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Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Globalized Queerness: Identities and Commodities in Queer Popular Culture
Has a global queer popular culture emerged at the expense of local queer artists? In this book, Helton Levy argues that global queer culture is indebted to specific, local references that artists carry from their early experiences in life, which then become homogenized by contemporary media markets. The assumption that queer publics live and consume only through a global set of references, including gay parades and rainbow flags, for example, erases many personal complexities. Levy revisits media characters that have caught the attention of the broader public – such as Calamity Jane (1953), the Daffyd Thomas character from the BBC comedy Little Britain (2003-2007), Brazilian drag queen Pabblo Vittar, French singer Christine and the Queens, and the Italian-Egyptian rapper Mahmood – and argues that they have gradually blended in the public's perception. This has often obscured the individual struggles faced by these characters, such as immigration, homophobia, poverty and societal exclusion. Levy also questions what happens when global media flows take queer culture to regions wherein the notion of LGBTQ+ rights are not entirely acceptable. Utilizing insights from media reports published across the world's ten biggest media markets, Levy argues that there are a series of conditions which artists and cultural actors negotiate once they achieve any kind of success in mainstream media, while local queer references remain unseen in the wider media world. For that reason, he argues for stronger incentives for communities to accept and acknowledge the work of queer people before and after commoditization.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Transport Economics and Policy
Transport economics and policy analysis is a field which has seen major advances in methodology in recent decades. The transport sector has many unique characteristics - non-storability, economies of scale and scope, indivisibilities and the extensive production of positive and negative externalities that need careful consideration in any analysis. The aim of this Handbook is to provide an overview of the essential research methods with illustrations of how they are applied in practice.The book is divided into six sections - transport costs, externalities, transport demand, pricing and investment, deregulation and privatisation, and transport policy impacts. Each section comprises several chapters, divided by mode of transport or other relevant factor.Some of the unique features include: a comprehensive overview of methods used in transport economics and policy analysis from leading researchers in the field up-to-date methodology for analyzing transport costs and demand examples of how to value the full range of externalities of transport, including both costs and benefits guidance on how to assess the impact of privatisation and (de)regulation, with examples from local public transport, rail and air identification of the relevant factors involved in transport pricing, including roads, public transport, ports and airports an analysis of the neglected topic of equity in transport. This illustrative overview of research methods will be essential to researchers, students and practitioners in academia, government and business.Contributors: J. Bates, O. Betancor, B. de Borger, T. Fowkes, J. Holmgren, J. Owen Jansson, G. de Jong, G. Lindberg, H. Link, R. Liu, A. Ljungberg, A.D. May, H. Meersman, S. Morrison, C. Nash, J.-E. Nilsson, J. de Dios Ortuzar, J. Preston, S. Proost, L.I. Rizzi, W. Rothengatter, G. de Rus, S. Shepherd, A. Smith, J. Stanley, J. Stanley, S. Pettersen Strandenes, D. Van de Velde, E. Van de Voorde, R. Vickerman, P. Wheat, M. Wolanski
Princeton University Press Saving America?: Faith-Based Services and the Future of Civil Society
On January 29, 2001, President George W. Bush signed an executive order creating the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. This action marked a key step toward institutionalizing an idea that emerged in the mid-1990s under the Clinton administration--the transfer of some social programs from government control to religious organizations. However, despite an increasingly vocal, ideologically charged national debate--a debate centered on such questions as: What are these organizations doing? How well are they doing it? Should they be supported with tax dollars?--solid answers have been few. In Saving America? Robert Wuthnow provides a wealth of up-to-date information whose absence, until now, has hindered the pursuit of answers. Assembling and analyzing new evidence from research he and others have conducted, he reveals what social support faith-based agencies are capable of providing. Among the many questions he addresses: Are congregations effective vehicles for providing broad-based social programs, or are they best at supporting their own members? How many local congregations have formal programs to assist needy families? How much money do such programs represent? How many specialized faith-based service agencies are there, and which are most effective? Are religious organizations promoting trust, love, and compassion? The answers that emerge demonstrate that American religion is helping needy families and that it is, more broadly, fostering civil society. Yet religion alone cannot save America from the broad problems it faces in providing social services to those who need them most. Elegantly written, Saving America? represents an authoritative and evenhanded benchmark of information for the current--and the coming--debate.
Pennsylvania State University Press Animating the Antique: Sculptural Encounter in the Age of Aesthetic Theory
Framed by tensions between figural sculpture experienced in the round and its translation into two-dimensional representations, Animating the Antique explores enthralling episodes in a history of artistic and aesthetic encounters. Moving across varied locations—among them Rome, Florence, Naples, London, Dresden, and Paris—Sarah Betzer explores a history that has yet to be written: that of the Janus-faced nature of interactions with the antique by which sculptures and beholders alike were caught between the promise of animation and the threat of mortification.Examining the traces of affective and transformative sculptural encounters, the book takes off from the decades marked by the archaeological, art-historical, and art-philosophical developments of the mid-eighteenth century and culminantes in fin de siècle anthropological, psychological, and empathic frameworks. It turns on two fundamental and interconnected arguments: that an eighteenth-century ontology of ancient sculpture continued to inform encounters with the antique well into the nineteenth century, and that by attending to the enduring power of this model, we can newly appreciate the distinctively modern terms of antique sculpture’s allure. As Betzer shows, these eighteenth-century developments had far-reaching ramifications for the making and beholding of modern art, the articulations of art theory, the writing of art history, and a significantly queer Nachleben of the antique.Bold and wide-ranging, Animating the Antique sheds light upon the work of myriad artists, in addition to that of writers ranging from Goethe and Winckelmann to Hegel, Walter Pater, and Vernon Lee. It will be especially welcomed by scholars and students working in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century art history, art writing, and art historiography.
John Murray Press Of Fortunes and War: Clare Hollingworth, first of the female war correspondents
'The list of female war reporters is long and distinguished. But the great-grandmother of them all was Clare Hollingworth' Mail on Sunday 'She was a pioneer' Kate Adie OBE'Unputdownable' Alexander McCall Smith'One of the most unforgettable journalists I have ever met' Chris PattenONE OF THE INSPIRATIONS BEHIND THE NEW BBC DRAMA WORLD ON FIRE. Legendary pioneering journalist Clare Hollingworth died in Hong Kong aged 105 in January 2017 after an illustrious career spanning the great events of the 20th century. Clare was famous for getting 'the scoop of the century': the outbreak of the World War 2. From witnessing the first aerial bombings against England in the First World War, through Hitler's Blitzkrieg, Clare's résumé included desert war in North Africa, civil war in Greece, terrorism in Jerusalem, naming Philby as the Third Man, and guerrilla warfare in Vietnam and Borneo. She had an uncanny ability to make headlines throughout her century-long life. And although her style of journalism was very different from the 24-hour breaking rolling news we have today, the need for detailed eye-witness reporting seems even more important today as we face an onslaught of fake news and alternative facts. The story is not just about news and war however: through access to family papers and personal accounts, her great-nephew Patrick Garrett is able to show Clare in three dimensions, explain her life and loves, and show how she dealt with the pressures of life as a correspondent - decades before women were routinely accepted in this
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Clinical Updates on COVID-19
With more than 99.2 million cases and 2.13 million deaths worldwide (figures for January 2021), the new Coronavirus COVID-19 has spread to nearly every country in the world since it first emerged in China in early 2020. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause disease in animals – seven of which, including the new virus, have transferred to humans, with most just causing cold-like symptoms. COVID-19 is closely related to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which swept around the world in 2002/2003. Another coronavirus is Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), cases of which have been occurring sporadically since 2012. COVID-19 is different to these two coronaviruses in that the spectrum of the disease is broad, with around 80 per cent of cases leading to a mild infection. There may also be many people carrying the disease and displaying no symptoms, making it even harder to control. Scientists in China believe that COVID-19 has mutated into two strains, one more aggressive than the other, which could make developing a vaccine more complicated (The Telegraph). This book offers clinicians a guide to the epidemiology and virology of COVID-19, explaining its clinical features and diagnostic and management techniques. With the evidence that the disease has more adverse effects in the elderly and those with comorbidities, the text includes guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 in patients with gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes and obesity, kidney disease, pulmonary disorders, cardiovascular disease, and geriatrics. Pulmonary and haematological manifestations of the disease and ICU support are covered in separate chapters.
Haymarket Books Securing Democracy: My Fight for Press Freedom and Justice in Bolsonaro’s Brazil
In 2019, award-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald writes in this gripping new book, "a series of events commenced that once again placed me at the heart of a sustained and explosive journalistic controversy." New reporting by Greenwald and his team of Brazilian journalists brought to light stunning information about grave corruption, deceit, and wrongdoing by the most powerful political actors in Brazil, his home since 2005. These stories, based on a massive trove of previously undisclosed telephone calls, audio, and text shared by an anonymous source, came to light only months after the January 2019 inauguration of Brazil 's far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, an ally of President Trump. The revelations "had an explosive impact on Brazilian politics" (The Guardian) and prompted serious rancor, including direct attacks by President Bolsonaro himself, and ultimately an attempt by the government to criminally prosecute Greenwald for his reporting. "A wave of death threats--in a country where political violence is commonplace--have poured in, preventing me from ever leaving my house for any reason without armed guards and an armored vehicle," Greenwald writes. Securing Democracy takes readers on a fascinating ride through Brazilian politics as Greenwald, his husband, the left-wing Congressman David Miranda, and a powerful opposition movement courageously challenge political corruption, homophobia, and tyranny. While coming at serious personal costs for himself and his family, Greenwald writes, "I have no doubt at all that the revelations we were able to bring to the public strengthened Brazilian democracy in an enduring and fundamental way. I believe we righted wrongs, reversed injustices, and exposed grave corruption." The story, he concludes, "highlights the power of transparency and the reason why a free press remains the essential linchpin for securing democracy."
Nick Hern Books So You Want To Be A Corporate Actor?
A practical guide for actors who want to find work in the corporate sector, by a veteran with over 1400 corporate events to his credit. Thousands of actors in the UK make their living not from treading the boards but in the conference centres and training rooms of the nation’s corporate sector. In this, the first book to be published about the increasingly accessible and lucrative business of corporate acting, Paul Clayton shows how this sort of work – training, coaching, role-plays, Forum Theatre and live events – can keep you in paid employment, and your skills sharp, whilst you look for other acting opportunities. He takes you through every aspect of the industry, with a series of practical examples and invaluable tips at every stage, including: What sort of work is available – and how you can get it The various role-play techniques you’ll encounter The dos and don’ts for offering constructive feedback to your clients What Forum Theatre is – and how to do it How to handle live events – and escape with your dignity intact Written with humour and great insight, So You Want To Be A Corporate Actor? encourages you to look at your skills from a business point of view, enabling you to take control over your own career. It is a must-read for any actor wishing to broaden their skills and make themselves more employable at all stages of their career. ‘For actors wishing to utilise their theatrical skills within the corporate world, this book should be their bible. It is crystal clear, informative and irreverent – and lays out in simple terms how actors need to think and present themselves to be employable.’ Janet Rawson, Co-founder of Steps Drama Learning Development
Profile Books Ltd You’d Look Better as a Ghost
* WINNER OF THE CRIME FICTION LOVER BEST DEBUT NOVEL AWARD * 'An absolute roller-coaster of a read' - DAILY MAIL 'The most fun you're ever likely to have with a hammer-wielding maniac' - DAILY EXPRESS 'Refreshingly original and laugh-out-loud funny' - CLARE MACKINTOSH I have a gift. I see people as ghosts before they die. Of course, it helps that I'm the one killing them. The night after her father's funeral, Claire meets Lucas in a bar. Lucas doesn't know it, but it's not a chance meeting. One thoughtless mistyped email has put him in the crosshairs of an extremely put-out serial killer. But even before they make eye contact, before Claire lets him buy her a drink, before she takes him home and carves him up into little pieces, something about that night is very wrong. Because someone is watching Claire. Someone who is about to discover her murderous little hobby. The thing is, it's not sensible to tangle with a part-time serial killer, even one who is distracted by attending a weekly bereavement support group and trying to get her art career off the ground. Claire will do anything to keep her secret hidden - not to mention the bodies buried in her garden. Let the games begin... Dexter meets Killing Eve in this superb thriller, perfect for fans of How To Kill Your Family and My Sister, the Serial Killer. 'A welcome addition to darkly humorous female serial killer novels' - GUARDIAN 'Delightfully shocking and irreverently funny' - JANICE HALLETT 'If Bret Easton Ellis ever went to grief counselling, this would be just the kind of brilliant book he'd write' - PHILIPPA EAST
Pan Macmillan The Rise: Kobe Bryant and the Pursuit of Immortality
Kobe Bryant is a legend – The Rise is a fascinating look at his early life and how he became regarded as one of basketball’s greatest-ever players.Kobe Bryant’s death in January 2020 did more than rattle the worlds of sports and celebrity. It took the tragedy of that helicopter crash to reveal the full breadth and depth of Kobe’s influence. By tracing and telling the oft-forgotten and lesser-known story of his early life, The Rise promises to provide an unparalleled insight into Kobe.In The Rise, readers travel from the cracked concrete basketball courts of Philadelphia in the 1960s and 70s – where Kobe’s father, Joe, became a playground, college and professional stand-out – to the majesty and isolation of Europe, where Kobe spent his formative years, and to the leafy suburbs of Lower Merion, where Kobe’s legend was born. The story ends with his leading Lower Merion to the 1995–96 Pennsylvania state championship – a true underdog run for a team with just one star player, Kobe – and with the 1996 NBA draft, where Kobe’s dream of playing pro basketball culminated with his acquisition by the Los Angeles Lakers.With exclusive access to a series of never-before-released interviews during Bryant’s senior season and early days in the NBA, and tapes and transcripts which have preserved Kobe’s thoughts, dreams and goals from his teenage years for a quarter-century, Mike Sielski’s The Rise uncovers insights and stories that have never been revealed before.This is an exploration of the making of an icon and the effect of his development on those around him – the essence of the man before he truly became a man.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Better the Blood: The past never truly stays buried. Welcome to the dark side of paradise.
PRE-ORDER RETURN TO BLOOD, THE RIVETING FOLLOW-UP TO THE ACCLAIMED CRIME DEBUT BETTER THE BLOOD, COMING SPRING 2024 'A compelling, atmospheric page turner with an authentic insight into Māori culture' Val McDermidA DETECTIVE IN SEARCH OF THE TRUTH. A KILLER IN SEARCH OF RETRIBUTION. A CLASH BETWEEN CULTURE AND DUTY. THE PAST NEVER TRULY STAYS BURIED. WELCOME TO THE DARK SIDE OF PARADISE. Detective Senior Sergeant Hanna Westerman is a tenacious Māori detective juggling single motherhood and the pressures of her career in Auckland’s Central Investigation Branch. When she’s led to a crime scene by a mysterious video, she discovers a man hanging in a hidden room. With little to go on, Hana knows one thing: the killer is sending her a message. As a Māori officer, there has always been a clash between duty and culture for Hana, but it is something that she’s found a way to live with. Until now. When more murders follow, Hana realises that her heritage and past are the keys to finding the perpetrator.Especially when the killer's agenda of revenge may include Hana – and her family . . . ‘As page-turning as it is eye-opening’ Ambrose Parry ‘A remarkable new detective’ Daily Mail ‘[A] highly addictive read’ My Weekly ‘So chilling’ Crime Monthly ‘Opens a unique window onto a fascinating Antipodean society as only world-class crime fiction can’ Deon Meyer Shortlisted for the Jann Medlicott Acorn Prize for Fiction, Ockham New Zealand Book Awards Finalist for Best First Novel and Best Novel at the 2023 Ngaio Marsh AwardsLonglisted for the CWA John Creasey New Blood DaggerShortlisted for Audio Book of the Year at the Capital Crime Fingerprint Awards
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Driving the Green Book: A Road Trip Through the Living History of Black Resistance
Join award-winning broadcaster Alvin Hall on a journey through America’s haunted racial past, with the legendary Green Book as your guide.For countless Americans, the open road has long been a place where dangers lurk. In the era of Jim Crow, Black travelers encountered locked doors, hostile police, and potentially violent encounters almost everywhere, in both the South and the North. From 1936 to 1967, millions relied on The Negro Motorist Green Book, the definitive guide to businesses where they could safely rest, eat, or sleep. Most Americans only know of the guide from the 2018 Green Book movie or the 2020 Lovecraft Country TV show. Alvin Hall set out to revisit the world of the Green Book to instruct us all on the real history of the guide that saved many lives. With his friend Janée Woods Weber, he drove from New York to Detroit to New Orleans, visiting motels, restaurants, shops, and stores where Black Americans once found a friendly welcome. They explored historical and cultural landmarks, from the theatres and clubs where stars like Duke Ellington and Lena Horne performed to the Lorraine Motel where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. Along the way, they gathered memories from some of the last living witnesses for whom the Green Book meant survival—remarkable people who not only endured but rose above the hate, building vibrant Black communities against incredible odds.Driving the Green Book is a vital work of national history as well as a hopeful chronicle of Black resilience and resistance.The book contains 25 outstanding black and white photos and ephemera.
HarperCollins Publishers Patrick O’Brian: A Very Private Life
An intimate portrait of Patrick O’Brian, written by his stepson Nikolai Tolstoy. Patrick O’Brian was one of the greatest British novelists of the twentieth century, securing his place in literary history with the bestselling Aubrey–Maturin series, books that have sold millions of copies worldwide and been hailed as the best historical fiction of all time. An exquisite novelist, translator and biographer, O’Brian moved in 1949 to Collioure in the south of France, where he led a secluded life with his wife Mary and wrote all his major works. The twenty books that make up the beloved Aubrey–Maturin series earned O’Brian the epithet ‘Jane Austen at sea’ for their authentic depiction of Nelson’s navy, and the relationship between Captain Jack Aubrey and his friend and ship’s surgeon Stephen Maturin. Outside his triumphant popularity in fiction, O’Brian also wrote erudite biographies of both Pablo Picasso and Joseph Banks, as well as publishing translations of Simone de Beauvoir and Henri Charrière. In A Very Private Life, Nikolai Tolstoy draws upon his close relationship with his stepfather, as well as his notebooks, letters and photographs, to capture a highly researched but intimate account of those fifty years in Collioure that were the richest of O’Brian’s writing life. With warm and honest reflection, this biography gives insight into the genius of the little-known man behind the much-loved writing. Tolstoy also tells how, through a sad irony, unjust attacks on O’Brian’s private life destroyed much of the happiness he had gained from his achievement just as his literary career attained greater acclaim.
Hachette Children's Group The Starman and Me
E.T. meets Stig of the Dump in a page-turning adventure for fans of Frank Cottrell Boyce and David Almond'A proper adventure story for all curious middle graders ... heartily recommended' The Bookbag*Highly commended for the Branford Boase Award 2018, shortlisted for the Essex Book Awards 2018, the East Sussex Children's Book Awards 2019 and nominated for the Northern Ireland Book Award 2019*He wasn't an alien, I was sure of that. It was more like he'd walked in through an ancient door from the past ... except he was here, in my bedroom and his misty forest was somewhere real on Planet Earth.Twelve-year-old Kofi first spots the prehistoric human on a supermarket roundabout. He is small and dark and curled into a tight ball. His name is Rorty Thrutch and he has zero memory of how he ended up in the unexceptional village of Bradborough, or why he's being hunted... Kofi soon finds out that Rorty can do amazing things. He can copy, paste and delete objects, using only the power of his mind. This is the discovery of the century and mad, greedy scientists will stop at nothing to track him down.Kofi and best friend Janie are on a mission. Not only must they protect Rorty, but they have to find his missing girlfriend Pogsy Blue, too. Our prehistoric ancestors have crashed headlong into the 21st century and time is running out to save them...THE STARMAN AND ME explores where we have come from and where we are moving to - it's about the magic of DNA, the power of identity, and the importance of caring for each other.
Little, Brown Book Group Dead Catch
When Joe Christie's fishing boat is swept onto Tentsmuir beach during a fierce storm, a man's mutilated body is found in the hold. DCI Andy Gilchrist of St Andrews CID is called in to investigate. But his murder investigation deepens when he learns that Joe Christie and his boat have been missing for three years. The police pathologist, Dr Rebecca Cooper, retrieves a five pound note from the dead man's throat. Is this the killer's calling card? And whatever happened to Joe Christie? Cooper offers Gilchrist a clue to the dead man's identity - a scar from a recent operation to repair a bone shattered by a bullet.The dead man is found to have been on the payroll of big Jock Shepherd, Scotland's premier crime patriarch, and when three more of Shepherd's men turn up brutally murdered, Gilchrist fears a tectonic shift in the criminal underworld.Gilchrist and his partner, DS Jessie Janes, set off along a murderous trail where they uncover a plot involving drug shipments and police corruption, and come face to face with a man for whom human life means nothing.PRAISE FOR T.F. MUIR:'Rebus did it for Edinburgh. Laidlaw did it for Glasgow. Gilchrist might just be the bloke to put St Andrews on the crime fiction map.' Daily Record'A truly gripping read, with all the makings of a classic series.' Mick Herron'Gripping and grisly, with plenty of twists and turns that race along with black humour.' Craig Robertson'DCI Gilchrist gets under your skin. Though, determined, and a bit vulnerable, this character will stay with you long after the last page.' Anna Smith'Gripping!' Peterborough Telegraph
Little, Brown Book Group Skymeadow: Notes from an English Gardener
'A love letter to English horticulture written by a passionate gardener. A must-read for anyone who has dreamt of cultivating their own patch of land' Jane Perrone'Skymeadow is a fascinating book . . . Every flower, every passing bud, every change in the season is described with rapture' Jilly CooperWhen Charlie Hart first visited Peverels, a small farmhouse that sits lazily on the lip of a hill running down into the Peb Valley, he was at breaking point, grieving the loss of his father and anxious about the impending death of his mother. He and his wife Sybilla felt that their London life had been steadily growing in noise: the noise of grief, the noise of busyness, the noise that comes from the expectations of others and, for Charlie, the constant clamour of dissatisfaction at work. At Peverels, Charlie found an expanse of untouched meadowland, the perfect setting for an audacious garden. Charlie felt an unquenchable urge to dig, to create something. The days he spent wrestling with the soil in the rose garden were the days in which he mourned the loss of his parents. Gardening has taught him that you can dig for victory, but you can also dig for mental health. As the garden formed around Charlie, he buried his fears and anxieties within it. A garden that is now known as Skymeadow and grows with a lusty, almost biblical vigour.In Skymeadow, Charlie seamlessly weaves together his own memoir with that of his garden. The result is a lyrical and incisive story of mental health at an all-time low, the healing powers of digging and, ultimately, a celebration of nature.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Bryant & May – England’s Finest: (Short Stories)
'Winningly eccentric . . . London, in all its non-homogenous, sprawling splendour, is as much a character as Fowler's sleuthing duo' Barry Forshaw, Financial TimesThe Peculiar Crimes Unit has solved many extraordinary cases over the years, but some were hushed up and hidden away. Until now.Arthur Bryant remembers these lost cases as if they were yesterday. Unfortunately, he doesn't remember yesterday, so the newly revealed facts could come as a surprise to everyone, including his exasperated partner John May.Here, then, is the truth about the Covent Garden opera diva and the seventh reindeer, the body that falls from the Tate Gallery, the ordinary London street corner where strange accidents keep occurring, the consul's son discovered buried in the unit's basement, the corpse pulled from a swamp of Chinese dinners, a Hallowe'en crime in the Post Office Tower, and the impossible death that's the fault of a forgotten London legend. All of the unit's oddest characters are here, plus the detectives' long-suffering sergeant Janice Longbright gets to reveal her own forgotten mystery.These twelve crimes must be solved without the help of modern technology, mainly because nobody knows how to use it. Expect misunderstood clues, lost evidence, arguments about Dickens, churches, pubs and disorderly conduct from the investigative officers they laughingly call 'England's Finest'!_______________________What readers are saying:***** 'Another gem from Christopher Fowler'***** 'I've loved Bryant & May since I first discovered them'***** 'A perfect collection of implausibly, improbably impossible mysteries for readers of Bryant and May both old and new'
Little, Brown Book Group Nineteen Letters: A beautiful love story that will take your breath away
What we had was far too beautiful to be forgotten.If you love Nicholas Sparks' The Notebook, you will devour the heartbreaking, emotional storytelling of Jodi Perry's Nineteen Letters.The 19th of January, 1996 . . . I'll never forget it. It was the day we met. I was seven and she was six. It was the day she moved in next door, and the same day I developed my first crush on a girl.Then tragedy struck. Nineteen days after our wedding day, Jemma was in an accident that would change our lives forever. When she woke from her coma, she had no memory of me, of us, of the love we shared.That's when I started writing her letters. The stories of our life. Of when we met. About the happier times, and everything we'd experienced together.What we had was far too beautiful to be forgotten.A heart-stopping and romantic love story that spans decades and asks the question, if the love of your life had no memory of you . . . what would you do?____Readers are falling in love with Nineteen Letters . . .'This is the love story to end all love stories''Makes you believe that happily ever after may just be possible''It left my heart full and a smile on my face''I cried with them, laughed with them, mourned with them and loved with them''A masterpiece of a story that will stay with me for a long time to come''I wish I could give this book nineteen stars''Jam packed full of emotion. The heartache is tangible and the love is overwhelming''This book will leave you with a heavy but beautifully full heart'
John Wiley & Sons Inc CESP Set 2011 (Standing Order)
The volume of proceedings is divide into ten issues. Issue 1 includes papers presented at the American Ceramic Society's 71st Conference on Glass Problems, held at Ohio State University from October 19-20, 2010. Issues 2-10 include papers presented at the International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC), held January 23-28, 2011 in Daytona Beach, Florida. 71st Conference on Glass Problems, CESP Volume 32, Issue 1 Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites VI, CESP Volume 32, Issue 2 Advanced Ceramic Coatings and Materials for Extreme Environments, Volume 32, Issue 3 Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells VI, CESP Volume 32, Issue 4 Advances in Ceramic Armor VII, CESP Volume 32, Issue 5 Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics IV, CESP Volume 32, Issue 6 Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology V, CESP Volume 32, Issue 7 Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials V, CESP Volume 32, Issue 8 Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications, CESP Volume 32, Issue 9 Developments in Strategic Materials and Computational Design II, CESP Volume 32, Issue 10
Sourcebooks, Inc The Devil's Own Game
The murder is the messageWhat you don't see is what you get. When a sniper targets a blind man walking along the lagoon of the Cleveland Museum of Art, the bullet is a wake-up call aimed straight for Allie Harper and Tom Bennington, shattering their illusion that the Mondo Mega Jackpot Nightmare is over.On the day Allie—sassy, lonely, broke—met Tom—smart, hot, blind—he won $500 million trying to show a kid that gambling doesn't pay. Romance—and multiple murders—ensued, along with a new, opulent lifestyle that the couple had never dreamed possible. Then a ruthless man of formidable skills and resources hacked into the security system in their rented 9,000 square-foot lakeside mansion, and they learned just how far someone who begrudges their good fortune would go to destroy them. Now they know the past six months of peace and quiet were the calm before a rising storm of mayhem and revenge.The new game begins tonight. An old devil. A new devil. And a new case for The T&A Detective Agency. (Yes. They should have put Allie's initial first.) Tom and Allie aren't on the case long before they discover a strong lead that takes them into the heights of Cleveland's upper-crust, where husbands and wives weave webs of betrayal with unfathomable sums of money at the center. As the threats-and murders—multiply, Allie, Tom, and the T&A must fight to beat the devil's own game. Will they get out alive?Somebody's Bound to Wind Up Dead series:Too Lucky to Live (Book 1)Murder to the Metal (Book 2)The Devil's Own Game (Book 3)Praise for Annie Hogsett:"The original voice, humor, and unusual premise will appeal to Janet Evanovich readers." —Library Journal STARRED review for Too Lucky to Live"Fast pacing, multiple plot twists, and humor, including a Stephanie Plum-like main character, enliven the story and keep the pages turning." —Booklist for Too Lucky to Live"The bittersweet mystery, with the open-ended threat of a villainous mastermind, is reminiscent of P.J. Tracy's early 'Monkeewrench' novels." —Library Journal for Murder to the Metal
Haus Publishing Karolyi & Bethlen: Hungary
White aster flowers, on sale on the streets of Budapest on the eve of All Souls' Day, are made the symbol of a revolution which brings Mihaly Karolyi (1875-1955) to power at the head of a National Council. Karoly concludes an armistice which leaves large areas of Hungarian territory under occupation by French, Romanian and Serbian forces. Following the King-Emperor's abdication in November 1918, Hungary is declared an independent republic with Karolyi as its President. He sets about meeting Hungary's most pressing social need, for land reform. But Karolyi's liberal regime is soon beset by strong opposition from the right and from the left. The Allies seal Karolyi's fate by refusing to end the economic blockade of Hungary and by imposing, even in advance of a peace settlement (Hungary is denied an invitation until the Conference is virtually over), even harsher armistice terms. Karolyi flinches from opposing these measures by force. The small socialist element in his government of well-meaning aristocrats defects and forms an alliance with Hungary's fledgling Communist Party. Karolyi resigns and chooses exile. The Communists, led by Bela Kun, take power. Kun raises a Red Army, which defeats a Czech invasion but fails to stem the Romanian advance, which enters Budapest in defiance of orders from Paris and engages in an orgy of pillage and destruction. The Peace Conference despatches a British diplomat, Sir George Clerk, to Budapest to broker a Romanian withdrawal. Clerk succeeds in forming a coalition government of right-wing parties, with token representation for the centre-left, which he recognises in the name of the Peace Conference and invites to send a delegation to Paris. It includes Counts Istvan Bethlen (1874-1946) and Pal Teleki, both future prime ministers. The delegation is presented on arrival, on 6 January 1920, with the draft peace treaty for Hungary which the expert committees of the Conference have produced and which the Council has approved without amendment. The Hungarians are appalled to find that the treaty will deprive their country of two-thirds of her territory and over half of her population. The injustice of the Treaty will drive Hungary into the arms of Nazi Germany, a fatal alliance which will doom Hungary's Jews to annihilation and Hungary to defeat and destruction in the Second World War.
Little, Brown & Company American Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy
The Instant New York Times Bestseller now available in paperback!A fast-paced, rollicking, behind-the-scenes account of how the GOP since the 1950s has encouraged and exploited extremism, bigotry, and paranoia to gain power, American Psychosis offers readers a brisk, can-you-believe-it journey through the netherworld of far-right irrationality and the Republican Party's interactions with the darkest forces in America. In a compelling and thoroughly-researched narrative, Corn reveals the hidden history of how the Party of Lincoln forged alliances with extremists, kooks, racists, and conspiracy-mongers and fostered fear, anger, and resentment to win elections-and how this led to Donald Trump's triumph and the transformation of the GOP into a Trump personality cult that foments and bolsters the crazy and dangerous excesses of the right.The Trump-incited insurrectionist attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, was no aberration. American Psychosis shows it was a continuation of the long and deep-rooted Republican practice of boosting and weaponizing the rage and derangement of the right.The gripping tale in American Psychosis covers the last seven decades. From McCarthyism to the John Birch Society to segregationists to the New Right to the religious right to Rush Limbaugh to Newt Gingrich to the militia movement to Fox News to Sarah Palin to the Tea Party to Trumpism, the Republican Party has deliberately nurtured and exploited right-wing fear and loathing fuelled by paranoia, grievance, and tribalism. This powerful and important account explains how one political party has harnessed the worst elements in politics to poison the nation's discourse and threaten American democracy."[Corn is] a great journalist. I love the way he thinks. I love the way he writes. I'm so glad he's done a super-readable, modern history of the right...We just need smart, digestible history about this stuff right now...[American Psychosis] is perfectly timed...Relevant history for where we are right now." -Rachel Maddow, host, The Rachel Maddow Show"With American Psychosis, David Corn 'did the full homework to take us all the way back to where it really begins.'" -Lawrence O'Donnell, host, The Last Word
Little, Brown & Company American Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy
"[Corn is] a great journalist. I love the way he thinks. I love the way he writes. I'm so glad he's done a super-readable, modern history of the right...We just need smart, digestible history about this stuff right now...[AMERICAN PSYCHOSIS] is perfectly timed...Relevant history for where we are right now." -Rachel Maddow, host, The Rachel Maddow Show"With AMERICAN PSYCHOSIS, David Corn 'did the full homework to take us all the way back to where it really begins.'" -Lawrence O'Donnell, host, The Last WordA fast-paced, rollicking, behind-the-scenes account of how the GOP since the 1950s has encouraged and exploited extremism, bigotry, and paranoia to gain power, AMERICAN PSYCHOSIS offers readers a brisk, can-you-believe-it journey through the netherworld of far-right irrationality and the Republican Party's interactions with the darkest forces in America. In a compelling and thoroughly-researched narrative, Corn reveals the hidden history of how the Party of Lincoln forged alliances with extremists, kooks, racists, and conspiracy-mongers and fostered fear, anger, and resentment to win elections-and how this led to Donald Trump's triumph and the transformation of the GOP into a Trump personality cult that foments and bolsters the crazy and dangerous excesses of the right.The Trump-incited insurrectionist attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, was no aberration. AMERICAN PSYCHOSIS shows it was a continuation of the long and deep-rooted Republican practice of boosting and weaponizing the rage and derangement of the right.The gripping tale in AMERICAN PSYCHOSIS covers the last seven decades. From McCarthyism to the John Birch Society to segregationists to the New Right to the religious right to Rush Limbaugh to Newt Gingrich to the militia movement to Fox News to Sarah Palin to the Tea Party to Trumpism, the Republican Party has deliberately nurtured and exploited rightwing fear and loathing fueled by paranoia, grievance, and tribalism. This powerful and important account explains how one political party has harnessed the worst elements in politics to poison the nation's discourse and threaten American democracy.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Cold, Cold Bones: 'Kathy Reichs has written her masterpiece' (Michael Connelly)
*** PRE-ORDER THE BONE HACKER, COMING IN PAPERBACK IN SPRING 2024! *** 'This page-turning series never lets the reader down’ HARLAN COBENIN A PROFESSION LIKE THIS, YOU'RE BOUND TO MAKE ENEMIES . . . It all starts when Dr Temperance Brennan finds a box on her porch. Inside is a fresh human eyeball with GPS coordinates etched into it. They lead her to a macabre discovery in a Benedictine Monastery, and soon after she discovers a mummified corpse in a state park. There seems to be no pattern to these killings, except that each mimics a killing connected to something a younger Tempe experienced, or barely escaped. Someone is targeting her, and she needs to figure out why before they strike again. And then her daughter Katy disappears. Someone is playing a dangerous game with Tempe. And they won’t stop until they have taken everything from her . . .Electrifying, heart-stopping and compulsive, this is Tempe’s most personal and dangerous case yet . . .PRAISE FOR KATHY REICHS ‘A thing of clever beauty – smart, scary, complicated, and engrossing from the first sentence' MICHAEL CONNELLY ‘Reanimates all the ghosts from Temperance Brennan’s forensic past until they thoroughly haunt her present . . . This page-turning series never lets the reader down’ HARLAN COBEN ‘Masterfully constructed’ J.A. JANCE 'A mystery within a mystery that invites you to get into the action, complete with twisting turns and heart-stopping dives into the unknown . . . The crowning achievement of a master storyteller' NELSON DeMILLE 'I await the next Kathy Reichs’ thriller with the same anticipation I have for the new Lee Child or Patricia Cornwell' JAMES PATTERSON 'Over the course of twenty books, Kathy Reichs and Tempe Brennan have thrilled readers with pacey, mazey tales . . . We readers are truly grateful' IAN RANKIN ‘Reichs, skilfully using the conventions of the mystery novel, forces the reader to face up to the obscene realities of death time and time again. At work and a play she gets under your skin’ THE TIMES 'A thrilling read from one of my favorite writers' KARIN SLAUGHTER 'One of the absolute best thrillers of the year! I can’t recall when this many twists have been so masterfully woven into a novel.' JEFFERY DEAVER 'The Queen of forensic crime' EVENING STANDARD
HarperCollins Publishers A Garden Bird Year
Britain’s gardens are a vast, living landscape and the home to hundreds of species of birds. Learn to pay attention to these visitors to your own garden or local park and you’ll have a front-row seat to the unfolding drama that is the garden bird’s year. As dawn breaks across your back garden, if you were paying attention, you would notice that the robin and the blackbird are always the first birds to arrive. These ground hunters have large eyes, so don’t mind the dim light of the early morning. And that’s just the beginning of what you can learn watching your own back garden. Ornithologist Mike Toms has spent a year avidly observing his own garden, and the result is a comprehensive picture of the lives of garden birds.From the crowded yet quiet January garden populated by migratory fieldfares and bramblings, to the riotous gardens of spring, filled with songbirds competing for mates, the garden ecosystem changes throughout the year. Learn to spot these changes, to greet the arrival of the swifts in May and the new crop of fledgling goldfinches and blackbirds in June, and you’ll find a new world opening up to you.A Garden Bird’s Year is the perfect introduction to this world. Supremely readable, it explains biology and behaviour to paint a picture of the lives of common bird species, while also offering practical information for watching and feeding the birds in your own backyard. Toms details birds’ preferences for particular plants, seeds and feeders, so you can learn to attract different species to your own garden. He also charts fascinating recent adaptations – urban birds sleep later than their rural counterparts, probably because cities are on average a few degrees warmer, and they sing either earlier or later, to avoid competing with local traffic; and the balance of migratory birds to Britain is being affected by the world’s changing climate. Many species of garden birds are threatened, but there is much that each one of us can do to support them, to attract them, and to help them thrive through the year.
University of Illinois Press The Moral Property of Women: A History of Birth Control Politics in America
Choice Magazine's Outstanding Academic Books for 2004The only book to cover the entire history of birth control and the intense controversies about reproduction rights that have raged in the United States for more than 150 years, The Moral Property of Women is a thoroughly updated and revised version of the award-winning historian Linda Gordon's classic history Woman's Body, Woman's Right, originally published in 1976.Arguing that reproduction control has always been central to women's status, The Moral Property of Women shows how opposition to it has long been part of the conservative opposition to gender equality. From its roots in folk medicine and in a campaign so broad it constituted a grassroots social movement at some points in history, to its legitimization through public policy, the widespread acceptance of birth control has involved a major reorientation of sexual values.Gordon puts today's reproduction control controversies--foreign aid for family planning, the abortion debates, teenage pregnancy and childbearing, stem-cell research--into historical perspective and shows how the campaign to legalize abortion is part of a 150-year-old struggle over reproductive rights, a struggle that has followed a circuitous path. Beginning with the "folk medicine" of birth control, Gordon discusses how the backlash against the first women's rights movement of the 1800s prohibited both abortion and contraception about 130 years ago. She traces the campaign for legal reproduction control from the 1870s to the present and argues that attitudes toward birth control have been inseparable from family values, especially standards about sexuality and gender equality.Highlighting both leaders and followers in the struggle, The Moral Property of Women chronicles the contributions of well-known reproduction control pioneers such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Margaret Sanger, and Emma Goldman, as well as lesser- known campaigners including the utopian socialist Robert Dale Owen, the three doctors Foote--Edward Bliss Foote, Edward Bond Foote, and Mary Bond Foote--the civil libertarian Mary Ware Dennett, and the daring Jane project of the 1970s, in which Chicago women's liberation activists performed illegal abortions.
Te Herenga Waka University Press Dead People I Have Known
When we crashed over the line two and a half minutes later, there was a short, disbelieving silence and I could feel my knee trembling behind its sarcastic `Disco' patch. A song I'd written had just been played to the finish, and what's more, it hadn't sounded weak, or delusional-it had, in fact, kicked. I backed down from the mic. Here was a new world of sound. Its sky was borderless, and its horizon curled off a previously flat earth. I'd been given a virtual super power and a flame to shoot from my fingers. In Dead People I Have Known, the legendary New Zealand musician Shayne Carter tells the story of a life in music, taking us deep behind the scenes and songs of his riotous teenage bands Bored Games and the Doublehappys and his best-known bands Straitjacket Fits and Dimmer. He traces an intimate history of the Dunedin Sound-that distinctive jangly indie sound that emerged in the seventies, heavily influenced by punk-and the record label Flying Nun. As well as the pop culture of the seventies, eighties and nineties, Carter writes candidly of the bleak and violent aspects of Dunedin, the city where he grew up and would later return. His childhood was shaped by violence and addiction, as well as love and music. Alongside the fellow musicians, friends and family who appear so vividly here, this book is peopled by neighbours, kids at school, people on the street, and the other passing characters who have stayed on in his memory. We also learn of the other major force in Carter's life: sport. Harness racing, wrestling, basketball and football have provided him with a similar solace, even escape, as music. Dead People I Have Known is a frank, moving, often incredibly funny autobiography; the story of making a life as a musician over the last forty years in New Zealand, and a work of art in its own right. 'Sometimes profound. Sometimes utterly hilarious. I couldn't put this book down. A triumph.'-Jon Toogood 'Life life life. Music music music. Girls girls girls. Brilliant - funny, painful, reflective and raw.' -Emily Perkins.
Nova Science Publishers Inc E-cigarettes: Patterns of Use, Health Effects and Imports
Chapter 1 provides background information on e-cigarettes. Tobacco use among youth and young adults in any form, including e-cigarettes, is not safe. In recent years, e-cigarette use by youth and young adults has increased at an alarming rate. E-cigarettes are now the most commonly used tobacco product among youth in the United States. Chapter 2 highlights the rapidly changing patterns of e-cigarette use among youth and young adults, assesses what we know about the health effects of using these products, and describes strategies that tobacco companies use to recruit our nation's youth and young adults to try and continue using e-cigarettes. It also outlines interventions that can be adopted to minimize the harm these products cause to our nation's youth. Over the last decade, use of electronic cigarettes, known as e-cigarettes, in the United States has grown rapidly as use of traditional cigarettes declined among both adolescents and adults. Most e-cigarettes sold in the United States were thought to be imported, but e-cigarette import volume and tariff revenue were unknown because the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) did not contain separate statistical reporting numbers. New statistical reporting numbers went into effect on January 1, 2016. Chapter 3 reports on e-cigarettes imported into the United States in 2016. While chapter 4 reports on e-cigarettes imported into the United States from 2016 through 2018. E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices which simulate tobacco smoking by producing a heated vapor that resembles smoke. A number of explosions and fires have been attributed to e-cigarettes, causing some concern within the fire service community as discussed in chapter 5. Electronic cigarettes, known as "personal vaporizers" (PV) have experienced a significant increase in popularity for those seeking an alternative to smoking traditional tobacco products. The use of the e-cigarettes as an illicit drug delivery device is touted on websites, forums, blogs, and videos describing how best to use them for specific illicit drugs such as tetrahydrocannabinol, methamphetamine, fentanyl, and heroin as reported in chapter 6. Chapters 7 and 8 report on the 2019 outbreak of lung injury associated with e-cigarette use.
Outline Press Ltd Relax Baby Be Cool: The Artistry And Audacity Of Serge Gainsbourg
Why has Serge Gainsbourg crossed over to the English-speaking world when so many of his contemporaries have remained largely confined to the Francosphere? What is it about this unshaven provocateur that so appeals to us? And who was the real Serge Gainsbourg anyway? Was he the sensitive seducer and songwriting colossus of the 60s and 70s? Was he Lucien Ginsburg, the son of Russian Jewish refugees who had to wear a yellow star during the Nazi Occupation of Paris? Or was he Gainsbarre, the deplorable, attention-seeking drunk who shamelessly propositioned Whitney Houston on live TV? Gainsbourg s cult has only grown since his death in 1991, and Histoire de Melody Nelson is now regarded as a classic in France and internationally. The 1971 album had only sold eighty thousand copies by 1986 when it finally went gold fifteen years after its release; its canonical elevation is a remarkable story, and there are many more remarkable stories attached to all of Gainsbourg s genre-defying, transgressive long-players. In Relax Baby Be Cool, writer Jeremy Allen takes each studio album in turn while exploring themes pertinent to Gainsbourg s life and music: jazz, performance, provocation, appropriation, postmodernism, aesthetics, metamorphosis, muses, Nazis, film and TV, Surrealism, fame, and decline. French pop music is more popular than it s been since the mid-90s, when the French touch was breaking. Gainsbourg s influence has also been huge on alternative music: from Pulp to Massive Attack, De La Soul to Danger Mouse, Black Grape to Iggy Pop, Luke Vibert to Die Antwoord, Air to Kylie Minogue. This book is full of new interviews from people who knew him, as well as younger artists who ve discovered him long after his death. Contributors include Jane Birkin, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Jacqueline Ginsburg (Gainsbourg s sister), Anna Karina, Mike Patton, Etienne Daho, Sly Dunbar, Alan Hawkshaw, Alan Parker, Jean-Claude Vannier, Tony Frank, Tony Allen, Mick Harvey, Bertrand Burgalat, Acid Arab, Jehnny Beth, Alain Chamfort, Metronomy, David Holmes, Blonde Redhead, Air, Sparks, Will Oldham, and many more.
Chronicle Books Thor and Loki: Midgard Family Mayhem
Jeffrey Brown's irresistible comic spin comes to Marvel! Young Thor and Loki have traveled with their parents Odin and Frigga across the ten realms to their favorite world, and Midgard (aka Earth) may never be the same. From the creator of the beloved and bestselling Darth Vader and Son series, this sweetly funny comic collection finds the kid gods of thunder and mischief suffering helmet hair (Thor), trying to ride the school bus as an alligator (Loki), playing freeze tag with the Avengers, crafting Odin an All-Father's Day present, discovering a mysteriously delicious food Midgardians call mac and cheese," and much more. Jeffrey Brown's Eisner Award-winning humor, inventive colorful artwork, and playful approach to the characters make this a must-have for Marvel fans of all ages. FAMILY FUN: Jeffrey brings his funny family dynamics to a whole new universe. Where Jeffrey's Darth Vader series features the Sith Lord as the long suffering, but loving father of scamps Luke and Leia, in Midgard Mayhem, Jeffrey brings you Thor and Loki's mom and dad, Odin and Frigga, as they grapple with the antics of their magical sons. MIDGARD FAMILY MAYHEM: See Thor and Loki playing superpowered sports, transforming into all kinds of animals, getting Thor's hammer stuck in the ceiling, playing pranks, entering the school science fair, trick or treating, and popping popcorn with lightning. WITH THEIR FRIENDS, THE AVENGERS: A whole expanded cast of beloved Avengers characters populate this adventure in Midgard, including unique versions of Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther, The Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and more! FEATURING JEFFREY'S PLAYFUL SPIN ON THOR AND LOKI FAVORITE CHARACTERS: Including Beta Ray Bill, Jane Foster, Sif, Hela, Balder the Brave, Valkyrie, Volstagg, Surtur, Heimdall, Thori the dog, and Throgg (the frog version of Thor). (C) 2022 MARVEL For fans of Jeffrey Brown's Darth Vader and Son series, families, and Marvel fans of all ages.
Simon & Schuster Ltd 55: The twisty, unforgettable serial killer thriller
TWO SUSPECTS. TWO IDENTICAL STORIES. WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH? *** On a scorching day in Western Australia, a man named Gabriel stumbles into the remote police station in Wilbrook. He is badly injured, covered in dust and dried blood. He has fought his way through the surrounding wilderness to escape a man named Heath. Heath drugged Gabriel, took him to a cabin in the mountains and tied him up. He told him that he would be his 55th victim. Heath is dangerous. He is a serial killer. Just as Police Sergeant Jenkins launches a manhunt to find him, Heath walks into the station with a story to tell: he was drugged by a man named Gabriel, chained up and told he would be his 55th victim. Gabriel is dangerous. He is a serial killer. The two victims are also the two suspects. Which one is telling the truth?***For fans of Jane Harper's The Dry, don't miss James Delargy's masterful novel of a small Western Australian town and its people, swallowed whole by the hunt for a serial killer . . . This novel has been sold in 19 countries so far and has been optioned for film*** WHAT READERS ARE SAYING ABOUT 55 . . . ‘A pulse-pounding psycho-thriller . . . splendidly-engineered plot and a masterly sense of pace allied to a haunting background make for a powerful debut’ Crime Time ‘A clever concept for this fast-moving debut, fleshed out with a sympathetic hero haunted by grim memories’ Sunday Times Crime Club 'An intriguing whodunit that keeps the reader engrossed as Chandler searches for the truth among the lies' Canberra Times 'If you liked the Dry you will like this' 5*, Reader review 'I enjoy a good psychological thriller and this was up there with the best' 5*, Reader review ‘I loved this book from start to finish . . . the ending is still on my mind today’ 5*, Reader review ‘A real page-turner. Gets a grip on you from the start. Best book I’ve read in years!’ 5*, Reader review ‘I found it impossible to tear myself away from this small, isolated community as they stumbled into a territory more hostile and unpredictable than any place on earth. LOVED IT’ 5*, Reader review
APA Publications The Rough Guide to Brazil (Travel Guide)
Discover this vast and varied South American country with the most incisive and entertaining guidebook on the market. Whether you plan to hit the beaches of Rio, take a boat up the Amazon or explore the gorgeous colonial towns of Minas Gerais, The Rough Guide to Brazil will show you the ideal places to sleep, eat, drink, shop and visit along the way.-Independent,trusted reviews written with Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and insight, to help you get the most out of your visit, with options to suit every budget.-Full-colour chapter maps throughout - to explore Rio's beach neighbourhoods and remote Amazon towns without needing to get online.-Stunning images - a rich collection of inspiring colour photography. Things not to miss - Rough Guides' rundown of the best sights and experiences in Brazil.Itineraries - carefully planned routes to help you organise your trip. Detailed coverage - this travel guide has in-depth practical advice for every step of the way.Areas covered include: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, EspíritoSanto, Bahia, the Northeast, the Amazon, Brasília, the Pantanal and the South, covering Paraná,Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Attractions include: Rio's Corcovado, Iguaçu Falls, Salvador's old town, Rio Amazon as boat trips and theIlha do Mel.Basics - essential pre-departure practical information including getting there, local transport, accommodation, food and drink, festivals and events,sports and outdoor activities and more.Background information - a Contexts chapter devoted to history, the environment, music, cinema, football and recommended books, as well as a guide to Brazilian Portuguese.Make the most of your time on Earth with The Rough Guide to Brazil.About Rough Guides: Escape the everyday with Rough Guides. We are a leading travel publisher known for our "tell it like it is" attitude, up-to-datecontent and great writing. Since 1982, we've published books covering more than 120 destinations around the globe, with an ever-growing series of ebooks, a range of beautiful, inspirational reference titles, and an award-winning website. We pride ourselves on our accurate, honest and informed travel guides.
Penguin Books Ltd The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration
'A landmark piece of non-fiction' Janet Maslin, The New York TimesFrom the winner of the Pulitzer Prize, this is one of the great untold stories of American history: the migration of black citizens who fled the south and went north in search of a better life From 1915 to 1970, an exodus of almost six million people would change the face of America. With stunning historical detail, Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Isabel Wilkerson gives us this definitive, vividly dramatic account of how these journeys unfolded. Based on interviews with more than a thousand people, and access to new data and official records, The Warmth of Other Suns tells the story of America's Great Migration through the lives of three unique individuals: Ida Mae Gladney, who in 1937 left sharecropping and prejudice in Mississippi for Chicago, where she achieved quiet blue-collar success and, in old age, voted for Barack Obama when he ran for an Illinois Senate seat; sharp and quick-tempered George Starling, who in 1945 fled Florida for Harlem, where he endangered his job fighting for civil rights, saw his family fall, and finally found peace in God; and Robert Foster, who left Louisiana in 1953 to pursue a medical career, the personal physician to Ray Charles as part of a glitteringly successful medical career.Wilkerson brilliantly captures their first treacherous and exhausting cross-country journeys, as well as how they changed their new homes forever.'You will never forget these people' Gay Talese'A brilliant and stirring epic' John Stauffer, Wall Street Journal 'The mass migration of African Americans out of the US south forever changed the country's cultural fabric - and Wilkerson's history of this period is full of sacrifice and hope ... a long overdue account' Lettecha Johnson, Guardian'A deeply affecting, finely crafted and heroic book. . . .Wilkerson has taken on one of the most important demographic upheavals of the past century and told it through the lives of three people ... lyrical and tragic' Jill Lepore, New Yorker
Quercus Publishing The Storm is Here: America on the Brink
The New Yorker's award-winning war correspondent returns to his own country to chronicle a story of mounting civic breakdown and violent disorder, in a vivid eyewitness narrative of revelatory explanatory power.'This is a searing book, exquisitely reported, lyrically told, and so vivid it will make your heart stop-a dark journey into what ails America' Patrick Radden KeefeOn the morning of January 6, a gallows was erected on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. A little after noon, as thousands of Trump supporters marched past the structure, some paused to climb its wooden steps and take pictures of the US Capitol framed within an oval noose. Up ahead, the dull thud of stun grenades could be heard, accompanied by bright flashes. Several people carried Confederate flags. Others had Tasers, baseball bats, bear spray, and truncheons. 'They need help!' a man shouted. 'It's us versus the cops!' No one seemed surprised by what was taking place. There was an eerie sense of inexorability, mixed with nervous hesitation. It reminded me of combat: the slightly shocked, almost bashful moment when bravado, fantasy, and training crash against reality.In early 2020, Luke Mogelson, who had been living in France and covering the Global War on Terrorism, returned home to report on the social discord that the pandemic was bringing to the fore in the US. Soon, he found himself embedded with militias descending on the Michigan state capitol. From there, the story swept him on to Minneapolis, then to Portland, and ultimately to Washington, D.C. His stories for The New Yorker were hailed as essential first drafts of history. They were just the tip of the iceberg.The Storm Is Here is the definitive eyewitness account of how--during a season of sickness, economic uncertainty, and violence--a large segment of Americans became convinced that they needed to rise up against dark forces plotting to take their country away from them, and then did just that. It builds month by month, through vivid depictions of events on the ground, from the onset of the pandemic to the attack on the US Capitol--during which Mogelson was in the Senate chamber with the insurrectionists--and its aftermath. Bravely reported and beautifully written, Mogelson's book follows the tradition of some of the essential chronicles of war and unrest of our time.
John Murray Press United We Are Unstoppable: 60 Inspiring Young People Saving Our World
From Asia to Africa, Oceania to Europe, the Americas and Antarctica, see the world through the eyes of 60 young people who are fighting for their homes and their futures in the face of climate change.The stories in this book are devastating, defiant, inspiring and moving - but, above all, they are full of hope. The climate crisis can feel overwhelming but, as this book shows, for every problem there are young voices raising awareness, creating solutions and demanding that things change. It's not too late to save the world. United we really are unstoppable. Aditya Mukarji (16) stopped 26 million straws from polluting the oceans. Cecilia La Rose (15) filed a lawsuit against the Canadian federal government for contributing to global warming. Delphin Kaze (19) founded a company that produces eco-charcoal from organic waste in Burundi.And more inspiring stories from . . . Htet Myet Min Tun; Tatyana Sin; Iman Dorri; Howey Ou; Theresa Rose Sebastian; Nasreen Sayed; Liyana Yamin; Albrecht Arthur N. Arevalo; Akari Tomita; Karel Lisbeth Miranda Mendoza; Emma-Jane Burian; Anya Sastry; Ricardo Andres Pineda Guzman; Cricket Guest; Lia Harel; Shannon Lisa; Khadija Usher; Brandon Nguyen; Vivianne Roc; Octavia Shay Muñoz-Barton; Payton Mitchell; Ashley Torres; Eyal Weintraub; Daniela Torres Perez; Catarina Lorenzo; Juan José Martín-Bravo; João Henrique Alves Cerqueira; Gilberto Cyril Morishaw; Holly Gillibrand; Stamatis Psaroudakis; Lilith Electra Platt; Anna Taylor; Raina Ivanova; Federica Gasbarro; Laura Lock; Agim Mazreku; Adrian Toth; Kaluki Paul Mutuku; Nche Tala; Sebenele Rodney Carval; Jeremy Raguain; Lesein Mathenge Mutunkei; Toiwiya Hassane; Koku Klutse; Tsiry Nantenaina Randrianavelo; Ruby Sampson; Tafadzwa Chando; Elizabeth Wanjiru Wathuti; Ndèye Marie Aida Ndieguene; Zoe Buckley Lennox; Lourdes Faith Auhura Parehuia; Alexander Whitebrook; Komal Narayan; Kailash Cook; Madeleine Keitilani Elceste Lavemai; Freya May Mimosa Brown; and Carlon Zackhras25p from the sale of physical copies of the book will go to a charity advocating for the protection of children's rights.
Cornerstone Always You: A heartwarming, emotional and wonderfully romantic love story
Is it ever too late to rewrite the past?When Lina and Ash were at school, they buried a time capsule containing letters about their hopes and dreams, and predictions for each other's futures.Twenty years later, their realities couldn't be further from what they'd expected. And as for Lina and Ash? They're not in each other's lives anymore.When a reunion brings Lina and Ash back together, they agree to give the dreams they walked away from another chance and embark on a trip that could change everything.And if they can overcome what happened in the past, then maybe the end of their love story was really just the beginning..._________________________________________YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE LOVE MIGHT TAKE YOU WITH CAROLINE KHOURYPraise for Caroline Khoury:'I couldn't turn the pages of ALWAYS YOU fast enough: achingly romantic and full of twists and turns, it's everything a romance should be. Just gorgeous!' Laura Jane Williams'A complicated love story with lots of unforeseen twists and moments between the characters. I always love it when you can envisage how a story is going to end but the journey of bringing them together is an adventure' Elle Cook'Always You is a beautiful celebration of love and friendship; a rollercoaster ride filled with family secrets, peppered with scrumptious sounding food' Emma Cowell'A beautiful, romantic story that will whisk you away with gorgeous characters. A book full of love!' Olivia Beirne'A gorgeous second chance love story, beautifully written and full of heart' Sophie Cousens'A beautiful, sweeping, intelligent love story' Zoë Folbigg'I adored this second-chance love story about secrets, dreams and long-buried emotions. Richly evocative, layered with intrigue and wonderfully romantic' Holly Miller'A sweeping love story taking me from Cyprus to Mumbai to LA, with each setting so perfectly realised that I felt as though I was right there with them' Lorraine Brown'Caroline takes you on such a moving, deeply-felt journey ... I cried several times!' Emma Hughes
Hodder & Stoughton Child of the Ruins: a gripping, heart-breaking and unforgettable World War Two historical thriller
'A poignant love story' THE iTwo families divided by war.An entire city on the edge of disaster.'I was blown away not just by the gripping story, which had my heart thumping at times, but the sheer eloquence of writing. It is a story of the strength of the human spirit, and of love which will not be defeated. I know I will be recommending it to everyone' LESLEY PEARSE1948, Berlin. World War II has ended and there is supposed to be peace; but Russian troops have closed all access to the city. Roads, railway lines and waterways are blocked and two million people are trapped, relying on airlifts of food, water and medicine to survive. The sharp eyes of the Russian state police watch everything; no one can be trusted.Anna and Ingrid are both searching for answers - and revenge - in the messy aftermath of war. They understand that survival comes only by knowing what to trade: food; medicine; heirlooms; secrets. Both are living in the shadows of a city where the line between right and wrong has become dangerously blurred. But they cannot give up in the search for a lost child . . . 'An absolute triumph' DINAH JEFFERIES'Vivid, brave and suspenseful' RACHEL HORE'I defy anyone not to read beyond the first killer sentence' JANE CORRY'A harrowing and compelling portrait of Berlin in the aftermath of World War Two, told through the interconnecting stories of two courageous women struggling to survive in the rubble of their war-torn city' FIONA VALPY*** READERS LOVE THIS NOVEL! ***'The plot is exciting and fast paced. Thought-provoking and multi-layered as well as thoroughly entertaining. A perfect read' 'Furnivall masterfully captures the history of a divided Berlin in the aftermath of WW2''This novel draws you in with its incredibly well-researched historical fiction and tenacious female leads''A sweeping historical drama that's powerful and tense, full of espionage, making you feel like you're living in post-war Berlin... Beautifully written''This was such an emotive and immersive read that certainly stayed with me long after finishing the pages ... I literally couldn't put this book down. A brilliant story''Such an emotional, powerful, well-written, totally gripping book. I was blown away'
Headline Publishing Group Two Metres From You: Escape with this hilarious, feel-good and utterly irresistible romantic comedy!
Winner of the 2022 RNA Katie Fforde Debut Romantic Novel Award.'I ABSOLUTELY loved this book!' Real reader review, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'A gorgeous, romantic book, that will whisk you away to sunnier happier times' Real reader review, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I LOVED this book! I can't believe it's a debut and can't wait to see what's next for Heidi Stephens' Real reader review, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐**Game, Set, Match, the hilarious and utterly irresistible new romcom from Heidi Stephens, is available to pre-order now!**_________LOVE MIGHT BE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK . . .Gemma isn't sure what upsets her more. The fact she just caught her boyfriend cheating, or that he did it on her brand-new Heal's cushions.All she knows is she needs to put as many miles between her and Fraser as humanly possible. So, when her best friend suggests a restorative few days in the West Country, it seems like the perfect solution.That is, until the country enters a national lockdown that leaves her stranded. All she has for company is her dog, Mabel. And the mysterious (and handsome!) stranger living at the bottom of her garden . . .Packed full of laugh-out-loud moments, this hugely uplifting, feel-good and sparkling romantic comedy is simply unputdownable. Perfect for fans of Mhairi McFarlane, Sophie Kinsella, Beth O'Leary and Laura Jane Williams._________READERS ARE LOSING THEIR HEARTS TO TWO METRES FROM YOU!'A fabulous debut from Stephens, focussing on a year that none of us will forget, and delivering all the feels. Amusing, engaging and deliciously romantic.' JENNI KEER'Brilliant! Just Brilliant! Consumed it in a day as I just couldn't put it down. Hilariously funny and sums up life in lockdown perfectly' Real reader review, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Beautifully written, full of charm and a story that will capture your heart, this is the perfect read!' Real reader review, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'It made me laugh and cry and I am already excited for what Heidi produces next. An excellent debut!' Real reader review, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'If there's a better book to relieve lockdown depression I'd be very surprised' NetGalley Reader'A must-have beach read this summer. I read it in one sitting and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a new, wonderful romance to read' NetGalley Reader'I LOVED this. A great example of how to do a lockdown novel' NetGalley Reader
HarperCollins Focus The John Muir Signature Notebook: An Inspiring Notebook for Curious Minds
Put pen to paper alongside celebrated naturalist John Muir's inspirational quotes and musings in this beautifully designed notebook, and let your own creativity flow! John Muir was an avid journaler on his many adventures into the wilderness, often filling pages with drawings of nature scenes and details of his remarkable journeys. Now the budding naturalist can jot alongside Muir's inspirational quotes and observations, receiving encouragement from the Father of the National Parks as you record your latest hikes and findings.The John Muir Notebook is part of the Signature Notebook series, all of which are filled with inspirational quotes for dreamers, thinkers, and writers of all ages, alongside striking, rarely-seen images throughout. This beautiful, pocket-sized notebook features a moleskin-like binding, cream paper stock, and an elegant ribbon page marker, so you can always pick up where you left off...and Muir's removable portrait wraps around the foil-stamped front cover, which is debossed with his signature. The Signature Notebook series features some of the most prominent figures in our society, from William Shakespeare and Jane Austen, to JFK and Michelle Obama--and John Muir adds another inspirational personality to the mix.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Rhinoplasty: The Experts' Reference
Top rhinoplasty techniques from world-renowned experts Rhinoplasty: The Experts' Reference is a comprehensive text that provides guidance from world-renowned experts on every aspect of rhinoplasty, from the functional to the cosmetic. The book opens with a section on initial patient assessment and consultation, moves on to such topics as surgery of the septum, with separate sections on the nuances of functional nasal surgery and revision rhinoplasty, and concludes with a section on avoiding and managing surgical complications. Each chapter is written by an expert on a specific topic and presents tried-and-true rhinoplasty techniques that can be readily implemented by facial plastic surgeons. Key Features: Includes a section on ethnic rhinoplasty with chapters written by Drs. Tae-Bin Won, Russell W.H. Kridel, and Roxana Cobo Written by over 100 of the most well-known surgeons in the world, including Yong Ju Jang (Asia), Ira Papel, Stephen Park, Peter Adamson, and Rollin K. Daniel (North America), Wolfgang Gubisch, Charles East, Gilbert Nolst Trenite, and Pietro Palma (Europe), and Simon Robinson (Australia) Offers expert solutions to a particular problem in each chapter Practicing plastic surgeons and facial plastic surgeons, as well as residents and fellows in these fields, will consult this excellent desk reference whenever they are faced with a particularly challenging case.
University of Toronto Press When the Spirit Calls: The Killings at Hannah Bay
In January 1832, in the most southern part of Ontario’s James Bay, an elderly Cree man by the name of Quapakay was told by the spirits of the shaking tent that in order to survive the winter, he was required to "spoil" the post at Hannah Bay, a Hudson's Bay Company goose hunting station. Following the directions of the spirits, Quapakay and his sons carried out this ill-fated task, resulting in the deaths of sixteen occupants of the Hannah Bay post. Now known as the "Hannah Bay Massacre," the victims included fur trader William Corrigal, the postmaster and his wife, and seven other Indigenous people. When the Spirit Calls explores the social, cultural, and historical context in which the Hannah Bay tragedy took place, as gleaned from the Hudson Bay Company’s archival records and elucidations by Cree oral traditions. The research is the culmination of over forty years of investigation by Edward J. Hedican in Indigenous communities, from the mid-1970s to the present day. In the book, Hedican aims to uncover the circumstances, behaviours, and attitudes that led to the slaughter. When the Spirit Calls sheds light on the racist attitudes held by the white settler population towards Indigenous people – attitudes that were prevalent in our colonial past and that continue to this very day.
New York University Press What Roe v. Wade Should Have Said: The Nation's Top Legal Experts Rewrite America's Most Controversial Decision, Revised Edition
A unique introduction to the constitutional arguments for and against the right to abortion In January 1973, the Supreme Court’s opinion in Roe v. Wade struck down most of the country's abortion laws and held for the first time that the Constitution guarantees women the right to safe and legal abortions. Nearly five decades later, in 2022, the Court’s 5-4 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization overturned Roe and eliminated the constitutional right, stunning the nation. Instead of finally resolving the constitutional issues, Dobbs managed to bring new attention to them while sparking a debate about the Supreme Court’s legitimacy. Originally published in 2005, What Roe v. Wade Should Have Said asked eleven distinguished constitutional scholars to rewrite the opinions in this landmark case in light of thirty years’ experience but making use only of sources available at the time of the original decision. Offering the best arguments for and against the constitutional right to abortion, the contributors have produced a series of powerful essays that get to the heart of this fascinating case. In addition, Jack Balkin gives a detailed historical introduction that chronicles the Roe litigation—and the constitutional and political clashes that followed it—and explains the Dobbs decision and its aftermath.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Materials Chemistry
This textbook introduces the reader to the elementary chemistry on which materials science depends by discussing the different classes of materials and their applications. It shows the reader how different types of materials are produced, why they possess specific properties, and how they are used in technology. Each chapter contains study questions to enable discussions and consolidation of the acquired knowledge. The new edition of this textbook is completely revised and updated to reflect the significant expansion of the field of materials chemistry over the last years, covering now also topics such as graphene, nanotubes, light emitting diodes, extreme photolithography, biomedical materials, and metal organic frameworks. From the reviews of the first edition: "This book is not only informative and comprehensive for a novice reader, but also a valuable resource for a scientist and/or an industrialist for new and novel challenges." (Materials and Manufacturing Process, June 2009) "Allcock provides a clear path by first describing basic chemical principles, then distinguishing between the various major materials groups, and finally enriching the student by offering a variety of special examples." (CHOICE, April 2009) "Proceeding logically from the basics to materials in advanced technology, it covers the fundamentals of materials chemistry, including principles of materials synthesis and materials characterization methods." (Internationale Fachzeitschrift Metall, January 2009)
The University of Chicago Press Chicago Dreaming: Midwesterners and the City, 1871-1919
During the late nineteenth century, Chicago's population grew at an astonishing rate, with an estimated growth of 900,000 people between 1860 and 1890. Drawn to the opportunities generated by an expansive economy, hinterland migrants from the rural Midwest flocked to the city, their visions of prosperity creating a thriving modern urban culture. The hopes of these newcomers are the subject of Timothy B. Spears's book Chicago Dreaming - the story of Chicago's growth and the transplanted Midwesterners who so decisively shaped the young city's identity. Through innovative readings of Theodore Dreiser, Willa Cather, and Richard Wright, Spears argues that the migratory perspective was crucial to the rise of Chicago's emerging literary culture. In following the paths of several well-known migrants, including Jane Addams, cartoonist John T. McCutcheon, and businessman John Glessner, Spears also shows how the view from the hinterland permeated urban culture and informed the development of key Chicago institutions. Further exploring the notion of dreaming, he brings to light the internal desires that lured Midwestern migrants to the city as well as the nostalgia that led them to dream of the homes they left behind. With this fascinating new take on the rise of Chicago, Chicago Dreaming blurs the line between country and city to reveal the provincial character of modern urban culture.
University of California Press Money in the Twenty-First Century: Cheap, Mobile, and Digital
An economist examines three modern forces that have redefined what "money" means, who controls it, and what the future of finance might look like. Money is increasingly cheap, digital, and mobile. In Money in the Twenty-First Century, economist Richard Holden examines the virtues and risks of low interest rates, mobile money, and cryptocurrencies, and explains how these three elemental forces will continue to play out—in our wallets, on the blockchain, and throughout major economies—in the decades to come. Holden weaves in the stories of three people who have exerted massive influence over the future of modern money: US treasury secretary Janet Yellen, Ethereum cofounder Vitalik Buterin, and Raghuram Rajan, former governor of the Reserve Bank of India and chief economist at the International Monetary Fund. Moving from micro to macro, Holden investigates the infrastructure that permits digital transactions, the currencies that underpin them, the race for control of those currencies, shifts in policy and the international monetary system, and the impact on our politics of money in the digital age. Ultimately, Money in the Twenty-First Century asks if governments can keep these three tectonic powers of low interest rates, mobile money, and decentralized finance under control.
Mirror Books Easy Kills
Stephen Port was jailed in November 2016 after luring four young, gay men through dating apps so he could drug them to death and rape them. Easy Kills tracks Port's life and crimes and questions the role of Barking and Dagenham Police, who were investigated by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) as a result. Officers neglected to check Port's electronic devices when the first overdosed body turned up outside his flat in June 2014. They found Port had called 999 trying to pose as a bystander after hiring the young man as an escort. He was not charged with murder, but perverting the course of justice. In August 2014, a second body turned up 400 yards from Port's front door. The young immigrant's corpse showed signs of being dragged. No investigation was opened. Less than one month later, another body turned up in the same churchyard. Port was jailed in March 2015 after being given eight months for perverting the course of justice. He served just under three. Had he served the full sentence, he wouldn't have been free to murder his fourth victim, Jack Taylor. The case has garnered massive national media attention, resulting in a TV drama airing January 2022.
Amazon Publishing A Perfect Time to Murder
WW2 is raging in the skies over England. But for Kember and Hayes there is murder underground. January 1941. The Luftwaffe continues its assault on Britain from the sky, but ATA pilot Lizzie Hayes is grounded after a crash. Itching to be of use, she hears that DI Kember is investigating the death of a coal miner in Kent and sees her chance to help. They discover the miner died from carbon monoxide poisoning but Kember instinctively suspects foul play. Was it an accident, or murder? Armed with her forensic psychology skills, Lizzie helps Kember interview the other miners, and it soon becomes apparent that nearly everyone had a motive for murder. Despite heavy snowfall threatening to cut off the mine, Kember and Hayes are certain the best clues will be found in the depths of the pit itself, and demand that the men—all suspects—lower them into the dark tunnels… When the power goes out and they find themselves trapped, they must confront not only their blossoming feelings for each other but also the prospect that they may never see daylight again. And, even if they do, will they be any closer to finding the killer?
Hermes Press Doris Day: Images of a Hollywood Icon
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of one of the most successful actresses and singers in the history of show business,Hermes Press is proud to announce the publication of DORIS DAY - IMAGES OF A HOLLYWOOD ICON, featuring rare and previously unpublished photographs from the late star's personal collection.Born in Cincinnati, Ohio on April 3, 1922, Doris Mary Anne Kappelhoff had dreams of becoming a professional dancer before a near-fatal car accident during her teen years left her bed-ridden with a shattered leg for over a year. While listening to the radio during her recovery and becoming entranced by jazz vocalist Ella Fitzgerald, Doris embarked on singing lessons for two years, resulting in her becoming a local radio star and joining big bands -- where she adopted the stage name of "Day" -- leading to a plum position with the Les Brown Orchestra.While touring cross-country with Brown, Day had several hit records with the band, culminating with the end-of-World-War-II anthem Sentimental Journey. After two failed marriages and giving birth to her son Terry, Doris relocated to Los Angeles where she was discovered by famed film director Michael Curtiz (Casablanca) and signed to a contract with Warner Brothers.Starting with the 1948 Technicolor musical Romance on the High Seas, where she introduced the Oscar®-nominated hit song It's Magic, Day quickly ascended to the top of the most popular stars in Hollywood. While continuing her recording career, she moved effortlessly between song-filled, nostalgic features such as Calamity Jane - introducing the Oscar®-winning hit Secret Love; gripping film noir (Storm Warning); musical biography (Love Me or Leave Me); a Hitchcock thriller (The Man Who Knew Too Much) and modern romantic comedies with Rock Hudson (Pillow Talk), Clark Gable (Teacher's Pet), Cary Grant (That Touch of Mink) and James Garner (The Thrill of It All).Despite not making a film since 1968, Day still holds the record as the number one female box-office star. Her many honors include the Cecil B. DeMille Award for outstanding contributions to the entertainment industry, the Los Angeles Film Critics Award for Lifetime Achievement, a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, an Academy Award® nomination for Pillow Talk and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Her films and recordings continue to appeal to audiences all over the world. The iconic Oscar®-winning hit Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be Will Be) was not only the theme to her top ten television series The Doris Day Show but has resonated globally with several generations.A lifelong animal lover and pioneering animal welfare advocate, Day focused her later years on her heart's passion--making this a better world for animals and the people who love them. Her celebrity voice has been instrumental in reducing shelter euthanasia, introducing spay/neuter initiatives, lobbying for laws that protect animals, and many other programs. Since 1978, the Doris Day Animal Foundation has grown into a national non-profit animal welfare leader and continues to carry on Day's legacy.DORIS DAY - IMAGES OF A HOLLYWOOD ICON offers hundreds of photos, including glamorous publicity portraits, behind-the-scenes images with famous friends and colleagues, and glimpses into her personal life. Longtime fan Paul McCartney hascontributed a Foreword. Turner Classic Movies host Eddie Muller and singer-historian Michael Feinstein have contributed appreciations of Day's motion picture and singing careers, respectively. A complete filmography and discography are also included.