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Peeters Publishers Selected Studies on Deuterocanonical Prayers
The study of the Septuagint (LXX), specifically the deuterocanonical books, and early Jewish prayers have gained attention in recent years. The eleven essays in this volume offer various exegetical or theological insights into select prayers known from the deuterocanonical books. Authors discuss how prayers interact with their larger literary contexts and raise text-critical questions that compare different ancient versions of various prayers. Larger questions of theological interest, such as the role prayers played in moral formation, are also treated among the essays. Most of the contributions in this volume grew out of a collaboration between the Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature and Prayer in Antiquity program units of the Society of Biblical Literature in 2018.
Peeters Publishers Gender, Race, Religion: De/constructing Regimes of In/visibility
The ESWTR conference in Leuven in 2019 dealt with the intersection of gender, race, and religion and asked for the de-/construction of regimes of visibility and invisibility. By discussing these three concepts in relationship to each other, underlying patterns of privilege and oppression in a society can be uncovered. The concepts “gender, race, and religion” are not static ideas, but processes in society. They are constructed in social interaction, through discourses and practices—what implies that their meaning can also be deconstructed. The construction is the result of power processes. These create what is considered an appropriate way to express one’s religion, what should be visible and what not, although very often the processes of “religionization” and “racialization” remain hidden, sometimes concealed by so-called good intentions. What is made visible and invisible is the result of choices that serve particular interests. In malestream theology this is a blind spot. However, there are many theological themes at stake here. The question is how theologians can help to make the underlying patterns and processes of “genderisation,” and “religionization” (more) visible in order to contribute to the flourishing of everyone and to more justice in society. This is what the contributions of this volume try to do, in their analysis of the intersection of gender and religion (and race) in different contexts.
Peeters Publishers Origeniana Undecima: Origen and Origenism in the History of Western Thought
The 11th Origeniana conference took place at Aarhus University, Denmark, in August 2013. The theme of the conference was Origen and Origenism in the History of Western Thought. The present volume contains a large selection from the papers that were given at the conference. The majority of the papers deals with various aspects of the influence and reception of Origen and his thought and writings in Western traditions to this day. As was the case also in previous conferences, there was an opportunity to give papers on other aspects of current Origen research. The volume contains seven sections: Origen's thought in modern theology and philosophy; philological approaches to Origen's works; Origen's thought in the West in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance; Origen's thought in the West until John Scotus Eriugena; Origen in Western mysticism and liturgy; the reception of Origen in the East.
Peeters Publishers Where is the Truth?: Narrative Exegesis and the Question of True and False Prophecy in Jer 26-29 (MT)
This book takes a point of departure from what the author considers to constitute the important elements in any exegetical exercise; an interaction of three elements which are the text, the reader and the interpretive key. The text studied is Jer. 26-29(MT), the interpretive key is the narrative method. The interaction of the text with the reader, using the narrative method as the hermeneutical key is aimed at discovering what the text says from a theological point of view. So far in the history of research in the book of Jeremiah, except of course in the very recent times, historical questions have dominated, and many authors would doubt the applicability of the approaches with synchronic presumptions to the book. And so, the book of Jeremiah has remained for the most part, described either as a conglomeration of disparate unconnected elements, or a product of ideological juxtapositions that do not exhibit any literary or theological intention, or even pieces of texts chanced together by redactional happenstance. Consequently, works and commentaries on the book though with different accents, are still united in the goal of discovering the diverse origins of the different disparate units, or detecting the ipsissima verba of the prophet (if any). However, armed with tools for narrative exegesis, we could still, in a derived sense, notice a flow of story, a narrative logic in this block which begins with the prophet's preaching in chapter 26, through the tensions raised in 27 and dramatized in the direct duel of 28 between Jeremiah and Hananiah and finally Jeremiah's own vision of peace and the conditions on which the latter is possible in 29. The narrative reading of the four chapters therefore provides the scriptural basis for asking relevant questions concerning the theological problem of true and false prophecy which we identify to be the major theological theme in the block under study.
Peeters Publishers Cultural Mediators: Artists and Writers at the Crossroads of Tradition, Innovation and Reception in the Low Countries and Italy 1450-1650
The notion of cultural mediation is a promising albeit not yet methodologically clear-cut and well-probed instrument for studying artistic and literary phenomena in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period. This volume addresses the role of artists and writers as cultural mediators in a variety of cultural fields such as religion, politics, morality and artistic expression (art, literature and theatre). It fully acknowledges the diversity of roles that the term cultural mediator incorporates. The artist or writer may be a neutral transmitter, a dedicated instructor, a conscious advocate, an unconscious exponent or an autonomous inventor of whatever message is being transmitted by way of visual or verbal artefacts. In reality, these roles were often intertwined, but distinguishing them enables us to recognise the main variables that shaped the role of a cultural mediator: the intentionality of the artist or writer, the function of his or her work and its reception by the viewers or audience. The essays collected in this volume offer a stimulating, interdisciplinary exploration of the range, variety and impact of the artist or writer as a cultural mediator, while avoiding a deadlock between notions of art and literature as subsidiary versus self-contained fields of creative expression.
Peeters Publishers Sexual Outercourse A Philosophy of Lovemaking
Sexual Outercourse
Peeters Publishers Le Timee De Platon. Contributions a L'histoire De Sa Reception. Platos Timaios. Beitrage Zu Seiner Rezeptionsgeschichte
Le volume rassemble quatorze contributions etudiant les diverses reinterpretations du Timee qui se situent entre l'empire romain et notre siecle. Tandis que les etudes portant sur des auteurs singuliers tels que Galien (M. Vegetti), Calcidius (E. Rudolph), Proclus (A. Lernould), Boece (W. Mesch), M. Ficin (A. Etienne) et N.A. Whitehead (G. Betegh) mettent en relief des moments importants de la reception du "Timee", les contributions de W. Rod, K. Gloy et L. Brisson permettent de comparer globalement la vision antique et moderne de la cosmologie et en particulier des mathematiques. Le volume s'ouvre par un essai d'A. Neschke presentant une comprehension actuelle du Timee comme contribution a la physique grecque. Une bibliographie selective de la reception du Timee ainsi que des index donnent au volume le caractere d'un instrument de travail precieux. A. Neschke-Hentschke, nee a Berlin en 1942, enseigne actuellement la philosophie antique et l'histoire de la philosophie a l'Universite de Lausanne. Ses recherches portent en particulier sur Platon et sa reception. En temoignent, a part de nombreux articles, les deux volumes parus dans la meme collection: Images de Platon et lectures de ses oeuvres et Platonisme politique et theorie du droit naturel, vol. 1.
Peeters Publishers Eli De Qartamin. Memra Sur S. Mar Philoxene De Mabbog: V.
Punto de Lectura La mujer en la ventana
Desclée De Brouwer Hay algún hombre en casa tratado para el hombre ausente
Descripción: 22x16 cm.Encuadernacion:Rustica con solapa.Colección: Amae,13.Todo el mundo está de acuerdo en que "madre no hay más que una". Pero es igual de cierto que "padre tampoco hay más que uno". Lo cual, por desgracia, se olvida con demasiada frecuencia. Tanto por parte del hombre, que durante siglos ha rehuido su responsabilidad en la familia -más allá de una genérica protección física o de proporcionar el sustento-; como de la mujer que, al reclamar cotidianamente su cuota de poder, termina monopolizando la educación de los hijos.Aquilino Polaino, con un estilo ágil y ameno, repasa las principales consecuencias que esta "ausencia del varón" tiene en el mundo de la pareja, en la familia y en la educación de los hijos. El libro trata a la vez temas de actualidad y educación, y Polaino ofrece desde su experiencia como psiquiatra y terapeuta familiar interesantes puntos de vista y análisis.Hay algún hombre en casa?, aunque esboza soluciones a problema
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Fundamentos de psicología de la personalidad
Expone de forma sistemática las principales escuelas y teorías acerca de la personalidad que son relevantes en los estudios universitarios sobre la materia. Sus autores abordan sobre todo cuestiones que, siendo nucleares en el ámbito de la personalidad, inciden más en el contexto de la orientación y terapia familiar.
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Acción hormonal
Buenas noches Pinginito Spanish Edition
Pingüinito va a la escuela de pingüinos por primera vez. No le hace ni pizca de gracia separarse de papá y mamá.Sigue al pequeño pingüinito en su primera aventura en el mundo exterior.Esta adorable colección de cuentos de animalitos con encantadoras ilustraciones fotográficas, es perfecta para leer antes de ir a dormir.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Gesundheitsverantwortung Zwischen Markt Und Staat: Interdisziplinare Zugange
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Reflections on Italian Fascism: An Interview with Antonio Messina
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Wortschöpfung: Die Memphitische Theologie und die Siegesstele des Pije - zwei Zeugen kultureller Repräsentation in der 25. Dynastie
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Antoine Augustin Cournot: Iuvres Completes VII Des Institutions d'Instruction Publique En France
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Logique Aristotelicienne Et Grammaire Arabe
Pebble Books Theodore Roosevelt
Pebble Books Sojourner Truth
Pebble Books Matthew Henson
Casa Creacion Ruina o avivamiento: El problema del cambio y la ruptura de lo convencional / Ru t, Rot, or Revival
Casa Creacion Mi búsqueda diaria
World Wisdom Timeless in Time The Autobiographical Writings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Library of Perennial Philosophy
Kane/Miller Book Publishers The Wolf's Howl
Warner Press Overall: Understanding the Epic Christian Story
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Reign the Earth
Academica Press Surrogacy and Other Reproductive Technologies
In 2015, a study of surrogacy and other reproductive technologies was conducted among women who served as surrogate mothers in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. There are some social taboos are associated with the concept of surrogacy, and it is not a mainstream procedure in India. To know the ground reality, thirty-three surrogates were interviewed to explore their concerns. The primary objective of this book is to explore the causes and consequences of being a surrogate, the motivation and negotiation factors, and the social, economic, and gender issues encountered during and after procreation. This book further explored the perception of various stakeholders on new draft bill was introduced to ban commercial surrogacy in order to safeguard the women from exploitation. This book argues that if the government regularizes and legalizes commercial surrogacy, it may create a win-win situation for both sides – surrogates and the commissioning couples – to avoid exploitation
Canelo Us The Loyal Friend
Capstone Press Your Passport to Australia
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Skandar and the Unicorn Thief
Creative Paperbacks A Mountain Food Chain
Creative Paperbacks A Rainforest Food Chain
Life Sentence Publishing The Pursuit of God (Updated) (Updated)
Bella Books Hostage Moon
National African Language Resource Center Tuwasiliane Kwa Kiswahili
Candlewick Press,U.S. The Heartbreak Bakery
Candlewick Press,U.S. The Lost Coast
Essential Library Handling Diabetes
Skyhorse Publishing Monstrous Maud: Big Fright
When Maud’s pet rat, Quentin, escapes in the middle of science class, it’s the very last straw. While Primrose Towers is full of decorous young ladies, Maud is ungraceful and prefers her pet rat to all other company She never quite fit in with the rest of the students and has been a nuisance one too many times. Maud is transferred from prim and proper Primrose Towers to dark and mysterious Rotwood Middle Schoolmuch to the delight of her teacher, classmates, and her perfect twin, Millybut what is in store for Maud at Rotwood? There is something strange about the students and teachers. Everyone is dressed as if it’s Halloween and the school motto is Because We Scare.” Maud learns two very important things on her first day at Rotwood: first, all of the students and teachers are monsters and second, she’s finally found a place where she feels like she belongs. While Primrose Academy rejected Maud’s differences, Rotwood allows her to embrace them. Even though she’s not a monster, Maud must make everyone believe she is in order to stay at Rotwood with her new friends. Monstrous Maud: Big Fright is a great alternative to princess books for middle grade readers. It is full of silliness and monster funalong with likeable characters and a great twist at the end.
Scribner Book Company Yours Cheerfully