Search results for ""author marina"
Phaidon Press Ltd Open Studio: Do-It-Yourself Art Projects by Contemporary Artists
A behind-the-scenes look at leading contemporary artists at work in their studios, with original art projects to recreate at home Open Studio invites you into the private studios of seventeen of the most celebrated contemporary artists as they draw, paint, sculpt, or design an original project for readers to recreate at home. Join George Condo as he creates a paint-by-numbers portrait, William Wegman as he watercolors whimsical scenes of his beloved Weimaraners, and Mickalene Thomas as she makes an artist's book out of collage. Open Studio demystifies the studio practice through fun, accessible, D.I.Y. projects. The book provides a suggested list of supplies, illustrated step-by-step instructions, pull-out templates and stencils, and essential elements - no special skills or previous art experience required! The result is sure to inspire kids and adults alike to blaze their own creative trails. Each entry also includes a brief profile of the artist, exploring how they came to love art, their unique creative methodologies, and the sources of their inspiration, along with original photography of the artists in their studios. Participating artists include: Marina Abramovic, George Condo, Will Cotton, John Currin, Thomas Demand, Rachel Feinstein, The Haas Brothers, Alex Israel, Rashid Johnson, KAWS, Maya Lin, Julie Mehretu, Wangechi Mutu, Mickalene Thomas, Sarah Sze, William Wegman, and Lawrence Weiner.
Peeters Publishers "After You!": Dialogical Ethics and the Pastoral Counselling Process
The subject of this book is pastoral counseling as a particular form of pastoral care in the Christian context. Central in the reflection stays the counseling process as dialogue and ethical event, inspirend by thinkers as Levinas, Buber, Honneth, Bakhtin, Vygotsky, Nagy, and others. The first part provides building blocks for an interdisciplinary reflection on different forms and fields of counseling as a qualitative event of conversation. The views on the event of dialogue are illustrated on the basis of different forms and fields of conversation that come from both the pastoral as well as the therapeutic and guidance setting. Contributors to the first part are: Sheila McNamee, Lisbeth Lipari, Marie-Cecile Bertau, Peter Rober, Vangie Bergum, Darcia Narvaez. The second part focuses on the pastoral counselling as 'event of conversation' whereby our 'dialogical human condition' takes shape in its own manner. Two seemingly contradictory characteristics are linked with each other, namely asymmetry and reciprocity, or better reciprocity in a context of ethical asymmetry, with special attention for the different aspects of responsibility, recognition, power, and visible or hidden forms of violence. The different contributors (Marina Riemslagh, Carrie Doehring, Annelies van Heijst, Axel Liegeois, Annemie Dillen, Roger Burggraeve) indicate stepstones for a pastoral relationship without tyranny. Kenneth and Mary Gergen offer a critical postscriptum on the 'missing voices' to make possible a 'fully relational ethic' in (pastoral) care-giving and counselling.
Media Maria Zeitgeist oder Hl. Geist der Zeit
Media Maria Jesus der Messias
Media Maria Der heilige Josef
Media Maria Katholisch
Media Maria Mutter Angelica
Media Maria Euer Herz sei ohne Angst
Media Maria Meditationen ber Johannes
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Shiphandling for the Mariner
Now in its 5th edition, Shiphandling for the Mariner is the classic and definitive text on the art of practical shiphandling skills for large, modern commercial vessels. Written by a father and son team of pilots, along with contributions from other expert pilots and shipmasters, this compendium follows a nontechnical format that stresses maneuvers used routinely in the field. The text covers essential maneuvers used in docking, undocking, and shiphandling, plus uncommon maneuvers such as docking at single-point and multiple-buoy moorings, use of anchors in shiphandling, offshore lightering, and transiting of locks and canals. Bridge practices in pilot waters and training techniques, including simulator training are also discussed. Updated for the 5th edition: squat and underkeel clearance, current practices for bridge resource management, and the use of laptop navigation systems and ECDIS in pilotage waters. Shiphandling for the Mariner is ideal for those with a foundation of practical knowledge looking to advance and master shiphandling skills that are essential to the marine profession.
Johns Hopkins University Press Standard of Living: The Measure of the Middle Class in Modern America
Coined in 1902, the term "standard of living" grew popular in early twentieth-century America. Though its exact definition remained ambiguous, it most often reflected the middle class and material comfort. The term was not a precise measure of how people lived. Instead, it embodied the ideal of how middle-class Americans wanted to live. With increasing wages and the mass production of consumer goods, the standard of living became an important expression of the shared national culture that emerged in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. But what material and social components constituted this standard? Who decided what they were and how they were to be promoted? In Standard of Living, Marina Moskowitz explores these questions, focusing on the relationship between middle-class identity and material culture through four case studies. In one, she examines the incorporation of silverplate flatware into the daily rituals of American life. Mass production made this former luxury item affordable, while advertising, etiquette books, and home advice columns stressed its value as a family heirloom and confirmed its place in the middle-class dining room. Moskowitz then turns her attention to the bathroom and the proliferation of indoor sanitation, bathroom fixtures, and a hygiene industry equally interested in profits and public health. Home ownership contributed an essential element of this standard, and Moskowitz next charts the mail-order home industry, which sold not just kit houses but also the very idea of owning a home. Concluding with a look at zoning and urban planning as a means of fostering and protecting the standard of living for whole communities, this book offers important evidence of and fresh insights into the history of the American middle class.
Media Maria Wegweiser in ethischer Verwirrung
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reeds Looseleaf Update Pack 2024
The Reeds Looseleaf Update Pack provides all the information required to navigate Atlantic coastal waters around the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands, and the entire European coastline from the tip of Denmark right down to Gibraltar, the Azores and Madeira. A versatile system that combines almanac and pilotage information in a convenient looseleaf form, the Looseleaf Almanac is inserted into a durable binder which stays open on the chart table and lets the user tailor the Almanac to their needs by personalising the contents supplied with whatever information they may want to add or take out. The Update Pack 2024 is for those who have bought the Reeds Looseleaf Almanac in previous years and just want to update their information rather than buy the binder again. Includes 700 harbour chartlets, harbour facilities, tide tables and streams, 7,500 waypoints, international codes and flags, weather, distance tables, passage advice, area planning charts, rules of the road, radio information, communications, safety, documentation and customs. The 2023 edition is updated throughout, containing over 45,000 changes. Also includes a free Reeds Marina Guide. Also available: free supplements of up-to-date navigation changes from January to June at: "There are some things I would not go to sea without - Reeds is one of them" Sir Chay Blyth "The big, bold, extravagantly comprehensive king of Almanacs" Yachting World "On every cruising boat you'll find one of these. Don't start your engines without it" Motor Boat and Yachting "The bible of almanacs" Classic Boat
Editorial Juventud, S.A. 25 problemas de navegación costera
25 problemas resueltos paso a paso son los qu e ofrece este libro, dirigidos al lector interesad o en la navegación costera y, sobre todo, al alumno que se prepara para un examen de cálculo náutico de acuerdo con el contenido de los prog ramas de los distintos ciclos de las Escuelas de la Marina Civil y Deportiva, a fin de obtene r la titulación que le acredite estar en condici ones de gobernar una embarcación. La naveg ación costera y por estima, además de los cá lculos de la altura de la marea, están amplia mente recogidos es este libro y su contenido ofrece la información con la siguiente metodo logía: resumen completo del contenido de ca da problema; exposición de la situación en la que se encuentra navegando una embarcació n ,normalmente a la vista de la costa; una se rie de preguntas a resolver; los resultados numéricos a los que el lector debería acercarse como consecuencia del cálculo y la representa ción gráfica sobre la carta de navegación del Estrecho de Gibraltar; descripci
Abrams The Displaced: Refugee Writers on Refugee Lives
Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Sympathizer Viet Thanh Nguyen called on 17 fellow refugee writers from across the globe to shed light on their experiences, and the result is The Displaced, a powerful dispatch from the individual lives behind current headlines, with proceeds to support the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Today the world faces an enormous refugee crisis: 68.5 million people fleeing persecution and conflict from Myanmar to South Sudan and Syria, a figure worse than flight of Jewish and other Europeans during World War II and beyond anything the world has seen in this generation. Yet in the United States, United Kingdom, and other countries with the means to welcome refugees, anti-immigration politics and fear seem poised to shut the door. Even for readers seeking to help, the sheer scale of the problem renders the experience of refugees hard to comprehend. Viet Nguyen, called “one of our great chroniclers of displacement” (Joyce Carol Oates, The New Yorker), brings together writers originally from Mexico, Bosnia, Iran, Afghanistan, Soviet Ukraine, Hungary, Chile, Ethiopia, and others to make their stories heard. They are formidable in their own right—MacArthur Genius grant recipients, National Book Award and National Book Critics Circle Award finalists, filmmakers, speakers, lawyers, professors, and New Yorker contributors—and they are all refugees, many as children arriving in London and Toronto, Oklahoma and Minnesota, South Africa and Germany. Their 17 contributions are as diverse as their own lives have been, and yet hold just as many themes in common. Reyna Grande questions the line between “official” refugee and “illegal” immigrant, chronicling the disintegration of the family forced to leave her behind; Fatima Bhutto visits Alejandro Iñárritu’s virtual reality border crossing installation “Flesh and Sand”; Aleksandar Hemon recounts a gay Bosnian’s answer to his question, “How did you get here?”; Thi Bui offers two uniquely striking graphic panels; David Bezmozgis writes about uncovering new details about his past and attending a hearing for a new refugee; and Hmong writer Kao Kalia Yang recalls the courage of children in a camp in Thailand. These essays reveal moments of uncertainty, resilience in the face of trauma, and a reimagining of identity, forming a compelling look at what it means to be forced to leave home and find a place of refuge. The Displaced is also a commitment: ABRAMS will donate 10 percent of the cover price of this book, a minimum of $25,000 annually, to the International Rescue Committee, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing humanitarian aid, relief, and resettlement to refugees and other victims of oppression or violent conflict. List of Contributors: Joseph Azam David Bezmozgis Fatima Bhutto Thi Bui Ariel Dorfman Lev Golinkin Reyna Grande Meron Hadero Aleksandar Hemon Joseph Kertes Porochista Khakpour Marina Lewycka Maaza Mengiste Dina Nayeri Vu Tran Novuyo Rosa Tshuma Kao Kalia Yang
Duke University Press From Russia with Code: Programming Migrations in Post-Soviet Times
While Russian computer scientists are notorious for their interference in the 2016 US presidential election, they are ubiquitous on Wall Street and coveted by international IT firms and often perceive themselves as the present manifestation of the past glory of Soviet scientific prowess. Drawing on over three hundred in-depth interviews, the contributors to From Russia with Code trace the practices, education, careers, networks, migrations, and lives of Russian IT professionals at home and abroad, showing how they function as key figures in the tense political and ideological environment of technological innovation in post-Soviet Russia. Among other topics, they analyze coders' creation of both transnational communities and local networks of political activists; Moscow's use of IT funding to control peripheral regions; brain drain and the experiences of coders living abroad in the United Kingdom, United States, Israel, and Finland; and the possible meanings of Russian computing systems in a heterogeneous nation and industry. Highlighting the centrality of computer scientists to post-Soviet economic mobilization in Russia, the contributors offer new insights into the difficulties through which a new entrepreneurial culture emerges in a rapidly changing world. Contributors. Irina Antoschyuk, Mario Biagioli, Ksenia Ermoshina, Marina Fedorova, Andrey Indukaev, Alina Kontareva, Diana Kurkovsky, Vincent Lépinay, Alexandra Masalskaya, Daria Savchenko, Liubava Shatokhina, Alexandra Simonova, Ksenia Tatarchenko, Zinaida Vasilyeva, Dimitrii Zhikharevich
Valdemar Cuentos completos de terror locura y muerte
Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) nació en una familia de la alta burguesía francesa. A los dieciocho años fue expulsado del seminario en el que estudiaba por pertenecer a una sociedad libertina de alumnos. Estudia derecho en París e ingresa como funcionario en el ministerio de Marina, puesto que abandonará para dedicarse a la literatura en 1880. En los diez años siguientes, Maupassant publica entre uno y dos relatos semanales en las revistas Gil Blas y Le Gaulois. En 1892 es internado en la clínica mental del doctor Blanche, donde muere al año siguiente tras sufrir delirios progresivos y parálisis general debido a la sífilis de su juventud.Cuentos completos de terror, locura y muerte se propone recoger todos aquellos relatos de Maupassant, más de un centenar, que podrían definirse temáticamente como de misterio, terror, locura o mundo imaginario. Así, el volumen reúne relatos sobre la locura (Madame Hermet, La mano disecada, Un loco?), sobre el
Anaya Educación El secreto del galeón
Principios del siglo XIX: Marina viaja junto a su familia a España desde las colonias americanas. Ella no se parece en nada a sus hermanas: no piensa en casarse ni en bordar su ajuar, solo desea vivir en el mar, convertirse en marinero; algo del todo imposible. De sus pensamientos y anhelos sabe mucho su esclava Ramira, una mujer a la que le han arrebatado todo lo que alguna vez ha amado y que oculta un gran poder heredado de sus antepasados africanos.En la actualidad, la madre de Carlos estudia los restos de un galeón español hundido en el Atlántico. Hay algo en esos objetos que la inquieta, que hace que no trabaje a gusto, y esta sensación aumentará con la llegada al museo de su exmarido para colaborar en la restauración. Mientras, Carlos intentará acercarse de todas las formas posibles a Elena, una compañera de clase. Lo que no sabe es que, gracias al estudio de sus padres, podrá estrechar lazos con ella.
Editorial Alrevés S.L El peor de los tiempos
El peor de los tiempos(La quinta de Eladio)Eladio Monroy se ve obligado a salir de su retiro para buscar a Elvira, la hija de su viejo amigo Pepiño Frades. En principio, no hay misterio: parece un asunto sencillo, cuestión de entrar y salir, patear un par de calles, hacer un par de llamadas, conseguir una dirección o un número de teléfono. Pero el rastro de Elvira Frades conduce a sórdidos territorios a los que se accede por la puerta de atrás de los salones más lujosos.Así arranca la quinta de Eladio Monroy, el Mike Hammer de la calle Murga, experto en meterse en líos y en salir de ellos a hostia limpia.La serie Eladio MonroyEladio Monroy no es policía ni detective. Ni siquiera un periodista. Pensionista de la marina, complementa su mísero sueldo con encargos bajo cuerda. Tan sarcástico como sentimental, tan culto como maleducado, se enfrenta a cada problema con astucia, perplejidad y grandes dosis de mala baba. No es que le apetezca andar por ahí investigando a la gente y haciendo ju
Penguin Putnam Inc Silas Mariner
Christiana Verlag Marianische Spurensuche
Princeton University Press U.S. Marines and Amphibious Warfare
"Not only a just appraisal of the campaigns waged by Marines in World War II; it is a documentation of the Marine struggle to prove the feasibility of amphibious warfare...Relentlessly accurate and impartial." --N.Y. Times. Originally published in 1951. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Marino's The Little ICU Book
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022!Quick lookup for the most essential info in critical care! Ideal for quick reference at the bedside, The Little ICU Book is a condensed, compact version of The ICU Book , Dr. Marino’s best-selling comprehensive intensive care reference .The Little ICU Book zeroes in on only the essentials for the hands-on care of critically ill adult patients. Its fast-access format makes it an indispensible resource for residents as well as busy critical care physicians.Key Features: Apply the latest know-how with comprehensive updates throughout the book. Find the answers you need quickly with a concise outline format and Dr. Marino’s accessible, reader-friendly writing style. Grasp visual concepts at a glance through abundant clear, colorful illustrations and tables. Carry it with you everywhere thanks to its portable size.
Insolación, de Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921), fue en su época una novela escandalosa. El tema se consideraba escabroso y, por añadidura, en ella se ventilaban asuntos como el de la distinta moral sexual para hombres y mujeres. Clarín había sentenciado la novela en sus Paliques: Antipático, poema de una jamona atrasada de caricias, y Pereda había dicho a los lectores de El Imparcial que los protagonistas de Insolación vivían amancebados a la vista del lector, con minuciosos pormenores sobre su manera de pecar. La crítica ha destacado lo que ya en su tiempo algunos entrevieron: el magnífico estudio psicológico del personaje femenino y la calidad literaria de la obra.La presente edición, a cargo de Marina Mayoral, ofrece un estudio introductorio que desentraña las circunstancias que rodearon la aparición de la novela y ahonda en los mecanismos de la creación novelesca. El texto de la novela se presenta revisado y, con el objetivo de facilitar una mayor comp
La cocina de las cuatro estaciones
Inés Ortega y Marina Rivas han querido dar respuesta en este libro, que sigue la línea de los anteriores ("Cocinar sin gluten", sin huevo y sin lactosa" y "Cocina sana y sencilla"), a una de las preocupaciones recurrentes de los lectores y de los especialistas en salud: cómo encontrar una manera fácil y clara de sentirse bien con sus cuerpos y sus mentes a través de la alimentación.Hoy sabemos que todo lo que comemos afecta a la producción de las hormonas del cerebro y resulta casi imposible ser verdaderamente felices si el cuerpo no está bien nutrido y tiene falta de ejercicio.Dado que la naturaleza ofrece diferentes productos en cada época y que nuestras necesidades alimentarias varían, las autoras han decidido dividir el libro en las cuatro estaciones del año. Firmes defensoras, igual que Simone Ortega, del consumo de productos de temporada y de proximidad, las autoras, además de proponer platos sabrosos y fáciles para cada estación, también comparten recetas para hacer cons
Ediciones Cátedra Marianela Base
Marianela se articula en torno a la relación entre Nela y Pablo. Nela, marcada por su fealdad y convencida de no servir para nada, encuentra en Pablo al ser que le permite sentirse útil y para el que su aspecto externo no cuenta, porque siendo ciego no existe para él. Pablo no puede concebir que el interior bondadoso y espiritualmente hermoso de Nela pueda ser distinto de su exterior. Está convencido de la belleza de Nela y de su amor por ella. Cuando Pablo recupera la visión, se quiebran ese plácido idilio y las perspectivas de futuro de los jóvenes.
Guías Azules de España, S.A. Madrid
Capital de España y uno de los primeros destinos turísticos en la península, sabe corresponder a sus numerosos visitantes con una completa oferta en la que se conjugan perfectamente la cultura con el ocio en todas sus variantes, gastronomía, espectáculos, copas y compras. En cuanto a cultura bastará su Paseo del Arte para descubrir los mejores museos: Arqueológico, Prado, Reina, Sofía, Thyssen Bornemisza, Marina. Y mientras tanto un paseo por su historia: Madrid de los Austrias con la Plaza Mayor y la Plaza de la Villa, el barrio de las Letras y su bohemia, el barrio de Ópera y su Palacio Real, la Gran Vía, con sus edificios de principios del XX, la Castellana con sus altas construcciones y sus cuatro torres. La gastronomía es otro de los grandes fuertes de la visita, ya que aquí se encontrarán desde las principales referencias culinarias a los sencillos mesones y tascas ilustradas tan cargadas de historia. Y para finalizar la noche, su animación interminable con ambientes para todos l
Ediciones Palabra, S.A. El mar no siempre es azul
Stella debe aceptar su destino cuando el día de su dieciséis cumpleaños descubre un secreto que hará tambalearse los cimientos de su apacible vida en un pueblo costero del Mediterráneo.Crecer lleva consigo muchas responsabilidades, algo de lo que Stella se dará cuenta con la ayuda de sus amigos. Se enfrentará a una espléndida aventura y combatirá el mal ante su enemigo, quien solo pretende conseguir el poder y esclavizar a todas las criaturas marinas.Además, una historia de amor se cuela entre las páginas de este libro, lo que supone un gran motivo para que Stella siga luchando en la misión de buscar respuestas en un mundo azul -que no siempre es azul-, desconocido y... peligroso.Silvia Martínez-Markus nació en Madrid, es Germanista y completó sus estudios literarios en el Taller de Escritura de Madrid. Compagina la literatura juvenil con la docencia y su gran afición por la gastronomía.Ha publicado: Buenos días, princesa! (Palabra, 3 edición), Sophie Scholl. Viva la liber
DK El libro de las minifiguras (LEGO Meet the Minifigures)
¡Conoce a las minifiguras más divertidas y peculiares de LEGO®! Acompáñanos a leer este divertido libro con datos graciosos, bromas y muchas ideas de construcción que te inspirarán a la hora de jugar con las minifiguras coleccionables más buscadas.Desafía tus habilidades de construcción y descubre qué tan rápido lo puedes hacer.Descubre el chiste más divertido del Payaso de Fiesta.Construye una criatura del mar con la Rescatadora Marina.Aprende un hecho divertido en el mundo real sobre la cantidad de pizzas que se comen por segundo el Tío del Disfraz de Pizza.¡Y mucho más!Incluye una minifigura exclusiva coleccionable de LEGO®.©2023 The LEGO Group------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meet the coolest, funniest, and quirkiest LEGO® Minifigures! - Includes exclusive LEGO® Rockstar MinifigureDiscover fun facts, jokes, and play ideas, and build inspiration from your favorite collectible minifigures.Take on a LEGO® speed-building challenge with Race Car Guy.Find out Party Clown’s funniest joke.Build a LEGO® underwater creature with Sea Rescuer.Learn a fun real-world fact about the number of pizzas eaten per second from Pizza Costume Guy.And much more!Comes with an exclusive collectible LEGO® Minifigure.©2023 The LEGO Group
Arcadia Educar millor onze converses per acompanyar famlies i mestres
Recull d?onze entrevistes a personalitats del món de l?educació: CARME THIÓ, JAUME CELA, MARIA JESÚS COMELLAS, JAUME FUNES, EVA BACH, GREGORIO LURI, MARIANO FERNÁNDEZ ENGUITA, JOAN MANUEL DEL POZO, ROSER SALAVERT, JOSÉ ANTONIO MARINA, FRANCESCO TONUCCI.Carles Capdevila creu que educar és apassionant i que també ho és parlar-ne, des de l?experiència i des de la reflexió. L?humor i la responsabilitat no són incompatibles en aquest terreny, i tot allò que pugui fomentar confiança i alegria entre tots els agents implicats contribueix a crear un teixit de complicitats imprescindible en la tasca d?educar.Les onze converses que recollim en aquest llibre són una invitació al debat: professionals de procedències diverses i visions ben diferents ens permeten conèixer no solament els camins que han consolidat les seves vocacions sinó l?ambició de fer bé les coses cada dia a les aules, al carrer i a casa.Si hi ha una cosa que es proposa aquest llibre és acompanyar les famílies i els mestr
Visor libros, S.L. Marinero en tierra 1924
Capstone Press The United States Marines
Sports Publishing LLC Facing Mariano Rivera
Headline Publishing Group Royal Marines Commandos
The Royal Marines were originally formed under the auspices of the Royal Navy to guard its sailing ships from harm. They are proud of their history and origins but the Navy heritage is fading. John Parker charts how the units have moved away from their nautical beginnings to develop, over time, into the most versatile force in the British military, containing one of their most elite brigades.The Royal Marines Commandos have, over the past few years, developed into the premier fighting organisation on land, sea and air. This history deals with events associated with the Royal Marines and subsequently in their commando role, starring in all major conflicts including Italy, Malaysia, the Borneo confrontation with Indonesia, and more recently Afghanistan.
Four Winds Press The Ambassador to Brazil: A Novel
In March 1964, a secret task force of United States warships and tankers set sail from the Caribbean bound for Brazil. The flotilla, which had the code name Operation Brother Sam, included the world's largest aircraft carrier, several destroyers, a troop carrier, and three tankers. Its purpose was to support the Brazilian military in its meticulously planned coup d'etat against President Joao Goulart, which was successfully completed on April 1. In this work of fiction, Peter Hornbostel deftly weaves fact and fiction to draw a classic example of U.S. intelligence operations in Latin America out of the shadows, and to speculate on what the role of the United States may have been. The novel's protagonist, Ambassador Anthony Carter, maneuvers to influence unfolding events despite being kept in the dark by the CIA and the Brazilian military. Although the success of the coup is inevitable, the novel demonstrates how U.S. hegemony mixed with Cold War hostilities to escalate the crisis, and how the outcome could have been much worse. In addition to the political intrigue, this is the story of Ambassador Carter's love affair with his Brazilian mistress, Marina, a woman as sultry and intriguing as the city of Rio that is the backdrop to their romance. Carter is torn between the deceptions that surround him in his public role and the intoxicating honesty of his private life, both integral to his identity as the Ambassador to Brazil.
Quercus Publishing The Conversion
One night, two men waving guns and knives break and enter their Paris hotel room, terrorizing Russell and his much older companion, a famous American poet named Edward Cannon. The intruders, not finding what they seemingly expected, leave without further incident. But the baffling, traumatic events overwhelm Cannon who dies in his sleep later that night. Now Russell is left to ponder the meaning of the attack, what to do with the poet's unfinished, problematic memoir and, perhaps most importantly, how to reconstruct and move forward with his own life.Hearing of the disturbing circumstances of Cannon's death, an Italian writer, Marina Vezzoli, invites Russell to recuperate at her villa in Tuscany. But what at first seems like a generous invitation slowly reveals itself to be a calculated offer. As Russell's stay in Italy lengthens, he begins to realize that the people in his life are using or manipulating him, most of all the poet's New York publishers who, against the dying poet's wishes, are trying to acquire his unfinished manuscript. Looming over everything is the long and fascinating legacy of Villa Guidi, where during Word War II a Jewish family hid in the subterranean floors, later undergoing a conversion to Catholicism. In an echo of this dramatic history, Russell is forced to undergo a conversion of his own in order to find redemption and meaning in his life.
Juventud Cuando Me Visto de Marinero
Press Room Editions Seattle Mariners All-Time Greats
Princeton University Press Tchaikovsky and His World
Tchaikovsky has long intrigued music-lovers as a figure who straddles many borders--between East and West, nationalism and cosmopolitanism, tradition and innovation, tenderness and bombast, masculine and feminine. In this book, through consideration of his music and biography, scholars from several disciplines explore the many sides of Tchaikovsky. The volume presents for the first time in English some of Tchaikovsky's own writings about music, as well as three influential articles, previously available only in German, from the 1993 Tubingen conference commemorating the centennial of Tchaikovsky's death. Tchaikovsky's distinguished biographer, Alexander Poznansky, reveals new findings from his most recent archival explorations in Kiln, Tchaikovsky's home. Poznansky makes accessible for the first time the full text of perviously censored letters, clarifying issues about the composer's life that until now have remained mere conjecture. Leon Botstein examines the world of realist art that was so influential in Tchaikovsky's day, while Janet Kennedy describes how interpretations of Tchaikovsky's ballet Sleeping Beauty act as a barometer of the aesthetic and even political climate of several generations. Natalia Minibayeva elucidates the First Orchestral Suite as a workshop for Tchaikovsky's composition of large-scale works, including symphony, opera, and ballet, while Susanne Dammann discusses the problematic Fourth Symphony as a work perfectly poised between East and West. Arkadii Klimovitsky considers Tchaikovsky's role as a link between Russia's Golden and Silver Ages. The extensive interaction between music and literature in this period forms the basis for Rosamund Bartlett's essay on creative parallels between Tchaikovsky and Chekhov. Richard Wortman describes the political climate at the end of Tchaikovsky's life, including Alexander III's mania for re-creating seventeenth-century Russian culture. Caryl Emerson, Kadja Gronke, and Leslie Kearney examine a number of issues raised by Tchaikovsky's operas. Marina Kostalevsky translates Nikolai Kashkin's 1899 review of Tchaikovsky's controversial opera Orleanskaia Deva (The Maid of Orleans). The book concludes with examples of theoretical writing by Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov, authors of Russia's first two systematic books on music theory. Lyle Neff translates and provides commentary on compositional issues that Tchaikovsky discusses in personal correspondence, as well as Rimsky-Korsakov's analysis of his own opera Snegurochka (The Snow Maiden). Tchaikovsky and His World will change how we understand the life, works, and intellectual milieu of one of the most important and beloved composers of the nineteenth century. Originally published in 1998. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Columbia University Press Horror Film and Otherness
What do horror films reveal about social difference in the everyday world? Criticism of the genre often relies on a dichotomy between monstrosity and normality, in which unearthly creatures and deranged killers are metaphors for society’s fear of the “others” that threaten the “normal.” The monstrous other might represent women, Jews, or Blacks, as well as Indigenous, queer, poor, elderly, or disabled people. The horror film’s depiction of such minorities can be sympathetic to their exclusion or complicit in their oppression, but ultimately, these images are understood to stand in for the others that the majority dreads and marginalizes.Adam Lowenstein offers a new account of horror and why it matters for understanding social otherness. He argues that horror films reveal how the category of the other is not fixed. Instead, the genre captures ongoing metamorphoses across “normal” self and “monstrous” other. This “transformative otherness” confronts viewers with the other’s experience—and challenges us to recognize that we are all vulnerable to becoming or being seen as the other. Instead of settling into comforting certainties regarding monstrosity and normality, horror exposes the ongoing struggle to acknowledge self and other as fundamentally intertwined.Horror Film and Otherness features new interpretations of landmark films by directors including Tobe Hooper, George A. Romero, John Carpenter, David Cronenberg, Stephanie Rothman, Jennifer Kent, Marina de Van, and Jordan Peele. Through close analysis of their engagement with different forms of otherness, this book provides new perspectives on horror’s significance for culture, politics, and art.
Simon & Schuster Marianna May and Nursey
Kiito-San Marianne Vitale: Train Wreck
M P Publishing Limited Ark of the Marindor
Olympia Publishers A Master Mariner's Log