Search results for ""Pearson Education (US)""
Pearson Education (US) Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS
The Go-To Resource for Large-Scale Organizations to Be Agile Rather than asking, “How can we do agile at scale in our big complex organization?” a different and deeper question is, “How can we have the same simple structure that Scrum offers for the organization, and be agile at scale rather than do agile?” This profound insight is at the heart of LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum). In Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS, Craig Larman and Bas Vodde have distilled over a decade of experience in large-scale LeSS adoptions towards a simpler organization that delivers more flexibility with less complexity, more value with less waste, and more purpose with less prescription. Targeted to anyone involved in large-scale development, Large-Scale Scrum: More with LeSS, offers straight-to-the-point guides for how to be agile at scale, with LeSS. It will clearly guide you to Adopt LeSS Structure a large development organization for customer value Clarify the role of management and Scrum Master Define what your product is, and why Be a great Product Owner Work with multiple whole-product focused feature teams in one Sprint that produces a shippable product Coordinate and integrate between teams Work with multi-site teams
Pearson Education (US) Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - A Guide to Building Cloud Native Applications
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: A Guide to Building Cloud Native Applications Cloud native development is a modern approach to designing, building, deploying, and managing applications. This approach takes advantage of the benefits of utility computing from providers, such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), and emphasizes automation, elasticity, and resilience. OCI is a next-generation cloud designed to run any application faster and more securely for less. It includes the tools used to build new cloud native applications and to run existing enterprise applications without rearchitecting them. Whether you are new to the cloud or just new to OCI, this book provides an overview of the OCI services needed to build cloud native applications. You will learn OCI concepts and terminology How to manage Infrastructure as Code using modern tools and platforms OCI’s breadth of cloud native services How to operate the managed Kubernetes service (Container Engine for Kubernetes) at scale How to configure a cluster for advanced use cases, and use specialized hardware capabilities How to use cloud native application deployment platforms and observability tools How to secure applications, data, and the underlying infrastructure using open-source and OCI native security tools and processes The culmination of the book is an open-source sample application composed of microservices that incorporates the tools and concepts shared throughout the book and is available on GitHub.
Pearson Education (US) Scrum Field Guide, The: Agile Advice for Your First Year and Beyond
Thousands of organizations are adopting Scrum to transform the way they execute complex projects, in software and beyond. This guide will give you the skills and confidence needed to deploy Scrum, resulting in high-performing teams and satisfied customers. Drawing on years of hands-on experience helping companies succeed, Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) Mitch Lacey helps you overcome the major challenges of Scrum adoption and the deeper issues that emerge later. Extensively revised to reflect improved Scrum practices and tools, this edition adds an all-new section of tips from the field. Lacey covers many new topics, including immersive interviewing, collaborative estimation, and deepening business alignment. In 35 engaging chapters, you'll learn how to build support and maximize value across your company. Now part of the renowned Mike Cohn Signature Series on agile development, this pragmatic guide addresses everything from establishing roles and priorities to determining team velocity, setting sprint length, and conducting customer reviews. Coverage includes Bringing teams and new team members on board Creating a workable definition of “done” Planning for short-term wins, and removing impediments to success Balancing predictability and adaptability in release planning Running productive daily scrums Fixing failing sprints Accurately costing projects, and measuring the value they deliver Managing risks in dynamic Scrum projects Prioritizing and estimating backlogs Working with distributed and offshore teams Institutionalizing improvements, and extending agility throughout the organization Packed with real-world examples straight from Lacey's experience, this book will be invaluable to anyone transitioning to Scrum, seeking to improve their early results, or trying to get back on track.
Pearson Education (US) Investigating the Cyber Breach: The Digital Forensics Guide for the Network Engineer
Investigating the Cyber Breach The Digital Forensics Guide for the Network Engineer · Understand the realities of cybercrime and today’s attacks · Build a digital forensics lab to test tools and methods, and gain expertise · Take the right actions as soon as you discover a breach · Determine the full scope of an investigation and the role you’ll play · Properly collect, document, and preserve evidence and data · Collect and analyze data from PCs, Macs, IoT devices, and other endpoints · Use packet logs, NetFlow, and scanning to build timelines, understand network activity, and collect evidence · Analyze iOS and Android devices, and understand encryption-related obstacles to investigation · Investigate and trace email, and identify fraud or abuse · Use social media to investigate individuals or online identities · Gather, extract, and analyze breach data with Cisco tools and techniques · Walk through common breaches and responses from start to finish · Choose the right tool for each task, and explore alternatives that might also be helpful The professional’s go-to digital forensics resource for countering attacks right now Today, cybersecurity and networking professionals know they can’t possibly prevent every breach, but they can substantially reduce risk by quickly identifying and blocking breaches as they occur. Investigating the Cyber Breach: The Digital Forensics Guide for the Network Engineer is the first comprehensive guide to doing just that. Writing for working professionals, senior cybersecurity experts Joseph Muniz and Aamir Lakhani present up-to-the-minute techniques for hunting attackers, following their movements within networks, halting exfiltration of data and intellectual property, and collecting evidence for investigation and prosecution. You’ll learn how to make the most of today’s best open source and Cisco tools for cloning, data analytics, network and endpoint breach detection, case management, monitoring, analysis, and more. Unlike digital forensics books focused primarily on post-attack evidence gathering, this one offers complete coverage of tracking threats, improving intelligence, rooting out dormant malware, and responding effectively to breaches underway right now. This book is part of the Networking Technology: Security Series from Cisco Press®, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.
Pearson Education (US) Routing and Switching Essentials v6 Course Booklet
Routing and Switching Essentials v6 Course Booklet Your Cisco Networking Academy Course Booklet is designed as a study resource you can easily read, highlight, and review on the go, wherever the Internet is not available or practical: · The text is extracted directly, word-for-word, from the online course so you can highlight important points and take notes in the “Your Chapter Notes” section. · Headings with the exact page correlations provide a quick reference to the online course for your classroom discussions and exam preparation. · An icon system directs you to the online curriculum to take full advantage of the images embedded within the Networking Academy online course interface and reminds you to do the labs, interactive activities, packet tracer activities, watch videos, and take the chapter quizzes. The Course Booklet is a basic, economical paper-based resource to help you succeed with the Cisco Networking Academy online course. Related titles: Routing and Switching Essentials v6 Companion Guide book: 978-1-58713-428-9 eBook: 978-0-13-466965-6 Routing & Switching Essentials v6 Labs & Study Guide book: 978-1-58713-426-5 CCNA Routing and Switching Portable Command Guide, Fourth Edition book: 978-1-58720-588-0 eBook: 978-0-13-446617-0
Pearson Education (US) Penetration Testing Fundamentals: A Hands-On Guide to Reliable Security Audits
The perfect introduction to pen testing for all IT professionals and students · Clearly explains key concepts, terminology, challenges, tools, and skills · Covers the latest penetration testing standards from NSA, PCI, and NIST Welcome to today’s most useful and practical introduction to penetration testing. Chuck Easttom brings together up-to-the-minute coverage of all the concepts, terminology, challenges, and skills you’ll need to be effective. Drawing on decades of experience in cybersecurity and related IT fields, Easttom integrates theory and practice, covering the entire penetration testing life cycle from planning to reporting. You’ll gain practical experience through a start-to-finish sample project relying on free open source tools. Throughout, quizzes, projects, and review sections deepen your understanding and help you apply what you’ve learned. Including essential pen testing standards from NSA, PCI, and NIST, Penetration Testing Fundamentals will help you protect your assets–and expand your career options. LEARN HOW TO · Understand what pen testing is and how it’s used · Meet modern standards for comprehensive and effective testing · Review cryptography essentials every pen tester must know · Perform reconnaissance with Nmap, Google searches, and ShodanHq · Use malware as part of your pen testing toolkit · Test for vulnerabilities in Windows shares, scripts, WMI, and the Registry · Pen test websites and web communication · Recognize SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks · Scan for vulnerabilities with OWASP ZAP, Vega, Nessus, and MBSA · Identify Linux vulnerabilities and password cracks · Use Kali Linux for advanced pen testing · Apply general hacking technique ssuch as fake Wi-Fi hotspots and social engineering · Systematically test your environment with Metasploit · Write or customize sophisticated Metasploit exploits
Pearson Education (US) Introduction to Hydrology
For students who expect to become involved in programs that are concerned with the development, management and protection of water resources. The 5th Edition of Introduction to Hydrology has been redesigned to better acquaint future water engineers, scientists and managers with the basic elements of the hydrologic cycle. Its focus is on presenting the principles of hydrology in the context of their application to real-world problems. The book identifies data sources, introduces statistical analyses in the context of hydrologic problem-solving, covers the components of the hydrologic budget, discusses hydrograph analysis and routing, and introduces groundwater hydrology, urban hydrology, hydrologic models and hydrologic design. Many solved examples and problems serve to amplify the concepts presented in the text. Computer applications are discussed and appropriate Web addresses are provided.
Pearson Education (US) Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It: Learn Step by Step How to Go from Empty Studio to Finished Image
FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, YOU’LL LEARN ALL THREE ASPECTS OF WHAT IT TAKES TO CREATE STUNNING PORTRAITS(HINT: IT’S NOT JUST THE LIGHTING) Scott Kelby, the world’s #1 best-selling author of photography books, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Photoshop User magazine, and Publisher of the just-released Light It magazine, has reinvented how lighting books are written by finally revealing the entire process from start to finish. You see everything from the complete lighting setup (and all the gear used), to the shoot (including all the camera settings and a contact sheet of the progression of the shoot), to the all-important part that most books don’t dare include–the post-processing and retouching in Photoshop. This book also breaks new ground in the visual way it teaches you the lighting setup. There aren’t any sketches or 3D models–you see the lighting layout in a full-page photo, taken from above during the live shoot, so you can see exactly where everything’s positioned (the subject, the photographer, the lighting, the background–you name it–you see it all). Plus, you’ll see side, over-the-shoulder, and more behind-the-scenes views, so you can absolutely nail the lighting every time. LEARN THE LIGHTING SETUPS THE PROS USE Each year, Scott trains thousands of professional photographers during his Light It. Shoot It. Retouch It. LIVE! seminar tour and now, for the first time ever, he’s taken that incredibly popular style of learning and put in into book form. Now everyone can have a real-world reference for getting the same looks today’s clients are clamoring for. You’ll learn: The step-by-step layouts for creating the most-requested and sought-after lighting looks How to get more out of one light than you ever thought you could (this is worth it alone!) How to control and shape your light without breaking the bank The camera settings, gear, and power settings for every shot The retouching techniques the pros really use to make their subjects look their very best How to retouch hair, eyes, lips, skin, and lots of other little retouching tricks that make a really big difference How to create high-contrast portrait effects without buying expensive plug-ins A host of insider tricks, invaluable shortcuts, and kick-butt special effects to give you a real advantage over the competition Plus, Scott includes a special bonus chapter that shows how to create these same studio looks using off-camera hot shoe fl ashes and the modifi ers made for them. There’s never been a book like it.
Pearson Education (US) Revising Prose
This remarkable little book, intended as a supplement for any course that requires writing, models a clear, step-by-step system for creating straight-forward, concise, intelligible and readable prose.
Pearson Education (US) Teaching Models: Designing Instruction for 21st Century Learners
This new book provides educators with practical help for using a myriad of available digital tools to transform time-tested models of teaching in order to make 21st century learning more efficient, effective, and engaging. The authors focus on helping educators design effective instruction that successfully addresses the individual and shared learning needs of the diverse population of students in today’s dynamic, fast-paced, technology-driven, global society. In it the authors show when and how to use the unprecendented variety of powerful teaching resources available, and how to coordinate their use to best prepare students for the education and workforce demands in their futures. Click here to read Clare Kilbane and Natalie Milman's article on edTPA on our MyEducationCommunity site. Click here to watch Clare & Natalie’s webinar on Teaching Models: Designing Instruction for 21st Century Learners.
Pearson Education (US) History of Modern Art
A Comprehensive Overview — available in digital and print formats History of Modern Art is a visual comprehensive overview of the modern art field. It traces the trends and influences in painting, sculpture, photography and architecture from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. The seventh edition deepens its discussions on social conditions that have affected the production and reception of modern and contemporary art. Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers should be able to: Understand the origins of modern art Provide an analysis of artworks based on formal and contextual elements Recognize the influences of social conditions on modern art
Pearson Education (US) Short History of the Movies, A, Abridged Edition
This is the essential core of Mast and Kawin’s classic in a streamlined volume: the most accurate, carefully updated account of cinema today in a clear and lively book. Building on Mast’s astute and lively history of cinema, Kawin has refined and updated the fascinating story of cinema’s evolution from its earliest beginnings to the digital age. Probing deeper than most movie books, he takes us into the studio vaults, corrects the record, discloses what goes on inside the industry, clarifies the mysteries of movie technology, and offers a precise, thoroughly researched account. Kawin's analysis is witty and engaging, rich in instructive insights and entertaining illustrations of the art, history, technology, business, and fun of film. Now the essentials of Mast and Kawin’s classic book are available in a compact version, judiciously streamlined at an even trimmer price.
Pearson Education (US) Excellence in Human Service Organization Management
An integrated model for management and administrative practice. Excellence in Human Service Organization Management, 2/e provides guidelines to insure internal consistency within Human Service Organizations. Integrated in management theory, the model presented in the text is adapted to human service organizations generally and social work issues specifically. The text first identifies problems in organizational functioning as well as proposes what managers need to do to put their organizations back on track toward excellence. Then it guides managers through a plan to bring employees on board and continuously nurture them so they identify their success with that of the organization. Standards for Excellence Series -- Designed to help students advance their knowledge, values, and skills, the Standards for Excellence Series assists students in associated CSHSE's National Standards to all levels of human service practice. Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers will be able to: Identify problems in organizational functioning. Recognize what managers need to do to get organizations on the track for excellence. Understand what employees need to do to help the overall well-being of an organization.
Pearson Education (US) Intermediate Algebra [NASTA EDITION]
Pearson Education (US) Core: Introduction to Basic Construction Skills
NCCER Core: Introduction to Basic Construction Skills is the ideal resource for exploring a career in the construction industry. Designed, written and reviewed by industry experts, the program features a highly visual design and technical tips from leading professionals, as well as numerous review and assessment questions. The 6th Edition features expanded coverage of math, construction drawings and the latest hand and power tools. Content has been reorganized to ensure a progressive understanding of concepts. New color-coded tabs help you quickly navigate to the information you're looking for. And review questions and assessments help you stay on track throughout the course.
Pearson Education (US) Synchronizing 5G Mobile Networks
The complete guide to timing and synchronization in advanced service provider networks and enterprise applications As networks have advanced, so has the need for precise timing and synchronization--including highly accurate phase synchronization. Without it, networks become increasingly vulnerable to outages, data loss events, and inefficiencies that can be notoriously difficult to diagnose. 5G telecom networks have especially stringent requirements, but they also apply to a growing number of enterprise applications in finance, factory automation, IoT, media, and beyond. Synchronizing 5G Mobile Networks is the definitive, comprehensive guide to all aspects of timing and synchronization. Drawing on extensive experience developing and implementing timing and synchronization systems, three leading experts cover standards, protocols, clock design, architecture, solution design, deployment tradeoffs, day-to-day operations, troubleshooting, and more. This book will be valuable to professionals with diverse backgrounds, even those with no timing or synchronization experience. It will be especially useful to engineers and consultants designing or implementing mobile networks; test engineers validating equipment or production solutions; students seeking careers with service providers or in advanced private networks; and technology leaders seeking to understand the growing role of time synchronization. Understand timing and synchronization concepts, goals, sources, and transport Explore timing applications in telecommunications and beyond Build synchronous networks with clocks, timing reference sources, time distribution, and timing signal consumption Review the role of standards development organizations in defining standards for timing and synchronization Drill down into the details of clocks, clock signals, and clock components Review traditional TDM-based techniques for frequency synchronization Explore precision time protocol (PTP) characteristics, features, profiles, and security Master best practices for designing and deploying timing in physical and packet-based networks Thoroughly understand timing metrics and end-to-end time error budgeting Establish accurate timing and synchronization in advanced 5G and LTE networks, including 5G New Radio and RAN environments Manage tradeoffs in synchronizing diverse cell sites, topologies, radio types, and mobile generations Verify, operate, monitor, and troubleshoot timing systems
Pearson Education (US) Mastering Oceanography with Pearson eText Access Code for Essentials of Oceanography
This product features all of the resources of Modified Mastering Oceanography in addition to the Pearson eText. Mastering™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and improves results for each student. The fully integrated and complete media package allows instructors to engage students before they come to class, hold them accountable for learning during class, and then confirm that learning after class.
Pearson Education (US) GO! with Microsoft Office 365, Word 2019 Comprehensive
Now live! SUMMER 2020 DIGITAL UPDATE for digital contentMicrosoft Office 365 updates are reflected in the eText and associated MyLab for this title. Instructors, to learn more, contact your Pearson representative. For introductory courses in Microsoft® Word™.Seamless digital instruction, practice, and assessmentFor over 17 years, instructors have relied upon the GO! series to teach Microsoft Office successfully. The series uses a project-based approach that clusters learning objectives around projects, rather than software features, so students can practice solving real business problems. Gaskin uses easy-to-follow Microsoft Procedural Syntax so students always know where to go on the ribbon; she combines this with a Teachable Moment approach that offers learners tips and instructions at the precise moment they're needed. Updated to Office 365, GO! with Microsoft® Office 365®, Word 2019 Comprehensive adds tips for Mac users, revised instructional projects, and improved coverage of the what, why, and how of skills application.Also available with MyLab ITBy combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab IT 2019 delivers trusted content and resources through an expansive course materials library, including new easy-to-use Prebuilt Learning Modules that promote student success. Through an authentic learning experience, students become sharp critical thinkers and proficient in Microsoft Office, developing essential skills employers seek.Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab IT does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab IT, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab IT, search for:0135768942 / 9780135768945 GO! with Microsoft Word 2019 Comprehensive, 1/e + MyLab IT w/ Pearson eText, 1/ePackage consists of: 0135442842 / 9780135442845 GO! with Microsoft Office 365, Word 2019 Comprehensive, 1/e 0135651263 / 9780135651261 MyLab IT with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for GO! with Microsoft Office 365, 2019 Edition, 1/e
Pearson Education (US) University Physics
For courses in calculus-based physics. Practice makes perfect: Guided practice helps students develop into expert problem solvers Practice makes perfect. The new 15th Edition of University Physics with Modern Physics draws on a wealth of data insights from hundreds of faculty and thousands of student users to address one of the biggest challenges for students in introductory physics courses: seeing patterns and making connections between problem types. Students learn to recognize when to use similar steps in solving the same problem type and develop an understanding for problem solving approaches, rather than simply plugging in an equation. This new edition addresses students’ tendency to focus on the objects, situations, numbers, and questions posed in a problem, rather than recognizing the underlying principle or the problem’s type. New Key Concept statements at the end of worked examples address this challenge by identifying the main idea used in the solution to help students recognize the underlying concepts and strategy for the given problem. New Key Example Variation Problems appear within new Guided Practice sections and group problems by type to give students practice recognizing when problems can be solved in a similar way, regardless of wording or numbers. These scaffolded problem sets help students see patterns, make connections between problems, and build confidence for tackling different problem types when exam time comes. The fully integrated problem-solving approach in Mastering Physics gives students instructional support and just-in-time remediation as they work through problems, and links all end-of-chapter problems directly to the eText for additional guidance. Also available with Mastering Physics By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, Mastering personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.Now providing a fully integrated experience, the eText is linked to every problem within Mastering for seamless integration between homework problems, practice problems, textbook, worked examples, and more. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering Physics does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering Physics , ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering Physics , search for: 0135159709 / 9780135159705 University Physics with Modern Physics Plus Mastering Physics with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 013498868X / 9780134988689 Mastering Physics with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for University Physics with Modern Physics 0135159555 / 9780135159552 University Physics with Modern Physics
Pearson Education (US) School and Community Relations, The
The theory, research, and practice of communication planning The field of school and community communications is rapidly evolving and becoming more complex. Focusing on successfully implementing communication activities with both internal and external audiences, The School and Community Relations is a widely used resource for overcoming these emerging complexities. Drawing on theory and research, the text stresses the generation of communication outcomes that far surpass simple dissemination of information, proactively identifying and engaging the right audiences. The 12th Edition has been extensively updated with school communication expert interviews, video resources, communications tools, and more.
Pearson Education (US) Pharmacy Technician, The: Foundations and Practices
For introductory pharmacy technician courses.Filling the need for a comprehensive pharmacy technician resourceThe Pharmacy Technician: Foundations and Practices addresses today’s comprehensive educational needs for one of the fastest growing jobs in the US: the pharmacy technician. Aspiring pharmacy technicians learn all the content they need to meet professional regulations and requirements, from pharmacy law and insurance mandates to dosage calculations, pharmacology, and basic anatomy & physiology. Step-by-step guidance in essential pharmacy tasks, combined with extensive review, reinforces practical knowledge. With nearly 500 updates and revisions, the 3rd edition addresses the most current pharmacy technician practices and fully aligns with the 2019—20 Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB).
Pearson Education (US) Conceptual Integrated Science
For courses in integrated science and physical science. Emphasize concepts and enable students to connect ideas across the sciences Thebest-selling Conceptual Integrated Science provides an engaging overview of physics, chemistry, earth science, astronomy, and biology at a level appropriate for non-science students. Hewitt’s engaging narrative emphasizes unifying concepts across physical and life sciences through a clear, friendly writing style, and fun, relevant examples that motivate students. The 3rd Edition expands on its theme of integration and deepens connections between the sciences with new Integrated Science spreads added at the end of each part. Modern references in the updated Technology boxes and new contemporary applications add relevance and help to connect science with students’ everyday lives. Enhanced End-of-Chapter problems engage students with interactive digital features accessible in the Pearson eText and guide them with wrong-answer feedback, where and when they need it. The eText features Hewitt’s video tutorials that play inline, new Check Yourself from the text presented as a hide/reveal interactive feature, and multiple-choice quizzes at the end of each chapter. Also available as a Pearson eText or packaged with Mastering A&P: Pearson eText is a simple-to-use, mobile-optimized, personalized reading experience that can be adopted on its own as the main course material. It lets students highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place, even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Educators can easily share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their eText and what they learn in class – motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning. If your instructor has assigned Pearson eText as your main course material, search for: 0135626560 / 9780135626566 Pearson eText Conceptual Integrated Science -- Access Card, 3/e OR0135626579 / 9780135626573 Pearson eText Conceptual Integrated Science -- Instant Access, 3/e Also available with Mastering Physics By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, Mastering personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.Now providing a more interactive and seamlessly integrated experience, the eText provides embedded links to video tutorials and end-of-chapter questions within Mastering Physics. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering Physics, search for: 0135181666 / 9780135181669 Conceptual Integrated Science Plus Mastering Physics with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 013519170X / 9780135191705 Mastering Physics with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for Conceptual Integrated Science 0135197392 / 9780135197394 Conceptual Integrated Science Note: You are purchasing a standalone book; Pearson eText and Mastering A&P do not come packaged with this content. Students, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Pearson Education (US) Modern Systems Analysis and Design
For courses in structured systems analysis and design.Developing advanced system analystsPrioritizing the practical over the technical, Modern Systems Analysis and Design presents the concepts, skills, methodologies, techniques, tools, and perspectives essential for systems analysts to develop information systems. The authors assume students have taken an introductory course on computer systems and have experience designing programs in at least one programming language. By drawing on the systems development life cycle, the authors provide a conceptual and systematic framework while progressing through topics logically. The 9th edition has been completely revised to adapt to the changing environment for systems development, with a renewed focus on agile methodologies.
Pearson Education (US) Introductory Algebra
For courses in Beginning Algebra. The Martin-Gay principle: Every student can succeed Elayn Martin-Gay’s student-centric approach is woven seamlessly throughout her texts and MyLabTM courses, giving students the optimal amount of support through effective video resources, an accessible writing style, and study skills support built into the program. Elayn’s legacy of innovations that support student success include Chapter Test Prep videos and a Video Organizer note-taking guide. Expanded resources in the latest revision bring even more updates to her program, all shaped by her focus on the student – a perspective that has made her course materials beloved by students and instructors alike. The Martin-Gay series offers market-leading content written by a preeminent author-educator, tightly integrated with the #1 choice in digital learning: MyLab Math. Also available with MyLab Math By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Bringing Elayn Martin-Gay’s voice and approach into the MyLab course – though video resources, study skills support, and exercises refined with each edition – gives students the support to be successful in math. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Math does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Math, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Math, search for: 0135234395 / 9780135234396 Introductory Algebra Plus MyLab Math with Pearson eText - Access Card Package, 6/e Package consists of: 0135169372 / 9780135169377 Introductory Algebra 0135190274 / 9780135190272 MyLab Math with Pearson eText - Standalone Access Card - for Introductory Algebra
Pearson Education (US) Algebra and Trigonometry
For courses in Algebra and Trigonometry. Prepare. Practice. Review. Michael Sullivan’s time-tested approach focuses students on the fundamental skills they need for the course: preparing for class, practicing with homework, and reviewing the concepts. The 11th Edition continues to evolve to meet the needs of today’s students. This series prepares and supports students with access to help, where and when they require it. The hallmark Sullivan cycle of continuous preparation and retention – along with the high-quality exercises that Sullivan texts are known for – gives students the reinforcement they need. Also available with MyLab Math By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab Math personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Math does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Math, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Math, search for: 0135240808 / 9780135240809 Algebra & Trigonometry Plus MyLab Math with eText - Access Card Package Package consists of: 0135163072 / 9780135163078 Algebra & Trigonometry 0135202744 / 9780135202746 MyLab Math with Pearson eText - Standalone Access Card - for Algebra & Trigonometry
Pearson Education (US) Emergency Medical Patients: Assessment, Care, and Transport
EMPACT (Emergency Medical Patients: Assessment, Care & Transport) offers a practical approach to common medical emergencies. Formerly published as AMLS (Advanced Medical Life Support), EMPACT is updated and revised to conform to the 2010 American Heart Association guidelines. Providing foundational chapters on assessment, critical thinking/decision making, and the difficult airway, the text moves on to cover common medical complaints, such as shock/hypoperfusion, dyspnea, chest discomfort or pain, and more. Presenting a realistic approach to the care of the patient, each chapter moves from assessment- and complaint-based primary assessment (identifying and controlling immediate life threats) to field diagnosis and management of immediately treatable underlying diseases. Intended for students with paramedic or other advanced-level training; a familiarity with anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology; and an overall understanding of the nature of medical emergencies.
Pearson Education (US) Architecture and Interior Design: An Integrated History to the Present
Architecture and Interior Design: An Integrated History to the Present provides a survey of architecture, interiors, furniture, and decorative arts from the past to the present. It is a completely integrated and interdisciplinary reference for: architecture, architectural details, architectural surface treatments, space planning, interior design, interior architectural features, interior surface treatments, motifs, furniture, color, lighting, textiles, and decorative accessories. The unique scope allows comparison in all areas of the built environment through the centuries to illustrate historical, social, cultural, and stylistic influences. Narrative and graphics interweave design analysis with architectural and design history.
Pearson Education (US) Integrative Assessment: A Guide for Counselors
Integrative Assessment for Counselors presents valuable assessment information and guidance which emerging helping professionals, students, and those preparing for licensure can apply to various mental health, school, community, and organizational settings. Using a case study approach, and written in a practitioner’s voice, this practical guide presents a comprehensive, balanced look at a number of topics readers can put to immediate use in their practices including assessment information and guidance, testing, the risks and resources approach to assessment, interviewing principles and methods, exploring presenting problems and readiness for change, informal and formal observations, assessing the therapeutic alliance, standardized risk assessments, dangerousness to self and others, and assessing substance abuse.
Pearson Education (US) Medical Terminology: Get Connected!
Medical Terminology: Get Connected! is an intro-level essentials text. It prepares you to make connections, whether that's joining word parts into medical terms, understanding body systems or forging professional relationships. Unlike other medical terminology resources, this text presents terms by medical specialty, rather than organ systems, giving it practical use. Medical terms for all key body systems are covered in the context of 15 medical specialties. Additionally, the combining forms, suffixes and prefixes common to each medical specialty are defined in a section of each chapter, reinforcing connections. The fully updated 3rd Edition now has more engaging practice exercises and more robust visuals. It also narrows in on the work of healthcare practitioners who use medical terms daily.
Pearson Education (US) Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals, The
For one-semester courses in introductory astronomy. A brief path through astronomy that helps students gain an appreciation for astronomy and discovery in science The Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals is the briefest introduction to astronomy in the Bennett series and supports instructors using an active or collaborative approach to teaching. By focusing on the process of science and fundamental concepts of astronomy, The Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals allows time for the use of other instructional tools in the course. Each concisely written chapter is formatted into two main sections followed by a Process of Science section, making learning targeted and expectations clear for students. The 3rd Edition of The Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals features major scientific updates, new content that focuses on the possibility of life in the universe, and recent discoveries that provide modern contexts to help students see the relevance of astronomy to their worlds. The authors write and create a wealth of Mastering Astronomy resources that include a new Pearson eText, Dynamic Study Modules, and Interactive PreLecture videos that students can use before, during, and after class, including pre-built assignments that instructors can edit to fit the way they teach. Also available with Mastering Astronomy: MasteringTM is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and improves results for each student. Resources in Mastering Astronomy are written and carefully reviewed by the author team, establishing the same coherent and trusted voice as the book. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering Astronomy, search for: 013499079X / 9780134990798 The Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals Plus Mastering Astronomy with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134988507 / 9780134988504 The Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals 0134989279 / 9780134989273 Mastering Astronomy with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for The Cosmic Perspective Fundamentals 0321765184 / 9780321765185 SkyGazer 5.0 Student Access Code Card (Integrated component) Note: You are purchasing a standalone book; Pearson eText and Mastering Astronomy do not come packaged with this content. Students, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Pearson Education (US) Beginning & Intermediate Algebra
For courses in Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (Combined Courses). Balancing skills and concepts The Lial Developmental Algebra Series uses a teacherly writing style and a careful blend of skills development and conceptual questions to meet the unique needs of the developmental math student. The author team takes advantage of experiences in the classroom and an editing eye to offer one of the most well-rounded series available, written with the developmental learner in mind. In this revision, the team retains their hallmark writing style, and provides new features and resources to optimize student preparedness and conceptual understanding. The Lial program provides students with the perfect balance of skills and concepts for a student-friendly approach to math. Also available with MyLab Math MyLab™ Math is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab Math personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Math does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Math, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Math, search for: 0135307708 / 9780135307700 Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Plus MyLab Math with Pearson eText - Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134895991 / 9780134895994 Beginning and Intermediate Algebra 0134896947 / 9780134896946 MyLab Math with Pearson eText - Standalone Access Card - for Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Pearson Education (US) Intermediate Algebra
For courses in Intermediate Algebra. Balancing skills and concepts The Lial Developmental Algebra Series uses a teacherly writing style and a careful blend of skills development and conceptual questions to meet the unique needs of the developmental math student. The author team takes advantage of experiences in the classroom and an editing eye to offer one of the most well-rounded series available, written with the developmental learner in mind. In this revision, the team retains their hallmark writing style, and provides new features and resources to optimize student preparedness and conceptual understanding. The Lial program provides students with the perfect balance of skills and concepts for a student-friendly approach to math.Also available with MyLab Math MyLabTM Math is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab Math personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Math does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Math, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Math, search for: 0135307686 / 9780135307687 Intermediate Algebra Plus MyLab Math with Pearson eText - Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134895983 / 9780134895987 Intermediate Algebra 013489684X / 9780134896847 MyLab Math with Pearson eText - Standalone Access Card - for Intermediate Algebra
Pearson Education (US) Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity
This systematic exploration of real-world stress analysis has been completely updated to reflect state-of-the-art methods and applications now used in aeronautical, civil, and mechanical engineering, and engineering mechanics. Distinguished by its exceptional visual interpretations of solutions, Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Applied Elasticity offers in-depth coverage for both students and engineers. The authors carefully balance comprehensive treatments of solid mechanics, elasticity, and computer-oriented numerical methods–preparing readers for both advanced study and professional practice in design and analysis.
Pearson Education (US) Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy
For courses in introductory microbiology. Explore the invisible world of microbiology and why it matters to human life Known for its unique art program and conversational writing style, Robert Bauman’s Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy consistently emphasizes why microbiology matters, especially in health care. The taxonomic organization of the disease chapters (Chapters 19—27) presents microbial diseases by type of pathogenic microbe, helping students recognize shared characteristics among categories of microbes. The 6th Edition presents a revitalized and strengthened pedagogical framework based on how students learn best. Checkpoints appear throughout the text and direct students to interactive versions of text features in Mastering Microbiology. The interactive features provide just-in-time remediation that helps fill skill gaps and gives students immediate feedback on their progress with the material. New interactive concept maps provide opportunities for students to construct their knowledge and can be assigned in Mastering Microbiology. To emphasize how our understanding of microbiology is constantly expanding, the new edition integrates cutting-edge microbiology research that is critical for today’s students. New Research on Microbial metabolism is introduced in Chapter 5 as well as recent findings on recombinant DNA technology and CRISPR technique are found in Chapter 8. Also available as a Pearson eText or packaged with Mastering Microbiology Pearson eText is a simple-to-use, mobile-optimized, personalized reading experience available within Mastering Microbiology. It lets students highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place – even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Educators can easily share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their eText and what they learn in class. MasteringTM is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and improves results for each student. Mastering Microbiology provides tutorials, animations and career relevant applications that enable students to see the invisible world of microbiology, to master key microbiology concepts, and to apply those concepts to human life. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering Microbiology does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering Microbiology, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If your instructor has assigned Pearson eText as your main course material, search for: • 0135799996 / 9780135799994 Pearson eText Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy 6/e -- Access Card OR • 0135800013 / 9780135800010 Pearson eText TMicrobiology with Diseases by Taxonomy, 6/e -- Instant Access If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering Microbiology search for: 013515992X / 9780135159927 Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Plus Mastering Microbiology with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134832302 / 9780134832302 Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy 0134999517 / 9780134999517 Mastering Microbiology with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy
Pearson Education (US) Treating Those with Mental Disorders: A Comprehensive Approach to Case Conceptualization and Treatment -- Enhanced Pearson eText
Practical guidance on selecting and applying treatment for clients who have mental disorders.Treating Those with Mental Disorders offers treatment planning, implementation and intervention strategies, as well as background information on clinical issues and DSM-5 diagnoses and interventions. You'll come away empowered to help your clients tackle complex issues and difficulties. For courses in psychopathology. Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook that you can purchase on your own or instructors can assign for their course. The mobile app lets you keep on learning, no matter where your day takes you, even offline. You can also add highlights, bookmarks, and notes in your Pearson eText to study how you like. NOTE: This ISBN is for the Pearson eText access card. Pearson eText is a fully digital delivery of Pearson content. Before purchasing, check that you have the correct ISBN. To register for and use Pearson eText, you may also need a course invite link, which your instructor will provide. Follow the instructions provided on the access card to learn more.
Pearson Education (US) Managing Supply Chain and Operations: An Integrative Approach
For undergraduate and graduate courses in operations management. A balanced approach to supply chain management Smart managers understand that firms do not act alone to produce products and services. Managing Supply Chain and Operations shows students who may all be involved, and how and why supply chain and operations management is important to their future careers. This text takes a balanced approach and, while rigorous, is not solely focused on quantitative material. The authors employ a four-part integrative model throughout the text that ties together the key functions of supply chain, operations, and customer relationship management that focuses on improving, innovating, and integrating in these areas. With cutting-edge material and an up-to-date global approach, the 2nd Edition is filled with scenarios and real-world examples that will prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s successful managers. Also available with MyLab Operations Management By combining trusted authors’ content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Management does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Management, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Management, search for: 0134855442 / 9780134855448 Managing Supply Chain and Operations: An Integrative Approach Plus MyLab Operations Management with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 2/e Package consists of: 0134739833 / 9780134739830 Managing Supply Chain and Operations: An Integrative Approach, 2/e 0134855442 / 978013485548 Managing Supply Chain and Operations: An Integrative Approach Plus MyLab Operations Management with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 2/e
Pearson Education (US) Prealgebra
NOTE: This is the standalone Cloth edition of Prealgebra(Hardcover), 8/e Elayn Martin-Gay is known for her accessible writing style with built-in study skills and support. An emphasis on study skills is incorporated through the text. In-text study skills resources include Section 1.1, Tips for Success in Mathematics, in which Elayn covers important strategies for success, with videos to motivate for each objective. Additional in-text resources include the Student Resources section in the back of the text, which include Study Skill Builders, a Study Guide Outline, and Practice Final Exam. Detailed step-by-step examples provide guidance for students, and practice margin exercises are paired with each example to actively involve students in the learning process. Helpful Hints, strategically placed where students are most likely to need immediate reinforcement, help students avoid common trouble areas and mistakes. All exercise sets have been carefully updated with this revision. Several special types of exercises throughout the text include Mixed Practice, Concept Extension, and more!
Pearson Education (US) Estimating in Building Construction
For beginning to intermediate courses in cost estimating and construction estimation.The only complete, up¿-to-¿date guide to estimating modern building construction projectsEstimating in Building Construction covers all the skills the beginning student needs to estimate simple to moderately complex commercial and residential buildings. Ideal for construction, architecture, and engineering students, the text covers bid preparation from the general contractor’s perspective, using a combination of theory and principles, step-¿by-¿step procedures, instructor resources, and practice problems.The 9th edition aligns the text with the learning outcomes of the major accreditation bodies ABET and ACCE, giving instructors measurable standards for gauging student success. It includes a new chapter on specialty contractors, two rewritten chapters, and reorganized appendices.
Pearson Education (US) Business Statistics
For one- or two-semester introductory courses in business statistics. Eliminate the intimidation factor from learning statistics for business Robert Donnelly’s Business Statistics was written in a conversational tone designed to reduce the level of anxiety that many business students experience when taking a statistics course. The 3rd Edition maintains the author’s successful and straightforward approach that explains each concept and why it’s important, directly to students. Through an abundance of comments in the margins that clarify specific topics, a variety of applications, and Your Turn practice opportunities in each chapter, students see business statistics in action -- both in the classroom and the world around them. Also available as a Pearson eText or packaged with MyLab Business Statistics Pearson eText is a simple-to-use, mobile-optimized, personalized reading experience that can be adopted on its own as the main course material. It lets students highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place, even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Educators can easily share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their eText and what they learn in class -- motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning. MyLab™ combines trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. Optional: one sentence for discipline-specific benefit can go here. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Business Statistics, search for: 0135229936 / 9780135229934 Business Statistics Plus MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 3/e Package consists of: 0134685261 / 9780134685267 Business Statistics 0134782925 / 9780134782928 MyLab Statistics with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Business Statistics Note: You are purchasing a standalone book; Pearson eText and MyLab do not come packaged with this content. Students, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Pearson Education (US) Nutrition: From Science to You
For introductory nutrition courses. A modern and personal approach to nutrition Nutrition: From Science to You helps readers understand the science of nutrition and how to successfully apply it to their personal lives and future careers. Thoroughly updated to better meet the needs of tomorrow’s nutrition and allied health professionals, the 4th Edition provides individuals with more inter-professional applications, increased coverage of emerging and high interest topics such as the microbiome and Leaky Gut syndrome, and new dietary and nutrition guidelines. New auto-graded MDA Personalized Diet Analysis activities, Focus Figure Narrated Walkthroughs voiced by the author, and a mobile-friendly customizable eText enhance Mastering Nutrition, making it an even more effective practice and learning tool for today’s readers. Also available with Mastering Nutrition Mastering™ Nutrition is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Interactive, self-paced coaching activities provide individualized coaching to help students stay on track. With a wide range of auto-gradable activities available--including animations, videos, NutriTools, and new MyDietAnalysis activities, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts. MasteringNutrition includes single-sign-on access to MyDietAnalysis software to give students the tools to track their diet and activity and run reports on various macro- and micro-nutrients consumption. Learn more. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering Nutrition does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering Nutrition, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering Nutrition, search for: 0134735714 / 9780134735719 Nutrition: From Science to You Plus Mastering Nutrition with MyDietAnalysis with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 4/e Package consists of: 013466826X / 9780134668260 Nutrition: From Science to You 0134710738 / 9780134710730 Mastering Nutrition with MyDietAnalysis with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for Nutrition: From Science to You
Pearson Education (US) SuperVision and Instructional Leadership: A Developmental Approach -- Enhanced Pearson eText
A ground-breaking look at today′s instructional leadership and supervision.SuperVision and Instructional Leadership looks at the purposes, practices and structure of supervision and instructional leadership today. You'll consider what's needed for successful supervision, the role of interpersonal skills, different approaches to supervision, and related technical skills and cultural tasks. For courses in supervision (educational administration and leadership). Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook that you can purchase on your own or instructors can assign for their course. The mobile app lets you keep on learning, no matter where your day takes you, even offline. You can also add highlights, bookmarks, and notes in your Pearson eText to study how you like. NOTE: This ISBN is for the Pearson eText access card. Pearson eText is a fully digital delivery of Pearson content. Before purchasing, check that you have the correct ISBN. To register for and use Pearson eText, you may also need a course invite link, which your instructor will provide. Follow the instructions provided on the access card to learn more.
Pearson Education (US) Photography
For courses in Photography The most comprehensive, up-to-date resource for today's photography students Photography helps students learn how to make photographs, how to control photographic processes, and how different photographers employ them for their own creative purposes. As with each edition of this hallmark text, authors Barbara London, Jim Stone, and John Upton provide comprehensive yet practical coverage of both the traditional practice of photography and the now-dominant contemporary digital techniques. Integrating material on chemical and digital processes throughout, the Twelfth Edition offers fully up-to-date coverage of digital techniques, equipment, and workflow.
Pearson Education (US) University Success Writing, Transition Level, with MyLab English
University Success Writing Transition Level is one strand of a three-strand developmental course designed for English language learners transitioning to mainstream academic environments. The Writing strand builds skills tied to specific learning outcomes with a strong focus on inquiry-based research writing to prepare students to write in academic degree classes. The Writing strand supports students through the writing process and moves them away from the production of highly structured essays.HighlightsUniversity Success Writing integrates a flexible three-part developmental approach – authentic content woven through all three parts provides intensive skill development and expanded application. Parts 1 and 2 include presentation and controlled writing practice that guide students through the writing process while building their essential writing and critical thinking skills. Part 3 includes authentic interviews with Stanford professors discussing their own writing processes, providing strategies students can incorporate into their own writing. Academic disciplines include: Sociology, Economics, Biology, Humanities, and Environmental Engineering. Writing assignments in Part 3 allow students to apply and expand the skills acquired in Parts 1 and 2. Additional skill and vocabulary practices, collaboration activities, and assessments provide opportunities for personalized learning beyond the classroom.Strategies for academic success and soft skills delivered via online videos, including how to read a syllabus and make appointments with professors, prepare students to cope with college culture.Skills include: Developing a research question Supporting claims with facts and opinions Understanding satire and parody Synthesizing information from multiple sources
Pearson Education (US) Ready to Write 1 with Essential Online Resources
Pearson Education (US) Password 3
Pearson Education (US) Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Case Approach
Using case studies, applied examples, original source material, and her own inimitable pedagogical style, Nancy Murdock succinctly elucidates fifteen of the most influential and ground-breaking theories of psychotherapy and counseling. With this articulate guide to counseling theory, students will grasp complicated historical theory and not only understand the historical footing and uses of each, but will learn how these theories have informed each other and contributed to modern practice, while applying it to their own professional counseling experience. Examining the historical roots, evaluations, and lasting effects of Existential, Gestalt, Behavior, Cognitive, Reality, Feminist, Family, Narrative, and Solution-Focused Therapy and much more, this text equips students with the history and application necessary to bring theory to life. Note: this is the standalone book.
Pearson Education (US) College Algebra: Graphs and Models
For courses in college algebra. Visualize. Interact. Succeed. The Graphs and Models series by Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen, and Penna is known for helping students “see the math” through its focus on visualization and technology. These texts continue to maintain the features that have helped students succeed for years: focus on functions, visual emphasis, side-by-side algebraic and graphical solutions, and real-data applications. With the Sixth Edition, visualization is taken to a new level with technology, and students find even more ongoing review. Also available with MyMathLab MyMathLab® is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. New Guided Visualizations in MyMathLab help students allow for hands-on manipulation to gain understanding of difficult concepts. References to 28 Just-In-Time review topics are placed throughout the text and MyMathLab to help students right when they need it most, and new Cumulative Review Assignments and Skill Maintenance Quizzes are pre-made and assignable in MyMathLab to help students connect concepts and maintain skills throughout the course. Plus, new Video Assessment Exercises and a new Video Notebook further enhance the MyMathLab course and resources available. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyMathLab does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyMathLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyMathLab, search for: 0134265211 / 9780134265216 * College Algebra: Graphs and Models Plus MyMathLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 013417903X / 9780134179032 * College Algebra: Graphs and Models 0321431308 / 9780321431301 * MyMathLab -- Glue-in Access Card 0321654064 / 9780321654069 * MyMathLab Inside Star Sticker