Search results for ""Author Lloyd""
Simon & Schuster Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
A Caldecott Honor book that is the perfect introduction to musical instruments and a counting book that redefines the genre.When this book begins, the trombone is playing all by itself. But soon a trumpet makes a duet, a french horn a trio, and so on until the entire orchestra is assembled on stage. Written in elegant and rhythmic verse and illustrated with playful and flowing artwork, this unique counting book is the perfect introduction to musical groups. Readers of all ages are sure to shout “Encore!” when they reach the final page of this joyous celebration of classical music.
Icon Books Introducing the Enlightenment: A Graphic Guide
"Introducing The Enlightenment" is the essential guide to the giants of the Enlightenment - Voltaire, Diderot, Adam Smith, Samuel Johnson, Immanuel Kant, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson. The Enlightenment of the 18th century was a crucial time in human history - a vast moral, scientific and political movement, the work of intellectuals across Europe and the New World, who began to free themselves from despotism, bigotry and superstition and tried to change the world. "Introducing The Enlightenment" is a clear and accessible introduction to the leading thinkers of the age, the men and women who believed that rational endeavour could reveal the secrets of the universe.
Taylor & Francis Inc BTEC National Engineering
All the mandatory units of the 2010 BTEC Level 3 Engineering specification, plus selected popular optional units Clear, full colour layout and numerous activities, worked examples and questions with answers, make it easy for students to learn and revise for their exams Content you can trust – written by two lecturers with over 50 years combined experience of designing and delivering engineering qualifications Free student website with interactive quizzes, downloads and additional material o support learning The third edition of this bestselling textbook ensures that all the mandatory units of 2010 BTEC Level 3 Engineering specification are fully covered in a way that encourages students to explore engineering for themselves, developing the expertise and knowledge required at this level.Key points and definitions highlight the most important concepts and hundreds of activities and worked examples help put theory in context. Questions throughout the text, with answers provided, allow students to test their knowledge as they go, while end of unit review questions are ideal for exam revision and set course work.For lecturers a Tutor Support DVD-ROM is available to help with the delivery of the programme: BTEC National Engineering Tutor Support Material, ISBN 978-0-08-096683-0.Units covered: Unit 1 – Health and Safety in the Workplace, Unit 2 – Communications for Engineering Technicians, Unit 3 – Engineering Project, Unit 4 – Mathematics for Engineering technicians, Unit 5 – Mechanical Principles and Applications, Unit 6 – Electrical and Electronic Principles, Unit 7 – Business Operations in Engineering, Unit 8 – Engineering Design.A free student website, including answers to all activities, is available at and features: Interactive quizzes with automatic marking and feedback A free comprehensive 2D CAD package for downloading A variety of spreadsheet tools for solving common engineering problems Useful engineering data summaries Extensive Visio symbol libraries for engineering drawing/CAD Drawing templates and sample drawings in industry-standard format Additional material to support learning activities and assignments Book chapter: Arithmetic and Trigonometric Fundamentals ‘Test your Knowledge’ and ‘End of Unit Review’ questions
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe A History of Europe in the Modern World Volume 2
Taylor & Francis Inc Digital Technology in Teaching International Business
Explore the potentialand the pitfallsof digital technology in international business courses! Digital Technology in Teaching International Business will familiarize you with techniques that have proven effective in digitizing content or presenting traditional material in an untraditional way. You'll learn how to introduce digital technologies into bricks and mortar classrooms and how to construct an effective online learning environment. This timely and informative book discusses computer-mediated communication systems, shows how students can use the Internet to personally participate in international problem-solving exercises, presents a fascinating case study of a CLD program designed to address educational values, communication competencies, and business practices in former republics of the Soviet Union, and much more! Digital Technology in Teaching International Business outlines the challenges and demands of the knowledge-based economy and discusses the path that universities should follow in providing business students with the skills they need to succeed in this complex environment. It describes the implementation of Internet-based experiential projects in an international business classroom setting and summarizes students' perceptions and attitudes toward their assignments. In addition, it shows how to adapt experiential exercises from live courses for electronic application and examines ways in which electronic media can: increase the availabilityand reduce the costof interactive programs that connect students from distant locations complement or replace the traditional roles of textbooks and teachers promote more interactive learning enable faculty, students, scientists, technicians, entrepreneurs, and NGO leaders in separate locations to collaborate effectively help to overcome the developed-country bias present in many business strategy courses via specially designed courses and simulations of emerging economies aid in teaching financial reporting and the analysis of multinational enterprises address the traditional tradeoffs between richness (depth of knowledge) and reach (geographic area coverage)
Massey University Press High Wire
U.S. Games Morgan-Greer Tarot in a Tin
Quercus Publishing The Life of Rebecca Jones
"The most fascinating and wonderful book" JAN MORRIS"A restrained, lyrical tour de force" OWEN SHEERSIn the early years of the last century, Rebecca is born into a rural community in the Maesglasau valley in Wales; her family have been working the land for a thousand years, but the changes brought about by modernity threaten the survival of her language, and her family's way of life. Rebecca's reflections on the century are delivered with haunting dignity and a simple intimacy, while her evocation of the changing seasons and a life that is so in tune with its surroundings is rich and poignant. The Life of Rebecca Jones has all the makings of a classic, fixing on a vanishing period of rural history, and the novel's final, unexpected revelation remains unforgettable and utterly moving.
WW Norton & Co The Jew of Malta: A Norton Critical Edition
This Norton Critical Edition includes: The 1633 quarto (Q) text—the only authoritative version—with modernised spelling and silent alteration of obvious errors, of confusing punctuation and of word-form changes. A Textual Notes section follows the play. Editorial matter by Lloyd Kermode. Six illustrations and one map. An unusually rich selection of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century contexts, thematically organised to promote classroom discussion. Topics include “Theater and Marlowe”, “Machiavelli and Mediterranean Identities” and "Ideas of the Jew". Twenty-seven critical interpretations spanning three centuries and including seven considerations of The Jew of Malta in performance. A chronology and a selected bibliography. About the Series Read by more than 12 million students over fifty-five years, Norton Critical Editions set the standard for apparatus that is right for undergraduate readers. The three-part format—annotated text, contexts and criticism—helps students to better understand, analyse and appreciate the literature, while opening a wide range of teaching possibilities for instructors. Whether in print or in digital format, Norton Critical Editions provide all the resources students need.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Schaum's Outline of Abstract Algebra
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Rnough Time?Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's Outlines. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills. This Schaum's Outline gives you Practice problems with full explanations that reinforce knowledge Coverage of the most up-to-date developments in your course field In-depth review of practices and applications Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum's to shorten your study time-and get your best test scores!Schaum's Outlines-Problem Solved.
Fremantle Press When War Came to Fremantle 1899-1945
Archaeopress Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 38 2008
CONTENTS: Abdol Rauh Yaccob, British policy on Arabia before the First World War: an internal argument; Adrian G. Parker &. Jeffrey I. Rose, Climate change and human origins in southern Arabia; Alexandrine Guérin & Faysal Abdallah al-Na’imi, Nineteenth century settlement patterns at Zekrit, Qatar: pottery, tribes and territory; Anthony E. Marks, Into Arabia, perhaps, but if so, from where?; Audrey Peli, A history of the Ziyadids through their coinage (203– 442/818–1050); Aurelie Daems & An De Waele, Some reflections on human-animal burials from pre-Islamic south-east Arabia (poster); Brian Ulrich, The Azd migrations reconsidered: narratives of ‘Amr Muzayqiya and Mālik b. Fahm in historiographic context; Christian Darles, Derniers résultats, nouvelles datations et nouvelles données sur les fortifications de Shabwa (Hadramawt); Eivind Heldaas Seland, The Indian ships at Moscha and the Indo-Arabian trading circuit; Fabio Cavulli & Simona Scaruffi, Stone vessels from KHB-1, Ja’lān region, Sultanate of Oman (poster); Francesco G. Fedele, Wādī al-Tayyilah 3, a Neolithic and Pre-Neolithic occupation on the eastern Yemen Plateau, and its archaeofaunal information; Ghanim Wahida, Walid Yasin al-Tikriti & Mark Beech, Barakah: a Middle Palaeolithic site in Abu Dhabi Emirate; Jeffrey I. Rose & Geoff N. Bailey, Defining the Palaeolithic of Arabia? Notes on the Roundtable Discussion; Jeffrey I. Rose, Introduction: special session to define the Palaeolithic of Arabia; Julie Scott-Jackson, William Scott-Jackson, Jeffrey Rose & Sabah Jasim, Investigating Upper Pleistocene stone tools from Sharjah, UAE: Interim report; Krista Lewis & Lamya Khalidi, From prehistoric landscapes to urban sprawl: the Masn’at Māryah region of highland Yemen; Michael J. Harrower, Mapping and dating incipient irrigation in Wadi Sana, Hadramawt (Yemen); Mikhail Rodionov, The jinn in Hadramawt society in the last century; Mohammed A.R. al-Thenayian, The Red Sea Tihami coastal ports in Saudi Arabia; Mohammed Maraqten, Women’s inscriptions recently discovered by the AFSM at the Awām temple/Mahram Bilqīs in Marib, Yemen; Nasser Said al-Jahwari & Derek Kennet, A field methodology for the quantification of ancient settlement in an Arabian context; Rémy Crassard, The “Wa’shah method”: an original laminar debitage from Hadramawt, Yemen; Saad bin Abdulaziz al-Rāshid, Sadd al-Khanaq: an early Umayyad dam near Medina, Saudi Arabia; Ueli Brunner, Ancient irrigation in Wādī Jirdān; Vincent Charpentier & Sophie Méry, A Neolithic settlement near the Strait of Hormuz: Akab Island, United Arab Emirates; Vincent Charpentier, Hunter-gatherers of the “empty quarter of the early Holocene” to the last Neolithic societies: chronology of the late prehistory of south-eastern Arabia (8000–3100 BC); Yahya Asiri, Relative clauses in the dialect of Rijal Alma’ (south-west Saudi Arabia); Yosef Tobi, Sālôm (Sālim) al-Sabazī’s (seventeenth-century) poem of the debate between coffee and qāt; Zaydoon Zaid & Mohammed Maraqten, The Peristyle Hall: remarks on the history of construction based on recent archaeological and epigraphic evidence of the AFSM expedition to the Awām temple in Mārib, Yemen
University of British Columbia Press Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada
With contributions from some of Canada’s leading historians, political scientists, geographers, anthropologists, and sociologists, this collection examines the transnational practices and identities of immigrant and ethnic communities in Canada. It looks at why members of these groups maintain ties with their homelands -- whether real or imagined -- and how those connections shape individual identities and community organizations. How does transnationalism establish or transform geographical, social, and ideological borders? Do homeland ties affect what it means to be “Canadian”? Do they reflect Canada’s commitment to multiculturalism? Through analysis of the complex forces driving transnationalism, this comprehensive study focuses attention on an important, and arguably growing, dimension of Canadian social life.This is the first collection in Canada to provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary examination of transnationalism. It will appeal to scholars and students interested in issues of immigration, multiculturalism, ethnicity, and settlement.
MIT Press Leibniz on Binary
Human Kinetics Publishers Essentials of Youth Fitness
ACSM’s Essentials of Youth Fitness takes the guesswork out of training youths. Previously, professionals have looked at children as just miniature adults. Now you’ll be armed with the tools to training young people on motor skill development, strength and power, aerobic and anaerobic development and speed and agility training. ;;Packed with case studies, coaching cues, research updates and teaching tips, the text explains how to apply the concepts of paediatric exercise science. Integrative programme design provides you with effective programmes that maximise creativity, engagement and fun. The text also covers issues such as the global epidemic of childhood obesity, long-term athlete development and the troubling rise of sport-related injuries in young athletes. ;;The organisation of Essentials of Youth Fitness has been designed in order to take you on a journey of learning and discovery. The first part introduces you to the fundamental concepts of paediatric exercise science. Part II includes chapters on the assessment of youth fitness and conducting warm-ups. The final section presents you with a collection of chapters that cover important modern-day topics in paediatric exercise science. ;;Essentials of Youth Fitness serves as a seminal resource that you refer back to again and again. It gives you the skills to prescribe and deliver exercise for young people.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Neoplatonic Philosophy: Introductory Readings
The most comprehensive collection of Neoplatonic writings available in English, this volume provides translations of the central texts of four major figures of the Neoplatonic tradition: Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus, and Proclus. The general Introduction gives an overview of the period and takes a brief but revealing look at the history of ancient philosophy from the viewpoint of the Neoplatonists. Historical background--essential for understanding these powerful, difficult, and sometimes obscure thinkers--is provided in extensive footnotes, which also include cross-references to other works relevant to particular passages.
University of the West Indies Press Essays on the Theory of Plantation Economy: An Institutional and Historical Approach to Caribbean Economic Development
This important book provides a fascinating insight into the conceptual underpinnings of the theory of plantation economy, initiated by Lloyd Best and Kari Levitt in the 1960s, as a basis for analysing the nature of the Caribbean economy. While acknowledging an intellectual debt to Latin American structuralists Raul Prebisch, Celso Furtado and Osvaldo Sunkel, and also to the work of Dudley Seers and William Demas, the authors develop an original and innovative analytical framework as a counter to more 'universalist' models which failed to take account of the Caribbean reality. Their work identifies the main features of the plantation economy as a hinterland characterised by subordination and dependency on the dominant metropole. Distinguishing between hinterlands of conquest, settlement and exploitation, Best and Levitt analyse the rules that determine this complex relationship with the metropole. Their economic theories are presented against a background of the historical factors that gave rise to the 'structural continuity' of Caribbean economies and which now impede meaningful structural transformation.
Boss Fight Books Resident Evil
Hal Leonard Corporation The Canadian Brass Christmas Carols: 15 Easy Arrangements
University of British Columbia Press Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada
With contributions from some of Canada’s leading historians, political scientists, geographers, anthropologists, and sociologists, this collection examines the transnational practices and identities of immigrant and ethnic communities in Canada. It looks at why members of these groups maintain ties with their homelands -- whether real or imagined -- and how those connections shape individual identities and community organizations. How does transnationalism establish or transform geographical, social, and ideological borders? Do homeland ties affect what it means to be “Canadian”? Do they reflect Canada’s commitment to multiculturalism? Through analysis of the complex forces driving transnationalism, this comprehensive study focuses attention on an important, and arguably growing, dimension of Canadian social life.This is the first collection in Canada to provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary examination of transnationalism. It will appeal to scholars and students interested in issues of immigration, multiculturalism, ethnicity, and settlement.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Stoics Reader: Selected Writings and Testimonia
This volume gathers together the most important evidence about Stoic thought surviving from the ancient world. It is an expanded version of the section on Stoicism in Inwood and Gerson's Hellenistic Philosophy, consolidating related texts into larger, more continuous selections, adding material on the skeptical attack on Stoicism, and a short section that introduces the reader to some of the more interesting texts on Stoic ethics from the Roman imperial period.Inwood and Gerson provide lucid, accurate translations, an Introduction that sets the works included in historical and philosophical context, a glossary of terms, a glossary of philosophers and philosophical sources, an index of passages translated, and a subject index.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Neoplatonic Philosophy: Introductory Readings
The most comprehensive collection of Neoplatonic writings available in English, this volume provides translations of the central texts of four major figures of the Neoplatonic tradition: Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus, and Proclus. The general Introduction gives an overview of the period and takes a brief but revealing look at the history of ancient philosophy from the viewpoint of the Neoplatonists. Historical background--essential for understanding these powerful, difficult, and sometimes obscure thinkers--is provided in extensive footnotes, which also include cross-references to other works relevant to particular passages.
McGraw-Hill Education Looseleaf for a History of Europe in the Modern World
University of South Carolina Press Ramblings of a Lowcountry Game Warden: A Memoir
This title features the career-spanning tales of a coastal crimefighter, ranging from the dangerous to the hilarious.Moise served with distinction as a South Carolina game warden for nearly a quarter century, patrolling the coastal woods and waters of the Palmetto State. In this colorful memoir, the cigar-chomping, ticket-writing scourge of lowcountry fish and game law violators chronicles grueling stakeouts, complex trials, hair-raising adventures, and daily interactions with a host of outrageous personalities. Along the way he paints a vivid and fluid portrait of evolving attitudes and changing regulations governing coastal conservation.In briskly paced accounts of episodes ranging from dangerous to humorous, he introduces a lively cast of watermen, lawyers, country judges, hunters, and poachers who animate the coastal environs and whose quirky personalities and foibles are the game warden's daily stock in trade. Moise's narrative highlights the working lives of commercial crabbers and shrimpers, the antics of overly enthusiastic fishermen, and the great lengths to which hunters will go in their quests for doves, ducks, and marsh hens. Moise also describes encounters with displaced ""urban wildlife,"" the coastal marijuana smuggling business, and his fellow game wardens.The memoir also features a foreword by Lloyd Newberry, celebrated hunter and senior editor of ""Sporting Classics Magazine"".
WW Norton & Co The Family Guide to Mental Health Care
The Family Guide to Mental Health Care is the first comprehensive print resource for the millions of people who have loved ones suffering from some kind of mental illness. In this book, families can find the answers to their most urgent questions. What medications are helpful and are some as dangerous as I think? Is there a way to navigate privacy laws so I can discuss my adult daughter’s treatment with her doctor? Is my teenager experiencing typical adolescent distress or an illness? From understanding depression, bipolar illness and anxiety to eating and traumatic disorders, schizophrenia, and much more readers will learn what to do and how to help.
Hardie Grant Explore Hand Luggage Only: Great Britain: Explore the Best Coastal Walks, Castles, Road Trips, City Jaunts and Surprising Spots Across England, Scotland and Wales
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Hellenistic Philosophy
This new edition of Hellenistic Philosophy--including nearly 100 pages of additional materia--offers the first English translation of the account of Stoic ethics by Arius Didymus, substantial new sources on Epicureanism, Stoicism, and Scepticism, expanded representation of Plutarch and Cicero, and a fuller presentation of papyrological evidence. Inwood and Gerson maintain the standard of consistency and accuracy that distinguished their translations in the first edition, while regrouping some material into larger, more thematically connected passages. This edition is further enhanced by a new, more spacious page design.
Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Tests and Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences
Concise basic information is provided on each of eighty-six instruments. Classified under thirty-two areas, the instruments range from Alienation to Teacher Attitudes/Beliefs. Presented in uniform format for quick reference and comparability.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Economics of Family Law
Those not learned in the economic arts believe that economics is either solely or essentially concerned with commercial relations. And, so it was, originally. Then, in the second half of the 20th century, economists began applying their minimalist but sturdy tools to other human activities such as marriage, child-bearing, crime, religion and social groups. In this spirit, the Research Handbook on the Economics of Family Law gives us a series of original essays by distinguished scholars in economics, law or both. The essays represent a variety of approaches to the field. Many contain extensive surveys of the literature with respect to the particular question they address. Some employ empirical economics, others are more narrowly legal. They have in common one thing: each scholar employs a core economic tool or insight to shed light on some aspect of family law and social institutions broadly understood. Topics covered include: divorce, child support, infant feeding, abortion access, prostitution, the decline in marriage, birth control and incentives for partnering. This comprehensive and enlightening volume will be a valuable reference for those interested in law and economics generally and family law in particular.Contributors: D.W. Allen, L.R. Cohen, S. Cunningham, K. Dickinson, A.W. Dnes, T. Green, M. Guldi, M. Hanlon, T.D. Kendall, J. Klick, R.I. Lerman, J. Price, B. Stevenson, T. Stratmann, A.L. Wax, J. Wolfers, J.D. Wright
The University of Chicago Press Gandhi: The Traditional Roots of Charisma
The Rudolphs' analysis reveals that Gandhi's charisma was deeply rooted in the aspects of Indian tradition that he interpreted for his time. They key to his political influence was his ability to realize in both his daily life and his public actions, cultural ideals that many Indians honored but could not enact themselves—ideals such as the traditional Hindu belief that a person's capacity for self-control enhances his capacity to control his environment. Appealing to shared expectations and recognitions, Gandhi was able to revitalize tradition while simultaneously breaking with some of its entrenched values, practices, and interests. One result was a self-critical, ethical, and inclusive nationalist movement that eventually led to independence.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Climate Change Disclosure & Financial Risk: Merits & Concerns
WW Norton & Co America in Vietnam: A Documentary History
Through a wide variety of documents—including newly opened presidential papers, congressional debates, military reports, treaties, and newspaper articles—the authors trace the origins of the war back to pre–World War II attitudes and then proceed through the development of the "domino theory" and the policies of Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon to the fall of South Vietnam in 1975. Each of the editors has written an introductory essay to place the documents in heir historical context. These essays explore the controversial questions raised by Vietnam—such as whether each president understood what he was getting into, whether (as some now charge) the media and public opinion undermined America's ability to win the war, whether official statements were intended to mislead the American people, and, most fundamentally, why America was in Vietnam.
D Giles Ltd The Triumph of Nature: Art Nouveau from the Chrysler Museum of Art
An exuberant, radical style, Art Nouveau blithely trampled many of the Victorian Age's orthodoxies of art and design. Exploding age-old strictures with its fanciful approach to furniture, graphic arts, jewellery, architecture and more, Art Nouveau also embraced new technologies and incorporated foreign stylistic flourishes. It was also unabashedly luxurious and sensual. The Triumph of Nature: Art Nouveau from the Chrysler Museum of Art brings together approximately 120 of the finest Art Nouveau treasures from the uncommonly rich holdings of the Chrysler Museum of Art, drawing primarily from the gifts of Walter P. and Jean Chrysler, whose homes were once the havens for these opulent treasures. Designing for a range of clients and settings including domestic interiors, innovative artists such as de Feure, Majorelle, and Galle fashioned their eclectic works to play off each other in harmonious visual arrangements, conceiving of Art Nouveau as an enveloping style. This stunningly illustrated comprehensive volume gathers a profusion of Art Nouveau works and accessories-furniture, paintings, sculpture, mosaics, books, posters, prints, lamps, glass, and other stunning objets d'art- all of them originally designed and coordinated to complement each other in elaborate ensembles. AUTHORS: Lloyd DeWitt is chief curator and Irene Leache Curator of European Art, Chrysler Museum of Art. Carolyn S. Needell is Barry Curator of Glass, Chrysler Museum of Art. Gabriel P. Weisberg is a leading scholar on Art Nouveau, and on nineteenth-century French art. SELLING POINTS: . Features over 150 beautiful and finely crafted examples of Art Nouveau furniture, decorative arts, and graphic arts, all highlights from a remarkable collection . Collection is exceptional for its quality and breadth . All the major figures of this pivotal artistic movement that thrived from the 1880sthrough the First World War are well represented including Hector Guimard, Emile Galle, Louis Majorelle, Alphonse Mucha and many others 197 colour illustrations
British Museum Press Luxury and power: Persia to Greece
An eye-opening publication that contrasts perceptions of luxury – together with its positive and negative connotations – in imperial Persia, democratic Athens and the Hellenistic world between 600 and 200 BCE. ‘Luxuriously illustrated’ – Asian Review of Books Luxurious objects are celebrated for their exoticism, rarity and style, but also disparaged as indulgent, extravagant and corrupt. The ancient origins of these attitudes emerged at the boundary between the imperial Persian and democratic Athenian Greek worlds. Luxury was at the centre of the royal Persian court and behaviours of ostentatious display rippled through the imperial provinces, whose elite classes emulated luxury objects in lesser materials. But luxury is contrastingly depicted through Athenian eyes – within the philosophical context of early democratic codes and the historical context of the Greco-Persian Wars, which suddenly and spectacularly brought eastern luxuries into the imagination of the Athenian populace for the first time. While Greek writers rejected luxury as eastern, despotic and corrupt, the Athenian elite adopted Persian luxuries in imaginative ways to signal status, distinction and prestige. Under the Macedonian empire of Alexander the Great and its subsequent kingdoms, royal Achaemenid luxury culture would later be adopted and displayed by the Macedonian and local elite across the Greek and Middle Eastern worlds: behaviours of ostentatious display were a means to seek advantage in the new Hellenistic world order. Ultimately, this publication demonstrates how competing political spins woven around 2,500 years ago still continue to shape modern perceptions of luxury today.
MP-WIS Uni of Wisconsin Rude and Barbarous Kingdom Russia in the Accounts of SixteenthCentury English Voyagers
Provides edited accounts of six English voyagers and their experiences in Muscovy Russia between 1553 and 1600. With modernised spelling and presentation, these accounts are accompanied by a glossary of Russian terms, introductions of their authors, and annotations that help put the travellers’ narratives into perspective.
Archaeopress Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 43 2013: Papers from the forty-sixth meeting, London, 13–15 July 2012
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 2012.
RAND The Impact of Water Supply Reductions on San Joaquin Valley Agriculture during the 1986-1992 Drought
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Pioneers of Law and Economics
The law and economics movement came of age in the second half of the 20th century and had a profound effect on both the scholarship and practice of law. The specially commissioned essays in this book honor the pioneering contributions of those who created the foundation of the modern law and economics enterprise. The editors of the volume embrace a view of the field that is inclusive not only of a broad range of issues, but also of economic methods. Celebrated here as the founding pioneers of law and economics is a remarkably varied collection of scholars: applied and theoretical micro-economists, founders of public choice economics, and legal scholars and judges. They include: Ronald Coase, Aaron Director, George Stigler, Armen Alchian, Harold Demsetz, Benjamin Klein, James Buchanan, Gordon Tullock, Henry Manne, Richard Posner, Gary Becker, William Landes, Richard Epstein, Guido Calabresi, Frank Easterbrook, Daniel Fischel, Steven Shavell and A. Mitchell Polinsky. Contributors to the volume include other pioneers, former students and clerks, colleagues, and influential scholars in the field.Scholars and students working in the tradition of law and economics, as well as those in the fields of economics, law and public policy will find the book an essential reference for this important area of scholarship.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Economics of Family Law
Those not learned in the economic arts believe that economics is either solely or essentially concerned with commercial relations. And, so it was, originally. Then, in the second half of the 20th century, economists began applying their minimalist but sturdy tools to other human activities such as marriage, child-bearing, crime, religion and social groups. In this spirit, the Research Handbook on the Economics of Family Law gives us a series of original essays by distinguished scholars in economics, law or both. The essays represent a variety of approaches to the field. Many contain extensive surveys of the literature with respect to the particular question they address. Some employ empirical economics, others are more narrowly legal. They have in common one thing: each scholar employs a core economic tool or insight to shed light on some aspect of family law and social institutions broadly understood. Topics covered include: divorce, child support, infant feeding, abortion access, prostitution, the decline in marriage, birth control and incentives for partnering. This comprehensive and enlightening volume will be a valuable reference for those interested in law and economics generally and family law in particular.Contributors: D.W. Allen, L.R. Cohen, S. Cunningham, K. Dickinson, A.W. Dnes, T. Green, M. Guldi, M. Hanlon, T.D. Kendall, J. Klick, R.I. Lerman, J. Price, B. Stevenson, T. Stratmann, A.L. Wax, J. Wolfers, J.D. Wright
Princeton University Press Values of Non-Atomic Games
The "Shapley value" of a finite multi- person game associates to each player the amount he should be willing to pay to participate. This book extends the value concept to certain classes of non-atomic games, which are infinite-person games in which no individual player has significance. It is primarily a book of mathematics--a study of non-additive set functions and associated linear operators. Originally published in 1974. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Wolters Kluwer Health BRS Pediatrics
Now featuring more than 400 board-style questions with complete answers and explanations, BSR Pediatrics, Second Edition prepares medical students for success in pediatric rotations, shelf exams, and the UMSLE Step 2 with a comprehensive overview of general and subspecialty pediatrics presented in the popular Board Review Series outline format. Concise descriptions, clinical correlations, numerous figures, and nearly 100 tables detail the essentials of pediatrics, accompanied by case-based review questions at the end of each chapter and a comprehensive end-of-book exam to build test-taking confidence and help your students excel in clerkship. Board Review Series outline format distills essential information in a manageable, student-friendly presentation. Thoroughly revised content reflects the latest advances in general and subspecialty pediatrics. Expanded question banks at the end of each chapter test comprehension and identify areas of weakness. Expanded end-of-book comprehensive examination with detailed answers and rationales readies students for the rigors of the exam experience. eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
Nova Science Publishers Inc Computer Animation
MP-NMX Uni of New Mexico The Yazzie Case Building a Public Education System for Our Indigenous Future
The story of Wilhelmina Yazzie and her son’s effort to seek adequate education in New Mexico schools revealed an educational system with poor policy implementation, inadequate funding, and piecemeal reform. In this collection of essays, contributors cover the background and significance of the lawsuit and its impact on racial and social politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Clinical Tuberculosis
Entirely updated and revised, the 6th edition of Clinical Tuberculosis continues to provide the TB physician with a definitive and erudite account of the latest techniques in diagnosis, treatment and control of TB, including an overview of the latest guidelines from the CDC and WHO. With an increased emphasis on the clinical aspects and treatment, this book will be an invaluable resource to the TB practitioner in public health or clinical practice and an ideal reference to laboratory staff. Key Features Completely updated and reorganized Includes brand new chapters on radiology and an overview of the latest WHO, ATS/CDC/IDSA, ERS, NICE, CTS and IUATLD guidelines Clinically focused to provide up-to-date guidance on diagnosis, treatment and control Edited by three renowned experts in the field of tuberculosis
Island Press Energy: Science, Policy, and the Pursuit of Sustainability
During the past year, energy prices have fluctuated wildly, from historic highs in the winter and spring to the lowest wholesale prices in decades a few short months later. As the largest user of fossil-fuel energy, the United States is the key player in the world's energy markets, and our nation's energy policy (or lack thereof) has become a subject of increasing concern. Energy: Science, Policy, and the Pursuit of Sustainability is an essential primer on energy, society, and the environment. It offers an accessible introduction to the "energy problem" - its definition, analysis, and policy implications. Current patterns of energy use are without question unsustainable over the long term, and our dependence on fossil fuels raises crucial questions of security and self-sufficiency. This volume addresses those questions by examining the three broad dimensions of the issue: physical, human, and political-economic. Chapters consider: - the laws of nature and the impacts of energy use on our physical and ecological life-support systems - the psychological, social, and cultural factors that determine how we use energy - the role of government actions in adjusting costs, influencing resource consumption, and protecting the environment - how markets work, and the reasons and cures for market failures in responding to long-term environmental and energy problems Energy links energy use with key environmental issues of population, consumption, and pollution and offers readers a range of material needed for an informed policy perspective.
Pearson Education Limited Principles of Marketing
Create market value through innovative customer connections and engagement. Principles of Marketing, 8th European Edition, by Kotler et al. covers a wide range of theoretical concepts and practical issues, accurately reflecting the fast-moving pace of marketing in the modern world. Ideal for both undergraduate and postgraduate marketing programmes, this textbook examines traditional aspects of marketing and blends them with modern and future concepts. This European Edition presents fundamental marketing information within an innovative customer-value framework to help you understand how to create value and build customer relationships. Key features for this edition include: A wealth of examples, illustrating how companies use new digital technologies to maximise customer engagement Improved learning design with chapter-opening stories, clear learning outcomes and explanatory author comments on major chapter sections New end-of-chapter case studies and video cases help you apply your learning to actual companies In a fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace, it is more vital than ever for marketers to develop meaningful connections with their customers. This textbook helps you master today's key marketing challenge: to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers who make products and brands an integral part of their daily lives.
Shelter Publications Inc.,U.S. The Septic System Owner's Manual