Search results for ""pearson education""
Pearson Education Scottish Heinemann Maths 4 Activity Pack 8 Pack
Pearson Education New Heinemann Maths Yr3 Assessment Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education New Heinemann Maths Yr2 Money and Fractions Activity Book 8 Pack
NHM Year 2 Activity Books: Have built-in assessment. Provide a structured development of each separate topic. Use language at an appropriate reading level. Place maths in a variety of contexts. Lead more able children through a range of problem-solving activities.
Pearson Education Scottish Heinemann Maths 1 Addition to 10 Activity Book 8 Pack
"Scottish Heinemann Maths" offers flexible and easy-to-manage ways to plan lessons and a programme of work that reflects the key recommendations of the HMI report "Improving Mathematics Education 5-14". The "Organising and Planning Guide" gives the rationale and ethos of SHM, linking the component parts and advising on planning. A customisable CD at each stage gives 5-14 levelled planning and a weekly planning template. The "Teaching File" provides easy to follow instructions for each lesson. Lessons begin with lively mental activities, followed by a broad range of interactive teaching activities. Structured pupil activities consolidate, reinforce and extend topics, and there are clear suggestions for follow-ups to the main points of the lesson. The progression through each topic is carefully structured to provide a balance of oral and practical work. SHM has pupil resources that are clear, fun and easy to use. Activity books are used for SHM1-4, textbooks and extension textbooks for S
Pearson Education New Heinemann Maths Yr1 Number to 20 Activity Book 8 Pack
NHM Year 1 Activity Books: Have built-in assessment. Provide a structured development of each separate topic. Use language at an appropriate reading level. Place maths in a variety of contexts. Lead more able children through a range of problem-solving activities.
Pearson Education New Heinemann Maths Reception Numbers to 10 Activity Book 8 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds 9 Our World Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds Stage 46 Easy Buy Pack 2008
Pearson Education Bug Club Independent Fiction Year 6 Red Run
Victoria’s mother has died and her father has re-married, which makes Victoria miserable. But, when an illness kills her sister and leaves Victoria paralysed, her step-family nurse her back to health and she grows closer to them. Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children age 10-11 (Year 6) Book band: Red Plus B Phonics phase: n/a
Pearson Education Rapid Phonics Readers Books Only Single copies 56
Pearson Education Literacy World Satellites Fiction Stage 4 Short Stories 1
Part of the Literacy World series that provides support to deliver shared reading and writing, guided reading, ICT and speaking and listening at Key Stage 2 and Junior level.
Pearson Education Literacy World Fiction Stage 4 Peacemaker
Literacy World is evolving with the renewed Framework to provide all the support you need to deliver Shared Reading and Writing, Guided Reading, ICT and Speaking and Listening at Key Stage 2/P4-7. A wealth of quality resources, exceptional teacher support and complete differentiation makes Literacy World your only choice for fiction and non-fiction at Key Stage 2/P4-7.
Pearson Education Storyworlds Stage 8 Our World Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds Stage 7 Our World Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds Yr1P2 Stage 6 Easy Order Workbook Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds Yr1P2 Stage 6 Animal World Stories 4 Pack
Pearson Education Literacy Edition Storyworlds Stage 5 Animal World Stories 4 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds Yr1P2 Stage 4 Once Upon A Time World Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds ReceptionP1 Stage 3 Easy Order Workbook Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds ReceptionP1 Stage 3 Animal World Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds ReceptionP1 Stage 3 Fantasy World Stories 4 Pack
Pearson Education Storyworlds ReceptionP1 Stage 2 Animal World Stories 4 Pack
Part of the "Storyworlds" series, this pack contains the four "Animal World" Stage Two stories, about animal characters. The stories are "Yum! Yum!", "Bingo Wants to Play", "Bingo and the Bone" and "The Big Surprise". Each stage of "Storyworlds" provides a carefully structured introduction of words and language. The different worlds ensure that these are introduced and practised in a variety of contexts. Stage Two offers the "springboard approach" - developing the role of the young child as an independent reader, whilst retaining some support offered by the experienced reader. Twenty-two new key words are introduced. The opening page of each story provides simple text for the teacher or older child to read. The child then reads the rest of the story. The repetitive language allows for the confident development of word-recognition skills.
Pearson Education Storyworlds ReceptionP1 Stage 1 Fantasy World Workbook 8 Pack
Pearson Education Storywolds Stage 2 Stories Pack
Pearson Education Rapid Plus Stage 4 Easy Buy Pack
Pearson Education Heinemann Active Maths Beyond Number First Level Pupil Book Pack x16
Heinemann Active Maths' bright and lively Pupil Books have been designed to further consolidate children’s learning through independent practice. They are closely linked to the Teacher Activity Cards and each Heinemann Active Maths outcome. Each Pupil Book contains: ‘I can…’ statements to encourage self-assessment. ‘Rocket’ questions to extend and challenge children’s learning. Teacher Activity Card references so you know which card the Pupil Book pages link to. This pack contains x 16 of each First Level Beyond Number Pupil Book.
Pearson Education Heinemann Maths 3 Workbook 2 Numbers 8 pack
Pearson Education Echo 2 Workbook B 8 Pack
The Echo 2 Workbooks have both reinforcement activities to support exercises in the Student Book and extension tasks to take students onto the next level. Perfect for homework or independent work in class.
Pearson Education Level 3 Health and Social Care Adults Diploma Candidate Book 3rd edition
Pearson Education Rigby Star guided Reception P1 Lilac Level Guided Reader Set
Part of Rigby Star Guided series this is the only programme built specifically for guided reading. Its rich, multi-layered stories and non-fiction texts by top quality authors and illustrators are guarantreed to captivate children and facilitate discussion.
Pearson Education Rigby Star Guided Year 2P3 Purple Level Guided Reader Set
Pearson Education Rigby Star Guided Year 1P2 Green Level Guided Reader Set
Part of Rigby Star Guided series this is the only programme built specifically for guided reading. Its rich, multi-layered stories and non-fiction texts by top quality authors and illustrators are guarantreed to captivate children and facilitate discussion.
Pearson Education Bug Club Red C KS1 Rat and Cat in Lets Jump 6pack
Pearson Education Bug Club Nonfiction Orange A1A Strawberries at School 6pack
This title is part of Pearson’s Bug Club - the first whole-school reading programme that joins books and an online reading world to teach today’s children to read. In this book: Do you like strawberries? Come and find out how we grew them at school. This title is suitable for ages 6-7 (Orange level)
Pearson Education Bug Club Green C1B Silly Silly Jack 6pack
Pearson Education Bug Club Green B1B Silly Jack and the Dancing Mice 6pack
Pearson Education Bug Club Blue KS1 B1B The Mermaids Visit the Vet 6pack
This title is part of Bug Club, the first whole-school reading programme that joins books with an online reading world to teach today's children to read. In this Blue-B level Mermaids book: Bella is worried about her pet fish, Twink. Twink is sad and doesn’t want to play. Jo, Anna and Bella take Twink to see the octopus vet. The vet examines Twink and then holds her upside down. Bella is worried, but Twink coughs up a shell she has swallowed and then feels fine.
Pearson Education Bug Club Green B1B Horribilly Gloopy Food 6pack
This title is part of Bug Club, the first whole-school reading programme that joins books with an online reading world to teach today's children to read. In this Green-B level Horribilly book: It is lunchtime at Golden Pond School. Horribilly’s friends give him lots of different food to try but he doesn’t like the look of any of it. He likes gloopy food! When his friends tell him off for playing with his food, poor Horribilly starts to cry...
Pearson Education Bug Club Lilac Trucktown Tyres for Ted 6pack
Pearson Education Bug Club Lilac I Want To Play This 6pack
Pearson Education Out of Many
Offers students insight into how diverse communities and different regions have shaped America's past. For the two-semester U.S. history survey course. Out of Many, brief edition, reveals the ethnic, geographical and economic diversity of the United States by examining the individual, the community and the state and placing a special focus on the country's regions, particularly the West. Each chapter helps students understand the textured and varied history that has produced the increasing complexity of America. This book is the abridged version of Out of Many, seventh edition.Teaching and Learning Experience Personalize Learning-The new MyHistoryLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals.<
Pearson Education The XML Companion
Pearson Education LaTeX Companion The
Frank Mittelbach is manager of the LaTeX3 Project, in which capacity he oversaw the release of LaTeX 2e. He is the editor of a series of publications on tools and techniques for computer typesetting. Michel Goossens is past president of the TeX Users Group. A research physicist at CERN, where the Web paradigm was born, he is responsible for LaTeX, HTML, SGML, and, more recently, XML support for scientific documents. 0201362996AB11202003
Pearson Education Ubuntu Unleashed 2017 Edition Includes Content Update Program
Book + Content Update ProgramUbuntu Unleashed 2017 Edition is filled with unique and advanced information for everyone who wants to make the most of the Ubuntu Linux operating system. This new edition has been thoroughly updated by a long-time Ubuntu community leader to reflect the exciting new Ubuntu 16.04 LTS release with forthcoming online updates for 16.10, 17.04, and 17.10 when they are released.Former Ubuntu Forum administrator Matthew Helmke covers all you need to know about Ubuntu 16.04 installation, configuration, productivity, multimedia, development, system administration, server operations, networking, virtualization, security, DevOps, and more—including intermediate-to-advanced techniques you won’t find in any other book.Helmke presents up-to-the-minute introductions to Ubuntu’s key productivity and Web development tools, programming languages, hardware support, and more. You’ll find new or improved
Pearson Education Responsive Web Design with Adobe Photoshop
Pearson Education In Sync 1