Search results for ""author judith"
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Der Liberalismus der Furcht
Buch & Media GmbH Dobo Landung voll daneben
Buch Verlag Kempen Tricks von Tante Trix
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH In der Schule eingesperrt. Begleitmaterial
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Storchennest in Gefahr Silbenhilfe Schulausgabe
Klinkhardt, Julius Das Antworten verantworten
Droemer Taschenbuch Das Geburtstagsfest Roman
Droemer Taschenbuch Die Deutschlehrerin
tredition Jeremiah
Reclam Philipp Jun. The Trolley Problem Das TrolleyProblem EnglischDeutsch Great Papers Philosophie
MW - Rutgers University Press Contemporary Francophone African Plays An Anthology
John Wiley & Sons Inc Astrophysics: Decoding the Cosmos
ASTROPHYSICS The new edition of the popular textbook for undergraduate astronomers, covers the “how” of astrophysicsAstrophysics: Decoding the Cosmos, Second Edition, describes how information about the physical nature of stars and other celestial bodies is obtained and analyzed to gain a better understanding of the universe. This acclaimed introductory textbook makes the complex principles and theories underlying astrophysics accessible to students with basic knowledge of first-year calculus-based physics and introductory astronomy. Reader-friendly chapters explore physical processes using relevant examples and clear explanations of how radiation and particles are analyzed. Such analysis leads to the density, temperature, mass, and energy of astronomical objects.In the time since the first publication of Astrophysics, the power of telescopes has increased considerably. Reflecting advancements in the field, this new edition includes carefully reviewed and updated material throughout, including recent GAIA satellite results, new information from subatomic particles, neutrinos, and cosmic rays, and brand-new case studies on Gamma-ray bursters, soft repeaters, fast radio bursts, exoplanets, and signals from exoplanetary atmospheres. Retaining its focus on electromagnetic radiation, the second edition now covers more of the ways that information about the universe is acquired, such as particles, gravitational radiation, and meteoritics. This textbook: Describes complex processes in a clear and accessible manner Provides relevant background information on the physics and examples of the theory in practice to place the subject into context Includes new figures, case studies, examples, further readings, end-of-chapter problems of varying difficulty levels, and open-ended “Just for Fun” problems Features a companion website containing information required to solve the designated web-based problems in the text and a range supplementary learning material Astrophysics: Decoding the Cosmos, Second Edition, is the ideal intermediate textbook for second- and third-year undergraduate students in Astrophysics courses, as well as a useful resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students looking to refresh their knowledge in basic concepts.
Cornell University Press The Land of Gold: Post-Conflict Recovery and Cultural Revival in Independent Timor-Leste
In the village of Funar, located in the central highlands of Timor-Leste, the disturbing events of the twenty-four-year-long Indonesian occupation are rarely articulated in narratives of suffering. Instead, the highlanders emphasize the significance of their return to the sacred land of the ancestors, a place where "gold" is abundant and life is thought to originate. On one hand, this collective amnesia is due to villagers' exclusion from contemporary nation-building processes, which bestow recognition only on those who actively participated in the resistance struggle against Indonesia. On the other hand, the cultural revival and the privileging of the ancestral landscape and traditions over narratives of suffering derive from a particular understanding of how human subjects are constituted. Before life and after death, humans and the land are composed of the same substance; only during life are they separated. To recover from the forced dislocation the highlanders experienced under the Indonesian occupation, they thus seek to reestablish a mythical, primordial unity with the land by reinvigorating ancestral practices. Never leaving out of sight the intense political and emotional dilemmas imposed by the past on people’s daily lives, The Land of Gold seeks to go beyond prevailing theories of postconflict reconstruction that prioritize human relationships. Instead, it explores the significance of people’s affective and ritual engagement with the environment and with their ancestors as survivors come to terms with the disruptive events of the past.
University of South Carolina Press A Short History of Greenville
Beginning when Greenville was Cherokee hunting grounds, then following its growth from frontier settlement to village to summer resort, A Short History of Greenville traces the town's political and social changes from Unionism to Secession and from agriculture to textiles to tourism.
Shambhala Publications Inc Teaching Yoga with Intention: The Essential Guide to Skillful Hands-On Assists and Verbal Communication
Shambhala Publications Inc Making Friends with Death: A Buddhist Guide to Encountering Mortality
Peter Lang AG Wissensnetzwerke in Der Klimapolitik
Nova Science Publishers Inc Oysters: Biology, Consumption & Ecological Importance
Nova Science Publishers Inc Top 5 Reports and Testimonies in July 2018
This book is a compilation of significant reports and testimonies issued in July 2018.
Headline Publishing Group Design Monograph: Starck
A design monograph series on the most remarkable architects, designers, brands and design movements of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, each book contains a historical-critical essay discussing the life and work of the subject, followed by an illustrated appreciation of groundbreaking work.With his vivid imagination, wit and flair, Philippe Starck has transformed everyday objects into icons of modern design, heralding in the democratic design movement that has influenced what we buy and how we live. Among instantly recognizable classics such as the long-legged Juicy Salif lemon squeezer and the much imitated Sissi Lamp, Starck has created some of the world's most ground-breaking furniture, interiors, hotels and architecture, all of which are celebrated in this curated selection of images, accompanied by a critical essay of his life and work.
Firefly Books Ltd Story of Flight
The dream of being able to fly is as old as human history. This book, based on the outstanding collection of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C., tells the story of the remarkable people - dreamers, inventors, and pilots - who turned that dream into a reality. Richly illustrated with photographs and illustrations The Story of Flight takes young readers on an exciting journey through time. Here you will read about: - the development of ballooning - the earliest gliders - the Wright brothers' first sustained flights - Charles Lindbergh's solo trip across the Atlantic - Amelia Earhart's courageous flights - other women of flight - the explosion of the airship Hindenburg - the dogfights of World Wars I and II - the early days of air travel - Whirlybirds - Chuck Yeager's blast through the sound barrier - the Apollo astronauts' first steps on the moon - the building of the International Space Station -
AuthorHouse Papas Letters
Grupo Editorial Círculo Rojo SL Madres y madrazas
Editorial CEP, S.L. Manual Gestin de protocolo UF0043 Transversal Certificados de profesionalidad Spanish Edition
Gestión de protocolo (UF0043) es una de las Unidades Formativas transversales presentes en distintos Certificados de Profesionalidad.Este manual sigue fielmente el índice de contenidos publicado en el Real Decreto que lo regula. Se trata de un material dirigido a favorecer el aprendizaje teórico-práctico que resultará de gran utilidad para la impartición de los cursos organizados por el centro acreditado.Los contenidos se han desarrollado siguiendo esta estructura:? Ficha técnica? Objetivos generales y específicos? Desarrollo teórico? Ejercicios prácticos con soluciones? Resumen por tema? Bibliografía
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Conversio Im Wandel: Basler Missionare Zwischen Europa Und Sudindien Und Die Ausbildung Einer Kontaktreligiositat, 1834-1860
Hogrefe AG GRAFINK Grafomotorik und Inklusion
Nurse Tim NCLEXPN Conceptual Review Guide
Every page of this conceptual NCLEX-PN Review Guide contains essential clinical practice to develop the clinical judgment skills needed to be successful on NCLEX the first time. This conceptual review guide is a one-of-a-kind resource that takes you to the bedside of clients to prepare you for NCLEX. In this conceptual process, you will learn more about how the exam looks, what it measures, and how it is scored. Online resources provide you with additional NCLEX®-style questions, including Next Gen style questions. Over 500 Questions 35 Patients Assignments Audio and Video for Stream or Download 163 Exemplars for Prioritization Power Clinical Judgment Questions Focus on the New NCLEX® Mobile-Ready Quizzes and Videos Instructions on how to access online resources are inside the book.
Carolina Academic Press The Tao of Legal Writing
The New Press Mexican Lives
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Diet Trap Solution: Train Your Brain to Lose Weight and Keep it Off For Good
HarperCollins Publishers Inc What Children Learn From Their Parents' Marriage: It May Be Your Marriag e, But It's Your Child's Blueprint for Intimacy
Steidl Publishers Lewis Hine: When Innovation Was King
Ach je Verlag QueerWelten 102023
Ach je Verlag QueerWelten 092022
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Die Kellerschnffler Begleitmaterial
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Storchennest in Gefahr Schulausgabe
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Ein Channel für die Zukunft xlight
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH In der Schule eingesperrt. Schulausgabe
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Verflixter ZuspätTag
Dorling Kindersley Verlag SUPERLESER Willkommen kleiner Hund
Neukirchener Verlag Auf der roten Bank unter der Linde
Piper Verlag GmbH Ich Hannibal
AT Verlag Pfefferminzpesto und Fliedercouscous
AT Verlag Dahlienchips und Berberitzenreis
Verlag f. Anthroposophie Das Abendmahl Vom vorchristlichen Kultus zur Transsubstantiation Beitrge zum Verstndnis des ChristusEreignisses Band 3