Search results for ""author lee""
Ize Press See You in My 19th Life Vol. 2
Jieum has finally reunited with Seoha, but like all things in life, it's not that simple. A chance opportunity to meet Seoha after work hours makes her realize just how much Juwon's death has affected him. To make things more complicated, the closer she gets to Seoha, the further entangled she becomes with the people from her previous life. Will Jieum be able to avoid making the same mistakes as she did in the past? And how will she get Seoha to open up to her?
Penguin Books Ltd Indeterminate Inflorescence
Simply Read Books Kendra Kandlestar And The Door To Unger
Bridge Works Publishing Co ,U.S. The Boy in the Box: A Novel
In this highly original, Kafka-esque novel, Smith tries to recruit others to help him solve the mystery, only to encounter the same resistance and denial. He concludes he must solve it on his own. Fast-moving and accessible, this book is a suspenseful, surreal foray into a city that no one really knows, where the pain and danger of being an outsider in an eerie, menacing and anonymous world can both frighten and amuse.
Simon & Schuster The Last Boy at St. Edith's
Arcadia Publishing Yellowstone National Park (French Version)
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Decoding Dao: Reading the Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching) and the Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu)
Written by a leading authority on Chinese philosophy, Decoding Dao uniquely focuses on the core texts in Daoist philosophy, providing readers with a user-friendly introduction that unravels the complexities of these seminal volumes. Offers a detailed introduction to the core texts in Daoist philosophy, the Dao De Jing and the Zhuangzi, two of the most widely read – and most challenging – texts in China’s long literary history Covers the three main ways the texts can be read: as religious, mystical, and philosophical works Explores their historical context, origins, authorship, and the reasons these seminal texts came into being, along with the key terms and approaches they take Examines the core philosophical arguments made in the texts, as well as the many ways in which they have been interpreted, both in China itself and in the West Provides readers with an unrivalled insight into the multifaceted philosophy of Daoism – and the principles underlying much of Chinese culture – informed by the very latest academic scholarship
Arcadia Publishing Inc. Freehold Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Aspen Publishers Inc.,U.S. Cases and Materials on Corporations and Other Business Entities: A Practical Approach
Zondervan Hebrew for the Rest of Us Video Lectures
Amsterdam University Press Buddhist Revitalization and Chinese Religions in Malaysia
Buddhist Revitalization and Chinese Religions in Malaysia tells the story of how a minority community comes to grips with the challenges of modernity, history, globalization, and cultural assertion in an ever-changing Malaysia. It captures the religious connection, transformation, and tension within a complex traditional belief system in a multi-religious society. In particular, the book revolves around a discussion on the religious revitalization of Chinese Buddhism in modern Malaysia. This Buddhist revitalization movement is intertwined with various forces, such as colonialism, religious transnationalism, and global capitalism. Reformist Buddhists have helped to remake Malaysia’s urban-dwelling Chinese community and have provided an exit option in the Malay and Muslim majority nation state. As Malaysia modernizes, there have been increasing efforts by certain segments of the country’s ethnic Chinese Buddhist population to separate Buddhism from popular Chinese religions. Nevertheless, these reformist groups face counterforces from traditional Chinese religionists within the context of the cultural complexity of the Chinese belief system.
Simply Read Books Kendra Kandlestar And The Box Of Whispers
Titan Books Ltd Aliens Colonial Marines Technical Manual
The United States Colonial Marines. Ultimate troubleshooters equipped with state-of-the-art firepower, capable of power projection across the vast expanse of deep space. They can sharpshoot a man at a thousand meters or obliterate an entire world from the safety of orbit. They reckon they are unbeatable.But on a dirtball colony planet known only as LV-426 the unthinkable happens. The Marines lose. The Aliens - Colonial Marines Technical Manual is your official guide to the equipment and organisation of the United States Colonial Marine Corps. Packed with diagrams, technical schematics and plans, the manual takes a detailed look at the guns, vehicles and ships of the USCMC, and the men and women who use them. A must-have book for any Aliens fan, the Aliens - Colonial Marines Technical Manual examines the technology of the movie''s futuristic nightmare in every detail.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Confucius and Confucianism: The Essentials
This comprehensive introduction explores the life and teachings of Confucius, and development of Confucian thought, from ancient times to the present today. Demonstrates the wisdom and enduring relevance of Confucius’s teachings – drawing parallels between our 21st century society and that of China 2,500 years ago, where government corruption, along with social, economic, and technical changes, led thinkers to examine human nature and society Draws on the latest research and incorporates interpretations of Confucius and his works by Chinese and Western scholars throughout the centuries Explores how Confucius's followers expanded and reinterpreted his ideas after his death, and how this process has continued throughout Chinese history Seamlessly links Confucius with our modern age, revealing how his teachings have become the basis of East Asian culture and influenced the West
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sustainable Swine Nutrition
Sustainable Swine Nutrition As climate change continues to have a significant impact on the modern world, it is crucial to find alternative sources of energy and nutrients for swine production. The development of optimal feeding revolves around a multitude of considerations—genetic variations in the pig, variability, availability, and stability of nutrients in feed ingredients, interactions among nutrients and non-nutritive factors, voluntary feed intake, physical (& social) environment of pigs, and more. Establishing the ideal network of factors will only grow in importance as humans assess the methods for our own food networks. Sustainable Swine Nutrition is a comprehensive book on swine nutrition, covering some fundamental aspects of nutrition—namely digestive physiology, water, protein or amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, energy metabolism, vitamins, minerals, and nutrition and immunology. Providing the most up-to-date information on each of these areas, a major emphasis of this second edition is on recent developments and current advances in the field, with a focus on pertinent issues linked with energy and nutrients. In doing so, the book highlights topics and issues that can contribute to the ultimate goal of successful and sustainable swine production. Sustainable Swine Nutrition readers will also find: Environmentally friendly, optimal feeding strategies for successful and sustainable swine production Recent developments, such as alternative feedstuffs, feed additives, and bioavailability Expanded treatment and new chapters on swine physiology, energy and protein, technology, and more Sustainable Swine Nutrition, Second Edition, is an ideal resource for livestock scientists and industry professionals involved in all aspects of pork production.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd New Approaches to Greek and Roman Warfare
Uses new methodologies, evidence, and topics to better understand ancient warfare and its place in culture and history New Approaches to Greek and Roman Warfare brings together essays from specialists in ancient history who employ contemporary tools and approaches to reveal new evidence and increase knowledge of ancient militaries and warfare. In-depth yet highly readable, this volume covers the most recent trends for understanding warfare, militaries, soldiers, non-combatants, and their roles in ancient cultures. Chronologically-organized chapters explore new methodologies, evidence, and topics while offering fresh and original perspectives on recent documentary and archaeological discoveries. Covering the time period from Archaic Greece to the Late Roman Empire, the text asks questions of both new and re-examined old evidence and discusses the everyday military life of soldiers and veterans. Chapters address unique topics such as neurophysiological explanations for why some soldiers panic and others do not in the same battle, Greek society’s handling of combat trauma in returning veterans, the moral aspects and human elements of ancient sieges, medical care in the late Roman Empire, and the personal experience of military servicemembers and their families. Each chapter is self-contained to allow readers to explore topics in any order they prefer. This book: Features case studies that examine psychological components of military service such as morale, panic, recovery, and trauma Offers discussions of the economics of paying for warfare in the Greek and Roman worlds and why Roman soldiers mutinied Covers examining human remains of ancient conflict, including interesting photos Discusses the role of women in families and as victims and addresses issues related to women and war Places discussions in the broader context of new wave military history and includes complete bibliographies and further reading suggestions Providing new material and topical focus, New Approaches to Greek and Roman Warfare is an ideal text for Greek History or Roman History courses, particularly those focusing on ancient warfare, as well as scholars and general readers with interest in the ancient militaries.
Indiana University Press Strengthening Congress
With the benefit of an insider's perspective, distinguished former congressman Lee H. Hamilton argues that America needs a stronger Congress and a more engaged citizenry in order to ensure responsive and effective democracy. Hamilton explains how Congress has drifted away from the role envisioned for it in the Constitution as a body whose power and influence would be preeminent in the American system of government. He details the steps that Congress should take to re-establish its parity with the executive branch and become an institution that works reliably and effectively for the betterment of the nation—reinforce congressional oversight, restore the deliberative process, curb the influence of lobbyists, and reduce excessive partisanship. Concurrently, Hamilton calls upon Americans to take more seriously their obligations and responsibilities as citizens and engage with the critical issues facing their communities and the nation.
Baylor University Press The Grammar of Our Civility: Classical Education in America
The pragmatic demands of American life have made higher education's sustained study of ancient Greece and Rome an irrelevant luxury - and this despite the fact that American democracy depends so heavily on classical language, literature, and political theory. In The Grammar of Our Civility, Lee T. Pearcy chronicles how this came to be. Pearcy argues that classics never developed a distinctly American way of responding to distinctly American social conditions. Instead, American classical education simply imitated European models that were designed to underwrite European culture. The Grammar of Our Civility also offers a concrete proposal for the role of classical education, one that takes into account practical expectations for higher education in twenty-first century America.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nematodes: Comparative Genomics, Disease Management & Ecological Importance
Nova Science Publishers Inc Trends in Cancer Research
Milkweed Editions tsunami vs. the fukushima 50: poems
Named a “Best Book of 2019” by the New York Public Library Finalist for the 2020 Lambda Literary Award in Lesbian Poetry Society of Midland Authors Honoree in Poetry In March 2011, a tsunami caused by an earthquake collided with nearby power plant Fukushima Daiichi, causing the only nuclear disaster in history to rival Chernobyl in scope. Those who stayed at the plant to stabilize the reactors, willing to sacrifice their lives, became known internationally as the Fukushima 50. In tsunami vs. the fukushima 50, Lee Ann Roripaugh takes a piercing, witty, and ferocious look into the heart of the disaster. Here we meet its survivors and victims, from a pearl-catcher to a mild-mannered father to a drove of mindless pink robots. And here, too, we meet Roripaugh’s unforgettable Tsunami: a force of nature, femme fatale, and “annihilatrix.” Tsunami is part hero and part supervillain—angry, loud, forcefully defending her rights as a living being in contemporary industrialized society. As humanity rebuilds in disaster’s wake, Tsunami continues to wreak her own havoc, battling humans’ self-appointed role as colonizer of Earth and its life-forms. “She’s an unsubtle thief / a giver of gifts,” Roripaugh writes of Tsunami, who spits garbage from the Pacific back into now-pulverized Fukushima. As Tsunami makes visible her suffering, the wrath of nature scorned, humanity has the opportunity to reconsider the trauma they cause Earth and each other. But will they look?
Dover Publications Inc. Challenging Mazes 48 New Unusual Puzzles
Here are 48 unusually subtle and varied mazes to thread through, including several types which are new to the ancient puzzle form. In addition to the traditional escapes from the center and wanderings through the garden, the book offers experiments with under and over mazes, one-way street versions, and numbered pathways. 16 pages of solutions.Dover Original.
Tuva Publishing Amigurumi People: 16 Wonderful Characters to Crochet
In this stunning book by Mei Li Lee (amiguruMEI), you will get to meet the cutest crochet characters, each designed with a secret crochet tip to share. Make Austin the Astronaut for the little one who dreams of reaching the stars. Or the inseparable Grandma and Grandpa, in honour of your own two favourite people. From a ballerina to a firefighter and childhood friends dressed in kawaii animal-themed playsuits, the amigurumi people in this book might just bring you fond memories of someone you've met, and would like to meet again in the near future. To make your amigurumi journey that much more enjoyable, we've packed the pages with useful techniques on how to crochet hair that curls a certain way and whip up colorful crochet clothes and accessories to match. Each pattern comes with complete step-by-step instructions so you can sit back and focus on the fun parts. AUTHOR: Mei Li Lee is an amigurumi artist based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She is best known as the author of Hello Kitty Crochet, and a mom to twin boys, whom she enjoys telling far-fetched stories to. The former journalist is now often busy planning for playtime and thinking of ways on how best to occupy the kids. Thankfully, she still gets some time off to sit down and design cute crochet characters through hopeful rose-tinted glasses.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Surgical Anatomy and Technique: A Pocket Manual
This book continues the tradition of providing a concise, accessible, and generously illustrated refresher for both novice and experienced clinicians. It contains thoroughly revised chapters and dozens of new richly colored illustrations, which make it much easier to follow the technique and better appreciate the anatomy. This fifth edition now includes robotic techniques for each relevant chapter. All the existing chapters have been updated to reflect current surgical approaches and instrumentation as well as a section on anatomical complications. Three new chapters on sports hernia, ablative techniques for venous disease, and on the kidney and ureter have also been added to help surgeons learn more about these structures.The fifth edition of Surgical Anatomy and Technique: A Pocket Manual provides the gold standard in correlating clear, practical anatomy with the correct technique in the pursuit of the best possible patient outcomes and remains a "must have" for every resident and general surgeon.
Prim-Ed Publishing Prime-Time Comprehension Lower: Reading and Comprehending Using Text Types
There are 20 age-appropriate texts from four different formats (fiction, comic strips, nonfiction and poetry) included in this book. The level of difficulty of the text among the formats differs. For example, the comic strips are generally much shorter and easier to read than the fiction and nonfiction texts and the poetry tends to be more challenging. The questions are organised into three categories-Levels A, B and C-which are outlined below. Four pages accompany each of the 20 texts. Each group of four pages consists of the following: Pupil page 1 The text, in the style of one of the four formats, with appropriate illustrations included. Pupil page 2 Questions related to the text - Level A (i.e. literal) and Level B (i.e. interpretive). Pupil page 3 Questions related to the text - Level C (i.e. evaluative). Pupil page 4 An activity related to the text. The three levels of questioning are: Level A Literal - the answer is provided in the text. Level B Interpretive - The answer is inferred using information in the text. Level C Evaluative - The answer requires associations to be made between the text's content and personal experience and knowledge
Cambridge University Press Iran-US Claims Tribunal Reports: Volume 40: 2019–2020
The Iran–US. Claims Tribunal, concerned principally with the claims of US nationals against Iran, is the most important international claims tribunal to have sat in over half a century. Its jurisprudence is bound to make a uniquely important contribution to international law and, in particular, the law relating to aliens, treaty law, and international arbitral procedure. The 40th volume of the Iran–US Claims Tribunal Reports makes available to the public the Tribunal's most recent work, including an important award in a large dispute between Iran and the United States. This volume of the Reports is a critical contribution to the field of international arbitration that will inform and guide the practice of international arbitration practitioners from around the world.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Conspiracies Uncovered: Cover-ups, Hoaxes and Secret Societies
Enter a hidden world of mysteries, scandals, secrets, and liesPerhaps it is human nature to believe there is more to the world than meets the eye - that the greatest secrets and truths are hidden from us. Whatever the reason, conspiracy theories are a global phenomenon. Conspiracies Uncovered delves into some of the most pervasive theories, from the "The assassination of John F. Kennedy" to the moon landings, showcasing the evidence for and against each one, revealing the surprising truths behind some and the bizarre inspirations for others.
Ize Press See You in My 19th Life Vol. 5
Now that Seoha has finally agreed to go on a date, things seem to finally be breaking Jieum's way! Or so she thinksexcept Chowon can't seem to shake her suspicions about Jieum's strange behavior back at her family's summer homeand ultimately comes to a shocking conclusion! To further complicate matters, Doyun happens to overhear Jieum's confession about her identityWill she be able to smooth things over, or is her 19th life destined for failure?
Weldon Owen, Incorporated Out There Camper Cookbook
This cookbook helps you cook luxuriously with the simplest kitchen set-up...tempting recipes and hard-won wisdom. - The Wall Street Journal A beautifully illustrated cookbook with over 50 recipes much more sophisticated than grilled hot dogs and s''mores... - The Huffington PostAn adventure-rich collection of easy, flavorful, beautiful recipes to make over a campfire and enjoy in the great outdoors. Out There: A Camper Cookbook presents the story and recipes of Lee Kalpakis, a professional cook who returned home to the Catskill Mountains after 14 years in New York City to live in an off-grid camper in the woods. Along with delicious, sophisticated recipes, Lee shares how to get the most out of an unconventional kitchen. This is a guide for pairing down kitchen clutter and stocking up a versatile pantry while maximizing the efficiency of any small cooking space. 75 RECIPES: Delicious and be
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Cats
This book is suitable for children aged 5 and upwards. Targeted at young aspiring artists seeking to develop their technical skills and build a repertoire of feline subjects. Acclaimed author Lee J. Ames shows readers how to draw dozens of cats with a comprehensive, step-by-step approach. His distinctive drawing method has proven to be successful for children and adults alike over the past thirty years and has shown artists, from the beginner to advanced level, how to draw everything from animals to airplanes. The revised "Draw 50" series gives an old favourite a fresh, new look.
Hermes Press The Phantom the Complete Dailies Volume 32 19861987
Kogan Page Momentum 13 Ways to Unlock Your Potential
MP-MPP University Press of Mississippi Conversations with Joyce Carol Oates
These twenty-five interviews with Joyce Carol Oates from early in her career to the present are the first such collection to be published. In conversations from sources as diverse as major news magazines and small scholarly journals, Oates candidly talks about her work, her concepts of literature, her methods of writing, and many other topics.
MP-FLO Uni Press of Florida Rebel on Pointe
Random House USA Inc Reacher Persuader MTI
Random House USA Inc Reacher Persuader MTI
Not Stated Groundskeeping
A TODAY SHOW #ReadWithJenna BOOK CLUB PICK • An indelible love story about two very different people navigating the entanglements of class and identity and coming of age in an America coming apart at the seams—this is an extraordinary debut about the ties that bind families together and tear them apart across generations (Ann Patchett, best-selling author of The Dutch House).In the run-up to the 2016 election, Owen Callahan, an aspiring writer, moves back to Kentucky to live with his Trump-supporting uncle and grandfather. Eager to clean up his act after wasting time and potential in his early twenties, he takes a job as a groundskeeper at a small local college, in exchange for which he is permitted to take a writing course.Here he meets Alma Hazdic, a writer in residence who seems to have everything that Owen lacks—a prestigious position, an Ivy League education, success as a writer. They begin a secret relationship, and as they grow
Penguin Random House LLC Gone Tomorrow
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Wicked River The Mississippi When It Last Ran Wild Vintage
A riveting narrative look at one of the most colorful, dangerous, and peculiar places in America's historical landscape: the strange, wonderful, and mysterious Mississippi River of the 19th century. Beginning in the early 1800s and climaxing with the siege of Vicksburg in 1863, Wicked River brings to life a place where river pirates brushed elbows with future presidents and religious visionaries shared passage with thieves. Here is a minute-by-minute account of Natchez being flattened by a tornado; the St. Louis harbor being crushed by a massive ice floe; hidden, nefarious celebrations of Mardi Gras; and the sinking of the Sultana, the worst naval disaster in American history. Here, too, is the Mississippi itself: gorgeous, perilous, and unpredictable. Masterfully told, Wicked River is an exuberant work of Americana that portrays a forgotten society on the edge of revolutionary change.
Columbia University Press In Search of an Open Mind
Columbia University Press The Last Samurai Reread
Lee Konstantinou combines a riveting reading of The Last Samurai with a behind-the-scenes look at Helen DeWitt’s fraught experiences with corporate publishing. He shows how interpreting the ambition and richness of DeWitt’s work in light of her struggles with literary institutions provides a potent social critique.
HarperCollins Publishers The Hero
Ediciones Francis Lefebvre Formularios prcticos procesales 2009
Vesica Piscis Las doce capas del ADN
Urano Ultimo Humano, El
Steidl Publishers Lee Friedlander: Chain Link
Blanvalet Taschenbuch Verlag. Label der Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Der Anhalter
Karma Lee Lozano: Private Book 6
This is the sixth volume in Karma's 11-volume facsimile printing of Lee Lozano's Private Book (1930 99) project. Eleven of these private books survive, containing notes on Lozano's work, detailed interactions with artist friends and commentary on the alienations of gender politics, as well as philosophical queries into art's role in society and humorous asides from daily life. One excerpt reads: For my opening at the Whitney I would like to do a very special FANCY: want to give an invitation personally to the downtown people I know from being/living in this neighborhood for so long. In fact these are the only people I want at my opening. Just NEIGHBORHOOD people: from drugstores, food & laundry stores, stationary stores, etc. GET IT?"