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Claeys & Casteels Publishers BV European Energy Studies Volume XV: Transformation of EU and Eastern Mediterranean Energy Networks: Legal, Regulatory and Geopolitical Challenges
This comprehensive book on the European energy transition has been written by more than 40 European leading energy- and climate experts. It reflects on the latest policy developments, as such as the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package, the Green Deal and the Climate Law. The energy transition is Europe’s flagship projects. It needs to provide sound answers to the climate and sustainability-, security of supply- and competitiveness imperatives. The energy transition corresponds to a large scale economic and cultural change. It encompasses sector coupling- linking up sectors that have ignored each other previously, like mobility and power. What is the meaning of digitalization, and how to face cyber-security risks? Can Europe deliver a 50-55% decrease in Greenhouse Gas Emissions, as is the agenda of the new von der Leyen Commission? This 2nd edition is not only updated, but also augmented with three new chapters : the first focusses on a European cross border carbon adjustment proposal (by Genevieve Pons, Pascal Lamy and Pierre Leturcq). This mechanism is a center piece in the European Green Deal and as such debated intensively. Two other chapters present the value-add and next steps for European network codes and guidelines (Alexander Dusolt, Leonardo Meeus). The book analyses the factors driving change: where are we on climate and sustainability, competitiveness and market, and security of supply? It presents the actors: what genesis of and what contemporary institutions for European energy policy, how is energy addressed by the national and by the European; what about the active customer paradigm and the many startups and business models changing, as well as NGOs? It investigates sectors: power, gas, mobility and the powerful push from digitalization.
Temple University Press,U.S. Across The Red Line: Stories From The Surgical Life
Richard Karl, a doctor and teacher, takes the reader closer than any writer before into the corridors of the hospital, on the surgical table, and into the world of medicine. In these pages we see the tragedies and triumphs of modern medicine: the beauty of surgery done well, and the aftermath of operations that fail to deliver on the hopes of the doctor and patient. We witness the \u0022M&M\u0022-the morbidity and mortality meeting-where doctors scrutinize their own work and mistakes, and the often inevitable outcomes of treatment. Suffused throughout are Karl\u2019s keen observations on the workings of the human body and its immense capacity for healing. \u0022...I celebrate the rich privilege accorded the practicing surgeon. The surgical life is really about bearing witness to the human condition and about respecting the many almost whimsical variations of biology and about the intersection of the two. It is remarkable, really, the way I get to know people so intimately so quickly, and to observe the brave and often noble behavior in them, while I witness the relentless push of biology, the aging and decay, the growth and development, but most especially the healing, both physical and emotional. It is this natural drive of our bodies to repair themselves from all injuries (including the surgeon's wounds) that is the centerpiece of medicine. Without it no surgeon could cut.\u0022 Written with economy and subtlety, Across the Red Line offers a vivid picture of disease and the miracle of life. It will interest anyone who's ever been on either side of the surgical table.
Johns Hopkins University Press Faxed: The Rise and Fall of the Fax Machine
Faxed is the first history of the facsimile machine-the most famous recent example of a tool made obsolete by relentless technological innovation. Jonathan Coopersmith recounts the multigenerational, multinational history of the device from its origins to its workplace glory days, in the process revealing how it helped create the accelerated communications, information flow, and vibrant visual culture that characterize our contemporary world. Most people assume that the fax machine originated in the computer and electronics revolution of the late twentieth century, but it was actually invented in 1843. Almost 150 years passed between the fax's invention in England and its widespread adoption in tech-savvy Japan, where it still enjoys a surprising popularity. Over and over again, faxing's promise to deliver messages instantaneously paled before easier, less expensive modes of communication: first telegraphy, then radio and television, and finally digitalization in the form of email, the World Wide Web, and cell phones. By 2010, faxing had largely disappeared, having fallen victim to the same technological and economic processes that had created it. Based on archival research and interviews spanning two centuries and three continents, Coopersmith's book recovers the lost history of a once-ubiquitous technology. Written in accessible language that should appeal to engineers and policymakers as well as historians, Faxed explores themes of technology push and market pull, user-based innovation, and "blackboxing" (the packaging of complex skills and technologies into packages designed for novices) while revealing the inventions inspired by the fax, how the demand for fax machines eventually caught up with their availability, and why subsequent shifts in user preferences rendered them mostly passe.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quality Planning and Assurance: Principles, Approaches, and Methods for Product and Service Development
QUALITY PLANNING AND ASSURANCE Discover the most crucial aspects of quality systems planning critical to manufacturing and service success In Quality Planning and Assurance: Principles, Approaches, and Methods for Product and Service Development, accomplished engineer Dr. Herman Tang delivers an incisive presentation of the principles of quality systems planning. The book begins with an introduction to the meaning of the word “quality” before moving on to review the principles of quality strategy and policy management. The author then offers a detailed discussion of customer needs and the corresponding quality planning tasks in design phases, as well as a treatment of the design processes necessary to ensure product or service quality. Readers will enjoy explorations of advanced topics related to proactive approaches to quality management, like failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). They???ll discover discussions of issues like supplier quality management and the key processes associated with quality planning and execution. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to quality planning, including definitions, discussions of quality system, and an overview of the planning process A comprehensive exploration of strategic planning development, including strategic management, risk management and analysis, and pull and push strategies Practical discussions of customer-centric planning, including customer-oriented design, quality function deployment, and affective engineering In-depth examinations of quality assurance by design, including the design review process, design verification and validation, and concurrent engineering Perfect for senior undergraduate and graduate students in technology and management programs, Quality Planning and Assurance will also earn a place in the libraries of managers and technical specialists in a wide range of fields, including quality management.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The School Leadership Playbook: A Field Guide for Dramatic Improvement
A proven framework for whole-school improvement The School Leadership Playbook is a practical guide for education leaders looking to push their school's and students' achievement to the next level. Developed by renowned leadership preparation program New Leaders, the Transformational Leadership Framework focuses on the five categories that drive a school's success: Learning and Teaching, School Culture, Talent Management, Operations and Systems, and Personal Leadership. This book illustrates how each of these factors contributes to breakthrough gains, and outlines a plan for implementing changes in your own school. You'll learn how to accurately diagnose the current state of your school's academics and culture and create an action plan for the year ahead. The TLF is grounded in the latest research and case studies of the highest-gaining turnaround schools, and shows you the specific actions you can take to attract, retain, and support high-performing teachers; improve school culture; successfully involve parents and the community; and ultimately drive student success. New Leaders developed the UEF to pinpoint what schools achieving significant student academic gains were doing, and how they were doing it. This book provides a practical breakdown of the framework to help you begin leading these changes in your own school. Ensure rigorous goal- and data-driven teaching and learning Build and manage a high-performance faculty aligned to the school's vision Implement effective and efficient operations and systems Model the tone you would like to see from students and teachers school-wide By matching the needs of the school to effective principal actions and school practices, leaders can create a plan for transformational change.
University of Minnesota Press Imagine the Sound: Experimental African American Literature after Civil Rights
The post–Civil Rights era was marked by an explosion of black political thought and aesthetics. Reflecting a shifting horizon of expectations around race relations, the unconventional sounds of free jazz coupled with experimental literary creation nuanced the push toward racial equality and enriched the possibilities for aesthetic innovation within the Black Arts Movement. In Imagine the Sound, Carter Mathes demonstrates how African American writers used sound to further artistic resistance within a rapidly transforming political and racial landscape. While many have noted the oral and musical qualities of African American poetry from the post–Civil Rights period, Mathes points out how the political implications of dissonance, vibration, and resonance produced in essays, short stories, and novels animated the ongoing struggle for equality. Situating literary works by Henry Dumas, Larry Neal, and Toni Cade Bambara in relation to the expansive ideas of sound proposed by free jazz musicians such as Marion Brown and Sun Ra, not only does this book illustrate how the presence of sound can be heard and read as political, but it recuperates critically neglected, yet important, writers and musicians. Ultimately, Mathes details how attempts to capture and render sound through the medium of writing enable writers to envision alternate realities and resistance outside of the linear frameworks offered by the Civil Rights and Black Power movements.In precise and elegant prose, Mathes shows how in conceptualizing sound, African American writers opened up the political imaginations of their readers. By exploring this intellectual convergence of literary artistry, experimental music, and sound theory, Imagine the Sound reveals how taking up radically new forms of expression allows us to speak to the complexities of race and political resistance.
Cornell University Press Socialist Insecurity: Pensions and the Politics of Uneven Development in China
Over the past two decades, China has rapidly increased its spending on its public pension programs, to the point that pension funding is one of the government's largest expenditures. Despite this, only about fifty million citizens—one-third of the country's population above the age of sixty—receive pensions. Combined with the growing and increasingly violent unrest over inequalities brought about by China's reform model, the escalating costs of an aging society have brought the Chinese political leadership to a critical juncture in its economic and social policies. In Socialist Insecurity, Mark W. Frazier explores pension policy in the People's Republic of China, arguing that the government's push to expand pension and health insurance coverage to urban residents and rural migrants has not reduced, but rather reproduced, economic inequalities. He explains this apparent paradox by analyzing the decisions of the political actors responsible for pension reform: urban officials and state-owned enterprise managers. Frazier shows that China's highly decentralized pension administration both encourages the "grabbing hand" of local officials to collect large amounts of pension and other social insurance revenue and compels redistribution of these revenues to urban pensioners, a crucial political constituency. More broadly, Socialist Insecurity shows that the inequalities of welfare policy put China in the same quandary as other large uneven developers—countries that have succeeded in achieving rapid growth but with growing economic inequalities. While most explanations of the formation and expansion of welfare states are derived from experience in today's mature welfare systems, developing countries such as China, Frazier argues, provide new terrain to explore how welfare programs evolve, who drives the process, and who sees the greatest benefit.
Edinburgh University Press Social Issues in Television Fiction
Why are some controversial issues covered in TV soaps and dramas and not others? How are decisions really made 'behind the scenes'? How do programme makers push boundaries without losing viewers? What do audiences take away from their viewing experience? Does TV fiction have a greater impact on public understandings than TV news? This exciting new book draws on unique empirical data to examine the relationship between popular television fiction and wider society. The book gives lively and engaging insights into how and why socially sensitive story lines were taken up by different TV programmes from the late 1980s to the 2000s. Drawing on a series of case studies of medicine, health, illness and social problems including breast cancer, mental distress, sexual abuse and violence it comprehensively traces the path of storylines from initial conception through to audience reception and uses contemporary examples to link practice to theory. For the first time, this book addresses production and reception processes across a range of programmes and clearly demonstrates the ways in which television fiction plays a vital and powerful role in reflecting and shaping socio-cultural attitudes. Features: * interviews with TV drama programme makers (producers, script writers and editors) * detailed analysis of 'on screen' representation * qualitative audience research using focus groups and innovative methods * explores external influences on programme content including commercial imperatives, broadcast regulations, the role of campaigning organisations, wider media coverage. The book is essential reading for academics, researchers and students in the fields of media studies, sociology, cultural studies and communications. It will also be of interest to health communicators, social policy practitioners and broadcast professionals.
Princeton University Press The Extreme Life of the Sea
A thrilling tour of the sea's most extreme species, coauthored by one of the world's leading marine scientistsThe ocean teems with life that thrives under difficult situations in unusual environments. The Extreme Life of the Sea takes readers to the absolute limits of the ocean world—the fastest and deepest, the hottest and oldest creatures of the oceans. It dives into the icy Arctic and boiling hydrothermal vents—and exposes the eternal darkness of the deepest undersea trenches—to show how marine life thrives against the odds. This thrilling book brings to life the sea's most extreme species, and tells their stories as characters in the drama of the oceans. Coauthored by Stephen Palumbi, one of today’s leading marine scientists, The Extreme Life of the Sea tells the unforgettable tales of some of the most marvelous life forms on Earth, and the challenges they overcome to survive. Modern science and a fluid narrative style give every reader a deep look at the lives of these species.The Extreme Life of the Sea shows you the world’s oldest living species. It describes how flying fish strain to escape their predators, how predatory deep-sea fish use red searchlights only they can see to find and attack food, and how, at the end of her life, a mother octopus dedicates herself to raising her batch of young. This wide-ranging and highly accessible book also shows how ocean adaptations can inspire innovative commercial products—such as fan blades modeled on the flippers of humpback whales—and how future extremes created by human changes to the oceans might push some of these amazing species over the edge.
Princeton University Press The Civic Bargain: How Democracy Survives
A powerful case for democracy and how it can adapt and survive—if we want it toIs democracy in trouble, perhaps even dying? Pundits say so, and polls show that most Americans believe that their country’s system of governance is being “tested” or is “under attack.” But is the future of democracy necessarily so dire? In The Civic Bargain, Brook Manville and Josiah Ober push back against the prevailing pessimism about the fate of democracy around the world. Instead of an epitaph for democracy, they offer a guide for democratic renewal, calling on citizens to recommit to a “civic bargain” with one another to guarantee civic rights of freedom, equality, and dignity. That bargain also requires them to fulfill the duties of democratic citizenship: governing themselves with no “boss” except one another, embracing compromise, treating each other as civic friends, and investing in civic education for each rising generation.Manville and Ober trace the long progression toward self-government through four key moments in democracy’s history: Classical Athens, Republican Rome, Great Britain’s constitutional monarchy, and America’s founding. Comparing what worked and what failed in each case, they draw out lessons for how modern democracies can survive and thrive. Manville and Ober show that democracy isn’t about getting everything we want; it’s about agreeing on a shared framework for pursuing our often conflicting aims. Crucially, citizens need to be able to compromise, and must not treat one another as political enemies. And we must accept imperfection; democracy is never finished but evolves and renews itself continually. As long as the civic bargain is maintained—through deliberation, bargaining, and compromise—democracy will live.
Island Press A New Coast: Strategies for Responding to Devastating Storms and Rising Seas
More severe storms and rising seas will inexorably push the American coastline inland with profound impact on communities, infrastructure, and natural systems. In A New Coast, Jeffrey Peterson draws a comprehensive picture of how storms and rising seas will change the coast. Peterson offers a clear-eyed assessment of how governments can work with the private sector and citizens to be better prepared for the coming coastal inundation. Drawing on four decades of experience at the Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Senate, Peterson presents the science behind predictions for coastal impacts. He explains how current policies fall short of what is needed to effectively prepare for these changes and how the Trump Administration has significantly weakened these efforts. While describing how and why the current policies exist, he builds a strong case for a bold, new approach, tackling difficult topics including: how to revise flood insurance and disaster assistance programs; when to step back from the coast rather than build protection structures; how to steer new development away from at-risk areas; and how to finance the transition to a new coast. Key challenges, including how to protect critical infrastructure, ecosystems, and disadvantaged populations, are examined. Ultimately, Peterson offers hope in the form of a framework of new national policies and programs to support local and state governments. He calls for engagement from the private sector and local and national leaders in a "campaign for a new coast." A New Coast is a compelling assessment of the dramatic changes that are coming to America's coast. Peterson offers insights and strategies for policymakers, planners, and business leaders preparing for the intensifying impacts of climate change along the coast.
Surrey Books,U.S. Jeff Bezos: In His Own Words: In His Own Words
Jeff Bezos started Amazon in 1994 as an online bookstore based out of his garage. Since then, the ever-expanding enterprise has revolutionized shopping and, in many important ways, invented e-commerce as we know it. Today, Amazon is the third-most valuable company in the world, and Bezos's vast customer-oriented empire has mushroomed to include everything from cloud computing and fresh food delivery to movie production and consumer electronics. In recent years, Bezos also has invested in rocket technology, newspaper publishing, and artificial intelligence. Every arm of Bezos's business, however, is guided by a fundamental goal: to give customers what they want before they even think to ask for it.Jeff Bezos: In His Own Words offers a unique look into the mind of one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs by collecting more than 500 of Bezos's quotes on business, technology, customer service, e-commerce, innovation, entrepreneurship, and more. Meticulously curated from interviews, speeches, shareholder letters, press releases, and other sources, this book creates a comprehensive picture of Jeff Bezos, his obsessions, and what makes his ventures thrive.After more than 20 years at the helm of Amazon and its subsidiaries, Bezos continues to operate on what he calls "Day One time" in order to maintain the early experimental spirit of his business. Since the beginning, when he first saw the potential of the internet as a powerful tool for commerce, he has looked for trends and technologies that can alter not just business but daily life. Jeff Bezos: In His Own Words reveals in detail a man who wants to push the future forward—and will inspire readers to do the same.
The Merlin Press Ltd NHS under siege: The fight to save it in the age of Covid
The NHS is in crisis. The past 10 years of Tory real-terms cuts in funding has been disastrous. This book looks at the threat to the NHS posed by the combination of two years of a global pandemic with the relentless policies pursued by Tory-led governments since 2010. With contributions by 13 experts on different aspects of the crisis: Lobby Akkinnola, Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice Rehana Azam, National Secretary, Public Services GMB union; Kevin Courtney, Joint General Secretary, National Education Union, on Covid, education and schools; Sara Gorton, Head of Health UNISON, on pay and conditions of NHS staff; Colenzo Jarrett-Thorpe, National Officer Unite, the Health & Care Bill, on ambulance and other staff; Roger Kline, Research fellow at Middlesex University, on equalities and BAME; Roy Lilley, health policy analyst, on management views; Michael Mansfield, barrister QC, on holding the government to account; Sir Michael Marmot, Prof. of Epidemiology & Public Health, University College London, Director of the UCL Institute of Health Equity, on health inequality. Martin McKee, Prof. European Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, on public health; Neena Modi, Prof. Neonatal Medicine at Imperial College, on child and adolescent health, including mental health; Jan Shortt, General Secretary of the National Pensioners Convention, on care for the elderly; David Wrigley, Deputy Chair British Medical Association, on primary care; ... a superb reply to what is happening with our beloved NHS. We need it to help us in our struggles to push back against those who are snatching it away from us. All struggles need resolve, solidarity and hope, but they also need information. - From the foreword by Michael Rosen
Profile Books Ltd Delicate Condition
'Shockingly real, twisty and dark' - INDEPENDENT 'Tense, thrilling and darkly comedic' - HEAT 'The feminist update to Rosemary's Baby we all needed' - ANDREA BARTZ I wanted this baby so badly. But she may be the death of me... Anna Alcott is desperate to have a family. But as she tries to balance her increasingly public life as an indie actress with a gruelling IVF regime, she starts to suspect that someone is going to great lengths to make sure that never happens. Crucial medicines are lost. Appointments are moved without her knowledge. She's sure she's being followed. And when she finally does get pregnant, someone breaks into her house and steals the ultrasound photograph of her baby. But despite everything she's gone through, not even her husband is willing to believe that someone is playing twisted games with her. Then her doctors tell her she's lost the baby. Despite her grief, Anna ignores the grave-faced men lecturing her - because she can still feel the baby moving, can see the toll it's taking on her weakened body. Isolated in a remote snowbound town, Anna is sure that whoever has been following her is closing in on her and her unborn child. And as her symptoms become more terrifying, she can't help but wonder what exactly is growing inside her... and why no-one will listen when she says that something is horribly wrong. Exploring visceral themes of loss, medical misogyny and female power, The Push meets Behind Her Eyes in this spellbindingly dark thriller. 'A timely, terrifying, heartfelt thriller' - CHRIS WHITAKER 'Perfectly terrifying and terrifyingly perfect' - JANICE HALLETT 'A thrilling, visceral read' - HEATHER DARWENT
Distributed Art Publishers Henry Taylor: B Side
The official catalog accompanying the major retrospective at MoCA LA: Henry Taylor creates a grand pageant of contemporary Black life in America Surveying 30 years of Henry Taylor’s work in painting, sculpture and installation, this comprehensive monograph celebrates a Los Angeles artist widely appreciated for his unique aesthetic, social vision and freewheeling experimentation. Taylor’s portraits and allegorical tableaux—populated by friends, family members, strangers on the street, athletic stars and entertainers—display flashes of familiarity in their seemingly brash compositions, which nonetheless linger in the imagination with uncanny detail. In his paintings on cigarette packs, cereal boxes and other found supports, Taylor brings his primary medium into the realm of common culture. Similarly, the artist’s installations often recode the forms and symbolisms of found materials (bleach bottles, push brooms) to play upon art historical tropes and modernism’s appropriations of African or African American culture. Taken together, the various strands of Taylor’s practice display a deep observation of Black life in America at the turn of the century, while also inviting a humanist fellowship that pushes outward from the particular. Raised in Oxnard, California, Henry Taylor (born 1958) took art classes at Oxnard College in the 1980s and studied under James Jarvaise, who became a mentor. From 1984 through 1995 Henry Taylor worked as a psychiatric technician at Camarillo State Mental Hospital (a facility that is now California State University Channel Islands) while concurrently attending the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) in Valencia, where he obtained his Bachelor of Fine Art degree in 1995. Taylor has had institutional solo exhibitions at MoMA PS1 and the Studio Museum in Harlem. He lives and works in Los Angeles.
Pan Macmillan Good Bad Girl: The top ten bestseller Alice Feeney returns with another mind-blowing tale of psychological suspense. . .
The Queen of Twists, bestselling author of Daisy Darker and Rock Paper Scissors, Alice Feeney returns with another gripping mystery filled with drama and her trademark surprises in Good Bad Girl.'One of the best psychological thriller writers' - The SunSometimes bad things happen to good people, so good people have to do bad things . . .Twenty years after a baby is stolen from her push-chair, a woman is murdered in a care home. The two crimes are somehow linked, and a good bad girl may be the key to discovering the truth.Edith may have been tricked into a nursing home, but at eighty-years-young, she’s planning her escape. Patience works there, cleaning up mess and bonding with Edith, a kindred spirit. But Patience is lying to Edith about almost everything.Edith’s own daughter, Clio, won’t speak to her. And someone new is about to knock on Clio’s door . . . and their intentions aren’t good.With every reason to distrust each other, the women must solve a mystery with three suspects, two murders, and one victim. If they do, they might just find out what happened to the baby who disappeared, the mother who lost her, and the connections that bind them . . .'An author you need to check out' - Harlan Coben***************PRAISE FOR ALICE FEENEY'I was totally hooked from the first sentence' – Peter James, author of the Roy Grace series.‘Compelling, confounding and absolutely delicious' – Lisa Jewell, bestselling author of The Family Upstairs'I was on the edge of my seat the whole time' – Taylor Jenkins Reid, author of Daisy Jones and the Six
Simon & Schuster Ltd Beyond the Known: How Exploration Created the Modern World and Will Take Us to the Stars
From brilliant young polymath Andrew Rader – an MIT-credentialled scientist, popular podcast host and SpaceX mission manager – an illuminating chronicle of exploration that spotlights humans’ insatiable desire to continually push into new and uncharted territory, from civilisation’s earliest days to current planning for interstellar travel. For the first time in history, the human species has the technology to destroy itself. But having developed that power, humans are also able to leave Earth and voyage into the vastness of space. After millions of years of evolution, we’ve arrived at the point where we can settle other worlds and begin the process of becoming multi-planetary. How did we get here? What does the future hold for us? Divided into four accessible sections, Beyond the Known examines major periods of discovery and rediscovery, from Classical Times, when Phoenicians, Persians and Greeks ventured forth; to The Age of European Exploration, which saw colonies sprout on nearly every continent; to The Era of Scientific Inquiry, when researchers developed brand new tools for mapping and travelling further; to Our Spacefaring Future, which unveils plans currently underway for settling other planets and, eventually, travelling to the stars. A Mission Manager at SpaceX with a light, engaging voice, Andrew Rader is at the forefront of space exploration. As a gifted historian, Rader, who has won global acclaim for his stunning breadth of knowledge, is singularly positioned to reveal the story of human exploration that is also the story of scientific achievement. Told with an infectious zeal for travelling beyond the known, Beyond the Known illuminates how very human it is to emerge from the cave and walk towards an infinitely expanding horizon.
HarperCollins Publishers Jog On: How Running Saved My Life
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ‘Bella’s brilliant love letter to running turns into an extraordinarily brave and frank account of her battle with anxiety. A compassionate and important book’ Joe Lycett ‘Perfect for resetting a glum January mindset’ Alexandra Heminsley ‘My kind of role model’ Ben Fogle Divorced and struggling with deep-rooted mental health problems, Bella Mackie ended her twenties in tears. She could barely find the strength to get off the sofa, let alone piece her life back together. Until one day she did something she had never done of her own free will – she pulled on a pair of trainers and went for a run. That first attempt didn’t last very long. But to her surprise, she was back out there the next day. And the day after that. She began to set herself achievable goals – to run 5k in under 30 minutes, to walk to work every day for a week, to attempt 10 push-ups in a row. Before she knew it, her mood was lifting for the first time in years. In Jog On, Bella explains with hilarious and unfiltered honesty how she used running to battle crippling anxiety and depression, without having to sacrifice her main loves: booze, cigarettes and ice cream. With the help of a supporting cast of doctors, psychologists, sportspeople and friends, she shares a wealth of inspirational stories, research and tips that show how exercise often can be the best medicine. This funny, moving and motivational book will encourage you to say ‘jog on’ to your problems and get your life back on track – no matter how small those first steps may be.
New Haven Publishing Ltd The Music of Carly Simon: Songs From the Vineyard
"Music is part of my oxygen, Without it I would dry up" Mention the name Carly Simon to some people and they will probably think of one song in particular, maybe two or three at a push, while others may remember her for being one half of the "golden couple" of the Seventies' pop landscape. But this is a little unjust for an artist whose career has spanned over fifty years and counting, and during that time has amassed a catalog of over thirty groundbreaking albums and scores of hit singles; has composed music for theatre, movies and television; has written not only an opera, but a series of acclaimed children's books, and two best-selling memoirs. And we should not forget she is also the recipient of two Grammys, a Golden Globe, and an Oscar, as well as having countless honours bestowed on her for her accomplishments. Carly Simon is truly a musical phenomenon. Few female artists have achieved such a magnificent body of work; even fewer have been involved in so many facets of the music business; and no one has written so candidly to create an audio diary for the whole world to hear. From the moment her mother sang lullabies to her, that musical journey takes you from a childhood fraught with anxieties and phobias, having to conquer discrimination, stage fright, and life-threatening illness, to becoming one of the most glamorous, photographed, interviewed, and successful female artists of her generation. Not bad for a little girl who once saw herself as an ugly "left-over sister." But this is Carly Simon, and nobody has done it better.
Cornerstone Star Wars: Light of the Jedi (The High Republic): (Star Wars: The High Republic Book 1)
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER__________________________Long before the First Order, before the Empire, before even The Phantom Menace . . . Jedi lit the way for the galaxy in The High Republic.It is a golden age for the galaxy.Intrepid hyperspace scouts expand the reach of the Republic to the furthest stars, worlds flourish under the benevolent leadership of the Senate, and peace reigns, enforced by the wisdom and strength of the renowned order of Force users known as the Jedi. With the Jedi at the height of their power, the free citizens of the galaxy are confident in their ability to weather any storm But the even brightest light can cast a shadow, and some storms defy any preparation.When a shocking catastrophe in hyperspace tears a ship to pieces, the flurry of shrapnel emerging from the disaster threatens an entire system. No sooner does the call for help go out than the Jedi race to the scene. The scope of the emergence, however, is enough to push even Jedi to their limit. As the sky breaks open and destruction rains down upon the peaceful alliance they helped to build, the Jedi must trust in the Force to see them through a day in which a single mistake could cost billions of lives.Even as the Jedi battle valiantly against calamity, something truly deadly grows beyond the boundary of the Republic. The hyperspace disaster is far more sinister than the Jedi could ever suspect. A threat hides in the darkness, far from the light of the age, and harbours a secret that could strike fear into even a Jedi's heart.
Skyhorse Publishing Riding for the Brand: A Western Trio
Louis L’Amour’s Western stories are beloved worldwide. Now, collected together for the first time in a single volume, are three of his finest tales of the West. The texts have been restored to their original appearances in magazines.In The Lion Hunter and the Lady,” Cat Morgan is plying his tradetrying to bag a mountain lion alive in order to sell it to a circus or zoo. As he and Long John William try to lure the cat from a tree, they’re interrupted by a lynch posse, the leader of which accuses Cat and Long John of running off his horse herdand they intend to hang them right where they stand!The Trail to Peach Meadow Cañon” tells of Mike Bastian, who has been raised by an outlaw chief, Ben Curry, and trained in frontier skills by Curry’s most trusted associates.Jed Ashbury was stripped and forced to run the gauntlet by the Indians in Riding for the Brand.” Able to outfit himself from the contents of a covered wagon that had been attacked and left behind, Jed also learns what the mission of those killed in the attack was and determines to push forward with itregardless of the consequences.Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction that takes place in the old West. Westernsbooks about outlaws, sheriffs, chiefs and warriors, cowboys and Indiansare a genre in which we publish regularly. Our list includes international bestselling authors like Zane Gray and Louis L’Amour, and many more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Simon & Schuster Golf's Holy War: The Battle for the Soul of a Game in an Age of Science
As Michael Lewis’s bestseller Moneyball captured baseball at a technological turning point, this “highly entertaining, very smart book” (James Patterson) takes us inside golf’s clash between its hallowed artistic tradition and its scientific future. The world of golf is at a crossroads. As technological innovations displace traditional philosophies, the golfing community has splintered into two deeply combative factions: the old-school teachers and players who believe in feel, artistry, and imagination, and the technical minded who want to remake the game around data. In Golf’s Holy War, “an obvious hole-in-one for golfers and their coaches” (Publishers Weekly, starred review), Brett Cyrgalis takes us inside the heated battle playing out from weekend hackers to PGA Tour pros. At the Titleist Performance Institute in Oceanside, California, golfers clad in full-body sensors target weaknesses in their biomechanics, while others take part in mental exercises designed to test their brain’s psychological resilience. Meanwhile, coaches like Michael Hebron purge golfers of all technical information, tapping into the power of intuitive physical learning by playing rudimentary games. From historic St. Andrews to manicured Augusta, experimental communes in California to corporatized conferences in Orlando, William James to Ben Hogan to theoretical physics, the factions of the spiritual and technical push to redefine the boundaries of the game. And yet what does it say that Tiger Woods has orchestrated one of the greatest comebacks in sports history without the aid of a formal coach? But Golf’s Holy War is more than just a book about golf—it’s a story about modern life and how we are torn between resisting and embracing the changes brought about by the advancements of science and technology. It’s also an exploration of historical legacies, the enriching bonds of education, and the many interpretations of reality.
Wayne State University Press Words Like Thunder: New and Used Anishinaabe Prayers
Words like Thunder: New and Used Anishinaabe Prayers is a collection of poetry by award-winning Ojibwe author Lois Beardslee. Much of the book centers around Native people of the Great Lakes but has a universal relevance to modern indigenous people worldwide. Beardslee tackles contemporary topics like climate change and socioeconomic equality with a grace and readability that empowers readers and celebrates the strengths of today's indigenous peoples. She transforms the mundane into the sacred. Similar in style to Nikki Giovanni, Beardslee might lure in readers with the promise of traditional cultural material, even stereotypes, before quickly pivoting toward a direction of respect for the contemporaneity and adaptability of indigenous people's tenacious hold on traditions.Made up of four sections, the book is like a piece of artwork. Parts of the word-canvas are quiet so the reader can rest and other parts lead the reader quickly from one place to another, while always maintaining eye contact. More than anything, Beardslee emphasizes the notion that indigenous peoples are competent and wonderful, worthy of praise, and whose modernity is a function of their survival. She writes unapologetically with a strong ethnic identity as a woman of color who witnessed and experienced community loss of resources that defined her culture. Her stories transcend generations, time, and geographical boundaries-varying in voice between first person or that of her elders or children-resulting in a collective appeal. Beardslee continues to break the mold and push the boundaries of contemporary Native American poetry and prose. This book will appeal to a general readership, to people who want to learn more about indigenous peoples of the Great Lakes, and to people who care about the environment and socioeconomic equality. Even young readers, especially students of color, will find parts of this book to which they can relate.
Pearson Education (US) Hacking the Digital Print: Alternative image capture and printmaking processes with a special section on 3D printing
Don’t bother reading this book unless you’re ready to get your hands dirty. In Hacking the Digital Print, artist Bonny Lhotka redefines what it means to be a photographer. For one thing, you don't always need Photoshop to alter the reality you capture through your lens. In this book, you’ll learn how to create unique images using tools you make and modify yourself. Lhotka shows you how to use analog distortion filters, custom textures, and lens modifiers to create images that look like you made them, not an app. You’ll also learn how to re-create classic printmaking techniques using non-toxic digital alternatives, including a water-based transfer solution that’s safe to use anywhere, whether it’s the studio, classroom, or kitchen counter. Anyone can push a button and create a nice print–there is little challenge in getting a high-quality image out of a desktop printer these days. Lhotka shows you how to take your work to the next level by printing on materials such as wood, glass, plastics, and metal. For the truly adventurous, Lhotka shares her custom techniques for taking photographs and applying them to 3D-printed objects created with popular consumer 3D printers. Part artist/part mad scientist, Lhotka has spent many hours experimenting, hacking, and tearing things apart to discover new ways to take, make, and print images. She encourages you to take the techniques you’ll learn in this book, hack them, and make them your own. With some techniques you will fail. It will be messy. You will try and have to try again. But in the process, you will make your own exciting discoveries, find solutions to your own problems, and create a body of work that is uniquely yours.
HarperCollins Publishers Remarkable Bicycle Rides
Remarkable Bicycle Rides includes a wide variety of cycling challenges from the exhilaration of high alpine trails to more gentler touring routes, such as Hadrian’s Cycleway, which crosses from Britain’s Solway Firth to the North Sea following the line of Roman monument Hadrian’s Wall. There are the classic mountain climbs beloved of followers of the Tour de France and the Giro d’Italia, such as the climb to Mont Ventoux in France and the Stelvio Pass in Italy. Still in Italy, there is the mass participation of L’Eorica, a bike tour in traditional costume on vintage bikes. For those wishing to push themselves to the very edge (literally) there is the Yungas Road in Bolivia whose alternative name is El Camino de la Muerte (Death Road). Long-distance trails, such as the Great Divide (Canada/USA) and the Great North Trail (England/Scotland) can form an epic trip of a lifetime, or be tackled in smaller sections. On more robust wheels there is the A-Line single track in Whistler, Canada, and The Whole Enchilada in Moab, Utah. If you like your cycling on a flatter incline, many routes follow old railway beds, such as the Hiawatha and the Katy Trails in the USA, P'tit Train Du Nord (Canada) or the Parenzana which crosses from Italy to Slovenia to Croatia, plus many of the European routes follow great rivers. Also included in over 50 routes; Danube Cycle Path, Ring of Kerry, Iron Curtain Trail, Vasco-Navarro Greenway, Flanders Beer Route, Carretera Austral (Chile), the San Juan Islands, Norway Postal Boat, the Loire Valley, Passau to Vienna, Munda Biddi Trail, Shimanami Kaido (Japan), Route des Grands Crus (Burgundy), Nantes to Orleans, Paris to Mont St.Michel, Great North Trail, Alpine Panorama, Salzach Valley, Otago Peninsular, Route 10 Holland, Garden Route (South Africa), and the Hebridean Way.
Bonnier Books Ltd A Small, Stubborn Town: Life, death and defiance in Ukraine – As heard on BBC Radio 4
A Telegraph Book of the Year, soon to be a BBC Radio 4 dramatisation.'Extraordinary.' Philippe Sands'We are touched by the courage and dignity of Andrew Harding's characters - qualities that the author must surely possess in equal measure.' - Andrey Kurkov'A story of extraordinary heroism by ordinary people. - James Meek'This gripping account is the Russian invasion of Ukraine in microcosm.' - Lindsey HilsumIt's March 2022 and Russian tanks are roaring across the vast, snow-dusted fields of Ukraine. Their destination: Voznesensk, a town with a small bridge that could change the course of the war.The heavily-armed Russians are expecting an easy fight - or no fight at all. After all, Voznesensk is a quiet farming town, full of pensioners. But the locals appear to have other ideas.Svetlana, a grandmother with arthritis, reacts in fury when Russian troops turn her cottage into their blood-soaked headquarters. Valentin, a quick-talking lawyer, joins the town's 'Dads Army' defenders, crouching in a trench with an AK47. Meanwhile, 21-year-old Sergei grabs a Molotov cocktail and lies in wait for Russian tanks as they push towards Dead Water Bridge.The odds are terrible. But a plan is emerging, and there's a chance it could save not just Voznesensk, but the rest of southern Ukraine. Meanwhile, inside the tanks, an inner battle rages. As Russian officer Igor Rudenko prepares to invade, he has a secret. He is Ukrainian himself.A gripping work of reportage that tells the story of a pivotal moment in Ukraine's war, this is a real-life thriller about ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances with resilience, humour and ingenuity.'[Andrew Harding is] one of our most gifted and sensitive journalists' - Jon Snow
Titan Books Ltd Road of Bones
"Tightly wound, atmospheric, and creepy as hell... I loved it." Stephen King Pursued by unknown terrors across the frozen Siberian tundra, a documentary-maker experiences a nightmare journey into the icy darkness in the terrifying new novel from the multi award-winning author. Surrounded by barren trees in a snow-covered wilderness with a dim, dusky sky forever overhead, Siberia's Kolyma Highway is 1200 miles of gravel packed permafrost within driving distance of the Arctic Circle. A narrow path where drivers face such challenging conditions as icy surfaces, limited visibility, and an average temperature of sixty degrees below zero, fatal car accidents are common. But motorists are not the only victims of the highway. Known as the Road of Bones, it is a massive graveyard for the former Soviet Union's gulag prisoners. Hundreds of thousands of people worked to death and were left where their bodies fell, consumed by the frozen elements and plowed beneath the permafrost road. Fascinated by the history, documentary producer Felix "Teig" Teigland is in Russia to drive the highway, envisioning a new series capturing Life and Death on the Road of Bones with a ride to the town of Akhust, "the coldest place on Earth", collecting ghost stories and local legends along the way. Only, when Teig and his team reach their destination, they find an abandoned town, save one catatonic nine-year-old girl and a pack of predatory wolves, faster and smarter than any wild animals should be. Pursued by the otherworldly beasts, Teig's companions confront even more uncanny and inexplicable phenomena along the Road of Bones, as if the ghosts of Stalin's victims were haunting them. It is a harrowing journey that will push Teig beyond endurance and force him to confront the sins of his past.
Chronicle Books Sky Ropes
Three truths and a . . . lie? Breanna is strong. She is confident. She does not have a phobia of heights that comes from a traumatic history of abuse with her father. She will not be participating in her school's required teamwork camp, featuring the Sky Ropes-the highest ropes course in the state. Fast-paced and unforgettable, this story follows one girl's journey to overcome her trauma, discover what friendship really means, and learn that being brave is not always about being fearless. Breanna is certain of a few things: She is strong, tough, and the greatest prankster in her entire district. She doesn't need to meet new people, not when she already has amazing friends like Pascale and Niraj. And she WILL NOT be ascending the ropes course at her school's required teambuilding camp. No, she's not afraid of heights! Breanna is determined to get through the week of camp as quickly as possible, while planning the most epic prank and avoiding even thinking of the Sky Ropes. And as the week progresses, Breanna can't help loving her time in nature, fostering a rivalry with the other competitive softball pitcher, and bonding with the other kids. But as much as she likes to pretend that she isn't afraid of anything, Breanna knows that, come Friday, she will have to face the Sky Ropes-and with it, the fear deeply tied to memories of her father's abuse that she has been fighting to push away. Emotionally rich and tumultuously paced, Sondra Soderborg's debut novel is a story about opening yourself up to new possibilities, understanding what it means to be a true friend, encountering the most difficult truths about your own self-and finding self-acceptance within darkness.
Transworld Publishers Ltd White Fox: The acclaimed, chillingly authentic Cold War thriller
The new novel from a master of the Cold War thriller . . .'This is Robert Harris storytelling territory' Daily Mail'Outstanding' Sunday Times'Tense, exciting and authentic' Charles Cumming, author of Judas 62'Stunning' The Times'Brilliantly plotted' John Sweeney, author of Killer in the Kremlin'A standout thriller' Financial Times1963. In a desolate Russian penal colony, the radio broadcasts news of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy...Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vasin's new posting as director of a gulag camp in the middle of the frozen tundra is far from a promotion. This is where disgraced agents, like Vasin, disappear - sent to die forgotten. And quietly. But tensions in the camp are running high and when a violent revolt breaks out, Vasin finds himself on the run. With him is a mysterious prisoner - who holds the key to the most dangerous secret in the world: who ordered Kennedy's murder.In a breathless race that takes them through the Soviet Union - from the barren Siberian wastelands to the stunning halls of the Katerina Palace and the grey streets of Leningrad and Moscow - Vasin must stay one step ahead of the most ruthless spy and police organizations in the world . . . and keep the most wanted man in Russia alive. It's a journey that will push Vasin's loyalty, morality and his patriotism to the limit. And he must confront the ultimate choice: fall in line, or die fighting the system.With masterful storytelling that weaves together an explosive moment in history with the cutthroat machinations of Soviet politics, Owen Matthews' White Fox captures the paradigm-shifting assassination from a unique Soviet point of view. This is a page-turning thriller - a race against time across Soviet Russia, where the participants face impossible odds and must decide between truth, justice and all-out war.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic History
Volume 34 contains articles on the economic history of Europe, North America and South America and brings new analysis, and newly created datasets to address issues of interest. Two of the papers present newly constructed datasets. In "Prices, Wages and the Cost of Living in Old Republic São Paulo: 1891-1930", Ball presents a newly constructed real wage index. São Paulo was the main destination for immigrants to Brazil in this period, but there has never before been sufficient data to analyse why. In "Multiple Core Regions: Regional Inequality in Switzerland, 1860 to 2008", Stohr uses the wealth of available Swiss data on agriculture and employment to create GDP measures for subregions in Switzerland. He uses these data to argue that aggregate inequality in Switzerland was low in the initial push to industrialization because there were multiple, similar centers industrializing simultaneously, thus mitigating inequality across regions. Two of the papers gather together existing data so that it can be analysed for the first time in a consistent manner. In "The forgotten half of finance: working-class saving in late nineteenth-century New Jersey", Bodenhorn uses previously unexplored consumer surveys to characterize the savings behavior of the working class. And in "Heights across the last 2000 years in England", Galofré-Vilà, Hinde, and Guntupalli gather all existing skeletal data for England for 2000 years to create a consistent longitudinal height series. They compare the series to height series of other regions as well as other measures of well being in England. And finally, in "Monetary Policy and the Copper Price Bust: A Reassessment of the Causes of the 1907 Panic", Rogers and Payne dig into the details of copper prices to discover the link between the Bank of England’s contractionary monetary policy and changes in real asset prices. Their findings have important implications for understanding the mechanisms of monetary policy.
Kent State University Press Cleveland's Cultural Gardens: A Landscape of Diversity
Honoring and embodying the cultural heritages of a region through the beauty of shared outdoor spacesFrom their beginnings as private farmland to their current form as monuments to cultural and ethnic diversity, the unique collection of landscaped, themed gardens that compose Cleveland's Cultural Gardens holds a rich history. John J. Grabowski guides readers through this story, using both archival images and Lauren R. Pacini's stunning contemporary photography to illustrate their development and importance. The effect is a comprehensive view of the factors that made the Cultural Gardens possible, from Cleveland's geographical features to international conflicts.First erected as the Shakespeare Garden in 1916, the land bordering Doan Brook slowly began to incorporate tributes to immigrants, reflecting Cleveland's role as a key location for eastern European immigrants. Through this chronicle of the gardens' changing landscapes, Grabowski shapes a gripping narrative of shifting attitudes toward immigration, both locally and nationally. Throughout both world wars, the Cold War, and more recent events, the gardens' composition has changed to reflect more diversity, now encompassing 33 individual gardens that honor cultures and countries with connections to Cleveland. Today, each garden features plants native to the corresponding culture, from German to Vietnamese and from Ethiopian to Finnish. This vast cultural inclusivity makes Cleveland's Cultural Gardens a forerunner in the push for greater representation of cultures and people of color in memorials and public spaces.The gardens also highlight a growing emphasis on collaboration and coexistence among cultures, as symbolized in the Peace Garden of the Nations and its crypt of intermingled soil from historic shrines around the world. This book will be of interest to field specialists and nonexperts alike for its excellent illustrations and for its discussion of culture, inclusion, and diversity both on a local and national scale.
Cornell University Press Rebel Power: Why National Movements Compete, Fight, and Win
Many of the world's states—from Algeria to Ireland to the United States—are the result of robust national movements that achieved independence. Many other national movements have failed in their attempts to achieve statehood, including the Basques, the Kurds, and the Palestinians. In Rebel Power, Peter Krause offers a powerful new theory to explain this variation focusing on the internal balance of power among nationalist groups, who cooperate with each other to establish a new state while simultaneously competing to lead it. The most powerful groups push to achieve states while they are in position to rule them, whereas weaker groups unlikely to gain the spoils of office are likely to become spoilers, employing risky, escalatory violence to forestall victory while they improve their position in the movement hierarchy. Hegemonic movements with one dominant group are therefore more likely to achieve statehood than internally competitive, fragmented movements due to their greater pursuit of victory and lesser use of counterproductive violence. Krause conducted years of fieldwork in government and nationalist group archives in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, as well as more than 150 interviews with participants in the Palestinian, Zionist, Algerian, and Irish national movements. This research generated comparative longitudinal analyses of these four national movements involving 40 groups in 44 campaigns over a combined 140 years of struggle. Krause identifies new turning points in the history of these movements and provides fresh explanations for their use of violent and nonviolent strategies, as well as their numerous successes and failures. Rebel Power is essential reading for understanding not only the history of national movements but also the causes and consequences of contentious collective action today, from the Arab Spring to the civil wars and insurgencies in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and beyond.
Cornell University Press Rebel Power: Why National Movements Compete, Fight, and Win
Many of the world's states—from Algeria to Ireland to the United States—are the result of robust national movements that achieved independence. Many other national movements have failed in their attempts to achieve statehood, including the Basques, the Kurds, and the Palestinians. In Rebel Power, Peter Krause offers a powerful new theory to explain this variation focusing on the internal balance of power among nationalist groups, who cooperate with each other to establish a new state while simultaneously competing to lead it. The most powerful groups push to achieve states while they are in position to rule them, whereas weaker groups unlikely to gain the spoils of office are likely to become spoilers, employing risky, escalatory violence to forestall victory while they improve their position in the movement hierarchy. Hegemonic movements with one dominant group are therefore more likely to achieve statehood than internally competitive, fragmented movements due to their greater pursuit of victory and lesser use of counterproductive violence. Krause conducted years of fieldwork in government and nationalist group archives in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, as well as more than 150 interviews with participants in the Palestinian, Zionist, Algerian, and Irish national movements. This research generated comparative longitudinal analyses of these four national movements involving 40 groups in 44 campaigns over a combined 140 years of struggle. Krause identifies new turning points in the history of these movements and provides fresh explanations for their use of violent and nonviolent strategies, as well as their numerous successes and failures. Rebel Power is essential reading for understanding not only the history of national movements but also the causes and consequences of contentious collective action today, from the Arab Spring to the civil wars and insurgencies in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and beyond.
New York University Press Networking the Black Church: Digital Black Christians and Hip Hop
Provides a timely portrait of young Black Christians and how digital technology is transforming the Black Church They stand at the forefront of the Black Lives Matter movement, push the boundaries of the Black Church through online expression of Christian hip hop, and redefine what it means to be young, Black, and Christian in America. Young Black adults represent the future of African American religiosity, yet little is known regarding their religious lives beyond the Black Church. Networking the Black Church explores how deeply embedded digital technology is in the lives of young Black Christians, offering a first-of-its-kind digital-hip hop ethnography. Erika D. Gault argues that a new religious ethos has emerged among young adult Blacks in America. To understand Black Christianity today it is not enough to look at the traditional Black Church. The Black Church is itself being changed by what she calls digital Black Christians. The volume examines the ways in which Christian hip hop artists who have adopted Black-preaching-inspired spoken word performances create alternate kinds of Christian communities both inside and outside the walls of traditional Black churches. Framed around interviews with prominent Black Christian hip hop artists, it explores the multiple ways that digital Black Christians construct religious identity and meaning through video-sharing and social media. In the process, these digital Black Christians are changing Black churches as institutions, transforming modes of religious activism, inventing new communication practices around evangelism and Christian identity, and streamlining the accessibility of Black Church cultural practices in popular culture. Erika D. Gault provides a fascinating portrait of young Black faith, illuminating how the relationship between religion and digital media is changing the lived experiences of a new generation of Black Christians.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Operation Black Key: The must-read action thriller from the Sunday Times bestseller
Perfect for fans of Ollie Ollerton, Andy McNab and Stephen Leather - the new compulsive thriller from Sunday Times bestseller and bomb-disposal expert, Kim Hughes GC. THE ENEMY IS CLOSE TO HOME . . . Left reeling from the disappearance of his daughter and ex-wife, Staff Sergeant Dom Riley is a haunted man. After months of investigating, he has exhausted nearly all leads in his hunt for answers. As Riley decides to make one final, desperate push for the truth, it emerges that multiple bombs have been located on board a civilian cruise ship and he is thrown into action in the middle of the ocean. With little information on the person behind the threat other than the alias BaseHeart, Riley must keep his head together if he has any chance of neutralizing the threat. And it’s not long until the first bomb detonates. But it’s not the journey, nor the bombs themselves, that pose the real danger. In fact, in travelling halfway across the Atlantic Ocean, Riley will ultimately learn that the enemy is much closer to home . . .PRAISE FOR KIM HUGHES GC ‘A taut thriller that seizes your attention from the first page’ Daily Express ‘A terrific start to a new series . . . Light the blue touch paper and retire to a comfortable chair’ The Times ‘A powerful tale from an author who knows his stuff. Addictively compelling, you’ll be reading into the small hours’ Alan McDermott, author of the Eva Driscoll thrillers ‘Gripping . . . The plot beautifully twists several parallel and intertwining story-lines together, at pace. There is a bit of something for everyone here: military detail, spy conspiracy, dastardly terrorist plot and the pieces of the jigsaw all fall into place nicely. Thoroughly recommended’ Army Rumour Service ‘Kim Hughes is the man who stands between us and oblivion' Andy McNab, author of Bravo Two Zero
Johns Hopkins University Press The Housing Bomb: Why Our Addiction to Houses Is Destroying the Environment and Threatening Our Society
Have we built our way to ruin? Is your desire for that beach house or cabin in the woods part of the environmental crisis? Do you really need a bigger home? Why don't multiple generations still live under one roof? In The Housing Bomb, leading environmental researchers M. Nils Peterson, Tarla Rai Peterson, and Jianguo Liu sound the alarm, explaining how and why our growing addiction to houses has taken the humble American dream and twisted it into an environmental and societal nightmare. Without realizing how much a contemporary home already contributes to environmental destruction, most of us want bigger and bigger houses and dream of the day when we own not just one dwelling but at least the two our neighbor does. We push our children to "get out on their own" long before they need to, creating a second household where previously one existed. We pave and build, demolishing habitat needed by threatened and endangered species, adding to the mounting burden of global climate change, and sucking away resources much better applied to pressing societal needs. "Reduce, reuse, recycle" is seldom evoked in the housing world, where economists predict financial disasters when "new housing starts" decline and the idea of renovating inner city residences is regarded as merely a good cause. Presenting irrefutable evidence, this book cries out for America and the world to intervene by making simple changes in our household energy and water usage and by supporting municipal, state, national, and international policies to counter this devastation and overuse of resources. It offers a way out of the mess we are creating and envisions a future where we all live comfortable, nondestructive lives. The "housing bomb" is ticking, and our choice is clear-change our approach or feel the blast.
Hay House Inc Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants
Now in paperback! Following the category-dominating success of Witchery, indigenous medicine woman and seer Juliet Diaz initiates readers following the current witchy trends of herbal medicine and magic into a deeper, wilder connection with the ancient healing power of over 200 plants.All it will take is for you to slow down and pay attention to the world around you and, I promise, you will find the world within you.Indigenous seer, gifted plant whisperer, and Witchery author Juliet Diaz invites you to walk the path of the Plant Witch. Journey far beyond the basic medicinal and magical properties of plants, deep into Mother Earth's drumming heart. Drawn from ancestral practices passed down by generations of teachers, the lessons in this book will awaken your intimate connection with nature, your ancestors, your guides, and to your true self through the powerful magic of plants.Within these pages, you will learn:Essential, magical, and medicinal properties of 200 herbs, flowers, trees, and fruits.Rituals for abundance, cleansing, and connecting with spirits.Spells to ward against evil, find answers, and protect against self-sabotage.Potions to open your third eye, bring luck, and promote creativity.Communication techniques for speaking and listening to plants.The optimal moon phases and seasons to work with different plants.Even as humans forget our place in nature's rhythm and cause harm to our Earth Mother, the spirits of plants still call out to us, appear in our dreams, and inspire us as they push through cracks in cement-resilient and determined to thrive. From abre camino and acacia to yucca and ZZ plant, each has unique personality and wisdom to share if we are only willing to listen.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Winning Grants Step by Step: The Complete Workbook for Planning, Developing, and Writing Successful Proposals
Strong grant proposal writing made easy From small startups to established national organizations, nonprofits large and small depend on grant funding to survive and thrive. Winning Grants Step by Step: The Complete Workbook for Planning, Developing, and Writing Successful Proposals has long been the go-to resource for individuals and organizations looking for a clear, easy-to-follow approach to tackling the grant-writing process and winning funds. Now, in this revised Fifth Edition, changes and developments in the not-for-profit sector are integrated into the time-tested grant-writing formula that has proven effective time and again. New to this edition, you’ll find an expanded discussion of the importance of relationship building, social media, and online resources to successful nonprofit funding. The text has also been revised to include guidance for nonprofit program budgets for both foundation and public funding grants. Never before has Winning Grants Step by Step been so easy to comprehend. Updated worksheets and forms will improve your comprehension and make your grant proposals stronger and more successful than ever. Learn the proven step-by-step approach to writing strong grant proposals for foundation grants and public funds Complete worksheets and activities to practice your grant-writing skills and break the process down into easy pieces Understand how to integrate your ideas and insights with research and facts to demonstrate your organization’s potential Learn the best approaches to building relationships and networking both in-person and online to push strong grant proposals into the winner’s circle This guide is perfect as an introduction for the novice grantseeker or a refresher for the more experienced. Whether your organization needs only a thousand dollars or several million, following this step-by-step process will improve your ability to transform an idea that needs financial support into a proposal that deserves to be funded.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Bitcoin Big Bang: How Alternative Currencies Are About to Change the World
Get a handle on the digital currency revolution, and learn how to get on board The Bitcoin Big Bang is a guide to navigating the uncharted territory of digital currency. Written by CNBC contributor Brian Kelly, this book goes beyond Bitcoin 101 to explain how this transformative technology is about to change the world. Digital currency is thrown into perspective against the history of payment systems and its own evolution, as readers are invited to explore the ways in which this technology is already changing the way business gets done. Readers gain insight into the mechanisms behind Bitcoin, and an expert perspective on digital currency's effect on the future of money and the economic implications of the Bitcoin revolution. In the same way that e-mail changed the way we transfer information, the decentralized Bitcoin network is about to revolutionize the business world, the legal profession, and even the role of the government. The Bitcoin Big Bang dives head first into this paradigm shift, allowing readers to: Explore the origins of digital currency Learn the history and evolution of payment systems Discover how the Bitcoin network is facilitating free and instant transfer of value Understand the mining of Bitcoin, and how to invest The digital currency revolution has implications that spread far beyond the finance industry. Anyone who exchanges payment for goods and services is on the cusp of the next big push in societal evolution, and only an understanding of the technology and a clear knowledge of the systems and behaviors at play can fully prepare us for the changes to come. The Bitcoin Big Bang is the go-to guide, helping those who use money use it better.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Risk Management in Banking
The seminal guide to risk management, streamlined and updated Risk Management in Banking is a comprehensive reference for the risk management industry, covering all aspects of the field. Now in its fourth edition, this useful guide has been updated with the latest information on ALM, Basel 3, derivatives, liquidity analysis, market risk, structured products, credit risk, securitizations, and more. The new companion website features slides, worked examples, a solutions manual, and the new streamlined, modular approach allows readers to easily find the information they need. Coverage includes asset liability management, risk-based capital, value at risk, loan portfolio management, capital allocation, and other vital topics, concluding with an examination of the financial crisis through the utilisation of new views such as behavioural finance and nonlinearity of risk. Considered a seminal industry reference since the first edition's release, Risk Management in Banking has been streamlined for easy navigation and updated to reflect the changes in the field, while remaining comprehensive and detailed in approach and coverage. Students and professionals alike will appreciate the extended scope and expert guidance as they: Find all "need-to-know" risk management topics in a single text Discover the latest research and the new practices Understand all aspects of risk management and banking management See the recent crises – and the lessons learned – from a new perspective Risk management is becoming increasingly vital to the banking industry even as it grows more complex. New developments and advancing technology continue to push the field forward, and professionals need to stay up-to-date with in-depth information on the latest practices. Risk Management in Banking provides a comprehensive reference to the most current state of the industry, with complete information and expert guidance.
Stanford University Press Illicit Flirtations: Labor, Migration, and Sex Trafficking in Tokyo
In 2004, the U.S. State Department declared Filipina hostesses in Japan the largest group of sex trafficked persons in the world. Since receiving this global attention, the number of hostesses entering Japan has dropped by nearly 90 percent—from more than 80,000 in 2004 to just over 8,000 today. To some, this might suggest a victory for the global anti-trafficking campaign, but Rhacel Parreñas counters that this drastic decline—which stripped thousands of migrants of their livelihoods—is in truth a setback. Parreñas worked alongside hostesses in a working-class club in Tokyo's red-light district, serving drinks, singing karaoke, and entertaining her customers, including members of the yakuza, the Japanese crime syndicate. While the common assumption has been that these hostess bars are hotbeds of sexual trafficking, Parreñas quickly discovered a different world of working migrant women, there by choice, and, most importantly, where none were coerced into prostitution. But this is not to say that the hostesses were not vulnerable in other ways. Illicit Flirtations challenges our understandings of human trafficking and calls into question the U.S. policy to broadly label these women as sex trafficked. It highlights how in imposing top-down legal constraints to solve the perceived problems—including laws that push dependence on migrant brokers, guest worker policies that bind migrants to an employer, marriage laws that limit the integration of migrants, and measures that criminalize undocumented migrants—many women become more vulnerable to exploitation, not less. It is not the jobs themselves, but the regulation that makes migrants susceptible to trafficking. If we are to end the exploitation of people, we first need to understand the actual experiences of migrants, not rest on global policy statements. This book gives a long overdue look into the real world of those labeled as trafficked.
Stanford University Press The Soul of Design: Harnessing the Power of Plot to Create Extraordinary Products
What makes the Apple iPhone cool? Bang & Olufsen and Samsung's televisions beautiful? Any of a wide variety of products and services special? The answer is not simply functionality or technology, for competitors' products are often as good. The Soul of Design explores the uncanny power of some products to grab and hold attention—to create desire. To understand what sets a product apart in this way, authors Lee Devin and Robert Austin push past personal taste and individual response to adopt a more conceptual approach. They carefully explore the hypothesis that there is something within a "special" product that makes it—well, special. They argue that this je ne sais quoi arises from "plot"—the shape that emerges as a product or service arouses and then fulfills expectations. Marketing a special product is, then, a matter of helping its audience perceive its plot and comprehend its qualities. Devin and Austin provide keys to understanding why some products and services stand out in a crowd and how the companies that make them create these hits. Part One of the book introduces the authors' definition of plot in this context; Part Two breaks down the components needed to build a plot; Part Three describes what makes a plot coherent; Part Four takes on the challenges of making coherent products and services attractive to consumers. Part Four also presents detailed casework, which shows how innovators and makers have successfully brought special products to market. Readers will come away with a sensible and clear approach to conceiving of artful products and services. This book will help managers and designers think about engaging with plot, taking aesthetic factors into account to provide consumers with more special things.
Harvard University Press Phoenix: A Father, a Son, and the Rise of Athens
A Times Literary Supplement Best Book of the YearA vivid, novelistic history of the rise of Athens from relative obscurity to the edge of its golden age, told through the lives of Miltiades and Cimon, the father and son whose defiance of Persia vaulted Athens to a leading place in the Greek world.When we think of ancient Greece we think first of Athens: its power, prestige, and revolutionary impact on art, philosophy, and politics. But on the verge of the fifth century BCE, only fifty years before its zenith, Athens was just another Greek city-state in the shadow of Sparta. It would take a catastrophe, the Persian invasions, to push Athens to the fore. In Phoenix, David Stuttard traces Athens’s rise through the lives of two men who spearheaded resistance to Persia: Miltiades, hero of the Battle of Marathon, and his son Cimon, Athens’s dominant leader before Pericles.Miltiades’s career was checkered. An Athenian provincial overlord forced into Persian vassalage, he joined a rebellion against the Persians then fled Great King Darius’s retaliation. Miltiades would later die in prison. But before that, he led Athens to victory over the invading Persians at Marathon. Cimon entered history when the Persians returned; he responded by encouraging a tactical evacuation of Athens as a prelude to decisive victory at sea. Over the next decades, while Greek city-states squabbled, Athens revitalized under Cimon’s inspired leadership. The city vaulted to the head of a powerful empire and the threshold of a golden age. Cimon proved not only an able strategist and administrator but also a peacemaker, whose policies stabilized Athens’s relationship with Sparta.The period preceding Athens’s golden age is rarely described in detail. Stuttard tells the tale with narrative power and historical acumen, recreating vividly the turbulent world of the Eastern Mediterranean in one of its most decisive periods.
University of Notre Dame Press Yountsville: The Rise and Decline of an Indiana Mill Town
In Yountsville: The Rise and Decline of an Indiana Mill Town , Ronald Morris and collaborators examine the history and context of a rural Midwestern town, including family labor, working women, immigrants, and competing visions of the future. Combing perspectives from history, economics, and archeology, this exploration of a pioneering Midwestern company town highlights how interdisciplinary approaches can help recover forgotten communities. The Yount Woolen Mill was founded during the pioneer period by immigrants from Germany who employed workers from the surrounding area and from Great Britain who were seeking to start a life with their families. For three generations the mill prospered until it and its workers were faced with changing global trade and aging technology that could not keep pace with the rest of the world. Deindustrialization compelled some residents to use education to adapt, while others held on to their traditional skills and were forced to relocate. Educators in the county seat offered Yountsville the opportunity to change to an education-based economy. Both the educators and the tradesmen associated with the mill believed their chosen paths gave children the best opportunities for the future. Present-day communities working through industrialization and deindustrialization still push for educational reform to improve the lives of their children. In the Midwest, many stories exist about German immigrants working in urban areas, but there are few stories of immigrants as capitalists in rural areas. The story of the Yount family is one of an immigrant family who built an industry with talent, labor, and advantage. Unfortunately, deindustrialization, dislocation, adaptation, and reuse were familiar problems in the Midwest. Archeologists, scholars, and students of state and local history and the Midwest will find much of interest in this book.
The University of Chicago Press The Black Ceiling: How Race Still Matters in the Elite Workplace
A revelatory assessment of workplace inequality in high-status jobs that focuses on a new explanation for a pernicious problem: racial discomfort. America’s elite law firms, investment banks, and management consulting firms are known for grueling hours, low odds of promotion, and personnel practices that push out any employees who don’t advance. While most people who begin their careers in these institutions leave within several years, work there is especially difficult for Black professionals, who exit more quickly and receive far fewer promotions than their White counterparts, hitting a “Black ceiling.” Sociologist and law professor Kevin Woodson knows firsthand what life at a top law firm feels like as a Black man. Examining the experiences of more than one hundred Black professionals at prestigious firms, Woodson discovers that their biggest obstacle in the workplace isn’t explicit bias but racial discomfort, or the unease Black employees feel in workplaces that are steeped in Whiteness. He identifies two types of racial discomfort: social alienation, the isolation stemming from the cultural exclusion Black professionals experience in White spaces, and stigma anxiety, the trepidation they feel over the risk of discriminatory treatment. While racial discomfort is caused by America’s segregated social structures, it can exist even in the absence of racial discrimination, which highlights the inadequacy of the unconscious bias training now prevalent in corporate workplaces. Firms must do more than prevent discrimination, Woodson explains, outlining the steps that firms and Black professionals can take to ease racial discomfort. Offering a new perspective on a pressing social issue, The Black Ceiling is a vital resource for leaders at preeminent firms, Black professionals and students, managers within mostly White organizations, and anyone committed to cultivating diverse workplaces.
The University of Chicago Press Why the Wheel Is Round: Muscles, Technology, and How We Make Things Move
There is no part of our bodies that fully rotates—be it a wrist or ankle or arm in a shoulder socket, we are made to twist only so far. And yet there is no more fundamental human invention than the wheel—a rotational mechanism that accomplishes what our physical form cannot. Throughout history, humans have developed technologies powered by human strength, complementing the physical abilities we have while overcoming our weaknesses. Providing a unique history of the wheel and other rotational devices—like cranks, cranes, carts, and capstans—Why the Wheel Is Round examines the contraptions and tricks we have devised in order to more efficiently move—and move through—the physical world. Steven Vogel combines his engineering expertise with his remarkable curiosity about how things work to explore how wheels and other mechanisms were, until very recently, powered by the push and pull of the muscles and skeletal systems of humans and other animals. Why the Wheel Is Round explores all manner of treadwheels, hand-spikes, gears, and more, as well as how these technologies diversified into such things as hand-held drills and hurdy-gurdies. Surprisingly, a number of these devices can be built out of everyday components and materials, and Vogel’s accessible and expansive book includes instructions and models so that inspired readers can even attempt to make their own muscle-powered technologies, like trebuchets and ballista. Appealing to anyone fascinated by the history of mechanics and technology as well as to hobbyists with home workshops, Why the Wheel Is Round offers a captivating exploration of our common technological heritage based on the simple concept of rotation. From our leg muscles powering the gears of a bicycle to our hands manipulating a mouse on a roller ball, it will be impossible to overlook the amazing feats of innovation behind our daily devices.
Yellow Pear Press Modern Embroidery: A Book of Stitches to Unleash Creativity (Needlework Guide, Craft Gift, Embroider Flowers)
Make Your Embroidery Pop with 3-D Techniques“A well-written book that will continue to expand embroidery collections and encourage creativity along the way.” —Sarah Sieg, Library Journal #1 New Release in EmbroideryFollow author and needlework artist Rachael Dobbins as she teaches you how to embroider flowers, portraits, and other 3-D patterns that make your art pop—literally. Using a combination of traditional and unconventional stitching and macramé techniques, Modern Embroidery takes traditional embroidery design to the next level while truly encouraging readers to think outside the box.How to embroider flowers, portraits, and more—like an artist. Embroidery doesn’t have to be flat or about perfection. It can be interpretive, with innovative textures, unconventional color gradients, and movement throughout. In Modern Embroidery, Rachel goes back to basics in order to push the boundaries of traditional needlework. Designed to take you from beginner to intermediate artist, this inspired guide contains new techniques and twenty jaw-dropping embroidery patterns.Textured hand embroidery made easy. An embroidery book like no other, Modern Embroidery makes a unique craft gift or coffee table accessory for anyone passionate about art in new mediums. In addition to beautiful patterns, you’ll discover how to start embroidery projects and how to apply the same techniques to home décor, clothing items, and much more.Inside Modern Embroidery, find step by step embroidery instructions, as well as advice on: How to turn photographs or sceneries into embroidery templates How to create depth and movement How to use color palettes to think outside the box If you want to learn how to embroider flowers or like embroidery books with patterns, stitching books, or modern embroidery designs—such as Embroiderer’s Guild Transfers Collection, Embroidery, or Foolproof Flower Embroidery—then you’ll love Modern Embroidery.
Dynamite Entertainment The Boys Omnibus Vol. 5
Includes both volumes 9 & 10 of this acclaimed series in one volume. All the pieces are falling into place, for the Boys as well as their most mortal enemies. The long-dreaded superhuman conflict is on its way. But first there are secrets still to be uncovered: like the story of the team's first encounter with supergroup The Seven, and the shockwaves from that disastrous meeting that still reverberate today. Hughie, meanwhile, discovers his comrades' hidden history, as their original leader Colonel Greg Mallory takes him through sixty years of the filthiest black operations imaginable. And finally, with good and bad guys teetering on the brink, a shadowy force sets events in motion that will push even Butcher over the edge. The Boys, Vol. 9: The Big Ride collects issues 48-59 of the New York Times Best-Selling series by Garth Ennis, Darick Robertson, Russ Braun and John McCrea, and features all of the covers by Robertson! He could have been a very different man. Billy Butcher, leader of The Boys, once had a chance at another life entirely - when the love of a good woman pulled him aside from his dreadful path of violence and despair. This is the story of Billy and Becky, told by the man himself: from the backstreets of London's East End to the carnage of the Falklands War, from the heights of love to the depths of tragedy. And when he's done, he'll be ready ... to finish things once and for all. The Boys, Vol. 10: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker collects issues 1-6 of the hit mini-series, The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, and features all of the covers by Darick Robertson!