conditioning for semiconductor applications. The fundamental physics and chemistry associated with wet processing is reviewed as well as surface and colloidal aspects of cleaning and etching. Topics covered in this new reference include: Front end line (FEOL) and back end of line (BEOL) cleaning applications such as high-k/metal gate post-etch cleaning and pore sealing, high-dose implant stripping and cleaning, and germanium, and silicon passivation Formulation development practices, methodology and a new directions are presented including chemicals used for preventing corrosion of copper lines, cleaning aluminium lines, reclaiming wafers, and water bonding, as well as the filtering and recirculating of chemicals including reuse and recycling Wetting, cleaning, and drying of features, such as high aspect ratio features and hydrophilic surface states, especially how to dry without watermarks, the abilities to wet hydrophobic surfaces and to remove liquid from deep features The chemical reactions and mechanisms of silicon dioxide etching with hydrofluoric acid, particle removal with ammonium hydroxide/hydrogen peroxide mixture, and metal removal with hydrochloric acid The Handbook of Cleaning for Semiconductor Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications is a valuable resource for any engineer or manager associated with using or supplying cleaning and contamination free technologies for semiconductor manufacturing. Engineers working for semiconductor manufacturing, capital equipment, chemicals, or other industries that assures cleanliness of chemicals, material, and equipment in the manufacturing area will also find this handbook an indispensible reference.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Reliability and Validity of International Large-Scale Assessment: Understanding IEA’s Comparative Studies of Student Achievement
This open access book describes and reviews the development of the quality control mechanisms and methodologies associated with IEA’s extensive program of educational research. A group of renowned international researchers, directly involved in the design and execution of IEA’s international large-scale assessments (ILSAs), describe the operational and quality control procedures that are employed to address the challenges associated with providing high-quality, comparable data. Throughout the now considerable history of IEA’s international large-scale assessments, establishing the quality of the data has been paramount. Research in the complex multinational context in which IEA studies operate imposes significant burdens and challenges in terms of the methodologies and technologies that have been developed to achieve the stated study goals. The demands of the twin imperatives of validity and reliability must be satisfied in the context of multiple and diverse cultures, languages, orthographies, educational structures, educational histories, and traditions. Readers will learn about IEA’s approach to such challenges, and the methods used to ensure that the quality of the data provided to policymakers and researchers can be trusted. An often neglected area of investigation, namely the consequential validity of ILSAs, is also explored, examining issues related to reporting, dissemination, and impact, including discussion of the limits of interpretation. The final chapters address the question of the influence of ILSAs on policy and reform in education, including a case study from Singapore, a country known for its outstanding levels of achievement, but which nevertheless seeks the means of continual improvement, illustrating best practice use of ILSA data.
Emerald Publishing Limited Co-Creation and Smart Cities: Looking Beyond Technology
Cities are possibly the most dynamic and important administrative units today. Cities play big roles in addressing many of the complex challenges the world is facing today, including climate change, public health, and migration. This places pressure on public administration and the public sector, to do more with less, particularly at the local level where government services have the most direct impact on people's everyday lives as well as paradigmatic societal shifts associated with the rise of platform economies and new consumption patterns which transform public service delivery whilst changing public expectations. Co-creation and Smart Cities: Looking Beyond Technology highlights ways to meet these new demands with a more robust value-based perspective on public service development and delivery, specifically via co-creation. Co-creation is a way to plan, execute and evaluate public service design and delivery for contemporary cities, a valid means to support the ‘balancing act’ of promoting efficient and cost-effective governance. Built on insights gained through years of experience with and research on co-creation, as well as testimonials from practitioners, this volume presents collaborative and innovative solutions associated with smart city ideals, while continuing to develop a citizen-centric focus that is sustainable over time. Co-creation and Smart Cities helps structure co-creation processes that foster responsible innovation and a systemic, value-based approach to sustainable urban development. This title will be of interest to government officials, researchers and bottom-up communities looking to implement methods for co-creation within cities.
Oxford University Press Inc CDC Yellow Book 2024: Health Information for International Travel
For over half a century, the CDC Yellow Book has been a trusted resource, providing international travelers and clinicians with expert guidance for safe and healthy travel abroad. Along with disease-specific prevention and treatment recommendations, this comprehensive reference text provides readers with the background and context needed to understand and address health threats associated with all types of international travel. FEATURED IN THIS EDITION: · Precautions for international travelers during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, including links to updated information on related CDC and US government websites · Updates on practicing travel medicine in a virtual environment · New standalone vaccine tables for bacterial and viral diseases with links to the relevant Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and US FDA websites · Safe international travel with pets and service animals · Advice for obtaining healthcare abroad including guidance on different types of travel insurance · Guidelines for self-treating common travel conditions including altitude illness, jet lag, motion sickness, and travelers' diarrhea · Detailed maps showing the distribution of travel-associated infections and diseases, including dengue and meningococcal meningitis · Country-specific mosquito avoidance, yellow fever vaccine, and malaria prevention recommendations · Food and drink precautions, plus updated water-disinfection techniques · Expanded content on safe international travel for specific groups including: LGBTQ+ individuals, highly allergic travelers, travelers with substance use issues, and medical tourists · Specialized recommendations for non-leisure travelers, study abroad, work-related travel, and travel to mass gatherings · Health insights for 14 popular destinations and itineraries in Africa and the Middle East, the Americas and the Caribbean, and Asia · Considerations for newly arrived adoptees, immigrants, and refugees
Cornell University Press Waging War, Planning Peace: U.S. Noncombat Operations and Major Wars
As the U.S. experience in Iraq following the 2003 invasion made abundantly clear, failure to properly plan for risks associated with postconflict stabilization and reconstruction can have a devastating impact on the overall success of a military mission. In Waging War, Planning Peace, Aaron Rapport investigates how U.S. presidents and their senior advisers have managed vital noncombat activities while the nation is in the midst of fighting or preparing to fight major wars. He argues that research from psychology—specifically, construal level theory—can help explain how individuals reason about the costs of postconflict noncombat operations that they perceive as lying in the distant future.In addition to preparations for "Phase IV" in the lead-up to the Iraq War, Rapport looks at the occupation of Germany after World War II, the planned occupation of North Korea in 1950, and noncombat operations in Vietnam in 1964 and 1965. Applying his insights to these cases, he finds that civilian and military planners tend to think about near-term tasks in concrete terms, seriously assessing the feasibility of the means they plan to employ to secure valued ends. For tasks they perceive as further removed in time, they tend to focus more on the desirability of the overarching goals they are pursuing rather than the potential costs, risks, and challenges associated with the means necessary to achieve these goals. Construal level theory, Rapport contends, provides a coherent explanation of how a strategic disconnect can occur. It can also show postwar planners how to avoid such perilous missteps.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Imaging Musculoskeletal Trauma: Interpretation and Reporting
Offers a well-designed approach to imaging musculoskeletal trauma Medical imaging plays an important role in identifying fractures and helping the patient return to regular activities as soon as possible. But in order to identify the fracture, and describe all the relevant associated injuries, the radiologist first needs to understand normal anatomy and the mechanisms of fractures. Imaging Musculoskeletal Trauma reviews common fracture and dislocation mechanisms and provides up-to-date guidelines on the use and interpretation of imaging tests. Designed for use by professionals in radiology, orthopedics, emergency medicine, and sports medicine, this book offers a concise, systematic approach to imaging musculoskeletal trauma. Replete with easily accessible information, including well-designed tables and lists, the book features radiology report checklists for each anatomic site, numerous radiographs and CT and MRI images, simple illustrations for common fracture classification schemes, examples of common and serious injuries in the musculoskeletal system, and a chapter devoted to fracture complicationsincluding complications relating to the use of hardware in treating injuries. This well-designed guide teaches professional and student users to: Identify normal anatomy relevant to interpretation in musculoskeletal studies Describe common fracture and dislocation mechanisms Describe fractures using appropriate terminology Recommend appropriate imaging studies for various clinical situations Use a systematic approach to interpret imaging studies Provide a clear and relevant radiology report Recognize complications associated with fractures and fracture treatment Complete with on-call issues, common traumas, and specially highlighted "do-not-miss" fractures, this is an invaluable resource for everyone involved with the imaging of musculoskeletal trauma.
Springer International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning
The International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning discusses what constitutes professionalism, examines the concepts and practices of professional and practice-based learning, including associated research traditions and educational provisions. It also explores professional learning in institutions of higher and vocational education as well the practice settings where professionals work and learn, focusing on both initial and ongoing development and how that learning is assessed.The Handbook features research from expert contributors in education, studies of the professions, and accounts of research methodologies from a range of informing disciplines. It is organized in two parts. The first part sets out conceptions of professionalism at work, how professions, work and learning can be understood, and examines the kinds of institutional practices organized for developing occupational capacities. The second part focuses on procedural issues associated with learning for and through professional practice, and how assessment of professional capacities might progress. The key premise of this Handbook is that during both initial and ongoing professional development, individual learning processes are influenced and shaped through their professional environment and practices. Moreover, in turn, the practice and processes of learning through practice are shaped by their development, all of which are required to be understood through a range of research orientations, methods and findings. This Handbook will appeal to academics working in fields of professional practice, including those who are concerned about developing these capacities in their students. In addition, students and research students will also find this Handbook a key reference resource to the field.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Sacred Number and the Lords of Time: The Stone Age Invention of Science and Religion
Our Stone Age ancestors discovered that the geometry of the Earth provided a sacred connection between human experience and the spiritual worlds. Exploring the numerical patterns of time and then the size and shape of the Earth, they created an exact science of measures and preserved their discoveries within sacred structures, spiritualized landscapes, and mythologies, which interpreted the religious ideas associated with their science. In this way, the ancient measures of space and time reached our present age and still embody the direct but forgotten truths of our sacred planet. By recovering the megalithic secrets of space and time, carefully preserved in megalithic stone structures, Richard Heath tells an untold story of four megalithic ages. He identifies a first age of astronomical discovery in the French sites around Carnac, where, using only counted lengths and simple geometries, the ancients created a sophisticated cosmic clockwork. A second age centered in Britain, and including Stonehenge, successfully measured the Earth and revealed a simple pattern held within the Earth's shape, using metrological ratios. A third age, centered in Egypt and Greece, saw a perfecting of the monumental arts, associated metrology, and religious ideas, revealing the Earth and the heavens as the work of a numerical genius. The fourth age saw pyramids and other metrological buildings spread to the New World, at Teotihuacan in Mexico, and also to the Far East. Examining Earth's harmonic relevance to the Universe as a whole, Heath shows how we can recognize the long-forgotten foundations of our own civilization and revive the sacred teaching preserved by the four great megalithic ages.
Ohio University Press Saving Seeds, Preserving Taste: Heirloom Seed Savers in Appalachia
The Brown Goose, the White Case Knife, Ora’s Speckled Bean, Radiator Charlie’s Mortgage Lifter—these are just a few of the heirloom fruits and vegetables you’ll encounter in Bill Best’s remarkable history of seed saving and the people who preserve both unique flavors and the Appalachian culture associated with them. As one of the people at the forefront of seed saving and trading for over fifty years, Best has helped preserve numerous varieties of beans, tomatoes, corn, squashes, and other fruits and vegetables, along with the family stories and experiences that are a fundamental part of this world. While corporate agriculture privileges a few flavorless but hardy varieties of daily vegetables, seed savers have worked tirelessly to preserve genetic diversity and the flavors rooted in the Southern Appalachian Mountains—referred to by plant scientists as one of the vegetative wonders of the world. Saving Seeds, Preserving Taste will introduce readers to the cultural traditions associated with seed saving, as well as the remarkable people who have used grafting practices and hand-by-hand trading to keep alive varieties that would otherwise have been lost. As local efforts to preserve heirloom seeds have become part of a growing national food movement, Appalachian seed savers play a crucial role in providing alternatives to large-scale agriculture and corporate food culture. Part flavor guide, part people’s history, Saving Seeds, Preserving Taste will introduce you to a world you’ve never known—or perhaps remind you of one you remember well from your childhood.
University of Pennsylvania Press Reconnecting State and Kinship
Within the social sciences, kinship and statehood are often seen as two distinct modes of social organization, sometimes conceived of as following each other in a temporal line and sometimes as operating on different scales. Kinship is traditionally associated with small-scale communities in stateless societies. The state, meanwhile, is viewed as a development away from kinship as political order toward rational, impersonal, and functional forms of rule. In recent decades, theoretical and empirical scholarship has challenged these notions, but the underlying presumption of a deep-rooted opposition between kinship and the (modern) state has remained surprisingly stable. That this binary is so deeply engrained in Western self-understanding and knowledge production poses a considerable challenge to decoding their coproduction. Reconnecting State and Kinship seeks to trace the historical shifts and boundary work implied in the ongoing reproduction of these supposedly discrete or even opposing units of analysis. Contributors ask whether concepts associated with one sphere —including corruption, patronage, lineage, and incest—surface in the other. Policies and interventions modeled upon the assumed polarity can have lasting consequences for mechanisms of marginalization and exclusion, including decisions about life and death. Reconnecting State and Kinship not only explores the boundary-related and classificatory practices that reinforce the kinship/statehood binary but also tracks the traveling of these concepts and their underlying norms through time and space ultimately demonstrating the ways that kinship and "the state" are intertwined. Contributors: Erdmute Alber, Apostolos Andrikopoulos, Helle Bundgaard, Jeanette Edwards, Karen Fog Olwig, Victoria Goddard, Michael Herzfeld, Eirini Papadaki, Frances Pine, Ivan Rajković, Tatjana Thelen, Thomas Zitelmann.
Emerald Publishing Limited Non-Financial Performance Measurement and Management Practices in Manufacturing Firms: A Comparative International Analysis
In order to be successful in today's world wide competitive environment, companies must be capable of manufacturing products of high quality at low cost and providing a first-class customer service. Many companies have responded to these competitive demands by implementing Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs) and Innovative Managerial Practices (IMPs) as well as emphasizing quality, delivery, innovation and flexibility to meet customer needs in their corporate objectives. The adoption of such practices and technologies and the redesign of work processes has altered the stakes of corporate well being over the past two decades. This study provides a framework for exploring the relationships between the measurement of non-financial performance at the shop-floor of manufacturing firms across four different countries (UK, Italy, Japan, and Canada) and a range of twenty-eight contingent factors incorporating technological, managerial, organisational and environmental factors. In particular, the book examines whether these twenty-eight contingent factors are associated with the existence and importance of 19 non-financial performance measures used at shop-floor level for each country. The book also aims to develop models for each of the four countries which will determine the amount of change in the use and existence of each shop-floor non-financial performance measure that is associated with levels of the contingent factors. A better understanding of non-financial performance measures at shop-floor level in manufacturing firms will contribute to a more effective management of manufacturing enterprises in the four countries. It also will enhance organisations knowledge about the use of non-financial measures in performance measurement systems.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies
Now in a fully up-to-date 6th Edition, Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies provides a practical introduction to binocular vision, offering comprehensive theory, how-to clinical guidance, and a summary of current research in a single, consolidated volume. Ideally suited for both students and clinicians, this bestselling text serves as an accessible, evidence-based reference when faced with binocular vision or pediatric challenges. Covers routine examinations and testing protocols, including CISS questionnaire, cover test, foveal suppression, fixation disparity, four prism diopter base out test, Lindblom's method, and double Maddox rod test. Includes numerous video clips of key testing procedures, including new clips on Mallett fixation disparity test and fusional reserve testing, as well as an interactive video quiz to help you test your knowledge. Features sweeping content updates such as the latest information on 3-D displays, therapeutic uses of computer games and virtual reality for vision therapy, computerized testing methodologies, binocular and accommodative mechanisms associated with myopia, updated prescribing criteria, therapeutic use of contact lenses, detection of pathology associated with strabismus, drugs causing diplopia, and the evidence-based treatment of convergence insufficiency syndrome and amblyopia. Contains helpful study features throughout, including Clinical Key Points boxes, step-by-step test routines, typical features of extraocular muscle palsies and syndromes, and Case Study boxes that cover important clinical and legal scenarios, and new boxes that summarize testing procedures for each of the main binocular vision tests. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Pearson Education (US) CCNP and CCIE Enterprise Core & CCNP Enterprise Advanced Routing Portable Command Guide: All ENCOR (350-401) and ENARSI (300-410) Commands in One Compact, Portable Resource
All ENCOR (350-401) and ENARSI (300-410) Commands in One Compact, Portable Resource Use this fully updated quick reference resource to help memorize commands and concepts as you earn your CCNP or CCIE certification. Filled with valuable, easy-to-access information, it's portable enough to use anywhere. This guide summarizes all Cisco IOS software commands, keywords, command arguments, and associated prompts associated with the CCNP and CCIE Enterprise Core (ENCOR 350-401) and CCNP Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI 300-410) certification exams. Tips and examples help you apply commands to real-world scenarios, and configuration samples show their use in network designs. Coverage includes: Layer 2: VLANs, STP, Inter-VLAN Routing Layer 3: EIGRP, OSPF, Redistribution, Path Control, BGP Infrastructure Services and Management Infrastructure Security Network Assurance Wireless Security and Troubleshooting Overlays and Virtualization This Portable Command Guide provides: Logical how-to topic groupings for a one-stop resource Great for review before your ENCOR 350-401 and ENARSI 300-410 certification exams Compact size makes it easy to carry with you wherever you go “Create Your Own Journal” section with blank, lined pages enables you to personalize the book for your needs This book is part of the Cisco Press Certification Self-Study Product Family, which offers readers a self-paced study routine for Cisco certification exams. Titles in the Cisco Press Certification Self-Study Product Family are part of a recommended learning program from Cisco that includes simulation and hands-on training from authorized Cisco Learning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press.
BARON Death Book: Drawing one last breath: 2022
Before photography was invented, we relied on illustrations, paintings and, even more so, real dead bodies to gaze upon decaying flesh. Many visual expressions of death were used to moralize or romanticise death. Vanitas paintings were made to remind us that life is only temporary and all mortal possessions remain in vain. The Japanese Kusôzu tradition of watercolour paintings, that depict the nine stages of the decaying body, from the first moment of death unto the final stages, were made to remind us not to give into bodily desires. Romantic war paintings asked the viewer to fight for the cause. In DEATH BOOK, you will find various signs and symbols related to death, such as skulls, violence, accidents, spirits, cadavers, sexual acts and references to religion and Christ. The works included remind us of our living status, in ways that are sometimes funny, arousing or DEAD serious. A true representation of death, and its associated pain is impossible, but the works included attempt to communicate the agony, the anguish, the grave sadness and, sometimes, the humour associated with death. DEATH BOOK is art directed by PZtoday, who has designed the book as a Bible/Address book. With an introduction by Pernilla Ellens and Lauren Raaijmakers and featuring drawings, paintings and illustrations from Alicia Gibson, Christina Quarles, Dallas Seitz, Ellen Cantor, Franko B, Gray Wielebinski, Hermann Nitsch, Ion Birch, Keith Boadwee, Lin Ke, Mike Diana, Namio Harukawa, Oliver Eales, Patrick Wray, PZtoday, Qiu Xiaofei, Richard Hawkins, Sutapa Biswas, Toshio Saeki, Urs Lüthi, Vittorio Scarpati, Will Henry, Julien Ceccaldi and many more.
Harvard University Press Our Divine Double
What if you were to discover that you were not entirely you, but rather one half of a whole, that you had, in other words, a divine double? In the second and third centuries CE, this idea gripped the religious imagination of the Eastern Mediterranean, providing a distinctive understanding of the self that has survived in various forms throughout the centuries, down to the present. Our Divine Double traces the rise of this ancient idea that each person has a divine counterpart, twin, or alter-ego, and the eventual eclipse of this idea with the rise of Christian conciliar orthodoxy.Charles Stang marshals an array of ancient sources: from early Christianity, especially texts associated with the apostle Thomas “the twin”; from Manichaeism, a missionary religion based on the teachings of the “apostle of light” that had spread from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean; and from Neoplatonism, a name given to the renaissance of Platonism associated with the third-century philosopher Plotinus. Each of these traditions offers an understanding of the self as an irreducible unity-in-duality. To encounter one’s divine double is to embark on a path of deification that closes the gap between image and archetype, human and divine.While the figure of the divine double receded from the history of Christianity with the rise of conciliar orthodoxy, it survives in two important discourses from late antiquity: theodicy, or the problem of evil; and Christology, the exploration of how the Incarnate Christ is both human and divine.
American Bar Association The Internet of Things (IoT): Legal Issues, Policy, and Practical Strategies
The Internet of Things encompasses the ability to connect and direct almost any kind of mechanical system, whether it's automotive, medical, residential, or critical infrastructure. IoT technologies hold tremendous promise for our communities by making them safer and more efficient. As with any other technology, they also entail security risk, and the risks associated with IoT technologies must be aggressively managed. We can do so, with industry’s help, by working to leverage standards and liability and insurance mechanisms to ensure that IoT's foundational building blocks are secure and effective. Increasingly, utilities are deploying smart grid technologies, wirelessly connecting thermostats to the utility to measure usage patterns and allow energy supplies to be adjusted, with precision based on need. Companies are working on clocks, kitchen appliances, and other household products that monitor consumer behavior to turn on your coffee machine moments before you wake up; warn you when you are low on supplies; order groceries for the week; and allow you to remotely operate your locks and lights so you need not be home to admit a visitor, or to check that your residence is secure. Regulating these various systems via network connectivity can add convenience and save money, but doing so can also arm malicious actors with an unprecedented ability to create chaos. The issues that the book addresses include the use of IoT technology in connected cars, health tech, and unmanned aerial vehicles (aka drones); IoT and technological developments such as 5G and blockchain; the current state of laws and regulations relating to the IoT both in the United States and globally; risks associated with IoT devices, including security and privacy issues; how state attorneys general protect consumers in the IoT era; the impact of the IoT on intellectual property and insurance; guidelines for employers, including corporate counsel, regarding the IoT in the workplace; and the future of the IoT from the perspective of an MIT research scientist.
Johns Hopkins University Press Hold It Real Still: Clint Eastwood, Race, and the Cinema of the American West
How did the American western feature film genre rebrand itself in the late seventies and respond to the fury of global and domestic political affairs?In Hold It Real Still, Lawrence Jackson examines Clint Eastwood's influence on the western film while also exploring how that genre continues to operate into the twenty-first century as an ideological channel for ideas about race and imperialism. Jackson argues that the western genre pivoted from an initial doctrine of racial liberalism, albeit a clumsy one, during the John Wayne years to a motile agenda of substitution, exclusion, and false equivalency during the Clint Eastwood period. The book traces how Eastwood, an actor first associated with the avant-garde, anti-colonialist discourse of "spaghetti" western cinema, reversed himself in the second half of the 1970s with The Outlaw Josey Wales—a film that had at its heart the fantasy of Black erasure from American life. Jackson situates Eastwood's work as a response to massive social and political upheavals in America: defeat in Vietnam, riots in northern cities, the civil rights movement and associated legislation, and the Great Migration, which made possible a degree of mixed-race public interaction that was impossible even as late as the 1960s. Hinged by a close reading of four blockbuster films which continue to shape discourses in cinematic arts, American liberalism, the westerns, and race relations today—The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Josey Wales, Ride with the Devil, and Django Unchained—Jackson's unique critique flashes on the contradictory symbolic structures at work in these masterpieces. Juxtaposing the films' motifs, tropes, and hidden Black figures with historicist readings lays bare the containment strategies of the 1970s and beyond used to stymie civil rights progress and racial equity in the United States. Tackling the rise of neoracism and the domestic apparatus of surveillance, control, and erasure, Hold It Real Still offers an astonishing revision of what audiences and critics thought they understood about a uniquely American genre of film.
Princeton University Press Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange across Medieval Saharan Africa
How West African gold and trade across the Sahara were central to the medieval worldThe Sahara Desert was a thriving crossroads of exchange for West Africa, North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe in the medieval period. Fueling this exchange was West African gold, prized for its purity and used for minting currencies and adorning luxury objects such as jewelry, textiles, and religious objects. Caravans made the arduous journey by camel southward across the Sahara carrying goods for trade—glass vessels and beads, glazed ceramics, copper, books, and foodstuffs, including salt, which was obtained in the middle of the desert. Northward, the journey brought not only gold but also ivory, animal hides and leatherwork, spices, and captives from West Africa forced into slavery.Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time draws on the latest archaeological discoveries and art historical research to construct a compelling look at medieval trans-Saharan exchange and its legacy. Contributors from diverse disciplines present case studies that form a rich portrayal of a distant time. Topics include descriptions of key medieval cities around the Sahara; networks of exchange that contributed to the circulation of gold, copper, and ivory and their associated art forms; and medieval glass bead production in West Africa’s forest region. The volume also reflects on Morocco’s Gnawa material culture, associated with descendants of West African slaves, and movements of people across the Sahara today.Featuring a wealth of color images, this fascinating book demonstrates how the rootedness of place, culture, and tradition is closely tied to the circulation of people, objects, and ideas. These “fragments in time” offer irrefutable evidence of the key role that Africa played in medieval history and promote a new understanding of the past and the present.Published in association with the Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art, Northwestern UniversityExhibition ScheduleBlock Museum of Art, Northwestern UniversityJanuary 26–July 21, 2019Aga Khan Museum, TorontoSeptember 21, 2019–February 23, 2020Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Washington, DCApril 8–November 29, 2020
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Enclosed Garden and the Medieval Religious Imaginary
During the Middle Ages, the arresting motif of the walled garden - especially in its manifestation as a sacred or love-inflected hortus conclusus - was a common literary device. During the Middle Ages, the arresting motif of the walled garden - especially in its manifestation as a sacred or love-inflected hortus conclusus - was a common literary device. Usually associated with the Virgin Mary or the Lady of popular romance, it appeared in myriad literary and iconographic forms, largely for its aesthetic, decorative and symbolic qualities. This study focuses on the more complex metaphysical functions and meanings attached to it between 1100 and 1400 - and, in particular, those associated with the gardens of Eden and the Song of Songs. Drawing on contemporary theories of gender, gardens, landscape and space, it traces specifically the resurfacing and reworking of the idea and image of the enclosed garden within the writings of medieval holy women and other female-coded texts. In so doing, it presents the enclosed garden as generator of a powerfully gendered hermeneutic imprint within the medieval religious imaginary - indeed, as an alternative "language" used to articulate those highly complex female-coded approaches to God that came to dominate late-medieval religiosity. The book also responds to the "eco-turn" in our own troubled times that attempts to return the non-human to the centre of public and private discourse. The texts under scrutiny therefore invite responses as both literary and "garden" spaces where form often reflects content, and where their authors are also diligent "gardeners": the apocryphal Lives of Adam and Eve, for example; the horticulturally-inflected Hortus Deliciarum of Herrad of Hohenburg and the "green" philosophies of Hildegard of Bingen's Scivias; the visionary writings of Gertrude the Great and Mechthild of Hackeborn collaborating within their Helfta nunnery; the Middle English poem, Pearl; and multiple reworkings of the deeply problematic and increasingly sexualized garden enclosing the biblical figure of Susanna.
Royal Society of Chemistry Handbook of Antioxidant Methodology: Approaches to Activity Determination
The field of antioxidant research has grown rapidly over the last 30 years and shows no sign of slowing down. In order to understand how antioxidants work, it is essential to understand how their activity is measured. However, antioxidant activity measurements are controversial and their value has been challenged. This book addresses a number of the controversies on antioxidant testing methods. Specifically, the book highlights the importance of context, helping the reader to decide what methods are most appropriate for different situations, how the results can be interpreted and what information may be inferred from the data. There are a multiplicity of methods for measuring activity, with no standardized method approved for in vitro or in vivo testing. In order to select an appropriate method, a thorough knowledge of the processes associated with reduction-oxidation is essential, leading to an improved understanding and use of activity measurements and the associated data. The book presents background information, in a unique style, which is designed to assist readers to grasp the fundamentals of redox processes, as well as thermodynamics and kinetics, which are essential to later chapters. Recovery and extraction of antioxidants from diverse matrices are presented in a clear and logical fashion along with methods used to determine antioxidant activity from a mechanistic perspective. Other chapters present current methodologies used for activity testing in different sample types ranging from foods and plants, to body fluids and even to packaging, but always with a strong emphasis on the nature of the sample and the underlying chemistry of the method. A number of emerging techniques for assessing antioxidant behaviour, namely, electrochemical methods, chip technology exploiting microfluidic devices, metabolomics plus studies of gene and protein expression, are examined. Ultimately, these techniques will be involved in generation of "big data" for which an understanding of chemometrics will be essential in drawing valid conclusions. The book is written to appeal to a wide audience, but will be particularly helpful for any researchers who are attempting to make sense of the vast literature and often conflicting messages on antioxidant activity.
Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Microbial safety of lipid-based ready-to-use foods for management of moderate acute malnutrition and severe acute malnutrition: second report
Lipid-based ready-to-use foods (RUFs) for the nutritional management of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) and severe acute malnutrition (SAM) are provided to children from 6 months to 59 months of age within the context of emergency feeding programmes supervised by governments. Based on the review, the expert committee considered that children with SAM have an increase in susceptibility to bacteraemia and sepsis that is probably between twofold and fivefold compared with children who are not malnourished and are of the same age and live in the same communities. On the basis of its common occurrence as a cause of infections and serious illnesses in children with SAM, and its documented ability to contaminate, survive in, and cause outbreaks of illness associated with low-moisture foods similar to RUFs, the expert committee concluded that Salmonella is the pathogen of most concern in lipid-based RUFs. Many outbreaks of foodborne salmonellosis have been determined to be associated with low-moisture foods that were contaminated at low levels. Therefore, the expert committee carefully considered the qualitative microbiological analyses of RUFs and the contamination levels that could be inferred, and entered into an extended deliberation of dose-response modelling to find a path toward a reasonable approximation of the likely morbidity and mortality in SAM children that could be anticipated from consumption of RUFs contaminated at the estimated levels and observed frequency. The expert committee described three approaches that purchasers of RUFs might use to establish microbiological criteria to assure the safety of RUFs and to communicate to manufacturers their safety expectations. These approaches are: (i) reference to existing standards established for similar low-moisture foods; (ii) determining an acceptable increase in risk over the pre-existing baseline of illness from other sources of exposure; and (iii) process verification sampling using the moving window technique. The microbiological criteria derived by each of these approaches accomplish different purposes, and which is most appropriate is determined by the conditions of manufacture and use
Springer International Publishing AG Transgenics in Dispute: Political conflicts in the commercial liberation of GMOs in Brazil
This book analyses the conflict over the release of transgenic soybean in Brazil based on a narrative analysis of political conflict. At the end of the 1990s, the commercial release of Roundup Ready (RR) soybean triggered a heated debate over the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Brazilian agriculture, which developed into an open political conflict opposing pro- and anti-GMOs groups in Brazilian society. This volume examines some of the structuring axes of this conflict by applying a narrative analysis of political conflict. In this approach, politics is perceived as a process of interpretive conflict in which participants in the political game seek to establish the lines that delimit the very definition of public issues under debate. The issue of GMOs is understood, from this perspective, as a public controversy whose dynamics are shaped by the discourses that emerge from the dispute itself. To analyze these controversies, the book focuses on three axes of narrative analyses: the conflict over distributives issues associated with the commercial release of RR soy; the conflict over scientific uncertainty associated with the environmental risks of GMOs; and the conflict over labeling policies. Transgenics in Dispute: Political Conflicts in the Commercial Liberation of GMOs in Brazil will be of interest to both social and environmental scientists concerned with the risks produced by the newest technologies that mediate our relationship with the environment and with the public debate that their use tends to provoke.This book is a translation of the original Portuguese edition “Transgênicos em disputa: Os conflitos políticos na liberação comercial dos OGMs no Brasil” by Cristiano Luis Lenzi, published in Brazil by Appris Editora in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service The author has subsequently revised the text further in an endeavour to refine the work stylistically. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.
Hay House Clinical EFT Handbook A Definitive Resource for Practitioners Scholars Clinicians Researchers A Definitive Resource for Practitioners Scholars Psychological Trauma and Fundamental
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is used by an estimated 10 million people worldwide. Yet a lack of standardization has led to a field in which dozens of forms of EFT, with varying degrees of fidelity to the original, can be found. This led to the establishment of Clinical EFT, the form of EFT taught in the original EFT Manual and associated materials, and validated in over 20 clinical trials. In this volume, the most noted scholars, researchers and clinicians in the field compile a definitive outline of the EFT protocol, as it is applied in medicine, psychiatry, psychotherapy, and life coaching. Chapters cover the clinical application of EFT to fields such as addiction treatment, sports, surgery, weight loss, social problems, and family therapy. Scientists explain the physiological mechanisms of action of EFT, as well as its sources in physics and chemistry. Researchers describe EFTs path to acceptance as an evidence-based practice. This handbook is essential reading
Pearson Education International Economics Theory and Policy plus Pearson MyLab Economics with Pearson eText Package
Paul Krugman, the recipient of the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, taught at Princeton University for 14 years. In 2015, he joined the faculty of the Graduate Centre of the City University of New York, associated with the Luxembourg Income Study, which tracks and analyses income inequality around the world. In addition to his teaching and academic research, Krugman writes extensively for non-technical audiences and is a regular op-ed columnist for the New York Times. Maurice Obstfeld is the Class of 1958 Professor of Economics at UC Berkeley. He joined Berkeley in 1989 as a Professor, following appointments at Columbia (1979-1986) and the University of Pennsylvania (1986-1989). He was also a visiting Professor at Harvard between 1989 and 1991. From 2014 to 2015 he was a member of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, and from 2015 to 2018 served as Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Arbuscular Mycorrhizas and Stress Tolerance of Plants
This book reviews the potential mechanisms in arbuscular mycorrhizas (AMs), in the hope that this can help arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to be more used efficiently as a biostimulant to enhance stress tolerance in the host plants. AMF, as well as plants, are often exposed to all or many of the abiotic and biotic stresses, including extreme temperatures, pH, drought, water-logging, toxic metals and soil pathogens. Studies have indicated a quick response to these stresses involving several mechanisms, such as root morphological modification, reactive oxygen species change, osmotic adjustment, direct absorption of water by extraradical hyphae, up-regulated expression of relevant stressed genes, glomalin-related soil protein release, etc. The underlying complex, multi-dimensional strategy is involved in morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular processes. The AMF responses are often associated with homeostatic regulation of the internal and external environment, and are therefore critical for plant health, survival and restoration in native ecosystems and good soil structure.
Fayetteville Mafia Press Nothing To Fear: Alfred Hitchcock And The Wrong Men
Alfred Hitchcock is not often associated with a social justice movement. But in 1956, the world’s most famous director focused his lens on an issue that cuts to the heart of our criminal justice system: the risk of wrongful conviction. The result was The Wrong Man, a wrenching and largely overlooked drama based on the false arrest of Queens musician Christopher “Manny” Balestrero. Despite a detective’s assurance that the innocent have “nothing to fear,” Manny and his family faced ruin from false charges that he twice robbed an insurance office. Aspiring to documentary-like authenticity, Hitchcock and his team meticulously recreated one man’s odyssey through the corridors of justice. In so doing, they opened a window into New York’s history of mistaken identity cases. The Balestrero prosecution was not an isolated miscarriage of justice. Instead, Manny fell victim to the same rush to judgment and suggestive eyewitness identification procedures that had doomed innocent defendants in earlier cases.
Robert D. Reed Publishers Tiny But Mighty Baby: A Parents' Guide to Navigating Your Child's Diagnosis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction
Every year in the United States alone, more than 200,000 babies are born smaller than they should be. Their parents are left adrift amid multiple tests and complex medical interventions for their tiny baby. Written by a board-certified Neonatologist for parents of growth-restricted babies, Tiny But Mighty Baby: A Parents’ Guide to Navigating Your Child’s Diagnosis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction ushers parents through the complex medical terminology, technology, and loss of normalcy associated with a diagnosis of growth restriction. Tiny But Mighty Baby guides parents through how growth restriction is diagnosed and what to expect from their growth-restricted baby after delivery and throughout life. Intimate stories of parents’ experiences of growth restriction complement each medically focused chapter and include stories of miscarriage, infant loss, and childhood development. Tiny But Mighty Baby encompasses the latest research about growth restriction to empower parents along their journey to help their child live the healthiest life possible.
Archaeopress From Cave to Dolmen: Ritual and symbolic aspects in the prehistory between Sciacca, Sicily and the central Mediterranean
This book brings together the scientific contributions of a wide panel of Sicilian and mainland Italian specialists in prehistory. Taking inspiration from a conference organised by the Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali e Ambientali of Agrigento and by the municipal council of Sciacca in November 2011, the decision was taken to broaden and deepen some of the main themes discussed on that occasion. Therefore this book focuses on the Sciacca region and its landscape which is extraordinarily rich in natural geological phenomena and associated archaeological activity, for example the Grotta del Kronio and the numerous dolmens present nearby. This volume seeks to explore the various aspects – habitational or ritual – of the prehistoric use of the numerous caves present in the region and to analyse the many features of the island’s megalithic architecture. The text includes an historical review of the processes of discovery of the archaeological evidence, also an account of the current research projects and research activities.
Hay House Eft for Back Pain
Why use EFT for back pain? Back pain afflicts over 80% of adults at some point in their lives, and is the second most common reason for doctor visits. Back pain costs the world economy over two hundred billion dollars per year. For more than a decade, back pain sufferers have been reporting quick shifts after using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). How is EFT able to accomplish the relief of back pain, even in people who've suffered from it continuously for years? Here author Dawson Church, a researcher who has published clinical trials on EFT for pain, provides a guide to identifying the emotional root causes of your pain, and releasing them. He shows you a method called Clinical EFT, the only version of EFT to be validated in dozens of scientific studies. This guide summarizes that research, and tells the stories of hundreds of people who've been amazed at the immediate relief EFT brings to their back pain and associated emotional problems.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness
The ancient Mayan civilization had one of the most advanced understandings of astronomy and their calendar reflected this sophistication. But the Mayan calendar is not simply keyed to the movement of planetary bodies. It functions as a metaphysical map of the evolution of consciousness and records how time flows spiritually as well as materially - providing a new science of time. The calendar is associated with nine creation cycles which represent nine levels of consciousness or Underworlds on the Mayan cosmic pyramid. Through empirical research Calleman shows how this pyramidal structure of consciousness development can explain things as disparate as the common origin of world religions and the modern complaint that time seems to be moving faster. Time in fact is speeding up as we transition from the materialist Planetary Underworld of time that governs us to day to a new and higher frequency of consciousness - the Galactic Underworld - in preparation for the final Universal le
Management Concepts, Inc Source Selection Step by Step: A Working Guide for Every Member of the Acquisition Team
The path to successful source selection begins with Source Selection Step by Step: A Working Guide for Every Member of the Acquisition Team. Whether you are new to the acquisition team or an experienced practitioner looking to sharpen your skills, this comprehensive, highly readable handbook will guide you through the entire acquisition process, from designing an effective source selection plan, to preparing the solicitation, evaluating proposals, establishing a competitive range, and documenting the source selection decision. With clarity and frankness, Charles Solloway presents government source selection in a step-by-step guide that offers readers quick access to needed information. In addition to guidance about the process, the book includes: • Techniques to streamline the process and reduce time and expense • Ways to avoid common pitfalls • Alternatives to common procedures that yield better results • Methods to involve contractors more effectively • Definitions of the key terms associated with government source selection. Make this book your first stop for quick and easy guidance on all aspects of government source selection.
Edinburgh University Press Twentieth-Century Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion
.During the latter half of the twentieth century the Gothic emerged as one of the liveliest and most significant areas of academic inquiry within literary, film, and popular culture studies. This volume covers the key concepts and developments associated with Twentieth-Century Gothic, tracing the development of the mode from the fin de siecle to 9/11. The eighteen chapters reflect the interdisciplinary and ever-evolving nature of the Gothic, which, during the century, migrated from literature and drama to the cinema and television. The volume has both a chronological and thematic focus and particular attention is paid to topics and themes related to race, identity, marginality and technology. Chapters on ecogothic, Gothic Studies as a discipline, Medical Humanities, Queer Studies, African American Studies and Russian Gothic ensure that the collection is up-to-date and wide-ranging. Suggested further readings at the end of each chapter are intended to facilitate further independent research by readers and researchers.
Oxford Archaeology Green Park (Reading Business Park) Phase 2 Excavations 1995: Neolithic and Bronze Age sites
In 1995 a second phase of excavations was undertaken by Oxford Archaeological Unit (OAU) at Reading Business Park in advance of development. This volume reports on the occupation evidence they found dating to the Neolithic, Bronze Age and medieval periods. The Neolithic features included an unusual segmented ring ditch, and a number of pits and postholes, with associated flint assemblages dating to the late Neolithic. A field system, composed of rectangular boundary ditches, was laid out in the area prior to the establishment of the late Bronze Age settlement. The evidence for the late Bronze Age settlement included five roundhouses, and a number of post-built structures. The excavators also found numerous deposits of burnt flint that were made in one area in the later Bronze Age, and over time these grew into a substantial and unusually large elongated burnt mound. The authors discuss the origin of these deposits, together with the management of the overall landscape in the later Bronze Age.
Rizzoli International Publications Yukio Mishima: The Death of a Man: The Death of a Man
The author of masterworks such as The Temple of the Golden Pavilion and Forbidden Colors, Mishima, a celebrated figure in postwar world literature, remains a controversial figure in Japan. His reactionary politics and the spectacular nature of his death had so profoundly impacted Japanese society that images associated with the event were never publicly shown. In the months prior to the November incident, he enlisted Kishin Shinoyama to create a photographic, radical work of fiction, a photo essay on the death of the Japanese everyman. In images often suffused with militarism and eroticism, a parade of men, including a sailor, a construction worker, a fisherman, and a soldier, are shown meeting grisly, dramatic ends. Published for the very first time, these stylized images of men dying alone serve as prologues to the real-world culmination of Mishima s pursuit of total art. Locked in a performance with one inescapable end, Mishima offered his own body as its final act.
Rizzoli International Publications Cornelia Foss: A Retrospective
The first comprehensive survey of Cornelia Foss’s landscapes, still lifes, and portraits, an artist in the style and tradition of Fairfield Porter. The American artist Cornelia Foss is part of a loosely knit group of artists commonly described as “painterly realists,” many of whom are associated with Long Island’s scenic Hamptons region, including Eric Fischl and Fairfield Porter. This is the first such survey of this artist’s work to be published. Long considered a quintessential Long Island artist, Foss has painted Wainscott Pond for over half a century.Foss’s work mirrors her protected environment—pastel drawings of her own garden and nearby ponds; oil portraits of her granddaughters and pets; landscapes featuring beach scenes and still-life paintings showing flowers on a windowsill. Thus, the art conveys a nurturing perspective that also acknowledges the outside world. Beautifully designed, this volume provides deep insight into the breadth and range of the artist’s practice over the past fifty years.
Teachers' College Press Teaching Civic Literacy Projects: Student Engagement with Social Problems, Grades 4–12
This practical resource shows teachers how to enact robust forms of civic education in today’s schools. Both instructive and thought-provoking, it will inspire teachers to craft curricula addressing a wide range of genuine civic problems such as those related to racial discrimination, environmental damage, and community health. Dividing civic literacy projects into three key phases - problem identification, problem exploration, and action - the author provides concrete examples from upper-elementary, middle, and high school classrooms to illustrate and analyze how each phase can unfold. The projects ultimately provide opportunities for youth to participate in civic life while they develop essential literacy skills associated with reading, writing, and speaking. The final chapter outlines a curriculum design process that will result in coherent and meaningful civic literacy projects driven by clear goals. It includes practical tools, such as a sample unit timeline, an assessment chart, and student worksheets that can be modified for immediate use.
Galison William Morris PaintIn Postcard Set
PAINT IN CARD SET – The William Morris Paint In Card Set includes a set of 6 cards featuring the iconic floral designs of William Morris that can be painted using the 6 colors embedded into the top of the card. William Morris was a British textile designer, poet, artist, fantasy writer, and socialist activist associated with the British Arts and Crafts movement. BRIGHT AND BOLD ARTWORK –The Paint In Print Set features six 5x7” cards, each preprinted with Morris's designs and a set of six embedded paint colors. The embedded paints are activated by simply wetting the enclosed paint brush. Tear off the perforated paint strip and you’ll have a print to send or keep. PERFECT FOR GIFTING – Whether you're looking for a fun activity for a rainy day or a unique gift for a loved one, this Paint In Print Set is sure to impress! With its intricate details and floral designs, this print set is perfect for anyone who loves flow