Search results for ""author anne""
Random House USA Inc Murder on the Serpentine: A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel
Alfred A. Knopf Interview with the Vampire: Anniversary edition
WW Norton & Co Making Babies: Stumbling into Motherhood
Anne Enright was married for eighteen years before she and her husband started having children. Already a confident, successful novelist, Enright continued to work after each of her two children was born; while each baby slept, those first two years of life, Enright wrote in dispatches about the mess, the glory, and the raw shock of motherhood. Supremely observant and endlessly quizzical, Enright “has pulled off that rarest of tricks: writing brilliantly about happiness” (Sunday Times).
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Murder Runs in the Family
Random House USA Inc Dorchester Terrace: A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel
Random House USA Inc The Amateur Marriage: A Novel
Random House USA Inc Blackwood Farm
Random House USA Inc The Queen of the Damned: A Novel
Random House USA Inc The Mummy or Ramses the Damned: A Novel
Random House USA Inc Angel Time
University of Washington Press Trimpin: Contraptions for Art and Sound
Trimpin, the sound sculptor and composer, has received MacArthur and Guggenheim fellowships; been the subject of a full-length documentary film and a profile in The New Yorker magazine; been included in hundreds of shows, performances, and new music festivals; and has had installations and exhibitions around the world. Despite all this, access to Trimpin's work is limited. He doesn't record his music and very few of his sculptural works are in public or private collections.This book captures a record of this remarkable journey and places Trimpin's work in the context of visual art, music composition, performance, ambitious engineering, acoustics, and installation art. A touchstone for the book is a two-year series of exhibitions of his work in museums across the Pacific Northwest. It includes essays on Trimpin's life, his work with composer Conlon Nancarrow, and a fully illustrated presentation of key sculptures and performances. Additional essays by writers, composers, and curators consider his work through specific pieces. Trimpin's own voice is a continuous thread running through the entire publication.
Penguin Books Ltd Cars
Penguin Putnam Inc Woodswoman: Living Alone in the Adirondack Wilderness
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Tale Teller: A Leaphorn, Chee & Manuelito Novel
Editions Schortgen Annes Kitchen englische Ausgabe Home Sweet Home My Luxembourg
Amsterdam University Press Republican Citizenship in French Colonial Pondicherry, 1870-1914
Republican Citizenship in French Colonial Pondicherry, 1870-1914 revisits and analyses the earlier part of the Third Republic, when France granted citizenship rights to Indians in Pondicherry. This work of historical sociology explores the nature of this colonial citizenship and enables comparisons with British India, especially the Madras Presidency, as well as the rest of the French empire, as a means of demonstrating how unique the practice of granting such rights was. The difficulties of implementing a new political culture based on the language of rights and participatory political institutions were not so much rooted in a lack of assimilation into the French culture on the part of the Indian population. Rather, they were the result of political infighting and long-term conflicts over status, both in relation to caste and class, and between inclusive and exclusive visions of French citizenship.
VfmK DOCK 20
£17.09 publishing Das Tal der Ahnungslosen. Life is a Story
Adrian Wimmelbuchverlag Der letzte Akt
Verlag Gesunde Entwicklun ESS KULTUR PUR
Schubert Verlag GmbH & Co Schrittweise Deutsch Wortschatzkarten Einkaufen für Lehrerkoffer
Schubert Verlag GmbH & Co Schrittweise Deutsch Unterrichtspraxis Einkaufen
Stumpf + Kossendey GmbH LPN Lehrbuch fr prklinische Notfallmedizin Band A Anatomie und Physiologie
Dreesbach, August Verlag Wiesn
Solibro Verlag Fucking Famous
Spectormag GbR Das Jahr 1990 freilegen allemand
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH A Modern Way to Schreber
Ventil Verlag UG Satan kannst du mir noch mal verzeihen
Brandes + Apsel Verlag Gm Die Anatomie der Klitoris
Osburg Verlag Sendezeit
Becker Joest Volk Verlag Doc Flecks Gesundküche
Becker Joest Volk Verlag Die 70 einfachsten GesundRezepte Schnell leicht kstlich
Auerbach Verlag Lauf kleiner Löwe
Koch-Schmidt-Wilhelm GbR Aufräumen hinfinden
w_orten & meer Webmuster gewaltiger Landschaften
Klinkhardt & Biermann Die Blauen Reiter
Jacoby & Stuart Die Vgel auf dem Apfelbaum
CatMint Verlag Sweet Sweat Swoop Band 2
Alexander Verlag Berlin Viewpoints Ein praktisches Handbuch fr Schauspieler Regisseure und Choreographen
Neue Erde GmbH Rauhnchte Zeit fr mich
Flechsig Verlag Panorama Neuseeland
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Die schnsten Freundschaftsgeschichten Silbenhilfe Schulausgabe
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Bckerei Engel Silbenhilfe Schulausgabe
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Hotte und das Unzelfunzel Silbenhilfe Schulausgabe