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Lehigh University Press Theatre in Dublin, 1745–1820: A Calendar of Performances
Theatre in Dublin,1745–1820: A Calendar of Performances is the first comprehensive, daily compendium of more than 18,000 performances that took place in Dublin’s many professional theatres, music halls, pleasure gardens, and circus amphitheatres between Thomas Sheridan’s becoming the manager at Smock Alley Theatre in 1745 and the dissolution of the Crow Street Theatre in 1820. The daily performance calendar for each of the seventy-five seasons recorded here records and organizes all surviving documentary evidence pertinent to each evening’s entertainments, derived from all known sources, but especially from playbills and newspaper advertisements. Each theatre’s daily entry includes all preludes, mainpieces, interludes, and afterpieces with casts and assigned roles, followed by singing and singers, dancing and dancers, and specialty entertainments. Financial data, program changes, rehearsal notices, authorship and premiere information are included in each component’s entry, as is the text of contemporary correspondence and editorial contextualization and commentary, followed by other additional commentary, such as the many hundreds of printed puffs, notices, and performance reviews. In the cases of the programs of music halls, pleasure gardens, and circuses, the playbills have generally been transcribed verbatim. The calendar for each season is preceded by an analytical headnote that presents several categories of information including, among other things, an alphabetical listing of all members of each company, whether actors, musicians, specialty artists, or house servants, who are known to have been employed at each venue. Limited biographical commentary is included, particularly about performers of Irish origin, who had significant stage careers but who did not perform in London. Each headnote presents the seasons’s offerings of entertainments of each theatrical type (prelude, mainpiece, interlude, afterpiece) analyzed according to genre, including a list of the number of plays in each genre and according to period in which they were first performed. The headnote also notes the number of different plays by Shakespeare staged during each season and gives particular attention to entertainments of “special Irish interest.” The various kinds of benefit performance and command performances are also noted. Finally, this Calendar of Performances contains an appendix that furnishes a season-by-season listing of the plays that were new to the London patent theatres, and, later, of the important “minors.” This information is provided in order for us to understand the interrelatedness of the London and Dublin repertories.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Applications and Technology
From the past decade vehicular ad hoc networks got tremendous attention from the industry, academia and research community. According to US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are more than 30 thousands fatalities caused by the vehicle accidents in the U.S. each year, which worth around $250 billion economic cost annually. Research shows that 82% of these accidents can be reduced by the successful deployment of vehicular networks, because nearly 75% percent of vehicular crashes are caused by inattentive drivers. Literally, vehicular ad hoc networks means a network forms by the vehicles. But it has been evolved to network with the infrastructure as well due to the inherent intermittent nature of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) connection. The high mobility of vehicles, wireless communication loss and range constraints are the main reason for this intermittent V2V connection. So, now vehicular networks means communication between vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I). There are billions of dollars invested to research, deployment and testing of vehicular networks. For the emerging connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV), a stable vehicular networks is the foremost requirement. It is now very much visible that CAV will be the future of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). The book is dedicated to discuss for the techniques, applications and relevant technologies of vehicular ad hoc networks and its challenges. The first chapter discuss about the routing protocols of vehicular networks. It focuses on different position-based routing protocols and their mechanisms for the successful use of vehicular networks for different applications. The second chapter discusses on the security and privacy issues on vehicular networks. A well-known security technique called Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is discussed to secure vehicular data from various tampering attacks. The third chapter discusses on the on-demand wireless broadcasting mechanism for improving data dissemination performance in terms of data delivery ratio and response time. A network-coding based approach has been investigated for improving the overall performance of existing classical data broadcast algorithms. The fourth chapter describes how to get a dependable system in the lossy communication medium. This chapter discusses on a number of fault diagnosis techniques, their strengths and weaknesses, and it reviews their implementations in mobile wireless networks. The fifth chapter discusses the basics of Blockchain technology, applications, research challenges and opportunities in the field. Finally, chapter six discuss about the identification and mitigation of the faulty nodes in the wireless network.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Image Recognition: Progress, Trends and Challenges
This book focuses on research trends in image processing and recognition and corresponding developments. Among them, the book focuses on recent research, especially in the field of advanced human-computer interaction and intelligent computing. Given the existing interaction and recognition of the station, some novel topics are proposed, including how to establish a cognitive model in human-computer interaction and how to express and transfer human knowledge into human-machine image recognition. In an interactive implementation, how to implement user experience through image recognition during machine interaction. The main contents of this book are arranged as follows. Chapter 1 introduces the research background, research questions, goals, research questions and overviews of this book. Chapter 2 focuses on image calculation methods based on principal component analysis (PCA) and related extensions. Chapter 3 presents an image processing scheme that takes into account the user experience and the optimal balance between QoE and QoS management. Chapter 4 focuses on the performance analysis of methods for classifying image textures based on local binary patterns. Chapter 5 introduces the generation of the anti-network (GAN) and its methods. Chapter 6 mainly discusses the recognition of the interest target as the visual consciousness of the image computing system and proposes a fuzzy target-based interest target differentiation system, which is applied to the extinction enhancement as a display. Chapter 7 focuses on the implementation and application of PCA image processing and its application in computer vision in the fields of image compression, visual tracking, image recognition, and super-resolution image reconstruction. Chapter 8 introduces various applications of feature extraction and classification techniques in seizures. Chapter 9 introduces some typical image processing based on GAN, involving multiple fields. Chapter 10 introduces an agent-based collaborative information processing framework with stereo vision applications. Chapter 11 introduces the MR application system as a synthesis of the methods and algorithms in each of the above chapters and discusses system design and implementation in terms of functions, modules, and workflows. Chapter 12 evaluates the book, draws conclusions, and proposes advances in image recognition and its advances in image recognition, limitations, and future work, and applies them to intelligent HCI in system design. Objects, human knowledge and user experience, QoE-QoS management, system management, and confidentiality and security.
Open University Press Therapeutic Skills for Mental Health Nurses
Most specialist mental health care is provided by nurses who use face to face helping skills with a wide range of people in a variety of contexts. This book puts therapeutic skills at the heart of the nurse’s role, with one central aim: to equip you with knowledge to use in your practice, thus improving your ability to deliver care. This book:• Will enable you to strengthen your core therapeutic skills and broaden your knowledge to include other practical therapeutic approaches• Collates in one place information on a range of therapeutic approaches, from person centred counselling, motivational interviewing and solution focused approaches, through to day to day skills of challenging unhelpful thoughts, de-escalating difficult situations, working with families, and problem solving• Demonstrates application of theory to practice through a variety of practical examples • Features reader activities to facilitate personal growth and learning• Includes a chapter exploring clinical supervision and how this makes practice more effectiveEach chapter is grounded in authentic clinical experiences and focuses on equipping the reader to develop confidence in their client facing skills. This text is an essential purchase for all mental health nurse students as well as qualified nurses."Whilst the essential therapeutic component of mental health nursing is the nurse themselves, it is also essential that they have knowledge and competencies to offer the client. This valuable book offers the reader an introduction to a wide range of approaches that are considered helpful, evidence based and effective. Modern mental health nursing requires much of its practitioners; this book will help inform and support that endeavour."Ian Hulatt, Mental Health Adviser, Royal College of Nursing, UK“This is a timely book which addresses, head on, questions about what mental health nurses can do to be effective with their patients. At last we have a book that mental health nurses can draw on to understand why and how various therapeutic approaches are used. The range is from cognitive behavioural therapy, to psychodynamic approaches to mindfulness, with others in between. Each chapter is written by an expert and each offers concrete examples of what it involved in each of the approaches. These examples are imperative if readers are to understand how to use interventions in their everyday work. This ground breaking book will be compulsory reading for everyone involved in the care of those with mental health problems. A wonderful book.”Philip Burnard, Emeritus Professor of Nursing, Cardiff University, UK
Open University Press Your PhD Coach: How to get the PhD Experience you Want
This book is your own personal PhD coach. It’s not just about surviving your PhD, it’s about thriving in the experience. Taking a unique self-coaching approach, this book will enable you to understand how to navigate your way through the various challenges posed by PhD study with resilience, self-sufficiency, and the determination to succeed. Each chapter contains self-coaching challenges so that you can discover what works for you and generate fresh ideas to enable you to move forwards, banish self-doubt, bust procrastination, and realise your full potential to make the most of your PhD experience.Your PhD Coach will enable you to: Build resilience and self-leadership Challenge yourself to be focused and achieve aspiring goals Find the right balance and nurture stronger relationships Develop your confidence, creativity and motivation Using a coaching philosophy that helps you realize your own solutions and develop your own strategies to move forward, the book is packed full of techniques, tips and tricks applicable to a wide range of circumstances both within the PhD process and beyond - an essential book for all those taking on the challenge of PhD research. "Medd and Gill go deep into the under the skin of what it is like to do a PhD, pull out the reality of the operation and offer some sound advice. They provide effective techniques to bust the 'gremlins' – the voices in the head - that can haunt postgraduate researchers and diminish the research experience. I urge all research students (and supervisors) to read this very accessible book. It will help them reflect deeper into their research experience and help build confidence in themselves and (re)gain satisfaction in their work and studies."Dr Richard Hinchcliffe, Academic Development, Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Liverpool, UK"Coaching empowered me to reclaim my PhD and this book will enable many more students to do the same. Will Medd and Jeff Gill have a deep understanding of the PhD process and students reading this book, at any stage in their PhD, will find themselves thinking 'Wow, that is exactly how I feel!' The book challenges the inevitability of the 'PhD steam-roller' and its comfortable and chatty tone creates a friendly guide for those struggling with the demands of a PhD and inspiration for those who want to get the most from the whole experience." Beth Brockett, PhD Student, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK
Open University Press Practical Care Planning for Personalised Mental Health Care
“This book is an excellent resource which brings together the essential elements of contemporary mental health practice, providing students with practical and values-based guidance for a range of clinical specialties. The language used throughout is accessible and practice-focused case studies provide stimulus for critical reflection. The principles of recovery and person-centred communication are threaded throughout and guides to care-planning allow the student to navigate through the complexity of balancing personalised care with legal and policy requirements.”Dr Jeanette Hewitt, Lecturer, Swansea University, UK "This book provides readers with practical examples on how personalised mental healthcare can be achieved in practice. The authors bring to the text their own personal experiences which will benefit learners and enable them to see how theory can be applied in a practical way to resolve complex problems."Michael Nash, Lecturer, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland “This book is a useful tool for anyone studying mental health. It gives information about the governmental policies which have shaped mental health practice. The framework of the care plan process is described and useful case studies and examples of care plans from various mental health areas are given in each chapter … The reflection exercises and activities set by the authors will help students to understand how to apply the theory to practice.”Deborah Wilson, Mental Health Student Nurse, Sheffield Hallam University, UKThis accessible book offers those working in mental health settings a practical guide to writing great care plans. With chapters on care planning in primary care, community care and acute care, each chapter highlights the challenges of care planning, the evidence available in each area, the knowledge needed by the practitioner and the skills needed to work with clients.With the necessary evidence, knowledge and skills provided throughout, this book includes: Dedicated chapters on each of the main settings Practical advice, case study examples and tips for students and practitioners Sample care plans for the most common conditions/scenarios Practical Care Planning for Personalised Mental Health Care is essential reading for mental health nurses in initial training, and qualified staff looking for a practical guide to support CPD study or practice development. It will also be valuable for those students doing mental health pathways or placements. Contributors: Alison Owen Traynor, Brynley Williams, Carl Benton, Marie O’Boyle-Duggan, Marie Yuen, Mark Jukes, Matt Phillips, Neil Robdale, Rowenna Spencer and Thomas Currid
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Learning C# by Programming Games
Developing computer games is a perfect way to learn how to program in modern programming languages. This book teaches how to program in C# through the creation of computer games – and without requiring any previous programming experience.Contrary to most programming books, van Toll, Egges, and Fokker do not organize the presentation according to programming language constructs, but instead use the structure and elements of computer games as a framework. For instance, there are chapters on dealing with player input, game objects, game worlds, game states, levels, animation, physics, and intelligence. The reader will be guided through the development of four games showing the various aspects of game development. Starting with a simple shooting game, the authors move on to puzzle games consisting of multiple levels, and conclude the book by developing a full-fledged platform game with animation, game physics, and intelligent enemies. They show a number of commonly used techniques in games, such as drawing layers of sprites, rotating, scaling and animating sprites, dealing with physics, handling interaction between game objects, and creating pleasing visual effects. At the same time, they provide a thorough introduction to C# and object-oriented programming, introducing step by step important programming concepts such as loops, methods, classes, collections, and exception handling.This second edition includes a few notable updates. First of all, the book and all example programs are now based on the library MonoGame 3.6, instead of the obsolete XNA Game Studio. Second, instead of explaining how the example programs work, the text now invites readers to write these programs themselves, with clearly marked reference points throughout the text. Third, the book now makes a clearer distinction between general (C#) programming concepts and concepts that are specific to game development. Fourth, the most important programming concepts are now summarized in convenient “Quick Reference” boxes, which replace the syntax diagrams of the first edition. Finally, the updated exercises are now grouped per chapter and can be found at the end of each chapter, allowing readers to test their knowledge more directly.The book is also designed to be used as a basis for a game-oriented programming course. Supplementary materials for organizing such a course are available on an accompanying web site, which also includes all example programs, game sprites, sounds, and the solutions to all exercises.
Authentic Media ERV Authentic Youth Bible Red
The Authentic Youth Bible is a popular choice for teens, youth groups and schools. The fully anglicised text uses the accurate and accessible ERV (Easy to Read) translation. The contemporary language makes the Authentic Youth Bible easy to get into, so that teens can get a lot out of it! Many extra features are included to help young people understand the Bible for themselves, including introductions to each Bible book, 164 studies that dig deeper into key passages, and 275 insight boxes that help explain the meaning of certain verses. 32 full colour pages tackle issues such as peer pressure, relationships, image and self-esteem as well as looking at themes such as following Jesus, the Trinity and trusting God. The Authentic Youth Bible is a full text Bible that is the perfect choice to help teens get into the Bible for themselves and develop strong foundations in the faith. Content Benefits: The Authentic Youth Bible is a contemporary and accessible translation that is bursting with extra features that will help teens and young adults understand and live out God's Word today. A popular choice for secondary schools and for youth groups as well as for personal use Allows youth leaders to teach the Bible in an accessible yet accurate way Enables teens to engage with the Bible for themselves Ideal for 13-18 year olds and young adults Contemporary translation which is relevant and accurate Simple to understand Anglicised text, with UK spelling and grammar Introductory notes size up the setting and discover the Who, When and What of each Bible book Introductions to both the Old and New Testaments to help set the scene 164 Bible Bit pages help you dig deeper and explore key passages 275 Insight boxes enable you to probe passages and explore the meaning of verses 32 full colour pages explore important and topical issues teens face Easy to read type in two columns A dictionary, conveniently placed at the back of the Bible for easy reference, helps explains difficult or key words Overview of the Bible How to read the Bible section helps readers get started Maps of key periods Table of weights and measures A list of Bible verses to help in various situations Presentation page Binding - Hardback Pages - 1399 Publisher - Authentic Media
University of California Press Sisters in the Mirror: A History of Muslim Women and the Global Politics of Feminism
"A must read."—CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title, 2022 "Holds up a mirror to the unifying, braided futures underlying so-called 'Western' and 'Muslim' feminism that are both undermined by the power of capital, the world trade order, and cynical geopolitics."—2023 Association for Asian Studies Coomaraswamy Book PrizeA crystal-clear account of the entangled history of Western and Muslim feminisms. Western feminists, pundits, and policymakers tend to portray the Muslim world as the last and most difficult frontier of global feminism. Challenging this view, Elora Shehabuddin presents a unique and engaging history of feminism as a story of colonial and postcolonial interactions between Western and Muslim societies. Muslim women, like other women around the world, have been engaged in their own struggles for generations: as individuals and in groups that include but also extend beyond their religious identity and religious practices. The modern and globally enmeshed Muslim world they navigate has often been at the weaker end of disparities of wealth and power, of processes of colonization and policies of war, economic sanctions, and Western feminist outreach. Importantly, Muslims have long constructed their own ideas about women’s and men’s lives in the West, with implications for how they articulate their feminist dreams for their own societies. Stretching from the eighteenth-century Enlightenment era to the War on Terror present, Sisters in the Mirror shows how changes in women’s lives and feminist strategies have consistently reflected wider changes in national and global politics and economics. Muslim women, like non-Muslim women in various colonized societies and non-white and poor women in the West, have found themselves having to negotiate their demands for rights within other forms of struggle—for national independence or against occupation, racism, and economic inequality. Through stories of both well-known and relatively unknown figures, Shehabuddin recounts instances of conflict alongside those of empathy, collaboration, and solidarity across this extended period. Sisters in the Mirror is organized around stories of encounters between women and men from South Asia, Britain, and the United States that led them, as if they were looking in a mirror, to pause and reconsider norms in their own society, including cherished ideas about women’s roles and rights. These intertwined stories confirm that nowhere, in either Western or Muslim societies, has material change in girls’ and women’s lives come easily or without protracted struggle.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG An Introduction to Design Science
This book is an introductory text on design science, intended to support both graduate students and researchers in structuring, undertaking and presenting design science work. It builds on established design science methods as well as recent work on presenting design science studies and ethical principles for design science, and also offers novel instruments for visualizing the results, both in the form of process diagrams and through a canvas format. While the book does not presume any prior knowledge of design science, it provides readers with a thorough understanding of the subject and enables them to delve into much deeper detail, thanks to extensive sections on further reading. Design science in information systems and technology aims to create novel artifacts in the form of models, methods, and systems that support people in developing, using and maintaining IT solutions. This work focuses on design science as applied to information systems and technology, but it also includes examples from, and perspectives of, other fields of human practice. Chapter 1 provides an overview of design science and outlines its ties with empirical research. Chapter 2 discusses the various types and forms of knowledge that can be used and produced by design science research, while Chapter 3 presents a brief overview of common empirical research strategies and methods. Chapter 4 introduces a methodological framework for supporting researchers in doing design science research as well as in presenting their results. This framework includes five core activities, which are described in detail in Chapters 5 to 9. Chapter 10 discusses how to communicate design science results, while Chapter 11 compares the proposed methodological framework with methods for systems development and shows how they can be combined. Chapter 12 discusses how design science relates to research paradigms, in particular to positivism and interpretivism, and Chapter 13 discusses ethical issues and principles for design science research. The new Chapter 14 showcases a study on digital health consultations and illustrates the whole process in one comprehensive example. Also added to this 2nd edition are a number of sections on practical guidelines for carrying out basic design science tasks, a discussion on design thinking and its relationship to design science, and the description of artefact classifications. Eventually, both the references in each chapter and the companion web site were updated to reflect recent findings.
GMC Publications Still Life
Still Life is an accessible instruction course for complete beginners to learn how to draw and paint contemporary still-life subjects. Following a concise guide to the tools, materials and basic techniques that every beginner needs to know (including line, tone, colour, composition and perspective), there are ten tutorials showing how to draw and paint a variety of still life subjects using beginner-friendly materials, including pencil, charcoal, coloured pencils, pen and ink, watercolour paints and watercolour pencils. Each tutorial has a list of the materials and tools required, step-by-step photographs of the work, informative text and tips and strategies for getting the best results. By working through the tutorials, you will gradually develop your skills and build confidence until you feel equipped to attempt any still life. In addition to the tutorials, you'll find three 'focus on' feature spreads. These pages offer more in-depth/advanced techniques appropriate to the projects. AUTHOR: Susie Johns is an artist and designer who has written dozens of craft books, mostly on knitting, crochet and sewing, including Knitted Pets, Knitted Woodland Creatures, Fat Quarter: Bags & Purses and Fat Quarter: Vintage (all GMC Publications). Her patterns and designs appear regularly in consumer craft magazines in the UK, such as Let's Knit, Sew and Let's Get Crafting, and she has written numerous patterns for suppliers such as DMC. She has also demonstrated various crafts on television. Susie studied Fine Art at The Slade School and went on to pursue a career in publishing as an editor before becoming freelance. Alongside her writing career, she teaches drawing and painting at a local adult education college.She also runs classes and workshops on knitting and crochet and has been involved in a number of textile-based community projects in and around London, where she lives. SELLING POINTS: . Unlike many other Still Life books on the market, it shows readers how to work in a variety of mediums, including pencil, charcoal, coloured pencils, pen and ink, watercolour paints and watercolour pencils all particularly suitable for beginners . Plenty of tips and advice throughout . Helpful step-by-step photos illustrate the text . Includes ten progressive, step-by-step tutorials to put the basic techniques into practice . Covers all the essentials for beginners to get started and improve as they progress through the book 190 photographs
Pen & Sword Books Ltd V & W Destroyers: A Developmental History
The revolutionary battleship Dreadnought of 1906 brought together in one package the new technology of oil fired boilers and steam turbines, and all-big-gun armament; in doing so she rendered all other capital ships then afloat completely obsolete. Ten years later the V&W Class did to destroyers what the dreadnoughts had done to battleships: they set a completely new and higher standard of technology and were a cut above anything that had come before. They were, however, less revolutionary than evolutionary and in this new book John Henshaw takes the reader through all the developmental stages with a detailed history of the step-by-step lessons that were learnt, not all of which were fortuitous. In one package the Royal Navy finally acquired a hull that possessed not just good sea-keeping capability but one that was able to carry heavier armament without any adverse effects. Range and speed were commensurate with their size while the super-firing guns, fore and aft, could be deployed in all weathers for a four-gun broadside. The V & W design set the trend for all destroyer design for the next two decades and, indeed, the basic layout of destroyers stayed the same long beyond that. The formula of a raised foredeck and super-firing guns fore and aft continued in the Royal Navy until the Battle Class of 1944 and in the United States Navy until the Fletcher Class of 1943. That the V & Ws served on through World War II in various forms is a testament to the soundness of the basic concept, their adaptability and strength. The V stood for Venerable, because they certainly proved that, and W for Watershed, because they were truly a turning point in destroyer design. The narrative is superbly illustrated with forty-five detailed profile and deck plans, for which the author is so well known, of the principal early British destroyer types and illustrates all the V&Ws through to the end of World War II, including some conversions that were considered but never completed. The book also looks at the influence of the basic design on the destroyers of other navies. This new book, which will appeal both to naval historians and modelmakers, brings together under one cover a narrative that is comprehensive in its scope, well researched and elegantly supported with detailed line drawings and selected photographs for the period 1890-1945.
Little, Brown Book Group Ink & Sigil: Book 1 of the Ink & Sigil series - from the world of the Iron Druid Chronicles
'A NEW, ACTION-PACKED, ENCHANTINGLY FUN SERIES' BooklistFrom New York Times bestselling author Kevin Hearne comes the start of a hugely entertaining new series set in the world of the Iron Druid Chronicles - about an eccentric master of magic solving an uncanny mystery in Scotland . . .Al MacBharrais is both blessed and cursed. He is blessed with an extraordinary white moustache, an appreciation for craft cocktails - and a most unique magical talent. He can cast spells with magically enchanted ink and he uses his gifts to protect our world from rogue minions of various pantheons, especially the Fae. But he is also cursed. Anyone who hears his voice will begin to feel an inexplicable hatred for Al, so he can only communicate through the written word or speech apps. And his apprentices keep dying in peculiar freak accidents. As his personal life crumbles around him, he devotes his life to his work, all the while trying to crack the secret of his curse. But when his latest apprentice, Gordie, turns up dead in his Glasgow flat, Al discovers evidence that Gordie was living a secret life of crime. Now Al is forced to play detective - while avoiding actual detectives who are wondering why death seems to always follow Al. Investigating his apprentice's death will take him through Scotland's magical underworld, and he'll need the help of a mischievous hobgoblin if he's to survive.Packed to the brim with mystery, magic and mayhem, Ink & Sigil is perfect for fans of Rivers of London and Rotherweird.Praise for Ink & Sigil:'You are in for a great treat. Ink and Sigil is great escape reading, and I loved every word' Charlaine Harris, New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse books'Will transport you right in the Scottish realm of fey and fairies . . . The magic is both familiar and new, believable and extraordinary' Charlie Holmberg, author of The Paper Magician'Vividly blends Kevin Hearne's unique take on urban fantasy with the grit of Scottish magic' Adam Christopher, author of Empire State'Ink & Sigil is filled to the brim with the Hearne-anigans we've all grown to love. Fans of ribald humor, literary puns and the odd hobgoblin will be enchanted by this paranormal mystery' Jaye Wells, author of the Prospero's War series
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Mindful Pregnancy: Meditation, Yoga, Hypnobirthing, Natural Remedies, and Nutrition – Trimester by Trimester
DK brings you an all-encompassing trimester-by-trimester wellness guide for your pregnancy. Becoming pregnant is a beautiful moment in any person's life, but we understand that it can be challenging to keep your body nurtured and supported throughout this journey. Don't worry, DK has got you covered!Introducing 'Mindful Pregnancy' - a practical and inspiring step-by-step photographic guide to keep you and your baby happy and healthy during your pregnancy journey. If you're a yoga-loving, mindful mum-to-be looking for sound advice on how to enjoy a natural, stress-free pregnancy, then this is the book for you!Inside the pages of this in-depth natural birth book you'll discover:-In-depth guide to pregnancy wellness organized trimester by trimester, including top tips and advice on various themes to match your stage of pregnancy and the development of your baby.-Clear, concise and easy to follow techniques which are presented step-by-step, grounded in their scientific benefits Discover all that this prenatal health book has to offer. Packed with up-to-date research alongside safe, strengthening and supportive sequences to guide you through your pregnancy journey, this is a must-have volume for expectant mothers keen to stay fit and supported throughout pregnancy, women who want to explore the benefits of doing yoga with their babies, or even mums-to-be experiencing any one of the common ailments of pregnancy, such as backache and are looking to remedy them naturally. In fact, recent studies suggest there are great health benefits to practicing yoga during pregnancy, including reducing anxiety and stress in mothers, as well as a reduction in the pain of labour. This mindful maternity book offers safe yoga, meditation, natural remedies and nutritional and hypnobirthing advice that are specifically tailored to each stage of pregnancy. This inspiring guide offers encouraging and practical advice that will help you understand your body, embrace change and fully prepare you for becoming a mum. The ideal gift for yoga-loving mindful mums to be, this guide is jam-packed with top tips and techniques for a mindful and stress-free pregnancy and natural birth. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So with Mindful Pregnancy by your side, we assure you will feel safe and supported during this special time in your life, as you count down the days to your new arrival!
Oxford University Press Piero della Francesca: Artist and Man
Largely neglected for the four centuries after his death, the fifteenth century Italian artist Piero della Francesca is now seen to embody the fullest expression of the Renaissance perspective painter, raising him to an artistic stature comparable with that of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. But who was Piero, and how did he become the person and artist that he was? Until now, in spite of the great interest in his work, these questions have remained largely unanswered. Piero della Francesca: Artist and Man puts that situation right, integrating the story of Piero's artistic and mathematical achievements with the full chronicle of his life for the first time. Fortified by the discovery of over one hundred previously unknown documents, most unearthed by the author himself, James R. Banker at last brings this fascinating Renaissance enigma to life. The book presents us with Piero's friends, family, and collaborators, all set against the social background of the various cities and courts in which he lived - from the Tuscan commune of Sansepolcro in which he grew up, to Renaissance Florence, Ferrara, Ancona, Rimini, Rome, Arezzo, and Urbino, and eventually back to his home town for the final years of his life. As Banker shows, the cultural contexts in which Piero lived are crucial for understanding both the man and his paintings. From early masterpieces such as the Baptism of Christ through to later, Flemish-influenced works such as the Nativity, we gain a fascinating insight into how Piero's art developed over time, alongside his growing achievements in geometry in the later decades of his life. Along the way, the book addresses some persistent myths about this apparently most elusive of artists. As well as establishing a convincing case to clear up the long controversy over the year of Piero's birth, there are also answers to some big questions about the date of some of his major works, and a persuasive new interpretation of the much-debated Flagellation of Christ. This book is for all those who wish to know about the development of Piero as man, artist, and scholar, rather than simply to see him through a series of isolated great works. What emerges is a thoroughly intriguing Renaissance individual, firmly embedded in his social milieu, but forging an historic identity through his profound artistic and mathematical achievements.
Oxford University Press Inc The Subversive Seventies
A thought-provoking reconsideration of how the revolutionary movements of the 1970s set the mold for today's activism. The 1970s was a decade of "subversives". Faced with various progressive and revolutionary social movements, the forces of order--politicians, law enforcement, journalists, and conservative intellectuals--saw subversives everywhere. From indigenous peasant armies and gay liberation organizations, to anti-nuclear activists and Black liberation militants, subversives challenged authority, laid siege to the established order, and undermined time-honored ways of life. Every corner of the left was fertile ground for subversive elements, which the forces of order had to root out and destroy--a project they pursued with zeal and brutality. In The Subversive Seventies, Michael Hardt sets out to show that popular understandings of the political movements of the seventies--often seen as fractious, violent, and largely unsuccessful--are not just inaccurate, but foreclose valuable lessons for the political struggles of today. While many accounts of the 1970s have been written about the regimes of domination that emerged throughout the decade, Hardt approaches the subversive from the perspectives of those who sought to undermine the base of established authority and transform the fundamental structures of society. In so doing, he provides a novel account of the theoretical and practical projects of liberation that still speak to us today, too many of which have been all but forgotten. Departing from popular and scholarly accounts that focus on the social movements of the 1960s, Hardt argues that the 1970s offers an inspiring and useful guide for contemporary radical political thought and action. Although we can still learn much from the movements of the sixties, that decade's struggles for peace, justice, and freedom fundamentally marked the end of an era. The movements of the seventies, in contrast, responded directly to emerging neoliberal frameworks and other structures of power that continue to rule over us today. They identified and confronted political problems that remain central for us. The 1970s, in this sense, marks the beginning of our time. Looking at a wide range of movements around the globe, from the United States, to Guinea Bissau, South Korea, Chile, Turkey, and Italy, The Subversive Seventies provides a reassessment of the political action of the 1970s that sheds new light not only on our revolutionary past but also on what liberation can be and do today.
Oxford University Press Inc The Grand Design: The Evolution of the International Peace Architecture
The guiding principle of peacemaking and peacebuilding over the past quarter century has been "liberal peace": the promotion of democracy, capitalism, law, and respect for human rights. These components represent a historic effort to prevent a reoccurrence of the nationalism, fascism, and economic collapse that led to the World Wars as well as many later conflicts. Ultimately, this strategy has been somewhat successful in reducing war between countries, but it has failed to produce legitimate and sustainable forms of peace at the domestic level. The goals of peacebuilding have changed over time and place, but they have always been built around compromise via processes of intervention aimed at supporting "progress" in conflict-affected countries. They have simultaneously promoted changes in the regional and global order. As Oliver P. Richmond argues in this book, the concept of peace has evolved continuously through several eras: from the imperial era, through the states-system, liberal, and current neoliberal eras of states and markets. It holds the prospect of developing further through the emerging "digital" era of transnational networks, new technologies, and heightened mobility. Yet, as recent studies have shown, only a minority of modern peace agreements survive for more than a few years and many peace agreements and peacebuilding missions have become intractable, blocked, or frozen. This casts a shadow on the legitimacy, stability, and effectiveness of the overall international peace architecture, reflecting significant problems in the evolution of an often violently contested international and domestic order. This book examines the development of the international peace architecture, a "grand design" comprising various subsequent attempts to develop a peaceful international order. Richmond examines six main theoretical-historical stages in this process often addressed through peacekeeping and international mediation, including the balance of power mechanism of the 19th Century, liberal internationalism after World War I, and the expansion of rights and decolonization after World War II. It also includes liberal peacebuilding after the end of the Cold War, neoliberal statebuilding during the 2000s, and an as yet unresolved current "digital" stage. They have produced a substantial, though fragile, international peace architecture. However, it is always entangled with, and hindered by, blockages and a more substantial counter-peace framework. The Grand Design provides a sweeping look at the troubled history of peace processes, peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding, and their effects on the evolution of international order. It also considers what the next stage may bring.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Dynamics in Environmental Systems
Providing a comprehensive analysis of the dynamic complexities of environmental systems—both natural and manmade—Process Dynamics in Environmental Systems is a unique, practical introduction to the issues and design mandates central to environmental engineering. An outgrowth of the classic text Physicochemical Processes for Water Quality Control, this new book amplifies and updates the important discussion of process dynamics begun in the original. Designed as a stand-alone reference to every aspect of process dynamics, the current book offers a complete theoretical analysis of the subject as well as numerous practical illustrations of how process models are useful in interpreting and designing a wide variety of process operations. Beginning with a broad overview of the factors and features of environmental systems and processes, the book then clearly details the general nature of fundamental processes, the character of the different types of systems in which they occur, and the way in which these factors influence process dynamics and environmental systems. The book then examines the core elements of process analysis—energetics, reaction rates, and reactor dynamics—and shows how process modeling integrates these elements in quantitative descriptions and in designs of engineered systems. Central to the structure of this book is a detailed analysis of the nature of reaction and transport phenomena—the two fundamental aspects of any environmental system. Including a look at reactions on both a macroscopic and microscopic scale, the book examines the mechanics of macroscopic and microscopic transport processes, outlining mass transport concepts basic to an understanding of reaction phenomena and reactor engineering. Subsequent chapters examine environmental reaction phenomena in the context of chemical species and transformations, including a discussion of energy balances and flows in both single-phase and multi-phase systems. A detailed look at the molecular basis for reaction kinetics in both single-phase and multi-phase systems follows. The book then broadens its focus to reactor dynamics, outlining engineering design considerations associated with reactor systems involving one phase; and then reactor systems involving transformations among and between components in two or more phases. A particularly unique feature of the book is its coverage of process dynamics for reactor systems in which transient conditions occur, at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales. A synthesis of the various aspects of process dynamics forms the book's conclusion, enabling the reader to skillfully apply the concepts of process dynamics to the interpretation and design of environmental systems. An ideal reference/handbook to the theory and uses of process dynamics, the book's practical, instructive format includes detailed example problems, assigned problems with answers, as well as suggested supplementary reading. Useful general appendices are provided, and many individual chapters also feature appendices which address issues specific to the chapter. Featuring a practical, forward looking approach to environmental systems design, Process Dynamics in Environmental Systems is a must for professionals and students interested in building the structures that preserve—and elevate—our quality of life. A blueprint to understanding and designing environmental authoritative text and handbook for the '90s and beyond Process dynamics is the science of quantifying and predicting the various components and phenomena underlying environmental systems. Designed as a comprehensive teaching text, reference, and study guide, Process Dynamics in Environmental Systems offers a complete theoretical analysis of process dynamics as well as numerous practical illustrations of how process models are useful in interpreting and designing a wide variety of process operations. Beginning with a broad overview of the factors and features of environmental systems and processes, the book then clearly details the general nature of fundamental processes, the character of the different types of systems in which they occur, and the way in which these factors influence process dynamics and environmental systems. The book then examines: The core elements of process analysis—energetics, kinetics, and reactor dynamics—and shows how process modeling integrates these into quantitative descriptions and the design of engineered systems The mechanics of macroscopic and microscopic transport processes Reaction rates in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems Engineering and design considerations associated with reactor systems involving one and two or more phases Reactor systems involving transient conditions at the macroscopic and/or microscopic scales The book's practical, instructive format includes detailed example problems, assigned problems with answers, as well as suggested supplementary reading.
Baen Books Weird World War IV
TALES OF THE WAR BEYOND THE NEXT What if there were a war after Armageddon? How would the survivors emerging from World War III’s radioactive slag heaps fight in this conflict? Would they wage it with sticks and stones . . . and sorcery? Or would they use more refined weapons, elevating lawfare to an art and unleashing bureaucratic nightmares worse than death? Would they struggle against themselves or inter-dimensional invaders? What horrors from the desolate darkness might slither into the light? Wipe away the ashes of civilization and peer into a pit of atomic glass to witness the haunting visions of World War IV from today’s greatest minds in science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Contributors include: Jonathan Maberry Steven Barnes D.J. Butler Brad R. Torgersen Martin L. Shoemaker T.C. McCarthy Eric James Stone Stephen Lawson Freddy Costello and Michael Z. Williamson Laird Barron Nick Mamatas Brian Trent Erica L. Satifka Kevin Andrew Murphy Maurice Broaddus and Rodney Carlstrom David VonAllmen Deborah A. Wolf Nina Kiriki Hoffman Julie Frost Weston Ochse John Langan About Weird World War IV: "Editor Hazlett follows Weird World War III by looking even further into the future at the war after the next big one. As such, these 21 skirmishes are not straight extrapolations of present-day politics but veer into alternate timelines in which dinosaurs invade to escape their own troubles (“Reflections in Lizard-Time” by Brian Trent) or artificial intelligences reshape humans into new species suitable for the poisoned Earth (“Mea Kaua” by Stephen Lawson). Cosmic horrors are summoned by combatants in “Deep Trouble” by Jonathan Mayberry and beaten back by “elder beasts” from African myths in “The Door of Return” by Maurice Broaddus and Rodney Carlstrom. Not every story quite fits the theme of a war to follow the next war, but all feature postapocalyptic settings where conflict brews. The best, like “Wave Forms” by Nina Kiriki Hoffman and John Langan’s Arthurian “Future and Once,” keep the battle to come a tantalizing tease. The broad ideological range here—“The Eureka Alternative” by Brad Torgersen blames the apocalypse on wokeness, while Weston Ochse’s “A Day in the Life of a Suicide Geomancer” critiques the MAGA crowd—means not every story will be for every military SF reader, but the sheer weirdness of many of these pieces is a testament to the genre’s creativity and verve." —Publishers Weekly "Although this might seem to be a limited theme, the various authors have risen to the challenge, and produced a wide variety of fiction incorporating science fiction and fantasy concepts into tales of struggles that do not always take place on battlefields." —Tangent
Archaeopress La naissance des cités-royaumes cypriotes
Three theories vie to explain the causes, characteristics and chronology behind the emergence of Iron Age Cypriot city-kingdoms: Achaean, Phoenician and autochthonous. Privileged by scholars until as recently as the 1980s, the first linked the emergence of the Cypriot city-state to the great Achaean migrations at the end of the second millennium. Epic foundation myths, telling of cities founded by Achaean heroes returning from Troy, were seen as fabled versions of events unfolding ostensibly at the outset of the Iron Age. The writings of D.W. Rupp cast doubt on the Achaean theory, by placing these developments at a much later date (8th c. BCE) and tracing their origins to the growing influence of the Phoenicians. This hypothesis was hotly contested, giving rise to a third theory, according to which the Cypriot Iron Age was essentially a continuation of the island’s Bronze Age civilisation. The latter theory now holds sway and is scarcely ever contested. The Cypriot city-kingdoms that we observe in the historical period (7th-4th c. BCE) are said to have arisen, after a few decades of instability, as early as the 11th century. Their political and administrative structures would have undergone little more than consolidation in the 8th century, before enjoying their floruit during the Archaic and Classical periods and finally disappearing amid the Wars of the Diadochi at the start of the Hellenistic period. By recasting these developments within the broader context of the re-emergence of state structures in the eastern Mediterranean, La naissance des cités-royaumes cypriotes reassesses the arguments advanced by champions of the received theory. It likewise situates the phenomenon within a firmer theoretical (i.e. anthropological) framework, intended to establish well-defined distinctions. Furthermore, it proposes a shared typology that can accommodate other political entities, traces of which are found throughout the Geometric period (11th-8th c. BCE). Not only does the archaeological evidence compel us to question whether events unfolded as suggested, it reinforces a more nuanced variant of the Phoenician theory. Various state markers, though abundant in the 8th century (Cypro-Geometric III), seem indeed conspicuously absent during Cypro-Geometric I and II. Excavations at one such city-state, the palace of Amathus, have yielded compelling indications as to when a lasting dynasty originally arose. From them, we can surmise that the Kingdom of Amathus was the first of its kind. While the process no doubt took several decades, under no circumstances did it occur before the 9th century BCE. This coincides, moreover, with the wave of resurgent state-building that swept the eastern Mediterranean and engulfed even more westerly regions like the Aegean.
Skyhorse Publishing The Little Red Book of Kitchen Wisdom
From Thomas Keller to Julia Childhundreds of quotes that are sure to please anyone who loves to cook, bake, drink, and eat.As American chef and food writer James Beard once said, "Food is our common ground, a universal experience." Everyone has a favorite food or meal, a method of cooking or baking they swear by, or a secret ingredient they utilize whenever possible. Food brings friends and family together every day, whether in their dining rooms or at tables in their favorite restaurants.The Little Red Book of Kitchen Wisdom presents thoughts on the happenings in kitchens around the world, from the preparation of ingredients to the consumption of meals and everything in between. This book will include quotes from the most respected chefs in the world (such as Heston Blumenthal, Alice Waters, and Grant Achatz), recognizable celebrity chefs and television personalities (Alton Brown, Mario Batali, Cat Cora), food critics and writers (Michael Pollan, Ruth Reichl, Michael Ruhlman), and various actors, actresses, authors, comedians, and poets who like to eat and talk about it.The mix of professionals and celebrities featured in this book will draw the attention of cooks at every levelprofessionals, home cooks, and hobbyistsand people who simply love to eat and drink.The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook.” Julia ChildI cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.” W.C. FieldsThe shared meal elevates eating from a mechanical process of fueling the body to a ritual of family and community, from the mere animal biology to an act of culture.” Michael Pollan"A jazz musician can improvise based on his knowledge of music. He understands how things go together. For a chef, once you have that basis, that's when cuisine is truly exciting." Charlie TrotterSkyhorse Publishing, along with our Good Books and Arcade imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of cookbooks, including books on juicing, grilling, baking, frying, home brewing and winemaking, slow cookers, and cast iron cooking. We’ve been successful with books on gluten-free cooking, vegetarian and vegan cooking, paleo, raw foods, and more. Our list includes French cooking, Swedish cooking, Austrian and German cooking, Cajun cooking, as well as books on jerky, canning and preserving, peanut butter, meatballs, oil and vinegar, bone broth, and more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Johns Hopkins University Press Severe Burns: A Family Guide to Medical and Emotional Recovery
The care of severe burn victims over 100,000 people are hospitalized each year has improved dramatically over the past fifty years. But a serious burn remains a painful, frightening, and traumatic experience. The psychological stress of injury may be increased by the formidable array of medical equipment used in early stages of care and by the number of doctors, nurses, and specialists that burn patients and their families encounter. Once out of intensive care, the burn survivor often faces a long and difficult recovery. This book is meant to relieve some of the confusion and anxiety that comes with any serious burn injury. Written by the staff of the Baltimore Regional Burn Center, it includes comprehensive medical information from leading experts and first-person accounts of the experiences of burn survivors. The book describes the different types of burns, the various stages of treatment and recovery, the roles of all the people on the "burn team," the physical and emotional challenges of rehabilitation, and the resources available to patients and families. It also explains how to prevent injuries in the future and how to administer first aid to someone who has been burned. Organized to be useful to family members and friends immediately after the injury, and to burn survivors themselves during recovery and rehabilitation, the book is comprehensive in its coverage of topics of concern to everyone affected by a burn injury: *Types of burns and inhalation injuries*Survival, complications, and the future*The "Burn Team" and what they do *Tubes, monitors, and machines *Types of dressings*Pain management*Physical rehabilitation *Emotional and social recovery*Special care for children*Returning to school or work*Support groups, counseling, camps*Plastic surgery, scarring, and corrective cosmetics*Prevention and safety*Organizations and resources "Being a burn survivor means so much more than simply being alive. Being a burn survivor also means being a take-charge-of-your-life person whose strength of spirit is inspirational to others. Burn survivors have to learn to accept that life as they knew it before the injury is lost. With this acceptance comes profound grief, of course, but many burn survivors grow to a level of personal awareness and acceptance of self that most people never experience." from the Preface "For all those whose lives have been touched by burn injuries, this book explains medical procedures and the recovery process in a clear and comprehensive way. It will help burn survivors understand their injuries, their treatment, and their important role in returning to productive life. John A. Boswick, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.S., St. Joseph's Hospital, Denver
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Things Past Telling: A Novel
“This is a truly character-driven novel that explores how people define themselves, the creation of family and home, and the importance of memory and language. . . . Fans of historical epics won’t be able to put this book down.”—Historical Novel Society“Emotionally satisfying. . . . A remarkable character portrait.”—Publishers WeeklyThe author of The Secret Women tells the story of a brave and enduring woman as indomitable as Ernest Gaines’ legendary Miss Jane Pittman, in a breathtaking novel that combines the epic romance and adventure of Outlander, the sweeping drama of Roots, and the haunting historical power of Barracoon.Things Past Telling is a remarkable historical epic that charts one unforgettable woman’s journey across an ocean of years as vast as the Atlantic that will forever separate her from her homeland. Born in West Africa in the mid-eighteenth century, Maryam Prescilla Grace—a.k.a “Momma Grace” will live a long, wondrous life marked by hardship, oppression, opportunity, and love. Though she will be “gifted” various names, her birth name is known to her alone. Over the course of 100-plus years, she survives capture, enslavement by several property owners, the Atlantic crossing when she is only eleven years of age, and a brief stint as a pirate’s ward, acting as both a spy and a translator. Maryam learns midwifery from a Caribbean-born wise woman, whose “craft” combines curated techniques and medicines from African, Indigenous, and European women. Those midwifery skills allow her to sometimes transcend the racial and class barriers of her enslavement, as she walks the razor’s edge trying to balance the lives and health of her own people with the cruel economic mandates of the slave holders, who view infants born in bondage not as flesh-and-blood children but as investment property. Throughout her triumphant and tumultuous life Maryam gains and loses her homeland, her family, her culture, her husband, her lovers, and her children. Yet as the decades pass, this tenacious woman never loses her sense of self. Inspired by a 112-year-old woman the author discovered in an 1870 U.S. Federal census report for Ohio, loosely based on the author’s real-life female ancestors, spanning more than a hundred years, from the mid-eighteen-century to the end of America’s Civil War, and spanning across the globe, from what is now southern Nigeria to the islands of the Caribbean to North America and the land bordering the Ohio River, Things Past Telling is a breathtaking story of a past that lives on in all of us, and a life that encompasses the best—and worst—of our humanity.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Explainable Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning
This book is written both for readers entering the field, and for practitioners with a background in AI and an interest in developing real-world applications. The book is a great resource for practitioners and researchers in both industry and academia, and the discussed case studies and associated material can serve as inspiration for a variety of projects and hands-on assignments in a classroom setting. I will certainly keep this book as a personal resource for the courses I teach, and strongly recommend it to my students. --Dr. Carlotta Domeniconi, Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, GMUThis book offers a curriculum for introducing interpretability to machine learning at every stage. The authors provide compelling examples that a core teaching practice like leading interpretive discussions can be taught and learned by teachers and sustained effort. And what better way to strengthen the quality of AI and Machine learning outcomes. I hope that this book will become a primer for teachers, data Science educators, and ML developers, and together we practice the art of interpretive machine learning.--Anusha Dandapani, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, UNICC and Adjunct Faculty, NYUThis is a wonderful book! I’m pleased that the next generation of scientists will finally be able to learn this important topic. This is the first book I’ve seen that has up-to-date and well-rounded coverage. Thank you to the authors!--Dr. Cynthia Rudin, Professor of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Statistical Science, and Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Literature on Explainable AI has up until now been relatively scarce and featured mainly mainstream algorithms like SHAP and LIME. This book has closed this gap by providing an extremely broad review of various algorithms proposed in the scientific circles over the previous 5-10 years. This book is a great guide to anyone who is new to the field of XAI or is already familiar with the field and is willing to expand their knowledge. A comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art Explainable AI methods starting from visualization, interpretable methods, local and global explanations, time series methods, and finishing with deep learning provides an unparalleled source of information currently unavailable anywhere else. Additionally, notebooks with vivid examples are a great supplement that makes the book even more attractive for practitioners of any level.Overall, the authors provide readers with an enormous breadth of coverage without losing sight of practical aspects, which makes this book truly unique and a great addition to the library of any data scientist.Dr. Andrey Sharapov, Product Data Scientist, Explainable AI Expert and Speaker, Founder of Explainable AI-XAI Group
Rudolf Steiner Press Spirit as Sculptor of the Human Organism
'Let us be courageous and not draw back in fear when realities of the world of spirit that play into human life are unveiled. You see, the future of humanity depends on us learning to live with the world of spirit in the same way that we live with the physical world here on earth.' - Rudolf Steiner In a wide-ranging series of lectures, Rudolf Steiner demonstrates the integral nature of spirit and matter and their manifold connections. Speaking to audiences in London, Holland, Germany and Switzerland, Steiner explains how, through a process of evolving consciousness, humanity lost its knowledge and direct experience of the spiritual sources of existence, but now needs to reconnect with them. Spirit is the essence and power of life which, in Steiner's vivid image, 'strikes a match in our whole being' when we allow it to inform us fully. Our world cannot be understood only in physical terms but is inseparable from the divine realities continually creating and sustaining it. Reconnecting with the spirit calls upon us to heal the fractures between everyday consciousness and the metaphysical realms in which we are already embedded. In Steiner's descriptions, there is no end to the numerous reconnections possible: between our past, present and future; between the active, individualizing principle of the 'I' and the physical human body it works upon and shapes; between our physical actions and limb movements in one life and the forming or sculpting of our head in a future one; and above all, between the moral actions and insights we develop whilst alive on earth and our developing 'eye' for spiritual reality in the life after death, with all that this can mean for the future of human evolution. Taking a truly holistic approach, Rudolf Steiner tackles an eclectic series of subjects throughout these sixteen lectures - all united by the common theme of rediscovering how spirit pervades life. Apart from a focus on education in several lectures, he discusses: experiences during sleep; the human spirit and soul between death and a new birth; how spirit 'sculpts' the human organism; Christ from the perspective of anthroposophy; the battle for human nature between luciferic and ahrimanic beings; karma and the creation of conditions for our return to a new life on earth; human experience of the etheric cosmos; and the human being's faculties of hearing, speaking, singing, walking, and thinking. Together, these lectures offer a cornucopia of spiritual insights and wisdom for the present day. 16 lectures, various cities, 1922, CW 218
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Creative Work Beyond the Creative Industries: Innovation, Employment and Education
Policymakers globally are seeing the potential for future growth through embedding greater creativity across their economies. Yet much academic research has focused on the creative industries as traditionally defined, rather than looking at the bigger picture. CCI's research has been the exception, making significant conceptual and empirical breakthroughs in our understanding of creative work in the wider economy. This volume should be required reading for students, researchers and practitioners of innovation policy.'- Hasan Bakhshi, Director, Creative Economy in Policy & Research, Nesta, UK'Hearn and his colleagues have amassed an impressive array of empirical evidence, theoretical insights and policy prescriptions for understanding how creative workers are contributing to a variety of industries outside the purely cultural or creative industry sectors. The scope of their investigations includes healthcare, banking, manufacturing, digital technology, creative services, journalism, media and communication, and higher education. This book significantly advances our understanding of how creative workers are utilizing their capabilities to contribute broadly to the economy. It also offers important insights into professional learning for creative workers and shows how education can prepare future generations of creative study students to succeed in today s knowledge based economy.'- Robert DeFillippi, Suffolk University, USCreative workers are employed in sectors outside the creative industries often in greater numbers than within the creative field. This is the first book to explore the phenomena of the embedded creative and creative services through a range of sectors, disciplines, and perspectives.Despite the emergence of the creative worker, there is very little known about the work life of these 'creatives', and why companies seek to employ them. This book asks: how does creative work actually 'embed' into a service or product supply chain? What are creative services? Which industries are they working in? This collection explores these questions in relation to innovation, employment and education, using various methods and theoretical approaches, in order to examine the value of the embedded creative and to discover the implications of education and training for creative workers.This book will be of interest to practitioners, policy makers and industry leaders in the creative industries, in particular digital media, application development, design, journalism, media and communication. It will also appeal to academics and scholars of innovation, cultural studies, business management and labour studies.Contributors include: D. Bennett, R. Bridgstock, J. Coffey, S. Cunningham, S. Fitzgerald, A. Freeman, B. Goldsmith, G. Hearn, J. Pagan, P. Petocz, A. Podkalicka, J. Potts, A. Rainnie, J. Rodgers, J.H.P. Rodrigues, T. Shehadeh, D. Swan, O. Zelenko
Taylor & Francis Inc Introduction to Fruit Crops
Find vital facts and information on a wide range of fruit cropswithout having to read the entire chapter!Introduction to Fruit Crops combines an easy-to-use format with a complete review of essential facts about the world’s top fruit crops, making this both the premiere introductory textbook for students AND a superior reference book for avid gardeners, country agents, and horticulture educators. Each fruit is studied and clearly explained through its taxonomy, origin, history of cultivation, production, botanical description, optimum soil and climate, harvesting, and post-harvest handling. The book provides a comprehensive introductory section on fruit culture and, in following chapters, a standard outline for each crop to allow readers to find facts rapidly without having to read the entire chapter. This invaluable text includes detailed references and reading lists, making this a perfect addition for reference in university libraries.Pomology, the branch of botany that studies the cultivation of fruits, has unique facts and features not found in the studies of other cultivated crops. Introduction to Fruit Crops takes these unique pomological concepts and important facts about the most popular cultivated fruits of the world and presents them in a consistent reader-friendly format that is readily understandable to beginning students. Professionals in the plant or agriculture sciences will find this text to be a powerful reference tool to answer their questions and find facts quickly and easily. Other issues explored include preventative measures from pests and diseases and practical cultivation strategies to best encourage maximum yield for each crop. Tables, graphs, and a multitude of color photographs assist readers to completely understand crucial information and the various stages of fruit growth for each crop. A detailed appendix explains common names, scientific names, and families of fruit crops. Another appendix presents conversion factors used in the text. A glossary helps beginners by clearly explaining common terms used in fruit crop study. Introduction to Fruit Crops includes information on: scientific names folklore medicinal properties non-food usage production botanical description plant morphology pollination soils climate propagation rootstocks planting design, training, and pruning pest problemsincluding weeds, insects, mites, and diseases harvest and postharvest handling food usesSome of the crops described include: African oil palm banana orange grape apple coconut coffee strawberry nuts olives and many, many others! This one text provides an extensive, easily understandable overview of the processes for growing healthy fruit in today’s world for beginners and is a valuable desk reference for plant science professionals of all types.
University of Texas Press The Conscience of the University, and Other Essays
In 1982, a century after the laying of the cornerstone of its first building, the University of Texas was ranked by the New York Times among the best in the nation. No one had more to do with that extraordinary achievement than Harry Huntt Ransom. From 1935 to his death in 1976, he served the University in positions ranging from instructor in English to chancellor of The University of Texas System. In the fifties, sixties, and seventies, he held a succession of administrative posts requiring him to face a myriad of perplexing problems. Among the critical issues calling for analysis and decision in those years were the post-Sputnik pressure for greater emphasis on science and technology, the student revolts during the 1960s, and the defection of growing numbers of university faculty to industry and government. Harry Huntt Ransom did not merely respond to the problems of the times. He had his own large ambitions for the University of Texas, in particular the improvement of student programs, the development of a vigorous faculty, and—the achievement for which he is best remembered—the building of a world-renowned library. He was concerned with the role of the university in society, what the university should do and do well, and what it should not do. Always he viewed these matters in broad perspective, and his approach to them was far-sighted and deeply philosophical. As dean, vice-president, president, and chancellor, Ransom wrote and spoke often on these and other important subjects. Aside from the books that he wrote and edited, he left a prodigious amount of material, some of which had been published in various journals and some of which had been delivered as lectures and addresses and never made available in printed form. For the last twenty-five years of Ransom's life his wife, Hazel, was his closest companion and confidant. At the urging of Harry's friends, colleagues, and admirers, she undertook the task of sifting through her late husband's papers in an effort to organize and preserve some of the important contributions he had made to the thought and planning that were so instrumental in shaping the University of Texas and higher education in general. In these essays we see the force of reasoning and grace of style for which Ransom was so widely admired. It was he who reminded us that books last longer than buildings. This is a book of lasting importance that Harry Ransom himself might have given us had he lived longer.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Handbook of Experimental Structural Dynamics
The SEM Handbook of Experimental Structural Dynamics stands as a comprehensive overview and reference for its subject, applicable to workers in research, product design and manufacture, and practice. The Handbook is devoted primarily to the areas of structural mechanics served by the Society for Experimental Mechanics IMAC community, such as modal analysis, rotating machinery, structural health monitoring, shock and vibration, sensors and instrumentation, aeroelasticity, ground testing, finite element techniques, model updating, sensitivity analysis, verification and validation, experimental dynamics sub-structuring, quantification of margin and uncertainty, and testing of civil infrastructure. Chapters offer comprehensive, detailed coverage of decades of scientific and technologic advance and all demonstrate an experimental perspective. Several sections specifically discuss the various types of experimental testing and common practices utilized in the automotive, aerospace, and civil structures industries. · History of Experimental Structural Mechanics · DIC Methods - Dynamic Photogrammetry · LDV Methods · Applied Digital Signal Processing · Introduction to Spectral - Basic Measurements · Structural Measurements - FRF · Random and Shock Testing · Rotating System Analysis Methods · Sensors Signal Conditioning Instrumentation · Design of Modal Tests · Experimental Modal Methods · Experimental Modal Parameter Evaluation · Operating Modal Analysis Methods · Analytical Numerical Substructuring · Finite Element Model Correlation · Model Updating · Damping of Materials and Structures · Model Calibration and Validation in Structures · Uncertainty Quantification: UQ, QMU and Statistics · Nonlinear System Analysis Methods (Experimental) · Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection · Experimental Substructure Modeling · Modal Modeling · Response (Impedance) Modeling · Nonlinear Normal Mode Analysis Techniques (Analytical) · Modal Modeling with Nonlinear Connection Elements (Analytical) · Acoustics of Structural Systems (VibroAcoustics) · Automotive Structural Testing · Civil Structural Testing · Aerospace Perspective for Modeling and Validation · Sports Equipment Testing · Applied Math for Experimental Structural Mechanics Contributions present important theory behind relevant experimental methods as well as application and technology. Topical authors emphasize and dissect proven methods and offer detail beyond a simple review of the literature. Additionally, chapters cover practical needs of scientists and engineers who are new to the field. In most cases, neither the pertinent theory nor, in particular, the practical issues have been presented formally in current academic textbooks. Each chapter in the Handbook represents a ’must read’ for someone new to the subject or for someone returning to the field after an absence. Reference lists in each chapter consist of the seminal papers in the literature. This Handbook stands in parallel to the SEM Handbook of Experimental Solid Mechanics, where this Handbook focuses on experimental dynamics of structures at a macro-scale often involving multiple components and materials where the SEM Handbook of Experimental Solid Mechanics focuses on experimental mechanics of materials at a nano-scale and/or micro-scale.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The New Advanced Society: Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Internet of Things Paradigm
THE NEW ADVANCED SOCIETY Included in this book are the fundamentals of Society 5.0, artificial intelligence, and the industrial Internet of Things, featuring their working principles and application in different sectors. A 360-degree view of the different dimensions of the digital revolution is presented in this book, including the various industries transforming industrial manufacturing, the security and challenges ahead, and the far-reaching implications for society and the economy. The main objective of this edited book is to cover the impact that the new advanced society has on several platforms such as smart manufacturing systems, where artificial intelligence can be integrated with existing systems to make them smart, new business models and strategies, where anything and everything is possible through the internet and cloud, smart food chain systems, where food products can be delivered to any corner of the world at any time and in any situation, smart transport systems in which robots and self-driven cars are taking the lead, advances in security systems to assure people of their privacy and safety, and smart healthcare systems, where biochips can be incorporated into the human body to predict deadly diseases at early stages. Finally, it can be understood that the social reformation of Society 5.0 will lead to a society where every person leads an active and healthy life. Audience The targeted audience for this book includes research scholars and industry engineers in artificial intelligence and information technology, engineering students, cybersecurity experts, government research agencies and policymakers, business leaders, and entrepreneurs. Sandeep Kumar Panda, PhD is an associate professor in the Department of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at IcfaiTech (Faculty of Science and Technology), ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Hyderabad. His research areas include artificial intelligence, IoT, blockchain technology, cloud computing, cryptography, computational intelligence, and software engineering. Ramesh Kumar Mohapatra, PhD is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, India. His research interests include optical character recognition, document image analysis, video processing, secure computing, and machine learning. Subhrakanta Panda, PhD is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, BITS-PILANI, Hyderabad Campus, Jawahar Nagar, Hyderabad, India. His research interests include social network analysis, cloud computing, security testing, and blockchain. S. Balamurugan, PhD is the Director of Research and Development, Intelligent Research Consultancy Services (iRCS), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. He is also Director of the Albert Einstein Engineering and Research Labs (AEER Labs), as well as Vice-Chairman, Renewable Energy Society of India (RESI), India. He has published 45 books, 200+ international journals/ conferences, and 35 patents.
New York University Press Making the Irish American: History and Heritage of the Irish in the United States
A collection of 29 essays on the fascinating and turbulent history of the Irish in America Featuring 29 classic and original essays on the turbulent, vital, and fascinating story of the Irish in America. The contributors include Linda Dowling Almeida, Margaret Lynch-Brennan, Marion R. Casey, David Noel Doyle, Pete Hamill, Kevin Kenny, Rebecca S. Miller, Mick Moloney, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Peter Quinn, and Calvin Trillin. All it takes is one St. Patrick's Day in the United States to realize that the Irish did not dissolve into the melting pot, they took possession of it. Few other immigrant peoples have exerted such pervasive influence, have left so deep an impression, have made their values and concerns so central to the destiny of their new country. In Making the Irish American, J.J. Lee and Marion R. Casey offer a feast of twenty-nine perspectives on the turbulent, vital, endlessly fascinating story of the Irish in America. Combining original research with reprints of classic works, these essays and articles extend far beyond a survey to offer a truly rich understanding of the Irish immigrant impact on America, and America’s impact on the Irish immigrant. Here the reader will find a brisk, compact history of Ireland itself, and a wide-ranging critique of Irish American historiography, as well as explorations of the multiple complications of religion, reflected in the fluctuating, and sometimes tempestuous, relations between Catholic and Protestant Irish and Scotch-Irish. The authors explore the various channels through which the Irish, men and women, have made their mark, from politics to labor organization, from domestic service to popular and traditional music, from sport to step dancing. Classic reprints include Daniel Patrick Moynihan's study of the Irish in New York, Pete Hamill’s memoir of President Kennedy—recollecting the responses around him in Belfast at the time of the assassination—Calvin Trillin's New Yorker profile of Judge James J. Comerford, long the iron-handed boss of New York's St. Patrick's Day parade, and Peter Quinn's meditations on the essence of Irish America, past, present and future. They all offer sparkling insights into the evolving tension between becoming American and becoming Irish American. Making the Irish American is monumental in the best sense—serious but accessible, wide-ranging and far-reaching and enriched by seventy unique illustrations. This exciting and challenging collection belongs on the bookshelf of everyone interested in not only the Irish American, but the American story, of which they form so vivid and prominent a part. Copublished with the Glucksman Ireland House of New York University.
New York University Press Nothing but the Truth: Why Trial Lawyers Don't, Can't, and Shouldn't Have to Tell the Whole Truth
Lubet's Nothing But The Truth presents a novel and engaging analysis of the role of storytelling in trial advocacy. The best lawyers are storytellers, he explains, who take the raw and disjointed observations of witnesses and transform them into coherent and persuasive narratives. Critics of the adversary system, of course, have little patience for storytelling, regarding trial lawyers as flimflam artists who use sly means and cunning rhetoric to befuddle witnesses and bamboozle juries. Why not simply allow the witnesses to speak their minds, without the distorting influence of lawyers' stratagems and feints? But Lubet demonstrates that the craft of lawyer storytelling is a legitimate technique for determining the truth andnot at all coincidentallyfor providing the best defense for the attorney's client. Storytelling accomplishes three important purposes at trial. It helps to establish a "theory of the case," which is a plausible and reasonable explanation of the underlying events, presented in the light most favorable to the attorney's client. Storytelling also develops the "trial theme," which is the lawyer's way of adding moral force to the desired outcome. Most importantly, storytelling provides a coherent "story frame," which organizes all of the events, transactions, and other surrounding facts into an easily understandable narrative context. As with all powerful tools, storytelling may be misused to ill purposes. Therefore, as Lubet explains, lawyers do not have carte blanche to tell whatever stories they choose. It is a creative process to be sure, but every story must ultimately be based on "nothing but the truth." There is no room for lying. On the other hand, it is obvious that trial lawyers never tell "the whole truth," since life and experience are boundless and therefore not fully describable. No lawyer or court of law can ever get at the whole truth, but the attorney who effectively employs the techniques of storytelling will do the best job of sorting out competing claims and facts, thereby helping the court arrive at a decision that serves the goals of accuracy and justice. To illustrate the various challenges, benefits, and complexities of storytelling, Lubet elaborates the stories of six different trials. Some of the cases are real, including John Brown and Wyatt Earp, while some are fictional, including Atticus Finch and Liberty Valance. In each chapter, the emphasis is on the narrative itself, emphasizing the trial's rich context of facts and personalities. The overall conclusion, as Lubet puts it, is that "purposive storytelling provides a necessary dimension to our adversary system of justice."
Human Kinetics Publishers Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes
Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes, Second Edition, presents the most current protocols used for assessing high-level athletes. Based on the insight and experience of sport scientists who work closely with elite athletes to optimize sporting success, this comprehensive guide offers the how and why of both general and sport-specific physiological testing procedures. Readers will learn to use these tests to identify the strengths and weaknesses of athletes, monitor progress, provide feedback, and enhance performance their athletes’ potential. Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes, Second Edition, guides readers in ensuring precision and reliability of testing procedures in the field or lab; correctly preparing athletes before testing; and accurately collecting, handling, and analyzing data. It leads readers through general testing concepts and athlete monitoring tools for determining anaerobic capacity, neuromuscular power, blood lactate thresholds, and VO2max. It also presents principles and protocols for common lab- and field-based assessments of body composition, agility, strength and power, and perceptual and decision-making capabilities. Reproducible forms throughout the book assist readers with data collection and preparticipation screening. After reviewing general protocols, this unique text takes a sport-specific look at the most effective tests and their applications in enhancing the performance of elite athletes. Protocols for 18 internationally recognized sports are introduced, and for each sport a rationale for the tests, lists of necessary equipment, and detailed testing procedures are provided. Normative data collected from athletes competing at national and international levels serve as excellent reference points for measuring elite athletes. New to the second edition are sport-specific assessments for Australian football, BMX cycling, rugby, sprint kayaking, high-performance walking, and indoor and beach volleyball. The second edition of Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes also features other enhancements, including extensive updates to normative data and reference material as well as several new chapters. New information on data collection and handling covers approaches for analyzing data from the physiological monitoring of individual athletes and for groups of athletes in team sports. Revised chapters on environmental physiology provide current insights regarding altitude training and training in heat and humidity. Discussions of the scientific basis of various strategies for athlete recovery in both training and competition enable readers to make sound decisions in employing those strategies to help their athletes optimally recover. For exercise physiologists, coaches, and exercise physiology students, Physiological Tests for Elite Athletes, Second Edition, is the essential guide to the most effective assessment protocols available. Using the precise and proven protocols in this authoritative resource, exercise physiologists can acquire detailed information to assist athletes’ preparation.
Human Kinetics Publishers Motor Control in Everyday Actions
Motor Control in Everyday Actions presents 47 true stories that illustrate the phenomena of motor control, learning, perception, and attention in sport, physical activity, home, and work environments. At times humorous and sometimes sobering, this unique text provides an accessible application-to-research approach to spark critical thinking, class discussion, and new ideas for research. The stories in Motor Control in Everyday Actions illustrate the diversity and complexity of research in perception and action and motor skill acquisition. More than interesting anecdotes, these stories offer concrete examples of how motor behavior, motor control, and perception and action errors affect the lives of both well-known and ordinary individuals in various situations and environments. Readers will be entertained with real-life stories that illustrate how research in motor control is applicable to real life: •Choking Under Pressure examines information processing and how it changes under pressure. •The Gimme Putt shows how Schmidt’s law can be used to predict the accuracy of golf putts. •Turn Right at the Next Gorilla examines inattention blindness and its role in traffic accidents. •The Farmers’ Market describes reasons why a man drives his car through a crowded open-air market, killing and injuring dozens of shoppers in the process. •Craps and Weighted Bats describes the curious role of myths and superstition in how we play games. •And 42 other examples of motor control in everyday actions will both entertain and inform. Each story is followed by a set of self-directed activities that are progressively more complex. These activities, plus the additional notes and suggested readings and websites at the conclusion of each story, provide a starting point for critical thinking about the reasons why human actions sometimes go awry. A reader-friendly writing style and easy-to-follow analysis and conclusions assist students in gaining mastery of the issues presented, conceptualizing new research projects, and applying the content to current research. The stories are grouped into three parts, beginning with situations involving errors and mistakes in perception, action, or decision making. Next, stories investigating varied techniques for studying perception and action are presented. The remaining scenarios provide readers with a look at research focusing on the motor learning process as well as some of the unexpected discoveries resulting from those investigations. Motor Control in Everyday Actions will engage its readers—not only through the central topic of the story but also in the fundamental concepts involving perception, action, and learning. Used as a springboard for new research or as a catalyst for engaging discussion, Motor Control in Everyday Actions offers perspectives that will enhance understanding of how human beings interact with their world.
Human Kinetics Publishers Sociology of Sport and Social Theory
Sociology of Sport and Social Theory presents current research perspectives from major sport scholars and leading sociologists regarding issues germane to the sociology of sport. Each chapter of this resource explains historical and contemporary social theories and applies these theories to current topics in sport, such as performance-enhancing drugs, gender, race and identity issues, and the role of religion in sport. Sociology of Sport and Social Theory introduces readers to the historical and theoretical underpinnings of social theory, how sport studies have incorporated or diverged from these theories, and how the application of various sociological lenses to sport contexts may converge for future research. Merging the fields of sport studies and sociology, the text provides readers with • a fresh view on how prominent social issues may be applied to exciting issues in sport; • an opportunity to analyze engaging topics in sport, including Tiger Woods’ dominance, the costs of building stadiums, and NCAA institutional logic; and • an accessible presentation of seemingly complex theories from scholars with backgrounds in sociology and sport studies. Structured in four parts, this text expands discussion beyond theoretical paradigms typically employed by sport sociologists to consider traditional theories (conflict theory and structural functionalism) and contemporary sociological theories (feminist theory, social capital theory, and relational theory) and their application in sport contexts. Each chapter begins with a theory overview and concludes with suggestions for future research and an annotated list of additional resources. In part I of the text, readers will encounter a Weberian analysis of sport, learn how Mills’ theory of the sociological imagination provides a lens through which an athlete-author can analyze athletic events, and read a discussion of Elias’ figurational theory as applied to issues of hooliganism in soccer. Mid-level sociological theories, which provide a moderate convergence of theory and empirical research, are the focus in part II of the text. Chapters in part III address sport-related issues of gender, race, ethnicity, and social class using the contemporary sociological views of feminist theory, social reproduction theory, hegemonic masculinity theory, and structuration theory. Part IV considers issues of power, personality, citizenship, and dominance in sport. Sociology of Sport and Social Theory addresses a range of topics at the forefront of both scholarly and public discourse and provides readers the opportunity to consider these issues in light of traditional and contemporary sociological theories. With its broad range of perspectives and analyses, Sociology of Sport and Social Theory illustrates for students, sport scholars, and social scientists how sociological theory can provide a suitable framework for understanding patterns that exist in the world of sport.
Harvard University Press The Development of Florentine Humanist Historiography in the Fifteenth Century
Presenting a new interpretation of humanist historiography, Donald J. Wilcox traces the development of the art of historical writing among Florentine humanists in the fifteenth century. He focuses on the three chancellor historians of that century who wrote histories of Florence—Leonardo Bruni, Poggio Bracciolini, and Bartolommeo della Scala—and proposes that these men, especially Bruni, had a new concept of historical reality and introduced a new style of writing to history. But, he declares, their great contributions to the development of historiography have not been recognized because scholars have adhered to their own historical ideals in judging the humanists rather than assessing them in the context of their own century.Mr. Wilcox introduces his study with a brief description of the historians and historical writing in Renaissance Florence. He then outlines the development of the scholarly treatment of humanist historiography and establishes the need for a more balanced interpretation. He suggests that both Hans Baron’s conception of civic humanism and Paul Oscar Kristeller’s emphasis on the rhetorical character of humanism were important developments in the general intellectual history of the Renaissance and, more specifically, that they provided a new perspective on the entire question of humanist historiography.The heart of the book is a close textual analysis of the works of each of the three historians. The author approaches their texts in terms of their own concerns and questions, examining three basic elements of their art. The first is the nature of the reality the historian is recounting. Mr. Wilcox asks, “What interests the writer? What is the substance of his narrative?… What does he choose from his sources…and what does he ignore? What does he interpolate into the account by drawing on his own understanding of the nature of history?” The second is the various attitudes—moral judgments, historical conceptions, analytical views—with which the historian approaches his narrative. And the third is the aspect of humanist historiography to which previous scholars have paid the least attention: the historian’s narrative technique. Mr. Wilcox identifies the difficulties involved in expressing historical ideas in narrative form and describes the means the historians developed for overcoming those difficulties. He emphasizes the positive value of rhetoric in their works and points out that they “sought by eloquence to teach men virtue.”He devotes three chapters to Bruni, whom he considers the most original and important of the three historians. The next two chapters deal with Poggio, and the last with Scala. Throughout the book Mr. Wilcox exposes the internal connections among the three histories, thus illustrating the basic coherence of the humanist historical art.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes
Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes explains how day-to-day variations in chemical exposure may cause unusual and seemingly unpredictable symptoms, including many that have been termed psychosomatic in the past. It describes how everyday, low-level chemical exposures may cause fatigue, memory impairment, headaches, mood changes, breathing difficulties, digestive problems, and a host of chronic unexplained illnesses including chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War syndrome, and sick building syndrome. The authors are the first writers to clearly describe and document the process of adaptation, a concept that provides a rational and scientific basis for understanding these symptoms. In the Second Edition of this professionally acclaimed work, the authors offer evidence for an emerging new theory of disease-toxicant-induced loss of tolerance-which may have far-reaching implications for medicine, public health, and environmental policy. Based on a report commissioned by the New Jersey Department of Health that won the World Health Organization's Macedo Award, Chemical Exposures is the most comprehensive book ever written on sensitivity to low level chemical exposure and the many health effects associated with it. This work clarifies the nature of chemical sensitivity, shows how it differs from traditional allergies and toxicity, and suggests how federal and state governments can help those who are affected. The book identifies four major groups of people with hypersensitivity to low levels of chemicals: occupants of tight buildings, industrial workers who handle chemicals, residents of communities exposed to toxic chemicals, and individuals with random and unique exposures to various chemicals. The fact that similar symptoms are being reported by members of these demographically diverse groups not only points to a serious problem, it may also contribute to a better understanding of chemical sensitivity. Included are a number of features that will be invaluable to health professionals: * Clear, concise explanations of technical material * The most extensive bibliography to date on the subject * Tables contrasting different medical approaches * Descriptions of recent research and proposed mechanisms * An annotated bibliographical appendix highlighting illnesses that have been linked to environmental exposures * Policy recommendations for federal and state governments "Clinicians and policymakers would do well to read and heed the advice of this book."-Journal of the American Medical Association "Clinicians, researchers, and policymakers in this field would be well advised to read this landmark book."-American Public Health Association Newsletter "A milestone in the evolution of multiple chemical sensitivity."-Chemical and Engineering News ".groundbreaking and accessible.balanced and scholarly.essential reading for risk assessors, physicians, psychologists, attorneys concerned with toxic torts, public health officials, regulators, government decisionmakers, medical and environmental researchers, as well as laypersons."-Journal of Risk Analysis
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Health and Disease. Volume 16: Volume 16
Advances in Health and Disease. Volume 16 first discusses iliopsoas, is a complex musculotendinous unit that acts primarily as a hip flexor, but it is also involved in pelvic stability and trunk balance. Although iliopsoas disorders are one of the most common causes of anterior hip pain in young athletes and active people, tendinopathy may also be described in elderly patients after total hip replacement. The authors go on to discuss, Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), a significant enteric pathogen of public health concern that causes toxin-mediated diarrhea in humans. CDI is commonly reported among hospital in-patients undergoing prolonged antibiotic therapy, which disrupts normal gut microflora. Additionally, schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease caused by trematodes of the genus Schistosoma, is examined. After malaria, schistosomiasis remains the most prevalent tropical disease in the world. Despite significant efforts to control schistosomiasis, the disease remains of considerable public health and economic importance in many developing countries. The authors describe the clinical and pathological manifestations of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza as experienced firsthand in over a decade of infection in West Africa, and emphasize effective control measures. A concise summary of pediatric post-laminectomy kyphosis is provided via a discussion of the following areas: the background and pathophysiology of how post-laminectomy kyphosis occurs in a pediatric population, risk factors for kyphosis, methods of prevention and eventual treatment if the kyphotic deformity progresses, and relevant studies of post-laminectomy kyphosis in post-tumor resection and post-spinal cord injury. A clinical and histopathological overview of subependymal giant cell astrocytomas, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and genetic, is also provided. Later, the authors explore mucositis, inflammatory and/or ulcerative lesions of the oral and/or gastrointestinal system. It is one of the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy used in cancer treatment. Similarly explored is inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is a chronic inflammatory condition of the intestines with an incompletely understood pathophysiology. IBD encompasses gut inflammation which leads to changes in neutrally-controlled functions of the gut including abdominal pain, cramps, urgency to defecate, and diarrhea. The penultimate chapter focuses on flat foot, a common postural disorder of lower extremity in children. It may occur during the growth and developmental period of children, and has been found to normally reduce with age. The aim of the closing study is to investigate the occurrence of differences in flexible flatfoot in adolescents who have trained various sports (football, swimming, basketball, team handball, karate) in comparison to the untrained adolescents.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cold War: Global Impact and Lessons Learned
This interdisciplinary text takes into account the impact of the Cold War on various locales, groups, societies, organizations, and technology. Included in this work are chapters on education, political groups, cultural challenges and rivalries, nuclear technology and weaponry, the impact of nuclear exposure, and the new global order in a post-nuclear age. Edited by an historian, each chapter is written from multiple disciplinary perspectives - - political science, history, social science, science, and medicine - - making this work exceptionally unique with broad sweeping conceptual frameworks, methods, and points of analysis, all the while focused upon a four- decade era of fear. The work of Stivachtis and Manning offer an engaging look into the organization of the international community, world affairs, and inter-cultural challenges during the Cold War to understand the impact on global society through the lens of the English School of International Relations. Cimbala's chapter delves into the challenges to controlling and understanding nuclear warfare throughout the Cold War and how the knowledge of control or preventing catastrophic nuclear war in the historic period is significantly different from the current nuclear age, from the perspectives of what nations have weapons, of what magnitude, and the potential for warfare. The impact of nuclear exposure well after the Cold War is examined in Osono's work, which analyzes the physiological and neurological impact of nuclear waste on workers in China who unknowingly unearthed barrels of nuclear waste. Nekola offers readers a view into the role of the exiled Czech political parties that operated in outside of the regulations of the Iron Curtain, after the 1948 Communist Coup, maintaining party publications and organization throughout the 1950s. The work of Bar-Noi analyzes the relationship between the Israeli and Soviet governments as the nation of Israel was founded and ultimately placed in the political cross-hairs of world leaders from 1945 to 1967. Palmadessa's works on U.S. education - - k-12 compulsory and higher education - - considers the ways in which education responded to the call for patriotic support of the U.S. in opposition to the communist regime in Russia and the understanding of the global role education was to play. The Cold War shook the world, its institutions, cultural groups, and scientific communities to their core. The Cold War: Global Impacts and Lessons Learned offers readers insight into the immediate challenges, the continued obstacles, and the knowledge gained from this tumultuous period riddled with fear that dominates the narrative of 20th century world history.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Occurrences, Structure, Biosynthesis, and Health Benefits Based on Their Evidences of Medicinal Phytochemicals in Vegetables and Fruits: Volume 12
Summary of these eight titles is made as follows: Chapter 1: Ginkgo biloba has long been used as a folklore medicine in China, India and these neighboring countries. Ginkgo biloba contains diverse phytochemicals such as terpene trilactones (bilobalide and ginkgolides A, B, C and J), flavonol glycosides, biflavones, proanthocyanidins, alkylphenols, simple phenolic acids, 6-hydroxykynurenic acid, 4-O-methylpyridoxine and polyprenols. Gincholinic acid in ginkgo nuts showed very limited cytotoxicity and inhibits human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease activity to effectively suppress HIV infection; Chapter 2: Ganoderma lucidum (G. lucidum) (Rei-shi) mycelia (MAK) can be expected to prevent or alleviate organ damage as a functional food; Chapter 3: Water soluble carotenoids of yellow plant pigment in saffron and gardenia are mainly crocetin (1) and its glycosyl ester. crocetin-MGE (3) was rapidly absorbed. Crocetin-MGE (3) is rapidly and efficiently absorbed as such and is metabolized to crocetin (1); Chapter 4: Function of 3'-epirutein (3) in total xanthophyll feeding orally in rats has been evaluated. As a result, the dose-corrected Cmax and AUC0-24h of (3R,3'R,6'R)-lutein (1) appeared to be doubled in presence of 3'-epilutein (3); Chapter 5: Green tea was examined for bilateral ovariectomized (estrogen deficient) postmenopausal rat model to affect memory, learning and cognition. Green tea showed to provide neuroprotection, and probably support neurogenesis for human health, from the perspective of histopathology; Chapter 6: Daily consumption of fruits is essential to have a daily healthy life. However, it is hard to say that they are taking enough fruits because of expensive fruit, and their consciousness of health to their fruits. However, regular fruit intake is known to reduce the incidence of lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes and so on. For this reason, the authors tried to prevent these lifestyle diseases by low cost unusual fruits in Africa; Chapter 7: Three kinds of vegetables inhabiting sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) were selected as plant-derived functional ingredients. As a result, three uncommon vegetables showed health benefits against measles, yawning, conjunctivitis, hypertension, liver dysfunction, ocular pain, ear pain, breast cancer and other diseases; Chapter 8: The fruit of the Annonacea family has been used as a folk medicine. The main functional ingredient in Annonacea is acetogenin and its analogs. Acetogenins have been known for a wide range of effects such as antitumor action, antiparasitic action, antibacterial insecticidal action, immunosuppressive action and so on. These diverse effects of acetogenins have been suggested to be promising for the development of new drugs to treat various diseases such as lifestyle diseases.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Vulture's Row: Thirty Years in Naval Aviation
Told in anecdotal form, Vulture's Row tells a fascinating story about an important period covering nearly one half of the entire history of U.S. naval aviation. "Vulture's Row" is an area dubbed by naval flyers, on the island structure of an aircraft carrier where pilots who aren't flying can overlook carrier launchings and recoveries on the deck below. This new book by acclaimed author Paul Gillcrist is a series of true stories about the U.S. Navy carrier aviation from the perspective of a Navy pilot who spent thirty-three years directly involved in that exciting profession. The book begins with a series of vignettes in the period of the mid-1950s when the U.S. Navy introduced swept wing, jet-powered fighters into the aircraft carrier navy, flying from straight-deck carriers whose flight decks were made of teak wood. The thread of stories follows the author's career in chronological sequence, in various venues throughout the Navy. There are accounts from his first carrier deployment to the western Pacific, followed by events as a weapons delivery instructor at the predecessor to TOPGUN in El Centro, California. Some of his experiences as a Navy pilot are recorded in a section about Patuxent River, Maryland, the Navy's test center. Additional episodes include an unforgettable wing-walking flight. flying Japanese Zeros in the movie TORA!TORA!TORA! and the author's subsequent tour of duty in Pentagon conducting proficiency flights from our nation's capital. There are also accounts of combat missions over Vietnam and the author's experiences in both wing commander jobs, flying the F-4 Phantom II and the F-14 Tomcat. The last story is about his two flights, as a fifty-two year old Admiral, in the controversial F-20 Tigershark. These vignettes combine humor, hair-raising excitement and tragedy. Rear Admiral Paul T. Gillcrist, a U.S. Navy fighter pilot, served also as a test pilot and weapons delivery instructor, and actively flew from sixteen aircraft carriers for over twenty-seven years. The author writes with authority as a former fighter squadron commanding officer who recorded 167 combat missions over Vietnam flying the F-8 Crusader. Subsequently, he commanded a carrier air wing and finally served, the rank of Rear Admiral, as the wing commander for all pacific Fleet fighter squadrons. His pilot's logbook includes over 6,000 hours, in seventy-one different types of aircraft from 1952 to 1981. He retired in 1985 as Assistant Deputy Chief of Naval Operations(air Warfare). He is also the author of TOMCAT!The Grumman F-14 Story, and CRUSADER! Last of the Gunfighters(both titles are available from Schiffer Publishing Ltd.).
Open University Press Psychology and Educational Inclusion: Identifying and Supporting Learners with SEN
“A truly inspiring and skilfully crafted text. Complex and contemporary issues are addressed in an accessible way, making it an absolute ‘must-read’ for all those studying, working or planning to work in either special or inclusive education.”Dr Paula Hamilton, School of Education, University of Chester, UK“This book is highly recommended for psychologists and educators alike, whether currently practising or in training.”Lynn Lovell, Head of Professional Standards, British Dyslexia Association, UKPsychology and Educational Inclusion brings together theory, research, policy and practice to offer a holistic approach to understanding inclusive educational practice. The book is practical and activity-based, increasing readers’ awareness of issues related to identifying and supporting learners with Special Educational Needs (SEN). It will help readers strengthen their grasp of how diverse approaches can be applied to practices in different areas of need, such as Autism or Dyslexia. With a broad focus on inclusive practice as a whole, the text also 'zooms in' to specific approaches to various areas of challenges. The authors invite readers to think critically about these approaches, their effectiveness and their implications.This book: •Tackles a wide range of issues that affect learners with SEN, such as co-occurrence or labelling•Contains case studies, writing activities and reflective exercises to encourage active learning•Draws on theory and research while remaining practice-basedWritten by internationally recognised experts in the field in a clear and accessible way, Psychology and Educational Inclusion supports students by demystifying the jargon of the specialism. Bridging the gap between education and psychology, this is the ultimate handbook for both current and future psychologists and educators. Georgia Niolaki is Senior Lecturer in Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD)/Dyslexia and Award Leader for the SpLD programme at Bath Spa University, UK. Georgia is also Visiting Research Associate at the Institute of Education at University College London, Associate Member of the British Dyslexia Association (AMBDA) and a Trustee of the British Dyslexia Association. Kate Carr-Fanning is Assistant Professor in Psychology of Education at the University of Bristol, UK. She is a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (BPS) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She sits on the Board of Directors of ADHD Ireland and the Professional Advisory Board of ADHD Europe.Aris Terzopoulos is Lecturer in Psychology at Birmingham City University where he is a Course Leader for MSc Psychology. In addition, Aris leads the Lifespan Development and the Educational Psychology in Practice modules within the MSc Applied Child Psychology.
Open University Press A Coach's Guide to Team Building: Understanding Functions, Structure and Leadership
“This book takes the reader through the challenges of working with teams, the various contexts and understanding of what team effectiveness means. It provides support for team leaders, managers, supervisors and practitioners alike and therefore it is a ‘must read’ for all those in these roles.”Professor Bob Garvey, Leeds Business School, UK“This book confirms to me that great team leaders and team managers have a coaching mindset, coaching skills and coaching behaviours at their core. This book demonstrates how best to be ‘coach-minded’ and gives lots of advice on how to be an excellent manager as coach (MAC) in terms of fostering confidence, humility, learning and exchange within a team.”Dr Jenni Jones, Associate Professor in Coaching and Mentoring, University of Wolverhampton, UKIn today’s ever-changing workplace, it is important for managers and team leadersto be able to navigate challenges arising from unproductive or dysfunctional behaviour among team members. A Coach’s Guide to Team Building applies a unique coaching perspective to tackle the complex issues facing teams and their leaders. Applying psychology principles in coaching and coaching leadership has the potential to help managers adapt to hybrid teams, flexible working and portfolio careers. With insightful case studies and the utilisation of interview data throughout, this book contains practical tools, offers solutions to real team problems and shares key learnings from coaching, psychology and professional practice. The interviewees spanned multiple sectors, with insights into industries such as banking, education and engineering, readers can benefit from the flexible, effective approach to successfully creating and leading teams.The book:- Provides a range of practical tools, from ‘how-to’ guides to checklists- Explores the challenges of building diversity and inclusivity into any team- Covers a range of industries and team dynamicsThe unique blend of expertise and insight from the authors will benefit academics, coaching practitioners, and team leaders alike. Whether you are an experienced team leader or novice manager, this book offers solutions to problems facing real teams.Helen Smith is Faculty Head of Coaching and Mentoring in the Department of People and Performance at Manchester Metropolitan University. UK. Helen previously served as a Board Member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) UK for over two years and is a founding member of The Greater Manchester Coaching Hub (GMCH).Tony Wall is Professor at Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK and holds visiting roles in Sweden and Vietnam. Tony has published 200+ works, including global policy reports for EMCC Global. He has received numerous accolades including the Advance-HE National Teaching Fellowship and Santander International Research Excellence Awards.
Open University Press Performance Coaching Toolkit
"Much more than an outstanding toolkit, this hand book is an essential and rich resource for professional coaches (new and experienced) and for leaders, managers and parents facilitating informal coaching conversations. Angus McLeod and Will Thomas have artfully distilled key frameworks and tools for facilitating sustainable performance, wellbeing and humanity in both coach and coachee. Jargon free and filled with immediately useable and highly impactful models, check-lists and downloadable resources, this guide will quickly become a well used and trusted companion." Michelle Duval – Managing DirectorEquilibrio International "For anyone new to the subject everything is well and simply explained, as such I’d recommend it as a must buy. Those more knowledgeable will find it refreshing in its content, presentation and practical approach…Overall, this is a great book and definitely recommended."Caroline Nowell, Book Review Panel, Rapport Magazine It offers a wealth of wise suggestions from two highly experienced coaches and readers may choose to read it right through or dip into it using the List of Tools, Glossary and Index. The keys to effective coaching, in the view of McLeod and Thomas, are questioning, listening and silence; they offer a very nice and easy exercise enabling coaches to balance all three. Among the many other offerings I like are the tools for checking and working with coachees' emotions and the 17 'starter questions' for coaching conversations."Dr Susie Linder-Pelz, author of 'NLP Coaching’' (Kogan Page)The Performance Coaching Toolkit is a practical handbook for anyone wishing to improve their coaching skills. It is enriched by methods taken from the authors' understanding and development of practical learning techniques as well as from their work in education, personal development and within various commercial organizations.The approach of the book is concise and informative: all the tools sit within a practical framework for developing and enhancing your own coaching style. This framework is based on the STEPPPA Model which is built around: Subject focus Target focus Emotional focus Perception focus Plan focus Pace and Act focus The toolkit also provides a coherent and practical tool for keeping in touch with the coaching process as a structured journey. The layout has been designed to enable fast access to key information and the book has links to other related models and tools, so that the complexity of coaching processes, with time, becomes even more comprehensible. This toolkit is key reading for coaches and prospective coaches in all sectors, particularly those who want a rapid and accessible route to understanding coaching practice and who want a reliable source book for coaching methods.
Georgetown University Press Al-Kitaab fii Tacallum al-cArabiyya with Multimedia: A Textbook for Beginning ArabicPart One
Al-Kitaab: Part One develops skills in standard Arabic while providing additional material in both colloquial and classical Arabic. With new video material and revised and updated text and exercises, the bound-in and revised DVD supersedes both the former CD audio set and video DVD previously available only as separate items-making this singular volume a comprehensive whole for those immersed in the early and intermediate stages of learning Arabic. Providing approximately 150 contact hours of college-level instruction, parts of this revised edition are updated with contemporary selections for reading comprehension. The organization of the chapters has been adapted to reflect the most current pedagogical developments. Audio tracks for vocabulary sections now allow students to hear a new word followed by a sentence using it in context with previously acquired vocabulary and grammatical structures, enabling students to build new vocabulary skills while reviewing old material. The basic texts have been refilmed with a new cast of actors. The DVD also contains substantially more material that exposes the learner to Egyptian Arabic: students have the options of seeing and hearing the video of each lesson in both Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian colloquial Arabic. In addition, a short dialogue in Egyptian colloquial Arabic appears at the end of each lesson. New video materials also feature interviews with Egyptians (subtitled in English) about various aspects of Arab culture, such as gender issues, fasting in the Muslim and Christian traditions, social clubs and their significance, and more. FEATURES OF PART ONE, Second Edition: develops all language-related skills including reading, listening, speaking, writing, and cultural knowledge; immediately incorporates extensive use of authentic materials for reading, listening, and grammatical practice, thus relating abstract grammatical concepts to practical skills; presents narrative-based content through audio and video media rather than written text to develop meaning-focused language processing skills, utilizing two main characters and their extended families; develops reading skills through the use of composed texts derived from the main narrative and authentic texts from newspapers and journals; and, introduces grammar using spiraling and inference, challenging students to discover the grammar of the language by means of analogy, problem solving, and educated guessing. It also reinforces grammar and vocabulary through extensive classroom and homework exercises that provide constant review and expand to challenge students as their skills develop; introduces students to Egyptian colloquial through scenes based on the main narrative to promote the use of shared vocabulary and structure of the two registers to increase listening comprehension skills; and, contains Arabic-English and English-Arabic glossaries and reference charts as well as a new grammar index.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Biopsy Interpretation of the Breast
Your practical aid to confident diagnosis! Biopsy Interpretation of the Breast, 3rd Edition helps you correctly identify the full range of pathologic alterations encountered in breast tissue. The intuitive organization approaches diagnosis the way you do, grouping lesions according to their histologic patterns and then pointing out the characteristics that distinguish one type of lesion from another. The authors emphasize the role of adjunctive studies in solving diagnostic problems wherever appropriate, explain the clinical significance of the various diagnoses and their impact on patient management, highlighting key clinical and management points throughout – giving you the broad context you need to generate the most accurate pathology reports for every patient.4 stars from Doody's! " The greatest strength of this book is the ability of the authors to provide expert consultation on so many diagnostic entities due in part to their experience but also to their teaching ability. This is an excellent resource for any practicing pathologist." - Doody's Review ServiceKey Features Comprehensive updates reflect the most recent World Health Organization nomenclature and diagnostic criteria, the role of adjunctive studies (including the uses and limitations of newer immunohistochemical markers), evaluation of specimens from patients treated with neoadjuvant systemic therapy, new guidelines for lumpectomy margin evaluation, advances in molecular pathology and genetics, and other crucial developments in the field. Navigate controversies with discussions of unresolved issues in diagnostic interpretation, and apply pragmatic, experience-based recommendations in areas where evidence-based criteria are lacking. Make better informed decisions about core needle biopsy interpretation through expanded coverage of the role and pitfalls of this technique. Compare your cases to hundreds of carefully prepared, high-quality photomicrographs, many new to this edition. Access key diagnostic features and differential diagnostic considerations at a glance with dozens of helpful tables, and find the answers you need quickly thanks to a concise, bulleted format. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Springer International Publishing AG Data Mining: The Textbook
This textbook explores the different aspects of data mining from the fundamentals to the complex data types and their applications, capturing the wide diversity of problem domains for data mining issues. It goes beyond the traditional focus on data mining problems to introduce advanced data types such as text, time series, discrete sequences, spatial data, graph data, and social networks. Until now, no single book has addressed all these topics in a comprehensive and integrated way. The chapters of this book fall into one of three categories: Fundamental chapters: Data mining has four main problems, which correspond to clustering, classification, association pattern mining, and outlier analysis. These chapters comprehensively discuss a wide variety of methods for these problems. Domain chapters: These chapters discuss the specific methods used for different domains of data such as text data, time-series data, sequence data, graph data, and spatial data. Application chapters: These chapters study important applications such as stream mining, Web mining, ranking, recommendations, social networks, and privacy preservation. The domain chapters also have an applied flavor. Appropriate for both introductory and advanced data mining courses, Data Mining: The Textbook balances mathematical details and intuition. It contains the necessary mathematical details for professors and researchers, but it is presented in a simple and intuitive style to improve accessibility for students and industrial practitioners (including those with a limited mathematical background). Numerous illustrations, examples, and exercises are included, with an emphasis on semantically interpretable examples.Praise for Data Mining: The Textbook - “As I read through this book, I have already decided to use it in my classes. This is a book written by an outstanding researcher who has made fundamental contributions to data mining, in a way that is both accessible and up to date. The book is complete with theory and practical use cases. It’s a must-have for students and professors alike!" -- Qiang Yang, Chair of Computer Science and Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology"This is the most amazing and comprehensive text book on data mining. It covers not only the fundamental problems, such as clustering, classification, outliers and frequent patterns, and different data types, including text, time series, sequences, spatial data and graphs, but also various applications, such as recommenders, Web, social network and privacy. It is a great book for graduate students and researchers as well as practitioners." -- Philip S. Yu, UIC Distinguished Professor and Wexler Chair in Information Technology at University of Illinois at Chicago
Worth Publishing Conversations That Matter: Talking with Children and Teenagers in Ways That Help
So many children and young people in our society are hurting. Research indicates that more children are depressed, anxious or locked in anger than ever before, with all the problems that creates at home, school and in society at large when emotional pain gets expressed through behaviour or physical symptoms. Many well-intentioned adults really want to help when children suffer because of parental conflict, divorce, family financial worries, loss and bereavement, trauma, bullying, isolation, general growing up issues, and worse. But we often lack the confidence and key skills to know how to help in ways that will genuinely support the child or teenager to properly process what is troubling them, and so reach a more positive place of genuine hope and optimism. Conversations that Matter, the latest book by Margot Sunderland, offers a wealth of tools and techniques to empower parents and practitioners to connect to children and young people through conversation, in life changing ways.Dr Sunderland is widely acknowledged as one of the UK's leading experts in child counselling and therapy, as well as being a best-selling author of books for parents and professionals and co-founder of both the Institute of Arts in Therapy and Education and The Centre for Child Mental Health, London. Her life's work has been to find the most effective ways of helping children and young people in distress, underpinning her practice with cutting-edge findings from the fields of affective neuroscience, developmental psychology and the study of trauma. She is also a passionate advocate for the healing power of the creative arts as a means to reach troubled children, when words are not enough. This long-awaited book will give readers a thorough, evidence-based and inspiring grounding in every aspect of talking with children who are hurting, from how to build a trusting relationship with the child, how to deepen the dialogue between you and make it meaningful, when to work directly or indirectly, how to handle the various inevitable challenges that will arise when talking to children about the difficult stuff, and more.Packed with creative possibilities, and illustrated with numerous 'conversations', this book can be re-turned to again and again whilst helping children and young people work through any life issue, past or present. The book also contains photocopiable worksheets, and introduces a completely new therapeutic story specifically written to help children who are struggling with trauma and shock. Dr Sunderland's book will be of benefit to professionals as well as parents, carers and other adults who want the conversations they have with children and teenagers to genuinely help, and to matter.