Search results for ""author marina"
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag So long Marianne Leonard Cohen und seine große Liebe
Ave Maria Press Peace of Heart: Francis of Assisi
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Byzantine Naval Forces 1261–1461: The Roman Empire's Last Marines
After the recapture of Constantinople, Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos was determined to bring glory back to the Byzantine Empire. To achieve this, he established an Imperial Fleet and raised new regiments of elite marine troops. This work provides a comprehensive, illustrated guide to the unit history and appearance of these men, who were at the cutting edge of the last great flourish of Byzantine naval power. They won victory after victory in campaigns throughout the 1260s–70s, and though successive periods of decline and partial resurrection followed, these marine units survived until the very last flickers of Byzantine resistance were extinguished. Drawing upon early literary sources, the rich evidence of period illuminated manuscripts, frescoes and other iconography, Raffaele D'Amato details the lasting legacy of the swansong of Byzantine naval power.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac 2024
In a practical handy format the Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac, published in association with Practical Boat Owner, covers all of the UK and Ireland, as well as the North Atlantic coastline from Denmark to the Gironde. The Reeds PBO Small Craft Almanac may be more compact and concise than the Reeds Nautical Almanac but it contains a wealth of indispensable navigational data specially tailored for small craft sailors, presented in an easy-to-find, quick-reference manner for on-board use. Streamlined to focus on tidal data (tide tables, tidal streams and tidal curves) and lights, buoys and waypoints, the Small Craft Almanac covers the whole of the UK and Ireland and the west coast of Europe from Denmark to the Gironde. Published in association with Practical Boat Owner magazine, this practical handy Almanac boasts many unique features for small craft sailors and represents excellent value for money for those who don’t need the more comprehensive marina data, passage information and chartlets of the full Reeds Almanac. Meticulously researched, it includes a huge amount of information of value to small craft navigators: tide tables, tidal streams and tidal gates; secondary port differences; 2,500+ waypoints; radio data; light recognition; weather information; principal lights; IALA buoyage; international codes and flags; sun/moon rise/set times; emergency information. Also available: free supplements of up-to-date navigation changes from January to June at:
University of Exeter Press Miners, Mariners & Masons: The Global Network of Victorian Freemasonry
Freemasonry played a major role in the economic and social life of the Victorian era but it has received very little sustained attention by academic historians. General histories of the period hardly notice the subject while detailed studies mainly confine themselves to its origins in the early eighteenth century and its later institutional development. This book is the first sustained and dispassionate study of the role of Freemasonry in everyday social and economic life: why men joined, what it did for them and their families, and how it affected the development of communities and local economies.
Galaxia Gutenberg, S.L. El canto y la ceniza antología poética
Los poemas que componen la presente antología nos hablan de la experiencia de dos mujeres: el amor y el desamor, la humillación y la resistencia, la desesperación y el anhelo, la creación y la monotonía de la cotidianidad, la crueldad de la historia y la ternura como sentimiento de la vida. El canto y la ceniza, antología seleccionada, traducida y comentada por Monika Zgustova y Olvido García Valdés, da cuenta de manera amplia y significativa, de la obra de Anna Ajmátova y Marina Tsvetáieva, las dos grandes poetas rusas del siglo xx. Este volumen incluye Réquiem y Poema sin héroe, obras maestras de la primera, y Poema del fin y 'Por el Año Nuevo!', de la segunda, así como un generoso conjunto de composiciones de las dos poetas, que abarca todos sus periodos de creación. El volumen busca más que el estricto orden cronológico 'un ritmo de lectura convincente que retuviese en todo momento -como proponen las traductoras- la intensidad del canto y la amarga, leve, gravedad de la ceniza'.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reeds Looseleaf Almanac 2024 (inc binder)
The Reeds Looseleaf Almanac provides all the information required to navigate Atlantic coastal waters around the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands, and the entire European coastline from the tip of Denmark right down to Gibraltar, including the Azores and Madeira. This is a versatile system that combines almanac and pilotage information in a convenient looseleaf form. The unique looseleaf format, bound inside a durable binder which stays open on the chart table, lets the user tailor the Almanac to their needs by personalising the contents supplied with whatever information they may want to add or take out. The looseleaf format makes information access quick and easy whilst allowing the navigator to refresh it with the annual update pack. Includes 700 harbour chartlets, harbour facilities, tide tables and streams, 7,500 waypoints, international codes and flags, weather, distance tables, passage advice, area planning charts, rules of the road, radio information, communications, safety, mayday and distress procedures, and documentation and customs. The 2024 edition is updated throughout, containing over 45,000 changes, and includes a free Reeds Marina Guide. Also available: free supplements of up-to-date navigation changes from January to June at: "There are some things I would not go to sea without - Reeds is one of them" Sir Chay Blyth "The big, bold, extravagantly comprehensive king of Almanacs" Yachting World "On every cruising boat you'll find one of these. Don't start your engines without it" Motor Boat and Yachting "The bible of almanacs" Classic Boat
Fundación María Deraismes Viajes cuaderno del compaero masn
Amigo, amiga, te han dado una mochila llena de herramientas, que te alimentarán y te abrirán la ruta, te han confiado un bastón de peregrino en el que apoyarte, si tropiezas, y defenderte, si lo necesitas.Ahora, entre tus manos, tienes un nuevo regalo y te servirá de apoyo, como si fuese otro compañero o compañera, igual de cercano que los que encontrarás en tu ruta. Juntos en ruta hacia la Estrella! Que bajo su amparo tengas buen camino y mucho que aprender! Que su resplandor te traiga de vuelta junto a tus hermanos y hermanas, que cuando termines tu viaje y puedas decirnos que has completado ?. tu Obra Maestra!
Fundación María Deraismes Grandes maestres tenis la palabra
Formato: pdf Adobe DRMEste libro surge por la voluntad del Gran Maestre de la Orden Masónica Mixta Internacional ?LE DROIT HUMAIN? ?EL DERECHO HUMANO?, el Muy Ilustre Hermano Njördur P. NJARDVIK, deseoso de que se reunieran en un volumen, las intervenciones más destacadas de todos los Grandes Maestres que se han sucedido desde la fundación de la Masonería Mixta Internacional en 1893, con la intención de mostrar, de una manera a la vez sencilla y potente, un proyecto masónico que no tiene edad, sexo, ni frontera, que se nutre de la fuerza y la sabiduría del largo combate humanista, en fin, que tiene la belleza de lo que no se desfasa.Un libro esencial para conocer la evolución de la Masonería contemporánea, desde 1893, fecha de la fundación de la Masonería Mixta Internacional, hasta la instalación de la última Gran Maestre. Unos discursos y unas vidas que siguen siendo lecciones y ejemplos de unas personas que dedicaron sus vidas al progreso de la Humanidad.
Ave Maria Press Sé Transformado: El Poder Sanador de Los Sacramentos
Ave Maria Press Holy Grit: A Saintly Guide to Becoming a Man of Virtue
Ave Maria Press Jesus, Friend of My Soul: Reflections for the Lenten Journey
Ave Maria Press Bless My Grandchild: A Catholic Prayer Book for Grandparents
Ave Maria Press Why I Am Catholic (and You Should Be Too)
Ave Maria Press Your Life in Christ
Laufen, Karl Maria Maskerade
Edilingua Pantelis Marin Arrivederci 2
British Museum Press Feminine power: the divine to the demonic
An exciting, wide-ranging exploration of the power and diversity of female figures of worship in world cultures and belief systems, from the ancient world to today. ---------- ‘Written in plain and accessible language, without losing academic rigor... Crerar, who, like a contemporary Virgil, introduces us to sublime and terrifying entities, guiding us all the way through the complex and fascinating meanings of femininity and faith.’ – María Pinal Villanueva, The Journal of Folklore Research Reviews ‘An excellent catalogue’ – Waldemar Januszczak, The Sunday Times ‘A lucidly argued and richly illustrated catalogue’ – Marina Warner, The Guardian ---------- Divine women – in many guises – have featured in every world faith from deep history until the present day, inspiring people and cultures across the world. In a cross-cultural and global approach, this book discusses Eve alongside Inanna, Radha and Aphrodite in the context of sex and desire, while in the chapter on evil, witches and Hecate are compared with other deities, like Lamaštu and the Cihuateotl, as well as monstrous women such as Taraka, Medusa, Rangda, and Lilith. Ideas of justice and defence are explored in the figures of Athena, Sekhmet and Kali, and the final chapter on compassion and salvation uncovers links between Isis, Mary, Tara and Guanyin. The publication concludes with a discussion of contemporary feminism and modern interpretations of goddesses. Until the mid-twentieth century, the disciplines of theology, archaeology and history were heavily dominated by male academics, resulting in the under-representation of women’s experience and fewer studies on female divinity. This timely book, which is packed with fascinating insights into different cultures and beliefs, seeks to redress that balance.
Ave Maria Press My Other Self Conversations with Christ on Living Your Faith
Fundación María Deraismes La plomada cuaderno del aprendiz masn
Thérèse Willekens fue miembro fundador de varias logias de la Orden Masónica Mixta Internacional Le Droit Humain ? El Derecho Humano. En vida ocupó diversas oficialías, entre ellas la de Venerable Maestre, llegando en 1999 a ser elegida Presidenta de la federación belga de su Orden.Este libro en concreto está dirigido al Aprendiz, el primer paso en el caminar masónico, si continúan su camino podrán perfeccionar su oficio con Viajes? y akakia, de la misma autora y editados también por la FMD. En sus más de cuarenta años de compromiso masónico le permitieron a Thérèse desarrollar una sabiduría modesta, siempre con una sonrisa.Su ágil sentido del humor y su gentil carácter surgen de su encuentro con los demás y la práctica de lo aprendido en logia. Es este camino decididamente optimista de la Masonería el que nos propone la autora, como vía hacia la felicidad.
Fundación María Mensajera La virgen de la bola de luz
Ave Maria Press Seasons of Hope Journal Four: Finding Comfort in Your Grief
Ave Maria Press The Old Testament: Our Call to Faith and Justice
Ave Maria Press Go Bravely: Becoming the Woman You Were Created to Be
Ave Maria Press ABCs of Healthy Grieving: A Companion for Everyday Coping
Ave Maria Press True Serenity
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Las luces de septiembre September Lights Triloga de la niebla
Tercer libro de la Trilogía de la niebla.Un misterioso fabricante de juguetes que vive recluido en una gigantesca mansión poblada de seres mecánicos y sombras del pasado... Un enigma en torno a extrañas luces que brillan entre la niebla que rodea el islote del faro. Una criatura de pesadilla que se oculta en lo más profundo del bosque...Estos y otros elementos tejen la trama del misterio que unirá a Irene e Ismael para siempre durante un mágico verano en Bahía Azul. Un misterio que los llevará a vivir la más emocionante de las aventuras en un laberíntico mundo de luces y sombras.Carlos Ruiz ZafónBarcelona, 1964Carlos Ruiz Zafón es uno de los autores más leídos y reconocidos en todo el mundo. Inicia su carrera literaria en 1993 con El Príncipe de la Niebla (Premio Edebé), a la que siguen El Palacio de la Medianoche, Las Luces de Septiembre (reunidos en el volumen La Trilogía de la Niebla) y Marina. En 2001 se publica su primera novela para adultos, La Sombra del Viento, que
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House Doctor Who and the Keys of Marinus: 1st Doctor Novelisation
Jamie Glover reads this gripping novelisation of a classic TV adventure for the First Doctor.The TARDIS materialises on a remote island, set in a sea of acid, on the planet Marinus. The Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara meet Arbitan, keeper of a vast computer which rules and balances the gentle life of Marinus. Yet peace on the planet is threatened by the sub-human Voord, who wish to take control of the Conscience.Arbitan enlists the travellers to find the five crucial Keys of Marinus in various locations across the planet. Thus begins a series of terrifying adventures for the Doctor and his friends, who must find the Keys if they wish to ever to see the TARDIS again.Jamie Glover, who played William Russell in the BBC TV drama 'An Adventure in Space and Time', reads Philip Hinchcliffe's novelisation of Terry Nation's 1964 TV serial. Reading produced by Neil Gardner at Ladbroke Audio Sound design by Simon Power Executive producer: Michael Stevens©2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
Editorial Juventud, S.A. Lo que saben las mujeres de los marinos
Las mujeres del océano, la mujer-cangrejo o la hija de un dios marino tienen en común el conocimiento íntimo de esas sociedades frágiles en las que conviven el hombre y el mar. Siguiendo sus aventuras mágicas, trágicas o extraordinarias, sumérjase en el corazón de la cultura de los pueblos de los mares gracias a relatos cortos y poéticos donde los héroes son, por una vez, mujeres en un mundo considerado masculino.
Motorbuch Verlag Hubschrauber der US Navy Marines und Coast Guard
Manohar Publishers and Distributors Mariners, Merchants and Oceans: Studies in Maritime History
Black Dog Press Marianne Eigenheer: A Lifelong Search Along the Lines
A fascinating and long-overdue study of the artist’s work spanning five decades of her diverse practice, this comprehensive and thought-provoking book provides an overview of Marianne’s oeuvre. It also creates dialogues between different periods of her work by presenting them alongside one another – many shown this way for the first time in print. From her spontaneous, gesturally abstract drawings of the 1970s, to her bolder, more defined, large-scale drawings that gained public attention at the 1980 Venice Biennale, to her lesser-known sculptural and photographic works, to the wall painting created for Kunstmuseum Basel in 2018 – this book spans the artist’s creative scope.The characteristic linear forms that underscore Marianne’s practice come from the meditative process of drawing she developed in her lifetime, whereby she externalised her personal experiences onto paper. Marianne Eigenheer documents beautifully how the artist created a highly distinctive and recognisable visual language by working in this way throughout her career. The book also features a selection of essays by a diverse group of writers that discuss and explore the different aspects of Marianne’s practice, shining a light on her work as artist, writer, curator and teacher.
Ave Maria Press Medjugorje Day by Day
Helion & Company The Fuzileiros: Portuguese Marines in Africa, 1961–1974
MP-OKL Uni of Oklahoma Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo Life in Spanish Mexican and American California
Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo (1807-90) grew up in Spanish California, became a leading military and political figure in Mexican California, and participated in some of the founding events of US California. This volume illuminates Vallejo’s life and history and examines the broader experience of the nineteenth-century Californio community.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Old Testament Apocrypha in the Slavonic Tradition: Continuity and Diversity
Written by an international group of expert scholars, the essays in this volume are devoted to the topic of biblical apocrypha, particularly the "Old Testament Pseudepigrapha," within the compass of the Slavonic tradition. The authors examine ancient texts, such as 2 Enoch and the Apocalypse of Abraham, which have been preserved (sometimes uniquely) in Slavonic witnesses and versions, as well as apocryphal literature that was composed within the rich Slavonic tradition from the early Byzantine period onwards. The volume's focus is textual, historical, and literary. Many of its contributions present editions and commentaries of important texts, or discuss aspects pertaining to the manuscript evidence.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Birth of the Royal Marines, 1664-1802
Traces the origins and early development of the Royal Marines, outlining their organisational structures, their recruitment and social background, the activities in which they were engaged, and how their distinctive identity was forged. The Royal Marines come from a long and proud tradition dating back to 1664. However, the first incarnation of the service, the Marine Regiments, was plagued by structural and operational difficulties. The formation of the BritishMarine Corps at the onset of the Seven Years War in 1755 was a defining moment, for this was the first time the government gave operational priority to the Navy. Following many trials and tribulations, in 1802 the British Marine Corps were made the Royal Marines, giving them official sanction and permanency that has continued to the present day. This book explores the long period between the Corps of Marines' inception and its Royal codification in 1802. Based on extensive original research, it charts the development of the marines' organisational structures and the Corps' rapid expansion and change. It examines the operations and tasks the marines were required to undertake, showing how special operational requirements and organisational structures combined to give rise to the Royal Marines' distinctive identity, quite separate from exclusively land-based or exclusively maritime-based forces. Amongst a great deal of fascinating detail, the book provides interesting information on how marines were recruited, from what social backgrounds they came, how they were trained, how they were paid, and how their key duties includedguarding against mutiny and desertion, and being available as an imperial "rapid reaction force". The book includes extensive material on the many, very varied actions in which the marines were involved, worldwide, including the famous, successful action against American rebels at Boston's Bunker Hill in 1775. BRITT ZERBE completed his doctorate in maritime history at the University of Exeter.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Why Design Matters: Conversations with the World's Most Creative People
Foreword by Roxane Gay“Debbie Millman brings her Design Matters podcast, ‘about how the most creative people in the world create their lives,’ to the page with this excellent interview anthology. Sharpened by Millman’s penetrating commentary, the candid musings teem with insight and empathy. This sparkling collection is one to be savored slowly.”—Publisher’s WeeklyThe author, educator, brand consultant, and host of the widely successful and award-winning podcast Design Matters showcases dozens of her most exciting interviews, bringing together insights and reflections from today’s leading creative minds from across diverse fields.“Debbie Millman has become a singular voice in the world of intimate, enlightening conversations. She has demonstrated time, and again, why design matters.”—Roxane Gay, from the forewordOver the course of her popular podcast’s fifteen-year reign, Debbie Millman has interviewed more than 400 creative minds. In those conversations, she has not only explored what it means to design a creative life, but has, as Millman’s wife, Roxane Gay, assesses in her foreword, “created a gloriously interesting and ongoing conversation about what it means to live well, overcome trauma, face rejection, learn to love and be loved, and thrive both personally and professional.”In this illustrated, curated anthology, Millman includes approximately 80 of her best interviews with visionaries from across diverse fields. Grouped by category—Legends, Truth Tellers, Culture Makers, Trendsetters, and Visionaries—these eye-opening, entertaining, and enlightening conversations—offer insights into new ways of being and living. Accompanying each entry is a brief biography, a portrait photographed by Millman, and a pull quote written in Millman’s artistic hand. Why Design Matters features 100 images and includes interviews with:Marina Abramovic, Cey Adams, Elizabeth Alexander, Laurie Anderson, Lynda Barry, Allison Bechdel, Michael Bierut, Brené Brown, Alain de Botton, Eve Ensler, Shepard Fairey, Tim Ferriss, Louise Fili, Kenny Fries, Anand Girhidardas, Cindy Gallop, Malcolm Gladwell, Milton Glaser, Ira Glass, Seth Godin, Thelma Golden, Gabrielle Hamilton, Steven Heller, Jessica Hische, Michael R. Jackson, Oliver Jeffers, Saeed Jones, Thomas Kail, Maira Kalman, Chip Kidd, Anne Lamott, Elle Luna, Carmen Maria Machado, Thomas Page McBee, Erin McKeown, Chanel Miller, Mike Mills, Marilyn Minter, Isaac Mizrahi, Nico Muhly, Eileen Myles, Emily Oberman, Amanda Palmer, Priya Parker, Esther Perel, Maria Popova, Edel Rodriguez, Paula Scher, Amy Sherald, Simon Sinek, Pete Souza, Aminatou Sow, Brandon Stanton, Cheryl Strayed, Amber Tamblyn, Christina Tosi, Tea Uglow, Chris Ware, and Albert Watson.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Daughter From The Dark
In this extraordinary stand-alone novel, the authors and translator of Vita Nostra-a "dark Harry Potter on steroids with a hefty dose of metaphysics" (award-winning author Aliette de Bodard)-return with a story about creation, music, and companionship filled with their hallmark elements of subtle magic and fantasy.Late one night, fate brings together DJ Aspirin and ten-year-old Alyona. After he tries to save her from imminent danger, she ends up at his apartment. But in the morning sinister doubts set in. Who is Alyona A young con artist A plant for a nefarious blackmailer Or perhaps a long-lost daughter Aspirin never knew existed Whoever this mysterious girl is, she now refuses to leave. A game of cat-and-mouse has begun.Claiming that she is a musical prodigy, Alyona insists she must play a complicated violin piece to find her brother. Confused and wary, Aspirin knows one thing: he wants her out of his apartment and his life. Yet every attempt to get rid of her is thwarted by an unusual protector: her plush teddy bear that may just transform into a fearsome monster. Alyona tells Aspirin that if he would just allow her do her work, she'll leave him-and this world. He can then return to the shallow life he led before her. But as outside forces begin to coalesce, threatening to finally separate them, Aspirin makes a startling discovery about himself and this ethereal, eerie child.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Marianthe's Story: Painted Words And Spoken Memories
JOVIS Verlag Ich bin ganz von Glas: 7. Internationaler Marianne Brandt Wettbewerb
The topic of the 7th international Marianne Brandt Award—“I am all of glass”—quotes a poem by the Bauhaus member, designer and artist. This bilingual volume does more than merely present the sixty competition entries: accompanying texts convey the utopian charge held by glass as a material in Modernism. Linda Pense, for example, writes about historical “glass states” that continue to be inspiring today. Freyja Hartzell reflects on the ways in which fantasies of glass shaped the foundational vision of Bauhaus. Using the artist Josef Albers as an example, Jeannette Redensek illustrates the metaphorical and functional importance of glass in Bauhaus design. The tension between poetry and functionality, which also characterizes the competition entries, demonstrates that glass remains a fascinating concept and material to this day.
History Press New England Coast Guard Stories: Remarkable Mariners
Visor Libros, S.L. Balada del viejo marinero y otros poemas
Louisiana Ragnar Kjartansson: Epic Waste of Love and Understanding
Surveying the films, installations and performances of the superstar Icelandic artist Widely recognized as one of the most exciting and significant voices of contemporary art, Icelandic performance and multimedia artist Ragnar Kjartansson takes a loving yet critical look at Western culture. His longform video installations explore the dynamics of repetition, often through music, and develop into feats of endurance, both physical and emotional. The Guardian deemed his 2012 work The Visitors “the best artwork of the 21st century.” Combining quintessential videos such as Me and My Mother and Bliss with lesser-known paintings and sculptures, the retrospective at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art presents three new pieces made for the exhibition (including the title work with the plywood flames burning on the catalog cover) and captures the litany of senses Kjartansson has embraced without hesitation in his 20-year career. New work created for the anthology includes a painted plywood monument to “an epic waste of love and understanding” and a new performance piece titled Scaredman. The richly illustrated catalog includes personal contributions and dialogues in response to each of the artist's works on display by leading contemporary artists and scholars. Curator Tine Colstrup discusses A Lot of Sorrow with Marina Abramović, and reflects on Terrible, Terrible with Pussy Riot activist Maria Alyokhina. The book proves itself an invaluable guide to Kjartansson’s examination of love, identity, melancholy, masculinity and power. Ragnar Kjartansson (born 1976), a native of Reykjavik, Iceland, studied at the Iceland Academy of the Arts and the Royal Academy of Arts, Stockholm. He represented Iceland at the 53rd Biennale di Venezia in 2009 and participated in the 2013 Encyclopedic Palace of the World at the 55th Biennale di Venezia in 2013.
John Murray Press Mariner: A Voyage with Samuel Taylor Coleridge
'The story of Coleridge's life does undoubtedly echo that of his poem; this is a book that provides rewarding rereadings of both' - The Sunday TimesA new biography of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, shaped and structured around the story he himself tells in his most famous poem, 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'. Though the 'Mariner' was written in 1797 when Coleridge was only twenty-five, it was an astonishingly prescient poem. As Coleridge himself came to realise much later, this tale - of a journey that starts in high hopes and good spirits, but leads to a profound encounter with human fallibility, darkness, alienation, loneliness and dread, before coming home to a renewal of faith and vocation - was to be the shape of his own life. In this rich new biography, academic, priest and poet Malcolm Guite draws out how with an uncanny clarity, image after image and event after event in the poem became emblems of what Coleridge was later to suffer and discover. Of course 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' is more than just an individual's story: it is also a profound exploration of the human condition and, as Coleridge says in his gloss, our 'loneliness and fixedness'. But the poem also offers hope, release, and recovery; and Guite also draws out the continuing relevance of Coleridge's life and writing to our own time.'Forcefully and convincingly argued' - The Telegraph
Bradt Travel Guides Cheshire (Slow Travel): Local, characterful guides to Britain's Special Places
This brand new title in Bradt's acclaimed UK regional Slow series is the only full guide to Cheshire, a county known for its abundance of black-and-white timbered buildings and which was put firmly on the map in the 1990s thanks to then-resident stars Posh and Becks. Cheshire is a county that confounds expectations, from the Cheshire Plain to the hills and moors of the Pennines and Peak District in the east and surprisingly dramatic sandstone ridges in the west, not to mention the Wirral Peninsula, flanked by the major estuaries of the rivers Mersey and Dee flowing into the Irish Sea. Home to premier league footballers it may be, but it is also a largely rural landscape and an area of farm shops, forests and falconries; meres, marinas and marshes. There is industrial and scientific heritage, too, ranging from Bronze-Age mining sites to the internationally important astronomical observatory and mighty Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank. With this new Bradt guide, discover all of this and more: the county town of Chester with its fascinating Roman history, unique double-decker medieval shopping arcades and the most complete city walls in Britain; ruins of ancient castles; and reminders of the salt and silk industries that have been so important in the past. For a truly slow experience, Cheshire also offers a network of canals, perfect for waterside strolls or pootling along in a narrowboat, while Bradt's Slow Cheshire details information for walkers and cyclists, too. Also included in this guide are gardens and parks, grand stately homes and structural legacies of the past (such as Port Sunlight), engaging museums, attractions and events. Local food and drink is covered, along with all types of accommodation, from B&Bs and self-catering cottages to guesthouses and hotels.
Penguin Random House Group IN SEARCH OF HOPE The Global Diaries of Mariane Pearl
Mariane Pearl, the wife of murdered journalist Danny Pearl, makes a round-the-world journey to prove that hope is stronger than hate.