Search results for ""Inter-Varsity Press""
Inter-Varsity Press Grandparenting: Loving Our Children's Children
Written by grandparents and expert Bible study authors Phyllis and Andrew T. Le Peau, this LifeGuide Bible study explores the biblical framework for being a godly grandparent. In nine sessions, this study guides you in how to be a loving and caring presence in not only the lives of your grandchildren, but also for your adult children as they parent.
Inter-Varsity Press Proverbs
Proverbs - a book full of wisdom, and yet a book demanding all one's wisdom to understand. Derek Kidner has not only provided a running commentary on the whole of Proverbs, but has also included two helpful study aids: a set of subject guides that brings together teaching scattered throughout the book, and a short concordance that helps to locate lost sayings (in territory notoriously hard to search) and encourages further subject studies. In short, this volume is a wise person's guide to wisdom.
Inter-Varsity Press The Last Things
There is no shortage of books on eschatology – the study of ‘the last things’ and ‘the end times’. Many arise out of incoherent or superficial readings of the Bible that detract from the ‘once and for all’ achievements of God through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Others fail to consider the manner in which God reveals himself through the Lord Jesus and by the power of his Spirit. Too many fail to distinguish sufficiently between the genuine hope provided by the gospel and the superficial aspirations of culture. David Höhne offers a trinitarian theological description of eschatology that is at once systematic, generated from the theological interpretation of Scripture, and yet sensitive to essential elements for Christian practice. His reading of the Bible is shaped by the gospel, informed by the history of Christian thought, and dedicated to serving the church in a world that is frustrated by sin, death and evil, yet longing for the return of our Lord and Messiah.
Inter-Varsity Press Sent: Serving God's Mission
By tracing the origins of mission right back to God's character, and then seeing how it unfolds throughout the storyline of the Bible, we begin to understand how important it is to him. As we see his heart for mission and the nations, we are challenged to discover God's plan for us too. Will this change our priorities as individuals and churches? Dare we see our place in God's plan and own the task of reaching the unreached? This practical, thought-provoking and accessible resource is the latest in the popular IVP/Keswick Ministries series of study guides.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Love: The Only Thing That Counts
Love - such a deceptively simple and popular little word. It is almost universally agreed that we need love in order to live and flourish as human beings; and yet within our contemporary culture there are numerous confusing, competing and evolving ideas about what 'love' is. There are few greater subjects in Christian theology than love; yet it is a surprisingly complex and challenging concept to understand, let alone live by. Patrick Mitchel's conviction is that Christians need to be thinking about, and practising, love in compelling and winsome ways. Our task is not only to articulate what love is, but also to show to the world what authentic Christian love looks like in practice. 'The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love' (Gal. 5:6 NIV). Mitchel's exposition explores love in the Old Testament; how the love of God is supremely revealed in the mission and death of Jesus Christ; love in the life and teaching of Jesus; and the church's calling to be a community of love. He helps us to grasp afresh the breadth, depth, scope, and radically counter-cultural nature of the Bible's teaching on love.
Inter-Varsity Press James
As leader of the Jerusalem church, what words of encouragement would James write to these persecuted Christians? Perhaps a little surprisingly, his key message was: faith works. Genuine belief inevitably transforms our speech, suffering, compassion for the poor, humility, prayers, priorities, and, frankly, every other aspect of life. In 5 chapters James introduces and briefly touches upon a whole variety of issues that concern the new believers. In a simple, forthright style he urges them to live out their faith, knowing that God's grace is sufficient for every trial and that there is a value and purpose to their suffering. James' own life illustrated this message. He had grown up with Jesus and was naturally sceptical about his brother's Messianic claims. But a post-resurrection encounter with Jesus revolutionised his life. He was transformed from a vocal critic into a key leader of the early church and prime mover in the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15).
Inter-Varsity Press Christianity: The Biography: Two Thousand Years Of The Global Church
Ian Shaw charts the story of Christianity from its birth and infancy among a handful of followers of Jesus Christ, through its years of development into a global religious movement, spanning continents and cultures and transcending educational and social backgrounds.
Inter-Varsity Press But Is It True?: Honest Responses To 10 Popular Objections To The Christian Faith
Surely faith is irrational? And hasn’t science buried God? Isn’t faith a psychological crutch or sociological construct? Don’t you need evidence? Wasn’t Jesus just another myth? Can we really believe the miracle stories? How do we know that the accounts of Jesus weren’t just made up? Hasn’t the Bible been distorted? Did Jesus really claim to be God? Did the resurrection actually happen? And what has it got to do with us anyway? The Christian faith may seem attractive, but is it true? … And what if it is true? Could our desires actually be a pointer to the God who really is there and desires to be known by us?
Inter-Varsity Press Discipleship Matters
Discipleship involves a gentle journey with our Saviour. Its demands will dovetail happily with our carefully crafted plans. Wrong. Peter Maiden pulls no punches as he looks at what a disciple should look like today. Are we prepared to follow Jesus' example? Lose our lives for his sake? Live counter-culturally in a world that values power, prestige and money, and constantly puts self at the centre? Of all people, Jesus, the Son of God, has the authority to require this of us. And he's calling us to a relationship, not to a set of rules or a miserable, spartan existence. In fact, it is through losing our lives that we find them, and thereby discover the source of pure joy. What a pity we set the bar too low.
Inter-Varsity Press Mission Matters: Love Says Go
The Father delights in his Son. This is the starting point of mission, its very core. 'Mission' means 'sending', but for centuries this was only used to describe what God did, sending his Son and his Spirit into the world. World mission exists because the Father wants people to delight in his Son, and the Son wants people to delight in the Father. Tim Chester introduces us to a cascade of love, flowing from the Father to the Son through the Spirit. And that love overflows and, through us, keeps on flowing to our Christian community, and beyond us to a very needy world. Mission matters. This book is for ordinary individuals willing to step out and become part of the most amazing, exciting venture in the history of the world, understanding its rich biblical context. This title is brought to you by Keswick Ministries as part of their wide range of resources.
Inter-Varsity Press New Testament Theology
New Testament theology, maintains Donald Guthrie, centers on Jesus Christ--his person, work and mission--and is unified by repeated emphasis on the fulfillment of Old Testament promise, community, the Spirit and the future hope. An extended introduction surveys the history, nature and method of New Testament theology and sets forth the distinctive of Guthrie's synthetic approach. Guthrie then examines New Testament thought under the thematic headings of God, man and his world, Christology, the mission of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Christian life, the church, the future, the New Testament approach to ethics, and Scripture. Within each chapter he explores the synoptic Gospels, the Johannine literature, Acts, Paul, Hebrews, the remaining Epistles and Revelation. Marked by scholarly rigor and thoroughness, this volume is a standard reference and text, reflecting mature conservative scholarship at its best
Inter-Varsity Press The Doctrine of humanity
At the end of the twentieth century the forces of race, gender, ethnicity, culture, social status, lifestyle and sexual orientation threaten to disassemble any universal notion of "human nature" or "human condition". In light of this historical moment and its challenges, the Christian doctrine of humanity is ripe for clarification and restatement. This theological task, argues Sherlock, demands a "double focus." Both the human image of God and the particular realities of human existence must be brought into sharper, more detailed focus. Only then will we begin to understand human nature in the light of divine revelation. Sherlock notably engages the communal dimension of humanity in its creational, social and cultural aspects before examining the human person as individual, as male and female, and as whole being. The Doctrine of Humanity is a timely and engaging look at what it means to be human on the continuum between our creation in the divine image and our hope of re-creation in the image of Christ.
Inter-Varsity Press The Mosaic of Christian belief: Twenty Centuries Of Unity & Diversity
Roger Olson traces the unity and diversity of Christian belief through the ages, structured around fifteen key theological themes. He offers a mediating evangelical approach which is non-speculative and irenic in spirit and tone, specifically written for non-specialists.
Inter-Varsity Press Daniel: An Introduction And Commentary
In many ways, the Old Testament book of Daniel is an enigma. It consists of two different kinds of material: stories about Judean exiles working in the court of pagan kings (chapters 1-6) and accounts of visions experienced by one of these exiles (chapters 7-12). It is written in two languages, Hebrew and Aramaic, and the language division does not match the subject division. Whether the book's affinities lie more with the Hebrew prophets or with later Jewish apocalypses is debated, as are its affinities with the wisdom traditions of both Israel and Babylon. Refreshingly, Enest Lucas postpones much of the discussion of such issues to an Epilogue, and invites the reader to an investigation of the meaning of the text in the form in which we now have it. He identifies the central theme of the book as the sovereignty of the God of Israel. With even-handedness and clarity, Lucas demonstrates that, for preachers and teachers, there is much in Daniel that is fairly readily understandable and applicable, and that there are also theological depths that are rewarding for those willing to plumb them and wrestle with the issues they raise.
Inter-Varsity Press Jesus the Messiah: A Survey Of The Life Of Christ
The first textbook survey of the life of Christ by an evangelical New Testament scholar for over twenty-five years. Robert H. Stein draws together the results of a career of research and writing on Jesus and the gospels. Clearly written, ably argued and geared to the needs of students, Jesus the Messiah will give enquiring minds a sure grounding in the life and ministry of Jesus.
Inter-Varsity Press Truth decay: Defending Christianity Against The Challenges Of Postmodernism
The concept of truth as absolute, objective and universal has undergone serious deterioration in recent years. No longer is it a goal for all to pursue. Rather postmodernism sees truth as inseparable from culture, psychology, race and gender. Ultimately, truth is what we make it to be. What factors have accelerated this decay of truth? Why are people willing to embrace such a devalued concept? How does this new view of truth compare and contrast with a Christian understanding? While postmodernism contains some truthful insights (despite its attempt to dethrone truth), Douglas Groothuis sees its basic tenets as intellectually flawed and hostile to Christian views of truth. In this spirited presentation of a solid, biblical and logical view of truth, the author unveils how truth has come under attack and how it can be defended in the vital areas of theology, apologetics, ethics and the arts. An important book for all concerned about the nature and value of truth.
Inter-Varsity Press The Moral Quest
Beginning with the basics, Stanley Grenz leads his readers into a theological engagement with moral inquiry. In a concise yet reliable fashion, 'The Moral Quest' sets forth the basics of ethics, considers the role and methods of Christian ethics in particular, and examines the implicit and explicit ethical approaches of the Old Testament, the Gospels and Paul. Grenz goes on to introduce the foundational theological ethics of Augustine, Aquinas, and Luther and the Reformers, then continues with an evenhanded discussion of modern and contemporary Christian ethicists, including Albrecht Ritschl, Karl Barth, Paul Ramsey, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King Jr., Gustavo Guti rrez, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Stanley Hauerwas, Carl F. H. Henry and Oliver O Donovan. The book concludes with Grenz's own constructive proposal of comprehensive love, rooted in the life of the Trinity and worked out in Christian community. Clearly written and well apprised of relevant literature, 'The Moral Quest' is a first-rate introduction to Christian ethics. It will serve students, pastors and interested laypersons alike.
Inter-Varsity Press Christian Basics: Commitment
What would it be like to have Christ come into the home of our heart? Moving from room to room with him, we discover what he desires for us. Are we prepared to meet with him daily in our living room? in our recreation room? in the study? What about that dark closet that needs cleaning out? These studies will take you through six of the rooms of your heart, helping you to see aspects of your Christian life as Jesus sees them. You will be stretched and enriched by your personal meetings with Christ in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press Sharing your faith with a friend: Simple Steps To Introducing Jesus
Michael Green gives excellent practical advice to help Christians approach and talk naturally with their friends about the Good News. From that first faltering conversation, to following up, he shows us how introducing a friend to Christ is the most worthwhile and fulfilling ministry any Christian can have.
Inter-Varsity Press Straight & narrow?: Compassion And Clarity In The Homosexuality Debate
A reasoned response to the contemporary moral debate about homosexuality, taking into account the latest medical and social scientific research, and thoroughly examining biblical and theological concerns.
Inter-Varsity Press Authentic Christianity: From The Writings Of John Stott
Timothy Dudley-Smith presents an anthology of the best from John R.W. Stott. It is a rare blend of godly wisdom and spiritual truth--theology in the finest sense--not to be devoured in haste but to be savored, pondered, remembered and shared.
Inter-Varsity Press Bridge-building: Creative Christian Apologetics
Rethinking apologetics in a changing world, where there are new needs and new opportunities, and where out approach has to be person-centred. A resource for evangelism and mission.
Inter-Varsity Press Evangelism (Lifebuilder Study Guides): A Way of Life
Conversion is an amazing miracle and being involved in it is an exciting privilege. But many of us find evangelism intimidating! How do we get to the point of discussing Jesus Christ with our friends? With strangers? How can we overcome our fears and insecurities about sharing the gospel? This study guide, centred on the example of Jesus and the early evangelists, will encourage us to communicate our faith creatively and clearly.
Inter-Varsity Press The Busy Christian's Guide to Busyness
Do you say 'yes' to requests when really you mean to say 'no'- Do you feel permanently trapped by your 24/7 lifestyle- While offering practical help to busy Christians, Tim Chester also opts for root-and-branch treatment: you need to deal radically with the things that are driving you. If you're busy because of the following: 'I need to prove myself' 'Otherwise things get out of control' 'I like the pressure/money' think again! At the root of our 'slavery' are serious misunderstandings, often reinforced by our culture. If we want to be free, then we need to counteract them with God's word. It's important to manage our time, but it's more important to manage our hearts. God has promised his rest to all who are weary and burdened (Matthew 11:28). It's up to us to accept it
Inter-Varsity Press Answering the Psalmist's Perplexity: New-Covenant Newness In The Book Of Psalms
‘Give thanks to YHWH, for he is good, for his covenant faithfulness endures for ever’ (Ps. 136:1; a.t.) There are now numerous models that seek to explain how the biblical covenants relate to one another. In an attempt to evaluate these models, James Hely Hutchinson mines the rich seams of the book of Psalms. After covering the key data on covenant relationships in Books 1–3 of the psalter, Hely Hutchinson considers the perplexity expressed in the pivotal Psalm 89: in the face of the exile, the promises to David appear to be null and void. The building blocks of the response lie with the first five books of the Bible, and chiefly with the inviolable character of the promises to Abraham (Book 4 of the psalter). However, if the Abrahamic covenant is to reach fulfilment, the problem of sin must be dealt with once and for all, and a glorious new-covenant regime must be established in which a host of covenants converge in their fulfilment. Central to this regime, which lies beyond the exile, is the eternal rule of David’s superior, righteous seed and son who is also a perpetual priest and a suffering servant (Book 5). Identifying new-covenant newness as ‘eschatological satisfaction (fulfilment)’ and ‘transcendent inauguration’, Hely Hutchinson tackles a range of matters that contribute to our understanding of the contours of redemptive history. The overall aim is to enhance readers’ grasp of God’s breath-taking salvation plan, ability to handle Scripture aright and worship of the Master.
Inter-Varsity Press The Essential Trinity: New Testament Foundations And Practical Relevance
The Trinity is foundational to Christian theology, with immense relevance for practical living. This volume offers trinitarian readings of each New Testament corpus and focuses on the importance of the doctrine for Christian life and ministry.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of the Church: Assemble The People Before Me
The Bible begins and ends with God dwelling with his people, from Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, to the great multitude in the New Jerusalem in the book of Revelation. At each step, God gathered his people together, to speak to them, hear from them, and change them to be more like him. God assembling his people, whom he loves, is what the Bible calls 'church'. The church should aspire to be a group of vibrant, loving, risk-everything people who are passionately committed to living out the values of God's Word and looking forward to the new creation. Churches and their pastors and leaders need to hear what the Bible says about who they are and what they are to do. Chris Green takes 'the message of the church' to mean, first, that the church has a message, which is that God has saved his people through Christ; second, that the church is the created and saved result of that message; and third, that the church is a message, which is that he has saved broken people like us, and by belonging to his people we are trying to respond to him in the ways he requires. His stimulating and insightful exposition begins with a survey of the church 'from eternity, to Eden, to exodus, to exile, to eternity', and then focuses on various dimensions of the church's life and ministry, including its worship, unity, maturity, servants, gifts, holiness, boundaries and future.
Inter-Varsity Press The Big Ego Trip: Finding True Significance In A Culture Of Self-Esteem
After decades of trying to feel good about ourselves, why do we still hunger for meaning and significance? Glynn Harrison argues that self-esteem ideology has led us down a psychological cul-de-sac that risks causing more harm than good, and today’s culture of narcissism and entitlement is the pay-off. Healthy psychological development and fulfilment come from seeing the self as part of something bigger. To achieve the sense of significance that we long for, we need a worldview capable of generating meaning and purpose. The Christian gospel calls us beyond the goal of self-esteem, encouraging us to stop judging ourselves, embrace our identity in God’s big story and look outwards to the pursuit of his glory. This is the only sure foundation for biblically based optimism, confidence and personal resilience. ‘An important and timely book.’ Christopher Ash
Inter-Varsity Press Understanding Scripture: An Overview Of The Bible'S Origin, Reliability And Meaning
How does the Bible as a whole fit together? How should we read it theologically - and as literature? Are the manuscripts reliable? How do they relate to archaeology? When and how was the canon of Scripture formed? What is the Septuagint? How does the New Testament quote from and interpret the Old Testament? Such questions are the focus of this collection of concise studies on the nature and content of the Bible. Useful as both a general overview and as a tool for more specific reference and training, this volume will help readers to grow in their understanding of Scripture and their ability to apply it to their lives. Pastors, church leaders, students, and other Christians engaged in studying and teaching God’s Word will benefit from these studies, originally featured as articles in the ESV Study Bible and written by notable contributors, including John Piper, J. I. Packer, David Powlison, Vern Poythress, Peter J. Williams and Roger Beckwith.
Inter-Varsity Press The Worry Book: Finding A Path To Freedom
'A very thoughtful, balanced and practical approach.' - J.John, Evangelist Worry has reached epidemic proportions. Many are suffering in silence, unsure if psychological solutions are appropriate for them, or if biblical teaching can lead them to freedom. The Worry Book offers a fresh solution: seeing the process of worry as the problem, rather than getting stuck into individual concerns. We can often use worry to create a sense of certainty and control, but the illusion is temporary, and we generate even more problems in the process. Here we learn about the factors behind worry, and how to disable the cycle of worry and tolerate uncertainty - principles we can apply to every situation. This is a journeyman's guide through the comedy and heartache of discovering worry's function, and so removing its power. Good theology and psychology combine here to offer new perspectives and real hope. You will find real lives and real people, and solutions which are both practical and doable.
Inter-Varsity Press The Making of the New Testament: Origin, Collection, Text And Canon
The story of the making of the New Testament is one in which scrolls bumped across cobbled Roman roads and pitched through rolling Mediterranean seas, finally finding their destinations in stuffy, dimly lit Christian house churches in Corinth or Colossae. There they were read aloud and reread, handled and copied, forwarded and collected, studied and treasured. And eventually they were brought together to make up our New Testament. This revised and expanded edition of The Making of the New Testament is a textbook introduction to the origin, collection, copying and canonizing of the New Testament documents. Like shrewd detectives reading subtle whispers of evidence, biblical scholars have studied the trail of clues and pieced together the story of these books. Arthur Patzia tells the story, answering our many questions: * How were books and documents produced in the first century? * What motivated the early Christians to commit teaching and narrative and vision to papyrus? * How were the stories and sayings of Jesus circulated, handed down and shaped into Gospels? * What do we know about ancient letter writing, secretaries and â€~copy shops’? * Why were four Gospels included instead of just one? * How were Paul's letters, sent here and there, gathered into a single collection? * Who decided - and by what criteria - which documents would be included in the New Testament? Explore these questions and more about these Scriptures whose everyday, gritty story rings true to their extraordinary message: the palpable mystery of the Word made flesh.
Inter-Varsity Press Cara: A Hope And A Future
You know,' I whispered, 'if you really want to go and be with God, it's OK. We will manage; don't worry about us.' For nine and a half years Cara had been her family's heartbeat. But one morning in late summer she was gripped by an epileptic seizure from which she didn't recover. Her struggles were over and she was free. This is a mother's story of the journey undertaken by Cara's family, a journey of suffering and injustice, but also 'of the way in which God moved in our lives and of the way in which our hope and trust in him kept us going through some unbelievably hard times'.
Inter-Varsity Press 2 Corinthians: An Introduction And Survey
Though few church squabbles today come close to matching the intensity and seriousness of what Paul faced in the commercial and hedonistic hotbed of Corinth, his strategies and pastoral wisdom in confronting the problems there can still serve as a helpful model for us in responding to a culture marked by individualism and materialism. In Linda Belleville's careful study of 2 Corinthians, readers will find an introduction to the letter's occasion and purpose, authorship, and other background information, as well as its important theological themes. Passage-by-passage commentary follows that seeks to explain what the letter means for us today as well as what it meant for its original hearers. Students, pastors, Bible teachers and everyone who wants to understand Paul's message for the church will benefit from this excellent resource.
Inter-Varsity Press Acts: Tyndale New Testament Commentary
In the book of Acts, the story of Jesus begun in the Gospel of Luke broadens into the story of the Holy Spirit, guiding the fledgling church to proclaim the saving reality of Jesus. While attentive to Luke's roles as a literary artist and theologian, I. Howard Marshall focuses primarily on Luke's role as a historian. He provides the reader with an accurate, balanced and holistic picture of the church's monumental first years as it sought to fulfil Christ's mandate to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth.This classic commentary has been completely retypeset and presented in a fresh, vibrant new large paperback format, with new global branding.
Inter-Varsity Press Planetwise: Dare To Care For God'S World
"I was in the act of throwing away my family's rubbish while holidaying on a beautiful island when I heard God speak. I could easily have missed it, but an inner whisper asked, "How do you think I feel about what you are doing to my world?" Since the day God challenged him, Dave Bookless has been on a mission: to share with others the compelling biblical case for caring for the planet God made for his glory and his people's enjoyment. This is not another book on green issues to make you feel guilty. The message is that there is hope. God can take your small and insignificant efforts and multiply them in his great plan. Dave takes us right into the heart of his family and shows how living simply, besides honouring God, can be an exciting adventure.
Inter-Varsity Press The Cross of Christ: With Study Guide
The Cross is the universal symbol of the Christian faith. But what does the Cross mean? Why did Jesus have to die? In this magisterial and best-selling book, John Stott unpacks the significance of Christ's cross and answers objections commonly brought against biblical teaching on the atonement. Stott will help you discover how Jesus himself understood the cross, and how 'Christ in our place' is at the heart of its meaning. Understand what the cross achieved, and learn what it means to live under the cross. This modern classic combines excellent biblical exposition, and a characteristically thoughtful study of Christian belief, with a searching call to the church to live under the cross.
Inter-Varsity Press The Best of Friends: Choose Wisely, Care Well
Friendship is one of the best things ever created. It is unparalleled as a building block of society, a universal theme in great literature and film, and has a huge impact on our mental health, wellbeing and happiness. But many of us are lonely or feel suffocated by the pressures of life and quantity of relationships we have to maintain. Now, more than ever, we need better, deeper friendships. We need the best of friends. Full of practical advice, humour and wisdom, Phil Knox shows us how to choose our friends wisely and maintain lasting and meaningful relationships.
Inter-Varsity Press Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know
Learn the Key Teachings of the Bible that Every Christian Should Know. Now Revised and Updated. Over 300,000 Copies Sold! Not every Christian needs to go to seminary, but there are key teachings of the Bible that every Christian should know. Whether you're a relatively new believer in Jesus or a mature Christian looking for a better understanding of basics of the faith, Christian Beliefs is for you. This simple and clear guide to twenty basic Christian beliefs condenses respected pastor's Wayne Grudem's award-winning book Systematic Theology, prized by pastors and teachers everywhere. He and his son, pastor Elliot Grudem, have created a reader-friendly guide for everyday Christians. Each brief chapter concludes with questions for personal review or group discussion. In this revised and updated edition of Christian Beliefs, you will learn about: The Bible and its authority for our lives The characteristics of God The importance of prayer Angels and the reality of spiritual warfare What it means that we are created in the image of God What God has done for us in Christ The purpose of the church What will happen when Christ returns The biblical understanding of heaven And much more Christian Beliefs is the ideal book for every Christian who wants a solid foundation for understanding the most basic and essential teachings of the Bible.
Inter-Varsity Press Bible Doctrine: Essential Teachings of the Christian Faith
Explore Answers to Life's Most Important Theological Questions. Over 175,000 Copies Sold! How do we know the Bible is God's Word? What is sin and where did it come from? How is Jesus fully God and fully man? What are spiritual gifts? When and how will Christ return? If you've asked questions like these, then systematic theology is no abstract term. It's an approach to finding answers every Christian needs to know. The second edition of Bible Doctrine by respected theologian Wayne Grudem takes a widely used upper-level textbook on systematic theology and makes it accessible. Abridged from the second edition of Wayne Grudem's award-winning Systematic Theology, Bible Doctrine covers the same essentials of the faith, giving you a firm grasp on seven key topics: The Doctrine of the Word of God The Doctrine of God The Doctrine of Man The Doctrine of Christ The Doctrine of the Application of Redemption The Doctrine of the Church The Doctrine of the Future. You don't need to have had several years of Bible college or seminary training to reap the benefits of Bible Doctrine. It's easy to understand and packed with biblical answers to your most pressing theological questions. This new edition now includes: New, thoughtful critiques of open theism, the new perspective on Paul, Molinism (or "middle knowledge"), "Free Grace" theology, and the preterist view of Christ's second coming Completely revised, stronger chapter on the clarity of Scripture Completely revised, stronger chapter on creation and evolution. New discussion of how biblical inerrancy applies to some specific "problem verses" in the Gospels Additional material respectfully explaining evangelical Protestant differences with Roman Catholicism (with extensive interaction with the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church), Protestant liberalism, and Mormonism Completely updated bibliographies All Scripture quotations updated from RSV to ESV An explanation of why monogenes in John 3:16 and elsewhere should be translated as "only begotten" rather than merely "only" An extensive discussion on the eternal submission of the Son to the Father A discussion of recent criticisms of the penal substitutionary view of the atonement Numerous other updates and corrections that have be prompted by letters and emails from people around the world and by interaction with the students Wayne has taught over the last 26 years both at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and at Phoenix Seminary
Inter-Varsity Press The Pastoral Epistles: An Introduction And Commentary
In his New Testament letters to Timothy and Titus, the apostle Paul is concerned with church order, defending correct doctrine and passing on the faith. In this thorough introduction and commentary to both letters, Osvaldo Padilla sets them in their distinct context of Paul's later ministry and draws out their pastoral wisdom. With thoughtful, applied commentary he shows how the lessons Paul imparts to Timothy and Titus are still relevant to us today and how we can learn from them in our own walk with Christ. A new volume in the Tyndale New Testament commentary series, The Pastoral Epistles: An Introduction and Commentary examines the text section-by-section – exploring the historical background in which the letters to Timothy and Titus were written, providing a detailed commentary on their content, and then unpacking their theology. It will leave you with a thorough knowledge of what the pastoral epistles say and how they are structured, as well as a better understanding of their meaning for both the original recipients and modern Christians. The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries are ideal bible commentaries for students and teachers of theology, as well as being an excellent resource for preachers and individual Christians looking to broaden their knowledge and explore the riches of Scripture more deeply. Clear and compelling, Osvaldo Padilla’s introduction to Timothy and Titus will give anyone looking for comprehensive but accessible commentaries on the pastoral epistles a renewed appreciation for the wisdom in these two letters and what they can teach us.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Ezra & Haggai: Building For God
The Book of Ezra recounts the return of the Judeans to Israel after the Babylonian exile, and the rebuilding of the Temple. The Book of Haggai speaks about the rebuilding, where work ceased because of external opposition and internal failure of nerve. In this valuable study, Robert Fyall guides us through The Message of Ezra and Haggai, exploring how it is enhanced by reading these two books together rather than separately. With clear, compelling and accessible scholarship, he shows the continuing relevance of how Ezra and Haggai emphasise building for God, as well as the need for obedience to his Word and openness to his Spirt. Ezra is a vital and stimulating book in its revelation of God's purposes, and together with Haggai's brief prophecy offers encouragement to God's people in dispiriting times – encouragement that still speaks to the Christian life today. A revised volume in the trusted Bible Speaks Today series of commentaries, The Message of Ezra and Haggai offers a thoughtful exposition of these two books, unpacking their meaning for both the original audience and for Christians in the twenty-first century. Used by Bible students and teachers around the world, the Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for students and preachers who want to deepen their understanding of Scripture as it was first written as well how it can be applied to modern life. This beautifully redesigned edition has been sensitively updated to include modern references and use the NIV Bible text. The Message of Ezra and Haggai is perfect for anyone looking for commentaries on Ezra and Haggai that will help delve more deeply into the riches of these two books of the Old Testament.
Inter-Varsity Press John Stott on Creation Care
Discover John Stott's writings on creation care, brought together for the first time in this definitive collection for the global church. Compiled by R. J. Sam Berry and Laura Yoder, this brilliant anthology demonstrates both Stott's passion for the environment and its place in Christian discipleship. Showcasing his unique way of explaining the Bible simply and clearly, John Stott on Creation Care traces Stott's own process of coming to embrace creation care as a vital part of the Christian life - and in turn shows us how creation care must have an integral place in our own discipleship. Commentary by noted scientist R. J. (Sam) Berry connects Stott's writings together and illuminates how his wisdom still speaks to us today. Alongside reflections from others that Stott inspired and discipled, John Stott on Creation Care is the perfect resource for every Christian looking to understand biblical teaching on the environment and how creation care should form part of their discipleship. It is also an ideal biblical and theological resource for those involved in creation care ministry. Published as part of the John Stott Centenary celebrations, proceeds from John Stott on Creation Care will go to A Rocha International, a charity that carries community-based conservation projects in response to biodiversity loss around the world. John Stott viewed creation care as an inevitable implication of the biblical message, and as a grounding for Christian engagement in environmental commitments. This collection will give you a deeper, more thorough understanding of his writings and how his views developed, and will leave you motivated and inspired to look again at your discipleship and how you approach creation care.
Inter-Varsity Press Smuggling Jesus Back into the Church: How the church became worldly and what to do about it
What’s gone wrong with the church? If you’ve been feeling that something vital has gone missing from our spiritual lives, you’re not alone. But from scandals involving celebrity preachers, to busy programmes that have little sense of God and struggling to find time to pray, what is it that lies behind the church is crisis? Is it possible that we’ve forgotten to put Jesus at the centre of everything? And if so, what can do we about it? In Smuggling Jesus Back into Church Andrew Fellows shows us with a sharp eye how secularism has reshaped church culture, changing the way many Christians and churches live and worship without being noticed. Both provocative and practical, he challenges us to live with radical Christ-like distinctiveness - distinctiveness that requires both reformation by the church and revival by the Holy Spirit. Timely and prophetic, Smuggling Jesus Back into Church is essential reading for anyone concerned about the effects of secularism on Christianity and modern church culture, or for anyone who struggles with Church and wants to understand why. Filled with passion and vision, it will point you back towards Jesus and revitalise your understanding of what Christian discipleship should be. It’s time to remember what lies at the heart of our faith. It’s time to smuggle Jesus back into church and back into the centre of our lives.
Inter-Varsity Press Hope - Keswick Year Book 2020
The Bible Readings Hope in Jesus: Psalms - Christopher Ash Hope because Jesus rules (Psalm 2) Hope because Jesus was saved (Psalm 3) Hope because Jesus wept (Psalm 6) The Seminars Our Future Hope - Michael Reeves Hope and Grief - Joanna Jackson Hope and Lament - Rico Villanueva Evening Celebrations Why Hope? Grace! (2 Thessalonians 2:13–17) Mike Cain How Can I Hope? New Birth! (1 Peter 1:3–5, 22–25) Andy Prime How Can I Hope? The Scriptures! (Romans 15:1–13) Amy Orr-Ewing Our Hope: The Appearing of Jesus Christ (Titus 2:11–14) Graham Daniels Our Hope: The Glory of God! (Romans 5:1–5) Jeremy McQuoid
Inter-Varsity Press Revelation: Faithfulness in Testing Times
Faithfulness is fuelled by a renewed imagination for God’s world and our place in it. The Book of Revelation has often been treated as a futuristic prophecy - a road map of a bizarre future to be inflicted on the world by an angry God. Ian Paul invites you explore how the book’s author draws on a style of writing familiar to Jesus and his first followers, and encourages God’s people to stay faithful despite the world’s pressures to compromise. This fascinating six-session guide with its blend of insightful mini-features, timely notes and skilful questions will help you approach this book with fresh eyes. You’ll gain a richer understanding of God’s world and a fresh confidence to reimagine your place in it.
Inter-Varsity Press From Pentecost to Patmos: Acts To Revelation: An Introduction And Survey
Fully revised and updated edition. This companion volume to Craig Blomberg's widely-appreciated Jesus and the Gospels covers the rest of the New Testament, from the Acts of the Apostles to the book of Revelation. It surveys the most crucial matters of introduction in sufficient detail to provide the necessary background for correct interpretation of these New Testament texts. Mindful of the needs and interests of twenty-first-century students, the authors also deal with the structure and contents of each book, and the distinctive exegetical issues, and give pointers to contemporary application. The clear, accessible and up-to-date text includes numerous figures, maps and bibliographies. From Pentecost to Patmos enables readers to come to a better understanding of first-century Christianity and its literature that came to be treated as uniquely authoritative. This will lead to a greater appreciation of the Lord Jesus Christ, worshipped by the early church, often in hostile circumstances and in the face of difficulties remarkably similar to those the church experiences today throughout the world.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of John's Letters: Living In The Love Of God
In a climate of disunity and doctrinal deviation, the apostle John called his first readers to live in the love and truth of God. David Jackman has no doubt that John's letters are a vital, powerful word from the Lord to the church today around the world. So often we take extreme positions, leading to a fragmentation of both churches and individuals. This book will help us to respond afresh to the apostle's call to love one another and live in the light.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Ephesians: God's New Society
A new and better society has been the constant dream of men and women. Responding to this dream, John Stott has been attracted back again and again by Paul's letter to the young church at Ephesus. It portrays a new society of Christ's making that stands out in bright relief against our colourless world of oppression, heartache, separation and division. Paul's letter, with its exultant vision of a renewed human community, has, says John Stott, 'stirred me deeply'. John Stott expounds Paul's theme of uniting all things in Christ by uniting his church and breaking down all that separates us from God, one ethnic group from another, husband from wife, parent from child, master from slave. Paul's insights are for all who want to build the church into the new society God has planned it to be.