Search results for ""author l ron hubbard""
Galaxy Press Trick Soldier
Galaxy Press Cargo of Coffins
Galaxy Press Trouble on His Wings
Galaxy Press Tinhorn's Daughter
Galaxy Press Six-Gun Caballero
Galaxy Press The Sky-Crasher
Galaxy Press Trick Soldier
Galaxy Press Wind-Gone-Mad
Galaxy Press Forbidden Gold
Galaxy Press Spy Killer
Galaxy Press Sabotage in the Sky
Galaxy Press The Phantom Patrol
Galaxy Press When Shadows Fall
Galaxy Press The Great Secret
Galaxy Press The Tramp
Galaxy Press Orders is Orders
Galaxy Press To the Stars
Galaxy Press Ai! Pedrito!: When Intelligence Goes Wrong
Bridge Pub Inc A Very Strange Trip
Bridge Publications Inc Conquest of the Physical Universe
In his lifelong quest to uncover the answers to life and Man, L. Ron Hubbard discovered that all life forms, from the lowest to the highest, are motivated by a single command: Survive! Yet questions still remained. What exactly is life and how does it accomplish its purpose of survival? Is life merely live matter? Or does it contain another quality altogether? Thus L. Ron Hubbard set out to isolate and identify the very essence of life itself. And in successfully achieving that goal, he not only discovered the elusive quality that animates all life forms, he arrived at the explanation for the endlessly varied phenomena of human experience-from the "inexplicable" onset of illness to why individuals brimming with ambition and hope often reach the end of their lives defeated and disillusioned. In this lecture, Ron reveals that life is an energy, one entirely separate and distinct from the physical universe. Moreover, here too are the answers to how life attempts its conquest of matter, energy, space and time. As for what these discoveries mean to everyday life of the individual, the answer is everything. For no matter one's occupation or activities, here are both the anatomy and ramifications of the unavoidable interaction with the physical universe. And by means of this knowledge, one can reverse one's losses, build upon one's victories and, in sum, recover the energy and enthusiasm that brings lasting success.
Bridge Publications Inc History of Research and Investigation
Today weapons exist powerful enough to annihilate whole nations. And violence has become commonplace, often in disregard of human life. Why has there been such a lessening of moral responsibility and, most important, what can be done about it? In providing the answers to these questions, L. Ron Hubbard explores the history of Man's research and investigation in the field of the human spirit. As he details many remarkable phenomena familiar in past ages, yet unknown to most people today, what emerges is that as mechanical technologies became ascendant, nothing parallel emerged to bring religion into the realm of day-to-day application. In consequence, modern studies ultimately came to deny the spirit entirely, instead treating the individual as a mere stimulus-response mechanism without conscience or value. Thus, the arrival of Scientology means everything for both the individual and Mankind, for here is the first religion which, by application of an actual technology, provides anyone with workable answers he can use on a daily basis in his own life. By this technology, IQ rises, an individual's power and ability increase, Man can recover his capacity for kindness and decency-and a brighter future is assured.
Bridge Publications Inc Study and Education
No civilized culture has failed to recognize the importance of education. And it is widely acknowledged that in today's fast-paced society, success depends on the ability to swiftly understand and use information. What lies behind the crisis in education? Are some subjects simply hard to teach? Are some teachers just not good at imparting knowledge? The proposed solutions are as varied as the problems, but many are based on labeling students as unable to learn, instead of identifying the real failure. In researching the field of education over three decades, Ron examined the entire learning process, very much including the ability to apply what has been taught. He made what amounts to an historic and broad sweeping breakthrough, isolating the single common denominator to the diverse problems besetting all education. Rather than merely addressing a particular subject or branch of knowledge, he discovered a crucial undercut wholly omitted from educational systems since time immemorial. Specifically, there has never been an education in study itself. What Ron isolated and identified are the exact obstacles that deny understanding of any subject, or more specifically, the barriers to study. With the new knowledge of how these barriers are the cause of failed education and its many consequences, Ron developed a fully workable solution-what has become known as Study Technology. Here, then, is the first actual technology of how to study any subject or field of endeavor and gain the ability to use and apply what has been learned.
Bridge Publications Inc The Problems of Work
Based on the book The Problems of Work, this film contains the senior principles and laws which apply to every endeavor, every problem of work. For they are the discoveries which lay bare the core of these problems and explain the very fabric of life itself.
Bridge Publications Inc Scientology: A New Slant on Life
Scientology essentials for every aspect of life. Basic answers that put you in charge of your existence, truths to consult again and again: Is It Possible to Be Happy?, Two Rules for Happy Living, Personal Integrity, The Anti-Social Personality and many more. In every part of this book you will find Scientology truths that describe conditions in your life and exact ways to improve them.
Bridge Publications Inc The Way to Happiness: A Common Sense Guide to Better Living
A motivational book giving 21 points for a happy living, covering personal relationships, taking care of oneself, children, comptence, trust, loyalty, fairness, honesty, self-control, tolerance and many other aspects. The book appeals to anyone regardless of religious or ethnic background - having found an amaznig common denomiator of what any human being considers correct ways of living. The book is ideal not only for finding stability and motivation for oneself, but it is also perfect to give to others improving their behaviour in a gentle and yet effective way.
Bridge Publications Inc Differences Between Scientology and Other Philosophies
Every human being seeks to know the truth about himself and to resolve to his own satisfaction the mysteries of life. And therefore, for many thousands of years, countless philosophical and religious teachings have sought to enlighten people with answers. But where their practitioners insisted-indeed, demanded-that their answers must be the answers, they blocked the road to greater freedom for millions of people. For as history tells, to force an individual to accept a truth instead of permitting him to find truth is a road not to freedom, but to slavery of thought and belief. In this classic statement on the individual's search for truth, Ron therefore delineates the central principles that make Scientology different-the principles whereby each person engages in his own personal search to discover truth. As individuals continue on this unique quest of exploration and adventure, they acquire new insights and understandings until their fundamental questions about themselves and life are resolved to their full satisfaction. And increasingly, as they travel that road, they attain the lasting freedom that can only come from knowing what is true for them.
Bridge Publications Inc Operation Manual for the Mind
Your mind: it is your constant companion. You live with it 24 hours a day, every day of your life. Yet Man has known practically nothing about how it works. And from marriages that end in divorce to careers that wind up in frustration, from tensions that interfere with work to conflicts that divide nations, virtually every human crisis can be traced to Man's ignorance of the mind. Imagine, then, the potential benefits of finding the answers. Not only could organizations prosper and nations resolve their differences, but an individual equipped with such knowledge, fully understanding himself and others, would stand a far better chance of achieving his goals. In fact, millions have accomplished exactly that. For the first time in history, Man has come into possession of an "operation manual" that details the full anatomy of the mind and precisely how it functions. By studying this "manual," anyone can understand the underlying causes behind the endless variety of human behavior and use this knowledge to resolve any situation he encounters in life. Here, then, is the adventure of discovering the workings of the most valuable commodity any individual will ever possess.
Bridge Publications Inc The Deterioration of Liberty
The single word "liberty" articulates not only basic rights, such as freedom of speech and religion, but many other vital concepts: opportunity, choice, security and even happiness. Indeed, it is a word that symbolizes the dreams and goals of every human being. Yet its very power makes it liable to abusive ends entirely opposed to its true meaning. In consequence, both individual and national freedoms can be eroded in a manner that escapes detection. If this deterioration of liberty is not spotted and reversed, a people can lose many of their basic rights and ultimately fail to recognize, and thus arrest, a slide into a police state. On the hard-won and cherished liberties of nations depends everything its citizens hold most dear. In affirming the basic decency and upholding the fundamental rights of each individual, Ron provides an embracive understanding that vitally concerns all.
Bridge Publications Inc The Soul: Good or Evil?
It has been bought and sold in a thousand dramas. It has been preached about from every pulpit-debated, contested, condemned and exalted. And with no means to accurately measure or quantify it, the physical sciences either ignored it or denied its very existence. The human soul. Here, then, is a discovery all the more remarkable for being grounded not merely on faith and belief, but on proofs as irrefutable as any in science. Using the most exact tools of thought to isolate the most inexactly understood aspect of a human being, Ron established that there is, indeed, a soul. Moreover, the knowledge of its nature and characteristics finally resolves the age-old question of good and evil, not only in regard to a future life, but with immediate application in the here and now. For with the answer to the greatest of all mysteries has come an entirely new understanding and, with that, the means to raise one's ability to play the game called "life."
Bridge Publications Inc Mission Earth 2, Black Genesis
Drugs. Sex. Murder. Taxes. Welcome to planet Earth. The Voltarian scouting party has arrived, led by one Jettero Heller. His mission: rescue the planet and prepare it for invasion. His problem: Earth may not want to be savedand the invasion may be one big put-on. One way or another, Hellers about to undertake a journey of discovery and find out what really makes this world go around. And before its all over, Heller will break loose.
New Era Publications International APS Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health
Are we thinking too much and living too little? Why are we missing out on so much of our life? Dianetics has some answers you may have been looking for. Many of us are aware that the worries, doubts and reservations in our own mind are more often than not the greatest obstacles to the fulfilling life we so much desire. It seems that our thoughts are not truly free – with many of them stemming from an emotional and subconscious level that can fix our attention and pull us down. What if you could free your thoughts and shed their weight and pain from your own mind? This is what Dianetics is about. What triggers our thinking? What is the mind really? What is the source of stress? Dianetics is the breakthrough that has enabled us to understand for the first time how our thinking works – consciously and subconsciously. Dianetics includes a practical approach that makes it possible to remove these stumbling blocks and actually experience a resurgence of life energy and positivity that makes a noticeable difference in a person’s happiness and success. Reading the book alone and understanding the simple logic behind the seemingly complex structure of the mind gives a completely new perspective in life. Based on observation and discoveries, Dianetics goes beyond theory and describes an easy-to-use method to free your mind from this burden. The application is what produces a real change, and what sets this book apart from others. The practical success made Dianetics an international bestseller, with 22 Million copies sold and translated into 53 languages.
New Era Publications International APS Grammar and Communication for Children
Grammar is a subject that has been getting more and more lost in modern school teaching. But it is vital for a student to clearly understand grammar and the structure of the language if he wants to have any chance of success in education and life. Language is the medium that we use for communication. A lack of command of language impedes any activity of life, be it education itself, professional life or personal relationships. Grammar however must be taught in a way that it is easy to comprehend. This is where Grammar and Communication excels! While the book was originally designed to address a rather young audience, given todays standards of education (of lack of them) the books is in fact of great value to anyone, regardless of age, who wants to improve his ability to express himself and understand others.
Galaxy Press Battlefield Earth
Galaxy Press L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 26: The Best New Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year
Galaxy Press L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 27: The Best New Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year
New Era Publications International APS The Technology of Study
Study Trouble; Difficulty Learning and Retaining Things? Consider this for a moment: In all your schooling, did anyone ever teach you how to study something? Today, people are graduating school unable to read or write at a level adequate to hold a job or deal with life. It is a huge problem. It is not that subjects cannot be learned; what isn't taught is how to learn. It is the missing step in all education. L. Ron Hubbard filled this gaping hole by supplying the first and only technology of how to study. He discovered the laws on which learning is based and developed workable methods for anyone to apply. He called this subject "Study Technology." This technology provides an understanding of the basics of learning and supplies exact ways to overcome all the pitfalls one can encounter during study. Study Technology is not speed reading or memory tricks. These have not been proven to raise one's ability to comprehend what was studied or to raise literacy. Study Technology shows how one studies in order to comprehend a subject so one can apply it. Contained herein is only a small portion of the entire body of Study Technology developed by Mr. Hubbard. Regardless, this brief overview contains fundamentals which you can use to study more effectively. With this technology, any subject can be learned by anyone.
New Era Publications Dianetik
New Era Publications Selbstanalyse
New Era Publications International APS Handbook for Preclears
Handbook for Preclears follows L. Ron Hubbard’s book “Self Analysis”. Both books contain easy to do methods of discovering your own mind, and increasing a person’s ability to utilize considerably more of his mental potential. Discover why behavior patterns become so solidly fixed; why habits seemingly can’t be broken; how decisions long ago have more power over a person than his decisions today; and why a person keeps past negative experiences in the present.
New Era Publications International APS Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought: The Basic Book of the Theory & Practice of Scientology for Beginners
Imagine an age where the predictability of science and the wisdom of religion combine. Scientology is called a spiritual technology for a reason. Scientology provides tools to assist you to find your own answers to your questions about existence, your own truth about your life and you. The word Scientology comes from: Scio (Latin) 'knowing, in the fullest sense of the word', logos (Greek) 'study of'. Thus Scientology means 'knowing how to know'. Although modern life seems to pose an infinitely complex array of problems, Scientology maintains that the solutions to those problems are basically simple and within every man's reach. Difficulties with communication and interpersonal relationships, nagging insecurities, self-doubt and despair each man innately possesses the potential to be free of these and many other concerns. This book was designated by L. Ron Hubbard as the Book One of Scientology. It gives the basic philosophical principles of Scientology, and shows practical application how to improve conditions in life. It covers concepts like the relation of mind body and spirit, it gives you the analysis of what understanding consists of and how understanding can be mended or achieved, and all other essential concepts of this amazing study, merging science and spirituality.
New Era Publications International APS Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health
Are we thinking too much and living too little? Why are we missing out on so much of our life? Dianetics has some answers you may have been looking for. Many of us are aware that the worries, doubts and reservations in our own mind are more often than not the greatest obstacles to the fulfilling life we so much desire. It seems that our thoughts are not truly free - with many of them stemming from an emotional and subconscious level that can fix our attention and pull us down. What if you could free your thoughts and shed their weight and pain from your own mind? This is what Dianetics is about. What triggers our thinking? What is the mind really? What is the source of stress? Dianetics is the breakthrough that has enabled us to understand for the first time how our thinking works - consciously and subconsciously. Dianetics includes a practical approach that makes it possible to remove these stumbling blocks and actually experience a resurgence of life energy and positivity that makes a noticeable difference in a person's happiness and success. Reading the book alone and understanding the simple logic behind the seemingly complex structure of the mind gives a completely new perspective in life. Based on observation and discoveries, Dianetics goes beyond theory and describes an easy-to-use method to free your mind from this burden. The application is what produces a real change, and what sets this book apart from others. The practical success made Dianetics an international bestseller, with 22 Million copies sold and translated into 53 languages.
New Era Publications International APS Basics of Organizing
Anybody recognizes that if things were better organized people would be better off. We have all had experiences with bureaucratic red tape, impersonal government agencies or careless commercial enterprises. The problem of poor organization is serious and costs trillions in waste, inefficiency and lowered productivity. On a more individual level, organization is a key-and often missing-factor in personal success. It is also a necessity for a flourishing family. Attainment of one's goals, no matter how small or how large, requires a knowledge of organization. How do you most efficiently and productively manage your time, your activities and your resources? How do you minimize distractions? And how do you align your strengths in order to accomplish your purposes? L. Ron Hubbard recognized that Man was as lacking in understanding of how to organize his activities as he was about his true spiritual nature. And a sizable portion of his research was devoted to clarify the subject of organization, a task he fully accomplished. This course contains only some of the most basic principles of the organizing technology he developed, but these fundamentals are, by themselves, enough to greatly enhance the activity of any endeavor, whether that of a group or an individual. Chaos and confusion are not natural conditions of life. They only exist when natural laws are not understood and followed. Here are some of the natural laws of organization and organizing.
New Era Publications International APS Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science
This is the story of how L. Ron Hubbard discovered the principles how the human mind works and how he developed the procedures to improve intelligence and wellbeing. Originally written for a national magazine published to coincide with the release of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health it started a wildfire movement virtually overnight upon that book's publication. Here then are both the fundamentals of Dianetics as well as the only account of Mr. Hubbard s two decade journey of discovery and how he applied a scientific methodology to unravel the mysteries and problems of the human mind.
New Era Publications International APS Investigations
Many people go through life in a rather hit-or-miss fashion, casting about for ideas to explain why their projects improve or decline, why they are successful or why they are not. Guessing and "hunches," however, are not very reliable. And without the knowledge of how to actually investigate situations, good or bad, and get the true facts, a person is set adrift in a sea of unevaluated data. Accurate investigation is, in fact, a rare commodity. Man's tendency in matters he doesn't understand is to accept the first proffered explanation, no matter how faulty. Thus investigatory technology had not actually been practiced or refined. However, L. Ron Hubbard made a breakthrough in the subject of logic and reasoning which led to his development of the first truly effective way to search for and consistently find the actual causes for things. Knowing how to investigate gives one the power to navigate through the random facts and opinions and emerge with the real reasons behind success or failure in any aspect of life. By really finding out why things are the way they are, one is therefore able to remedy and improve a situation-any situation. This is an invaluable technology for people in all walks of life.
New Era Publications International APS The Emotional Tone Scale
How often have you heard someone say, "I don't understand him"? Sometimes irrational, unforeseen acts seem to be the norm among our fellows. The fact is, there has never been a workable method to invariably predict human behavior-until now. L. Ron Hubbard developed just such a method, and it is applicable to all men, without exception. With this data, it is possible to accurately predict the behavior of a potential spouse, a business partner, employee or friend - before you commit to a relationship. The risks involved in human interaction can be avoided entirely or minimized when you can infallibly predict how people will behave. By understanding and using the information in this chapter, all aspects of human relationships will become more productive and more fulfilling. You'll know who to associate with, who to avoid, and you will be able to help those who are mired in uncomfortable situations with others. Imagine knowing, after a very short time, how people will behave in any given circumstance. You can. Each and every time.