Search results for ""Author RUDOLF STEINER""
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Stufen der hheren Erkenntnis Kosmologie Religion und Philosophie Vom Seelenleben Schriften und Aufstze 1905 191223
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Landwirtschaftlicher Kurs
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die geistige Fhrung des Menschen und der Menschheit
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die zwlf Sinne des Menschen in ihrer Beziehung zu Imagination Inspiration und Intuition
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Schriften zur meditativen Erarbeitung der Anthroposophie I 19121913 Ein Weg zur Selbsterkenntnis des Menschen Die Schwelle der geistigen Welt
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Reinkarnation und Karma Wie Karma wirkt
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Welt der Bienen Ausgewhlte Texte
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Welt der Tiere Ausgewhlte Texte
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Nebenbungen Sechs Schritte zur Selbsterziehung
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Stichwort Epidemien
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Mensch und Welt Das Wirken des Geistes in der Natur ber das Wesen der Bienen Vortrge fr die Arbeiter am Goetheanumbau Band V Fnfzehn Vortrge Dornach 1923
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Landwirtschaftlicher Kurs
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Heileurythmie
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Erziehung und Unterricht aus Menschenerkenntnis Neun Vortrge Stuttgart 192023
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Eurythmie 19121918
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Mantrische Sprche Seelenbungen II 19031925
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Weihnachtstagung zur Begrndung der Allgemeinen Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft 192324 Grundsteinlegung Vortrge und Ansprachen Statutenberatung Dornach 192324
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Das Miterleben des Jahreslaufes in vier kosmischen Imaginationen
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Der Jahreskreislauf als Atmungsvorgang der Erde und die vier grossen Festeszeiten Die Anthroposophie und das menschliche Gemt Neun Vortrge Dornach und Wien 1923
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Das Verhältnis der Sternenwelt zum Menschen und des Menschen zur Sternenwelt
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Menschenwerden Weltenseele und Weltengeist Erster Teil Der Mensch als leiblichseelische Wesenheit in seinem Verhltnis zur Welt Dreizehn Vortrge Stuttgart Bern und Dornach 1921
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Mysterien des Morgenlandes und des Christentums Vier Vortrge Berlin 1913
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Menschenwerden Weltenseele und Weltengeist. Der Mensch als geistiges Wesen im historischen Werdegang
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Erfahrungen des bersinnlichen Die Wege der Seele zu Christus Vierzehn Vortrge gehalten zwischen Januar und Dezember 1912 in verschiedenen Stdten Steiner Verlag 1974
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Mission einzelner Volksseelen im Zusammenhange mit der germanischnordischen Mythologie Elf Vortrge Kristiania Oslo 1910 Zyklus 13
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Von Jesus zu Christus Elf Vortrge Karlsruhe 1911
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Theosophie des Rosenkreuzers Vierzehn Vortrge Mnchen 1907
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Das JohannesEvangelium Zwlf Vortrge Hamburg 1908
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Selbsterkenntnis und Gotteserkenntnis 2
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Wahrspruchworte
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Sämtliche Briefe. Band 3
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Sämtliche Briefe
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Vier Mysteriendramen
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Drei Schritte der Anthroposophie
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Philosophie der Freiheit Grundzge einer modernen Weltanschauung Seelische Beobachtungsresultate nach naturwissenschaftlicher Methode
Temple Lodge Publishing The Illustrated Calendar of the Soul: Meditations for the Yearly Cycle
Rudolf Steiner's beautiful meditative verses for the yearly cycle have been used by countless people over the years. Their purpose is to awaken a feeling of unity with nature, and at the same time to stimulate a discovery of self. In listening to the changing language of the year and awakening a profound sympathy for it, we can in turn discover our own individual nature. Steiner's original and unique meditations facilitate this process, leading to a healthy feeling of being at one with the natural world. This edition features Anne Stockton's 52 celebrated and evocative paintings, which are a wonderful complement to Steiner's text. Steiner's words are newly translated for this edition by John Thomson.
Rudolf Steiner Press Agriculture SpiritualScientific Foundations
Rudolf Steiner Press Eurythmy as Speech Made Visible
For this new edition - freshly translated by Matthew Barton and introduced by Coralee Frederickson - the original shorthand transcripts have been compared exhaustively with typed records and the notes of course participants. These notes included numerous sketches, many of which have been reproduced here to complement the text.
Rudolf Steiner Press Supersensible Impulses
With rituals or cultic forms as his central motif, Steiner refers extensively to Indian, Persian and in particular Egyptian initiation rites, and how these enabled people of antiquity to connect with specific spiritual beings. He explains the practical purpose of mummification for the religious life of ancient Egypt.
Rudolf Steiner Press Problems of Society: An Esoteric View, from Luciferic Past to Ahrimanic Future
'Whatever turbulent outward events occur in the world, whatever form is taken by things seeking to work their way out of the depths of human evolution, we only really hearken to the true, underlying nature of these events ...if we observe the world from a spiritual perspective.' - Rudolf Steiner In seeking to heal the many social crises of our time, Rudolf Steiner urges us to turn away from 'fixed principles, theories or social dogmas' and to rediscover the real nature of the human being. This inner reality - that cannot be understood in materialistic or deterministic ways - is the only basis on which society can truly be founded. But it is not sufficient to speak of well-meaning ideas, he says, unless we are also active in working for change; change that begins with each of us. In 1919, a year marked by strong social and political upheavals, Steiner was deeply concerned with questions relating to society. Having published a book on the subject (Towards Social Renewal), he embarked on a major campaign to publicize his 'threefold' social ideas. In addition to public lectures, however, Steiner sought to deepen the subject in a series of talks to members of the Anthroposophical Society. These lectures, gathered in this volume, reveal the 'inner' or 'esoteric' aspects of the social question. They complement Steiner's very practical efforts to realize threefolding in the historical context of his time. Whilst Steiner's suggestions for social change may not seem self-evident to pragmatic thinking, they will strike a resonant chord in many who seek deeper answers to the social problems of our times - problems that politicians seem unable to remedy. Amidst the many themes tackled here, Steiner addresses the issue of nationalism as a retrograde tendency; the tasks of Central Europe and Britain in relation to the East; the incarnation of Ahriman in the West, and the historical incarnation of Lucifer in the third millennium BC.
Rudolf Steiner Press Six Steps in Self-development: The 'supplementary Exercises'
The so-called 'supplementary exercises' - to be carried out alongside the 'review exercises' and meditation - are integral to the path of personal development presented by Rudolf Steiner. Together they form a means of experiencing the spiritual realm in full consciousness. Meditation enlivens thinking, the review exercises cultivate the will, whilst the supplementary exercises educate and balance feeling. Conscientiously practised, this path of self-knowledge and development has the effect of opening a source of inner strength and psychological health that soon make themselves felt in daily life. In six stages these exercises enable the practise of qualities that can be summarized as: control of thoughts, initiative of will, equanimity, positivity, open-mindedness and equilibrium of soul. When carried out regularly, they balance possible harmful effects of meditative practice and bring inner certainty and security to the soul. They are also of inestimable value in their own right due to their beneficial and wholesome effect on daily life. In this invaluable small book, the editor has drawn together virtually all Rudolf Steiner's statements on the supplementary exercises, supporting them with commentary and notes. With a chapter devoted to each exercise, they are described in detail and from different perspectives.
Rudolf Steiner Press Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies: v. 6
During 1924, before his last address in September, Rudolf Steiner gave over eighty lectures on the subject of karma to members of the Anthroposophical Society. These profoundly esoteric lectures examine the underlying laws inherent in reincarnation and karma, and explore in detail the incarnations of specific historical figures. In Rudolf Steiner's words, the study of karma is "...a matter of penetrating into the most profound mysteries of existence, for within the sphere of karma and the course it takes lie those processes which are the basis of the other phenomena of world existence..." A study of the karma of the anthroposophical movement and society, the spiritual gates of the sun and moon, and much more.
Rudolf Steiner Press Life Beyond Death
Anthroposophic Press Inc Youth and the Etheric Heart: Rudolf Steiner Speaks to the Younger Generation
Rudolf Steiner Press Michael's Mission: Revealing the Essential Secrets of Human Nature
'...This will generate a struggle covering the face of the whole earth. The one and only remedy for this nonsense being made of human evolution will be the path that can lead humanity to the spirit - the path of Michael, which finds its continuation in the path of Christ.' - Rudolf Steiner Speaking in the aftermath of the Great War, Rudolf Steiner presents a series of extraordinary lectures on the power and mission of the Archangel Michael. He paints on a broad canvas - in the context of cosmic and human evolution - revealing Michael's tasks in the past, present and future. Originally the countenance of Yahweh, Michael has metamorphosed from a 'night spirit' to a 'day spirit'. As 'the Countenance of Christ', Michael helps us find a balance between 'luciferic' and 'ahrimanic' tendencies. The old 'dualism' (such as good versus evil), says Steiner, needs to be replaced by the trinity of Lucifer-Christ-Ahriman. Filling our heart with the Christ Impulse creates an equilibrium between the luciferic influence that imbues our head and the ahrimanic influence at work in our limbs. Rudolf Steiner describes how humanity faces three dangers in the social sphere: spiritual life could flow into the 'pit of mendacity' ruled by Ahriman, individual rights might descend into the 'pit of selfishness' (Lucifer), and economics into cultural sickness and death (Asuras). In order to prevent European-American culture from perishing, it will be necessary to turn towards contemporary 'threefold' social ideas. Steiner also speaks about the principle of metamorphosis in connection with evolution and devolution, as evident in the design of the pillars in the newly-built Goetheanum. Architectural styles are an expression of human evolution, as can be seen in Greek temples, gothic Cathedrals, the Grail temple and the building at Dornach. Amidst many other themes, Rudolf Steiner addresses the problem of natural necessity and freedom, and the abolition of the trichotomy of body, soul and spirit at the Council of Constantinople in AD 869.
Rudolf Steiner Press Paths and Goals of the Spiritual Human Being: Life Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science
Speaking to audiences in Denmark, Germany and France, Rudolf Steiner discusses a wide range of topics: from positive and negative human soul capacities, true self-knowledge and karma, to changes in human consciousness, from ancient times to the modern era - all in the context of the incarnation of Christ on earth. The lectures illustrate the diversity of Steiner's approach when speaking to different audiences. Reflecting on the polymath Novalis, for example, he is urgent about the responsibility of spiritual science to help humanity awaken to the new age. A few months later, talking of Hegel and deploring the fact that an interest in spiritual matters often fails to be accompanied by an equal interest in logical thought, Steiner uses a dispassionate, philosophical tone. But throughout the lectures he is consistent in his view that spiritual science does not reject conventional science. Trained philosophical thinking leads to different conclusions than materialism, he says, but there is nothing in the field of spiritual science that need be rejected by rigorous scientific thought. Although the lectures were given to a variety of audiences, ideas recur from different perspectives and in different contexts, with strong thematic links binding them together. These include the relationship between philosophy and science; the nature of clairvoyance; Christ's presence in the etheric realm; reincarnation and karma; the mystery drama The Portal of Initiation; Christmas and its symbols; and the transformation of consciousness that occurred when Christ incarnated physically on earth. In the final lectures, Rudolf Steiner speaks inspiringly about the Christmas festival, contrasting the feeling of inwardness that people used to experience with the hectic cultural environment of modern cities. However, this does not lead Steiner to be nostalgic about the past. Rather, he states, we should seek to recreate a mood of inwardness in a new way, appropriate to our modern age and consciousness. These lectures give us the tools to bring such a contemporary spiritual approach to our lives.
Rudolf Steiner Press Nutrition: Food, Health and Spiritual Development
Our instinctive knowledge of which foods are helpful and which are harmful appears increasingly to be fading. We are bombarded with advice, information and prescriptions as to what we should eat and drink, but the issues surrounding nutrition - questions of health, diet, taste, even ecology and sustainability - remain largely unresolved. Unlike most commentators on this subject, Rudolf Steiner tackles the theme of nutrition in a refreshingly open way. At no point does he try to tell us what we should or should not be putting into our bodies - whether with regard to an omnivorous or vegetarian diet, smoking, drinking alcohol, and so on. The job of the scientist, he says, is to explain how things act and what effect they have; what people do with that information is up to them. However, he emphasizes that our diet not only determines our physical wellbeing, but can also promote or hinder our inner spiritual development. In this carefully collated anthology, with an introduction, commentary and notes by Christian von Arnim, Rudolf Steiner considers nutrition in the light of his spiritual-scientific research. He explains the impact of raw food, vegetarian and meat diets, the effects of protein, fats, carbohydrates and salts, individual foodstuffs such as potatoes, beetroots and radishes, as well as the impact of alcohol and nicotine. His insights are vital to anybody with a serious interest in health, diet and spiritual development.
Rudolf Steiner Press The Second Coming of Christ
"The being whom we call Christ once walked the earth in flesh and blood at the beginning of our era. He will never again return in a physical body, for that was a unique event and will not be repeated. But He will come again in an etheric form in the period I have mentioned. People will learn to perceive Christ by virtue of growing towards him through this etheric perception." Many contemporaries were unaware of Christ's incarnation on earth at the beginning of the modern era. And today, says Rudolf Steiner, many remain ignorant of the most important event of our time: the appearance of Christ in the etheric - or life - realm of the earth. Fundamentalist and millennial groups await a second physical incarnation, while atheists and materialists deny spirit altogether. Nevertheless, an incisive transformation is taking place in the human soul that will lead to an emerging clairvoyance. Just as Paul perceived Christ at Damascus, so may every human being experience Him today. Also available as an Audio Book