Search results for ""author christopher""
Barbour Reference Barbour Bible Atlas
America Through Time Norfolk Southern Railroad: A Rich Railroad Heritage
Rose Publishing 100 Names of God Daily Devotional
Michigan State University Press James Baldwin and the Heavenly City: Prophecy, Apocalypse, and Doubt
Behind James Baldwin’s uncanny ability to evoke a nation’s crisis and potential hope lies his use of religious language to describe social and sexual transformation. The first study of its kind, James Baldwin and the Heavenly City shows that Baldwin’s novels use biblical ideas in partly - but not fully - secularized ways to express the possible human attainment of a new life embodying a real but undefinable holiness.Focusing on Baldwin’s six novels, along with essays, stories, and drama, the book first shows Baldwin’s method of recasting biblical and African American prophetic traditions to reveal their liberating core. It then examines several key themes: the prophet’s selection, seen in Baldwin’s debut novel, Go Tell It on the Mountain; the three linked ideas of prophetic art, the “apocalyptic body”, and the “apocalyptic city", as presented in all his novels; and the polarity between prophecy and doubt, the subject of his last novel, Just Above My Head.This important work provides new readings of Baldwin’s novels, reassesses his once-neglected later fiction, and shows Gospel music’s centrality (with blues) in his fictional imagination.
Arcadia Publishing The Stones River and Tullahoma Campaigns This Army Does Not Retreat Civil War Sesquicentennial
Guilford Publications Overcoming Binge Eating, Second Edition: The Proven Program to Learn Why You Binge and How You Can Stop
This trusted bestseller provides all the information needed to understand binge eating and bring it under control, whether you are working with a therapist or on your own. Clear, step-by-step guidelines show you how to: *Overcome the urge to binge. *Gain control over what and when you eat. *Break free of strict dieting and other habits that may contribute to binges. *Establish stable, healthy eating patterns. *Improve your body image and reduce the risk of relapse. This fully updated second edition incorporates important advances in the understanding and treatment of eating disorders. It features expanded coverage of body image issues and enhanced strategies for achieving--and maintaining--a transformed relationship with food and your body. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Book of Merit. Included in the UK National Health Service Bibliotherapy Program.
Capstone Press The Explosive World of Volcanoes A 4D Book
Capstone Press, Incorporated The Three Billy Goats Gruff: A Make & Play Production
Amazon Publishing Falcone Strike
Now a celebrated war hero, Captain Kat Falcone is back at the helm of HMS Lightning…and up against near-impossible odds. After an ill-timed outburst almost ends her career, Kat is handed command of a deep-strike mission into enemy space. The objective is to gather intelligence and distract the hostile Theocracy while the Commonwealth prepares its counteroffensive. The chances for success are slim—and for survival even slimmer. Armed with a ragtag fleet of outdated starships, a few loyal officers, and a skeleton crew of refugees, Kat knows the Royal Navy expects her to fail. But failure almost certainly means death—or worse, as the Theocracy does not treat prisoners kindly. Pitted against the enemy defenses of her old nemesis Admiral Junayd, there is no room for error. And with a spy hidden aboard her ship, Kat will need more than her wits to survive. Can Kat enter the lion’s den, strike a blow for the Commonwealth, and escape with her life?
Amazon Publishing The Hyperspace Trap
Christopher G. Nuttall’s novel of human fear and survival, set in the thrilling world of his Angel in the Whirlwind series. A year after the Commonwealth won the war with the Theocracy, the interstellar cruise liner Supreme is on its maiden voyage, carrying a host of aristocrats thrilled to be sharing in a wondrous adventure among the stars. The passengers include the owner and his daughters, Angela and Nancy. Growing up with all the luxuries in the world, neither sister has ever known true struggle, but that all changes when a collision with a pirate ship leaves the cruiser powerless and becalmed in hyperspace. And they’re not alone. Now, the mysterious force that’s living on this floating graveyard is coming for Supreme’s crew and passengers. As madness starts to tear at their minds, they must fight to survive in a strange alien realm. And there’s no way out…
Little Bee Books Inc. Animal Sounds
Little Bee Books Animal Colors
Little Bee Books Animal Shapes
Rowman & Littlefield Search and Rescue: A Wilderness Doctor's Life-and-Death Tales of Risk and Reward
Search and Rescue: A Wilderness Doctor’s Life-and-Death Tales of Risk and Reward is a thrilling collection of first-hand accounts of search and rescue operations from Oregon’s legendary Mount Hood and other exotic locations around the world, by wilderness physician Dr. Christopher Van Tilburg. The exciting tales offer a fascinating inside look at how SAR teams operate, as well as the importance of taking risks and how to mitigate outdoor accidents. Search and Rescue combines hard science and a gripping narrative to analyze the relationship between risk and reward in the mountains, and in daily life. Author and mountain rescue doctor Van Tilburg’s tragic, sudden, life-altering accident on Oregon’s Mount Hood, where he has saved countless lives himself, provides the springboard for a deep, complex story on how risk is essential to success, personal fulfillment, and wellness in our lives. But it is also a cautionary tale, from a mountain rescue doctor’s perspective, on how to mitigate risk and maximize safety to avoid dire consequences.
History Press Haunting Poe: His Afterlife in Richmond & Beyond
Capstone Press Easy Space Origami
Capstone Press Easy Magician Origami
Vida Publishers Una Fe Renovada: Historia, Doctrina, Experiencia Y El Peregrinar del Católico Y El Evangélico
University of New Mexico Press Roadcut: The Architecture of Antoine Predock
The Catholic University of America Press A Symphony of Distances: Patristic, Modern, and Gendered Dimensions of Balthasar's Trinitarian Theology
The two-fold task of A Symphony of Distances is to provide an overview of Hans Urs von Balthasar's use of distance imagery with regard to personal distinctions in the Holy Trinity and to offer a critical analysis of him as a modern Catholic theologian.A metaphor of "distance" integrates all of Balthasar's theological thought as a primary cipher for the many symbols through which he reads the Christian theological tradition in a trinitarian and eschatological mode. The book follows a chronological, four-stage development of Balthasar's trinitarianism through the lens of this distance metaphor as it occurs across representative texts. The critical analysis employs the conceit of a symphony of four musical movements that correspond to four varieties of theological distance. These distances show certain correspondences of God's creation and redemption of the world—marked by the first two "distances"—with the relations of the divine persons to each other in the economy of salvation and in the eternal Trinity itself—marked by the third and fourth distances. "Listening" to the four movements of Balthasar's theological distances enables his readers to "hear" the themes of all four movements in the ascending order of richness, complexity, and inclusivity over the long development of his thought.This fundamentally positive approach of A Symphony of Distances allows for a thorough critique of the internal consistency of Balthasar's applied method, of the controversial use of gendered trinitarian notions in his speculations on divine pathos, and of his adequacy to the tasks of modern theology. The final judgment is that Balthasar's theology of distance can be accepted, with reservations, as a positive element of his contribution to contemporary trinitarian theology. The book can thus serve as a critical reference for readers who find Balthasar's notion of trinitarian distance, and indeed his trinitarianism as a whole, to be compelling, confusing, or frustrating.
The Catholic University of America Press Drama in English From the Middle Ages to the Early Twentieth Century: An Anthology of Plays with Old Spelling
At a time when good editions of drama in English are prohibitively expensive and online texts are unedited and lack the apparatus necessary for students to understand and contextualize the plays, this anthology affordably illustrates every significant genre of drama in the English language from the late fourteenth century to the early twentieth century, with plays from England, Ireland, and the United States of America.The mystery and morality plays of the Middle Ages, Renaissance comedy, tragedy and meta-theater, Restoration and eighteenth-century comedy, tragedy, and ballad opera, nineteenth-century melodrama, and early twentieth century realism and naturalism are all presented with the introductions, glossaries and notes suitable for a college level reader by an editor with a quarter of a century of experience teaching courses onthe history of drama in English. The plays both reflect their times and critique them, while remaining stageable today. The Wakefield Master, The York Realist, Marlowe, Jonson, Dryden, Wycherley, Gay, Boucicault, Synge, and Shaw are some of the playwrights in this representative collection of plays that reveal both the popular appeal of the English language theater and the dazzling dramatic artistry it embodied over a period of six centuries. Further the collection is in “old spelling” and is thus a useful sourcebook for those interested in the history of the English language.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press The Risk of Infidelity Index: A Vincent Calvino Novel
In the twenty years he has lived in Bangkok, Christopher G. Moore has written nine novels starring Vincent Calvino, a disbarred American lawyer working as a PI in the steamy Thai capital. Internationally acclaimed, the prize-winning novels have been translated into ten languages, and were first published in North America in 2007, with The Risk of Infidelity Index, the latest in the series. When Calvino’s surveillance of a drug piracy ring ends in definitive video evidence, it looks like his fortunes are about to turn. But when Calvino’s client dies of a heart attack, and he finds the body of a murdered massage girl downstairs, the authorities get suspicious of the farang in the wrong place at the wrong time, twice. To make matters worse, with the dead man unlikely to pay, Calvino is forced to take on a job he doesn’t want, trailing the spouses of three expat housewives who have been rattled by The Risk of Infidelity Index,” a handbook that ranks Bangkok as the city where men are most likely to stray. Unfortunately for Calvino, jealous wives tend to be unhappy, regardless of the results, and drug pirates aren’t the type to play nice.
Candlewick Press,U.S. I Won't Eat That
Rowman & Littlefield Patience, Compassion, Hope, and the Christian Art of Dying Well
Patience, Compassion, Hope, and the Christian Art of Dying Well combines a strong pastoral sensibility with the best of contemporary scholarship in Christian ethics to answer the pressing questions of how Christians should respond to suffering and death. By mining the rich tradition of virtue ethics, Christopher Vogt uses the virtues of patience, compassion, and hope as a framework for specifying the shape of a good death, and for naming the practices Christians should develop to live well and die well. Bringing together historical, biblical, and contemporary sources in Christian ethics, Vogt provides a long-overdue theological analysis of the ars moriendi or "art of dying" literature of four centuries ago. He then builds on that tradition by turning to the question of how the advice those authors gave to their readers must be reshaped in order to be adequate to the contemporary context. Through a careful analysis of Luke's passion narrative, Vogt uses Jesus as the primary model for being patient in the face of death and for dying well.
Random House USA Inc Christopher Paul Curtis 3-Book Boxed Set: The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963; Bud, Not Buddy; The Mighty Miss Malone
Oxford University Press Inc Evil in Mind: The Psychology of Harming Others
What is evil? Who does evil things? Who is evil? How do you know? Whether in response to witnessing mass suffering or feeling the sting of personal injustice, people confidently apply the "evil" label to perpetrators and the harm that they inflict, yet evil's essence remains mysterious to many. This book offers readers an accessible, social-scientific definition and analysis of evil in its various incarnations to foster a sophisticated and self-reflective understanding of the phenomenon, departing from ghoulish or self-righteous generalizations. Part 1 explores why most of us want to be seen as good, when and why we deem something evil, and what psychological and environmental factors increase our propensity for harming others in spite of our drive for social acceptance. Part 2 presents illustrative examples of how Part 1's insights can be applied, specifically examining hate, sadism, serial killers, group-based atrocities, organizational offenses, and familial abuse. The concluding chapter amplifies and integrates the book's big themes to foster a more mindful, informed confrontation of the elusive problem we call evil. Evil in Mind delivers a systematic, research-based psychological understanding of evil that is compact, digestible, and potentially transformative for academics, students, and educated lay readers.
Oxford University Press Inc Pain
Part of the "What Do I Do Now?: Palliative Care" series, Pain uses thought-provoking, real-world cases to illustrate concepts, approaches to therapy, and potential barriers to optimal care presented by a diverse panel of interdisciplinary authors. Pain is a frequent and distressing symptom encountered by those with serious or life-limiting illness and may present in a multitude of fashions and from a wide array of etiologies. This book intertwines pharmacologic, nonpharmacologic, and ethical principles of pain control within case-based discussions, allowing readers to expect: · Unique perspectives of pain control, from numerous essential members of the healthcare team; · An engaging collection of cases that illustrate the most current approaches to the most commonly encountered pain syndromes in palliative care; · Chapters that begin with cases and that utilize a conversational tone throughout, like a "curb-side" consult with a seasoned colleague. Consisting of 46 chapters that cover everything from antidepressants to cannabis, cultural competency to bone pain, this volume is also a self-assessment tool that tests the reader's ability to answer the question, "What do I do now?"
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Patriot of Persia: Muhammad Mossadegh and a Tragic Anglo-American Coup
White Star Verlag HarleyDavidson
Ulisses Spiel & Medien Pathfinder für Savage Worlds Grundregelwerk
Ulisses Spiel & Medien Pathfinder für Savage Worlds Monsterhandbuch
Börsenbuchverlag 100 Bagger
tosa GmbH Die Enzyklopdie der Mythologie Die geheimnisvolle Welt der antiken Griechen Germanen und Kelten
Hogrefe Verlag GmbH + Co. Ratgeber Verbitterung Informationen zum Umgang mit Verletzungen durch Ungerechtigkeit Krnkung Herabwrdigung und Vertrauensbruch
Thieme Publishing Group AO Principles of Fracture Management
The AO Principles of Fracture Management has served many generations of surgeons around the world as the source of knowledge and essential reference in the field of orthopedic trauma surgery. The fundamental principles of fracture surgery have not changed in 60 years, but the biological and clinical knowledge, as well as technological advancements have extended new possibilities in surgical treatment and offered surgeons the opportunity to explore new ways of applying the AO principles.The new third edition of this book has been expanded to include new knowledge and explore state-of-the-art technology. It also addresses pressing challenges that face orthopedic surgeons today, such as the exponential rise in fragility fractures resulting from demographic changes and an aging population. The book aims to help surgeons to successfully rise to such challenges.Key features include:Contributions from more than 50 highly renowned surgeons, scientists, and
FISCHER, S. Die islamische Aufklärung
Eyewear Publishing Dont Falter
BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SEE... The place is Brighton. The time: near futue Britain, where surveillance is constant. Everyone spies. Schoolchildren ae especially trained to watch their friends and family. In this paranoid world, both familiar and strange, is a love story of intigue and deception. Be careful what you see. Fusing the styles of Graham Greene, George Orwell and Kazuo Ishiguro, this beautifully told and hauntingly elegiac literary thriller may well come to be seen as a modern-day classic.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Accounting: General Issues and Classification
This volume contains 21 papers divided into three parts: introductory issues; the measurement and effects of diversity; and classification. The final parts looks at the scope of and the reasons for studying international accounting. There are also some papers on the causes of international differences, in particular the effects of international influences on a country's accounting practices. The papers in the second part examine the degree of accounting difference internationally and the reactions to this of companies and users of financial statements. The third part looks at several attempts to put countries into groups by similarities and differences in accounting. Several of these papers refer critically to others in the group, so that a corpus of knowledge in this field has been built up.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd China, Japan and Regional Leadership in East Asia
This book considers themes, evidence and ideas relating to the prospects for regional leadership in East Asia, with particular reference to China and Japan assuming 'regional leader actor' roles. Key issues discussed by the list of distinguished contributors include: the extent to which there is an East Asian region to lead China-Japan relations different aspects of Japan and China's positions in the East Asia region how the seemingly inexorable rise of China is being addressed within the region how China and Japan have explored paths of regional leadership through certain regional and multilateral organisations and frameworks the position of certain 'intermediary powers' (i.e. the United States and Korea) with regards to regional leadership diplomacy in East Asia. Invaluably, the concluding chapter brings together the main findings of the book and presents new analytical approaches for studying the nature of, and prospects for leadership in East Asia.China, Japan and Regional Leadership in East Asia will be essential reading for upper level undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers of international relations, regional studies, international political economy and economics as well as Asian and development studies.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Abu Dhabi: Oil and Beyond
Abu Dhabi is a new economic superpower that will soon wield enormous influence across both developing and developed worlds. The principal emirate of the United Arab Emirates federation commands over 8 percent of global oil reserves, has nearly $1 trillion in sovereign wealth funds to invest and is busily implementing a thoughtful economic master plan. It has also pumped huge amounts of money into culture, sport and infrastructural development in an attempt to eclipse even its ubiquitous UAE partner-Dubai-as an international household name. Abu Dhabi will host the Formula One Championship decider in 2009, is opening the world's first Ferrari theme park, has a rapidly expanding airline and is setting up satellite branches of the Guggenheim and Louvre museums. Gulf expert Christopher Davidson's book charts the emirate's remarkable trajectory from its origins as an eighteenth-century sheikdom to its present position on the cusp of preeminence. Abu Dhabi's impressive socio-economic development, he offers a frank portrayal of a dynasty's dramatic survival, demonstrating the newfound resilience of a traditional monarchy in the twenty-first century and its efforts to create a system of 'tribal capitalism' that incorporates old political allegiances into modern engines of growth. Finally, he turns his attention to a number of problems that may surface to impede economic development and undermine political stability. These include an enfeebled civil society and invasive media censorship, a seemingly unsolvable labor nationalization paradox, an under performing education sector, and increasing federal unrest.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Letters of Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Developments in International Accounting – General Issues and Classification
This first volume in the series provides a thorough overview of recent developments in the area of international accounting, and serves as an essential introduction to the series.The collection looks at introductory issues, including a selection of papers on the classification of accounting systems. It also examines the measurement and the effects of international accounting diversity.This collection will be an essential resource to students and researchers alike.
Brown Dog Books WAR IN CONTEXT: Making Sense of War
CHRISTOPHER PIKE’s first book in his trilogy Making Sense of War examined war as a social phenomenon. About War (2021) explained why war, organised violence, happens. War in Context shows – through examples from history – how the state legitimises war and how war legitimises the state, and how Britain has used military force in the past. Pike asks: is war necessary? Can it be predicted? Is terrorism war? Is terrorism effective and how should it be countered? What were the implications of al Qaeda’s attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in September 2001? What then might be the effect on world stability of America’s less assertive leadership? War in Context looks at deterrence, the basis for nuclear strategy; and the strategic implications of such modern phenomena as cyborgs, Artificial Intelligence and Drones. But the human factor is emphasised – the moral and physical pressure on commanders of robots and hypersonic missiles. Above all, it is humans who decide how and when death is delivered. Science increases the intensity of battle, but man, not the machine, controls the outcome. The book ends with an assessment of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Liverpool University Press Cold War Negritude: Form and Alignment in French Caribbean Literature
Cold War Negritude is the first book-length study of francophone Caribbean literature to foreground the political context of the global Cold War. It focuses on three canonical francophone Caribbean writers—René Depestre, Aimé Césaire, and Jacques-Stephen Alexis—whose literary careers and political alignments spanned all three “worlds” of the 1950s Cold War order. As black Caribbean authors who wrote in French, who participated directly in the global communist movement, and whose engagements with Marxist thought and practice were mediated by their colonial relationship to France, these writers expressed unique insight into this bipolar system as it was taking shape. The book shows how, over the course of the 1950s, French Caribbean Marxist authors re-evaluated the literary aesthetics of Negritude and sought to develop alternatives that would be adequate to the radically changed world system of the Cold War. Through close readings of literary, theoretical, and political texts by Depestre, Césaire, and Alexis, I show that this formal shift reflected a strikingly changed understanding of what it meant to write engaged literature in the new, bipolar world order. Debates about literary aesthetics became the proxy battlefield on which Antillean writers promoted and fought for their different visions of an emancipated Caribbean modernity. Consequent to their complicated Cold War alignments, these Antillean authors developed original and unorthodox Marxist literary aesthetics that syncretized an array of socialist literary tendencies from around the globe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Connecting Values to Action: Non-Corporeal Actants and Choice
Why do we make the decisions we do? And how can we understand what influences our decisions? Non-Corporeal Actant Theory explores decisions and outcomes through the perspective of values, beliefs, ideas, and concepts - all integral parts of our everyday lives and the actor-networks that we take part in as decision-makers. Connecting Values to Action: Non-Corporeal Actants and Choice brings together a cast of expert contributors to delve into this theory and its ramifications for our lives. With chapters that analyze decisions made by death-defying free climbers, indigenous people facing the loss of their culture, and corporates responding to the #MeToo movement, editor Christopher M. Hartt examines how decisions are affected by the widening range of actor-networks that come with social media and technological development. For anyone struggling to understand how a decision is made, Connecting Values to Action offers a pathway to finding the causes of that decision. Exploring the role of non-corporeal actants on the very real consequences of decisions, this is an unmissable book for students and researchers of management and decision-making.
John Blake Publishing Ltd Talking with Psychopaths and Savages Guilty but Insane
John Blake Publishing Ltd Talking with Psychopaths and Savages: Letters from Serial Killers
Letters from Serial Killers is a unique study of the criminal mind based on the author's extensive correspondence with convicted serial murderers. Such a collection is extremely rare, and among the killers whose correspondence is examined are:Arthur John Shawcross, aka 'The Genesee River Killer'; Phillip Carl Jablonski, aka 'The Death Row Teddy'; Melanie Lyn McGuire, aka 'The Ice Queen'; Harvey 'The Hammer' Louis Carignan, aka 'The Want-ad Killer'; Ian Stewart Brady, aka 'The Moors Murderer'; Hal Karen and Ronald 'Butch' Joseph DeFeo Jr, aka 'The Amityville Horror'; Gary Ray Bowles, aka 'The I-95 Killer';John 'J.R.' Edward Robinson, aka 'The Slavemaster'Letters from Serial Killers is Christopher Berry-Dee at his steeliest best - exploring the downright creepy correspondence with murderers, serial killers and psychopaths behind bars, with exclusive scans of letters and eerily decorated envelopes. A must-have for fans of the series, based on a collection that will eventually be bequeathed to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit at its headquarters at Quantico, Virginia.
John Blake Publishing Ltd Talking with Serial Killers: Sleeping with Psychopaths: A chilling study of the innocent lovers of savage murderers
Bestselling writer and criminologist Christopher Berry-Dee turns his attention to a new kind of victim: the wives or partners of serial murderers who remained unaware of exactly who they had fallen for until after their other half's arrest or, in some cases, conviction, for multiple murders.Sonia Sutcliffe first discovered that her husband, Peter, was leading a secret existence as 'the Yorkshire Ripper' only when he was arrested.The wife of the 'Hillside Strangler' only learned of her husband's crimes when state police smashed down her door in search of him.On finding out the truth, these innocents often experience a strange kind of guilt for not having recognised the killer in their home, as well as having to face the grim reality of betrayal and deceit.Christopher Berry-Dee speaks directly to killers and their oblivious loved ones to get inside the minds of the men and women who fall for murderers.