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Colourpoint Creative Ltd The St Patrick’s Treasury: Celebrating the Myths, Legends and Traditions of Ireland’s Patron Saint
St Patrick is one of the best-known and best-loved saints in the world. His life and legacy is deeply ingrained in Irish history and society, as the annual 17 March celebrations in Ireland and across the globe show. Northern Ireland now has its own St Patrick's trail, and many pilgrims flock to sites such as St Patrick's Purgatory and Croagh Patrick. In The St Patrick's Treasury John Killen brings together the legends, folklore, traditions and stories that have been associated with St Patrick across the centuries. Richly illustrated throughout, this is a unique celebration of Ireland’s patron saint, and a collection to treasure.
Faber Music Ltd Improve your sight-reading! Trinity Edition Piano Grade 1
Part of the best-selling Improve your sight-reading! Series by renowned educationalist Paul Harris, Improve your sight-reading! Trinity Edition Piano Grade 1 has been specifically written to support the Trinity College London sight-reading criteria and reflects Trinity’s parameters for Grade 1. Improve your sight-reading! Series is designed to help you overcome all your sight-reading problems. These books follow the same progressive format as previous editions where technical aspects are introduced step-by-step, firstly through rhythmic and melodic exercises, then by studying prepared pieces with associated questions, and finally by ‘going solo’ with a series of meticulously graded sight-reading pieces.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applications of Vibrational Spectroscopy in Pharmaceutical Research and Development
Although vibrational spectroscopy is a critical technology within the pharmaceutical industry, currently the literature regarding its applications in the field is fragmented. At present there is no single volume that brings together the diverse aspects of vibrational spectroscopy at a level that will provide value to the dedicated spectroscopist as well as to the synthetic, development and medicinal based chemists, alike. This volume aims to present key themes, established and emerging, within current research as well as presenting detailed contributions on the instrumentation, methodology, data treatment, and applications associated within this area of research. It will provide a consolidated "road map" to the practice of this science within the industry.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Monoclonal Antibody and Peptide-Targeted Radiotherapy of Cancer
Oncology Book of 2011, British Medical Association's Medical Book Awards Awarded first prize in the Oncology category at the 2011 BMA Medical Book Awards, Monoclonal Antibody and Peptide-Targeted Radiotherapy of Cancer helps readers understand this hot pharmaceutical field with up-to-date developments. Expert discussion covers a range of diverse topics associated with this field, including the optimization of design of biomolecules and radiochemistry, cell and animal models for preclinical evaluation, discoveries from key clinical trials, radiation biology and dosimetry, and considerations in regulatory approval. With chapters authored by internationally renowned experts, this book delivers a wealth of information to push future discovery.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Bacterial Endophytes for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Management
This book is a comprehensive account of recent advances in the endophytic research. It covers recent perspective of endophytic research, molecular diversity, bioprospecting of novel genes using high throughput molecular techniques, and most importantly application of endophytes in practicing sustainable agriculture. Endophytic micro-organisms are mysterious living component associated mutually with plant roots and soil microbes. Various endophytic bacteria have attracted considerable attention for their ability to promote plant growth through direct mechanisms or by acting as biocontrol agents. Endophytes also find use in biocontrol, medicine, agriculture and food industry. This is a useful reading for the student of agriculture, environmental microbiology and biotechnology.
Transcript Verlag Update Liberalism: Liberal Answers to the Challenges of Our Time
Liberal democracy is under pressure worldwide. It is challenged by anti-liberal movements and parties as well as by authoritarian regimes. Liberalism as a cross-party movement and a broad way of thinking has fallen into the defensive and is often associated with market radicalism, social coldness, and ecological ignorance. The contributors show that liberalism as a school of thought is not dead. In their essays, they present ideas and approaches for new liberal concepts to cope with the great challenges of our time: from climate change, globalization, and the digital revolution to transnational migration and the increasing systemic competition between democracies and authoritarian regimes.
Dewi Lewis Publishing FRAGILE
Paul Hart's latest body of work Fragile (2020-23) is a personal reflection on nature and was made in the landscape close to his home in England. The aesthetic is rooted in the notion of a heightened awareness of the natural world, of both a physical engagement and spiritual connection to the land. Whilst becoming absorbed in this instinctual, visceral approach, Hart has become acutely aware of both the physical beauty and delicate vulnerability of these natural forms. Although concerns of the environment and sustainability are present throughout, Fragile departs from the central study of place usually associated with his work, to evoke a more abstract ethereal sensibility.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Interpolation and Extrapolation Optimal Designs V1: Polynomial Regression and Approximation Theory
This book is the first of a series which focuses on the interpolation and extrapolation of optimal designs, an area with significant applications in engineering, physics, chemistry and most experimental fields. In this volume, the authors emphasize the importance of problems associated with the construction of design. After a brief introduction on how the theory of optimal designs meets the theory of the uniform approximation of functions, the authors introduce the basic elements to design planning and link the statistical theory of optimal design and the theory of the uniform approximation of functions. The appendices provide the reader with material to accompany the proofs discussed throughout the book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Vibrations: Applications to Equipment
The purpose of this book is to clarify the issues related to the environment of mechanical vibrations in the material life profile. In particular, through their simulation testing laboratory, through a better understanding of the physical phenomenon, means to implement to simulate, measurements and interpretations associated results. It is aimed at development of technical consultants, quality and services primarily to those testing laboratories, as well as to all those who are faced with supply reference to the environmental test calls and particularly here, vibration tests. Furthermore it should also interest students of engineering schools in the areas of competence of their future professions affected by vibration.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Understanding Behaviour in Dementia that Challenges, Second Edition: A Guide to Assessment and Treatment
The innovative Newcastle Challenging Behaviour Model for dementia care has recently been updated, leading to new advances in the field. This revised second edition guide to assessment and treatment of behaviours that challenge associated with dementia includes these latest developments along with new sections on what have traditionally been considered controversial topics.The new chapters cover issues including:- End of life care- Use of therapeutic dolls - Lies and deception- Physical restraint during personal care- Racism towards care staffWith a particular emphasis on non-pharmacological approaches, this book details the range of behaviours common in individuals with dementia, along with the most effective assessment and treatment techniques for health care professionals.
Guilford Publications Binge-Eating Disorder: Clinical Foundations and Treatment
This innovative scientific reference and clinical tool is virtually two books in one. Part I thoroughly yet succinctly reviews the literature on binge-eating disorder, covering diagnosis and epidemiology, clinical features and course, links to obesity, medical risks, and current treatment data. Part II provides an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatment manual. Session-by-session guidelines address how to help individuals or groups change their eating behavior, cope with emotional triggers, restructure problematic thoughts, deal with body image concerns and associated problems, maintain improvement, and prevent relapse. Featured are more than 40 clearly explained homework assignments and handouts, all in a large-size format with permission to photocopy.
Bristol University Press Dealing in Uncertainty: Insurance in the Age of Finance
Insurance is an important – if still poorly understood – mechanism for dealing with a broad variety of risks associated with modern life. This book conducts an in-depth examination of one of the largest and longest-established private insurance industries in Europe: British life insurance. In doing so, it draws on over 40 oral history interviews to trace how the sector has changed since the 1970s, a period characterized by rampant financialization and neoliberalization. Combining insights from science and technology studies and economic sociology, this is an unprecedented study of the evolution of insurance practices and an invaluable contribution to our understanding of financial capitalism.
Bristol University Press Living Against Austerity: A Feminist Investigation of Doing Activism and Being Activist
With austerity’s disproportionately heavy impact on women now apparent, this engaging book considers activism against it from a feminist perspective. Emma Craddock goes deep inside activist culture to explore the many cultural and emotional dimensions of political participation. She questions what motivates and sustains protest, considering the enabling aspects of solidarity and empathy, as well as the constraining factors of negative emotions and gendered barriers associated with activism, examining the role of gender and emotion within protest. This is a lived-in study that gets to the heart of what it means to be an anti-austerity activist and an important addition to social justice debate.
Hachette Children's Group New Adventures: My New Friend
This first experiences series uncovers the worries and fears associated with big life changes that young children might experience and provides reassurance by explaining how they might feel and shows ways that children can learn to cope with these feelings. The sensitively written story provides guidance not only for children, but also for adults who want to help their child through these unsettling times in their lives. Children can read the books on their own or can discuss the books with an adult. Notes for teachers and parents at the back of the books provide related advice and information to help them guide and support children.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Works of Graham Greene, Volume 3: Additions & Essays
Over a 60-year career, Graham Greene was a prolific and widely read writer. Completing a series of volumes which constitutes the only full bibliographical guide to Greene's published and unpublished writings, this book features updated listings of the scholarship associated with his work, details of recent audio and visual presentations and adaptations, as well as nine essays on lesser-known aspects of Greene's work. Featuring new material from the recently expanded Graham Greene archive which will be of particular interest and relevance to Greene scholars, it also covers contents of other archives in the UK and elsewhere in a series of mini-essays.
New York University Press Deconstruction Is/In America: A New Sense of the Political
What impact has deconstruction had on the way we read American culture? And how is American culture itself peculiarly deconstructive? To address these questions, this volume brings together some of the most provocative thinkers associated with deconstruction, among them Jacques Derrida, Judith Butler, and Avital Ronnel. Ranging across a wide field, from the ethics of reading to the rhetoric of performance, the contributors offer provocative insights into a new sense of the political. The America of the volume's title turns out to be the place where the politics and poetics of responsibility meet. It is also the place where we confront the tension between difference and profound otherness.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Music and Musicians in 16th-Century Florence
This second selection of studies by Frank D’Accone, again based principally on the documentary evidence, follows the development through the mid 16th century of musical chapels at the Cathedral and the Baptistery of Florence and of musical establishments at the Santissima Annunziata and San Lorenzo. The lives, careers and works of composers associated with these churches are illustrated and their works analyzed, particularly the theoretical treatise by Fra Mauro, the madrigals of Mauro Matti and the ambitiously conceived canzone cycle of Mattia Rampollini. The final studies, moving into the 17th century, look at the music for Holy Week, and the unprecedented programme of performances at Santa Maria Novella.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding Cultural Globalization
Understanding Cultural Globalization is a comprehensive and highly accessible introduction to the critical debates surrounding cultural globalization. Paul Hopper leads the reader through the varied issues associated with globalization and culture, including deterritorialization, cosmopolitanism, cultural hybridization and homogenization, as well as claims that aspects of globalization are provoking cultural resistance. In exploring the cultural dynamics of globalization, the book investigates the interrelationship between globalization and culture, seeking in the process to problematize both concepts. Completely up to date and drawing on a rich range of empirical and theoretical examples, Understanding Cultural Globalization will be key reading for all students of culture, media and globalization.
University of Illinois Press Illinois: Crossroads of a Continent
With a major port on the Great Lakes, an extensive network of railroads and canals, and a river system including the Mississippi, the Illinois, and the Ohio, Illinois has long played a critical role in linking East Coast industrial cities, the agricultural heartland, and the Gulf Coast. Writing in a fast-paced, down-to-earth style, Lois Carrier introduces a host of innovations and innovators associated with Illinois: Jane Addams and Louis Armstrong, Frank Lloyd Wright and Walt Disney, Cracker Jack and the Ferris wheel. From the Cahokia Mounds to Chicago, Illinois: Crossroads of a Continent provides a panoramic history for students and general readers.
Museum Tusculanum Press Dyskolos
Menander was born in Athens in 342 BC and drowned in Piraeus in c. 290 BC. He wrote more than 100 comedies, but with regards to his character studies, he can be regarded as an heir to the tragedian Euripides. Only one of his comedies has been handed down as a complete play, namely Dyskolos (The Grouch), while others are almost complete. Menander was furthermore a model for the Roman comedians Plautus and Terence and thus for a later European comedy tradition. He associated with the intellectuals of his time, such as Aristotle's pupil Theophrastus, the philosopher Epicurus, and the politician and philosopher Demetrius of Phaleron.
Edition Axel Menges Die Tektonik der Hellenen: Kontext und Wirkung der Architekturtheorie von Karl Bötticher
TEXT IN GERMAN. Tectonics is back on the agenda for contemporary architectural discussion. Up to now tectonics tended to be associated with the language of neo-Classical architecture, which seemed to have faded out because of the triumph of Modernism, but now the dogmas of Modernism are being questioned, interest is reviving in architecture using tectonic design principles. So DIE TEKTONIK DER HELLENEN, Bötticher's main work published in 1844-52, does not just provide a theory of tectonic form that is still estimable today, it also contains a theory about the central problem of the 19th century, that of taking over the stylistic forms of past epochs.
Transcript Verlag Matter, Affect, AntiNormativity: Theory Beyond Dualism
Dualistic thinking has been questioned by some writers associated with the material, ontological, and affective turns. Yet, these and other writers linked to the "turns" have themselves reproduced dualistic theorising. Caroline Braunmühl also shows that there are dualistic patterns in significant contributions to queer theory as well as Foucauldian diagnoses of the present. From a perspective sympathetic to the critical efforts made by poststructuralist and related theorists, she analyses works by Sara Ahmed, Karen Barad, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Michel Foucault, and others. The book suggests specific alternatives to dualistic as well as identitarian ways of framing conceptual pairs such as matter/mind, affect/discourse and negativity/affirmation.
Enitharmon Press In the Orchard
'In the Orchard' is not so much a collection of poems about birds as a book of memories and rare moments in which a number of familiar birds have played a spark-like role in bringing poems about. They are chiefly lyrical in character and range in time from 'Resurrection' written over fifty years ago to recent poems like 'The Bully Thrush', but they are not ordered chronologically and shouldn't be associated with events in the poet's private life. The etchings by Alan Turnbull are the result of his patient and painstaking study of each bird as it relates to the poem in which it appears.
Haymarket Books RX Appalachia: Stories of Treatment and Survival in Rural Kentucky
Using the narratives of women who use(d) drugs, this account challenges popular understandings of Appalachia spread by such pundits as JD Vance by documenting how women, families, and communities cope with generational systems of oppression. Prescription opioids are associated with rising rates of overdose deaths and hepatitis C and HIV infection in the US, including in rural Central Appalachia. Yet there is a dearth of studies examining rural opioid use. RX Appalachia explores the gendered inequalities that situate women’s encounters with substance abuse treatment as well as additional state interventions targeted at women who use drugs in one of the most impoverished regions in the US.
Instituto Monsa de Ediciones Sweet & Bizarre
Sweet & Bizarre is a way of describing works of art from the Lowbrow movement, otherwise known as Pop Surrealism. The Lowbrow movement arose in 1979, led by artist Robert Williams after various art analysts struggled with categorizing his works. Many artists are now associated with this concept, including Mark Ryden, Nicoletta Ceccoli, Gary Baseman, Takashi Murakami, Xue Wang, Sara Sanz, and others. In the following pages you will find fantastic works that will make you feel something sweet and bizarre at the same time, artists like Kazuhiro Hori, Xue Wang, Nicoletta Ceccoli, Marion Peck, Brandi Milne, and Dilka Bear. Each artist tells us about their trajectory and their more personal styles.
Rockpool Publishing Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle
And the Wheel turns! Yule reminds us of warmth, happiness, and a time to be thankful for all that we have. For centuries ancient healers have celebrated the restorative energy of the Yuletide festival, the traditional harsh winters reminding us of our impressive ability to weather tough storms and find support and comfort with loved ones. In Seasons of the Witch: Yule Oracle you'll discover 44 healing messages to align you with the divine wisdom of the year's darkest night and the joyful celebration associated with the winter holidays. This oracle is your path to deep reflection and tranquility and is a promise of the brighter days to come.
Jacaranda Books Art Music Ltd Beyond The Pale: Folklore, Family and the Mystery of Our Hidden Genes
Emily's story begins on St. Stephen's Day, 2010, in St. John's, Newfoundland when she gives birth to a baby girl named Sadie Jane with a shock of snow-white hair. Within 3 months Sadie is diagnosed with albinism, a rare genetic disorder where pigment fails to form in the skin, hair and eyes, with accompanying maladies such as photophobia and partial blindness.Emily is drawn to understanding her child's differences by researching the cultural beliefs associated with albinism worldwide; a journey that takes her to a faraway continent, through her own family tree, and all the while unearthing discoveries that vacillate between beauty, amazement and horror.
The Crowood Press Ltd Flight Exercises for the Private Pilots Licence
A practical and concise guide to the flight exercises for the aeroplane PPL and ratings associated with it. Both the JAR and NPPL Private Pilot's License syllabuses are covered, as well as the JAR Night Rating, the CAA Instrument Meteorological Conditions Rating and the JAR Multi-Engine Rating. The common variations - retractable undercarriages, tailwheels, variable-pitch propellers and super- and turbocharging- are also covered. Topics include: The requirements for each license/rating listed, with the entry-to-training requirements, privileges and validity/currency of each; Each exercise is described in detail, explaining what has to be achieved and how to do it; Useful checklists and aides-memoire throughout
Biteback Publishing Bandit Country: The IRA and South Armagh
New edition of one of the most celebrated books on the Troubles. Famously described as 'Bandit Country' by Merlyn Rees when he was Northern Ireland Secretary, for nearly three decades South Armagh was the most dangerous posting in the world for a British soldier. In this acclaimed work of reportage, originally published in 2000, Toby Harnden stripped away the myth and propaganda associated with the region to produce one of the most compelling and important books on the Troubles. Drawing on secret documents and interviews on South Armagh's recent history, Harnden told the inside story of how the IRA came close to bringing the British state to its knees.
Springer International Publishing AG Policing Cities in Napoleonic Europe
This book shows how the police functioned in the cities of the Napoleonic Empire. Shifting attention away from political repression, it focuses on the men who embodied this institution and made it work day-to-day. Based on extensive archival research, the book shows how the Napoleonic police were indeed an instrument of power, but also a profession and a service to the public. Traditionally associated with the image of Joseph Fouché and with political surveillance, the Napoleonic police, when studied from the local level, thus reveals itself to be much more complex and oriented simultaneously towards both the preservation of the regime and maintaining good urban order.
Reaktion Books Postcards: The Rise and Fall of the World's First Social Network
Postcards are usually associated with banal holiday pleasantries, but they have been made possible by sophisticated industries and institutions, from printers to postal services. Historically, postcards' innovation and significance was their ability to send and receive messages around the world easily and inexpensively. Fundamentally, postcards are about creating personal connections: links between people, places and beliefs. In this book Lydia Pyne examines postcards on a global scale, to understand them as artefacts that are at the intersection of history, science, technology, art and culture. In doing so, she shows us that postcards were the first global social network, and how here, in the twenty-first century, postcards are not yet extinct.
Vintage Publishing The Country and the City
Taking inspiration from classic authors from Jane Austen to Thomas Hardy, Williams shines a light on our society’s changing views of the rural and industrial landscapes in which we work and live.Our collective notion of the city and country is irresistibly powerful. The city as the seat of enlightenment, sophistication, power and greed is in profound contrast with an innocent, peaceful, backward countryside. Examining literature since the sixteenth century, Williams traces the development of our conceptions of these two traditional poles of life. His groundbreaking study casts the country and city as central symbols for the social and economic changes associated with capitalist development.WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY TRISTRAM HUNT
Institution of Engineering and Technology Strapdown Inertial Navigation Technology
Inertial navigation is widely used for the guidance of aircraft, missiles, ships and land vehicles, as well as in a number of novel applications such as surveying underground pipelines in drilling operations. This book sets out to provide a clear and concise description of the physical principles of inertial navigation, the associated growth of errors and their compensation. There is also detailed treatment of recent developments in inertial sensor technology and a description of techniques for implementing and evaluating such systems. This new edition includes a number of refinements covering sensor technology, geodesy and error modelling, plus new chapters on MEMS technology and inertial systems applications.
Little, Brown Book Group The Power Of Gems And Crystals: How They Can Transform Your Life
Throughout history, crystals and gemstones have been known to have a powerful effect on people. The Power of Gems and Crystals is for everyone who wants to know more about how to use them. In this intriguing book, Soozi Holbeche reveals the fascinating secrets and mysteries associated with gems and crystals and explains how they can be used to enrich our daily lives.*Discover the special powers of crystals and stones*Learn why certain gems are worn for good luck*Find out how to choose the right stone for you*Experience the rejuvenating properties of crystal power*Learn how to use crystals in healing
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Imaging Musculoskeletal Trauma: Interpretation and Reporting
Offers a well-designed approach to imaging musculoskeletal trauma Medical imaging plays an important role in identifying fractures and helping the patient return to regular activities as soon as possible. But in order to identify the fracture, and describe all the relevant associated injuries, the radiologist first needs to understand normal anatomy and the mechanisms of fractures. Imaging Musculoskeletal Trauma reviews common fracture and dislocation mechanisms and provides up-to-date guidelines on the use and interpretation of imaging tests. Designed for use by professionals in radiology, orthopedics, emergency medicine, and sports medicine, this book offers a concise, systematic approach to imaging musculoskeletal trauma. Replete with easily accessible information, including well-designed tables and lists, the book features radiology report checklists for each anatomic site, numerous radiographs and CT and MRI images, simple illustrations for common fracture classification schemes, examples of common and serious injuries in the musculoskeletal system, and a chapter devoted to fracture complicationsincluding complications relating to the use of hardware in treating injuries. This well-designed guide teaches professional and student users to: Identify normal anatomy relevant to interpretation in musculoskeletal studies Describe common fracture and dislocation mechanisms Describe fractures using appropriate terminology Recommend appropriate imaging studies for various clinical situations Use a systematic approach to interpret imaging studies Provide a clear and relevant radiology report Recognize complications associated with fractures and fracture treatment Complete with on-call issues, common traumas, and specially highlighted "do-not-miss" fractures, this is an invaluable resource for everyone involved with the imaging of musculoskeletal trauma.
Springer International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning
The International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning discusses what constitutes professionalism, examines the concepts and practices of professional and practice-based learning, including associated research traditions and educational provisions. It also explores professional learning in institutions of higher and vocational education as well the practice settings where professionals work and learn, focusing on both initial and ongoing development and how that learning is assessed.The Handbook features research from expert contributors in education, studies of the professions, and accounts of research methodologies from a range of informing disciplines. It is organized in two parts. The first part sets out conceptions of professionalism at work, how professions, work and learning can be understood, and examines the kinds of institutional practices organized for developing occupational capacities. The second part focuses on procedural issues associated with learning for and through professional practice, and how assessment of professional capacities might progress. The key premise of this Handbook is that during both initial and ongoing professional development, individual learning processes are influenced and shaped through their professional environment and practices. Moreover, in turn, the practice and processes of learning through practice are shaped by their development, all of which are required to be understood through a range of research orientations, methods and findings. This Handbook will appeal to academics working in fields of professional practice, including those who are concerned about developing these capacities in their students. In addition, students and research students will also find this Handbook a key reference resource to the field.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Sacred Number and the Lords of Time: The Stone Age Invention of Science and Religion
Our Stone Age ancestors discovered that the geometry of the Earth provided a sacred connection between human experience and the spiritual worlds. Exploring the numerical patterns of time and then the size and shape of the Earth, they created an exact science of measures and preserved their discoveries within sacred structures, spiritualized landscapes, and mythologies, which interpreted the religious ideas associated with their science. In this way, the ancient measures of space and time reached our present age and still embody the direct but forgotten truths of our sacred planet. By recovering the megalithic secrets of space and time, carefully preserved in megalithic stone structures, Richard Heath tells an untold story of four megalithic ages. He identifies a first age of astronomical discovery in the French sites around Carnac, where, using only counted lengths and simple geometries, the ancients created a sophisticated cosmic clockwork. A second age centered in Britain, and including Stonehenge, successfully measured the Earth and revealed a simple pattern held within the Earth's shape, using metrological ratios. A third age, centered in Egypt and Greece, saw a perfecting of the monumental arts, associated metrology, and religious ideas, revealing the Earth and the heavens as the work of a numerical genius. The fourth age saw pyramids and other metrological buildings spread to the New World, at Teotihuacan in Mexico, and also to the Far East. Examining Earth's harmonic relevance to the Universe as a whole, Heath shows how we can recognize the long-forgotten foundations of our own civilization and revive the sacred teaching preserved by the four great megalithic ages.
Ohio University Press Saving Seeds, Preserving Taste: Heirloom Seed Savers in Appalachia
The Brown Goose, the White Case Knife, Ora’s Speckled Bean, Radiator Charlie’s Mortgage Lifter—these are just a few of the heirloom fruits and vegetables you’ll encounter in Bill Best’s remarkable history of seed saving and the people who preserve both unique flavors and the Appalachian culture associated with them. As one of the people at the forefront of seed saving and trading for over fifty years, Best has helped preserve numerous varieties of beans, tomatoes, corn, squashes, and other fruits and vegetables, along with the family stories and experiences that are a fundamental part of this world. While corporate agriculture privileges a few flavorless but hardy varieties of daily vegetables, seed savers have worked tirelessly to preserve genetic diversity and the flavors rooted in the Southern Appalachian Mountains—referred to by plant scientists as one of the vegetative wonders of the world. Saving Seeds, Preserving Taste will introduce readers to the cultural traditions associated with seed saving, as well as the remarkable people who have used grafting practices and hand-by-hand trading to keep alive varieties that would otherwise have been lost. As local efforts to preserve heirloom seeds have become part of a growing national food movement, Appalachian seed savers play a crucial role in providing alternatives to large-scale agriculture and corporate food culture. Part flavor guide, part people’s history, Saving Seeds, Preserving Taste will introduce you to a world you’ve never known—or perhaps remind you of one you remember well from your childhood.
University of Pennsylvania Press Reconnecting State and Kinship
Within the social sciences, kinship and statehood are often seen as two distinct modes of social organization, sometimes conceived of as following each other in a temporal line and sometimes as operating on different scales. Kinship is traditionally associated with small-scale communities in stateless societies. The state, meanwhile, is viewed as a development away from kinship as political order toward rational, impersonal, and functional forms of rule. In recent decades, theoretical and empirical scholarship has challenged these notions, but the underlying presumption of a deep-rooted opposition between kinship and the (modern) state has remained surprisingly stable. That this binary is so deeply engrained in Western self-understanding and knowledge production poses a considerable challenge to decoding their coproduction. Reconnecting State and Kinship seeks to trace the historical shifts and boundary work implied in the ongoing reproduction of these supposedly discrete or even opposing units of analysis. Contributors ask whether concepts associated with one sphere —including corruption, patronage, lineage, and incest—surface in the other. Policies and interventions modeled upon the assumed polarity can have lasting consequences for mechanisms of marginalization and exclusion, including decisions about life and death. Reconnecting State and Kinship not only explores the boundary-related and classificatory practices that reinforce the kinship/statehood binary but also tracks the traveling of these concepts and their underlying norms through time and space ultimately demonstrating the ways that kinship and "the state" are intertwined. Contributors: Erdmute Alber, Apostolos Andrikopoulos, Helle Bundgaard, Jeanette Edwards, Karen Fog Olwig, Victoria Goddard, Michael Herzfeld, Eirini Papadaki, Frances Pine, Ivan Rajković, Tatjana Thelen, Thomas Zitelmann.
Emerald Publishing Limited Non-Financial Performance Measurement and Management Practices in Manufacturing Firms: A Comparative International Analysis
In order to be successful in today's world wide competitive environment, companies must be capable of manufacturing products of high quality at low cost and providing a first-class customer service. Many companies have responded to these competitive demands by implementing Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs) and Innovative Managerial Practices (IMPs) as well as emphasizing quality, delivery, innovation and flexibility to meet customer needs in their corporate objectives. The adoption of such practices and technologies and the redesign of work processes has altered the stakes of corporate well being over the past two decades. This study provides a framework for exploring the relationships between the measurement of non-financial performance at the shop-floor of manufacturing firms across four different countries (UK, Italy, Japan, and Canada) and a range of twenty-eight contingent factors incorporating technological, managerial, organisational and environmental factors. In particular, the book examines whether these twenty-eight contingent factors are associated with the existence and importance of 19 non-financial performance measures used at shop-floor level for each country. The book also aims to develop models for each of the four countries which will determine the amount of change in the use and existence of each shop-floor non-financial performance measure that is associated with levels of the contingent factors. A better understanding of non-financial performance measures at shop-floor level in manufacturing firms will contribute to a more effective management of manufacturing enterprises in the four countries. It also will enhance organisations knowledge about the use of non-financial measures in performance measurement systems.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies
Now in a fully up-to-date 6th Edition, Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies provides a practical introduction to binocular vision, offering comprehensive theory, how-to clinical guidance, and a summary of current research in a single, consolidated volume. Ideally suited for both students and clinicians, this bestselling text serves as an accessible, evidence-based reference when faced with binocular vision or pediatric challenges. Covers routine examinations and testing protocols, including CISS questionnaire, cover test, foveal suppression, fixation disparity, four prism diopter base out test, Lindblom's method, and double Maddox rod test. Includes numerous video clips of key testing procedures, including new clips on Mallett fixation disparity test and fusional reserve testing, as well as an interactive video quiz to help you test your knowledge. Features sweeping content updates such as the latest information on 3-D displays, therapeutic uses of computer games and virtual reality for vision therapy, computerized testing methodologies, binocular and accommodative mechanisms associated with myopia, updated prescribing criteria, therapeutic use of contact lenses, detection of pathology associated with strabismus, drugs causing diplopia, and the evidence-based treatment of convergence insufficiency syndrome and amblyopia. Contains helpful study features throughout, including Clinical Key Points boxes, step-by-step test routines, typical features of extraocular muscle palsies and syndromes, and Case Study boxes that cover important clinical and legal scenarios, and new boxes that summarize testing procedures for each of the main binocular vision tests. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Pearson Education (US) CCNP and CCIE Enterprise Core & CCNP Enterprise Advanced Routing Portable Command Guide: All ENCOR (350-401) and ENARSI (300-410) Commands in One Compact, Portable Resource
All ENCOR (350-401) and ENARSI (300-410) Commands in One Compact, Portable Resource Use this fully updated quick reference resource to help memorize commands and concepts as you earn your CCNP or CCIE certification. Filled with valuable, easy-to-access information, it's portable enough to use anywhere. This guide summarizes all Cisco IOS software commands, keywords, command arguments, and associated prompts associated with the CCNP and CCIE Enterprise Core (ENCOR 350-401) and CCNP Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI 300-410) certification exams. Tips and examples help you apply commands to real-world scenarios, and configuration samples show their use in network designs. Coverage includes: Layer 2: VLANs, STP, Inter-VLAN Routing Layer 3: EIGRP, OSPF, Redistribution, Path Control, BGP Infrastructure Services and Management Infrastructure Security Network Assurance Wireless Security and Troubleshooting Overlays and Virtualization This Portable Command Guide provides: Logical how-to topic groupings for a one-stop resource Great for review before your ENCOR 350-401 and ENARSI 300-410 certification exams Compact size makes it easy to carry with you wherever you go “Create Your Own Journal” section with blank, lined pages enables you to personalize the book for your needs This book is part of the Cisco Press Certification Self-Study Product Family, which offers readers a self-paced study routine for Cisco certification exams. Titles in the Cisco Press Certification Self-Study Product Family are part of a recommended learning program from Cisco that includes simulation and hands-on training from authorized Cisco Learning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press.
BARON Death Book: Drawing one last breath: 2022
Before photography was invented, we relied on illustrations, paintings and, even more so, real dead bodies to gaze upon decaying flesh. Many visual expressions of death were used to moralize or romanticise death. Vanitas paintings were made to remind us that life is only temporary and all mortal possessions remain in vain. The Japanese Kusôzu tradition of watercolour paintings, that depict the nine stages of the decaying body, from the first moment of death unto the final stages, were made to remind us not to give into bodily desires. Romantic war paintings asked the viewer to fight for the cause. In DEATH BOOK, you will find various signs and symbols related to death, such as skulls, violence, accidents, spirits, cadavers, sexual acts and references to religion and Christ. The works included remind us of our living status, in ways that are sometimes funny, arousing or DEAD serious. A true representation of death, and its associated pain is impossible, but the works included attempt to communicate the agony, the anguish, the grave sadness and, sometimes, the humour associated with death. DEATH BOOK is art directed by PZtoday, who has designed the book as a Bible/Address book. With an introduction by Pernilla Ellens and Lauren Raaijmakers and featuring drawings, paintings and illustrations from Alicia Gibson, Christina Quarles, Dallas Seitz, Ellen Cantor, Franko B, Gray Wielebinski, Hermann Nitsch, Ion Birch, Keith Boadwee, Lin Ke, Mike Diana, Namio Harukawa, Oliver Eales, Patrick Wray, PZtoday, Qiu Xiaofei, Richard Hawkins, Sutapa Biswas, Toshio Saeki, Urs Lüthi, Vittorio Scarpati, Will Henry, Julien Ceccaldi and many more.
Harvard University Press Our Divine Double
What if you were to discover that you were not entirely you, but rather one half of a whole, that you had, in other words, a divine double? In the second and third centuries CE, this idea gripped the religious imagination of the Eastern Mediterranean, providing a distinctive understanding of the self that has survived in various forms throughout the centuries, down to the present. Our Divine Double traces the rise of this ancient idea that each person has a divine counterpart, twin, or alter-ego, and the eventual eclipse of this idea with the rise of Christian conciliar orthodoxy.Charles Stang marshals an array of ancient sources: from early Christianity, especially texts associated with the apostle Thomas “the twin”; from Manichaeism, a missionary religion based on the teachings of the “apostle of light” that had spread from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean; and from Neoplatonism, a name given to the renaissance of Platonism associated with the third-century philosopher Plotinus. Each of these traditions offers an understanding of the self as an irreducible unity-in-duality. To encounter one’s divine double is to embark on a path of deification that closes the gap between image and archetype, human and divine.While the figure of the divine double receded from the history of Christianity with the rise of conciliar orthodoxy, it survives in two important discourses from late antiquity: theodicy, or the problem of evil; and Christology, the exploration of how the Incarnate Christ is both human and divine.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mental Health and Emerging Adulthood among Homeless Young People
What happens to homeless and runaway adolescents when they become adults? This is the first study that follows homeless youth into young adulthood and reviews the mental health consequences of runaway episodes and street life. The adolescents were interviewed every three months for three years from their mid teens to their early twenties. The study documents the psychological consequences associated with becoming adults when missing the critical developmental tasks of adolescence. The authors report high levels of psychological problems associated with victimization prior to and after running away. These victimization experiences shape the behaviors of these young people, affecting their relationships with others and their chances of conventional adjustment. Across time, the more successful their adaptation to street life and the street economy, the more barriers to conventional adult life emerge. The distress, including self-mutilation and suicidal behaviors, among this population is examined, as well as the impact street life has on future relationships, education, and employment. Nutritional and health problems are also explored, along with the social and economic impact of this population on society. As such, the book provides insight about why the current prevention and treatment programs are failing in an effort to help policy makers modify approaches to adolescent runaways.Intended as a supplementary text for undergraduate and/or graduate courses on homelessness, high risk youth, social deviance, adolescence and/or emerging adulthood taught in departments of psychology, human development, sociology, social work, and public health, this compelling book will also appeal to anyone who works with homeless adolescents.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Vertigo and Disequilibrium: A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Management
This authoritative guide provides a solid clinical foundation to help practitioners manage vertigo and balance disorders in practice This updated edition provides a comprehensive basis for understanding, identifying, and treating the underlying multifactorial etiologies of dizziness and imbalance. Vertigo is a common malady for which patients seek treatment, yet the vestibular system and its associated disorders are often misunderstood. This book effectively demystifies this topic, with clinical pearls and knowledge from foremost experts in the field. The first six chapters cover procuring a thorough patient history, examination techniques, computerized testing, radiological studies, surgical anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system, and laboratory testing. Subsequent chapters concisely detail the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies such as Meniere's disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, labyrithinitis, superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome, and unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy. Key Features Covers the full age continuum - from congenital and pediatric vestibular disorders - to balance conditions associated with aging Highlights the most common pathologies such as BPPV, as well as fairly rare diseases like Mal de Debarquement syndrome and perilymph fistulas Discusses the impact of alcohol, migraines, and allergies on the vestibular system and the intrinsic roles they play in causing dizziness New insights on medications, rehabilitation, and the use of implantable vestibular devices Expanded video library provides guidance on testing modalities, visual disturbances, nystagmus patterns, and specific disorders Physicians who read this authoritative guide will gain knowledge that is essential for optimal management of patients with vertigo and disequilibrium. It is an invaluable resource for otolaryngologists, as well as neurologists, physical therapists, internists, geriatricians, family practitioners, audiologists, and even cardiologists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Picturing the Lame in Italian Art from Antiquity to the Modern Era
The presence of the orthopedically impaired body in art is so pervasive that, paradoxically, it has failed to attract the attention of most art historians. In Picturing the Lame in Italian Art from Antiquity to the Modern Era, Livio Pestilli investigates the changing meaning that images of individuals with limited mobility acquired through the centuries. This study evinces that in distinct opposition to the practice of classical artists, who manifested a lack of interest in the subject of lameness since it was considered 'a defect or a deformity' and deformity a 'want of measure, which is always unsightly,' their Early Christian counterparts depicted them profusely, because images of the miraculous healing of the lame became the reassuring sign of universal acceptance and the promise of a more equitable existence in this life or the next. In the Middle Ages, instead, when voluntary poverty came to be associated with the necessary condition of faithfulness to Christ, the indigent lame, along with others who were forced to beg for a living, became the image of the alter Christus. This view was to change in the Renaissance and Baroque periods, when, with the resurgence of classical and Pauline ideals that condemned the idle, representations of the orthopedically impaired became associated with swindlers, freeloaders and parasites. This fascinating story came basically to an end in the Eighteenth century when, with the revival of the Greek ideal of the Beautiful, the lame gradually left center stage to be relegated again to the margins of the visual arts.
Taylor & Francis Inc Real Gas Flows with High Velocities
Despite generations of change and recent, rapid developments in gas dynamics and hypersonic theory, relevant literature has yet to catch up, so those in the field are generally forced to rely on dated monographs to make educated decisions that reflect present-day science. Written by preeminent Russian aerospace researcher Vladimir V. Lunev, Real Gas Flows with High Velocities reflects the most current concepts of high-velocity gas dynamics. For those in aviation and aerospace, this is a vital methodical revitalization and reassessment of real gas flows with regard to the physical and gasdynamic effects related to high-velocity flight, and, in particular, the entry of bodies into the atmosphere of Earth and other planets.Much more than just a manual on gas physics, this book: Analyzes fundamental challenges associated with super- and subsonic flight Describes the physical properties of gas mixtures and their associated high-temperature processes from the phenomenological standpoint Explores use of computational mathematics and equipment to simplify previously unsolvable problems of inviscid and viscous gas dynamics Explains why numerical methods remain inferior to analytical methods for creating a conceptual understanding of gas dynamic and other physical problems Avoiding older, cumbersome approximate methods, this reference outlines the general patterns and features of typical flows and how real gas affects them. Referencing simple, analytically treatable examples, similarity laws, and asymptotic analysis, the author omits superfluous explanation of reasoning. This valuable reference summarizes general theory of super- and subsonic flow and uses practical problems to develop a solid understanding of modern real-gas flows and high-velocity gas dynamics.