Search results for ""Author Cesar""
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Poesía Completa. César Vallejo / Complete Poems. César Vallejo
Hodder & Stoughton Cesar's Way
'I rehabilitate dogs. I train people.' - Cesar Millan. In CESAR'S WAY, Cesar Millan - US dog expert and star of National Geographic Channel's hit show Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan - helps you see the world through the eyes of your dog so you can finally eliminate problem behaviours. You'll learn:· What your dog really needs may not be what you're giving him· Why a dog's natural pack instincts are the key to your happy relationship · How to relate to your dog on a canine level · There are no 'problem breeds', just problem owners · Why every dog needs a job · How to choose a dog who's right for you and your family · And much more! Filled with fascinating anecdotes about Cesar's long-term clients, and including forewords by the president of the International Association of Canine Professionals and film star Jada Pinkett Smith, this is the only book you'll need to forge a new, more rewarding connection with your four-legged companion.
Hodder & Stoughton Cesar's Rules
Your dog just doesn't seem to listen. You've been through obedience training, but he still can't seem to master the most basic commands. And nothing you do seems to prevent him from misbehaving. 'Clients usually come to me when their dogs are ruining their lives, not when they won't sit,' says Cesar. 'But everywhere I go, people are telling me they are confused about the wide variety of training options and theories out there.' Now, in his usual straightforward, confident manner, Cesar takes on the topic of training for the first time, by explaining the importance of balance as the foundation for a healthy relationship between you and your dog. He calls upon some of the foremost experts in the field so that you can find the perfect approach that works for you and your dog.Filled with practical advice, anecdotes, tips, and trouble-shooting techniques from Cesar and his colleagues, this is the ultimate guide to a well-behaved and well-balanced dog - from a new puppy to an old dog who can still learn new tricks.
Los Libros de la Catarata La revolución de 19181919 Alemania y el socialismo radical
La revolución alemana de 1918-1919 es quizás uno de los acontecimientos peor conocidos y más silenciados del siglo XX. La derrota sufrida en la Gran Guerra, con las ominosas cargas que supuso para la población alemana, propició una revolución que si bien trajo consigo el derrocamiento del Estado monárquico y militar del II Reich y la proclamación de la República de Weimar, supuso también el fin, paradójicamente, de toda tentativa de constitución de una democracia socialista. Esta nueva coyuntura política, que recogía las demandas de las distintas burguesías y de buena parte de las clases subalternas, se concretó también en un proyecto socialista que exigía una República de Consejos. Es por ello que puede decirse que la Revolución alemana fue una diversidad de revoluciones, organizada en torno a dos poderes: el sostenido por el Partido Socialdemócrata de Alemania y el encabezado por diferentes grupos radicales como los espartaquistas, que conformaron el Partido Comunista de Alemania, li
The New Press Migrating to Prison: America’s Obsession with Locking Up Immigrants
NATIONAL BESTSELLERA powerful, in-depth look at the imprisonment of immigrants, addressing the intersection of immigration and the criminal justice system, with a new epilogue by the author“Argues compellingly that immigrant advocates shouldn’t content themselves with debates about how many thousands of immigrants to lock up, or other minor tweaks.” —Gus Bova, Texas ObserverFor most of America’s history, we simply did not lock people up for migrating here. Yet over the last thirty years, the federal and state governments have increasingly tapped their powers to incarcerate people accused of violating immigration laws.Migrating to Prison takes a hard look at the immigration prison system’s origins, how it currently operates, and why. A leading voice for immigration reform, César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández explores the emergence of immigration imprisonment in the mid-1980s and looks at both the outsized presence of private prisons and how those on the political right continue, disingenuously, to link immigration imprisonment with national security risks and threats to the rule of law. Now with an epilogue that brings it into the Biden administration, Migrating to Prison is an urgent call for the abolition of immigration prisons and a radical reimagining of who belongs in the United States.
Ediciones Rodio S. Coop. And. BomberoConductor Ayuntamiento de Dos Hermanas. Temario y test materias especficas
Duke University Press Health in Ruins: The Capitalist Destruction of Medical Care at a Colombian Maternity Hospital
In Health in Ruins César Ernesto Abadía-Barrero chronicles the story of El Materno—Colombia’s oldest maternity and neonatal health center and teaching hospital—over several decades as it faced constant threats of government shutdown. Using team-based and collaborative ethnography to analyze the social life of neoliberal health policy, Abadía-Barrero details the everyday dynamics around teaching, learning, and working in health care before, during, and after privatization. He argues that health care privatization is not only about defunding public hospitals; it also ruins rich traditions of medical care by denying or destroying ways of practicing medicine that challenge Western medicine. Despite radical cuts in funding and a corrupt and malfunctioning privatized system, El Materno’s professors, staff, and students continued to find ways to provide innovative, high-quality, and noncommodified health care. By tracking the violences, conflicts, hopes, and uncertainties that characterized the struggles to keep El Materno open, Abadía-Barrero demonstrates that any study of medical care needs to be embedded in larger political histories.
John Wiley & Sons Inc High Temperature Corrosion: Fundamentals and Engineering
Reviews the science and engineering of high-temperature corrosion and provides guidelines for selecting the best materials for an array of system processes High-temperature corrosion (HTC) is a widespread problem in an array of industries, including power generation, aerospace, automotive, and mineral and chemical processing, to name a few. This book provides engineers, physicists, and chemists with a balanced presentation of all relevant basic science and engineering aspects of high-temperature corrosion. It covers most HTC types, including oxidation, sulfidation, nitridation, molten salts, fuel-ash corrosion, H2S/H2 corrosion, molten fluoride/HF corrosion, and carburization. It also provides corrosion data essential for making the appropriate choices of candidate materials for high-temperature service in process conditions. A form of corrosion that does not require the presence of liquids, high-temperature corrosion occurs due to the interaction at high temperatures of gases, liquids, or solids with materials. HTC is a subject is of increasing importance in many areas of science and engineering, and students, researchers, and engineers need to be aware of the nature of the processes that occur in high-temperature materials and equipment in common use today, especially in the chemical, gas, petroleum, electric power, metal manufacturing, automotive, and nuclear industries. Provides engineers and scientists with the essential data needed to make the most informed decisions on materials selection Includes up-to-date information accompanied by more than 1,000 references, 80% of which from within the past fifteen years Includes details on systems of critical engineering importance, especially the corrosion induced by low-energy radionuclides Includes practical guidelines for testing and research in HTC, along with both the European and International Standards for high-temperature corrosion engineering Offering balanced, in-depth coverage of the fundamental science behind and engineering of HTC, High Temperature Corrosion: Fundamentals and Engineering is a valuable resource for academic researchers, students, and professionals in the material sciences, solid state physics, solid state chemistry, electrochemistry, metallurgy, and mechanical, chemical, and structural engineers.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Papá pinta mucho / Dad Draws and Paints a Lot
Cuento de Luz SL Hoky el lobo solidario (Hoky the Caring Wolf)
¿Quien ha dicho que todos los lobos son malos? Hoky, ultimo superviviente de su manada, trabara con un pastorcillo una preciosa amistad por encima de cualquier barrera. At least, a nice wolf! This is a moving story of respect, love and companionship between humankind and the environment. Lexile Level: 1100L
Picture Window Books The King with a Horse's Ears: An Irish Graphic Folktale
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Cómo salir del Club de los Fracasados: Caer es el primer paso para lograr el éxito / How to Get Out of the Losers´Club: Libro de autoayuda
New Directions Publishing Corporation Fulgentius
By profession I am a soldier, a general in the glorious Roman army. As a playwright, I think of myself as a sublime amateur. In Cesar Aira’s new novel, Fulgentius, a sixty-seven-year-old imperial Roman general—“Rome’s most illustrious and experienced”—is sent to pacify the remote province of Pannonia.He is a thoughtful, introspective person, a saturnine intellectual who greatly enjoys being on the march away from his loving family, and the sometimes deadly intrigues of Rome. Fulgentius is also a playwright (though of exactly one play) and in every city he pacifies, he stages a grand production of his farcical tragedy (written at the tender age of twelve) about a man who becomes a famous general only to be murdered “at the hands of shadowy foreigners.” Curiously, what he had imagined as a child turns out to be the story of his life, almost. As the playwright-turned-general broods obsessively about his only work, the magnificent Lupine Legion—“a city in movement” of 6,000 men, an invincible corps of seasoned fighters wearing their signature wolfskin caps—kills, burns, pillages, and loots their way to victory. But what does victory mean?
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Hare
Clarke, a nineteenth-century English naturalist, roams the pampas in search of that most elusive and rare animal: the Legibrerian hare, whose defining quality seems to be its ability to fly. The local Indians, pointing skyward, report recent sightings of the hare but then ask Clarke to help them search for their missing chief as well. On further investigation Clarke finds more than meets the eye:in the Mapuche and Voroga languages every word has at least two meanings.Witty, very ironic, and with all the usual Airian digressive magic, The Hare offers subtle reflections on love, Victorian-era colonialism, and the many ambiguities of language.
Capstone Global Library Ltd The King with a Horse's Ears: An Irish Graphic Folktale
In this Irish folktale, a young and powerful king has an embarrassing secret: he has horse’s ears! Then one day, the royal barber discovers this unusual trait. Can he keep the king’s long-held secret, or will the barber be banished from the kingdom for good? With clever text and easy-to-follow panels, Discover Graphics: Global Folktales are perfect for even the newest graphic novel fans!
Editorial Dharana Por aqu es el camino dselo a cuantos ames
Nuestra especie zoológica, los humanos, racionalmente o no, voluntariamente o no, ha decidido encriptar la vida, tornarla incomprensible e irresoluble. La acumulación de actos desviados a lo largo de la historia de nuestra extraña especie, nos ha traído hasta este punto, un punto en el que hemos creado una realidad algebraica, preñada de verdades aparentes, de falacias camaleónicamente cubiertas por velos de percepción real, de valores estériles, de objetivos torticeros, de relaciones ortopédicas, profilácticas o estéticas. Dentro de esta realidad lacerante habita hoy el ser humano. Nosotros, en masa y como especie, somos los exclusivos responsables del actual estado de cosas.
Los Libros de la Catarata Historias de la lucha por el común bienes comunales carrera imperialista y socialismo de estado 18801930
Los bienes comunales son fundamentales para la supervivencia de comunidades humanas, tanto desde el punto de vista colectivo como individual. La autonomía local de los comunales fue precisamente el blanco contra el que arremetieron las principales potencias imperialistas durante la primera globalización anterior a la Primera Guerra Mundial. El socialismo europeo, que alcanzó su madurez en esta época, puede entenderse como una defensa de los bienes comunales. Sin embargo, la posibilidad de coordinar su lucha con la defensa del común en la agricultura de los propios países o de países colonizados no resultó fácil. Y en el caso ruso y posteriormente soviético, la revolución socialista y la revolución agraria de 1917 seguirían trayectorias completamente diferentes. Hoy en día, frente a una globalización depredadora, los bienes comunales son aún más importantes que en ningún otro momento de la historia, pues no se trata solo de la defensa de bienes agrarios como bosques, pastos o ríos, sino
Editorial Arguval Cuentos y leyendas
Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo Las aventuras de Bakunin y los internacionalistas de la regin espaola
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Oracle PLSQL
En este libro se trata ampliamente el lenguaje de programación PL/SQL (Procedural Language/SQL) que se utiliza para acceder y trabajar con bases de datos Oracle desde distintos entornos. PL/SQL amplía la funcionalidad del lenguaje SQL añadiendo estructuras típicas de los lenguajes procedimentales, como los bloques, las variables y los tipos, las estructuras de control (bucles, órdenes IF-THEN-ELSE, etc.), los cursores, los procedimientos y las funciones, los paquetes, los disparadores, los tipos de objetos y los métodos, las excepciones y otras estructuras clásicas en los lenguajes de programación procedimentales. Se trata de un lenguaje robusto y potente que combina la flexibilidad de SQL con la potencia y la configurabilidad de las construcciones procedimentales y que incorpora las características de los lenguajes de programación orientados al objeto.En cuanto a la metodología, en los sucesivos capítulos se presentan los conceptos y se ilustran con ejemplos. La estructura eminente
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Macromedia Dreamweaver MX desarrollo de aplicaciones y bases de datos en la Web
Espasa Libros, S.L. Las almas de Brandon
Las almas de Brandon es un recopilatorio de historias cortas, cuentos y poemas de todo tipo que tratan sobre el amor, la soledad, el olvido, el dolor, la alegría, la felicidad, la vida y la muerte.Un exquisito pero agridulce viaje a través de los sentidos que te sobrecogerá de emociones y te hará reflexionar.
Punto de Lectura Dies irae versos canciones y trocitos de carne 2
Después de Memento mori... ha llegado el día de la ira.Segunda entrega de la trepidante trilogía Versos, canciones y trocitos de carne.La acción de estethriller implacable arranca en la peculiar ciudad italiana de Trieste, frontera entre dos mundos. Augusto Ledesma elige el que fuera hogar de James Joyce como primer escenario para continuar su siniestra obra, que alimenta del aliento de sus víctimas y de la humillación de sus perseguidores. Hasta allí se trasladará el inspector Ramiro Sancho en su frenética y obsesiva persecución de un asesino en serie que parece haber acentuado su voracidad.Entretanto, al otro lado de la frontera, el psicólogo criminalista y exagente del KGB Armando Lopategui, Carapocha, recorrerá las calles de Belgrado junto a su hija y ahora discípula con el propósito de zanjar cuentas con un pasado despiadado del que no logra despojarse. En otra vuelta de tuerca, a través de fugaces viajes en el tiempo, des
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. Historia y sistema en Marx hacia una teoría crítica del capitalismo
Qu bello ser vivir sin cultura La cultura como antdoto frente a los peligros de la idiotizacin Imago Mundi Spanish Edition
El mundo digital, las nuevas tecnologías y las redes sociales están transformando nuestra vida cotidiana, y estos cambios se reflejan en áreas tan importantes como el trabajo, la enseñanza, las relaciones sociales o la economía. Cada vez vivimos más conectados, lo que provoca que nos sintamos atados y vigilados y que el deseo de consumir algoritmos aumente, mermando nuestro poder de decisión y nuestro espíritu crítico. Al mismo tiempo, somos adictos a esta tecnología y sentimos angustia y confusión cuando nos desconectamos del continuo torrente de estímulos e información que recibimos a través de las pantallas.Pero cómo podemos protegernos de las redes sociales en la nueva realidad? Y en medio de esta gran transformación social y cultural, cuál es el papel del arte, la literatura, la lectura, las bibliotecas, la escritura, las ideologías o las creencias? Cómo podemos saber la verdad cuando estamos rodeados de tantas noticias falsas, de populismos políticos o de la ficticia sensación
Ediciones Trea, S.L. Fernando IV de Castilla 12951312
El presente estudio del reinado de Fernando IV, situado entre el gran proyecto político modernizador de Alfonso X el Sabio y la política reformista y centralizadora de Alfonso XI, está concebido desde una doble perspectiva. Por un lado, ofrece los datos más significativos de la biografía de Fernando IV, género historiográfico de enorme interés en la actualidad. Por otro, desde el enfoque de la nueva historia política, se ha tratado de analizar el enfrentamiento entre el poder real y el poder nobiliar, pugna de enorme calado que constituyó uno de los ejes vertebradores de la historia castellana medieval. El estudio se completa con unas consideraciones sobre el programa económico del monarca, que mostró su interés por ofrecer algunos estímulos ante la compleja situación de cambio de ciclo avanzando hacia la gran depresión del siglo XIV.
Editorial Renacimiento 1 de Mayo en Espaa
Trastornos de la Articulacin Temporomandibular incluye versin digital
Trastornos de la articulación temporomandibular. Terapia manual, ejercicio y técnicas invasivas presenta una descripción acreditada y completa de la evaluación y el manejo conservador de los trastornos temporomandibulares.
Profit Editorial Supervendedor las técnicas más eficaces para multiplicar tus resultados comerciales
El libro que hace que cualquier comercial o vendedor multiplique sus resultados.En Supervendedor César Piqueras nos invita a profundizar en la ciencia y el arte de la venta, a través de un lenguaje directo, atrevido y sobre todo práctico. Este manual de obligada lectura para las personas que trabajan en el mundo comercial nos habla de los conceptos clave del marketing que mejoran las ventas, de las técnicas para optimizar la efectividad en la relación cliente-vendedor y del futuro de las ventas y el marketing a través de la economía digital y las redes sociales.El arte de la persuasión y de la influencia, conseguir despertar el interés y la atención del cliente y provocar una venta en la que seamos capaces de seducir a nuestro cliente son temas que se tratan con total amplitud y con técnicas detalladas para lograrlo en la práctica. Una obra que reúne todos los conocimientos de marketing y ventas que César Piqueras transmite en sus conferencias y programas de formación y los pone
Alfred Music Panis Angelicus: Score & Parts
Capstone Editions of Coughlan Companies Railway Jack: the True Story of an Amazing Baboon
Astra Publishing House Shopping Spree Showdown: Rounding
Discover Math Matters! With 15 million books sold worldwide, this award-winning series of easy-to-read books will help young readers ages 5–8 approach math with enthusiasm. Great for fans of MathStart or Step into Reading Math.Charlie is eager to participate in Shopping Spree Showdown, her favorite TV game show. With the help of her grandma, she has the chance to enter. With five short minutes and $100 to spend on game-show goodies, she has to choose what to buy—but if she goes over $100, she’s out! Charlie uses her newfound skills in rounding to speedily track her budget. And when the clock runs out, it’s time for victory dinner with grandma—courtesy of Charlie’s winnings!With engaging stories that connect math to kids’ everyday lives, each book in the Teachers’ Choice Award–winning Math Matters series focuses on a single concept and reinforces math vocabulary and skills. Bonus activities in the back of each book feature math and reading comprehension questions, and even more free activities online add to the fun!
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Miracle Cures of Dr. Aira
César Aira’s newest novel in English is not about a conventional doctor. Single,in his forties, and poor, Dr. Aira is a skeptic. His personality — his weaknesses,whims, and pet peeves — is summed up in a series of digressions and regressions but he has a very special gift for miracles. He no longer cares about miracles,however, and has no faith in them. Perhaps he is even a little ashamed about his supernatural powers. Such is Dr. Aira, who also has to confront his arch-enemy— chief of the Piñero Hospital, Dr. Actyn — who is constantly trying to prove that Dr. Aira is a charlatan. Poor Dr. Aira is indeed a worker of miracles, but César Aira — the magesterial author — sends the very human doctor stumbling toward the biggest trap of all, in this magical book.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Shantytown
Maxi, a middle-class, directionless ox of a young man who helps the trash pickers of Buenos Aires’s shantytown, attracts the attention of a corrupt, trigger-happy policeman who will use anyone — including two innocent teenage girls — to break a drug ring that he believes is operating within the slum. A strange new drug, a brightly lit carousel of a slum, the kindness of strangers, gunplay... no matter how serious the subject matter, and despite Aira’s “fascination with urban violence and the sinister underside of Latin American politics” (The Millions), Shantytown, like all of Aira’s mesmerizing work, is filled with wonder and mad invention.
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Literary Conference
César is a translator who’s fallen on very hard times due to the global economic downturn; he is also an author, and a mad scientist hell-bent on world domination. On a visit to the beach he intuitively solves an ancient riddle, finds a pirate’s treasure, and becomes a very wealthy man. Even so, César’s bid for world domination comes first and so he attends a literary conference to be near the man whose clone he hopes will lead an army to victory: the world-renowned Mexican author, Carlos Fuentes. A comic science fiction fantasy of the first order, The Literary Conference is the perfect vehicle for César Aira’s take over of literature in the 21st century.
University of California Press The Complete Poetry: A Bilingual Edition
This first translation of the complete poetry of Peruvian Cesar Vallejo (1892-1938) makes available to English speakers one of the greatest achievements of twentieth-century world poetry. Handsomely presented in facing-page Spanish and English, this volume, translated by National Book Award winner Clayton Eshleman, includes the groundbreaking collections "The Black Heralds" (1918), "Trilce" (1922), "Human Poems" (1939), and "Spain, Take This Cup from Me" (1939). Vallejo's poetry takes the Spanish language to an unprecedented level of emotional rawness and stretches its grammatical possibilities. Striking against theology with the very rhetoric of the Christian faith, Vallejo's is a tragic vision - perhaps the only one in the canon of Spanish-language literature - in which salvation and sin are one and the same. This edition includes notes on the translation and a fascinating translation memoir that traces Eshleman's long relationship with Vallejo's poetry. An introduction and chronology provide further insights into Vallejo's life and work.
Astra Publishing House Luke's Flying Start: Metric System
Discover Math Matters! With 15 million books sold worldwide, this award-winning series of easy-to-read books will help young readers ages 5–8 approach math with enthusiasm. Great for fans of MathStart or Step into Reading Math.Inches and centimeters? Meters and feet? Lucas can’t get measurements for his model airplane quite right, but he knows precision is key. With some swaying from his aunt, a middle school track and field coach, Lucas agrees to help measure high jumps using meters and centimeters. With some practice and dedication, he notes the exact measurements and helps declare the winning jumpers—and completes his model airplane in the nick of time! (Math topic: metric system.)With engaging stories that connect math to kids’ everyday lives, each book in the Teachers’ Choice Award–winning Math Matters series focuses on a single concept and reinforces math vocabulary and skills. Bonus activities in the back of each book feature math and reading comprehension questions, and even more free activities online add to the fun!
KVM-Der Medizinverlag Craniomandibulre Dysfunktion CMD Untersuchung Manualtherapie Neurowissenschaftliche Behandlungsanstze Dry Needling
Legare Street Press Psyché: Poëme Symphonique Pour Orchestre Et Choeurs, Issue 3
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Famous Magician
A certain writer ("past sixty, enjoying 'a certain renown'") strolls through the old book market in a Buenos Aires park: "My Sunday walk through the market, repeated over so many years, was part of my general fantasizing about books." Unfortunately, he is suffering from writer's block. However, that proves to be the least of our hero's problems. In the market, he fails to avoid the insufferable boor Ovando—"a complete loser" but a "man supremely full of himself: Conceit was never less justified." And yet, is Ovando a master magician? Can he turn sugar cubes into pure gold? And can our protagonist decline the offer Ovando proposes granting him absolute power if the writer never in his life reads another book? And is his publisher also a great magician? And the writer's wife? Only César Aira could have cooked up this witch's potion (and only he would plop in phantom Mont Blanc pens as well as fearsome crocodiles from the banks of the Nile)—a brew bubbling over with the question: where does literature end and magic begin?
Hachette Children's Group Reading Champion: Light and Shadow: Independent Reading Green 5 Non-fiction
This story is part of Reading Champion, a series carefully linked to book bands to encourage independent reading skills, developed with Dr Sue Bodman and Glen Franklin of UCL Institute of Education (IOE)Reading Champion offers independent reading books for children to practise and reinforce their developing reading skills.Fantastic, original stories are accompanied by engaging artwork and a reading activity. Each book has been carefully graded so that it can be matched to a child's reading ability, encouraging reading for pleasure.
Inhabit Media Inc Going to Grandma's: English Edition
Lots of fun things happen when you spend the night at Grandma's house!This illustrated book introduces readers to simple action verbs.