Search results for ""Author Hans Peter""
Peter Lang AG Nachschlagewerk Des Reichsgerichts - Gesetzgebung Des Deutschen Reichs: Zivilprozessordnung §§ 271-544
Peter Lang AG Nachschlagewerk Des Reichsgerichts - Gesetzgebung Des Deutschen Reichs: Zivilprozessordnung §§ 1-270
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Der Hund der Eier legt Erkennen von Fehlinformation durch Querdenken
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Groß und Außenhandel Band 03. Arbeitsbuch mit Lernsituationen Fachrichtung Außenhandel
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Lutherische Theologie in Aussereuropaischen Kontexten: Eine Zusammenschau Aus Anlass Des 500. Reformationsjubilaums
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization, Uncertainty and Women’s Careers: An International Comparison
Globalization, Uncertainty and Women's Careers assesses the effects of globalization on the life courses of women in thirteen countries across Europe and America in the second half of the 20th century.The book represents the first-ever longitudinal analysis of micro-level data from these OECD countries focusing exclusively on women's relationship to the labor market in a globalizing world. The contributors thoroughly examine women's employment entries, exits and job mobility and present evidence of women's increased labor market attachment and reduced employment quality in most of the countries studied. They also systematically consider the life course changes influenced by larger transformations in society and, in doing so, explicitly link the phenomena of globalization to individual women's lives in Europe and North America.Highlighting the consequences of specific national policies on women's lives, women's labor market participation, and demographic phenomena such as low fertility, this book will prove invaluable to academics, students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers seeking to understand the effects of international social change on national contexts and individual lives.
Stanford University Press Home Ownership and Social Inequality in Comparative Perspective
Although a strong indicator of social status, home ownership has rarely emerged as a topic in social inequality research. This book compares twelve countries—the United States, Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Israel—to determine the interdependence of social inequality and homeownership attainment over the life course. Examining countries that are similar with respect to socioeconomic development, but different in regard to their housing policies, the authors show that housing policies matter and are largely consistent with a country’s general approach in the provision of welfare. This book presents a valuable contribution to the social stratification literature, which traditionally has neglected the dimension of home ownership. It goes beyond most housing studies by adopting a life-course framework and longitudinal approach. The empirical findings provide evidence that in all countries under study—even those of the social democratic welfare regime type—labor market position matters in one’s chances to become a homeowner.
Juventa Verlag GmbH Dieter Wunder
Cornelsen Vlg Scriptor Schulmanagement Schule leiten von A bis Z Konferenzen Buch mit Kopiervorlagen ber Webcode
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH W plus V FOS Hessen FOS u. HBFS RheinlandPfalz Pflichtbereich 11 Wirtschaft und Verwaltung Arbeitsbuch
Nova Science Publishers Inc Postsocialist Transformations & Civil Society in a Globalizing World
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Christian Hansen: Frauen
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Das Grundgesetz. Dokumentation Seiner Entstehung / Band 13: Artikel 39 Bis 49
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Dresden: Herausgegeben Im Auftrag Der Evangelischen Landeskirche Sachsens
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Industriekaufleute 1. Ausbildungsjahr. Fachkunde mit Videos
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Hans-Peter Feldmann: "Ohne Worte" DVD
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Das Grundgesetz. Dokumentation Seiner Entstehung / Band 12: Artikel 38 Absatz 3. Teilband I
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Max Weber-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung
Max Weber, einer der Begründer der modernen Soziologie, hat ebenfalls ökonomische, historische, rechts- und religionswissenschaftliche Werke verfasst und wird – neben der Soziologie – in allen Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften breit rezipiert. Etliche von Weber geprägte Begriffe haben in den verschiedensten Bereichen ein vielfältiges Echo gefunden (z.B. Charisma, Entzauberung, Gesinnungs- und Verantwortungsethik, Lebensführung, Wertfreiheit etc.) – diese Begriffe werden im zweiten Teil des Handbuchs erklärt. Es setzt ein mit einem Kapitel über Leben und historischen Kontext. Der Hauptteil präsentiert alle Werke Webers sowie alle relevanten Werkgruppen. Ein Schlussteil diskutiert, in welchen Bereichen das Werk Webers heute noch aktuell ist (Arbeit, Lebensstil, Bürgerlichkeit etc.). – Für die zweite Auflage wurde der Band durchgesehen und aktualisiert sowie einige Beiträge ergänzt, z.B. Askese, Demokratie, Freiheit, Geltung, Intellektuelle, Individualismus, Tragik und Weltbild.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Bürgerliche Recht in 100 Leitentscheidungen: 100 höchstrichterliche Urteile mit Anregungen zur Vertiefung für Studium und Examen
Die berühmten 'Klassiker' sind der Grundstein für zahllose Klausuren und mündliche Prüfungen. Das Bürgerliche Recht in 100 Leitentscheidungen setzt die Schwerpunkte bei den höchstrichterlichen Entscheidungen zu den fünf Büchern des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches, die für das Verständnis zentral sind. Die für den heutigen Leser aufbereiteten Originalentscheidungen vermitteln Einblicke in die juristische Wirklichkeit jenseits abstrakter Lehrbücher. Vertiefungsfragen mit weiteren Nachweisen am Ende eines jeden Falles regen zum Nachdenken und zur Diskussion in privaten Arbeitsgemeinschaften an. Zugleich erleichtern sie Studienanfängern den Einstieg in die unverzichtbare Lektüre von Originalentscheidungen und liefern Examenskandidaten wichtige Hinweise.In der vorliegenden 7. Auflage sind 12 der 100 Leitentscheidungen durch neuere Urteile ersetzt worden; die gesamte Sammlung wurde durchgängig aktualisiert.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Max Oppenheimer: Expressionist of the first hour / Expressionist der ersten Stunde
Peter Lang AG Nachschlagewerk Des Reichsgerichts -Gesetzgebung Des Deutschen Reichs: Handelsgesetzbuch §§ 1-342
Verlag F'Ur Moderne Kunst Constantin Luser: Music Tames the Beast
Dr Ludwig Reichert Stone Age Sites and Their Natural Environment: The Capital Area of Northern Oman. Part III
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG männlich und weiblich schuf Er sie: Studien zur Genderkonstruktion und zum Eherecht in den Mittelmeerreligionen
Gott schuf den Menschen "männlich und weiblich" (Gen 1,27). Religionswissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen aus acht Ländern der Europäischen Union und rings um das Mittelmeer gehen der Wirkungsgeschichte dieser Juden, Christen und Muslimen gemeinsamen Vorstellung nach. Die Aufsätze behandeln die Auslegung und Wirkungsgeschichte dieser Vorstellung in den heiligen Schriften der drei Religionen - von der Hebräischen Bibel ëber das Neue Testament, den Talmud und Koran bis zum kabbalistischen Schrifttum - sowie in den religiösen und außerreligiösen Rechtstraditionen, der Halacha, der Scharia, dem Kirchenrecht sowie dem Codex Theodosianus und Justinianus.An markanten Beispielen wie etwa dem spätantiken Mönchtum, der Sklavengesetzgebung nach jëdischen Texten der Kairenser Genisa, der Heiratspolitik der Mamluken in Ägypten, der islamischen Kleidungsvorschriften oder dem frëhen christlichen Feminismus werden einige rechtliche und soziale Kontexte dieser Auslegung und die ihr entsprechende Praxis vorgestellt.Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Frauen- und Männerbilder ëberraschende inhaltliche und formale Übereinstimmungen und Parallelen, zugleich aber auch Divergenzen aufweisen, die vor allem mit den Wandlungsprozessen zusammenhängen, die Judentum, Christentum und Islam im Laufe ihrer Geschichte durchlaufen haben. Das letzte Kapitel des Bandes versammelt Beiträge zu diesen Transformationen der Genderkonstruktion und zum religiösen Eherecht.
Campus Verlag People at the Well: Kinds, Usages and Meanings of Water in a Global Perspective
"People at the Well" investigates habits, practices, and meanings of water through case studies from around the world. With its wide range and impressive diversity, this volume explores water practices in different cultures and shows that water is much more than a commodity, a resource, or a substance - it is a focal point that reflects local culture. By providing close scrutiny, the contributors explore and discover the fundamental differences and dynamics of various water-related practices and cultural phenomena.
Kohlhammer Die Entstehung Des Alten Testaments
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Aging Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies
This topical and timely analysis of late career and retirement within nine European societies and the USA examines how social inequality structures have developed in an era of globalization and aging populations. For several decades, many European societies relied on pushing and luring older workers out of employment by using generous early retirement programs in order to relieve national labor markets in times of globalization. However, as this book argues, one of the major challenges facing European and Northern American societies today is their severe demographic aging, which in turn places pension systems under substantial pressure due to the rising imbalance between those claiming pensions and those contributing to the pension system. Indeed, it is observed herein that in the recent past, governments have tried to increase the labor market attachment of older employees by retrenching early retirement benefits. This study investigates how these developments have impacted on the situation of older workers and retirees in nine European societies and the USA. In particular, the book looks at how social inequalities in later life have developed in the light of recent pension reforms.This informative book will appeal to sociologists, demographers, political scientists and economists interested in many different aspects of research including: international comparative research, globalization, labor market, welfare state, social inequality and research on aging. Researchers in the field of retirement and globalization studies will also find this book helpful, as will academics in labor market research and comparative political studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization, Uncertainty and Men’s Careers: An International Comparison
Globalization, argue the contributors to this book, has remarkably accelerated social and economic change in modern societies. One such change is manifested in the world of work and careers. This book explores whether the forces of globalization affect the erosion of standard career patterns of mid-career men in twelve OECD countries. Overwhelming evidence against the 'individualization of inequality' thesis is provided - it is argued that equality remains largely stratified by factors such as occupational class and educational level, and in some countries has even grown over time.The contributors illustrate that globalization appears to have influenced the rise of 'patchwork' careers in countries where workers have been increasingly less protected by institutional configurations. These countries include Denmark, Mexico, The Netherlands, the UK and the US, as well as post-socialistic countries such as Hungary, Estonia and the Czech Republic. Interestingly, there is no evidence that men's careers have become more erratic in Italy, Spain, Sweden or Germany. Nation-specific institutions, such as welfare regimes, education and training systems and employment relations remain key factors impacting on job mobility patterns. Using empirical evidence to demonstrate how different policy approaches impact on the employment careers of individuals, this book will be invaluable to academics, students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers seeking to understand the effects of international social change on national contexts.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality: An International Perspective
Recognizing that social change over recent decades has strengthened the need for early childhood education and care, this book seeks to answer what role this plays in creating and compensating for social inequalities in educational attainment. Compiling 13 cross-national and multidisciplinary empirical studies on three interrelated topics, this book explores how families from different social backgrounds decide between types of childcare, how important parental care and resources at home are for children's educational success and the consequences of early education and care for children's diverging educational destinies. Analysing a currently neglected area in sociological research, expert contributors employ the most recent country-specific longitudinal datasets in order to provide an up-to-date portrayal of the patterns and mechanisms of early educational inequality. With its extended analytical window ranging from short- to long-term educational outcomes this book will undoubtedly appeal to students and scholars in the fields of childcare, education, and social inequality. It also contains important suggestions and evidence for practitioners and policymakers trying to combat inequality in educational opportunities.Contributors include: M. Attig, H.-P. Blossfeld, S. Blömeke, A. Breinholt, Y. Brilli, M. Broekhuizen, S. Buchholz, J. Dämmrich, E. Dearing, D. Del Boca, A.-Z. Duvander, J. Erola, G. Esping-Andersen, E.C. Frede, A. Karhula, E. Kilpi-Jakonen, Y. Kosyakova, N. Kulic, P. Leseman, F. McGinnity, P. McMullin, T. Moser, H. Mulder, A. Murray, D. Piazzalunga, C. Pronzato, H.-G. Roßbach, H. Russell, J. Skopek, P. Slot, W. Steven Barnett, M. Triventi, S. van Schaik, J. Verhagen, I. Viklund, S. Wahler, S. Weinert, G. Yastrebov, H.D. Zachrisson
Bohlau Verlag Die Neue Universität zu Köln: Ihre Geschichte seit 1919
Bohlau Verlag The New University of Cologne: Its History from 1919
Theologischer Verlag Gastfreundschaft Und Gastrecht: Eine Universelle Kulturelle Tradition in Der Aktuellen Migrationsdebatte
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Education as a Lifelong Process: The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)
In modernen Wissensgesellschaften ist Bildung die zentrale Voraussetzung sowohl für die demokratische Teilhabe als auch für wirtschaftliches Wachstum und Wohlstand. Eine sich zunehmend rascher wandelnde, globalisierte Welt erfordert die Bewältigung neuer Anforderungen im privaten Leben und in der Berufs- und Arbeitswelt. Um mehr über den Bildungserwerb und seine Folgen für individuelle Lebensverläufe zu erfahren, um zentrale Bildungsprozesse und -verläufe über die gesamte Lebensspanne zu beschreiben und zu analysieren, wird in Deutschland aktuell das Nationale Bildungspanel aufgebaut.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Archaea: Evolution, Physiology, and Molecular Biology
Introduced by Crafoord Prize winner Carl Woese, this volume combines reviews of the major developments in archaeal research over the past 10–15 years with more specialized articles dealing with important recent breakthroughs. Drawing on major themes presented at the June 2005 meeting held in Munich to honor the archaea pioneers Wolfram Zillig and Karl O. Stetter, the book provides a thorough survey of the field from its controversial beginnings to its ongoing expansion to include aspects of eukaryotic biology. The editors have assembled articles from the premier researchers in this rapidly burgeoning field, including an account by Carl Woese of his original discovery of the Archaea (until 1990 termed archaebacteria) and the initially mixed reactions of the scientific community. The review chapters and specialized articles address the emerging significance of the Archaea within a broader scientific and technological context, and include accounts of cutting-edge research developments. The book spans archaeal evolution, physiology, and molecular and cellular biology and will be an essential reference for both graduate students and researchers.
Harrassowitz Codex Und Geltung
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Theoriegeschichte in systematischer Absicht: Wolfgang Schluchters "Grundlegungen der Soziologie" in der Diskussion
Wie kaum ein Zweiter hat Wolfgang Schluchter in seinem Grundlagenwerk Klassikerinterpretation mit Theoriebildung verknüpft. Was heißt "Theoriegeschichte in systematischer Absicht"? Wie sehen die Konturen dieses Forschungsprogramms aus? Welche Vorzüge, aber gegebenenfalls auch Grenzen weist dieses Programm auf? Das sind die zentralen Fragen, die im vorliegenden Band von namhaften Soziologen und Sozialtheoretikern diskutiert werden. Von der Auseinandersetzung mit den Klassikern der Gesellschaftstheorie wie Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim oder Niklas Luhmann führt diese Diskussion zur Frage nach der Bedeutung von historisch informierter, systematischer Theoriebildung in der Soziologie heute. Wie ist sie angesichts des heutigen vielfältigen Theorieangebots noch möglich? Mit einem Beitrag von Wolfgang Schluchter, in dem er eine mögliche Fortschreibung seiner Grundlegungen der Soziologie skizziert.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization, Uncertainty and Women’s Careers: An International Comparison
Globalization, Uncertainty and Women's Careers assesses the effects of globalization on the life courses of women in thirteen countries across Europe and America in the second half of the 20th century.The book represents the first-ever longitudinal analysis of micro-level data from these OECD countries focusing exclusively on women's relationship to the labor market in a globalizing world. The contributors thoroughly examine women's employment entries, exits and job mobility and present evidence of women's increased labor market attachment and reduced employment quality in most of the countries studied. They also systematically consider the life course changes influenced by larger transformations in society and, in doing so, explicitly link the phenomena of globalization to individual women's lives in Europe and North America.Highlighting the consequences of specific national policies on women's lives, women's labor market participation, and demographic phenomena such as low fertility, this book will prove invaluable to academics, students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers seeking to understand the effects of international social change on national contexts and individual lives.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Monsters and Borders in the Early Modern Imagination
This edited collection explores the axis where monstrosity and borderlands meet to reflect the tensions, apprehensions, and excitement over the radical changes of the early modern era. The book investigates the monstrous as it acts in liminal spaces in the Renaissance and the era of Enlightenment. Zones of interaction include chronological change – from the early New World encounters through the seventeenth century – and cultural and scientific changes, in the margins between national boundaries, and also cultural and intellectual boundaries.
Transcript Verlag Urban Life-Worlds in Motion: African Perspectives
Urban agglomerations host the most vital and creative societies. This applies particularly to Africa, where cities have the highest growth rates world-wide and where the urban population is younger than anywhere else. Urban life-worlds are the basis for the development of new lifestyles and new cultural phenomena. Based on empirical ethnographic research, this book presents case studies that enhance our understanding of the dynamics of urbanity in Africa and beyond - by envisioning cities as crossroads where cultures, biographies and networks meet.
Brill U Schoningh Politics, Society and Culture in Orthodox Theology in a Global Age
Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag Equids in the Ancient World: v. 2
Thieme Publishing Group Oral Pathology
A key tool in recognizing and diagnosing lesions of the oral cavity and face at the earliest possible stage. Peter A. Reichart, DDS, Professor, Center for Dentistry, Charite Clinic, Berlin, Germany; and Hans Peter Philipsen, DDS, Professor, San Pedro de Alcantara, Spain This newest volume in Thieme's world-acclaimed Color Atlas of Dental Medicine Series forges the crucial connection between clinical oral pathology and histopathologic examination to arrive at a precise and definitive diagnosis. You will find more than 1,000 exquisite, full-color illustrations that cover the spectrum of clinical, radiographic, and histopathologic findings. And in a unique benefit, the book follows the sequential steps of a typical clinical examination, offering you the practical approach you can most easily use. Special features: Offers a new understanding of the pathogenesis and etiology of oral lesions, with magnificent full-color photographs and illustrations Chapters organized by the anatomic configuration of the oral region that you would follow in a standard examination Covers dozens of diseases of the oral mucosa and face; TMJ disorders and diseases of the salivary glands; cancer and organ transplant-related syndromes; diagnosis and treatment of facial pain; and psychosomatic oral diseases Includes a dedicated chapter on the oral manifestations of HIV infection Complete with "diagnostic keys", a tabular section organized by color, surface structure and radiographic criteria of a wide range of oral lesions, the book is indispensable for establishing an "at-a-glance diagnosis" when you have a patient seeking immediate guidance. This book offers no less than a wholly new concept in the practice of dentistry today: a synthesis of clinical practice and oral pathology that puts dentists ever closer to clinical medicine. It allows you to recognize and diagnose lesions of the oral cavity and face at the earlier possible stage, and know when referral is required. Take advantage of the experience and knowledge of the two world-renowned authors and move your practice to a new level: order Oral Pathology today! (Color Atlas of Dental Medicine, Series Editors: Klaus H. Rateitschak, DDS, PhD, and Herbert E. Wolf, DDS)
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Productivity, Competitiveness and Incomes in Asia: An Evolutionary Theory of International Trade
The authors of this book link productivity change, trade competitiveness, networks of interaction and cooperation and income growth in developing Asian countries with the complex evolutionary processes of economic development and international trade. They take an innovative approach to simulating the complex micro-dynamics of competitiveness in order to distinguish those trade-related microeconomic dynamics and institutional reforms vital to leading countries out of institutional and poverty traps.Real competitiveness changes in six countries (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Thailand) are measured from 1991 to 2000 with detailed international export unit value comparisons, to detect structural changes towards technology and knowledge intensive goods in trade patterns. No significant structural change was detected in the six countries during that period. Evolutionary trade theory is presented in two models and is calibrated with transaction and trade data from West Bengal and Nepal. These reveal that lower transport costs - resulting from investment in transport and institutional reforms related to the investment and trade environment - result initially in small productivity differences that can be amplified in a non-linear evolutionary system and eventually lead to a spatial restructuring of the system, and to a structural change in the trade patterns. The models in this path-breaking book can be used to explore the impact of a variety of interventions and policies.Productivity, Competitiveness and Incomes in Asia will be of interest to academics and researchers in Asian Studies, industrial economics, evolutionary economics and international business development. The book will also appeal to policy makers responsible for economic growth.
Universitatsverlag Winter Comenius in Heidelberg: Student in Heidelberg - Lehrer Der Menschheit