Search results for ""author james""
Simon & Schuster Jolie Blon's Bounce: A Dave Robicheaux Novel
Simon & Schuster Light of the World
BenBella Books Living in the Long Emergency: Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward
Forget the speculation of pundits and media personalities. For anyone asking "Now what?" the answer is out there. You just have to know where to look. In his 2005 book, The Long Emergency, James Howard Kunstler described the global predicaments that would pitch the USA into political and economic turmoil in the 21st century—the end of affordable oil, climate irregularities, and flagging economic growth, to name a few. Now, he returns with a book that takes an up-close-and-personal approach to how real people are living now—surviving The Long Emergency as it happens. Through his popular blog, Clusterf*ck Nation, Kunstler has had the opportunity to connect with people from across the country. They've shared their stories with him—sometimes over years of correspondence—and in Living in the Long Emergency: Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward, he shares them with us, offering an eye-opening and unprecedented look at what's really going on "out there" in the US—and beyond. Kunstler also delves deep into his past predictions, comparing and contrastingt hem with the way things have unfolded with unflinching honesty. Further, he turns an eye to what's ahead, laying out the strategies that will help all of us as we navigate this new world. With personal accounts from a Vermont baker, homesteaders, a building contractor in the Baltimore ghetto, a white nationalist, and many more, Living in the Long Emergency is a unique and timely exploration of how the lives of everyday Americans are being transformed, for better and for worse, and what these stories tell us both about the future and about human perseverance.
City Point Press The Devil's Presence: A Novel
Regnery Publishing Inc The Life of the Mind
In The Life of the Mind, Georgetown University’s James V. Schall takes up the task of reminding us that, as human beings, we naturally take a special delight and pleasure in simply knowing. Because we have not only bodies but also minds, we are built to know what is. In this volume, Schall, author of On the Unseriousness of Human Affairs among many other volumes of philosophical and political reflection, discusses the various ways of approaching the delight of thinking and the way that this delight begins in seeing and hearing and even in making and walking. We must be attentive to and cultivate the needs of the mind, argues Schall, for it is through our intellect that all that is not ourselves is finally returned to us, allowing us to live in the light of truth.
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Incorporated (TESOL) New Ways of Classroom Assessment
In this revised edition in the popular New Ways Series, teachers have once again been given an opportunity to show how they do assessment in their classrooms on an everyday basis. Often feeling helpless when confronted with large-scale standardized testing practices, teachers here offer classroom testing created with the direct aim of helping students learn. Consequently, this collection of teachers' contributions looks more like assessment activities than like tests because they are thoroughly integrated into the language teaching and learning processes. Each activity provides scoring and feedback that enlightens both students and teachers about the effectiveness of the language learning and teaching involved. More than 100 activities offer alternative ways of doing assessment organized around methods, feedback perspectives, task-based assessment, classroom chores, written skills, and oral skills.
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Being an Islander: Production and Identity at Quoygrew, Orkney, AD 900-1600
Quoygrew - a settlement of farmers and fishers on the island of Westray in Orkney - was continuously occupied from the tenth century until 1937. Focusing on the archaeology of its first 700 years, this volume explores how 'small worlds' both reflected and impacted the fundamental pan-European watersheds of the Middle Ages: the growth of population, economic production and trade from the tenth to the thirteenth centuries and the subsequent economic and demographic retrenchment of the fourteenth to fifteenth centuries. Concurrently, it addresses the nature of island societies, with distinctive identities shaped by the interplay of isolation and interconnectedness.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures The Egyptian Coffin Texts: Volume 8: Middle Kingdom Copies of Pyramid Texts
With the appearance of this volume, the Oriental Institute marks the true completion of the Egyptian Coffin Texts Project , an international cooperative program begun by James Henry Breasted and Alan H. Gardiner in 1922 and edited by Adriaan de Buck from 1935 until his death in 1959. When published in 1961, Volume 7, de Buck's final volume, was announced as "the last volume of the autographed Coffin Texts in the contemplated Project" (p. vii), although the Oriental Institute had never produced the autographed edition of Pyramid Texts within the Coffin Text corpus that had been explicitly promised in the introduction to Volume 1. Assumed to comprise a "distinct" and "foreign body" within the Coffin Texts, these long-lived spells were "reserved for later" (p. xi). After a lapse of forty years, a formally renewed Coffin Texts Project was authorised by the Director of the Oriental Institute in 2001, with the goal of completing the Oriental Institute's outstanding commitments. The translation volume once envisioned and entrusted to Tjalling Bruinsma had been rendered unnecessary by the publications of Robert O. Faulkner in 1969 ( Pyramid Texts ) and 1973-1978 ( Coffin Texts ), which serve to engage scholars and laymen alike. Glossaries, bibliographies, symposia, and detailed textual studies appeared, but the critical edition of Middle Kingdom Pyramid Texts remained unaccomplished. By careful examination of the Oriental Institute's original collation sheets and unpublished sources from Lisht, James P. Allen, after years of concentrated study, has now fulfilled the task admirably. It is hoped that the new edition stimulates discussion not only of the longevity of the Pyramid Texts, but of the nature of the Coffin Texts themselves. While Breasted insisted that the Pyramid Texts were "sharply distinguished" from the Coffin Texts, the frequent appearance of "Pyramid Texts" on coffins (among the narrowly defined "Coffin Texts") leaves this opinion open to question. Ironically, the one coffin acquired in Chicago by Breasted for study by the Coffin Texts Project (OIM 12072) contained only "Pyramid Texts" and was therefore excluded from the initial seven volumes. Now at last these Middle Kingdom texts on a coffin can be examined among the "Coffin Texts" (Robert K. Ritner, Director, The Egyptian Coffin Texts Project, 2001-05).
Carcanet Press Ltd In the Country of Birds
Wilfrid Laurier University Press Boom Kids: Growing Up in the Calgary Suburbs, 1950-1970
The baby boomers and postwar suburbia remain a touchstone. For many, there is a belief that it has never been as good for youngsters and their families, as it was in the postwar years. Boom Kids explores the triumphs and challenges of childhood and adolescence in Calgary's postwar suburbs. The boomers' impact on fifties and sixties Canadian life is unchallenged; social and cultural changes were made to meet their needs and desires. While time has passed, this era stands still in time-viewed as an idyllic period when great hopes and relative prosperity went hand in hand for all. Boom Kids is organized thematically, with chapters focusing on: suburban spaces; the Cold War and its impact on young people; ethnicity, 'race,' and work; the importance of play and recreation; children's bodies, health and sexuality; and "the night," resistances and delinquency. Reinforced throughout this manuscript is the fact that children and adolescents were not only affected by their suburban experiences, but that they influenced the adult world in which they lived. Oral histories from former community members and archival materials, including school-based publications, form the backbone for a study that demonstrates that suburban life was diverse and filled with rich experiences for youngsters.
Rockridge Press The Attachment Theory Journal: Prompts and Exercises to Promote Understanding, Increase Stability, and Build Relationships That Last
Our Sunday Visitor Saint Michael the Archangel
BookBaby Heartscapes
BookBaby Ripples on an Infinite Sea
Arc Humanities Press Early Medieval Hagiography
American Bar Association A Civility-Based Model For New Lawyers: Understanding Your Moral Compass, Interpersonal Skills, and Ethical Inventory before Practicing Law
This book is a must read for new law graduates before they start to take on the issues of their clients. It stresses the critical behavioral qualities that will help or hinder their ability to credibly undertake the client’s issues, separate and apart from all of the psychological baggage that they have accumulated over the years. Hiring partners of firms will also find this book useful in helping their new hires to get off on the right foot as they undertake whatever form of mentoring provided. Finally, with the mastery of these interpersonal skills and an understanding of the issues discussed in this book, a rewarding career and personal contribution to a viable road for enhanced civility must follow.
Prometheus Books A Stone's Throw: An Ellie Stone Mystery
Charisma House God's Rx for Inner Healing
Arcadia Publishing Evansville in World War II
University of Tennessee Press The Western Confederacy's Final Gamble: From Atlanta to Franklin to Nashville
After Major General William Tecumseh Sherman’s forces ravaged Atlanta in 1864, Ulysses S. Grant urged him to complete the primary mission Grant had given him: to destroy the Confederate Army in Georgia. Attempting to draw the Union army north, General John Bell Hood’s Confederate forces focused their attacks on Sherman’s supply line, the railroad from Chattanooga, and then moved across north Alabama and into Tennessee. As Sherman initially followed Hood’s men to protect the railroad, Hood hoped to lure the Union forces out of the lower South and, perhaps more important, to recapture the long-occupied city of Nashville.Though Hood managed to cut communication between Sherman and George H. Thomas’s Union forces by placing his troops across the railroads south of the city, Hood’s men were spread over a wide area and much of the Confederate cavalry was in Murfreesboro. Hood’s army was ultimately routed. Union forces pursued the Confederate troops for ten days until they recrossed the Tennessee River. The decimated Army of Tennessee (now numbering only about 15,000) retreated into northern Alabama and eventually Mississippi. Hood requested to be relieved of his command. Less than four months later, the war was over.Written in a lively and engaging style, The Western Confederacy's Final Gamble presents new interpretations of the critical issues of the battle. James Lee McDonough sheds light on how the Union army stole past the Confederate forces at Spring Hill and their subsequent clash, which left six Confederate generals dead. He offers insightful analysis of John Bell Hood’s overconfidence in his position and of the leadership and decision-making skills of principal players such as Sherman, George Henry Thomas, John M. Schofield, Hood, and others.McDonough’s subjects, both common soldiers and officers, present their unforgettable stories in their own words. Unlike most earlier studies of the battle of Nashville, McDonough’s account examines the contributions of black Union regiments and gives a detailed account of the battle itself as well as its place in the overall military campaign. Filled with new information from important primary sources and fresh insights, Nashville will become the definitive treatment of a crucial battleground of the Civil War.
Regnery Publishing Inc On Unseriousness Of Human Affairs: Teaching Writing Playing Believing
To the ears of ceaselessly busy and ambitious modern Westerners, it will come as a shock, and perhaps as an insult, to be told that human affairs are unserious. But this fundamental truth is exactly what James Schall, following Plato, has to teach us in this wise and witty book.Schall cites Charlie Brown, Aristotle, and Samuel Johnson with the same sobrietythe sobriety that sees the truth in what is delightful and even amusing. Singing, dancing, playing, contemplating, and other useless human activities are not merely forms of escape from more important thingspolitics, work, social activism, etc.but an indication of the very nature of the highest things themselves.On the Unseriousness of Human Affairs is an instructive volume whose countercultural message is of vital importance.
Haymarket Books Confronting Gouldner: Sociology And Political Activism: Studies in Critical Social Science, Volume 76
An important new appraisal of Alvin W. Gouldner, one of the 20th century's most important activist sociologists. Gouldner (1920-1980) was a leading sociologist of his era who provided groundbreaking analyses in the areas of industrial sociology, critical sociological theory, ideology, reciprocity and class analysis. In Confronting Gouldner, Chriss confronts the larger issue of the place of critical theory, and specifically Marxism, in framing the perspective of sociology as political activism.
Creation House Exceeding Gratitude for the Creator's Plan
Encounter Books,USA Saving Congress from Itself: Emancipating the States and Empowering Their People
Saving Congress from Itself proposes a single reform: eliminate all federal grants-in-aid to state and local governments. This action would reduce federal spending by over $600 billion a year and have a profound effect on how we govern ourselves. The proliferation of federal grants-in-aid programs is of recent vintage: only about 100 such grants existed before Lyndon Johnson took office, and now they number more than 1,100. Eliminating grants to the states will result in enormous savings in federal and state administrative costs; free states to set their own priorities; and improve the design and implementation of programs now subsidized by Washington by eliminating federal regulations that attend the grants. In short, it will free states and their subdivisions to resume full responsibility for all activities that fall within their competence, such as education, welfare, and highway construction and maintenance. And because members of Congress spend major portions of their time creating grants and allocating funds assigned to them (think earmarks), eliminating grants will enable Congress to devote its time to responsibilities that are uniquely national in character.
American Bar Association McElhaney's Trial Notebook, Fourth Edition
Trial Notebook offers hundreds of techniques and tactics for every stage of a trial's progress in spare, lively, memorable prose. You get strategies grounded in actual courtroom experience that will improve the effectiveness of your advocacy.
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc Puerto Rico: Negotiating Development and Change
In the midst of significantly changing economic and political relations with the United States, Puerto Rico is struggling to find a new - and effective - development path. James Dietz examines the island's contemporary development trajectory, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis. Dietz considers where Puerto Rico's economy is today, why, and how its challenging state of affairs might be improved. Throughout, building on his acclaimed Economic History of Puerto Rico, he explores the historical, social, and political forces that have accompanied Puerto Rico's course from the 1940s to the first decade of the twenty-first century.
Wipf & Stock Publishers Through New Eyes: Developing a Biblical View of the World
University of North Texas Press Life and Death in the Central Highlands
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Emissary of Love: The Psychic Children's Message to the World
Milkweed Editions A Marriage Book: Poems
From James P. Lenfestey, a collection of poems that lends delicacy and gentle humor to durable, long-lasting love. Writing love poems fifty years into a marriage is no easy task: "If he exaggerates his love, she'll know . . . And if his desire for her is undiminished, / who would believe?" But in A Marriage Book, Lenfestey meets his own challenge with aplomb. These poems drop readers into the rich, textured world of one couple's enduring intimacy, from the warmth of a bedroom occupied by two to squabbles over miscommunications and crumbs in the kitchen. As the marriage (and the Book) transition into parenthood, Lenfestey illuminates the equally stalwart wonder of observing one's children as they age and develop. Paternal love persists, and is even fed by, watching his children argue, suffer their own mistakes, and roar horrible breath at breakfast. So much poetry is about storms, / bruised fruit, locusts eating everything," he writes. "This poem is about a harvest that satisfies." A Marriage Book is a collection that essences the magic from the household quotidian, creating a technicolor portrait of a vibrant and dynamic family.
Ivan R Dee, Inc Vital Signs
James Tuttleton's literary writings in such magazines as the New Criterion, the American Scholar, and the Yale Review have earned him a reputation as one of our most trenchant critics. Here he collects twenty essays derived from his long engagement with the masterworks of the American imagination. Discussions of Hawthorne and Emerson, Howells and James, Fuller and Chopin, and Fitzgerald and Anderson, among others, are counterpointed with an analysis of the effect of contemporary critical theory on the American canon. Mr. Tuttleton scrutinizes a century and a half of great American writing from the viewpoint of literature as an art rather than as a datum of "cultural studies" He is severe with those styles of criticism that in his view drain literature of its moral and social significance, or that manipulate literature to serve an ideological agenda. The essays in Vital Signs arise from a conviction that great literature is more than mere discourse or a semiotic freeplay of figurations. In Mr. Tuttleton's view, a great poem or novel is an ontological reality, has a living presence, and is a system of "vital signs" that, from generation to generation, illuminates the world and offers alternatives that might be our own.
Rowman & Littlefield Presidents in Florida: How the Presidents Have Shaped Florida and How Florida Has Influenced the Presidents
Theatre Communications Group Inc.,U.S. Coming to Terms: American Plays & the Vietnam War
Alfred Music American Fanfare: Conductor Score
Candlewick Press Jingle Bells
Ride along in a one-horse open sleigh in this interactive board book based on the beloved Christmas carol. Each title in the Sing Along With Me! series has five slider mechanisms and a QR code that links to both instrumental and vocal versions of the song. Simply scan the code for little ones to listen and sing along!
SKYHORSE PUB Preppers Medical Manual
Skyhorse Publishing Advanced Survival
Skyhorse Publishing Survival Knives
Amazon Publishing Going Home: A Novel of the Civil War
Brought to the New World from Ireland, young Joseph Forsyth is soon betrayed by his alcoholic father and separated from his beloved family. As he grows older, he finds his kind nature exploited by others—including an alluring young woman named Lucy—until he gets swept away by the conflict that divides a nation. After the bloody siege of Petersburg, Joseph floats in and out of consciousness at a Union army hospital. Keeping vigil at his side is Rebecca Walker, a nurse and widow all too familiar with the horrors of war. As Joseph fights for his life and Rebecca struggles to follow her heart, both face a devastating choice: whether to hang on to the wounds of the past or move on to an uncertain future. From the fields of Ireland to the metropolis of Quebec to the battlefields of Virginia, Going Home follows one man’s quest for his place in a world still healing from the wreckage of war.
Simon & Schuster Crusader's Cross
Tyndale House Publishers Como criar a los varones
Rowman & Littlefield Cowboy Values: Recapturing What America Once Stood For
Americans are known for being optimists, but it doesn't take a cynic to see that our country is seriously off-track. We're upset by greedy corporate executives, who line their own pockets at others' expense; we're disgusted by gutless politicians, who pander to special interest groups; and we're appalled by a culture that glorifies materialism and self-gratification. It's as if "What's in it for me?" were our national motto. No wonder so many of us feel a deep yearning for a simpler time when civility was the norm and a handshake could seal any deal. We can't turn back the clock or legislate our way out of society's malaise. But here's what we can do: Look to the bedrock values all Americans share. For a definition of those shared values, we need to look no further than the Cowboy Way. Living by a code that centers on principles like honesty, loyalty, and courage, the working cowboy is an enduring American hero--one providing just the kind of inspiration our country needs to find unity and hope in these troubled times. With this inspiring book, filled with evocative cowboy imagery, James P. Owen uses the language of the cowboy to deliver a nonreligious, nonpartisan message about qualities and values that people are yearning to incorporate into their everyday lives.
Simon & Schuster The Fourth Ruby
Jack and Gwen are back in this dynamic follow-up to The Lost Property Office.It’s been a year since Jack Buckles discovered the Keep beneath Baker Street, an underground tower no Section Thirteen was ever supposed to see; a year since his dad fell into a coma. Nothing has been the same since. Jack’s tracker abilities are on the fritz, Gwen’s not speaking to him and, what’s worse, there’s a pounding voice in his head calling for “the flame.” Jack and Gwen are framed for the theft of a historic crown jewel—the Black Prince’s Ruby, one of three cursed rubies said to bring knowledge, loyalty, and the command of nations to whomever wields them all. Now, they must retrieve the other jewels before the true thief does, or risk unleashing a reign of terror unlike anything history’s ever seen.
Baylor University Press After Paul: The Apostle's Legacy in Early Christianity
After Paul: The Apostle's Legacy in Early Christianity focuses on the many ways Pauline thought and tradition were reinterpreted, reused, reframed, and reconstructed in the first centuries of Christianity. James W. Aageson contends that it is insufficient simply to focus on Paul or on his legacy in the Greco-Roman world; what is needed is a bifocal look at Paul with the reference points being both how Paul transformed his own thinking and later how Paul and his thought were transformed by others in the church.To speak of Paul's legacy implies more than the reception of his texts, his ideas, or his theology. It also implies more than the interpretative techniques or the references to Paul by early post-Paul writers. It refers to the apostle's wider impact, influence, and sway in the first centuries of the church as well. The questions he addressed, his impulse toward theological reflection and argumentation, and his approach to pastoral and ethical concerns undoubtedly influenced the future course of the Christ movement. Aageson's investigation takes up the issues of memory and metamorphosis, conflict and opposition, authority and control, legacy and empire, the church and the Jews, women and marriage, Paul in place, and church unity to pinpoint interrelationships and interactions among important strands in Paul's thought, persona, and authority as together they interfaced with the changing culture and social life of early Christianity. After Paul is not intended to be a history of the first centuries of Pauline Christianity nor an exhaustive account of everything that pertains to the early development of Paul's legacy. Rather, Aageson endeavors to plot connections, identify patterns, and develop a theoretical context for understanding Paul's legacy in early Christianity. The picture that emerges is one of continuity and discontinuity between Paul and Pauline tradition as the historical Paul became a figure of memory and remembrance, framed and reframed. This specific investigation offers a fresh entry point to understanding the larger question of how the Christian tradition came into its own as a social body and religious movement that could endure even after Paul.
Arcadia Children's Books Super Parks! Yosemite National Park
Arcadia Children's Books Super Parks! Grand Canyon
History Press The Hoyt-Wallis Murder Mystery in Herkimer County