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Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Child-Centred Practice: A Handbook for Social Work
Since the Munro report (2011), a greater emphasis has been placed on the value of child-centred practice in social work with children, young people and families. It has come to be recognised that social workers cannot make an assessment or intervene to safeguard children and promote positive outcomes without engaging with the children themselves. This involves recognising the rights of the child, getting to know who they are, what they need, how they feel about their situation, and what they want for their future. Split into two distinct sections, this authoritative text focuses on the foundational knowledge required for child-centred work, unpacking the ethical and theoretical principles that form the basis of the approach and exploring current debates around working with children and families. Benefitting from the authors’ extensive experience in academia and practice settings, each chapter: - Provides insightful practitioner testimonials and case study examples to help the reader apply what they have learned to everyday practice. -Highlights important research studies that give voice to children and young people, providing the reader with background knowledge of the evidence base for child-centred approaches. - Includes engaging questions and activities to enable the reader to reflect on what they have learned, and make links to their own practice, values and beliefs. With a strong focus on developing the reader’s practice skills, particularly in engaging and communicating with children, Child-Centred Practice is an essential handbook for students and professionals involved in this complex yet rewarding area of social work practice.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Digital Forensics of Multimedia Data and Devices
Digital forensics and multimedia forensics are rapidly growing disciplines whereby electronic information is extracted and interpreted for use in a court of law. These two fields are finding increasing importance in law enforcement and the investigation of cybercrime as the ubiquity of personal computing and the internet becomes ever-more apparent. Digital forensics involves investigating computer systems and digital artefacts in general, while multimedia forensics is a sub-topic of digital forensics focusing on evidence extracted from both normal computer systems and special multimedia devices, such as digital cameras. This book focuses on the interface between digital forensics and multimedia forensics, bringing two closely related fields of forensic expertise together to identify and understand the current state-of-the-art in digital forensic investigation. Both fields are expertly attended to by contributions from researchers and forensic practitioners specializing in diverse topics such as forensic authentication, forensic triage, forensic photogrammetry, biometric forensics, multimedia device identification, and image forgery detection among many others.Key features: Brings digital and multimedia forensics together with contributions from academia, law enforcement, and the digital forensics industry for extensive coverage of all the major aspects of digital forensics of multimedia data and devices Provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of digital forensics of multimedia data and devices Offers not only explanations of techniques but also real-world and simulated case studies to illustrate how digital and multimedia forensics techniques work Includes a companion website hosting continually updated supplementary materials ranging from extended and updated coverage of standards to best practice guides, test datasets and more case studies
John Wiley & Sons Inc Practical Residual Stress Measurement Methods
An introductory and intermediate level handbook written in pragmatic style to explain residual stresses and to provide straightforward guidance about practical measurement methods. Residual stresses play major roles in engineering structures, with highly beneficial effects when designed well, and catastrophic effects when ignored. With ever-increasing concern for product performance and reliability, there is an urgent need for a renewed assessment of traditional and modern measurement techniques. Success critically depends on being able to make the most practical and effective choice of measurement method for a given application. Practical Residual Stress Measurement Methods provides the reader with the information needed to understand key residual stress concepts and to make informed technical decisions about optimal choice of measurement technique. Each chapter, written by invited specialists, follows a focused and pragmatic format, with subsections describing the measurement principle, residual stress evaluation, practical measurement procedures, example applications, references and further reading. The chapter authors represent both international academia and industry. Each of them brings to their writing substantial hands-on experience and expertise in their chosen field. Fully illustrated throughout, the book provides a much-needed practical approach to residual stress measurements. The material presented is essential reading for industrial practitioners, academic researchers and interested students. Key features: • Presents an overview of the principal residual stress measurement methods, both destructive and non-destructive, with coverage of new techniques and modern enhancements of established techniques • Includes stand-alone chapters, each with its own figures, tables and list of references, and written by an invited team of international specialists
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Stress in the Occupations
The Handbook of Stress in the Occupations sets a new agenda for stress research and gives fresh impetus to scholars who wish to focus on issues and problems associated with specific jobs, some of which have received little attention in the past. Written by researchers who are true experts in the field of each occupation, this comprehensive compendium reviews stress in a wide range of jobs including transport, education, farming, fishing, oil rig drilling, finance, law enforcement, fire fighting, entrepreneurship, music, social services, prisons, sports, and health including surgery, internship, dentistry, nursing, paramedics, psychiatry and social work. Several occupations such as oil rig drilling are reviewed; these jobs have always been stressful but have received little attention by researchers, and only now receive more focus due to the Bay of Mexico accident. Other occupations demand more of our attention because there have been substantial technological changes in particular jobs, such as in dentistry, nursing, and surgery. This lucid and insightful compendium will be a source of inspiration for those in the helping professions and all those individuals working in the industries described in the book. More specifically, the Handbook will strongly appeal to human resource specialists, psychologists, occupational health and safety professionals, managers, nurses and therapists. Written in highly accessible language, it will also provide rich reading to lay audiences including job incumbents themselves, as well as specialists in industry and academia. Academics and postgraduate students of business, management, and psychology will find plenty of detailed information regarding stress associated with occupations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value
In the wake of continuing corporate scandals there have been few, if any, CEOs that have stepped forward as models of "doing things right"—except the former chairman and CEO of Medtronic, Bill George. George has become the unofficial spokesperson for responsible leadership—in business, the media, and academia. In Authentic Leadership Bill George makes the case that we do need new leaders, not just new laws, to bring us out of the current corporate crisis. He persuasively demonstrates that authentic leaders of mission-driven companies will create far greater shareholder value than financially oriented companies. During George's twelve-year leadership at Medtronic, the company's market capitalization soared from $1.1 billion to $460 billion, averaging 35% per year. George candidly recounts many of the toughest challenges he encountered -- from ethical dilemmas and battles with the FDA to his own development as a leader. He shows how to develop the five essential dimensions of authentic leaders—purpose, values, heart, relationships, and self-discipline. Authentic Leadership offers inspiring lessons to all who want to lead with heart and with compassion for those they serve. Bill George helps readers answer vital questions such as: What should I do when my personal values conflict with company business values? How do I make trade-offs between the needs of my customers, my employees, and my company's shareholders? Do I really want to devote my talents to business? Authentic Leadership provides a tested guide for character-based leaders and all those who have a stake in the integrity and success of our corporations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value
In the wake of continuing corporate scandals there have been few, if any, CEOs that have stepped forward as models of "doing things right"—except the former chairman and CEO of Medtronic, Bill George. George has become the unofficial spokesperson for responsible leadership—in business, the media, and academia. In Authentic Leadership Bill George makes the case that we do need new leaders, not just new laws, to bring us out of the current corporate crisis. He persuasively demonstrates that authentic leaders of mission-driven companies will create far greater shareholder value than financially oriented companies. During George's twelve-year leadership at Medtronic, the company's market capitalization soared from $1.1 billion to $460 billion, averaging 35% per year. George candidly recounts many of the toughest challenges he encountered -- from ethical dilemmas and battles with the FDA to his own development as a leader. He shows how to develop the five essential dimensions of authentic leaders—purpose, values, heart, relationships, and self-discipline. Authentic Leadership offers inspiring lessons to all who want to lead with heart and with compassion for those they serve. Bill George helps readers answer vital questions such as: What should I do when my personal values conflict with company business values? How do I make trade-offs between the needs of my customers, my employees, and my company's shareholders? Do I really want to devote my talents to business? Authentic Leadership provides a tested guide for character-based leaders and all those who have a stake in the integrity and success of our corporations.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Performance-Oriented Architecture: Rethinking Architectural Design and the Built Environment
Architecture is on the brink. It is a discipline in crisis. Over the last two decades, architectural debate has diversified to the point of fragmentation and exhaustion. What is called for is an overarching argument or set of criteria on which to approach the design and construction of the built environment. Here, the internationally renowned architect and educator Michael Hensel advocates an entirely different way of thinking about architecture. By favouring a new focus on performance, he rejects longstanding conventions in design and the built environment. This not only bridges the gap between academia and practice, but, even more significantly, the treatment of form and function in design. It also has a far-reaching impact on knowledge production and development, placing an important emphasis on design research in architecture and the value of an interdisciplinary approach. Though ‘performance’ first evolved as a concept in the humanities in the 1940s and 1950s, it has never previously been systematically applied in architecture in an inclusive manner. Here Michael Hensel offers Performance-Orientated Architecture as an integrative approach to architectural design, the built environment and questions of sustainability. He highlights how core concepts and specific traits, such as climate, material performance and settlement patterns, can put architecture in the service of the natural environment. A wide range of examples are cited to support his argument, from traditional sustainable buildings, such as the Kahju Bridge in Isfahan and the Topkapí Palace in Istanbul to more contemporary works by Cloud 9, Foreign Office Architects, Steven Holl and OCEAN.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Space-Time Coding
The capacity of wireless data communications is lagging behind demands due to unsatisfactory performance of the existing wireless networks, such as low data rates, low spectral efficiency and low quality of service. Space-time coding is an effective transmit diversity technique to combat fading in wireless communications. Space-time codes are a highly bandwidth-efficient approach to signalling within wireless communication that takes advantage of the spatial dimension by transmitting a number of data streams using multiple co-located antennas. There are various approaches to the coding structures, including space-time trellis coded modulation, space-time turbo codes and also layered architectures. The central issue in all these various coding structures is the exploitation of multipath effects in order to achieve very high spectral efficiencies. The spectral efficiencies of traditional wireless systems range between 1-5bps/sec/Hz but by using space-time techniques spectral efficiencies of 20-40bps/sec/Hz have been possible. Hence, space-time coding enables an increase in capacity by an order of magnitude. This is the main reason why space-time codes have been included in the standards for the third generation wireless communication systems and ultimately why Space-time Coding will be in great demand by individuals within industry and academia. The comprehensive understanding of space-time coding is essential in the implementation of 3G, and as the only title currently available, Space-Time Coding will be the standard text for Researchers, telecommunication engineers and network planners, academics and undergraduate/postgraduate students, telecommunications managers and consultants.
Hachette Books Radical Intimacy: Cultivate the Deeply Connected Relationships You Desire and Deserve
"With intimacy as the foundational principle of our existence, we can build a life based on what we truly need, not what we think we need or have been told we need. By embracing the practice of radical intimacy, I can confidently promise my readers a personal revolution of self-acceptance, appreciation, vitality, and confidence. And without fail, mind-blowing, soul-stirring, earth-shattering sex follows." -Zoë KorsPart practical guide, part client stories, part personal narrative, Zoë Kors draws on her experience as a sex and intimacy coach, thought leader, and relationship writer in sharing her powerful and practical methodology for nurturing and sustaining our intimate relationships over time. She addresses the essential truth that is almost universally missed in discussions of sex and intimacy: We can meet each other only to the extent that we can meet ourselves. Kors guides the reader on a five-part journey through nine areas of opportunity for deepening intimacy with themselves, their partner, and their world, inviting them to embrace emotional, physical, and energetic self-mastery, which is required to skillfully relate with others. At the conclusion of each part, there are a collection of experiential exercises which support the reader in embodying the concepts they've just read. Voice-driven, accessible, and with the right amount of tough love, Radical Intimacy takes the mystery out of human connection. From academia and science to mysticism and self-development, Kors delivers a rich and varied understanding of human sexuality and intimacy through the lens of the body, brain, heart, spirit, and culture.
Harvard University Press Teaching What You Don’t Know
Your graduate work was on bacterial evolution, but now you're lecturing to 200 freshmen on primate social life. You've taught Kant for twenty years, but now you're team-teaching a new course on “Ethics and the Internet.” The personality theorist retired and wasn't replaced, so now you, the neuroscientist, have to teach the "Sexual Identity" course. Everyone in academia knows it and no one likes to admit it: faculty often have to teach courses in areas they don't know very well. The challenges are even greater when students don't share your cultural background, lifestyle, or assumptions about how to behave in a classroom.In this practical and funny book, an experienced teaching consultant offers many creative strategies for dealing with typical problems. How can you prepare most efficiently for a new course in a new area? How do you look credible? And what do you do when you don't have a clue how to answer a question?Encouraging faculty to think of themselves as learners rather than as experts, Therese Huston points out that authority in the classroom doesn't come only, or even mostly, from perfect knowledge. She offers tips for introducing new topics in a lively style, for gauging students' understanding, for reaching unresponsive students, for maintaining discussions when they seem to stop dead, and -yes- for dealing with those impossible questions.Original, useful, and hopeful, this book reminds you that teaching what you don't know, to students whom you may not understand, is not just a job. It's an adventure.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Transregional versus National Perspectives on Contemporary Central European History: Studies on the Building of Nation-States and Their Cooperation in the 20th and 21st Century
This volume compares different regional perspectives on the national and democracy-building aims of individual states. It confronts discourses about national states to regional perspectives on the past as well as the current political and social landscape. Why are we observing calls for national identity right now? What are the roots of this development? How can a Central European identity be shaped when national perspectives are prevalent?The books first part analyses social and political processes that shaped nation-states in the Central European region and shows divergent trends of individual states when it comes to defining a regional approach of the Visegrád Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary = V4). The second part focuses on key personalities of the 20th century history of individual V4 countries in the light of their perception in the neighbouring states and how they shaped national states as well as identities after the end of World War II. Similar aims and approaches implemented by individual countries often led to anything but raising regional understanding. The books third part reflects upon activities of various initiatives aiming to approach this challenge from the perspective of civil society, and Central Europes young generation. The collection brings together leading historians of Central Europe from the V4 countries. It also offers external perspectives on historical developments in Central Europe from the perspective of the 21st century and on political cooperation as well as its roots. Lastly, it includes practitioners of Central European cooperation from both academia and civil society, and their reflection on their countries political cooperation after 1989.
De Gruyter Public Goods and Commons: The Foundation for Human Wellbeing
Humans and human wellbeing depend on the natural resources provided by Planet Earth, and they depend on the solidarity between human beings. That is, on the social resources provided by society. Both types of resources are available to everyone: they are public goods. The book approaches the topic from various angles, including the often-neglected dimension of measuring. It offers a holistic conception that covers the macro- and the micro-economic, the political and the developmental aspects. It shows which range of action is available at different levels of decision-making and which outcomes these may provide. And it emphasizes that a philosophical base is needed for understanding and managing the topic, and that wellbeing can only be improved and the common good can only be maintained if the public and the private sectors cooperate. With the advent of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals, this cooperation has received momentum in all its facets and for all levels – from the local to the global. The book is aimed both at scholars and students as well as practitioners in businesses and in public service. In academia, it may serve as a companion to textbooks on, e.g., public finance, sustainable development, social affairs, and public-private partnerships, both in undergraduate and graduate levels. For professionals in businesses and in public service, the book offers an insight into the topic that does not recur to an academic language. There is always a need for books that appeal both to readers who are managers as well as to scholars who wish to glance beyond their adopted profession.
Pelagic Publishing Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook
Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook is the ultimate instruction manual for mitigation measures to minimise man-made acoustical and physical disturbances to marine mammals from industrial and defence activities. Based on more than two decades of offshore experience, and a decade of supplying MMO and PAM services (commercial and scientific), the Handbook is a long-overdue reference guide that seeks to improve standards worldwide for marine operations such as seismic and drilling exploration, wind farm and civil engineering piling, dredging, trenching, rock-dumping, hydrographical surveys, and military/defence exercises. By popular request, this manual will also form an accompaniment to MMO and PAM courses. The Handbook consolidates all aspects of this discipline into one easily accessible resource, to educate all stakeholders (e.g. MMOs, PAM operators, suppliers, recruitment agencies, clients, contractors, regulators, NGOs, consultants, scientists, academia and media), regardless of experience. Topics include worldwide legislation, compliance, anthropogenic noise sources and potential effects, training, offshore life, visual and acoustic monitoring (theory and practice), marine mammal distribution, hearing and vocalisations, and report writing. Advice is provided on implementing sensible and practical mitigation techniques, appropriate technologies, data collection, client and regulator liaison, and project kick-off meetings. "The Handbook is an indispensable How To guide to the growing and increasingly important occupation of marine mammal monitoring, written with clarity and humor by scientists who have extensive experience in this field." —Dr Phillip J. Clapham, world-renowned cetologist and Director of the Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle.
Royal Society of Chemistry Colour Chemistry
This revised and up-dated second edition provides a current insight into how the fundamental principles of the chemistry of colour are applied in dyes and pigments. The text has been expanded and re-written throughout, while largely maintaining the structure of the first edition. In particular, the chapter on functional dyes has been substantially re-written to embrace the significant developments in chemistry and technology that this area has experienced in the last decade. As industry and society have become increasingly sensitive towards environmental issues, the chapter describing how the colour industry has been responding is expanded to reflect this growing importance. A new chapter is introduced on colour in cosmetics, with particular emphasis on hair dyes, reflecting the growing international, industrial significance of this topic. This chapter is co-written with Dr Olivier Morel. Colour Chemistry will be of interest to academics and industrialists who are specialists in colour science or who have involvement with the diverse range of coloured materials, for example traditional application in textiles, paints, printing inks, plastics and cosmetics, and functional applications in electronics and biology. Broad and balanced in its coverage, this book provides an introduction to the chemistry of colour that is ideal for students, graduates and those in industry and academia seeking an introduction to the topic. Robert Christie is a Professor in Colour Chemistry and Technology at Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, and a Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. He also acts as a consultant to the colour manufacturing and application industry worldwide.
National Academies Press Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle: Eighth Revised Edition
Since 1944, the National Research Council (NRC) has published seven editions of the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. This reference has guided nutritionists and other professionals in academia and the cattle and feed industries in developing and implementing nutritional and feeding programs for beef cattle. The cattle industry has undergone considerable changes since the seventh revised edition was published in 2000 and some of the requirements and recommendations set forth at that time are no longer relevant or appropriate. The eighth revised edition of the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle builds on the previous editions. A great deal of new research has been published during the past 14 years and there is a large amount of new information for many nutrients. In addition to a thorough and current evaluation of the literature on the energy and nutrient requirements of beef in all stages of life, this volume includes new information about phosphorus and sulfur contents; a review of nutritional and feeding strategies to minimize nutrient losses in manure and reduce greenhouse gas production; a discussion of the effect of feeding on the nutritional quality and food safety of beef; new information about nutrient metabolism and utilization; new information on feed additives that alter rumen metabolism and postabsorptive metabolism; and future areas of needed research. The tables of feed ingredient composition are significantly updated. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle represents a comprehensive review of the most recent information available on beef cattle nutrition and ingredient composition that will allow efficient, profitable, and environmentally conscious beef production. Table of Contents Front Matter Summary
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Duchess Effect: A Novel
Tracey Livesay returns in this seriously sexy sequel to American Royalty, following Duchess and Prince Jameson as they strive to turn their romance into a relationship, beneath the relentless glare of the spotlight.Against all odds, sexy American rapper, Danielle “Duchess” Nelson and brilliant reclusive royal Prince Jameson have fallen in love! They’ve decided to take their relationship public and find a way to make their two worlds coexist. On their terms.Unfortunately, falling in love was the easy part. Jameson and Dani’s love story has made them the most popular royals since Prince John, but that popularity comes with a price. Dani looks forward to signing the deal with a major cosmetics company that will make her skin care line, Mela-Skin, a force in the industry, and finally grant her the control over her life she’s craved since childhood. But the company wants to take advantage of their fame and involve Jameson in Mela-Skin’s marketing campaign. Dani is outraged! Her company has nothing to do with Jameson.After stepping up for the royal family, Jameson yearns to retreat back into academia. But he’s fired when his university raises concerns about his newfound notoriety. And suddenly the queen, initially against the relationship, backtracks, seeking their cooperation when the family is embroiled in yet another scandal. This isn’t the quiet life Jameson was hoping for.Dani and Jameson truly love each other. But under the scrutiny of the international spotlight, when the doubts, compromises, and secrets begin to take their toll, will their love be enough?
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Essential English Grammar and Communication Strategies: Intermediate Level
This book is for university students, with at least a mid-intermediate level of English. It is designed both for self-study and also as a support for a course on academic communication. It can thus be used alongside the companion volumes: Writing an Academic Paper in English and Giving an Academic Presentation in English. The book focuses only on those areas that are either the most commonly found in academic communication and/or cause the most problems. It is thus considerably more accessible than a traditional grammar or style guide. Grammar coverage includes: articles (a/an, the), countable vs uncountable nouns, modal verbs (can, may, could, might), comparisons, present and past tenses, link words, prepositions, and verbs that cause grammatical difficulties. There is a strong focus on those elements that make a paper more readable, and a presentation more accessible and memorable: clarity and empathy, sentence length, word order, and punctuation. There are chapters on two key areas of communication in academia: writing emails to editors, drafting a CV/resume. The book is laid out simply, with short explanations, and lots of example sentences (plus typical mistakes). Other books in the series: Writing an Academic Paper in English Giving an Academic Presentation in English Adrian Wallwork is the author of more than 40 ELT and EAP textbooks. He has trained several thousand PhD students and researchers from around 50 countries to write research papers and give presentations. He is also the co-founder of, an editing agency for non-native English-speaking researchers.
The Liffey Press A Nurse's Life: Caring from the Cradle to the Grave
A Nurse’s Life tells the remarkable story of one woman’s devotion to a life of care in the medical profession. Beginning her career as a midwife, Geralyn later became an authority in palliative care, but throughout her goal has always been about understanding what it means to truly care for another person. That is precisely what she does in this book: portray the essence of nursing.After years in the hospital wards Geralyn decided it was time for a change and volunteered to work for Concern Worldwide in a two-year post among the most needy in Bangladesh. Here she learned first-hand about the link between poverty and health care. Upon her return to Ireland she returned to academia and enrolled in an MsC programme at Trinity College Dublin. Eventually she became Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing at Trinity.Interspersed between her highly entertaining personal stories as a nurse, Geralyn expounds on many of the key issues in the nursing profession today: the changing nature of nursing and environment of care; challenges in providing person-centred care in the hospital setting, the essential qualities needed to be a good nurse; the problematic doctor/nurse/administration relationship; the future of nursing and possible ways to address the current challenges; and much more.More recently, Geralyn experienced nursing from the other side when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour that while benign meant surgery, radiotherapy and several new chronic conditions as a result. This has given her a deeper, first-hand understanding of nursing and the extraordinary reality of loving care.
Encounter Books,USA The Nixon Effect: How Richard Nixons Presidency Fundamentally Changed American Politics
The Nixon Effect examines the 37th president's political legacy in broad-ranging ways that make clear, for the first time, the breadth and duration of his influence on American political life. The book argues that Nixon is the key political figure in postwar American politics in multiple ways, some barely acknowledged until now. His legacy includes a generational shift in the ideological orientations of both the Republican and Democratic parties; the Nixon influence, both intentional and unintentional, was to push both parties further out to their ideological poles. So stark was Nixon's influence on party identities that it shaped the hardened partisan polarization in Washington today and the evolution of what has come to be called Red and Blue America. Stemming in part from this, and also from Nixon's scorched-earth political warfare and eventually his Watergate scandal, we have also seen the evolution of politics as war, where adversaries and ideological opponents are seen as evil or unpatriotic. Finally, Nixon's pioneering tactics--from the identification of the Silent Majority to the Southern Strategy, from "triangulating" between both parties and claiming the political center to launching the culture war with attacks on "elites" in media, academia, and the courts--have shaped political communications and strategy ever since. Other books have argued for Nixon's importance, but Douglas E. Schoen's is the first to take into account the full range of this fascinating man's influence. While not discounting Nixon's many misdeeds, Schoen treats his presidency and its importance with the seriousness--and evenhandedness--that the subject deserves.
Edinburgh University Press Iran'S Soft Power in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Studies Iran's soft power in Afghanistan and Pakistan in cultural, religious, social, ideological and educational spheres Based on primary sources including Persian sources and materials collected through semi-structured interviews with research participants Discusses case studies about Iran's historical resources and instruments which it uses to increase its soft power reach, the reasons why Iran seeks to exercise soft power in both countries, and the outcomes Iran has been able to achieve through its soft power From a theoretical perspective, it engages with Iran's soft power in light of the political theories of soft power Brings together materials from a range of disciplinary areas - history, politics, Islamic studies This book explores Iran's soft power in two of its eastern neighbours - namely Afghanistan and Pakistan - in key areas including the cultural, religious, social, media, ideological and educational spheres. It explains what resources and instruments Iran has used to project its soft power in the two selected countries since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, and how Iran's attempt to increase its reach has been perceived by elites and opinion makers in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It therefore offers the most up-to-date examination of Iranian soft power tools and strategies and how they are received in both countries - topics which have not hitherto been fully explored. The book reflects the ideas of local Afghan and Pakistani participants from civil society, government, military, media, academia, think tanks and policymaking, explaining the extent to which research participants perceived Iranian soft power in a positive or negative manners
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Legumes under Environmental Stress: Yield, Improvement and Adaptations
Legumes under Environmental Stress Legumes under Environmental Stress Yield, Improvement and Adaptations Leguminous crops have been found to contribute almost 27% of the world’s primary crop production. However, due to environmental fluctuations, legumes are often exposed to different environmental stresses, leading to problems with growth and development, and ultimately, decreased yield. This timely review explains the transcriptomics, proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, transgenomics, functional genomics and phenomics of a wide range of different leguminous crops under biotic and abiotic stresses, and their genetic and molecular responses. Amongst others the text describes the effect of nutrient deficiency, pesticides, salt and temperature stress on legumes. Importantly, the book explores the physiobiochemical, molecular and omics approaches that are used to overcome biotic and abiotic constraints in legumes. It looks at the exogenous application of phytoprotectants; the role of nutrients in the alleviation of abiotic stress; and the microbial strategy for the improvement of legume production under hostile environments. Key features: demonstrates how to mitigate the negative effect of stress on leguminous crops, and how to improve the yield under stress the most up-to-date research in the field written by an international team of active researchers and practitioners across academia, industry and non-profit organisations This volume is a valuable and much-needed resource for scientists, professionals and researchers working in plant science, breeding, food security, crop improvement and agriculture worldwide. In universities it will educate postgraduate and graduate students in plant science and agriculture; it will also benefit those in scientific institutions and in biotech and agribusiness companies, who deal with agronomy and environment.
University Press of America Ethcaste: PanAfrican Communalism and the Black Middleclass
Ethcaste is a theoretical analysis and interpretation of one of the most complex and controversial groups in U.S. society—the black middle class. While this group has received accolades from the liberal journalistic press as well as academia, it has also been highly criticized and oftentimes ridiculed by radical black political activists and intellectuals. This analysis represents an effort to clarify the larger black community as an oppressed group constrained by the capitalist racial dynamics of the dominant white society. In so doing, it summarizes and critiques the major theoretical approaches to the study of social class in U.S. sociology as well as the dominant theories of race and ethnic relations. Noting that most of this preceding scholarship has studied the black community from the perspective that blacks constitute a racial (thus non-cultural) group as opposed to an ethnic (distinct cultural) group, the author presents compelling evidence of the vitality of black American culture and argues persuasively that any analysis of the black middle class must locate it within the cultural dynamics of the larger black community. The core argument in the text is that the so-called racial struggle must be re-defined as a cultural struggle where the core values, norms, and beliefs of the black community have been and continue to be in an intense struggle for dominance with the core values, norms, and beliefs of the white community. In essence, the book offers an alternative model for describing and interpreting the historical and contemporary racial dynamics between the black and white communities.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Photonic Quantum Technologies: Science and Applications
Photonic Quantum Technologies Brings together top-level research results to enable the development of practical quantum devices In Photonic Quantum Technologies: Science and Applications, the editor Mohamed Benyoucef and a team of distinguished scientists from different disciplines deliver an authoritative, one-stop overview of up-to-date research on various quantum systems. This unique book reviews the state-of-the-art research in photonic quantum technologies and bridges the fundamentals of the field with applications to provide readers from academia and industry, in one-location resource, with cutting-edge knowledge they need to have to understand and develop practical quantum systems for application in e.g., secure quantum communication, quantum metrology, and quantum computing. The book also addresses fundamental and engineering challenges en route to workable quantum devices and ways to circumvent or overcome them. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to the fundamentals of quantum technologies, including discussions of the second quantum revolution (by Nobel Laureate Alain Aspect), solid-state quantum optics, and non-classical light and quantum entanglement Comprehensive explorations of emerging quantum technologies and their practical applications, including quantum repeaters, satellite-based quantum communication, quantum networks, silicon quantum photonics, integrated quantum systems, and future vision Practical discussions of quantum technologies with artificial atoms, color centers, 2D materials, molecules, atoms, ions, and optical clocks Perfect for molecular and solid-state physicists, Photonic Quantum Technologies: Science and Applications will also benefit industrial and academic researchers in photonics and quantum optics, graduate students in the field; engineers, chemists, and computer and material scientists.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Copper Catalysis in Organic Synthesis
The most current information on growing field of copper catalysis Copper Catalysis in Organic Synthesis contains an up-to-date overview of the most important reactions in the presence of copper catalysts. The contributorsnoted experts on the topicprovide an introduction to the field of copper catalysis, reviewing its development, scope, and limitations, as well as providing descriptions of various homo- and cross-coupling reactions. In addition, information is presented on copper-catalyzed CH activation, amination, carbonylation, trifluoromethylation, cyanation, and click reactions. Comprehensive in scope, the book also describes microwave-assisted and multi-component transformations as well as copper-catalyzed reactions in green solvents and continuous flow reactors. The authors highlight the application of copper catalysis in asymmetric synthesis and total synthesis of natural products and heterocycles as well as nanocatalysis. This important book: Examines copper and its use in organic synthesis as a more cost-effective and sustainable for researchers in academia and industry Offers the first up-to-date book to explore copper as a first line catalyst for many organic reactions Presents the most significant developments in the area, including cross-coupling reactions, CH activation, asymmetric synthesis, and total synthesis of natural products and heterocycles Contains over 20 contributions from leaders in the field Written for catalytic chemists, organic chemists, natural products chemists, pharmaceutical chemists, and chemists in industry, Copper Catalysis in Organic Synthesis offers a book on the growing field of copper catalysis, covering cross-coupling reactions, CH activation, and applications in the total synthesis of natural products.
Wits University Press New South African Review 2: New paths, old compromises?
The second volume of the New South African Review (NSAR) continues a tradition of debate and critical, analytical scholarship about contemporary South Africa. Drawing on authors from academia and beyond, it aims to be informative, discursive and provocative. In this volume, the New Growth Path (NGP) adopted by the South African government in 2010 provides the basis for a debate about whether 'decent work' is the best possible solution to South Africa's problems of low economic growth and high unemployment. Rising inequality is explored against the backdrop of the failings of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) and Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE). The NGP's proposals for 'greening the economy' are discussed, with emphasis on the creation of 'green jobs' and biofuels. The volume also includes investigations into the crisis of acid mine drainage on the Witwatersrand, and other persistent environmental challenges. Possibilities for participatory forms of government are surveyed, and civil society activism is explored in relation to the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) and environmental campaigns. The crisis in child care in public hospitals, the difficulties that characterise attempts at building relationships between the police and a township community, and the problems related to the absence of legislation to govern the powers of traditional authorities over land allocation (through the experience of the Eastern Cape) are also featured. Asking whether the NGP reflects a set of new policies or an attempt to re-dress old (com)promises in new clothes, this volume brings together different voices in debate about possibilities for alternatives to neo-liberal and capitalist development in South Africa.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Future of the International Monetary System
Is the international financial architecture debate over? Not according to leading experts gathered together in this impressive volume who try to identify the key trends that will fashion the international financial system in the years ahead. As history has shown, the evolution of the international monetary system is a slow process. However, the authors argue that we may be entering a new era in which a combination of factors will have lasting consequences on the functioning of the international monetary system and the future role of the IMF. This book combines the thoughts and opinions of distinguished contributors from academia, the private sector and central banks. In light of the financial crises of the 1990s, it provides a first attempt to reflect on debates surrounding the current state of the international financial system and predict some possible future scenarios.The authors examine several broad areas including: the evolution of the international monetary and financial system prospective sources of finance for the developing world and the future of the sovereign debt market the evolving debate on capital account liberalization exchange rate regimes and future monetary arrangements the aftermath of the sovereign debt restructuring mechanism debate governance of the international financial system. This important overview of the controversies surrounding the future design and development of the international financial system will be welcomed by academics and professional economists interested in banking, monetary economics and international finance. It will also be of great value to finance ministries, supervisory authorities, central banks and financial institutions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Microbiological Research and Development for the Food Industry
Research and development on microorganisms in food has evolved from a luxury to a necessity for companies competing in the global marketplace. Whether research is conducted internally or externally through contract laboratories and universities, microbial research in foods is crucial to the safety and integrity of our food supply. Microbiological Research and Development for the Food Industry covers the technical and practical insights needed for developing and utilizing various capabilities to advance food microbiology research. Providing examples of how research data can be applied to consumer and brand protection efforts, this book: Describes the purposes and processes for conducting microbiological research and development for companies and organizations involved in food, beverage, and ingredient production and distribution Covers a broad range of topics of importance to food microbiologists in allied food industries and organizations, government, and academia Includes examples of successful research methods for food microbiology laboratories Written to walk the reader through the process of investigating microorganisms in food systems for consumer and brand protection, Microbiological Research and Development for the Food Industry provides practical understanding of the necessary mechanisms and research approaches used in the field. It fuses the business and scientific aspects of microbiological research to underscore the return on investment for beverage and food ingredient producers. This text goes beyond routine presence/absence testing of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms in foods. It describes ways data can be collected to answer more complex questions and provides examples of how such data can be applied to consumer and brand protection efforts.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Self-adaptive Systems: A Contemporary Software Engineering Perspective
A concise and practical introduction to the foundations and engineering principles of self-adaptation Though it has recently gained significant momentum, the topic of self-adaptation remains largely under-addressed in academic and technical literature. This book changes that. Using a systematic and holistic approach, An Introduction to Self-adaptive Systems: A Contemporary Software Engineering Perspective provides readers with an accessible set of basic principles, engineering foundations, and applications of self-adaptation in software-intensive systems. It places self-adaptation in the context of techniques like uncertainty management, feedback control, online reasoning, and machine learning while acknowledging the growing consensus in the software engineering community that self-adaptation will be a crucial enabling feature in tackling the challenges of new, emerging, and future systems. The author combines cutting-edge technical research with basic principles and real-world insights to create a practical and strategically effective guide to self-adaptation. He includes features such as: An analysis of the foundational engineering principles and applications of self-adaptation in different domains, including the Internet-of-Things, cloud computing, and cyber-physical systems End-of-chapter exercises at four different levels of complexity and difficulty An accompanying author-hosted website with slides, selected exercises and solutions, models, and code Perfect for researchers, students, teachers, industry leaders, and practitioners in fields that directly or peripherally involve software engineering, as well as those in academia involved in a class on self-adaptivity, this book belongs on the shelves of anyone with an interest in the future of software and its engineering.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Randomised Clinical Trials: Design, Practice and Reporting
Randomised Clinical Trials: Design, Practice and Reporting provides a detailed overview of the methodology for conducting clinical trials, including developing protocols, data capture, randomisation, analysis and reporting. Assuming no prior background, this user-friendly resource describes the statistical, regulatory, and practical components required for conducting randomised clinical trials. Numerous examples and case studies from industry, academia, and the research literature help readers understand each stage of the clinical trial process. This second edition contains extensively revised material throughout, including new chapters covering designs for repeated measures, non-inferiority, cluster and stepped wedge trials. Other new chapters describe data and safety monitoring, biomarker studies, and feasibility studies. Updated and expanded sections discuss situations where multiple organs, different body locations or competing risks are involved, subgroup analysis, and multiple outcomes. Written by an author team with extensive experience in conducting clinical trials, this book: Provides comprehensive coverage of randomised clinical trials, ranging from basic to advanced Features several new chapters, updated case studies and examples, and references to changes in regulations Explains basic randomised trials, including the parallel two-group controlled trial with a single outcome measure Covers paired trial designs and trials with more than two interventions Includes a chapter on miscellaneous topics such as adaptive designs, large simple trials, Bayesian methods for very small trials, alpha-spending functions and the predictive probability test Randomised Clinical Trials is essential reading for clinicians, nurses, data managers, and medical statisticians involved in clinical trials, and for health practitioners responsible for direct patient care in a clinical trial setting.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Rewired: Cybersecurity Governance
Examines the governance challenges of cybersecurity through twelve, real-world case studies Through twelve detailed case studies, this superb collection provides an overview of the ways in which government officials and corporate leaders across the globe are responding to the challenges of cybersecurity. Drawing perspectives from industry, government, and academia, the book incisively analyzes the actual issues, and provides a guide to the continually evolving cybersecurity ecosystem. It charts the role that corporations, policymakers, and technologists are playing in defining the contours of our digital world. Rewired: Cybersecurity Governance places great emphasis on the interconnection of law, policy, and technology in cyberspace. It examines some of the competing organizational efforts and institutions that are attempting to secure cyberspace and considers the broader implications of the in-place and unfolding efforts—tracing how different notions of cybersecurity are deployed and built into stable routines and practices. Ultimately, the book explores the core tensions that sit at the center of cybersecurity efforts, highlighting the ways in which debates about cybersecurity are often inevitably about much more. Introduces the legal and policy dimensions of cybersecurity Collects contributions from an international collection of scholars and practitioners Provides a detailed "map" of the emerging cybersecurity ecosystem, covering the role that corporations, policymakers, and technologists play Uses accessible case studies to provide a non-technical description of key terms and technologies Rewired: Cybersecurity Governance is an excellent guide for all policymakers, corporate leaders, academics, students, and IT professionals responding to and engaging with ongoing cybersecurity challenges.
Taylor & Francis Inc Tree Nuts: Composition, Phytochemicals, and Health Effects
Traditionally perceived as a high-fat, high-calorie food best avoided or consumed only in moderation, tree nuts have come into their own. Recent epidemiological and clinical studies provide evidence that frequent nut consumption is associated with favorable plasma lipid profiles, reduced risk of coronary heart disease, certain types of cancer, stroke, atherosclerosis, type-2 diabetes, inflammation, and several other chronic diseases. Drawing on contributions from experts based in industry and academia Tree Nuts: Composition, Phytochemicals, and Health discusses the results of state-of-the-art research on different aspects of tree nut compositions, phytochemicals, and their health effects. Explore New Research on Health Effects of Tree NutsThe book examines popular tree nuts, together with chestnut and heart nut, and describes each one’s compositional and lipid characteristics, phytochemicals, and health effects. It also briefly examines the chemical composition of acorn nut, beech nut, coconut, and hickory. The volume provides a comprehensive assessment of allergens and anti-aflatoxigenic activity of phytochemicals, and sphingolipids and health benefits of tree nuts as well as their flavor and volatile compounds. The contributors include coverage of the bioactives and phytochemicals of tree nut by-productswhen the information is available.Complete, Comprehensive, and Up-to-Date CoverageWith its distinguished, international panel of contributors and expert editorial guidance, this book provides coverage that is both comprehensive and authoritative. The information presented is an excellent starting point for further research into the uses, processing, and marketing of tree nuts and tree nut by-products.
Johns Hopkins University Press Ethical Imperialism: Institutional Review Boards and the Social Sciences, 1965–2009
University researchers in the United States seeking to observe, survey, or interview people are required first to complete ethical training courses and to submit their proposals to an institutional review board (IRB). Under current rules, IRBs have the power to deny funding, degrees, or promotion if their recommended modifications to scholars' proposals are not followed. This volume explains how this system of regulation arose and discusses its chilling effects on research in the social sciences and humanities. Zachary M. Schrag draws on original research and interviews with the key shapers of the institutional review board regime to raise important points about the effect of the IRB process on scholarship. He explores the origins and the application of these regulations and analyzes how the rules-initially crafted to protect the health and privacy of the human subjects of medical experiments-can limit even casual scholarly interactions such as a humanist interviewing a poet about his or her writing. In assessing the issue, Schrag argues that biomedical researchers and bioethicists repeatedly excluded social scientists from rule making and ignored the existing ethical traditions in nonmedical fields. Ultimately, he contends, IRBs not only threaten to polarize medical and social scientists, they also create an atmosphere wherein certain types of academics can impede and even silence others. The first work to document the troubled emergence of today's system of regulating scholarly research, Ethical Imperialism illuminates the problems caused by simple, universal rule making in academic and professional research. This short, smart analysis will engage scholars across academia.
Kogan Page Ltd Building an Inclusive Organization: Leveraging the Power of a Diverse Workforce
FINALIST: Business Book Awards 2020 - An Exceptional Book That Promotes Diversity Category LONGLISTED: CMI Management Book of the Year 2020 - Society Transformed Category A diverse workforce is a business imperative. Without it, companies are made up of employees who come from the same background and have the same skills and, therefore, the same blind spots. A diverse workforce brings together different strengths, a variety of experiences, a huge breadth of knowledge and a wealth of creative problem-solving techniques. However, in order to leverage the benefits of this diverse workforce, businesses must be inclusive. Inclusion ensures that employees feel supported, are treated fairly and are therefore happier, more engaged and more productive. Building an Inclusive Organization is a practical guide to creating an environment of real inclusion. It explains how to remove unconscious bias from company processes including recruitment and selection, how to make the case for diversity and inclusion to all stakeholders and how to embed inclusion into an organization's culture and overall business strategy. Packed with case studies from organizations including KPMG, Uber, Salesforce, Harvard University and the UK National Health Service (NHS), Building an Inclusive Organization shows how to implement robust processes and policies to foster diversity and inclusion in organizations of any size, and in all sectors, including the creative industry, finance, tech, and academia and foundations. Guidance and advice is also provided on how to use 'nudges' to change behaviours and overcome bias, how to achieve transparency and accountability, and how to measure, review and evaluate inclusion.
The University of Chicago Press Doodling for Academics: A Coloring and Activity Book
To an outsider, working as a university professor might seem like a dream: summers off, a few hours of class each week, an exchange of ideas with brilliant colleagues, books and late afternoon lattes...Who wouldn't envy that life? But those in the trenches of academe are well acquainted with the professoriate's dark underside: the hierarchies and pseudo-political power plays, the peculiar colleagues, the over-parented students, the stacks of essays that need to be graded ASAP. No one understands this world better than novelist Julie Schumacher, who here provides a bitingly funny distraction designed to help you survive life in higher education without losing your mind. Sardonic yet shrewdly insightful, Doodling for Academics offers the perfect cognitive relief for the thousands of faculty and grad students whose mentors and loved ones failed to steer them toward more reasonable or lucrative fields. Through forty pages of original illustrations and activities from coloring to paper dolls to mad libs this book traces the arc of a typical day on campus. Get a peek inside the enigma of the student brain. Imagine a utopian faculty meeting. Navigate the red tape maze of university administration. With the help of hilarious illustrations by Lauren Nassef, Schumacher infuses the world of campus greens and university quads with cutting wit, immersing you deep into the weirdly creative challenges of university life. Offering a satirical interactive experience for scholars, the combination of humor and activities in this book will bring academia into entertaining relief, making it the perfect gift for your colleagues, advisors, or newly minted graduates.
World Scientific Europe Ltd Climate, Chaos And Covid: How Mathematical Models Describe The Universe
Mathematical models are very much in the news now, as they are used to make decisions about our response to such vital areas as COVID-19 and climate change. Frequently, they are blamed for a series of dubious decisions, creating much concern amongst the general public. However, without mathematical models, we would have none of the modern technology that we take for granted, nor would we have modern health care, be able to forecast the climate, cook a potato, have electricity to power our home, or go into space.By explaining technical mathematical concepts in a way that everyone can understand and appreciate, Climate, Chaos and COVID: How Mathematical Models Describe the Universe sets the record straight and lifts the lid off the mystery of mathematical models. It shows why they work, how good they can be, the advantages and disadvantages of using them and how they make the modern world possible. The readers will be able to see the impact that the use of these models has on their lives, and will be able to appreciate both their power and their limitations.The book includes a very large number of both short and long case studies, many of which are taken directly from the author's own experiences of working as a mathematical modeller in academia, in industry, and between the two. These include COVID-19 and climate and how maths saves the whales, powers our home, gives us the material we need to live, and takes us into space.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Sodium-Ion Batteries: Materials, Characterization, and Technology, 2 Volumes
Presents uparalleled coverage of Na-ion battery technology, including the most recent research and emerging applications Na-ion battery technologies have emerged as cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternatives to Li-ion batteries, particularly for large-scale storage applications where battery size is less of a concern than in portable electronics or electric vehicles. Scientists and engineers involved in developing commercially viable Na-ion batteries need to understand the state-of-the-art in constituent materials, electrodes, and electrolytes to meet both performance metrics and economic requirements. Sodium-Ion Batteries: Materials, Characterization, and Technology provides in-depth coverage of the material constituents, characterization, applications, upscaling, and commercialization of Na-ion batteries. Contributions by international experts discuss the development and performance of cathode and anode materials and their characterization - using methods such as NMR spectroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computational studies - as well as ceramics, ionic liquids, and other solid and liquid electrolytes. Discusses the development of battery technology based on the abundant alkali ion sodium Features a thorough introduction to Na-ion batteries and their comparison with Li-ion batteries Reviews recent research on the structure-electrochemical performance relationship and the development of new solid electrolytes Includes a timely overview of commercial perspectives, cost analysis, and safety issues of Na-ion batteries Covers emerging technologies including Na-ion capacitors, aqueous sodium batteries, and Na-S batteries The handbook Sodium-Ion Batteries: Materials, Characterization, and Technology is an indispensable reference for researchers and development engineers, materials scientists, electrochemists, and engineering scientists in both academia and industry.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Information and Communications Technology in Support of Migration
The book provides a holistic review, presenting a multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary, international, and evidence-based approach to Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in migration. The book brings together different views and multifaceted responses to ICT-based migration management, examining their overlap, conflict, and synergies. The book is a major addition to the field, tackling important debates concerning humanitarianism and securitization in the reception of migrants, as well as exploring the role of digital technology in aiding migrant integration. The authors explore contentious areas such as the use of new technologies deployed on borders for migration management and border security under the umbrella of smart border solutions including drones, AI algorithms, and face recognition, which are widely criticized for ignoring the fundamental human rights of migrants. The research presented will depart from the euphoric appraisals that technology has made things easier for migrants and those who assist them, to critically examine the bane and boon, benefits and afflictions, highlighting the barriers, as well as the solutions, including several under-researched aspects of digital surveillance and the digital divide.This edited volume has been developed by the MIICT project, funded under the EU Horizon 2020 Action and Innovation programme, under grant agreement No 822380. Provides a positive approach to the integration of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions Offers a strategic approach to providing digital services for migrants at an EU, national and local level Bridges the gap between academia and front-line practitioners’ work by providing theoretical, policy, ethical, and methodological recommendations
Oxford University Press The Oxford Companion to Wine
Everything you could possibly want to know about wine, in one fully up-to-date A-Z volume! The Oxford Companion to Wine is a uniquely comprehensive and in-depth A-Z reference book on every aspect of wine: more than 4,000 entries covering topics from history through geography, geology, soil science, viticulture, winemaking, packaging, academia, technology, and regulations to people and places, tasting, writing, and the language of wine. The system of cross-references takes the reader from one entry to another, showing how all these topics are interconnected in the fascinating story of wine in its most traditional and modern forms. This new fifth edition, which benefits from the knowledge and experience of over one hundred new contributors, all experts in their field or geographical region, is expanded by 272 new entries, and every existing entry has been reviewed, updated, and polished. The text is more international than ever, written for wine lovers of every persuasion, including those who love wine but want to know more in order to increase their enjoyment of this endlessly fascinating liquid, and those who are intent on studying wine, professionally or privately. This is a huge treasure trove of knowledge, for the first time breaking the barrier of one million words, but the alphabetical format and the links between the entries make it easily navigable, and the language, while not shying away from complex science, is intended to open the door to every curious reader looking for answers on every question they have ever wanted to ask about wine.
Archaeopress Digging Up Jericho: Past, Present and Future
Digging Up Jericho: Past Present and Future, arising from a conference exploring the heritage, archaeology and history of the Jericho Oasis, includes contributions by 21 internationally significant scholars. It will appeal to scholars and students in Near Eastern prehistory, Islamic archaeology, public archaeology, the history of archaeology, and cultural heritage management. Jericho has had a profile beyond academia, and the volume will also appeal to anyone interested in the archaeology and heritage of Jericho, biblical archaeology and, more broadly, Israel and Palestine. This is the first volume to offer a holistic perspective on the research and public value of the site of Jericho – an iconic site with a long and impressive history stretching from the Epipalaeolithic to the present day. Once dubbed the ‘Oldest City in the World’, it has been the focus of intense archaeological activity and media interest in the 150 years since its discovery. From early investigations in the 19th century, through Kathleen Kenyon’s work at the site in the 1950s, to the recent Italian-Palestinian Expedition and Khirbat al-Mafjar Archaeological Project, Jericho and its surrounding landscape has always played a key role in our understanding of this fascinating region. Current efforts to get the site placed on the World Heritage List only enhance its appeal. Covering all aspects of work at the site, from past to present and beyond, this volume offers a unique opportunity to re-evaluate and assess the legacy of this important site. In doing so, it helps to increase our understanding of the wider archaeology and history of the Southern Levant.
Oxbow Books Re-imagining Periphery: Archaeology and Text in Northern Europe from Iron Age to Viking and Early Medieval Periods
This edited volume delves into the current state of Iron Age and Early Medieval research in the North. Over the last two decades of archaeological explorations, theoretical vanguards, and introduction of new methodological strategies, together with a growing amount of critical studies in archaeology taking their stance from a multidisciplinary perspective, have dramatically changed our understanding of Northern Iron Age societies. The profound effect of 6th century climatic events on social structures in Northern Europe, a reintegration of written sources and archaeological material, genetic and isotopic studies entirely reinterpreting previously excavated grave material, are but a few examples of such land winnings. The aim of this book is to provide an intense and cohesive focus on the characteristics of contemporary Iron Age research; explored under the subheadings of field and methodology, settlement and spatiality, text and translation, and interaction and impact. Gathering the work of leading, established researchers and field archaeologists based throughout northern Europe and in the frontline of this new emerging image, this volume provides a collective summary of our current understandings of the Iron Age and Early Medieval Era in the North. It also facilitates a renewed interaction between academia and the ever-growing field of infrastructural archaeology, by integrating cutting edge fieldwork and developing field methods in the corpus of Iron Age and Early Medieval studies. In this book, many hypotheses are pushed forward from their expected outcomes, and analytical work is not afraid of taking risks, thus advancing the field of Iron Age research, and also, hopefully, inspiring to a continued creation of new knowledge.
Sourcebooks, Inc Dark Things I Adore: A Novel
A debut thriller for fans of Lucy Foley and Liz Moore, Dark Things I Adore is a stunning Gone Girl-esque tale of atonement that proves that in the grasp of manipulative men, women may momentarily fall. But in the hands of fierce women, men will be brought to their knees.Three campfire secrets. Two witnesses. One dead in the trees. And the woman, thirty years later, bent on making the guilty finally pay.1988. A group of outcasts gather at a small, prestigious arts camp nestled in the Maine woods. They're the painters: bright, hopeful, teeming with potential. But secrets and dark ambitions rise like smoke from a campfire, and the truths they tell will come back to haunt them in ways more deadly than they dreamed.2018. Esteemed art professor Max Durant arrives at his protégé's remote home to view her graduate thesis collection. He knows Audra is beautiful and brilliant. He knows being invited into her private world is a rare gift. But he doesn't know that Audra has engineered every aspect of their weekend together. Every detail, every conversation. Audra has woven the perfect web.Only Audra knows what happened that summer in 1988. Max's secret, and the dark things that followed. And even though it won't be easy, Audra knows someone must pay.A searing psychological thriller of trauma, dark academia, complicity, and revenge, Dark Things I Adore unravels the realities behind campfire legends-the horrors that happen in the dark, the girls who become cautionary tales, and the guilty who go unpunished. Until now.
Johns Hopkins University Press Ethical Imperialism: Institutional Review Boards and the Social Sciences, 1965–2009
University researchers in the United States seeking to observe, survey, or interview people are required first to complete ethical training courses and to submit their proposals to an institutional review board (IRB). Under current rules, IRBs have the power to deny funding, degrees, or promotion if their recommended modifications to scholars' proposals are not followed. This volume explains how this system of regulation arose and discusses its chilling effects on research in the social sciences and humanities. Zachary M. Schrag draws on original research and interviews with the key shapers of the institutional review board regime to raise important points about the effect of the IRB process on scholarship. He explores the origins and the application of these regulations and analyzes how the rules-initially crafted to protect the health and privacy of the human subjects of medical experiments-can limit even casual scholarly interactions such as a humanist interviewing a poet about his or her writing. In assessing the issue, Schrag argues that biomedical researchers and bioethicists repeatedly excluded social scientists from rule making and ignored the existing ethical traditions in nonmedical fields. Ultimately, he contends, IRBs not only threaten to polarize medical and social scientists, they also create an atmosphere wherein certain types of academics can impede and even silence others. The first work to document the troubled emergence of today's system of regulating scholarly research, Ethical Imperialism illuminates the problems caused by simple, universal rule making in academic and professional research. This short, smart analysis will engage scholars across academia.
Teachers' College Press Affirming Black Students’ Lives and Literacies: Bearing Witness
Drawing on the authors’ experiences as Black parents, researchers, teachers, and teacher educators, this timely book presents a multipronged approach to affirming Black lives and literacies. The authors believe change is needed—not within Black children—but in the way they are perceived and educated, particularly in reading, writing, and critical thinking across grade levels. To inform literacy teachers and school leaders, the authors provide a conceptual framework for reimagining literacy instruction based on Black philosophical and theoretical foundations, historical background, literacy research, and authentic experiences of Black students. This important book includes counternarratives about the lives of Black learners, research conducted by Black scholars among Black students, examples of approaches to literacy with Black children that are making a difference, conversations among literacy researchers that move beyond academia; and a model for engaging all students in literacy. Affirming Black Students’ Lives and Literacies advocates for adopting a standard of care that will improve and support literacy achievement among today’s Black students by rejecting deficit presumptions and embracing the fullness of these students’ strengths.Book Features: A counternarrative of Black literacy history, lives, and learners. Narrative examples of Black literacy scholarship, by Black scholars who embrace their faith-walk as an integral part of their holistic approach to literacy teaching and learning. Discussion questions to spur conversations among school administrators, parents/caregivers, politicians, reading researchers, teacher educators, and classroom teachers. An array of extant Black scholarship that should inform literacy praxis and research. A conceptual framework, CARE, that is applicable for all learners with a focus on Black literacy learners.
Louisiana State University Press Caroline Durieux: Lithographs of the Thirties and Forties
In a career that spanned half a century, Caroline Durieux, a master lithographer, created prints that chronicled the beauty and absurdity of academia, New Orleans's famed Carnival season, characters observed from everyday life, and more. Caroline Durieux: Lithographs of the Thirties and Forties brings together fifty-eight images that reveal her keen understanding of both the comic and tragic aspects of satire. These remarkable works, with accompanying text by art historian Richard Cox, establish her place within the tradition of American satirical art. A new foreword by art historian Sally Main and archivist Susan Tucker considers Durieux's life and influence from her main periods of activity through the present day.Born in New Orleans in 1896, Durieux spent several years with her husband in Cuba before the two settled in Mexico City for a decade, and Latin American settings inspired some of her earliest forays into lithography. Her time in Mexico also brought her into contact with Diego Rivera, whose enthusiasm for her work brought her national and international attention. When Durieux returned to the United States in 1936, she taught art classes and held several positions with the Works Progress Administration (WPA), where she championed local artists and oversaw the creation of an index of Louisiana art and numerous public art projects. The prints collected in this volume showcase the artist's humor as well as her keen eye for the scenes and people she encountered in Louisiana and abroad.Originally published in 1977 and long unavailable, Caroline Durieux: Lithographs of the Thirties and Forties finally returns to print.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Parlay / OSA: From Standards to Reality
Parlay will enable rapid and cost-effective delivery of services based on telecommunications networks, and will be an essential part of the 3G future. We live in an exciting time. 3G networks are taking off, and as greater bandwidth and communication speeds become available, people are seeking new means by which to increase their interaction potential. Newer and more exciting services are being developed to drive more revenues and to enhance end-user experiences. New technologies are being designed and implemented to supplement and leverage the new capabilities being built into core networks. Parlay/OSA: From Standards to Reality is an accessible primer on network ecosystems and operations today, discussing the need for Parlay, the details of standards, aspects of network evolution and support for legacy systems, and advanced topics from an implementation perspective. The authors examine the potential of the Parlay/OSA (Open Service Access) solution from a number of points of view: business need, service development and service deployment. Parlay/OSA: From Standards to Reality: Provides a comprehensive account and examination of the Parlay technology. Covers standards capabilities and directions, and the twelve Service Capability Features, including call control, mobility management, data session control, generic messaging service and content based charging and policy management. Addresses architectural alternatives and advanced architecture patterns. Provides use cases, architecture, deployment scenarios and advanced topics for further reading. This invaluable resource will provide product managers, software developers, application developers, network architects and engineers, as well as advanced students and researchers in academia and industry with an in-depth understanding of Parlay.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Systems Thinking for Management Consultants: Introducing Holistic Flexibility
This book discusses how systems thinking and approaches can aid management consultants in navigating the complexities of client advisory in current realities. It thereby brings to the forefront aspects of holism, flexibility and responsibility - the keys to success in today’s world. Management consultants are called in to offer an independent expert view of an organisation/ a situation and are expected to address some of the most pressing problems businesses face. The client does not exist in a silo, but in a complex environment that lies at the intersection of a range of internal and external factors that are often unseen and unpredictable. The organisation itself presents an alien territory that the consultant is expected to acclimatise to within a very short period of time, and come up with solutions that “insiders” would not have been able to visualise. The book presents a range of ideas, concepts and reference cases that are relevant and topical for consultants in their daily work. It argues that systems thinking allows holism and flexibility in management consulting – while holism is about the ability to encompass the environmental and organisational complexity, flexibility is about the ability to think creatively and adopt different approaches to accommodate this complexity. With commentaries, case studies, conceptual models and perspectives that cut across multiple industries, sectors and countries, this book is a valuable resource for academics and professionals alike. The book’s inner pages and its page on contain additional comments providing perspectives of clients, industry experts and academia.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Metallosurfactants: From Fundamentals to Catalytic and Biomedical Applications
Metallosurfactants Provides up-to-date coverage of the synthesis, properties, and applications of metallosurfactants Metallosurfactants: From Fundamentals to Catalytic and Biomedical Applications is a thorough introduction to amphiphilic compounds that allow to incorporate metal ions in the surfactant system. This comprehensive reference and guide describes the fundamentals of metal surfactant complexes, highlights recent advances in the field, and explores current and future applications and research areas. Gradually progressing from basic to advanced topics, the authors first explain the classification and characterization of metallosurfactants before delving into more complex concepts and various catalytic, sensing, and biomedical applications. The book begins with coverage of the synthesis of metallosurfactants and their surface, interfacial, and aggregation behavior. Subsequent chapters discuss applications of metallosurfactants in areas such as drug delivery, molecular machines, transfection, nanoparticle synthesis, and carbon monoxide-releasing molecules (CORMs). Other topics include the use of metallosurfactants as catalysts in organic reactions, and as anticancer and antimicrobial agents in drug delivery and formulation. This unique reference Provides an overview of the structure-function relationship, synthesis methods, and characterization of metallosurfactants Reviews current trends in metallosurfactant development and research Examines the use of metallosurfactants in a wide range of reactions, including esterolytic reactions and hydrogen generation Discusses advanced applications of metallosurfactants, e.g. as nanoreactors for nanoparticle synthesis, non-viral transfection vectors, and sensors Metallosurfactants: From Fundamentals to Catalytic and Biomedical Applications is an excellent introduction to the growing field of metallosurfactant chemistry as well as a concise, highly useful reference for researchers and scientists in both academia and industry.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Information and Communications Technology in Support of Migration
The book provides a holistic review, presenting a multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary, international, and evidence-based approach to Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in migration. The book brings together different views and multifaceted responses to ICT-based migration management, examining their overlap, conflict, and synergies. The book is a major addition to the field, tackling important debates concerning humanitarianism and securitization in the reception of migrants, as well as exploring the role of digital technology in aiding migrant integration. The authors explore contentious areas such as the use of new technologies deployed on borders for migration management and border security under the umbrella of smart border solutions including drones, AI algorithms, and face recognition, which are widely criticized for ignoring the fundamental human rights of migrants. The research presented will depart from the euphoric appraisals that technology has made things easier for migrants and those who assist them, to critically examine the bane and boon, benefits and afflictions, highlighting the barriers, as well as the solutions, including several under-researched aspects of digital surveillance and the digital divide.This edited volume has been developed by the MIICT project, funded under the EU Horizon 2020 Action and Innovation programme, under grant agreement No 822380. Provides a positive approach to the integration of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions Offers a strategic approach to providing digital services for migrants at an EU, national and local level Bridges the gap between academia and front-line practitioners’ work by providing theoretical, policy, ethical, and methodological recommendations