Search results for ""author david""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Essentials of Corporate Finance
Sage Publications, Inc Human Resource Management: People, Data, and Analytics
J.R. Collis Publications Excavations at 33-35 Eastgate, Beverley 1983-86
Washington State University Press Spokane and the Inland Empire: An Interior Pacific Northwest Anthology
Essential aspects about the prehistory, history, geography, and architecture of the Inland Pacific Northwest are presented here in one succinct volume. This landmark collection features essays by noted national and regional scholars, such as Donald W. Meinig, Carlos A. Schwantes, Henry Matthews, Clifford E. Trafzer, and Harvey S. Rice.Spokane and the Inland Empire outlines the region's historical geographic systems, Palouse tribal history, characteristics of prehistoric Plateau Indian dwellings, a century of Columbia Plateau agriculture, Spokane's bitter labor disputes that occurred prior to America's entry into World War I, the exceptional architecture of Spokane's Kirtland Cutter, and more. This updated edition includes some new material and has been revised from the original volume published in 1991. Extensive illustrations supplement the text.
CABI Publishing Impact of Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases on Forest Ecosystems
Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases such as ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and chlorofluorocarbons, are all increasing in the atmosphere. These gases are directly affecting biological processes in trees and ecological processes in forests.They are also causing considerable radiant energy to be trapped near the earth’s surface resulting in the so-called “greenhouse” effect which may significantly alter global climate in the 21st century. However, this issue is subject to some controversyThis book provides an authoritative review, written by expert world forest scientists, of what is known about the impact of elevated CO2 and other greenhouse gases on forest ecosystems.
Rizzoli International Publications Mark Rothko: The Decisive Decade: 1940-1950
The first publication dedicated exclusively to Mark Rothko’s art during the critical formative period of the 1940s. Examining the development and artistic exploration of one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century, this unprecedented volume presents the works of American artist Mark Rothko from the 1940s, a time when his most essential development as a painter occurred, dramatically and in a very compact space of time. During this period, Rothko moved from expressive figurative and surrealist canvases to more abstract multiform subjects and finally to his signature abstractions—luminous rectangles of color suspended in space. Richly illustrated with works by Rothko and his contemporaries, introduction by Todd Herman and essays by prominent Rothko scholars, this important new book deepens our understanding of Rothko’s art during this vital period, and that of the mature works that emerged from it.
Holiday House Inc A Picture Book of Louis Braille
Holiday House Inc Rum Pum Pum
Holiday House Inc A Picture Book of Helen Keller
University of Georgia Press Oglethorpe's Dream: A Picture of Georgia
A panoramic view of the state in words and images; Oglethorpe's Dream unites the award-winning photography of Diane Kirkland with the beautifully powerful writing of David Bottoms, Georgia's poet laureate. The result is a stunning portrait of the lands, waters, culture, and people of Georgia. From the sea islands to the cities, from the wiregrass to the mountain forests, Kirkland gives us a gallery of spectacular images showcasing the state in its breadth, beauty, and diversity. Marrying landscape to history, Bottoms gives voice to a people filled with courage, pain, conviction, and, above all, hope. Together they capture the natural beauty of the diverse landscape, the richness of the state's storied past, and the essence of its spirited people. ""Isn't that what you always hoped for,"" Bottoms writes, ""to find a place...and yourself in that place?"" Oglethorpe's Dream helps us all to see a place called Georgia, and there to find something of ourselves.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Facing the Age Wave
In Facing the Age Wave, four experts explain the most significant areas of concern created by the aging of the American population and offer possible solutions.David Wise analyzes the declining participation in the labor force by older Americans and the role played in encouraging this phenomenon by Social Security and the early retirement plans funded by employees. Douglas Bernheim measures the inadequacy of personal saving for retirement and proposes methods to encourage saving for the critical senior years. John Shoven and David Wise describe the taxing of pensions as a disincentive to the most important form of saving in this country. David Cutler presents principles that are key to averting the crisis of looming health care costs.Facing the Age Wave is the product of a symposium of distinguished scholars on the subject of aging in America. The symposium was held in the spring of 1997 under the auspices of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
Baker Publishing Group Out of the Depths – An Unforgettable WWII Story of Survival, Courage, and the Sinking of the USS Indianapolis
A WWII Hero's Miraculous Survival at Sea July 30, 1945: After transporting uranium for the atomic bomb that would soon be dropped on Hiroshima, the USS Indianapolis headed unaccompanied toward a small island in the South Pacific. At 12:14 a.m., she was struck by two Japanese torpedoes, rolled over, and sank. Marine survivor Edgar Harrell vividly describes the horrors of being plagued by dehydration, exposure, saline poisoning, and sharks. This is a story of courage, ingenuity, and faith in God's providence in the midst of the greatest catastrophe at sea in the history of the U.S. Navy.
Rowman & Littlefield The Real and the Ideal: Essays on International Relations in Honor of Richard H. Ullman
A teacher, scholar, practitioner, and publicist, Richard Ullman has been a unique and influential figure in U.S. foreign and security policy over the past forty years. This volume, created on the initiative of some of Ullman's most accomplished former students, is less a summing up of his work than a sort of intellectual kaleidoscope held up to his ideas. The result is a spirited and highly readable set of essays on themes relating to U.S. foreign and defense policy in a period of nearly unprecedented dynamism in the international system. The volume includes contributions by David Gompert, I.M. Destler, Michael Doyle, Michael O'Hanlon, and eight other distinguished scholars and practitioners of international relations. Major issues addressed in The Real and the Ideal include: · Changing international conceptions of state sovereignty, governmental legitimacy and ethics, and their relationship to national influence and power · New roles played by military power, including an exploration of emerging guidelines for the use of force in the defense of norms and values that go beyond traditional definitions of national interest · The domestic context for the setting of U.S. foreign and defense policy, including an analysis of recent and heretofore unpublished polling data regarding the public's propensity to support international engagement · Assessments of the effects of alliance relationships on interstate relations, including case studies of trans-Atlantic relations in the post-Cold War period, the foreign policy of the unified Germany, and relations among China, Japan, and Taiwan · A highly original, revisionist assessment of U.S. foreign policy of liberal isolationism in the 1920s, along with lessons for U.S. statesmen and policy makers today. A Council on Foreign Relations book.
Lexington Books Comparative Political Culture in the Age of Globalization: An Introductory Anthology
With its specific focus on Asia, this anthology constitutes an excursion into the realm of transversality, or the state of 'postethnicity,' which, the book argues, has come to characterize the global culture of our times. Hwa Yol Jung brings together prominent contemporary thinkers—including Thich Nhat Hanh, Edward Said, and Judith Butler—to address this fundamental and important aspect of comparative political theory. The book is divided into three parts. Part One demythologizes Eurocentrism, deconstructing the privilege of modern Europe as the world's cultural, scientific, religious, and moral capital. Part Two traces the rise of Asian thought and the process of East-West cultural hybridization, while Part Three introduces the concept of the 'global citizen.' Jung's anthology reveals a postmodern multiculturalism whose new philosophical matrix transgresses the existing cultural and intellectual typology to offer new understanding of today's pluralistic world.
Arcadia Publishing St. Lawrence University
Penguin Putnam Inc The Legacy of Jim Crow
“A powerful series that fills in the cracks and illuminates the shadows of the past.” –Sherri L. Smith, award-winning author of Flygirl Introducing a new nonfiction series for the next generation of activists, uncovering the hidden history of the United States through an anti-racist lens.The true story of the discriminatory laws and ideas that affected African American life for generations. In the late nineteenth century, white lawmakers in the United States created a set of policies, collectively called “Jim Crow,” that created segregated facilities, like schools and parks, for African Americans in the South. But Jim Crow–type policies didn’t just affect the South. These policies have had far-reaching effects across America, impacting where Black people live, how they’re treated by the criminal justice system, and how they’re portrayed in TV and film. The Legacy of Jim Crow explores the details that have far too often been covered up, along with exclusive interviews with experts, including Pulitzer Prize–winning author Jeffrey C. Stewart.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Invest in Europe Now!: Why Europe's Markets Will Outperform the US in the Coming Years
An insider's guide to investing in Europe With the U.S. market in shambles, investors are looking for other places to put their money. Europe has become the destination of choice, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Using the different perspectives of an author who lives in Europe and an author who lives in the United States, Invest in Europe Now! is one the most informative guides to making money outside North America. It outlines the best ways to take advantage of the rapidly shifting global financial environment and shows you what indicators to follow, what instruments and markets are best poised for growth, and how to avoid various pitfalls along the way. Outlines the safest ways to invest in Europe and secure the returns you desire Written by a unique author team, which represent both the U.S. and European perspective Discusses how some European markets and stocks are relatively more attractive than their American counterparts Throughout this book, David Kotok and Vincenzo Sciaretta reveal the realities of investing in Europe and how you can benefit from doing so.
Penguin Putnam Inc What Is the World Series?
W. W. Norton & Company Games of Strategy
Waterbrook Press (A Division of Random House Inc) A Man's Strategy for Conquering Temptation
University of Washington Press Joseph McDonnell
Joseph McDonnell started out as a figurative sculptor studying under renowned Yugoslav sculptor Ivan Mestrovic, but his major works vary from stark geometric forms to others more loosely connected. They range in size from small to monumental and include mobiles, wall reliefs, and, more recently, an exquisite series McDonnell calls "Ice Cubes." He has a flawless sense of mass and speace that produces an inner logic in the forms he creates. His work in bronze and granite contains overtones of ancient civilizations and their symbolism deals with the primordial objects of life: the sun, the column, the arch. With an in-depth text by the well-known art critic Donald Kuspit and photographs by world-famous photographer of sculpture David Finn and his granddaughter, Rebecca Binder, this book brings McDonnell's unique vision to life through exquisite detail shots that explore the sculptures from many angles.
OUP India Emancipation and the End of Slavery
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany David Chipperfield Architects: James-Simon-Galerie Berlin
Kehrer Verlag Myth And Landscape
Lehmanns Media GmbH Cardiac Surgical Operative Atlas
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig David Medalla: Parables of Friendship.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Einführung in die Technische Chemie
Technische Chemie für Einsteiger ... komprimiert, klar, lernbarDieses kompakte Einführungslehrbuch vermittelt die wesentlichen Grundlagen der Technischen Chemie. Es richtet sich in erster Linie an Studierende der Chemie sowie des Chemie- und des Bioingenieurwesens und setzt lediglich Grundkenntnisse in Organischer, Anorganischer und Physikalischer Chemie voraus. Der Stoff ist in vier Teile gegliedert: I. Grundlagen: Der Weg von der Laborchemie über den Technikums- bis zum Produktionsmaßstab — Prozessverbund der chemischen Industrie — Produktstammbäume — Physikalisch-chemische Grundlagen II. Reaktions- und Trenntechnik: Der Reaktionsteil chemischer Prozesse — Ideale und reale Reaktortypen — Thermische und mechanische Grundoperationen — Vorbereitung von Edukten — Nachbereitung von Prozessströmen — Chemische Fließschemata III. Verfahrensentwicklung: Auswahl chemischer Verfahren für die industrielle Chemie — Optimale Rohstoffe — Umweltaspekte — Heterogene Katalyse — Homogene Katalyse — Wirtschaftlichkeit IV. Chemische Prozesse: Wichtigste Produktgruppen der industriellen Chemie — Verarbeitung fossiler Rohstoffe — Organische und anorganische Basis- und Zwischenchemikalien — Endprodukte — Polymere — Organische Feinchemikalien — Nachwachsende Rohstoffe Die aktualisierte zweite Auflage enthält wesentliche Ergänzungen in den Kapiteln zur Katalyse, zur Verarbeitung fossiler Rohstoffe, zur Olefin- und Aromatenchemie, zur Polymerisation und zur Elektrochemie sowie ein gänzlich neues Kapitel zur Wirtschaftlichkeit chemischer Prozesse. Jedes Kapitel ist kompakt aufgebaut und mit Abbildungen, Gleichungen, Fließschemata, Tabellen, Apparatezeichnungen und Fotos anschaulich gestaltet. Alle Kapitel enden mit einer kurzen Zusammenfassung, den "Take Home Messages". Ergänzt wird jedes Kapitel durch zehn kurze Testfragen, die sich nach sorgfältigem Durcharbeiten des Textes schnell lösen lassen; die Antworten stehen am Ende des Buches. Zu allen Kapiteln findet man Literaturangaben, die sich auf wesentliche Nachschlagewerke und Lehrbücher konzentrieren.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Halliday Physik für natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge: Lehrbuch und Übungsbuch
Das Deluxe-Set aus dem Halliday-Lehrbuch und passendem Übungsbuch für natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge ist der ideale Begleiter für alle, die im Studium Physik lernen und Physik-Klausuren und -Prüfungen bestehen müssen. Es bietet einen Überblick über den Stoff typischer einführender Experimentalphysik-Vorlesungen und wurde auf die Bedürfnisse dieser Studierenden zugeschnitten und gestrafft. Außerdem stellt jedes Kapitel einen ausgeprägten Praxisbezug her, um die Anwendung physikalischer Konzepte zu illustrieren. Für die dritte Auflage wurden die Kapitel nicht nur überarbeitet, sondern didaktisch neu strukturiert: die Lerninhalte sind nun in Modulen organisiert, wobei jede Einheit die Lernziele explizit aufführt und die Schlüsselkonzepte zusammenfasst. So können Studentinnen und Studenten zielgerichtet lernen und den Lernerfolg nach der Lektüre selbst überprüfen. Das Übungsbuch hilft bei der Durchdringung des Stoffs: es enthält die Aufgaben und Lösungen inklusive des ausführlichen Lösungswegs zu mehr als 750 Aufgaben unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrades aus allen Kapiteln des Lehrbuchs.
Braun Publishing AG London - The Architecture Guide
Birkhauser Verlag AG Representations of Finite Groups: Local Cohomology and Support
The seminar focuses on a recent solution, by the authors, of a long standing problem concerning the stable module category (of not necessarily finite dimensional representations) of a finite group. The proof draws on ideas from commutative algebra, cohomology of groups, and stable homotopy theory. The unifying theme is a notion of support which provides a geometric approach for studying various algebraic structures. The prototype for this has been Daniel Quillen’s description of the algebraic variety corresponding to the cohomology ring of a finite group, based on which Jon Carlson introduced support varieties for modular representations. This has made it possible to apply methods of algebraic geometry to obtain representation theoretic information. Their work has inspired the development of analogous theories in various contexts, notably modules over commutative complete intersection rings and over cocommutative Hopf algebras. One of the threads in this development has been the classification of thick or localizing subcategories of various triangulated categories of representations. This story started with Mike Hopkins’ classification of thick subcategories of the perfect complexes over a commutative Noetherian ring, followed by a classification of localizing subcategories of its full derived category, due to Amnon Neeman. The authors have been developing an approach to address such classification problems, based on a construction of local cohomology functors and support for triangulated categories with ring of operators. The book serves as an introduction to this circle of ideas.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Massachusetts General Hospital Guide to Depression: New Treatment Insights and Options
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders, with a lifetime prevalence rate of roughly 20%. MDD is a leading cause of disability and premature death worldwide, leads to greater impairment in work functioning than other chronic medical conditions, and has an estimated annual cost of $210 billion in the US. The proposed text is designed for mental health professionals and will present state-of-the-art treatment options that are used in the Depression Clinical and Research Program (DCRP) at the Massachusetts General Hospital. The text provides different treatment options so that providers can ‘think outside the box’ of conventional interventions. The introductory sections discuss general themes about diagnosing and treating depression. The major body of the book, however, consists of chapters organized under the topics of new medication, new psychotherapy, alternative treatments, and consideration of specific populations and how to modify interventions to best treat these patients. Each chapter begins with a case vignette to illustrate key characteristics of the disorder process or treatment and reviews the history, research support, and new advances of these topics. In addition, the chapters include a description of how to apply this topic in treatment and frequently asked questions and answers. This book will be a unique contribution to the field. Existing guides focus on individual treatments of Depression, or include brief descriptions of interventions as a whole. The DCRP has consistently been a forerunner of clinical treatments for depression and often treats challenging cases of this disorder. This book will provide a practical and useful resource with wide applicability.
Familius LLC Alphatrain
All aboard the Alphatrain! This adorable two-in-one board book features beautifully illustrated animals for every letter of the alphabet and can be read page-by-page as a lap book or be unfolded into a 56" train! (Perfect for play time or room decor!) In addition to the animals, each whimsically designed train car includes fun objects for each letter: Bear eats a banana, Elephant listens to earphones, and Fox wears a fez (of course). As a bonus, the back of each page lists the words of each hidden object so kids can search for them on the front of the car. A handy clasp keeps everything snuggly shut when reading time is over.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainable Development: Economics and Environment in the Third World
This major book makes a significant contribution to the development of economic principles and practice for natural resource management in Third World countries.The 1980s witnessed the second environmental revolution: its theme is 'sustainable development'. This book offers a definition of sustainable development in terms of the non-depletion of natural environments. It investigates the economic implications of sustainability, with special reference to the practice of cost-benefit analysis and problems of accounting for the interests of future generations. The major part of the book is devoted to an analysis of environmental problems in the developing world. The essential ingredients of policy measures aimed at sustainable development are discussed.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC King Tiger vs IS-2: Operation Solstice 1945
This book examines the technology and strategy that defined the outcome of the battles between the King Tiger and the IS-2. The Soviets had been quick to develop tanks that could fight the Tiger on an equal footing, but these were developed as part of a completely different strategy than that employed by the Germans. The King Tiger was a modern marvel, and remained unmatched in one-on-one combat. Technologically superior, with greater firepower and better armour than the Soviet IS-2, the King Tiger was a formidable opponent. However, the IS-2 was lighter, more manoeuvrable and most importantly, far more numerous. With overwhelming numerical superiority the Soviets were able to simply overwhelm their opponents, negating the technical superiority of the King Tiger
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Assessing Disorganized Attachment Behaviour in Children: An Evidence-Based Model for Understanding and Supporting Families
Assessing Disorganized Attachment Behaviour in Children lays out an evidence-based model for working with and assessing children with disorganized attachment and their adult carers: families whose extreme, erratic and disturbing behaviour can make them perplexing and frustrating to work with. The model is designed to identify key indicators and explanatory mechanisms of child maltreatment: disorganized attachment in the child, a parent's unresolved loss or trauma, disconnected and extremely insensitive parenting, and low parental mentalisation. The book also outlines ways of assessing children for disorganized attachment and carer capacity, and proposes interventions. Accessible and practical, this book is essential reading for child protection professionals.
Policy Press The public health system in England
Health systems everywhere are experiencing rapid change in response to new threats to health, including from lifestyle diseases, risks of pandemic flu, and the global effects of climate change but health inequalities continue to widen. Such developments have profound implications for the future direction of public health policy and practice. The public health system in England offers a wide-ranging, provocative and accessible assessment of challenges confronting a public health system, exploring how its parameters have shifted and what the origins of dilemmas in public health practice are. The book will therefore appeal to public health professionals and students of health policy, potentially engaging them in political and social advocacy.
Liverpool University Press Literary Universe in Three Parts: Language - Fiction - Experience
For decades, the Prague School Structuralism assumption of textual autonomy dominated the explorations of Czech literature as well as the context of Czech literary theory. The three authors of this book combined their efforts to move beyond and offer a new conceptual frame. Sharing the structuralist proposition of texts made from words, they focus on the metamorphoses of the modes of representations through the 20th century fiction and its critical reflections. Switching between theoretical considerations and case study interpretations, their essays challenge the notion of autonomous fictional worlds and involve the pragmatic categories of the constructed image of a writer and the aesthetic experience of a reader. The focus on representational status of literary texts combines here with another conceptual frame the performative aspect. The literary texts do not function as mere documents that preserve the traces of existing reality but as objects that construct what their readers conceive as parts of existing reality. Instead of a a depository of meanings, literature is thus perceived as a permanent process of negotiations that uses the institutional power of canonisation, ritualisation or tabooisation. Drawing on contemporary international theory of literature and aesthetics (Searle, Rorty, Davidson, Iser, Greenblatt, White), the authors try to conflate semiotic analyses of textual meanings with the pragmatic notions of historical and readership contexts. The book does not offer a coherent narrative of modern Czech literature development. It chooses the productive texts of Czech literature, occasionally combined with other items of Czech culture (arts, films, TV production) and brings them into comparison with the international context. Such an approach puts aside the traditional assumption of a national context as a major defining criterion, which allows the authors to articulate more generalized abstractions.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Bury St Edmunds and the Norman Conquest
Responses to the impact of the Norman Conquest examined through the wealth of evidence provided by the important abbey of Bury St Edmunds. Bury St Edmunds is noteworthy in so many ways: in preserving the cult and memory of the last East Anglian king, in the richness of its archives, and not least in its role as a mediator of medical texts and studies. All these aspects, and more, are amply illustrated in this collection, by specialists in their fields. The balance of the whole work, and the care taken to place the individual topics in context, has resulted in a satisfying whole, which placesAbbot Baldwin and his abbey squarely in the forefront of eleventh-century politics and society. Professor Ann Williams. The abbey of Bury St Edmunds, by 1100, was an international centre of learning, outstanding for its culting of St Edmund, England's patron saint, who was known through France and Italy as a miracle worker principally, but also as a survivor, who had resisted the Vikings and the invading king Swein and gained strength after 1066. Here we journey into the concerns of his community as it negotiated survival in the Anglo-Norman empire, examining, on the one hand, the roles of leading monks, such as the French physician-abbot Baldwin, and, on the other, the part played by ordinary women of the vill. The abbey of Bury provides an exceptionally rich archive, including annals, historical texts, wills, charters, and medical recipes. The chapters in this volume, written by leading experts, present differing perspectives on Bury's responses to conquest; reflecting the interests of the monks, they cover literature, music, medicine, palaeography, and the history of the region in its European context. DrTom Licence is Senior Lecturer in Medieval History and Director of the Centre of East Anglian Studies at the University of East Anglia. Contributors: Debbie Banham, David Bates, Eric Fernie, Sarah Foot, Michael Gullick,Tom Licence, Henry Parkes, Véronique Thouroude, Elizabeth van Houts, Thomas Waldman, Teresa Webber
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Art and Ideology in European Opera: Essays in Honour of Julian Rushton
Essays highlight the interplay between opera, art and ideology across three centuries. Three broad themes are opened up from a variety of approaches: nationalism, cosmopolitanism and national opera; opera, class and the politics of enlightenment; and opera and otherness. Opera, that most extravagant of the performing arts, is infused with the contexts of power-brokering and cultural display in which it was conceived and experienced. For individual operas such contexts have shifted over time and new meanings emerged, often quite remote from those intended by the original collaborators; but tracing this ideological dimension in a work's creation and reception enables us to understand its cultural and political role more clearly - sometimes conflicting with its status as art and sometimes enhancing it. This collection is a Festschrift in honour of Julian Rushton, one of the most distinguished opera scholars of his generation and highly regarded for his innovative studies of Gluck, Mozart and Berlioz, among many others. Colleagues, associates and former students pay tribute to his work with essays highlighting the interplay between opera, art and ideology across three centuries. Three broad themes are opened up from a variety of approaches: nationalism, cosmopolitanism and national opera; opera, class and the politics of enlightenment; and opera and otherness. British opera is represented bystudies of Grabu, Purcell, Dibdin, Holst, Stanford and Britten, but the collection sustains a truly European perspective rounded out with essays on French opera funding, Bizet, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Verdi, Puccini, Janácek, Nielsen, Rimsky-Korsakov and Schreker. Several works receive some of their first extended discussion in English. RACHEL COWGILL is Professor of Musicology at Liverpool Hope University. DAVID COOPER is Professor of Music and Technology at the University of Leeds. CLIVE BROWN is Professor of Applied Musicology at the University of Leeds. Contributors: MARY K. HUNTER, CLIVE BROWN, PETER FRANKLIN, RALPH LOCKE, DOMINGOS DE MASCARENHAS,DAVID CHARLTON, KATHARINE ELLIS, BRYAN WHITE, PETER HOLMAN, RACHEL COWGILL, ROBERTA MONTEMORRA MARVIN, DAVID COOPER, RICHARD GREENE, J.P.E. HARPER-SCOTT, DANIEL GRIMLEY, STEPHEN MUIR, JOHN TYRRELL.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Exclusion in European Welfare States
Social Exclusion in European Welfare States focuses on the complex relationship between economic welfare, labour market performance and social inclusion/exclusion. The contributors in the volume examine in detail the alleged trade-off between the social and economic capabilities of a society and their impact on the well-being of the citizens. Furthermore, they identify welfare regimes whose policies are more balanced in terms of prioritizing economic as well as social goals and, hence, are more successful in promoting social inclusion along with faster growth.The book attempts to promote a better understanding of the differences in policy regimes and the performances of different regime types in view of their own goals and objectives. Contributors from a broad range of disciplines - economics, sociology and political science - explore the scope for European policy coordination and the form that this should take.The book focuses on a problem that is widely considered to be one of the most intractable and damaging in contemporary European society. It will be invaluable to policymakers in a broad range of fields including employment, social policy, education and social work as well as to economists, sociologists and political scientists engaged in research and teaching in these fields.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Exclusion and European Policy
The purpose of this book is to analyse one of the most pressing social problems of recent years, namely exclusion. The authors bring a richness of perspective, drawing on the experiences of eight European countries and a range of disciplines from law and economics through to social policy and political studies. The EU is a special case worthy of study as it may be that the process of integration actually generates both problems and solutions to social exclusion.The authors focus on what can be achieved by European countries working together and pooling experiences. They show that not only is social exclusion ill-defined but that there are many differing concepts of social exclusion across Europe reflected in health, education, housing and employment. The book reveals the need for a strong dynamic element in policy, producing early and focused action for individuals and groups in society. While rejecting the need for transfers of income between countries, Social Exclusion and European Policy discusses whether there is something extra to be done at the EU level that cannot currently be carried out by member states or through existing co-operation.With its multi-disciplinary approach and emphasis on policy solution, this will be invaluable reading for policymakers within EU institutions, NGOs and scholars and researchers of European studies and social policy protection.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers My Grief Handbook: Why Grief Hurts and How to Cope
Grief can be complicated and painful. Our memories, relationships, good times and worries are unique, and these all affect how we experience a loss. No two people will experience grief in the same way because all of our relationships are specific to us.But there are frameworks for understanding our reactions when someone dies. Lots of people have found it helpful to understand these frameworks, as knowing what's going on with grief can help us find ways to cope with the loss, let go of some of the pain, and find ways to still have a good future.Based on years of research, this book includes some first-hand experiences from people who have been through grief, to show how the ideas could work in real life. However, this is not another person's story. It is a guide to understanding your own. By getting to know how we are processing grief, we can start getting on with it - working alongside it and moving forward.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disadvantaged Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Entrepreneurial ecosystems constructed by disadvantaged entrepreneurs often exist beside, within, and in opposition to 'mainstream' ecosystems focused on high growth high technology entrepreneurial ventures. Disadvantaged Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem addresses the lack of current research concerning disadvantage using an entrepreneurial ecosystem lens, and the failure of entrepreneurship policy to widen engagement in entrepreneurship for disadvantaged people and places. Drawing together issues affecting disadvantaged entrepreneurs as they struggle to access, interact with, and benefit from, the traditional entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE), these findings highlight the importance of their motives for entrepreneurial activity, their resources, and how access to these are affected by issues such as gender and migrant status. The research in this book also suggests policymakers need targeted, supportive, business-support programs taking into consideration the multiple challenges disadvantaged entrepreneurs typically face.
Legend Press Ltd White Thinking: 'Profound' The Sunday Times
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Terrorism and Counter Terrorism Post 9/11
The events of 9/11 gave rise to a new epoch in world history. This Handbook examines how the world order and our understanding of war and peace has been transformed since the global war on terror began. Bringing together expert commentators and academics from Asia, US, Europe and the Middle East, the Handbook of Terrorism and Counter Terrorism Post 9/11 assesses regional responses to terrorism and evaluates the emergence of new threats. This timely reflection on the consequences of the global war on terror considers the future of asymmetric conflict in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, and the evolution of cyber warfare. Providing an analysis of terrorism since 2001, from Al Qaeda to Daesh, and a critical evaluation of counter terrorism and counter insurgency, this Handbook is an essential primer for students, at all levels, researching terrorism, insurgency, global warfare and international relations. It will also benefit defence and security personnel enrolled on postgraduate courses in military academies. Contributors include: B. Ahlhaus, R. Basra, B. Blair, B. Clifford, J. Cook, R. Dellios, C. Duncombe, H. Edwards, P.G. Faber, Z. Gold, M. Groppi, A. Guillaume-Barry, K. Hammerberg, J. Holland-McCowan, S. Hughes, K.E. Irwin, D.M. Jones, I. Kfrir, A. Kiss, D.L. Knoll, B.J. Lutz, J.M. Lutz, P. Mahadevan, J. Maszka, J. McDonald, J. McQuaid, A. Meleagrou-Hitchens, M.-M. Müller, N. Musgrave, A. Powell, W. Rosenau, J. Rovner, N. Sahak, J. Schroden, P. Schulte, M.L.R. Smith, T. Stevens, A.T.H. Tan, C. Ungerer, G. Vale, J.R. Woodier, A. Zingerle
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Reliability for Industry 2
Applied Reliability for Industry 2 illustrates the multidisciplinary state-of-the-art science of experimental reliability. Many experts are now convinced that reliability is not limited to statistical sciences. In fact, many different disciplines interact in order to bring a product to its highest possible level of reliability, made available through today's technologies, developments and production methods. These three books, of which this is the second, propose new methods for analyzing the lifecycle of a system, enabling us to record the development phases according to development time and levels of complexity for its integration. Experimental reliability, as advanced in Applied Reliability for Industry 2, examines all the tools and testing methods used to demonstrate the reliability of the final mechatronic system.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Reliability for Industry 3
Applied Reliability for Industry 3 illustrates the multidisciplinary state-of-the-art science of operational reliability. Many experts are now convinced that reliability is not limited to statistical sciences. In fact, many different disciplines interact in order to bring a product to its highest possible level of reliability, made available through today’s technologies, developments and production methods. These three books, of which this is the third, propose new methods for analyzing the lifecycle of a system, enabling us to record the development phases according to development time and levels of complexity for its integration. Operational reliability, as presented in Applied Reliability for Industry 3, verifies the reliability performance of the mechatronic system in real life through an analysis of field data.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Assessing Adoptive Parents, Foster Carers and Kinship Carers, Second Edition: Improving Analysis and Understanding of Parenting Capacity
Assessing prospective adoptive parents, foster carers, kinship carers and special guardians is an extremely complex task, and one that happens within a pressurized time frame.Currently, assessments draw substantially on interviews, which can generate a lot of information but little analysis to enable professionals to establish a meaningful understanding of parenting capacity. Children with histories of trauma, loss and hurt need to join families in which parents exhibit the ability to be good at relationships, are able to manage their own stress and bond with the child in their care. Now fully updated and expanded to cover the assessment of kinship carers and special guardians, this book combines the latest findings from neuroscience with research on what makes good assessments and provides guidance and tools for making thorough, analytical and effective assessments. With contributions from leading experts including Dan Hughes, Jonathan Baylin, Kim Golding and Julie Selwyn, it will provide you with the information you need to ensure the best possible chance of placement success.