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John Wiley & Sons Inc Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions
The second Canadian edition of Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions integrates multidisciplinary research and theory to help students understand the complex connections between psychology and health. This comprehensive yet accessible textbook covers the biopsychosocial factors that impact human health and wellness, placing particular emphasis on the distinctive characteristics of the Canadian health care system, the issues and challenges unique to Canadian culture, and the most recent Canadian research in the field of health psychology. Clear, student-friendly chapters examine topics such as coping with stress and illness, lifestyles for enhancing health and preventing illness, managing pain and discomfort, getting medical treatment, and living with chronic illness. This fully revised second edition features the latest available data and research from across Canada and around the world. New and expanded chapters explore psychosocial factors in aging and dying, legalized marijuana use in Canada, the link between inflammation and depression, Canadian psychosocial models of pain, recent Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) legislation, weight control, eating disorders, and exercise, and much more. Throughout the text, updated illustrative examples, cross-cultural references, and real-world cases reinforce key points and strengthen student comprehension, retention, and interest.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Visualizing Environmental Science
The 5th Edition of Visualizing Environmental Science provides students with a valuable opportunity to identify and connect the central issues of environmental science through a visual approach. Beautifully illustrated, this fifth edition shows students what the discipline is all about—its main concepts and applications—while also instilling an appreciation and excitement about the richness of the subject. This edition is thoroughly refined and expanded; the visuals utilize insights from research on student learning and feedback from users.
CQ Press The Enduring Democracy
Sage Publications, Inc Introduction to Policing
Independent Institute,U.S. The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and the Political Intolerance on Campus
This is a powerful exploration of the debilitating impact that politically-correct “multiculturalism” has had upon higher education and academic freedom in the United States. In the name of diversity, many leading academic and cultural institutions are working to silence dissent and stifle intellectual life. This book exposes the real impact of multiculturalism on the institution most closely identified with the politically correct decline of higher education—Stanford University. Authored by two Stanford graduates, this book is a compelling insider’s tour of a world of speech codes, “dumbed-down” admissions standards and curricula, campus witch hunts, and anti-Western zealotry that masquerades as legitimate scholarly inquiry. Sacks and Thiel use numerous primary sources—the Stanford Daily, class readings, official university publications—to reveal a pattern of politicized classes, housing, budget priorities, and more. They trace the connections between such disparate trends as political correctness, the gender wars, Generation X nihilism, and culture wars, showing how these have played a role in shaping multiculturalism at institutions like Stanford. The authors convincingly show that multiculturalism is not about learning more; it is actually about learning less. They end their comprehensive study by detailing the changes necessary to reverse the tragic disintegration of American universities and restore true academic excellence.
East European Monographs Profiles of Revolutionaries in Atlantic History, 1700–1850
This book offers imaginative biographical essays of prominent political and scientific revolutionaries. Contributors illustrate how supporters of Newtonian mechanistic and materialistic ideologies helped to transform eighteenth-century scientific and early industrial life; explain how nationalistically inspired revolutionaries in the Americas and Europe worked to destroy inequitable institutions and establish viable republics; and reveal how biography can be used as an effective tool for studying the rapidly growing and vibrant field of Atlantic history. These profiles demonstrate the impact of nationalistic, republican, and radical egalitarian doctrines upon nations from three continents. Chapters concerning the American Revolution depict the military achievements of George Washington, the feats of the heroine Molly Pitcher, and the brilliant diplomatic accomplishments of Benjamin Franklin. Essays covering revolutions in Latin America describe the leadership role of Toussant L'Ouverture during the Haitian Revolution; the aspirations of Father Hidalgo during the Mexican Revolution; and sections covering Europe focus on the leadership of Brissot during the 1789 Revolution; the salient status of Adam Czartoryski during the Polish Revolution; and the accomplishments and failures of the Irishman John Mitchell and those of the Hungarian Louis Kossuth during the 1848 Revolutions. An essay about Alexis De Tocqueville suggests the motives behind his denouncement of the radical ideologies and violence that arose during the 1848 French Revolution.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Atmospheric Science Across the Stratopause
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 123. In recent years, two separate geophysical research cultures have developed in the United States to study the atmosphere: one of space scientists, who focus on the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere, and the other of atmospheric scientists, who focus on the troposphere and stratosphere. The boundary between these two research domains roughly coincides with the stratopause (50 km). While the division ofthe atmosphere into layers and boundaries serves as a useful way to characterize the various chemical and dynamical processes that distinguish these layers, these boundaries are not impermeable. To understand such critical issues as global change, geophysicists must study the atmosphere as an integrated system. The purpose of this monograph is to highlight those studies that consider the coupling of these two regions and thus bring together two scientific specialties (atmospheric science and space science) that are often considered separately.
Baker Publishing Group The Smart Stepfamily Guide to Financial Planning – Money Management Before and After You Blend a Family
Named #1 Best Estate Planning Book of All Time by BookAuthority Take Control of Your Blended Family Finances Money issues are a frequent source of conflict in any marriage. But blended families are a monetary minefield. Debts, bills, and child support payments from previous relationships often influence the finances of a blended family. And planning for college expenses, retirement, and inheritance gets even more complicated in stepfamilies. However, proper blended family money management can make money an asset to your relationships rather than a liability. The authors use over fifty years of combined financial planning and blended family educational experience to help you merge your current financial realities and family, and protect your marriage while doing so. Get real-world financial advice specific to unique blended family matters so you can provide for your family both now and in the future. "Undoubtedly one of the most complicated financial situations is that of the stepfamily. Ron, Greg, and David have combined their individual experiences to write a very helpful and practical book. I recommend it highly."--RON BLUE, founder of Ronald Blue Trust and the Ron Blue Institute of Financial Planning, and author of more than 20 books, including Master Your Money Ron L. Deal is founder of Smart Stepfamilies™, director of FamilyLife Blended® for FamilyLife®, the author of numerous books on stepfamily living including the bestselling The Smart Stepfamily, and consulting editor for the Smart Stepfamily Series of books. Ron is a licensed marriage and family therapist and popular speaker. He and his wife, Nan, have three sons and live in Little Rock, Arkansas. Find resources at Greg Pettys, CLU, ChFC, CFP, has thirty-four years of specialized experience in securities and life insurance sales and services. Ron has known Greg for twenty years, and Greg speaks regularly at Ron's Smart Stepfamily events. David O. Edwards is an estate planning and elder law attorney based in Springfield, Illinois. David speaks regularly at Ron's Smart Stepfamily events.
Baker Publishing Group LifeKeys – Discover Who You Are
This updated comprehensive guide helps people discover how God has uniquely created them. Engaging stories, inventories, self-tests, and other easy-to-use exercises make Discover Who You Are a one-of-a-kind tool. It will help those longing to find or deepen meaning in life, considering volunteer opportunities, contemplating career changes, or desiring to become more useful to God. The book, workbook, and leader's material provide all that's needed for a LifeKeys workshop.
AltaMira Press,U.S. Religion on Trial: How Supreme Court Trends Threaten Freedom of Conscience in America
The free exercise of conscience is under threat in the United States. Already the conservative bloc of the Supreme Court is reversing the progress of religious liberty that had been steadily advancing. And this danger will only increase if more conservative judges are nominated to the court. This is the impassioned argument of Religion on Trial. Against Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Chief Justice Rehnquist, the authors argue that what the First Amendment protects is the freedom of individual conviction, not the rights of sectarian majorities to inflict their values on others. Beginning with an analysis of the origins of the Constitution and then following the history of significant church-state issues, Religion on Trial shows that the trajectory of American history has been toward greater freedoms for more Americans: freedom of religion moving gradually toward freedom of conscience regardless of religion. But in the last quarter-century, conservatives have gained political power and they are now attempting to limit the ability of the Court to protect the rights of individual conscience. Writing not just as scholars, but as advocates of church-state separation, Hammond, Machacek, and Mazur make the strong case that every American needs to pay attention to what is happening on the Surpeme Court or risk losing the liberties of conscience and religion that have been gained so far.
AltaMira Press,U.S. Ancient Maya Political Economies
Ancient Maya Political Economies examines variation in systems of economic production and exchange and how these systems supported the power networks that integrated Maya society. Chapters in this book take a hard look at existing models of elite exchange and tribute and address the difficult question of how the flow of utilitarian goods supported Maya kingdoms and their ruling classes. Using models originally developed by William L. Rathje, the authors explore core-periphery relations, the use of household analysis to reconstruct political economy, and evidence for market development. In doing so, they challenge the conventional wisdom of decentralized Maya political authority and replace it with a more complex view of the political economic foundations of Maya civilization.
John Wiley & Sons Inc RealTime Physics: Active Learning Laboratories, Module 2: Heat and Thermodynamics
RealTime Physics is a series of introductory laboratory modules that use computer data acquisition tools (microcomputer-based lab or MBL tools) to help students develop important physics concepts while acquiring vital laboratory skills. Besides data acquisition, computers are used for basic mathematical modeling, data analysis, and simulations. There are 4 RealTime Physics modules: Module 1: Mechanics, Module 2: Heat and Thermodynamics, Module 3: Electricity and Magnetism, and Module 4: Light and Optics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Water Treatment
Principles of Water Treatment has been developed from the best selling reference work Water Treatment, 3rd edition by the same author team. It maintains the same quality writing, illustrations, and worked examples as the larger book, but in a smaller format which focuses on the treatment processes and not on the design of the facilities.
Zondervan Genesis (2-Volume Set---1 and 2)
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.Overview of Commentary Organization Introduction - covers issues pertaining to the whole book, including context, date, authorship, composition, interpretive issues, purpose, and theology. Each section of the commentary includes: Pericope Bibliography - a helpful resource containing the most important works that pertain to each particular pericope. Translation - the author’s own translation of the biblical text, reflecting the end result of exegesis and attending to Hebrew and Greek idiomatic usage of words, phrases, and tenses, yet in reasonably good English. Notes - the author’s notes to the translation that address any textual variants, grammatical forms, syntactical constructions, basic meanings of words, and problems of translation. Form/Structure/Setting - a discussion of redaction, genre, sources, and tradition as they concern the origin of the pericope, its canonical form, and its relation to the biblical and extra-biblical contexts in order to illuminate the structure and character of the pericope. Rhetorical or compositional features important to understanding the passage are also introduced here. Comment - verse-by-verse interpretation of the text and dialogue with other interpreters, engaging with current opinion and scholarly research. Explanation brings together all the results of the discussion in previous sections to expose the meaning and intention of the text at several levels: (1) within the context of the book itself; (2) its meaning in the OT or NT; (3) its place in the entire canon; (4) theological relevance to broader OT or NT issues.General Bibliography - occurring at the end of each volume, this extensive bibliography contains all sources used anywhere in the commentary.
Zondervan Jude-2 Peter, Volume 50
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship. Overview of Commentary Organization Introduction—covers issues pertaining to the whole book, including context, date, authorship, composition, interpretive issues, purpose, and theology. Each section of the commentary includes: Pericope Bibliography—a helpful resource containing the most important works that pertain to each particular pericope. Translation—the author’s own translation of the biblical text, reflecting the end result of exegesis and attending to Hebrew and Greek idiomatic usage of words, phrases, and tenses, yet in reasonably good English. Notes—the author’s notes to the translation that address any textual variants, grammatical forms, syntactical constructions, basic meanings of words, and problems of translation. Form/Structure/Setting—a discussion of redaction, genre, sources, and tradition as they concern the origin of the pericope, its canonical form, and its relation to the biblical and extra-biblical contexts in order to illuminate the structure and character of the pericope. Rhetorical or compositional features important to understanding the passage are also introduced here. Comment—verse-by-verse interpretation of the text and dialogue with other interpreters, engaging with current opinion and scholarly research. Explanation—brings together all the results of the discussion in previous sections to expose the meaning and intention of the text at several levels: (1) within the context of the book itself; (2) its meaning in the OT or NT; (3) its place in the entire canon; (4) theological relevance to broader OT or NT issues.General Bibliography—occurring at the end of each volume, this extensive bibliographycontains all sources used anywhere in the commentary.
Zondervan Numbers–Ruth
Continuing a Gold Medallion Award-winning legacy, the completely revised Expositor's Bible Commentary puts world-class biblical scholarship in your hands.A staple for students, teachers, and pastors worldwide, The Expositor's Bible Commentary (EBC) offers comprehensive yet succinct commentary from scholars committed to the authority of the Holy Scriptures. The EBC uses the New International Version of the Bible, but the contributors work from the original Hebrew and Greek languages and refer to other translations when useful.Each section of the commentary includes: An introduction: background information, a short bibliography, and an outline An overview of Scripture to illuminate the big picture The complete NIV text Extensive commentary Notes on textual questions, key words, and concepts Reflections to give expanded thoughts on important issues The series features 56 contributors, who: Believe in the divine inspiration, complete trustworthiness, and full authority of the Bible Have demonstrated proficiency in the biblical book that is their specialty Are committed to the church and the pastoral dimension of biblical interpretation Represent geographical and denominational diversity Use a balanced and respectful approach toward marked differences of opinion Write from an evangelical viewpoint For insightful exposition, thoughtful discussion, and ease of use—look no further than The Expositor's Bible Commentary.
Taylor & Francis Inc Particle Adhesion: Applications and Advances
Whenever a curved surface interacts with another surface, the principles of adhesion are at work. From the cells in your body to the dust on your glasses, intermolecular forces cause materials to attract one another. Elastic deformations resulting from these adhesive interactions store strain that can be liberated during particle detachment. Time dependent changes in adhesion can result from plastic deformation that both increases the real effective contact area and reduces the stored energy available to assist in particle removal.
British Small Animal Veterinary Association BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Head, Neck and Thoracic Surgery
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Amenities and Rural Development: Theory, Methods and Public Policy
While many rural areas continue to experience depopulation and economic decline, others are facing rapid in-migration, as well as employment and income growth. Much of this growth is due to the presence and use of amenity resources, broadly defined as qualities of a region that make it an attractive place to live and work. Rather than extracting natural resources for external markets, these communities have begun to build economies based on promoting environmental quality. Amenities and Rural Development explores the paradigmatic shift in how we view land resources and the potential for development in amenity-rich rural regions. Amenity-based growth can lead to several paths, based largely on proximity to urban areas and the type of development that occurs, whether it be seasonal residents, retirees, or tourism. The distributional implications of amenity-led development are an important consideration for policy, both within and between communities and regions. The contributors conclude that public policy needs to focus on maximizing complementary and supplementary uses while minimizing antagonistic uses of amenities. Scholars and policymakers concerned with economic development and natural resource management will find this comprehensive volume of great interest.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Haskins Society Journal 21: 2009. Studies in Medieval History
The most recent research into the Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and Angevin worlds. Embracing disciplinary approaches ranging from the archaeological to the historical, the sociological to the literary, this collection offers new insights into key texts and interpretive problems in the history of England and thecontinent between the eighth and thirteenth centuries. Topics range from Bede's use and revision of the anonymous Life of St Cuthbert and the redeployment of patristic texts in later continental and Anglo-Saxon ascetic andhagiographical texts, to Robert Curthose's interaction with the Norman episcopate and the revival of Roman legal studies, to the dynamics of aristocratic friendship in the Anglo-Norman realm, and much more. The volume also includes two methodologically rich studies of vital aspects of the historical landscape of medieval England: rivers and forests. William North teaches in the Department of History, Carleton College. Contributors: Richard Allen, Uta-Renate Blumenthal, Ruth Harwood Cline, Thomas Cramer, Mark Gardiner, C. Stephen Jaeger, David A.E. Pelteret, Sally Shockro, Rebecca Slitt, Timothy Smit
CABI Publishing Techniques for Work with Plant and Soil Nematodes
Plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes are increasingly important in relation to food security, quarantine measures, ecology (including pollution studies), and research on host-parasite interactions. Being mostly microscopic, nematodes are challenging organisms for research. Techniques for Work with Plant and Soil Nematodes introduces the basic techniques for laboratory and field work with plant-parasitic and free-living soil-dwelling nematodes. Written by an international team of experts, this book is extensively illustrated, and addresses both fundamental traditional techniques and new methodologies. The book covers areas that have become more widespread over recent years, such as techniques used in diagnostic laboratories, including computerized methods to count and identify nematodes. Information on physiological assays, electron microscopy techniques and basic information on current molecular methodologies and their various applications is also included. This book is an essential resource for students of nematology and parasitology, academic researchers, diagnostic laboratories, and quarantine and advisory service personnel. It provides a much-needed methodology standard for anyone involved in work on plant and soil nematodes.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation
Entrepreneurship these days is evident, even showcased, in so many places that it is harder for anyone interested in the field to really know about all of its many facets. That diversity is what makes the Concise Guide so essential. The Guide's ability to provide an expert's take in just a couple of pages on key topics in entrepreneurship is a boon to anyone interested in entrepreneurship. This is not a volume for your bookcase. You will want it at-hand as your explore the world of entrepreneurship.'- Jerome Katz, Saint Louis University, USThe Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation brings together internationally recognized scholars to summarize the state of knowledge about fundamental topics in entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation.Written by the top international scholars in their field, this book has an encyclopaedic range; from academic entrepreneurship to valuing an entrepreneurial enterprise. Each chapter provides an informed overview of the topic and references in each chapter guide the reader to the more advanced literature.This landmark book will be the first port of call for any student or scholar seeking a brief introduction to each of the fundamental topics in entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation.Contributors: D.B. Audretsch, C. Boardman, B. Bozeman, S.R. Bradley, A. Burke, U. Cantner, M. Casson, S. Cazzago, J.A. Cunningham, P. Davidsson, A. De Massis, M. Deloof, D. Dunlap, W. Geoghegan, V. Ghosal, J. Hanssens, C.S. Hayter, M. Herzig, A. Kao, M. Kenney, D.F. Kuratko, H. Landström, E.E. Lehmann, D.P. Leyden, X. Liu, A.N. Link, S. Manigart, G.D. Markman, H. Meier, M.H. Morris, A.J. Nelson, C. O'Kane, D. Organ, S. Parker, G.T. Payne, M. Perkmann, L.S. Peters, P.H. Phan, E.A. Prasetio, J.H. Rooksby, G.E. Shockley, T. Standaert, A. Talrico, R. Thurik, T. Vanacker, S. Vismara, N.S. Vonortas, J. West, P. Westhead, K. Wirsching, M. Wright
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation
Entrepreneurship these days is evident, even showcased, in so many places that it is harder for anyone interested in the field to really know about all of its many facets. That diversity is what makes the Concise Guide so essential. The Guide's ability to provide an expert's take in just a couple of pages on key topics in entrepreneurship is a boon to anyone interested in entrepreneurship. This is not a volume for your bookcase. You will want it at-hand as your explore the world of entrepreneurship.'- Jerome Katz, Saint Louis University, USThe Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation brings together internationally recognized scholars to summarize the state of knowledge about fundamental topics in entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation.Written by the top international scholars in their field, this book has an encyclopaedic range; from academic entrepreneurship to valuing an entrepreneurial enterprise. Each chapter provides an informed overview of the topic and references in each chapter guide the reader to the more advanced literature.This landmark book will be the first port of call for any student or scholar seeking a brief introduction to each of the fundamental topics in entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation.Contributors: D.B. Audretsch, C. Boardman, B. Bozeman, S.R. Bradley, A. Burke, U. Cantner, M. Casson, S. Cazzago, J.A. Cunningham, P. Davidsson, A. De Massis, M. Deloof, D. Dunlap, W. Geoghegan, V. Ghosal, J. Hanssens, C.S. Hayter, M. Herzig, A. Kao, M. Kenney, D.F. Kuratko, H. Landström, E.E. Lehmann, D.P. Leyden, X. Liu, A.N. Link, S. Manigart, G.D. Markman, H. Meier, M.H. Morris, A.J. Nelson, C. O'Kane, D. Organ, S. Parker, G.T. Payne, M. Perkmann, L.S. Peters, P.H. Phan, E.A. Prasetio, J.H. Rooksby, G.E. Shockley, T. Standaert, A. Talrico, R. Thurik, T. Vanacker, S. Vismara, N.S. Vonortas, J. West, P. Westhead, K. Wirsching, M. Wright
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Visualizing the Holocaust: Documents, Aesthetics, Memory
Collection of essays exploring the controversies surrounding images of the Holocaust. Visual representations are an essential but highly contested means of understanding and remembering the Holocaust. Photographs taken in the camps in early 1945 provided proof of and visceral access to the atrocities. Later visualrepresentations such as films, paintings, and art installations attempted to represent this extreme trauma. While photographs from the camps and later aesthetic reconstructions differ in origin, they share goals and have raised similar concerns: the former are questioned not as to veracity but due to their potential inadequacy in portraying the magnitude of events; the latter are criticized on the grounds that the mediation they entail is unacceptable. Some have even questioned any attempt to represent the Holocaust as inappropriate and dangerous to historical understanding. This book explores the taboos that structure the production and reception of Holocaust images and the possibilities that result from the transgression of those taboos. Essays consider the uses of various visual media, aesthetic styles, and genres in representations of the Holocaust; the uses of perpetrator photography; the role of trauma in memory; aesthetic problems of mimesis and memory in the work of Lanzmann, Celan, and others; and questions about mass-cultural representations of the Holocaust. David Bathrick is Emeritus Professor of German at Cornell University, Brad Prager is Associate Professor of German at the University of Missouri, and Michael D. Richardson is Associate Professor of German at Ithaca College.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Teaching for Understanding: Challenges for Policy and Practice
Leading experts on teaching and policy research provide concrete illustrations of what teaching for understanding entails.
Guilford Publications Dyadic Data Analysis
Interpersonal phenomena such as attachment, conflict, person perception, learning, and influence have traditionally been studied by examining individuals in isolation, which falls short of capturing their truly interpersonal nature. This book offers state-of-the-art solutions to this age-old problem by presenting methodological and data-analytic approaches useful in investigating processes that take place among dyads: couples, coworkers, parent and child, teacher and student, or doctor and patient, to name just a few. Rich examples from psychology and across the behavioral and social sciences help build the researcher's ability to conceptualize relationship processes; model and test for actor effects, partner effects, and relationship effects; and model and control for the statistical interdependence that can exist between partners. The companion website provides clarifications, elaborations, corrections, and data and files for each chapter.
Elsevier Health Sciences Joint Disease in the Horse
Dr. McIlwraith's Joint Disease in the Horse, 2nd Edition is the only book to give you a full account of equine joint disease, combining a thorough, up-to-date survey of scientific advances with a practical guide to both medical and surgical treatments. With contributions from nationally and internationally recognized pioneers in the field, this groundbreaking text offers an overview of joint structure and function and translates the latest information on basic joint pathobiology into practical application for the clinician. Step-by-step guidance on injection techniques and medications, along with a survey of practical arthroscopic surgery and developments, make it a truly indispensable reference for all equine veterinarians treating sports and racing horses. UNIQUE! Unprecedented, state-of-the-art coverage of the pathology, pathogenesis, and clinical diagnosis of traumatic and degenerative joint disease, so you stay in the know. Section on general principles of joint pathobiology provides the background to evaluate and interpret the diagnostic and surgical aspects of disease. Explores treatments for traumatic arthritis and osteoarthritis and other joint entities, offering a broad range of options and up-to-date recommendations for problematic decisions. Addresses recent advances and results in arthroscopic surgery for the acute injury and results including fragment removal, fragment fixation, and synovectomy. Discussion of current research provides insight for difficult cases and calls out the directions in which future arthritis research is headed. More than 325 photographs and line drawings help engage and guide you through procedures and treatments. NEW! Full color throughout with new artwork and a range of new images including radiographs showing both the normal and the disease progression. NEW! Practical step-by-step approach demonstrates the authors' preferred injections methods and shows underlying anatomic correlations. NEW and UPDATED! Restructured and substantially revised to emphasize treatment options, making it a practical, concise, and accessible reference and text. NEW! All-new chapters on drugs and new biological therapies, including stem cells, IRAP, and PRP and thoroughly updated coverage of HA and corticosteroids. NEW! Covers advanced imaging, giving you the latest information available. NEW! Expert advice from Dr. McIlwraith, three new co-editors, and new contributors - all distinguished specialists in the field of joint disease in the horse. Lameness and surgical clinicians describe how to approach the various, specific disease conditions. Equine specific radiologists provide their opinions on the best imaging techniques for defining the disease and making interpretations.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Critical Heart Disease in Infants and Children
Now in brilliant full color and reflecting recent significant changes in the field, Critical Heart Disease in Infants and Children, 3rd Edition, keeps you abreast of the skills and knowledge required to safely care for children with congenital and acquired heart disease in the ICU. Pediatric intensivists, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and anesthesiologists from leading centers around the world provide a well-rounded perspective on basic scientific principles, medical and pharmacologic treatments, surgical techniques, and equipment. Features comprehensive updates throughout the text, including indications, techniques, potential complications in perioperative management of patients, and surgical techniques for congenital heart disease. Covers recent advances in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, developments in mechanical assist devices, heart and lung transplantation, and interventional cardiac catheterization. Features an all-new, full-color format that speeds navigation and helps clarify complex concepts. Contains 27 new chapters with an emphasis on the team approach to patient care in the ICU including creating multidisciplinary teams, quality and performance improvement, training , and challenges and solutions to developing a cohesive team environment. Includes a detailed chapter on bedside ultrasound, walking you through the techniques you're most likely to encounter in the ICU. Employs well-documented tables, text boxes, and algorithms to make clinical information easy to access, and more than two dozen video clips provide a more complete understanding of echocardiography, imaging modalities, pulmonary hypertension, and more. Describes the basic pharmacology and clinical applications of new pharmacologic agents. Examines issues affecting adults with congenital heart disease. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Offers four completely new chapters: Cardiac Trauma, Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult, Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries, and Outcome Evaluation. Describes the basic pharmacology and clinical applications of all of the new pharmacologic agents. Details important refinements and developments in surgical techniques, including the Ross pulmonary autograft replacement of the aortic valve, video-assisted fluoroscopy, and the extracardiac Fontan connection, and discusses their indications and potential complications. Explores the latest advances in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension, new developments in mechanical assist devices, heart and lung transplantation, and interventional cardiac catheterization. Examines issues affecting adults with congenital heart disease.
Human Kinetics Publishers Health for Life With Web Resources-Cloth
Health for Life provides the keys necessary for adopting healthy habits and committing to healthy living in high school and throughout the life span. The text covers all of the components of personal well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health. It provides students the knowledge in making healthy choices and fosters the skill development required for taking healthy actions.Health for Life helps students in these ways: Analyze how key influences affect their health and wellness, such as family, peers, media, and technology Explore consumer topics and use appropriate resources to find answers to challenging questions Sharpen their interpersonal communication skills as they share health knowledge; debate controversial topics; demonstrate refusal, negotiation, and refusal skills; manage interpersonal conflicts; and promote healthy living among their peers Use decision-making skills and apply healthy living skills as they identify solutions to problems posed Evaluate their own health habits as they relate to a variety of behaviors Create goals for behavior change and establish plans for healthy living Communicate health information with family and advocate for healthy living at home and in their communities Discover how health and technology intersect on various topics The text is divided into seven units of 20 chapters. The chapters help students explore a range of topics, including mental health, nutrition, physical activity, stress management, healthy relationships, avoiding destructive habits, and making good health choices throughout life.Health for Life has an abundance of features that help students connect with content in personal ways and retain the information. Here’s a glance at some of those features: Lesson Objectives, Lesson Vocabulary, Comprehension Check, and Chapter Review help students prepare to dive in to the material, understand it, and retain it (standard NHES 1). Connect spurs students to analyze various influences on their health and wellness (standard NHES 2). Consumer Corner aids students in exploring consumer health issues (standard NHES 3). Healthy Communication gets students to use and expand their interpersonal communication skills as they share their views about various health topics (standard NHES 4). Skills for Healthy Living and Making Healthy Decisions help students learn and practice self-management so they can make wise choices related to their health and wellness (standard NHES 5). Planning for Healthy Living assists students in applying what they’ve learned as they set goals and establish plans for behavior change (standard NHES 6). Self-Assessment offers students the opportunity to evaluate their health habits and monitor improvement in health behaviors (standard NHES 7). Take It Home and Advocacy in Action prepare students to advocate for health at home and in their communities (standard NHES 8). Health Science and Health Technology focus on the roles of science and technology as they rellate to health and where science and technology intersect regarding health issues. Living Well News challenges students to integrate health literacy, math, and language skills to better understand a current health issue. In addition, Health for Life is reinforced by its online resources for teachers and students. Following are highlights of these two invaluable resources.Teacher Web ResourceThe Teacher Web Resource contains the following: Complete lesson plans; the first three lessons have a corresponding PowerPoint slide show An answer key to all worksheets and quizzes A test package that includes tests for each chapter; tests consist of multiple-choice, true-or-false, fill-in-the-blank, and short essay questions All lesson plans and assessments support identified learning objectives. Each lesson plan includes these features: Preparing the Lesson (lesson objectives and preparation) Bell Ringer (a journal question for students, or a quiz or activity to begin class) Lesson Focus (main points of the lesson paired with a student worksheet) Lesson Application (main activity paired with a worksheet) Reflection and Summary (lesson review) Evaluate (student quiz or test or worksheet review) Reinforcing the Lesson (Take It Home and Challenge activities) Student Web ResourceThe Student Web Resource contains these features: All worksheets, quizzes, and other materials referred to in the lesson plans Vocabulary flip cards and other interactive elements from the iBook edition Expanded discussion of selected topics that are marked by web icons in the text Review questions from the text, presented in an interactive format for students to fill out to check their level of understanding Delivering the content that will help students value and adopt healthy lifestyles, and loaded with the features and online resources that will help students understand and retain the content, Health for Life promises to be one of the most crucial texts for students today.
Temple University Press,U.S. Latinx Environmentalisms: Place, Justice, and the Decolonial
The whiteness of mainstream environmentalism often fails to account for the richness and variety of Latinx environmental thought. Building on insights of environmental justice scholarship as well as critical race and ethnic studies, the editors and contributors to Latinx Environmentalisms map the ways Latinx cultural texts integrate environmental concerns with questions of social and political justice. Original interviews with creative writers, including Cherríe Moraga, Helena María Viramontes, and Héctor Tobar, as well as new essays by noted scholars of Latinx literature and culture, show how Latinx authors and cultural producers express environmental concerns in their work. These chapters, which focus on film, visual art, and literature—and engage in fields such as disability studies, animal studies, and queer studies—emphasize the role of racial capitalism in shaping human relationships to the more-than-human world and reveal a vibrant tradition of Latinx decolonial environmentalism.Latinx Environmentalisms accounts for the ways Latinx cultures are environmental, but often do not assume the mantle of “environmentalism.”
Johns Hopkins University Press Living with Cancer: A Step-by-Step Guide for Coping Medically and Emotionally with a Serious Diagnosis
The prospect of entering treatment is overwhelming for anyone facing a diagnosis of cancer. While patients have access to a vast amount of medical information online, this advice is often unreliable or confusing. In Living with Cancer, Drs. Vicki A. Jackson and David P. Ryan have crafted the first step-by-step guide aimed at helping people with this life-defining disease grasp what's happening to them while coping physically and emotionally with cancer treatment. An empathetic resource full of relatable patient stories, this book teaches patients and caregivers how to ask the right questions to get the best possible care-beginning at the moment of diagnosis. Drs. Jackson and Ryan explain how to work with a team of doctors and nurse practitioners to minimize symptoms and side effects while living as fully as possible in the face of cancer. They relay important information about understanding prognosis, and they translate what doctors mean when they describe tests, treatments, and medical procedures. Finally, they discuss hospice care and answer questions about continuing treatment and managing the final phase of life. Based on new research and a groundbreaking program in which patients are treated with palliative care-along with the best cancer care-during the course of their illness, this honest and caring book provides the right advice to use at the right time throughout a journey with cancer. It allows a person with cancer to concentrate on living the best life possible, despite an uncertain future. Patients at every stage will find Living with Cancer a comprehensive, thoughtful, and accessible guide for navigating the illness and its treatment.
Johns Hopkins University Press Operation Ebola: Surgical Care during the West African Outbreak
One of the horrors of the West African Ebola outbreak was the decimation of the area's already thin ranks of surgeons. As Ebola spread, health facilities closed, and some doctors-afraid of catching the disease-left the region or stopped performing surgery. Many of those who stayed contracted Ebola and died. As the pool of doctors available-and willing-to perform surgery dwindled, treatable conditions unrelated to the disease, including appendicitis, unrepaired hernias, stomach ulcers, and obstructed labor, went untreated with devastating results. Drs. Sherry M. Wren and Adam L. Kushner both worked extensively with surgeons in Ebola-ravaged countries during the 2014 outbreak. Recognizing that there was no guidance available for how to perform surgery under such dangerous conditions, Wren and Kushner collaborated to create official guidelines for safe surgical procedures in cases of confirmed or suspected Ebola. Operation Ebola documents these procedures and describes in vivid detail the conditions that faced both local surgeons and the international surgeons who came to help. Bringing together a group of medical experts from Sierra Leone and across the globe to tell their stories and offer hard-learned lessons, this book is a riveting first-hand account of performing surgery in under-resourced parts of the world. Through these health workers' eyes, readers will come to understand what it feels like to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) while operating, what dangers remain when using PPE, how to construct an Ebola maternity ward, and how to give anesthesia to patients during a time of Ebola. A succinct and gripping exploration of how an outbreak can affect surgical care and the surgeons who provide it, this book will interest medical professionals, students, policy makers, donors, and anyone who cares about Ebola or global health. Contributors: Kathryn P. Barron, Hakon A. Bolkan, Severine Caluwaerts, Joseph Forrester, Andrew M. R. Hall, Eva Hancilles, Mark J. Harris, Angela Hewlett, David B. Hoyt, Daniel W. Johnson, Thaim B. Kamara, Songor S. J. Koedoyoma, Michael Koroma, Adam L. Kushner, Marta Lado, Ronald C. Marsh, Andrew J. Michaels, Mohamed G. Sheku, Sherry M. Wren
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology
A Companion to Cognitive Anthropology offers a comprehensive overview of the development of cognitive anthropology from its inception to the present day and presents recent findings in the areas of theory, methodology, and field research in twenty-nine key essays by leading scholars. Demonstrates the importance of cognitive anthropology as an early constituent of the cognitive sciences Examines how culturally shared and complex cognitive systems work, how they are structured, how they differ from one culture to another, how they are learned and passed on Explains how cultural (or collective) vs. individual knowledge distinguishes cognitive anthropology from cognitive psychology Examines recent theories and methods for studying cognition in real-world scenarios Contains twenty-nine key essays by leading names in the field
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Practical Transfusion Medicine
Practical Transfusion Medicine Practical Transfusion Medicine, Sixth Edition The pace of change in transfusion medicine is relentless, with new scientific and technological developments and continuing efforts to improve transfusion practice. This sixth edition of Practical Transfusion Medicine has been updated significantly to reflect the rapid changes in transfusion medicine since the fifth edition was published in 2017. The primary purpose of this edition remains the same as the first: to provide a comprehensive guide to transfusion medicine. This book contains more depth of information than standard handbooks on transfusion medicine, whilst being more concise and approachable than a standard reference text. This book covers the principles of transfusion medicine, the complications of transfusion, practice in blood centres and hospitals and clinical transfusion practice. This sixth edition includes a new section on patient blood management, cellular and tissue therapy, organ transplantation and the development of the evidence base for transfusion. It also features a new chapter on transfusion-associated circulatory overload to underline its importance as a complication of transfusion, and a reconfiguration of the section on clinical transfusion practice to allow consideration of the transfusion management of medical, surgical and haematology patients with and without bleeding. This sixth edition of Practical Transfusion Medicine provides accessible and comprehensive coverage of the field of transfusion medicine. It is a standalone text that will be useful to clinical and scientific staff: not only for trainees who require an overview of the field, but also for established practitioners who are involved in some aspect of transfusion medicine and require a comprehensive, accessible reference book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Building Brains: An Introduction to Neural Development
Provides a highly visual, readily accessible introduction to the main events that occur during neural development and their mechanisms Building Brains: An Introduction to Neural Development, 2nd Edition describes how brains construct themselves, from simple beginnings in the early embryo to become the most complex living structures on the planet. It explains how cells first become neural, how their proliferation is controlled, what regulates the types of neural cells they become, how neurons connect to each other, how these connections are later refined under the influence of neural activity, and why some neurons normally die. This student-friendly guide stresses and justifies the generally-held belief that a greater knowledge of how nervous systems construct themselves will help us find new ways of treating diseases of the nervous system that are thought to originate from faulty development, such as autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. A concise, illustrated guide focusing on core elements and emphasizing common principles of developmental mechanisms, supplemented by suggestions for further reading Text boxes provide detail on major advances, issues of particular uncertainty or controversy, and examples of human diseases that result from abnormal development Introduces the methods for studying neural development, allowing the reader to understand the main evidence underlying research advances Offers a balanced mammalian/non-mammalian perspective (and emphasizes mechanisms that are conserved across species), drawing on examples from model organisms like the fruit fly, nematode worm, frog, zebrafish, chick, mouse and human Associated Website includes all the figures from the textbook and explanatory movies Filled with full-colorartwork that reinforces important concepts; an extensive glossary and definitions that help readers from different backgrounds; and chapter summaries that stress important points and aid revision, Building Brains: An Introduction to Neural Development, 2nd Edition is perfect for undergraduate students and postgraduates who may not have a background in neuroscience and/or molecular genetics. “This elegant book ranges with ease and authority over the vast field of developmental neuroscience. This excellent textbook should be on the shelf of every neuroscientist, as well as on the reading list of every neuroscience student.” —Sir Colin Blakemore, Oxford University “With an extensive use of clear and colorful illustrations, this book makes accessible to undergraduates the beauty and complexity of neural development. The book fills a void in undergraduate neuroscience curricula.”—Professor Mark Bear, Picower Institute, MIT. Highly Commended, British Medical Association Medical Book Awards 2012 Published with the New York Academy of Sciences
John Wiley & Sons Inc Addiction Treatment Homework Planner
Help clients suffering from chemical and nonchemical addictions develop the skills they need to work through problems. The Addiction Treatment Homework Planner, Fifth Edition provides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features: 100 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issues encountered by clients suffering from chemical and nonchemical addictions, such as anxiety, impulsivity, childhood trauma, dependent traits, and occupational problems A quick-reference format—the interactive assignments are grouped by behavioral problems including alcoholism, nicotine dependence, and sleep disturbance as well as those problems that do not involve psychoactive substances, such as problem gambling, eating disorders, and sexual addictions Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient use of the exercises Assignments that are cross-referenced toThe Addiction Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition so you can quickly identify the right exercise for a given situation or problem All exercises are available online for you to download and customize to suit you and your clients' unique styles and needs
John Wiley & Sons Inc Child Psychotherapy Homework Planner
New and updated assignments and exercises meet the changing needs of mental health professionals The Child Psychotherapy Homework Planner, Fifth Edition provides you with an array of ready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit virtually every therapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features: 93 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issues encountered by children, such as academic underachievement, low self-esteem, depression, and separation anxiety A quick-reference format—the interactive assignments are grouped by behavioral problems including blended family problems, divorce reaction, ADHD, attachment disorder, social anxiety, language disorders, and unresolved grief and loss Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient use of the exercises Assignments cross-referenced to The Child Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition—so you can quickly identify the right exercises for a given situation or problem Downloadable content contains all the exercises in a word-processing format—allowing you to customize them to suit your and your clients' unique styles and needs
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics
Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics offers a step-by-step guide to successfully designing and placing complete and implant-retained dentures using neutral zone concepts. Illustrates every technique described with more than 300 color photos Covers all phases of complete denture therapy Presents a step-by-step assessment and examination protocol Details the importance of accurate diagnosis and prognosis prior to committing to treatment Describes an alternative to traditional impressioning procedures that can be accomplished in a single appointment Includes access to a companion website with video clips and student handouts, with teaching PowerPoints available for instructors
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, with DSM-5 Updates
This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 35 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventionsplus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most accrediting bodies, insurance companies, and third-party payors Includes new Evidence-Based Practice Interventions as required by many public funding sources and private insurers PracticePlanners® THE BESTSELLING TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions New chapters on Internet sexual use, retirement, and parenthood strain Organized around 35 behaviorally based presenting problems including jealousy, midlife crisis, parenting conflicts, and sexual dysfunction Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventionsplus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Designed to correspond with The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Second Edition and Couples Therapy Homework Planner, Second Edition Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Additional resources in the PracticePlanners® series: Progress Notes Planners contain complete, prewritten progress notes for each presenting problem in the companion Treatment Planners. Homework Planners feature behaviorally based, ready-to-use assignments to speed treatment and keep clients engaged between sessions. For more information on our PracticePlanners®, including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us on the Web at:
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Older Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, with DSM-5 Updates, 2nd Edition
This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 30 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventionsplus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most accrediting bodies, insurance companies, and third-party payors Includes new Evidence-Based Practice Interventions as required by many public funding sources and private insurers PracticePlanners® THE BESTSELLING TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS The Older Adult Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions Organized around 30 behaviorally based presenting problems including depression, unresolved grief, life role transition, and substance abuse Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventionsplus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Additional resources in the PracticePlanners® series: Documentation Sourcebooks provide the forms and records that mental health??professionals need to??efficiently run their practice. Homework Planners feature behaviorally based, ready-to-use assignments to speed treatment and keep clients engaged between sessions. For more information on our PracticePlanners®, including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us on the Web at:
John Wiley & Sons Inc Forensic Microbiology
Forensic Microbiology focuses on newly emerging areas of microbiology relevant to medicolegal and criminal investigations: postmortem changes, establishing cause of death, estimating postmortem interval, and trace evidence analysis. Recent developments in sequencing technology allow researchers, and potentially practitioners, to examine microbial communities at unprecedented resolution and in multidisciplinary contexts. This detailed study of microbes facilitates the development of new forensic tools that use the structure and function of microbial communities as physical evidence. Chapters cover: Experiment design Data analysis Sample preservation The influence of microbes on results from autopsy, toxicology, and histology Decomposition ecology Trace evidence This diverse, rapidly evolving field of study has the potential to provide high quality microbial evidence which can be replicated across laboratories, providing spatial and temporal evidence which could be crucial in a broad range of investigative contexts. This book is intended as a resource for students, microbiologists, investigators, pathologists, and other forensic science professionals.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Clinical Sports Psychiatry: An International Perspective
This book has it all - written by national and international experts and edited by world authorities, it is the first book on sport psychiatry in over a decade. Dealing with psychopathology, mental health problems and clinical management, it differs markedly from sports psychology books that focus on performance issues. Eating disorders, exercise addiction, drug abuse are all problems that are seen in 'everyday' athletes, not just elite performers. This book shows how to help. This text covers the most important topics in contemporary sports psychiatry/psychology from an international perspective. Chapter authors are experts in the field and global leaders in the related professional organizations, including current and past Presidents/Chairs of the International Society for Sports Psychiatry and of the World Psychiatric Association Section on Exercise and Sports Psychiatry. Authors are mainly psychiatrists: the rest are PhD sport psychologists. The book comprises representative chapter authors from around the world, to an extent unprecedented in this topic. The authors and editors are well-informed in global perspectives, e.g., having served as consultants to numerous Olympic teams, in addition to service on the International Society for Sports Psychiatry's Board of Directors. Specifically, this book covers four main categories of topics: 1) mental health challenges faced by athletes (including substance use disorders, exercise addiction, eating disorders, depression, suicide, and concussion), 2) treatment approaches and therapeutic issues with athletes (including different types of psychotherapy for psychiatric disorders, psychotherapeutic performance enhancement approaches, transference and countertransference issues, achievement by proxy, psychotherapeutic issues as applied to a couple of sports that are played around the world, and use of psychiatric medications in athletes), 3) psychosocial issues affecting athletes (including sexual harassment and abuse, cultural issues, and ethics issues), and 4) the field of sports psychiatry (including work within one common sports psychiatry practice setting, and current status of and challenges in the field of sports psychiatry). There is a growing need for this book. Performance-enhancing drugs, use of psychotropics in impaired athletes, head trauma, sexual abuse, eating disorders, ethics, and depression and suicide in athletes, are just a few of the timely subjects addressed in this text. This is the only comprehensive reference available for those working in the field (or merely interested in it) to consult for current information on these topics. The existing sports psychology texts all focus on performance issues, with little, if any, attention paid to these areas of clinical significance. The book addresses the core differences between sports psychiatry and sports psychology, as well as the areas of overlap. Emphasis is placed on how the disciplines should work together in diagnosing and treating athletes dealing with emotional stress and psychopathology. Chapters include case examples and specific goals listed at the beginning, along with tables and graphs to highlight key concepts.
American Society of Agronomy Precision Agriculture Basics
Teachers' College Press From Words to Wisdom: Supporting Academic Language Use in PreK-3rd Grade
This practical guide shows teachers how to introduce academic language to young children, with an emphasis on appreciating and leveraging linguistic diversity. New educational standards are asking students to master content-area concepts and increasingly complex texts in earlier grades. This practitioner-friendly text provides instructional materials, sample dialogs, and assessment tools to facilitate academic language use in PreK–3 classrooms. The authors describe the word, sentence, and discourse levels of academic language, while encouraging teachers and students to consider purpose, participants, discipline, and context. Strategies are provided to help readers adapt language for a variety of academic purposes across mathematics, science, play, mealtimes, and ELA instruction. The text includes discussion questions, reproducible activities, planning materials, assessment tools, and handouts to facilitate smooth implementation into classroom practice. From Words to Wisdom will empower teachers to build bridges to academic success for all young learners. Book Features: Expands teachers' understanding of academic language beyond vocabulary to include syntax and discourse-level features. Includes specific strategies, activities, and suggestions for teaching from and with academic language across multiple settings and disciplines. Addresses all students, including multilingual and linguistically diverse speakers. Incorporates user-friendly features, such as text boxes, vignettes, assessment protocols, and sample teaching materials.
Taylor & Francis Inc The American Journalist in the 21st Century: U.S. News People at the Dawn of a New Millennium
An authoritative and detailed illustration of the state of journalistic practice in the United States today, The American Journalist in the 21st Century sheds light on the demographic and educational backgrounds, working conditions, and professional and ethical values of print, broadcast, and Internet journalists at the beginning of the 21st century. Providing results from telephone surveys of nearly 1,500 U.S. journalists working in a variety of media outlets, this volume updates the findings published in the earlier report, The American Journalist in the 1990s, and reflects the continued evolution of journalistic practice and professionalism. The scope of material included here is extensive and inclusive, representing numerous facets of journalistic practice and professionalism, and featuring separate analyses for women, minority, and online journalists. Many findings are set in context and compared with previous major studies of U.S. journalists conducted in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Serving as a detailed snapshot of current journalistic practice, The American Journalist in the 21st Century offers an intriguing and enlightening profile of professional journalists today, and it will be of great interest and value to working journalists, journalism educators, media managers, journalism students, and others seeking insights into the current state of the journalism profession.
Stanford University Press Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research in Sociology and Economics
How often do working-class children obtain college degrees and then pursue professional careers? Conversely, how frequently do the children of doctors and lawyers fail to enter high status careers upon completion of their schooling? As inequalities of wealth and income have increased in industrialized nations over the past 30 years, have patterns of between-generation mobility changed? In this volume, leading sociologists and economists present original findings and conceptual arguments in response to questions like these. After assessing the range of mobility patterns observed in recent decades, the volume considers the mechanisms that generate mobility, focusing on both the training and skills that are rewarded in the labor market as well as the role of educational institutions in certifying graduates for professional positions. The volume concludes with chapters that assess the contexts of social mobility, examining the impact of macroeconomic conditions and societal levels of inequality on social and economic mobility.
Stanford University Press The Wages of Wins: Taking Measure of the Many Myths in Modern Sport. Updated Edition
Arguing about sports is as old as the games people play. Over the years sports debates have become muddled by many myths that do not match the numbers generated by those playing the games. In The Wages of Wins, the authors use layman's language and easy to follow examples based on their own academic research to debunk many of the most commonly held beliefs about sports. In this updated version of their book, these authors explain why Allen Iverson leaving Philadelphia made the 76ers a better team, why the Yankees find it so hard to repeat their success from the late 1990s, and why even great quarterbacks like Brett Favre are consistently inconsistent. The book names names, and makes it abundantly clear that much of the decision making of coaches and general managers does not hold up to an analysis of the numbers. Whether you are a fantasy league fanatic or a casual weekend fan, much of what you believe about sports will change after reading this book.
Stanford University Press Mobility and Inequality: Frontiers of Research in Sociology and Economics
How often do working-class children obtain college degrees and then pursue professional careers? Conversely, how frequently do the children of doctors and lawyers fail to enter high status careers upon completion of their schooling? As inequalities of wealth and income have increased in industrialized nations over the past 30 years, have patterns of between-generation mobility changed? In this volume, leading sociologists and economists present original findings and conceptual arguments in response to questions like these. After assessing the range of mobility patterns observed in recent decades, the volume considers the mechanisms that generate mobility, focusing on both the training and skills that are rewarded in the labor market as well as the role of educational institutions in certifying graduates for professional positions. The volume concludes with chapters that assess the contexts of social mobility, examining the impact of macroeconomic conditions and societal levels of inequality on social and economic mobility.