Search results for ""author andreas""
Sage Publications Ltd Understanding Mental Health and Counselling
Understanding Mental Health and Counselling provides a critical introduction to key debates about how problems of mental health are understood, and to the core approaches taken to working with counselling and psychotherapy clients. In drawing out the differences and intersections between professional and social understandings of mental health and counselling theory and practice, the book fosters critical thinking about effective and ethical work with mental health service users and therapy clients. With chapters by noted academic writers and service-user researchers, and content enlivened by activities, first-person accounts and case material, the book provides a key resource for both counselling and psychotherapy trainees and those interested in the broader field of mental health.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch: Wörterbuch der älteren deutschen RechtsspracheBd. XIII, Heft 3/4 - selchen - Sittenrecht.
Was hat Liebe mit Recht zu tun? Wozu diente ein Reilenagel? Was ist ein Schnappreitel ? Diese und andere Fragen beantwortet das Deutsche Rechtswörterbuch, das neben juristischen Fachbegriffen auch Wörter der Alltagssprache in rechtlichem Kontext erklärt. Über 1.200 Jahre Wortgeschichte anhand von Belegen aus der gesamten westgermanischen Sprachfamilie.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch: Wörterbuch der älteren deutschen Rechtssprache.Bd. XII, Heft 9/10 – Schuld–schwedisch
1.200 Jahre Wortgeschichte in Mitteleuropa. Viele Begriffe wie Obsentropf , Birngericht oder Mundraub bekamen im Gebrauch der Rechtssprache ihre besondere Bedeutung. Mit einer Fülle von Quellenfunden aus den verschiedenen Jahrhunderten werden sie hier belegt. Oder was meint der Begriff Schulklopfer ? Diese und viele andere Fragen beantwortet das Deutsche Rechtswörterbuch.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch: Wörterbuch der älteren deutschen Rechtssprache.Band XI, Heft 5/6 – Reichshofratsprotokoll–Reuel
Eine Fundgrube kulturgeschichtlichen Wissens mit insgesamt 120.000 Wortartikeln
The University of Chicago Press Of Maybugs and Men: A History and Philosophy of the Sciences of Homosexuality
A much-needed exploration of the history and philosophy of scientific research into male homosexuality. Questions about the naturalness or unnaturalness of homosexuality are as old as the hills, and the answers have often been used to condemn homosexuals, their behaviors, and their relationships. In the past two centuries, a number of sciences have involved themselves in this debate, introducing new vocabularies, theories, arguments, and data, many of which have gradually helped tip the balance toward tolerance and even acceptance. In this book, philosophers Pieter R. Adriaens and Andreas De Block explore the history and philosophy of the gay sciences, revealing how individual and societal values have colored how we think about homosexuality. The authors unpack the entanglement of facts and values in studies of male homosexuality across the natural and human sciences and consider the extent to which science has mitigated or reinforced homonegative mores. The focus of the book is on homosexuality’s assumed naturalness. Geneticists rephrased naturalness as innateness, claiming that homosexuality is innate—colloquially, that homosexuals are born gay. Zoologists thought it a natural affair, documenting its existence in myriad animal species, from maybugs to men. Evolutionists presented homosexuality as the product of natural selection and speculated about its adaptive value. Finally, psychiatrists, who initially pathologized homosexuality, eventually appealed to its naturalness or innateness to normalize it. Discussing findings from an array of sciences—comparative zoology, psychiatry, anthropology, evolutionary biology, social psychology, developmental biology, and machine learning—this book is essential reading for anyone interested in what science has to say about homosexuality.
Zondervan A Theology of Paul and His Letters: The Gift of the New Realm in Christ
A landmark study of the apostle's writings by one of the world's leading Pauline scholars.Winner of the 2022 ECPA Christian Book Award for Bible Reference WorksThis highly anticipated volume gives pastors, scholars, and all serious students of the New Testament exactly what they need for in-depth study and engagement with one of Christian history's most formative thinkers and writers. A Theology of Paul and His Letters is a landmark study of the apostle's writings by one of the world's leading Pauline scholars Douglas J. Moo. Fifteen years in the making, this groundbreaking work is organized into three major sections: Part 1 provides an overview of the issues involved in doing biblical theology in general and a Pauline theology in particular. Here Moo also sets out the methodological issues, formative influences, and conceptual categories of Paul's thought. Part 2 moves on to Paul's New Testament writings, where Moo describes each Pauline letter with particular relevance to its theology. Part 3 offers a masterful synthesis of Paul’s theology under the overarching theme of the gift of the new realm in Christ. Engaging, insightful, and wise, this substantive, evangelical treatment of Paul's theology offers extensive engagement with the latest Pauline scholarship without sacrificing its readability. This volume brings insights from over thirty years of experience studying, teaching, and writing about Paul into one comprehensive guide that will serve readers as a go-to resource for decades to come.ABOUT THE SERIES: The Biblical Theology of the New Testament (BTNT) series provides upper college and seminary-level textbooks for students of New Testament theology, interpretation, and exegesis. Pastors and discerning theology readers alike will also benefit from this series. Written at the highest level of academic excellence by recognized experts in the field, the BTNT series not only offers a comprehensive exploration of the theology of every book of the New Testament, including introductory issues and major themes, but also shows how each book relates to the broad picture of New Testament Theology. "Moo has produced here a massive and monumental work on Pauline theology that will teach readers for decades to come.” —Rev. Michael F. Bird (PhD University of Queensland), Academic Dean and Lecturer in Theology, Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia"Doug Moo’s A Theology of Paul and His Letters is a book all scholars and pastors should have on their shelves. It gives a sane and very well-reasoned interpretation of the key topics in Paul’s theology ... the “New Perspective,” justification, grace, and the necessary transformation of true believers."—G. K. Beale, Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary
Kapon Editions I. Vikelas: Bilingual edition, Greek/English
This volume presents architectural syntheses distinctive of the oeuvre of architect Ioannis Vikelas. The selection is based on chronological rather than thematic criteria, so giving a diachronic picture of Vikelas' work and enabling the reader to follow the changes occurring in the design and the construction of architectural projects over time. In the course of his fifty-year career (1959-2009) Vikelas has prepared studies for a large number of buildings of various architectural types and supervised their construction. The book presents urban ensembles, residential complexes, villas, office blocks, high-rise buildings, government ministries, town halls, libraries, museums, educational foundations, hospitals, industrial buildings, churches, exhibition pavilions, shops and department stores, banks, malls, cinemas, sports facilities, hotels, marinas, airports, churches, monumental tombs, public parks and squares. The concise description of each building, accompanied by plans and certain details regarding its function, is complemented by abundant photographs. Greek and English bilingual. 600 illus., mainly colour.
Sandstein Verlag Imagination Und Anschauung: Agyptenrezeption Und Agyptenreisen in Der Ersten Halfte Des 20. Jahrhunderts
V&R unipress GmbH Eckert. Die Schriftenreihe.: Die Umbruchjahre 1968 und 1989 in deutschen und tschechischen GeschichtsschulbÃ"chern
Schnell & Steiner Mayen / Eifel: St. Clemens
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Projektbericht 12 Von Der Notwendigkeit Der Militarwissenschaften: On the Necessity of Military Science
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Jahrbuch Der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik / Jahrbuch Der Osterreichischen Byzantinistik Band 60/2010
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 14th European Conference, ECDL 2010, Glasgow, UK, September 6-10, 2010, Proceedings
In the 14 years since its ?rst edition back in 1997, the European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL) has become the reference meeting for an interdisciplinary community of researchers and practitioners whose professional activities revolve around the theme of d- th ital libraries. This volume contains the proceedings of ECDL 2010, the 14 conference in this series, which, following Pisa (1997), Heraklion (1998), Paris (1999),Lisbon(2000),Darmstadt(2001),Rome(2002),Trondheim(2003),Bath (2004), Vienna (2005), Alicante (2006), Budapest (2007), Aarhus (2008), and Corfu (2009), was held in Glasgow, UK, during September 6–10, 2010. th Asidefrombeingthe14 edition of ECDL, this was also the last, at least with this name since starting with 2011, ECDL will be renamed (so as to avoid acronym con?icts with the European Computer Driving Licence) to TPLD, standing for the Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. We hope you all will join us for TPDL 2011 in Berlin! For ECDL 2010 separate calls for papers, posters and demos were issued, - sulting in the submission to the conference of 102 full papers, 40 posters and 13 demos. This year, for the full papers, ECDL experimented with a novel, two-tier reviewing model, with the aim of further improving the quality of the resu- ing program. A ?rst-tier Program Committee of 87 members was formed, and a further Senior Program Committee composed of 15 senior members of the DL community was set up.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Konsens Und Konflikt: Demokratische Transformation in Der Weimarer Und Bonner Republik
Aschendorff Verlag Sterben & Toten Fur Gott?: Das Martyrium in Spatantike Und Fruhem Mittelalter. Internationale Tagung in ROM Vom 20. Bis 23. Februar 2019
Theologischer Verlag Reformierter Abendmahlsgottesdienst: Partitur Zum Pop-Gottesdienst
Theologischer Verlag Wie Klingt Reformiert?: Arbeiten Zu Liturgie Und Musik
Theologischer Verlag Erfassen - Deuten - Urteilen: Empirische Zugange Zur Religionsforschung
Theologischer Verlag Reformierte Liturgik - Kontrovers
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Rechtsgeschichte, Kirchenrecht, Rechtsphilosophie: Zum Werk Peter Landaus
Peter Landau (1935-2019) war ein vielseitig an den Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaften interessierter Gelehrter, der an den Universitäten Regensburg und München als Ordinarius wirkte. Seine maßgeblichen Forschungsbeiträge liegen im mittelalterlichen kanonischen Recht, dem evangelischen Kirchenrecht der Neuzeit sowie in der Rechtsphilosophie des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Der fachliche wie persönliche internationale Austausch, gerade auch mit Kollegen an europäischen wie an nordamerikanischen Universitäten, war ihm besonders wichtig. Diesen förderte er in unterschiedlichen Positionen, etwa über die Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, aber auch als Herausgeber des Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law.Die Aufsätze des Bandes würdigen ihn als Forscherpersönlichkeit und beleuchten seine vielfältigen Leistungen in diesen Kontexten, indem sie seine bleibenden Beiträge in den jeweiligen Forschungsdiskurs einordnen.
De Gruyter Pretsch - Rauh
De Gruyter Knecht - Kretzner
SAP Press Advanced Variant Configuration with SAP S/4HANA
Use SAP S/4HANA for advanced variant configuration to meet the individual requirements of your customers! Perform product modeling, from creating a configurable material and managing master data to setting up object dependencies, variant pricing, and material variants. Discover the most important integration points, including microservices on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP), SAP Commerce Cloud, SAP CPQ, and more. Incorporate industry best practices to get the most out of your AVC system!Highlights include:1) Configurable materials2) Master data3) Configuration profiles4) Object dependencies5) Variant pricing6) Material variants7) Integration8) Best practices9) Case studies
John Wiley & Sons Inc Green Communications: Principles, Concepts and Practice
This book provides a comprehensive view of green communications considering all areas of ICT including wireless and wired networks. It analyses particular concepts and practices, addressing holistic approaches in future networks considering a system perspective. It makes full use of tables, illustrations, performance graphs, case studies and examples making it accessible for a wide audience.
Steidl Publishers Evelyn Hofer: Dublin
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Medienstrafrecht
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Eeg: Handkommentar
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Gott Erfahren - Wie Soll Das Gehen?
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Krankenhaus-Report 2021: Versorgungsketten – Der Patient im Mittelpunkt
Der Krankenhaus-Report, der jährlich als Buch und als Open-Access-Publikation erscheint, greift 2021 das Schwerpunktthema „Versorgungsketten – Der Patient im Mittelpunkt“ auf. Dem sektoral getrennt organisierten deutschen Gesundheitssystem bescheinigen Experten immer wieder Verbesserungspotenziale, sowohl im Blick auf die Qualität als auch auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Leistungserbringung. Vor diesem Hintergrund beleuchtet der Krankenhaus-Report 2021 die Versorgungsprozesse vom Krankenhauszugang bis zu den Herausforderungen der Anschlussversorgung; Schnittstellenprobleme werden in den Blick genommen. Weitere Beiträge thematisieren die krankenhauspolitisch-organisatorischen Herausforderungen rund um Versorgungsplanung und -steuerung sowie die Implementierung der Qualitätssicherung.Aus dem InhaltDer Krankenhaus-Report 2021 thematisiert unter anderem: Versorgungsprozesse im internationalen Vergleich Zuweisung und Patientennavigation ins Krankenhaus sowie Notfallsteuerung Patientenpfade im Krankenhaus und Entlassmanagement Schnittstelle Rehabilitation Indikationsspezifische Herausforderungen (Herzinsuffizienz, Polytrauma, Psychische Störungen und Palliativversorgung) Versorgungsplanung und -steuerung Stand und Perspektiven der sektorenübergreifenden Qualitätssicherung Zusätzlich werden folgende Themen zur Diskussion gestellt: Sturzbedingte Hospitalisierungen von Pflegeheimbewohnern Personalfluktuation in deutschen Krankenhäusern Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie auf die Krankenhausleistungen 2020 Der Datenteil greift die Krankenhausbudgetentwicklung auf und umfasst Grund- und Diagnosedaten des Statistischen Bundesamtes. Ergänzt werden diese Datenanalysen durch die Krankenhauspolitische Chronik.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Aviation Systems: Management of the Integrated Aviation Value Chain
This book aims to provide comprehensive coverage of the field of air transportation, giving attention to all major aspects, such as aviation regulation, economics, management and strategy. The book approaches aviation as an interrelated economic system and in so doing presents the “big picture” of aviation in the market economy. It explains the linkages between domains such as politics, society, technology, economy, ecology, regulation and how these influence each other. Examples of airports and airlines, and case studies in each chapter support the application-oriented approach. Students and researchers in business administration with a focus on the aviation industry, as well as professionals in the industry looking to refresh or broaden their knowledge of the field will benefit from this book.
Campus Verlag Legitimizing Science: National and Global Public
Since the founding in 1660 of the Royal Society, London, scientists engaging in experimental research have sought to establish a base for exploratory work in communities and their political institutions. This connection between science and the national state has only grown stronger during the past two centuries. Here, historians, sociologists, and jurists discuss the history of that relationship since 1800, asking such key questions as how have scientists conceived of the national setting for their transnational work in the past, and how do they situate their work in the context of globalization? Taken together, the essays reveal that while nineteenth-century scientists in many countries felt they had to fight for public recognition of their work, the twentieth century witnessed the national endorsement and planning of science. With essays ranging from an analysis of speeches by nineteenth-century German university presidents to the state of science in the context of European integration, this book will appeal to anyone interested in the public and political role of science and its institutions in the past, present, and future.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Provoke - deutsche Ausgabe: Wie Führungskräfte fatale menschliche Schwächen überwinden und die Zukunft gestalten
Erforschen Sie eine neue und effektive Methode, um angesichts von Ungewissheit Chancen zu ergreifen! In "Provoke" liefern die renommierten Strategieberater und Bestseller-Autoren Geoff Tuff und Steven Goldbach eine aufschlussreiche Untersuchung darüber, wie Menschen angesichts von Ungewissheit zu zögerlichem Handeln neigen, und sie bieten die Werkzeuge, die wir brauchen, um Dinge anders zu machen. Tuff und Goldbach liefern ein überzeugendes Argument für die These, dass eine abwartende Haltung das genaue Gegenteil dessen ist, was visionären Führungskräften hilft, die Welt zu verändern. Das Buch stützt sich auf Prinzipien aus der Geschäftswelt und der Verhaltensökonomie und zeigt Lesern aus allen Lebensbereichen, wie man Aktionen provoziert, um Fortschritte zu erzielen. "Provoke" wird für Führungskräfte oder angehende Führungskräfte in allen Lebensbereichen, in denen es viel Ungewissheit gibt - also fast überall -, der Leitfaden sein, um die natürlichen menschlichen Instinkte zu überwinden, die uns an Ort und Stelle erstarren lassen und uns daran hindern, unsere Chancen zu ergreifen.
Brill U Schoningh Bis in Den Krieg: Die Auaenpolitik Der Udssr 1938/39: Dokumente Aus Russischen Archiven
Duncker & Humblot Kleine Bischofe Im Alten Reich: Strukturelle Zwange, Handlungsspielraume Und Soziale Praktiken Im Wandel (1200-1600)
Kohlhammer Resilienz Und Kritische Infrastrukturen: Aufrechterhaltung Von Versorgungstrukturen Im Krisenfall
De Gruyter Der Text und seine Kultur(en)
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Recent Advances in Neo-Schumpeterian Economics: Essays in Honour of Horst Hanusch
This judicious selection of recent essays demonstrates the applicability of the fundamental principles of neo-Schumpeterian economics, namely, innovation and uncertainty. The authors demonstrate how neo-Schumpeterian economics is developing into a comprehensive economic theory encompassing industry, the public sector and financial markets. Neo-Schumpeterian economics has become a prolific field with a major orientation towards innovation-driven industrial dynamics. However, a truly comprehensive neo-Schumpeterian approach argues that innovation is also an important element in both the public and financial sectors. For example, a lack of public infrastructure or speculative bubbles in financial markets can hinder or even prevent economic development. The expert contributions to this book deal with the future orientation of the subject in terms of innovative performance in the industrial, financial and public sectors. Recent Advances in Neo-Schumpeterian Economics can be considered a first attempt to substantiate the comprehensive neo-Schumpeterian approach, of which Horst Hanusch has been a leading proponent. This unique and path-breaking book will be of great interest and value to researchers in the fields of innovation, industrial economics, financial markets and the public sector.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Family Firms
This comprehensive Research Handbook offers new insights into how family businesses use entrepreneurship and innovation to address global challenges and ensure their survival and growth across generations.Using expertise from leading scholars around the world, this Handbook takes an international perspective and explores different national contexts and cultures. Key themes include theoretical advances and perspectives in entrepreneurship and innovation in family firms, current state-of-the-art research in entrepreneurship and innovation in family firms, and new and established research methods in entrepreneurship, innovation, and family firm research. Covering important concepts, including internationalization, governance, and resilience, this Research Handbook lays out a highly topical selection of advances in research on entrepreneurship and innovation in family firms.Examining the major overarching themes of theory, empirics and methods, this Research Handbook will be a valuable resource for scholars and advanced students of entrepreneurship, family business, organizational innovation, and organization studies. It will also be useful for business leaders and practitioners in these areas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ex Captivitate Salus: Experiences, 1945 - 47
When Germany was defeated in 1945, both the Russians and the Americans undertook mass internments in the territories they occupied. The Americans called their approach “automatic arrest.” Carl Schmitt, although not belonging in the circles subject to automatic arrest, was held in one of these camps in the years 1945–6 and then, in March 1947, in the prison of the international tribunal in Nuremberg, as witness and “possible defendant.” A formal charge was never brought against him. Schmitt’s way of coping throughout the years of isolation was to write this book. In Ex Captivitate Salus, or Deliverance from Captivity, Schmitt considers a range of issues relating to history and political theory as well as recent events, including the Nazi defeat and the newly emerging Cold War. Schmitt often urged his readers to view the book as though it were a series of letters personally directed to each one of them. Hence there is a decidedly personal dimension to the text, as Schmitt expresses his thoughts on his own career trajectory with some pathos, while at the same time emphasising that “this is not romantic or heroic prison literature.” This reflective work sheds new light on Schmitt’s thought and personal situation at the beginning of a period of exile from public life that only ended with his death in 1985. It will be of great value to the many students and scholars in political theory and law who continue to study and appreciate this seminal theorist of the twentieth century.