Search results for ""Author Christo"
Penguin Books Ltd The Vinland Sagas
The Saga of the Greenlanders and Eirik the Red’s Saga contain the first ever descriptions of North America, a bountiful land of grapes and vines, discovered by Vikings five centuries before Christopher Columbus. Written down in the early thirteenth century, they recount the Icelandic settlement of Greenland by Eirik the Red, the chance discovery by seafaring adventurers of a mysterious new land, and Eirik’s son Leif the Lucky’s perilous voyages to explore it. Wrecked by storms, stricken by disease and plagued by navigational mishaps, some survived the North Atlantic to pass down this compelling tale of the first Europeans to talk with, trade with, and war with the Native Americans.
Harvard University Press Art of Jazz: Form/Performance/Notes
This catalogue documents the exhibition Art of Jazz, a collaborative installation at the Ethelbert Cooper Gallery of African & African American Art with one section (“Form”) installed at the Harvard Art Museum. The book explores the intersection of the visual arts and jazz music, and presents a visual feast of full color plates of artworks, preceded by a series of essays.“Form,” curated by Suzanne Preston Blier and David Bindman in the teaching gallery of the Harvard Art Museum, ushers in a dialogue between visual representation and jazz music, showcasing artists’ responses to jazz. “Performance,” also curated by Blier and Bindman, guides us through a rich collection of books, album covers, photographs, and other ephemera installed at the Cooper Gallery. “Notes,” curated by Cooper Gallery director Vera Ingrid Grant, fills five of the gallery’s curatorial spaces with contemporary art that illustrates how late twentieth- and early twenty-first century artists hear, view, and engage with jazz.Visual artists represented in “Form” include Matisse, Jackson Pollock, Romare Bearden, and Stuart Davis. “Performance” includes art by Hugh Bell, Carl Van Vechten, and Romare Bearden; additional album cover art by Joseph Albers, Ben Shahn, Andy Warhol, and the Fisk Jubilee Singers; and posters and photographs of Josephine Baker and Lena Horne. “Notes” includes art by Cullen Washington, Norman Lewis, Walter Davis, Lina Viktor, Petite Noir, Ming Smith, Richard Yarde, Christopher Myers, Whitfield Lovell, and Jason Moran.
Indiana University Press Ian Fleming and James Bond: The Cultural Politics of 007
"This is a compelling and important book . . . [that] makes a significant contribution not only to studies of Bond and Ian Fleming but also to studies of popular culture in general." —Michael BérubéThe Cold War agent of pulp fiction and the hero of more than a dozen movies, James Bond, also known as 007, is one of pop culture's most recognizable icons. Doubtless better known from film than from Ian Fleming's novels, the character has become a lightning rod for criticism from all camps. And yet somehow his popularity remains intact.But who is James Bond? Ian Fleming and James Bond: The Cultural Politics of 007 is an entertaining and revealing examination of the many facets of Bond. Before Bond became a cinematic icon, he was the protagonist of a series of thrillers that appeared during the time of Britain's decline as a major power and the heating up of the Cold War. Fleming's character gave expression to biases and anxieties that continue to shape our political worldview in ways both obvious and covert.Fifteen spirited and engaging essays—all new to this volume—cover topics including Bond's Britishness, James Bond and JFK, homosexual panic and lesbian Bond-age, the James Bond lifestyle, and Bond's brands.The contributors are Alexis Albion, Dennis W. Allen, James Chapman, Edward P. Comentale, Vivian Halloran, Jaime Hovey, Aaron Jaffe, Christoph Lindner, Andrew Lycett, Patrick O'Donnell, Craig N. Owens, Brian Patton, Judith Roof, Stephen Watt, and Skip Willman.
HarperCollins Publishers Mr Atkinson’s Rum Contract: The Story of a Tangled Inheritance
Shortlisted for the RSL Christopher Bland Prize 2021 ‘Rarely has family history been so vivid’ JENNY UGLOW ‘An extraordinarily original work’ AMANDA FOREMAN Like many well-to-do Georgian families, the Atkinsons’ wealth was acquired at a terrible cost, through the labour and lives of enslaved Africans. Drawing on his ancestors’ private correspondence, Richard Atkinson pieces together their unsettling story, from the weather-beaten house in Cumbria where they once lived to the ruins of their sugar estates in Jamaica. This extraordinarily original work of detective biography is also a uniquely personal account of one of the most disturbing chapters in Britain’s colonial past.
Abrams Calissons Nougats from Le Roy Rene
Delectable history of Provence’s traditional sweets, with 25 modern recipes The history of the calisson, a traditional French candy, is said to have begun as early as the middle of the 15th century in the Count of Provence, when confectioners created a new treat made out of Provencal almonds. Centuries later, calissons, along with nougats, are still a part of Provence’s gastronomic heritage that is enjoyed today. Calissons Nougats from Le Roy René takes us through this history, from the making of the candy with the harvest of almonds and melons to the secrets and stories of the 100-year-old leading French manufacturer Le Roy René. The book also features 25 modern, accessible recipes combining calissons, black nougat, and white nougat from five prominent chefs: Laila Aouba, Christophe Felder, Patrice Gelbart, Stéphane Jégo, and Georgiana Viou. Filled with beautiful photographs, Calissons Nougats from Le Roy René gives a taste of these renowned confections in a different yet delectable way.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments
Der Sammelband enthält 14 Studien zur paulinischen Theologie und zum Epheserbrief, die Gerhard Sellin in den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten veröffentlicht hat. Innerhalb des Corpus Paulinum liegt ein Schwerpunkt auf der korinthischen Korrespondenz. Behandelt werden zentrale exegetische, traditions- und religionsgeschichtliche Probleme, die in der Forschung z.T. höchst kontrovers diskutiert werden: Das Rätsel der -Christuspartei", Anlass und Hintergrund des Streits um die Auferstehung der Toten, das Wirken des Apollos in Korinth, die Spiritualisierung apokalyptischer Vorstellungen und ihr Verhältnis zur Weisheit. Weitere Beiträge fokussieren die Bedeutung und Funktion des Mythischen bei Paulus, befassen sich mit den kategorialen Voraussetzungen der paulinischen Ethik und fragen nach dem prägenden Einfluss hellenistisch-jëdischen Denkens, wie Philo von Alexandrien es repräsentiert, auf die Theologie des Apostels.Die ëbrigen Aufsätze zum Epheserbrief, der zu den anspruchvollsten und - gerade auch in ökumenischer Perspektive - umstrittensten Texten des Neuen Testaments gehört, zielen auf eine theologische und religionsgeschichtliche Profilierung dieses Schreibens (Adressaten, Intention, Christologie, Ekklesiologie, Ethik). Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass sein Autor umfassende Kenntnisse der paulinischen Briefe und ihrer Theologie besitzt. Trotz signifikanter Modifikationen und des von ihm bewusst wahrgenommenen historischen Abstands zur Pauluszeit erweist er sich als ein genuiner Paulusschëler.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der erste Brief des Petrus
Gerald Wagner und François Vouga bieten eine philologische, literaturwissenschaftliche, historisch-kritische und theologische Auslegung des 1. Petrusbriefes. Den Kommentar kennzeichnet ein besonderes Interesse an der systematisch klaren und im neutestamentlichen Kanon einzigartigen Erwählungstheologie, am rhetorischen Aufbau des Gedankengangs und an der sozialen und politischen Relevanz der dem Brief immanenten Argumentation. Deutlich wird dabei: Der Brief entwickelt eine durchdachte Offenbarungstheologie der Geschichte, die die hohe Verantwortung von Ehefrauen, Ehemännern, Sklaven und Staatsbürgern begründet, im Alltag verändernd auf Mitmenschen und Gesellschaft einzuwirken - gegründet im Vertrauen auf Gott, der Ausgegrenzte erwählt, und nach dem Vorbild des gewaltlosen Jesus. Die Adressaten unterstützen sich gegenseitig als Geschwisterschaft des Hauses Gottes: Sie teilen Konflikte und Sorgen und lernen voneinander für diese Verantwortung. Detaillierte Exegesen, die sich mit den einzelnen Fragen des Textes befassen und mit der neueren, internationalen Auslegungsgeschichte auseinandersetzen, führen zu folgender Hypothese: Der erste Petrusbrief entwickelt eine christologisch begründete reflektierte Strategie des Gewaltverzichts, mit welcher die Christinnen und Christen, die in ihrem Glauben eine Orientierung und einen Sinn ihrer Existenz gefunden haben, von ihrer Hoffnung in ihren Häusern und in der hellenistischen Gesellschaft Rechenschaft ablegen.Für Bibliotheken gelten bei diesem Titel abweichende Konditionen; bitte wenden Sie sich an den Vertrieb.
Groundwood Books Ltd ,Canada A Coyote Columbus Story
A retelling of the Christopher Columbus story from an Indigenous point of view turns this tale on its ear! Coyote, the trickster, creates the world and all the creatures in it. She is able to control all events to her advantage until a funny-looking red-haired man named Columbus changes her plans. He is unimpressed by the wealth of moose, turtles and beavers in Coyote’s land. Instead he is interested in the human beings he can take to sell in Spain. Thomas King uses a bag of literary tricks to shatter the stereotypes surrounding Columbus’s voyages. In doing so, he invites children to laugh with him at the crazy antics of Coyote, who unwittingly allows Columbus to bring about the downfall of her human friends. And he makes the point that history is influenced by the culture of the reporter. Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.3 Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.6 Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events
Princeton University Press Disciplinarity at the Fin de Siècle
Contemporary celebrations of interdisciplinary scholarship in the humanities and social sciences often harbor a distrust of traditional disciplines, which are seen as at best narrow and unimaginative, and at worst complicit in larger forms of power and policing. Disciplinarity at the Fin de Siecle questions these assumptions by examining, for the first time, in so sustained a manner, the rise of a select number of academic disciplines in a historical perspective. This collection of twelve essays focuses on the late Victorian era in Great Britain but also on Germany, France, and America in the same formative period. The contributors--James Buzard, Lauren M. E. Goodlad, Liah Greenfeld, John Guillory, Simon Joyce, Henrika Kuklick, Christopher Lane, Jeff Nunokawa, Arkady Plotnitsky, Ivan Strenski, Athena Vrettos, and Gauri Viswanathan--examine the genealogy of various fields including English, sociology, economics, psychology, and quantum physics. Together with the editors' cogent introduction, they challenge the story of disciplinary formation as solely one of consolidation, constraint, and ideological justification. Addressing a broad range of issues--disciplinary formations, disciplinarity and professionalism, disciplines of the self, discipline and the state, and current disciplinary debates--the book aims to dislodge what the editors call the "comfortable pessimism" that too readily assimilates disciplines to techniques of management or control. It advances considerably the effort to more fully comprehend the complex legacy of the human sciences.
The University of Chicago Press Rethinking Therapeutic Culture
Social critics have long lamented America's descent into a "culture of narcissism," as Christopher Lasch so lastingly put it fifty years ago. From "first world problems" to political correctness, from the Oprahfication of emotional discourse to the development of Big Pharma products for every real and imagined pathology, therapeutic culture gets the blame. Ask not where the stereotype of feckless, overmedicated, half-paralyzed millennials comes from, for it comes from their parents' therapists' couches. Rethinking Therapeutic Culture makes a powerful case that we've got it all wrong. Editors Timothy Aubry and Trysh Travis bring us a dazzling array of contributors and perspectives to challenge the prevailing view of therapeutic culture as a destructive force that encourages narcissism, insecurity, and social isolation. The collection encourages us to examine what legitimate needs therapeutic practices have served and what unexpected political and social functions they may have performed. Offering both an extended history and a series of critical interventions organized around keywords like pain, privacy, and narcissism, this volume offers a more nuanced, empirically grounded picture of therapeutic culture than the one popularized by critics. Rethinking Therapeutic Culture is a timely book that will change the way we've been taught to see the landscape of therapy and self-help.
Editorial Kairós SA El arte de la felicidad 25 lecciones para aprender a vivir felices
Acaso es mi profesión de psiquiatra, mi predilección por lo íntimo o mi interés por la psicología de las emociones lo que me atrae hacia la pintura? No sabría decirlo, pero me gustaría iniciar al lector en esta experiencia y sus beneficios: situarse ante un cuadro, guardar silencio, permitir que la pintura te hable, te posea.En este libro vamos a reflexionar y meditar juntos a partir de veinticinco cuadros: veinticinco imágenes que encarnan los rostros, las formas y los gestos de la felicidad; veinticinco lecciones que proponen avanzar en el camino que conduce a una vida más feliz. Y es que la felicidad se puede aprender.Christophe André
Peeters Publishers Melchisedek (NH IX, 1): Oblation, Bapteme Et Vision Dans La Gnose Sethienne
Comment devient-on Pretre du Tres Haut? Rien de plus aise que d'interroger Melchisedek lui-meme, puisqu'il est eternel, comme son sacerdoce. Entre l'apocalypse de Gamaliel, qui fut a l'origine de sa vocation, et les revelations de mysterieux messagers, qui l'assurent de vaincre a la fin des temps toutes les puissances de ce monde opposees a son ministere, Melchisedek celebre sous nos yeux la liturgie du Grand Pretre celeste: il s'offre en action de graces au Pere du Tout avec tous les siens; il recoit et dispense un bapteme d'eau qui inonde de lumiere celeste et ramene a leurs origines transcendantes les fils de Seth. Demeurant sur terre de l'origine a la fin des temps, il est le maillon le plus proche d'une longue chaine de remontee des ames lumineuses. Par ses nombreuses references christologiques, ses positions antidocetes et son exegese paradoxale de l'Epitre aux Hebreux, ce traite represente un cas extreme de christianisation de la gnose sethienne. Le texte copte etabli par Wolf-Peter Funk ameliore substantiellement celui de l'Editio Princeps (1981). L'introduction de Jean-Pierre Mahe montre la coherence de cet ecrit, qui, sous une apparence apocalyptique, est en fait essentiellement liturgique et communautaire; elle en precise les liens avec la tradition sethienne. Tout en resolvant les nombreuses difficultes que pose la lecture d'un texte extremement lacunaire, le commentaire de Claudio Gianotto eclaire l'interpretation gnostique du personnage de Melchisedek et articule ses rapports avec le Christ des Evangiles et le Sauveur celeste.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Controversia et Confessio. Theologische Kontroversen 1548-1577/80
Vor dem Hintergrund der Kontroverse um die Notwendigkeit guter Werke (Majoristischer Streit, unsere Edition Bd. 3) brachen weitergehende Fragen auf. Im Zentrum des Antinomistischen Streits (1556-1571) stand die Frage nach Funktion, Bedeutung und Gebrauch des Gesetzes und des Evangeliums für das Leben der Christen. Insbesondere war strittig, ob der Mensch nach seiner Bekehrung einer besonderen Anleitung zum gottgefälligen Leben durch das Gesetz bedürfe. Die Diskussion wurde ausgelöst durch den Abschied der Eisenacher Synode von 1556, der die Sorge um die rechte Verhältnisbestimmung von Gesetz und Evangelium ansprach. Verschiedene Aspekte diesesProblems wurden an unterschiedlichen Orten des Reichs besonders intensiv debattiert, wobei die Begrifflichkeiten teils sehr schwankend waren. Der Gefahr von Spaltungen innerhalb der Gemeinwesen durch die andauernden theologischen Streitigkeiten suchten die jeweiligen Obrigkeiten teils durch Vermittlung, teils auch durch Zwangsmaßnahmen entgegenzuwirken, so dass es mehrfach zur Entlassung von Predigern kam. Im vierten Band der Edition "Controversia et Confessio" sind für den Streit bedeutsame Texte von Matthias Flacius, Anton Otho, Nikolaus von Amsdorf, Abdias Praetorius, Andreas Musculus, Joachim Mörlin, Andreas Fabricius, Jakob Sybold, Paul Crell, Johann Wigand, Christoph Pezel und anderen versammelt.
University of Alberta Press Reflections on Malcolm Forsyth
Malcolm Forsyth (1936–2011) was a musical legend: a much-loved composer, performer, teacher, and mentor. Reflections on Malcolm Forsyth presents a captivating and approachable portrait of one of Canada’s finest modern composers. Readers will discover both public and private sides to the man and gain fresh insights from critical assessments of a broad range of Forsyth’s compositions, his continuing popular appreciation, and his lasting influence on the next generation of musicians and music scholars. Drawing from the perspectives of leading scholars, composers, and musicians, as well as on those of family, friends, students, and colleagues, Reflections on Malcolm Forsyth honours the rich life and cultural significance of this exceptional creative mind. It is important reading for music students and researchers, professional performers, and anyone who loves contemporary music. Contributors: Tommy Banks, Allan Gordon Bell, Nora Bumanis, Robin Elliott, Amanda Forsyth, Valerie Forsyth, Allan Gilliland, Carl Hare, Mary I. Ingraham, Edward Jurkowski, Ryan McClelland, John McPherson, Fordyce C. (Duke) Pier, Roxane Prevost, Kathy Primos, Tanya Prochazka, Leonard Ratzlaff, Rayfield Rideout, Robert C. Rival, Julia Shaw, Dale Sorensen, Christopher Taylor
Karnac Books Psychoanalysis and Covidian Life: Common Distress, Individual Experience
Showcasing a diverse range of contributions from psychoanalysts of many different countries and theoretical orientations, Psychoanalysis and Covidian Life, a collective work edited by Howard B. Levine and Ana de Staal, offers readers the opportunity to explore and reflect upon the ways in which the Covid-19 pandemic has begun to influence analytical practice. From the changes imposed on the framework (online sessions) to the impact of the trauma of isolation and the disruption of our social anchoring (required by confinement and health protection gestures), to the challenge presented to the ‘ordinary’ denial of mortality, this book explores the lessons of what the pandemic can teach us about how to understand and treat collective distress individually and puts psychoanalytical tools to the test of the profound psychosocial upheavals that the twenty-first century may hold in store. This book will be of interest to practising and trainee clinicians and anyone with an interest in the all-consuming effects of a global pandemic. Contributions from Christopher Bollas, Patricia Cardoso de Mello, Bernard Chervet, Joshua Durban, Antonino Ferro, Serge Frisch, Steven Jaron, Daniel Kupermann, Howard Levine, François Lévy, Riccardo Lombardi, Elias & Alberto Rocha Barros, Michael Rustin, Ana de Staal, and Jean-Jacques Tyszler.
Astra Publishing House The Dragonbone Chair
From master storyteller and New York Times-bestseller Tad Williams comes the first book in the landmark epic fantasy saga of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn.With The Dragonbone Chair, Tad Williams introduced readers to the incredible fantasy world of Osten Ard. His beloved, internationally bestselling series Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn inspired a generation of modern fantasy writers, including George R.R. Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, and Christopher Paolini, and defined Tad Williams as one of the most important fantasy writers of our time. This edition features a brand-new introduction from Tad Williams' editor as well as the original introduction from Williams himself! “One of my favorite fantasy series.” —George R. R. Martin “Groundbreaking.” —Patrick Rothfuss “One of the great fantasy epics of all time.” —Christopher Paolini BOOK ONE: THE DRAGONBONE CHAIR A war fueled by the powers of dark sorcery is about to engulf the peaceful land of Osten Ard—for Prester John, the High King, lies dying. And with his death, the Storm King, the undead ruler of the elf-like Sithi, seizes the chance to regain his lost realm through a pact with the newly ascended king. Knowing the consequences of this bargain, the king’s younger brother joins with a small, scattered group of scholars, the League of the Scroll, to confront the true danger threatening Osten Ard. Simon, a kitchen boy from the royal castle unknowingly apprenticed to a member of this League, will be sent on a quest that offers the only hope of salvation, a deadly riddle concerning long-lost swords of power. Compelled by fate and perilous magics, he must leave the only home he’s ever known and face enemies more terrifying than Osten Ard has ever seen, even as the land itself begins to die. After the landmark Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy, the epic saga of Osten Ard continues with The Heart of What Was Lost. Then don’t miss the sequel trilogy, The Last King of Osten Ard, beginning with The Witchwood Crown!
Zondervan A Theology of James, Peter, and Jude: Living in the Light of the Coming King
In this volume, Peter Davids offers a comprehensive study of the General or Catholic Epistles of James, 1-2 Peter, and Jude, which are often insufficiently covered in more general New Testament introductions, theologies, and surveys. Before discussing a theology of each of the four letters, Davids first deals with their common aspects—their shared background in the Greco-Roman world and a similar Christology, view of the source of sin, and eschatology—thus justifying their being treated together. In the chapters that follow, Davids embarks upon a theological reading of each letter informed by its social-rhetorical understanding—what they meant in the context of their original cultural settings—including: a survey of recent scholarship, a discussion of relevant introductory issues, a thematic commentary, a treatment of important theological themes, and a discussion of the place of the letter in the biblical canon and its contribution to New Testament theology.The Biblical Theology of the New Testament (BTNT) series provides upper college and seminary-level textbooks for students of New Testament theology, interpretation, and exegesis. Pastors and discerning theology readers alike will also benefit from this series. Written at the highest level of academic excellence by recognized experts in the field, the BTNT series not only offers a comprehensive exploration of the theology of every book of the New Testament, including introductory issues and major themes, but also shows how each book relates to the broad picture of New Testament theology.
Wolters Kluwer Health Savage & Aronson’s Comprehensive Textbook of Perioperative and Critical Care Echocardiography
Thoroughly revised to reflect new advances in the field, Savage & Aronson’s Comprehensive Textbook of Perioperative and Critical Care Echocardiography, Third Edition, remains the definitive text and reference on transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Edited by Drs. Alina Nicoara, Robert M. Savage, Nikolaos J. Skubas, Stanton K. Shernan, and Christopher A. Troianos, this authoritative reference covers material relevant for daily clinical practice in operating rooms and procedural areas, preparation for certification examinations, use of echocardiography in the critical care setting, and advanced applications relevant to current certification and practice guidelines. Contains significantly expanded content on the use of TEE and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in the critical care setting—more than twice the material offered in the previous edition and ideal for Critical Care Echocardiography certification preparation Features new chapters on transcatheter procedures Includes up-to-date information on organizing education and training in perioperative echocardiography and on ultrasound for vascular access, assessment of the patient with endocarditis and using echo during resuscitation, epiaortic and epicardial imaging; endovascular management of thoracic vascular disease, transcutaneous management of valvular heart disease, and more Chapters provide key point summaries and review questions and answers throughout, making it an excellent tool for study and review Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals 1824-1900
`Simply a great work of reference. Future scholars will wonder how anybody managed without the Wellesley Index. It will quietly change the whole nature of Victorian studies.' Christopher Ricks, New Statesman`It is now impossible to think of Victorian literary and historical studies without the benefit of it ... this is a very remarkable achievement indeed ... the complete set will be a monument to the Houghtons foresight, pertinacity and skill.' TLS
The Catholic University of America Press Festal Letters, 13-30
St. Cyril of Alexandria is best known for his role in the Christological controversies of the fifth century. In recent decades, scholars have been attending more carefully to his exegetical legacy. Most of Cyril’s work takes the form of biblical commentary rather than doctrinal treatise. Indeed, during his long career he wrote commentaries on nearly every book of the Bible. Less attention, however, has been given to Cyril’s pastoral work as the Patriarch of Alexandria, perhaps because his commentaries and doctrinal treatises do not reveal much about his daily pastoral duties. Here the Festal Letters are especially helpful.Twenty-nine in all, these letters cover all but three of Cyril’s years as a bishop. The first twelve were published in 2009 ((Fathers of the Church 118(). The present volume completes the set. Festal letters were used in Alexandria primarily to announce the beginning of Lent and the date of Easter. They also served a catechetical purpose, however, allowing the Patriarch an annual opportunity to write pastorally not just about issues facing the entire see, but also about the theological issues of the day. Thus, in these letters we catch a glimpse of Cyril the pastor writing about complex theology in an uncomplicated way. These letters also illuminate other realities of the ancient church in Alexandria, especially the relationship with the Jewish community and the rising influence of asceticism.
University of Notre Dame Press Fleshly Tabernacles: Milton and the Incarnational Poetics of Revolutionary England
In Fleshly Tabernacles, Bryan Hampton examines John Milton’s imaginative engagement with, and theological passion for, the Incarnation. As aesthetic symbol, theological event, and narrative picture of humanity’s potential, the Incarnation profoundly governs the way Milton structures his 1645 Poems, ponders the holy office of the pulpit, reflects on the ends of speech and language, interprets sacred scripture or secular texts, and engages in the radical politics of the Civil War and Interregnum. Richly drawing upon the disciplines of historical and postmodern theology, philosophical hermeneutics, theological aesthetics, and literary theory, Fleshly Tabernacles pursues the wide-ranging implications of the heterodox, perfectionist strain in Milton’s Christology. Hampton illustrates how vibrant Christologies generated and shaped particular brands of anticlericalism, theories of reading and language, and political commitments of English nonconformist sects during the turbulent decades of the seventeenth century. Ranters and Seekers, Diggers and Quakers, Fifth monarchists and some Anabaptists—many of those identified with these radical groups proclaim that the Incarnation is primarily understood, not as a singular event of antiquity, but as a present eruption and charged manifestation within the life of the individual believer, such that faithful believers become “fleshly tabernacles” housing the Divine. The perfectionist strain in Milton’s theology resonated in the works of the Independent preacher John Everard, the Digger Gerrard Winstanley, and the Quaker James Nayler. Fleshly Tabernacles intriguingly demonstrates how ideas of the incarnated Christ flourished in the world of revolutionary England, expressed in the notion that the regenerated human self could repair the ruins of church and state.
Chicago Review Press The Sound of Music: The Making of America's Favorite Movie
When The Sound of Music was released in 1965, it took the world by storm, capturing five Oscars (including Best Picture) and holding the number-one spot box-office record for five years. For millions of viewers, the film is a rare combination of a powerful and moving story, superb music, and breathtaking scenery. The Sound of Music: The Making of America’s Favorite Movie is not only an unequalled tribute to this beloved movie musical but also the most complete behind-the-scenes account of the creation of this Hollywood classic. Through exclusive, in-depth interviews with Robert Wise, Ernest Lehman, Saul Chaplin, Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Kym Karath, Johannes von Trapp, Richard Zanuck, and dozens of other cast and crew members; over 200 stills from the movie’s most memorable scenes; rare snapshots from personal scrapbooks; and papers from the Fox Studio archives, Julia Antopol Hirsch has re-created the magic that is The Sound of Music: Julie Andrews’s “first kiss” with Christopher Plummer, she recalls, was crazy, because neither of them could stop laughing. Plummer’s after hours festivities with the nuns around the piano often went on way into the night. When she rushed up the mountain for the famous opening scene, Julie Andrews kept getting knocked to the ground by the downdraft from the cameraman’s helicopter. Yul Brynner, Walter Matthau, and Sean Connery were all considered for the role of the Captain. Mia Farrow, Sharon Tate, and Richard Dreyfuss auditioned for juvenile roles. Director Robert Wise, under pressure from Fox’s Richard Zanuck for being over budget, almost didn’t finish the location shoot in Austria because it simply wouldn’t stop raining. Now completely updated and in full color throughout, this engaging volume is both an insider’s guide to and a delightful celebration of “the happiest sound in all the world!”
HarperCollins Publishers The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books: Young Columbus and the Quest for a Universal Library
WINNER OF THE 2019 PEN HESSELL-TILTMAN PRIZE The fascinating history of Christopher Columbus’s illegitimate son Hernando, guardian of his father’s flame, courtier, bibliophile and catalogue supreme, whose travels took him to the heart of 16th-century Europe’ Honor Clerk, Spectator, Books of the Year This is the scarcely believable – and wholly true – story of Christopher Columbus' bastard son Hernando, who sought to equal and surpass his father's achievements by creating a universal library. His father sailed across the ocean to explore the known boundaries of the world for the glory of God, Spain and himself. His son Hernando sought instead to harness the vast powers of the new printing presses to assemble the world’s knowledge in one place, his library in Seville. Hernando was one of the first and greatest visionaries of the print age, someone who saw how the scale of available information would entirely change the landscape of thought and society. His was an immensely eventual life. As a youth, he spent years travelling in the New World, and spent one living with his father in a shipwreck off Jamaica. He created a dictionary and a geographical encyclopaedia of Spain, helped to create the first modern maps of the world, spent time in almost every major European capital, and associated with many of the great people of his day, from Ferdinand and Isabel to Erasmus, Thomas More, and Dürer. He wrote the first biography of his father, almost single-handedly creating the legend of Columbus that held sway for many hundreds of years, and was highly influential in crafting how Europe saw the world his father reached in 1492. He also amassed the largest collection of printed images and of printed music of the age, started what was perhaps Europe's first botanical garden, and created by far the greatest private library Europe had ever seen, dwarfing with its 15,000 books every other library of the day. Edward Wilson-Lee has written the first major modern biography of Hernando – and the first of any kind available in English. In a work of dazzling scholarship, The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books tells an enthralling tale of the age of print and exploration, a story with striking lessons for our own modern experiences of information revolution and Globalisation.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Court and Cultural Diversity: Selected Papers from the Eighth Triennial Meeting of the International Courtly Literature Society, 1995
The expression of cultural differences in medieval courtly literature explored. Cultural differences in medieval European literary practice are reflected in many different ways, as this volume illustrates. The essays cover a whole range of courtly topics, in particular questions of context, genre and poetic voice. The five sections explore contexts for courtliness, especially the position of the vernacular poet at or near the court; the ways in which courtly values and political aspirations are reflected in the work of medieval chronicle and romance writers; questions of register, convention, gender, and narrative technique; problems of literary production and reception, particularly the transmission of courtly and quasi-courtly texts among widely differing medieval audiences; and broader issues such as the clues to the courtly mentality provided by peripheral narrative details, the blurring of conventional courtly boundaries, and the perennial fascination of tales with strong folklore or fabliau elements. Dr EVELYN MULLALLY and Dr JOHN THOMPSON are Senior Lecturers at the Queen's University of Belfast. Contributors: GEAROID MAC EOIN, NOLLAIG O MURA-LE, RUPERT T. PICKENS, FRANÇOISE LE SAUX, CATHERINE LÉGLU, BARBARA N. SARGENT-BAUR, AD PUTTER, MICHEL ZINK, DONALD MADDOX, JEANBLACKER, SARA STURM-MADDOX, MICHELLE SZKIILNIK, THEA SUMMERFIELD, HELEN COOPER JOHN SCATTERGOOD, JUNE HALL MCCASH, JOAN BRUMLIK, LESLIE C. BROOKMAUREEN BOULTON, JESSICA COOKE, DIANE M. WRIGHT, G. KOOLEMANS BEYNEN, LORI J. WALTERS, SYLVIA WRIGHT, FRANK BRANDSMA, CARTER REVARD, A S G EDWARDS, HEATHER COLLIER, TERENCE SCULLY, CHRISTOPHER KLEINHENZ, SARA I. JAMES, WILLIAM MACBAIN, SARA I. JAMES, MARY B. SPEER, YASMINA FOEHR-JANSSENS, CAROL J. HARVEY, BART BESAMUSCA, KEITH BUSBY
GEDISA Marshall McLuhan y la realidad virtual
En la década de 1960, Marshall McLuhan fue considerado el pensador más importante desde Newton, Darwin y Einstein. Sin embargo, después de su muerte en 1980 sus investigaciones y predicciones sobre el impacto de los medios de comunicación se juzgaron a menudo como irrelevantes e ingenuas. Sólo en los últimos años el McLuhanismo parece resucitar. Cuáles son las razones de este revival?Christopher Horrocks sostiene en este libro que las transformaciones radicales en los medios de comunicación y las tecnologías audiovisuales han dado un nuevo vigor al famoso lema de McLuhan: El medio es el mensaje. En la actualidad, sus criterios sobre la aldea global y los medios calientes y fríos se han introducido en los discursos sobre el impacto sensorial, psicológico y social de la realidad virtual y el ciberespacio. Marshall McLuhan y la virtualidad analiza el pensamiento de McLuhan en relación con la revolución de la información, valora sus incursiones en la cultura auditiva y
Cinestesia Hiperficcin
Hiperficción es un ensayo multidisciplinar (literatura, cine, videojuegos, artes plásticas, artes escénicas, etc.) realizada al estilo de los libros de ?Elige tu propia aventura?. Cuenta con cinco o más itinerarios posibles de lectura y más de 40 contenidos adicionales. Enlaces a vídeos, documentales, tráilers, entrevistas, reportajes, producciones interactivas y webs, que se pueden visualizar mediante el uso de códigos QR o de la web de la productora cinematográfica y editorial Cinestesia: Este ensayo pretende mostrar la evolución del hipertexto y la hiperficción en la literatura, en el cine y en los videojuegos, en relación con otras artes y disciplinas, a partir de los autores y las obras más destacadas, generalmente no lineales. Desde escritores como Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar, William S. Burroughs, Italo Calvino o James Joyce a cineastas como Luis Buñuel, David Lynch, Jim Jarmusch, Quentin Tarantino o Christopher Nolan. Capítulos que van desde las películ
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Psalmenrezeption in der Passionsgeschichte des Matthäusevangeliums: Eine intertextuelle Studie zur Verwendung, theologischen Relevanz und strukturgebenden Funktion der Psalmen in Mt 26-27 im Lichte frühjüdischer Psalmenrekurse
Das Matthäusevangelium ist von einem dichten Netz an Rekursen auf die Schriften Israels durchzogen. Während Psalmen darin punktuell seit jeher wahrgenommen wurden, liegt mit dieser Studie die erste umfangreiche Darstellung des Gesamtbilds der Psalmenrezeption in der matthäischen Passionsgeschichte vor. Alida C. Euler systematisiert zunächst die Psalmenrezeptionen im gesamten Matthäusevangelium und geht detailliert der Psalmenkenntnis und Psalmenverwendung in der Zeit des Zweiten Tempels nach, bevor sie vor diesem historischen Hintergrund die Psalmenrezeption innerhalb der matthäischen Passionsgeschichte und damit verbundener psalmenrezipierender Textabschnitte analysiert und kontextualisiert. Sie arbeitet nicht nur eine besondere Relevanz der Psalmen für die matthäische Christologie sowie für die Darstellung der jüdischen Autoritäten heraus, sondern kann auch eine strukturgebende Funktion der Psalmen im Matthäusevangelium aufzeigen.
Haus Publishing The Division of the World: On Archives, Empires and the Vanity of Borders
Published here for the fi rst time, Ursula Schulz-Dornburg's historically unique photographs show the Archivo General de Indias in Seville before its reorganisation. Founded in 1785, this is the archive of roughly 300 years of Spanish colonial history in the Americas. It houses 8,000 charts and around 90 million documents-among them Christopher Columbus' logbook and the famous Treaty of Tordesillas which, mediated by the Pope and signed in 1494, entitled the Spanish and Portuguese kings to divide the world between them. With this treaty as a starting point, the historian Martin Zimmermann takes the reader on a journey into the age of discovery and recounts stories of dangerous passages, encounters with the unknown, colonial brutality, the power of the cartographer - and of the insatiable lust to conquer the entire world.
Coffee House Press The Wet Hex
Sun Yung Shin calls her readers into the unknown now-future of the human species, an underworld museum of births, deaths, evolutions, and extinctions.Personal and environmental violations form the backdrop against which Sun Yung Shin examines questions of grievability, violence, and responsibility in The Wet Hex. Incorporating sources such as her own archival immigration documents, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Christopher Columbus’s journals, and traditional Korean burial rituals, Shin explores the ways that lives are weighed and bartered. Smashing the hierarchies of god and humanity, heaven and hell, in favor of indigenous Korean shamanism and animism, The Wet Hex layers an apocalyptic revision of nineteenth-century imagery of the sublime over the present, conjuring a reality at once beautiful and terrible.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Music as Social and Cultural Practice: Essays in Honour of Reinhard Strohm
Essays dealing with the controversial concept of the "work", and how far social and cultural practices are integral to it. The linking theme of the essays collected here is the intersection of musical work with social and cultural practice. Inspired by Professor Strohm's ideas, as is fitting in a volume in his honour, leading scholars in the field explore diverse conceptualizations of the "work" within the contexts of a specific repertory, over four main sections. Music in Theory and Practice studies the link between treatises and musical practice, and analyses how historicalwritings can reveal period views on the "work" in music before 1800. Art and Social Process: Music in Court and Urban Societies looks at the social and cultural practices informing composition from the late Renaissance until the mid-eighteenth century, and interrogates current notions of canon formation and the exchange between local and foreign traditions. Creating an Opera Industry focuses on how genre and artistic autonomy were defined in operas from diverse eras and countries, explaining the role of literature and politics in this process. Finally, The Crisis of Modernity treats nineteenth-century music, offering new models for "work" and "context" to challenge reigning theories of the meaning of these terms. CONTRIBUTORS: AMNON SHILOAH, ANNA MARIA BUSSE BERGER, MARGARET BENT, EDWARD WICKHAM, BONNIE J. BLACKBURN, DAVID BRYANT, ELENA QUARANTA, OWEN REES, ALINA ZORAWSKA-WITKOWSKA, ELLEN T. HARRIS, CHRISTOPH WOLFF, NORBERT DUBOWY, MICHAEL TALBOT, MELANIA BUCCIARELLI, FRANCESCA MENCHELLI-BUTTINI, BERTA JONCUS, MICHEL NOIRAY, MICHAEL FEND, EMANUELE SENICI, FEDERICO CELESTINI, PAMELA POTTER, GIOVANNI MORELLI, JANET SMITH
Plough Publishing House Plough Quarterly No. 19 - School for Life
What we want for schools reveals what we value as a society. “What’s the point of school?” Parents have a stock set of responses, but the question remains unsettled, even two centuries after the Prussians invented compulsory education. The Prussian idea of what a school is for – to mold the populace to serve the state – seems unacceptable today. In vogue, instead, are slogans like “acquiring marketable skills” and “realizing your full potential.” These ideas powerfully shape our culture. Ultimately, they boil down to pursuing one supreme value: individual success in a competitive world. Schools are a mirror of our society as a whole; what we want for schools makes plain what and whom we value in our common life. In the Christian tradition, the life of discipleship is also a school. In this educational community, under the instruction of our one Teacher, we learn not to seek empowerment, but to find strength in weakness; not to out-achieve others, but to serve them; not to pursue our passion, but to obey a call. Also in this issue: poetry by Christian Wiman; reviews of new books by Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris, Francisco Cantú, Leif Enger, Carol Anderson, Stephanie Land, and Susan Wise Bauer; and art by Margaret McWethy, Albrecht Dürer, Raphael, Gérard David, Jackie Morris, Gustaf Tenggren, Sergey Dushkin, Anja Percival, Dmitry Samofalov, Christoph Wetzel, Sherrie York, Cathleen Rehfield, Paweł Kuczyński, and Jason Landsel. Plough Quarterly features stories, ideas, and culture for people eager to put their faith into action. Each issue brings you in-depth articles, interviews, poetry, book reviews, and art to help you put Jesus’ message into practice and find common cause with others.
Bedford Square Publishers The Empire of Night
A Christopher Marlowe Cobb Thriller It is 1915, and "Kit" Cobb is working undercover in a castle on the Kent coast owned by a suspected British government mole, Sir Albert Stockman. Kit is working with his mother, the beautiful and mercurial spy, Isabel Cobb, who also happens to be a world-famous stage actress. Isabel's offstage role is to keep tabs on Stockman, while Kit tries to figure out his agenda. Following his mother and her escort from the relative safety of Britain into the lion's den of Berlin, Kit must remain in character, even under the very nose of the Kaiser.
Little, Brown Book Group The Everyday Fish Cookbook: Simple, Delicious Recipes for Cooking Fish
Foreword by Jean-Christophe Novelli. Fish is high in protein, low in fat - and rich in nutrients. So it is a food we should be eating more of, and including regularly in our meals. The recipes in this book are approachable, flexible and un-complicated, advising on buying, preparation, and freezing as well as cooking. Also included are fish varieties that are often cheaper and less under threat than the most popular fish but offer a delicious alternative, such as pollock, sardines, coley and herring.Contents: Contents; Notes and Conversion Charts; Foreword; Introduction; 1. Soups and Starters; 2. Brunches and Snacks; 3. Cold Lunches and Suppers; 4. Hot Lunches and Suppers; 5. Fish on the Barbecue; 6. Special Occasion Dishes; 7. Accompaniments; Index.
Bristol University Press The Hand Behind the Invisible Hand: Dogmatic and Pragmatic Views on Free Markets and the State of Economic Theory
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND Made famous by the Enlightenment thinker Adam Smith, the concept of an ‘invisible hand’ might be taken to imply that a government that governs least governs the best, from the viewpoint of society. Here an invisible hand appears to represent unfettered market forces. Drawing from this much-contested notion, Mittermaier indicates why such a view represents only one side of the story and distinguishes between what he calls pragmatic and dogmatic free marketeers. Published posthumously, with new contributions by Daniel Klein, Rod O’Donnell and Christopher Torr, this book outlines Mittermaier’s main thesis and his relevance for ongoing debates within economics, politics, sociology and philosophy.
Amberley Publishing Terror and Magnificence
Nicholas Hawksmoor is one of a number of distinguished architects who worked in the seventeenth century. Others included Sir Christopher Wren, Inigo Jones, and Sir John Vanbrugh. But while we remember Wren for St Paul's Cathedral, Inigo Jones for the Banqueting House in Whitehall, and Vanbrugh for Blenheim Palace, Hawksmoor has no major work associated with him, and remains relatively unknown in comparison with his contemporaries. This lavishly illustrated guide to his London churches, including the steeples he designed for Wren's City Churches, also looks at Hawksmoor's life and wider work and includes a guided tour around his churches from former Archdeacon of London David Meara.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Halt's Peril (Ranger's Apprentice Book 9)
Halt's Peril is the ninth thrilling book in John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice series – over eight million sold worldwide.The renegade outlaw group known as the Outsiders has journeyed from kingdom to kingdom, conning the innocent out of their few valuables. Will and Halt, his mentor, are ambushed by the cult's deadly assassins when Halt is pierced by a poisoned arrow. Now Will must travel day and night in search of the one person with the power to cure Halt: Malkallam the Sorcerer.Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, T.H. White’s The Sword in the Stone, Christopher Paolini’s Eragon series and Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Kings of Clonmel (Ranger's Apprentice Book 8)
The Kings of Clonmel is the eighth thrilling book in John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice series – over eight million sold worldwide.The surrounding kingdoms have fallen prey to a religious cult who are spreading confusion and rebellion. The only Kingdom that is uncorrupted is Clonmel, and it is about to fall . . .It is up to Will, Halt and Horace to rid the land of this dangerous enemy and restore order once again. Secrets will be unveiled and battles will be fought to the death . . .Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, T.H. White’s The Sword in the Stone, Christopher Paolini’s Eragon series and Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Burning Bridge (Ranger's Apprentice Book 2)
The Burning Bridge is the second thrilling book in John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice series – over eight million sold worldwide.For years the Kingdom of Araluen has prospered, while the evil lord Morgarath has lived beyond the impassable mountains. But he has not been idle.Now apprentice Will must embark on his most dangerous mission yet. The King's army has been deceived, and are headed for a brutal ambush. And he is the only one who can save them . . .Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, T.H. White’s The Sword in the Stone, Christopher Paolini’s Eragon series and Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series.
Kogan Page Ltd Global Logistics: New Directions in Supply Chain Management
Logistics and supply chain management is at the heart of almost every organization globally, as such, developing a well-rounded understanding of these areas has never been more important. Learn from leading sector specialists about key topics, such as supply chain leadership, resilience, technology, design, and more with this guide. Global Logistics is the comprehensive guide to understanding the international and complex landscape of modern logistics and supply chain management. The book features expertise from over 30 contributors including leading academics, such as Martin Christopher, Alan McKinnon and Steve New, and experienced consultants to leading firms, such as Alan Braithwaite and Patrick Daly. A global approach has been taken, with input from over a dozen countries, and state-of-the-art research is situated alongside expert practical guidance. Covering a range of topics from supply chain strategy, risk management and sourcing to relationship management, resilience and ethics, Global Logistics is essential for those studying or working in logistics and supply chain. Now in its 8th edition, Global Logistics is fully revised and restructured. Readers will learn how to improve logistics, supply chain management and operational effectiveness as well as how to navigate global supply chains, ensure sustainability and engineer for the future. This new edition also covers: - the impact of leadership and talent management in logistics - how to maximize the potential of technology, industry 4.0 and digitalization - the ways in which different types of performance can be measured and optimized
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Habermas and the Unfinished Project of Modernity: Critical Essays on The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity
This collection of ten essays offers the first systematic assessment of Jürgen Habermas's "Philosophical Discourse of Modernity," a book that defended the rational potential of the modern age against the depiction of modernity as a spent epoch. The essays (of which four are newly commissioned, five were published in the journal "Praxis International," and one -- by Habermas -- first appeared in translation in "New Critique" ) are divided into two sections: "Critical Rejoinders" and "Thematic Reformulations." An opening essay by d'Entrè ves sets out the main issues and orients the debate between Habermas and the postmodernists by identifying two different senses of responsibility: a responsibility to act versus a responsibility to otherness (an openness to difference, dissonance, and ambiguity). These are linked with two alternative understandings of the primary function of language: action-orienting versus world-disclosing. This is a fruitful way of looking at the issues that Habermas has raised in his attempt to resurrect and complete the project of Enlightenment. Habermas's essay discusses the main themes of his book in the context of a critical engagement with neoconservative cultural and political trends. The main body of essays offer an interesting collection of points of view, for and against Habermas's position by philosophers, social scientists, intellectual historians, and literary critics. SECTIONS CONTRIBUTORS: "Introduction," Maurizio Passerin d'Entrè ves. "Modernity versus Postmodernity," Jü rgen Habermas. Critical Rejoinders: Fred Dallmayr. Christopher Norris. David C. Hoy. James Schmidt. Joel Whitebook. ThematicReformulations: James Bohman. Diana Coole. Jay M. Bernstein. David Ingram
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Studies in Medievalism XXIII: Ethics and Medievalism
Essays on the modern reception of the Middle Ages, built round the central theme of the ethics of medievalism. Ethics in post-medieval responses to the Middle Ages form the main focus of this volume. The six opening essays tackle such issues as the legitimacy of reinventing medieval customs and ideas, at what point the production and enjoyment of caricaturizing the Middle Ages become inappropriate, how medievalists treat disadvantaged communities, and the tension between political action and ethics in medievalism. The eight subsequent articles then build on this foundation as they concentrate on capitalist motives for melding superficially incompatible narratives in medievalist video games, Dan Brown's use of Dante's Inferno to promote a positivist, transhumanist agenda, disjuncturesfrom medieval literature to medievalist film in portrayals of human sacrifice, the influence of Beowulf on horror films and vice versa, portrayals of war in Beowulf films, socialism in William Morris's translation of Beowulf, bias in Charles Alfred Stothard's Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, and a medieval source for death in the Harry Potter novels. The volume as a whole invites and informs a much larger discussion on such vital issues as the ethical choices medievalists make, the implications of those choices for their makers, and the impact of those choices on the world around us. Karl Fugelso is Professor of Art History at Towson University in Baltimore, Maryland. Contributors: Mary R. Bowman, Harry Brown, Louise D'Arcens, Alison Gulley, Nickolas Haydock, Lisa Hicks, Lesley E. Jacobs, Michael R. Kightley, Phillip Lindley, Pascal J. Massie, Lauryn S. Mayer, Brent Moberley, Kevin Moberley, Daniel-Raymond Nadon, Jason Pitruzello, Nancy M. Resh, Carol L. Robinson, Christopher Roman, M.J. Toswell.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to the Works of Johann Gottfried Herder
New, specially commissioned essays providing an in-depth scholarly introduction to the great thinker of the European Enlightenment. Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) is one of the great names of the classical age of German literature. One of the last universalists, he wrote on aesthetics, literary history and theory, historiography, anthropology, psychology,education, and theology; translated and adapted poetry from ancient Greek, English, Italian, even from Persian and Arabic; collected folk songs from around the world; and pioneered a better understanding of non-European cultures.A student of Kant's, he became Goethe's mentor in Strasbourg, and was a mastermind of the Sturm und Drang and a luminary of classical Weimar. But the wide range of Herder's interests and writings, along with his unorthodox ways of seeing things, seems to have prevented him being fully appreciated for any of them. His image has also been clouded by association with political ideologies, the proponents of which ignored the message of Humanität in histexts. So although Herder is acknowledged by scholars to be one of the great thinkers of European Enlightenment, there is no up-to-date, comprehensive introduction to his works in English, a lacuna this book fills with seventeennew, specially commissioned essays. Contributors: Hans Adler, Wulf Koepke, Steven Martinson, Marion Heinz and Heinrich Clairmont, John Zammito, Jürgen Trabant, Stefan Greif, Ulrich Gaier, Karl Menges, Christoph Bultmann, Martin Keßler, Arnd Bohm, Gerhard Sauder, Robert E. Norton, Harro Müller-Michaels, Günter Arnold, Kurt Kloocke, and Ernest A. Menze. Hans Adler is Halls-Bascom Professor of Modern Literature Studies at the Universityof Wisconsin-Madison. Wulf Koepke is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of German, Texas A&M University and recipient of the Medal of the International J. G. Herder Society.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Dark Shadows - Blood & Fire
A two-hour adventure celebrating 50 years of Dark Shadows! "Some are born with magic, some acquire magic, and others have magic thrust upon them." The year is 1767 and young widow Laura Murdoch Stockbridge is to marry Joshua Collins, heir to the Collins fortune. Meanwhile, Joshua's sister Abigail is in love with disreputable sailor Abraham Harkaway. But the course of true love never did run smooth, especially when the witch Angelique Bouchard is around. For Angelique has been sent back in time and she has one mission - to destroy the Collins family forever. Featuring cast from the original television series, Blood and Fire is a special audio drama to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Dark Shadows with specially composed music and cinematic sound design. Dark Shadows at Big Finish covers a popular range of 50 individual stories, two special four-story seasons, and the acclaimed Dark Shadows - Bloodlust serial series, released twice-weekly over seven weeks in 2015. The original American TV series has been a cult hit for decades, and consists of over 1200 episodes, and a Tim Burton film in 2012 with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter.Recorded in the US and UK, the Big Finish Dark Shadows range use significant casts to tell a wide range of stories. CAST: Lara Parker (Angelique Bouchard), Kathryn Leigh Scott (Patience Collins), Mitchell Ryan (Caleb Collins), Andrew Collins (Joshua Collins), Daisy Torme (Abigail Collins), James Storm (Abraham Harkaway) and Jerry Lacy (Malachi Sands) with John Karlen (Alfred Loomis), Lisa Richards (Euphemia Spencer Stockbridge) & Christopher Pennock (Uriah Spencer Stockbridge).
Liverpool University Press Twenty-First-Century Readings of E. M. Forster's 'Maurice'
This is the first book-length study of Forster’s posthumously-published novel. Nine essays focus exclusively on Maurice and its dynamic afterlives in literature, film and new media during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Begun in 1913 and revised over almost fifty years, Maurice became a defining text in Forster’s work and a canonical example of queer fiction. Yet the critical tendency to read Maurice primarily as a ‘revelation’ of Forster’s homosexuality has obscured important biographical, political and aesthetic contexts for this novel. This collection places Maurice among early twentieth-century debates about politics, philosophy, religion, gender, Aestheticism and allegory. Essays explore how the novel interacts with literary predecessors and contemporaries including John Bunyan, Oscar Wilde, Havelock Ellis and Edward Carpenter, and how it was shaped by personal relationships such as Forster’s friendship with Florence Barger. They close-read the textual variants of Forster’s manuscripts and examine the novel’s genesis and revisions. They consider the volatility of its reception, analysing how it galvanizes subsequent generations of writers and artists including Christopher Isherwood, Alan Hollinghurst, Damon Galgut, James Ivory and twenty-first-century online fanfiction writers. What emerges from the volume is the complexity of the novel, as a text and as a cultural phenomenon.
Duke University Press Feeling Photography
This innovative collection demonstrates the profound effects of feeling on our experiences and understanding of photography. It includes essays on the tactile nature of photos, the relation of photography to sentiment and intimacy, and the ways that affect pervades the photographic archive. Concerns associated with the affective turn—intimacy, alterity, and ephemerality, as well as queerness, modernity, and loss—run through the essays. At the same time, the contributions are informed by developments in critical race theory, postcolonial studies, and feminist theory. As the contributors bring affect theory to bear on photography, some interpret the work of contemporary artists, such as Catherine Opie, Tammy Rae Carland, Christian Boltanski, Marcelo Brodsky, Zoe Leonard, and Rea Tajiri. Others look back, whether to the work of the American Pictorialist F. Holland Day or to the discontent masked by the smiles of black families posing for cartes de visite in a Kodak marketing campaign. With more than sixty photographs, including twenty in color, this collection changes how we see, think about, and feel photography, past and present.Contributors. Elizabeth Abel, Elspeth H. Brown, Kimberly Juanita Brown, Lisa Cartwright, Lily Cho, Ann Cvetkovich, David L. Eng, Marianne Hirsch, Thy Phu, Christopher Pinney, Marlis Schweitzer, Dana Seitler, Tanya Sheehan, Shawn Michelle Smith, Leo Spitzer, Diana Taylor
University of Nebraska Press Kit Carson's Autobiography
"Notice is hereby given to all persons, that Christopher Carson, a boy about 16 years old, small of his age, but thick-set; light hair, ran away from the subscriber, living in Franklin, Howard County, Missouri, to whom he had been bound to learn the saddler's trade. . . . One cent reward will be given to any person who will bring back the said boy.''This notice appeared in the Missouri Intelligencer of October 6, 1826, at about the same time that Kit Carson, in the humble role of "cavvy boy" in Bent's Santa Fé caravan, embarked upon his notable career. Thirty years later, a postgraduate of the University of the Wilderness, and for a decade past a national hero, he was persuaded to dictate to a literate friend his own story of his life to date.The account—as modest and undemonstrative as Carson's feats were remarkable—covers his life as a trapper, Indian fighter, guide, and buffalo hunter up to the fall of 1856. Among the high spots during these years were his trapping expedition to California with Ewing Young (1829–1831), his celebrated duel with Shunar at the Green River rendezvous of 1837, the three expeditions with John C. Frémont (1842, 1843–1844, 1845), his exploits in the Mexican War (l846–1848), and his service as an Indian agent.
Logos Verlag Berlin Mobile Internetfahige Gerate Im Strafrecht
New York University Press Constitutional Stupidities, Constitutional Tragedies
The Constitution is the cornerstone of American government, hailed as one of the greatest contributions of the Western Enlightenment. While many seem content simply to celebrate it, those most familiar with the document invariably find it wanting in at least some aspects. This unique volume brings together many of the country's most esteemed constitutional commentators and invites them to answer two questions: First, what is the stupidest provision of the Constitution? "Stupid" need not mean evil. Thus, a second, related question is whether the scholar-interpreter would be forced to reach truly evil results even if applying his or her own favored theory of constitutional interpretation. The contributors include Lawrence Alexander, Akhil Reed Amar, Jack Balkin, Philip Bobbitt, Gerard Bradley, Rebecca Brown, Steven Calabresi, Lief Carter, Christopher Eisgruber, Lawrence Sager, Marie Failinger, Daniel Farber, James Fleming, Mark Graber, Stephen Griffin, Gary Jacobsohn, Randall Kennedy, Lewis LaRue, Theodore Lowi, Earl Maltz, Michael McConnell, Matthew Michael, Robert Nagel, Daniel Ortiz, Pamela Karlen, Michael Paulsen, Robert Post, Lucas Powe, Dorothy Roberts, Jeffrey Rosen, Frederick Schauer, Michael Seidman, Suzanna Sherry, David Strauss, Laurence Tribe, Mark Tushnet, and John Yoo.