Search results for ""springer international publishing""
Springer International Publishing AG Discovery Science: 26th International Conference, DS 2023, Porto, Portugal, October 9–11, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Discovery Science, DS 2023, which took place in Porto, Portugal, in October 2023. The 37 full papers and 10 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 133 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Machine learning methods and applications; natural language processing and social media analysis; interpretability and explainability in AI; data analysis and optimization; fairness, privacy and security in AI; control and spatio-temporal modeling; graph theory and network analysis; time series and forecasting; healthcare and biological data analysis; anomaly, outlier and novelty detection.
Springer International Publishing AG China and Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean: History, Power Rivalry, and Regional Implications
The book provides an examination of the evolution of China and Taiwan after 1949. This starting point situates the contestation for power between the two entities in the region after Taipei was recognized by the international community as the representative of China. The ramifications for Taiwan were drastic as country after country switched its recognition to China including those in the Caribbean and Latin America. Taiwan was able to maintain diplomatic relations with several countries in both regions through diplomatic strategies including providing financial assistance. This has waned over time considering China’s economic rise to power and Western Europe’s and the United States’ fall in global economic and political prestige and power.This book discusses China’s and Taiwan’s continuing engagement with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean with a particular emphasis on the sharp rise in trade between China and the two regions. China’s foreign policy agenda, and how Taiwan reacts to China’s policies, are also examined.
Springer International Publishing AG E-Business and Telecommunications: 19th International Conference, ICSBT 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 14–16, 2022, and 19th International Conference, SECRYPT 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-13, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
This book includes extended and revised versions of a set of selected papers presented at the 19th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies, ICSBT 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 14–16, 2022, and 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11-13, 2022.The 7 full papers included in the volume were carefully selected from the 143 submissions accepted to participate in the conference. The papers present reciting research on e-Business technology and its current applications; and all aspects of security and privacy.
Springer International Publishing AG Big Data – BigData 2023: 12th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2023, Honolulu, HI, USA, September 23–26, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference, BigData 2023, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2023, Honolulu, HI, USA, during September 23–26, 2023. The 14 full papers presented together with 2 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 27 submissions. The conference focuses on research track and application track.
Springer International Publishing AG Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management: 7th International Conference, GISTAM 2021, Virtual Event, April 23–25, 2021, and 8th International Conference, GISTAM 2022, Virtual Event, April 27-29, 2022, Revised Sele
This book constitutes selected, revised and extended papers of the 7th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management, GISTAM 2021, held in April 2021, and 8th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management, GISTAM 2022, held in April 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic both conferences were held online. The 4 revised full papers presented at GISTAM 2021 were carefully reviewed and selected from the 44 submissions, and 3 papers presented at GISTAM 2022 were selected from the 27 submissions. The papers are centered on urban and regional planning; water information systems; geospatial information and technologies; spatio-temporal database management; decision support systems; energy information systems; GPS and location detection.
Springer International Publishing AG Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Research Track: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2023, Turin, Italy, September 18–22, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV
The multi-volume set LNAI 14169 until 14175 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ECML PKDD 2023, which took place in Turin, Italy, in September 2023.The 196 papers were selected from the 829 submissions for the Research Track, and 58 papers were selected from the 239 submissions for the Applied Data Science Track. The volumes are organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: Active Learning; Adversarial Machine Learning; Anomaly Detection; Applications; Bayesian Methods; Causality; Clustering.Part II: Computer Vision; Deep Learning; Fairness; Federated Learning; Few-shot learning; Generative Models; Graph Contrastive Learning.Part III: Graph Neural Networks; Graphs; Interpretability; Knowledge Graphs; Large-scale Learning.Part IV: Natural Language Processing; Neuro/Symbolic Learning; Optimization; Recommender Systems; Reinforcement Learning; Representation Learning.Part V: Robustness; Time Series; Transfer and Multitask Learning.Part VI: Applied Machine Learning; Computational Social Sciences; Finance; Hardware and Systems; Healthcare & Bioinformatics; Human-Computer Interaction; Recommendation and Information Retrieval.Part VII: Sustainability, Climate, and Environment.- Transportation & Urban Planning.- Demo.
Springer International Publishing AG Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Research Track: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2023, Turin, Italy, September 18–22, 2023, Proceedings, Part I
The multi-volume set LNAI 14169 until 14175 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ECML PKDD 2023, which took place in Turin, Italy, in September 2023.The 196 papers were selected from the 829 submissions for the Research Track, and 58 papers were selected from the 239 submissions for the Applied Data Science Track. The volumes are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Active Learning; Adversarial Machine Learning; Anomaly Detection; Applications; Bayesian Methods; Causality; Clustering.Part II: Computer Vision; Deep Learning; Fairness; Federated Learning; Few-shot learning; Generative Models; Graph Contrastive Learning. Part III: Graph Neural Networks; Graphs; Interpretability; Knowledge Graphs; Large-scale Learning. Part IV: Natural Language Processing; Neuro/Symbolic Learning; Optimization; Recommender Systems; Reinforcement Learning; Representation Learning.Part V: Robustness; Time Series; Transfer and Multitask Learning. Part VI: Applied Machine Learning; Computational Social Sciences; Finance; Hardware and Systems; Healthcare & Bioinformatics; Human-Computer Interaction; Recommendation and Information Retrieval.Part VII: Sustainability, Climate, and Environment.- Transportation & Urban Planning.- Demo.
Springer International Publishing AG Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 49th International Workshop, WG 2023, Fribourg, Switzerland, June 28–30, 2023, Revised Selected Papers
This volume constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 49th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2023. The 33 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 116 submissions. The WG 2022 workshop aims to merge theory and practice by demonstrating how concepts from graph theory can be applied to various areas in computer science, or by extracting new graph theoretic problems from applications.
Springer International Publishing AG Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 24th Annual Conference, TAROS 2023, Cambridge, UK, September 13–15, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, TAROS 2023, held in Cambridge, UK, during September 13–15, 2023.The 40 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 70 submissions.They cover a wide range of different topics such as: agri-food robotics; autonomy; collaborative and service robotics; locomotion and manipulation; machine vision; multi-robot systems; soft robotics; tactile sensing; and teleoperation.
Springer International Publishing AG Frontiers of Combining Systems: 14th International Symposium, FroCoS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, September 20–22, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, FroCoS 2023, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in September 2023. The symposium was co-located with the 32nd International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX 2023.The 14 papers presented were thorouhgly reviewed and selected from the 22 high-quality paper submissions. They are grouped in the volume according to the following topic classification: analysis of programs and equations; unification; decidable fragments; frameworks; higher-order theorem proving.This is an open access book.
Springer International Publishing AG Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery
This book provides information about different types of dimensionality reduction (DR) methods and their effectiveness in hyperspectral data processing. The authors first explain how hyperspectral imagery (HSI) plays an important role in remote sensing due to its high spectral resolution that enables better identification of different materials on the earth’s surface. The authors go on to describe potential challenges due to HSI being acquired in hundreds of narrow and contiguous bands, represented as a 3-dimensional image cube, often causing the bands to contain information redundancy. They then show how processing a large number of bands adds challenges in terms of computation complexity that reduces efficiency. The authors then present how DR is an essential step in hyperspectral data analysis to solve these issues. Overall, the book helps readers understand the DR processes and its impact in effective HSI analysis.
Springer International Publishing AG Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen für Menschen mit Autismus: Integration der Forschung in die Praxis
Dieses Buch untersucht aktuelle Trends und Praktiken im Bereich der Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen für Menschen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASS) und konzentriert sich dabei auf die empirische Unterstützung aktueller Praktiken und darauf, für welche Bevölkerungsgruppen diese Praktiken am häufigsten evaluiert wurden (z. B. Alter, Funktionsniveau). Es werden die wichtigsten Praktiken beschrieben, die als Lehrstrategien für soziale Fähigkeiten eingesetzt werden können, sowie die theoretischen Grundlagen der Lehrstrategien, die relevante empirische Unterstützung und ein Leitfaden für die Anwendung, der sich auf die empirischen Bewertungen stützt. Diese Leitfäden sind ein praktisches Hilfsmittel für die Umsetzung der allgemein evaluierten Lehrstrategien für soziale Kompetenzen. Darüber hinaus beschreibt das Buch die Grenzen des Lehrens sozialer Kompetenzen und gibt Empfehlungen für künftige Forschungs- und Interventionsstrategien, die die derzeitigen Grenzen überwinden könnten.Zu den wichtigsten Themen gehören:Videomodellierung und Training sozialer Fertigkeiten für Menschen mit ASD.Training von Verhaltensfähigkeiten bei ASD.Peer-vermittelter Unterricht für Menschen mit Autismus.Soziale Narrative von Menschen mit ASD.Social Skills Teaching for Individuals with Autism ist ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für Forscher, Professoren und Studenten sowie für Kliniker, Therapeuten und andere Fachleute aus den Bereichen klinische Kinder- und Schulpsychologie, Verhaltenstherapie/Rehabilitation, Sozialarbeit, öffentliches Gesundheitswesen und allen damit zusammenhängenden Disziplinen.
Springer International Publishing AG Software Architecture: 17th European Conference, ECSA 2023, Istanbul, Turkey, September 18–22, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Architecture, ECSA 2023, held in Istanbul, Turkey, in September 2023.The 16 full papers and the 9 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 71 submissions. They address the most recent, innovative, and significant findings and experiences in the field of software architecture research and practice.
Springer International Publishing AG Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 14th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 18–21, 2023, Proceedings
This volume LNCS 14163 constitutes the refereed proceedings of 14th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2023, in Thessaloniki, Greece, during September 18–21, 2023. The 10 full papers and one short paper included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 35 submissions. The conference focuses on authorship attribution, fake news detection and news tracking, noise-detection in automatically transferred relevance judgments, impact of online education on children’s conversational search behavior, analysis of multi-modal social media content, knowledge graphs for sensitivity identification, a fusion of deep learning and logic rules for sentiment analysis, medical concept normalization and domain-specific information extraction.In addition to this, the volume presents 7 “Best of the labs” papers which were reviewed as full paper submissions with the same review criteria. 13 lab overview papers were accepted and represent scientific challenges based on new datasets and real world problems in multimodal and multilingual information access.
Springer International Publishing AG Managing Globalized, Deglobalized and Reglobalized Supply Chains
This book provides an in-depth exploration of the complexities surrounding supply chain globalization, de-globalization, and the prospective re-globalization. It not only presents the interplay of these phenomena but also navigates their root causes through the lens of organizational, economic and political theories. The analysis spans across multiple fields, enabling readers to grasp the full breadth and depth of the dynamics at play. In this book, you'll delve into the intricacies of global sourcing and production. These discussions will help you understand the layers of complexities inherent in managing global supply chains. You'll explore the risks and uncertainties associated with international supply chain operations, gaining insight into building resilient and adaptive systems capable of thriving amidst constant change. You'll also learn about the sustainability challenges emerging within the global supply chain environment. How can firms ensure that their supply chains remain economically viable, socially responsible, and environmentally friendly? These and other topics find their discussions in the pages of this book. This book offers considerable value for various readers. Students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels can gain essential understanding of concepts and phenomena related to supply chain globalization. Operational managers can find practical implications and strategies for managing their global supply chains amidst an unpredictable international trade environment. Finally, the book doesn't only focus on the present. It forecasts potential future developments and proposes new research directions in the fields of supply chain management, strategic management, and international business. Thus, it's also an indispensable resource for scholars seeking fresh perspectives and avenues for exploration.
Springer International Publishing AG Linguistic Stratigraphy: Recovering Traces of Lost Languages in the Central Andes
This book examines the historical linguistic panorama of Western South America, focusing on the minor languages that were partially or fully replaced by the expansion of the Quechuan family through the region.The author presents a coherent and generally applicable framework for studying prehistoric language shift processes and reconstructing earlier linguistic landscapes before significant language spreads ousted former patterns of linguistic diversity. This framework combines toponymic evidence with the analysis of substrate contact effects, and, in some cases, extralinguistic evidence, to create an integrated if incomplete of extinct and undocumented languages. In an authoritative exploration of case studies, concerning Aymara in parts of Southern Peru, Cañar in Ecuador, and Chacha in Northern Peru, the book shows how the identities of lost languages and earlier linguistic panoramas can be reconstructed.
Springer International Publishing AG Analysis of Epidemiologic Data Using R
This book addresses the description and analysis of occurrence data frequently encountered in epidemiological studies. With the occurrence of Covid-19, people have been exposed to the analysis and interpretation of epidemiological data. To be informed consumers of this information, people need to understand the nature and analysis of these data. Effort is made to emphasize concepts rather than mathematics. Subjects range from description of the frequencies of disease to the analysis of associations between the occurrence of disease and exposure. Those analyses begin with simple associations and work up to complex relationships that involve the control of extraneous characteristics. Analyses rely on the statistical software R, which is freeware in wide use by professional epidemiologists and other scientists.
Springer International Publishing AG Clinical Handbook of ADHD Assessment and Treatment Across the Lifespan
The handbook examines the latest research and clinical advancements in assessing and treating ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) across the lifespan. It synthesizes the most current research data and trends combined with best-practice interventions to form a comprehensive, state-of-the-art resource. The handbook identifies the most relevant, effective treatments for individuals with ADHD. Key areas of coverage include: Core symptoms of ADHD in minority children. Lifestyles for children with ADHD. Digital interventions for children and adolescents with ADHD. Telemedicine to manage ADHD across the lifespan. Healthcare use and costs for adults with ADHD. The Clinical Handbook of ADHD Assessment and Treatment Across the Lifespan is an essential reference for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians and other professionals across such interrelated disciplines as clinical child, school, and developmental psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, social work, rehabilitation medicine/therapy, pediatrics, and special education.
Springer International Publishing AG Questioning Care in Higher Education: Resisting Definitions as Radical
This book explores questions of care in higher education. Using Joan Tronto’s seven signs that institutions are not caring well, the authors examine whether students and staff consider universities to be caring institutions. As such, they outline how universities systematically, structurally, and actively ‘undercare’ when it comes to supporting students and staff, a phenomenon which was amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on scholarly ideas from the sociology of care, higher education, social justice, and feminist critique, and in dialogue with empirical insights gathered with people who work and study in universities in Australia, South Africa, and the UK, the book questions why people care, as well as why adopting a caring position in higher education can be viewed as radical. The authors conclude by asking what we can do to counter that view by thinking carefully about the purpose, power, and plurality of care, before imagining how we can create more caring universities.
Springer International Publishing AG Clinical Anatomy and Embryology: A Guide for the Classroom, Boards, and Clinic
This second edition was updated and will again be of great value to medical and other allied health students. It seeks to aid students in gaining a general understanding of clinical anatomy before embarking on a specific discipline-focused program.The purpose of this text is not an exhaustive deep dive into all of gross anatomy. There are numerous other books that have done this. Likewise, it is not meant to be just a quick overview. Rather, it is meant to present each anatomical topic with clinical scenarios in mind. Hopefully, it will help first-year students with their course, second-year students looking for a refresher before boards, and third- and fourth-year students looking for a refresher before rotations.Organized among two sections, the first includes chapters that cover the anatomy of the head and neck, abdomen, thorax, pelvis and perineum, lower limb, upper limb, and back. What’s more, section two briefly examines the embryology and development of the organ systems, such as the development of major organs.This new edition is again an invaluable resource for students who wish to retain anatomical knowledge on the entire human body despite an eventual career in one particular discipline of medicine. It is complemented by its previously published sister text Medical Neuroanatomy for the Boards and the Clinic, now in second edition, which applies similar principles of anatomical information with a focus on identifying potentially malignant lesions.
Springer International Publishing AG Potential Functions of Random Walks in ℤ with Infinite Variance: Estimates and Applications
This book studies the potential functions of one-dimensional recurrent random walks on the lattice of integers with step distribution of infinite variance. The central focus is on obtaining reasonably nice estimates of the potential function. These estimates are then applied to various situations, yielding precise asymptotic results on, among other things, hitting probabilities of finite sets, overshoot distributions, Green functions on long finite intervals and the half-line, and absorption probabilities of two-sided exit problems.The potential function of a random walk is a central object in fluctuation theory. If the variance of the step distribution is finite, the potential function has a simple asymptotic form, which enables the theory of recurrent random walks to be described in a unified way with rather explicit formulae. On the other hand, if the variance is infinite, the potential function behaves in a wide range of ways depending on the step distribution, which the asymptotic behaviour of many functionals of the random walk closely reflects.In the case when the step distribution is attracted to a strictly stable law, aspects of the random walk have been intensively studied and remarkable results have been established by many authors. However, these results generally do not involve the potential function, and important questions still need to be answered. In the case where the random walk is relatively stable, or if one tail of the step distribution is negligible in comparison to the other on average, there has been much less work. Some of these unsettled problems have scarcely been addressed in the last half-century. As revealed in this treatise, the potential function often turns out to play a significant role in their resolution. Aimed at advanced graduate students specialising in probability theory, this book will also be of interest to researchers and engineers working with random walks and stochastic systems.
Springer International Publishing AG Textbook of Otitis Media: The Basics and Beyond
This textbook presents a broad approach to otitis media ranging from the basic to the advanced, and comprehensively reviews the diagnosis, treatment, management, and complications of patients with infections of the middle ear (OM). It has been proven that children whose hearing has been affected by otitis media suffer academically. Since their hearing is impaired, their scholastic performance deteriorates, leading to multiple health and social problems. This in turn has a cascading effect on the child's ability to perform and cope. Quite often these problems are silent and go unrecognized and misdiagnosed. The socioeconomic impact of otitis media is profound and can deeply and adversely impact a child's growth and development if not diagnosed correctly and in a timely manner.The textbook starts by covering the basics, including chapters on classification and terminology, anatomy and embryological development of the inner ear, the immune system and the inner ear, inflammation and infection, genetic predisposition, current treatment strategies including surgical and non-surgical approaches, and hearing devices. Following chapters review the current and future state of the art in OM, including chapters on tympanoplasty, temporal bone cholesteatomas, advanced hearing and balance evaluations, advanced imaging evaluations, and mastoidectomy. Textbook of Otitis Media will be a go-to resource for otorhinolaryngology residents and fellows, pediatricians, ENT surgeons, consultants, nurses, and audiologists.
Springer International Publishing AG Text, Speech, and Dialogue: 26th International Conference, TSD 2023, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 4–6, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue, TSD 2023, held in Pilsen, Czech Republic, during September 4–6, 2023. The 31 full papers presented together with the abstracts of 3 keynote talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 64 submissions. The conference attracts researchers not only from Central and Eastern Europe but also from other parts of the world. One of its goals has always been bringing together NLP researchers with various interests from different parts of the world and promoting their cooperation. One of the ambitions of the conference is, not only to deal with dialogue systems but also to improve dialogue among researchers in areas of NLP, i.e., among the “text” and the “speech” and the “dialogue” people.
Springer International Publishing AG Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management: 16th International Conference, KSEM 2023, Guangzhou, China, August 16–18, 2023, Proceedings, Part II
This volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, KSEM 2023, which was held in Guangzhou, China, during August 16–18, 2023. The 114 full papers and 30 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 395 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: knowledge science with learning and AI; knowledge engineering research and applications; knowledge management systems; and emerging technologies for knowledge science, engineering and management.
Springer International Publishing AG Biology of Women’s Heart Health
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in women and men worldwide and represents a major financial burden to world health care systems. Importantly, CVD has eclipsed cancer as the leading cause of death for women globally. Through advancements in research and clinical testing, the symptoms and risk factors for CVD have been well established for men, but not for women. Consequently, there is an immediate need for new innovative research that will bridge this gap and allow for improved early diagnosis and treatment of CVD in women. This book will serve as a guide for health care providers to better understand the physiological, biochemical, and genetic differences in heart disease in women with the goal of providing improved education, awareness and treatment of cardiovascular disease in women. The book will cover topics such as: sex dependent clinical outcomes of cardiovascular disease, cardiac protection by estrogen, cardiac health during menopause, cardiac rehabilitation programs, fitness and exercise, cardio-oncology, shift work and the CVD risk, and pregnancy related CVD.
Springer International Publishing AG Atlas of Keystone Reconstructive Technique in Melanoma Management
Worldwide, it is quoted that 85% of Melanoma cases are treated surgically. The reliability of the Keystone Perforator Island Flap (KPIF) as a reconstructive technique has wide applications. Its low complication rate is the key to its surgical success. The technique is clearly explained in this Atlas by the author, a renowned plastic and reconstructive surgeon, who established this reconstructive principle over 20 years. The illustrations range from simple to complex cases in an easy-to-follow format. Audio files, as a supplementary tool, amplify the technique to enhance the reader’s experience and foster clear understanding. Chapters focussing on anatomical regions contain carefully selected cases accompanied by images to demonstrate a step-by-step surgical technique. The basic design format for all Keystones are highlighted, all sitting within the dermatomal precincts. The KPIF must contain a fascial base for lining and the island outline is an essential pre-requisite. It is hypothesized that this islanding creates a sympathectomy effect resulting in hyperaemic blood flow which optimises healing. Undermining up to 2/3 is permissible as long as there is a deep attachment of 1/3 at the base of the flap to contain the random perforator vascular support. This design allows the rotation, advancement and transposition (ART) of the flap to facilitate the reconstructive closures. Presumably, there are somatic and autonomic neural support lines accompanying the vascular pathways of these random perforator flaps. The vascular perforator tree must not be skeletonised (as in propellor flaps) to allow preservation of such anatomical elements - somatic, autonomic and lymphatic pathways, all of which are an essential component in any surgical repair. This KPIF provides an alternative to microvascular procedures where the biggest drawback is tissue match. The KPIF addresses this problem admirably with a low pain component, an excellent aesthetic match with a low vascular complication rate and a performed in an expeditious manner – these all characterise the KPIF. Simple solutions solve problems and this KPIF Atlas for Melanoma becomes a welcome companion to any surgical speciality including plastic and reconstructive surgeons, surgical oncologists, general surgeons and dermatologists.
Springer International Publishing AG Superpartikeln: Eine mikrosemantische Theorie, Typologie und Geschichte der logischen Atome
In diesem Buch geht es um die faszinierende Fähigkeit der menschlichen Sprache, mit Hilfe winziger (mikrosemantischer) Morpheme als Hilfsmittel komplizierte logische (mathematische) Bedeutungen auszudrücken. Sprachen markieren Bedeutungen mit identischen Schlussfolgerungen, indem sie identische Partikel verwenden, und diese Partikel schleichen sich so in eine Vielzahl von Ausdrücken ein. Aufgrund ihrer Multitasking-Fähigkeit, scheinbar disparate Bedeutungen auszudrücken, werden sie als Superpartikel bezeichnet. Diese Partikel sind perfekte Fenster in die Verzahnung mehrerer grammatischer Module und die Art der Interaktion dieser Module im Laufe der Zeit. Fest verankert in dem Modul, in dem die grammatischen Knochen gebaut und zusammengesetzt werden (enge Morphosyntax), erhalten Superpartikel je nach der Struktur, in der sie vorkommen, unterschiedliche Interpretationen (im begrifflich-intentionalen Modul - Semantik). Darüber hinaus sind einige der Interpretationen, die diese Partikel auslösen, inferentiell und gehören nach der Standardrechnung in den Bereich der Pragmatik. Wie können so winzige Partikel, die selten länger als eine Silbe sind, so mächtige und übergreifende Wirkungen im intermodularen grammatischen Raum haben? Dies ist der platonische Hintergrund, vor dem dieses Buch steht.
Springer International Publishing AG Hypergroups
This book provides a comprehensive algebraic treatment of hypergroups, as defined by F. Marty in 1934. It starts with structural results, which are developed along the lines of the structure theory of groups. The focus then turns to a number of concrete classes of hypergroups with small parameters, and continues with a closer look at the role of involutions (modeled after the definition of group-theoretic involutions) within the theory of hypergroups. Hypergroups generated by involutions lead to the exchange condition (a genuine generalization of the group-theoretic exchange condition), and this condition defines the so-called Coxeter hypergroups. Coxeter hypergroups can be treated in a similar way to Coxeter groups. On the other hand, their regular actions are mathematically equivalent to buildings (in the sense of Jacques Tits). A similar equivalence is discussed for twin buildings. The primary audience for the monograph will be researchers working in Algebra and/or Algebraic Combinatorics, in particular on association schemes.
Springer International Publishing AG Renal Denervation: Treatment and Device-Based Neuromodulation
This extensively revised edition examines renal pathophysiology and the rationale for renal denervation for the management of hypertension, as well as possible long-term benefits and risks of this therapy. Renal denervation is a minimally invasive, endovascular catheter-based procedure that makes use of radiofrequency ablation to treat resistant hypertension, with studies showing a high degree of effectiveness. The devices involved in the continued evolution of this therapy are discussed and the book incorporates analyses of the development of the technique while evaluating its cost effectiveness and future applications. Renal Denervation: A New Approach to Treatment of Resistant Hypertension describes the technique in detail, its advances and its pitfalls. While it has been estimated that 50% of Western civilization has hypertension and approximately 20% of patients have resistant hypertension, hypertension remains the leading cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality thus strengthening arguments to consider a wider range of potential solutions to manage these patients.
Springer International Publishing AG Next Generation Roadmapping: Establishing Technology and Innovation Pathways Towards Sustainable Value
Roadmapping is a structured visual approach for supporting strategic technology and innovation management, providing strategic navigational support (hence the “roadmap” metaphor) for technologists, designers, entrepreneurs, programme managers, executives, policy makers, other stakeholders involved in the formulation and implementation of strategy. This book brings together the latest developments in roadmapping, covering a range of practical issues and conceptual aspects. First, the book delves into the critical topic of strategic alignment within organizations, encompassing the interdependencies and synchronization of horizontal and vertical systems, connecting innovation priorities to strategic objectives, and the integration of key performance indicators. Then, the book concentrates on practical techniques and tools for roadmapping, including a template-based approach for technology venture funding. Social and digital aspects of roadmapping are explored, including workshop methods, considering how quantitative (analysis) and qualitative (expert) knowledge can be combined for improved strategic planning. Finally, a series of new case studies focusing on energy systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Turkey illustrate the practical application of technology roadmapping and also provide useful insights. Roadmapping continues to evolve, as it is adapted to apply to new domains and strategic challenges, propagates to new sectors, and as new digital technologies such as AI emerge that radically affect strategy and innovation processes. The need for structured and engaging approaches such as roadmapping for navigating towards the future is essential.
Springer International Publishing AG Automated Deduction – CADE 29: 29th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Rome, Italy, July 1–4, 2023, Proceedings
This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE 29, which took place in Rome, Italy, during July 2023. The 28 full papers and 5 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 77 submissions. CADE is the major forum for the presentation of research in all aspects of automated deduction, including foundations, applications, implementations, and practical experience. The papers are organized in the following topics: Logical foundations; theory and principles; implementation and application; ATP and AI; and system descriptions.
Springer International Publishing AG Monumental London: From Roman Colony to Global City
This book presents an original interpretation of the building history of London in terms of its evolving political economy. Each of the seven ages of the city from the Roman to the modern, are portrayed through their monumental buildings, concentrating in particular on their symbolic purpose as expressions of the status and authority of those who built them. The concluding synthesis explores how these successive layers of building can be seen to be a product of the evolving class structure, the changing distribution of wealth, and the shifting struggle for political power within the city and the nation. Although the focus is on London, the analysis is applicable to any urbanized economy at any stage of development. This book offers unique insight into London as a landscape of power and as a city that has assumed a succession of identities over the last two millennia. It will be relevant to students and researchers interested in urban economy, economic history, and the political economy.
Springer International Publishing AG The Women's Guide to Successful Investing: Achieving Financial Security and Realizing Your Goals
It is no secret that women are increasingly controlling wealth. Estimates suggest that women control more than 50% of all wealth and growing. Importantly, 95% of women will be their family’s primary financial decision maker at some point in their lives. Yet recent studies show that Millennial women are deferring financial and investing decisions at a greater pace than Baby Boomer women. Targeted to all women “with a clear recognition that though the objectives and needs of this vast segment may not necessarily be homogeneous, women share common challenges when it comes to investing, this book provides clear instruction and a series of Intelligent Investing Rules for women to live by, especially in these times with sticky and persistent inflation and rising interest rates. The Women’s Guide to Successful Investing demonstrates how women can develop the knowledge and skills required to accumulate wealth and build an investment portfolio for the long term. Providing proven wealth accumulation strategies, tailored advice, and a comprehensive market analysis, this second edition is a must-read for female investors who want to master volatile markets with long-term success. Written by a female CEO, CIO, and investment manager whose career has spanned 38 years, the book offers a much-needed blueprint for investments for women.
Springer International Publishing AG Racism, Violence and Harm: Ideology, Media and Resistance
This book examines connections between racism, violence, and social harms, along with the parts played by media actors and institutions in sustaining these phenomena. The chapters present instances of racism from numerous countries in connection with state violence, media coverage of harms and violence against racialised others, including Roma, Palestinians, Indigenous Australians, Maori, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Muslim peoples, Black people in Portugal, Middle-Eastern people in Australia, and asylum seekers. The chapters analyse ideology while paying attention to history and global context, tracing intersectional dynamics including nexuses of racism, class, and gender. They focus on various aspects of violence, including state, colonial and imperialist violence and ideological violence. The book is necessarily interdisciplinary, but explicitly anti-racist and attentive to resistances. It traverses criminology, sociology, cultural studies, postcolonial studies, media studies, history, and cognate fields.
Springer International Publishing AG Business Intelligence: 8th International Conference, CBI 2023, Istanbul, Turkey, July 19–21, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Business Intelligence, CBI 2023, which held in Istanbul, Turkey, during July 19–21, 2023.The 15 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 50 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: artificial intelligence and business intelligence; and optimization and decision support.
Springer International Publishing AG Networked Systems: 11th International Conference, NETYS 2023, Benguerir, Morocco, May 22–24, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networked Systems, NETYS 2023, held in Benguerir, Morocco, during May 22–24, 2023. The 9 full papers and 3 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 31 submissions. The scope of the conference covers all aspects related to the design and the development of these systems, including, e.g., cloud systems, formal verification, concurrent and distributed algorithms, data management, data science, parallel/concurrent/distributed programming, machine learning, multi-core architectures, networks, and security.
Springer International Publishing AG Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges: Montreal, QC, Canada, August 21–25, 2022, Proceedings, Part II
This 4-volumes set constitutes the proceedings of the ICPR 2022 Workshops of the 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Workshops, ICPR 2022, Montreal, QC, Canada, August 2023. The 167 full papers presented in these 4 volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. ICPR workshops covered domains related to pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, computer vision, image and sound analysis. Workshops’ contributions reflected the most recent applications related to healthcare, biometrics, ethics, multimodality, cultural heritage, imagery, affective computing, etc.
Springer International Publishing AG The Construction, Sources, and Implications of Consensualism in Contract: Lesson from France
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to French contract law with a focus on the role of consent and the evolution of consensualism, considering its immediate historical sources. The book provides a clear, in-depth, and analytical discussion of the contingency of consensualism and how the development of consensual ideas across time and transnational geographical settings has specifically underpinned modern French contract law, which has inspired other legal systems and continues to do so. It also challenges the macro-narratives of European legal history and redefines consensualism so that it may be properly understood, addressing its manifest contemporary misinterpretations. Thorough, engaging, well-structured and inventive, there is no other English-language scholarly work that offers a similar analysis.“This monograph makes an evident contribution to the field by offering an original interpretation of several provisions in the Code Civil which relate to the law of contract. The author demonstrates an impressive grasp of Latin, French and English sources as well as knowledge of Roman law, legal history, and contemporary French law. It is well-referenced and offers an extensive bibliography”. – Dr Stephen Bogle, Senior Lecturer in Private Law, University of Glasgow, UK“The author brings a critical perspective to bear throughout the monograph and develops a clear and quite sophisticated position on the interaction between consensualism and formalism in Roman and French law and the intervening European ius commune”. – Prof Hector MacQueen, Emeritus Professor of Private Law, University of Edinburgh, UK
Springer International Publishing AG Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops: Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part V
This nine-volume set LNCS 14104 – 14112 constitutes the refereed workshop proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2023, held at Athens, Greece, during July 3–6, 2023. The 350 full papers and 29 short papers and 2 PHD showcase papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 876 submissions. These nine-volumes includes the proceedings of the following workshops: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Learning Technologies: Blended Learning, STEM, Computational Thinking and Coding (AAILT 2023); Advanced Processes of Mathematics and Computing Models in Complex Computational Systems (ACMC 2023); Artificial Intelligence supported Medical data examination (AIM 2023); Advanced and Innovative web Apps (AIWA 2023); Assessing Urban Sustainability (ASUS 2023); Advanced Data Science Techniques with applications in Industry and Environmental Sustainability (ATELIERS 2023); Advances in Web Based Learning (AWBL 2023); Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers: Technologies and Applications (BDLTA 2023); Bio and Neuro inspired Computing and Applications (BIONCA 2023); Choices and Actions for Human Scale Cities: Decision Support Systems (CAHSC-DSS 2023); and Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM 2023).
Springer International Publishing AG Communalism and the Pursuit of Democracy: A Reflection on the Eradication of Racialism and Promoting Social Harmony
This Palgrave Pivot examines why racialism is so persistent and the challenges it poses to the functioning of democracy and the attainment of national integration. It introduces an evolutionary psychology framework, which explains human innate potential to identify with and defend one’s group, but argues that racial dislike and conflicts are provoked by racial ideologies and the politics of ethnicity. By comparing the politics of race in a number of countries, including Malaysia and the United States, this book argues that attachment to one’s ethnic and religious identities does not hinder ethnic harmony. It is necessary to manage the issues of race and religion as well as promoting conviviality and cosmopolitanism for pursuing the ideal of common humanity and for maintaining a stable and meaningful democracy. This book concludes that democracy, as practiced, has some major weaknesses; as an ideal, it is still the best form of government to pursue.
Springer International Publishing AG Formal Concept Analysis: 17th International Conference, ICFCA 2023, Kassel, Germany, July 17–21, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, ICFCA 2023, which took place in Kassel, Germany, in July 2023.The 13 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 19 submissions. The International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis serves as a platform for researchers from FCA and related disciplines to showcase and exchange their research findings. The papers are organized in two topical sections, first "Theory" and second "Applications and Visualization".
Springer International Publishing AG Information Security and Privacy: 28th Australasian Conference, ACISP 2023, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, July 5–7, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 28th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, ACISP 2023, held in Brisbane, QLD, Australia, during July 5-7, 2023. The 27 full papers presented were carefully revised and selected from 87 submissions. The papers present and discuss different aspects of symmetric-key cryptography, public-key cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, cryptographic protocols, and system security.
Springer International Publishing AG Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 28th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2023, Derby, UK, June 21–23, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2023, held in Derby, UK, in June 21–23, 2023The 31 full papers and 14 short papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. They focus on the developments of the application of natural language to databases and information systems in the wider meaning of the term.
Springer International Publishing AG Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Longevity
This book reviews the state-of-the-art efforts to apply machine learning and AI methods for healthy aging and longevity research, diagnosis, and therapy development. The book examines the methods of machine learning and their application in the analysis of big medical data, medical images, the creation of algorithms for assessing biological age, and effectiveness of geroprotective medications.The promises and challenges of using AI to help achieve healthy longevity for the population are manifold. This volume, written by world-leading experts working at the intersection of AI and aging, provides a unique synergy of these two highly prominent fields and aims to create a balanced and comprehensive overview of the application methodology that can help achieve healthy longevity for the population.The book is accessible and valuable for specialists in AI and longevity research, as well as a wide readership, including gerontologists, geriatricians, medical specialists, and students from diverse fields, basic scientists, public and private research entities, and policy makers interested in potential intervention in degenerative aging processes using advanced computational tools.
Springer International Publishing AG Ecological Urbanism of Yoruba Cities in Nigeria: An Ecosystem Services Approach
This book offers in-depth ethnographic analyses of key informants’ interviews on the ecological urbanism and ecosystem services (ES) of selected green infrastructure (GI) in Yoruba cities of Ile-Ife, Ibadan, Osogbo, Lagos, Abeokuta, Akure, Ondo, among others in Southwest Nigeria. It examines the Indigenous Knowledge System (IKS) demonstrated for wellbeing through home gardens by this largest ethno-linguistic group in Nigeria. This is in addition to the ES of Osun Grove UNESCO World Heritage Site, Osogbo; Biological Garden and Park, Akure; Lekki Conservation Centre, Lagos; Adekunle Fajuyi Park, Ado-Ekiti; Muri Okunola Park, Lagos; and some institutional GI including University of Ibadan Botanical Gardens, Ibadan; Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta Botanical Garden, Abeokuta; and University of Lagos Lagoon Front Resort, Lagos, Nigeria. The study draws on theoretical praxis of Western biophilic ideologies, spirit ontologies of the Global South, and largely, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) to examine eco-cultural green spaces, home gardens, and English-types of parks and gardens as archetypes of GI in Yoruba traditional urbanism, colonial and post-colonial city planning. The book provides methods of achieving a form of modernized traditionalism as means of translating the IKS into design strategies for eco-cultural cities. The strategies are framework, model, and ethnographic design algorithms that are syntheses of the lived experiences of the key informants.
Springer International Publishing AG 3rd International Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools (ICTIMT2023)
This open access conference proceedings contains all the papers presented at the ICTIMT 2023, the 3rd International Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools. The event takes place in Dresden, the capital of Saxony, from March 21-23 2023. The conference is organized by the Chair of Machine Tools Development and Adaptive Controls of the Technische Universität Dresden.
Springer International Publishing AG 3rd International Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools (ICTIMT2023)
This open access conference proceedings contains all the papers presented at the ICTIMT 2023, the 3rd International Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools. The event takes place in Dresden, the capital of Saxony, from March 21-23 2023. The conference is organized by the Chair of Machine Tools Development and Adaptive Controls of the Technische Universität Dresden.
Springer International Publishing AG A Guide to a Healthier Planet: Scientific Insights and Actionable Steps to Help Resolve Climate, Pollution and Biodiversity Issues
This book focuses on closing the gap between scientific insights on pressing environmental issues that do not often reach the general public, and putting that scientific knowledge in the hands of everyday people who can use these insights to take action against climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. The goal of this work is to share fascinating facts about nature and sustainability to inspire taking action toward a healthier planet, and to provide ideas on how we can take action to solve environmental issues in an informed and easy-to-understand way. The chapters are sourced from the author's work published on with added content not available on chapters are based on open-access research articles covering various environmental issues and solutions that are not often disseminated in popular discourse but are nonetheless important for non-scientific audiences to understand and become familiar with. They allow readers to explore the broad range of concepts and issues and recognize the far-reaching consequences, and trigger the desire to take action. Also, each chapter provides concrete ideas of how we as individuals can take action in daily life to make a positive difference related to the issues described. The book is a multimodal work, as it includes images and videos that accompany the text.