Search results for ""Author KENT""
Stanford University Press The Making of Northeast Asia
Northeast Asia, where the interests of three major nuclear powers and the world's two largest economies converge around the unstable pivot of the Korean peninsula, is a region rife with political-economic paradox. It ranks today among the most dangerous areas on earth, plagued by security problems of global importance, including nuclear and missile proliferation. Yet, despite its insecurity, the region has continued to be the most rapidly growing on earth for over five decades—and it is emerging as an identifiable economic, political, and strategic region in its own right. As the locus of both economic growth and political-military uncertainty in Asia has moved further to the Northeast, a need has developed for a book that focuses analytically on prospects for Northeast Asian cooperation within the context of both Asia and the Asia-Pacific regional relationship. This book does exactly that, while also offering a more general theory for Asian institution building.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Civil Engineer's Handbook of Professional Practice
A well-written, hands-on, single-source guide to the professional practice of civil engineering There is a growing understanding that to be competitive at an international level, civil engineers not only must build on their traditional strengths in technology and science but also must acquire greater mastery of the business of civil engineering. Project management, teamwork, ethics, leadership, and communication have been defined as essential to the successful practice of civil engineering by the ASCE in the 2008 landmark publication, Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century (BOK2). This single-source guide is the first to take the practical skills defined by the ASCE BOK2 and provide illuminating techniques, quotes, case examples, problems, and information to assist the reader in addressing the many challenges facing civil engineers in the real world. Civil Engineer's Handbook of Professional Practice: Focuses on the business and management aspects of a civil engineer's job, providing students and practitioners with sound business management principles Addresses contemporary issues such as permitting, globalization, sustainability, and emerging technologies Offers proven methods for balancing speed, quality, and price with contracting and legal issues in a client-oriented profession Includes guidance on juggling career goals, life outside work, compensation, and growth From the challenge of sustainability to the rigors of problem recognition and solving, this book is an essential tool for those practicing civil engineering.
Harvest Publications Faith, Family & the Feast: Recipes to Feed Your Crew from the Grill, Garden, and Iron Skillet
Pearson Education (US) Legal Terminology
For courses in business law.More than 1,500 legal terms in context, with extensive practiceLively and easy to read, Legal Terminology introduces students to more than 1,500 legal terms, contextualized within the legal field. Styled like a workbook, the text promotes active learning through a concise, engaging presentation of narratives, definitions, study aids, and application activities. The 7th edition has been revised to improve accuracy and currency. It includes a new chapter on the Uniform Commercial Code, new material on e-Contracts and cyber law, and new features demonstrating the practical application of legal terms.
Pearson Education (US) Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change
“In this second edition of Extreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck organizes and presents five years’ worth of experiences, growth, and change revolving around XP. If you are seriously interested in understanding how you and your team can start down the path of improvement with XP, you must read this book.” — Francesco Cirillo, Chief Executive Officer, XPLabs S.R.L. “The first edition of this book told us what XP was—it changed the way many of us think about software development. This second edition takes it farther and gives us a lot more of the ‘why’ of XP, the motivations and the principles behind the practices. This is great stuff. Armed with the ‘what’ and the ‘why,’ we can now all set out to confidently work on the ‘how’: how to run our projects better, and how to get agile techniques adopted in our organizations.” — Dave Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmers LLC “This book is dynamite! It was revolutionary when it first appeared a few years ago, and this new edition is equally profound. For those who insist on cookbook checklists, there’s an excellent chapter on ‘primary practices,’ but I urge you to begin by truly contemplating the meaning of the opening sentence in the first chapter of Kent Beck’s book: ‘XP is about social change.’ You should do whatever it takes to ensure that every IT professional and every IT manager—all the way up to the CIO—has a copy of Extreme Programming Explained on his or her desk.” — Ed Yourdon, author and consultant “XP is a powerful set of concepts for simplifying the process of software design, development, and testing. It is about minimalism and incrementalism, which are especially useful principles when tackling complex problems that require a balance of creativity and discipline.” — Michael A. Cusumano, Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management, and author of The Business of Software “ Extreme Programming Explained is the work of a talented and passionate craftsman. Kent Beck has brought together a compelling collection of ideas about programming and management that deserves your full attention. My only beef is that our profession has gotten to a point where such common-sense ideas are labeled ‘extreme.’...” — Lou Mazzucchelli, Fellow, Cutter Business Technology Council “If your organization is ready for a change in the way it develops software, there’s the slow incremental approach, fixing things one by one, or the fast track, jumping feet first into Extreme Programming. Do not be frightened by the name, it is not that extreme at all. It is mostly good old recipes and common sense, nicely integrated together, getting rid of all the fat that has accumulated over the years.” — Philippe Kruchten, UBC, Vancouver, British Columbia “Sometimes revolutionaries get left behind as the movement they started takes on a life of its own. In this book, Kent Beck shows that he remains ahead of the curve, leading XP to its next level. Incorporating five years of feedback, this book takes a fresh look at what it takes to develop better software in less time and for less money. There are no silver bullets here, just a set of practical principles that, when used wisely, can lead to dramatic improvements in software development productivity.” — Mary Poppendieck, author of Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit “Kent Beck has revised his classic book based on five more years of applying and teaching XP. He shows how the path to XP is both
Hodder & Stoughton The Suspect: A contributing source for the film Richard Jewell
**A contributing source for the film Richard Jewell, directed by Clint Eastwood**On July 27, 1996, a hapless former cop turned hypervigilant security guard named Richard Jewell spotted a suspicious bag in Atlanta's Centennial Olympic Park, the town square of the 1996 Summer Games. Inside was a bomb, the largest of its kind in FBI and ATF history. Minutes later, the bomb detonated amid a crowd of fifty thousand people. But thanks to Richard Jewell, it only wounded 111 and killed two, not the untold scores who would have otherwise died. With the eyes of the world on Atlanta, the Games continued. But the pressure to find the bomber was intense. Within seventy-two hours, Richard went from the hero to the FBI's main suspect. The news leaked and the intense focus on the guard forever changed his life. The worst part: It let, Eric Rudolph, the true bomber roam free to strike again. What really happened that evening during the Olympic Games? The attack left a mark on American history, but most of what we remember is wrong. In a triumph of reporting and access in the tradition of the best investigative journalism, former U.S. Attorney Kent Alexander and former Wall Street Journal reporter Kevin Salwen reconstruct all the events leading up to, during, and after the Olympic bombing from mountains of law enforcement evidence and the extensive personal records of key players, including Jewell himself. The Suspect, the culmination of more than five years of reporting, is a gripping story of the rise of domestic terrorism in America, the advent of the 24/7 news cycle, and an innocent man's fight to clear his name.
Rowman & Littlefield U.S. National Security and Foreign Policymaking After 9/11: Present at the Re-creation
In December 2004 the 109th Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Intelligence Prevention Act (IRTPA). M. Kent Bolton argues that IRTPA represented a change in the trajectory of U.S. national-security policy-the first fundamental, demonstrable change since the 1947 National Security Act (1947 NSA) became law creating a unified U.S. Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Council, among other entities. As the 1947 NSA presaged a new era of U.S. policymaking, so too did the IRTPA. As such the IRTPA represents an extraordinarily important piece of legislation for students and scholars of U.S. foreign and national-security policy. The author documents how and why it became law and how it has affected policymaking. He further argues that the changes begun by 9/11 and memorialized by IRTPA will likely affect U.S. national-security policymaking for decades if not generations.
SDC Publications Ansys Workbench Tutorial Release 2024
Edinburgh University Press Prisons in the Late Ottoman Empire: Microcosms of Modernity
Revises Western images of Ottoman prisons as sites of Oriental brutalityRead
Princeton University Press Embattled Garrisons: Comparative Base Politics and American Globalism
The overseas basing of troops has been a central pillar of American military strategy since World War II--and a controversial one. Are these bases truly essential to protecting the United States at home and securing its interests abroad--for example in the Middle East-or do they needlessly provoke anti-Americanism and entangle us in the domestic woes of host countries? Embattled Garrisons takes up this question and examines the strategic, political, and social forces that will determine the future of American overseas basing in key regions around the world. Kent Calder traces the history of overseas bases from their beginnings in World War II through the cold war to the present day, comparing the different challenges the United States, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union have confronted. Providing the broad historical and comparative context needed to understand what is at stake in overseas basing, Calder gives detailed case studies of American bases in Japan, Italy, Turkey, the Philippines, Spain, South Korea, the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Iraq. He highlights the vulnerability of American bases to political shifts in their host nations--in emerging democracies especially--but finds that an American presence can generally be tolerated when identified with political liberation rather than imperial succession. Embattled Garrisons shows how the origins of basing relationships crucially shape long-term prospects for success, and it offers a means to assess America's prospects for a sustained global presence in the future.
Guilford Publications Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Blending RTI and PBIS
Many schools have implemented academic response to intervention (RTI) and schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) as separate initiatives. This book provides keys to making these programs more effective, seamless, efficient, and sustainable by combining them into a single multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). Steps and strategies are outlined for integrating data structures, practices, teams, and district systems. Contributing authors present detailed case examples of successful MTSS implementation in three states. In a large-size format, the book features 27 reproducible checklists and evaluation tools. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download and print the reproducible materials plus other helpful resources. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Copenhagen Business School Press China Business ABC: The China Market Survival Kit
McGraw-Hill Education The Art of Leadership ISE
The Art of Leadership is based on two ideas: 1. Leadership will take place to the extent the leader cares about the work to be done. Equally important, the leader must care about people. Neither of these qualities is sufficient without the other, and neither can be false. People know when the leader cares. When the leader is committed to the task and is concerned about people, these qualities serve as magnets and motivators to followers, and their potential for achievement becomes enormous.2. Leadership is an art that can be developed through mastery of nine key areas of success. The successful leader must possess knowledge and skills in the following areas: understanding leadership variables, the power of vision, the importance of ethics, the empowerment of people, leadership principles, understanding people, multiplying effectiveness, developing others, and performance management. The difference between most other leadership texts and the Art of Leadership can be compared to the difference between a lecture and seminar. Although both are good educational vehicles, the lecture is better for conveying large amounts of information, while the seminar is better for developing skills and attitudes. A good lecture is interesting and builds knowledge, while a good seminar is stimulating and builds competency. Without sacrificing either theoretical foundation or important content, the 6th edition of The Art of Leadership emphasizes the interactive, seminar approach to learning. The 7th edition remains reader-centered, research-based, practical, and personalized. The Instructor Resources for the 7th edition have been vastly enhanced, including the PowerPoint and test bank.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Faith of Elvis
Behind the glamour and the crowds. Beyond the movies and the records. Apart from all who knew him, wanted to know him, or just wanted to be near him.Billy Stanley knew Elvis Presley as a brother—and as a man of deep faith. From the day Billy Stanley arrived at Graceland and received a bear hug from the King of Rock and Roll to the last conversation they ever had, one thing stayed the same: Elvis’s passion for sharing God’s love with as many people he could.In The Faith of Elvis,Billy illuminates Elvis’s Christian journey—from the notes Elvis made in his beloved Bible to his struggles with sin as his fame increased to his remarkable generosity toward fans and movie stars alike.Through this first-hand account, you will find touching family stories of the Elvis that pop culture doesn’t know; a keen look into how Elvis intricately wove his faith into every part of his life; insights into the ups-and-downs the four brothers experienced while at home and on the road together; and examples of Elvis’s profound influence on others—from those closest to him to his cherished fans and, ultimately, the world at large. Here you will find your own faith strengthened and your heart turned more toward heaven—or as Elvis would say, toward the only true King.Includes a photo insert and discussion and reflection questions for group or individual use.
McGraw-Hill Education Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic: Inside One of the World's Most Admired Service Organizations
The leader’s guide to building a service powerhouse using the approach that made Mayo Clinic the #1 Hospital in AmericaMayo Clinic is among the best service organizations in the world. It fosters a culture that exceeds customer expectations and earns deep loyalty from both customers and employees. This classic business guide explains the methods behind Mayo Clinic’s success and delivers universal lessons to business leaders in any service organization. Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic provides a close examination of the operating principles guiding every management decision at this legendary institution. The authors explain how the Clinic implements and maintains its strategy, adheres to its management system, executes its care model, and embraces new knowledge. Each chapter concludes with a section titled “Lessons for Managers.”You’ll learn how to apply the Clinic’s winning methods to your own organization: business concepts that produce stellar results, effective organizational efficiency, and world-class interpersonal service.
Sports Publishing LLC Tales from the Minnesota Twins Dugout: A Collection of the Greatest Twins Stories Ever Told
In this newly revised edition, Twins superstar Kent Krbek relives his journey from homegrown dreamer to major league superstar. He recounts all the unforgettable moments from on the field and in the locker room, including stories of Kirby Puckett, Tom Brunansky, Tom Kelly, Harmon Killibrew, and more.Imagine a story in which a young man grows up so close to a major-league ballpark that he can see the stadium lights from his front yard. He pretends to be the team’s star during neighborhood ball games and fantasizes about one day playing for his hometown team. Stop imagining. Kent Hrbek made those childhood dreams come true.Hrbek played fourteen seasons for the franchise, helping the club win two World Series titles. His jersey has been retired by the Twins, hanging alongside the likes of Tony Oliva, the hitter he emulated as a child. It is a fairytale story. But it’s only one part of this newly revised edition of Tales From the Minnesota Twins Dugout. Within these pages, readers will find the story of players’ hopes, realities, and unforgettable moments. Enjoy the humorous tales of pranks pulled by Hrbek and his zany teammates, taste the victory as the Twins take home two World Series titles. Savor the story of the hometown hero who remains to this day fiercely loyal to his Twins. A must-have for any Minnesota fan.Whether you are a New York Yankees fan or hail from Red Sox nation; whether you are a die-hard Green Bay Packers or Dallas Cowboys fan; whether you root for the Kentucky Wildcats, Louisville Cardinals, UCLA Bruins, or Kansas Jayhawks; whether you route for the Boston Bruins, Toronto Maple Leafs, Montreal Canadiens, or Los Angeles Kings; we have a book for you. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, Sports Publishing is committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Mariner Books The Last Negroes at Harvard: The Class of 1963 and the 18 Young Men Who Changed Harvard Forever
Winward Publishing What Happens to Me When I Fish the Sea and a Fish Catches Me
Taylor & Francis Ltd Emergency Law: Volume II
The essays selected for this volume provide a comprehensive overview of the philosophical, ethical, historical, legal and practical issues in the diverse field of emergency law. The essays focus on terrorist attacks and natural disasters and highlight the roles of a vast variety of actors, such as the military, fire services, health services, police, volunteers and many more. The volume reveals legislative trends in emergency law by combining different national, international and comparative legal perspectives on a number of different types of emergency situations. In addition, essays taken from a practitioner perspective provide insight into civilian and military emergency management on the ground and the frequently reoccurring legal challenges. By comparing different national approaches to emergency law and emergency management, this collection of essays goes beyond the narrow view of one political system and draws instructive conclusions relating to the similarities and differences between a variety of common law and civil law systems and constitutional set-ups.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Robbery and Redemption: Cancer as Identity Theft
First Published in 2017. This volume is a totally candid account about the facts and feelings surrounding the diagnosis of and battle against lung cancer—a battle the author waged with every ounce of his being. It has an enlightening quality because he shares how he transformed his previous knowledge of family dynamics, coping strategies, and empowerment into wisdom. He shares his journey of taking the knowledge from the Before Cancer phase of his life, “and like an alchemist, converting one raw material—his life and his diagnosis and battle—into an element quite unlike the original. Robbery and Redemption: Cancer as Identity Theft is chock-full of wisdom that has been learned the old fashioned, visceral way—from lived experience and keen reflection. This personal, upfront, “rubber-hit-the-road” treatise is a gift from the author to each reader. It is his wise interpretation of his own experiences of integrating values, problem solving, and coping strategies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The British World: Diaspora, Culture and Identity
This collection of essays is based upon the assumption that the British Empire was held together not merely by ties of trade and defence, but by a shared sense of British identity that linked British communities around the globe. Focusing on the themes of migration, identity and the media, this book is an exploration of these and other interconnected themes that help define the British World of the late 19th and 20th centuries.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Portfolio Management: How University of Kansas Students Generate Alpha to Beat the Street
When investment professional Kent McCarthy returned to teach at his alma mater, the University of Kansas, he planted the seeds for the Applied Portfolio Management (APM) program—a course that allows students to manage a real money portfolio, which has compiled a remarkable record of investment success. Now, with this book, you’ll discover how to use the concepts covered in this class—from understanding the fundamental drivers of business success to buying at the right price—to enhance your own investment skills.
Columbia University Press Conservation of Neotropical Forests: Working from Traditional Resource Use
The destruction of tropical forests is intimately intertwined with the fate of the rural poor who rely on this resource for their livelihood. Conservation of Neotropical Forests provides important information for understanding the interactions of forest peoples and forest resources in the lowland tropics of Central and South America. This interdisciplinary study features experts from both the natural and social sciences to illuminate the present dilemma of conserving neotropical resources. These contributors-who are responsible for some of the most promising work in cultural and biodiversity conservation-investigate the patterns of traditional resource use, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of existing research, and explore innovative directions for furthering the interdisciplinary conservationist agenda.
Canongate Books Neither Wolf Nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder
With an introduction by Robert PlantAgainst an unflinching backdrop of 90s reservation life in the western Dakotas, Neither Wolf Nor Dog tells the story of two men, one white and one Native American Indian, connected by their own understandings of life yet struggling to find a common voice. As they journey together through small Native American Indian towns and down forgotten roads where the whisperings of the wind speak of ancestral voices, these two men will travel beyond myth and stereotype, revealing an America few people ever get to see.
Skyhorse Publishing The Case Against Masks: Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should be Limited
Do we really need to wear masks? From the New York Times Bestselling authors of Plague of Corruption comes the must-read guide on masks and re-opening following the COVID-19 pandemic.THE CASE AGAINST MASKS is the book all America needs to be reading as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Written by New York Times bestselling authors Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively, this book reviews the evidence for and against widespread public masking as provided by the Centers for Disease Control and the Mayo Clinic, as well as top scientific publications such as the New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet. This debate needs to take place without fear and paranoia. Important questions raised in this book are the effect of masks on oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, how SARS-CoV-2 spreads, the effectiveness of various types of masks, those who are most vulnerable to COVID-19, and whether our children should go back to school in the fall, and if so, what measures they should take.The authors' previous book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, was the runaway science bestseller of 2020, and the authors bring that same passion and attention to detail to the mask question. As politicians and bureaucrats of all stripes are weighing in on this question, with some placing their cities and states under mandatory masking provisions, we need to understand the science behind their decisions. Are such measures a reasonable response to current circumstances, or is it a dramatic overreach, which in many cases might make the situation even worse? America desperately needs this public conversation to take place with the best science we have available. As Americans have always done during difficult times, we must summon the courage to have these challenging conversations.
Arcadia Publishing Historic Downtown Cincinnati
Fordham University Press Negative Ecstasies: Georges Bataille and the Study of Religion
Despite Georges Bataille’s acknowledged influence on major poststructuralist thinkers—including Foucault, Derrida, Kristeva, Lacan, Baudrillard, and Barthes—and his prominence in literary, cultural, and social theory, rarely has he been taken up by scholars of religion, even as issues of the sacred were central to his thinking. Bringing together established scholars and emerging voices, Negative Ecstasies engages Bataille from the perspective of religious studies and theology, forging links with feminist and queer theory, economics, secularism, psychoanalysis, fat studies, and ethics. As these essays demonstrate, Bataille’s work bears significance to contemporary questions in the academy and vital issues in the world. We continue to ignore him at our peril.
Taylor & Francis Inc Creativity in Psychotherapy: Reaching New Heights with Individuals, Couples, and Families
Examine the dynamic role of creativity in therapy! Creativity in Psychotherapy: Reaching New Heights with Individuals, Couples, and Families examines the nature, role, and importance of creative thinking in counseling and therapy. Authors David K. Carson and Kent W. Becker combine extensive backgrounds in marriage and family therapy and counseling to give you a unique resource that fills a crucial gap in the therapy literature. The book explores various aspects of creative thinking, personal characteristics of highly creative therapists, creative techniques and interventions, barriers to creative work, and creativity development. Not designed as a cookbook for conducting therapy, Creativity in Psychotherapy features practical techniques and interventions for conducting therapy with children, adults, couples, and families. Creativity in Psychotherapy: Reaching New Heights with Individuals, Couples, and Families is a much-needed response to the need for a pragmatic approach that makes sense, using methods, techniques, and applications based in respected, established theoretical principles and empirical research. The book establishes a mind-set the therapist can use to work with clients in discovering creative solutions, instead of viewing creative interventions as a grab bag of techniques. Creativity in Psychotherapy includes: a look at the various dimensions of creativity in counseling and psychotherapy an overview of the relationship between creativity and healthy functioning an examination of the connection between creativity and dysfunction a review of the role of creativity in supervision a survey of 142 therapists in the United States on the use of creativity in their practices in-depth discussions, practical examples, and illustrations Creative Incubation and Break Out of The Box exercises in each chapter! Creativity in Psychotherapy: Reaching New Heights with Individuals, Couples, and Families is well-suited for use as a primary or supplemental textbook for graduate and undergraduate courses in marriage and family therapy, psychotherapy, and counseling, and can easily be adapted for use in social work, counselor education, and clinical psychology courses. The book is an essential read for practicing psychotherapists, family therapists, counselors, social workers, psychologists, and other human service professionals.
Harvard Business Review Press Being the Boss, with a New Preface: The 3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader
Are you the boss you need to be?You never dreamed being the boss would be so hard. You're caught in a web of conflicting expectations from your subordinates, from those above you, and from your peers and customers.You're not alone. As Harvard Business School's Linda Hill and manager and executive Kent Lineback reveal in Being the Boss, becoming an effective manager is a painful, difficult journey. It requires trial and error, endless effort, and slowly acquired personal insight. Many managers never complete the journey and instead just learn how to get by. At worst, they become terrible bosses.This essential book, now with a new preface, explains how to avoid that fate by mastering three imperatives: Manage yourself: Learn that management isn't about doing all the work on your own. It's about leading others to accomplish things with you as their guide. Manage your network: Understand how power and influence work in your organization, and build a network of mutually beneficial relationships to navigate your company's complex political environment Manage your team: Create a high-performing "we" out of all the "I's" who report to you. Packed with compelling stories and practical advice, Being the Boss is an indispensable guide not only for first-time managers but for all managers seeking to master the most daunting challenges of leadership.
New York University Press Critical Rhetorics of Race
According to many pundits and cultural commentators, the U.S. is enjoying a post-racial age, thanks in part to Barack Obama's rise to the presidency. This high gloss of optimism fails, however, to recognize that racism remains ever present and alive, spread by channels of media and circulated even in colloquial speech in ways that can be difficult to analyze. In this groundbreaking collection edited by Michael G. Lacy and Kent A. Ono, scholars seek to examine this complicated and contradictory terrain while moving the field of communication in a more intellectually productive direction. An outstanding group of contributors from a range of academic backgrounds challenges traditional definitions and applications of rhetoric. From the troubling media representations of black looters after Hurricane Katrina and rhetoric in news coverage about the Columbine and Virginia Tech massacres to cinematic representations of race in Crash, Blood Diamond, and Quentin Tarantino’s films, these essays reveal complex intersections and constructions of racialized bodies and discourses, critiquing race in innovative and exciting ways. Critical Rhetorics of Race seeks not only to understand and navigate a world fraught with racism, but to change it, one word at a time.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemical Measurements in Biological Systems
Techniques in Analytical Chemistry How to evaluate and validate data from chemical measurements in biological systems-a unique overview An understanding of chemical measurement processes in biological systems is essential to working in today's life-science and biotechnology industries. This work provides analysts and laboratory professionals with the fundamental knowledge and basic principles they need to tackle the measurement process in the real world. Rather than rehashing traditional analytical techniques, which can be problematic for biological samples, the book emphasizes the highly complex nature of biological systems through such topics as enzyme measurements, enzymes as reagents, immunochemical assays, and assay validation and quality control. It provides a complete overview of principles and methods proven useful in biological systems-from pH, buffers, and spectrophotometry to basic chromatographic techniques. With Chemical Measurements in Biological Systems as their guide, readers will understand the basic principles needed to: * Read and evaluate an assay method description * Choose the appropriate method from the vast array of available techniques * Modify and evaluate an existing method for specific needs * Set up and run biochemical assays * Use multistep problem-solving techniques * Evaluate the results of a given assay in a given matrix
Prospect Park Books Non-Essential Mnemonics: An Unnecessary Journey into Senseless Knowledge
CSIRO Publishing Incident Management in Australasia: Lessons Learnt from Emergency Responses
Emergency services personnel conduct their work in situations that are inherently dangerous. Large incidents such as bushfires, floods and earthquakes often pose hazards that are not fully understood at the time of management, and the situation may be further complicated by the involvement of multiple agencies. To promote the safety of personnel and of the broader community, incident management skills must be constantly developed.Incident Management in Australasia presents lessons learnt from managing major incidents at regional and state levels. It is not an academic work. Rather, it is a collection of stories from professionals on the ground and others who subsequently reviewed the events and gained significant knowledge and understanding through that process. Some stories are personal, capturing emotional impact and deep reflection, and others analytical, synthesising the findings of experience and inquests. All the stories relate to managing operational events and capture knowledge that no one person could gain in a single career.This book builds on current industry strategies to improve emergency responses. It will assist incident managers and those working at all levels of incident management teams, from Station Officer to Commissioner. It is highly readable and will also be of interest to members of the public with an appreciation for the emergency services.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Human Computer Interaction Set
Once, human-computer interaction was limited to a privileged few. Today, our contact with computing technology is pervasive, ubiquitous, and global. Work and study is computer mediated, domestic and commercial systems are computerized, healthcare is being reinvented, navigation is interactive, and entertainment is computer generated. As technology has grown more powerful, so the field of human-computer interaction has responded with more sophisticated theories and methodologies. Bringing these developments together, The Wiley Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction explores the many and diverse aspects of human-computer interaction while maintaining an overall perspective regarding the value of human experience over technology.
New World Library Native American Wisdom
Health Communications The Success Principles for Teens: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Everyone wants to be successful—and today's youth are no exception. After the massive success of Jack Canfield's The Success Principles, thousands of requests came rushing in to develop the most important success strategies for today's teenagers. Their calls have been answered. Even though many teens are urged to get good grades, many feel lost when it comes to setting powerful goals and creating the life they really want. Jack Canfield, cocreator of the famed Chicken Soup for the Soul series has teamed up with successful author and young entrepreneur Kent Healy to design a fun and engaging teen-friendly book that offers the timeless information and inspiration to get from where you are to where you really want to be. The Success Principles for Teens is a roadmap for every young person. It doesn't matter if your goal is to become a better student or athlete, start a business, make millions of dollars, or simply find guidance and direction, the principles in this book always work, if you work the principles. This is not merely a collection of 'good ideas.' This book includes twenty-three of the most important success strategies used by thousands of exceptional young people throughout history. With the right tools, anyone can be successful. This book will give teens the courage and the heart to get started and get ahead.
Harvest Publications A Taste of Cowboy: Ranch Recipes and Tales from the Trail
Mulholland Books Sympathy for the Devil
Pegasus Books I, John Kennedy Toole: A Novel
A rich new novel that explores the true story of A Confederacy Of Dunces and the remarkable life of its author, John Kennedy Toole.I, John Kennedy Toole is the novelized true story of the funny, tragic, riveting narrative behind the making of an American masterpiece. The novel traces Toole’s life in New Orleans through his adolescence, his stay at Columbia University in New York, his attempts to escape the burden of his demanding mother and his weak father, his retreat into a world of his own creation, and finally the invention of astonishing characters that came to living reality for both readers (and the author himself) in his prize-winning A Confederacy of Dunces. The other fascinating (and mostly unknown) part of the story is how after a decade of rebuke and dismissal the novel came to a brilliant author, Walker Percy, and a young publisher, Kent Carroll, who separately rescued the book, then published it with verve and devotion. The novel that almost never came to be went on to win a Pulitzer Prize and continues to sell at a satisfying rate as it winds its way to the 2 million mark. That audience is the happy ending for this brilliant, unrepentant writer, whose only reward before his untimely death was his unending belief in his work and his characters.“This novel tells the real-life story behind A Confederacy of Dunces, the cult classic that won a Pulitzer after Toole, its author, committed suicide. Carroll has a direct link to the material: He is the publisher who brought Toole’s book to light.” — New York Times “A boisterous fictional take on the life and career of author John Kennedy Toole. This love letter to Toole fans offers plenty of insights into the tragic literary figure.” — Publishers Weekly “Likable depiction of an ill-fated American master.” — Kirkus Reviews “The dramatization of publishing-world machinations is as fascinating as Toole’s life.” — Booklist “Every fan of A Confederacy of Dunces has read the Walker Percy foreword. We all thought we knew the story of how John Kennedy Toole’s novel found its way into readers’ hands after the author’s suicide. Boy, did we not know the story. Kent Carroll and Jodee Blanco’s brilliant non-fiction novel gives us the goods, and then some. Illuminating and devastating, triumphant and tragic, I, John Kennedy Toole tells the tale of a dream deferred, of genius ignored.” — David Benioff, New York Times bestselling author of City of Thieves and co-creator of HBO's Game of Thrones
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Economics of Banking
Economics of Banking is aimed at final year undergraduate, postgraduate and MBA students taking courses in banking. The text focuses on banking trends and operations in a microeconomic context, incorporating theoretical material with practical aspects of banking.
McGill-Queen's University Press Classical Music: Expect the Unexpected
How relevant is classical music today? The genre seems in danger of becoming nothing more than a hobby for the social elite. Yet Kent Nagano has another world in mind – one where everyone has access to classical music. In Classical Music: Expect the Unexpected the world-famous classical conductor tells the deeply personal story of his own engagement with the masterpieces and great composers of classical music, his work with the world's major orchestras, and his tireless commitment to bringing his music to everybody. Narrating his first childhood encounters with music's power to overcome social and ethnic boundaries, he celebrates an art form that has always taken part in debates about human values and societal developments. The constantly declining relevance of classical music in these disrupted times, he argues, not only impoverishes society from a cultural perspective but robs it of inspiration, wit, emotional depth, and a sense of community. Getting to grips with classical music's existential crisis, Nagano contends that it is too crucial to humanity's survival to be allowed to silently disappear from our everyday reality. In this moving autobiography, Kent Nagano makes a compelling plea for classical music that is as exhilarating as it is thought-provoking.
Harvard University Press The Creation of Inequality: How Our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery, and Empire
Our early ancestors lived in small groups and worked actively to preserve social equality. As they created larger societies, however, inequality rose, and by 2500 bce truly egalitarian societies were on the wane. In The Creation of Inequality, Kent Flannery and Joyce Marcus demonstrate that this development was not simply the result of population increase, food surplus, or the accumulation of valuables. Instead, inequality resulted from conscious manipulation of the unique social logic that lies at the core of every human group. A few societies allowed talented and ambitious individuals to rise in prestige while still preventing them from becoming a hereditary elite. But many others made high rank hereditary, by manipulating debts, genealogies, and sacred lore. At certain moments in history, intense competition among leaders of high rank gave rise to despotic kingdoms and empires in the Near East, Egypt, Africa, Mexico, Peru, and the Pacific. Drawing on their vast knowledge of both living and prehistoric social groups, Flannery and Marcus describe the changes in logic that create larger and more hierarchical societies, and they argue persuasively that many kinds of inequality can be overcome by reversing these changes, rather than by violence.
University of Toronto Press Voicing Identity: Cultural Appropriation and Indigenous Issues
Written by leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, Voicing Identity examines the issue of cultural appropriation in the contexts of researching, writing, and teaching about Indigenous peoples. This book grapples with the questions of who is qualified to engage in these activities and how this can be done appropriately and respectfully. The authors address these questions from their individual perspectives and experiences, often revealing their personal struggles and their ongoing attempts to resolve them. There is diversity in perspectives and approaches, but also a common goal: to conduct research and teach in respectful ways that enhance understanding of Indigenous histories, cultures, and rights, and promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Bringing together contributors with diverse backgrounds and unique experiences, Voicing Identity will be of interest to students and scholars studying Indigenous issues as well as anyone seeking to engage in the work of making Canada a model for just relations between the original peoples and newcomers.
Cambridge University Press Sir Earle Page's British War Cabinet Diary, 1941–1942: Volume 61
This account of Sir Earle Page's eight-month mission to London provides insights into Anglo-Australian, Anglo-Dominion and United States–Australian wartime relations during a crucial phase of the Second World War. It offers an understanding into the man himself: his thoughts about Australia during the war; his hopes for its future after the war; and the relations Page had with leading political figures, military officials, and policy-makers of the day. The diary revolves around interrelated themes: the battles to represent Australia in the British War Cabinet and to secure a larger share of lucrative wartime food contracts; and the future of Anglo-Australian relations in the Pacific as the United States asserted its dominance over its British ally. The ill-fated defence of Malaya/Singapore and the collapse of British prestige at the hands of the Japanese between December 1941 and May 1942 serves as a backcloth to Page's mission and its significance.
McGraw-Hill Education Entrepreneur to Millionaire: How to Build a Highly Profitable, Fast-Growth Company and Become Embarrassingly Rich Doing It
Are you ready to create serious wealth from your business for you and your employees?If you’re like most driven entrepreneurs and business leaders, you are either starting, or running a company that is barely scratching the surface of its growth and profit potential. How do you find the hidden “cash in the walls” and make the leap from ordinary business outcomes to retire-tomorrow, profit-rich results?America’s Revenue Growth® Architect Kent Billingsley has developed a proven methodology that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs and employees become millionaires or multimillionaires by radically changing the way they approach business growth. This methodology is repeatable, predictable, and scalable—and has been rigorously tested in startups and billion-dollar firms alike.In the paradigm-shifting guide Entrepreneur to Millionaire, Billingsley shows you how to double or triple sales, revenue, and profits through a four-phase process—Revenue Ready, Market Ready, Go to Market, and Own the Market—that has delivered explosive growth for his clients for nearly three decades. The best part? You don’t have to spend another dollar on marketing or hiring another salesperson, and you don’t have to slash costs to the bone. Creating wealth from your business is about generating more sales, revenues, and profits from every company asset you already have—from your contracts, clients, products, services, and even your store locations.With Entrepreneur to Millionaire, you and your team have what you need to turn a good business into a fast-growth, highly profitable company, deliver greater value to your customers, and become embarrassingly rich in the process.
University Press of Mississippi A Comics Studies Reader
A Comics Studies Reader offers the best of the new comics scholarship in nearly thirty essays on a wide variety of such comics forms as gag cartoons, editorial cartoons, comic strips, comic books, manga, and graphic novels.The anthology covers the pioneering work of Rodolphe Töpffer, the Disney comics of Carl Barks, and the graphic novels of Art Spiegelman and Chris Ware, as well as Peanuts, romance comics, and superheroes. It explores the stylistic achievements of manga, the international anti-comics campaign, and power and class in Mexican comic books and English illustrated stories.A Comics Studies Reader introduces readers to the major debates and points of reference that continue to shape the field. It will interest anyone who wants to delve deeper into the world of comics and is ideal for classroom use.
Great Smoky Mountains Association Hiking Trails of the Smokies